#like yes i get it hurts and honestly i probably shouldn't have said such things in main chat tbf i didn't know they'd trigger ppl and I was
insaneillusionist · 5 months
I love searching for mental illness tags I can pin on myself so I can fix what's wrong with me like a little checklist.
Anyway if anyone tries to suggest I might have a specific mental illness unless I ask for you to tell me, I will most likely block you or ignore that. This is one of the few boundaries I am forming, and it is a hard one.
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my-soft-sunshine · 5 months
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yamujiburo · 1 year
I'm so thankful for you sharing the importance of protecting minors from sexual content. My parents and I didn't have much knowledge back then and I was exposed to this kind of stuff too early. I developed bad habits. I somehow deceived my family into trusting me way too much and, when I saw I had lost control and I asked for help, I saw my family was also hurt and they spent a lot on therapy and my anxiety medication. I have forgiven them for not knowing back them. But I still haven't forgiven myself for getting them through all that stuff. It's important to understand how much we need to protect minors from sexual content. Family members and artists, please pay attention to the content young audience is exposed to.
Of course! I can relate a lot to this. My parents were really good at monitoring what I was doing online for a while but they started trusting me more and I unfortunately started seeing a lot of stuff I shouldn't have but would keep it secret. Gonna talk about my experience a lil bit under the cut just bc I've been reflecting on it a lot recently (tw for grooming)
I gained a following of around 25K on deviantart by the time I was around 15/16. It was in the worst fandom too (mlp). I'd have a lot of much older men talking to me, drawing/writing nsfw of my characters who were underaged (they'd draw nsfw of myself and my sonas as well). It was so normalized for me and I didn't see anything wrong with it at the time.
I'd shipped Spike and Rarity at the time (very much do not anymore) and adult men would use that ship as a basis for trying to talk to me or get in a relationship. "We're just like Sparity! You're young but you're very mature for your age, so it's fine." I remember one guy trying REALLY hard to try and get me to move in with him. I was pretty creeped out then, but like holy shit that's SUPER creepy and I'm fortunate that he didn't keep trying after I gave him a hard "no".
It bled into my real life a bit when I met a 22 y/o man who asked me out when I was just 16 just turning 17. Luckily the relationship was NOT long lasting (I think he realized that I'm a very boring person LMAO) but I think about how I thought that that was a perfectly normal. I'd date go on to date people who were probably too old for me.
Also around when I was 16/17, people started shipping me with another artist in the fandom who was several years older than I was (side note: nothing wrong with an age gap! but it's very not okay when there's "waiting" for someone to be of legal age involved). I did end up dating said artist after I turned 18 and it was fine, I wasn't hurt or anything but I did find weird that we were shipped when I was still a teenager looking back (there was also nsfw drawn of us together before/when we were dating)
I just had such a warped sense of reality for a long because of this shit. I'm glad there's more conversations about this stuff and it's more known that adults should have little to no personal interaction with kids on the internet and vice versa. There's way too many stories of kids getting taken advantage of in fandom spaces. I think I got off fairly lucky all things considered. But bottom line YES kids need to be protected online and their exposure to sexual content/adult spaces should be limited or monitored. It's also really tough though because not all kids have adults in their real life that they can trust or go to to ask questions about sex so they seek solace in adults online and it's just a constant cycle.
I'm honestly unsure of what to do about that and I don't have all the answers but I ultimately just don't want kids online to end up in similar positions I was in when I was younger. I just do my best
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literallythegrabber · 4 months
Could you rank the TBP boys about how who is the fastest to slowest to confess? Thanks for reading and writing : )
thanks for requesting! I'm aware that this post came in months ago, but I was swamped with school and sports, so sorry. enjoy!
I think Bruce would be the quickest to confess due to his confidence.
His personality plus his general popularity with girls would definitely fuel his ego, so he wouldn't think too hard on confessing.
I think he generally just gets along with all people, no matter their personality, so if u were to be more stoic or quiet, it wouldn't stir him up when it comes to reading u.
He's good with social cues, so if u wanted a big, flashy confession with a lot of attention, he'd cook up something big. If ur more like me and would prefer something more private and intimate, then he'd take u to a secluded area and pronounce he feelings for u without being too cheesy.
I think Billy would confess next because I dont think he cares about rejection.
Like he would want you to say yes, and would obviously be disappointed if you said no, but he would get over it fairly quickly.
He'd probably write something sweet in a newspaper or something and deliver it to ur house, praying that ur parent/parents don't notice it.
Sorry if his seems lacking in a way. He just doesn't get enough screen time for me to get a good judge of his character, other than him being hilariously sassy.
I think Vance would kinda be in the middle.
I was gonna put him in second to last place, but then I thought about a bit more.
I feel like he'd confess to u so his life could return to normal.
Like, him realizing his feelings for u literally destroyed his world, and he thinks the only way his dangerously nice thoughts about u will cease if he either confesses or tries to scares u and his feelings away.
I think he'd try the latter first, and literally become a big evil monster towards u.
He'd snap at u for basically nothing, yell at u, be 10 times as mean, and genuinely go out of his way to be a total ass towards u.
If his crude behavior distances u from him after being verbally abused way tok much, he'd be happy at first, thinking that without u in his life, his thoughts would return to normal and he could finally focus on pinball.
But after a few weeks, he actually finds himself missing ur presence. So instead of apologizing like a normal person, he decides to confess his feelings right out of the blue! very clever vance😐
So if spots u alone at school, he'll just pull u over and confess in the most confusing, unromantic way possible.
He won't expect a romantic relationship right and away (and u shouldn't either), but this could be the beginning to a healthy friendship and perhaps something more in the future.
Robin would be second to last, probably because he doesn't want u getting involved with his never-ending beef with the majority of the kids at school (the bullies).
He thinks that if he starts a relationship, his opps will go after u to hurt him (he's probably right).
So, although he steers away from a romantic relationship, he tries to become close friends with u to intimidate other potential suitors.
He'd use bf like behavior with u while also trying to be ur friend, and it was honestly very confusing.
I just think the mixed signals he'd be sending would be too annoying and confusing, to the point where you'd just have to confront him.
So he'll stumble over his words, and just give off awkward teen vibes before he actually gets to his point.
If u reciprocate, then you'd have to agree to not being too flashy with ur new relationship and take things slow.
You'd also need to know how to throw a punch or sm cause those ugly school vultures are unpredictable.
suprise suprise Finney's last!
Given his shy personality, low self-esteem, and his experience with bullies, it's obvious it would take him a while to confess.
He'd watch u from afar for a while, so you'd def have to start up a conversation.
Yalls' relationship would very much be a slow burn, filled with awkward moments, hidden meanings behind simple words, subtle affectionate gestures, and a lot of teasing from Gwen.
He'd accidentally blurt it out one day, taking u completely by suprise.
He'll instantly try to dismiss it, rapidly trying to change the subject.
But if u press him, then you'll get a proper confession, and the rest is up to u!
thank u for reading!!
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quinloki · 1 year
period sex and aftercare and /BUGGY/ are so big brained can i ask for those two plus dacryphilia with buggy and croco-baby and maybe a secret third character (your choice) if you feel up to it!!! Thank yooouuu!!! :o)
Alright, I got ONE MORE KINK ASK after this and I'll be all done with them \o/ Holy shit I can't believe how many asks I got for this (And how much fun I've had dealing with them.)
It helps a lot that I love kinks, kinky people, one piece characters, and learning/educating >.>
Alright we got Period Sex, Aftercare, Dacryphilia (the crying kink) - For Buggy and Sir Crocodile - and since you called him Croco-baby I'll add Donquixote Doflamingo to this.
I am surprised with as often as I feel like I've seen the crying kink pop up that I haven't already done it for ANY of these guy =O
And also yay \o/ AFTERCARE ASK \lol/
Go go alphabetical!
Period Sex - FUCK Yes - It's messy, it's red, it's kind of flashy actually, and Buggy loves it. You don't grow up on the most famous pirate ship in the world without being comfortable with all sorts of things. I feel like everyone under Roger's flag was, we'll say educated, and as such I can't see anyone from that crew being put off by menstruation.
Plus, orgasms are a cure for some, and there's one way to find out if it works for you to alleviate any cramping you may be feeling. You're going to be a complete mess by the time it's done though, Buggy's a little blood-lusty, surprisingly maybe, but he gets feral, and more so than with lipstick or makeup, he loves to "mark" you.
Aftercare - Oh god you don't even know - He is a terribly stressed clown, but I also think he's a big damned softie too. Buggy really is just as comfortable brushing your hair as he is ordering the crew around. Maybe more so, honestly. All that hair he has though, and that makeup he wears, the man's skin and hair care routines are on point as much as his eyeliner game. He will take care of you after every session, even if he subbing or bottoming some of it.
I think Buggy's desire to serve is almost as strong as Sanji's honestly. If you're an important person to him, he doesn't want to let you down, and he will devour your praises. But he's also The Captain™, and no matter what his role was, he's going to provide you proper aftercare.
Dacryphilia - No. - Sure sometimes tears happen. Sometimes you're so overwhelmed they slip out, sometimes you are chocking on the impressive package this man has. Sometimes tears happen, but Buggy doesn't like tears. He doesn't want to see you cry. If your makeup smears he wants it to be cause of sweat and pleasure and touch, not because you're crying. He's not even good at handling happy tears, let alone any other kind.
Buggy's more of let-him-do-the-crying-for-both-of-you type. He'd happily be the only one stressed to the ends of his capacity, than to have you worry. (Which probably worries you xD it's a bit of a cycle like that).
Sir Crocodile:
Period Sex - Yes - He doesn't mind the mess. The cause doesn't bother him. The only reason it doesn't rate higher is because it's hard to know if your period will heighten your pleasure or your pain - that lack of control bothers him, no matter how well or fast he can adjust accordingly.
He also doesn't see it as marking you the same way some others do. It's your blood, not his. It has a scent that isn't his or his cigars. If anything it's an annoyance because you should smell like him, and you shouldn't ever be hurt enough to smell like blood. You shouldn't be close enough to violence to even know what blood smells like, at least as far as he's concerned. But he'll soothe your cramps and discomfort in any way he can when it's that time.
Aftercare - Oh god you don't even know - As said before, Crocodile is all about control, and aftercare is required for control. You don't want to leave your little bottom/sub spiraling with all sorts of thoughts on their own. Whether we're talking toxic AU or not. Aside from the control though, he enjoys it. It's time to bond, to discuss, to connect. The more he knows about you the more control he can exert.
The more control you can hand over.
Plus, as beautiful as you are in his clutches, you're just as beautiful in his care.
Dacryphilia - FUCK Yes - Oh please cry for him. Sob in terror or pleasure or pain, he's not picky. Your face in tears is as lovely as your face contorted in pleasure. The only requirement is that those tears are his fault. No one else is allowed to make you cry.
As much as he will pull tears from you - and most sobs of pleasure as long as you're good - he'll kiss them away so sweetly. Brushing them aside so kindly, and with such praise.
Donquixote Doflamingo:
Period Sex - FUCK Yes - Not only is it a mess, it's a bloody mess. Doffy's a bit twisted and I can see him actually smearing the mess all over you while he's taking a break between railing you. He's not doing it so much to mark you, as he is to almost degrade you. He'll tell you how dirty you are, covered in blood and cum and tears - he 100% gets into degrading you during it.
Sometimes being on your period can make you more sensitive to pleasure, and sometimes it makes you more sensitive to pain - it doesn't matter as far as he's concerned. He'll get his pleasure at the least, and he'll enjoy turning you into a mess in the meantime.
Aftercare - Yes - Unless he's truly into you, don't take this as some kind of kindness. Aftercare is a good time to learn and bond, and for Doffy that generally means it's a great time to reinforce all his manipulations. It lets you think he cares (again, *maybe* he does), and pulls you closer into his grasp.
A truly skilled puppeteer doesn't necessarily hide the strings, he just makes sure you don't pay attention to them when you should be >.>
Dacryphilia - Oh god you don't even know - Cry for him, please. Crumble to pieces in pleasure, fear or pain - whatever it may be that you've earned at the point in time. If you're overwhelmed in pleasure he'll promise you such sweetness and devotion. If you're overwhelmed with fear he'll admonish you softly and forgive you magnanimously. If pain stains your face he'll have you begging for forgiveness, a forgiveness he'll bestow on you when he feels like it.
Perhaps after you've gone raw and hoarse from tears and begging.
Much like others who enjoy making their partners cry, it is a pleasure reserved entirely for him and no one else. Members of his immediate family may get an understanding pass, circumstances depending, but anyone beyond that is likely to be dealt with swiftly.
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sleeplesswixard · 2 months
Bezel anon here! I was wondering if you could do a one-shot of us reacting to bearzel (romantic)? Not being used to one, his appearance, two, seeing his expressions, and three, having him at the same height as you. If not an inch taller. Just seeing him be both pouty and pissed off
Yipppee!!! Of course!
Bezel (Bearzel) x gn!Reader oneshot!
Type:Oneshot, fluff
Warning:None!(İf you don't count Reader quite literally bullying/j Bezel)
"Y/N..." Bezel muttered as you circled around his new form, your eyes we're wide and your mouth agape, a big grin appears on your face. "Don't you even dare."
But you couldn't keep your laugh for long, Bezel's ears dropped when he heard your cackle, which made him more angry and pissed of more than he is. He narrows his eyes at you and grumbles. İt was hilarious. But at least you don't have to be get lifted up or get carried by him like you're some sort of pet anymore.
"Oh my god,— i mean, WOW, Bezel. Chikn did THAT to YOU?" You asked than step closer to him, your hands reached to hold his paws, your thumb brushed against his fur. İt felt weird, but in a great way.
"Or should i say, Bearzel?" You couldn't keep it inside and spat out quickly. İt only fueled Bezel's anger, he yanked his hand away from yours and punched your arm. "Shut UP!!" He yelled, his face was red from anger, and embarrasment. He was embarrased by his apperance. "YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HUMİLİATİNG THİS İS FOR ME!"
You cracked a laugh again, his punch didn't even hurt, you wiped a tear from your eye as your laugh died down.
"Oh, man..." Your eyes turned to look at his pouty and pissed off face, "Maybe you shouldn't nag Chikn nuggit that long, hm? Not that i hate the new look though, look at you! All cutesy and wootsy! <3"
"Don't call me that." You held Bezel's face in your hands, your one hand reached to on top of his head and pet his head and ears softly. The bear's eyes widened at the affection you we're giving. İt was humiliating, but felt nice as well. "İ've never tought you can express emotions more than being smug. Oh- and you're still pouting?"
You, AGAİN, didn't kept your tongue and said while snickering; "Not gonna lie, you look like Freddy Fazbear."
Bezel's brows scowled again, he tried to pull your hands away from him but at the same time he didn't want to pull away. "Ugh...! Ooh, you think you're SOO funny... But you're NOT!!! So quit that!"
"Ah, lighten up, learn to take a joke, man." You we're pratically bullying him, but he did the same things to you before so you could call this a revenge. "İ'm just messing with you."
Bezel rolled his eyes at your response, he didn't even tried to defend himself at this point. He already missed his old form, he was even a little sad about it.
You than lifted him up to your height like he's some sort of teddy bear. (he's only like- 2 inches shorter than you) He was a bit surprized that you have that much strenght. And you we're surprized that he was so light.
"Excuse you??" Bezel said, "Put me down you moron! What do you think you're doing?! You think i'm some sort of toy?!"
"Well, i'm sorry i couldn't hear you down here!!" Bezel wanted to rip that smug grin off your face, but now he wasn't as powerful as before so he can't do anything but let you humiliate him. "And yes— you DO look like a teddy bear."
He grumbled things under his breath, probably not family friendly. His hands we're clenched to fists, his tail moving furiously behind. You just can't take him seriously like that. You just wanted to squish him, it wouldn't be so hard either.
You sighed and put the pouting bear to his feet, and than you sit down, you giggled when you saw him sit now as well, you giggled. "İ should thank Chikn for that, honestly."
You grabbed him by his shoulder and pulled him to a hug which he immediately tried to pull away from you, but you didn't let him go until he gave in. "İ mean, look at you!!! He was absolutely right for doing that!"
Bezel's face turned red from anger and embarrasment again, he tried to push you away from him, yet your grip was so strong that he couldn't get away. "Shut your mouth you MORTAL!!! BEGONE from me!!!" He hollered angrily, "Don't LAUGH! This is not funny...!".
Well, he just have to get used to this for now.
Thank you for reading my fic! :3 (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
I'm sorry i suck ass at writing romance, İT'S NOT EVEN ROMANCE WTF DİD İ DO?
Also if i have mistakes i'm sorry, English is not my first language!!!
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silverynight · 2 months
Part XXI
They walk around in the castle for a while as Katsuki tells him how everyone has been doing since Izuku left.
"How about you?" The demigod asks, mostly to tease his friend. "Did you miss me?"
He already knows his friend did actually miss him; they had talked about it, but Izuku is just having fun at the moment, so he doesn't expect an actual response from anyone...
"Are you kidding me?" Kaminari rolls his eyes, turning his head towards Izuku like he can't quite believe he just said that. "He was so grumpy and sad all the time! Not to mention how bad he felt at first for lying to you!"
"Dunce face!"
Before the king of the dead can get dangerously closer to Kaminari, Izuku puts a hand on Katsuki's shoulder to stop him. As usual, he relaxes immediately and turns around.
Katsuki is blushing. Izuku finds it absolutely adorable; he's so happy he doesn't have his flower crown and he's not carrying any at the moment because he's sure all of them would bloom under his touch.
He knows he should be working on getting rid of his crush, but now it's not the time. Izuku takes one of Katsuki's hands and pulls him slightly closer only to touch the god's cheek.
"I'm here now and I'll be returning here often... if that's alright–"
"There's nothing I want more," Katsuki cuts him off and Izuku honestly doesn't notice, but suddenly they are completely alone. "You'll always be welcome here. I... I just want to be with you, Izuku. Nothing is the same without you."
Oh, no. This is really bad for Izuku's heart; his heart gets his hopes up easily, especially after such beautiful words... No, Izuku shouldn't think about this in any other way than Katsuki just being a good friend to him.
Of course, he missed him; they're friends, besides... it also has to do with the fact that he probably still feels bad about taking Izuku to the underworld and lying to him.
This is not going to help with Izuku's crush.
"Come. Let me show you something," Katsuki smiles before taking Izuku's hand and leading towards a new part of the palace. One Izuku hadn't seen before.
There's a room with huge crystal doors that lead to a backyard... and then when they both step outside Izuku finally realizes that it's actually a huge garden.
"It's beautiful!" Izuku beams, walking among the flowers and touching them with his fingertips; they also seem to react to him even though they're from the underworld. "Why didn't you show this to me before?"
Katsuki starts rubbing the back of his neck as his cheeks turn slightly pink again.
"Because this wasn't here before. I... made this for you."
Izuku's heart beats in a funny way inside his chest, he feels warm inside, happy, like he can't contain all that happiness inside him.
"Does this mean you like it?" Katsuki chuckles, making a gesture with his hand towards the flowers around them.
They're blooming.
Izuku blushes to the tip of his ears; he's so glad Katsuki doesn't know the real reason for that.
"Yes, it means I like it," Izuku mumbles, feeling bad for not saying the truth, but his friend can't know he has a crush; it'd make things awkward between them. "Thank you, Kacchan. This means a lot to me."
For some reason, the King of the underworld starts smiling and doesn't stop even after they meet their other friends outside.
Ashido starts laughing at his expression and both Kirishima and Kaminari look at him like they can't quite believe what's going on.
Izuku chuckles, feeling his chest warm and fuzzy; a tiny part of him telling him to stay with them permanently.
But he knows he can't.
When he comes back to the mortal realm, he gets surprised when he sees Aizawa and All Might himself walking around in his field.
Izuku squeaks in delight and rushes towards them to give them both a hug.
"What are you doing here? Do you need anything from me?"
"Of course not!" All Might chuckles; his voice is loud, but not in an annoying way. Izuku finds himself looking up at him until his neck hurts a little and is suddenly reminded of how tall and huge the god is. "We just wanted to see you again, Midoriya! Shota is always worried about you!"
Izuku smiles at the god with the dark tunic only to find him looking away, almost like he's slightly embarrassed.
"You're prone to get in trouble, I'm just trying to avoid another conflict," Aizawa says, making a dismissive gesture with his hand. All Might laughs again, to which Aizawa glares at him in response.
"We wanted to make sure you're alright," All Might says, ignoring the other god.
Izuku hugs them both again, purposely trying not to notice the way Aizawa rolls his eyes, although Aizawa still hugs the demigod back.
He tells them both about his friends, his visit to the Todoroki family and his quick trip to the underworld.
Aizawa tenses a bit during Izuku's story, but relaxes when the young demigod smiles at him. All Might even puts a hand on the gloomy god's shoulder.
"It's fine. You know they care about him."
"I think that's part of the problem, Toshinori." Aizawa mumbles, confusing Izuku a bit. When he turns around, he looks even more serious than a couple of minutes ago. "You let me know if Enji gives you any trouble, alright?"
"You mean Endeavor?" Izuku blinks. When they both nod, he adds: "Why would he–"
"He doesn't like you getting close to his son," Aizawa explains simply.
"But don't mind that," All Might says, grinning at Izuku. "You just tell us if he ever comes here."
"Thank you for taking care of me!" Izuku says then and before Aizawa can say anything else, he takes them by the arms and leads them to his house.
His mother is more than happy to invite them in and make dinner for them. Izuku tries not to chuckle when he notices that they both act shy around his mother.
Izuku looks around and for a moment he's overwhelmed by strong emotions; he realizes that in a relative short period of time he went from living with his mother and taking care of his field to having so many friends.
He's so grateful for that; it almost feels like he's part of a huge family and he hopes it stays that way for a long time.
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cowboysandpilots · 1 year
Disclaimer: I have Cerebral Palsy, exactly like Chris/Gavin and this little fic is based on interactions I had when I was a kid and how I wish they were handled as opposed to being told 'kids are mean' and to 'suck it up'. 🙃
The first time that Christopher hears the R slur, he doesn't even know what it means. He's just a kid, and he's heard it before but never directed at him. It hurts his feelings, of course and while Chris wants his to go to the nurse and call his dad to pick him up, he toughs it out like both his father figures would do, and stays for the rest of the day.
When Buck and Eddie do pick him up at the end of the day, he's quiet as he climbs his way into the the truck and Eddie is quick to pick up on it. "Well, you're awfully quiet. What's wrong, kid? Bad day?" He asks, but he's smiling a little, he doesn't expect Christopher to say yes.
"Dad, what does retard mean?" His voice sounds so innocent when he asks and Eddie almost crashes the truck.
"Where did you hear that word?" Despite how much he tries, he can't keep the anger and surprise out of his voice. He doesn't want to scare Chris or make him think that he's in trouble, it just catches him of guard.
"A boy at school said it to me." Chris explains with his own frown.
"To you or about you?" Buck asks, turning in the passenger seat. Part of him thinks that it's none of his business but he wants to clarify and Eddie can't give Chris his full attention, he has to focus on the road even though they aren't far from home.
"Both I guess." Chris shrugs, "Is it bad?"
Buck is about to answer, but Eddie is pulling into the driveway, putting the truck in park and turning around in his seat. "Yes, it's bad. It's a very mean thing to say to someone, and you should never, ever say it." Eddie's voice is calmer now, more collected, but there's an angry undertone that Buck can hear. "Who said that to you, Chris?"
"Peter," Christopher answers easily.
"Peter, who?" Eddie pushes, and now the anger in his voice is evident to everyone. On instinct, Buck puts his hand on Eddie's shoulder to settle him, not that it would work anyway.
Christopher shrugs. "I don't know, we're not in the same class; just have recess together."
With the way Eddie's muscles sit firm under Buck's hand, he's anything but relaxed, and he's saved from the escalation of the conversation by Carla knocking on the window. "Are you guy's gonna sit out here all day, or were you planning on coming inside?" It's just a tease, but they both feel bad since Carla was here to watch Chris while they were both on night shift.
"Sorry, Carla, we're coming. I just gotta talk to Buck about something. Can you take Chris in and get him a snack?"
Carla nods, asking Christopher about his homework, just like Eddie would do. She takes him inside, and it's only when all the doors are closed that Eddie turns to look at Buck again.
"We have to find out who this Peter kid is," He grits out firmly.
"Eddie, we're not going to find some kid and confront him. They're just little boys!" Buck is honestly surprised that they're having this conversation, even though he probably shouldn't be. He knows Eddie would do anything for his kid, and so would Buck. "I know your dad instincts are clouding your logic right now, but you're not a crazy person, and you would never talk about beating up a child."
Eddie frowns. "Who said I wanted to hurt the kid? I'm talking about the parents, Buck. They're obviously the ones teaching all the hate. We need to go talk to them about this."
"We?" Buck smiles. He knows that he and Eddie are in a relationship now, but he wasn't sure that he should be involved in parenting things like this.
"Of course," Eddie smiles back, putting a hand on the side of Buck's neck. "You love Chris, and you're just as much his parent as I am." Eddie leans in across the center console to kiss Buck deeply, resting their foreheads together before he pulls back. "Now, let's go show those people what happens when they mess with our kid."
Hi. Thanks for reading ❤️ If everyone who interacts with this fic tips me just $1 it'll help me afford my meds even though I lost my benefits.
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siswritesyanderes · 3 months
Read your Yandere Phineas fic again cause I love it.
Couldn’t help but think about Candace Flynn in this situation, who finds out about Reader.
Candace, who realizes she has to intervene and stop her brother because his obsessive, stalker behavior is a problem that has to be stopped.
Candace, who always fails to bust her brothers.
This is great in a lot of ways, because immediately I'm thinking about Phineas's reaction to knowing Candace's intent to stop him, and it's like...
In the show he's consistently positive and chill about the fact that Candace is trying to bust him and Ferb. Sometimes he acts like he doesn't know she's doing it, like when he'd say something to the effect of "Oh, Candace! You're here to also play with the thing we made!" But he explicitly knows she's trying to bust them. He's said as much in the show, pretty casually. The fact that he knows she's trying to end their fun but remains all smiles with her suggests so much.
First of all, he knows she isn't going to actually successfully ruin anything for him. Stuff has worked out for him always and it's going to keep working out for him because he has a brilliant mind, a positive attitude, and great friends. He sees her scrambling to get their mom to interrupt the fun he's having, and he does not perceive her as an actual threat. She's just his sister being silly.
Second of all, he usually doesn't take what he's doing that seriously. If Candace did get his mom to see that he's building a roller coaster and Linda said to stop building a roller coaster, he'd probably just say "Aw, man," take apart the coaster, and build a different thing tomorrow. (That one episode where they get busted and go to imagination jail or whatever was just a dream Perry had.) We might assume Linda would want to crack down on them doing any more dangerous things in the future, but I think Phineas would be surprised if that was the case. Their dad already knows about some of the stuff they've been up to, and he's been chill about it.
Third of all, Candace's antagonism is a part of the game. It's not even an obstacle in the game. Candace tries to bust them in the same way that Buford "bullies" Baljeet– it's just a thing that happens that isn't genuinely hurting anyone. It's character, it's color. It's a part of her, and she's his sister, and he loves and admires his sister.
But taking all of that in, the times when he's lost his temper at Candace have been when she's actually shown that she might ruin his project for the day. He wants to circumnavigate the globe before sundown, and if she doesn't get on the trike right now, they won't have all met the deadline, so he yells at her to get on the trike. Also, that one time in the Marvel episode. Idk, I only saw that one once, but basically she was such a big Marvel fan that she kept messing stuff up in his work space and he told her to get out.
All of this to say:
If Candace were to confront him like, "Hey, are you stalking that girl??" he would initially take it pretty lightly.
Initially, it's just another round of her hassling him about whatever he's doing while he stays positive. Honestly, he might go, "Yes. Yes I am."
If she lectures him about the moral implications of what he's doing, he would just muse about it with her like they're doing a fun thought experiment, reach the conclusion that what he's doing is actually fine (or resolve to make some small, trivial change to his approach and then brightly thank Candace for reminding him), and just generally shrug everything off.
But if she actually shows signs of taking meaningful steps to stop him– especially trying to warn Reader about what he's doing –he would lose his patience for her part in the game.
I don't think he would yell; he has a better hold on his temper than he did when he was ten, and I'm pretty sure he regretted yelling at her in the Marvel episode. No, he tries to just smile and politely explain to her why she shouldn't get in his way. His smile is tight, like a cheerful warning.
When she refuses to be talked down, he stops smiling. He stops explaining. She can see hints of his adolescent temper behind his eyes, but he doesn't yell.
He doesn't do anything to stop her. As she walks away from him, he just returns to his multi-screen computer set up or whatever other work space he has by this point.
He has contingency plans for this.
He just needs to think of the kindest way to get her out of his way.
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thoughts while listening to hmhas
this is mostly assigning marauder things/ships/people to the songs btw
warning: this contains spoilers for all of the songs so if you want that it's below the cut ;)
SKINNY: "fell in love for the first time, with a friend it's a good sign" okay wolfstar also "twenty-one took a lifetime time, people say I look happy, just because I got skinny" plus size Lily Evans??
favorite line, "twenty-one took a lifetime time, people say I look happy, just because i got skinny"
LUNCH: love this one so much!! it's giving Marlene and flirty her self ;) and as a general song i love this one, it's more upbeat than billie's past songs and i love that.
favorite line, the whole beginning because i can't even pick just one lmao
CHIHRO: (translation: month) this song is just so much fun to vibe and listen to, and that's just amazing lol
favorite line, "I was waitin', in the garden, contemplatin', beg your pardon, but there's a part of me that recognizes you, do you feel it too?"
BIRDS OF A FEATHER: this one is so rosekiller-coded to me. like the you die i die vibe? that's so them! "it might be long but baby I, don't wanna say goodbye" like brooo.
favorite line, "I love you, don't act so surprised"
WILDFLOWER: i've never read ATYD but based on posts i've seen this is a very Grant singing about Remus and Sirius, " 'cause she (Sirius) couldn't be, more different than me, happy and free in leather" like like do you see the vision? and when the prank and Grant and Remus become closer? idk but i think it's cute/sad.
favorite line "but every time you touch me, I just wonder how she felt, Valentines Day, crying in the hotel, I know you didn't mean to hurt me so I kept it to myself""
THE GREATEST: if this song isn't James Fleamont Potter, I don't know what is!! "I'm trying my best to keep you satisfied, let you get your rest, while I stayed up all night, and you don't wanna know how alone I've been" like wtaf?!? "all my love and patience, unappreciated," dudee
favorite line, "you said your heart was jaded, you couldn't even break it, I shouldn't have to say it, you could've been the greatest"
L'AMOUR DE MA VIE: (translation: Love Of My Life) this one is so good! like not much more to say lmao, but i absolutely love the change-up like with the autotune(i think that's what that was, not positive though) i was not expecting that lol. though i do think it might be like a sad/bitter mary or regulus watching jily from the sides. made myself sad with that idea :( lol
favorite line, "but I need to confess I told you a lie, when I said you, you were the love of my life"
THE DINER: this song is so goddamn good (yes i know i've said that for almost every other song, they're all just so good!!) this song is honestly giving the Slytherin Skittles, like the rhythm, vibe, the whole thing except for the end which i kinda see as possessive rosekiller "I saw you in the car with someone else and couldn't sleep, if somethin' happens to him, you can bet that it was me" and i honestly love that for them lol. also if you dial the number at the end of the song you can get a text? (based on a google search/reddit) i haven't gotten it yet but i'll probably update if/when i do
favorite line, "the cops around the corner stopped me when I tried to leave, they told me I was crazy and they knocked me off my feet, they came in through the kitchen lookin' for something discrete"
BITTERSUITE: honestly regulus when he first crushes on james? " 'cause I can't fall in love with you, no matter how bad I want to" and "it's so romanticized, if this is how I die, that's alright" also love the ending, it's really trippy and cool :)
favorite line, "we can be discrete, but I've been overseas, and I've been havin' dreams, l'amour de ma vie"
Blue: all these songs are so amazing i can't get over ittt!!! "you were born reaching for your mother's hands, victim of your father's plans to rule the world, too afraid to step outside, paranoid and petrified of what you've heard, but they could say the same 'bout me" that and "and I could say the same 'bout you, born blameless, grew up famous" is just so Black-family. like Narcissa, Andromeda, Bellatrix, Sirius, and Regulus, this song is about them honestly.
favorite line, "I try to live in black and white, but I'm so blue, I'd like to mean it when I say I'm over you"
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lacedteatime · 1 year
Bakugou should be expelled
If any one of the students of Class 1-A plagiarized one of their essays, they would likely face severe consequences, if not expulsion. Not only is plagiarism wrong, but it shows that they don't have the morals necessary to be a hero.
Why should violence against peers be any different?
Many people in this fandom, including Bakugou stans, are so quick to say that Mineta should be expelled (as he should), but give countless excuses why Bakugou shouldn't.
His actions were before UA? Not all of them; the battle trials and the final exam are examples of it happening under teacher supervision.
He'd become a dangerous villain if he was kicked out? So watch him! Why should him being worse mean that his consequences are less?
He didn't know any better? He shouldn't be a hero if he doesn't know right from wrong.
The villains will go after him? He should have been expelled before the USJ, but with the villains as an issue, again, keep an eye on him! Do not put him in a position of power!
He placed first on the entrance exam and the sports festival, so the public would be upset? It would instill confidence from the public to know that heroes are being held accountable. Though Aizawa said that he would not become a villain at the press conference, but expulsion does not mean that the ex-student was or will be a villain. It's a tricky situation, but that does not mean that the abuser should be put in a position of power!
Anger management and a transfer to either 1-B or 1-C would be a better punishment? Anger management should not be the main punishment. If it is put forward as a punishment at all, it would not work. It is below the bare minimum, though it should happen. This idea of switching classes being a punishment only says that those classes are lesser. They're not, and he does not deserve their prestige, just like he doesn't deserve 1-A's.
Honestly, being held back a year while on probation would be better, as long as his re-enrollment was conditional enough. But like I said before, if a student would be expelled from UA for plagiarism on an essay, a student should be expelled for the level of violence Bakugou has shown.
If you think that a zero on the assignment, some detentions, and a note in the student's records would be the punishment for plagiarism, then it would be fine for that sort of thing (amplified to fit the level of Bakugou's actions) to be his punishment each time he hurts a classmate without good reason. But it should be clearly explained and carried out, as well as increased with each incident.
I still think expulsion is the right answer, but I get that my answer to a problem is not the only answer.
I get that they have bigger things to worry about right now, but he should have been expelled way earlier, and it can still happen once everything calms down -- unless he actually improves enough in the meantime. Leaving it at a half-assed apology and barely any change in behavior is manipulative and not nearly enough. Plus, he has treated citizens badly as well, so just changing how he treats Izuku wouldn't be enough either.
I just wanted to rant. This will probably happen again. If you don't agree, feel free to comment. I will respond, because debate about this stuff is like candy to me, so tell me if you don't want me to respond. If you are genuinely angry about what I said, please do not comment -- at least not without putting forward a legitimate argument. Yes, I have read the manga.
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theangelwithawand · 1 year
Good Omens Incorrect Quotes Part 3:
Once again, I did not come up with these, I just have quote generator access…
Crowley : I'm having problems with a guy...
Anathema : Like his dead body won't fit into your trunk kind of problems, or you like him kind of problems?
Crowley : Who the fuck-
Aziraphale : Language!
Crowley : Whom the fuck-
Aziraphale : No.
Aziraphale and Crowley : I believe in you, Adam!
Adam, to themself: God, I must suck. The nicest thing they can think to say to me is that they don’t doubt my existence.
Aziraphale : There are some things beyond our understanding. We must accept them and learn from them. Because these moments of crisis are also potential moments of faith. A time, when we either come together or fall apart. Nature always has a way of balancing itself. The only question is, what part will we play?
Crowley : Did you just make that up?
Aziraphale : No. I read it in a fortune cookie once.
Crowley :
Aziraphale : A really long fortune cookie.
Crowley: Could you maybe just like… stab me… right in the gut. Just REALLY twist it in there. ‘Cause that honestly seems less painful than this conversation.
Aziraphale, texting Crowley: Text me when you’re home safely.
Crowley: I’m home dangerously.
Aziraphale: Stop it.
Crowley: I’m home lethally.
Gabriel : Pardon the intrusion, but-
Aziraphale or Crowley: On this moment or just my life in general?
Aziraphale: Why shouldn't you put a toaster in a bathtub full of water?
Crowley: Because your toast would get soggy!
Aziraphale: When I said bring me something back from the beach I meant like a conch shell!
Crowley: *Struggling to hold a seagull* Fucking say that next time!
Crowley, at Nina’s: Can I get a venti vanilla latte with um, seven espresso shots.
Mrs. Sandwich, in line behind them: Jesus Christ, just do cocaine.
Crowley, making coffee: This is going to fix everything.
Aziraphale: I have very high standards, you know.
Crowley: I can make spaghetti...
Aziraphale: Oh no! You're meeting all my standards!
Crowley: You can do it Adam!
Crowley: But if you can't, at least your death will be quick, painless, and really cool to watch.
Crowley: *standing on a balcony and sneezes*
Aziraphale: *standing on the roof* Bless you.
Crowley: God?!
Crowley: I'm sorry. Please talk to me.
Crowley: Hello? World's most amazing person?? Sweet pea? Precious cinnamon roll that's too good for this world, too pure?
Aziraphale: 'Sorry' doesn't bring back my fucking M&M’s.
Aziraphale: Is five a lot of followers?
Crowley: Depends on the context.
Crowley: On Instagram? No, not a lot of followers.
Crowley: In a dark alley? Yes, a lot of followers.
Crowley : You know what’s funny about Aziraphale ? They’re my best friend, and anyone who’d hurt them is someone I’d murder, probably.
Crowley : Are you busy?
Aziraphale : Yes.
Crowley : Cool, listen to this...
Aziraphale or Nina: How would you like your coffee?
Crowley: As dark as my soul.
Aziraphale or Nina: Got it, one cup of milk coming right up!
Crowley : I can’t believe all these people are wearing black. black is supposed to be my thing, they’re all just posers.
Aziraphale: Crowley, for the last time, we’re at a funeral.
Aziraphale: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this?
Crowley, sighing: Fine. We're cowabunga.
Crowley : *trying to get five seconds of sleep*
Aziraphale, poking Crowley ’s arm: Crowley Crowley . Crowley . Crowley .
Crowley : WHAT?
Aziraphale : …We’re out of Capri Suns—
Crowley : Valentines Day? I'm ready. *Sprays an entire can of AXE body spray on themselves*
Crowley : *makes Aziraphale a cup of tea but puts salt in it*
Aziraphale : *sips tea*
Crowley :
Aziraphale : *finishes tea*
Crowley : Didn't it taste bad?
Aziraphale : Yeah, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I drank it all.
Crowley, tearing up: Oh, okay.
Aziraphale : How petty can you get?
Crowley : I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Aziraphale : Crowley, I beg of you. Please, PLEASE go to the doctor.
Crowley : Hey, I'm sorry. Is this OUR stab wound?
Crowley, to The Squad: You should change your passwords to “incorrect”. Then, every time you forget it, the system will remind you, “your password is incorrect”.
Aziraphale : Not to brag, but I can go into the Spirit Halloween without crying.
Crowley : I wanna sleep for 40 hours.
Aziraphale : You know that's called a coma, right?
Crowley :
Crowley : That sounds so refreshing, I could totally go for a light coma right now.
Aziraphale : Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Crowley : I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Aziraphale : But you’re always acting stupid?
Crowley : ...
Crowley : Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Muriel : Hey, aren’t you Aziraphale ?
Aziraphale : You a cop?
Muriel : No.
Aziraphale : Then yes, I am.
Aziraphale : Crowley ! Have you no dignity?
Crowley : Of course not! How long have we known each other?
Aziraphale : What are you drinking?
Crowley : Vodka.
Aziraphale : Straight?
Crowley : No, gay. Why?
Aziraphale : So you like cats?
Crowley : Yeah.
Aziraphale : *tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
Cop: You ran a red light.
Crowley : So did you, hypocrite.
Cop: I was following you.
Crowley : That was dumb, I'm a terrible driver.
Cop: Get out.
Aziraphale : What is the one thing I told you not to do?
Crowley : Burn the house down.
Aziraphale : And what did you do?
Crowley : I made dinner.
Aziraphale :
Crowley :
Aziraphale :
Crowley : And burnt the house down.
Aziraphale : Do you need help getting up?
Crowley : Nah, I'm cool down here on the floor.
Crowley : Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.
Anathema: At first I thought you were foolish and incompetent.
Crowley : My apologies for whatever misstep I may have taken to dispel that impression. It was an honest mistake, I swear.
Aziraphale to Crowley : Turn that frown upside-down!
*a little while later*
Aziraphale : What are you doing?
Crowley , trying to do a handstand: You told me to “turn that frown upside-down” but it’s not working .
Gabriel: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?
Crowley: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.
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hainethehero · 26 days
same anon as before: yes, I did read your whole post. a few times.
"I am aware he apologized." - ok I'm so glad you are! But you didn't make any mention whatsoever of that in your post. You could have said it as a quick parenthetical statement e.g. "In the past Ryan defended the use of racial slurs (although he later publicly apologised)".
your post leaves your readers with the impression that Ryan just made a bunch of racist statements, suffered zero repercussion, never apologised, and then, people can and will extrapolate from that - he probably continues to be racist to this day!
"I'm saying POCs have a right to still be upset about it because it shouldn't have been a thing in the first place???" - Great! my ask never said they don't!
"Where in my post did I say Ryan was irredeemable?" - where did I say in my ask that you said he's irredeemable??
You were very fair in pointing out that fandom has said other awful things about Ryan that are definitely not true.
But to completely leave out mention of his apology seemed deceptive and biased, as it's a crucially important fact that he actually listened to people around him, realised the weight of his actions, and publicly apologised. That makes all the difference in the situation.
That's why he still has fans on tumblr. They're not "excusing his racism", they're accepting his apology and trusting that he's learned, grown and changed.
Whereas, if we're going to discuss ljfr and tommy, I would argue ljfr has given some interview answers that sound uncomfortably like he's "excusing" tommy's racism, when he downplayed it as teasing/hazing (I forget the exact wording). Neutral question - did you happen to read his interview answers about tommy's attitude towards Hen? It's rather damning.
Also, the canon evidence you give of tommy having been redeemed is imo flimsy at best, and s7 could have done a lot more with tommy's limited screentime and dialogue to really show he's a different person to what he was in the past. I don't know what will happen in s8, I'm curious to see if tommy's characterisation changes or develops at all.
I just find it truly bizarre to act like it's logical and rational to defend and give the benefit of the doubt to a fictional character, which cannot be harmed or affected by hate, which does not exist outside a fictional story, or act other than according to what the script says, rather than do the same for a real life human being, who most assuredly CAN be harmed and affected by hate, who DOES exist and do things in the real world, who has an interior life unaffected by words in a script.
The point about Ryan has already been addressed. If fans have realized that he's apologized and have it in good faith that he's changed, then that's good. If fans are still hurt by his use of & defense of using slurs, they're allowed to be. That's not for you to decide.
Lou's interviews about Tommy's early times in the show were vague at best. The canon is CLEARLY insufficient but it's obvious why. Tommy's character wasn't really a mainstay. There were no deeper aspects to his character because he wasn't meant to stick around after s2. That's why there wasn't a whole ass redemption arc for him but rather a small montage. The point was to obviously show that both him and Hen and Chim reconciled their past and became good friends. If you & stans who think like you don't get that, then y'all are CHOOSING not to get it because it would be easier to have a reason to hate Tommy, rather than just hating him because he's with Buck. Honestly, it would be better if yall just admitted you hate him cos he's with Buck. No one would have a problem with that. But conflating issues and making them seem bigger than the show intended them to be to justify your hatred of Tommy just seems disingenuous.
If Tommy wasn't with Buck, y'all would NOT give a damn about this man's character I swear.
My whole original post was about toxic buddie stans virtue signaling and conflating the issue of racism as an excuse to justify their hatred of Tommy. And how those SAME stans are sending Lou death threats & hate to him- an actor who's just doing his job.
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certainmaybe · 2 months
"I would like to talk about what happened."
Sidekick wanted to laugh at that. For years, years they had been trying to talk to Hero about what was happening. For years they had been simply ignored. And now, that they finally managed to make peace with it, Hero wanted to talk? They should say no. They would only end up being hurt again.
"What do you want to know?"
"Just... everything, I guess. Everything I did wrong with you. Over lunch, if you want. I'm paying, obviously."
And Sidekick should have declined. But Hero had never offered to buy them lunch. Hero had never even wanted to eat lunch with them. The few times they did eat together had ended with Sidekick crying in their room.
"Okay", they said.
A few hours later they were sat in a local restaurant, drinks already in front of them.
"So", Hero asked. "What did I do wrong?"
"You didn't... it isn't that easy. I think it was just a bad dynamic. With us, with the organisation... There was just nobody to give me the support I would have needed, and with time, that lead to... well, everything that happened."
"Well, I think there are three major things I did wrong with you."
And that, despite knowing better, got Sidekicks curiosity. Until know they had comforted them self with the conclusion that Hero was simply a narcissist, unable to see the harm they were causing, even if it was pointed out to them again and again. But if they actually saw their own faults....
"And what are those things?"
"Firstly, I should have taken you more seriously."
That at least was fair. It was expected as well. At this point even the leadership of the organisation had released an official statement, apologizing to Sidekick for ignoring their concerns.
"Secondly, I should have actually trained you. I always thought I would get to it before you would have to fight Villain, and then I thought you had managed alone for so long, you would probably fine."
And that.... hurt.
Sidekick had come to terms with the fact that Hero had completely neglected them, let them fend for them self from day one, because they simply didn't realize that Sidekick needed support. It was painful, but it was okay. Sidekick could sympathize with somebody simply not having the ability to do the right thing.
But apparently Hero had known. And all the times Sidekick had asked for support and been left to figure it out on their own... Hero had known. Hero had known that it was to much to ask of them and they just hadn't cared enough.
"And the third thing?" Sidekick asked. There was something dull and heavy inside their chest.
"I shouldn't have lied in the court case after."
The words hit sidekick like that fatal blow years ago.
"What did you lie about?"
"That nobody knew what was going on after the battle. I mean, you were basically screaming for help in every way you could. We just didn't know what to do, so we choose to ignore it."
"You choose to ignore it?" Sidekick heard their own voice like from very far away.
"Yes. I mean, we just didn't know how to respond. Honestly, I still don't know what we could have done."
The worst thing was, Sidekick agreed with that. Hero couldn't have done anything. They couldn't even handle it when Sidekick had gotten the flu. There was no way they would have responded in a helpful way to Sidekick being slowly torn apart from the inside by Villains curse. But did that mean Sidekick had to simply be okay with this?
"So, what do you say?" Hero asked. "Did I miss anything?"
"Apparently not." Something seemed to be stuck in Sidekicks throat.
"So then we are good now, right?"
"Seriously?" Finally something that had been stuck in Sidekicks chest seemed to loosen. "You think you can just... You can just tell me that it was all on purpose, and expect me to be fine with it, to move on? You know, all this time I thought you just didn't get it. And now you come here, and invite me to lunch to tell me that you did know, the whole time you saw what was going on but you just didn't care enough? That you let my life get ruined because you simply couldn't be bothered to do your fucking job?"
"Well, I'm trying now! Do you expect me to change what happened? Just let it go!"
"I did let it go! I made my peace with the fact that for some reason you just couldn't see what was going on! Then you decided that we needed to have this talk, just so you could tell me it was all on purpose! Wasn't I good enough for you to care? Would doing something different have made you give a shit if I lived or died? If you could have done something the whole time, why didn't you?!"
"I thought you would figure it out on your own, somehow."
"Oh, did you? Well congratulations, I did figure it out." With tears burning in their eyes, Sidekick stood up. "And now you get to figure out on your own how to deal with the fact that you ruined my life and I'll never forgive you. Truly, Hero, I hope you suffer. I hope you suffer the same way as I did. And I hope everybody sees it. And I hope nobody helps you."
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modernchillthings · 2 years
I know I just did a little rant about Sooho so let me just talk about Sieun and why he is the way he is (or why I THINK so)
It's pretty obvious his parents neglect him, probably as early as childhood based on that flashback scene. I don't remember which parent said it but one of them most likely did not want to have a child and that outlook can definitely affect the way you raise your kid.
Based on that flashback, they were so unprepared with the thought of Sieun ever getting hurt (he had a broken arm I think?) I get being worried, but that was not worry to me tbh, it was more like they didn't expect raising kids to be so troublesome which is such a ridiculous notion! They get hurt, they get sick and you can't just expect a child to raise themselves no matter how smart or good they are. They need guidance! They need love!
And I don't remember what ep it was but when the dad asked Sieun if he still fell asleep in class or something like that and Sieun responded 'I don't do that anymore'. Idk that made me think that Sieun had like a chronic sleeping thing that he probably managed on his own just so he wouldn't trouble his parents. And the way Sieun at that age, understood how much 'trouble' he seemed to cause his parents, I think that's what started his very 'cold' and 'unfeeling' nature.
And from then on out, Sieun decided not to be a bother to his parents at all. That also made me think...okay, if he didn't want to bother them...then did he want to make them proud of him instead to show that he wasn't gonna be their problem?
And I get it, he's so me lol. Because I try so hard not to be a bother to not just my parents, but honestly any adult authority figure in my life. But the diff is, I kind of strive for that validation whereas Sieun...doesnt seem like he does, or at least not as much as he thought it would. Like what are his goals? Did he even want to go to a big college and be a big time 'something'? I don't even think we learned much about him and his motivations because it's true that he's so studious and gets so many awards and good grades and yes his parents praise him...but Sieun doesn't even look like he wants or cares about those praises anymore.
On the first ep. when he got that award and showed his dad, his dad seemed like he was genuinely proud of him but his reaction was just...😐 perhaps Sieun knows that his purpose in his parents eyes is to generate good grades and be a good kid so he just does that. Like 'ok I've done my purpose, on to the next task' and honestly that's so fucked up.
Anyways, yeah. I feel like he lost any sense of purpose. Maybe back then getting good grades and validation from his parents meant he wasn't being a bother to them and he prolly liked it but after a while, it kind of just burnt him out. Also maybe after his mother left and his dad started being away more often for work, it just didn't seem like it mattered to him but he still keeps going because it's the only thing that will grab his parents' attention. But again, at the same time, idk if he still even wants their attention. He doesn't even want to try anymore
When he was eating with his mom, you could tell the mom was distracted and Sieun must have felt so discouraged because he must have felt like a task to her, like something on her to do list to check off because how easily she pushes aside Sieun's presence and assumes he was done eating. Like she was already standing up, like she was waiting for an interruption. Sure, Sieun never said anything or expressed his needs but only because his parents never tried to understand him in the first place and idk...be an ACTUAL PRESENT ADULT FIGURE IN HIS LIFE!!
Sieun is such a complicated and interesting character and my only wish was for him to snap at his parents at least once. He almost did it with his dad at the hospital but he held back which he shouldn't have!! Yell at them! They deserve it! (hopefully we'll see that in s2)
I never really knew I would be so attached to him. Usually I get drawn towards the Sooho-type (and dont get me wrong, I love him too) but something about Sieun just makes me want to wrap him in a blanket and never let him go and give him the proper love and care and attention he deserves!
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thessalian · 6 months
Thess vs the Proving Lab
Welp. That happened.
And here we are - what's left of HADES. I mean, I'm surprised there's anything left of HADES at all, honestly. But I guess Sylens doesn't have so much a concept of mercy.
HADES, you are a shitheel. I mean, the Derangement and the Mysterious Signal probably contributed to that, but I don't think getting mucked with by Travis Tate et al helped all that much.
So ... wait ... Sylens, are you seriously telling me you left HADES alive (insomuch as an AI is alive) specifically so you could keep your word way back when you said you'd give me the means to destroy it? ...Well, if I'm running around settlements that look like Dreamer's Terrace, I guess it's fitting that I've got Fae-wording bargains coming from this dipshit.
And now you give me a schematic to let me ignite firegleam. Only when it suits you. Ugh, fine, I'll go hunt Leaplashers. (I hate Leaplashers.)
Best way to deal with Leaplashers - from the next post code over.
"Story and Easy Mode: you do not have to shoot off the power cores--" Can I ... do it anyway?
Right. Firegleam ignited. In we go!
So ... there was no mechanic for just ... letting me swim there? Really?
We're really hammering home the parallels between Sobek and Aloy, aren't we. Also ... why can I not punch Travis Tate in the face? I mean, really, I want to punch him in his face.
.........Well, this wasn't what I was expecting the "We still have dozens of hours of gameplay to give you so we'll contrive a problem" to be, but I'll take it. This game really enjoys kicking one in the metaphorical balls.
Sylens ... these are unknown quantities trying to come through the door, and you're not tellng me nearly enough, but I've done enough reading to know that the little you say you know? Is complete bullshit.
Yeah, see? Though now I'm almost regretting having crunched that particular Focus because I want a very good, very solid, "I TOLD YOU SO" right now.
(Also, if she was carrying around a spare Focus - or several, given what she told Varl at the beginning - why did she not do that six months ago? Or even when she discovered what he did to HADES? She knew Sylens had spyware! If she wanted to keep getting answers from him, she shouldn't have destroyed the spyware-filled Focus; she should have shoved it in a belt pouch and used a different one - at least until she wanted to pry answers out of Sylens again.)
...What the fuck are you people wearing? Did you get all your ideas on future fashion from Star Trek: TOS? That's tacky as fuck, guys.
Except you, Mini-Me. ...I have a Mini-Me. Great. And someone really needs to give you some actual shoes. Your feet must be cold.
(Yes, I notice this shit.)
Okay, these are not the machines I know, and ... yeah, I read a review at some point that talked about the "new machines" and how disappointing their designs were, and ... I get what they mean now. Robots should not ooze.
"One is trouble enough". Oooooh, Sylens, I wish I'd left you eavesdropping. Just because of how much you fucking hate being wrong.
Oh, so your horrible blingy jumpsuit has a forcefield on it. So this is going to be the most annoying fight ever.
...I get Aloy wanted information, but why was there no option to just jump in the damn water and swim?!? Why did she have to play some demented version of Tag to crash an entire ... whatever that fucking thing was when it wasn't even going to hurt him?!?
So jumping puzzle plus oxygen management plus stealth out the ass. This has been the most annoying fucking thing ever and I hate it. Good thing I'm way better at stealth.
...Crippling by Cutscene. THANKS FOR THAT.
Ah. Hi, Varl. Guess you're feeling better. I personally feel like shit. But I'm going to Do The Thing anyway--
Okay, that's fucking clever. The Utaru name their settlements for music because they remembered the old "do-re-mi" scale-singing from their ancestors' Cradle teachings, and let it live on in the name of their "land-gods". And this is the first civilisation that actually acknowledges what the machines were supposed to do. Everyone else treats them as a hazard at best; the Utaru worked in concert with them. So ... basically it's the Utaru that have it right. Neat.
Yeah, go be with your girlfriend, Varl. I will stay put, I promise. If only because a) the cutscene wants me to and b) I don't want to be that much of a hypocrite given everything I've said to you and Erend over the last little while. Also, c) someone ought to have a romance option that isn't one throwaway bit in the DLC.
Aaaaaaaand my ribs are better. And little green exclamation mark. Hi, Xenophobe Lady.
...Aloy? Why could you not just explain to the Xenophobe Lady what a 'thrush' is?!? Maybe she'd stop being such a bitch!
Right. I know there's all this saving-the-world stuff (though I have to admit I'm a lot less jazzed about that when I'm fighting Futuristic Techno-Gods or whatever), but I'm going to take a break and then I am going to go and ignite every bit of Firegleam I have passed so far. It has been taunting me.
(No, seriously, Futuristic Techno-Gods who bring all of the mindsets of the Old World with them? I don't want this. I am in this game for seeing how civilisations might shape themselves outside of the influence of the Old Gods - this is speculative fiction at its finest! And now you're giving me Futuristic Techno-Gods who are, in point of fact, generations old? And where were they all this time?)
Right. Yes. Break. Then, Firegleam and hunting. I ... am weirdly less jazzed about this game now that we're bringing the Old World this far into it. There's still enough for me to love, but none of it's the main plot. It's getting space-opera convoluted here - more clones, advanced technology, people treating the civilisations that formed without APOLLO as lesser--
...Wait. If we have APOLLO and DEMETER and HADES and HEPHAESTUS ... why do we have MINERVA? Every single one of the subordinate functions, and even the rogue AI Nemesis, were named for Greek gods, so why didn't they go with ATHENA?
Anyway, we're going into a vaguely colonialist direction far beyond shit like the Carja being stuck-up about everything and I am not sure I like it. Also I want to punch Sylens in the face for effectively arming the rebel Tenakth. What does he gain from destabilising the region? More to the point, what do these Techno-God dipshits gain from it? They have to be helping with that shit somehow.
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