#like wow way to miss every signal this guy has been sending you for like. a decade
gf-boyfriend · 1 year
Admittedly I don't know much about nirvana or Kurt Cobain but I feel like it should bother more people that people saw an outspoken feminist who had clearly been having trouble with addiction and his mental health kill himself and immediately went "it's probably because of his BITCH wife"
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meganwasbored · 2 years
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 2 Episodes 3 and 4
Episode 3
-ah yes you finally get the magic mirror to work and the first thing you do is CLEAN
-Ezran is a literal ray of sunshine and he’s about to get his heart crushed this is awful
-not telling him right now is only gonna make this more painful. For me.
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-“I have something to give you, in private” LETTER???
-girl this is not the time for JOKING oh my gosh
-I’ve waited an entire season for him to get that letter back and he’s not even gonna open it yet??? You’re KILLING me
-all I’m hearing is that we get more Soren and Claudia sibling content
-I love how Lujanne isn’t some all-knowing being, just a funny old lady who can do magic tricks, like she gives the same vibes as the grandmother from Moana
-oh my gosh I thought Ellis went back home but she’s still here do her parents even know where she went
-sparkly hands kinda looks like a Star Wars character, but in a good way
-now that I’m thinking about it all the characters could pass as Star Wars characters, maybe it’s the clothes
-Callum and Ezran aren’t moving either they planned for this betrayal or they’re dead
-I was wondering why Rayla hadn’t annihilated Soren by now
-wait so are Callum and Ezran still back with Lujanne thinking nobody left yet
-bruh if they went through all this just for Claudia to still catch them they deserve to lose
-awwww I knew we’d have to leave Ellis at some point but I’ll miss her
-I’ve been calling sparkly hands a he but now getting a closer look at him he might be a she so if you’re screaming while reading this I’m sorry but imma keep calling him a he until I hear otherwise
-note to self: the dudes name is Corvus
-I cannot get over how beautiful Phoe-Phoe is
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Episode 4
-bruh what the heck just happened
-wait so does every single guard know sign language for Amaya that’s cool
-ok so can sparkly hands hear him too or just see him
-well obviously y’all weren’t gonna have Phoe-Phoe the whole time you can’t just steal Lujanne’s bird
-“let’s go judge and criticize things other humans do, and then do the exact same things ourselves” human Rayla is getting a little too real
-just once I want a show where the magical being is just as scared of the human as the human is of it
-“Welcome to me water home, the Ruthless! Named after me dear wife, Ruth, who sadly… doesn’t enjoy sailing” HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA WHO WROTE THESE JOKES
-“Me left eye was taken by a flock of mutinous seagulls!”
“Wow, and what about your right eye?”
“Don’t know, came at me from me left!”
-“the last thing I remember I was talking about Narcolepsy then falling asleep!”
“Yeah that’s about right”
-stop even the parrot has bangers
-bruh is sparkly hands making him do all these things for a spell or just to test him
-first we have a badass general who’s deaf now we have a talented ship captain who’s blind, The Dragon Prince fighting ableism since 2018
-“did he just say the word squawk?” HAHAHAHA
-even if Amaya wasn’t deaf sign language is actually such a great way to send silent signals to other soldiers
-technically Zym is already the king of the dragons since the former king is dead
-also this screenshot
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The perspective makes it look like the lightning is hitting Rayla and I’ve decided that’s either A) romantic metaphor, she’s catching feelings first, or B) she’s gonna get struck by lightning
-“if you die out there I swear I’ll kill you” literally imagine any of your otps saying that to each other and tell me it’s not true love
-idc if he can’t talk Zym is literally my favorite character ever
-respectfully how the heck does that look like a primal stone, you just made a circle with your hands, you could’ve done that to any part of the sky
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-literally love the Crow Master dude
-I know you’re not about to touch that lightning rod, Callum, because that would be STUPID
-you CAN risk your life to learn magic just do it LOGICALLY and don’t be an IDIOT about it
-…did Zym just BLOW UP???
-Amaya you can’t just TACKLE someone who’s holding a freaking LIGHTSABER
-why couldn’t she just have been in lava monster form the whole time she probably would’ve won
-so does Zym get superpowers now or something like there had to have been a reason for that
-“I thought I wanted this badly enough but in the end I didn’t have the guts” no you just decided not to be an absolute idiot
-Viren may be evil but he sure isn’t stupid
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Finding Home
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Pairing: The Bad Batch x Reader (Polyam)
Summary: Your mission with the Batch is a success and you get time to relax
Warning: mentions of weapons, fluff, light angst
Word Count: 1582
A/N: Just a little relaxing chapter for you all xoxo
pt xiii, pt xv
You laid on the ledge, watching over the others through your scope.
“Lodestar, anything?”
“No movement whatsoever.” You responded, looking to your side where Omega was laid next to you with binoculars, “Omega?”
“All clear. Nothing.”
“I’m going in. Echo, cover me.” Hunter affirmed.
You nodded, looking through the scope of your rifle again. You watched as he and Echo made their way through the small valley, moving stealthily between the rocks. You then averted your attention to your surroundings, looking out for some unwanted company. Tech and Wrecker were on the other side of the valley, waiting just above also.
“Um… Lodestar?” Omega caught your attention, “What’s that?”
She handed you the binoculars and helped you look to the direction she was observing beforehand. You then saw the lizard-like creature stalking Hunter and Echo’s trail. You quickly gave the binoculars back before speaking into your communicator.
“Hunter, your 5 o’clock!”
He turned, pulled out his knife, and swiped at the creature. It moved back and hissed at him. You positioned your rifle and prepared to shoot, but then Omega exclaimed.
“Wait! Behind it! Look!”
You furrowed your brows before moving your scope to see a nest full of eggs.
“Hunter! Move away slowly! Put your dagger away!” Omega instructed. He hesitated, but did so, which also caused the creature to retreat.
“There’s an alternate path to your left.” Tech declared, “It’s fairly faster than the one you’re taking now.”
“Better timing next time, Tech.” Echo grumbled.
The lot of you made your way back to the speeder after retrieving what Cid’s client wanted. You helped Omega into the speeder before looking at Wrecker as he readied his bike. You smirked and signalled Hunter to drive the speeder while you made your way to the other speeder bike.
“Race you back, Wreck.”
He laughed, “Oh-ho, ad’ika! You’re on!”
You boarded the bike and nodded to him while starting it up.
“Do us the honors, Omega?” You insisted, which caused her to grin.
“Ready… set… GO!” She cried and you took off with Wrecker, who was whooping.
The both of you egged each other on, but then the speeder caught up and found its place between you two. You looked briefly to see the small smirk on Hunter’s face as he maneuvered the speeder. You laughed and revved the bike, overlapping both the speeder and Wrecker.
“Oh no you don’t, ad’ika!” Wrecker shouted, urging the bike.
You and him were at the same pace, but before you could reach the house, Hunter managed to outrun the both of you. You slowed your bike to a stop before hopping off it and laughing while Wrecker grumbled. Omega cheered as she got out of the speeder while Echo laughed at Tech, who’s hair was unkempt and goggled were dusty. Hunter patted Wreckers shoulder to comfort him. D-5 rolled out of the house, circling you.
“He-Hello! Home, home, home!”
You urged him back towards the house, “Kapu might be back in town. The sun’s not up yet, so we can go see him in an hour or so. Come on.”
Omega rushed into the house with D-5 while you all followed behind her. You and the Batch relieved yourselves of your armor, then you went into the kitchen to make a meal for everyone. Omega played with D-5 on the floor while Hunter was discussing some things with Echo, Tech was messing with one of his devices, and Wrecker was knocked out in one of the chairs. This was a sight you missed, it had something new in it, but was still missing a little bit of something else. You managed a small smile while going back to cooking. You then placed a large bowl down with the food along with some plates.
“Dig in.” You announced.
They didn’t deny the food being offered and started eating. It has been a long time since they’ve had a real cooked meal other than rations and Mantell Mix, so they cherished every bite taken. You stood, watching and admiring them. You were finally relishing that they were really here with you and it wasn’t some fantasy you would often have after the incident on Coruscant. Omega was a great addition to the Batch, but it didn’t fully fill the hole where Crosshair was supposed to be. If he were here, you knew the two of you would be yelling over each other, but then ended up in one another’s arms as if you hadn’t left. You felt a small bump and looked down to see D-5.
“Sad. Star sad.”
You shook your head and crouched down, “You keep bumping into people like that, your balance module will come out of place again.” You pushed him back towards Omega before making your way to the bed where Hunter was sitting, having finished eating. Echo had moved to the sofa where Tech was, talking to him about his arm or something like that. Omega was leaning against the chair Wrecker was sitting on, eyes getting droopy. You laughed gently before going over to her and picking her up.
“Not tired.” She murmured as you placed her on the bed behind Hunter, moving the covers so she could get under them.
“Wrecker used to say the same thing.” You whispered while tucking her in.
You turned back to the others while taking your seat again.
“You should rest too.” Echo insisted, “You haven’t since your last mission.”
You shook your head, looking down to your hands, “I… don’t sleep that often anymore. I’ll be alright.”
D-5 rolled in front of you, “Bad-bad dreams.”
You sighed, “Mind your business before I shut you down.” You kicked him gently.
“You sure it wasn’t you who made his balance module wonky?” Tech smirked.
You rolled your eyes, “Wow… when did you find your sense of humor?”
He tossed a pillow from the couch towards you, which you caught.
“Hey,” You whispered, “Omega’s sleeping!”
They all managed to chuckle, nearly all the tension off their shoulders.
“It’s been a while since you’ve all relaxed, huh?’
Echo nodded with a sigh, “We’ve had to deal with a lot… bounty hunters, jobs, even Crosshair…”
“This… is different than just staying on Ord Mantell and waiting for Cid to send us off on a job.” Tech admitted, “It feels almost… like before.”
You nodded, “Yeah… I was thinking the same thing.” You smiled gently, “I really missed this.”
“We missed you, mesh’la.” Hunter murmured, bringing you closer to him and placing a kiss on your head, “So much…”
You looked at them as they all nodded, which caused tears to come to your eyes. Hunter placed a hand on your face and shushed you.
“It’s alright, cyare, we understand.”
Wrecker spoke up, “Are you… are gonna come back with us? To Ord Mantell?”
You took a moment to look at him before shrugging, “I don't have much here. This place was just… refuge. It was never home.”
“Kamino was home-”
“No,” You muttered, “Kamino wasn’t home. Not to me. Kamino was an escape from my past… Home was with you. All of you. That was home.”
“Are you ready to come home then, cyar’ika?”
You looked at them all before nodding, “Yes. Yes, I am…”
You stood in the shop while Kapu talked to Cid through the holo device.
“Yeah, your boys got it. They’ll be back soon.”
“Good. Nice doing business with ya, Kapu.”
“Does that mean I get that date?”
Cid scoffed before hanging up, which caused Kapu to laugh.
“She loves me.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile before heading to him.
“Gonna miss me, Kapu?”
“I’ve been tryna get rid of you, girl!”
You laughed and set down a bag of credits, “Here.”
“What for?”
“Letting me stay here?”
He picked up the pouch and poured it out into his hand, then used another had to take half the pile before putting the rest of the credits back into the pouch and tossing it back to you.
“I ain’t no charity. And take D-5 with you so I don’t need to worry about smashing him with no door again.”
You nodded before walking out with the Batch. You hiked up your bag on your shoulder and looked down at Omega as she was holding D-5.
“Gonky will have a new friend!”
“Gonky still works?” You asked incredulously while Tech nodded.
“Surprisingly, yes.”
After a bit of walking, you all arrived at the ship and you stood there for a moment, taking in the sight of it.
“Wow… still looks the same.”
“Wrecker wanted to put Senator Amidala up there above the hatch.”
“I thought that was just a joke!” You exclaimed.
“He thought it’d cheer us up after Coruscant.”
You shook your head with a smile while boarding the ship.
“I’m glad you didn’t or else I would’ve turned back around.”
Omega rushed in with D-5, climbing up into the gunner’s mount. You furrowed your brows slightly.
“It’s her own little space…”
You nodded, “That’s good. It’s hard dealing with you guys all the time.”
“She’s used to it by now.” Echo laughed before making his way into the cockpit.
You placed your bag down and walked into the cockpit also, relishing the feel of it again. Omega rushed in and sat in the seat that used to be yours. You smiled and took the seat that was once Crosshair’s.
“Alright, setting route for Ord Mantell.” Tech announced as everyone settled in.
Taglist: @darkangel4121 @lightning-wolffe @alucas528 @rintheemolion @shadowfoxey @butch-medusae @gabile18
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batkids and their relationships with their siblings headcanons. under read more because this got fucking LONGGG
dick is the eldest so he doesnt want to bog down his younger siblings with his problems, but if he DOES, he tends to talk to jason about it
dick and cass start to really begin to bond when Cass shows up to dicks gymnastics class for 3rd-6th graders and then cass shows up all the sixth graders and they get frozen yogurt after lmao
dick and tim are Very much thick as thieves. tim is very much like bruce on the Emotional Suppression scale, so dick just really wants to make sure his little brother is safe and happy ALL the time
Duke and Damian are the only two really permanently at the manor anymore, so when dick drops by he tries to do something with both of them. duke frantically zoom calls dick every other week to help him with his his trig homework. dick shows up to dukes high school graduation with literally the BIGGEST SIGN
everyone insists damian is dicks favorite but he does actually genuinely love all his siblings equally, his relationship with damian is just Very different from the others because of the age gap and being dami's primary caretaker for a year. dick babies dami every chance he gets
would sell Dick to satan for One corn chip
him and cass don't have the greatest start to their relationship because cass is very much Against Killing so it takes a while for jason to warm up to her and earn her trust. now, though, jason is competing with steph by showing cass all the classic American Teenager things she missed out on. steph is currently winning but jason is like 98% positive a crunch wrap from taco bell is going to push him over the edge
tim and jason are currently competing over who can solve the most cases in a month. tim is winning. that won't last long.
jason Loves to Big Brother duke its so embarrassing. duke will get out of school and go to his car and jason is SITTING IN THE FRONT SEAT FRANTICALLY WAVING TO GET DUKES ATTENTION. JASON THAT IS MY CAR. signal has one (1) mission with arsenal and arsenal goes hey did you ask that girl to homecoming yet and duke is like I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU.
Damian is proof that Actually, Little Brothers are Pests. Jason fully believes that he was brought back from the dead PURELY to torment damian and he will fulfill this mission at any cost
it actually really upset her when Dick didn't accept her at first. she knows her other siblings really adore dick so his lack of trust was really disheartening. it takes dick a while but once he Actually Accepts that cass is going to be a permanent part of their life and oh, wow, dick you really hurt her feelings he really hyperfocuses on bonding with cass for a couple of months which definitely improves their relationship
she really likes jason!! their relationship doesn't start well but because he's close with steph and tim who are cass's top two favorite people to exist ever, cass is like well i GUESS ill hang out with him more. jason is fun to talk to because he always tries his best to explain jokes and give context to what people are talking about (also tim took her to taco bell already but she didn't tell jason she just wanted to hang out)
cass LOVES tim. they just click okay. tim always seems to know when to give her space and when to push and come closer. Tim's "guest room" is just her room lets be real. tim and cass occasionally get mistaken for twins and Cass Loves it.
duke makes cass listen to metal once and cass loses. her. damn. mind. they bond over music a lot because they both Love Music to a degree the others in their family don't.
damian!! damian is her little brother!!! dami isn't As Hostile to cass at first because he is 100% aware cass has the edge in fighting and respects her. cass likes all of his instagram posts and they have a snapchat streak going
tim Loves dick, dick was his first sibling!! he had Very strong hero worship when he first met dick but it mellowed out when tim got older because wow 17 is really not that cool and mature lol. tim has an open invitation to dick's apartment which he does occasionally take advantage of. tim has more than once scared the shit out of wally when wally comes over and wally is convinced they're being robbed (HA) for half a second. i mean. he's not wrong.
listen. tim understands that forgiving the guy who tried to kill you would be a Struggle for some people and it was! definitely! but also at least he can trust jason to, uh, be open about if he doesn't like tim. which is not an assurance he has with other people. so if the guy who tried to kill him tells him tim is cool now then like. maybe tim isn't that bad or annoying a person? also jason arrested a whole gang and won the cases competition but then it created a power vacuum that the whole batfam had to clean up the rest of the month. thanks, jason.
tim LOVES cass. you know how most of the time theres this empty feeling inside you and you just kind of ignore it because you don't know what will fix it or if you do, you know you can't fix it? cass makes that empty feeling feel a little less empty. they just click. tim always tries to travel with cass whenever she leaves gotham.
tim and duke. Tim is actually the sibling who duke goes to whenever he has questions he doesn't want to ask bruce or alfred about, like, life or vigilante-ing or school or college or whatever and Tim is always like yes!! i love Giving Advice and Solving Problems!! tim and duke and jason fill out their college applications together.
tim and damian. LMAO. ROUGH START THAT'S ALL ILL SAY. at some point alfred goes like fuck it. family therapy. and tim and dami are PISSED. tim and damian get along best when they have a common enemy to work against. their relationship gets much better when damian is older and they actually talk about their feelings like emotionally stunted bats. despite how bad their relationship was, tim will ALWAYS protect damian
very much intimidated by dick at first. dick is so much older and has his own job and friends and life and is very much AN ADULT. dick likes to take duke out to do lots of cool stuff (paintball, lasertag, tech exhibitions, concerts, etc). also, dick PERSONALLY introduced duke to superman and is dating THE FLASH. 10/10 awesome big brother.
was intimidated by jason for 0.5 seconds before jason actually opened his mouth and started speaking. jason is literally. So Embarrassing. which is weird because nobody else really seems to feel that way about jason but duke knows he's 100% in the right here. like yeah jason is also An Adult and does Adult Stuff but he's also at the manor like every other weekend???? and he always complains about bruce but always seems to be in the same room bruce is in????? like okay jason. they bond over literature!! jason and duke and alfred will spend literal hours talking about books and duke loves it. duke is the only one who doesn't think jason is funny and jason gets so upset about it lmao.
cass has this one week where she gets really into photography and by virtue of being nearby (and also not nocturnal), duke becomes her victim subject. duke prints out all the pictures and hangs them up in his room (his favorite is one he took when he stole the camera and took a really bad selfie of them together).
tim is closest in age to duke so duke tends to hang around with him a lot. tim introduced duke to his young justice friends and duke is like yes!!! meta-friends!!!! tim really helps duke out with his powers because tim is always like wow i wonder if your powers would work if we did This? can you see farther than other people? is your visible spectrum of light different than other humans? Bruce does the same thing but bruce is boring about it lol.
damian and duke live in the same house and will be in the same room and just send each other social media posts back and forth. they follow each other on instagram and will, OCCASIONALLY, make tik toks together because they're tik tok fiends. each of his siblings have visited his parents once or twice but damian routinely comes with him.
damian gets a special bullet point to say that it took him. forever to come around to the idea of having siblings. he very much believed that he was Bruce's Blood Son and everyone else were just tagalongs or allies. it took him ages to acknowledge that dick, jason, tim, and cass were his siblings, so when duke came and like a week later damian was like Ah, Yes, this is my brother Thomas everyone else was like dude wtf
listen. LISTEN. Obviously. Richard is very highly skilled. and also Father values him highly. and also Richard will listen to Damian complain about his schoolmates. and also Richard is much more patient with Damian than other members of his family. listen....,,, (all this to say damian kind of fucking adores dick lmaooooo this kid).
Todd is kind of unbearable but damian has been informed this is both a normal feeling when it comes to Todd and also big brothers. damian was an only child for ten years so yes, Father, if Todd attempts to tickle me I WILL break his fucking nose. yes i WILL put money in the swear jar but I want you to know i don't regret it. they always try to sneak up on each other but mostly fail.
DRAKE!!! but no lol once damian grows up and is like I Apologize for attempting to murder you it was wrong and you are just as much a son to Father as I am tim is like UGH i guess its cool since ur being so emotionally mature and all. also im 2 for 5 on siblings trying to murder me so im definitely going to win trauma bingo and damian is like i take it back you are insufferable. When Will My Older Siblings Stop Joking About Their Trauma.
CASS!!! listen. cass is cool. Cass Gets It. They have a special Bond. also damian really likes it whenever cass is home because 1) he gets to hang out and do something cool with cass and 2) he feels significantly safer with cass in the house because Nobody will be able to hurt any of their family if Cass is there. ALSO he tries to call her cain but everyone is like DONT DO THAT and he doesn't want to call her wayne bcus theyre ALL wayne (dick adds it on as a middle name but also Richard John Wayne West-Grayson is just. the lamest name ever so dick needs to reconsider it before his upcoming nuptials)((dick will not reconsider it except maybe whether grayson-west would work better)) and so he tries cassandra but cass is like :) call me cass and damian is like cassandra is more formal and respectful and cass is like :) and finally damian just has to give in.
Duke! him and duke actually live together so they get the Most Bonding Time and have a bunch of inside jokes as a result. (is it bad i wanted to laugh because inside jokes... joker... i'll see myself out). they're eating breakfast together (and also alfred sits with them IM NOT A MONSTER ALFIE'S LIKE 70 NOW OKAY) and duke laughs and bruce is like what are you laughing at, son? and duke is like oh damian just showed me this funny meme and then he shows the phone to bruce and bruce grabs it (both the boys groan) and after WAY TOO LONG is like "i don't get it" and so now duke and damian have to try and explain the comedic intricacy of bob's burgers
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
The Pact: Date #2
Pairing/Genre: OT7 BTS x reader (not poly), idol!BTS, best friend BTS
Word Count: 6.4k
Premise: The truth about the pact the boys have about you has been revealed. What happens when you agree to go on a single date with each of them?
Warnings: none, so much fluff (adkshdaslkfj...yeah. fluff.)
a/n: please, if you feel ok with it, let me know how this date was! Remember, you guys are deciding the outcome. Every little bit of feedback, even if it’s just unintelligible screaming, helps. I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts on how this date differed from last week’s!
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Date #2
series masterlist ∆∆∆ join the taglist
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It’s safe to say that by this point, you’ve replayed last Saturday’s date in your mind about sixty thousand times. Yet, despite your near-constant analysis, you find that you’re no more prepared for today’s date than before.
Perhaps it has something to do with the way it was described last week, giving you a little insight to how different this date would be compared to the relaxed atmosphere before.
Classic. Romantic. Picture perfect.
Your mind races with the possibilities; heaven knows that could be any of the boys. But you can’t help but expect one in particular to appear on your doorstep.
You shuffle back and forth before your mirror, triple checking your reflection. Jungkook texted you earlier this week with some instructions.
Dresscode was set to casual-nice. Whatever that means.
Make sure you’ve got your T-money card, which gives you access to the Subway.
Your green sweater vest is tucked neatly into your black skirt, giving you a posh academia vibe that you’ve honestly been dying to try out for a while. Hair falling in thick ringlets around your shoulders, the look is complete with black suede boots that only extend up to your ankle.
“Oh yeah,” you grin at your reflection. “I look good.”
And just there, resting atop the sleeves of your turtleneck, sits Hobi’s bracelet. The word ‘jagi’ is facing the ceiling, which is enough to soften your smile, remembering Hobi’s sweet date.
You’d gotten Jungkook’s permission to send a little message to Hobi, thanking him profusely for the date. It’d been fun to get to chat with him for a minute, already missing him. If you’re honest with yourself, you miss hanging out with all of them. It’s only been a couple of weeks since you were last all together, but it feels like months.
The upside to this Saturday is the fact that (after you’d sent some choice texts to Jungkook), you were given a time as to when your date would appear. Which is why you’re sitting on the edge of your seat at six o’clock ticks ever closer, waiting for the tell-tale knock on the door.
Every time a car turns onto your street, you’re leaping up to peek out the window, holding your breath until it passes by. However, this time you find yourself nearly passing out as a sleek black car rolls to a stop in front of your house.
You lose all ability to think straight when Kim Taehyung steps out of the car, straightening his beige cable knit sweater and puffing his cheeks out as he exhales. His black hair tumbles into his eyes, just long enough to brush up against his brows and make him brush it away.
Stumbling back from the window before he can see you spying on him, you bring a hand up to your chest.
“Ok, ok,” you rush to compose yourself. “Holy-”
A happy knock on your door cuts you off, and the only thing you can hope for is that you don’t say something stupid within the first sixty seconds of this date. If you can make past the first sixty seconds, you should be good, right?
You don’t have time to ponder as you force yourself to take a deep breath and open up the door. Sure enough, there stands Taehyung. Looking like he just stepped out of a French renaissance painting, complete with a smile.
A smile that’s meant for you, you realize with no shortage of shock. Grinning at you while he tilts his head to one side, his hair falls across his face from it’d been semi-parted.
“Hi, my name is Kim Taehyung,” he taps his heels together and extends his hand out. As he swoops into a bow, you can’t help the giggle the bubbles up at the silly scene before you. Gently placing your hand in his, you watch with wide eyes as he brings it to his lips. Planting a soft kiss to your knuckles, he looks up at you from behind his hair. “And you are?”
At this point, you’ve realized that there’s no stopping the mad blush crawling up your neck. Attempting to shake it off with a laugh, you shake your head.
“Are you lost or something?”
Taehyung gasps, stepping back and nearly tumbling down the stairs. “C’mon!” He groans, his smile never faltering. “I was trying to be classy!”
Shrugging, you grab your bag equipped with the essentials (keys, chapstick, mints...more mints), and lock the door behind you. Linking your arm through Taehyung’s and delighting in the momentary surprise that graces his features, you smile up at him.
“Where to, Mr. Kim?”
“Ah! That’s better.” The two of you make it to the car, Taehyung opening the passenger side before hustling over to the driver’s side. Once he’s in and buckled up, he answers your question. “Choose a number between one and ten.” Coming to stop at a stop sign, he looks to you expectantly.
He raises his brows, making a show of turning the blinker on to signal turning right. “Good choice. We’ll get there in about...twelve minutes.” You nod, smiling softly. “How have you been?”
“Good. It’s been weird, not getting to hang out with everyone,” you admit. Tae hums in agreement.
“Yeah, it’s been weird not seeing you around the house. What have you been up to?”
The two of you get lost in conversation, relating your most recent horror stories from work or your classes. Taehyung listens raptly, snorting when you mention that you considered bringing your homework with you on the date.
“Seriously!” You laugh. “There’s so much of it. I swear, my professors have all ganged up on me.”
Tae turns into a closed off parking lot, swiping a small card in front of the monitor and pulling forward when the gates swing open. “Well, I’m glad you didn’t. Hopefully I keep you entertained enough to keep you from doing homework,” he teases.
You gape at the huge building before you, the architectural design enough to have your mouth running dry. It looks like it was taken straight out of ancient Greece, the pillars stretching up high and boasting chiseled divots. Leading to the entrance is a path of hanging wisteria, the soft purple petals swaying in the breeze.
In fact, if you hadn’t currently been sitting in a car that was definitely a product of the 21st century, you would have thought that you’d accidentally time-traveled.
Taehyung’s soft chuckle brings you back to reality, and you watch as he throws the car in park and rushes around to open your door before you even have time to twitch a muscle. You find yourself torn between gaping at the building and the man in front of you, as he extends a hand out to you and pulls you out of the car.
“What is this place?” You ask, afraid to even blink for fear of everything disappearing. Tae gently links your arm through his, which in retrospect was probably a good idea. Heaven knows you’re at risk of wandering off and never returning.
The evening sky does wonders for Taehyung, the sleepy golden sunlight settling over him. “It’s a project that’s been in the works for a long time, actually. They’re bringing together different artworks - some are replicas that they’ve been permitted to use - from all over the world. The best of the best, all in one place.” He runs a hand through his hair, looking up as you enter the small tunnel of hanging wisteria. “It’s not open to the public yet, they just finished moving the final pieces last week.”
You blink, looking up at one of your closest friends with awe. Squeezing his arm, you take a moment to pause and look around at all the beautiful wisteria.
“I’m friends with some of the curators here,” Tae explains when he catches your eye. “They said we could have a look around...if you want to…?”
In response, you wiggle out of his grasp and take off toward the entrance, Taehyung laughing and hurrying after you.
The art museum is, in a word, massive. The two of you fall into a companionable silence as you take in the artwork, occasionally wandering away from each other to get a closer look at something. Every so often Taehyung will call your name, motioning for you to look at a piece he especially likes.
There’s a point where Taehyung is trying to explain the difference between the replicas and the real oil paintings. “See, this one doesn’t have the same kind of sheen, so it’s obviously fake.” He reaches out to touch it, but freezes as soon as his fingers touch the painting.
“What?” You ask, craning your neck to see. He turns to face you with a horrified expression.
“It’s real.”
You choke a laugh, seeing the way he slowly removes his hands from the painting as though afraid to set off a bomb. “You’re joking.”
He shakes his head, looking up and down the hallway before whispering to you. “Run. They’ll kill me if they find out that I touched that thing with my bare hands. It’s like...three hundred years old or something.”
“Split up!” He hisses, taking off down the opposite end of the corridor. Heart pounding even as you laugh, you run the other way. Taehyung’s laugh bounces off the walls, only making you laugh even more.
It doesn’t take long before the sun has dipped below the horizon and the two of you find yourselves in a spot dedicated to different sculptures. Sitting down on the bench in front of them, you realize just how long you’ve been up and running around.
“Wow,” you breathe out, Taehyung grunting in agreement. “So you weren’t caught?”
“Not yet, at least.” He fidgets a little beside you before speaking again. “Actually, there’s one more thing left to do here.”
You glance over at him, delighted to see that his hair has somehow grown even fluffier over the course of the date. “What is it?”
“Let me show you.” He hops up, leading the way to the end of the corridor. He enters a small room that’s completely empty save for a white backdrop and a camera.
He walks to the camera, making sure it’s on before gesturing for you to walk before the backdrop.
“Think of it like one giant photo booth,” he explains. “Pose, and I’ll choose a backdrop for you.”
You chew on your lip, feeling a little awkward as you stand before the camera. “What should I do? I’m not used to people taking pictures of me.”
Taehyung frowns. “What do you mean? I take pictures of you all the time.”
Against the start white backdrop, there’s no chance he doesn’t see your blush. “No, er...not like that. I’m not used to posing.”
“Oh.” He steps back, crossing his arms. “Just...smile?”
He snaps a few photos before rushing over to a small printer. You wander over as well, laughing when you see what’s become of your photos.
There you are, smiling awkwardly where Mona Lisa usually sits in her painting. “Oh, that’s horrible.”
“Da Vinci would love it,” Taehyung objects.
“Here, I’ll take your picture.” You run over to the camera while Taehyung steps up front, placing both hands on his hips while looking off into the distance. Selecting the ‘Starry Night’ background, you take the picture.
“Oooh, very nice!” Tae croons when he sees the photo. “But I want both of us in this.”
“What do you mean, both? There’s only enough room for one-”
“We’ll make it work,” Taehyung says as he drags you in front of the camera. Fiddling with it for a moment, he turns back to you. “Ok, it’s set to take four photos in a row. Stay still.”
“How are you going to…?” Your words fade out as a light in the camera begins to blink, counting down. Taehyung comes around you, slipping his arms around your waist as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
Just as the camera flashes for the first photo, Taehyung decides to try his hand at tickling you mercilessly.
You squeal, trying to get away but unable to as Tae keeps his iron-like grip on you. “Stay still!” He scolds in a serious tone, even as a smile is pushing its way onto his lips.
“S-stop!” You can hardly breathe as the attack continues and the camera flashes again. “Tae! You horrible human being-”
Suddenly he drops the attack, standing up straight and smiling at the camera. You take the opportunity just as the final flash goes off to shove him, laughing maniacally. He shouts, stumbling backward dramatically. Taking the temporary distraction to your advantage, you hurry over to where the pictures are being printed. As each photo comes out, you can hardly hold back your laughter.
Picking up the first photo, taken just as Taehyung had decided to attack you, you turn around to face him. “Look at how evil you look here!”
He saunters over, a lazy smile on his face. “Oh-ho, classic.”
Sure enough, the other photos are just as entertaining, although you can’t help but groan at the second photo which shows you with a mixture of laughter and annoyance as Taehyung fights a smile. “Oof, this one isn’t the most flattering…”
“Does that mean I get to keep it?” Taehyung asks quietly, taking the photo from your hands and looking at it closely. “You look cute.”
You blink, but shrug it off. Taehyung has always been a bit more forthcoming with his flirtatious manner, but it’s just now that you realize there was actually some sort of truth behind all of those silly remarks over the past few years.
Taehyung checks the time, looking up at you with wide eyes. “Oh, we have to hurry!”
“Why?” You manage to ask before Taehyung takes off in a brisk walk. He grabs your hand, giving you no choice but to try to keep up.
He doesn’t directly answer your question. “You brought your T-money, right?”
“Yeah...but why?”
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“Why do I feel like we’re going to get in trouble for this?”
“We won’t. I will.” Taehyung doesn’t look the least bit bothered as he slips a hat on over his hair. “That is, if we get caught.”
“So no pressure.” You say sarcastically, wishing you had some sort of invisibility cloak.
You never knew that the subway could be such a rush. It’s a Saturday night, people are filing in and out of the Subway at a rapid pace as they chat jovially together. Taehyung keeps his head down, attempting to blend in and completely failing.
“Tae, you’re going to be recognized.”
He shrugs. “I do this all the time. Hasn’t happened yet.”
You furrow your brows. “You do? I had no idea.”
“It’s nice to pretend to be normal every once in a while,” he confesses, looking down at his phone. “Just don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret I’ve managed to keep for years.”
“I won’t. Promise.”
Pulling up the timer app on his phone, he grins mischievously at you. “Ok. We have 60 minutes to get to three different places.” He holds up his phone for you to see. “First, we’re going to that night market you hit up all the time to get Tteok-bokki, which you love probably way too much-”
“Hey! It’s a healthy obsession!” You defend yourself, only earning an eyebrow raise in return.
“Whatever you say, weirdo. Then, we’re going to that walnut shop - you know the one at the end of the line?”
“We’re going to a walnut shop?”
“Yeah. Namjoon’s got this new obsession with them, so I promised I’d pick some up for him”
You snort. “Ok, and the last spot?”
Taehyung lowers his phone, toggling the timer to 60 minutes and looking at you and chuckling. “It’s a surprise. You ready?”
“Wait, how on earth are we supposed to get to all of these places within an hour?” You ask, incredulous. “Especially if we’re stopping to eat or buy stuff?”
Finger hovering over the start button, Taehyung looks around the busy subway station. “We hurry.” With that, he links his hand with yours and begins the timer. “Run!”
Taking off like thieves on the run, you swipe your T-money card and hurtle past the barrier, rushing to see which line to take. “It’s the red line, right?” You ask, roles switching as it’s now you dragging Taehyung behind you. “Hurry! It’s already here!”
Rushing over to where the red line train is just pulling in, you leap through the doors as soon as they open. Taehyung is right behind you, and the two of you stand off to the side with your faces down and trying to hide your giggles. He leans down to whisper something in your ear, your head automatically tilting to hear him better.
“Keep an eye out for our stop,” he urges, squeezing your hand. You nod, remaining on high alert even as you’re bursting with excitement. You know that if anybody found out that you and Taehyung were out here, looking very much like a couple, you would be toast.
The rush goes straight to your head, pumping you full of adrenaline as your stop approaches. A thought hits you, and you hurry to voice it before you have to jump out and run.
“How are we going to get you through the night market without being recognized?”
“Oh,” Taehyung angles his body toward the door, preparing. “I talked with the owner of the stall you go to. He promised to have the food ready and waiting for us, we just have to meet him in the back.”
You still have no idea how you’re going to make it through the market without being recognized, but there’s no more time for questions as the train slows to a stop and the doors slide open. In a single heartbeat the two of you leap out and take off toward the stairs that will lead you out into the night air.
It’s embarrassing just how much you’re panting by the time you reach the top of the stairs, but you shrug it off as you see the huge crowd mulling outside of the market. Without giving you a single second to doubt, Taehyung plunges into the crowd.
The two of you weave in and out, a startled laugh coming from you as the two of you pass by a stall filled with BTS merchandise. Taehyung hesitates for a moment, almost looking like he wants to stop in, but thinks better of it.
The people around you are so focused on the different stalls and their night out that they pay you no mind as you pass by, bumping into people with every step you take. If only they knew that it was Kim Taehyung bumping into them.
He never lets go of your hand as you make your way to your favorite food stall, for fear of losing you in the crowd. Glancing back at you, Taehyung shouts above the din.
“It’s been almost eight minutes!”
You nod, once again wondering how on earth you’re going to make it to all the places Taehyung has planned. Your mouth runs a little dry as you see the long line of people waiting at the food stall, all of them wanting a taste of the delicious tteok-bokki. Going in a wide circle around the crowd, the two of you end up behind the stall where it’s surprisingly empty.
Taehyung wraps on the back entrance, loud enough to be heard over the loud night. A moment later an elderly man sticks his head out, eyes crinkling with a smile as he sees the two of you.
“Ah, I was just wondering when you’d be showing up! Let me grab your order.” He winks at you guys before disappearing back into the little stall. You take a moment to breathe, looking up at the starry sky. Taehyung joins you, smiling softly.
“Why 60 minutes?” You ask quietly. Taehyung shrugs.
“I make this run whenever I can,” he responds quietly. “I’ve never been able to do it in less than an hour. Thought that it’d be fun to try to break the record with you.”
You laugh quietly. “How come I didn’t know that about you? Why didn’t you invite me before?”
Taehyung runs a hand through his hair, his other hand still hanging loosely in yours. “The pact.” When you look at him with a confused expression, he goes on. “Think about it: have you ever hung out with any of us just one on one? At least, intentionally?”
You frown, running through your memories. “I mean, yeah, but-”
“Intentionally, though.”
Automatically your thoughts run to the memory of Hobi and that night you’d vented in his car for a solid two hours, tears running down your face. Or that time you’d gone shopping with Taehyung, that was intentional wasn’t it?
“We went shopping that one time,” you say.
“Yeah, but that was an emergency of sorts. Remember? You’d spilled on your shirt and had an interview for your internship soon,” he reminds you. “I took you shopping and dropped you off after.”
You remember that, but there were other times that you just spent time with one of the boys on purpose, right? Taehyung sees your thoughts, giving you another example.
“And that time you sat and talked with Hobi in his car for hours? He’d seen you walking and offered to give you a ride. That obviously wasn’t planned.”
You blink. “How did you know about that?”
Taehyung turns a little pink under the starlight, realizing that he wasn’t supposed to know that. “Hey, it’s not my fault. He wouldn’t shut up about it. But that’s not the point!” He quickly tries to backtrack, mussing his hair yet again.
“Right,” you sigh. “So what does that have to do with the pact? And what does the pact have to do with you and this weird route of yours?” You laugh, Taehyung chuckling nervously along with you.
He opens his mouth to respond, but at that moment the door opens and the same old man appears with a bag of your food. “Here you go!” He happily hands it over to Taehyung, who thanks him and hands him the money and thanks him profusely. You also thank him, smiling warmly.
As soon as the door shuts again, Taehyung is leading you back out into the crowd. He keeps a firm grip on the food, and you stare at it longingly. The two of you manage to make it out of the crowd without any complications, except for the fact that you had to drag Tae away from the merchandise booth.
Descending the stairs to the subway, you glance over at the food again. “Are we gonna eat that, or…?”
He squints at the screen that shows the different lines and arrival times. “We have four minutes before the yellow line gets here.” Stopping at the bottom of the stairs and standing off to the side, he hands you your food, chuckling as you tear into it. He shares it with you, devouring the food at an alarming rate.
It’s embarrassing to say that the two of you finish it with thirty seconds to spare.
“Wow,” you groan, rubbing your stomach as Tae throws the container away. “We’re messed up.”
He chuckles at you, checking the timer. “That, we are. But it was good, right?”
“Ugh, so good. I swear, that place is magic.”
This time, instead of running to the platform, you waddle. You get there just before the doors close, sliding in between the door and pole, which you cling to. Taehyung stands across from you, resting against the pole as well and smiling.
“Ready to go buy some walnuts?”
The question has you giggling. “Definitely.”
You fall into a comfortable silence, waiting for your stop to arrive. The walnut shop sits on the other end of the line, one of the final stops. It takes a few minutes to get there, each second ticking down. Once there’s only one stop left before you have to get off, you ask Taehyung to check the timer.
He raises his brows. “We’re making pretty good time. Thirty minutes left.”
“Nice!” You give him a high five, smiling simply because he is. “Let’s get these walnuts!”
Nevermind the fact that people listening in to your conversation think you’re crazy.
Once you make it to your stop, the two of you settle for a brisk walk rather than running. Together, you walk down the street hand in hand while trying to find the walnut shop.
“You never finished explaining that thing about the pact,” you recall. You’d nearly forgotten amongst the rush of eating and the sleepy subway ride after. Taehyung glances down at you, almost looking a little bummed out that you remembered.
“Oh...right.” He stops on the corner and presses the crosswalk sign. “Well, that’s one of the things about the pact. I never invited you to come along with me because I couldn’t. It doesn’t allow for intentional one-on-one activities.”
“You know how weird that is, right?”
He snorts. “Yeah, I know. But that’s how it is, I guess. All of those other times you were with any of us, alone, it wasn’t on purpose. It just worked out like that. You know, something about keeping everything even. And, spending too much time alone with you would probably lead to breaking the pact.”
Nodding, you tuck this information away for further examination. “Sounds like you guys thought of everything.”
“Ok,” you begin to cross the quiet street, this side of Seoul starkly different in comparison with the busy night market. “So what does this route have to do with any of that? Why did you even start doing this in the first place? It’s...all over the place.”
Taehyung chews on the inside of his cheek. “Well...oh! We’re here!”
You roll your eyes as Taehyung bounds up the stairs of the walnut shop, which appears to be nearly closed. Why they’re still open at this time of night is beyond you. Do they really have people coming out to buy walnuts at all hours of the night?
The little shop is warm, and the young girl behind the counter looks anything but shocked as Taehyung enters. She immediately leans down to grab a small bag, placing it in front of her.
“Just the one bag?”
You pause to wonder just how many times Taehyung has frequented this shop for the employees to be so familiar with him. The thought makes you smile, picturing Taehyung sneaking in here late at night just to feed Namjoon’s odd walnut addiction.
“Just the one should be fine,” Tae responds, looking at you over his shoulder with a warm look. You don’t notice it, lost in your own thoughts as you wander over to a display.
Once he’s finished with the transaction, he wanders over to you. “Looks like we might just make it.”
You turn around, looking at him expectantly. “How much time is left?”
“Sixteen minutes. Let’s go,” he holds out his arm for you, which you rest your hand on the inner crook of his elbow. Bidding the girl goodnight, the two of you wander back out into the night.
“Soooo...where to next?”
Taehyung shakes his head. “I told you, it’s a surprise.”
The subway on this end of the city is much less crowded, it’s easy to find the blue line and hop on. You realize that you’re heading back to a stop fairly close to the night market, which makes you wonder.
“Why’d we go to the end of the line before this?” You ask. “It would’ve been much quicker to go here second.”
“Because,” Taehyung sits beside you, stretching his legs out. “It’s a spot that you can’t rush in. It’s meant to be the final destination.”
Giggling a little, you nudge him. “That sounds a little morbid.”
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The Han River glistens from your viewpoint atop the bridge. Sitting next to Taehyung, your feet dangling off the edge, you take a deep breath.
“I see why this had to be the final stop,” you say as you breathe out. The entire Han River lays at your feet, the city lights bouncing off the surface and creating a dazzling atmosphere to rival that of the stars above you. People walk along the edge or ride bikes, their small figures making you realize just how high up you are.
“Mmm,” Taehyung hums beside you. He leans back, glancing over at you as you take in the view. “This is always the last stop.”
You take a moment to allow the sounds of the night wrap around you, tilting your head up to the stars and watching them wink down at you. A profound contentment settles over you, a smile playing on your lips.
“And my last question?” You mumble out. “What’s so special about this route?”
The quiet moment seems to be enough to urge Taehyung to finally answer you. He sits up, admiring the way you look, sitting here on top of the world.
“About a year ago, we all talked about the normal, everyday things you like to do. What we would like to do.”
“I remember,” you muse. “You guys were talking about what you’d do if you weren’t famous. Romanticizing the mediocre.”
“Right.” He slings his arms over the railing, looking out over the people enjoying their Saturday night. “You talked about how you always go to that night market to get tteok-bokki. You basically swore by that one stall, it was hilarious. But you looked so...I don’t know, I just remember thinking, I’ve never seen someone so happy about some cheap night market food. But it made me happy. And then you said that you like to grab your food and head out to the Han River. Enjoy the evening with some good food and a view.”
A slight breeze picks up, ruffling Taehyung’s hair. He hardly notices, wearing an adorable look of concentration as he continues. “And that just seemed...I don’t know, it became this thing for me. Those late nights at work or when we were away, I’d always stop and wonder if you’d gotten to do what made you so happy. But then, I realized that it wasn’t enough for me to just sit and wonder. I wanted to- I wanted...to be there with you.”
Your breath hitches in your throat as you catch sight of the faraway look in his eyes. How many times had he stopped and wondered if you had gotten to do something that made you happy? Sitting beside this man who is such a force for good, you find that you are entirely out of your element.
“So, whenever I had a chance in the evenings, I’d make up an excuse about picking up some more walnuts for Namjoon’s stash, and I’d head out. They told me to be back in an hour, hence the sixty minutes. But I’d take the train to the night market, go straight to that stall and pick up some tteok-bokki. I knew that I couldn’t just call you up and ask to go with you, and I was kind of selfish and didn’t want the other guys to come along. It was...I don’t know, I wanted it to be our thing. So I’d go there and hope I’d run into you. Make it look like an accident, so we could hang out. Just the two of us.” He laughs quietly to himself. “I sound like a stalker, don’t I?”
You only manage to shake your head, at a complete loss for words. Taehyung continues on, feeling the need to get it all out.
“In my mind, I thought that it would at least take you about fifteen or so minutes to get from the night market to the Han, so I’d run down to grab the walnuts and then head up here,” he gestures to the bridge. “And I’d look out and see if I could spot you. Maybe run down to meet you, pretending to bump into you. Give me...an excuse to see you.”
Taehyung glances over at you for a minute, looking a little embarrassed. You stare back, the shock evident on your face.
“Really?” It’s the only word you manage to get out. He smiles gingerly, huffing out a breath.
“Really. Does it creep you out?”
You snort, scooting over a little closer. Taehyung instinctively wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you against him.
Taking a deep breath, you take a leap. “Am I allowed to tell you that I sometimes wished I’d run into you?”
Taehyung tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, looking at you with an indescribable emotion. “I don’t think you should.”
You frown. “Why not?”
The moon and the stars as your only witness, Taehyung gives you a long look before leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. He lingers for a few seconds, his warm lips reminding you of spring after a bitter winter.
When he pulls away, he gazes down at you and you just know that he’s memorizing this moment. Tucking it away for a rainy day, similar to the rain clouds behind his eyes. “I’m scared of hoping.”
In the span of five syllables, he’s completely shattered your heart. It’s now that you recognize that look in his eyes.
How many nights has he sat up here, waiting for you to come along? Hoping that you’d bump into him at the night market, delighted to see him?
Hope can be just as devastating as it is uplifting.
Taehyung sees how you’re dying to reassure him, dying to just give your heart over to him at that moment. He knows it, sees how it could play out. But before you can open your mouth, he’s stopping you.
“For now, let’s just enjoy the view and try to stay warm,” he murmurs, pulling you impossibly closer. You rest your head against his shoulder, heart still aching from his small confession. “Don’t worry, jagiya. Just remember to have fun, ok? You’ve still got five dates, don’t forget that.”
How could you?
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Time ticks by all too quickly as the two of you remain snuggled up together atop the bridge. Eventually you fall into a quiet conversation, Taehyung chatting happily about how he had a mini crisis on night when he came on this route and Namjoon complained about having not finished the walnuts from last night. He’d had to find some other sort of enticing treat that would act as a cover for him.
“When it comes down to it,” he says as the two of you enter the subway and find a seat. “I didn’t want the boys to find out, because I didn’t want them to think I was going behind their backs. They all deserve a chance, and me trying to find a way to bend the rules wouldn’t have gone over well.”
You marvel at how perfectly his hand fits in yours, sighing contentedly as the subway rumbles on. “You always have been a rule-breaker.”
You’re exhausted from having run all over Seoul, nearly falling asleep as you get back to Taehyung’s car. He grins at you, turning on the heater and beginning the drive back to your apartment. Your eyes struggle to remain open, slipping closed every few seconds.
“Sleep, jagiya,” Taehyung urges. “I’ll wake you up when we get there.”
“N-no,” you say between yawns. “I’m fine.”
Taehyung chuckles to himself when you fall asleep about thirty seconds later. The sound drifts into your dreams, where you dream of art museums and the Han river.
Needless to say, you’re a bit disappointed to be woken up from your beautiful dream when Taehyung opens up the passenger side door and crouches before you. He can’t help but laugh at how adorable you look, completely disoriented and staring at him like you can’t quite place where you’ve seen him before.
“Hey,” he whispers. “We’re home.”
Gently unbuckling your seatbelt, Taehyung helps you out of the car and only continues to laugh as you wrap your arms around his waist and bury your head in his chest.
“I’m so tired,” you groan. “I wanna go to bed.”
“Well, you can. You just have to unlock your door first, jagi.”
Somehow, in your half-asleep state you manage to fish your keys out of your bag. Taehyung helps you unlock the door, swooping in to help you when you nearly trip over your doorway.
“Woah, watch where you’re going,” he teases. Suddenly the world turns sideways as Tae places his hands under your knees and around your waist, literally sweeping you off your feet. “How about we get you to bed in one piece?”
Some small, semi-conscious part of your brain is currently screaming about how embarrassing yet attractive this entire situation is, but for the life of you, you can’t tell why. Instead, you opt to nuzzle in a little closer to Tae’s sweater as he uses his foot to kick the door shut.
“I love this sweater,” you mumble, eyes falling shut again. “You look so good in this sweater, did you know that?”
“Oh...thanks. And yes, that’s why I wore it.”
You hiss, swatting at his chest. “That was very narcissistic of you.”
“You’re too tired to walk, but you’re using words like narcissistic?” He shoots back. Making his way through the dark house, he enters your room and sets you down on the edge of the bed. You sit up straight, watching as his silhouette turns on your bedside lamp. Squinting at him, he crouches down before you, resting a light hand on your knee.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
“You’re welcome,” he whispers back. “You need anything before I go?”
Always finding a way to push the limits, you smirk down at him. “Are kisses really off-limits- ow!” You rub your knee where he just flicked it, appalled at him as he straightens up.
“Don’t get greedy,” he teases with a raised brow. Heading out of the room, he turns back to look at you from the doorway. “Goodnight.”
It’s this moment that you memorize. The way the light from the lamp barely reaches him, his dark hair a little messy and a tired smile on his face. The way he leans up against your door, looking for all the world like he belongs here.
“Goodnight, Tae.”
Your ears strain to hear his footsteps, a fissure forming in your heart as you hear him closing the door and driving off into the night. Eventually, sleep takes over.
Even as you dream, the feeling of being wrapped up in Taehyung’s arms while sitting above the Han River lingers.
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again, your opinion matters! especially in this series! if you’re comfortable with it, please please please comment or send me an ask with your thoughts! (i.e. chemistry, how this date differed from Hobi’s date, ect.) thank you for reading, and I’ll see you next Saturday with date #3!!
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tangledstarlight · 3 years
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oh all of this silence and patience (oh im pining in anticipation)
listen it’s still august in some timezones so this totally counts as posting something in august okay? okay! i hope people like this, it took me far too long to finish, but also special shoutout to the wonderful @ourstarscollided​ who really helped me with the whole first section of this fic, without her i truly would still be working on it, so thank you eunice, you’re the best!💜 okay enjoy! 
the first firefighter!luke fic for anyone who wants to read that first, though it can be read alone: ao3 / tumblr
also on ao3!
lil disclaimer: i’m still not a firefighter and i also know that they dont use fire poles anymore but lets just ✨pretend✨ for the visual okay. this takes place between part 4 and 5 in the original fic!
trigger warnings! lots of swearing, implied sexual content.
RATED T –– there’s no graphic scenes but there’s a lot of kissing and fading to black, so rating might change if anyone needs me to 😬
Word count: 6,072
“Look who it is!”
Julie feels a grin pull up on the corners of her mouth as she spots Luke’s station captain coming around the end of one of the fire trucks Julie is walking between, sending her a wave of the clipboard she’s holding. “You’re here early.”
“Yeah, class ended early and I thought I'd pop over to see if I could get some extra time with Luke,” Julie shrugs, holding up the pale grey burlap bag that Alex had packed their food into.
And there’s a sympathetic look that crosses over Harrison’s face, because she knows that the younger woman knows she’s in charge of Luke’s shifts and the reason why Julie comes over every Tuesday to have lunch with her boyfriend.
Because that’s why she was here. To have lunch with him like she did every Tuesday between her classes and when the fires of LA would allow. Sometimes Alex would text her to stop by to pick up a packed lunch for them, sometimes she made something herself, sometimes they just ordered in. The food wasn’t really the point, it was just getting to spend some time together. Julie had never really thought about it before, but there was always something, someone, somewhere, trapped or hurt or on fire. Luke was a very busy person, and it meant sometimes their lunches got interrupted by blaring alarms and him pressing a quick kiss to her lips before rushing off.
Tuesdays were apparently very busy days for a firefighter.
“What’s the master chef prepared for you this week then?” Harrison asks, crossing her arms and clipboard across her chest and lifting one brow, “Y’know Alex used to cook for us, he’d send Luke in every Saturday he was on shift with all sorts of goodies.”
Julie bites her lip to try not to laugh at the exaggerated sigh that leaves the older woman's lips as she shakes her head sadly. There was something about Vivian Harrison that just— put people at ease. The first time Julie had officially met her there had been a warm hug and teasing remarks and there was just something that had viscerally reminding Julie of her aunt Victoria that it was kind of impossible not to like the station captain after that.
“He was pretty busy so it’s just some sandwiches,” she wrinkles her nose a little before smiling, “I’ll tell him how much you’re missing his cooking though, I’m sure the blame will fall completely on Luke.”
Harrison laughs, and tilts her head slightly as she shrugs, “That boy of yours is just very easy to blame.”
She feels a sudden flush to her cheeks at ‘that boy of yours’ that she hopes can be played off by how warm it always is in the station. She can see Harrison’s lips twitching, like she’s about to say something teasing, but Julie is saved from it by two people walking past them and a change of mind.
“Morales, can you tell Patterson his lunch is here.”
“Sure thing Cap,” one of the guys says, shooting her a wide smile that Julie feels compelled to return quickly before he’s rushing off, past the fire engines and up some stairs. And Julie’s about to ask Harrison if they’ve been busy today and if she’d found time to visit the farmers market they’d talked about last time, but another voice interrupts, and Julie hadn’t even realised the other guy hadn’t followed his friend.
“So you’re Patterson’s girl, right?” The blonde asks, eyes scanning her up and down in a way that makes her want to hide behind someone. There’s something vaguely familiar about him, probably because she’s seen him in passing for the last couple of months but never talked to him. Which wouldn’t have been weird if most of the other people in the station hadn’t introduced themselves the first time Luke had invited her to one of their station parties, and made an effort to talk to her whenever she'd stopped by since.
“Yeah, I’m Julie,” she smiles politely, trying to put emphasis on her name. She doesn't mind being known as Luke's girl by people at the station who have actually made an effort to get to know her. 
“Right, right, nice to meet you Julie. I’m Nick, I’m sure Luke’s mentioned me,” he grins, teeth showing and shoulders pulling back like he’s expecting her to — what? Clap? A small furrow works its way between her brows as Nick starts up a conversation without even waiting for her response and she suddenly understands what Luke means about him. Because he has mentioned the condescending, stereotypical blonde frat boy before, and never in a good way. It was mostly followed by some very creative swear words and a mumbled ‘he’s going to get either himself or one of us really hurt one day’.
She tries to follow along with the conversation, nodding politely and laughing whenever Harrison forces one out, but Nick only seems interested in talking about himself, and normally she can feign interest, but right now all she wants is to talk to one person in particular.
There’s the sound of too many voices heading in their direction and Julie turns around, eyes searching for one person, but all she’s met with is a collection of firefighters she vaguely knows and tries not to let her disappointment show too clearly on her face.
“Wow Molina, don’t look so excited to see us!” An elbow nudges her side and Julie glances up to see Carrie Wilson has appeared in the place that Nick had just stood, eyebrows raised and a blinding smile as the other blonde frowns from behind her, still trying to carry on his conversation.
“No! I am glad to see you all it’s just—” Julie starts, eyes a little wide as she looks at the other girl because Carrie had only ever been nice to her, but Luke had a lot of stories about the blonde being ruthless and rude to people she was mildly inconvenienced by.
(One of Luke’s favourite stories was about Carrie loudly telling some girl that Nick was flirting with how he had used the same lines on her two months before. Luke told it every chance he could get, sparing no details on the look of horror that has taken over Nick’s face.)
“You’re here for Patterson,” Carrie cuts her off with a wink, elbow nudging her lightly again, “Don’t worry, we all know. He should be down soon.” There’s something about how she says it that raises more questions than answers for Julie, furrow between her brows and mouth opening to comment when Carrie just nods her head behind her, and Julie turns around to spot Luke.
It’s impossible, Julie knows it’s impossible, but she could swear time slows down. Like she’s in some rom-com movie where the main character sees their love interest for the first time.
Only she’s not in a film, she’s stood next to a fire engine and trying to care about what the people around her are talking about and it’s far from the first time she’s seen the love interest. But the world still feels like it’s in slow motion all the same as she looks up as Luke calls her name from the second floor, grinning at her from over the banister and holding up one hand in that universal signal for ‘wait’.
And Julie waits, not that she could really do anything else with the firehouse blurring at the edges and Nick's voice fading into the background. Focus entirely on Luke.
She’s never seen someone slide down the pole before, didn’t even know that they still used them in firehouses, but Julie’s pretty sure it shouldn’t be as hot as it is. Though, she supposes, it could just be Luke. His hand wraps around the metal and Julie swallows as her eyes are drawn to his arms, to where his top pulls tight and his forearms are on show. If this was a film, there’d be some stereotypical song about sex playing in the background right about now. All her slightly hazy brain can supply is the chorus to Lady Marmalade on repeat. His legs wrapped around the pole, ankles crossed and thighs pressed together, comes into view as he slides down the metal, all cool and in control, and Julie's throat goes dry.
She knows how much strength it takes to slide down a pole. Her and Flynn had taken a few pole dancing classes a few years ago in an attempt to add some sort of exercise into their day. Julie can still remember how much her arms ached and the bruises that littered the insides of her thighs after even the simplest of moves.
It was hard, and Luke was making it look so easy.
His feet hit the ground, and even though she’s too far away to actually hear it, she’s pretty sure they must make some sort of thudding sound. Because that’s what happens, right? You slide down the pole and your feet hit the floor with a thud that shows you’re ready for action. Only Luke isn’t going off to put on his uniform and fight a fire or save a life.
He’s walking towards her, suspenders swaying and smile widening and eyes never leaving her face.
And look, she knows that she’s seen Luke fully naked, fresh out of a shower or panting on his back. But seeing him slide down that fucking pole in his white t-shirt, suspenders by his knees and hair a mess? Hottest thing she has ever seen. And he knows it if the way his teeth sink into his bottom lip as he gets closer is anything to go by.
“How long did it take you to practice all that, Patterson?” Carrie asks, and Julie can hear the teasing tone in her voice and would normally enjoy seeing Luke stammer and blush, but right now she’s the one feeling too warm and is pretty sure if she started speaking right now all that would come out would be a high pitched noise.
“About the same amount of time it takes you to do your hair,” is his easy reply and Julie watches as Carrie rolls her eyes, hair flipping over her shoulder, and because he’s momentarily not looking at her, Julie tries to pull her thoughts together. To get a hold of herself. This is not the first time she has seen him in his uniform, she has seen in him in far less, and she will not turn into a blushing mess right now!
“Alright you lot, back to work!” Harrison interrupts before anyone can say anything else, and everyone starts walking away, some nudging Luke as they go, some giving her a wave, and she thinks she must smile back, at least she hopes she does. Her brain is still very much focused on Luke and how his thighs probably looked coming down that pole without the heavy duty trousers. “You tell Alex I’m still a fan of the flapjack he makes,” Harrison says as she walks past, dropping an eye into a wink and giving Luke a look she doesn’t understand.
A tense smile pulls at Julie’s lips that she hopes comes across as genuine and not just her unable to speak because of her incredibly hot and infuriatingly knows it boyfriend.
“You alright, Jules? Looking a little flushed, need me to get one of the EMT’s?” Luke asks, all innocence and anything but subtle as he rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet, teeth still chewing on his damn lip.
“Just—” she clears her throat, trying to glare up at him, but already knowing it’s ruined by the heat in her cheeks and how she can’t stop staring at his arms. God, she hasn’t been this distracted by his arms since their first date. Blowing out a breath, Julie drags her eyes away from where his arms are crossed across his chest — which, she’s like, 80% sure he’s doing on purpose right now, the little shit — and up to his face just as he raises an eyebrow at her.
“It’s just a little warm,” she finally manages to get out, raising her hand that’s clutching the reusable grocery bag too tight, “Alex sent me with lunch.”
Luke’s eyes light up at the mention of Alex and food, hands dropping from his chest to eagerly reach for the bag and Julie can’t help but giggle at how quickly he can switch from cocky to cute.
“Swee-et! Alex is best,” he grins down at her, drawing out the first syllable of the word and bobbing his head at her. “You wanna eat outside?”
Julie doesn’t respond, just nods her head and links her fingers through his empty hand, letting Luke lead her out of the fire station and to the little grassy area outside. There’s already a blanket on the ground, two bottles of water and a warmth spreads through her for a different reason as Luke pulls her down to the ground and spreads out the food Alex has given them.
They get an hour.
An hour to eat lunch and curl up together to talk and giggle and try to keep their hands visible at all times. It’s both her favourite and the most tortuous hour of her week so far. And Luke’s just leaning in to whisper something in her ear, his breath against her cheek sending shivers down her spine when the alarm starts blaring from inside and his head drops to her shoulder with a sigh that mingles with her own groan.
“I gotta go,” he mutters into the fabric of her t-shirt, and she can imagine how his lips would feel brushing against her skin if they were somewhere else right now.
“I know,” she sighs and carefully moves her shoulder so he has to lift his head up, eyes apologetic as they meet hers. “Be careful?”
“Always am,” Luke smiles gently at her and then he’s getting up and leaving her on the blanket and feeling the loss. Julie watches him go, knees pulled up to her chest and blowing him a kiss when he turns around to wave one last time like he always does when the alarm inevitably ends their lunch date early.
Which normally Julie was fine with.
He was at work. He had a job. He had an important job.
Running out in the middle of lunch was fine. And it would have been fine today, if he hadn’t slid down that damn pole and filled her head with all sorts of ideas and left her fidgeting in her seat. It doesn’t help that Luke clearly knows, if the way he presses a kiss to her forehead and mutters a sorry, eyes a little wide and promises to see her later.
Which is all well and good, but Julie can’t help but feel like he did it on purpose and wonders if there’s a way for her to make him feel just as flustered as she had an hour earlier.
It takes her a while to form a plan of revenge, and then it takes a while longer for her to gather all the things she needs. And okay, maybe at some point she forgets why she’s doing all this, and then Luke mentions the pole at the station and how it makes his muscles ache sometimes as he says he’s going for a shower and Julie remembers the sight of him coming down and redoubles her planning.
The hard part comes when she has to pick a day. Because she can’t lure him to her house, not while her dad is working odd hours and her brother is home and Victoria still has a tendency to show up unannounced. Which leaves finding a time when his apartment is empty.
Not an easy feat when Reggie works from home part time, and can’t actually be trusted to stick to his word when he says he’ll be out and Alex has a weekend routine he’s hard pressed to change and likes to get home from work and relax. Plus she has to check when Luke isn’t working on a weekend, which turns out to be the easiest part, because it turns out Harrison really likes her and was happy to schedule Luke a weekend off when she asked.
Sure, she could have enacted her plan while one or both of them were home too but, well Julie knows the boys are all very close, and she knows that they’ve accepted her into the closeness with welcome arms. But she’s not sure she wants to have sex while they’re eating leftover lasagna down the hall. Feels a little too close for her liking. Plus, she has a plan that might end up involving their bath and she’s not sure they’d want to be there for that.
So Julie bides her time. Changes her mind on what clothes she wants and practices different poses on her bed at night and drops little hints about a weekend alone together.
Alex makes plans first, announces that he’s going with Willie to an out of state kids skateboarding competition to help cheer on Willie’s little proteges. He makes a big deal out telling them all the dates and how they had plans to go to some couples spa on their way back and how his restaurant would be ‘more than happy to supply any meals for two that you two might want’.
It had gone over Luke’s head, just nodding and asking about the competition. But Julie had gotten the hint.
And then a few days later Reggie said he had ‘big plans’ with her dad and brother of all people. He’d said it one afternoon when she’d stopped by to see Luke before his week of night shifts, how they were going to go camping so her dad could take some photos for a project and Reggie could teach Carlos to fish, and then he’d dropped his eye in a dramatic wink when she’d asked if that was the same weekend Alex was also away.
(Julie knew that she probably should have found it a little weird how often Reggie seemed to talk and hang out with her family, but the first time she’d gotten home to find him sitting at the dining room table, helping her dad edit photos and offering to order pizza, had felt strangely right.
Like he had always been a part of their family.
Luke had asked her once, a few weeks after they first started dating if it was okay. If she didn’t mind that Reggie had seemed to attach himself to her family. He never explicitly said anything, but she’d known him long enough by then to see the hints, the secrets she wasn’t aware of yet. Of lonely childhoods and something lacking. The hints that he’d found that with her family. And even if she hadn’t been fine with it already, she wasn’t about to stop Reggie. The Molina’s had never been shy about taking in lost souls.)
So apparently she hadn’t been quite as subtle as she thought she’d been with her hints. Both boys clearly conspiring to get her a weekend alone with their best friend. Julie’s just glad that Luke clearly hasn’t noticed. Or if he hadn’t, hadn’t teased her about it.
And that their apartment is empty when she uses her key to let herself in on Friday evening, Hotdog already waiting by the shoes for Luke, head tilted as she looks up mewling softly in disappointment.
“Sorry sweetie, he’ll be home soon though,” Julie mummers, bending down to scratch behind the cat's ears before stepping out of her shoes, which Hotdog happily moves to sit on top of instead. “Be sure to make a big fuss when he gets in so I know, alright?”
Hotdog doesn’t respond, just fixes her eyes back on the front door to wait for Luke, and Julie moves further into the apartment, laughing quietly at the plate of brownies Alex or Willie have clearly left out for them on the counter, blushing slight as she reads the short message scrawled on a post-it note,
‘Don’t mess up my kitchen ;)’
She tries not to let herself think too hard or long about how clearly they all knew about her grand plans for the night. And the next day, and hopefully the whole weekend if things went according to plan.
Picking up the plate on her way through the kitchen, Julie shrugs out of her coat to leave on the back of one of the kitchen stools, because if Luke missed her shoes in the hall, he won't miss this, and she’s really hoping he’ll get the hint to head towards his bedroom. By the time she’s made it to Luke’s room she’s lifted the cellophane off the plate and taken a bite from one of the brownies. Definitely Willie who’d baked them, he was always doubling up the chocolate content. Where Alex was experimental in the kitchen, Willie was a traditionalist who believed chocolate was the best way to set a mood. Julie couldn’t really fault his logic as she moves into Luke’s room.
His room looks the same as it had the first time she’d seen it. Only now there’s a bottle of her perfume on his dresser, and some of her clothes on his ‘laundry’ chair, and polaroids of the two of them stuck in the corners of the photo frames of him and the boys. And Julie knows if she thinks about it, that her room at her dad's house is also littered with pieces of him as well, and she knows it’s only been a few months, but it feels like years. Like her life had been full of all these little gaps she’d never noticed until they were filled with Luke.
Putting the plate down, she starts moving around his room. Pulling out the firefighting coat he’d brought home a few weeks ago because he’d found a rip in the shoulder, rooting through his wardrobe for the plain blue cut off she’d seen the last time she was over and laying them out on his bed. Tilting her head, Julie mentally puts together her outfit one more time. Shorts, suspenders, Luke’s cut-off, coat, maybe the shoes? She bites her lip and decides to come back to it, to see how everything looks on.
It’s strange, Julie thinks as she clips one side of her suspenders to her shorts, how nervous she is about this. It’s not like this is the first time they’ll have slept together, but it is the first time she’s done anything like this. Dressed up in something other than a pretty dress for dinner that he’d taken great care of taking off her.
What if he didn’t like it? What if he thought it was weird? What if he got home and was too tired to do anything? He’d been at work all day, after a long week of working, maybe she should change her plans and do it tomorrow night? What if—
She cuts her own thoughts off with a groan, sitting down on the end of Luke’s bed to take a breath and fiddle with knee high sheer socks dotted with little stars that she’d ordered online. Logically, Julie knows that Luke will like this, that he’ll look at her with those eyes of his that can’t hide a single emotion and smile at her slowly and call her beautiful.
Because he’d been complimenting her since their first date, and every day since. Little things and big changes and all the between. He really did seem to like her just as much dressed up and with make-up on as he did when she’d just woken up on a morning with her hair a mess and pillow creases still on her cheeks.
And that in itself was scary.
Because he liked her for her and didn’t need her to change. She’d never really dated anyone before who didn’t want her to be less invested in music or spend less time with her family or who didn’t like Flynn or even one guy who thought she should try a different scent of shampoo. They’d all been relationships littered with red flags, big and small.
But not even Flynn could find a real warning sign about Luke. Maybe he was a little co-dependant on his friends, but neither of them could say anything because they were a little co-dependant too. And maybe he could be a little over enthusiastic, but he also knew when to give her space. He had a stable job and good friends and was cute and lived in a nice area and he had a cat.
And, once upon a time, he had had a similar dream to her.
One of the things Flynn had managed to dig up on him during her ‘background’ check was an old low quality video on youtube of three boys in a garage playing instruments that looked too big for them but taking the whole thing seriously. Voices cracking on the cover of Summer of ‘69 they were playing, but Julie had seen the way they grinned at each other, at the way a younger Luke had bounced around the small space and Reggie had rocked on his feet and Alex had thrown a drumstick in the air and caught it again. They were kids, but they were talented and it's at that moment that Julie realises Luke was right. They could have made it.
She wonders what would have happened if fate hadn’t intervened in the form of a fire. She’s pretty sure Luke has wondered the same thing too. He doesn’t talk about it much and Julie’s never sure how much to push because he seems happy in his life and choices. And plus, if it hadn’t been for a fire in a record store, there’s a chance they wouldn’t have met.
Julie frowns a little at that thought as she rolls on her second sock over her knee and stands up, straightening out her shorts and twisting the side of Luke’s cut off up and tying it into a knot. She’s never been the biggest believer in fate since her mom died but she thinks there’s something a little like fate that’s pulled them together. And she thinks they’d have met with a fire or without a fire, with music or without.
She wrinkles her nose at herself in the mirror at that thought, rolling her eyes at how cheesy it sounds even to herself. Fate and destiny, who did she think she was? They were just two people lucky enough to find each other.
An alarm goes off on her phone to tell her she’s got half an hour before Luke is due home and this is her last chance if she wants to change her mind.
Tilting her head a slightly to the side, Julie takes in her high waisted shorts, red suspenders dangling by her thighs, the way her t-shirt cinches at her waist and reveals just a strip of skin above her shorts where she knows Luke likes to rest his hands when he pulls her close. She’d taken extra care with her curls and all she had to do was apply some lipstick and touch up her eyeliner and she’d be ready.
It’s Flynn’s voice in the back of her head as she tucks curls behind her ears to lean a little closer to her reflection and, as she pulls back, smacking her lips once before letting them rest in a pout, she can’t help but reiterate it, “I do look hot.”
The front door shuts and Julie can hear Hotdog meowing and Luke’s muffled voice down the corridor as she’s pulling his coat over her shoulders. It’s far too big for her, hanging below her knees and she has to roll the sleeves up three times to free her hands, but the collar smells like smoke and metal and Luke and his last name is written across the right hand side and his station across her back.
That was the part that Flynn had said would really get him — his name on her. Luke wasn’t exactly possessive, but she and Flynn had agreed there was just something about it that was A Lot, in a good way. (Unlike buying a pole and installing it in Luke’s room for a weekend, that was A Lot, in a bad way. Her plan had gone through many different phases before settling on this one. Luckily, it was also the cheapest.)
“Jules?” Luke calls and Julie bites her lip as she carefully climbs on to his bed, and kneels in the middle before changing her mind and crawling off the other side to stand next to it instead.
“I’m in here,” she calls back and she hears something dropping to the floor, probably his bag she guesses, and then his footsteps sounding down the hall.
Julie’s glad she opted for the shoes, just simple black heels, but they give her an extra lift and something more for Luke to look at as he opens his bedroom door. She has one knee slightly bent and resting on her toes, coat sleeves hiding the way her hands are balled up at her sides and one shoulder raised a little higher than the other as she tilts her head at him, biting her lip.
He freezes in the doorway, mouth partly open like he’d been about to say something only to get lost somewhere between his brain and vocal chords as his eyes seem to lock on to the coat she’s wearing before traveling down to her bare legs and Julie watches him swallow, adam's apple bobbing. Just as his eyes get back up to her face she moves one hand to tuck her coat behind her hip and hook her thumb under her suspenders in a way she’s seen him do countless times.
And it gets the reaction she wants, his eyes zeroing in on her hand and tracing up the line of red that covers her chest. Luke’s tongue darts out to swipe across his bottom lip as he blinks and finally drags his eyes back up to her face, pupils blown wide and she watches as he lets out a heavy breath.
“Hi,” she breathes out, and almost immediately regrets it. She's trying for sexy but thinks it just comes across as gasping. Which she hopes she’ll be eventually at some point tonight, but would at least like to be touched a little first.
“You—” Luke starts, and his voice is rough like he’s not used it in hours so he swallows again and Julie’s momentarily distracted by the way his throat moves before his speaking again, “Is that my coat?”
“Maybe,” Julie shrugs, turning slightly so she can pull at the collar of the coat to peer down at the name stitched in the fabric, “Oh look, it does say your name. Would you like me to take it off?” She blinks up at him with a soft smile.
Julie doesn’t know if it’s the smile or her words or just everything about the moment, but Luke lets out a low groan and before she can even blink he’s stood in front of her, hands on her hips and fingers brushing against her strip of visible skin, just like she knew he would. And she’s thankful for the heels all over again when it gives her the little extra height that means Luke doesn’t have to bend down quite so far to brush his lips across her cheek.
“You’re fucking gorgeous,” he mutters, lips ghosting along her jaw and Julie has to rest her hands against his chest to steady herself as her legs already feel wobbly. If she didn’t love him, she’d almost hate him for how easily he can affect her.
“Luke,” she whines as he continues to avoid her lips and trails one hand up his chest to wrap around his neck, fingers winding into his hair to tug lightly which only results in making him huff a laugh against the skin below her ear before giving in and pulling back.
“So,” he starts, press a light kiss to her cheek again again, “fucking,” he kisses the corner of her lips, “beautiful.” And he finally presses his lips to hers, soft at first and then she nips lightly at his top lip and he flexes his fingers against her hip, tugging her a closer with her suspenders to deepen the kiss.
Julie walks them backwards until the backs of her knees hit the edge of his bed and Luke takes the lead from there, lowering her down without breaking the kiss. He pulls away just enough to gasp for a breath, and she looks up at him, chest heaving and takes her chance to start her own teasing trail of kisses up his neck and across his jaw.
“Fuck,” he mutters and Julie smiles as she sucks lightly at his neck and sees the red mark her lipstick has left behind. She just hopes it lasts long enough for her full plan.
“This was because of the pole thing a few weeks ago, right?” Luke asks a few hours later as they lie in the middle of his bed, blankets half pushed to the floor and Julie’s spent the last five minutes kicking her legs back and forth to try and dislodge the reminder from covering her legs without having to turn around or sit up. She’s perfectly comfortably lying on her front, licking chocolate off her fingers from one of the brownies that Alex and Willie had been correct in leaving for them.
“Maybe,” she tries to shrug, but it’s awkward in this position and she quickly gives up to just look at him from under her lashes with a smile.
Luke laughs, his fingers trailing up and down her arm and over her shoulder a few times before he sits up slightly and leans over to press a kiss to her shoulder, “If I’d known it would cause such a reaction I would have slid down that pole in front of you months ago.”
“It might have still taken us months to get to this. Your roommates have very annoying schedules,” she shakes her head sadly and she thinks her hair has to be hitting him in the face, but he doesn’t say anything, just carefully gathers it in one hand to drape over her other shoulder, his lips still brushing soft kisses across her skin.
“Yeah. I’d get rid of them if Alex didn’t feed me for free and Reggie didn’t get us so many free tickets to stuff,” he sighs, breath blowing against her skin as his nose nudges over her shoulder blade until his lips follow and his rest his chin on her shoulder, and all she has to do is turn her head a little to find his eyes on her lips. “Though it would be so worth it for weekends like this.”
“Guess we should just make the most of this one first, huh?”
It’s a little awkward, and Luke must be uncomfortable with his torso twisted like it is, but it’s easy to kiss Luke, and to roll over until she can push him back down until his back hits the mattress and she can hover over him instead.
“You sound like you have a plan,” Luke comments, and his hands rest on her hips, fingers tapping against her as he looks up at her with those damn eyes of his. The ones that can’t hide a single thought or emotion. And all she can see is love, and okay yeah, probably a lot of lust.
“There might have been some bullet point list involved,” she shrugs one shoulder, her hair slipping over as she moves and Luke’s fingers flex against her, squeezing one hip as he lets out something that sounds halfway between a laugh and a groan.
“That shouldn’t be this hot,” he shakes his head, but his eyes are still shining and Julie loves him.
So she tells him. And kisses him. And wonders if it’s too soon to suggest they spend all their weekends together forever.
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Tease (Charlie Gillespie x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so this was requested. I hope you guys enjoy it! And send in your own request!
Requested by: @universefangirl (Tumblr)
Warnings: Smut (18+)
I sighed typing away frustratedly at my computer attempting to get my work done for the night. Taking another sip of my wine I looked over to the couch to see my boyfriend scrolling through his phone.
"You know? It must be nice being a paid actor during a pandemic" I spoke catching his attention. A grin began to form on his face as he stood up making his way over to me in the kitchen.
"It has its perks. Can't say the same about you baby" He teased rubbing my shoulders. I rolled my eyes continuing to type away.
"You know you could take a break" He whispered getting near my ear.
"I can't. If I don't get this is by tonight I'm so fired"
"Fine. I'm just gonna go live for a bit. And relax afterwards. I'm pretty busy tomorrow"
"Yes Charles getting to sleep in and doing a live interview late afternoon sounds so exhausting. Meanwhile I have a term paper for English due and on top of that I have to do two more sets of these for work" I spoke holding up my papers.
"For your information I'm going on a hike tomorrow morning. Then I'm going live" He said another deep breath leaving my mouth.
"Aww baby. It's okay"
"Is it though?" I asked frustrated at his lack of sympathy. I love him and all but he seems to forget that his totally normal girlfriend works a 9 to 5 and still goes to college. And as much as I appreciate the times he said he could put in a good word for me with Kenny. I refused to be exposed in the spotlight more than I already was for being his girlfriend.
"I'm sure you can do it. You always do"
"Your right. I'm amazing. I don't know what you'd do without me" I joked trying to lighten up my own mood more than his.
"I don't either. I'd miss you too much" He said placing kisses just below my ear.
"Hmm really? Care to find out Gillespie?" I asked biting my lip. This was my opportunity to get him back where it hurt.
"What do you mean?" I smirked continuing to do my work. Without another word leaving my mouth.
“Baby. What do you mean?" He asked again standing up.
I stayed quiet as he repeated the question a few more times finishing up what I was doing. I had to get through all my stuff for school and work tonight if I wanted tomorrow to go as planned.
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. Glancing over at the clock I smiled. On schedule. I moved over to the empty spot beside me with a grin. Charlie was really in for it today.
I quickly got up making the bed when my phone suddenly dinged. I smiled seeing it was a good miring text from Charlie himself.
“Good morning my love. Just finished my hike. On my way home with coffee.
“I'll see you in a bit baby" I read aloud. I smiled at the cute detail before continuing on with my plan.
Changing into yoga pants and a sports bra I made my way to the living room setting up for a morning workout. Something I rarely got to do since my second term started and I became ambushed with work. It'd been nearly half an hour before I heard the front door open. The smell of coffee carrying itself through the small apartment.
"Baby your awake" He stated taking in my appearance. No doubt the sweat droplets on my body making me look shiny as hell.
"Yeah. I finished all my work last night so I figured I'd have a day to myself. I did a morning work out and I'm gonna do more things I haven't done in a while" I smiled innocently.
"Mmm am I one of those things by any chance?" He smirked pulling me close. Placing a kiss to my sweaty forehead.
"You wish. Actually I invited y/b/n over. We were thinking of painting to clear our minds"
"Oh but you can't paint looking like this. So sweaty. So wet" He whispered rubbing circles on my hips.
"Yeah I'll probably hop in the shower in a bit" I grinned before pulling away to go finish my workout.
“You know I need to shower too. What if we hop in together? To save water"
"Um I don't know. Can you keep your hands to yourself Gillespie?" I asked bending down in front of him to stretch.
"I can't answer that" He growled coming to stand behind me. As soon I felt his hands on my waist I stood up turning around to face him.
"Tsk Tsk Tsk" I whispered pulling back.
“What baby? Why won't you let me touch you?" He whined.
"Because it's my only free day and I'm going to enjoy it babe" I said placing a chaste kiss on the corner of his lips before walking away.
"Where are you going?" He called.
"To shower"
"Can I join?"
"If you can keep your hands away" I heard him groan as I shut the bathroom door behind me. Giggling to myself I entered the shower washing myself down.
Purposely forgetting to bring in an outfit. Knowing Charlie didn't enter for a reason I called out for him after I was clean.
"Charlie!" I shouted waiting for him to come in.
"Yes baby?"
"Can you bring me some clothes please?”I asked peeking my head out the curtain.
"Can I touch you?" He asked.
"Uh how about no"
"Then no" He said hoping that would get a reaction out of me. It didn't.
"Fine. If you insist" I spoke shutting the water off. Within a matter of seconds I exited the shower. Feeling his eyes piercing through me.
"Close your mouth. Your gonna catch flies" I said wrapping my towel around my body.
"Mm baby you don't know what your doing to me" He moaned out.
"I don't? Or do I?" I asked opening the door further so I could slip past him. Heading to the bedroom I smiled to myself knowing it was working.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Rushing over I peeked through the hole to see y/b/n standing there. Thankful both of our COVID tests came out negative I smiled welcoming her inside.
"Hey y/n/n"
"Y/b/n!" I shouted happy to see her after so long.
"So how's he doing?" She asked knowing all about my plan.
"Not good. I love him I really do but paybacks a bitch. I can't wait til his interview" I smirked walking her to my room.
I was quick to change into a cute matching set with only one of his band shirts layering on top.
"Wow. He's gonna be drooling"
"That's the plan. Thanks for doing this again"
"Its no problem. What are best friends for? Just promise me you'll give me every detail tomorrow. You know after he breaks"
"I promise" I said as we both giggled exiting the room. We made our way towards the living room pulling out the supplies she had brought over for our eventful day.
Y/b/n and I enjoyed each other's company for a while. Catching up on our new quarantine rituals. It wasn't long before Charlie came out of the restroom completely shirtless with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I bit my lip coming back to reality when y/b/n bumped my shoulder.
"Y/b/n. You're here" Charlie said running his fingers through his hair. He knew what he was doing.
"Yeah. I came to spend time with my best friend. Did you see her today by the way?" Y/b/n said taking my hand and playfully spinning me around. I chuckled at her antics realizing she'd done it on purpose to give him a full view of what I was wearing. If something drove Charlie Gillespie crazy. It was me wearing his band tees.
"I didn't. Thank you for that" Charlie spoke sending daggers through me.
"I hope you don't mind. I barrowed your shirt to paint. I can change if you wa-"
"No! No no baby keep it on. It looks amazing on you" He said a small smile playing at his lips.
"Thanks baby. When's your interview?"
"In like 20 minutes. I'm gonna go get ready"
"Sounds good. We'll be on the balcony painting. That good?"
"Of course baby" I smiled walking out on the hard cemented area placing down our stuff.
We specifically chatted those 20 minutes waiting for Charlie to come out of the bedroom.
"I'm going live" Charlie called through the screen door.
"Okay good luck" I called back. I saw him send me a wink before setting up his phone where the sun was hitting him perfectly.
"This is perfect" I whispered to y/b/n as we pulled out our paints.
"I know. I can't believe he set himself up right there" She whispered back. I giggled pulling out the pastel pink from the bag.
"Charlie!" I heard the interviewer shout. My boyfriend clearly estatic.
"Hey man what's up?"
"What's up with me? What's up with you? Your our first cast member of the day. So for starters we wanna know what's up with you?"
"Nothing much man. I mean I've been writing a lot recently"
"Oh yeah can we be expecting any music coming out soon away from the Julie and the Phantoms band?"
"Uh no. That's kind of where I'm at right now which is amazing you know? Working with such great cast and bandmates it's great"
"Sounds like it. So where do you get inspiration from during this whole new situation we're in? It must get boring"
"Uh it does at times when I'm alone. Which is rare since I've been quarantining with my girlfriend. She's amazing company and overall my biggest inspiration"
"Girlfriend? Are you guys at her place or yours?"
"Hers man. I didn't wanna disturb her peace but she insisted and it's just been amazing. I love her" He said my heart fluttering at his words. I looked over at y/b/n to see her smirking at me.
"What about your cast? Do they know her?"
"Oh yeah. Like my family, they absolutely love her which is great. You know their approval means a lot to me so it's nice that everyone gets along with her just fine"
"That's good to hear so moving back to your music" The interviewer continued changing subjects. With his wholesome answers I almost felt bad denying him my touch today. And almost felt bad what I'd be doing next.
After about 15 minutes I began to laugh at nothing signalling it was go time. I glanced back see Charlie staring up at us. Clearly trying to focus on the interviewer speaking. Clearly.
"Stop!" I whisper shouted at my best friend who splattered pain on me. I repeated her actions earning a giggle from the girl.
Suddenly I felt a cold sensation hit me. She had thrown our water cup at me in return I splattered more paint towards her. Trying to stay as quiet as possible.
"No yeah thanks man. I had fun" I heard Charlie say. Signifying the interview was nearly over.
"No thank you. Charlie Gillespie everyone. Up next Owen Patrick Joyner!" The man shouted before the living room went silent.
"Done?" I asked turning back to look indoors. The door screen being the only thing between us and the indoors.
"Yeah. What happened?"
"I don't know y/b/n what did happened?" I asked the girl in a teasing voice. Moving back slowly letting the sun hit my body. The white shirt on my body becoming see through.
"Cover up baby"
"Y/b/n doesn't mind right babe?" I asked her.
"Nope. We've been best friends forever Charles. I know her inside out. I also know you should probably get changed out of that"
"Or I could just do this" I replied removing the shirt from my body altogether. I watched as Charlie's jaw dropped in surprised.
"Cute set. Victoria secret?"
"Pink" I answered walking into the living room.
"Huh. I would've never guessed. Oh shoot it's already 5:00 o'clock? I should get going. I have to get to Dylan's house. Do you need help cleaning up?"
"No!" Charlie shouted before I could answer.
"No. We've got it y/b/n. No worries"
"Thanks guys" She smiled pulling me into a hug then Charlie. I watched as he walked her towards the door.
Not knowing which one was rushing more him or her.
"Thanks for coming!" I called out grabbing some paper towels to wipe off the water still on my body.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Charlie asked once the door shut.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"You've been such a bad girl"
“Me?" I asked looking behind me jokingly knowing I was the only one here.
"Teasing me all damn day. Having y/b/n come over to be a cock block. And then pulling that little stunk during my interview"
"I don't know what your going on about Charles. I didn't know y/b/n name was gonna- Ahhh" I squealed feeling his strong arms wrap around me from behind lifting me up.
"Charlie!" I shouted as he carried me towards the bedroom.
"Yes?" He questioned when he put me down on the bed gently.
"Seriously?" I asked ask he removed his shirt.
"Seriously" He confirmed moving in to kiss me. It was gentle at first but that gentleness soon became hunger. From both ends we fought for dominance. Tired of fighting I gave in as he pushed me further up the bed.
"Charlie please" I pleaded beginning to palm him through his jeans. Feeling him get harder by the second.
"Tsk tsk tsk. Not yet" He whispered making me whine. He chuckled before speaking once more in a hushed tone.
"Now are you gonna tell daddy exactly why you teased him all day?" I groaned knowing there was no way of getting out of this one.
"Nope" I said hoping to move on.
"Mm I don't like the sound of that" He said removing his jeans. I moaned seeing his full body. He was too hot for his own good.
"Now are you gonna tell me or should I return the punishment" I internally groaned not in the mood to be teased.
"I-I just feel like you forget sometimes that I have so much on my plate. And maybe sometimes you could be insensitive about it" I muttered the last part hoping he wouldn't hear. But judging by his features softening he had heard every word.
"I make you feel that way?" he asked caressing my cheek.
"Not all the time but yeah sometimes"
"Baby. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" He mumbled placing soft kisses on my lips.
"I guess I just forget sometimes that you have so much to do. I just wanna spend all my time with you since that's all I have. I also guess offering to pay for things like your college doesn't help either when your girlfriends independent"
"And capable of doing everything on her own. Including paying for her school and home necessities. I mean it's a nice gesture baby but I'd just appreciate it if maybe you could take a step back and realize I'm only human. And not everyone wants to become an actor. I'm studying really hard to get to where I wanna be. And even if I'm working a boring desk job right now I won't be in the future"
"I know baby and I'm so proud of you for that you know that right?"
"Of course Charlie. And I know your my number one supporter just like I'm your number one fan" I said as he placed small kisses on my nose.
"Good....So you did all this today to get back at me?"
"Well yeah I wanted to have fun. But it's no fun when I too need to resist the urge to jump on you when you come out of the shower shirtless"
"Yeah about that I didn't know y/b/n was here or I wouldn't have walked out like that"
"I know baby. But now that we're alone so can we please just-" My words were cut off by his lips once more.
Giggling at his eagerness I began to palm him through his boxers once more.
"You don't know the things you do to me baby" He whispered pulling my bra down letting my breast fall free. I moaned as he began to suck on the left one and toying with the right one.
"God I missed these"
"Charlie please hurry up" I spoke. He didn't hesitate to remove my panties and his boxers immediately lining himself up at my entrance.
"You've been taking your birth control right?"
"Of course you idiot"
"Ooo aggressive much"
"Charlie if you don-" My words were cut off by a moan as he entered me. Not hesitating to start moving at a steady pace.
"Charlie" I moaned wrapping my legs around his waist.
"I'm so close baby"
"Me too" I panted as he sped up. His thrust becoming sloppier by the second.
"I'm gonna-" He groaned being the first to release. My climax coming not long after. I sighed as we rode our our highs together.
"I love you baby" Charlie said standing up and cleaning me off with a t-shirt of his.
"I love you too" I said as he finally came to lay next to me. Pulling the covers over us.
"You do know I really am proud of you right?"
"I don't know I think you need to prove it to me" I halfheartedly joked.
"If you insists" He whispered pulling me in for a sweet tender kiss.
Time slowing down as we spent the night tangled in each other's arms. Enjoying each other's company. Each other's love.
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ickle-ronniekins · 4 years
chemical reaction
request from nonnie! “hiiiii! love ur writing sm ! could I request a fic with George maybe like an enemies to lovers kind of thing? or maybe like she’d hated him and he’d actually fancied her the entire time or something? thank you!!”
pairing: george x fem!reader (no specific house)
word count: 5.7k whoops sorry
A/N: i LOVED this request; i don’t think i'd ever really written an enemies to lovers fic before.. maybe once, so i adored this. wish this could be me and him rn tbh. also, had to put a hand through the hair in there ~shoutout to my gals~ anyway, please leave feedback, comments, reblog, share with your friends if you wish, thanks!
tag list: @mintlibri @georgeweasleyx @seppys-return-to-madness @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @darling-details @laneygthememequeen @lupinsx @keoghans @helloallthethingsilove @waschbiber @dreamer821 @feffffffy @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @62442-am @wtfweasleyy @obsessedwithrandomthings @thoseofgreatambition @harrysweasleys @sleep-i-ness @shadychaoticcollection @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @hood-and-horan @letsfightsomeorcs @theweasleysredhair @purpleskiesstorm @hxfflxpxffs @wand3ringr0s3 @finecole @angelinathebook @highly-acidic @purplefragile @90shermione @zreads @susceptible-but-siriusexual @hollands-weasley @andromedaa-tonks @bbstrawberry0421 @princessof-theuniverse @cappsikle @mytreec @imseeinggred @idont-knowrn @flyingserpxnt @auroraboringalis57 @godricsswords @jejegu | message me to be added, loves!
There was no denying the indisputable chemistry between you both. Everyone could see it. It was pretty difficult to miss, actually, especially when the two of you spent nearly every single lesson at one another’s throats.
“I’m warning you, Weasley -- stay as far away from me as you possibly can. I don’t want you and your misplaced priorities anywhere near me.”
“Wow, it is a pleasure to be insulted by you. Really.”
It all started in your third year. The very misguided and frivolous George Weasley and his brother, Fred, had decided to be prats in your Potions lesson. You’d never really had any interaction with them before that; you were their absolute and complete opposite. You’d preferred to spend most nights borrowing any and all books from the library and reading through them as quickly as you could, or spending your afternoons with the Dueling Club to further your studies with spells, charms, and incantations; whereas the two of them were always setting off fireworks in the Astronomy tower, or whatever the bloody hell two thirteen-year-old pranksters did.
Potions had been normal that day -- Snape had his usual displeased scowl painted on his face, and you were continually checking the clock and counting down the seconds until you could leave and speed off toward your History of Magic lesson. That is, until George had purposefully put the wrong ingredient into his cauldron, causing a spark, resulting in an explosion quite larger than they’d presumed and a ghastly horrible sight: one of your eyebrows burning off completely.
You’d been outraged; while the majority of the class had been too startled and shocked to let a laugh escape their lips, the twins had absolutely no issue erupting into a fit of obnoxious giggles, obviously incredibly pleased at their error. Snape had even cracked somewhat of a grin (if you could consider the edge of his lip slightly curling upward in a sort of mock expression a grin), but he still threw all three of you into detention. You! In detention! For getting your bloody eyebrow burnt off by a juvenile boy!
You and George hadn’t been the fondest of one another since.
In an attempt to separate yourself from him, you’d completely changed course -- McGonagall had been able to help you switch out some of your lessons for others. You didn't really want to take Divination, but if it meant being away from him for an hour and a half of your day, then so be it. You were going to have to be okay with your choices.
Until you heard the sardonic, cool wash of his voice from behind you.
“Fancy meeting you here.”
He sluggishly fell into the seat next to you; (of course, it being the only open spot left as he’d arrived precisely two minutes after the bell signaling the start of the lesson) he propped his feet up on the table in between you both. With your mouth still agape and brows threaded together, you angrily shoved his feet off of the table and slammed your spellbook down in place of them. “What the bloody hell are you doing here?” you huffed, folding your arms across your chest. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be right now? Like setting fire to a third year’s eyebrows? Or detention, perhaps?”
He scoffed airily. “Oh, hilarious, darling -- really; right fantastic joker, you are. No, you see, contrary to popular belief, I don’t spend every waking hour cleaning out cauldrons, or --”
You cut him off, “Oh, and here I was thinking that you’d make a perfectly adequate cauldron cleaner if a full time opportunity were to present itself.”
He didn’t skip a beat. “-- or setting fire to third year’s eyebrows.”
“No,” he replied throatily. And then, that all too familiar smirk of his. “Only to those who deserve it.”
You were about to snap back with some snarky retort, but thankfully Trelawney’s very soft-spoken voice floated through the room and managed to calm you down a bit. It didn’t stop you from sneering at George completely though, as he relaxed back into his chair and grinned to himself like an idiot.
You yanked your spellbook off of the table and turned to the desired page; you didn’t really fancy the idea of doing more research on crystal gazing, palmistry, ornithomancy, and tessomancy, but seeing as N.E.W.Ts were coming up, it only made sense that Professor Trelawney would make you revisit these desired areas of study.
“Gaze into the beyond!” she cried, “and tell your partner what you see!”
George very obviously rolled his eyes as you peered closely into the crystal ball. You couldn’t see anything except smoke, and so you furrowed your brows even more, as if to will yourself to concentrate. It was no use. You hated this subject; you’d only taken it to get away from him, anyway! He scoffed at the sight of you concentrating fiercely. “And what is it,” he asked you in an uncanny expression of your professor, “that you see?”
You shot him a glance and backed away from the crystal ball, scribbling something down on your parchment, and then turning your attention back toward him. “I see myself trying to lower my blood pressure and focus on my work,” you said cheerily, “because the idiot sat across from me is being an even bigger git than normal.”
“Wow,” he replied, his voice fierce with mock surprise. He widened his eyes and nodded his head fervently. “You’re really rubbish at this, aren’t you?”
His quips made your blood boil.
It felt as if it were hours before the lesson had ended; when the bell rang mercifully, you packed up your things in a rush and nearly sprinted out of the classroom, without a last glance or a word to George. This was going to be a long bloody year.
-- -
“So what’ve you been learning in Divination, Georgie?”
You groaned and placed your head directly on top of your parchment. Why is it that they always seem to end up where you are? This was the library, they had absolutely no business being here. This was your turf, and it always had been.
“Little of this, little of that,” George replied to his brother, his voice merry. “Been revisiting some old tasks to prep for N.E.W.Ts. Oh, that reminds me -- I was crystal gazing the other day.”
“Yeah?” Fred’s voice heightened. You could hear the smirk and the eyebrow raise. “And what did you see?”
“Well, it was kind of difficult to tell,” George said, “my huffy, stuffy partner kept distracting me with her bloody obnoxious sighs every single time I so much as blinked in her direction.”
You slammed shut the very large book you were reading as the twins and their friends erupted into laughter, swiveled your way through students, and returned the book to its proper place on the shelf. To your delight, Madam Pince was not too keen on noise in the library, and immediately began scolding them. This didn’t stop George from sending you a wink and a shake of the head before you vanished in the corridor. Merlin, he was going to drive you bloody mad.
-- -
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Had your friends gone absolutely bonkers? He fancies you. You couldn’t seem to shake the phrase from your head no matter how hard you tried -- it was that outrageous and that hilarious.
There was no way that George Weasley fancied you -- for one, the two of you could not be more different. Secondly, if he really did, and he was still busy treating you like he loathed you, then that could mean only one thing: that he had the personality of a five-year-old. Yes, like that of a five-year-old boy chasing and pushing and teasing a five-year-old girl on the playground at primary school. And then, you figured, he was just as immature as he seemed.
“Perhaps you could make it a less.. hostile environment,” your mate told you one afternoon over lunch. “Clear the air a bit.”
“There’s nothing to clear,” you told her gruffly, picking at your sandwich. “He’s a git -- always has been, always will be.”
She began to laugh. “But you don’t really know that, do you? I mean, yeah, sure, he was a right prat during third year, but you’ve bloody hated the guy since then for laughing. Laughing. It’s not like he did it on purpose, you know. It was a mistake.”
You turned toward her in surprise. “A mistake that caused my bloody eyebrow to burn off!”
“And look,” she replied cheerily, “it’s grown back!” You groaned; why was she doing this? Make it a less hostile environment. The only way that could happen is if you and George were miles, if not worlds, apart.
“Maybe try.. having a conversation, yeah? You may have something in common,” she continued on, noisily slurping the rest of her pumpkin juice. “I’m just saying; you don’t have to love the bloke, but you don’t have to hate him, either. Make this atrocious Divination lesson less dreadful for you both by just being civil.” She slung her bag across her shoulder and tapped you on the shoulder. “Have got Charms -- just think about it, okay? See you,”
Civil. You supposed, as you took a very deep sigh and finished off the rest of your drink, that you could attempt to do that. Just then, a very loud bit of raucous laughter echoed across the Great Hall, coming from none other than the Gryffindor table, where George and Fred were no doubt showcasing one of their products for their shop they were so confident they’d be able to open and run. The commotion from the table only seemed to increase, and you took yet another very deep, gruff sigh. Civil. You could try. But Merlin, you’d have to try really very bloody hard.
-- -
When George sat down across from you a few days later, you’d been back and forth between the idea of being courteous and being rude more times than you could count on two hands. And luckily for him, you’d just flopped back to the idea of politeness.
You stuck out a hand and he looked at you quizzically. “Merlin -- have the fumes in here gone to your head or something? We’ve known one another for years.”
Civility, you thought. You stood your ground. “Can we just.. I dunno, start over? This lesson is already terrible enough without us nearly killing one another. I, for one, don’t want to dread this any more than I already do. So what do you say?”
You couldn’t tell right away if the arch of his eyebrows meant he was genuinely considering this or if he was fighting back a very haughty laugh so as not to spark an argument. But then, surprisingly, incredibly, he took his hand in yours and shook it firmly. “Alright then, Y/N,” he said professionally, “I suppose I can do that. But no bashing my methods of study,”
“No burning off my eyebrows,” you retorted.
“No worries there,” he replied, sneaking a small smirk at you as he opened his spellbook, “nothing to blow up in here.”
For the first time in nearly four years, the two of you had made it throughout an entire lesson without yelling at one another. It was both surprising and refreshing. And although you both continued to make small digs at one another, and he certainly continued to test your patience, you realized that maybe your mate was right.
It turns out you did have some things in common, actually.
“Why the bloody hell haven’t you tried out for Quidditch then?”
George was still beaming over your story of how you’d miraculously caught a Snitch at the very young age of seven in your backyard with your siblings. You’re not exactly sure when Quidditch had come up in the conversation, but somehow it did, and the two of you were now packing up to head to your next lessons.
“I dunno,” you replied truthfully, “it was never really my thing. I much rather prefer dueling than playing Quidditch.”
“Word of advice,” he said, shoving his Divination spellbook back into his bag, “never tell your housemates that you’re a Quidditch wizard. They will kill you dead you for not going out for the team.”
Just then, Professor Trelawney came scurrying over to you both -- her eyes wide and hair a tousled mess. “Mr. Weasley!” she cried excitedly, pointing down at the crystal ball, “what have you seen today?”
He looked at the professor, the ball, and then at you, a simple smile on his lips, sort of a half-smirk half-genuine sort of look. “Friendship,” he said simply.
Dumbfounded, Professor Trelawney began nodding fervently to herself and mumbling things neither of you could understand -- utter nonsense, really, and moved onto the next pair of students before they could leave. You folded your arms across your chest and raised an eyebrow. “Friendship, hm?”
George shrugged and placed his hands inside his pockets before starting toward the door. “And to think,” he said, “all you had to do was not loathe me so much.”
“It’s harder than it seems, George.”
“That’s mean,” he teased, bringing a hand to his chest in mock hurt. Then, genuinely, “we’re kind of best mates now, aren’t we?”
You choked back a laugh and held up a finger to him. “Erm, easy there -- wouldn’t go that far.”
He shook his head and began tuttering. “Dear, dear Y/N.. rubbish at both Divination and at lying.”
You threw a cushion from one of the chairs straight at his head before you both headed off in your respective directions. Best mates. Merlin. It was one lesson you’d both sort of gotten along in. He certainly was exaggerating a bit, wasn’t he? Even so, you couldn’t help the very small grin that spread itself across your face as you walked merrily toward Defense Against the Dark Arts.
You were having a particularly rough day.
You’d started the day off by waking up behind schedule, rushing through breakfast, and running in late to your morning lesson. You’d managed to completely bungle whatever nonsense Snape was having you concoct in Potions, losing a generous amount of points from your house. You’d slipped down the steps and given yourself a nasty bruise on your arm, and you were pretty sure that you were getting a cold -- and right before the winter holidays, at that.
So when you sluggishly made your way into Divination and George immediately began to tease you, you were not having it.
“Uh ohhhh,” he said in a sing-song sort of voice, “someone having a bad day?”
You knew he probably meant it as a joke and nothing more, but you were too pissed off to care. Was it the glassiness in your eyes? Your red nose? Your disheveled hair, or the fact that you’d hardly found the energy to straighten your tie? You growled, “I am not in the mood, George.”
“Blimey, alright, I was just --”
“I know what you were doing,” you scowled after a sneeze, “and I’d really just like to get through this lesson in one piece, if you don’t mind.” He put up his hands in surrender and sealed his lips shut. You sighed. “I’m sorry, I’m just not feeling the greatest today -- d’you mind if we just focus on the work?”
Today you were focusing your studies on palmistry. Not your favorite. It was an incredibly long, mundane lesson.
Later on, George asked you, “D’you want me to ask Trelawney if we can finish up early since you’re feeling ill?”
You closed your eyes for the few seconds George was gone; when he returned, he sat back down in his seat with a rather confused look etched on his face. “She, erm, told me no can do. I’ll just have to really.. ‘cleans my aura’ after this.” He used air quotes and actually had to hold back a bit of laughter. “It’s fine, I reckon. I��ll read yours. You don’t have to do mine.”
You reached out across the table as far as you could; your entire body was hurting. You didn’t want to be sneezing and achey during the Christmas holidays! You were busy pouting when George took your hand in his and began examining closely. You found yourself feeling surprised by a few things -- one, the tender touch of his fingers grazing your palm; two, how soft his skin felt against yours; three, the way your breath had hitched in your throat at the mere contact.
The feeling of his pointer finger tracing over your life and head lines on your palm sent shivers down your spine; perhaps it was an oncoming fever? You weren’t sure, and you didn’t know if the fogginess clouding your brain was the head cold or Trelawney’s classroom or the sheer intensity of the moment between you and this redhead. Somehow, though, when George looked up and locked eyes with you, you had this strange feeling that he was feeling the same things you were. Pure shock. Pure surprise.
“So, erm,” you began, clearing your throat and stretching as far away from him as you could, “what’s it say then? What’s going to happen?”
George hummed appreciatively and looked back down at your hand once more before letting go. “Some type of.. chemical reaction. In our Potions lesson. Bubbling cauldrons, and all that.”
What? Were the fumes getting to him too? He never looked so serious in all his life! Maybe he needed a trip to the hospital wing to uncloud his own head --
“Sorry? George, what’re you on about? We don’t take Potions together.”
“Oh, you’re right,” he replied, shaking his head a bit and forcing down a smile. And then, much to your surprise (and delight, perhaps?) he said something you were pretty sure you dreamt up: “--reaction must be between us, then.”
If his knee hadn’t been touching yours under the table, or you hadn’t felt the stuffiness of your head cold take you over, you would’ve been sure that it had all been a dream, or perhaps the haziness of the classroom making you hallucinate. But no. He’d said it. He’d said it quite seriously, with his signature smirk and hand through the hair right afterward.
The bell rang, startling you, and he stood up slowly and slung his bag across his shoulder. You fumbled with your books, both exhausted from your oncoming illness and dumbfounded by his comment. “Mum swears by green tea,”
“Oh, erm, sorry?”
George laughed. “Green tea. My mum says it always helps during the colder months. Pretty sure they’ve got some in the kitchens.” He started toward the door, but waited for you. You both parted ways near the Great Hall. “Rest up, alright? Don’t need my partner missing out on the very exciting, albeit outdated art of palm reading.”
You laughed a bit. “I’ll be sure to, George.”
“And remember,” he pointed at you, “lots of green tea. A Molly Weasley recommendation.”
You couldn’t help the gentle smile that tugged at your lips. “Tell her thanks for me.”
-- -
Two days later and you were feeling as good as new. George had been right -- a few cups of green tea everyday, and it seemed to have cleared your sinuses right up. His mum was a right genius.
There were only two more days of classes before everyone was going to pack up and leave for the holidays. Although you’d be back after the new year, it still felt odd going home; you missed Hogwarts so desperately whilst being home. Something about the castle, illuminated by dazzling decorations and lights and ornaments -- it was rather stunning, actually, and always left you yearning for more.
You were busy scribbling down the very last bit of your Charms essay in the library when you heard your name. Oh no! How long had you been there, working away? You groaned and quickly wrote your name on the top of the parchment and bolted from the back of the library. Then you stopped in your tracks as goosebumps rose on your skin, and you listened:
“Do me a favour, Weasley, and just admit that your brother is mad for her.”
It was your mate. What was she doing, here in the library? Wasn’t she supposed to be in Herbology? You quickly skidded your way into one of the empty aisles, listening intently to the conversation unfolding just a few feet away from you in the aisle next to yours. And then came the unmistakable sound of Fred Weasley’s very dry sarcasm:
“Who? George? My twin? Mad for your friend? No, there’s no way.”
You could almost hear the smile that split his face. Your breath caught in your throat, and you struggled terribly to stifle a cough. What were they on about? There was no way, just absolutely no way that he really did fancy you. You thought your mates had been joking a few weeks back; you’d taken them up on their suggestion to be polite, but that was merely it. Friends? Maybe. A couple? Bloody hell, absolutely not.
“Could you be bloody serious for one moment?”
“I reckon I do not have a serious bone in my body, I’m afraid.”
Ignoring this, your friend continued. “How long?”
“Hmm,” Fred began. You imagined that he was probably looking toward the sky, as if searching for his thoughts so he could pull them directly out of thin air. “Well, let’s see. Pretty sure the day Y/N screamed bloody murder at him in Potions, he’d fallen very quickly in love, even though he never admitted it to anyone. I’ve known it, though, because the poor bloke wears his heart on his sleeve. So about four years, yeah.”
“And he just couldn’t quit the merciless teasing, could he?”
“It’s like you don’t know us at all.”
You couldn’t listen anymore. You quickly shuffled your way out of the library and all the way to your common room until you were safely in your dormitory and could yell into the void. Why on bloody earth would he have been acting so rude if he actually fancied you, even if he had been trying to keep his feelings a secret? But then his comment from the other day flooded your mind, and you soon found, as you mulled them over, that a lot of his comments toward you could be taken in a flirtatious manner if you hadn’t been so obsessed with hating him so much. Perhaps, looking back, he’d been basing his repartee off of your desire to make your distaste of him very well known.
What would have happened if you’d taken that misfortune in Potions in stride? Would you two have been alright? Acquaintances? Friends? Maybe even..
You felt a small jab in your stomach.
It’s as if the conversation you’d overheard had made you do a complete one eighty. Four months ago, the idea of spending any of your time with George Weasley nearly sent you into a tizzy. You absolutely abhorred the idea. The sight of him alone made your blood boil, and any and all interaction with him would have made you miserable to the point of constant sulking. But now?
It was sort of hard to get the guy out of your head.
You found yourself constantly replaying all of your interactions with him over the years back each night before bed. Of course, there hadn’t been too many, seeing as you’d done your absolute very best to avoid him at all costs. But the ones that had happened.. perhaps there was something other than disdain in his voice. Maybe you’d just chosen to hear it as disdain, because you didn’t want to admit to yourself what was actually true.
You didn’t know what happened between that time he’d first read your palm and what you’d overheard in the library, but something had changed.
Lots had changed.
His words echoed in your ears.
Maybe there was some type of chemical reaction going on.
-- -
When you walked into Divination the next morning, you weren’t very surprised to see George already sitting there. He’d started coming to lessons earlier and earlier, to the point where he was getting there before you. It was refreshing, actually. You’d always thought he didn’t really care about work; he’d proved you wrong, though, and you were glad.
You both fell into your routine quite easily, ignoring the very theatrical talks coming from Trelawney as she made her way around the room to observe each of you through her her very large spectacles. You felt a bit of a pull at your heart that this would be your very last lesson together before the holidays -- you relished and also sort of dreaded the idea of being very far away from this foggy mess of a classroom for a few weeks time.
“You’re awfully quiet today. Feeling better?”
George’s voice took you by surprise, because you’d both been working rather diligently on the finishing touches of your essays. You cleared your throat and stunned yourself at how softly your voice sounded in your own ears. “Yes, yeah of course. That tea worked wonders actually -- your mum’s a genius.”
George laughed softly but didn’t look up from his parchment. “Yeah, she’s a wonder, she is.”
“Has to be,” you replied, tracing over the letters of your name, “with seven kids and all. Has to be on top of things.”
“I reckon you’re right.” He finished whatever he was writing and looked up at you with a smile, and when you skittishly glanced back down toward your parchment, he asked, “are you sure you’re alright?”
“Mhmm,” you replied, biting down on your lip. Your feet were thumping rhythmically against the floor. And then the words were said before you could register just exactly what you were doing: “Heard something about you.”
A small smile tugged at his lips. “Whatever it is, I swear I didn’t do it.” Then he paused, thought for a moment, and opened his mouth to speak again. “Alright..maybe I’ve done it.”
A small chuckle settled in the air between you both when he finally looked up from his parchment and locked his gaze with yours. “Sorry. What did you hear?”
You considered making something up, for now you were panicking, and you hated feeling panicked: but then again, you were in pretty deep already, and what did you have to lose? “It was from your brother, actually. Fred.”
“Oh, Merlin.”
“Yeah, said something interesting,” you continued on, focusing your eyesight solely on the parchment in front of you. You resumed tracing the letters of your name over and over, just to give yourself an excuse to not look at him as your cheeks surely flooded pink. “Said you actually haven’t loathed me this entire time?” It came out as more of a question.
“Actually, if my memory serves me correctly..” you dragged out every single word, still unsure if you were going to go for it. And then you did. “I’m pretty sure he actually used the word.. fancy.”
You half expected George to throw up his arms in a fit, exclaiming that Fred didn’t know what the bloody hell he was on about, and of course he’d actually disliked you this entire time. You also half expected him to burst out and cackle himself silly, because the sheer idea of a guy like him fancying a girl like you just tickled him. But instead, he licked his lips and peered at you with a type of compassion in his eyes you’d never seen before. Then he wiggled his eyebrows and offered, “He’s smarter than I thought. And to think.. I’d never even told him how I truly felt.”
Okay, surely you’d dreamt that. But nope; nope, he’d said it, yet again, causing the butterflies to dance animatedly around your stomach. You opened your mouth to speak as he smiled softly at you, but then Trelawney came bouncing over, completely interrupting the moment. “Oh, my dears! Friendship was on your horizon, you say; now, look into the beyond and tell one another what lies ahead!”
She bounced quickly over to the next group, and you took to looking inside the crystal ball; but any type of focus you’d had before had flown out the window now -- there was no way you were going to be able to properly function, because as it turns out, your very worst enemy had actually liked you this entire bloody time.
George leant in closer so that he, too, was hovering over the crystal ball, your foreheads almost touching. You could feel his breath on your neck. His voice was low and cool, “What’s the future say now, love?”
“Friendship,” you somehow spit out, your throat and mouth suddenly as dry as the Sahara desert. “Maybe more, actually.”
And then the sound of glass shattering against the hardwood floor across the room startled you both, causing you to pull away from one another and catch your breath.
Moment over.
-- -
The Great Hall was bustling with students chatting animatedly and loads of luggage carts and parcels of presents. You’d just finished your final lesson before the holidays (Charms -- ending on a high note!) and you were very relieved to be on a break from your studies for a few weeks time and to be heading home.
The Great Hall was filled with people, but not the familiar one you were looking for.
Perhaps the conversation you were hoping to have could wait until after the holidays; although you didn’t know if you’d make it through three weeks of wondering what and if without spontaneously combusting.
You tugged your luggage out into the corridor to board one of the carriages to the train when you spotted him standing with his siblings, surrounded by luggage carts and huddled up in his Gryffindor robes and scarf.
Before you could find the courage to walk on over to him to wish him a happy Christmas, it seemed as though he was able to read your mind, for he excused himself from his siblings and made his way over to you, causing you to back up a few inches and press yourself directly into the wall.
You both hadn’t had a chance to chat since your lesson yesterday, since you’d found out the truth, since you’d ran out due to your nerves and George’s cheeky grin.
“So, erm -- sorry I ran out yesterday. Was a bit.. flustered, is all.”
You could’ve said anything else, but these were the words that chose to escape your lips. Bloody hell. You internally scolded yourself, but the expression George’s face didn’t change.
“Flustered?” he asked, confusion crinkling the edges of his eyes. “About what?”
“George, come on.”
“No, please,” he placed his hand on his chest, “You’re going to have to remind me. Yesterday’s events are all a blur, I’m afraid.”
He smirked, and you suddenly felt your blood begin to boil again. He was going to make you say it, of course he was.
“You know,” you started through gritted teeth, “our little conversation in Divination yesterday afternoon. About your... feelings.”
He nodded dramatically and clicked his tongue. “Right. That conversation. You know, it’s funny,” he began, placing his hands inside his pockets and moving closer to you, “I really dislike crystal gazing. I find the more accurate readings come from palmistry.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah,” he replied flatly, as if it were obvious. He took out his hand and placed in front of you. “Look here. I reckon you’ll be able to read the future quite clearly.”
You took his hand in yours, and immediately felt as thought you were out of your element. Yet, you began to trace the lines gently with your forefinger. You weren’t reading any bloody future; you were merely trying not to let the very steady pounding of your heart be so evident in the rising tension between you both. You found yourself, actually, pulling ever so gently on his hand, as if to bring him closer to you. You could easily reach out and trace the outline of freckles on his nose.
“See anything intriguing?” he breathed.
Something about being around him made you feel simultaneously more nervous than you ever had been and more confident; you were feeling so self-assured that you actually said something before you could overthink it. “Yeah, actually, looks here like you’re about to kiss me,” you said breathlessly.
How odd, you thought, that just mere months ago the man in front of you was none other than your absolute mortal enemy, and now all you wanted to do was spend the holidays locked away with him in a broom cupboard.
A cheeky grin split his face and he moved another inch or so closer; just centimeters to go, and his lips would be fully pressed to yours, the chemical reaction bubbling over perfectly. “Is that so?” he asked quietly, very slowly moving his way forward. He lifted your chin with his hand so your face was angled up toward his, and he stopped just as his lips so very softly brushed yours. It didn’t even seem real, honestly. Just then, one of the Weasleys shouted to George that their older brother was here to fetch them, and he you felt his smile brighten ever so lightly against you. Damnit! And instead of finishing what he’d started, he merely ran a finger across your chin, down your neck and over your collarbone and whispered, “Happy Christmas, love,” before pulling away.
What in the bloody fuc--! Was he kidding? Not only had the reaction bubbled over, but you now felt like exploding at how much of a prat he was being. He’d already made you say such silly things, and now he really had the audacity to almost kiss you and then pull away?
“You’ve got to be joking,” you said under your breath as he squeezed your hand. “You’re going to kill me.”
He wiggled his eyebrows seductively. “Have got to leave you wanting more, don’t I?”
You scoffed loudly and took a very deep, very overdue breath to regain your composure, but not before he leaned in and caught you off guard by pressing his lips to yours and gently melting into you. A slight sigh escaped you, and before you could register just what it felt like to have his lips on yours, you both broke apart -- he winked merrily at your wide eyes and made his way back toward his siblings. “You still going to be a right prat in three weeks time?” you teased, folding your arms across your chest as he tugged a beanie over his head.
“Oh, there’s no doubt in my mind, love,” he said as if it were obvious, “you still going to let me read your palms and drive you mad?”
You grinned a bit more and shook your head, tugging your own scarf around your neck as he was pulled by his siblings out of the castle. You breathed deeply, brought your fingers to your lips where his had just been, and said to nobody in particular, “Oh, there’s no doubt in my mind, Weasley.”
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mooncademia · 4 years
Surprising Aizawa at U.A
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PAIRING ~ Aizawa Shouta x reader
GENRE ~ fluff!
SUMMARY ~  You have been dating Aizawa for many months now and since work has been piling up for your boyfriend, you decided to stop by U.A for a surprise visit! As you walk through the halls, you couldn’t help but reminisce about the good times the two of you had. Ah, nostalgia~
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Dang it, you thought to yourself as you stood there mindlessly looking down the halls as you bit down your bottom lip. You grew anxious as you stood there staring at the many rooms, wondering which room was the teachers’ lounge and office.
You came to visit your boyfriend, Aizawa Shouta, who teaches at U.A, the most prestigious hero high school there is in Japan, but as you stood their helplessly looking at the title of each plaque on the wall, you wondered if it was better to stay home and wait for him to come back at night.
You shook your head at the idea. No, you were determined to see him. Your boyfriend may not be what people say “ideal” since his cold stern face with his signature half-lidded eyes doesn’t exactly scream “IDOL” to many people, but to you, well…he was perfect. Beautifully perfect.
Aizawa dating was something definitely new to him in the beginning. Not that he hadn’t dated before (let’s not bring back the embarrassing stories), he just wasn’t good at it in the beginning.
He can still remember the first date you both went on: the romantic dinner, the sitting in the cafe eating sweets, talking for hours about life, the quiet dim night walk at the empty park, and most of all, when he stood outside your apartment thinking if he should kiss you.
Should I kiss her? Will she hate me for me kissing her on the first date? Does she WANT me to kiss her? Oh god am I taking too long thinking? How about—
You made the first move that night, leaning closer to his face as you closed your eyes and kissed him on the lips. You could still remember the exciting electricity flying throughout your body and the loud thumping of your heart pounding in your ears as you made that bold move. His lips were soft and sweet. He jumped slightly from your kiss but from the way that he melted in, he can for sure promise you that he was totally swooned for you.  
Despite Aizawa’s hard-looking exterior, deep inside, he was sensitive in every precious way possible. And you loved that about him— how he’s both hard-working and lovingly soft at the same time. You loved his grumpy grunts when you interrupt his work to tell him what happened at work today, and you loved his silent nods of satisfaction when you serve him a home cook meal.
Plus, you love teasing him. Like that one time when you pulled out a cat sweater from one of his old boxes at his apartment.
“Ehhh???!!!” Your eyes widened as you stared at the bright colors of the cat sweater. You held the cotton candy sweater up high to give a good look at it. The cat’s eyes were unnaturally big and it screamed “KAWAII” in every way.  You darted Aizawa a teasing smile as you see him glow a soft tint of pink.  “Wow, Aizawa. Isn’t this 2 cute 4 u?”
Aizawa rolled his eyes at you, muttered something you couldn’t hear, snatched the sweater off your hands, and neatly folded it back into the box as you laughed. (maybe a little too neatly, you thought to yourself).
But whenever Aizawa’s with you, you don’t know it, but his heart beats faster whenever he sees you. He loves your goofiness, your boastful confidence, your kindness, how strangely similar you both are, and how you are just…well…you.  
Lately, teaching at U.A wasn’t going smoothly. With students and villain issues, he comes back to your apartment past midnight now. So you decided to take a day off from work and visit him at the teacher’s lounge when he’s on his afternoon break. You even prepared him lunch! (“a cup of coffee is not lunch, Aizawa….no, jelly packets are not meals either,” you said to him the other day).
Your eyes caught sight of a pair of students. A tall young man with messy blond hair with a black streak on the right side and a short boy that had purple balls on his head.
“Hi!” You waved mannerly to signaled them.  “Uhm, I’m a bit lost, can you please tell me where the teacher’s lounge is?”
The boy with the blond hair looked surprised to see an unfamiliar face around campus but not only was he shocked to see a stranger having access to campus, but he was also more starstruck seeing a beautiful woman standing right in front of him.
“Uh-“ He straightened his back and cleared his throat. “Yeah! You’re close actually. It’s down the hall to the left, should be the second door.”
You smiled appreciatively to the boy and bowed respectfully. “Got it! Thank you so much!”
You waved goodbye as the boy blushed when he sees you walk off.
“Knock it off Kaminari!” The short boy to his left scolded as he elbowed his friend’s ribs and sneered at him.
“Who is that, Mineta?” Kaminari asked, twirling his head once more to see you walk down the hallway.
“I’m not sure, but she’s going to the teacher’s lounge…” Mineta replied with an eyebrow arched up.
You turned left down the hallway and found the plaque on the second door that labeled “Teacher’s lounge/office.”
You took a deep breath before sliding the door.  You have visited Aizawa at school before but no knows about the two of you except for a few teachers (that being: Present Mic, All Might, and Midnight), and you hoped that you weren’t bombarding in at a bad time. If there were a lot of students you were going to have to put on the stranger act that you did last month, and you weren’t anxious to pull that off again.
That was another thing about you and your boyfriend was how strangely similar you both are. You both enjoyed keeping your relationship private or low-key from a lot of people. Aizawa has always been a private guy, and although you were more open compared to him, you also prefer to keep some things just between the two of you. It made moments more special and electrifying. Though even if Aizawa wants to keep it low-key, he still likes to hold your hand in public or give you a hug, and when no one is looking, he gives you a quick kiss on the cheek (or maybe on the neck but let’s not go there ;) ).
You slid the door gently and when you stepped in, you can immediately see your boyfriend hunched over on his computer, sitting a couple of feet away from Present Mic. His long black disheveled hair poked out way too obvious and you giggled at his stern face staring at the computer. Thankfully, all the other staffs were not there and no students were to be seen either.
Present Mic looked up to see who entered and grinned widely when he saw you. He nudged Aizawa on the shoulder and whispered “Oi, your girlfriend is here!”
Aizawa looked up and sees you standing their ever so beautifully with your light cream floral blouse and navy blue jeans. He smiles at you as he gets up from the chair and comes toward you.
“Hey,” he said with a husky voice. His black eyes staring directly into yours.
“Hey,” you echoed teasingly with a cute smile. “Brought you lunch.” You lift your left hand, holding the carefully wrapped clothed bento.
You both walked toward his seat as you put down the bento on his desk. Aizawa hummed as he wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you closer. He pulls you into a hug and whispered a soft “thank you” to your right ear and lets you go gently.
He definitely missed you.  
Along with liking to keep the relationship private, Aizawa is a bit different when he’s with you. For one thing, he’s way more talkative— He loves to chat with you, about his likes and dislikes. His latest “what’s been annoying me” rants to the “that wasn’t rational” conversations. He also loves to hear your voice. He treasures your nods as you listen intently because it makes him feel even more pleased that you were listening (of course you were). And if he drank too much coffee that evening, you two will often be snuggled up on the couch as you both talk about your days— the burdens that have been on your minds and the simple happiness that you two found. He didn’t mind Present Mic next to him to see his actions, after all, he was his best friend since high school, and plus, he was the first to know about you two as well. But that doesn’t mean Mic won’t tease.
“AWWWWW MAN, AIZAWA!!!! You’re such a softie!” Mic teased as he glanced a glimpse of the two of you holding hands, chatting with a small smile on both of your lips.
Aizawa turned his head coldly at Mic with a death glare. “Shut it.”
You laughed as you see your boyfriend slightly blushing. You grabbed a chair so the two of could sit down at his desk and you leaned forward to glance what he’s been up to. Aizawa slung his left arm around your shoulder as he talked to you about the assignments he has working on. As you listened intently, you couldn’t help but feel so warm by his presence. His half-lidded eyes were mesmerizing to you and you wrapped your arm around his lower back gently rubbing small circles back and forth.
“Sounds like a lot,” you said when he finished. “Good thing I’m here to cheer you on, right?” You said with a confident cheeky wink.
Aizawa rolled his eyes at you sarcastically but you could tell that his lips were trying not to tug upward.
“You look good today,” you said softly to him. Your voice came soft and low, that only he could hear it, and it was true. Never once were you not starstruck from his costume. The gray scarf dangling around his neck nonchalantly, the black on black long-sleeved shirt and pants, all tied together with his dark brown utility belt and black boots. You don’t tell him this, but even after dating for many months now and seeing his costume for the millionth time, it still sends butterflies to your stomach.
Aizawa looked at you, not saying a word, but rather leaning down to give you a deep kiss on the lips. It was soft and tender, but it left you wanting more (dang public places!).
Present Mic, only a couple feet away, turned red when he saw what was happening and tried to go back to his business. Though, he caught a few glances here and there.
“You look beautiful today too, as always,” Aizawa said to you when he parted his lips away from yours.  You rested your head on his shoulder and hugged him tightly as your cheeks heated up from the compliment.
“Go get a room,” Mic blurted, staring at the screen of his computer typing mindlessly away.
You laughed out loud with your hands on your stomach while Aizawa let go of you to shoot Mic another deadly stare.
You tilted Aizawa’s chin back to face you and with a smile, you kissed him again passionately, just for good measure.
But if you knew what would happen next, you wouldn’t have dared to make that move, because only a few seconds later, you heard a sliding on the door.
“Uhm, Aizawa-sensei, we were wondering if—“ a familiar voice said aloud, making you part away immediately from Aizawa’s lips with eyes widened in surprise.
When you looked up, you saw the two students that you encountered in the hallway, and from the look of their faces, you could guarantee that they saw their teacher kissing the woman that they met today. Though, the purple boy looked like he was having more of a seizure than a shocked look.
You sucked in a breath, realizing that two of Aizawa’s students just caught you two together, and it was definitely not the time to pull off a stranger’s act. But a grab of your hand underneath the table calmed you down immediately, and when you turned to see your boyfriend, you were shocked to see his expression.
His smirky grin and lustful eyes said: Well, they were going to find out sooner or later, right?
You gave a weary smile as Aizawa squeeze your hand a little bit and leaned towards you in a surprisingly upbeat tone:
“Well, today is going to be an interesting day.”
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
A Girl’s Choice
Draco X Reader (highschool!AU)
Summary: Everything was absolutely fine in his small town, until you stumbled in and began to defy the status quo.
A/n: So, guess who got Midnight Sun and has been reading it non-stop for the past few days? Me. It was me. So, please enjoy this Twilight Parody of our favorite characters. Also I get to move back to college in like a week and I am EXCITED--mainly because there’s a good chance that I get a room to myself bc of the virus. So yay me. I love you guys a lot and really thank you for your patience and enthusiasm. It makes me smile. 
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“So, Gin asked me to the dance this morning,” Harry was chatting you up—a normal occurrence before class started.
Draco didn’t mean to eavesdrop on you. He really didn’t, but he was intrigued about how this would go down. Since moving to the small town, you had been a buzz among the boys in the grade level. Draco could all but assume that most of the fantasized about you asking them to the girl’s choice dance coming up.
“That’s great!” You genuinely smiled. “You’ll have a lot of fun!”
Harry fumbled, losing his casual composure. You noted on it, and your look became more skeptical and judgmental—something Pansy would approve of.
“Well, I told her I’d think about it,”
This surprised Draco as much as it seemed to surprise you. It was no secret that star lacrosse player Weasley and Potter were all but official and had been for almost all of high school.
“Why in the world would you tell her that?” Your words mimicked his thoughts.
“Well... I thought maybe you’d... want to ask me?” He ran a hand through his usually untidy mass of curls.
Draco could not make this up if he wanted to. He barely suppressed the laugh that threatened to escape his lips. How in hell had Harry figured that you’d want to go to the dance with him? You’d been here maybe a month. As far as Draco knew, you weren’t interested in anyone. Perhaps the small town didn’t have enough shine for your city lights.
“You should tell Ginny yes, Harry,” You scolded him like a child. “It’s rude to make a girl wait,”
“Yeah, I guess,” Harry sulked, his face falling as the bell rang, signaling the start of class.
Draco couldn’t wipe the amused smirk from his face. You huffed annoyed and opened your notes, already prepping a new page for today’s lesson. You didn’t pay him any mind during class—a normality between the pair of you. Draco ignored you and you returned the favor. It was almost easier this way for him. Your shiny new toy status had no effect on him. He had every shiny toy he ever wanted. You had no appeal to him.
Harry, however, Draco stole glances over from time to time. The green-eyed jock pouted throughout the entire lesson, stealing glances over to you. You hardly noticed. Instead you were doodling in your notebook, waiting for the teacher to move on.
Maybe the stars aligned, or maybe you did fascinate him, but Draco found himself in the lunch line next to you the following day as another tried to ask you to the girls choice ball.
“So, I heard you turned down Potter,” Cedric gave off-hand. “Waiting to ask someone else then?”
Draco snorted, and this time you did give him the slightest glare before turning back to Cedric.
“I’m not going,” You answered curtly, grabbing fruit from the stand. “And no, I don’t plan on asking anyone.”
“Why aren’t you going?” Cedric almost pouted.
“There doesn’t have to be a reason.” You snapped. “I’m not going,”
Draco could only imagine the glare that you gave Cedric for him to back off so quickly. Again, a smile quirked at his lips. You might be the shiny new toy, but you weren’t going to be used like a porcelain doll.
“So, has she asked anyone yet?” Pansy asked as he sat beside her at their usual lunch table.
“She’s not going, and you totally missed her going off on Diggory,” Draco grinned. “That girl has to have a glare that rivals yours,”
“She turns down Potter and Diggory... do you think maybe she’s into chicks?” Pansy asked almost hopeful.
“Wouldn’t know and don’t care,” Draco shrugged. “Besides, she’s not going to the dance so go ask Greengrass before it’s too late,”
Pansy sulked and stabbed her salad with a bit more vigor than before.
You stormed into the chemistry classroom a bit more irritated than he had seen you in the cafeteria. He wanted to guess that another guy had tried to ask you to the girl’s choice dance because honestly it amused him to see you so upset. It was cute how riled up you could get from some unwanted attention. He wondered how far you’d have to be pushed before you actually started swinging. Maybe he wanted to find out.
“So,” He asked pointedly. “Anyone else try to ask you to the dance?” 
“Oh, fuck off Malfoy,” You hissed making him grin wider.
“Well, I was wondering if—”
“If you even start to finish that, I won’t be so forgiving,” Your hand clenched into a fist and Draco thought that maybe you’d actually try to hit him, but Snape walked in as the bell rang, taking any chance away from you.
Draco sat back smugly in his chair—to your great annoyance—as class droned on. At the end of the hour Draco followed you out, calling your name. You froze in the hallway, before turning to face him.
“I’m really not in the mood right now Draco,” Your strained voice gave a hint of weariness. “What is even with you guys? Can’t you just leave a girl alone? I’m not going to the stupid dance and I’m not just saying that so I can ask someone else,”
Before Draco could get a word in you stalked away, disappearing in the crowd. And he stood there, dumbfounded. Was he not amused an hour ago about your annoyance? Did it not make him smile that you were tortured by your suitors? Why all of a sudden was he frowning and loathing Potter and Diggory—and whatever poor bloke had the unfortunate courage to ask you before class—even more for winding you up?
“It was Krum,” Pansy didn’t even say hello as she sat next to him in Spanish. “He was the one who tried to ask her,”
“She said no to Krum?” Draco’s eyebrows shot up. “You might be right, she really might swing the other way,”
“Aw, but I already asked Daphne,” Pansy pouted.
“Pans, darling, I think if anyone else breathes near her about the dance she’s gonna send someone to the nurse,” Draco chuckled. “So maybe you dodged a bullet there,”
She sighed wistfully. “Still, it’s nice to dream,”
“So, did you ask anyone to the dance yet?”
“Dad, I really don’t want to talk about this,” I huffed, kicking off my shoes. “I’m not going to that stupid dance,”
“Well, I know it’s probably not as glitzy as your uptown shindigs, but you should still go and have fun,” My dad set down his paper. “Make some friends while you’re here,” His tone was hopeful, as I knew it would be.
He wanted me to be happy here. He wanted me to fit in and enjoy my time in the middle of nowhere. It was a farfetched dream. But it was mine, I supposed.
“I have a few friends,” I insisted. “But I’m not one for dances... and the guys in town aren’t exactly... appealing,” I decided.
“Well, not that a father will complain about his daughter not wanting to date, but maybe you should go with a group of friends or something?”
“Everyone’s paired off, dad,” I sighed, looking in the fridge for something to make for dinner.
As I set off to do my chemistry homework, my mind meandered to my chem partner. It was out of character that he spoke to me today. Normally we disregarded another in comfortable silence. It had been that way since I showed up. And though it might have stung a bit in the beginning, I could tell quickly that Draco and his friends were the wrong sort of crowd that I didn’t want to be caught up in. The kind of crowds that I escaped by moving from my city life.
And I liked the crowd I had found; Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville were all very sweet and welcoming on my first day and had sort of adopted me into their group without looking back. Not that there was much depth in any of their lunchroom conversations, but at least I wasn’t alone. Hermione was the only one I could hold a conversation with—she had AP classes as I did and was a saint when I needed homework guidance.
Chemistry, however, was the one subject she couldn’t help me with. She had opted out for AP Environmental instead, claiming she had done her time with Snape and would rather dropout than be in his class another year.
So, it left me begrudgingly texting Draco about tonight’s homework. He was the only other one in class that seemed to keep up easily. Maybe it was because he was a shoe shiner class pet of Snape’s.
Malfoy: Oh, so you’re talking to me now. Don’t want yell at me again?
My cheeks flushed in anger and embarrassment at his response. He was never one to hold back what he was thinking—even if it was brutal.
Y/n: I’m sorry for snapping at you. It wasn’t fair to you. I’d give a reason, but I doubt you’d care
Malfoy: Pansy already told me that Krum tried to ask you to the dance. That’s what? Three guys now? If I hadn’t stopped her, Pansy wanted to ask you too.
Y/n: At least it would have been a girl asking me to a girl’s choice
Y/n: And you’re short one, Ron asked me too
Malfoy: Weasel? Wow. Never thought he’d have the guts to ask anyone 
Y/n: He’s actually going with Hermione
Y/n: Now will you please help me on 7?
And to my surprise, Draco was quite civil about walking me through the covalent bonding prompts. It made me feel a bit more guilty about snapping at him earlier today.
Seeing how I struggled on the homework, I wasn’t surprised that Harry came over during study hall and asked me for help on the same, if not more, questions. After the first couple, he griped that I was too similar to Hermione for knowing it all. And that it wasn’t fair that it came so easily to me.
“Actually, Draco helped me,” I smiled as I showed my notes to Harry for the next question. “He might help you if you ask,”
That was a long shot. Harry hated Draco and vice versa. It didn’t take me long to figure that one out.
“Malfoy helped you? Like actually helped you?” Harry scoffed. “The little prat,”
“Hey,” I warned snatching my notes away. “If you’re not gonna be nice about it I won’t let you use my notes,”
“Oh, come on, don’t be like that,” Harry pouted. “You know I was kidding,”
“Yahuh. Sure Harry,”
“Oh, come on,” Harry tried again. “He’s a prat. Always has been,”
I rolled my eyes, not wanting to hear anymore of Harry’s lamenting, and grabbed my bag. “I’ll be in the library,”
Wordlessly I left, fuming slightly. The music from my headphones thawed out my anger towards Harry a bit as I pushed the doors of the library open and sat at a table, pulling out my calculus homework to go over it one last time.
“This seat taken?”
I barely heard the question over my music. My eyes darted up to meet steady grey ones.
“It’s a free country,” I shrugged then remembered that I want particularly irate towards Draco at the moment. “Thank you, by the way,” I murmured, taking out one of my headphones. “For the chem help,”
“I might have had an ulterior motive,” Draco mumbled, pulling out a binder.
“If you think I’m gonna ask you to the dance because you helped me with my homework you have another thing coming Malfoy,” I warned.
“I think every guy in the school has got that by now,” a smile played at his lips. “No, I... I need help in McGonagall,” He was almost sheepish to admit it.
I raised an eyebrow at him skeptically, but he did seem genuine about needing help.
“I’m not sure I’ll be much help, but I can try. My old teacher, Jones had a different way of explaining it...” I trailed off, a pang of remorse about leaving my old school in my chest.
And maybe the way Jones taught me made more sense to Draco because he did eventually start to understand the calculus on the paper beneath us. I realized that Draco was very methodical. He enjoyed having rules that worked every time no matter the question. A failsafe that kept him ahead of the curve.
“Do you miss it?” He asked as we started to pack for the next hour. 
“Miss what?”
“Your old school? It has to be a lot different than this hell hole,” His words were nonchalant but still skeptical.
“It’s not so bad here,” I defended weakly. “But... I miss it, yeah. I feel like I have to prove myself all over again. Back home—back in New York no one questioned me. The teachers trusted me... the staff knew me...” I sighed. “I’m a stranger here.”
The warning bell rang and the same sense of dread that settled upon me reflected in Draco’s eyes: we were halfway across campus and there was little hope of getting to Snape’s class in the two minutes we had left.
Both scrambling, we headed for the doors and tore down the hall. I followed Draco’s path because if I was honest, I still didn’t quite know my way around the school nor the quickest ways to certain buildings.
“Miss Y/l/n,” Snap looked down disapprovingly at me. “I hope you have reason for being late or it’s Saturday detention for you,”
My anxiety spiked as I fumbled out an explanation. In the corner of my eye, I saw Harry stand, ready to come to my defense, but there was no need. Flawlessly Draco directed the attention of the irritated teacher to him with a sly smile and quick lie, that wasn’t really a lie at all.
“It was my fault,” Draco smoothed quickly. “I was having Y/n help me with McGonagall’s homework and I kept her late.”
Snape’s eyes darted between the two of us before he sighed, telling us to get to our seats before he gave out detentions for disrupting his class.
With a breath of relief, I sat beside Draco. 
“Thank you,” I murmured.
He shrugged and took out his notes and homework just as Snape began to go over it. And we went back to ignoring each other. Except, this time, it deemed impossible for me not to glance at him every so often, or for my eyes not to drift to his notes on the table, making sure that I hadn’t missed anything. The hour seemed to end quicker than normal. As usual, Harry walked to gym with me, chatting about the upcoming game before the dance this weekend.
“So, you and Malfoy?” The comment caught me off guard. “I don’t like it,”
I rolled my eyes. “It’s nothing Harry,” I shrugged. “No need to let your little feud make up wild stories. He just needed help with calc,”
“Sure, the golden boy needed help with his homework,” Harry said flatly. “That’s believable.” 
“And what about it is so farfetched?” I demanded.
“He’s doing it for some reason. He knows you turned me down, maybe he’s trying to get at me by being nice to you,” The offhand comment had my blood boiling.
“Are you serious right now!?” I snapped. “What is so wrong with you that you can’t see past your own ego!?”
Storming off, the only relief from my anger I was allowed happened when I ‘accidentally’ pelted Harry with a ball in the face, sending him to the nurse. When my anger faded, doubt remained. Was Draco only trying to be nice to me to get at Harry? From what I knew of Draco secondhand, I wouldn’t put it past him.
Draco was shocked when Snape had called on you for a homework answer, and you admitted that you didn’t know. Didn’t you know that he didn’t mind you texting him about the homework? That helping you wasn’t the worst waste of his time in the world? You had done it before. Not days ago. And yet you allowed yourself to be ridiculed by Snape for your lack of habitual knowledge.
You didn’t notice the small frown that lingered on his face for the remainder of class as you kept your head down and doodled in your notebook. Deciding that he didn’t like your comatose, he did something that deemed childish: he passed you a note.
You ok?
You stared at the paper and looked over at him, biting your lip before scribbling: 
Fine. Pay attention.
Rolling his eyes, he took the paper back and wrote:
I can’t if you’re over here moping.
You took the small piece of paper and crumpled it in your hands, shoving it into your bag. Draco decided to leave you alone for the rest of the hour his curiosity still burning through him. A quick meeting of Harry’s livid stare, and Draco had a better idea of what was going on. He just hoped, for perhaps the first time ever, that he was wrong.
“Oi, what the hell did you say to Y/n?” Draco demanded, singling Potter out in the hall the next morning.
His curiosity and suspicions had festered over the night. Draco had made the conscious decision to text you, asking if you needed help with chem, and your lack of response had him worrying again.
“What are you going on about Malfoy?” Ron crossed his arms, coming to Harry’s defense.
“Stay out of this weasel,” Draco hissed, noticing the crowd that began to gather around the small confrontation. Most of his attention, however stayed focused on cold green eyes.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Malfoy,” Harry tipped his chin back. “What? Is she not bowing down at your feet like you’re used too?” A laugh barked out of him and Weasley and a few other onlookers.
“At least she’s got enough self-respect to not be on her knees for you,” Draco heard the familiar condescending voice of Pansy beside him. A grin curled onto his face at her words.
Harry didn’t know what to say to that it seemed, and it further proved Draco’s suspicions. 
“So, you did say something to her,” He accused. “She got her not a month ago and you’re already dragging her into our mutual hatred?” Draco wouldn’t stoop that low. It was pathetic. 
“Well if you hadn’t gone and pretended to need help with McGonagall’s work, there wouldn’t be a problem,” Harry gritted, as if he had the high ground.
“As opposed to you who pretends he doesn’t need help them blames others when he fails?” Draco snapped.
There was quite a large crowd gathering around now, and he and Harry were less than a foot apart. Both boys were on the verge of snapping.
Your voice was enough to distract him that he didn’t see Harry throw the first punch. Pain blistered across his jaw as fury burned in his eyes. Now the kids around them were chanting and egging on the fight. But Draco never had the chance to swing back.
Because you had drove yourself into the cleared circle and delivered a few punches of your own.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!?” You shouted at him kneeing him in the groin leaving him keeled over, groaning. “I told you to back the fuck off!”
Draco wasn’t as surprised at the comment as he was about the knowledge that you knew how to beat the pulp out of a star football player without a whim. You never seemed like the athletic type but the blood pouring from Harry’s nose begged that you were slightly more dangerous than Draco had originally thought.
“Are you okay?” Your wild worried eyes were trained on him.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” He didn’t mean for the words to be so harsh, but the hurt that flickered across your face made him regret them.
He wished he had time to explain exactly why you shouldn’t have done that, but McGonagall and Snape were already upon the scene and threatening detentions. He and Harry, of course, were called out as the other students scattered.
“McGonagall, please,” You stood loyally beside him, despite his harsh words. “Draco didn’t have a hand in this, I did.”
Both teachers raised their eyebrows in surprise. Draco just gaped at you. Harry was glaring and still bleeding.
“I see. All three of you go to Dumbledore’s office.” She said, her careful eyes not leaving yours.
Harry strode off first, perhaps feeling smug in the fact that either way, you or Draco would be in trouble for this encounter. Draco wondered if you knew you had just bought yourself three days suspension for fighting.
You were silent beside him as you flexed your hand. He pondered if you had hurt it in your fervor. He almost asked you. Then he remembered the hurt on your face at his last words and decided against it. You wouldn’t want to talk to him.
“So,” Dumbledore said pointedly. “I heard there was a bit of a skirmish today in the hall,” An amused smile sat upon the principal’s face, no doubt taking in Harry’s state. Draco wondered if his skin was bruising yet.
“It was me,” Draco said not realizing what he was doing.
“Oh, don’t you even,” You were scathing at him, your hands clenched again, pain flitting across your face—you definitely hurt your hand then. You turned to Dumbledore. “Harry swung at Draco and I stepped in. I’m the one who did it.”
“Mr. Potter?” Dumbledore raised an ancient eyebrow.
Harry seemed like he was debating whether or not he wanted to admit getting beat up by a girl. The thought made Draco smile, causing his jaw to hurt. He tried to flex it but halted when pain blossomed again.
“That’s what happened,” Harry admitted under his breath.
“And why, Mr. Malfoy, did Potter swing at you?” Dumbledore turned to him, an amused smile lingering on his face.
“I thought that Harry had said something to her that hurt her. She... wasn’t keeping up on homework and it was unlike her. After she turned Harry’s proposal to the dance down, I thought...”
“You turned down Mr. Potter’s proposal to the girl’s choice dance?” The principal turned back to you.
“His, Weasley’s, Cedric’s, Viktor’s,” You muttered, much to Dumbledore’s delight as the older man began to chuckle.
“Had quite a welcome here, haven’t you?”
“You could say that again,” Folding your arms, your face became solemn. 
“And do you have a reason for your actions?”
“I don’t like bullies, no matter where they come from,” Confidence founded your voice as you squared your shoulder. Never once had Draco ever heard someone call Harry a bully. The words had always been reversed. Everyone in the school saw the reputation in Draco, never Harry.
“Well, under normal circumstances, I’d have to suspend you and Mr. Potter here, but instead, I’m suspending you from being allowed to the dance this weekend. All three of you,”
“But sir!” Harry argued.
“Not another word Mr. Potter.” Dumbledore rose from his office chair. “My decision is final.”
Three ‘yes sir’s were mumbled as the three of you filed out of the office. You began to walk away, towards your next class Draco assumed, but he caught your non-injured hand, Harry slinking away himself.
“Let me go,” You shrugged him off.
“Wait,” Draco caught up to you, blocking you in the narrow hall of the office. “Look, about what I said,”
“Forget it Draco,” You snapped, and he could see unshed tears in your eyes. “Just leave me alone,” You pressed past him with a bit more force than necessary that had him after you again.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” He called, and you actually paused, your head turning in interest.
“Then what did you mean?” Your voice with thick. “Cuz all I see is a rich little prat who can’t say thank you. Or a self-centered guy who thinks I need someone to fight my battles for me. A high and mighty guy who thinks he can tell me what to do,” Your words were sharp and snarled. “So please, tell me what you meant.” The challenge dripped dangerously from your scowl.
“I...” Draco fumbled for the right words. “I’m not worth getting suspended for,” Your anger turned to confusion, turned sympathy, turned neutral.
“But I’m worth fighting for,” It was a stubborn and bold declaration. “And I know that,” A pause as you turned to leave. “So yeah, I should have done that,”
I couldn’t help the tears that streamed down my face as I nearly ran to the parking lot, yearning for the safety of my car. Slamming the door shut, I let out a frustrated yell and slumped in the seat.
The backroads under my tires held a calming solace as I drove the long way home. It was something that New York couldn’t replace: the backroads I had grown up on. With the windows down and the radio blaring, all of my thoughts were tuned out.
At a red light, I found the courage to call my father and explain what happened. He said I was grounded this weekend for fighting, but I didn’t mind much. It got me out of having to go to the dance, even if Dumbledore hadn’t already said I couldn’t. I smiled when my dad told me he was proud for standing up for myself and beating the hell out of Harry.
I found myself smiling as I pulled in at home. Icing my hand and popping some pain killers just in case, I scrolled through my notifications, only answering Hermione. I didn’t care what the school gossiped about or what rumors started because of the fight. Hermione just wanted to know if I was okay and if I’d want her to send the homework from the classes I missed. I told her yes to both and thanked her.
Another notification popped up.
Draco: are you okay? how’s your hand?
I stared at the notification, and instead of deleting the icon like I should have, I opened it and gazed at the words. His mood swings were giving me whiplash. I thought about ignoring it, but he had already seen that I had read it. Cursing modern technology, I responded.
Y/n: fine
Mulling it over, I sent another text.
Y/n: can you send me the chem homework? please
The messages that followed were unexpected. Steady and clear photos of his notes for the day— and week it looked like—as well as the worksheet Snape had given. I felt a pang if gratitude towards Draco in that moment and his words from earlier settled in.
Draco has confronted Harry because he was worried about me. Somehow, he had picked up on how Harry’s words had affected me and driven me into doubt and a few missing homework assignments. Tears sprung back up in my eyes without my consent. It left me regretting the words I had snapped at him earlier. I let him know as much with another text.
Draco: most of it was justified
Draco: I know I’m not the easiest person to know 
Y/n: I was still wrong to say it. I’m sorry
Y/n: and you’re not so bad :)
There wasn’t a response from him for half an hour, so I settled down and began to transcribe his notes into my own notebook, then began to untangle the questions that the worksheet gave me. The crumpled note from a few days ago spilled out of my bag. I took it, unfurling it, running my hand over his words. I tucked it in my chemistry binder, smiling softly at his kindness.
Anxiety fluttered in my chest the next day as I drove up to school and parked in my usual spot. I felt torn between two clicks—probably the only two clicks this school had, and I had managed to get caught in the middle of a turf war—the thing that I wanted to escape by moving back in with my dad and I still managed to find myself in the same situations. Maybe it was just me. Maybe I was the problem.
Shaking the thought, I headed to first hour just as the bell rang in my efforts to avoid confrontation. Other than a few approving comments from my sorta friends, no one seemed put out that I had fought their golden boy. It eased my anxiety as the day went on. I was quelled a bit more when I heard that Harry wasn’t in school today. And maybe I smiled at that a bit.
“The jackass deserved it,” Ginny shrugged, “If you hadn’t shown up, I wouldn’t have hesitated either,”
She calmed the majority of my fears with her words unknowingly. If there had been one person I didn’t want to cross it was Ginny—she was fierce and took no prisoners. If the school had a queen bee, it would have been Gin.
“Is your hand alright?” Luna asked during art class. “You seem a bit off your game today,” She noticed my failing live portrait.
Luna was always quiet but observant of others, and it drew me towards the peaceful girl. Her calm nature as well as my fierce need to protect her from bullies kept me as her partner despite the seat changes in Trelawney’s art class. The teacher didn’t seem to care as Luna and I were some of her best students although Luna’s whimsical style contrasted my realistic preference heavily.
“It hurts a bit,” I answered truthfully. “But not enough to cry about,” There were yellow and purplish tinges to my knuckles, but nothing was broken.
“Everyone’s talking about it,” Luna semi-whispered. “Are you and Draco together?”
“No,” I answered a bit more harshly than I meant and refined my answer. “I was tired of Harry being an egotistical ass and dragging me into it,”
“He’s probably just jealous,” Luna gave offhand, adding some shading to her sketch. “Boys are like that,”
“Jealous? Of what?” I scoffed. “He’s with Ginny, and it’s not like I fancy anyone at this school,”
“Yes, I heard about all the failed proposals to the dance.” A smile touched her lips, “Regardless, from the outside, the only person you’ve shown interest in is Draco, and Harry doesn’t like it,”
“Well, he needs to get over it,” I muttered. “I’m not some prize to be won,”
My annoyance didn’t fade as I slumped into my seat at lunch, grateful that Harry was absent today because I might have just gone off on him again. Stupid teenage boys thinking they have some claim over a girl.
Harry was back the next day, looking worse for wear. I went to apologize, but he didn’t allow me too, saying he deserved it and the he was the one who was sorry. I wondered if Ginny had a hand in his apology. Shrugging, I decided it didn’t matter. At least Harry, and maybe everyone else at the small school, knew that I could handle myself.
The weekend passed, and I didn’t notice much. Hermione sent me a few pictures of the dance. They held no interest to me, but at least they were having fun.
On Monday, it seemed that Draco had gone back to ignoring me. At least that’s how it appeared for about the first half of Snape’s lecture. Then every so often I’d catch him staring at me, or my notes. His eyes would quickly dart down when he realized that I had noticed his gazes. It left me frowning and struggling to focus.
It was Wednesday that Hermione and I talked about the calculus test coming up on Friday. I glanced over to Draco, wondering if he’d need help or a study partner for the exam. I wondered if he’d be too proud to ask. Or if I’d be too stubborn to offer.
“Go over there and ask,” Hermione nudged my arm, picking up on my train of thought.
“I shouldn’t,” I shook my head. “Besides, you’d be a better tutor than I am,”
“Yes, but Draco doesn’t like me. You on the other hand,” An amused smile lingered on her face.
“We’re friends,” I insisted. “That’s all,”
“More than it was last week,” She pointed out. “Draco’s always been a stuffy prat, but I see how he is with you. He’s almost... normal.”
My eyes shifted back over to his lunch table, where he was hunched over a book, tuning out the dark-haired girl beside him as she prattled about something adamantly. Something the girl said must have caught Draco’s attention, perhaps she warned him about my gaze, because his eyes met mine. I looked down quickly, my cheeks flushing.
“He’s coming over,” Hermione whispered.
“Stop staring,” I hissed under my breath, breaking my own rule by looking up.
“Can I talk to you?” His voice was quiet and guarded, his eyes sliding over my company. 
“What’s up?” I asked casually.
I looked to Hermione who was saying if I didn’t go, she’d never forgive me with a single look.
“Sure,” I stood, gathering my things and followed him out of the cafeteria and down the halls, to the library. “Did you want help for the calc test Friday?” I asked softly as we sat at the same table as our previous encounter.
“Well, yes,” He chuckled softly. “I... also wanted to talk to you... about last week, and...” His eyes refused to meet mine. I waited in silence for him to continue. “This... this doesn’t have to be anything, and I know you’d probably rather it weren’t... but I’ve never actually...”
I raised my eyebrows, leaning closer to him, the butterflies in my chest growing more restless with each second that passed. They had begun to arrive on the day of the fight, and now it seemed like they were taking flight for the first time.
“You came here a month ago... and in that time have managed to capture every guys heart in this school and then proceeded to turn most of them down. You’ve gotten into fights and out of trouble and you’re really someone I should avoid, but... I don’t want to, not anymore.”
“You think you should avoid me?” The question was soft on my lips. His eyes flashed to mine in brief panic.
“Again, not what you think,” He sighed and scrubbed his face, then proceeded to wince at the pain that no doubt was triggered by his action. “I should avoid you because if I’m being honest, I’m not much better than Harry, and I wouldn’t be someone you’d want to be with. And it would make it easier for the both of us if I avoided you.”
“Cards on the table then?” I mused softly and he nodded, begging my candor. “I know what they say about you. And I have my own opinions, but...” I paused and smiled. “You are the first guy who hasn’t acted like an arrogant jackass to me,” Then mended, “At least in a way that hasn’t made me want to deck you,”
“That’s comforting,” A smile reached his eyes this time.
“And... if it had to be anyone... I’d probably want it to be you,” This surprised him, told by the expression on his face. “In terms of intelligence, I feel semi-confident to say that you wouldn’t drive me mad with your lack of knowledge, because most of the kids at this school are so dull,” I muttered then continued. “You’ve been kind to me, and never pushed me into doing anything I haven’t wanted to do,”
“So, you wanted to beat the shit out of Potter then?” The same smile turned to a grin.
“It was bound to happen eventually,” I chuckled softly. “You gave me a valid excuse, to which I thank you,”
“Shouldn’t I be thanking you? For ya know, being my knight in shining armor coming to my rescue?”
I laughed at his words and shook my head at his antics.
“Does that make you my damsel in distress?” It never occurred to me how easy it might be to talk to Draco, considering we’d barely said a word to each other since my arrival.
“If I must be,” He feigned distaste, the smile not leaving his face long enough to convince me of his façade.
A silence fell between us.
“Is this something then?” His words were riddled with uncertainty.
“It’s not nothing,” I offered. “But I don’t know what it is yet.”
“Would you be willing to see what it is?” Draco’s voice turned hopeful.
“If you’re willing to be patient,” My eyes met his grey ones, storms above the seas held in them. “I don’t really... date. Flings and a list of exes isn’t really on my bucket list ya know?”
“Understandable,” His smile returning. “Not that I prefer them either,”
I sighed softly. “People are gonna talk, if they’re not already,” It was a defeating thought.
“Let them talk,” Draco shrugged, lost in thought. “That’s all they do. No matter where you go,”
“It’s a bit worse in a small town,” I challenged.
“I’ll give you that,” He chuckled. “But things are a bit less scandalous in a small town,”
“Granted,” I thought of New York and how the smallest things morphed into rumors and gossip that took down empires. Here, in the middle of nowhere our problems seemed almost trivial.
“So,” He raised an eyebrow at me, awaiting my verdict.
“So,” I mimicked. “This... this can be something,”
Draco had never once thought of dating. Ever. Whereas Pansy couldn’t wait to have her next summer love, Draco... he was reserved. Not that he ever held it against Pansy, and of course he was there to curse the name of her exes with her, but him dating? It was laughable.
He could claim that ‘you weren’t like other girls,’ but it’d be a lie. You were just the perfect mix of being like other girls that appealed to him so much. The girls he had passed in the halls for years and never once felt attraction to were now suddenly a bit more interesting. Granger had calculus with you and was very good at the subject, sharing your passion for it. Ginny had the same fire in her eyes as you did when you were angry. Even Lovegood seemed less like a spaz and a bit more down to earth in the few passing moments that he saw her when picking you up from art class.
“I might warn you,” he whispered gently the next day, hand in yours as you headed to the cafeteria. “Pansy has been dying to talk to you... so heads up,”
A laugh fell through your lips as he opened the door for you, the cafeteria, once buzzing solemnly was now almost hushed as eyes turned to the couple at the door.
“Oi! Malfoy!”
Draco tensed at the curt calling of his name but relaxed when you smiled and waved to Ginny.
“Come sit with us,” The redhead offered. “No need in you taking Y/n away from us,”
“Get Pansy,” You smiled, letting his hand go as you went to drop your stuff at the table before heading toward the lunch line.
“Can I talk to her now?” Pansy demanded.
“She’s all yours,” Draco chuckled, trailing behind his dark-haired friend, a smile resting on his face as you entertained all of Pansy’s question with unbelievable grace.
Tensions were high as Draco sat with you at your usual lunch table, Pansy on his other side, but it seemed that you, Ginny, and Hermione had the boys under control, so nothing more than loathsome glares were exchanged before the conversation settled into something pleasant.
It took a couple weeks, but the bruises on your hand and his jaw faded, then soon Harry’s broken nose was healed, and it was as if nothing had ever happened. As if it were preposterous that your group ever had animosity against another.
True to your word and his, it wasn’t exactly dating. He dedicated a lot of his effort to figuring out what you were comfortable with and what you weren’t. Something that appealed to both of you was holding hands in the hallways. The gawking faces of those around you seemed to keep a smile on your face. You had tamed the rich prat and he had tamed the spitfire in their eyes. And perhaps he was a bit kinder to those around him. And maybe you weren’t as volatile. Maybe you had finally settled into the small town.
Slowly it seemed, you sifted into the role of a girlfriend—well, whatever the equivalent was for you and him. It took some coaxing and a compromise, but you allowed him to pick you up and drive you to school—three out of five days of the week. He looked forward to those mornings and didn’t mind leaving earlier as long as you were at the end of the road under his tires. You were defiant about him paying for things, mundane things like lunch or random gifts, so he tried to keep it at a minimum, or at least didn’t let on how much he had spent on you.
Draco was never one for physical affection. His parents had been distant and reserved. Closed off. He wasn’t bitter about it, but he was worried that it might affect how he was around you. But it seems that you were a bit standoffish as well. The abrasion faded over time, but it was still never over abundant. You held his hand, that was easy and almost routine for the both of you, and though he hadn’t kissed you yet, displays of make outs in the halls never appealed to any part of him. Ever.
But he wouldn’t forget the first time you kissed him. It was a quiet night at your place after you two had studied for Snape’s final. You declared if you looked at another carbon bond you were going to scream, so you slammed your binder shut and led him to the old sofa and pulled him down, both of you nestled beside another as you flickered through TV stations, settling on something that held half your interest.
His arm draped around your shoulder, a gentle sign of affection that you returned by resting your head on his shoulder, your arm stretching across his stomach, holding him. His hand absentmindedly played in your hair, earning soft sounds of agreement from your lips as he continued. Your exhausted face in the TV light held all of his interest. The way your eyelashes fluttered eleven your eyes changed focus, or the way you worried your lip now and again almost thoughtlessly. Never knowing that it drove him mad.
Draco called your name softly, earning your attention. Your faces were inches apart and he could feel your soft breaths mix with his. Your eyes searched his for something—what exactly he wasn’t sure. But you must have decided that whatever you found was enough, because you leaned up and closed the distance between your lips and his.
He smiled at the moment and the ones that followed. The desire that built in his chest and the gentle pant of need that left your lips, flushing across his as you pulled away.
“Thank you,” You had murmured.
He smiled at you simple gratitude and wondered why you thought it necessary. Did you believe that he didn’t want to kiss you? That you weren’t constantly in his psyche? Imagining how soft and warm your skin must be? Wondering if the rest of you was worked and scarred like your hands from years of use?
Not knowing what you were thinking—or why he was for that matter—he pulled you into his lap as the two of you sat on the couch, cradling you close, letting you know that he craved your affection though he wasn’t the best at portraying the ideal.
You had fallen asleep in his lap that night. When your dad came in to check on the two of you, Draco thought your father would be furious but instead he smiled and suggested that Draco carry you to your room so that you could stretched out on your bed and sleep for the night. Those were the few moments that Draco had ever been in your room. It was one of your fathers rules—which he humbly agreed to. The sight made him smile. It was perfectly you. An organized chaos of all of your favorite things.
You barely noticed him setting you into your bed and pulling the covers over your shoulders after removing you shoes.
He preferred your home over his. It took about two months before you coaxed him into the idea of meeting his parents formally. Draco was terrified, knowing that his parents disapproved just about everyone in the town they lived in, save a few families. He wasn’t sure how they felt about the divorcee and his daughter living on the outskirts of town.
“You understand how much of a bad idea this is?” Draco hissed as he walked you up the front steps of the pristine farmhouse—it was the last attempt he made before it was too late to back out.
“They’re just your parents,” You took his hand, saying the words nonchalantly.
“That’s why I’m worried! They’re my parents!” He dismayed.
“Dray, love, it’s gonna be okay,” You reassured, and he couldn’t argue with the honesty in your eyes.
You’d never stop surprising him. He didn’t think ever. He knew his parents were hard people to entertain. There were thousands of unspoken rules that they forced him to follow and you picked up on them as easily as you knew calculus. Sit one way, speak another, you blended in flawlessly. Your persona differed from the one he knew, but it was still perfectly you.
“And you moved here? From New York?” His father eyed you skeptically.
 “Father—” A cold look silenced Draco.
“Yes sir,” Your smile was sweet and conniving.
“Was the city not satisfactory for you?”
“It had a certain charm,” You spoke softly. “But I didn’t want to give my teenage years to a concrete jungle when I could call here my home,”
“Well,” Draco’s mother cut in before his father had a change to reply. “You sure do have quite a spirit in you. I can see what our Draco likes about you,”
You smiled and looked over at him. The blush on your cheeks matched his.
“Thank you,”
Lunch came and passed. If it was out of the ordinary in any way to you, you gave no sign.
You did however, pause, gazing at his grand piano that sat in the drawing room, your face pensive.
“You play?” He mused, curious. You hadn’t let on if your hidden talent. 
“Not very well,” You muttered back. “It’s been years.”
“Y/n, do you play my dear?” His mother cut in. “You must play for us,”
“I...” Glancing at the piano, you caught your lip in worry.
“Mother, if she isn’t comfortable, she doesn’t have to,” Draco defended.
“No, it’s alright... you must forgive me, it’s been a few years since I’ve played properly.”
The shy smile on your face didn’t fade as you made your way to the instrument. He shadowed you all the while, asking one more time before you began to play.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Your smile turned warmer. “It’ll be alright.”
Draco watched as you placed your hands on the glossy white keys and fell into a pattern as they searched for the next note, the next chord, the next verse. And you kept forging ahead until your piece had come to an end. Draco should have known that you’d lie about having the talent tucked away.
“That was lovely,” His mother fawned from somewhere behind. “Draco you must play with her,”
The eyebrow you raised at him informed him that maybe he also hid the talent from you unintentionally. Who did you think the piano belonged to?
“Any ideas?” He muttered softly, placing his hands on the keys next to yours.
“Moonlight Sonata?” It was a simple request, and one that he knew decently enough to nod.
Draco began the repetitive harmony as you waited for the melody and joined him. Your fingers played in time and in tune as the song unfolded—your hands trailing along the treble clef and his adding in the deeper bass tones.
It wasn’t until one of his hands ran into yours that the dance faltered, and four hands banged on the keys in frustration. Draco laughed at the simple fact that you had the same response to making a mistake as he did while playing. Your soft laughter joined his.
Someone cleared their throat behind him, and you both turned, meeting the scrutinizing gaze of his father. Draco looked down anxious and respectful and you followed suit, your hand finding his in reassurance.
“Perhaps if you two had more time to practice together, you two wouldn’t be tripping over another.” His father mused.
“Father?” Draco looked up. “Does that mean?”
“Yes, she is welcomed here any time she wishes.” His father gave a small smile.
 Relief flooded through both of you. Draco might have even slouched momentarily. 
Tags: @coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87@artemismohr18@whygz @crazywritingbug @fuzzy-panda@bitemebro522@zombiesnips-blog@savingdraco@welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180@slytherin-emerald@memalfoy-spidey @queenfeatherwings@fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans@darling-im-not-okay-i-promise  @dietkiwi @katsukink@takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen@hxneybgb @justsomerandomgur@belcvayelena@moviesbooksandfandoms @howdycharlie@xtrashmouthxtozierx@cocochanelthepupper @ninacotte@braelynn-j @jiggllyy@honeymarvel @darcypotter-blog@atomicpunkrock @thiccheerioss@lottie289 @boredashaeck@beautiful-pegasus @tceedlmao @deadlynyghtshayde @iconjuresnapeingrandmaclothes @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @lunna-does-real-doodle @dragonsandbread  @okaydraco @the-queen-of-hell-things @cmxreader @alienmotel @oh-itsnothing @sunflowerxsadnessw @fattycooter @angelotakunerd08 @thisisahugemistake @fanficsigottaread @gweaslvy @strawberriesonsummer @gaysludge @cleopatera @ray-of-sunrise @artist-bby @shadowsingeraxolotl @quillsareforwriting @ghostlytoadalmondhairdo @wollymalfoy @lilpieceoftoast  @paper-cats @floweryjh @sdicapriox @peachesandpinks @hufflautia @livize75 @annie-mcl @riathearora @live-like-luna @justathoughtfulangel @coconutdawn @skteaiy @wannabeskinny-thinspo @naughtygranger @queenofmankind @dragonsandbread @abundantxadorations @moony-artnstuff @myforeveryoungblog @and-then-a-girl-with-luv @1-800-luvsick @pandas-rice-field @strawberriesonsummer @jjustsomerandomgirl @mrvlfangirl3190 @in-slytherin-we-trust @emmaa-t @introvertedrae @infinity1o1 @stoleurmomsvan @echpr @sunkissed-hufflepuff @dekulover @marshmallowtraver @cereuselle @lonely-skywalker @xlosttdreamss @sleepysnapesnake @hoeforthefictional @coldlilheart @helen-paris @romance-geek @rosie-starlit-sky @californiaa-babyy @vulture-withafile @hogstupefy @littlepanda-love @eveft @iraniq @groovyfluxie @cool-weirdo-wannabee-author @siriusblackdies @in-slytherin-we-trust @rosegold-thorns @criminaly-supernatural​
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manndo · 4 years
good news all around [ben hardy x reader]
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pairing[s]: ben hardy x reader
warning[s]: pregnancy (not sure if that’s a warning, but i am putting it out there just in case)
word count: 1.4k
prompt[s]: “well that’s the second biggest news I’ve heard all day” from this list.
summary: ben’s has come home and told you some big news. well, you have even bigger news for him.
author’s notes: alright, so wow. i haven’t posted a fic in well, in forever. this one has been waiting in my drafts to get edited, which i have now finally gotten around to. so yea, here we go! i do not know the process that is involved in how actors get gigs, when they can read a whole script, etc. so, i apologize for any errors in that department. also, in this fic, the reader and ben have been together since before Bohemian Rhapsody. this is my first ben hardy fic. crossing my fingers that you guys like it. if you do, comments/reblogs/likes are greatly appreciated. thanks for reading. all mistakes are my own. sending you all my love during this time!! ❤️
“Bedroom!” You yelled back, smiling to yourself as stood in the doorway of your ensuite, eyes staring down at the two tests in your hand. Two pink lines. Positive. Pregnant. You couldn’t help the excitement that was flooding your veins, and settling into your bones.
You and Ben had been trying (as in “going at it practically every night — and day — the two of you could spare” trying) for almost eight months. You’d already taken 2 tests, with no positive in sight. So, though you hoped that this test wouldn’t be negative, you braced yourself the possibility. But this time, it was different. This time, after you’d taken the test and waited the allotted time, there were two lines. Two lines. Pregnant. Immediately, you took the second test you’d bought (just in case), and got the same result — positive. You were finally pregnant.
“Babe?” You quickly tossed the test on the counter next to the other one and stepped out of the ensuite to find a frazzled looking Ben standing in the doorway of your bedroom. There was a grin a mile wide on his face, and his hair, which was always perfectly styled when he left the house, was in disarray. His blue eyes were sparkling with glee, and you could practically feel him buzzing with excitement across the room. For a split second, you wondered if he somehow knew your news, but that was ridiculous. There was no way Ben could know.
“Ben, what’s going—”
“I got it.” You furrowed your brows in confusion. “I got the gig!”
It took another second before you finally realized what he was taking about. “You mean—”
You didn’t think Ben’s grin could get bigger or brighter, but some how it did. “Yep, that’s the one!”
The one — the World War II film that was to be directed by Steven Spielberg. Ben had been talking about it for what seemed like forever. He had spent hours pouring over the script once he’d gotten it, practically memorized it — even the parts that weren’t his — backwards and forwards. Though, Ben always enjoyed the roles he had gotten, you hadn’t seen him this jazzed about a project since Bohemian Rhapsody. Hell, he wanted this so bad that you could almost taste it, so to speak. And now, he’d gotten it. He’d gotten it. 
You felt your face light up in joy for the second time in the last twenty minutes. “You got it?”
Ben nodded so rapidly you thought he was gonna break his neck. “Got the call right before I pulled in. Can you believe it?” he said, laughter escaping his lips.
“Of course I can!” you exclaimed and bolted toward him, engulfing him in your arms the moment you were close enough, and burying your face in his broad chest. You felt and heard a small chuckle escape his lips as his arm encircled your waist and squeezed, holding you almost as tight as you were holding him. You squeezed a little more. “You’re amazing, Ben,” you said, voice slightly muffled by his chest. You pulled away, and looked at Ben, both of you still smiling. “You worked so hard for this, babe. I’m just—” you stopped. You released your hold on Ben’s midsection, only to reach out and grab his face with both hands. “God, I’m just so fucking proud of you,” you said before easing yourself up on your tip toes and capture Ben’s lips in a searing kiss. Ben easily returned the kiss. For a few moments, you were lost in each other, before finally, you pulled away, and lowered yourself to your original height. You flashed him a wicked grin. “Well, that’s the second biggest news I’ve heard all day.”
Ben’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Second biggest?” You nodded, letting your hands fall from Ben’s face to his chest. You gave him a gently push and tried to step away. You didn’t get far, but Ben seemed to get the hint and unwrapped his arms from around your waist. “What are you talking about?”
You said nothing, just continued to grin as you took two steps away from him. Ben mirrored your movement, moving forward two steps. “Love, what are you—”
“Just—” you started, but stopped. Instead, you held up held up a finger, signaling for him to give you a minute as you took another step back. Ben said nothing. Immediately, you turned on your heel, and made a beeline toward the bathroom. You blindly grabbed for one of the tests, and whipped it behind your back before stepping back into the bedroom. Ben still looked adorably confused as you came to stand a foot away from him.
You brandished the test from behind your back and held it in front of him. Ben’s eyes moved from your face to the test. You watched, still grinning like a fool, as his eyes focused on the test. A few seconds ticked by before his blue eyes widened. A look of shock and awe appeared on his face, before his eyes focused back on you.
You nodded your head rapidly, your eyes never leaving Ben’s. “We’re gonna have a baby,” you said, excitement laced through every word.
Ben grinned. “We’re gonna have baby!” There was a momentary pause before you were engulfed in his strong arms and hoisted off the ground.
“Benjamin!” you squealed in surprise, test clattering to the floor as you quickly grabbed on to his shoulders. Ben said nothing, spinning you around instead as he laughed. You couldn’t help but laugh with him as he spun you not once, but twice, before coming to a halt. Yours and Ben’s laughter had died down, but as you looked down at Ben, you could see the unbridled joy in his bright blue eyes. You could even see them shimmering with unshed tears. You felt tears of your own prickling at the back of your eyes. 
“We’re gonna have a baby,” he repeated, his voice soft, but still filled with awe.
You nodded. Gently, Ben set you down, and unwrapped his arms from around your waist, but he didn’t pull away. Instead, he stepped closer, pressing a tender kiss to your lips before resting his forehead against yours. A happy little sigh escaped Ben’s lips as his eyes fell closed. You followed suit. “I’m gonna be a dad,” he said, barely above a whisper. “And you’re gonna be a mum.” A pause. “We’re gonna be parents.”
You felt yourself smiling. “I like the sound of that,” you said, your voice equally as quiet.
Another moment of silence passed.
“Shit,” Ben cursed, breaking you out of the moment. Your eyes flew open as Ben pulled away from you. You could see panic in his eyes, and you wondered, was he already regretting this? The two of you had planned, and agreed, but was he already changing his tune? Your heart plummeted into your stomach.
“What about the gig? It starts in a two months, and we’re gonna be shooting for at least three months—”
You felt a relief was over you, your worst fear being vanquished. “Ben,” you said softly, reaching out and laying a hand on his chest, over his heart. His blue eyes looked at you, still a little too wild for your taste. “Ben, sweetheart,” you said again, trying to pull his full attention to you as you rested one hand on his cheek. “We’ll figure it out.”
“But I—”
“We’ll figure it out,” you repeated softly, but sternly, determined. “We have some time to figure it, and we will. Let’s just, enjoy the moment, alright?”
“What if I miss something. What if I’m not there—”
“Benjamin Jones.” You put your hands on your hips and gave him a hard stare. “If you don’t stop talking right this second, I will throw you out of this house. Pregnant or not, I will do it.”
Ben opened his mouth. “I—”
You raised an eyebrow, your eyes daring him to keep going. There was a brief pause, Ben’s mouth hanging open, before he slowly let it close. You smiled triumphantly, and let your hands fall from your hips. “Good. Now that that’s settled.” A sly smile appeared on you lips. “Let’s go and clean that spare bedroom, shall we?”
“The spare bedroom?”
“Well, we need a nursery, don’t we?” You asked, as if it should be obvious, and turned on your heel.
“That place is a mess, love!”
“I know,” you replied back, your voice a little higher pitched, a little sing-song even. 
“Babe!” Silence. “You said we had time!”
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Possessively in Love
Chapter 1
A love tringle between Hitoshi Shinsou - Denki Kaminari - Katsuki Bakugou
Written by gremlin-writes-angst
TW: Cursing and a inappropriate joke
Let me know if I missed any triggers or if there are spelling mistakes. 
Feedback is encouraged
Click here if you want to see more of my work!
Bakugou doesn't know how or when he developed feelings for the electric blonde in his class but he knew that they were there and they were strong and he hated those feelings. What he hated more was that the rest of his class seemed to like Denki too, not romantically like him, but they still touched him more than Bakugou thought was appropriate for friends. So without noticing he started becoming more protective of Denki, but it didn't go unnoticed by his classmates. Even though he was protective of the Stun Gun Hero, he still treated him worse than the others in his friend group and he had his reasons. Bakugou thought ahead of time, he thought that as a pro hero he won’t have time to love someone. At first, he tried to get rid of his feelings for Denki, but it was harder than he thought and so he moved on to plan b, make Denki hate him. Well, he didn’t necessarily want Denki to hate him just not to fall in love with him or anybody else. It worked for the most part, except for the fact that every insult he threw at Denki hurt him because it obviously hurt Denki, even if Denki played it off bakugou always saw the split second of hurt on Denki’s face, but it was for his good, at least that’s what he told himself. Bakugou had another problem, it was purple and always around Denki, and it wasn’t Mineta, it was Hitoshi Shinsou the bastard that replaced the purple perv.
Bakugou’s POV
I was in a decent mood, then was spammed by the group chat from my classmates. Apparently, Mina and Momo wanted to throw a party for the new purple student. I normally wouldn’t be caught dead at a party but I don’t trust the brainwashing bastard, I've seen him around Denki, and everything he does infuriates me. His tired eyes and eyebags almost disappear when he’s with Denki, his checks are too pink when Denki gave him the slightest compliment. What gave eyebags the idea that he was worthy of Denkis affection, I'm not worthy of his love than nobody is. I have to be there to prevent him and any other extras from being with Denki. God knows that now that the purple extra lives in their dorms and goes to their class, that he’s gonna try harder to be with Denki, and this party is gonna decided where he lands in the class, and I have a sneaking suspicion that the rest of the "Bakusquad" thinks that he should be apart of our group. First, they forced their friendship on me, then they started to call it the "Bakusquad" even though I threatened to blow their faces off, and even though they forced that name, my name, I still make zero decisions about who is allowed in the group, I mean I should have a veto or some shit if it’s named after me. As much as I wished I was wrong, God doesn’t like me so of course when I walk out of the slow-ass elevator, theirs the fucker flirting with Denki, I had to decide whether to barf or to scare the bastard off. I approach the two Denkis back is facing me but I know the brainwasher can see me when I’m close enough to hear them the purple bastard makes eye contact with me and then I heard his fucking voice
"you’re a mess Kaminari" 
break eye contact he lifted his hand and wiped something off Denkis face, It disgusteing he could have used a fucking napkin it’s right there on his plate, but now he wanted the skin-to-skin contact, even if it so small, what selfish bastard. I was broke from my rant by Denki's laugh. I hate that sound, unless it’s for me then it’s almost as disgusting as eyebag’s voice. While he’s laughing Denki just makes the situation worse
"How many times have I told you to call me Denki"
I don’t care how much Denki wants the bitch  to call him by his first name it’s not happening on my watch. I sped up so I was behind Denki before the purple-brained idiot could react.
Denki’s POV
I look at my phone to see if Bakugou is gonna come down for the party, I know he doesn’t like socializing but it could be fun especially if he gets down here. While typing out another text to send Bakugou I'm interrupted by somebody.
"What are you doing on your phone, is my party too boring for you?" 
Hitoshi Shinsou's voice is even and sounds serious but I know he was joking. I've noticed that he seems to be more relaxed around me than the others. I hope I can make him less anxious about my friends.
"You know that’s not it, I was just checking to see if Bakubro was gonna show."
after I finish talking I take a bite of cake, I watch as Shinsou rolls his eyes and replays in the same voice as always
"I could care less about that jerk, especially if you’re here with me."
I’ve been told that I'm terrible at picking up signals, I always think people are flirting with me, unless they are flirting then I think they aren’t. So is Hitoshi Shinsou, the guy who is just my type, flirting with me, no no no it isn’t possible, but what if he is? I choke up on my cake from the possible flirting, Shinsou gives a short chuckle, that makes me blush more.
"You’re a mess Kaminari."
I know I am --- wait what is my hand doing oh calm down he's just going to touch my face, just breathe it’s normal. Trying to breathe normal fails and I let down a nervous laugh, I don’t want him to think I'm  nervous so I pretend its a normal laugh, ok I can play this off
"How many times have I told you to call me Denki?"
I watch Shinsou’s face shift into a more intense scowl than his everyday tired scowl. At the same time, I start to feel protected, not that I need it but it felt nice. I don’t need to turn around to know that it’s Bakugou, he seems to like to protect me, probably because I'm a part of the Bakusquad, I kind of wish it was more personal than just being in the same friend group but hey what can you do.
Shinsou’s POV
Kaminari joked I could tell he was trying to hide his nervous laugh and flushed face. Ignoring Kaminari Bakugou speaks up
I don’t remember thinking about making eye contact with Mr.Blasty boy, I guess it’s like an instinct now, to piss him off, but he deserves it, if he’s gonna treat me like a threat I’ll be a threat. I would like to say that I wiped the frosting off Kaminaris’s face because I wanted to help him but I know that it was also to piss off Bakugou. I just enjoyed his face twist in disgust, his pace sped up to get to us faster, I said it already but he deserves it. When he’s finally behind Kaminari I watch as he tilts his head to make him look taller and scarier, but it won’t work on me. I take a step closer to Denki while staring down Bakugou!
" Wow, sandwiched between two guys I thought this only happened in my dreams?"
"What are you doing talking to Dunceface?"
Dunceface, I've heard Bakugou call him that a few times, and I saw that way Kaminaris eyes lost any positive emotion when he heard that name. It infuriated me, why was he so protective of Kaminari but also calls him names like Dunceface, it didn’t make sense
"I’m enjoying my party, and trying to raise Kaminari’s confidence."
I know what I saw is straight forward but that’s how I am, especially with Kaminari. Kaminari was kind, cute, fun and though I would have to argue with many for this next one, I know he's smart. He's a catch and I know others have and will fall for him so I want to make him mine sooner than later.
"What’s that suppose to mean?"
Bakugou knew the answer yet he still acts as if he doesn’t
"For someone who calls others stupid, you seem to need everything spelled out for you. You.Make.Him.Insecure."
With my feet planted I lean closer to Bakugou's face, Kaminari goes to move out from the two of us, he makes it, but then Bakugou grabs his wrist and pulls Kaminari behind him. I relax my stance, still glaring into saggy pant's eyes. We stay there for a while until Momo announces that pizza has arrived. Bakugou tears his eyes from mine along with a tsk, I take that as a win and leave to go get some food. I don’t have to be there for Bakugou to ruin his chances with Kaminari, he does that himself, I’d rather enjoy my party.
All characters belong to Horikoshi and his series Boku No Hero Academia
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chilly-me-softly · 4 years
Every Little Thing’s Gonna Be Alright • Chapter 18
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17
"Wow girls you are... wow" Ben is pleasantly surprised as soon as he sees the two girls leave the room. Deb immediately approaches him and the two share a tender kiss while Evelyn looks down embarrassed at the compliment, suddenly feeling in their way.
Eventually the three of them make their way to the lift and Evelyn's heart misses a beat every time the lift stops at other floors, opening those doors so slowly it tortures her again and again by showing people she doesn't know, before finally arriving at the right one. And so she suddenly decides to get herself together. She went through a birth weeks before and nearly feels sick about a guy. Absolutely not.
The room is bright and warm, not making her regret wearing a strapless dress at all. There are already plenty of people around, small groups chatting and laughing. Ben at her side places a hand at the base of her back leading them forward to find Gareth Southgate, Harry Kane and his wife a few steps later.
"Ben, good to see you. And with two lovely ladies I can see"
"My girlfriend Deb and my sister Evelyn" he makes the introductions after shaking his manager's hand.
"Oh Evelyn, nice to finally meet you in person. Congratulations on your baby girl" the girl smiles trying to keep from glaring at the guy next to her as she shakes hands with everyone there.
"I'm sorry if he bothered you. My brother doesn't know where to draw the line"
"Nah next training session he'll get what he deserves" Kane teases him making everyone laugh under his brother's mock indignant look.
The round of introductions continues as Ben leads both of them around the room. She doesn't feel as nervous as she had imagined, everyone is so nice and friendly and the fact that she sees almost everyone at least once a week via a screen has helped to make the environment even more familiar despite not really knowing them. But it's only fair because she finds herself on the other side for a few minutes too, experiencing what it feels like to be known by everyone but not be known at the same time. It turns out that everyone seems to know her thanks to Ben's big mouth but if nothing else that had taken the pressure off of finding conversation topics.
"You know who just walked in, get ready" Deb whispers to her while Ben is busy having a conversation with James a few steps away from them. And Evelyn does everything in her power not to turn around, clutching her glass of water wishing it was something more at that moment.
"Oh finally! You're always late mat," Ben comments as soon as he sees Jack, the two of them exchanging the usual handshake as the boy laughs. And her gaze inevitably ends on him.  
The suit wraps his body properly, the tie is perfectly done and for a moment she wonders if someone has helped him. But there is no one at his side and she feels stupidly relieved. Their eyes meet for a brief moment and that is enough to send a shiver down her spine.
"Jack, do you remember my sister Evelyn?"
"How could I not. I mean we spent a whole day putting that cot together, did we?!" he steps forward leaning over slightly to leave a kiss on her cheek. And as he does the same greeting Deb, a trail of his scent reaches her nostrils. He looks so calm, as if nothing has happened, while she is in complete shambles. Again.  
"How's the baby? I hope the cot held up. I wasn't so convinced we'd be able to make it" Evelyn laughs partly and mostly at the absurdity of the situation.
"She's fine. And the cradle too, it's very comfortable. Not that I've... tried it out or anything" she replies, stumbling on a few words, wanting to facepalm herself, miming a gritted 'help me' to Deb when she's sure no one's looking.
"I need a refill. Eve are you coming with me?" Deb points to her glass before taking the girl under her arm and heading for the small bar area.
Evelyn sighs relieved once she walks away as Deb laughs, "Girl you are so hopeless"
"God why do I have to be so stupid?"
"Did I ever tell you about how I met your brother?" Evelyn shakes her head, interested in the story. Her brother had never been a fan of gossip, it was bad enough that he had let them know he was seeing someone let alone the whole story of how it happened.
"I was out with my friends and I was trying to impress this guy"
"You hooked up with my brother when you were interested in someone else?!" she asked amused as Deb shushed her with a hand gesture, taking the full glass and moving a little further aside.
"Let me finish. Anyway what I was saying, oh yeah I was trying to impress this guy. Nice looking bloke... but apparently he didn't see me. I reckon I spent hours dancing, fooling around with my friends trying to get his attention. But nothing"
"Until I practically ran into this guy who smiles at me and says you know it's not worth wasting time on someone who doesn't want you the way you want him"
"Ben" she states almost unnecessarily but Deb nods anyway smiling.
"Turns out he'd been watching me all night instead, only I was too busy being a fool to notice"
"So you're saying I need to look over?" Deb almost rolls her eyes in exasperation.  
"No. I'm telling you to open your eyes and look around. You feel stupid because you're trying so hard to hide your feelings. Let yourself go. If it goes well you'll have a decent person by your side, if it goes wrong... you'll get back up as usual"
"And if you're going to say you have a baby girl, I'm going to slap you. Right here in front of everyone" Evelyn immediately shuts her mouth, not wanting to challenge the girl who is more than capable of doing such a thing.
"You really know how to comfort people" she comments instead sarcastically glaring at her, trying to make her feel guilty at least a little.
"You don't need comfort, just a little push" she winks at her before they are interrupted by Ben dragging his girlfriend away to dance after making sure once again that everything is fine.
Evelyn stands there watching the two of them sway mindlessly in the middle of the dance floor and smiles. She remembers the first wedding their parents decided they were old enough to attend, how they hid under a table for almost half the reception to escape the entertainer and how Ben swore he would never dance like the groom and bride that day because 'too close, too much contact yuck'.
"What are you drinking?" a voice brings her back down to earth and when she turns her head she finds Jack at her side leaning against that counter with absolute nonchalance.
"Oh. It definitely takes a bit of alcohol to get through these nights" he says with a hint of hilarity ordering a beer from the person behind the bar.
"I can't. I haven't touched a drop in ages now and I don't fancy making a fool of myself in front of everyone thanks"
"Something interesting. Sure you don't want some?"
"I'm glad my public humiliation excites you so much" Jack laughs before bringing the freshly served bottle closer to his lips.
"Besides, it doesn't seem to me they're forcing you to attend"
"I was so close to not coming in fact. Then I heard you were going to be there" their gazes intertwine as she tries to figure out if he's messing with her or if by some strange twist of fate she's misunderstood. But it's all there, in his ever so penetrating eyes. If she chooses not to see it, it's up to her.
"Are you two getting friendly?" she almost jumps on the spot not having heard him coming as Jack imperceptibly straightens his back.
"Something like that" Jack takes a long swig from his bottle, "I was just telling your sister that without alcohol these evenings are pretty boring"
"You're going to have to start looking for someone or we're going to start calling you Jack the boozer" Ben jokes as Deb scolds him for being rude and Jack shoots Evelyn a look before scoffing at him and taking another sip of that beer.
The first thing she thinks of as soon as the signal comes that they can leave is to run to her room as fast as she can to get rid of those heels. She had forgotten how confident they made her feel but also how uncomfortable they were after a while. That's why when Ben and Deb suggest her to go get something to eat with them, she flatly refuses. It's okay, she had a good night at the end and they deserve some time alone too without having to babysit her.
She heads for the lift as the two then head for the hotel exit, not taking long to get into the cubicle. Almost as the doors are about to close a hand blocks them and two people enter the lift. The door is about to close again but it's blocked again and she's about to huff loudly, dreading her plan, when her gaze meets Jack's. He approaches her as the doors finally close and the lift begins its ascent.
There is silence in the cubicle, Evelyn keeps her eyes on the display showing the current floor number, swaying slightly on her knees. When she feels something brush her hand along her side, first imperceptibly, so much so that she thinks she imagined it, then more firmly. The pinkie of Jack's hand searches for hers before intertwining and stupidly something inside her bursts, radiating a sudden warmth.
She doesn't look at him, instead keeping her gaze fixed on that number that keeps going up slowly. But she doesn't even do anything to interrupt that moment, enjoying the warmth released by that contact no matter how small and everything else.
The lift doors suddenly open and before she can realize it, the grip on her hand tightens and she finds herself in a hallway being led by Jack.
"What are you doing that's not my plan" she states confused but offering no resistance, curious as to what he might be up to.
"It's mine" he just says turning his head towards her for a second before taking the key card with his free hand and stopping in front of a door.
"I just want to spend some time with you. I can't waste this opportunity" he admits sincerely and she simply smiles at him waiting for him to open that door.
When she walks inside the first thing she does is let herself fall on the bed kicking off her heels, moaning at the feeling of freedom as Jack smiles closing the door behind him.
"Don't you dare use that against me. They were killing me"
"I didn't say anything" Jack raises his hands holding back a giggle and she tries to glare at him as he places his jacket on the chair nearby loosening his tie before sitting down on the bed next to her.
"Just know that you just ruined all my plans"
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. I could already see myself in my room getting rid of these heels and this dress, maybe a nice warm bath and a good refreshing sleep"
"Oh you can go if you want"
"Nah I'm here now" she says shrugging and he smiles before laying down next to her. They look into each other's eyes, both studying the other's face as if for the first time, until Evelyn sighs.
"I practically asked Deb never to leave me alone tonight and yet here I am" if she thinks about it it only makes her laugh.
"Were you afraid I might kidnap you?"
"That I might do something stupid actually"
"Like what?"
"Like be alone with you somewhere and-"
"And kiss me again. Is that what you're worried about?" Evelyn sighs closing her eyes but she can still feel his gaze on her, so persistent.
"Do you want to kiss me? Because I want to, so bad" she can hear his desire in his voice and she's thankful her eyes are closed and she can't see his expression too because that's the only reason she hasn't thrown herself at him frankly. She's struggling so much in that moment with her brain, and then here he comes.
"Can you open your eyes please?" he asks softly as she shakes her head, holding her breath when she hears him move.
"You know I stood outside your house I think for at least an hour that day. Hoping maybe you'd change your mind" he whispers catching her off guard, his voice closer now. And finally she gives in opening her eyes looking at him intently.
"Because whatever this is between us it's clear we both feel it Eve. I don't want to dance around it anymore"
"Jack I-"
"And I gave you your space because I knew you would need it. But all I've been doing is thinking about you, thinking about that kiss"
Evelyn sits on the edge of the bed at that point, leaning forward resting her elbows on her thighs and closing her fists in her hair. She feels him do the same as the bed moulds under their weight.
"You scare me. Because you make me feel things I thought I'd never feel again. Not as strong" a few seconds pass in which silence is the main protagonist, before he changes position kneeling in front of her. His hands go to release her hair from that hold, fingers to intertwine with each other.
"I know it's hard to trust and letting you go again after a breakup"
"That's the problem. I feel like I can trust you and that scares me because with Lucas I... we shared so much in such a short time and I even thought I loved him, and with you... I don't want that to happen again, I couldn't bear it"
"Little by little, allow yourself to be happy again. Let me in Eve" Evelyn's body comes forward imperceptibly as she pulls her hands from Jack's grasp, laying them immediately afterwards on his cheeks to pull him to her and make their lips meet. She stops thinking for once, following her feelings. And if she doesn't feel on the clouds, she doesn't know what describes that moment frankly.
"You don't know the confusion in my head right now" she giggles, resting her forehead against his. "I really want to turn my brain off sometimes"
"Oh I'm here for that" Jack grins mischievously pushing Evelyn backwards suddenly, causing her to lose her balance, and lie down next to her as she lets out a choked squeal in surprise before laughing. He moves closer to her again connecting their lips together smiling, he can't help but want more and more.
They can't break away but at the same time Evelyn doesn't want to rush things so she puts some space between them, deciding to take off that dress to get more comfortable and borrowing something from Jack's suitcase. She takes her time in the en-suite bathroom, sorting herself out and admiring in the mirror how those clothes are soaked in the boy's scent and she brings them to her nose stupidly before shaking her head and getting out of there.
Jack has changed too in the meantime, ditching his fancy shirt and trousers for something more comfortable, getting into bed and fiddling with his phone while waiting for her. It's a bit late but neither of them wants to close their eyes because it would mean ending the day and leaving, parting ways again.
"What will happen once we leave this room?" Evelyn voices her thoughts with a sigh causing him to look up from his phone which is immediately pushed aside.
"Come here" Jack holds out his hand to her and she walks over to him settling on his lap and letting his arms wrap around her.
"I'll tell you what's going to happen. You're gonna go back to your beautiful little girl and cuddle her because you've missed her so much and I'm gonna go back to my house and let my dog do that" the girl laughs as he leaves a kiss on her temple, "But we're gonna do everything we can to keep in touch like before or even more because I'm not leaving you now, that's for sure"
"Sorry, I just seem to need some comfort all the time"
"I'm here to give it to you. Whenever you need it. We said little by little right?" she kisses him again and each time a smile arises spontaneously on her lips. It's absurd, at the beginning of the day she had wished for it to pass as quickly as possible so she could go home to her little girl, but now she wishes it would last a little longer so she wouldn't have to be separated from Jack. To stay in that bubble they have created for themselves in those hours and in which they are so comfortable.
They talk and talk over and over until the yawns outweigh the words and then they give up, holding each other for what's left of the night taking all they can before they inevitably burst that bubble and test themselves in the tangled world they live in.
Tag: @alexajanecollins @emwritesfootball @rosie7703
Chapter 19
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Dead to Me
Neito Monoma x Reader
Warnings: Angst, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, this gets dark so read at your own risk guys
A/N: Like i said this is one of the darker things iv’e wrote on this so blog so far. Not for the faint of heart.
You sat in the cafeteria looking across the head of your fellow classmates to see your boyfriend Monoma sitting with his own class. You tried to catch his attention but it proved to be a failure.
“Well that didnt work...” You saw with a grumpy look on your face.
“Man how did you even end up dating him (y/n)? He’s an asshole to the entire Class of 1A!” Your friend Mina said as she gave you a little pout.
“I dont know he just ended up asking me out and now we’re dating!” You said happily. Even though Monoma could be a bit much sometimes you still loved him with your entire being.
You turn your head again to see to bright baby blue eyes looking at you. You smile and wave at him waiting for him to wave back. You hand slowly went down as you saw him laughing and pointing at you. 
You never head good self esteem so your mind immediately went to thinking that he was making fun of you. Your cheeky smile turning into a small frown as you glanced again to see him still laughing.
‘Maybe he’s just laughing at someone else?’ You thought to yourself, trying to convince your mind that he wouldnt make fun of you. He loved you...
A few days after the cafeteria incident you had begun to notice that Monoma was starting to hang out with you less and less. You wanted to ask him about it but you didnt want to be seen as clingy. So you just suffered in silence as you watched him slowly drift away from you. Your head sending you all the signals to ask him, but your heart wanted to believe that there was a good reason to why he was doing it.
You were walking towards the 1A Class when some upperclassman decided it would be funny to pick on you.
“Wow would you look at this little baby! How did someone so usless get into a school such as UA?” Him and his buddies only laughed as you try to stutter out an insult. You turn your head towards the door and see Monoma walking out, you tried to get his attention, which worked this time but instead of helping you he only turned his head and walked towards his classroom. You turn your gaze back to the upperclassman before getting a quick slap to the face by one of them.
“Speak when spoken to bitch.”
The bullying from the upperclassman had started to really take a toll on your mental health. You would try to do anything in your power to avoid them but they always found you. You wanted to tell the teachers but you were afraid they would believe you. They planted that thought in your brain as you slowly believed them.
You begged Monoma to walk you to class, hoping if he saw the fear in your eyes he would listen. Much to your dismay he didn’t.
You would always come to class with some sort of new bruise on your body. Everyone started to worry about you, they slowly started to think Monoma was abusing you. Which you said wasn’t the case. When asked who did it, you tensed up and froze in fear, worrying that they may be near.
You finally told someone about it when you were hanging out with Jirou. She had asked you what was going and you finally told her what was happening. And everything that has been happening with Monoma. She looked at you and gave you a nice bone crushing hug as she asked you why you didnt tell anyone.
“I was afraid they wouldn’t believe me..”
“Oh (v/n)...were going to report them. Im not standing by and watch as you get hurt!”
A few weeks have passed since then and things were finally starting to be looking up! The upperclassmen who were bullying you had gotten expelled since, ‘bullying is not what hero’s do’. You were finally able to walk the halls with being in constant fear again. Your mental health still wasnt at its peak but it was slowly getting better!
But only one more thing still wasn’t looking brighter. And that was your relationship with Monoma. He kept on acting the same way, maybe even worse then before! As much as you hated the feeling you had started to grow bitter. Why was he ignoring you? What did you do to make him pissed at you?
You finally swallowed your anxiety and went up to talk to him. Taking a deep breath as you went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. You were the only one’s in the hallway.
“Hey Monoma..did i..did i do something wrong?” You said trying to sound confident.
“What do you mean?” He asked. You sense a hint of smugness in his voice.
“Like you’ve been ignoring me all this week...what happened i thought we were doing-”
“Ah ah ah ah, im going to stop your right there. You see my dear our little ‘relationship’ was all but a dare.” Your eyes widen as sadness washed over you like a tidal wave. That couldn’t be tu\rue he said that he had loved you..was it all just a lie?
“W-what? B-b-but i thought y-you-”
“Well you thought wrong dear (y/n).” A snicker after his words. Your eyes swelled up with tears before pushing away from Monoma and running back to the dorms. Not caring if you missed class.
You sat in your dorm, crying your soul out. You had loved him and told him secrets that no one else knew. You thought he truly loved you. The more you thought about it the more it hurt. You felt like your whole world came crashing down. Your tears burning your face as they kept coming.
You looked down at your phone to see a text from Kirishima asking why you weren’t in class today. You could see the text message with it counting as reading it. You have to click on the app to do that. You throw your phone to the other side of your bed before laying back down and crying some more.
Once you woke up from your nap, the thoughts came rushing back again. What if they were just like Monoma? What if they were only your friends because of a dare too? 
All those thoughts running through your head at inhumane speeds, until one stayed still.
What if you just ended it?
Your heart stopped at the thought. Why would your brain even think about that? But no matter how hard you tried to forget the said thought more and more voices plowed there way through your head filling it with horrible thoughts. Slowly picking at your insecurities. Feasting on your every flaw. You slowly get up from your tear stained bed. And you look at yourself in the mirror.
All but a dare
The last thought hit you like a brick as you fall to the floor with your head in your knees.
Your quirk was called Frost. You pretty much had the power to manipulate Frost. Meaning everything you touched would become covered in an a sheet of ice. That why you had to wear gloves, kinda like Shigaraki you needed to have all five fingers on said target for your power to work.
You just stared at your hand, tracing over every curve and looking at it with deep intensity. Before you could do anything else you put all five fingers on your ankle, causing your ankle begin to have a sheet of ice covering it. The frost started to quickly spread around your body and onto the floor. You head you head in your knees as you felt your body heat lower, the Ice completely claiming your body as one. A single tear slipped down your face before your entire body and room was covered in a layer of ice. Your phone buzzing with texts from worried classmates.
After class had ended practically the entire class of 1A ran to their dorms to find you. You never missed a class. 
As soon as they entire the dorms they all shivered. It had to be below zero in there. As they hugged themselves tightly they walked up to your room. As the tried to knock and upon the door they had realized the handle had been frozen solid. Bakugo having enough time worrying blasted the door open with his quirk. Everyone gasped as they saw your frozen form on the other side of the wall. They were quick to grab you out of the ice and bring you to Mr. Aizawa.
Once they reached him, he asked what happened. Which they all replied with i dont know. You were quickly taken to the nearest hospital everyone doing their best to thaw you out of your frozen cocoon.
Once at the hospital your body had been completely thawed out and was ready to be put in EC unit. You body temp was so low that they put every heater they had in the room.
The nurse looked at the class and told them that if they were a minute later you would have died from hypothermia.
Monoma walked into school the next and was met with angry and ugly looks the entire time.
‘They hell did i do?’ He thought to himself. You never once crossed his mind. 
After he said those things to you the look of betrayal and sadness in your eyes shot a spike of guilt through his chest. Before he could say anything you had run out of the building. 
Now here he was the day after you got put in the hospital reciving ugly looks from everyone.
“Hey Kendo do you know what everyone is talking about?” The blonde boy asked his ginger friend.
“Wait, you didnt hear? (y/n) is in the hospital. Apparently they tried to commit suicide. Sad right?” A wave of guilt, sadness, and disgust completely takes over his body.
 How could he live with himself knowing what he did to you? That he made you take that dark path.
News Flash he couldn’t.
The next day the blonde boy walked up the he hospital you resided at and getting ready to see you.
Once he saw your lifeless form he dashed his way to the bed to slowly stroke your hair. Sitting on a chair to get closer to you before hearing you wake up.
You slowly turn to Monoma, your eyes once filled with happiness was now full of hate and disgust.
“What are you doing here?” You snapped at the boy. Disgust evident in your voice.
“i just came to say-” 
“What?” Your words shushed him as he looked at you with wide eyes was he tried to grab your cheek to make you look at him.
“You heard me leave. I never want to see you again you understand Neito Monoma?” You looked him right in those blue eyes you use to love so much and said something you could never go back on.
“Your dead to me.”
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thadelightfulone · 4 years
All I Want... 25 Days of Christmas Challenge, Day 24
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December 26th
DeeDee woke up and stretched her arms out. She sat up and looked around at her settings. She was in her bed and could smell him all around her. DeeDee looked down at her hoodie and inhaled. The last thing she remembered was talking to Erik and crying into his chest. 
“Oh my god,” she closed her eyes. She sniffed the hoodie again, “Well, that didn’t go as planned.”
DeeDee went to her bathroom and freshened up. She walked to the kitchen and suddenly stopped.
“Good morning Beautiful.” He put his cup down as he greeted her.
“Erik,” she drew out. “You’re still here?”
“I couldn’t leave you like that.” He walked up to her, “You cried yourself to sleep in my arms. So, I put you in your room and stayed out here last night.” 
He pointed at her couch. She could see the neat pile of blankets and pillows stacked on one end.
DeeDee looked at him, he was dressed in suit pants, an open button up shirt and an undone tie around his collar. She reached up and buttoned up his shirt.
“Thank you,” she spoke softly, “for everything.”
“Thank you for talking to me.” Erik grabbed her hands in his and kissed her knuckles, “I really like you, too.” 
She giggled and lowered her eyes, “I do like you, you know. I just need time to think about things.”
“Take all the time you need. I know you like me and I will hold that knowledge with me as I leave today.”
“You’re leaving already?”
“Yeah, I gotta go back and close out the year for the Centers.” He lowered their hands, “You know you can come visit me whenever. Just let me know and I got you.”
“Yeah,” he leaned over and kissed her. “I hate to greet you and run, but I have a flight to catch.”
DeeDee sighed. “And I have brunch with the girls today,” she pouted. 
“Are you ready for that?”
“No, but I need to handle it now before it gets worse.”
“Come here.” 
DeeDee stepped closer to him. Erik wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her closer and kissed her again. She reached up around his neck and deepened the kiss. They stayed in that embrace until she pulled back.
“I’m going to need all of that to get through it.”
“Take as much as you want. I got more to give.” He pecked her all over her face.
“Don’t mind if I do?” She tilted his head down towards her.
DeeDee giggled into the kiss as Erik nibbled on her lips.
DeeDee parked her car and held onto the steering wheel. Erik wouldn’t let her follow him to the airport, so they said their goodbyes at her place. Now, she was sitting in the restaurant parking lot, getting up the nerve to face her so-called friends. She said a short prayer and got out of the car.
Beverly and Phyllis were already seated at their usual table. They stood up and she waved them off. She sat down and no one said anything. DeeDee ordered some hot peppermint tea.
All three just looked at one another. Phyllis picked up her drink and took a sip. 
“We heard about the job.” Beverly opened up the conversation.
“You’re taking it right?” Phyllis asked. 
“I don’t know yet. I’ve been thinking about my future and where I see myself.”  
“Okay and that means what?” 
“You can’t possibly mean Erik?” Phyllis scoffed at her.
“Why would you say that?” 
“Oh, it’s not that there’s anything wrong with him. But do you really think you are a good match for him?”
“Excuse me?” DeeDee glared at Phyllis.
“Look Dee, we never thought you would find the person behind the letter. Let alone meet him in person.” Beverly calmly replied.
“You told me to go after the guy since his words had such a profound effect on me, and now, he’s too good for me?” DeeDee looked between them both and pointed at Phyllis. “You were the one who sent the email for me. And since then, you have been acting really fucking weird and I just don’t get it.” 
“Dee we love you, but -” Beverly started.
“You maybe, but not her.” DeeDee rolled her eyes at Phyllis.
“But you’ve never really let yourself connect with anyone before.” Beverly continued.
“I was focused on school and making sure I finished.”  
“So, we figured this was a good push in the right direction.” Beverly shrugged. 
“You’re joking, right?”
Beverly looked down and Phyllis sipped her drink. 
“You were supposed to become more open to building a relationship with someone here.” Phyllis mumbled.
“Wow!” DeeDee sat back, “That still doesn’t explain anything that Phyll has done in the past month.” She scooted her chair in Phyllis’ direction, “What’s up?”
“You really expect me to believe that?” 
DeeDee put her hand up to stop them both from interrupting her.
“I miss one monthly brunch and you cussed me out. You continue to push Brandon on me which is fucking disgusting especially after I told you I wasn’t interested in him. And then I have no idea how to explain that fuckshit you tried yesterday.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Explain yourself.”
No one spoke up.  
“I don’t have all day.” DeeDee stirred her tea and took a sip. “You know why and how you’ve been acting the way you have. And let’s be honest, it has nothing to do with me and Erik.”
“She’s afraid you’re gonna leave us.” Beverly softly spoke up.
“So, she acts like a complete bitch to me? She brings Brandon to our family Christmas knowing that I would bring Erik?” DeeDee stared at them, “All of this was to get me to stay. In what world?”
“I didn’t know you would bring him.” 
“Save it Phyll. Bev has asked you to come for years and then you finally popped up. It’s not a fucking coincidence.” DeeDee took another sip of her tea. “I have only ever wanted your support while I worked towards my career goals. You know the same unwavering support I gave the both of you.” 
“DeeDee, come on.” Beverly said.
“No Bev, you two should be happy for me. Not just professionally but personally.” She gathered her jacket and purse. “It’s ok though. I honestly don’t care anymore.” DeeDee sighed, “Bev, I love you cause we’re family and you have held this crapshoot of a friendship together far longer than necessary. But I’m done.”
“Yes, done. This friendship is a wrap. I need to focus on my next moves and I don’t need the added stress from my friends,” she put air-quotes around friend, “trying to sabotage or annoy me at every turn. I can’t deal with that and the two of you.” She stood up and signaled for Beverly to stand, “See you at the next family event.” 
DeeDee hugged her then looked at Phyllis.
“If I never see you again, it’ll be too soon.” 
She turned and left them frowning at the table. 
DeeDee sat in her car and took a deep breath. She pulled her phone from her purse and looked at the time. Erik should be in the air now. Which means she can’t call him yet. 
“Damnit,” She tapped her nails on the top of the steering wheel.  
She turned the key in the ignition when her phone rang. DeeDee turned the phone over and accepted the call. 
“Hello, may I speak with Deidre Chabert.” 
“Hi, this is Dean Stephanie Porter from University of California, San Diego. Do you have a minute?” 
“Dr. Porter, yes, I remember meeting you.” DeeDee paused and exhaled, “Uhhh, yes, I can speak.”
“Great, I’ll keep this short, but we wanted to let you know we were very impressed with you during your visit last month. Your research aligns with what is already being completed here and we would love to add you to the faculty of our Chemistry department here.” 
Deedee pulled the phone away and silently screamed. 
“Really?” She rushed into the phone. 
“Yes, I will be sending over the formal offer, so you can look it over and make your final decision. But we would really love for you to join us in the new academic year.” 
“Thank you so much, Dr. Porter. I will let you know what I decide.” 
“Great, I look forward to hearing from you DeeDee.”   
DeeDee hung up the phone and cried. 
Taglist: @teakturn​ @ghostfacekill-monger​ @shaekingshitup​ @nahimjustfeelingit-writes​ @woahitslucyylu​ @ladymac82​ @bugngiz​ @eyeknowmywrites​ @ajspencer1892​ @arafatih​ @issimplyaamazinggg​ @tchallasbabymama​ @killmonger-fics​ @beautifullmelodyxx​ @raysunshine78​ @fd-writes​ @ljstraightnochaser​ @just-peachee​ @kaleidoscopeofsoul​ @sincerelykas​
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carnationcreation · 4 years
Can I have a Nick x reader fic if your comfortable writing for him? Could it be like they are childhood friends and she moves away before he starts dating Carrie and comes back after Nick and Carrie broke up? If she could be the shy, quiet type but is really passionate when she's talking about what she likes, maybe fanfiction or a subject, that would be awesome?! Thanks 💙💙💙
TITLE: Moving on (JATP Nick x reader)
✌🏻Masterlist Taglist, Requests, and Works in progress!
Request: Can I have a Nick x reader fic if your comfortable writing for him? Could it be like they are childhood friends and she moves away before he starts dating Carrie and comes back after Nick and Carrie broke up? If she could be the shy, quiet type but is really passionate when she's talking about what she likes, maybe fanfiction or a subject, that would be awesome?! Thanks 💙💙💙
Prompt/summary:  Reader finally comes back to LA after months of being gone
Word Count: 1,562
Authors note: Omg I was so excited to write this!!!! Does Nick even have a last name????
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Returning to LA had always been something I wanted for months. Leaving right after freshman year was a shock but I couldn’t argue with my parents new job offer that enabled us to save up money. So I guess I was considered a rich kid now.
It’d been too long since I walked through the halls of the performing art school. Even after all this time away, nothing had changed that much.
“Oh,” I said as I turned around, “Hey Carrie.”
She smiled bitterly at me, “So glad to see your back. We’ve been looking for a new dancer for Dirty Candy, wanna audition?”
“I think I’ll pass, since I just got back and all,” my face grew hot.
She flipped her hair over her shoulder as she walked away, “Tragic.”
I rolled my eyes and made my way to my locker. It was in the same hallway, even along the same wall as my old one, just a few doors down. My combination was similar enough that I memorized it quickly. The smell of old wood and printed paper still settled throughout the school. It truly felt so good to be back.
I turned to see the same fedora I had been looking for since I got here this morning walking down the hallway, “Nick! Wait up.”
He turned around and a wide smile grew across his face when he saw who yelled, “(Y/n)! You’re back!”
To my surprise he pulled me into a hug, “I’m glad to be back. I missed you guys.”
“Well you have a lot to catch up on.”
“Hey, where’s Julie? I haven’t seen her all day,” I said, pushing some hair back from my face.
“About that... her mom passed away a few months ago. Her and Carrie had a falling out then Julie started her own band. It’s really cool, can’t wait for you to see them.”
“Oh,” I said, I was shocked at the news. Carrie and Julie had always been super close and everyone expected them to go places after high school, “What else has changed?”
Nick shrugged, “Not much.”
“Oh come on, surely there has to be more than that. You must’ve pulled a girlfriend in the time I was gone. Every text I got you were saying how you were talking to someone.”
“It’s nothing (Y/n).”
I scoffed, “Yeah right. I thought we were best friends!”
“Just drop it okay?” he snapped.
“Oh, okay.”
“I’m sorry I just...”
“You guys broke up?”
“Yeah...” he nodded.
I reached up to push the fedora over his eyes causing him to laugh, “It’ll be okay Nicky, I’m sure you have plenty of girls who’d jump at the opportunity to date you.”
Nick chuckled, “You know, you’ve changed a lot since you left. It’s nice seeing you happy.”
“Did I not look happy before?” I smirked.
“Wha- no!” he stumbled on his words, “It’s just- you were always so shy, most people thought you were upset when you were just trying to stay out of peoples spotlight.”
“I guess you could put it that way, I just didn’t think I was important enough to really put myself out there.”
He smiled, “What changed?”
“Going to a smaller school made me realize I don’t have to worry so much about other people. I was allowed to blend in. It was boring to keep to myself all the time so I ended up making friends who gave me confidence.”
“Well it really shows.”
I smiled and waved before walking into my first class of the day. 
Throughout my first day back at school I felt myself starting to fall into the same habits I had before. I didn’t like so many peoples eyes on me so I never raised my hand. But eventually I pushed myself to at least try it once every class and by then I realized there wasn’t that many people paying attention. 
I found Nick at lunch and sat down in front of him. He hadn’t noticed me yet as he was staring at his phone.
“Hello? Earth to Nick,” I said, waving my hand in front of his face.
He finally looked up and blinked, “Oh, sorry. Just responding to a text.”
“You were staring at the screen pretty hard, are you okay?” I tried to lighten the situation by joking.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? You don’t sound like it.”
He sighed and stuck his phone back into his pocket, “I said I’m fine (Y/n).”
I frowned at the tone in his voice before beginning to eat my lunch. I looked around the lunchroom so I didn’t have to look at Nicks frustrated face. Two tables over I saw another frustrated face staring daggers at me.
“It was Carrie, wasn’t it?”
Nick looked at me confused, “What? How’d you know?”
“Call it an instinct.”
He sighed again, “I kinda wished I hadn’t. It ruined our friendship and now she won’t leave me alone.”
“Just give it some time,” I said, “She’ll move on.”
“I hope she does. I’ve already moved on.”
“That’s good,” I smiled.
“Are you coming to my game on Saturday?”
I took a bite of my food, “The basketball game?”
“What other sport?” he laughed, “And don’t talk with your mouth full.”
“I’ll try to be there,” I said as I rolled my eyes.
“Great. I’ll see you there.”
I was never really a sports fan. I brought a book there in case I got bored but then I felt rude for trying to read. I was there to watch Nick, he asked me to be here. I ended up shoving the book back into my bag and trying to focus on the game I knew little to nothing about.
Finally I saw him score a basket, “Go Nick!”
He turned to the crowd and waved at me making me smile widely. In front of me I saw three heads turn and Carrie and her clones were staring daggers at me. Great.
I tried to keep my shouting to a minimum after that, only cheering with the rest of the crowd. Every time Nick ran down the court he would send a bright smile my way that caused my heart to skip a beat a little bit. Finally the last buzzer sounded signaling the end of the fourth quarter so I walked down the bleachers to wait on Nick.
“So are you his new fling?” I heard behind me.
There stood Carrie in all her terrible glory, “Um, no?”
“Well don’t get too close sweetie. He’ll break your heart when he comes crawling back to me.”
“Right,” I said. I turned and tried to walk back over to the bleachers to sit down when someone stopped me, “Hey Nick.”
“Hey,” he smiled.
“Great job!” 
“Thanks,” he said shyly, “I was wondering, would you wanna grab something to eat after this?”
“Sounds good to me. I’m starving.”
“Meet me out front,” Nick said as he ran to the locker room to change.
I sat in front of the school until the basketball team finally walked out.
“Ready to go?”
“Yup, better pick somewhere close cause I’m starving.”
“I know I know,” Nick chuckled.
As we neared the car Nick walked in front of me to open the car door.
“Wow what a gentleman,” I giggled as I hopped in. He only laughed and walked around to get in the drivers seat.
“What did Carrie say to you after the game?” he asked.
“Oh,” I sighed, “Nothing. Just petty drama.”
“She asked if we were together didn’t she?”
I only nodded.
Nick sighed, “I should’ve known. If she ever says anything like that again tell me.”
“Its not a big deal Nick,” I said, “She’s just being petty. It doesn’t matter.”
“I don’t want her bothering you.”
“It’s barely bothering me Nick.”
“She keeps wanting me to get back with her and she’ll do anything to do it. Even if it means hurting you and driving you away from me. That’s the last thing I want cause I already lost you once okay?”
I sat there, confused at his last statement, “Why would she care if we’re together?”
Nick stiffened in his steat.
“Nick just tell me.”
“I had a crush on you before you left,” he said, my shoulders dropped with relief, “And she would always remind me that she was better than you. All the time. I was so sick of it. When you got back... I was so happy. I had no idea she was going to say anything like that to you tonight, I didn’t even know she was going to be here.”
“Nick I-”
“I don’t want this to change our friendship.”
“Nick,” I placed my hand on his cheek and gently forced him to look at me, “I want this to change.”
He smiled, “Really?”
“I wanna be more than friends. I wanted that before I left, and I wanted that while I was gone. I wanna be more than friends now.”
He gently placed his hands on both sides of my face before pulling me into a sweet kiss. When he finally pulled away I could help the giggle that escaped me.
“So are you going to break my heart when you go crawling back to Carrie?” 
Nick rolled his eyes and chuckled, “Not in a million years.”
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