#like yeah it’s not that deep but I remember disliking it immensely when I watched it
jackwolfes · 2 years
hello! wesper the mummy au😤
I don’t like the mummy I think it aged very poorly and have no sentimental attachment to it to find it an enjoyable film 😂
0 notes
soranociel · 3 years
I’m sorry, I love you.
Genre : angst
Pairing : gojo satoru x reader
Word count : 1.4k
Warning(s) : Jujutsu Kaisen manga spoiler, mention of blood and injury, graphic description of wound, a little sad I think, grammatical errors maybe hehe.
A/N : This is the first ever writing I post to the internet! Please take it easy on me, tumblr peeps.
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"So you're going alone?" your voice filled in the dark hallway of Jujutsu High, breaking the long silence as you walk beside your comrade, Gojo. You were on your way to the yard to meet your team in order to watch over Shibuya. Layers of curtains had bestowed upon the place, and the whole facility had to hold a meeting to discuss how they would handle the situation.
"Yeah, as they wanted," Gojo replied with a smile on his face, you could feel that he was more tense and serious than usual. How could he not? The group that had invaded Shibuya wanted him all by himself.
"Be careful," you glanced at him with the corner of your eyes, worries filled up your mind with graphic images of how things could go wrong. It wasn't that you didn't trust him and his power, you were scared of losing him.
Gojo let out a chuckle, his head turned to you with a smile plastered on his face. "Don't worry, I am the strongest," there he went again, rambling about he's the strongest though he was right, it was a little annoying to hear him say that. Like come on, he didn't have to rub that to everyone at all times, you thought to yourself.
"Now if you'll excuse me,"
"Satoru, I-"
You both had reached the end of the hallway to meet the cold breeze the weather had to offer. You wanted say something ahead of his departure, but before you could finish what you had to say, Gojo had vanished into the night, leaving you alone to stare up into the starry sky, praying to whatever higher entity that the man you just talked to would be safe.
Now all you could see was the same sky, except that there was no stars splattered all over it because you were under the curtain inside of Shibuya. Your eyes were half open, you could feel a light breeze over the side of your body as you move forward. It was the only thing you felt other than the immense pain on your head and shoulder, it was so intense that you almost felt like you went numb.
You tried your best to recall what had happened, trying progress with the consciousness you had left in your body.
Then it hit you. A flashing imagine of the man with patches on his body, which you believed was called Mahito, touched the side of your head. You were running beforehand, pushing Nobara out of the way of his range. Then you realised Mahito ended up pushing his palm against you, even then you tried to dodge him. Yet to no avail, your shoulder had gotten the same impact he had left on your head.
You couldn't remember anything else, except seeing two Kyoto students behind Yuuji before you collapsed into the ground. It was the buff student who called Yuuji his brother who had participated in the sister school event, and the other you had never seen before. But if you're not hallucinating, you're in his arms right now as he ran, while you could hear Nobara yelled before your eyes gave up on trying to open themselves.
"Can you run faster?!" the red-haired girl exclaimed, looking to her side with her breath short after running from the scene of her teacher trying to protect– or sacrifice herself for her. "I'm trying!" the boy shouted back without looking at her, his eyes focused on the empty street as his feet kept a steady pace. Nobara on the other hand, grimaced at the sight of you. You looked so awful that she could only give one look at you before keeping her head up, biting the inside of her mouth to keep her tears from falling down her cheeks. There was a small hole on the side of your head where Mahito had touched you, it was so deep and anyone with eyes could see your brain through it. And the bone on your shoulder was showing, the blood of it touched the ground like a broken faucet that can't stop the fall of small water drops.
You slowly opened your eyes to see to see an unfamiliar ceiling, trying to recall the past that felt like a minute ago, yet the only thing clouding your mind was Gojo and the fact that he was sealed. You should've thought about anything else, really, but you just couldn't. All you felt was the agonising pain that wouldn’t stop eating at your entire being, and thinking there was no possibility where you can see him again. You wanted to look at how bad your injury were, but you couldn't. The ache had spread all over your body and you could only move your eyes and your trembling mouth.
A familiar palm moved above your head, it was Ieiri's hand trying to heal the wound that's been inflicted upon you. You felt like your ripped shoulder were stitching its skin all by itself, yet it was still painful, and the sting that ruled over your body overpowered the mending she had been trying to do to you.
"Te... S.. Sato.. I lo hi,"
Tell Satoru I love him.
That was what you were trying to say, but you were sure it did not come out that way. It was difficult to speak with your parted mouth and your barely moving tongue, it took so much effort for you just to say a part of his name. Yet you believed that Ieiri understood you. She was your best friend, after all.
She remembered how you cried when you had heard the news that a jujutsu sorcerer assassin had killed Gojo. All because you just couldn't imagine a world– or to live in a world where he's not around. He was like a seeping marker, painting the whole world with his teasy remarks and his full of pride personality. To some people, what he does might be seen as annoying, but to you, everything would become dull and colorless without him. You hated silence because then your intrusive thoughts would always be loud enough to disturb you. It would feel like you were in the dark tunnel with no way out, a loophole. Yet his loud voice ringing in your ears with a wide grin on his face, and his blue eyes peering through his sunglasses made you forget all your worries. Your heart would beat faster whenever he's around to say or do whatever and it would feel like spring in you heart. Flowers bloom and the sun gently giving its light upon whatever is on earth, you felt like your soul was alive and bright. Yet you would never admit your feelings. As much as you loved his behaviour, letting him know you liked him would only boost his ego. So all you did was pretending to hate him and all his actions, which was the total opposite of how you really felt.
She remembered too, how you reacted when you saw Gojo came back to life because of his reverse technique. You wanted to run and hug him, but he was just your upperclassman. Instead, you wrapped your arms around Ieiri's body so tightly and hid your crying face against her shoulder. She knew you loved him. Yet you still wouldn't disclose it in front of his face, and continued your play-pretend of disliking him.
Throwing him 'shut up's every time he opened his mouth, which you knew that wouldn't stop him and he would only speak more and you never really mind it. Ignoring him and saying no, knowing he wouldn't stop talking and bothering you until he get what he wanted. Murmuring your little 'i hate you's to him because you knew he'd be whining and denying that you didn't actually hate him, and of course he was right. Having to suppress a smile everytime he made a silly joke because you knew he would tease you and said that you actually liked it, and of course, you did. Rolling your eyes at his teasings because you knew he would keep going and it actually made you happy. You did all that to avoid your feelings, and you knew it was a hypocrisy because you only found yourself falling deeper as the time passes.
"Tell him that yourself," she stuttered, eyes twitching and her lips curved as she focused, trying her best effort to make sure you live to see another day.
A tear ran down the side of your face, at that point, you didn't know if it was because of the ache that started to strangle your throat as you struggled to breath, or the fact that you likely won't be able to do what Ieiri had wished you to do. To tell Gojo Satoru, that you love him.
I'm sorry, I love you.
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forehead-enthusiast · 4 years
Pairing: Haechan x Reader
Genre: enemies to lovers, fluff but it gets slightly steamy at one point (still totally sfw)
Word Count: 6k
Summary: You and Haechan get engaged, because anything is better than the process of trying to get engaged. That being said, having a fiancé you hate isn’t that much better.
Author’s notes: remember me???????? I’m alive, yeah. I’m super proud of this fic, I think it’s my best ever, so please give it a read!!
Haechan inhaled the overwhelming scent of floral perfume, and barely managed to stifle a gag. His father arranged for him to meet more and more foreign princesses every week, and he wondered where the man even kept finding them. Were there even this many countries? The prince’s surroundings were beginning to blend into a blur of painted smiles and emotionless eyes. He cursed that stubborn old man in his mind, and questioned furiously why it was even so important that he find a bride any time soon. Still, no matter how much he despised it, he knew his father wouldn’t accept anything less. 
He looked into the sea of lace gowns and resigned himself.
Maybe he’d just choose someone. Anyone. He smiled morosely, knowing all the women there were only after their shot at the throne anyway. They were here to use him, why shouldn’t he use them too? The apathetic thought left a bad taste on his tongue. Still, in his exhaustion at his circumstances, it seemed more and more reasonable the longer he considered it.
He searched throughout the crowd of giggling princesses, unable to distinguish between their faces. 
One after another, they approached him, with candied smiles and words that were far too practiced. One after another, they convinced him a loveless marriage with someone half-decent was far preferable to enduring this a moment longer. One after another, they revealed themselves to be absolutely unbearable, and Haechan grew more and more desperate to find someone that didn’t make him want to throw himself off a balcony after three sentences.
You stood at the back of the crowd, prodded by impatient elbows and sneered at by women hiding their smirks behind fans. You rolled your eyes, unable to understand this need, this hunger to marry someone they’d never met. That was your problem, according to your parents. And your advisors. And your tutors. According to everyone, really. You’d been to so many different kingdoms, trying to seduce unfamiliar princes, but could never bring yourself to actually put any effort into it. The carriage that shipped you to each one was beginning to feel more like home than the castle you’d left.
You watched girl after girl leave the ballroom, looking thoroughly dejected. It was hard not to relish in their failure just a bit, but you dreaded whatever high standards this prince was going to judge you with. You had little to offer. Your background, your kingdom, your land- none could remotely compare to his. Your parents were completely insane to even think you had anything that would make you lucrative as a bride to him.
Maybe they’re hoping he’ll behead me. You chuckled.
Still, the crowd continued to thin, and you couldn’t put off meeting him forever. A few of the weaker-hearted girls nudged you forward, suddenly less eager to meet the sharp-tongued prince. 
You sighed, and decided to get it over with.
Haechan rubbed at his temples, barely even looking at the girl who approached him now. He’d made up his mind to find a bride today, but his prospects weren’t looking so good. His eyes caught the hem of this princess’s dress. It was unadorned. He’d go so far as to call it plain. Many princesses were after his riches, but he’d never seen one that was so blatantly poor. Most at least tried to disguise their lack of wealth, so as to make them more desirable in terms of growing power. He half-chuckled, half-sighed. His gaze traced upward lazily, until it came across the first unsmiling face he’d seen all day. It shocked him so much that his hand dropped from his face, and he stood up instinctively.
“Your highness, thank you for allowing me to meet with you today-”
It was the most monotonous, disinterested introduction he’d ever heard, and his heart soared. You hadn’t even noticed he’d stood up. Incredible.
“Let’s get married.”
“I hope- excuse me?”
“Let’s get married. Can we go right now?” The question was directed to the attendant beside him, who sputtered at the prince’s sudden enthusiasm. No one, however, was more surprised at him than you. Your skirts were still clutched in your fists, your knees still bent in a curtsy. You couldn’t even manage to feel happy that he’d chosen you.
If anything, you felt angry.
He was rattling off instructions to his attendant about the wedding he’d already begun to plan, completely ignoring you. You hadn’t even responded to his proposal, if you could call his demand that. You tried to get in a polite word in time and time again, only for him to not even acknowledge you, until you got so sick of him talking you couldn’t stand it anymore.
Finally, he turned to you.
“I don’t want to marry you.” You ignored the consequences of your words, and avoided thinking about the awaiting rage of your parents.
The prince blinked. 
Then he scoffed.
“Of course you do.”
You cocked an eyebrow, your expression not betraying how absolutely pissed those four words had made you. Instead, the first smile you’d shown him spread on your face. It was chillingly false, your eyes boring deep holes into his face as you sweetly replied:
“I’d burn down this castle before I married you, your highness. Good day.”
And with that, you turned and left the ballroom.
Haechan didn’t move for a few moments as he watched you stalk away, a picture of grace even in your anger. The women who remained and witnessed began to whisper, snapping him out of his shock. His head flicked around the room, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Then, just as you vanished around a corner, he took off after you.
He’d been turned down. How? Why? He was rich. He was influential. You were neither. He felt a nagging pang of guilt, but suppressed it. You were poor. His proposal was a generous offer, for you and your kingdom. You were the one losing out by rejecting him. So why? Why was he the one chasing after you? He cursed under his breath as he caught sight of your back.
“You! Wait up!”
You heard him calling, but only sped up. 
“I will call the guards if you don’t stop this instant! I-I command you to stop!”
You did. Then you turned on your heel, with a glare that would send armies fleeing, and stomped towards him much faster than he knew a princess could. He flinched as you were suddenly toe to toe with him, taller than he expected. You seemed smaller when he was sitting on his throne. You sneered at his reaction.
“Do you need your guards just to take care of one woman, little prince?”
He flushed, but you didn’t let him respond.
“You don’t even know my name. I’m not, ‘you.’ I don’t know why you want to marry me, but if you want me to agree, maybe learn that first.”
“You-” Haechan fumbled, unused to someone being blunt with him. He flared up, unable to think straight.
“You’re lucky to get an offer like this, you know.”
He saw the way your eyes widened in indignation, but kept digging his own grave as if he’d find treasure eventually.
“You won’t get an opportunity like this again. And, for your information, I only want to get married so I can finally be done with all,” he gestured towards the direction of the ballroom you’d both just left, “this.”
Despite your anger, his reason struck a chord within you. Not that that made your tone any less cutting.
“So I’m supposed to be grateful that you’re using me?”
“We’re royalty. We’re all getting used by someone, aren’t we?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, and he could tell you didn’t find the idea all so repulsive. He pressed forward.
“You’re tired of it all too, aren’t you? Or do you want to keep getting shoved at princes? We’d both get our parents off our backs. It’s a good deal.”
It was frustrating, but your desire to stop meeting spoiled princes was beginning to outweigh your immense dislike of this one. And as much as you hated it, he was right when he said you wouldn’t get an offer as good as this one ever again. Maybe that’s why he chose you, you supposed. He knew you couldn’t afford to say no. (Not that that had stopped you.) It just angered you that he saw you as someone so desperate, so needy, so pitiful. 
“...Fine.” You stuck out your hand in impersonal assent. “But. I don’t want to marry you.”
“Yeah, me neither.”
“I’m not done, little prince.” He restrained his scowl and motioned for you to continue. “Let’s just get engaged. That’s enough reason to end all the marriage meetings, and then if it turns out I really just cannot stand you, we’ll call it off. Fine?”
He shook your hand firmly.
Despite the way you both glared at each other, neither of you could deny how pleased you were with this arrangement. 
While you sent word to your family, he went directly to his, who were thoroughly, almost obnoxiously happy that he’d found someone. He forced a grin and made up some lies about how he’d fallen for you at first sight. They weren’t exactly excited about your less than impressive background, but weren’t about to reject the only girl who’d managed to catch their discerning son’s eye.
Within a day, it was announced throughout all your fiancé’s kingdom that he’d found a woman to wed. You managed to laugh about how all the other princesses must be incredibly jealous of you at this moment, but couldn’t quite get over the fact that you were one foot into a lifelong commitment with the rudest man you’d ever had the displeasure of meeting. It was a troubling internal conflict. On one hand, he was the worst. On the other, the same could be said for just about every other prince you’d ever met. So really, it was an overall win that this one didn’t expect you to love or fawn over him.
At least, that’s what you repeated to yourself as you received the list of engagement events you were expected to attend alongside him.
“Do we really have to do this?” You groaned.
“Just shut up and smile, they’re about to see us.”
You reluctantly did as he said, forcing an exuberant grin onto an unwilling face. Your carriage turned into the courtyard, and crowds cheered wildly, as if they actually cared about your wellbeing in some way. You waved gently, relieved your upbringing was so ingrained within you that you could play your role without ceasing your fantasies of punching your fiancé in the face. As you reached your places of honor, Haechan offered a gallant hand to help you down, and you almost admired how well he played the part of a loving gentleman.
It was such a truly lovely banquet being thrown for you, it almost made you feel bad for lying. Haechan seemed to be thinking similarly, and, forgetting to be vindictive, leaned over to whisper jokingly in your ear.
“Poor fools actually think we’re in love.”
You laughed brightly without thinking. Both of you then remembered you hated each other, and stared at each other in shock before looking away sharply. You waved again, happy to be doing something that made sense to you. The hordes of celebrating nobles clapped and called out their congratulations again as soon as they saw you move, not wanting to get on the bad side of what they assumed was their future queen. That was a pretty nice feeling, and you accidentally smiled sincerely.
Haechan, still stunned by the sound of your real laugh, wasn’t prepared to see your real smile. His eyes widened. It was more beautiful than he expected, and didn’t threaten him with cavities the way every woman in his life’s did. If they were processed white sugar, you were honey with all the real sweetness in the world on your face. He hazily tried to remember when he last smiled genuinely. You turned to him with a gleam in your eye, and he took your hand before rationality could persuade him otherwise.
The smile dropped off your face, and your gaze flicked to your intertwined fingers, then to his expression, which seemed even more confused than yours somehow. He looked boyish and bashful, and you wondered if your haughty fiancé had a far more charming twin.
Lucky for Haechan, the crowd cheered yet louder at the sight of your supposed affection, and he tilted his head towards them as if to say, See, that's why. Normally, you wouldn't have believed it was part of his plan, but it was easier that way. You let him lift your entwined hands in some playfully bragging way, and rolled your eyes.
“Alright, so I get the bed.”
“That’s funny. No, I get the bed. It’s my kingdom!”
“You are not being very gentlemanly right now.”
“And you didn’t seem like the kind of girl who’d enforce those kinds of antiquities.”
You scowled, and Haechan looked smug, which only intensified your frustration.
“Fine. Then let’s decide fairly, little prince.” You loved to call him that, just to see him pretend it didn’t irk him. “If I beat you in chess, I get the bed. And vice versa.”
“...Fine, small princ- annoying- um- pret- dum-”
You couldn’t help but grin at his attempts. “Nice try, but I’m not immature enough to be annoyed by a silly nickname.”
Your fiancé grimaced and got out the chess board.
Hours later, you were still playing the first game of chess.
“Y/n… Can we… Can we…” Haechan yawned enormously, which of course prompted you to as well. “Can we maybe… call a truce for tonight? It’s a big bed. We have to be up early for a garden party.”
You wanted to rejoice in his surrender, but your eyes were teary with exhaustion. Instead of the easy win you expected, you’d been in the longest game of your life. It seemed like you two were well matched for one another.
As opponents, of course.
“Fine… But just- just for tonight. We’ll play again tomorrow.”
And with that, you both crawled into the truly extravagant bed, falling asleep before your heads hit the pillows. 
Many nights passed, with an unfinished chess game at the end of each. It grew into something of a habit, a nightly chess game, always accompanied by bickering, of course. Neither of you ever managed to truly best the other, with every game ending the way the first did. As they continued, the bickering smoothed into mocking conversations, and sometimes you weren’t even mocking each other, but a common enemy. You would never admit it, but the pair of you started laughing together more often than you did at each other these days.
On some fateful Tuesday, for the first time ever, you saw a clear move to checkmate. The king was unguarded. For the first time, he was vulnerable. It was glaringly obvious, and you snuck a glance at your opponent’s face to see if it was a trap, but were taken aback when you found him already staring at you. He didn’t look triumphant or concerned, but he somehow looked… nervous. Or maybe expectant? And then you realized. He was far too good a player to make an error like this one. He was offering you a choice, from one royal with too much pride to admit they enjoyed the other’s company to another. It would be easy to end this game right now, and banish him to the floor.
You chose another move, and the game continued.
“So what’s on the agenda tomorrow?” You asked, with a tone more befitting of a business partner than a fiancé. The two of you had gotten pretty used to the whole routine of feigning adoration, and typically planned cute moments to perform in advance. 
Haechan looked over at you and sighed in a way that might have been more amused than exasperated. 
“Would it kill you to sit like a lady?”
You looked down at yourself, eating a biscuit you’d pocketed from today’s lavish banquet, with your legs criss-crossed as you lounged on the bed in your nightgown. The white fabric was hiked up above your knees to accommodate the posture, and catching all the crumbs that fell.
“Aren’t I?”
Haechan couldn’t mask his amiable laugh at that. You felt strangely proud when you made him truly laugh. It was one of the few times his shoulders really relaxed, and he looked like the cheerful boy he might’ve been without the pressure of royalty on his back.
“So… what’s on the agenda?”
Haechan didn’t answer right away. He was still looking your direction but seemed zoned out. 
He flinched, always shocked when you used his real name instead of a mocking nickname.
“W-what? Oh, we’ve got a ball.”
“Ugh… Boring. You better not leave me alone with all the gossiping hags.” 
“Yeah, sure. Uh, for real, could you sit properly?”
“Whaaat, I’m comfy.”
That irked you. You were just sitting, and while you hadn’t fully realized it, Haechan was someone you'd grown comfortable being yourself around. You didn’t need another person in your life telling you the way you behaved was wrong, and against your will, you had begun to expect more from him. You felt something too close to heartbreak as you wondered if he was just another person who disapproved of you.
“No, I don’t want to.”
“It’s not a big deal, why can’t you?”
“Because you’re right. It’s not a big deal, so why do you seem to care so much?”
“Can you just do it?!”
“No! Didn’t you get on me for- for ‘enforcing those antiquities’ or whatever? Now you’ve got a problem with the way I sit or how I dress-”
“It’s not- it’s not like that!”
“Then what?!” You flared up at him further, as did he, but he seemed less angry and more... agitated. You laughed mockingly. “Whaaaat are you shy seeing my legs or something-”
“YES! They’re- they’re. Um. Well…” He looked at the floor, and you could’ve sworn you heard him whisper, “pretty,” before he flicked his head back up and stammered the marginally less embarrassing, “distracting.”
Your anger instantly dissolved when he confessed that, and you flushed in a way you didn’t know you could. You stared at the ground, tugging your nightgown gently down. You’d always hated being treated like a lady, but you’d never been treated like a woman, and you found you didn’t hate it quite as much. This might’ve been the first time in either of your lives that the two of you were ever actually lost for words. Neither could formulate some witty remark or snide comment, and you just boiled in the unfamiliar atmosphere neither of you sought to create.
“Uh,” Haechan broke the silence masterfully. “I-I think I’m going to turn in early.”
“Yes. Goodnight.”
You might have climbed in bed early- no chess game for the first time in ages- but you both woke up exhausted. Four feet apart, two fiancés had stayed up late replaying the night in their minds and subsequently panicking.
“G-good morning.”
“Good morning.”
The day whirled by, with most of it being spent simply getting dressed for the evening ball. You spent most of the day slapping your face and reminding yourself of how you used to act around him, and when you heard a knock at your door, you were ready.
He told himself he was, but he wasn’t. 
Haechan took a deep breath and let his gaze trail up from your skirt to your face, and he stiffened. He’d grown used to his fiancé looking beautiful in the luxurious dresses she wore daily- even though it stunned him more than he’d admit the first time. This dress was no different, no more extravagant, no, but the pink tinge on your cheeks was a beauty he couldn’t have imagined.
“You look… decent.”
He celebrated internally for managing to say something an unflustered him might have said, although some tiny part of himself wished he could pay you a compliment normally.
Your sigh slid into a laugh, and you found your rhythm in your rapport again.
“And you look just adorable, little prince.”
He glared, but was relieved to hear the dig. He offered you the crook of his elbow, and you clapped your hands to your cheeks once more before taking it. He flinched at the sharp sound, and observed your cheeks grow red again from the impact.
“It’s not that bad, honestly. I’ve been doing it all day to wake myself up.”
Haechan hummed a response. He couldn’t form words; all his brainpower was focused on figuring out why that statement had just disappointed him so. As he rounded the corner towards the ballroom, though, he shook it from his mind.
You entered the ballroom to the usual thunderous applause. Haechan led you down the immaculate gold staircase, and you clung to his arm, the perfect image of a lovestruck princess. No one noticed you holding on a little tighter than usual tonight. The band struck up a song, and you took the hands of possibly the only person you'd ever considered a friend. He led you to the center of the floor and began to waltz. It was always a satisfying feeling to watch the crowds make way for you. You looked everywhere but at your partner, and aimlessly wondered if you’d even been in this ballroom before. Just when you thought you’d seen every room in the massive castle, you’d be led to a wing you didn’t even know existed. The idle thoughts occupied you, which was probably for the best, since it meant you didn’t notice the way Haechan was looking at you.
The dance ended, and you went separate ways to entertain people who made you feel like your brains were melting. Seriously, one day your mind was just going to leak out your ears and spill onto the polished floors. It was amazing how you could spend hours talking to one person night after night, but half an evening with these sycophants made you contemplate faking your own death.
Finally, your reprieve came in the form of an attendant, whispering in your ear that the crown prince was requesting your presence.
“So sorry ladies, my future husband and I are just inseparable.”
They gave you condescendingly knowing looks, their eyes practically screaming, Just wait a few more years, child, you’ll tire of each other. You had to turn away quickly so they didn’t catch you sneering at them. Whatever. You wouldn’t be with him in a few years anyway, you would have gone your separate ways by then.
Something about that thought didn’t feel right. Not even sad, just… not right. You thought rapidly as you let your attendant guide you. What was your original agreement? If I realize I… Wait… If I end up still hating him, then the engagement’s off? Those were the terms. Which meant, if you didn’t hate him, then inevitably you’d end up mar-
You looked up sharply, not realizing you’d crossed the ballroom already. However, even when looking forward, you didn’t see the person who’d just called your name. Your eyes flitted about, searching for the familiar face. You took a few steps in no particular direction, massively confused, and then suddenly terrified when a hand reached out from behind a curtain and pulled you to join its owner. Not the type to lose composure and scream, you clenched your jaw so tight it almost broke until you saw your fiancé's face shrouded in the shadows of the velvet drapes. 
“What took you so long?”
His question wasn’t at all rude, as it once might’ve been. It was one of genuine relief to see you, as if you were his solace amongst all the fools at the ball. You met his eyes for maybe the first time this evening, and they were bright and warm and looked at you the way no one ever did. Like you mattered. Like he wanted you there. Not the facade you put on for everyone, he wanted the real you. 
Oh God, I don’t hate him at all.
“Earth to y/n?” He chuckled as you snapped to attention. “Finally, you’re here. Is this the worst ball yet or what?”
“Yes! It’s seriously unbearable.”
“I knew you’d agree. By the way, have you still been slapping your face? You shouldn’t in front of guests, they’ll think you’re crazy.” He teased you over your red flush without giving it a second thought. You hadn’t touched your cheeks in hours. The realization only made you blush even more. He leaned in close, and you stood stock-still with surprise.
“Do you want to vanish for a while?”
“What?” The absurdity of the idea finally overwhelmed all other distractions from your mind. “How can we leave, we’re the guests of honor?”
“Please, nobody cares. They’re all busy trying to climb the social ladder anyway. Besides, we’ve got this great hiding spot.”
You stifled a laugh. “Yeah, squeezing between a window and some drapes is what I call ideal.”
“Hey, it’s got, like, enough room for us!”
That was a bit of hyperbole on Haechan’s part. You both barely fit in the narrow space, and you thanked the stars you hadn’t worn a larger hoop skirt tonight. Suddenly you were back to evading making eye contact again. A hush fell over you as you thought about how incorrect his statement just was, and you both grew acutely aware of how you couldn’t position yourselves in any way that would allow you to put some distance between your bodies. You cursed yourself for not postponing your life-shattering revelation about the man before you until after this little endeavor. Haechan’s mind raced as he saw the red on your skin remain even in the dim light.
You could only avoid each other’s gazes for so long. 
He locked eyes with you, and you envisioned pieces moving across a board, your king running out of ways to escape its fate. There was only one end, and you were starting to love the idea of surrendering. You whispered harshly in the sarcastic way that felt comfortable to you, still too prideful to admit your defeat.
“So are you going to kiss me, or am I going to kiss you?”
Haechan answered by pressing a palm to the back of your neck and pulling you towards him perhaps too eagerly. A second later, you’d both pulled away, frantically looking around to see if anyone was peering in on you both. You relaxed when you confirmed no one has discovered you.
“This isn’t... a good time, Haechan.”
“I could not agree more. Way too risky.”
Neither of you waited a moment more to lunge towards each other again. His lips found yours roughly, his breath already ragged with overworked patience. You grabbed his lapels, no less desperate for this moment, your lipstick smearing onto him. Your fists crushed his boutonniere, and his fingers wove into your hair and ruined the curls. There was no party beyond the curtain. You and him were alone, both desperate to memorize the taste of each other, and nothing else mattered but that. His lips parted, and yours followed suit. His tongue just brushed your lower lip, and you felt a thrill run down your spine. Your arms wrapped around his neck unconsciously, trying to get closer to him than was possible, but nothing could stop you from trying. You caught his lip between your teeth, your instincts running wild, and you wondered how either of you had endured up until this point. Now that you’d gotten a taste of each other, it seemed almost impossible not to get addicted. He gripped your hair, his other arm wrapping around your waist and not letting go. It slid down to grab your thigh and wrap it around him, your dress’s layers barely inhibiting him. Every inch of you was so aware of where it made contact with him, and you hungered for more. All facades were shed. You were both just heat and teeth and desire, without a shred of nobility between the two of you. You’d never experienced anything so perfect.
The two of you finally parted, your lips wet and the rest of you looking disastrous. He pressed his lips to your cheek, getting your own lipstick on your face, and you pulled his palm up to kiss it over and over again. Too breathless to continue and too worked up to just stop, you let the clock tick by as you left soft kisses all over each other.
“What are we going to do?” You whispered, half concerned but half amused. Between sentences, you still found places on his face yet unkissed, and remedied them. “We can’t go back out looking like this.”
“What are you talking about? I look great.” You were both too elated to remember you should be worried about your predicament, but he did seem genuinely proud of the pink smears adorning his face and neck, the teeth marks framing his lips, the fierce creases in his lapels. He brushed his fingers on your cheekbones, and looked even prouder of the mess he’d made of you. It felt like a dream to be touching you like this. Even more unreal to know that he was the cause of your disheveled hair and your chapped lips. He may or may not have imagined a moment like this before, late at night when he couldn’t stop his mind from wandering, but it was buried in the back of his mind and nowhere near as euphoric as this reality.
“No, but seriously, we can’t go out like this.”
“No yeah, for sure, you’re absolutely right.”
You managed to escape thanks to the tight-lipped attendant who’d led you to a curtain concealing a prince in the first place, but found yourselves rather tight-lipped too. Once you’d both washed off the lipstick and the teeth marks faded, you didn’t know how to face each other. You just crawled into bed and discreetly squirmed as you thought about all that had happened. What was more embarrassing, that you realized you might, maybe, possibly, have feelings for each other, or that the other person might know about them? It was already late when you turned out the lights, but you both stayed up longer, plagued by worries.
They must be so smug since I was all over them, I’m such an idiot.
God, I can’t believe how intense that was. What if they hated it? What if I was bad at it?
Did they only kiss me ‘cause of how much I was kissing them?
Are we like… friends? They probably don’t hate me, so…
That was really unbelievable.
I think I might really… feel something for them.
I hope they feel the way I do.
The hurricanes of concerns led to a restless night, and a mortifyingly awkward day afterward. You couldn’t even look at each other, let alone speak. Even the servants seemed to notice the tension, and you could hear them giggling when they’d disappear into the corridors. You tried to tell yourself that that was great, that it really sold your act as a couple of lovebirds, but that just embarrassed you all the more. Your fiancé was just as tormented, the blush that was sparking gossip reaching all the way to the tips of his ears.
Eventually, someone had to break the silence. If not with words, then with the slamming of a chess board down on the usual table. And that’s exactly what you did, not that who slept in the bed was something that still concerned either of you. No, now it was just routine, something you enjoyed and shared with each other, and something you were going to use to discuss your current feelings.
“C-come play, little prince.”
Even the nickname didn’t manage to get him to flare up. He walked over, still with the air of importance that was second nature to him, but his pounding heart almost echoed against his ribs. You set up your black pieces and he took the white. He moved a pawn towards you.
“Yeah.” You slid a piece across the board. He nodded, his cheeks burning. You both knew what you had to say and what the other person was going to say, but that only made it all the more difficult to verbalize.
“I guess I don’t hate you. As much as I used to.” You said hurriedly, your voice forcibly steadied.
“Oh, what an honor.” Haechan’s snarky response was accompanied by a trembling hand moving a rook. He yelled at himself internally, and attempted to be as honest as he could. “I… suppose you’re not unbearable.” The biting words didn’t sting, nor did they flow the way they once did. It saddened both players, even though it had only been a day since you both had been without the banter of your best friend. Slowly, you started to regret the night before, the ecstatic memories being clouded with the fear that you might lose the most important person to you because of it. 
“Oh, sorry, you start-”
“No, you-”
“Okay, fine!” You huffed, accepting the initiative. You pushed your rook straight forward. “I… have always hated the idea of getting married. Everything about it- the formalities, the responsibilities, the princes, ugh. Awful.”
“Gee, thanks.” 
“I’m not done, okay!” Pieces shuffled around the board as you tried to organize your thoughts. “If I… had to marry someone…” Your sentence trailed off, and Haechan leaned forward, ears itching to hear the conclusion. You stared at the board, and he steeled himself. It would’ve been a blow to his persistent pride if he just waited for you to say everything.
“I’m…” What did he need to say first? His mind blanked, and he just let the words fall from his lips. “I’m sorry.”
Your eyes widened, but remained fixed on the game. “For what?”
“For not listening to you. The first day we met. I didn’t… treat you the way I should’ve. I’m sorry for that. But I’m… also glad it happened. If I’d acted differently then maybe you wouldn’t be in front of me. That would be, uh, not ideal. But I’m sorry.”
“Um. Thanks. I’m glad it happened too. Otherwise we might still be pretending to be well-mannered in front of each other.” Haechan snickered, and you did too. You could feel your shoulders relaxing, and he could feel himself growing bolder. He moved his queen across the board, closing in on his target.
“Man, where would I be without my unladylike, insufferable fiancé?”
“Probably whining like a child to some other pitiful creature who deserves better.”
The clouds in your minds began to clear as you exchanged snarky remarks. It felt right- pretty words didn’t like to be forced from your lips. He smiled. You looked up, your line of sight lingering on the lips you knew well before finding his eyes. You left your king unguarded, ready for it to be captured.
“I guess I wouldn’t mind marrying you, little prince.”
“Do it then.”
You swept the unfinished game off the board, feeling like you’d won, and he met you in the middle. He kissed you, barely more composed than the night before, but you had no problem with that. The two of you smiled against each other’s lips, incredulous that somehow you had found someone to love, something you used to believe was impossible. Little bursts of laughter interrupted the kiss as giddiness took over.
“Didn’t I say something like I’d burn down this castle before I wed you?”
“Just let the wedding planner know,” Haechan sighed with joy as he gave in to the temptation of your lips again.
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rmg91 · 3 years
Clearing the Air
Because we need more Douxie and Jim bonding moments. ...And I wanted to write these two mooning over their girlfriends.
Also on; AO3
It was a normal day in Arcadia Oaks, or well...as normal as it got for our heroes nowadays with all that had been happening in the mortal and mystical worlds. Point was none of their current big threats were in front of them and they weren't being chased by goblins or gnomes so yeah, normal day for the Trollhunters. A day to try to catch up on missed homework, play video games or hang out with friends who didn't have the weight of the worlds on their shoulders. Or, in Jim Lake Jr's case, do a favor for your girlfriend because you couldn't say no when she called and begged you to help someone instead of her because she had to now watch her baby brother. Now here he was, assisting their newest team member organize some new books at the Arcane Books store.
He didn't mind helping, really, he was doing Claire a favor after all and he'd do practically anything for her and there wasn't really anything wrong with Douxie...The guy was a real life wizard of all things! And had known and worked under Merlin, the very same who had created his amulet, which was honestly just a little awesome he had to admit, but...but he still couldn't help but, well...be jealous of the guy! He was always so buddy-buddy with Claire and making her laugh and giving her little tips on magic and a ton of other things! And of course Jim knew Claire was her own person and not an object and could have other friends but he just...he just couldn't help thinking some days that she was his girlfriend and that this show-off, flirty wizard needed to back-off! Of course he couldn't -would never actually- say anything as he didn't want to upset the raven haired witch he'd been crushing on for so long.
Still he just couldn't fight that ugly, awful, tight feeling of jealousy in his chest whenever he saw the pair together or when the wizard would inquire about doing something with her.
“So Claire had to watch that little scamp of a brother, eh?” Came the accented voice of the, much older, teen as he came back down from the second level for more books.
“Yeah, guess her parents had something to do.” Jim shrugged, not really turning to face Douxie as he shelved more books. He scolded himself inwardly for the flat response, his mother would not be proud of him, but every time Douxie brought up Claire Jim felt the jealousy monster clawing it's way up his throat and he immediately went out of character.
Douxie blinked and tilted his head, still curious as to why the newest Trollhunter seemed to be always giving him a partial cold shoulder. The rest of the gang seemed pretty accepting, Toby was always begging him to see some magic and of course he had hit it off with Claire, but the teen across him seemed to be keeping him at arms length. And he kept feeling glares at his back from time to time. Unsure what he possibly could've done to the usually kindhearted and accepting teen, Douxie scratched at head, flashing a look at Archie (who was, of course, feigning sleep on the counter), before shrugging and collecting a few more books out of a box. He'd figure it out one day.
They worked in relative silence, every attempt Douxie made to converse with Jim to pass the time becoming stilted and stiff. He had managed to start a promising conversation about cooking with the talented young chef but then he made a little quip about how he must of charmed Claire real good with his skills and maybe he could teach him some things, the wizard was hopeless in the kitchen despite his many years on earth, but something he said had shut Jim right down again. Frowning, there had to be some way to figure out what Jim's problem with him could possibly be.
“Oh, yeah! Don't let me forget to pass on a CD for Claire. Was gonna lend it to her but since she's not here...” Douxie said, tucking another book away.
“Ah...sure. I'll try to remember.” Jim muttered, firmly not looking at him from the other end of the store.
Huh...Douxie wasn't sure if he was crazy or not but a thought occurred to him just then, that Jim seemed to get closed off and tense whenever he mentioned Claire. He knew from his time talking to the budding witch that there hadn't been any fight between the two and, obviously, Jim was here on her request since she couldn't be herself, so why...? Suddenly it clicked as he listened to Jim mutter to himself and he had to shake his head. He really could still be such a moppet. The boy was jealous.
“Hey, Mate.” He couldn't believe he hadn't seen it before now. The glares, the grumbles, the way he sometimes wound his arm tighter around Claire.
“You're jealous, aren't you?”
“What?! No!!” Jim said frantically, all but giving it away with his reaction. How in the world had he figured it out?! He'd been trying to hide it!
Douxie chuckled and shook his head, crossing his arms as he leaned against a shelf, watching the young Trollhunter try and sort himself out, “It's alright, Mate.”
“No. It's not!” Jim said, throwing his hands in the air, “I know I shouldn't feel jealous but I am and-and I don't want to do something that might push Claire away but like I-I just can't help it!” He couldn't stop rambling now, trying to explain his feelings and why he kind of disliked feeling so jealous because somewhere deep down he knew it was silly.
“Jim.” He looked up, blue eyes meeting Douxie's hazel. “It really is alright.” The mage held up a hand to prevent Jim from speaking before he was done, knowing what he needed to hear, “Clare and I are just friends. Honestly I kind of see her as a little sister some days.”
“Really?” So all this jealousy really was for nothing?
“Mm-hmm.” The older boy nodded before gesturing with a slightly flourish as he moved, “And I'll have you know I've been quite happily taken for the past five hundred years or so! So, you really have nothing to worry about.”
“Really? You have a girlfriend?” Jim supposed that shouldn't be as big a shock as it was but well...it was considering just how old Douxie really was.
“Mm-hmm...” Douxie hummed, face going soft with a mushy sort of smile that Jim knew he too wore whenever he thought of Claire. “And she kick my arse if I made such a colossal mistake of breaking up with her. Not that I'd ever want to, mind.”
Jim nodded, understanding that feeling, “Yeah.”
“So, we cool, Mate?” Douxie asked, holding out a fist toward Jim.
Jim returned the fist bump with a smirk, “Heh, yeah, we're cool.” And wow was it a relief to know he'd had been worried for nothing.
And with the matter settled, the two finished the rest of the afternoon sorting and shelving books, talking and gushing over their respective girlfriends. Archie merely rolled his eyes, watching unnoticed at the counter, and shook his head at the two lovesick men before going back to sleep.
A few days later found Jim leaning against the counter at the cafe, sipping at the coffee Douxie had just handed him as they watched their girlfriends talking outside, Claire holding in laughter as Zoe gestured with her hands. “So...How much are we gonna regret introducing those two?”
Douxie chuckled, “Ooh-ho....immensely.”
Just let these two bond over their amazing girlfriends! Also let them sleep because they go through so much. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!
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fandom-imagines · 4 years
Longing for you
Fandom: Death note
Paring: L Lawliet X Reader
Words: Around 2.4k (a bit long)
Warnings: Nothing really other than kissing? (Is that a warning?)
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It all started that one fateful day, the day of the opening ceremony.
Light and Hideki, well L, had finished their speeches and went to take their seat at the front.
“Good job, Light!” A girl’s voice spoke brightly. L could almost hear the smile and pride in her voice as she gave him a quiet series of claps.
That’s Y/N, Light Yagami’s best friend since childhood. The two had grown up together after meeting in nursery, becoming fast friends. She was smart, nearly as smart as the taller brunette; she was only one mark from 100%. They were close and Light trusted her, but he didn’t want to drag her into his plan; the plan to create a new world. He knew if he did that, he would be putting her in immense danger. She had her suspicions though. She had caught him talking to someone not there on multiple occasions and had witnessed him hiding something from her each time she entered his room without him knowing she was there. She knew. Deep inside she knew, but she didn’t want to believe Light, her best friend since she could remember, could do something like this.
Light chuckled slightly.
“Thank you, Y/N/N.” He smiled, taking his seat beside her before patting her thigh in appreciation.
L had been watching this interaction, noting the way the girl’s Y/H/C hair fell down her shoulders, looking extremely silky and soft. Her lips were painted pink and glossy, sparkling as she smiled. He was captivated by her beauty, something L wasn’t used to; especially considering he doesn’t even know her name, assuming that what Light called her was a nickname.
He watched the two interact for the rest of the ceremony, only stopping to speak to Light once, revealing his identity. Y/N heard this, but chose not to say anything, allowing Light to respond. It wasn’t her business after all, he was talking to Light, not her.
The ceremony ended and Y/N, Light and L walked out together, engaging in light, semi-awkward, chatter. L watched the two friends as they shared a hug before parting ways to head home.
“Would you,” L began which captured Y/N’s attention, turning to face him to give him a questioning look, “like to drive home with me?” He asked, stepping towards the smaller girl.
Usually, Y/N wouldn’t trust just anyone, but she knew she could trust him. He was strange, yes, but she trusted him.
“Sure,” she smiled brightly, following L towards the limo that pulled up, the two ignoring the others surrounding them giving them surprised looks.
“So, L.” Y/N’s soft voice broke the silence between them, “What do I call you? I’m sure Hideki is not your real name.”
“You’re smart.” L noted, bringing him thumb to his lips in a thinking manner as he noted some of the things he could.
She was short, shorter than him at least. Her black skirt framed her perfectly, matched with a white shirt with a pink collar. She also wore a white choker around her neck along with some black tights. Her nails were painted pink to match her collar, her makeup making her skin look flawless. The way her hair fell down her front made him want to play with it, the locks gliding through his pale and slender fingers. Her Y/E/C sparkled, even in the dark insides of the limousine.
“I’ve been told that many times.” She joked, a grin playing on her lips that L returned.
“Ryuzaki,” He informed her.
“Y/N.” She introduced herself, bowing slightly in a joking manner that made Ryuzaki almost want to chuckle.
She was a joker and he liked it. It wasn’t often someone would joke around with him, or even manage to get him to smile. He knew, from the second they began to interact, that he would end up taking a liking to her.
And he did.
Each day at the university was spent with her and Light. He was slightly envious of the friendship between the two, wanting to get closer to Y/N, becoming better friends and maybe, just maybe, something more.
L knew that these feelings were only natural but that didn’t mean he didn’t dislike them. She was close friends with his main suspect, raising the probability that she could be the second Kira.
“Ryu?” Y/N’s voice broke him from his thoughts, “You there?” She giggled, ruffling his hair causing a light pink blush to dance across his, usually pale, cheeks.
“Yeah.” He said, his voice as monotone as usual. “Where’s Light?” He asked, noticing the boy’s absence.
“He left with Misa.” L’s crush smiled, “You want to grab a drink?”
L nodded in agreement and the two left, heading to a nearby coffee shop.
“How do you have that much sugar?” She giggled, watching as Ryuzaki added yet another sugar cube to his tea.
He simply shrugged, inspecting the girl opposite him as she sipped her own drink.
She was wearing a pair of black jeans along with a grey sweater today. It was nearing fall meaning that it was gradually getting colder as the days progressed. L was wearing his typical clothing only he was wearing a pair of shoes today. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, high on her head with a few loose strands framing her face. Her bag was beside her, the long strap covering the booth beside her.
The two continued to sip their drinks, talking about anything and everything. With each word she spoke, L could feel herself becoming more and more attracted to her. She was exceptionally clever, noticing even the smallest things about him like the way his face relaxed with each sip of his, extremely sugary, tea.
“Would you like me to walk you home?” The raven-haired detective asked, blushing slightly.
“Sure,” Y/N grinned widely as the two headed out into the night.
“Well, this is me.” Y/N said as the two reached her home. It wasn’t far from the shop but with the slow walk they took, it took around twenty minutes. “Thanks for walking me home.” She smiled shyly, looking as though she was debating something.
L realised what she had been debating when she reached up to place a kiss on his cheek as a thanks.
“Goodnight, Ryu.” She smiled, turning to walk into her house, giving him one final wave before she closed the door.
“I could actually fall in love with you.” He whispered; his hand now placed over where she had kissed him.
He knew he would, no matter how hard he tried not to, he would.
As days turned into months, the two grew closer and closer, closer than Light and L. Light and L rarely spoke now, all L’s attention being on the girl he admired. As the months progressed, he became more and more attached, more and more attracted to her and he couldn’t deny it, even Light could see it. He would often tease Y/N about it too, noticing the way her mood lit up when Ryuzaki entered the room along with her cheeks lighting a light pink at the smallest interaction. He would also do the same to L on the rare occasion that they spoke. However, neither of them would ever think of confessing, too shy and unaware of the others feelings to do so. Light was trying his hardest to keep the two away from each other, not wanting to hurt his best and closest friend when it inevitably came to him having to kill his friends crush. But his attempts failed; the two crushers just spent even more time together.
It was another day; Light was away with Misa talking about something nobody knew and Y/N and Ryuzaki were sitting beneath a tree. Y/N’s head was resting in Ryu’s lap, him playing with her hair. They were extremely close by now, anyone would mistake them for lovers; in fact, many did.
“Y/N,” Ryuzaki’s deep voice sounded.
His voice was less monotone around her after having opened up. He trusted her with his life, and she felt the same. They’d do anything for each other, even die. Despite this, they’d never admit it.
“What’s up, Ryu?” Y/N asked, reaching up with her fingers to run them through his raven locks, causing him to let out a pleased hum.
Ryuzaki hesitated for a moment, realising what he was about to say.
“Do you want to join the investigation?”
He couldn’t believe that he was about to tell her that he loves her. And that was when he realised, he’s completely and utterly in love with her. His eyes widened for a millisecond before returning back to normal quickly but not quick enough for Y/N to miss. She knew by this that that wasn’t what he was going to say.
“Of course, Ryu. But are you okay?” She was sat up now, her hand now pressed against his cheek, observing the pink that danced across his cheeks.
“I’m fine, Y/N/N.” He smiled, a genuine smile that he would only share with her.
She patted the top of his head, thumb stroking his bottom lip. His gaze fell to her lips, watching the way they parted as she licked them.
He wanted to kiss her.
They both knew this.
His eyes lifted back to hers to see her looking at him longingly as the two began to lean in, eyes closed.
“Hey, guys!” Lights voice yelled, causing them to jump away from each other, cheeks bright red.
“H-hey, Light.” Y/N smiled nervously, worried he had seen what had just happened.
“How are you?” He asked, taking a seat beside them and she was sure that he hadn’t noticed which she was grateful for.
And that was the beginning of the many failed attempts.
The second time was when they were sat in a comfortable silence watching over surveillance footage in the headquarters. She was sat beside him, their chairs almost touching. L was sat in his typical position where as Y/N favoured having her legs crossed, leaning forward to inspect the footage closer. The two of them noticed something at the exact same time, both curiously reaching for the mouse only for their hands to touch, both feeling sparks run through their body.
“Uhm,” Y/N’s voice whispered, withdrawing her hand now avoiding Ryuzaki’s gaze.
His hand reached out the gently grab her cheek with care she had never felt ever, not even with Light.  He moved her to look him in the eyes, her pupils dilating. This was when he fully realised that she returned his feelings, that they weren’t unrequited. She noticed this too: it wasn’t only her pupils that dilated.
“Y/N…” He muttered, thumb running across her bottom lip just as she had done the first time they had attempted to kiss.
Just as they were about to lean in to connect their lips, Matsuda burst through the door holding a tray of tea for the rest of the taskforce who were on a break. The two, once again, darted away from each other; Y/N’s chair sliding away from him in the process.
L missed her warmth.
Each time was a failure, and they were getting sick of it. Both of them craved the other, wanting nothing more to kiss the person they had wanted for so long. To feel their lips on their own.
Light, Ryuzaki and Y/N were sat in Y/N’s bedroom. Her parents were away on work business meaning that they could do what they wanted without being disturbed. Most people her age would throw a party with this opportunity. But Y/N? She favoured staying home watching a movie with her two best friends.
The three of them were sat on her bed, tucked beneath the duvet wearing some comfortable clothes ready for their sleepover as they watched a movie: some cheesy film that they had found in a local store that they wanted to make fun of.
It was a particularly cheesy scene when Y/N felt a sudden warmth in her hand, almost startling her until she realised that it was Ryuzaki’s hand enveloped in her own. She felt the blush dart up her cheeks at the contact, watching Ryu smirk out of the corner of her eye only making her blush harder. She also noticed the blush on his cheeks too; it was her turn to smirk.
It was when they were alone that they finally broke. After all their failed attempts, they were finally alone.
It was around two in the morning and he watched a sleepy Y/N falling asleep beside him. He smiled slightly, finding her extremely adorable bundled up in her oversized jacket with her droopy eyes.
“Don’t you think you should go home, Y/N?” He asked kindly at which she shook her head.
She didn’t want to leave him alone.
L reached out to hold her cheek, his thumb running across the bags under her eyes.
“You’re extremely tired. Have you even eaten today?” He asked, realising how she had been here all day and hadn’t had a single thing to eat.
He sighed as she shook her head, confirming his suspicions.
“We should get you someth-” L began, only to be cut off by a kiss from Y/N who had completely lost focus, only watching his lips move.
He let out a surprised noise, kissing her back the second he registered what was happening. They were finally kissing, after multiple failed attempts they were finally intertwined; their lips moulding together, moving in perfect sync. Y/N’s hand reached the back of Ryuzaki’s neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss.
“Lawliet.” Ryuzaki mumbled as they parted, both panting.
“What?” Y/N asked, a confused looking adorning her features.
“That’s my real name.”
She simply kissed him again.
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shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
Why did you do that?
Modern au tobirama
Warning : depression , self harm , sad, angsty , blood , attempted Suizide
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And there you are , sitting at the only place that keeps your problems away , that makes u feel better . The old bridge . How often you thought about jumping off , never having any problems again . To never feel that pain again , to never cry again . But your normal human sense didn't let you do that . The cold wind brushed over your body , to prevent catching a cold your crossed your arms . But you quickly took your arms back . The textile of your jacket pressed against the fresh wounds , sending a wave of immense pain through your body . You pulled on of your sleeves up revealing a few older wounds . All of them near the pulse vein , still aching because of the infection . You didn't clean the last wounds properly too , why? Because you stopped carring . A bit pain more or less who cared? Yeah who cared... Who cared about you? This question hurted you everytime but you couldn't stop thinking about it . Who cared about you? You parents ? No did they even love you ? You didn't think so they never loved you, love isn't abusing someone , love isn't calling someone a whore , love isn't something you ever had experienced . But who needs it anyways? Love always ends , may it be cheating on your partner or because you or your partner dies . It always comes to an end , so why are humans fighting for something that's gonna end anyways ? From where do they get that much hope? That were questions you couldn't answer , you looked into the sky again . Watching the sunset , and the night arriving . The sunset gave the lake a beautiful golden look , it looked inviting , free . You slowly stood up mind cloudy , and walked to the edge . It really looked like the answer to all of your problems , you wanted to take another step and fall into the lake but a string in your heart stopped you , and a picture of tobirama popped into your mind . Whats up with that boy ? Why does it keep you from jumping? Did you? No that was bullshit you can't love someone because he was a little nice to you . And he didn't care about you anyways . You shook your head again eyes focused on the edge of the bridge again . You took your last breathe before you took the last step .now or never you thought and closed your eyes . " Y/n no!" Someone screamed but it was to late you hit the water hard enough to make you black out . Were you finally free?
But you weren't dead.... A always repeating peep was heard to your left side , and someone screaming "Will she/he be ok?!" . Where were you? Heaven? No . You opened your eyes but they closed again because of the lack of power you had to keep them open . "She's awake !" A female voice said "how are you feeling L/n ?" She asked and with the little bit of power you had left , you managed to whisper good . Loud enough for her to hear . "Can I speak to her alone doctor?" A Male deep voice asked , your eyes now felt lighter and you were able to keep them open but soon shock hit you . The male voice was tobirama ? Why was he here? Too many question were in your head making you feel nauseous . "Y/n?" You snapped out of you thoughts answering a tired "hm?" Tobirama sat down beside you and took you arm in his hand and looked at the wounds . Why did you do that? He looked sad for a minute but then changed to his normal cold facade again " why couldn't I see it ... I could have saved you " His voice changed to a sad and broken tone . Did he really care about you? There were better people than you he could care about . Why you ? When you saw tobiramas expression you were about to facepalm yourself , you said it all out loud " Because I was silently in love with you , but I couldn't tell you I don't know why . Please forgive me , forgive me for not seeing how hurt you were " tears threatened to drop out of his eyes " you are perfect , kind , you don't deserve that pain , you deserve much better . But please if you don't love me it's okay but could you do one thing for me then ? Please stop hurting yourself ." The tears rolled down his face , his voice showing fear and sadness . He really cared about you "i love you too " it just dropped out of your mouth but you didn't regret it , you tried hiding those feelings for a long time . But now something grew in you , something that you haven't felt since a long time
Hope ... Welp hope y'all enjoyed It , it would be pretty nice if you tell me how you liked the story and what you disliked because I plan on taking this writing style for the next story's bla bla bla
Anyways guys and girls remember somewhere outside in this world is someone who cares about you and who loves you , don't do self harm love yourself , don't bully other people it makes them sad , don't hate other people for liking something you disliked just ignore that fact and most important be yourself and live free
And if someone of you needs someone to talk feel free to text me I'll try to do my best
Have nice day/night
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activelytaemin · 3 years
growing pains [lee taemin]
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◇ lee taemin x fem! reader
angst-ish? | college!au | non-idol!au
warnings: mature language, unedited
2.0k April 8th, 2021
everything written in this story is completely FICTION. i personally do not believe that this story aligns with any of the idol’s real lives. ultimately, this story is not meant to intentionally defame any idol in any way.   
chapter one [congratulations, but not really]
Dear {Y/N},
Congratulations! I am pleased to offer you admission to the University of California, Riverside for fall 2021.
the golden word congratulations lit up y/n’s eyes as she screamed falling into her brother’s arms.  tears emerged from her eyes realizing that she would finally leave the colorful city of busan for the sunny shores of california; this was a cultural reset that guaranteed her an infinite amount of memories to come.  
“i did it! jimin, i studied so hard”, she sobbed, grasping onto his slim frame.  “it feels worth it like—“, she paused to wipe her tears with her sleeves, “all my late nights, immense sacrifices, and good grades have made this worth it.”  
jimin rolled his eyes playfully and lightly pushing her off of him. “yeah, of course you made it in”, he scoffed jokingly, “we’re a family geniuses. you weren’t raised to be a dumbass.” he ruffled her hair before y/n grabbed his wrist.  
“i guess that’s why both of my brothers are stuck here—“, y/n held his hand lovingly before sarcastically stabbing his back, “especially the one named park jimin, he didn’t get accepted into any ivy’s or safety’s. now he’s stuck going to an online university.” she released his hand before smiling to truly appreciate him, “but all jokes aside, i couldn’t have done this without you.”
her mind wandered to the thought of sunny california. the excitement built up in her like air filling a balloon. there were nerves trapped within because this sense of curiosity and control was foreign.
would there be snow? 
what types of people would there be? 
how perfect does my english have to sound?
there were several wonders because south korea was engrained to her memory.  for the past eighteen years, korea was her home. there would be no more hanboks on seoullal, honorifics for friends, and (most importantly) her beloved family.  without her family, she wanted to venture on the outside on her own. yet, there would always be a yearn for the feeling of home. the universe finally served her freedom on a platter. she could finally leave the nest to fly.
was she ready for it?
“y/n, don’t forget that you won’t be alone. taemin goes to riverside too”, jimin’s loud mouth interrupted y/n’s thoughts.  soon enough, all her freedom had crashed and burned. she was caged once again. 
her imagination was left to torment her. when she heard his name, a roaring fire lit up within her because of her discomfort; the fire will never go out.
scars can heal, but y/n’s are deep as ever.  like an evergreen, scars can everlasting.
“taemin—i thought he was in new york?”, she questioned with a sense of worry. “i haven’t seen him since he graduated, and i don’t really like him at all. are you guys still friends? ”, an awkward laugh slipped out. she was quite uncomfortable at the mention of taemin, and her confession proved it all.
there was something about taemin that irked her soul. whether it was the memory of his being or thought of him physically, taemin would forever be an uncomfortable and undesirable person to talk about.
she remembers the day taemin walked in and out of her life.  
it seemed so sudden.
he never wanted to cause pain, but he left her with the sharpness of his trauma.  whatever was rooted in his cruel being had isolated her from her well being.
it was one thing for taemin to make y/n happy in secrecy. however, y/n had to suffer in secrecy once taemin had walked out because nobody knew the depth of her adoration for him.
jimin groaned before taking a deep breath to keep his composure. “one, taemin has been my best friend since 2015. two, he had to transfer because he had a change of mind—”, he let out a brief laugh, “well, that’s what he says—and three, it’s him or mom watching you.” 
he was taken aback by her dislike for his friend.  in his mind, he believed that y/n would be quite fond of a familiar face.  however, he let it go believing it was just another “girl problem.”
little did he know, taemin was a disaster that filled y/n’’s life with hundreds problems. 
jay-z once said, “i got 99 problems, but a bitch ain’t one.” for y/n, taemin was the 99 problems and she was “the bitch.”
the seriousness in jimin’s tone was irritating to y/n, almost strangle-worthy. he doesn’t understand her dislike for him. in fact, he has a “bromance” with taemin.
to others, taemin is a cool and collected young man that seemed shy to the world while being confident to his friends.  jimin often saw his confident side, and that allowed jimin’s mind to feel as if taemin was heavenly.
to jimin, taemin had an aura about him that he couldn’t explain.  it drew him in. 
maybe it was because he was simply older than jimin.  or, he could’ve just been build with extra charm.
as much as y/n didn’t like jimin’s praise for taemin, she didn’t want her mom babysitting her because she is simply too grown to have her around. sometimes mother’s can be suffocating; they can control many aspects of your life.  it was a valid fear for y/n to have, and she was scared that jimin was going to follow in those footsteps.
jimin didn’t know any history between taemin and y/n.  he doesn't know she constructs taemin to be evil because he took advantage of her innocence. sadly in her heart, she believes the thought of him is bad for her health because he hurt her.
taemin is a monster. an emotionless, compassionless man who does not know how to love.
but, everyone is naive because they don’t understand his evil like y/n does.  
taemin does put up a front to the world, while y/n gets to see all of him at her own risk.
“i love mom, but you’re right”, she laughed in agreement. for jimin’s sake, y/n lied to him and herself, “i’ll take taemin any day.”
“yeah, but don’t forget to wear a mask. nobody wants covid in the states. you don’t have insurance”, jimin scoffed before y/n hit his back playfully.
jimin yelped in pain, “literally what the fuck? you’re a demon.”
 september 20th, 2021
the plane to california was unbearably long and did not comfort her senses.  although she did not mind wearing a mask, the uncertainty of her health on that flight kept her up the full thirteen hours. everyone was spaced out, but the enclosed space made her claustrophobic. normally, her senses are grounded. however, the pandemic blows everyone out of proportion and brings out a little bit of paranoia as well.
y/n was wearing a pink surgical mask to contrast with her plain wardrobe. before she left for california, she chose a long black coat, oversized uc riverside hoodie, and black jeans with her basic converse. she was trying to blend in with every other college freshman on move-in day.
a memory flew into her mind. while on the plane, the remembrance of what home felt like tugged at her.  the pain of missing someone never settled inside of her; the feeling was foreign because the past experiences weren’t genuine. or maybe, she is uncomfortable with missing someone or something because of insecurity within.
before y/n left, her mom hugged her tightly before sending her off with tears; love can be unconditional when it comes to your family.  on the other hand, y/n heard jimin laugh at his mom while giving a wave goodbye; hiding your worries with comedy makes you more worried at times. jimin was obviously good at hiding himself, but he made himself overly awkward this time.
when she knew she was saying goodbye, y/n didn’t feel anything because leaving was thought out to be normal. her mind didn't think her immigration would be sad. it was surprising to see her mother sad, but also the uncomfortable atmosphere jimin brought.
a ding from the intercom sounded off, “we will be beginning our decline to los angeles.  the fastened seat belt sign is now on for your personal safety. please remain seated during this time”, the voice was followed by another ding via the intercom.
as the plane began its descent, y/n gripped one of her armrests while closing her eyes. sadly, the feeling of traveling alone was brand new, not in a bad way. perhaps, the butterflies her stomach arose because she was going to be around a familiar face that makes her uncomfortable.
y/n wishes to hide away the memories of the two of them as if their world's never collided. in her mind, lee taemin was just another problematic teenage memory to get rid of
in summer 2018, the air was different. it was heavy, and the atmosphere was lethargic.  in the moment, y/n felt specifically upset as if the universe decided to rip out a significant amount of reality; the universe ripped something out, indeed.
lee taemin, long-term lover, graduated early behind her back.  suddenly, he is getting up to leave for new york. 
“i can’t believe you are leaving for college already”, her teeth bit her bottom lip before she felt his warmth encase her. tears were pouring down her face while creating a hurricane of bleeding makeup and anger.  “you can’t keep doing this to me. you told me no more fucking secrets!”, she gripped onto his waist before silently crying into him.
“i think you knew that this was bound to happen”, taemin brought a hand to her face, caressing her cheek to wipe away the tears. “the only difference between you and i is that we’ll be boarders apart.”
“i didn’t know this was your plan. you just dropped this huge ass bomb on me today!”, she aggressively pulled his hand down to suddenly push him away.  “taemin, this isn’t just about you. my love for you is real.”, she took a breath to let out a sarcastic laugh. 
“i love you”, her heart ached saying those words.  more tears came out of her eyes before she quietly croaked out with a general shakiness in her demeanor, “do you feel the same way at all?”
taemin shook his head, scoffing slightly. he grazed the back of her hand with his lips. no words were exchanged between them.
y/n was standing there confused, waiting for him to say something. even if the words were, "i don't love you."
however, his response never came, and his thoughts seemed distant. it was like taemin resisted y/n's desire and compassion for him.
the silence between the two filled the air. it finally hit her that his love was no longer apparent, and his place in their relationship became nonexistent.
just like that, taemin walked out the door breaking y/n’s heart as if it was glass. from her eyes, it truly didn’t feel as if he gave a damn to begin with. 
it was unreal, but most definitely her reality.
in her mind she is screaming because taemin makes her feel alive in the worst way possible. he is unbearable to think about because he is a reminder of everything that has gone wrong with love.
he is only a distant memory that she wishes to burn.
fuck love.
but most importantly— fuck you, lee taemin.
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errthel · 4 years
Route Two Deux
Welcome to part two of which may become a discontinued fantasy, but tis is life I guess. Pulled from the ever fantastic Second Wife AU of the Draconia Family Series by @tri3tri if you didn't know, and if you didn't, how?????? So without further ado I guess, this is the second part.
Tired eyes wandered off to the lush green lawn surrounding the outside of the building. From the barstool in the kitchen, he could see the green grass with tidy flower beds, a small pond off to the side giving a sense of serenity to whoever walked in there. The silence of the large house would have accented the loneliness of the boy, but the music that boomed from the speakers in the other room did well to hide it.
Lucien's damp mood was brought to him by an acceptance letter from a school he never applied to. He remembered that day a week ago when a dove brought it to him during breakfast, and the horror that ensued from his grandparents prompted them to eplain that the school, Royal Sword Academy, was in the same world as his wretched father.
He was familiar with the concept of his mother and sisters held captive in a world separate from his own. He was also aware of the existence of magic in that world, and to some extent, his own. The teen remembered distant memories of the past, when he would uncontrollably make objects float and with the unlocking of a special power when he was ten, it seemed that he should have expected something to happen to him.
Lucien expected dying to the hands of the government or being killed in a lab or just being exiled from society and be forced into becoming a laborer. But he stupidly didn't expect an acceptance letter to a magic school, that was a big oh right moment he thought.
His pale hand brought up the juice box to his delicate lips, which were rather plump and pink. Dispite his seemingly feminine lips, his face is anything but female or male. To everyone around him, Lucien is the epitome of androgynous beauty, and if it wasn't for his rather deep and masculine voice, he would have passed off as a female, a rather tall one at that
To his surprise the only one who really physically changed was him, he grew up to a hulking one hundred and eighty cm. While his grandparents, who were having a date in town, maintained their semi-youthful appearance, no matter how much Lucien tried to find a difference from photos of the past to now, he couldn't find any. Are they perhaps immortal? Or have magic unconsciously?
He wasn't sure about that, they smelled as normal as everybody else so he never questioned it.
The ringing of his phone caught his attention as he brought the hunk of metal to his ear.
"Lucien here."
"Ahh! Lucien-sama!" Ah... another girl
Lucien sighed a silent sigh before he quickly asked, "Um... may I ask who this is?"
"Mhm! I'm Mari-chan! From Class 1-B!" the female voice from the other end said in a cheery manner
"Oh okay... sorry, but I have something to do..."
"Do I have to get another number? I just got this one a month ago."
"Another one?" Albert's gruff voice evaded the silence of the home making Lucien sigh once more
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's a high schooler, no one's named Mari in the middle school department."
"Gosh. Our grandson's soooooo popular!"
"This is not a laughing matter Hanna!"
"Why? I'm plenty proud of Lucien! Aren't you? He's like the middle schooler you never were."
"What do you mean by that!"
"Hey, gramps, when I go to Royal Sword Academy, what should I do... you know. I wanna see mother, but I don't want to risk getting her in trouble, same for my sisters." a sad tone took over the fifteen year old's speech
"So that's what you've been thinking of kid..." Albert trailed off as he examined the younger boy
Over the years the boy's grandparents received visions, where they came from, they didn't know. Each and every vision they had, they dictated to Lucien, the visions consisted of the life his mother had living with his so called father, father my foot Lucien thought. But the visions never showed what happened after that tall woman took his mother and sisters, and any knowledge about it was something Lucien heavily desired.
Hanna walked over to the barstool Lucien sat at and sat on the one next to it, she held a sympathetic look whilst a sad disposition overtook her.
"Lucien, you are a smart child, when you are there, I implore you to make decisions that will help you towards your goal." her cold frigid tone showcased the woman's serious side as she pat her grandson's back.
"Kid, when you're there, there will be a time where you will have to show your other form. Whether that time be the first time you step into that school, or at graduation, I hope you don't regret it." Albert added as he walked to the pair
The rest of the day was somber as the fated day drew closer and closer, whatever day that may be. Lucien thought back to what might have went through his mother's mind when she woke up at Night Raven College. Was she scared? He thinks she was.
His mother... Lucien no longer remembers what she looked like or what his sisters looked like. He can only remember the warmth they gave him years ago, before that day.
He remembers sobbing uncontrollably when he and his grandparents watched 'Sleeping Beauty' one day in the past. His small hands took what ever they could and threw it to the television when the villainess, Maleficent, first appeared on the screen. The hands of his grandmother held him back as his grandfather, in sheer panic, unplugged the television cord.
That 'episode' of his left him trembling and wary of all Disney movies for a long time.
The heaviness of the plastic bag he was carrying made the boy cringe. He had only planned to buy a few cups of coffee jelly to share with his friends at the club, but the amount of girls that stopped him to give him some more made him uncomfortable.
The plastic bag was at its witts end as it held at least twenty cups of coffee jelly, storebought and homemade.
Once he had reached his destination, his other hand found the handle of the door that was labeled 'music club' and slid it open. The slight laughter inside the room made Lucien warm up as he ducked a bit to get in.
"Oh! Lucien-senpai! What are you doing here!" a shorter boy with blond tresses sitting by the shiney drum set called out
"Just visiting." Lucien smiled lightly to the boy
"O! There it is! Lucien-senpai's mysterious smile!"
"Hush, hush, Kei-chan." a brown haired girl said to Kei
"Lucien-senpai, I also feel the same as Kei-chan. What brings you here? I thought he graduating class was given a week off." she said looking at the taller male
"There's no harm in visiting my dear underclassmen isn't there, Haru? I thought I would say something before going off to my new school." Lucien said, grimacing a bit in the inside at the thought of leaving this wonderful world of his in pursuit of a world he has no idea about
"So the rumor of Lucien-san leaving for another school was true after all..." a flamboyant voice evaded the club room followed by the shutting of the door
Lucien looked behind to see a head of dyed light pink hair, styled into a very stylish hair style. He chuckled before confirming the rumor.
"Yeah, I have been forced to attend a new school. Also, nice hair Takashi."
"Huuhh! I thought your grandparents were the chillest grandparents! I never knew they would force you to attend a different school." Kei's loud voice made Lucien answer with a sigh
"It wasn't my grandparents really, intact they were against the idea of me changing schools."
"Eh? Then who forced you?" Takashi asked as Haru looked at the oldest male with questioning eyes
"...it's a secret..." Lucien said as he gave a discreet smile with hooded eyes
"Is that so? Actually, I don't think we know anything about your parents Lucien-san." Takashi questioned
"Actually Takashi-senpai is right, we don't know anything about your parents. Are they perhaps the one who're forcing you to change schools Lucien-senpai?" Haru said voicing out her worries
A lump appeared in Lucien's throat, he wasn't at all sensitive to the absence of his parents. He just mildly disliked the concept of parents, considering his own parents weren't a golden example. His 'father' could be summed up to just being a sperm donor and he wouldn't bat an eye. But his mother, oh his poor mother, tortured to do things against her own volition. He hated it, hated that parents meant a pair, a pair that is supposedly bounded by mutual love, but his own parents were just a disgrace to that. He doesn't even know if his mother is still alive at the hands of his father's family.
"I, don't know anything about them." sweetly smiling, hiding his malice to that word so that his underclassmen would stop concerning themselves with talk about his parents
The room plummeted to a chilling atmosphere, their upperclassman wasn't in a good mood, they could tell. They could also tell that any talk about his parents put him in an silently aggressive mood, so they took care to shut their mouths.
"Right! I have coffee jelly with me. I was supposed to get four, but it seems that with my parting with the school, the amount of people giving me coffee jelly has increased. I'm starting to think that I'm getting sick of it." Lucien said in his usual voice, which helped immensely in warming up the room, and in time the whole club was enjoying the desserts with some lovely music
Tbh, I have no idea what is happening with Lucien. I just imagine him as someone who decides based on his goal, which is to get out of Twisted Wonderland with minimal drama, plus points on getting his family back, and that would definitely be something his grandparents repeat everytime he thinks of his mother.
When he gets upset, he tends to not outwardly show it at all, he knows better than to throw tantrums.
Lucien surprisingly is also someone who goes with the flow, but he still doesn't blindly let everything to fate. He makes decisions in situations on the spot, and they always worked out for him, so why change?
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kindness-bliss · 3 years
New Beginnings Ch. 11
Timothy Thatcher x OC
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Tim looked outside as he watched them drive off and rubbed his face and leaned against the wall and watched them all walk towards him. “I know, I know”
“Do you though ? Do you ?” Candice spat out “What in the absolute fuck were you thinking ? What happened ?”
“I just...I couldn’t handle the alcohol, it hit me all at once and then next thing I knew whats her face shoved her tongue down my throat and then...I was the one who initiated it” he admitted quietly “I was the one who took her to the bathroom to…to do that” Tim said not even being able to say the words
“What the fuck is wrong with you ?!” Oney demanded
Tim shook his head as he debated throwing himself in front of a moving car to end his never ending misery “Guys, Candice please”  “No, answer us” Johnny said sternly “Before we all take turns beating the absolute shit out of you, granted Maya clearly did a great job as we can tell by your slight limp and broken bruised nose you shit head !”  
 “Guys !” Tim exclaimed frustrated as he threw his hands down
“So you see her having a good time with us and Marcel so you decide to fuck someone in a bathroom at her own party when you claimed you were heartbroken and wanted her for yourself ? Instead of being a man and pulling her aside you do that ? To Maya, the legit most nicest and genuine person ?” Oney asks
“Oney….” “No I wanna know, I wanna know what it the absolute fuck went through your head when you decided to pull that shit ?” he repeated “This is a girl who liked you, spent 6 months sad over you while you couldn’t even answer a simple text message or call, you acted like a little bitch for 6 months moaning and complaining when you had absolutely no right to. She reached out, she called, left voicemails and sent text messages to you every fucking day for a month straight and you chose not to respond yet you get pissy because you see her enjoy herself with Marcel and all of us, you get jealous seeing her have fun. You’re bitter” he finally says “You’re nothing but a bitter child stuck inside a 38 year old man's body and you don’t deserve Maya. You don’t deserve her kindness nor her love and care because despite her being all lovey with Marcel tonight everyone here can see she wanted you, she craves you and that’s really fucking sad. But I think it’s time we don’t let that happen, it’s time we as her friends don’t let a 25 year old fall for a 38 year old bitter, disrespectful asswipe.”    Tim stood there in silence, swallowing the small amount he had left of pride. For Oney whom he had known for years to reprimand him he knew just how deep and bad shit really was.   “Yeah stay quiet buck teeth” Johnny muttered as he pushed past him with Candice and Fabian “Chipped teeth...not buck teeth” Fabian corrected quietly as he waited with them for an uber turning back when Johnny, Candice and Oney weren’t looking and giving him the finger ***** “Your place, not mine” Maya whispered meekly “I wanna be with you in your space, not mine”  “Anything you want” Marcel said softly as he noticed her holding his hand tightly in hers. This wasn’t in any way what he wanted for them, especially not for her. He felt disgusted as he drove thinking of how broken she must’ve been seeing that.    “I just wanna be with you, anywhere with you” she said quietly as she stared out her window “As long as I’m with you, I’ll be okay” He nodded as he blinked away tears, emotional at hearing her words as he pulled into his apartment building and helped her out   She let out a small shaky breath as she held his hand and walked with him towards the elevator taking off Fabian’s suit jacket as she handed it over “You can give this to him when you see him again, it was extremely kind of him”   “I will” he said softly as he pressed the button and stood with her with looming silence as the elevator took them up to his apartment   “I hate him” she said suddenly “and I’m sorry for everything that I did and said to you while being enamored with him, you didn’t deserve any of that from me”  
 “Maya, no. Don’t say that, listen things happened tonight and I really think tomorrow you two should talk I can call him over and-”
“No” she answered sternly as she shot him a look full of hurt and anger “It ends here, it dies here. He doesn’t exist to me and that’s that”   Marcel simply nodded as he didn’t push the topic any further and walked with her as he opened the door with his key and went to his bedroom to pull out a shirt and sweatpants for her and changed into his usual basketball shorts   
“Thanks” she whispered as she stripped down in the bathroom and threw them on immediately taking in his scent and feeling an immense feel of comfort
  “You didn’t eat” he said softly “let me get you some cereal at least, you still like lucky charms and almond milk ?”   Maya gave a soft grin as she nodded “Yeah...yeah I do, you still remember”
“Of course I do,” Marcel chuckled. “I remember all your likes and dislikes, what shows you love and hate, the fact that you need to sleep on the side by the wall, how you only like your eggs scrambled but never over easy. I remember it all”
 She walked over and looked up at him as he caressed his cheek with her hand “You truly never forgot, you remember and you’re always there for me”
“I always will be, no matter what” he whispered as he touched her hand “As much as I’d like to kiss you, I think you should eat and get in bed, you look exhausted as can be. You need proper rest” Maya nodded as she sat at his table and ate the bowl he served in front of her. It softened her seeing Marcel care so much about her and something about this made her see him in a different light. He wasn’t the vain wrestler who was into himself, he was the man she fell in love with 3 years ago who taught everything there was to know about love.   “What’s going through your head ?” He asked finally “You can be honest with me, I know you still like him a lot judging by how you reacted tonight”  “Marcel...it’s not like that” she explained “It was a shock, that was it. It was just purely shock but just...I don’t wanna talk about it anymore okay ? Can we just stop it please ?”    “Absolutely” he nodded as he picked up her plate “Let’s get to bed”  She nodded and followed as she laid down and scooted close towards him, going beneath his arm as she snuggled up and looked up at him caressing his cheek with her hand    “Hi” he whispered as he gave a soft grin  Maya looked in his eyes and sat up as she cradled his face and kissed him deeply “That’s what I wanted to do all night”   “I-I…wow” Marcel whispered as he licked his lips “That was just, did-did you just kiss me, is this a dream ?”   Maya chuckled as she rolled her eyes “Wow, way to ruin a moment. I’m trying to be romantic over here and do something”   “I’m just shocked is all….you like me ? As in like me more than a friend ?”   “I do” she admits “I really do, these last 6 months you’ve been there for me in so many ways and you’ve made my life so much better. It’s been hard you know ?”   “I do,” Marcel whispered, “But this isn’t exactly how I pictured things working out at all, it’s not how I wanted things to be. I wanted something nice and calm and a bit more romantic” She laughed as she shook her head “Listen life isn’t a fairytale and as much as we’d like to be it’s best just to not expect much and go with the flow. I for one can admit tomorrow I’m probably gonna be hungover and emotional just letting you know ahead   “I’ll be here with you” He pet her cheek as he watched her finally drift to sleep “I’ll always be here with you..” ****  “Well well if it isn’t my favorite student” Eli grinned as he opened the door into the room at the performance center “You’re bright and early Thatch, love when my worst promo student shows up early to class” he laughed Tim rolled his eyes and sat down “Not today alright ? Just get on with the private class so I can go home already” “Not even a death stare or shove today ? Something really must have you down” He raised a brow as he grabbed a chair and sat in front of him “Tell me”    “You haven’t heard ?,” Tim asked surprised. “It’s literally everywhere by now, seriously go check your phone or ask your girlfriend Alli. She has to know” Eli furrowed his brow, taking out his phone and putting it on speaker as he dialed “Baby, hey ! Um have you heard anything about something going down at EVE nightclub in downtown Orlando last night ?”   “Oh my god, yes ! So remember Maya ? Maya Dawson ? The girl we met during one of your commercial shoots in LA and had dinner with a few weeks ago ?” Alli asked not even giving him a chance to answer “Well she apparently had a thing with that one loner dude Tim you work with for a hot minute but nothing serious from what I’ve heard, like not instagram official or anything. All she told me was that they made out a few times but nothing too much”  Eli nodded as he listened “Oh wow, I didn’t know that. Okay go on….” “So they broke up because she didn’t tell him she was engaged prior to that really cute German dude with the blue eyes who happens to be friends with Tim. Drama ensues, she tells me over brunch he never bothered to respond to anything she sent for 6 whole months and she’s back with Marcel on “friendly terms” well she got that Maxim cover and had a big party last night which we got invited but obviously couldn’t go and well...Tim shows up, gets drunk and fucks none other than Kara Smith in the bathroom of the club ! THE Kara Smith !” Alli exclaimed loudly shaking her head disgusted  “NO ! No fucking way ! Um baby, I gotta call you back !” Eli’s eyes widened as he hung up and looked at Tim “You didn’t…. tell me she’s just somehow dramatizing shit”   “How the hell does Alli know everything ?” Tim asked “This is weird, this is why I stay away from social media, this isn’t normal”   Eli scowled “Jesus christ, you fucked Kara Smith and got away with it. That woman has had it out for Maya for the last year, all because miss bleach blonde can’t stand Maya’s more popular, she’s like 33 having it out against a 25 year old. You literally slept with her worst enemy, how drunk were you ?”   “Don’t even remind me” he rubbed his face “I literally am the most hated man in this building, I walked in and immediately it looked like I was gonna get jumped”   “And here I thought I was the whore yet I’ve been in a loving relationship for over a year” Eli chuckled “I can’t believe you man, who does that ?”   Tim shook his head “I don’t even know how to fix this, or even talk to her” “Don’t” Eli answered “Let her be, this isn’t something women get over fast or ever actually, you’re gonna have to suffer man. And quite frankly you deserve it”   He sighed and got up “I’m going home, I don’t feel like being here and quite frankly I don’t wanna hear anymore about how I fucked up”   “Since everyone hates you but me just come to my place” he offered “Alli won’t care, plus I’m done here I was just waiting for you to show up”  Sure it may have been a pity offer but Tim took it with no hesitation “Alright, I’ll drive behind you” he nodded as they both left ****   Maya stirred as she fluttered her eyes open checking her phone for the time, groaning when she saw it was only 8 am , leaning her head back against Marcel's arm as she turned her head and caressed his cheek lightly with her finger tips. She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips taking in all his features, his cheek bones, his soft skin, his chiseled jawline, his defined lips. Everything she loved about him standing out to her as she gulped and moved her hand onto his chest as she kissed him once again slightly deeper, looking into his deep blue eyes once they opened    “Maya ?” he whispered as he pet her cheek, slightly confused as she had kissed him. Confused she had initiated their physical contact rather than him like it had always been   “Hey” she whispered back “I want you….” Maya finally said “I want you now”  As soon as she said those words he leaned in and kissed her ,gently flipping them around so she was on her back as he laid above her and kissed down her neck listening to her loud moans. It had been years since they were together, years since they had last had any kind of physical contact like this.    Maya groaned as she felt his hand down her sweats at her core “t-take them off” Marcel did as told, watching her as he moved his fingers in circular motions, breathing deeply as she kissed along his jaw and removed his shirt. He took his time as he continued to kiss focusing on her breasts feeling her arch her back slightly   “I can’t, please...now” she whimpered “please”  “Are you sure ?” “Yes” she nodded “I’ve been been so sure of something before, yes” He kissed her deeply as he guided himself into her and thrusted in slowly, feeling her nails dig into his shoulder blades “Is it okay ?” “Perfect” she nodded as she hands caressed his face “So perfect, I...I had forgotten how good you feel, how this feels”  Marcel gave a soft grin as he kissed her once again and picked up the pace, holding one hip with his hand as he found a perfect rhythm not keeping his eyes off of hers  She cradled his face and planted a sloppy kiss on his lips arching her back off the mattress and into his body as far as she could feeling the need getting closer and closer  “I’m so close, so fucking close” “Fuck you feel so good” he moaned as he swallowed a deep gulp “Every part of you feels amazing, god I missed you so fucking much Maya, so much”  “Marcel...I can’t hold, I can’t” she whimpered as she felt his hot breath in the crook of her neck He pulled out slightly and pushed back in giving a few more hard thrusts as he picked up the pace and felt her walls clench against him   “Fuck….” she cried out as she came with him wrapping her arms around neck, riding out what was left of their orgasm with him  Marcel collapsed on top of her as he felt her chest rise up and down, her fingers gently playing with his hair
“You okay ?” she asked softly as she lazily kissed his forehead
“I’ve never ever been better” he lifted his chin and looked into her eyes “I haven’t felt like this in a long long time” “Neither have I” she admitted with a smile “Just like old times….”
Marcel blushed at the memories “You mean when we almost got caught by my brother at my mothers house ?”
“And just like that the romance is once again gone” Maya chuckled as she sat up and pulled the sheet up to cover herself 
Marcel laughed as he held her hand in his and kissed it “Now, don’t call me cheesy but….will you be my girlfriend...again ?” “After an orgasm like that ? Of course” she joked as she kissed “But honestly, yes. I would love to”
He let out a sigh of relief as he kissed her back “Things are gonna be good, I promise you that”  
 “No promises” she whispered against his lips “Let’s take it day by day, no pressures no nothing. Just us being together”. She cuddled up against his chest, listening to his heart beat as she dozed back to sleep in his hold ***** “Tim, this is my girlfriend Alli” Eli grinned as he introduced them “Baby, this is Tim”
“I’m loner dude Tim” he said as he offered his hand with a small grin, retracting it when he received a stare back
 “You’ll have to excuse her…women sticking together and that whole thing” he whispered lowly as he sat with him    “May I offer you something to drink as dinner gets closer to being ready ?” Alli asked “Water, Coffee, tea, soda...a condom” she muttered under her breath   “Alli...” Eli looked up at her “Come on, the guy knows he messed up let’s let him not feel like crap for a bit”   “I wanna hear it all, all of it. Not one detail left behind” she scowled as she set the table “Come eat” Tim sighed as he got up and sat and told them everything, everything from how to they had met to their first fight, to finding out the truth and to the previous night  
“So here I am now, hated by 95% of people at the performance center and with a brand new reputation now so yeah life’s great” Eli turned to Alli who had the same expression he had as they both looked at Tim, Alli being the first to speak as she sipped her wine and let out a deep breath “Tim, do you realize you’re in love ?”   “Yeah” he answered quietly, putting his fork down “I do, I realized it last night when I felt myself get angry when I saw her with Marcel enjoying herself. I wasn’t angry because I was jealous or felt possessive, I was angry because she wasn’t with me” Tim admits “because she wasn’t by my side enjoying herself with me and because in that moment it hit me that I majorly messed up. That I was an idiot who let 6 months go by all because I had to be right, I had the need to be in the right when I was in the wrong” “Deep shit” Eli nodded sighing “I just, I just really think you gotta let things cool down for a bit but also send her a text, do what she did to you all those months ago but in your case don’t stop. Do it till you get some kind of response back”  “Or maybe not” Alli said softly as she looked at her phone and showed Eli “Oh…” Tim looked up “what ? what happened ?”,  he looked as Alii gave Eli a nod and moved his eyes towards her phone. A soft breath escaping his lips as he stared at the image in front of him, a picture of Marcel and Maya’s hands intertwined via his IG account  marcel.barthel.wwe “Matching and hand holding with my favorite girl❤️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨”
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“Back together I see” Tim nodded “Well that’s perfectly fine, it’s their right” “I’m gonna um load the dish washer” Alli grinned as she got up quickly and left to the kitchen, Eli following shortly behind her   “Be right back man” he coughed leaving his phone behind on the table Tim looked around as he picked up the phone and unlocked it easily with Eli’s birthday, sure it was wrong as hell but curiosity had gotten the best of him. He quickly went to the instagram app and looked up Marcel’s profile, shaking his head when he saw everyone comment @candicelerae omg love birds ! I can’t handle the cuteness, double date soon please 😍 @thejohnnygargano what she said👆🏻, also u 2 make me wanna puke (in a good way) @indihartwell my other mom and dad, so cute 💕 @fabian.aichnerwwe so I take it you’re gonna take his gym pics now ? @wwestardestroyer I swear if you guys don’t get a damn room already 🤮🤮🤮 “Jerks” Tim muttered as he put the phone down and crossed his arms. Perhaps this was the end of good things for him, or maybe just this once he’d get out of his own shell and go for it. 
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sweetwritertanya · 4 years
Crush On Me
Summary: You are a stylist for BTS and a colleague points out to you how the youngest member seems to avoid your help. You can’t help but confront him about it.
Warnings: None, this is just a short fluffy story! Not sure if it counts, but it’s a Noona reader fic!
Requested: YES! So, so long ago I’m ashamed it’s only now that I’m updating it. To whoever requested this fic, I am so very very sorry it took me over a month to write it. I honestly feel bad about it. Hope you are still around and are able to read it. Hope you like it!
Word Count: 1371
You didn’t think much of it at first. In fact, you barely acknowledged it, not really caring about it since you had so much work to be done either way. You never doubted yourself, you knew you had the skills and the necessary knowledge to do a good job as a stylist. But when a co-worker pointed it out during a random conversation, it kind of stood out in your mind.
“You do a great job with all of them, I see comments online about BTS’s outfits all the time. Too bad Jungkook always refuses to ask for your help, though. I don’t do him justice whenever he comes to me for advice” she absentmindedly complains.
Only then did you realize it. Although you prepared the outfits for all seven members of the group, when it came to help each one accessorizing or putting on difficult garments, such as harnesses and other overcomplicated items, all the members would come to you except for Jungkook. You couldn’t really remember helping him unless you yourself went on ahead when you saw him struggle.
So, for the next stage you had to style the group for, you kept your eyes on the youngest member more so than the others. You always liked him, thought he was ridiculously cute and handsome at the same time, always polite. But maybe it was not the same for him.
As soon as you saw him putting on his shirt, you gathered your courage and went to stand in front of him, buttoning his shirt in his stead.
“Humm, Noona, I can d-do it myself” he hurried to say in a small voice, stepping away from your helping hands.
“I’m just doing my job, Jungkook. Let me help, okay?” you sincerely ask, glancing up at him for a moment before returning your gaze to the buttons. “Everything been going well for this comeback? I see lots of positive feedback, how do you feel?”
“Yeah, it’s… it’s fine, I’m fine” he simply stated, head up and looking far away.
Sighing, you pout and do the last button before grabbing for the jacket that would go on top and helping him put it on. Not really liking misunderstandings, you decide to just go for a direct approach and get it over with
“Say, Jungkook, do you dislike me or something?” you bluntly question, eyes kept on his face to evaluate if he would be telling the truth.
His reaction seems like genuine confusion to you. His chocolate almond eyes double in size at your inquire, his pastel pink lips open slightly in indignation, his nostrils flicker at the suggestion.
“Then why are you so uncomfortable with me helping you? You got all tensed up as soon as I came around, you never come to me when you need help, you barely look at me. Even now as I’m talking to you, you are avoiding my eyes!” you point out, crossing your chubby arms in front of you, foot tapping on the floor.
“I don’t… I just…” Jungkook struggles for words as he tries to meet your strong gaze. “I don’t dislike you at all, Noona, I…”
“Kook, time to go” Jin calls.
The boy presses his lips together in apprehension, giving you an apologetic glance before running to meet his hyungs as they go towards the stage.
But you noticed something. Something you haven’t seen before. The way he played with his fingers while you talked, the nervous stance as soon as you approached, the slightly change of colour in his cheeks before he was called back. Like he was going to say something embarrassing.
“Could it be…” you murmur, as a thought came to you.
Smiling knowingly and with a much lighter and warmer heart, you go help your colleagues cleaning up as you await the return of the boy. Today would not go without an explanation for his behavior. Especially if the cause was what you were thinking.
When the boys got off stage and returned to the dressing room, you waited patiently and unsuspiciously for either him or other people to leave and give you a chance to meet him alone. Noticing him going out after their manager and Namjoon, you pick up your things and hurry after him, pulling him by the arm before he turned a corner and guiding him to a secluded secondary hallway in the building.
“Noona?” he asked, confused and tense as he glanced at the hand you kept on his elbow from when you pulled him with you.
“Oh, sorry” you apologize as you remove your hand. But remembering why you were doing this, you straighten up in front of him and place both your hands atop your wide hips, a serious expression taking over your features. “Sorry, but we weren’t done. Our conversation from earlier is not finished just yet. So, tell me, if you don’t dislike me why do you avoid me so much?”
“W-what? I… don’t?” he tries to deny, but you ain’t having it.
“Yeah, you do. Even my colleagues have pointed it out to me, so it’s not even subtle. Now, tell me…” You take a deep breath, hesitating for a moment if you should really say it, but trusting your gut feeling. “Do you have a crush on me or something?”
No need for an answer. His face told it all. His cheeks grew crimson in the blink of an eye, his right hand trying to cover up as he scratched the back of his neck, bright eyes set on everywhere except your face and bottom lip nervously bitten under his top teeth. His feet shifted as he seemed like he wanted to escape, taking a step back before stopping himself. Instead of facing you, he was now facing the wall.
“Really? You like me?”
You watch as he tries to calm himself, taking a deep breath and forcing himself to turn and face you, even if his eyes were still only gazing at your feet as he spoke.
“I… I… think you are very beautiful” he whispers softly.
“Oh, people usually tell me I’m ‘cute’ not beautiful. Thank you” you say, honestly flattered. It was not something a person your size heard every day, it was very much appreciated. “Why didn’t you say anything before?”
“I always saw you so… busy, I didn’t want to bother you.”
“It’s my job to help you, Jungkook. I’m your stylist too” you emphasize, trying to catch his eyes.
“Not that… I didn’t… want to bother you with my feelings. I know you have a boyfriend, Noona, so I stayed-”
“Wait.” You interrupt his abrupt and speedy speech. “What are you talking about? I don’t have a boyfriend.”
In your eyes, it happened in slow motion. The raising bushy eyebrows, the brown eyes finally setting on yours, their widening of surprise and the ever so present glint of hope shining brightly. The small gaping space between his lips and the slight tug at the corner of his pretty mouth, smile creeping in.
“You don’t?” he keenly asks.
And its so cute, so heart-warming to be looked at like that, to be held in such a caring esteem, that you giggle before smiling up at him. Jungkook might have been younger than most of the men you usually went for, but he compensated it with eagerness and attentiveness. Other than his age, there was nothing about him that you could think of that you did not like. And even that wasn’t a problem. If he really liked you, why not give it a go?
“How about this. Take me out to dinner tomorrow and maybe I’ll get a brand-new boyfriend” you propose confidently, enjoying immensely the way his blush creeped to the bottom of his earlobes and the shy smile on his lips.
“It’s a date!” Jungkook promptly agrees.
He ends up jogging back slowly and waving you goodbye as he looks at you with a wider smile now, promising to call you the next day. Amused, you reach your bulky arm high above your head and wave back at him, watching him leave with the rest of the team and highly anticipating the date with the youngest boy.
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suitcase of memories, almost left behind
title: suitcase of memories, almost left behind fandom: Tiger and Bunny pairing: Barnaby/Kotetsu word count: 2890 summary: flung back and forth through time by a NEXT’s power, Kotetsu views memories of his past...but also of his future--a future with Barnaby?
For the March Flash fiction eleventh prompt: "You remembered?” and twelfth prompt: an anomalous time event
“Get away from me!” the NEXT, a middle-aged woman, screamed.
Kotetsu, hands raised in an attempt to show he meant no harm, tried to make a calming gesture. “Lady, ma’am, we’re not here to hurt you. We’re here to help.” He’d taken an right turn into the alleys, while Barnaby had swung left, and he could hear approaching footsteps. “Hey, hey, it’s all right. We know you haven’t done anything wrong. That power’s probably really surprising to you, yeah? Didn’t expect it to show up when you’re our age, right?”
The dark-haired woman continued to back away, eyes wide with fear, almost crying, “I don’t, I— I try to stop it but it keeps happening! Why won’t it stop?”
She’d backed into a dead end, the road cutting off between the back entrances of two shops, and Kotetsu tried to scoot just a bit closer, but as she backed away in response, she thumped against the wall behind her and startled, then gestured frantically at Kotetsu with a panicked shout.
A wall of invisible force slammed into him, and distantly he heard her yell, “Get away!” as he went flying, tumbling dizzily head over heels until he slammed hard into something with a crunch of metal and glass.
Head spinning, Kotetsu pushed himself upright only to jerk to a stop, mouth agape, as he stared around him. The alleys, the building, the car he’d no doubt crashed into, all of it was gone—and he was in a classroom, looking at himself, and Tomoe? They were high school aged, and she was in glasses, and the way the younger him was smirking at her, he’d no doubt just called her by that nickname she’d disliked so much—well, there’d been two, Ms.Class Rep and Ms. Glasses, and she’d gotten so annoyed at both. What the hell…? Wait, was this the first time he’d told her about wanting to be a Hero?
A blink, and suddenly he was at the factory where he’d fought Antonio, where he’d saved Tomoe from the fire, that time she’d decided his Hero name should Tiger—and where he’d first called her by her first name, even if she’d socked him hard in the stomach for doing so.
More scenes came them, like he was hopping from place to place, faster and faster. Their first date, when they’d moved in together, when they’d moved to Sternbild, their wedding day. When he was hired by Top MaG, the first time he officially acted as a Hero and appeared on Hero TV. Kotetsu covered his eyes, truly dizzy. It was like a slide show gone wild, like countless film reels were unspooling before his yes.
A weird hiccup noise, and everything paused. It was a sunny day by the hospital, and he saw himself helping Tomoe from the wheel chair the nurses had brought her down to the entrance in, nestling her carefully into the passenger seat of the car. Wait, wasn’t this—? Then he could see into the backseat of the vehicle, where an infant seat had been strapped in securely.  
“Kaede,” he murmured, tears springing to his eyes. She was so tiny. Could he hold her, just for a little bit?
But then like a snap, it was all gone, and he was flying through visions again: Kaede’s first word, the day she started to walk, the time he finally became King of Heroes, event after event, memory after memory—
And then suddenly he was falling—right into Barnaby Brooks Jr.’s arms. Or, the version of himself Kotetsu was watching did.
More and more followed—Kotetsu’s first day with the new company, that first day they were assigned to be partners; Barnaby saving Kaede, abruptly switching to when he saved Barnaby by jumping in front of Lunatic’s fire bolt; healing himself after the fight with Jake Martinez and racing to help Barnaby, arriving just in time to catch his partner as he nearly crumpled; the very first time Barnaby called him Kotetsu.
Then came the absolute agony of fighting with Barnaby, and he felt all over again the utter desolation when nothing he did brought back Barnaby’s memories of him, but also the overwhelming joy when calling him Bunny made his partner finally remember.
Kotetsu watched himself at the moment he’d realized how he felt about his partner, watched his own face as he was nearly overwhelmed by the intensity of his feelings, struggling by the immensity of it all. Then watched himself mentally box it up and stash it away after finding out about Maverick kidnapping Kaede and the other Heroes. He remembered thinking back then that he could wait to break down about it later—only to accept that there would be no later when he sacrificed himself to help Barnaby defeat the robot Wild Tiger, doing whatever was necessary to save the city, his daughter, his friends, the man he loved, even if it meant…. And then he saw himself inexplicably surviving, and finally saving his little girl.
He saw then the first day of his retirement, saw himself walking away from Barnaby, remembering how he swore to give his partner the chance to focus on himself for once, to finally live a life that was free, that was his.
And then he saw his first day back as a Hero, watched himself fall into Barnaby’s arms again, watched them become partners again. At last.
Time suddenly rocketed forward, as if Kotetsu was launched from a sling shot, he shouted in alarm but he couldn’t hear a thing, and these weren’t memories anymore.
Scenes flashed before his eyes: his first date with Barnaby (?!), when he first said I love you to the other man (!!), when Barnaby first said I love you back (!!!), moving in together, then an image of each of them in matching grey tuxes at their wedding.
“What? What?” He was yelling without a voice, he was heaving for breath, so, so very dizzy, stomach swooping with shock and amazement (and awe and wonder and what could be…!)
He was ass on the pavement in some dusty back alley, laid out flat in his hero suit in the midst of metal debris and safety glass. And someone one was shaking him, calling his name. “Wild Tiger! Kotetsu! Kotetsu, wake up!”
Kotetsu blinked, then shot to a sitting position with a deep gasp, nearly slamming into Barnaby as he did so.
“Is she okay?” he demanded, wobbling as he tried to get to his feet. Barnaby grasped his hand and pulled him to a standing position, steadying him, his eyes scanning every detail of Kotetsu’s face with laser focus.
“Are you okay? Kotetsu…?”
Kotetsu patted Barnaby reassuringly with his free hand, scanning the people milling around in search of the NEXT. “I’m fine, I’m fine.” Then he spotted the woman a short distance away, flanked by Sky High and Blue Rose, and being eyed warily by a nearby cluster of police. “Hey! Don’t apprehend her! She wasn’t being aggressive, she hasn’t learned to control her powers yet and I scared her. It’s my fault!”  
The woman, who still looked almost like she was cowering, straightened and stared at him, then her face crumpled and her eyes filled. “I’m so sorry.” Her voice wavered. “I’m so, so sorry. I don’t mean for this to happen. I can’t make it stop.”
“Your powers, they’re time related, right?”
Swallowing, she nodded jerkily, lip wobbling. “I. Yes. Sort of. I can make people see memories. Or, they for an instant go back in time? But it comes out like, like a blast? I don’t mean to hurt anyone. But I can’t hold it back, it just happens.”
“You’ll be all right,” Sky High comforted the woman. “We’ll help you, and you’ll be okay!”
“Excuse me folks, pardon me, can I get through,” Ben’s voice came from behind the officers, and they parted to let him through. “Ma’am, I’m Ben Jackson, with Apollon Media. And no, I’m not trying to pressure you into a job, I just oversee these guys.” He gestured with his thumb towards Kotetsu and Barnaby. “But I am here to help you. If you’d like to come back to our offices, we can discuss assisting you in finding resources to help you as a new NEXT. The Hero Academy generally is for younger people, but they do have instruction for adult NEXTs, even older adults, and we can put you in contact with them.”
The woman looked around her, glanced over at Kotetsu who gave her a thumbs up. “He’s right,” Kotetsu called out. “A little training, and that blast will be just a breeze. And you could help so many people with that power.”
“Help people? Do you really think so?”
“Yeah, like folks with Alzheimers or senility, elderly people? You could help them see all their treasured memories, even the things they’ve forgotten.” Kotetsu saw the woman straighten, could almost see the curiosity and confidence coming back to her.
Barnaby added, “Or you could help those with amnesia or other brain traumas regain their memories.” His partner was still grasping Kotetsu’s hand, so he gave it a bolstering squeeze. Of course, this would be something Barnaby would find personally affecting. It had been a handful of years since Maverick, but Kotetsu knew the younger man still struggled at times with what had been done to him. Powers like these could have helped him so much back then, when truth and reality battled behind Barnaby’s eyes—and in his nightmares—against Maverick’s brainwashing and lies.
“Yes. I. I would like that, very much.” The woman nodded to Kotetsu and Barnaby, then turned to Ben. “My name is Anvi Mangal. Please, I want to be able to help others, not hurt them.”
Gradually the crowd disbursed. Ben escorted Ms. Mangal to his vehicle, and Sky High and Blue Rose departed with a salute and a wave.
Barnaby turned his attention once again to Kotetsu. He carefully removed Kotetsu’s helmet, pressing gentle fingers to the sides and back of Kotetsu’s head. “You’re certain you’re all right,” he asked.
“Yeah, yeah, I just was stunned.” Kotetsu rapped a knuckle against his temple lightly. “Got my bell rung, is all. Mostly it was just being inundated with a few decades worth of memories,” he shrugged.
“What did you see?”
“A lot of Tomoe, Kaede. Some of the high points and achievements of my life.” Kotetsu paused. “And you, Bunny. A lot of you.” Hesitating a moment, he reached out and clasped Barnaby’s hands, holding them. “Bunny, I…I didn’t just see the past.” He met Barnaby’s gaze, steady, let himself marvel again at how beautiful and green his eyes were, how long his eyelashes were. He felt like he was at the top of a skyscraper, about to step off in a leap of faith.
It was time to trust that Barnaby would be there to catch him once more. “I saw the future, I think. I saw us. Together. Together, together.”
Barnaby’s eyes went wide, his lips parting on a silent gasp.
Taking a deep breath, Kotetsu wet his lips, and continued. “I’ve never said anything. I’ve always cared about you, so much. But, to tell you, how much, I…. You had so much on your shoulders, with what happened to your parents, trying to piece your life back together, after, after everything. Trying to heal from it. Always having to support me, with my powers disappearing, and my retirement. Even after coming back and getting to be your partner again, I just…I wanted to tell you. But, I. Everything felt so delicate, right?”
“And you didn’t want to ruin things,” Barnaby murmured. “We were partners again, and friends again. After so long, we were back together, and you didn’t want to risk it falling apart.” His eyes were shimmering, and he looked like he was on the edge of smiling or crying—but the smiling was winning.
God, Kotetsu had hoped…seeing all the not-yet-memories in his glimpse of the future, it’d struck Kotetsu that maybe, maybe all this time, Barnaby was hiding the same feelings Kotetsu was. And now, to hear these words from him, about Kotetsu, but at the same time obviously about himself. How could Kotetsu be this lucky? How could he be this lucky a second time? He released Barnaby’s hands only so he could take off his partner’s helmet as well, letting it slip to the ground. He ran still-gloved fingers along the sides of Barnaby’s face, trailed a gentle thumb beneath his eyes to catch the stray tear that finally dropped, wiping it away.
“Bunny. Barnaby. I’ve…I’ve loved you a really long time. I always thought I just had Tomoe in my heart, then one day you were there too, like you’d always been there.” He swallowed, feeling the moisture on his own face. “If the future I saw here was real…god, I want it. I want that with you, Bunny.”
Then Barnaby, skittish Barnaby who’d always shrugged off Kotetsu’s hugs, who always complained or fussed if they went on too long, embraced Kotetsu with a loud clatter of their hero suits, squeezing him so tightly Kotetsu thought he could feel his ribs creak even in the armor. He was laughing wetly, but sounded so relieved. “Me too, it’s the same for me too. Old man, it’s been driving me crazy, I’ve wanted to say something for so long.”
Finally he pulled back, just far enough Kotetsu could see his face again. And it stole Kotetsu’s breath away, the sheer joy in Barnaby’s wide, wide smile. He’d never seen Barnaby more beautiful than at this moment. “How long’s it been for you?”
Barnaby chuckled softly, wiping under his eyes. “It first hit me that time, after Jake Martinez. When you said you trusted me to believe you.” And there was that beautiful smile again. “It was like a good luck mode punch to the chest. I don’t think I ever quite recovered.”
“I don’t know that I can point at a specific day, or event,” Kotetsu mused. He shrugged one shoulder. “It was like you snuck in on quiet little rabbit feet and just waited for me to finally notice.” He grinned. “My li’l Bunny.” Barnaby huffed, but he still held Kotetsu, and Kotetsu realized then, now that he knew, Barnaby was never going to let him go. And Kotetsu trusted in that, one hundred percent.
“So what now,” he asked, affection a warm, glowing thing beneath his sternum, and he tapped lightly at the chestplate of Barnaby’s hero suit. “Do we…should we go out? Dinner and…?”
“Definitely. Yes, let’s do that.” Barnaby’s hands hand slid down to rest at Kotetsu’s waist, and Kotetsu found he really liked them there. “Maybe something quiet and small. How about that barbecue and Korean barbecue restaurant Ben recommended?”
Kotetsu nodded as he recalled Ben mentioning his cousin and her husband’s new business. He’d always wanted to try—  TIngles flashed over his scalp, and Kotetsu did a jaw-dropped doubletake, staring at Barnaby in shock. Wait, that was, that was the exact place! Their first date! Barnaby looked momentarily confused, then stared at Kotetsu in wonder.
“Really? You saw…?”
Now Kotetsu was beaming and he didn’t think he’d ever stop smiling again. With a whoop, he grabbed Barnaby into another hug, so giddy he couldn’t help but spin them both around until they both dissolved into laughter. Staggering to a halt and helpless with giggling, Kotetsu had to wipe his eyes for an entirely different reason this time.
“Y’know what’s the best part? Today’s the date we were first partnered together.”
Barnaby’s face brightened, “it is!” His smile grew impossibly fond as he looked at Kotetsu. “You remembered.”
“Of course, always.” God, he loved Barnaby so fantastically much, how had he ever kept it tucked away and secret in himself so long? “I can’t wait to have a ton of anniversaries with you.” He sounded like such a sappy fool…and he loved it. “Wait, I thought of another one!”
As Barnaby looked at him curiously, he took Barnaby’s face in his hands, then leaned in and brushed their lips together, once, twice, and by the third, Barnaby met him in the middle for a lingering, thorough kiss. When they finally parted, Kotetsu announced with a wink, “First kiss!” And he learned then that a blushing, delighted Barnaby was his absolute number one favorite thing.
Kotetsu didn’t know what the future really held, but when it came to love, he couldn’t wait to experience every moment of it, now that it would be a future with Barnaby.
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wistfulcynic · 4 years
Error 404: “Little” Brother Not Found
SUMMARY: Liam Jones loves his little brother, he truly does. And if that love takes the form of good natured teasing, well, what’s the harm in that? Sure it annoys Killian but that’s kind of the point, and anyway Killian’s still just a lad. Liam’s sure he only just started shaving last year at the earliest. So when he stumbles on Killian mid-dalliance with a certain blonde princess, Liam is forced to reassess a lot of things about his “little” brother, many of which do. not. compute. 
a/n: ahahahahaha yeah. So this sprang, as so many mad things do, from a discord discussion about how Liam might react to the discovery that his little brother, the awkward, blushing, nerdy Lieutenant Jones, is in actual fact not so awkward anymore and involved with Princess Emma. Involved, in multiple senses of the word.  
I have never been a huge fan of Liam, full disclosure, and I particularly dislike it when their interactions infantilise Killian and take away from his own qualities and accomplishments. So while Liam in this fic does not die or get hurt in any physical way, he does have a few fairly painful revelations. And of course the full DOES NOT COMPUTE meltdown. NOT SORRY. 
This is modern Lieutenant Duckling. Imagine Misthaven as a 21st century minor European kingdom. 
Rating: hard-ish T/soft-ish M Words: 3.5k Tags: Modern AU, Modern Royalty AU, Lieutenant Duckling, Brothers Jones
On AO3
Liam Jones likes to think of himself as a reasonable man. He’s an honest man, and an honourable one. Those two attributes have never been in question. He’s frequently an impatient man, and sometimes a judgemental one, as his little brother Killian tells him frequently. Killian also calls him a stubborn arse, and Liam has to admit that this might also be valid, but when Killian accuses him of being unreasonable, well, that’s where he draws the line. 
He’s perfectly reasonable. Perfectly. What’s unreasonable are Killian’s objections to a) being called ‘little brother’—he is little, after all, by comparison to Liam’s greater height and broader shoulders—and b) his refusal to allow his older and wiser and bigger brother to help him find a girl. 
“I do not require your input on that subject, thank you very much,” Killian snarls. “Kindly back the fuck off.” 
“But Tink is really nice,” wheedles Liam, as they walk from where his ship is moored in the harbour and into the town to have some lunch. Killian no longer serves on the same ship, having accepted a secondment about a year ago to work on a highly specialised project for the Royal Council. But whenever Liam is in port they make a point of spending as much time as they can together. 
“I’m sure she is,” Killian sighs. “Not interested.”  
“She’s pretty, too.” 
“I don’t doubt it. Still not interested.” 
“Look, Killian, I’m only trying to help—” 
“No, you’re trying to control me as you always do. I’m twenty-four years old, Liam! I’m an officer in the Royal Navy, same as you, and trust me when I tell you I am more than capable of finding my own women!” 
Liam scoffs at this. Killian only just started shaving, he’s sure of it, and the last time he witnessed his little brother trying to interact with a female Killian stumbled over his own feet and spilled his drink down the front of her dress. 
He still brings that one up. 
The next day he goes to visit Killian at the project’s headquarters in the palace library. On his way there he runs into Princess Emma—almost literally, as she’s not paying any attention to where she’s going, strolling along with a sort of dazed, dreamy look in her eyes, and he does his best to catch her as respectfully as possible by the elbow before she slams into him. 
“Begging your pardon, Your Highness,” he says, with a small bow. 
“Oh! Captain Jones!” Emma blinks in surprise. “Er—I apologise, my mind was wandering.” 
Liam bows again. “No trouble at all, Princess.” 
He stands aside so she can pass and watches her go with a smile on his face, wondering if he should tease Killian about it now or wait until later. Liam flatters himself he has a good relationship with Princess Emma; he served as a member of her personal guard for a short time and they have always got on well. Killian on the other hand, always flushes bright pink whenever her name is mentioned and makes stuttering excuses for why he has a pressing need to be anywhere that she is not. 
It’s adorable, Liam thinks. Killian has a little crush. 
He finds his brother in the palace library, leaning against a bookshelf like he needs it to hold him up. His colour is high and his hair is sticking up at the back. 
“Lieutenant Jones!” Liam barks. “You are out of uniform!” 
“I—what?” Killian scowls. “What are you on about, Liam, there’s nothing wrong with my uniform.” 
Wordlessly, and with crisp, precise movements, Liam withdraws a comb from his uniform coat and hands it to his brother. Killian’s scowl deepens but he takes it and carefully tidies his hair before handing it back. 
“What have you been doing in here that got your hair all mussed up?” Liam teases. “Research got you excited?” 
“Something like that,” Killian mutters. “I—must’ve tugged on it when I was thinking.” 
“Mmmm,” says Liam, and decides the best time to torture little brothers is always. “I ran into the princess on my way here,” he says casually, biting back a grin when Killian’s ears go pink. 
“Did you?” He’s clearly trying hard to be casual but his voice comes out as more of a croak. 
“Yep. It makes sense, I suppose. Her private apartments aren’t too far from here.” 
Killian clears his throat. “I wouldn’t know anything about that.” 
“Do you ever see her? Or do you hide in the bushes when she goes by?”
“Liam—” Killian growls warningly.
“I’m surprised you accepted this posting, actually, seeing as it means you’re working so close to where she lives. What are you going to do if she stops by to check on your progress? Stammer like a schoolboy in front of the rest of the project team? Run away?” 
Killian’s eyes flash. “I expect I’d manage,” he snarls. “As I keep telling you I’m an adult—” 
“—an adult, yes—”
“—and I do actually know how to speak to women!” 
Liam smirks. “Somehow I don’t think Ariel would agree.” 
“That was eight years ago, Liam! I was sixteen! And you know Ariel and I are friends now. You are literally the only person who ever talks about that anymore.” 
“Do you know what your problem is?” Killian interrupts. 
“I only have one?” 
“The biggest of your many, many bloody irritating problems is that you refuse to see me as anything but a child. Not that you can’t you just won’t.” He sighs and runs a hand over his face. “I wish I knew how to make you.” 
Liam feels a pang of guilt. He does rag on Killian quite a lot, it’s true, but it comes from a place of love. He’d been solely responsible for raising his brother from a time when he was barely more than a boy himself, and he loves Killian fiercely. He just doesn’t quite know how to express it. 
“Hey,” he says, hooking his arm around Killian’s neck and ruffling his hair again. “Don’t be like that, little brother. I’m sorry.” 
Killian pulls out of Liam’s grip and makes an ostentatious show of smoothing down his hair. “Sure,” he says. 
Liam feels bad, and he doesn’t like it. “So, um, why don’t you show me what you’ve been working on?” he says, hoping this will distract Killian from the previous teasing. 
It does. Killian brightens instantly. “Really?” he says. “You actually want to see it?” 
“Of course I do.” 
Liam doesn’t quite understand Killian’s project; it involves lots of complex equations and research into things that he never had the chance to study, but he’s immensely proud of his brother for being chosen to work on it. Killian is the youngest member of the team by a good ten years and his selection was a tremendous honour. Liam nearly burst with pride when he heard of it. 
Not that he would ever tell Killian that. 
Killian’s face is eager as he shows Liam the research he’s been doing and the presentation he’s preparing for the King and the Royal Council. Liam smiles and nods and lets him talk, his mind wandering.
Two days later Liam is back at the palace on business and he decides to see if Killian is free for dinner. He knocks on the door of the quarters his brother shares with the other members of the research team, who inform him that Killian isn’t there. 
“He’s not around here much,” one of them says, with a knowing smirk. “I mean, I wouldn’t be either, in his shoes. Lucky git.” 
“Can’t remember the last time he actually slept here,” adds another. “He ‘works late’ a lot.” The man makes quotation marks in the air with his fingers. “I’m guessing right now he’s busy ‘working’ real hard, you know?”
Liam does not, in fact, know. He has no idea what they could be talking about but it’s clear they think he does and so he plays along. 
“Right. Well, er, better luck next time, I guess.” 
He walks back to his ship, wondering what on earth Killian could be doing with his evenings if he’s not spending them in his quarters. Surely he’s not actually still at the library? 
That lad needs to get himself a girl, Liam thinks. If only he would agree to a date with Tink.
The following Thursday is the day of Killian’s big presentation to the Royal Council. Liam arrives a few minutes early, thinking he might have to help calm his brother’s nerves. He takes a seat in the council chambers and looks around for Killian but he is nowhere to be seen. 
Then the door opens and Killian arrives, quite at his ease as he greets the council members and bows to the king. Liam frowns. He expected his brother to be cripplingly nervous, flushing and stammering through his presentation, but the reality could hardly be more different. Killian stands confidently at the lectern, looking older than his years—when did his facial hair get so thick, Liam wonders—and when he begins to speak his voice is deep and calm, with a note of authority Liam has never heard in it before. 
The crowd is riveted, hanging on his every word. The other members of the project team, the Royal Council, none can take their eyes off him. The king is actually taking notes, nodding to himself as Killian speaks. 
Liam catches a glimpse of Princess Emma sitting near the back of the chamber. She’s not officially on the Council though of course she is heir to the throne and so he’s not surprised by her presence at an important event. He is a little bit thrown by the look on her face, though. It’s soft and a bit awed, with shining eyes and flushed cheeks and a sweet smile on her lips. He’s never seen her look like that before.  
Killian concludes his presentation and opens the floor to questions from the audience. There are many, more than Liam anticipated, but Killian handles them all with aplomb, giving knowledgeable, definitive answers and not flinching even when the king himself challenges some of his conclusions. Killian stands straight with his shoulders square as they debate, and Liam gets the strangest feeling that both he and the king are enjoying themselves. 
Liam is proud. He’s always been proud of his little brother, of course he has. Of course he knows that Killian is smart and tough and hard-working, but this—this is a new kind of proud. Like he’s seeing his brother as a peer, for the first time. 
When the presentation is officially over Killian mingles a bit in the crowd and Liam debates going to speak with him. He wants to tell his brother about this new pride he’s feeling, but he’s not sure if he can find the words or if this is really the time or place. But then he sees Killian heading off through one of the council chamber’s side exits and thinks he might take the opportunity to catch Killian and have a few words in private, and so he goes to follow his brother out the door. 
So does Princess Emma. Liam bites his lip to stop his smile when he sees her heading for the same exit through which Killian just disappeared. Because yes, he did just realise that he might need to start treating Killian as more of an equal but that doesn’t change the fact that he’ll always be a big brother and he can’t help wanting to witness Killian stammer and blush when he runs into the princess. 
He slips through the door and follows Emma until she turns a corner, then hurries his pace a bit so as not to lose her.  
“Well,” he hears her say as he approaches the corner. “Fancy meeting you here, Lieutenant.” 
Liam halts just before the turn, waiting for Killian’s stammering reply. Instead he hears something that has his jaw dropping in astonishment. Killian’s voice, pitched lower than usual and with a flirtatious note in it that Liam has never, not even in his wildest dreams, imagined he might hear from his own little brother. 
“What a remarkable coincidence,” Killian replies. 
“Isn’t it just.” 
“Whatever shall I do with you, princess, now I’ve discovered you here in this very dark corridor?” Killian growls. 
“I’m sure you’ve got a few ideas.” Emma’s voice is breathless. “Brilliant man like you.” 
“Oh I do love, I absolutely do. Though I confess they all require you to be wearing rather fewer clothes.”
“Those are my favourite ones,” Emma gasps, then Liam hears the unmistakable sound of kissing. 
They’re kissing. His brother and the princess. They’re just around the damned corner bloody well making out and flirting and talking about sex. 
His brother. 
And the princess. 
The princess. 
The king’s daughter. 
Is talking about sex. 
With his brother. 
Liam’s jaw lolls and his throat works, his Adam’s apple bobbing furiously, but no sound comes out. He doesn’t know what noise he’d even make if he could, he certainly isn’t capable of forming any words. He sidles up to the edge of the wall and pokes his head around the corner, just far enough to get visual confirmation of what he still can’t believe he heard. And there it is. There they are, wrapped up in each other with her back pressed against the wall and their mouths fused together. 
Liam was almost hoping that it had all been some insane mistake, that maybe there was another lieutenant waiting in the corridor for the princess and speaking with his brother’s voice. But no. That’s Killian, unmistakably him. It looks like him and sounds like him, everything is him except that this man—yes, man—is kissing and flirting and making some pretty damned blatant allusions to sex. With the princess. Sex that he—that they—ack
Liam’s brain makes a noise like an old dial-up modem as he watches Killian’s mouth leave Emma’s to trail sucking kisses down the neck she arches back for him, watches as his brother’s hand slides up the bloody royal thigh and under the hem of her dress and between—no. No, he can’t. He can’t see that. He can’t think it. He. Just. Can’t. 
“Fuck.” Emma gasps, rolling her hips against Killian’s hand. “Fuck, Killian.” 
“That is definitely the aim here, love.” 
“Oh, God,” Emma moans. “We can’t do this here.”
“Can’t we?” 
“No, we can’t.” 
No you bloody well can’t, Liam’s brain screams. Please, please, please stop doing this here! 
Emma pushes Killian away and he takes a step back, giving her a smirk that is positively lewd as he slowly licks his fingers. She smirks back, completely unfazed, and saunters towards him with a swing in her hips, hooking her own fingers under the waistband of Killian’s uniform trousers. Trousers that Liam absolutely, positively refuses to notice are tented. Impressively tented. Like perhaps Killian is right to object to being called little brother.
WHYYYYYYYYY wails his brain. 
“Why don’t you come back to my place, sailor, and ravish me properly,” she purrs, and Killian puts his hand on her arse—her arse—his brother’s hand is on the princess of their bloody realm’s arse—(it was someplace far worse a minute ago, but his brain shrivels a bit and warning klaxons begin to shrill in his head before he can think too much about that)—and Killian’s fingers are tracing the curve of the arse in question and curling around the princess’s hip as they head off towards her apartments, bodies moving together in the kind of perfect harmony that suggests that when they fuck it’s hawt. 
Nonononononononononononononooooooooooooooo Liam’s brain is in full meltdown mode now, alarms shrilling and screens flashing error messages and he just. Cannot. Compute. 
He was prepared, almost very nearly prepared, to acknowledge that Killian is a grown man now, one well on his way to an impressive career and who has earned the respect of his colleagues and his king. But this—when—how did his shy and nerdy little brother become smooth enough with women to pull a bloody princess? 
Where is the blushing? The stammering? The tripping over his own feet? 
The next day Liam visits Killian in the library again, finding him sitting quietly at a desk with his brow furrowed as he reads from a large, leather-bound book. His uniform is pristine and his hair tidy, and his reading glasses are slipping down his nose. Liam clears his throat and Killian looks up, his face creasing with a grin. 
“Liam! I was hoping you’d drop by. I didn’t get a chance to talk to you after the presentation yesterday.” 
“No. I, er. Um. I’m sorry.” 
“It’s all right.” Killian waves his apology away. “I left a bit earlier than I was anticipating, actually. Something came up.” 
Liam looks at him carefully to see if this is meant to be a joke, bitterly recalling how twenty-four hours ago it would have never even occurred to him to wonder whether Killian might be making a crude innuendo about his penis. Such a thing would have been as inconceivable as the idea of his brother even carrying on a conversation with Princess Emma, much less—
Killian’s smile begins to fade and Liam pulls himself together, claps his brother on the shoulder. “You did well yesterday,” he said. “I was proud of you.” 
Killian flushes with pleasure. “Thank you, brother,” he says. “It means a lot to hear that from you.” 
That blush is what does it. It’s so familiar, too familiar, and with everything Liam now knows about Killian he simply cannot reconcile these two versions of him, his easy-blushing brother and Princess Emma’s lover and—
“You’re sleeping with her.” 
“The princess. You. I saw—and her. Kissing, and—and—how long has this been bloody going on?” 
“Ah.” Killian removes his glasses, folds them up, and places them in their case. He sets the case on the desk and stands, giving Liam a cool look that the elder Jones absolutely cannot meet. “I think perhaps we’d best discuss this someplace more private,” he says. 
He does not blush. 
Killian leads Liam out of the library and across the small, grassy quad that separates it from the royal living quarters. He nods to the guard at the entrance as they go inside and strides confidently through the maze of corridors to a door which he opens with a key that he selects from his own keychain. 
“Emma’s visiting hospitals today,” he says. “She won’t be back until late. We can talk here.” 
“This is—” Liam gulps. “This is the princess’s private apartments.” 
“To which you have a key.” 
“I live here. Not officially, of course, for the sake of the optics, but for all intents and purposes they are my apartments too.” 
“So then it’s not—not just—” 
“Not just sex?” Killian smirks. “No. We’ve been together about three years and it’s serious. I plan to marry her.” 
“But—you can’t marry a princess! You’re a—” 
“A lowly lieutenant in her father’s navy? Aye. And I certainly couldn’t marry her in that capacity. But as a valued and trusted adviser on the Royal Council? That would be rather a different story.” 
Liam feels comprehension begin to dawn. “That’s why you wanted to work on this project,” he says.  
“That’s why I wanted to work on this project,” Killian confirms. “And of course, it gives us a chance to live together normally, without attracting attention. Just to be absolutely certain this is what we want.” 
Liam collapses onto a sofa, utterly gobsmacked. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” he whispers. 
“Would you have listened?” Killian sits down next to him. “Would you have believed it? All you ever do is tease me and treat me like I’m still sixteen. How would you have reacted to the news that I was dating Emma if you hadn’t seen us together with your own eyes?” 
Liam is silent. He’s ashamed of himself and for once he allows himself to fully feel that shame. Killian is right. He has treated his brother as a child, even though he clearly isn’t one anymore. Not just because of his relationship with the princess but because of his accomplishments in his career and the impressive future he has ahead of him, as a Royal Councillor and someday the Prince Consort. 
Liam could not be prouder. 
“You’re right,” he says after a long silence. “I wouldn’t have listened, and I wouldn’t have believed it. But I will now, both those things. Will you tell me the story? How you met Emma and how you fell in love? And—when you have time I’d love to see more about your project.” He clears his throat. “Actually see it, I mean, and do my best to understand.” 
Killian smiles, wide and delighted. It’s the smile of the boy Liam solemnly promised to take care of all those years ago, and it’s the smile of the man that boy has become. 
“I’d love to, brother,” he says. 
@thisonesatellite @ohmightydevviepuu @stahlop @mariakov81 @katie-dub @kmomof4 @teamhook @donteattheappleshook @darkcolinodonorgasm @xhookswenchx @snidgetsafan 
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sergeanttucker · 5 years
Get what you want
Summary: (Y/N) had always been impressed by Bucky’s body and she wanted more than anything else to feel him against her own. After an incident in the gym, an opportunity suddenly opens up and she could fulfill all her wishes.
Warning: a bit of angst and fluff, Smut! ,badly written smut!, some dirty talk and swearing, teasing
Word count: 4786
AN - Bucky smut again, yay! I really like this one, to be honest. I hope you do too. Enjoy. :)
Requests are open
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There he was. Silently taunting her as he lifted those weights in the gym, his muscles flexing with every of his movements. The training shorts he wore had slipped up a bit during his workout, exposing his thighs to her hungry eyes. It’s almost embarrassing how much she wanted to touch them, to grip his thighs and feel how the muscles tensed as she made him cum with only her mouth.
She blushed at the thought. (Y/N) knew she shouldn’t be thinking something like this about her friend. Steve would surely give her a lecture about how inappropriate it was if he knew. But who could really blame her?
(Y/N) swallowed heavily as she watched how Bucky gripped his shirt at the back and pulled it over his head before he dropped it to the floor.  The defined muscles in his abdomen drew her attention before her eyes wandered up to his chest and shoulders. Was it even allowed to be that attractive?
Her mouth ran dry as Bucky got down to the floor and started with push-ups. Her eyes instantly fell to his strong back and the way the muscles worked under his sweaty skin. Her own workout was completely forgotten as she watched him, biting her lip as her thoughts run wild.
“Are you ok, doll? You look a little flustered.” This smirk. This stupid, handsome smirk! It would kill her one day; she was sure of it. Bucky cocked an eyebrow as she stammered an excuse. “I eh…yeah, I’m just…I have to go.” She pointed awkwardly towards the exit and left as fast as possible, ignoring his chuckle as he watched her leave.
God damnit! He caught her staring! How could she be this stupid?! This thought and many more of them occupied her every thought for three days straight. Three days in which she avoided Bucky as best as she could. She left the room as soon as he entered. She never went to the gym the same time he was, and she even refused to go out for drinks with the team.
Unfortunately, on this evening it was movie night, and she didn’t have an excuse. She tried to convince Natasha and Wanda that she was sick but of course; they didn’t buy it and dragged her with them into the entertaining room. The room was filled with a variety of two-sitters and large plush sofas as well as comfortable armchairs.
As she entered the room, most of the team was already there and occupied, to (Y/N)’s dislike, all the armchairs. She opted for the next best thing and sat down in the back on a two-sitter. She let her eyes wander through the room to see if the metal armed soldier was already there.
She let out a sigh of relief when she saw him lying stretched out on a couch. At least he wouldn’t sit next to her … She wouldn’t stand it! She was still too embarrassed when he caught her staring. (Y/N) knew that Bucky knew why she had stared, he wasn’t stupid after all.
Before she could run further into her thoughts, the lights went out, and the movie started. After just a few seconds, (Y/N) knew exactly who had chosen the film. Peter. Why the teenager was around at this time, she didn’t know. But there was no question that he had chosen when the opening scene of Alien appeared on the screen.
After a few minutes, (Y/N)’s thoughts had cleared and she could actually enjoy the movie. She has always been a fan of classic horror films and she has seen all the alien movies at least a hundred times.
Her little moment of peace was suddenly interrupted when someone sat down next to her; the two-seater’s cushions gave way under the weight of the stranger. She didn’t even have to look to know who it was because the little hairs on the back of her neck straightened up, and they only did that when a certain person was around.
She swallowed hard at the realization, but she tried not to show her nervousness and ignored him as best she could. A warm arm wrapped itself around her shoulders and pressed her to an equally warm body. Soft lips were pressed against her ear, his hair tickling her exposed shoulder. “I didn’t like you avoiding me in the last few days.”
A shiver ran down her spine as his warm breath hit her skin and yet she continued to stare at the screen, even though she could no longer concentrate on the film. “I know why you’re always staring at me and I know what’s going on in your pretty little head when you do it.” His metal hand grabbed her knee and caressed the skin there.
(Y/N)’s breath caught in her throat. She should not be so surprised, she already knew that he knew, and yet she couldn’t stop the blush that rose on her face. Bucky chuckled darkly at her reaction, he couldn’t see how red her face was, but he felt how warm it was.
“You do not have to be embarrassed; I want you too.” He … he wanted her too? Did she understand that correctly? At first (Y/N) thought she had just imagined it, but she had not imagined the bite in her earlobe! “I want to feel every inch of your skin under my fingers as I make you scream my name. I want to mark you up so everyone knows that you’re mine. And, my God, I want to feel your walls tighten around me as I make you cum.” The last part was only a groan in her ear, which made her whimper softly.
“Bucky …” He quickly pressed a hand over her mouth to silence her “Pssst … I love to hear you say my name, but we do not want everyone else to hear it, right?” (Y/N) shook her head as best she could with his hand still over her mouth. “How about you come to me tonight after the movie, then you can be as loud as you want.”
(Y/N) whimpered again at his words and nodded; she could feel the dirty grin of Bucky against her ear. “I can’t wait to have you under me.” He turned her face to his and pressed a short, barely there kiss against her lips before he stood up with a grin and went back to his previous seat in the front. (Y/N) sat there rooted to the spot, she couldn’t concentrate on the rest of the movie and thought about Bucky’s words the whole time.
She squeezed her thighs together as she remembered the dirty tone of his voice in her ear. She was excited; all her fantasies could come true! But one thought plagued her throughout the rest of the movie… Would she really do it? Was she brave enough to go into Bucky’s room to live out all her fantasies?
Nope! No, she couldn’t do that! Just go to him to get laid? That’s not her style. Sure, she had fantasized about it, especially on those lonely nights when her hand slipped into her panties. Those nights when she could think of nothing but how it would feel to have Bucky between her legs and that his hand was between her thighs instead of her own.
(Y/N) paced up and down in front of the mirror in her bedroom, racking her brain over the situation. That was certainly a unique opportunity, but what if Bucky didn’t mean it? What if he just wanted to fool her because he realized she had a crush on him? What if she actually goes to him and he just laughs at her because she fell for it? But Bucky wasn’t someone who played with the needs and feelings of others … right? She would never find out if she didn’t go to him.
After she finally decided to do it, she took a shower and washed herself as thoroughly as never before. Shaving, moisturizing cream and a little perfume. The whole program.
As she stood in front of the open wardrobe, she wondered what to wear. It should not be too sexy, not that she had a lot of sexy lingerie, but not too casual either.
(Y/N) opted for simple black lace panties with a matching bra and also put on a sleep shorts with an old band shirt. Nothing too exciting. In case Bucky wasn’t serious, (Y/N) didn’t want to stand there half-naked while she was being rejected.
After combing her hair, she paused in front of the mirror for a moment to convince herself to actually do it. She nodded to herself and made her way across the hall to Bucky’s room. At the door she stopped again, her hand already in the air to knock. A deep breath. Another one. She knocked.
She chewed anxiously on her lower lip as she waited for the door to open; it only took a few moments. Bucky stood in the doorway, and after a second of confusion, a broad grin spread across his face. He licked his lips and stepped aside so that (Y/N) could enter, then closed the door and turned the key to lock it.
(Y/N) stood at the door and played with her hands as she watched Bucky go to his bed and sit on the edge. Man, he looked good in his gray sweatpants and white shirt. “I see you have decided to come.”
The grin on his face didn’t disappear when he saw her nod. He raised a hand and made a gesture to tell her to come closer. (Y/N) took small, careful steps in his direction; she was still uncertain what to expect. She stopped in front of him, between his legs, nervously swallowing the lump that formed in her throat.
When he noticed that (Y/N) avoided his gaze, his features softened, and the grin was replaced with a gentle smile as he took her hands in his and kissed her palms. “If you’ve changed your mind, and you just want to hang out a bit, then that’s fine. I will not force you to do anything. It’s your decision, just tell me.”
(Y/N)’s heart beat a little faster at his words. She had not expected him to force her to, but to hear that there was a way out when she needed one calmed her immensely. A small smile touched her lips as she nodded.
“I need words, doll, tell me what you want.” He put his hands on her thighs and stroked them as he waited for an answer.
“I want you.” The words had barely left her mouth when Bucky pulled her into his lap. Her hands were on his shoulders to steady herself. They looked each other in the eyes for a moment. Bucky could feel her nervousness, her breathing faster than usual. Carefully not to frighten her, he cupped her face and stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. Slowly, painfully slowly, he approached her face. His lips brushed over hers, not really kissing as he tested the water. “Please …” The whispered pleading was enough to convince Bucky that she wanted it. His eyes dropped to her mouth for a second before he pressed his lips to hers for a soft kiss.
It wasn’t long before Bucky broke the kiss, keeping his face close to hers as he watched her reaction. Her lips were slightly open, her eyes dropped to his mouth before she leaned forward to taste his lips again. Bucky’s hands left her face to grip her hips instead, pulling her closer until they were pressed together.
A soft sigh left (Y/N) mouth as their tongues began to tangle, stroking each other the same way Bucky stroked her hips. After what felt like an eternity, (Y/N) broke to the kiss because she remembered she still needed to breathe.
Apparently, Bucky didn’t have the need for air, his lips didn’t leave her as he trailed kisses over her jaw to her neck. He easily found her sweet spot and paid it special attention once the soft moan of his name found its way into his ear. His hands stroked up her sides, pushing the shirt up to expose more skin. (Y/N) shuddered as the cool surface of his metal hand touched her ribs, but he didn’t go further than that. “May I?”
Bucky truly was a gentleman. (Y/N) smiled briefly before she gripped the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Now sitting in only her bra and shorts on his lap, (Y/N) chewed nervously on her lip as his eyes wandered over her body, stopping at her chest.
“So. Fucking. Beautiful.” He punctuated each of his words with a short kiss to her lips once he finally tore his eyes away from her breasts. (Y/N) smiled at his words, they made her feel less nervous. Not that she is someone who is particularly insecure; in fact, she’s very happy with her looks. Even more so when she saw how Bucky looked at her, like he wants to eat her alive.
“What about this?” He tugged on the waistband of her shorts and let it snap back against her skin. Bucky’s voice sounded deeper than usual; it almost made her whimper. (Y/N) bit her lip as she got up from his lap and stood in front of him. Bucky licked his lips as his eyes wandered over her body again. The movement didn’t go unnoticed by (Y/N) and it gave her the courage to turn her back to him as she slowly wiggled her shorts down.
The growl that came from behind her made her grin slightly and she even dared to lean down, giving Bucky the perfect view of her ass. “Fuck…” A quiet curse as Bucky jumped up from the bed and hastily turned (Y/N) back around so he could press his lips against hers for a harsh kiss, walking her backward until her back hit a nearby wall before he grabbed her thighs and hoisted her up. (Y/N)’s legs wrapped themselves around his hips, a quiet moan left her as Bucky rutted against her.
He took two steps and sat her down on a dresser. (Y/N)’s breath got slightly uneven as he trailed one smooth metal finger down her throat and over the cups of her bra. “How about you show me what you hide behind this pretty little thing.”
A teasing smirk tugged at (Y/N)’s lips, causing Bucky to squint his eyes as he watched her every move. She slowly licked her lips as she reached behind herself to unclasp her bra with one hand, the other arm was crossed over her chest to shield her breasts from Bucky’s eyes as she threw the bra in his face. Bucky took the flimsy material and dropped it to the floor with a smirk.
“You enjoy teasing me, doll? Let’s see who can do better.” A devilish grin spread across his handsome face as he grabbed her thighs and pulled her to the edge of the dresser. He grabbed her jaw with one hand and pulled her in for a kiss.
The force made her gasp and Bucky took just that moment to press his tongue into her mouth. The hand, which didn’t grab her jaw, moved over her thigh to the place between her legs. A thumb rubbed over the wet patch on her panties, a faint whimper left her lips as Bucky pressed harder against her clit.
Her arm fell from her chest to wrap around Bucky’s neck instead as he began to draw circles on her clit. A grin erupted on his face as she softly whimpered his name. He bit her lower lip and pressed harder against the bud between her thighs. “Jesus, doll, you are already so wet.”
“How about we get rid of this annoying piece of silk?” (Y/N) nodded in agreement and raised her hips so Bucky could take off her panties and drop them to the floor. “Now spread those pretty legs.” It took barely a second for her to obey his command, a flush rising in her face as Bucky’s eyes fell to her pussy.
“Look at this …” His voice was breathy as he studied her. His fingers found their way back between her legs, spreading her lips to get better access to her clit. Without her panties as a barrier, his actions felt even more intense, intense enough for (Y/N) to squeeze her legs with a whimper as he began circling her clit.
“Oh no, babydoll, leave your legs open.” Bucky spread her legs again and stepped further between them to prevent her from closing them. After only a few seconds of paying close attention to her clit, his fingers dropped down, teasing her hole with two digits. (Y/N)’s hips bucked in his direction, trying to get him to fill her but he only pushed the tip of one of his fingers in before he pulled out again. He did this a few times more up to the point where (Y/N) was practically sobbing with need.
Bucky’s face was pressed into her neck, leaving kisses and bites there as he listened to her ragged breaths and sobs. He groaned when (Y/N) tangled her hands in his hair and pulled his head away so she could press her forehead against his. “Please…” A cocky smirk grew on Bucky’s face at her plead. “Please, what?” (Y/N) sobbed again. Of course, he would make her say it. “I… I need you… please.”
“You need me?” She nodded. “What do you need me to do?” Bucky’s grin grew as he watched the desperate expression on her face. “Do you want me to make you cum? Want me to fuck you with my fingers?”
(Y/N) whined needily as her hips bucked and she nodded frantically. “Yes… please… make me cum, please.” Bucky’s grin didn’t fade. He pressed his lips against hers to swallow her moan as he pushed two of his fingers into her at once, immediately crocking them against her g-spot as if he did it a million times before.
(Y/N)’s nails bore into the flesh of his neck as he started to move his fingers, immediately setting a ruthless pace. She had to break the kiss, moan after moan tore out of her throat as he hit her spot with every of his thrust. His palm rubbed perfectly against her clit.
He kept his forehead pressed against hers, watching every change of expression on her face as he brought her closer and closer to her release. “Fuck…fuck…” Curses paired with pornographic moans that would put any porn star to shame filled the room. (Y/N)’s eyes closed but she ripped them open again as Bucky wrapped his metal hand in her hair and gave it a tug. “Don’t close your eyes.” His voice was breathy but still held a dangerous edge.
(Y/N) started to tremble, thighs twitching and toes curling. She was almost there; she could practically taste it. Unfortunately for (Y/N), Bucky could feel it too as her walls began to clench around his digits. Since he wasn’t ready to let her cum just yet, he pulled his fingers out just as she was about to tumble over the edge, a devilish smirk on his lips as she whined disappointed. “You didn’t think I would let you cum now, did you?”
(Y/N) slumped down against the wall behind her, chest heaving with every breath she took. For a moment, she pondered if she should punch him right into his handsome face but this thought was soon interrupted as he lifted his hand, completely drenched in her juices. Bucky kept his eyes on hers as he sucked one of his fingers into his mouth, groaning at the taste. (Y/N)’s mouth was slightly opened as she watched him in awe. “You are so delicious, babydoll. Taste yourself.” He held his hand out for her and once again grinned as she gripped his wrist. The grin fell from his face and a groan left his lips when (Y/N) licked a broad stripe up the back of his hand to his finger, she circled the tip with her tongue and moaned before she sucked his digit into her mouth.
“You are such a little tease.” His words resembled a growl. Bucky gripped her throat and kissed her hard as he gripped the back of her knees and wrapped her legs around his waist before he lifted her up. He never broke the kiss as he walked her over to the bed and as his knees hit the edge, he dropped her on the mattress.
(Y/N) crawled backwards until she lay in the middle of the bed. She bit her lip as she watched how Bucky pulled his shirt over his head. Like in the gym, her eyes dropped to his abdomen and wandered up to his chest as she admired the way his muscles worked under his skin. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on him!
Bucky loosened the strings on his sweatpants before he dropped them and kicked them to the side. So he went commando? Interesting. A lump formed in (Y/N)’s throat as he crawled up the bed; he looked like a predator as he settled between her legs. He pressed a hard kiss to her lips and pinned her hands above her head as she tried to touch him.
She whimpered and tried to free her hands but Bucky’s grip was unrelenting and he only grinned at her weak attempts. “Is there something you want?”
“I want to touch you. Please Buck.” Again, she tried to wiggle her hands free but Bucky only tightened his grip on her. “Oh, I don’t know babydoll… ‘m not sure if you deserve this after all the teasing.”
“Please, Bucky. I’ll do everything you want, just… just please, let me touch you.” (Y/N) knew she was begging and she would surely be embarrassed about it the next morning but in this moment, she didn’t give a fuck. She just wanted to touch him just like she always imagined.
“I love how you beg, babydoll, makes me want to explode. Keep going and maybe I will grant you your wish.” Bucky’s face was buried in her neck to mark her up more as he rutted against her, soaking his achingly hard cock in her juices. (Y/N)’s hips bucked upwards as his cock dragged over her clit, it sent electricity shooting through her.
“Bucky… James, please, I…” She was interrupted by a loud groan from the men above her. Apparently, the mention of his real name did something to him and (Y/N) used this new knowledge and pressed her lips against his ear as she whispered needily. “James, please. I need you… please fuck me.”
Another groan left him. He wanted to tease her a little more, but simultaneously he really wanted to be inside of her. His need to feel her was stronger, and he plunged into her with one hard stroke. Both of them moaned at the tight fit, (Y/N)’s back arched upwards as her mouth shaped a perfect O, eyes shut and head thrown back.
“Such. A. Fucking. Tease.” Bucky grunted those words into her neck as he punctuated every one of them with a sharp thrust of his hips, not giving her time to adjust as she writhed underneath him.
(Y/N) wrapped her legs around his lower back as he pounded into her. Every time he hit her G-spot, which he did with surprising precision, a mixture of breathless groans and swear words left her mouth. She felt full, so full that she thought Bucky would tear her apart as he set a relentless pace, still holding her hand above her head.
“James, please…. let me touch you.” A deep growl hit her ear at her request but Bucky complied her wish and freed her hand from his grip. (Y/N)’s hands went immediately to his body, stroking over every inch of skin she could reach. The feeling of his working muscles somehow turned her on even more.
After a few more hard thrusts, Bucky leaned up on his knees and gripped her hips with both of his hands, angling her hips upward so he could hit her special spot with every of his sharp thrusts. (Y/N) whined at the loss of skin contact and took matters into her own hands now. She waited way too long for this to be denied of what she craved.
With one fluid movement, she flipped him over onto his back and straddled him, a little grin on her face at the slightly shocked expression on his face. (Y/N) grabbed his cock and sunk down him again, moaning breathlessly as he filled her again and just as she wanted to start moving again, Bucky sat up and wrapped her hair around one of his hands, tugging her head back with a grin of his own.
“Would you look at this… my little babygirl likes to be in charge, huh? Fine. Show me what you got.” He dropped back on the mattress and leaned on his elbows as he watched his cock filling her up over and over and gosh… he could have exploded right then. The way her pussy hungrily swallowed every inch of his cock made him dizzy with desire.
(Y/N) set a slow and steady pace, too slow for Bucky’s liking. He needed more, faster, harder. He slapped her ass with his metal hand causing (Y/N)’s thrusts to stutter as she moaned loudly and steadied herself on his chest. “That’s it? Come on, babygirl. You can do better. That’s what you wanted all this time, isn’t it? Show me.”
(Y/N) whined at his words and rearranged her position before she started to bounce on top of him in earnest. Skin slapping against skin echoed through the room as she slammed harder and harder down on him, forcing groans out of his smirking mouth. “I knew you can do better. That’s it. Ride my dick.”
His words sent shivers down her spine; her nails bore into his chest as she sped up even more. The release she chased since all this started, she could feel it. It wouldn’t take much longer and she would finally fall over the edge. Bucky’s words only pushed her further to her destination. “You look so good riding my dick, babygirl. Fuck… look at those tits. So beautiful.”
He sat up again and gripped her hips to help her guide her movements as her thrusts got sloppy. “You gonna cum? Yeah? I can feel it…” A breathy groan interrupted him as her walls clenched around his cock. “Fuck… You are so tight and wet. Made for me. Gonna fuck you every night from now on…”
“James…” (Y/N) tangled her hands in his hair and pressed her forehead against his. His words brought her dangerously close and her thrusts lost their rhythm, but luckily for her, Bucky was more than ready to take over again. His grip on her hips tightened as he bucked his hips up into her, hitting her spot constantly.
(Y/N) was a moaning, breathless mess on top of him. Her mouth opened as endless breathy whispers of his name left her lips, thighs twitching with her upcoming release. “Gonna cum for me, babygirl? Go on. Let go. Choke my cock.”
Bucky’s words were enough to push her over the edge. Her vision went blurry as a powerful orgasm raked through body, hands tugging harshly at Bucky’s hair as she trembled in his hold.
Bucky groaned animalistic as her walls clenched tightly around his cock. He wrapped his arms around her back and buried his face between her breasts, breathing heavily as he continued pumping up into her until it was too much for him and he came with a moan of her name.
They stayed like this for a few moments, trying to calm down enough to move again and when their senses came back to them, they shared a few kisses, slower and sweeter than those before now that the heat of the moment was gone. Bucky stroked her back as (Y/N)’s hands ran through his hair, tugging one more time on them. Another groan left Bucky’s lips at the feeling, cock twitching as it still was buried inside her sore pussy.
He mumbled against her lips after they broke the kiss. “Don’t start anything you can’t finish, babydoll.”
“What makes you think I can’t finish it?” (Y/N) grinned and tugged again, harder this time. “Oh, you’re in for it, doll. I can go the whole night.”
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sheerrandomnstuff · 4 years
A Tangled Summoner - Chapter 1
At night in Tokyo, a lone schoolgirl dressed in a school attire wearing a bowler hat lies at a park, with no memories of her previous life. As she begins to wake up, she surveys her surroundings to find that the place she was at didn't seem familiar to her at all.
???:"What happened...Where..am I?"
As she starts to get up from the ground and dust herself off, a masculine, gruff voice coming from her head under the hat spoke.
???:"So you're finally awake, huh kid."
???: "Samson, is that you?"
Samson:"Who else, Filia?"
Samson, Filia's hair parasite occupies her own head, and acts as her hair, with yellow eyes and sharp teeth, with an abnormally long tongue if he ever stuck it out.
As Filia begins to walk along the gravel path of the park, she questions Samson about their whereabouts.
Filia:"Hey Samson, do you know this place?"
Samson:"Hell if I know, kid. All I know is that we're not in New Meridian anymore, that's for sure."
Frowning at this, Filia ponders and then ask,
Filia:"Then how did we end up her..",
but before she could finish her sentence on wondering how her and Samson arrived in this strange new place...
Someone had bumped into her, sending both Filia and the person flying onto the ground, with her hat coming off.
???:"Oww...What did I bumped into? Ah, s-sorry! I don't know who you are but are you okay!?"
As the person comes towards Filia to help her up and return her hat towards her while brushing away the dirt on it, she notices that he was also wearing a school uniform that she was unfamiliar with, with a chubby body and physique, and matching amber hair and eyes to boot.
Groggily standing up, Filia wanted to thank and ask him who he was and why did he bump into her, although Samson had other ideas about asking this kid who the hell does he think he is, bumping into his host like that? He's going to teach this brat a lesson. But before they could voice their opinions..
A large, red orc carrying a big club, wearing nothing but a colored loin cloth appears and approaches towards them.
Filia:”A..a..A monster?!?”
Samson(Thinking): What the hell?!?
???:"Ack! We got better stuff to do right now! Let's get outta here!"
Grabbing her hand and running off, the boy drags Filia towards places where he believes that they would be able to escape from but...
???:"Ugh...there's nowhere else to run! I was just trying to take a shortcut to the station and I had to run into a stray Transient!"
Red Oni:"Grraaaagh!!!!!"
Filia:“Oh no!!”
Samson(Thinking):We're doomed.
As the Oni approaches towards them both closer, the boy moves forward towards the Transient, which shocks both Filia and Samson.
???:"Stay back! If you're not a Transient yourself, you don't stand a chance against one!"
Filia, touched and inspired by his kindness and bravery for trying to protect her, walks forward in front of him, challenging the Oni herself instead.
Filia:"Why don't you take on someone your own size?"
Red Oni:!?!
As everyone is shocked by Filia's comment and decision to stay back and fight rather than run away, Samson begins to whisper to Filia about her decision.
Samson(Whisper):"Filia!! What are you doing!?! You should have taken the kids' chance to bail!!”
Filia(Whisper):"Sorry Samson, but you know I'm not that kind of person, and I can't just leave him. Not after when he tried his best to save me even though he was afraid, and just now when he tried to selflessly offered to sacrifice himself to make sure I was safe, even though that's something I won't ever let happen in the first place, not when we have the power to fight back. Not when we have each other."
Samson(Whisper):"Great..just great...there's no talking you outta this one huh?"
Filia(Whisper):"Sorry Samson, but we're going to protect him."
Hearing how determined Filia was about this, Samson grumbled, and following with a resigned sigh answered,
Samson(Whisper):“Fine. Let's take this big guy down together, since it’s been a long time since I’ve let loose, so this should be fun. When you're ready kid, just say the word.”
As the oni prepares to charge towards the the pair to attack, he bellows out,
Red Oni:“You get in way? Then I eat you first!! Grrraaaaarh!!!!”
What happened next though was something both the Oni and boy didn’t expect, as Filia calls out Samson’s name with confidence, as he burst out of the hat, destroying it in the process.
Filia:"Let's go Samson!!"
Samson:"Hell yeah!!"
???: “Huh!?!”
On the other hand, regaining himself rather quickly, the Oni declares,
Red Oni:“It no matter...who you are….I will defeat you....and then eat you!!!”
Samson:“Just try it, bub!!”
{Skullgirls OST #6 - Moonlit Melee} ‘Ladies & Gentleman It’s...SHOWTIME!!!’
The Oni charges towards Filia with the club in hand, ready to smash her into a pulp as Filia meanwhile goes down on the ground in a relaxing position with Samson digging deep into the surface below, creating a twisting spike of hair that come out of the ground right in front of the Oni, catching him off guard.
Samson:“Ringlet Spike!!”
As the Oni was off-balanced, wasting no time, Filia calls out to Samson, for the next set of commands.
Filia:“Let’s go!!”
Samson:“Got it!! Airball!!”
Grabbing her by the left ankle, Samson flips Filia over into the air and quickly cocoons her by transforming into a spiked, razor-sharp ball of hair that travels in the air straight towards the Oni, landing multiple hits just below the collar bone. As Filia emerges from the ball, Samson quickly transforms once again into a giant spider and grabs the Oni before he hits the ground, lifts and throws the Oni up into the air, only to grab him once more as he comes back down and slams him onto the ground as hard as possible.
Samson:“Widows Peak!!”
Red Oni:“Guh!!”
Throughout the battle, the mysterious boy watches on in awe as he mutters to himself,
???: “Just who are you?”
As the Oni lays on the ground, without missing a beat, Filia lifts up her right leg in the air as Samson covers it with her hair and spins, turning her leg into a deadly drill, and just before descending down onto the Oni,
Filia:“Please make sure not to kill him Samson.”
Samson: “I know. I’ll try.”
With that, Filia declares her final command to finish the fight.
Filia:“I’m ready!!”
As those word left her mouth, Filia quickly plunges down right onto the Oni, who upon impact, let’s out a mighty roar.
‘It’s Super Effective!!’{End Track}
After the battle had ended, Filia with a worrisome look and a guilty conscience, removes herself off on top of the Oni and proceeds to check him for the puncture wound that she might of left during her last attack, believing that her and Samson may have gone too far judging from the scream that the Oni gave out, but before could she get started, she seemed to notice that the Oni was now...glowing…???
Red Oni:“Urrrgh...”
Red Oni: “I wanted to find...and serve master…even...at cost...of sanity…But now...I die..in unknown land.”
Hearing this, Filia felt immense sadness and regret for the Oni, and also berating herself for the role that she played in harming an innocent individual who just wanted a place to belong, which she emphasizes with, as she doesn’t remember her own life before Samson. Realising this, she extends her hand and says,
Filia: “Then is it okay..if I became your master instead???”
As the Oni lays on the ground as Filia awaits his answer, a few tense moments pass by as the park becomes eerily quiet all of a sudden, until...
Red Oni:“No...you can’t...it..impossible…”
Feeling herself deflated, the Oni was now starting to glow more brightly and appeared to be transparent now as Filia now noticed.
Filia(Thinking):What’s..happening?? Is he...disappearing?? If that’s true, then..
Walking and kneeling towards near a top of his head, Filia softly asks the Oni,
Filia: “Would you..at least..let me have your head on my lap...as I..hold your hand, until you disappear...if you want…???”
Red Oni:“...Very well…”
Although the moment didn’t last for long, if only for a few seconds, the Oni’s simple thanks of gratitude before he disappeared in a blinding light, was able to help Filia find solace upon her actions on the Oni himself, if only for a while.
Red Oni:“Ah...I finally go...back home...Thank you..and..goodbye.”
With the disappearance of the Oni, as Filia stood up a voice behind her says,
???:“D-did that Stray Transient just disappear?”
Turning around with a somber face, Filia answers the question towards the mysterious boy that she just saved with a somber voice,
???: “Hey, are you okay??”
The boy worried, digs into his pockets and takes out a piece of candy which he hands over towards Filia, which gets a smile from her.
???: “Hope this makes you feel better.”
Filia:“Thank you.”
???: “Anyways, I gotta thank you first. Thanks for saving my butt!! I’m Ryota. Ryota Yakushimaru!”
While looking at Ryota’s cheerful, smiling face, Filia couldn’t help but smile as well as she then introduced herself.
Filia:“Hi Ryota it’s nice to meet you! My name is Filia!!”
Character Bio: Filia
Gender: Female 
D.O.B: March 16th
Age: 16
Blood Type: AB
Height: 5'4
Weight: 142 lbs
Likes: eating, coffee, milkshakes, reading and learning, radio dramas, comics, romance novels, and dogs.
Dislikes: Samson’s bluffing and gambling, seeing innocents get hurt, hair getting tangled, being lied to, and side effects of Samson's parasitism.
Fighting Style: Although Filia and Samson are strong, both are incompetent on fighting together as both do not know how to fight. As both of them are aware of this, Filia relies on Samson utilizing her hair to transform into varieties of different shapes and sizes to deliver strong, offensive attacks and quick mobility to quickly overwhelm the opponent, with little to no regard to defenses except for their quick reflexes to block or dodge attacks. With this rushdown rough and tumble style, if Filia is able to land a hit on her opponents, a bad hair day is going to be the least of their worries.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 5 years
Ash/Athena AU: Enter Corrine
Strap yourselves in, motherfuckers, because @whump-tr0pes and are about to take you on a rollercoaster... that’s right, the storm is here!
CW: Dehumanization, threats of torture, referenced past noncon/torture
Very little rattled Corrine Michaelson. 
She was feeling more than a little rattled now, and she did not like that feeling. She very badly wanted someone to punish for it.
She twisted her ring around one finger, large blocky gold with the slightly raised M at the top, with a twist of vines around it, and settled back into the soft cushions of the section couch in her eldest son’s formal living room.
“What do you mean, they’re gone?” 
She looked up at the three men arrayed before her - Nate Vandrum, who stood largely relaxed with his hands clasped behind his back, and two of the Michaelson’s armed guards.
Nate stared back at her with his jaw set, with the unreadable green eyes that softened only for Daniel. Corrine had little use for mortal humans beyond their usefulness to her, but she would have given Nate a job even if Daniel had not been the one he rescued. When a man spends six months planning and then burns a house full of people alive to get vengeance for someone … a smart Syndicate sees the potential in having that sort of careful, analytical violence properly directed.
Directed at the protection of her son, and of hunting down those who had sullied the Michaelson family and insulted them by using him against his will, Nate Vandrum was an employee she very nearly liked.
In this moment, she liked him less.
“J-Just what I said, ma’am,” Nate said quietly. “We let our g-g-guard down, and th-they left without approval. Without w-w-warning. They left their th-things behind and we were unable to catch up to them in time. We think they must have h-h-had some warning.” 
Corrine could not read people like her son and husband could, but she saw the way a muscle twitched in Vandrum’s cheek, and she wondered. 
Nate seemed aware of her scrutiny, as he shifted just slightly and straightened his spine. “They even l-l-left one of their oh, own behind.”
“Did they now?” Corrine blinked, surprised. That was at least something, although she couldn’t imagine whatever poor sap they’d left behind could be of any use. Well, there wasn’t a living, breathing, bleeding mortal on Earth who couldn’t be of at least a temporary use to Corrine Michaelson, but…
Her fingernails, painted a deep beige-pink to pop against her dark brown skin, began to tap lightly on the fabric of the couch. 
“Yes. His name is Isaac Moore.” Nate paused - it was barely a moment, but Corrine caught it. “We don’t know what purpose he serves to the group itself - but they don’t appear to have hesitated to leave him. He’s st-still out with D-Danny, in the woods. I’ve c-confirmed with our men that Isaac Moore and Danny are ac-accounted for. But the r-r-rest of them are gone.”
Corrine frowned. She had come here expecting to find the little ragtag band of heroes still kept in place, effectively held like zoo animals waiting for her to decide their exhibits. 
She could sell them back to the Stormbecks one by one - she’d heard the family was desperate to get their hands on them. The man who had once run their Syndicate was blissfully dead now, and honestly Corrine had been looking forward to meeting the one she’d heard was responsible for murdering him. He had insulted her deeply, once, a long time ago.
Corrine did not leave grudges behind. She did not forgive or forget. She held every slight, every insult, every attempt to overthrow her carefully close, and waited. In this, perhaps she had waited too long. 
She hadn’t exactly decided to sell them, yet - but had considered it, and Danny’s house would no longer do. Her eldest son had a reputation, since his return from his unfortunate waylaying by those anti-syndicate mercenaries, for being… weak.
Unwilling to take the harsh steps necessary to maintain control. Unable to even really be part of running the Syndicate at all. He’d holed up here in an old summer home and Corrine had begun to understand that her eldest son - adopted, as a child, to shield her youngest from too much scrutiny - could not be trusted to keep them if they wanted to go.
She was surprised to discover they had gone without Danny even knowing. 
“You will question everyone who has worked this house the entire length of their visit,” Corrine said, her voice brusque and sharp.
Nate Vandrum nodded, once, as did the men on either side of him.
“Nate, I need your absolute focus on this,” Corrine said quietly, steepling her fingers together. “I want you to find them. I cannot have them escape my territory without my knowledge, I cannot. I will not be shown to be weak.”
“Yes, ma’am. I take full r-r-responsibility for the f-failure to maintain their security h-here-”
“Yes.” Corrine frowned at Daniel’s bodyguard and partner. He looked right back at her, with no discernable expression at all. She wished, briefly, she had her husband’s ability to understand people, to know the wants and needs of humans at their basest depths. “You will take responsibility. This is your fault and your failure.”
“Yes, ma’am.” His voice did not change. Even and strong, the constant presence at Daniel’s back. The shadow of her son, stronger than her son could ever be now. Corrine felt a flicker of something like affection, deep within a heart that rarely felt it for anyone she wasn’t married to or the mother of. 
“You say my son at least is accounted for? Along with this… Isaac person?” Corrine sighed, rubbing at her temples with one hand. “Does he have any useful intel? Have you discerned his potential usefulness to the Michaelson group?”
Nate paused again. His expression did not change, but there was a calculation there, a consideration. Corrine looked up at him. He is trying to decide how much to tell me, she thought. But Nate was loyal to Daniel in ways that ran deeper than the blood she might otherwise have made him shed for her. He would never have hidden a single thing that could bring Danny risk or harm, and she knew it.
She couldn’t read people like her husband and son could, but you didn’t have to. Nate wore his loyalty, his devotion, like visible armor. As long as Daniel was in this world to protect and to shield, Nate could not be harmed by knife or bullet or a mother’s hunger for someone to blame.
And for all her coldness, Corrine would not have taken him from Daniel - she could never even have begun to make herself try. Daniel had suffered, for the choice Corrine had made in bringing him into their home. He had suffered for years as a stand-in for every choice the anti-Syndicate fools hated the Michaelsons for. 
Daniel had come home, to his parents and to his brother. Corrine could indulge him in allowing him the love he had found in the darkness.
“I don’t believe h-he knows m-m-much, ma’am,” Nate said carefully. “He s-seems to be a sort of… fighter, for th-the group. He has a lot of physical c-c-capability in combat but I wouldn’t s-s-say he’s.. overburdened with knowledge.” His eyes slowly raised, looking at something behind her. “Not knowledge w-we can use, anyway.”
“Damn. Can I kill him?”
Nate blinked and his eyes jerked back down. “Ma’am? Are you… asking?”
“Yes. I don’t want to, if there’s a good reason not to, but I dislike that his little friends left without my permission or my say-so. I dislike that they abandoned one of their own, and I immensely dislike the idea of feeding, clothing, and housing a useless scrap of flesh.” Corrine tilted her head to the side, crossing one leg over the other in the tight-fitting deep red suit she wore, her hair pulled into a tight bun at the nape of her neck. She looked like power, and she knew it. 
Patrick was the nominal head of the Michaelson Group, but Corrine was the bite behind his charming smile - and everyone knew it. A precious lucky few even knew why.
“I have a deep need to fuck someone up, Vandrum, and it might as well be the runt they left behind.”
“I w-w-wouldn’t, ma’am,” Nate said, and swallowed. She watched his Adam’s apple bob with unusual nervousness. He seemed… pale, and when she thought about it, she could hear the way his heartbeat had sped up.
“And why not?”
“Because… ah, b-because…”
Behind her, she heard the back door from the kitchen open, the sound of her son’s soft, half-breathless laughter. Another male voice laughing with him.
“Do you, um, do you… do you want to see if anyone wants, um, lunch?” Daniel’s voice sounded lighter - stronger - than it had since he’d come home. Corrine’s eyebrows raised nearly to her hairline.
She… couldn’t remember the last time she had heard Daniel laugh like that, speak like that, to anyone but Nate Vandrum. And then only rarely. 
“I… yeah, sure, let’s do it, but first - come here,” The second voice replied, with the same shy flirtation. There was a pause, and then the two men laughed again.
Corrine looked back at Nate, who gave her a slight, uncertain smile. “D-D-Danny likes him,” Nate said softly.
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retvenkos · 4 years
Hi lovely, congrats on 2.5k you truly deserve it! Could I please get a ship for Narnia, Musketeers and Umbrella Academy? I am bisexual, a Leo, Hufflepuff, INFP and enneagram 4. I really enjoy procrastinating anything and everything, I don’t get a lot of sleep, I love cats, I’m pretty introverted and lack a lot of confidence, I’m also the wine mum stereotype to a T and I love getting tattooed (I have a few). I can't really think of any dislikes tbh, I honestly have no clue! Hope this is enough!
I ship you with Lucy Pevensie!
stick with me for a minute, because i have some thoughts
when you first met lucy, you didn’t think the two of you were going to be a good match - she had all the confidence in the world and seemed to thrive off of others. there wasn’t anyone who was more extroverted or assertive.
but here’s the thing - lucy actually doesn’t have a lot of confidence, she’s just really good at hiding it. so i think the two of you get along really well because while lucy might be boisterous, she is also self-conscious and like recognizes like. and together, the two of you work through your confidence issues and are stronger for it.
furthermore, both of you are sunny people! you would get along great because you’re both looking for the good in the world, and you will both fiercely fight for it.
and even though you tend to hold you heart close to your chest, lucy is so gentle with you and takes her time in getting you to open up - she just wants both of you to be happy and i feel that on a deep level.
oh, and lucy??? 10/10 a cat mom - she loves animals of all kinds and they all seem to really love her, too? even the most standoffish cats come up to her and let her pet them. 
and sometimes you swear that lucy has full on conversations with the cats - they seem to respond to her and everything? you asked edmund about it, once, and he just said “yeah” and shrugged it off. is lucy secretly a witch or something??
also,,, all i can say is that lucy’s mom friend energy and your wine aunt energy together? it’s chaotic, tbh, but it somehow works really well, too. like, your brevity mixed with lucy’s rambling somehow even each other out and create a sense of organized chaos that i think perfectly defines your relationship.
and don’t worry about never getting any sleep - lucy doesn’t seem to need sleep, so she will stay up with you late into the night, and when one of you mentions that you should probably be getting some sleep, lucy will either force you to sleep or she will be calling pizza hut so you can make it a proper sleepless night.
also, lucy makes a good cup of coffee - she always made coffee for her dad, peter, and edmund (and probably susan and her mom, too, let's be real), so she has the most practice and gets it just right.
I ship you with Athos!
okay, a complete 180 from the above ship, but i get the vibes
first of all, athos deserves a soft place to land, and a (1) thoughtful, (2) passionate, (3) generous infp is perfect, imo.
but uhhh,,,,,, this is the slow burn to rival all slow burns
you’re reluctant to open up... he wouldn’t talk about his past if he was at gunpoint... you’re self critical.... he literally thinks he deserves to die 90% of the time... you probably don’t think he’d ever so much as look your way... athos is just generally slow to act...
i’m going to speed up the pining by putting you in a life threatening situation, in which athos nearly dies trying to save you. ofc, you have a talk afterward, when he’s recovering, and here’s where things get tricky.
both of you are extremely loyal people - willing to do anything for the people you are about - and so while you don’t think his actions are unjustified, you are simply stunned by the idea that you matter that much to him? like, are you worth it?
yes, you are definitely worth it.
i’m going to say his wounds are mega bad™ so he’s bedridden for a hot minute. you definitely come and chat with him the whole time he’s sick, and you two get to have those  d e e p  conversations that the two of you religiously avoid
and it’s nice, opening up to him and listening to who he once was. it sheds some much needed light on how you became the people you are, and it strengthens your bond immensely.
also, the rest of the musketeers are so glad the two of you are finally talking about your feelings. aramis had been teasing the two of you for years now and porthos was about ready to knock sense into athos - literally. d’artagnan probably wasn’t that invested in it, but he’s glad athos isn’t so emo anymore. his brooding is hell for everyone.
oh! and i’m a sucker for the brooding one is soft for the sunny one, and that is the epitome of your relationship. your sunny side is athos’ salvation, and he would risk everything to keep you.
oh, and i 100% believe that athos has tattoos and in a modern au, he would have so much ink. he would love your tattoos and lol he’d probably get one for you. he swears he’s not sentimental, but uhh.... he is.
athos doesn’t get any sleep either, but he would insist that you get some. he’d watch over you while you sleep and you would have to force him to go to sleep with you. and even if you aren’t that convincing, he would do anything for you and you manage to succeed a good portion of the time.
also, you can be introverted together! you both have a lot of solitary hobbies, so you end up doing them in the same space, catching the other staring while you’re trying to focus on your work. it’s vvv sweet.
I ship you with Alison Hargreeves!
we’re manifesting a loving relationship for both of you, today
i 100% believe that the two of you were good friends before you started dating - maybe you were one of her first friends after she left the academy and one of the few truly generous people she’s ever met in her life
i think what alison finds so poignant about you is that she never had to coax generosity out of you - you are extremely thoughtful and generous all on your own. and if you’re a little emotionally unavailable when you first meet, alison understands that because she is, too, just a little better at hiding it.
also, i think your idealism would be a great counter to alison’s slightly jaded worldview - you would remind her of all of the beauty in the world, the good that hasn’t been corrupted, yet, and she appreciates that.
also! i think you get alison into painting. i have this headcanon that alison gets into painting/drawing, and since you are creative and sensitive, i just got painter vibes from you. AT THE VERY LEAST you appreciate the art and love watching bob ross while alison is the one to actually attempt the painting.
oh! i also imagine that alison notices your tattoos and asks you if you want to get one with her - she only has the one, and it’s not a good memory. she’d much rather get a new tattoo with you.
you guys do it and she puts it right next to her umbrella academy tattoo, so whenever she notices her old tattoo, she can remember the new memory she created with you
also, you get milkshakes after you get the tattoo and probably stay up late watching tv or something.
i also think that alison never hid her power from you - you probably met her when she was rumoring someone into giving her an apartment, and you offered yours instead. and since you always knew about it, you never worried if she had used it on you, once, without your knowledge. the most you can worry about is if she’ll use it in the future, but allison has repeatedly told you she would never, after everything that’s happened.
and if you’re emotions are ever turbulent, alison is really good at making you feel like everything is okay. she’s actually pretty in tune with people, and she’s had a lot of experience with calming down people in the past (probably with diego and ben, maybe even vanya). 
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