#like yes they can be powerful and cool and sexy and interesting AND SILLY!!!!!
enter-the-phantom · 5 months
Some time ago you asked me about my angel Gabriel and I am here to return the favor, PLEASE tell me about your gabriel when you have a moment 👀
- @starshine-selfships
Can’t believe I am just getting to this, I am the worst.
This is my Gabe and he makes me feral and insane. ❤️❤️❤️
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How do I begin to describe Gabriel. He’s crazy smart and just plain crazy and a tiny short king who is also terrifyingly strong and powerful. He has no off switch, never shuts up, runs off of sugar and spite, has the world’s cutest dimples and the most beautiful golden eyes and is just annoying and hot and wonderful.
This sexy bastard is one of the most powerful and ancient archangels and was one of the first fallen angels, he left/was kicked out because he refused to join the infighting and corruption in his family. He was tired of watching his siblings tear each other apart so he ran off to take the place of one of the pagan gods (Loki, if you can believe it) and ended up with his powers—sort of a pseudo angel/Trickster God hybrid. He’s a chaotic neutral silly boi who likes to wreak havoc by killing nasty people in creative ways and looks really hot doing it.
In my canon, he’s also my guardian angel and not super happy about it at first but he catches feelings and it’s all very bittersweet bc he knows I love his brother and he wants me and Cas to be happy so he’s willing to step back and let us be together, even though it tears him apart inside. Instead he just follows me around acting vaguely annoying.
In my happy little headspace though we’re madly in love and all over each other constantly and it’s very gross. We are the OG chaos couple, we enable each other’s insanity and annoy everyone but it’s okay bc we love each other so so much ❤️
What’s funny and stupid is that he was a platonic f/o for a long ass time but I was not platonic about him at all and just didn’t realise it and it was cringe and pathetic. We actually meet him before we meet Cas, and from the moment he showed up I was like “that guy.” Don’t learn his name until like season 4 but every time he showed up I’m like “oh my god it’s my fave it’s the trickster he’s back I hope he’s in every episode ever he’s great omg” and then I learned he was an angel and not only that he’s this universe’s Loki and I lost my shit and made him a platonic right then and there but also couldn’t shut up about how cool he was (srsly look at my Gabe tag, it’s pathetic 💔) and eventually had to face facts and felt stupid. Now we kiss a lot.
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Anyway he’s hot and stupid and perfect and he can be so charismatic and flirty or so gentle and sweet and he is everything and I love him and I want to cry.
Also here’s a fic about our first meeting if anyone is interested 👉🏻👈🏻
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i-spilled-my-soup · 1 year
what are your thoughts on will's (presumed) main insecurity being 'powerless' compared to the other apollo campers? (im saying this prior to reading tsats so ig nothing is really 'confirmed') cus some ppl think it's goofy some ppl think it's interesting
he got minmaxed into damage reduction so i get that he feels insecure around all the dps people around him. but also the "weak but actually op" trope is very prevalent and i. kinda want to see an average built main character? like no fancy tricks? nothing glamorous? it would be so cool if will was killing people without even plague "powers" just really efficient methods of assassination(but i guess riordan wouldn't want kids to know how to do that) kinda goofy but i hope he stays powerless
tangent into my personal response to riordan books
whenever i think abt riordan demigod powers i gripe a little. a decent amount. cause the riordan storyline is a parallel to kids with absent parents, and that the kids are thrust into danger by their parents who don't even acknowledge them, right? and its huge character moment when the kids get even a little recognition, or when the gods straight up appear to talk to their kids? but in ancient myth, thinking homer, virgil, ovid, the demigods have no control of the elements or anything like that. their greatest power is their leverage of godly bias. cause the gods are everywhere. so the ancient trope and riordan trope are pretty much fully contradictory so i can't. it'd hard to add historical interpretation into riordan for me
and. it's so. it's y. you can be so cool without magic.
yes riordan's characters are cool and their scenes are noteworthy because they are flashy. because they can summon waves, and terraform, and shoot fireballs, and it must have been imperative for riordan when writing this series for a younger audience. but now i'm looking at these guys doing it constantly, and their strength keeps increasing, and the physical rebound keeps increasing, and i've . hit a wall in my interest? like no one is weak and no one is making mistakes and the greatest character flaws are jealousy, stubbornness, and... selflessness?
it all feels predictable at this point. like, i could not have predicted that this guy who survived three successive bouts of treason cause of his otherworldly rizz had said flutes were un-liberal as a kid, leading to flutes getting removed from the school curriculum, and also he had a sexy lisp. i couldn't have predicted that two bros would force sparta into their first ever military defeat, the philosopher bro using 3d chess strats in his phalanxes and the bodybuilder bro clutching with his 300 strong gay bodybuilder gang.
but. tsats preview where there's another obscure deity and she wants to hear about these teenagers' love lives? and it all begins with a star wars reference? yeah that's about what i could have expected
it just feels like there's no stakes at this point. i still stand that things would be way more interesting if they just died at this point, cause it's been drilled in that "you were so close to death" "you could have died" "you will die" and so on. but even so somehow i didn't feel much when the side characters or main characters died in hoo or toa?
it could be the direct characterization . riordan , especially in recent days, really loves his direct characterization. i think so, cause i did like the bits in tower of nero when the characters were just being silly and being friends.1!! like. just talking about cows. just throwijg each other around. the good stuff. the characters just feel like flat pngs and riordan adds filters to them every other chapter
tl;dr: my tastes have shifted to out of pocket ancient greek and roman myth/history and i don't enjoy romances
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flaim-ita · 1 year
opinions on the Geats cast? and hopes for endgame?
opinions on the Geats cast? and hopes for endgame?
(This got long. I’m not sorry.)
Ace is the best Main Rider since… Tsukasa? Haruto? One of the two, or maybe Eiji. But like. Ace is *so good*. And like, so fascinating? He has reincarnated for 2000+ years, just looking for his mother, for the answer to his existence. He is Not a good person, On Purpose, and he does not resolve to save the world until HALF WAY THROUGH HIS SEASON. That is INSANE. That is AMAZING. He is not doing this out of good he is doing this because Kamen Rider is all he has due to the way he was made.
Can you imagine how fucking cool that is? how incredibly Rider of them? I need to finish my Kamen Rider Yo concept entirely bc I want to Showa this boy desperately. (It does not end well for Ace Park, but still.)
(Side note: Takahashi does REALLY inventive things with the Cross of Fire. Aruto in the final boss suit and Emu as patient zero were SUCH good concepts.)
Ace is just in general a very nuanced character because he realizes does care he just tries not to, because he’s apathetic. Especially at the start of the show his thoughts are just “win -> wish that gets me closer to mom -> repeat”. But the rest of the main quartet are just breaking the system and logic down around him, in good and bad ways, and all of this in the life he resolved to Just Do It.
Also the way he is just Broken, now. He’s gone back to apathetic, but not really, we saw him looking at his mom in TEARS.
…Anyways. I love Ace.
I’m fine with Keiwa. I think he’s a really good deconstruction of the Modern Rider Protagonist. He’s never wrong for his ideals, but when his ideals clash with the physical realities, we are supposed to find him naive and hypocritical. It’s so good! And Keiwa is so cute.
A lot of people are upset about him being comic relief, or him being against Ace. But on the former, I do need to point out that a) this is a kid’s show and b) I actually really like how everyone is clearly traumatized from Lamentation but it doesn’t kill their personalities. Just let him be a silly little guy. On the latter, Ace is doing it on purpose, and Keiwa can hate the goddess if he likes, especially when he does not know Mitsume is being tortured and violated for eternity.
But it does again show his naivety, because Ace seems to be the only one who suspects the DGP is just going to fuck off. Like Ace seems to suspect that.
(Ace is my fav, sorry Keiwa.)
I love Neon. It’s great seeing such an accurate depiction of depression on screen. I desperately want to hug her. Her whole story, from just wanting freedom and love to just… wanting to disappear, being so lonely and out of the loop. It hurts, but in a good way, you know?
Michinaga fascinates me. He is so pathetic but he just will not die. Will not stop. He’s constantly teaming up with whatever evil crosses his path. He genuinely believes he is the main character. Get therapy loser.
Also I miss the Tooru hallucinations they were funny.
Tsumuri is… god. I consistently love Takahashi mascot girls. And guys, thank you SelePro. But like… she is so intriguing, all of these thoughts and emotions forced to bubble under the surface because she has no power in the system. Oh yes, she had the ultimate power, but the ones in charge are gong to use her if they possibly can.
I’ve had thoughts about her all season but it’s so nice seeing it crystallize here.
I’m sad we lost Chirami but his death was so satisfying. Him dropping his affable persona there at the end with the cameras down was so sexy. He is a MONSTER and I LOVE it.
Suel is such an interesting final boss I wonder why he is like this.
I do not like Daichi. I almost forgot to include him. He serves his purpose but I do very much wish for him to die and stay dead.
I genuinely do not give a fuck about Punkjack sorry everyone.
As for endgame, I feel like Mitsume is going to die. There is no way Ace get the reunion he wants. Maybe he does get answers! Does get to talk to her! But her face and voice actors are different. Mitsume is probably going to sacrifice herself to either save Ace or fix things and this will destroy him.
The DGP will end, for real. But not by winning the DR but by refusing to play at all. But the separation is just as inevitable. Future people to the future, except maybe Tsumuri. Ace has new family, after all. The one he built with the rest of the main quintet. And Neon is realizing she has a place here, too.
That’s what I want. I hope I’m right.
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pumpkinnning · 1 year
leo you didn't know what you got yourself into, baby.
for the "know your ficwriter" thingy:
2; 4; 14; 15 & 16 (that's a lot i know, hehe, but i love to hear your thoughts)
ahah joke's on you i love ranting about my writing so thank you so much for humoring me <3
2 : Do you plan each chapter or do you write as you go ? I have an outline for at least a few chapters ahead, in general, with a scene list, but those often end up changing a lot as I actually write. I've never written a story without at least a little bit of an outline though, I don't like writing if I don't know where I am going, I need that flow of energy that the story gives me, if that makes sense
4 : Where do you find inspirations for new ideas ? I don't know, everywhere ? Writer is like one of the basic modes of my brain lmao so whenever any information or experience enters one of my first reactions is like, so how can I use this in a story ? And then it's constantly running scenarios and trying to fuse ideas into each other and I think that's when my stories come together - by making interesting mixes of stuff. Like a recipe or a potion lmao. There are a few big themes that come back constantly - like awe for big scary overwhelming forces of nature, loneliness, trauma, the sacred, the horrors and wonders of having a body, power, freedom, devotion, etc - and then I'm just looking for more specific lenses to explore them through. I honestly think if you're paying attention you can find ideas absolutely anywhere. That said when I'm blocked or my writing feels stale I love reading a good book or watching a cool movie because that regenerates my belief in the power of good storytelling. Or going somewhere I've never been to before.
14: how do you write emotional scenes ? Do you ever feel what the characters feel ? Do you draw from personal experiences ? Tbh for me all scenes are emotional, if there's no emotions it feels dead and there's no point in writing it. And yeah I'm very method with my writing, I need to feel it to be inspired - generally it's an enjoyable process, even for negative stuff it's cathartic. And yes, I draw a lot from personal experiences, not directly but transformed and amplified - writing is in general very therapeutic for me, even though I try to not go too far with that because it doesn't always make for the most interesting stuff to read haha.
15: How do you write smut scenes ? Do you get very visual or detailed ? How important is it to be realistic ? To me smut is a great way to get into the mindset and emotions of characters and peeling back some layers, so that's the most important thing to figure out - although sometimes it's just yeah that would be hot, does it fit the Theme lmfao. In real life it's silly to assign arbitrary meanings to particular acts but in a story it's very interesting to figure out what it symbolizes. I like writing kinky stuff as well because it makes that more explicit. In terms of details - no, not really, because honestly I think if a character's POV gets too fixated on details it means they're probably too in their heads and not really enjoying the experience so it can quickly feel artificial. I think the key is about picking the right details. But also it's just HARD to find words to describe that kind of stuff without sounding corny lmao. As for the realism, hm, as long as you can understand what everybody is doing and there's no weird impossible anatomy going on, I'm not THAT hung up on it, it's meant to be a fantasy anyway - but the best smut does tend to have some realistic moments at least because it's more human and interesting and sexy if it's not just acting out a perfect boring choreography.
16: how many fic ideas are you nurturing right now ? share one of them ? I have a shit ton of ideas but I am trying to be disciplined and not start anything until I have finished sanctuary. (except maybe a few short one shots like my solarpunk wizards AU). All sebchal for now. One I have been thinking about a lot is an absolutely insane multiverse thing with several seemingly unrelated stories that get framed in several different ways - one that happens in a decaying post apocalyptic seaside town ruled by the mob with haunted old hollywood vibes/romeo + juliet/also with illegal car racing and a bad ending ; one where Seb is a cult leader ; one where they're both women in a cyberpunk crap future where Seb is a bounty hunter and Charles is an escort and they end up teaming up against the kingpin that wants to make their lives miserable and then they leave town together ; anyway a few others i'm not sure if i'm ever going to get to it because it would be enormous but it's very fun to think about. also i really want to write a BDSM focused fic at some point. and maaaaaaybe a sanctuary sequel.
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lehdenlaulu · 2 years
Okay. Other aces have already weighed in on this eloquently and this is definitely not intended as some kind of manifesto in an attempt to change anyone's mind -- after all, as an asexual person I know it's no more possible for me to truly understand why the vampires having sex in the (show) canon is important to allosexuals than for them to truly understand the reverse.
But I just wanted to put it out there that growing up as ace, especially before I had any terminology for it or knowledge that it's a valid thing and there are others out there like me, it was very... comforting, in a way, the depiction of the vampires in TVC as effectively asexual by default.
Sure, that asexuality is part of what makes them inhuman and Other, which I understand rubs some people the wrong way, but what goth teenager doesn't like seeing their own Otherness reflected in a cool supernatural creature? This goth teenager certainly did. Especially since their lack of interest in sex wasn't depicted as equaling a lack of passion and drama, and most importantly, love. Which was extra comforting when as a teenager you're bombarded from every direction with the notion that Sex Is Super Important and only Boring Prudes don't actively want it and Love And Fulfilling Relationships Without Sex Are Impossible Actually.
Yet there we had these beautiful, powerful, immortal creatures who were completely capable of having intense, dramatic, long-lasting love affairs, with multiple people even, without anyone generally being particularly predisposed to take their pants off. A notion that you can love, and love intensely, without sex being a major component or driving force behind it. Imagine that. And yes, I've seen arguments that the human sex drive is just replaced by the bloodlust in vampires and therefore vampires are still sexual beings, just in a different way. Or that since they're mostly still intensely sensual, it's really the same difference and therefore the vampires not having sex is a silly, boring rule. And I guess that for allosexuals, those arguments make perfect sense. But from an ace point of view? The distinction matters. The idea that these characters and their relationships are not motivated by sex matters.
Furthermore, and this is no longer so much based on my personal experience as an ace as a personal opinion otherwise, I must say I'm a little concerned in general how the whole 'vampires have sex now' thing will change the character dynamics, within the coven and without. That the relationships that between asexual (or nonsexual if you will) vampires definitely have disturbing elements to them but due to that 'inhuman' aspect land just this side of off-putting (I mean, depends on who you ask I suppose) will now be squarely in the 'definitely fucked-up' category. I mean, obviously, the showrunners don't have to make all of those relationships sexual just because the characters are now apparently capable of and interested in sex, but... I feel like the temptation might be too strong to resist and I kinda dread the idea of 'watch how much ~scandalous~ sex we can cram in one show!', you know?
Neither do I personally want the characters to be changed to better accommodate the new status quo. For example, I personally feel that if you make Armand, as a character (the actor can obviously be a grown adult), a fully grown man and/or erase his very specific, traumatic past that is intrinsically tied to the fact that he is in appearance an angelically pretty teenager... He'll no longer be Armand but quite literally Just Some Guy (kind of like he was in Neil Jordan's film, tbh). I don't want the showrunners to completely shy away from the fucked-upness present in the canonical text, but I feel like with this new ~sexy~ status quo, there's a risk of it translating as bawdiness for the sake of shock value on screen. I hope they can find a way to balance it out.
Anyway, just my two cents.
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spookybias · 3 years
[ attractiveness everywhere, stupidity everywhere ] — kang taehyun
pairing: kang taehyun x gn! reader. genre: fluff, crack. warning: mention of bugs, mc doesn't have any friends. for: @ficscafe's dialogue prompt event. word count: 1960 note: obviously i wasn't sure how to end this T_T
prompts: #22: "stop staring, it’s creepy" + #23: "what the hell are you wearing?" + #25: "you got something on your face." "what? where?" "your stupidity. it’s everywhere."
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You shrieked at the sight of a tick crawling up your leg, and immediately began swatting at the skin in an attempt to slap it and any comrades that might have kept it company off of you. As a cold breeze passed, you brought your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms around yourself in a hug. The thought of more ticks crawling all over you, consuming your blood and body in their tiny, red glory, sent shivers to your spine. The wait for your guardian to come pick you up from school was beginning to feel endless, and although the sun was shining, the warmth was certainly not existent on this particular day.
The thought of having to wait longer in the chilly weather only produced more thoughts of ticks and ants and other bugs finding the time to crawl on you. Anxiously, you dusted off your tutu skirt and legs once more, and even your jean jacket every few minutes. You thought that waiting at a nearby cafe instead of at the high school grounds was a better option, considering you refused to let any of your peers find out that you were still being picked up by someone. But you weren't expecting to become the seven course meal for some ticks.
The sunlight began to beam down. You were gracious for the heat to finally be hitting your shivering physique, but immediately became irritated at the brightness that you were sure would blind you if you sat at the table for another half and hour. You rose a hand to your head, trying to block out the sunlight, and caught sight of a boy from your school making his way over.
You realized who it was, and your knees began to tingle. You were eighty-five percent sure that the tick hadn't bit you, and that the twinkling panic in your body was due to the pretty guy plopping down in one of the seats across the table. Taehyun shuffled through his backpack, pulling out some snacks.
The desire to impress one of the cool kids from you school flew in like a pigeon at the sight of bread. You leaned back in your chair, legs crossed in what you hoped was a sexy angle, and twirled a piece of your hair around your fingertips. Before you realized what you were doing, you made a mental note of everything that was attractive about taehyun; his half brown, half blonde hair, his pearly whites, and his gentle but assertive hands. overall, his face was amazing. You mumbled to yourself as you watched him eat his animal crackers, unaware of just how creepy you appeared.
"Is there something you need?" Taehyun looked up from his notebook and sighed. He picked up his pack of crackers and held them out to you. "Are you hungry? Do you want some?" He waved the food in front of your face.
You were left dumbfounded. The tone of his voice made you feel like you were some kind of wild animal trying to prey on him, and he was trying to distract you in order to escape. You knew you weren't the best around people, but never predicted that the boy you'd seen people swoon over for ages talked to others like they were beneath him. "No, I don't want anything from you." It came out much more rude than you had intended. perhaps you were something feral, and your defensive instincts had kicked in.
Taehyun blinked twice before setting his pack of crackers back down. "Stop staring, it's creepy." Then he looked down, taking note of your appearance. He had never seen someone combine a jean jacket and a tutu skirt in forty degree weather. "What the hell are you wearing?"
Feeling self-conscious, you pulled your knees up to your chest again, tugging at your skirt. "What? You think I'm weird or something?" You weren't trying to sound so targeted, but you were used to people picking on your taste in everything, and attacking first had become your immediate reaction to others. "You don't have to sit here."
"Calm down," Taehyun held his hands up with a look of so much disbelief that you wondered if you seemed like you were about to shoot. "You seemed cold, even from all the way over there." Your eyes followed his thumb pointing over his shoulder to the nearest crosswalk, the direction he had come from earlier. "And it's no wonder. You're wearing a skirt in weather like this."
"I thought I looked cute..." You mumbled into your arms crossed over your legs. "Besides, you have no control over what I wear. I can show as much leg skin as I want to." You ended your sentence with a pout.
"I'm not saying you don't look cute." Taehyun looked directly into your eyes. "It's nice seeing an already attractive person in a strange, but nice outfit." Your face started to feel hot. "And you're right, I have no control over what you want to wear. I was just concerned is all. It's freezing and I know you're cold in that skirt."
"So you care?" The words tumbled out of your mouth before you could catch a hold of what you were saying. You weren't exactly used to people who weren't your guardian worrying about you.
Taehyun rolled his eyes and flipped to a new page in his notebook. "I would rather you don't pass out from the temperature right in front of me."
"My guardian usually tells me if it's hot or cold," You went on to say, no longer remembering that Taehyun was one of the cool kids, and instead eating up the idea that someone seemed interested in you. "The sun was out, so I assumed it would be better weather today."
Look at me, you thought to yourself, talking about the weather with someone handsome.
"You have a phone right?" Taehyun suddenly questioned.
Your eyes widened, a tiny bead of sweat dripped down the side of your face. You managed to stutter out, "Y-yes. I do. W-why?"
"Phones have weather apps, idiot. Start checking yours." Taehyun didn't bother to look up from his book. You wondered if he was still interested in what you had to say, if he had more questions after this one. "If you don't have the mental capacity to do that, then at least open your window and stick your hand out."
"Oh ok." You screamed into your skull. You had let yourself get a little too excited about Taehyun's question. You were brought back to reality. Taehyun was a cool kid, and you were a weird new student, an outsider. There was no way he'd give you his number.
The clouds moved in, blocking the sunshine that had previously been annoying you. Taehyun's appearance had made you forget about your irritation entirely, though. It was silent except for the occasional sound of the cafe door a few feet away swinging open joined by the sound of a customer's footsteps as they power-walked out with whatever they had bought. You wanted to talk to Taehyun some more, but wasn't sure what you could possibly say that hadn't already been said to the boy a million times —that day.
He was just that popular.
Taehyun jumped at the sudden sound of a slap on skin. You shrieked at the sight of an ant on your leg. Taehyun could distract you from the cold and the sunlight, but not from your worst nightmare coming true.
"Oh my gosh, they're eating me!" You wailed.
"What on Earth are you talking about?" Taehyun closed his notebook and put it away. It was impossible for him to get some studying (and snacking) done with you around. "You really are crazy."
"There was an ant, and earlier there was a tick. Am I gonna die? They've been attacking me all day!"
Taehyun squinted. He wondered if you were mentally okay. Maybe the lack of social interaction was the cause of your eerie behavior. "Ants aren't much of a problem, but did the tick bite you?"
"No, I don't think so." You patted down your clothes.
"Then you're fine," Taehyun started to pack up his things. "I mean, if the tick did bite you, it's possible that your legs could go numb and you'd never walk again—"
"WHAT?!" You weren't sure if your life was flashing before your eyes or if the sun's demonic brightness had finally gotten to you.
Taehyun stared blankly at you. "You got something on your face."
"What? Where?" Panic began to strike again at the thought of a bug crawling on your cheek.
"Your stupidity. It’s everywhere." Taehyun grabbed his bag and stood up. "And I'm starting to believe it might be contagious, so I'll go now."
"You're leaving?" You scrambled around for your bag on the back of the chair and followed suit.
"Yeah, my ride should be here in a few minutes. I'm just going to stand by the corner." Taehyun walked off. You stood frozen in place.
"T-Taehyun!" You called out.
"Yes, ____?" He looked over his shoulder expectantly. "I don't have all day," He reminded as he took a look at the invisible watch on his wrist.
"You know my name?" You didn't think anyone at your school knew your name. No one talked to you unless they hadn't been paying attention to what the teacher was saying and needed a recap.
Taehyun turned around and looked at you. "Of course I know your name. We're in the same grade."
Oh. You had gotten ahead of yourself again. "Taehyun." You fiddled your fingers and lowered your voice. "Can I stand next to you while you wait for your ride?" It was silly, really, but that was the kind of person you were.
Taehyun continued walking. "Yeah, sure. Stop being creepy about it." There was a hint of teasing in his voice and a growing smile on his face. You were so stupid and weird, and that made him want to learn more about you.
And so you stood beside Taehyun for the next three minutes, utter and comforting silence surrounding you both. You thought you looked like two strangers who talked to each other and stood next to each other like they weren't strangers at all. You shook your head, letting the desire to be close to Taehyun shake. He'd probably let anyone stand next to him on the sidewalk.
A black van with tinted windows pulled up to the curb. It looked suspicious and you wondered if Taehyun was quite the suspicious character. You also wondered if you should probably run as far away as you could from the van. Then the door opened, and you caught a glimpse of an older guy with red hair sitting inside.
"Hurry up, Taehyun. We're gonna be late to game night, and I just know Beomgyu and Kai are hiding all the good cards." The guy peaked his head out and eyed you. "Taehyun you have an interesting taste."
"Your hair is weird," You immediately shot back.
Taehyun turned around. "Do you need a ride?" You gulped as you watched him put his bag in the car.
"Uh, no my guardian should be on their way. And I'm not allowed to take rides from strangers." You scratched your head awkwardly. "Not that I would want to ride with that weird guy in the back," You managed to finish.
Taehyun chuckled. "I'll leave first. Don't wait here on the corner by yourself, though. Someone might mistake you for a prostitute. It's not exactly safe," Taehyun warned. "See you at school."
"Got it." You retreated back to your empty cafe table, and watched from afar as Taehyun's car drove our of sight.
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cotccotc · 3 years
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SKZ + a ftm s/o !!
 ◌ ftm (female-to-male) refers to a transgender person who was assigned female at birth, but identifies as male. these people are awesome, lovely, brave, & valid !! (yes that’s part of the official definition !!!! look it up <3)
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part of my eight as fate event !! ( requested by @lixsmullet​ ♡ )
genre/s: fluff, skz x ftm reader
warning/s: mentions of dysphoria, mentions of periods, one very brief implication of transphobia (NOT IN REFERENCE TO THE MEMBERS DW), use of various pet names, swearing, my dumb formatting and commentary uwu
wc: ~1.5k
a/n: i hope i did this req justice !!! i made sure to do a lot of research on topics that might come up in this situation so i hope everything is accurate, but also inclusive for multiple types of people within the ftm umbrella. the descriptions might not be too deep but pls know they were written with a lot of care. OH ALSO i included potential pet names they might use !! i really really hope y’all enjoy this :) lmk what u think !!
chan’s known for putting other people’s needs before his own, and this is no exception.
he’d be super giving !!! would buy you “world’s best boyfriend” mugs and shit !!! it’s cringe but you love him so it’s fine !!!
more on top of your doctors appointments or meds than you are tbh
boy oh boy… if you take/decide to start taking testosterone……
he just wants to do everything he can to help you !!!!! whether it means literally helping you stay on top of things and being your at-home (emotional) therapist, or giving you space.
i feel like he’s very good at detecting how a person feels based on their face or body language, so he’d always be on the lookout in case you might be feeling off or dysphoric.
and, as much as it might pain him, he’d give you as much time/space as you need. once again, he has your best interest in mind 24/7 !!! he just loves you so much, you know? 🥺
potential pet names (as long as you’re ok with them !! that goes for each member.): babyboy (we saw this one coming), foxy/sexy (mostly sarcastic but also… True), sunshine
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a thing that i personally love to imagine: minho introducing you to people as his boyfriend
if anybody ever gives either of you a questioning look afterward (either intentionally or not) he wouldn’t waver at all !!! he’d just stand there and keep smiling. because you’re his boyfriend, duh
constantly reminds you how strong you are !! how super tough and cool you are !!! because it’s true !!!!!!!
i feel like i always make him sound like the ceo of Boyfriend Bootcamp in my reactions but i MEAN???
for example, if you’re ever feeling down (for whatever reason. whether it applies to you being trans or not) he’d be like “MAN UP !!! YOU’RE A WARRIOR !!!! ……. a cute one <3333 bUT A STRONG ONE !!!!!!”
in general, i definitely see him as the type of person who’ll just grab your hand or hold you a little closer in situations where he thinks you might feel uncomfortable, and even if he doesn’t directly acknowledge it, you know there’s a lot of love and care behind the gesture.
also… you’re sad? here, hold a cat.
potential pet names: stud (as a joke.. but it stuck), anything that starts with “my” (like my boy, my baby, my love, etc.)
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ok listen
i’m not calling changbin lazy
he will most definitely try and make you do “manly” things for him when he doesn’t feel like it- SJDJJ
imagine his raspy, tough, yet adorably whiny voice being all:
ESPECIALLYYYY if you’re taller than him oh my Lord
changbin, pointing to an object on a tall shelf: “BABE can you get this for me? you’re so strong you can do it <3333”
you: “short ass-”
changbin: “hEY”
ALSO if you menstruate, i personally believe that he would be very comforting to have around during that time !!!!! just chillin on the couch !!!!!! vibin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your very own personal heating pad <33 jksjfd
potential pet names: babe, bunny, hot stuff (sometimes used for moments of sarcasm !!! there are lots of those..)
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he’s very sweet and loving with you, which never changes despite anything you might be going through. like ,,,ever.
i can see him being especially sweet and helpful for someone who doesn’t want to or can’t surgically transition !!!!
would do everything he could to emphasize the fact that you’re his favorite boy !!!!
whether it’s through activities, pet names, playful jokes, etc., he always wants to remind you how manly and lovely you are !! lolll
i present to you a thought that just popped up in my head and Will Not Leave:
you might normally be the little spoon, but if you ever feel a bit off about your body or just don’t want to be held, THIS BOY WILL GET CURLED UP IN A LITTLE SPOON POSITION FOR YOU !! SO VERY FAST !!!
(is it also an excuse for him to be the little spoon? yeah maybe it is-)
potential pet names: hubby (regardless of whether or not you’re married sjdsdf), prince, things that start with “my”
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asks lots of questions !!!!!!! whenever he’s not sure how to proceed with something or has any general questions about being trans or how to support you, he’ll be completely transparent with you about it.
even though it makes him a lil embarrassed 🥺🥺
will overuse the terms “dude” and “bro” just to make you laugh… but you both know there’s a hidden underlayer of validation there
loves cheering you up when you’re not feeling your best !!!
also ,,,,,,Youtube Research Enthusiast
“hey y/n check this out! let’s try it :D” and it’s a two minute video about how to naturally lower your voice
and you go along with it because a.) he’s cute for suggesting it, b.) it could actually be useful, and c.) he’ll look cute stretching his neck for a few minutes and it would be a valuable use of your time to watch him do it <3 jsjdfh
oh also !!!! we know he’s just Like This anyways, but he will indeed take every chance he gets to kiss random parts of your body like your hands, shoulders, the tip of your nose, and anything else you’re comfy with :) he just likes 2 smooch, what can i say?
potential pet names: anything silly !! bubba, baby/babycakes, good lookin’, etc.
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this is somewhat similar to what i’d suggested in my nonbinary coming out reaction, but i feel like he’d take a lot of care to make you feel more confident in yourself !!!
especially when it comes to your appearance !!!!! if you ever decide to try out a new hairstyle, different clothing, etc., he’d HYPE YOU UPPPPP omg
you: *exists*
felix: *silly smirk* “my handsome boy.. hehe” 🥺
bakes for u !!!!!!! will come over asap with freshly baked cookies if he even senses you might not be feeling your best !!!!!!!!!!!!!
we all know he’s a real cuddlebug, but since you’ve explained dysphoria to him (to the best of your ability), it’s very important to him that he doesn’t overstep with the physical affection
he might also suggest you use a code word or gesture to signify if it’s ok for him to get all close and cuddly with you !! he knows you have your off days, and the last thing he wants to do is emphasize your insecurities.
he loves you more than anything, and he just wants to see you smile :)
potential pet names: handsome, love, sweets (bc ya know,,, brownie boy things <3)
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would regularly spend hours and hours doing research on trans rights, different forms of transitioning, other people’s perspectives (both in his position and yours), etc
honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if he posted some questions on a website like reddit or quora or something from time to time SJDK (but eventually he’d be much more comfortable asking you directly, especially since he knows not every person is the same)
he really just wants to make sure he understands how you feel to the best of his ability in order to best care for you !!!
VERY VERY diligent if he has to adjust to new pronouns. would practice that shit like it’s his JOB.
i think he’d just be very scared of screwing something up, which you might have to console him about from time to time.
you know he’s trying his best to a.) not make this about himself and b.) do everything in his power to support you
sorta similarly to changbin, i think he’d be nice to have around if you’re ever on your period !! overall, this boy would do his RESEARCH
potential pet names: baby, mister (for some playful sarcasm), bear (or baby bear, honey bear, etc.)
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if you’re ever feeling dysphoric, depressed, anxious, or generally not the best, he will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to cheer you up.
you: :(
jeongin: “ok fine you have permission to poke my cheeks all day”
you: :D
jeongin: :D
is also very similar to changbin !!!!! he’ll very dramatically give up on a task that requires even the slightest bit of manliness just so you can do it for him…. because he’s laz- i mean thoughtful <33
ok picture something with me besties (and this is quite random so bear with me):
he buys you cologne. cute !! very sweet of him yes <3 …...but the Backstory-
he had No idea what kind to get, so he went to the store and tried on like 10 different kinds until he realized he could just swatch them on a piece of paper so now he’s covered in cologne and he buys the one he thought was his favorite but he comes home to realize it was the WRONG ONE so he has to go back to the store and test them all again until he finds the one
..all just so he could surprise you & make you feel more masculine :’)
anyways LONG STORY SHORT: innie best boy :D
potential pet names: bun (in reference to bread, of course. you must match.), handsome, sexy (BUT ONLY IF YOU SAY IT RIGHT BACK !!!!!! sexy loaf boyfriends aw <3)
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tags: @stayndays, @hanniiesuckle17, @leggomylino, @freckledberries, @kisskissbanggang, @mr-jisung-main, @childofthecosmos, @kpopscape, @skzwriternet, @hyunsins, @sleepylixie, @sunshine-skz, @vera-liscious, @thatrandomoneinthecorner, @cyberskz​, @seungminsaidsta, @somethingrandomworld, @ethan806 ( join my tag list !! )
©️ cotccotc 2021 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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Demon Brothers + Diavolo Doing Dance Workouts With S/O
Okay, so!  On my journey on getting slimmer, healthier and fitter, I’ve been doing Chloe Ting’s workout programs, all free, all really nice to get yourself started and feel a sense of accomplishment. However, I randomly found some pretty neat dance workouts, especially Pamela Reif’s, and I’m in love with the songs she uses, going as far as to make one with only 80s songs, and she included a-Ha’s Take me on, and ahhhh, resonates with my heart so much! Hope you’ll like this little piece of crack and cutesy stuff <3
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Lucifer, while yes, he has an amazing body, he seems rather insecure about it, going as far as to use a spell so nobody in his own family would remember how he looked at the beach, so it’s nothing shocking to know that he doesn’t like to exercise when others are around.
However, when he saw how excited you were finding an interesting routine that combined the fun of dancing with workout, he couldn’t refuse you, despite his fear of embarrassing himself or looking less than proper.
Seeing how much fun you’re having, not caring that your face is red, you’re sweating like crazy, and you’re dying of exhaustion, the fact that the songs are good and the workout is pretty refreshing, he feels himself unable to resist smiling at you, and little by little, allowing himself to let loose a bit.
He is a great dancer, we all know it, so he goes all in with all the moves, no matter how sexy or silly, and he LIVES for the way you cheer for him and say how amazing he his.
Poor Luci is going to blush, unable to contain how much you’re boosting his ego and self-confidence.
Clearly, he won’t do any of that around any of his brothers, and will be extra careful so that nobody, especially Diavolo, catched him while he’s dance-working out with you, in fear of them using it as black-mail, posting it on DevilGram or just keeping the content for the future.
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Mammon frequently workouts because he wants to make sure his body looks good ( he is highly insecure about himself, so he thinks that at least his body should be good, if not him as a person, poor baby ), and he definitely loves having fun at the club, so if you can combine the two things he loves so much, he’s down for anything!
When you told him about your wish to start working out, while doing something fun, because the past routines became a little boring, he asked if you wanted to workout with him.
He was very shy and sweet about asking you that, because he knows that if you used to be sedentary and suddenly decided to workout, he believed it had something to do with insecurities, and he knew very well how anxious and nervous one could be when someone else is in the room with you.
When you accept the idea, he is over the moon with glee, and will find the most fun and cool workouts that the both of you can do together.
You will get tons of cheers and encouragements from Mammon, since he genuinely wants you to be the best version of yourself and learn how to love yourself and who you are, and if working out is going to do the trick, he is going to be a dancing clown for you without a single doubt.
The fact that you’re vibing so much, smiling, despite how difficult and tiring dancing could be, makes his heart melt, because you are so beautiful when you are happy, and he’s just...SO thrilled that he can help you in your journey of self-love.
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It’s pretty canon that Levi doesn’t really do anything physically exhausting, only working out when he feels like it, over DevilTube videos, but nothing too exhausting.
Well, unless he wants to learn a new idol or anime dance routine, which is where he goes all in with no regret, not giving a damn about how he can barely stand on his feet, or that he’s sweating a lake.
One day, Levi was playing video games on the console, and you were searching random videos on his Laptop’s DT, and you found some pretty fun dance-workout routines that you wanted to try out.
Realising that they were already viewed, and that Levi was playing a single-player game, you crawled over to him, telling him to stop the game for a second and asking him about them, then suggesting doing some together.
When he heard about you finding about about you wanting to workout out with him, he started blushing furiously, thinking of the worst, until he realised that it meant you would basically learnt he same idol dances he knows, and you could do fun cosplay skits and karaoke, and you would actually know what he’s ranting about, he was in his working out clothes in a beat!
He was so excited and eager to teach you everything he knows, imagining how awesome you would be as a performing duo on a stage, dressed up super flashy and having so much fun while the crowd was cheering wildly.
Levi did ask in the end, albeit veeeery timidly, if you wanted to perform an idol routine with him in his own room, as he has all the best high-tech stuff to make his room look like an idol concert club, and he has the cosplay-making skills, so when you accept, he’s gonna faint from happiness.
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He’s not too shy about working out - He knows he has to balance a working out, eating and studying to have a healthy life-style, so he does at least the bare minimum to keep himself fit.
Satan isn’t the type to tell you what to do, but somehow, the more you stay with him, the more his habits stick to you, so out of the blue, you find yourself doing random, low-maintenance exercises with him...Sometimes while he’s still reading, and you still can’t tell how he can do that.
From the many people he’s acquainted with, he hears about some succubi doing dance-workouts that are pretty entertaining and give you good vibes, so he asked you if you wanted to check out some routines, and choosing the songs you like together, you start doing dance-routines.
Surprise, surprise, it’s actually super fun, and the succubi are great dance teachers, so you and Satan try to sing some of the lyrics, when you’re not too exhausted and panting, or when the song is just too good.
It’s always been obvious that Satan is the domestic type, loving to do any sort of activity with you by your side, or just staying in the same room, or cuddling, doing completely separate things, and enjoying each other’s presence, so dancing together with you was real fun with him, especially because he didn’t have to be proper in any way or put appearances, as he does when outside of his room.
Satan would definitely ask to do more fun activities with you, including maybe supervised mountain climbing, horse-riding, swimming, painting, taking care of animals at the shelters and many other things you’re both into, or want to try new experiences.
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I already believe that Asmo does some kind of yoga and pilates daily - Not for a long time, but just what’s necessary - to keep himself healthy and in a great, lean shape, because having a healthy lifestyle means your skin is going to be beautiful and have that natural glow, so of course he’s gonna do anything to keep that up with minimum sweat required.
If he has a gig up, like modeling on a catwalk, a photoshoot, or some kind of important event, he’s going to do a shit ton of Aerobics and Zumba, maybe even Kangoo Jump for as little as a week and as long as a month or so, because he has to be perfect - As if he isn’t already, but still!
Since we already know he’s the kind to love going to the club and dancing, when you go to him, telling him about the new workout routine you started, since you were a bit bored of Asmo’s chill yoga routines, he was excited to see you trying out new things out of your own volition.
He will try to fish for all your favourite songs and get some succubi to come up with lit dance workout videos so you could both to them together and have fun, because obviously, he wants you to enjoy your favourite songs, and will do anything in his power to make that happen!
Of course, before you start working out, he will drag you to all the best sports shops and try out tons of outfits, and you’ll get matching ones - Comfy and Practical, but make it Fashion!
I’m pretty sure he won’t take it 100% seriously, and he’ll be all party and fun, singing the song out loud, taking your hands and doing random moves that aren’t in the routine, like spinning you or dipping you low, and of course, the occasional kiss-steals won’t be lost in the party, and you’re too adorable to resist.
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Well, this guy does heavy workouts, including weight-lifting and practices for his club activities, like Fangol, which is similar to American Football, which is very...Very Beel, to say the least.
He never pushes you to workout with him, but he did mention that if you ever want to use the gym and be alone, he will make sure nobody bothers you, but if you are in need of an instructor, he would volunteer to help you, despite going softer on you and giving you so many breaks, because you are a cute, little, frail human who doesn’t eat enough.
One day, he heard from Asmo about this super fun and accessible dance workouts, and he thought it would be nice to recommend to you, so he will ask all the details, along with some DevilTube links to such videos, and when you are next together, alone, he will tell you all about it.
As soon as he sees how enthusiastic you are about it, and you even asked him to join you, he will agree without a second thought.
Until he realises that he is so big and bulky that he basically has the grace of a wooden nightstand.
It doesn’t stop him from having fun and enjoying his time of bonding with you, obviously! He will do anything you want, as long as you’re having fun and smiling the way you’re doing now.
Not to mention, it’s pretty refreshing seeing you dance with no inhibitions, just throwing around your limbs and shaking your body like you’re free as a bird.
This is the type of life he wants to live - Fun, happy and chill with his loved ones.
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No matter how much of a damn sloth he is, you just CAN’T tell me this guy doesn’t do something like Yoga, Pilates or freaking Ballet, considering the moves his busts during does damned dance battles!
He clearly won’t ever ask you to dance or workout with him, because he has a reputation to uphold, he is the Avatar of Sloth, after all, and he can sleep everywhere, as long as he has that fluffy cow-patterned pillow to sleep on.
But one day, you barge into his room, all excited to tell him the newest gossip...Only to see him with music at max volume and following some random choreography, and you just look at him with that meme pikachu shocked face.
Belphie glared at you as bad as the day he killed you, while also blushing like crazy, because damn it, only Beel was supposed to know his secret!
You then grin at him mischievously, hugging his neck and asking if he wants to do dance-workout routines together, and he refuses at first...And second and third and hundredth, but in the end, he will give in, and you will dance together.
Sometimes, he will suggest the dance workouts with a partner, just so he could have a reason to be closer to you, lazily peck your lips, cheeks or forehead, while also being able to do romantic moves...Even if the song is romantic or has seductive moves or not.
It could be some weird country song about how cute horses and cows are, and he would still do something super cute.
And of course, after a well-deserved shower, a loooong cuddle and sleep session together, in his bed, is going to happen.
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This is a bit of a spoiler for the lessons 26-29, but I believe Diavolo is feeling pretty lonely and cast out from the group, and he’s like a sad golden retriever who wants some attention and affection, so as soon as you realise that, you start going to him to talk about random things, send him cute messages, stickers, gossips, selfies, pics with things you found awesome or cool, and he super appreciates it, he’s so happy!
This made you start bonding and go out, spending time together, so you then explain to him about human habits, memes, vines, TikToks, fandoms, trends, fandoms, ideas and all the ape shit things you could come up with, like a grandpa trying to be hip with his grandkids, but he ends up so cringe and overly exaggerated that he’s super adorable.
And that includes the dabs and Egyptian dance moves he pulls in the dance battles.
Now, you don’t get those damned arms, abs and pecs (man boobs) without some effort, he clearly works out quite a lot, as often as he can, so one day, when he was searching around random things on YouTube, on his new human laptop, and he finds some women doing some super entertaining dancing workout routines, and he is so enthusiastic about it, that he called you over and showed you those vids.
Grinning at how excited and curious he is about your world, and since you already knew about them and did some in the past, you see that his eyes were wide and expecting, wanting to try it together...So you suggested it, and he was so cheerful!
Dia has Barbatos get you both some super cute matching workout outfits, and together, you start jamming in his huge room, not before you reminded him that this is more for fun, and he should just enjoy it and not take it too seriously, and he was over the moon, especially since you were there to share his enthusiasm.
Needless to say, neither of you had your cheerfulness and grins wiped from your faces for a long time, and Dia got to find out some lit human songs! 
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Word of Honor - Episode 2 Part 1 - Stalking, but in like. A  sexy way
(Sorry! For some reason the “readmore” isn’t working right!)
exactly where we left them.
ZZS looks confused, offended, and slightly intrigued by the new person added into Smash Bros.
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Look at him. Tryin to be all cool. Make a good first impression.
I’m not really sure what kind of a power move it is wrapping up her whip and pulling her closer in a chastising way in front of the man you have already decided to try to seduce but it is a power move none the less.
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And it seems to be working! :o
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There’s more pouting in this show than I originally anticipated.
“A-Xiang, stop attacking random people on the street. At least wait until your martial arts don’t suck ass first.”
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And so the dance begins.
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Look at that smirk. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
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Waste not your honored thanks on me, kind gentleman. I am but a lowly drunkard lying dirty and prone on the street. The error, therefore, must have been my own!
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I got my eyes on you!!!!
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To quote a kind young lady that I met quite recently. “I don’t give a FUCK”
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Oh wait, you’re still here?
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Best boy alert is going crazy!!!
We may have just met ChenLing, but I would die for him. That also seems to be the general consensus with the other characters as well.
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“It is dangerous outside the town walls, so I cannot allow a child like you to... ...A sword? My apologies, sir. It was wrong of me to treat you like a child. “
What? That’s not what he said?
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“Are you injured or ill?”
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*looks into the camera like it’s the office*
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ZZS out here looking like a tragic renaissance painting.
“Young master can we go now? He smells D:”
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“Sure just a sec! Let me just leave him my house keys!!”
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“What??? Nooooo”
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“What was that phrase I learned today? I don’t give a fuck?”
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(On a side note I am trying to learn French atm and deadass almost wrote “fraise” instead of “phrase” even though it means “strawberry” and doesn’t have anything to do with the conversation at hand.)
I came out here to enjoy the sun and some peace and quiet and some good alcohol. The peace and quiet is gone. And so is the sun. Now this dickwad’s saying I might be bad because I dress like shit? I was the nicest dressed royal assassin ever and now that I’m a hobo I’ve never been more upstanding! I haven’t even killed a single person in like a year and a half (other than myself).
At least I still have you, alcohol.
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Meanwhile back with these two,
A-Xiang is still mad that she lost a random fight she picked with someone who looked like a pushover.
More pouting ensues
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“Get good”
Master KeXing reveals he knows more than he revealed to know previously when he was pretending not to know what he has now revealed he knows.
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A-Xiang wants to know if he’s making shit up again.
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The plot is driven forward by the playful rhyming chants of children. Honestly that’s top tier horror movie quality plot beat right there. Add a sense of foreboding to your story even though we’re still in ‘lighthearted silly time”
Good job!
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Zhou Zishu wonders, surely not for the last time, why everyone in the martial arts world can’t just calm the fuck down.
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ZZS then decides that after being accosted by random people on the street while he was snoozing and minding his own damn business that that seems like a lot of fun and decides to accost some random person on the street who was snoozing and minding their own business.
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Why doesn’t anyone ever believe that I’m fucking loaded? I’ve got like 2 years left and I’m gonna blow my life’s savings before I go muthafucka. You want 3 mace of silver for a half-mile boat ride? Done motherfucker did I stutter?
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“Hello. I’m totally not stalking you. :D”
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“You wanna ride my boat? ;)” he asks, shouting it across the river so that he could be heard. “What?” Zhou Zishu replies, not able to understand him over the babbling of the water.
“I said! Do! You! Want! To! Ride! My! Boat? Winky Face!”
“Did you just say “winky face??”
“Yeah I was worried you couldn’t see it from there!”
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Somehow today has turned out much more interesting than I had anticipatd
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“We’ll meet again if fated!”
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“Challenge accepted”
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Yes I am only keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t fuck with my plans. And that is the only reason. Yes. that’s why I’m going to follow him. Just this. Only that. No other reason.
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This place is pretty! I think this would be a great place to die!
Hun, you still have a couple years. You can always come back to die here later but like chilling in a field of flowering trees for 2 years will kinda lose its novelty if you don’t do other things too.
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You said I’ve already ridden and dashed so what’s the point in my paying you now? Toodles!
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This place is pretty but I love how people never walk anywhere. Like the trees would look prettier if you were in them you know.
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HOly fuck! Being rude as shit is so fun! How have I never tried this before? 
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Uh.. question: How did this get here? It’s clearly dry docked but it’s no where near the water. Why is it here???
Ah well. It’s free real estate
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Do I have “attack me” written on my face or something? For the love of fuck! I’m not drunk enough for this!
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“Meh? I think not good sir.”
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Would you believe that this wasn’t even rehearsed?
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For someone who does not want people to see his chest, this is certainly a lot of chest exposed???
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Not sure that’s how fans work, but hell maybe I’ve just been using ‘em wrong all this time
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Holy fuck is it heat seeking???
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Pff. Okay. Like I will ALWAYS love it when some not sharp object flies into something and sticks like it’s made of razor sharp blades. And I know TECHNICALLY it’s possible - what with a tornado being able to slam a single piece of straw through cinder block. But it will always make me smile.
(And while that is a smile at how ridiculous it is, it is with 100% legit affection and charm. I legit love it)
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Just. “Thunk”
Who is attacking me? Were they sent by the prince? Do they know who I am? Do I need to get serious?
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Oh... It’s just that random guy again.
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Well that’s okay then.
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I apologize for once again attacking you randomly and completely unprovoked in the middle of nowhere. My bad.
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“My footwork has godlike elegance huh? You shoulda seen me when I wasn’t dying.”
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I came here to check out dat ass again and I was not disappointed. ;)
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Don’t stand so- Don’t stand so- Don’t stand so close to me ♪
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“Why don’t we drink on my boat?“ “I don’t want to sleep with you!“ “Yet ;)”
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Why the fuck are you following me? Just say what you want from me already!
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Bitch you invited me
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“He’s so good at kissing ass”
Oh just you wait.
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Still gonna stalk you btw! ♥♥♥
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Patty have you ever asked Janus to join for dinner when you meet him? Maybe that can somehow help Logan with his flirting? Or at least get Janus more relaxed?
(btw you're adorable ily!!)
(*cracks knuckles* Oh yeah baby we’ve gotten to the angst. Words: 2364 )
Patty: ": D Oh hello lil magical bird who just talked to me! I love you too!! I didn't want to barge in too much into their relationship but now when my honeypie has asked him out once already I guess I can help just a bit!"
Patty had sunglasses on to look like a secret agent. This was an important step in her plan, she swore on it. She sneaked into the open library while chuckling to herself.
She glanced around and almost immediately caught her eye on Janus standing in the reception. She did a few sneaky walks between the bookshelves before sliding up to him.
"Hello Janister!" She greeted with a bright smile while putting her elbows on the reception to lean closer.
"Hiya PatPat. Logan is off helping a customer but he'll be back soon"
"Oh silly I'm not looking for him right now. I am actually here to ask if you could come over to our place tonight. You see I'm planning on making Jambalaya but I always make too much! I'm talking leftovers up to the roof!! But if a third person was there maybe I would be able to make a perfect amount" She lied. She was making jambalaya for Janus purposes alone!
Janus' heartrate shot through the atmosphere "To- me?- your place?- tonight?- I uh- I don't know if I have time-"
She pouted and did her puppy eyes "You sure? You don't have to if you don't want to!! But it would be nice!"
He let out a happy sigh "Sure"
She took his hand and let out a sqeaul "aaah Great! It'll be so fun!!"
Logan was leaning down so Patty could help him with his bowtie. "Are you completely sure I look adequate?" He asked.
"Oh honeybee, You look super duper ultra adequate. You're literally wearing a sweater with a math pun on it!!"
"Hmm sound argument. I can not deny the sexiness of math puns"
A knock came on the door. The couple stared at each other. Logan stimmed out of nervousness. Patty gave him a quick kiss before pointing between him and the door. They did a good luck high five.
Logan combed his hair back and leaned on the wall to look cool as he opened the door. Janus stood on the other side looking like a sardine that had just been pressed into a can.
He had on a purple vest with embroidered flowers details and with a long sleeved black button up under. Also a very funky pair of stripped pants with even funkier yellow snake socks under.
"Greetings Jan. You are looking" Like a dream. Like someone he wanted to kiss right this moment. "Very good"
"Aww are you trying to be a snake charmer Log-boy" Janus replied with a smirk.
"I am not a log or a boy. I'm an adult man made out of meat"
"You better be because I'm starving" He had downed 2 shots of vodka before coming to try to and cool his extreme anxiety. He was a lightweight.
Logan lead him into the living room "Are....Are you implying cannibalism?"
Janus shrugged while smiling.
The apartement truly did look like a mismatch of the couple's personalities. The walls were filled with maps of constellations and uplifting cat posters. On the bookshelfs cook books and travel books were stacked next to thick philosophy books and essays. The decorations were either cute porcelain animals, magical anime girl figurines or figurines of characters from Lo's different hyperfixations. The sofa was filled with fluffy blankets and pillows and stuffies were scattered around the light blue carpet filling the living room.
“Do you want to watch star trek while eating?” Logan asked with a hopeful glint in his eyes.
“As long as I get to watch your beautiful face as well” Janus flirted back while doing an unsteady fingergun.
“Oh- Of course” His crush’s sudden forwardness was making his heart flutter.
Janus curled up in the corner of the couch, making himself as small as possible. Logan sat down pretty far away from him.
He started the first episode. Janus had a constant smile on his face as he listened to Logan go between telling him facts and gushing over his favorite moments. All while he could hear Patty in the kitchen half singing along to dad rock.
“Does she want help with that?” Janus, known gentleman and also nervous wreck, asked.
“She’ll tell us if she need it. She likes cooking. I like baking. It usually works out”
Janus got an amused look on his face “You’re into baking? So all those times at work when you brought desserts, that was your making?”
“Yes. And they were delicious. Anything wrong with that?”
“No. No. I simply didn’t take you for the type”
“Well cooking involves creativity and there’s room for your own ideas. Baking doesn’t. It is only about following a structure and doing kitchen chemistry. Of course I love it” He lowered his voice “It is also tremendously good for when you need to flirt without words”
“Oh really? I better start looking up recipes then” He pulled in Logan's bowtie “You have any favorites?” 
In his head he had the guts to say ‘Your lips against mine would be my favorite’ in reality he said “HehuHFKdjf jam drops in the shape of heart. The heart part is important. It adds to the taste”
“It usually does”
Janus slowly looked him up and down. And then he realized what the fuck he was doing. He shot back into his corner of the sofa like a naked rat. Logan sat still with blushing cheeks, staring at the tv but not taking in anything that was happening except his racing heart.
“Done!” Patty exclaimed, coming in with a big ass fucking pot of jambalaya and a just as big bottle of wine.
She saw the nervous state both of the guys were in and quickly made up a plan. She slammed the pot down onto the coffee table and moved the blankets so they took up about half of the couch. Then she sat down using up as much space as possible leaving the guys no choice but to move closer to each other, If both of them sat their hands down they would touch.
Patty cuddled up to her husband with a proud smile on her face. Logan moved his arm around her. 
“It looks great sweetheart” He pressed a kiss to her cheek making her giggle.
“So do you!! And so does mr. star trek captain man!”
 She enjoyed the hell out of her jambalaya while the two idiots sent each other awkward smiles. Janus downed his glass of wine in record speed. (He took it slower with the food, he didn’t want to seem disgusting). 
The whole star trek episode went by. Logan asked Janus a thousand excited questions about how much he liked it. All of his answers made the nerd happy stim. They put on a documentary none of them were really interested in the background while continuing to chat. Patty went on a long epic story about how a kid at her daycare had tried to bite her finger off last week.
“Soooo” Patty sudenly changed the topic. She said it with an innocent tone “My nerdy lil honeypie over here had the biggest crush on Data for a while. It was adorable. ANd while we’re on the topic” The look she gave Janus was happy but it still sent shivers down his spine “You having any crushes lately? Just curious!”
Both of the men internally gasped at the audacity. The gall! The sheer power!! Janus was sweating like a naked rat who had just been clad for the first time.
“...Well.......I have actually been meaning to....Ask about the polyamourous thing?” 
The couple exhanged knowing glances before looking back at him “Mhm yeah Mhm” “I am poly and also a thing so I am an expert in this”
“So...I totally haven’t fallen in love with 3 people. 2 of which I met in the span of around a week”
Patton did a double thumbs up. Logan took a long sip from his wine. “We’re all gossipy bitches here. Tell all about it”
“Well. The first one is Remy-”
“The one with the sunglasses?”
“...Yes...Are....Don’t tell me they’re a serial killer”
Patty broke up into a chuckle “Logie-bogie tried to kiss them while he was drunk once”
“I threw up on their shoes”
“He threw up on their shoes!”
Logan saw the terror in Janus’ face as he worried that maybe 2 of his crushes were exes and quickly added “We are only acquaintance and I was momentarily struck by the impressive lenght of their legs” 
Janus went on to gush about Remy and Remus. Why he loved them. All the dates he had daydreamed about. And then finally his voice was shaking when he mentioned just having a third crush.
Patty let out a long yawn before he could say anything more. She stood up “Well looks like it’s time to snooze! I assume 2 big burly ultra masculine men like you two can handle the dishes”
“It will be a challenge but we shall do our best. Goodnight honey” Logan kissed her.
She leaned in and whispered “Good luck Logie-bear! You got this”
She giggled mischievously while going off into the bedroom. She closed the door behind her. Only the two lovebirds were left now.
“So the third crush? Who’s the lucky gentleman?” Logan asked.
Janus held onto his newly refilled wine glass so hard it nearly cracked. He forced a smile “Wouldn’t you want to hear about the fake couples counseling I go to together with Remus instead?”
“Fake what now?”
“Well me and Remus, who I am hopelessly in love with even though he clearly doesn’t feel the same way, started going to a therapist pretending we were a couple to see how long it would take before he realized we didn’t know each other. He hasn’t realized anything yet. It’s great!”
It looked like Logan’s eyes was about to bulge out of his skull “That sounds illegal. It should be. You are dragging shame onto the face of psychology you double dumbass!”
“I have done nothing wrong ever in my entire life and frankly I deserve to waste even more therapist’s time” Janus replied.
He let out a deep sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose “Which therapist is it that you’re harassing exactly?”
“Dr. Picani”
Logan’s eyes widened and he shut his lips tightly “Emile Picani?”
“Yes.....Please don’t tell me he’s a serial killer”
He slowly looked away while taking a sip from his wine “I have had intercourse with that man”
Janus choked on his drink. He coughed while staring at his friend with wild eyes “YOU FUCKED MY THERAPIST????”
“No.......He fucked me” Logan replied in a quiet tone. “Besides he’s not even your real therapist”
“He is still a sort of therapist man to me! I told him I enjoy Lana Del Rey. That was a very intimate moment for me!”
“Well I had a very intimate moment with him too”
Janus looked at him with flushed cheeks and wide eyes. He let out a chuckle which turned into a laugh which turned into Logan not being able to not laugh along which turned into the room filling with nothing but flustered happiness and laughter.
Logan grabbed onto his crush’ arm just to have some contact with him while his eyes teared up from laughter. Janus leaned his head against his shoulder and curled up close to him while giggling so much his stomach hurt.
“Oh we’re idiots” Janus sighed.
“We are. We truly are”
They stayed sitting like that. So so close. Logan’s arm around him. Janus breathing being felt against the other man’s skin. Their hands touching. Only comfortable silence surrounded them.
A few minutes went by. Janus looked at him shuly. His thoughts worrying about everything and anything “Should we- ehm- the dishes?”
The moment broke. Logan moved away before standing up “I uh yeah- we should”
It was strange. Just dishing together with his crush made Logan happy. All he could think about was getting to be this close, this domestic, with him every day. Getting to wake up next to him. Kiss his knuckles. Share a morning with him.
“Who was the third crush by the way?” Logan asked, glancing over at his crush.
Janus stared down into the water “I- I can’t say it”
He stopped and turned fully to look at Janus. He had never been more unsure of where to put his hands before.
“Well I can...Say it I mean....I....I...Janus.....You make me happy just by being near me...You are so wonderful...I....I love you”
Logan couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He took a step forward and cupped Janus’ cheeks. He leaned forward, so close, so close that their noses and foreheads were pressed against each other. It felt like had been starving for this.
Janus froze. His wide eyes stared in shock at the other man. His hand moved up to his chest on instinct, to try and push him away.
Logan noticed his reaction. Of course he did. It was blindingly obvious. He forced himself to move away. He forced the desire to kiss him to simmer out.
“I-I’m sorry-” He mumbled out.
“No....Lo..” Janus took his hand. Holding it so so lightly in his own “I know” He looked up at him “I know. I’m sorry. I should go”
A horrible feeling of guilt filled Logan’s throat “You don’t have to” 
“I should go” He repeated, letting go of his hand.
Logan walked after him as he went to get his jacket “A date. Do you want to go on a date? Not just a hangout. Janus I- I want so badly to be close to you. We could go to the zoo, look at the snakes?”
Janus held his hand on the handle of the door. He didn’t look at Logan “Thanks for having me over”
He left. Logan stood alone in the hallway. His arms hanging helplessly at his sides.
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nerianasims · 4 years
Billboard #1s 1979
Under the cut.
I discuss Michael Jackson’s life and actions a little bit underneath here. So be warned if that’s something that will upset you.
The Bee Gees -- "Too Much Heaven" -- January 6, 1979
Uugh. When The Bee Gees weren't releasing bad, bloodless, falsetto disco, they were releasing bad, bloodless, falsetto lite "rock." Also the lyrics are about how love is soooo hard to get, so they're special since they have love, and yuck. Nonsense and glop.
Rod Stewart -- "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" -- February 10, 1979
I laughed out loud when I saw this next on the list. People can't have taken it seriously in 1979, right? It was seen like "I'm Too Sexy", yes? Even though Rod Stewart was a "serious" singer -- come on, this is a ridiculous song. It isn't about the narrator; it's about two people meeting on a dance floor and then going to have what's probably a one-night stand. But when Rod Stewart sings the chorus, it sounds like it's about him. It's a highly unsexy and very silly song.
Gloria Gaynor -- "I Will Survive" -- March 10, 1979
The joy I feel listening to this song. It's the best disco song. The bright piano flourish opens to Gaynor's amazing voice and phenomenal singing ability. She sells her anger at the guy who's "back to bother" her, along with the assertion that she's now totally confident and is gonna do great without him, will all her life to live and all her love to give. The lyrics are great, which is incredibly rare for any dance song. The music is great. And Gaynor is perfect. You can belt it in the car and it drives people to the dance floor. Just an amazing, incredible song.
The Bee Gees -- "Tragedy" -- March 24, 1979
The real tragedy is that The Bee Gees shat up disco. What could it have been if not for their influence? There were disco singers and groups who escaped it, but Barry Gibb and Friends' clogging of the charts kept out so many worthy acts. Lots of synth on this song, and synth can be really cool (I'm a diehard fan of The Alan Parsons Project), but the Bee Gees made it boring and turgid. Then that damned falsetto. I don't care about the lyrics, I just want to not hear the Bee Gees again ever.
The Doobie Brothers -- "What A Fool Believes" -- April 14, 1979
The guy the song is about thinks he's going to get an ex back because she was nice when he met her again. He's a fool, and "no wise man has the power to reason away." The music's good, too, a sort of mild rock. "Yacht rock" I suppose. The sentiment is kinda country music though. Good song, anyway.
Amii Stewart -- "Knock on Wood" -- April 21, 1979
What is that in the background? A synth sound, obviously, but it sounds like -- a washboard? I have no idea, but it's annoying. This is a cover of an older soul song by Eddie Floyd that's pretty good, but they wreck it here. The amount of gunk clogging it up is painful. Also Amii Stewart doesn't modulate at all, her voice is a constant blare. Headache-inducing.
Blondie -- "Heart of Glass" -- April 28, 1979
The 80s are coming. Blondie does interesting things with synth here, the beat's irresistible, Debbie Harry's voice is unique, and the lyrics are about an ended relationship that was "a pain in the ass." Not some huge broken-hearted thing, despite the "heart of glass" lyric. Just... done, that didn't work, moving on. Not that the lyrics particularly matter here. It's all about the interesting, different-sounding music.
Peaches & Herb -- "Reunited" -- May 5, 1979
If synth can sound more synthetic than usual, that's how this song begins. It's about a couple getting back together, but it doesn't sound like they were ever in a lot of pain or that they're really excited now. There's some neat guitar stuff. It could be worse. But mostly it's bland.
Donna Summer -- "Hot Stuff" -- June 2, 1979
It's a disco song, but with a lot more rock in it than disco usually has. Maybe that's why it's survived so much better than most disco. The narrator wants one of her lovers (of whom she obviously has many) to answer the phone so that she can get laid. It's the ballad of Romance Sims. It's fun.
Bee Gees -- "Love You Inside Out" -- June 9, 1979
Well, ew. This guy's whining that the woman he loves has too many lovers but he's the one who will "love you inside out," whatever the hell that means. It sounds like a serial killer. She needs to dump him, and also probably move and change her name. And, of course, there's Barry Gibb's horrible orchestration and falsetto.
Anita Ward -- "Ring My Bell" -- June 30, 1979
Disco, of course. He's been gone for a while and she's singing to him "you can ring my bell." So, they're gonna celebrate his homecoming with lots of sex. The lines "You can ring my bell, ring my bell/ (Ring my bell/ ding-dong-ding)" repeat a couple hundred times. The background synth sounds are painfully repetitive. Like something on The Prisoner used to brainwash people. And Anita Ward sings in a Betty Boop-ish sort of childish voice that I also find annoying. It's not Bee Gees bad, but it's bad.
Donna Summer -- "Bad Girls" -- July 14, 1979
"Bad girls" are not the same as "sad girls." Sorry, this song might be fine or even good, but that one line has always bugged me way too much. So does the police whistle.
Chic -- "Good Times" -- August 18, 1979
Disco about how "happy days are here again" for now. The lyrics are obviously pretty shallow, but at least there is a line about how it won't last forever. That's not my problem anyway. My problem is that the chorus bores me, musically. Like, it hurts. There are two notes I think? And the beat is the same throughout. I always sort of ignored this song before, but on actively trying to listen to it, I have started to hate it. It doesn't interact well with my brain chemistry.
The Knack -- "My Sharona" -- August 25, 1979
This became a hit again when Reality Bites came out. So I danced in a convenience store to it my freshman year of college. We were "of the younger kind" then, considering I was 17. That made me like the song better -- it was about me! Rock isn't supposed to be clean, and you're really not supposed to take it as advice. The riff is amazing, and I love this song.
Robert John -- "Sad Eyes" -- October 6, 1979
I've never heard this song before. The music box sounding intro lasts a while and lulls you into complacency before the horrible falsetto kicks in. Not only extremely 70s white man falsetto, but an entitled brat of a man breaking up with a woman and being put out that she's looking at him with "sad eyes." Incredibly bad in an incredibly 70s way. I can see why I've never heard this song before. It's absolutely terrible.
Michael Jackson -- "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" -- October 13, 1979
Sigh. All right, now that he's an adult, gotta tackle Michael Jackson. He was a rampant and, as far as we know, unrepentant child molester. He destroyed people in the most personal way possible short of actual murder. (Phil Spector is still worse.) He was murdered through at least extreme malpractice by his doctor. He was forced into stardom as a child himself. And he was a huge, massive, incredibly gigantic star, even after he became a punchline. I was never a big fan, but like most children of the 80s, I loved some of his songs and spent a lot of time doing the moonwalk, or as close as I could get. I feel an immense amount of pity for him, along with utterly despising him, along with admiring his talent, along with being sickened by the fact that Hollywood and the music industry knew and no one did anything about what he was doing. All in all, I end up at this place: Child stardom must end.
Okay, now for the music. This song takes forever to actually start. Also I have actually never heard it before today. Probably because it's falsetto. Jackson's falsetto is obviously far superior to Barry Gibb's, but it's still falsetto the whole song. The riff is great once it starts, and everything about the music should be good -- but, falsetto. The whole time, as far as I can tell. I can't listen to all of it. Whose idea was it that falsetto should ever be anything other than an occasional few bars? Was it Frankie Valli? I'm gonna blame Frankie Valli.
Herb Alpert -- "Rise" -- October 20, 1979
It's a jazz-funk instrumental and it's pretty good. Piano, guitar, trumpet, some kind of glittering thing -- xylophone? Bells? The people laughing like it's a laid-back party are annoying, but not enough to wreck the song. If this doesn't play on every cruise ship ever, they're missing a trick.
M -- "Pop Music" -- November 3, 1979
I saw the title, and thought I didn't know the song. Then I heard the first bars of the song and went, "OH this one." It's New Wave. I love a lot of New Wave, but this one's on the purposefully shallow end, rather than the Eurythmics end. The lyrics are nonsense, but the beat is pretty irresistable. Which makes it a dance song, whatever its intent. One of the lines is, "Dance in the supermarket," so it probably was intended to be danced to. In any case, I find it pretty forgettable, but fine.
The Eagles -- "Heartache Tonight" -- November 10, 1979
I've heard this song before, but not often. I'm not sure if it's about sex before a breakup or about cheating. Don Henley does not have Elvis' voice, though he seems to be trying to reach that level. Real power is required for the chorus, and Henley lacks it. If this were sung by Freddie Mercury, we'd have something. Queen also would have brought more musical interest generally. But as-is, it doesn't work for me.
The Commodores' -- "Still" -- November 17, 1979
Lionel Richie was still the frontman/ writer for The Commodores here. Should I explore why I can't stand Lionel Richie's music? I'd have to listen to it more to fully understand. It always sounds totally insincere to me. The songs themselves are too slow. This one doesn't have a bassline. It's so polished and gloopy. And in this song, that pause between "I love you" and "still" is both highly predictable and entirely phony. I managed to listen to the entire song, and I rolled my eyes throughout, but especially at that last whispered "still." Oh he's just so sad puh-leaze. Crying his way to the bank.
Barbra Streisand and Donna Summer -- "No More Tears" -- November 24, 1979
I hate Barbra Streisand's singing and like Donna Summer's. I wish this were just Donna Summer. If it were, I'd probably like the song. It's slow for almost 2 minutes, then becomes disco. Streisand isn't able to do as much self-loving in a fast dance song, but it's still there. I tried to find a version with just Donna Summer and failed. So, I dunno, the fact that I can actually listen to the whole thing makes me think it's the most tolerable song with Barbra Streisand in existence. But it would have been so much better without her.
Styx -- "Babe" -- December 8, 1979
Styx was prog rock, but watered-down, simplified prog-rock. Lite prog rock, as weird as that is. But they still had that massive theatricality of prog rock, which I like, and they were great for places like Pine Knob. Outside of those massive arenas, they don't work for me. Dennis DeYoung, the writer and singer of this song, belts the whole way through. Yeah, he hits the notes, but he doesn't seem to realize you're supposed to sometimes modulate, even on a power ballad. Meh.
Rupert Holmes -- "Escape (The Pina Colada Song)" -- December 22, 1979
If you take this song seriously, you're likely to hate it. It ain't that deep. It's a goofy song about a goofy thing -- both he and his wife are bored and want to cheat, so they write personal ads, and lo, they answer each other's personals! Though how that happens when they're the blandest Reaganite yuppies ever, I'm not sure. Maybe it's because they're both full of themselves ("if you have half a brain.") I enjoy this song because it is catchy, silly, and totally non-serious. I do not like pina coladas, btw.
BEST OF 1979: "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor. WORST OF 1979: "Love You Inside Out" by the Bee Gees
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Chapter 2
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Warnings: Drug use, potential alcohol abuse, mentions of an underage relationship (which I personally do NOT condone) and some brief smut. 18+ only y’all! Word Count: 3.3k Join my taglist here Tagging: @mcu-padawan​ Chapter 1
I was sitting at the bar of some fancy restaurant that my brother arranged for us to meet at, studying my nails and sipping on a martini, bored as could be of waiting for him to arrive. We had run into each other while I was shopping with Grave for a new outfit to wear at The Crypt, both of us taken by surprise by the encounter; it had been years since I’d last seen him. And of course he was running late. Surprise, surprise.
“I’m surprised your… boyfriend isn’t here with you,” Ivar took a seat next to me, flagging the bartender down to order a drink. “How have you really been, Astrid? Are you doing okay?”
“Oh, I’m perfect, Ivar. I’ve got a great job, a wonderful boyfriend, freedom,” I put emphasis on the word ‘freedom’, giving him a look. “I’m even looking into becoming a medic. As great as dancing is, I want to get out there and actually do something helpful.”
“Oh? A medic? You know that I can help you achieve that goal. Will you let me help you?” He smiled at the thought, his eyes crinkling up at the corners and I couldn’t help but smile back. I had missed him as much as I hated to admit it, not that I’d ever say it to him out loud.
“Depends, are you going to hold it over my head if I say yes and try to use it to manipulate me?” I tilted my head curiously, taking a decent sized gulp of my martini.
“What? No, of course not. I really, genuinely want to help you, Astrid. My only request is that you stay with me and stay away from that cantina rat and no more dancing.”
I rolled my eyes but didn’t argue with him. I really wanted this chance to do something good, something other than being just a pretty face to look at, a nice body to admire. I’d always had a knack for helping people, picked up on it really quickly watching my mom patch people up who got hurt. “Fine, fine. I’ll have to go back for my stuff, though.” I set my empty glass down on the bar, frowning again. “So you’re really willing to help me? Even though our last conversation literally consisted of me telling you I hated you before running off like a brat?”
“You’re my sister. I love you more than anything. I don’t think you understand how relieved I am to see that you’re alive and okay, if not still a brat. I’m always going to help you when I can.” He squeezed my hand gently, comfortingly, and I had to take a moment to keep from crying. “I do have a couple of questions though, if you’ll humor me. First things first, how old is that cantina rat you call a boyfriend? He’s so pasty, I can’t tell.”
“Okay, rude. He’s twenty -”
Ivar glared in indignation. “He may only be three years older than you, but a twenty year old being interested in a seventeen year old is not normal in the slightest. What’s wrong with him that women his age won’t date him?”
“What’s the big deal? He treats me like a princess.” I scoffed at his outburst, embarrassed when other people started looking our way with interest. “Besides, he loves me and really cares about me.”
“By the gods, Astrid. He’s a predator. Look, that’s… we’ll… that’s a conversation for another time, I just can’t even start on how wrong any of that is right now. Are you using any drugs?” He ran a hand through his hair, stressed to the max.
“No! Come on, I may be a dancer in a low rent cantina, but that doesn’t mean I’m using. I’m smarter than that.” I lied through my teeth with another roll of my eyes. “I’m so glad to know you think that highly of me.”
“Are you going to have an attitude the whole time? Is this really going to be a thing?” He was already exasperated with me and it hadn’t even been an hour yet. Living together again was going to be hell, for him or for me, it was yet to be determined. “If this is going to be a thing, how do I make it not… be a thing? Do I just… appease you with sweets or something?” He was teasing me now, trying to find humor in the situation.
“Shopping. Lots of shopping. You still have your cushy job, right? Shouldn’t be an issue for you.” I shot back with a laugh while gathering my things. “I need to go pack my things up and talk to my boss about what’s happening.”
“Wonderful. If you don’t show up in an hour, I’m calling in the Coruscant guard to come and get you out of there.” He warned me with a sigh, growing serious again. I just waved him off, sashaying off towards the exit, contacting Grave on my comm.
“Are you still nearby babe? Great, let’s head back to the Crypt.” I ended the call, smiling sweetly at some clone troopers who walked by, batting my eyelashes flirtatiously at them.
“Flirting with the troops, Baby Doll?” Grave came waltzing up out of nowhere, draping an arm around my waist.
“Who me? Why I would never. I’ve only got eyes for you love,” I leaned into him, smiling. “There is something we need to talk about though. You know how I’ve been talking about becoming a medic?”
“Yes, I recall.” Grave glanced down at me with raised brows.
“Ivar said he’d help me get into the academy,” I hesitated a moment, biting down on my lower lip. “But that would mean I have to move back in with him, quit dancing, and… I wouldn’t be able to see you anymore.”
“So do it.”
I stopped, shocked into silence with his carefree reaction. I would have thought he would have been a little more upset but it didn’t seem like it bothered him at all. “You’re not upset?”
“Why would I be? Your brother can’t keep me away from you, Baby Doll. Besides, you’d make a sexy medic.” Grave smirked, leaning down to catch my lips in a tender kiss. “We follow through with what big brother says, lay low for a while, you focus on your studies, and when he relaxes, you come back to me and the Crypt at night.”
[4 years later]
The bass from the music thrummed through my back and deep into my chest, the wall I was pressed up against cool against my flushed skin. Hands tangled themselves in my hair while black painted lips crashed against mine in a slow, hungry kiss that threatened to turn me to ashes from the heated desperation of the man who kept me pressed to the wall.
“Grave,” I managed to gasp out, struggling to catch my breath between hot and heavy kissing. “Can we move to the bed? Please?” The windup key that was part of my costume had been digging into my skin through my corset, the sensation quickly becoming uncomfortable. Grave smirked against my mouth before easily picking me up and carrying me to our bed to set me down so he could remove the silly costume I wore to dance in.
“Sorry Baby Doll, I just couldn’t wait any longer. You’re leaving me tomorrow to go be a medic and I just want you all to myself.” He breathed against my neck as he slowly unlaced my corset, placing soft kisses along my neck and shoulders. A soft moan escaped my lips as his hands gently slid the confining top off of me, fingers skimming feather soft over my skin. “Those clones don’t know how lucky they’ll be to bask in your presence my sweet Doll.” Those black lips twisted into a sneer as he pushed me back into the bed, kneeling between my legs, the Zydrate gun gripped in his hand. I ran my tongue over my lips, watching as he pressed the gun to my inner thigh and depressed some of the electric blue liquid into my thigh, the instant feeling over numbness causing me to drop back onto the bed with a contented sigh. With a soft laugh, Grave tossed the gun aside before sliding my skirt off and dropping it to the ground while I lay quietly on the messy sheets, eyes closed while losing myself in my high.
[2 years later]
“Valkyrie, hey, we got two new guys coming in for some boosters. You good to handle them?” Kix asked while tossing me a couple of datapads.
“Yeah, I got ‘em. See you after my shift is up?” I caught the datapads with slightly trembling hands, wincing a little at just how shitty I felt. Kix nodded in confirmation and gave a slight wave before taking off with a quick goodbye just as Rex came walking in with who I assumed were the newbies behind him.
“Fives, Echo, this is our other combat medic, Valkyrie. She’ll get you taken care of.” Rex gave me a nod and a faint smile before taking off after Kix, calling for the other medic to wait a moment.
“Welcome to the 501st, guys. Alright, lemme just get a look at your charts real quick and you two can pop a squat over on those two beds.” I motioned to the two beds closest to where I was working, powering on one of the datapads Kix tossed at me. This one contained Fives’ file, giving me all the info I needed to know about the soldier, including which boosters he needed. “You’re up first, Fives.” I popped up to my feet, grabbed the correct boosters, and walked over to him. He already had the sleeve of his blacks rolled up, ready for me to clean the injection site, smirking a little as he looked over the tattoo on my neck.
“What’s the tattoo say?” He jerked his chin towards it and I grinned a little while wiping the numbing wipe over his bicep gently.
“Says “Loki”. He’s an old god of mischief,” I quickly injected him, moving through each booster with a practiced ease. “Guess I forgot to cover it up this morning while getting ready for the day.” I gathered the used needles and tossed them in the appropriate disposal bin and tossed my gloves to get fresh ones so I could do Echo next.
“Got any other tattoos, Doc?” Fives was watching my every move curiously as I wrapped up getting Echo taken care of, tossing the gloves into the trash before holding my hands up to show off the tattoos I had there.
“Tons of them. Pays to have a best friend who’s a tattoo artist. My right hand reads “Odin grant me wisdom” and has runes of wisdom and medical healing on the knuckles. Left hand says “A healer’s hands are often the most bloody” with healing and protection runes on the knuckles,” I rolled up the sleeves of my blacks that I wore under my scrubs to show off the Norse compass on my right inner forearm and the 501st tattoo I’d gotten done as a tribute to my guys. “And these are just a few. Now if you’re done interrogating me about my ink, get a move on. I’ve got work to do.” I shooed the pair away with a grin that immediately fell the moment they left. With a groan, I dropped back into my seat, wincing at the throbbing I felt in my brain. The withdrawal was hitting hard again and I was out of my Zydrate stash Grave had been kind enough to send along this time. I always felt like death after the high went away; I’d had to increase my dosage yet again and it was getting a little harder to maintain it. I’d gotten so used to using it for the past six years, that going without was almost enough to make me feel like I wanted to die.
Fuck. I need to let Grave know that I need more when I see him in a few days. Thank the gods we’re getting a decent leave block this time. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath to try and steady myself. It was a wonder my hands didn’t tremble when I was administering their boosters, especially with how hard they shook now. Just thinking about getting my fix had me practically moaning, I couldn’t wait to see Grave and get what I needed from him.
“You absolute kriffin’ idiot!”
My eyes popped open when I heard that familiar voice yelling down the corridor. Moving quicker than I had all day, I was up and out the door of the med bay just in time to see Fey Royi, the best mechanic here on the Resolute, and one of the other mechanics getting into a fist fight right there in the corridor.
“Ya damn near killed my ass! Did ya ma drop ya or somethin’ when ya were a baby? Or are ya just stupid?” Fey growled viciously, a tool gripped tightly in one of her hands as she tore this guy a new one. Her words got under his skin and he swung at her, swearing up and down as he tried to grab the pissed off Codru-Ji woman.
“Shit!” I hissed, immediately wading into the fight along with a couple of the clones, wanting to get this taken care of before it got worse. Time seemed to slow down as a durasteel wrench came flying at my face, smashing right into my nose before I could even react. “Motherfucker!” I bellowed as my head snapped back, blood going all over the front of me.
“Oh kriff. Valkyrie!” Fey was horrified to see the results of her fight. “Way to go, dipshit! First ya almost kill me and now ya’ve broken Doc’s nose! Ya fired!” She was shaking with rage as she scruffed the appalled man and dragged him off to presumably either beat his ass or give him to the Admiral. Arms went around my shoulder as someone led me back to the med bay, swearing under their breath while getting me sat down so I could staunch the bleeding.
“Are you alright, Valkyrie? That sounded pretty bad.” Fives stepped into my line of sight, frowning. I held up a finger, signaling for him to give me a moment while I reset my nose with a snarled swear. There was no way this was going to look good by the time we got back to Coruscant, I was going to have to skip dancing this time. And if I skipped dancing, that meant no Zydrate.
“Oh I’m fucking perfect! I’ve always wanted to have my nose broken by a mechanic in some stupid fight!” I hissed before gagging at the taste of blood. “Fuck!” I kicked a tray, sending it flying across the med bay in my anger. Fives gaped at me in shock, eyes wide and immediately I felt like shit for losing my cool the way I did.
“I’m sorry. I promise I’m usually way more laid back than this. I just don’t take kindly to getting my face bashed in with a wrench.” Casting an apologetic half smile his way, I trudged over to the tray, picking it up to put it back where it belonged.
“Ah… Valkyrie? Um… are ya okay?” Fey was hovering by the entrance to the med bay, hesitating to come anywhere near me.
“My face hurts, but beyond my nose being the only thing that got busted, I’m okay. What in the absolute fuck was that all about? Fighting in the corridors? Really?” I snapped at the Codru-Ji, motioning for her to come in so I could look at her lower left arm that she’d been cradling close to her body.
“That punk Coltyr didn’t place a jack correctly and the machinery I’d been workin’ on fell and nearly crushed me. The di’kut was drunk on the job again, because of course he was. Anyway, I-I’m really sorry ya got caught in the middle of that.” She was embarrassed, having a hard time looking me in the eyes. I didn’t say much, more focused on her arm, gently prodding it and moving it to test for brakes, biting my lip when she cried out.
“Let’s get an x-ray of this. There’s a really good chance it’s broken and I want to set it before it gets worse.” I helped her up, whistling for one of the medical droids to come give me a hand. Fives was still hanging around, trying to stay out of the way, his eyes tracking us as I got Fey set up with the medical droid. Once I was sure they were okay, I walked over to him, resting a hand on his bicep gently, motioning for him to walk with me. “I’m seriously sorry you had to witness my temper get the better of me in there. Drinks are on me when we get to Coruscant, it’s my way of apologizing.”
“You don’t have to do that -” He began to protest, when I raised a hand to cut him off.
“It’s not a big deal, really. It’s just a couple of drinks. We’ll meet at the 79’s okay?” I offered a quick smile, excusing myself when the medical droid called for me. Looking at the x-ray, I winced a little when it confirmed that her arm was definitely broken, and I gathered up everything I needed to get to work setting it and patching her up.
“Ah shit. Well, at least I have three other arms to use,” Fey joked but the look on her face screamed panic. “Uh… ya gonna numb me up, right Doc?” Her skin had taken on a slightly green coloring as she spoke, eyeing all of my tools on the tray with distaste.
“Yes, Fey. After we’re done here, I’m going to keep you for some observation just to be sure the pain meds don’t mess with you too badly and because I don’t want you back in the hangar yet. In fact, you need to take at least six weeks. Maybe even the full eight depending on how well you’re healing. I’ll check it again in six weeks and make a judgement call from there, but for now, you need to stay out of the hangar.”
“Six weeks?! What the hell am I supposed to do for six weeks?” Fey’s eyes got huge, horror all over her face at the thought of not being able to work for that long. She lived for her work as a mechanic, she even slept in the hangar so she could work on sleepless nights, so this had to be killing her to know she’d be out of commission for so long.
“Sorry Fey, but I need you to cooperate on this. Your arm needs time to heal. Get caught up on paperwork or you mentioned wanting to work on making some new and improved droid poppers, now you’ll have some time to sit down and design those.” I leaned back in my chair, admiring the perfect job I did binding her arm up in a cast. The idea of working on her side project seemed to cheer her up a bit, a slight smile appearing on her face.
“That’s true, I guess I have time for that now. I’m gonna take a nap though, those painkillers are no joke.” She curled up on the bed she’d been sitting on, almost immediately passing out. Smiling softly, I laid a blanket over her, and started cleaning up, wanting to make sure everything was good to go for the crew coming in to take over for the next shift so I could grab something to eat and a shower.
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palettepainter · 4 years
What are some of your favourite my hero academia characters and who are some of your least favourite? Both students and teachers/pro heroes
Saying right off the bat, there will most likely be a lot of fans that get annoyed by what I say: And to all those fans I say good for you for having a different opinion! I’m open to discuss if you guys wanna share your thoughts on characters in my ask blog or messages! As long as you don’t hate on my opinions
WARNING: This post may contain spoilers so just be weary 
Top fav hero: Fatgum!
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I. Love. This. Hero.
I cannot express enough how much I adore him! I’m not really sure what it is exactly that I adore so much about his character, I don’t think it’s one thing in particular: One thing I love about Fatgum is his design, I find his design really interesting and unique, and I think it’s great we get to see a hero that isn’t a typical comic book buff fictional kind! I think that’s really cool! Also, I love his English voice actor, again I don’t know why, but I just think the voice suits him so well! And watching his animation and seeing his expressions is so pleasing! I think the reason I love his expressions so much is because of that big goofy cartoon grin he has, I just love everything about his character!
Plus I think he’s the perfect role model for Kirishima and Amajiki! I remember reblogging a post that explained more about this, but it’s implied in the anime that Kirishima struggles with some self doubt with his abilities, thinking his quirk isn’t as flashy as compared to others. And then there’s Amajiki, someone who struggles a lot with anxiety and self doubt also - Fatgum is a hero who DOES have a skinny/normal look once he uses all his fat from fighting, a body that someone would consider as fit or even sexy, yet he CHOOSE to stay in his fat form and even name himself after it - Fatgum. Fatgum isn’t put off by his shape because he accepts that’s what his power is, he doesn't try to hide it or feel ashamed by it, and having a mentor that is confident in his own abilities is the perfect match for Amajiki and Kirishima, who could both use the encouragement to become stronger and more confident in their own skills.
Other fav top heroes:
Best Jeanist - 
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Jeanist was a character at first that I was like ‘he’s okay’, to begin with he wasn’t a character I would get excited about if he appeared in an episode. But now - and this time you CAN blame @hazbinextgeneration for this - I love him! Similar with Fatgum I really like his design, and his outfit - which is all denim - is so stupid and silly that I can’t help but love him even more! Even his dialogue is gold! I love how Jeanist makes metaphors or sayings linking to jeans or clothing, and the things in which he teaches Bakugo during his internship are very admirable points for a hero to take into consideration. He clearly cares for being a good pro hero and role model! Even going as far as to loose a lung from fighting All for One and saving his team mates from his blast!
Gang Orca
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His design was the thing that got me to fall in love with his character, even the way his clothes are designed and the colour used to match with his orca appearance is so awesome! His voice is also really cool sounding! We’ve only seen him a few times through out the anime, but I hope we get to see more of him and hopefully more of his backstory! The fact he’s also rated number three in the list of heroes that look as though they should be villains could lead to some interesting episodes or small moments in future episodes!
Kamui Woods/MT Lady:
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The first pro heroes we where shown in the anime! Off the bat I loved these two! They where interesting, their designs and personalities caught my attention, and I love theri dnyamic whenever they talk! As I said I’m a sucker for opposites attract ships, and these two have become one of my favourites. They’re already a pretty popular ship, and I can see the appeal behind it! Kamui being strict and well mannered, and wanting to keep up a good hero image. And MT Lady, who comes across as playful, a little carefree at times, and using the appeal of her body to get things (such as during the sports festival when she used her looks to get her a free box of food). I find MT Lady a funny character, I laughed during the episode where her and Midnight get into a fight at the TV interview, I really hope we get to see her and Kamui interact more! If I had to choose what we see more of with these two, I’d say there backstories, mostly Kamui if I had too choose between the two
Also Kamui woods, during the mission at Kamino, told MT that she did her best during the fight, and brings her closer to him. She is the ONLY hero he does this too, and that just fuelled my shipper heart
Present Mic
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Cockatoo man
I LOVE his personality! I love how lively and energetic he is! And how he always seems to be gesturing with his hands while he talks, it shows off his energy! The fact we get to see a more laid back and easy going teacher in a popular school like UA is a funny set up to me! Plus I love how his quirk not only works well in fighting, but also for his job on his radio station and as an announcer to the school! Also watching his interactions with Aizawa are some of my favourite moments in the series! Again sucker for opposites attract!
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He’s a dog - yes
Similar with how Mic is a more laid back and easy going teacher, I like how more animalistic and gruff Hounddog can be. Also the fact that Nezu hired him as a guidance counsellor is so funny to me! Nezu had to look at this giant beast of a man, who growls and snarls when angry, and wears a literal muzzle, and go ‘Ah yes! A therapy dog!’ - Does anyone else find that funny?? Also even though we’ve only seen a lil bit of him in the English dub of Episode 21 (I know he appears more during episodes in season 4) I can say I adore him even more now! His voice makes his whole character that much more loveable! Yes incase it wasn’t clear I admire the voice acting for this series-
Shoji, Tokoyami and Koda
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Just some characters that I really like the look of and want to see explored more!
Now onto characters I don’t like as much 
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Now- Calm down-
Okay. So there’s a bit of debate around this angry gremlin - whether he is a good character, or just a straight up egotistical ass. And I’ll be honest - I think he’s kind of an ass. YES I know in recent episodes he’s been showing some development of becoming better, but me personally, I don’t really see it. Bakugo is obviously supposed to take up the role as Deku’s sort of rival if you will, childhood friend turned rival as Deku fights to beat Bakugo and become the number one hero. And..yeah, I can see that relationship in the show. What I DON’T see is how these two can be considered childhood friends. I’ll explain why: Bakugo is shown to bully Deku, even give him a name (Deku) that means useless. Furthermore, Bakugo then tells Deku to kill himself by jumping off the roof of the school - that’s not childhood friendship, and I fail to see why Deku would continue to chase after Bakugo, let alone even still want to be near him after all he had done. 
As someone who was bullied - granted in no way as bad or severe as Deku was by Bakugo - I can’t help but feel this so called ‘friendship’ they have is toxic and unhealthy. Even if Bakugo is showing signs of being a better person, I still don’t like him. You don’t tell someone to kill themselves, telling someone to do so is just as bad as committing a murder yourself. Plus Bakugo didn’t even have a reason to bully Deku, he did it because he could, because he had power to do so.
And what to the parents of said bully do to stop this? Nothin
What does the teacher in Deku’s old school do when everyone in the class starts laughing at him? Twiddle his thumbs
Also, I think he’s overpowered. I know a lot of people think Todoroki is overpowered, but that may because he’s the son to the Endevour, who’s a very powerful hero - Bakugo’s parents aren’t heroes or in the top 10, so WHY is he so powerful?
I’m sorry, but I just..REALLY don’t see it with Bakugo
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Do I even need to say anything about this one??
I don’t like his reason or being a hero. He’s being a hero so that women will let him touch them? Excuse me? I didn’t know being a hero equalled consent.
I get it, pervy characters, they’re fun to laugh at if used correctly - but not when they’re constant. Theres a point where it’s funny, and then a point where its not. And right now with this guy, it’s defiantly an ‘ Okay we get it, you like girls and you’re all whinny you don’t have a girl can we move on?’ - I fail to see how Mineta is still on the hero course, or how Aizawa hasn’t kicked him off the course yet
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Maybe this is just me, and this isn’t really a hate thing, but I just think Ojiro’s a bit boring. His design is simple, to me his slicked back hair looks a little weird, and he isn’t really that interesting to me, even his hero suit is kinda standard and normal looking compared to the others.
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perfecttimeseleven · 4 years
I can’t believe Jay eats pizza with a fork. I man, I can’t believe we seriously just ate the HP-delivered pizza, either — but there’s just a lot to process here.
(DAISY takes another bite of her slice.)
Free pizza’s free pizza, my dude.
Cheers to that.
(REMINGTON raises her glass of lemonade and clinks it against DAISY’s glass of juice. JAY, feeling a little apologetic, hesitantly raises her glass of milk towards DAISY’s glass, but DAISY puts her glass down, making a face at JAY.)
Milk-drinkers need to be oppressed.
(sipping from her glass of milk, before putting it down)
Our bones are stronger than yours.
Hey, uhh, guess what? You’re a cuck.
(changing the subject)
Um, so you all didn’t find anything outside?
The man you claim to have seen —
The man I most definitely saw.
— seems to have vanished without a trace.
But now that we’re aware this hypothetical man —
This very real man —
— knows of our — your whereabouts, we must remain incredibly vigilant.
Well, is there anything you can tell me about the, ah, bad people? You see, I can’t help but worry a little about...well, anyone going after my life.
All you need to know about the threat is how to keep yourself safe.
The classic “keep your doors and windows locked, stay off your phone, don’t talk to strangers who say they’ve stabbed pizza guys” kinda deal.
Okay, but —
Now, Remington, I’ve been talking with Jay.
Uh —
She’s already agreed to this, but...essentially, I think it would be beneficial, tomorrow morning, to try to recreate the possession incident from today. Under close guidance, of course. It’s in all ways extraordinary, and I think this soulmate bond holds a lot of mystery and possibility. Tomorrow’s a big day. Accordingly, I want you both to get some sleep as soon as possible. Meaning, now.
What —
Wait, c’mon! I still need to show Remy embarrassing videos of Jay on my phone!
(splutters, almost choking on her pizza)
The what?
Daisy, go show Remington to her room.
Ugh, fine.
(DAISY and REMINGTON get up and exit.)
Take the plates, Daisy.
(DAISY enters.)
Ugh, fine.
(DAISY picks up her plate and REMINGTON’s plate, before exiting.)
You’ve gotta be kidding.
Me, too?
(With a dramatic rolling of her eyes, JAY grudgingly picks up her plate and exits. DR. MORELLO picks up the now-empty pizza box and his own plate, before exiting the other way.)
Okay, why the fuck are there so many Jay Mazziottas on Instagram?
(scrolls a bit more)
I give up.
(tosses the phone onto the carpet)
(then, to herself)
(REMINGTON puts her phone on the table and turns off the lamp, before crawling into her blankets and falling asleep. Cricket chirps, birdsong, and noises of traffic fill the air. REMINGTON bolts upright in her bed.)
(looking around)
The fuck kinda dream is this?
Hello, Remington Long!
(REMINGTON turns around, seeing HP)
(initially shocked)
(hopping off the bed)
Hey, sexy printer man! I’m in my jammies!
I see! I am not a fan of the Jeff man on your shirt. Dinosaur man.
You don’t like Jeff Goldblum? The fuck is wrong with this dream?
(looking around)
Whatever. Uh, I don’t know why we’re in Central Park but let’s not question my subconscious. There’s a bed here and we both know where this dream is going to go so come down here and let’s just get to it.
(to self)
Shit, are my lucid dream powers not working? Do I need to eat more almonds?
Silly Remington, I am not a figment of your imagination!
You see, that’s exactly what a figment of my imagination would say.
I’m here to finish our little chit-chat from earlier. Chit-chat fun times. Okay?
Uh, I’m not supposed to talk to you, figment of imagination or otherwise, all righty? “Perfectionist” is a slur or something, and you’ve stabbed a pizza man, and…yeah. So if this dream isn’t going in the, uh, desirable direction, I’m not too interested. I’m gonna wake up now.
You can’t.
Watch me!
Silly Remington, I am really here. Don’t you understand that?
(REMINGTON pauses.)
Well, shit.
Did you make us appear in Central Park too?
No, no, silly, that’s your imagination. As is that scantily clad person in your dream who has been trying to get our attention —
Is that Jay?
Yoo-hoo, hot stuff!
No, no, don’t go —
I’m just crashing your regularly scheduled dream; that’s a thing I can do. And a thing you can too.
First, huge invasion of my privacy. Wait, what? I can — ?
You can do all sorts of fun shit if you put your mind to it, baby! That’s why Dr. Morello’s scared of you. He wants to lock you up in his cottage forever like his other pets so you never learn shit.
Okay, but what’s “shit?” And, uh, make this quick.
(furtively looks offstage for DREAM JAY)
I have dream business to attend to.
Anything you put your mind to. You’re an Eleven, Remington. We’re “high numbers”.
(gestures dramatically)
With the imprints of more lifetimes, more history, more knowledge, and more potential.
(There’s a pause. HP freezes in his dramatic gesture, waiting for a response.)
You’re gonna have to dumb this down a lot more for me, buddy.
Ahh, let’s say every Perfectionist has a little tear in the wall in the back of their mind, okay? And what’s behind that is shiny cool stuff. Well, for high numbers, the tears are wider and more fragile. To get to the shiny cool stuff, you just have to break the wall entirely!
Uhh, okay. And how do you do that?
You stay away from the kind of old artifacts that keep your voices out.
You mean, you’ve got no accessory on? You’re just living 24/7 with your voices? Damn. No wonder you’re a little out of it.
Yes! They’re here now, actually. They’re just staying quiet until I need some fancy backing vocals.
Some what?
Is that bracelet the accessory you use?
Uh, yeah.
(HP grabs REMINGTON’s wrist, lifting it up and gazing at it. He hisses at the bracelet.)
You good?
(HP lets go of REMINGTON, suddenly backing up. 9. Welcome to Your Mind.)
Just like what you thought HP stood for.
(in a terrible fake British accent, with hand motions)
“Harry Potter.”
(suddenly loud)
Yer a wizard, bitch! Ha!
(motioning behind him as a tree bursts into flame)
OR TO HOP FROM DREAM TO DREAM? Like now! I’m in your head! Ha!
(The ground below HP’s feet starts rising up into the air until he’s a few feet above the ground.)
(A tree near HP explodes. There’s a chittering noise and a squirrel comes sailing out of the debris. HP catches it with one hand.)
(throws the squirrel upwards and it explodes in mid-air)
(making a bolt of lightning appear behind him, accompanied by a crash of thunder)
(making his hands light up with flames)
(jumps down to the ground)
Interested? Meet me here.
(HP gives REMINGTON a small piece of paper.)
Until then…try it out!
(HP reaches both hands towards REMINGTON’s wrist.)
Wait —
(It’s too late. HP’s removed her bracelet and is now holding it in one hand.)
(HP runs off, dropping REMINGTON’s bracelet discreetly onto her bed. He exits.)
(thinking HP took her bracelet)
Shit! Shit! Bitch, you took my bracelet!
No. No. Not Clara! No!
(Around REMINGTON and his bed, the set starts changing again.)
(REMINGTON’s surroundings have faded into the all-too-familiar living room. It’s dimly lit in warm yellow light. DR. MORELLO’s sitting on the couch, alone and typing on a computer he’s rested on his lap.)
Hey! Dr. Morello!
(DR. MORELLO doesn’t react.)
Dr. Morello? Can you hear me? Guess not. Huh.
(REMINGTON moves away from DR. MORELLO, inspecting the room. JAY enters.)
Oh, yeah. Jaaaay! About time!
(REMINGTON approaches her, but JAY doesn’t acknowledge her presence. In fact, she walks right past her.)
Jay! No! Pay attention to me!
(closing his laptop)
Jay. Couldn’t sleep?
Uh, hello?
(JAY sits on the couch.)
This…soulmate thing.
Oh, shit, they’re gonna talk about me.
I…don’t know how…
The girl physically repulses you? That’s understandable.
Hey! Asshole!
(JAY pauses, standing up. She walks towards the TV.)
As much as I wish that were it...
(picking up the cover of the Just Dance 3 disc and looking at it)
it’s…leaning towards the opposite, actually.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! It’s a good dream!
(turning back to face DR. MORELLO)
D’you think this…this all...
(JAY lifts up the disc cover silently. DR. MORELLO exhales.)
Will be another Mark situation? Jay, what happened back then was not…and never will be…your fault. The only one blaming you for that day is you.
Who’s blaming myself? I…I don’t blame myself. I blame him.
(tightening her grip on the disc cover, fingers digging into the plastic)
Fucking hate his guts!
(whispered, to self)
Not the Just Dance 3 disc cover!
(There’s a loud crack of plastic. JAY’s broken the disc cover in her fist. DR. MORELLO sighs and gets up. Slowly, he takes the broken disc cover away from her and sets it down gently next to the TV. Meanwhile, REMINGTON’s making her way around her bed to edge in closer to the conversation.)
Calm down, Jay. Go to bed.
I’m…it just all feels too familiar. Me. Her. An Eleven.
(noticing her bracelet on the bed)
Oh my god, is that my bracelet? Thank God.
I don’t know if I —
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maverick-werewolf · 5 years
This is a weird one but I'm curious. With werewolf stories there come a couple of cliches/tropes used when telling a story. I want to do a story about cliches and the topic of werewolves come into it. So my question... what cliches/tropes do you associate with werewolves? Can be what you like or don't like - thanks and sorry for such a weird ask ^^
(Sorry this took me so long to get around to; I really need to catch up on my ask backlog.)
I love all asks, including weird ones! Not that I’d call this one terribly weird, really.
There are a lot I associate with them, and plenty I do not like. Let me see if I can do a quick list. I said “quick” when I first wrote this post, then I wrote a small book, apologies in advance.
Note that pretty much any of these can be done well, and I’ll probably mention that. But there are some I truly cannot abide on a personal level.
One of these lists is longer than the other. Note I am doing tropes I actually have seen in popular culture, not ones I’d like to see, since that’d be a totally different topic and an even longer post! I also have a post here for a few little tips about writing werewolves/werecreatures.
Ones I like:
Eating people - Okay, so it was weird to open with this. But I like werewolves that eat people. Some people don’t. I do. I like them being big scary man-eating monsters. They can eat people and still be good (only eat bad people!), or they can be feral monsters with a taste for human flesh. I just like werewolves that eat people because… I just do. I also like them eating people alive in every sense of the word, as I covered in another fact (but not being mega stupid about it like wolves often were in later folk tales).
Voracious in general/insatiable - And taking off that first one, I do like werewolves that are voracious in general and/or have insatiable appetites. It’s a wolf trope, yeah. But I love it. The normal guy eats a steak. The werewolf eats like 8 giant steaks and is hungry again in a few hours. It’s fun!
Werewolves as wolves - In contrast to one on the list of things I don’t like, I enjoy werewolves exploring their wolfish side and/or exhibiting it, even in human form. It can be done horribly, of course, and I think it is immensely, endlessly silly when all werewolves in a setting are this way, but a few of them ending up like this (especially ones closer to their wolf side somehow) can be great. I am biased, of course, because the protagonist in a series of medieval fantasy werewolf novels I’ve been working on my entire life is a lot like this. The instincts, the love of raw meat… all that stuff. Not the overly silly stuff (more on that in “werewolves as dogs” and “dog jokes,” but the interesting, badass, wolfish stuff.
Moon association - I do actually like the pop culture association with werewolves and the moon.
Werewolves as guardians/protectors - This is a fairly rare one, but I do enjoy it when werewolves are guardians or protectors of something, like goodness in general, or guardians of nature, and all that sort of thing. Now, if they’re just guardians to some macguffin thing or some other very specific thing and it turns them into basically guardian golems or something? That’s pretty lame. But it can be cool. And werewolves as protectors of the innocent, that kind of stuff (like occurred in legend pretty often, as I’ve mentioned in several werewolf facts).
Dark forests - I love me some classic dark forest setting with a werewolf in it, and a distant, chilling howl when in creepy, foggy woods at night.
Loyal to the core - A trope among some werewolves is that they are super loyal. I like that.
Bloodthirsty - This doesn’t mean “evil,” this just means… well, bloodthirsty. I don’t like it as a trait for “all” werewolves, like all werewolves in a setting, but a bloodthirsty werewolf character, always itching for a fight and enjoying the smell of spilt blood? I have biases. My protagonist in Wulfgard is one, and I love them.
Basically the Hulk - The Hulk would be awesome if he was a werewolf, because he’s a lot of my favorite werewolf tropes. You won’t like him when he’s angry/volatile temper that will destroy everything, but when turned, he’s actually a good, gentle giant who saves people, despite his own opinions about his other form. (I am talking classic Hulk; newer Hulk stuff has, IMO, not reflected this very well, or else chosen simply not to do that/explore it)
Painful/traumatic transformation - I love painful transformations. I do not like some kinds of transformations (I detest the skin flaying/wolf bursting out of a person/etc), but make it hurt. Make them scream. Traumatize anyone who has to see or so much as hear it and traumatize the werewolf if they remember it. I am cruel.
Werewolf angst - Okay, so I know a lot of people in werewolf circles moan about “werewolf angst.” I like it. There. I said it. It can be done horribly, of course, and it’s often overused, but this is absolutely no reason to condemn it altogether. It can still make for a truly awesome story.
Noble werewolves - A personal favorite, obviously!
Werewolves are sexy/more attractive than most people - I mean. I’m okay with this. I like the whole primal sexiness thing, as silly and overdone as it can be at times. Don’t you want someone with a wild side? And all that.
Involuntary transformation - I also like this in general. It can be done horribly, just like anything else, but usually I like it a lot and prefer it to werewolves just being a superpower you can flick on and off (although those can be done well, too, for sure, and I do not dislike voluntary transformation).
Ones I do not like:
Dog jokes (barking, sniffing crotches, peeing everywhere, chasing things, etc.) - Unpopular opinion time! Get all of this away from me. Far away. It is not funny, it is so old and worn out and absolutely overused and predictable now, and can we please stop turning werewolves into jokes and actually take them seriously ever? It’s truly terrible and the biggest factor that set me on this path to try to convince the world to take werewolves seriously again. And the second a werewolf barks, I am out and you will never see me again. Wolves. Do not. Bark. (It felt very good to vent this, even if I will probably get trolled and flamed into oblivion later.)
Werewolves as dogs - Generally having any dog-like qualities; goes hand in hand with the previous one. Please at least treat them like wild animals, because they are wolves, not domesticated. They do not have domesticated dog instincts. They do not have domesticated dog qualities. They are half man, half wolf.
Plague - I do not like this modern idea that werewolves are basically disease victims, especially since lycanthropy was not considered a “disease” until fairly recently. That they are only dangerous because they are diseased, not because they’re giant hulking intelligent monsters that can kill you with ease and are borderline invincible. I don’t mind the “lycanthropy as a disease” thing, or the transmission by bite - I think it can be done well and I use the bite transmission myself. I just do not think it should be presented as a plague, and anything that uses phrases like “werewolf infestation” will immediately raise my ire. Werewolves are not plague rats.
Only dangerous in packs and/or giant hordes like zombies - This goes a lot with the previous one. In a lot of things, werewolves are only dangerous in giant hordes and are basically zombies. I also don’t like the idea that werewolves are only dangerous in a pack. An individual werewolf should be more than capable and terrifying enough on its own.
Always evil - I hate this so much. This is easily one of the main things I am fighting against with werewolves. That’s all I have to say, except for things I have already said, and unless I want to rewrite my entire 150+ page thesis here in this blog post.
Werewolves as just plain stupid - This infuriates me. This is a thing for wolves and werewolves alike: they are often just stupid. Dumb. Unintelligent. They do dumb things. In folklore, the wolf is even described by scholars from the Middle Ages as “stupid.” That is absolutely ridiculous. Werewolves were very smart in folklore, and in fact that was a huge part of what made them scary (their human intelligence), and not the modern day “don’t worry it’ll bash itself against the wall in a mad fit until it dies” werewolves.
Scared of fire and/or weak to it - Berserkers and some other werewolves were specifically described as being “immune to fire.” And why would a werewolf be scared of fire, like someone waving a torch around? They’re half human. They know what fire is.
Random encounter/common monster - Werewolves should be powerful, scary, and viewed with at least some amount of awe. There shouldn’t be something such as monster hunters hoping for “a run-of-the-mill werewolf attack.” There should be nothing run of the mill about werewolves, that cheapens them immensely. A werewolf or werewolves shouldn’t be the random encounter you roll in your tabletop game (they are also often immensely low level and it pains me), because that’s also cheapening them into simple, unscary, uninteresting cannon fodder.
Werewolves as sexual predators/serial killers/cannibals/crazy people in general - This came from werewolves being turned into crazy people/being a werewolf being considered merely a form of madness. It’s… bad. It helped spawn the whole “all werewolves are evil” thing that the Early Modern Period tried to popularize (and succeeded), and werewolves were never associated with sexual assault, etc. And yes, I know of the “werewolf trials” that were rebranded into werewolf trials that were about people who did things like that, but those were witches (more on the main culprit here).
Werewolves vs vampires - It’s very overdone. It can be done well, but it usually isn’t, and it’s considered the “default” today despite having no folkloric precedence and that just kind of irks me. It also considerably cheapens them both and makes pretty much all the characters of either type just end up revolving around each other and/or the conflict in some way or another, and they basically never get to be their own character(s).
Association with Victorian England - I am very tired of this one.
Association with demons and/or witches - Werewolves are not unholy and they’re so much more than just witches. The latter is a theme throughout my werewolf facts.
“I’m not actually a werewolf”/Just call them werewolves - Okay, so this is a pretty big irksome one for me. A werewolf is a werewolf is a werewolf. Werewolf means someone who turns into a wolf or wolf-man hybrid. “Wolf shifters” are werewolves, regardless of if they follow Hollywood werewolf tropes (because those are just Hollywood, too!). Worgen are werewolves. You don’t have to call them something weird in order for them to be cool and/or to justify them not holding to Hollywood werewolf tropes, especially since most things call vampires “vampires” and that’s just fine. Let’s remove the weird stigma around the word “werewolf” (back to the not taking them seriously thing, and in some cases, assuming they are all/making them all evil). This also applies to things like Twilight (side-note: I do not hate Twilight), where the “werewolves” turn around and say oh, no, we’re not werewolves, we are just people who turn into wolves [which is what werewolves are], werewolves are evil. Right, okay.
Gornography - I like werewolves and gore just fine, don’t get me wrong. Werewolves would maul people. Yes. They are huge and have huge claws and fangs and they’d be covered in blood. Werewolves and gore is awesome. But I do not like werewolves existing solely for the gore shock value and/or people who are into all the gore. They are often cheapened in this way, and it’s lame.
Werewolf names - I mean, sometimes they’re okay, and they can be done well. But Remus Lupin? Fenrir Greyback? Ms Lupescu? Can… we please make the werewolf character(s) have any character traits other than “I’m a werewolf!”? And maybe they shouldn’t broadcast their lycanthropy to the world. Characters with names like these come across as insanely contrived, namely (pun intended) if they aren’t born as werewolves to proud werewolf parents who want to name their kid(s) something like that. If they were turned later in life? That’s… convenient. And names like that really imply they are one-note characters, whether they really are or not (though they often are, sadly).
Werewolves super easily and sometimes instantly killed - “All we need is a [one] silver bullet!” says pop culture. Good grief. Gimme a break.
The werewolf always dies - This is a thing. The werewolf always has to die. Individual werewolf, a group of werewolves… they always die and/or are wiped out. The Wolf Man (1941) kind of started this, and everyone picked up on it (look at the overwhelming majority of horror movies after that, with a rare exception of Wolf [1994]), right down to werewolf side characters like the ones in Harry Potter and The Graveyard Book. For some reason, the werewolf and/or werewolves usually have to die, and often we see an end to the “curse.” Put frankly, that’s lame. This is one of many reasons why I love that Red Riding Hood (2011) movie so much (I have another post on that, for anyone interested).
Okay, so not all of those are tropes, but I had an opportunity to rant and I’m afraid I went and took it. Sorry!
I, of course, can be made to like most any werewolf as long as they are scary, intimidating, preferably big, do not have to work in groups in order to be formidable at all (a single werewolf should be a huge problem), are taken seriously (preferably no dog jokes; dog jokes instantly fill me with primal rage because they are dumb and overused and cheapen werewolves immensely and I hate them and sorry if that was candid), are not plague rats/zombie plague (there are not thousands of them in droves, are only dangerous in hordes, and are slaughtered en masse with great ease, and are only dangerous because they can “infect” others), aren’t always villains, don’t always have to die, and… that somewhat covers it. And I already said those things. Why did I repeat myself? I really dunno.
*deep breath*
That doesn’t cover all of the tropes on either side, by any means - I think about werewolves all the time, so I could definitely think up more, and I’m sure there are a lot more out there. But this is a honkin’ big list anyway, so it’s good for starters. Hope that helps! And thank you for asking. :D
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immimidi · 4 years
GFOTY - Ham Chunks and Wine
 Girl Friend Of The Year (GFOTY) has released one of (if not) my favourite EP of 2020 so far.
Ham Chunks and Wine is such a creative collection of music; giving elements of experimental, dance, europop and pop. 
The title of the album is the perfect amount of weird and intriguing. conjouringing images of experimental/weirdo music with the mention of Ham Chunk and images of classy pop music, with the addition of Wine, perfectly summing up album.
Most importantly this EP is the most fun I have had with an EP for a while and GFOTY comes across as someone who knows how to have fun with her music.
Track one: Wide - Wide is the most ‘PC Music’ style of song on the EP, the use of heavy pulsing bass synths and re-pitched/pitch shifted vocals are very reminiscent of most of PC music’s big hitters. The chilled out middle section breaks up the song perfectly allowing for a change in the energy when compared very tense chorus sections and the utterly chaotic final section, which to my ears is one of the most beautiful pieces of chaotic arrangement I have ever heard, In fact it made me shout “FUCK HECK YES!!!!” and pull that face everyone pulls when the beat drops. 
The voice production in wide starts the EP off as it means to go on pulling the attention of the ears by providing the melody section due to the very heavy processing and re-pitching of the vocals. It sounds stellar giving it a nice futuristic vibe that tbh until this EP only SOPHIE had been able to create to such a standard consistently. This heavy vocal processing and the use of SFX and ASMRy...ASMR-esque sounds combine to make such a perfect vibe and production aesthetic for the track. While we are talking about the voice I do need to say that the lyrics of this song are inconsequential apart from the titular word, they to me don’t provide any extra context to the track, they are their purley to support the voice and provide more for the voice to do....They are perfect in this role. ‘Wide’ is the perfect word to be used for this song as despite all the sound and processing the mix has soooooo much room in it and the movement and panning create a suitably wide mix. 
That 3rd section I cannot do justice by words. LISTEN TO IT. It is phenomenal and chaotic and I LOVE IT. It gets my Mwah chef’s kiss moment for this track.
4.75/5 /A+/ Big YES
Track Two: Magician’s Wand - What to say about Magician’s Wand, other than I wish it lasted longer. 
That lazer gun bass synth that ‘BWAHHS’ its way across the low end of the mix being paired with equally lazery high synths and that ever present robot voice production that GFOTY is so good at - Keeping that amazing futuristic vibe that ‘Wide’ had but building on it by adding more layers and filling the mix out slightly.  The chaos of the harmonic elements is a great for keeping the interest of the ear while very simple beat in both the intro section and the second sections seals the chaotic experimental sounds in a pop music shell, keeping the music palatable for non-experimental music listeners, something that GFOTY had difficulty with in the song USA -Which I adore but my friends found hard to listen to. 
The vocal production is very similar to ‘Wide’ which is nice to see a consistent aesthetic throughout the first two tracks giving us expectations to be subverted in future tracks. A big plus to this tracks vocals is the lyrical content as it provides nice little sound bites that are kinda suggestive adding a bit of human in the robot aesthetic of the voice.
Mwah moment - the ‘BWAHH’ synth that truly sets the mood for the rest of the much too short track.
4/5 /A/ Big YES
Track Three: Rid Of All (Feat Count Baldor) - This track’s intro is the perfect change of pace from the last two tracks, subverting the expectations of another experimental PC Music style synth fest, by opening up with a clean held pad synth and a less processed vocal alongside it. 
Describing the pad synth used in my notes I simply wrote ‘lovely pad’ but that doesn’t do enough justice to how soft and clean this pad is, if a pillow was a pad this pad would still be softer it is so cool to hear after the chaos and the ‘BWAHHs’ of the previous two tracks.
The break section with the whispers is so beautifully haunting and it serves as the perfect jumping off point for this song to take in any direction and GFOTY/Count Baldor jump off perfectly and unexpectedly into a 00s/eurodance style beat with perfectly cheesy bass synths (LGBT+ club music/my kind of music). 
The voice in this new section is also unexpected and shouldn’t fit into this style of music but does perfectly. It shouldn’t fit in because its a metal guitar - I can’t figure out if its a talkbox or the single most processed voice ever recorded or if it’s a guitar and a voice with the same fx being cut between by Baldor and their amazing DJ skills, or if it’s all three, but tbh I don’t care it’s incredible and sounds so good in context with the rest of the track. 
The eurodance section dies down and returns to that clean synth/vocal section, which reminds me of Imogen Heap and Bjork, in this section we can get a breather from the utter glory and madness that was the previous section and we get to hear the lyrical content and the lyrics are phenomenal in this section they are perfect for the eurodance/electro pop vibe the track presents and are most importantly FUN, something that in my opinion some pop music has been shying away from by trying to sound profound. I love the use of harp and SFX in this section further reminding me of Bjork and also giving the section a faux dream quality before adding the heavy bass synths in getting ready to drop us back into eurodance madness. 
The Eurodance sections do not fail to put a smile on my face and I love every second of them, I am happy that GFOTY/Count Baldor chose to break them up with some slower ethereal sections because it makes their inherent cheesiness even more happy.
Mwah moment - EURODANCE GUITAR VOICE MADNESS (the only way i can describe it)
Track Four: By My Side - This track slaps, simple as. It’s another track that made me shout ‘FUCK HECK YES!!!’ it is another track that knows how to have fun and puts a smile on my face. 
The track opens with a simplistic and effective pop-house piano melody with pop voice production. Yet again GFOTY’s voice production is stellar the change from the robotic re-pitching to very subtle FX usage in this track works and it creates this nice pop music moment and proves our girl doesn;t need to sound like a sexy robot to sound incredible - though if you know any of her other work you already knew this.
The background synths in this section give a nice dance music vibe off especially those saw melodies and that when that liquid bass comes in and white noise generators hit I am transported to Ibiza, loving every second of the song...and then It happens, that sampled melody is used and I LOSE MY FUCKING BLOODY MIND. GFOTY may have used sampled melody better than anyone ever, GFOTY samples ‘I’m Blue (Da Ba Dee Da Ba Die)’ and it is glorious I don’t think I could ever put into words just how amazingly good the use of sampling is, how perfect the sample is and how happy and excited it made me (Mwah moment for sure). A counter synth is used and it is very true to the vibe of Ibiza dance but it just seems like it could do more that flick between chords - though a new counterpoint is used in the next sample section, YES IT HAPPENS AGAIN.
But before it happens again we are given space to breathe with a house section using the first counterpoint synth as a counterpoint chord synth with the classic house piano to take us from modern Ibiza to 1989 and then the trance-esque melody synth used in the background flings us straight into the 90s and the birth of trance music - kinda reminds me of ‘9 PM Till I Come’. This section is the perfect length of breather and is a credit (as is the rest of the album tbf) to just how good GFOTY is at arrangement of synth based music. I love her voice in this little breather section she sounds so good with this minimal (compared to the previous tracks) production and the fact she is singing in a lower register as well, I really love her voice here. 
After a short build section we are given the treat of that sample again. The use of voice synth in the build section is very nice and a great callback to the previous tracks. But the only thing that matters is that sample and it hits just as hard if not harder the second time, as it has all of the synths surrounding it.
This track is a love letter to 90s-00s dance music and honestly I love every second of it. 
Track Five: Here With Me - The perfect ending to a perfect EP, so perfectly subverts expectations the previous tracks have set-up and showcases GFOTY’s pop writing prowess, her prowess as a performer and that she isn’t all silliness. 
The track opens on a gorgeous, musical theatre esque piano line. The piano has such a beautifully natural timbre which is expertly countered with a processed (I think re-pitched) vocal and it is phenomenal. Despite this heavy processing GFOTY is able to give a ridiculously emotional performance with the voice cracks and vocal fries being present making this robot character that the processing has created since the beginning of the EP appear even more human and broken - it is powerful songwriting and production intertwining. 
The overall aesthetic of this track is very musical theatre, when making my notes I even wrote ‘Almost Disney’ it is just a pure performance being backed up with some of the strongest production I have heard in experimental pop music for a while. The Lyrical content is so beautiful and emotional and says a lot about mental health and how relationships and dependance can affect a person.
GFOTY’s vocal performance is entrancing I have already gushed about how much I love her singing in a lower register. In this track it is no different her voice in the low register is beautiful and when she lifts into her high notes they hit more emotionally to my brain because i can hear her strain and it makes her performance that much more satisfying to listen to.
The extra instruments that add phrases to the track throughout give a little bit of variation to the instrumental arrangement ensuring that the voice/piano combination doesn’t grow stale. As the track buidls and adds more instruments they don’t stick around to clog the mix up. A lesser artist (Me) would have left them in and keep adding instruments to keep building leading to parts of the mix and arrangement feeling clogged up, GFOTY knows when to add and lose instruments to keep the mix open. 
The Guitars are really pretty touches in what feels like the final build of the track only for the build to die completely and become that beautiful haunting marimba section, with the string swells adding to the emotion and the theatre of this section before the perfect outro of just voice and piano - I almost cried.
Mwah Moment - That voice, That performance 
Final Thoughts
Honestly all electronic acts should be scared of just how good this is.This EP spans the emotional range being Tense and Bone Crushingly hard in track one,  Imaginative and Cool in track two, Silly and Fun in tracks three and four, and emotional and beautiful in track five. A testament to GOTY’s talent and just how good electronic music can be. I was smiling throughout, such a good EP
Mwah Moment - The arrangement of each track on this EP is fantastic and perfect.
Overall - 5/5 /A+/ BIGGEST YES
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