#like yesterday i had a whole day to write and only managed like 50 words in three hours and as soon as i had to go make supper
chayscribbles · 1 year
my toxic writer trait is that i need literal hours of just sitting at my computer staring at my document to psych myself up to actually write, and only once i decide to give up and go do other things do the words actually start flowing
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tokkiasnanowrimo · 11 months
nano | day 16
words: 1,779/1,667
notes: if i started a habit of writing early yesterday, i immediately broke it today. i stayed up so late writing to make up which i hope is understandable in the light of finding out my mum has cancer. again. the writers curse strikes me again, i cannot catch a fucking break. alas if i could write through her having cancer the first time and i could write through my dad having cancer last year, i can do it a third time. i very much considered just not writing today but emma reminded me that if i didn't get all the badges on the nanowrimo website by the end of this i would be annoyed with myself and she's right so i kept writing all the way up until 11:45pm to prevent this from becoming my super lame bummer personal diary i'm going to actually talk about what i worked on today. it was a lot of jumping between stuff (as it always is with me) but i decided i sorta needed to hunker down and write the wedding part of the fic because that's like chapter 2 and the whole set up to the rest of the fake dating. the reason i haven't been working on it is just because i've been dreading it honestly. so far it feels kind of boring but i managed to put together a really cute little dance scene that i'm pretty happy with and i hope you guys will like it just as much as i do aside from that, today was a lot of just sort of adding more substance to stuff that i already had. i've been feeling like i'm not making a lot of progress lately but i'm reminding myself that even if i only write 50 words on one scene, that is still 50 words i won't have to write later anyway. thank you everyone for your support on this project. it's been really hard on me and considering everything that's going on, quitting has been veeeerrrryyy tempting but right now i'm determined to see it through, if not for everyone who has said they're looking forward to reading it, then to prove to myself that i can. we were talking in the aan server about binding fics and i think getting this finishing and binding it into a physical copy would be a really good motivator for me. maybe i'll even do a giveaway or something with it. hopefully the only thing that will keep me from finishing nanowrimo is breaking all the bones in my hands, or dying, both of which i have gone 21 years without doing so i think i can go another 2 weeks
quote: as an apology for my long ass rant and for forgetting to put in a quote yesterday, take this whole ass except for today Couples filled the dance floor and Lucy simply sat and watched, her finger running around the rim of her champagne flute as she quietly yearned to be one of those happy couples. She glanced up at Natsu and realised that maybe for once she wasn’t just relegated to yearning. “We should dance,” she said suddenly. “Don’t wanna,” he drawled. “Why not?” “I don’t know how to dance,” Natsu simply shrugged. “You said you wanted me to be your girlfriend, the least you can do is dance with me,” she scolded, but Natsu seemed to remain unphased. “Fine, I’ll go find someone else,” she huffed. “I’m sure there’s a nice man here who will want to dance with me.” “No, no, don’t do that,” Natsu immediately backtracked. “I’ll dance with you.” It had been an empty threat—she had no real intention of finding someone else, but it seemed that Natsu had not quite seen through that and her plan had worked a charm. Grabbing his hand, Lucy led him into the fray of things.
total word count: 30,056/50,000
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niharikaslernings · 1 year
For all the bloggers who are beginners
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
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Incidence & learning:-
A important thing which you must know before reading forword: [I had included learning part into incidence part because today's incidence was very short. Here's a question arises:-
Q. You also had included yesterday's learning into incidence part. Does that mean, you are going to include learning into incidence part always.
Ans:- A big no, the only reason for me including learning part into incidence part is shortness of incidence part]. Anyway, let's came to the main point:- Today, I listened a audiobook of a book named "Mind management not time management". It was a worthy book, I loved it. So, today's learning was based on that book. I am not going to tell you the whole book (because it is not possible) else I will focus on the most important part of the book. First a quick introduction to the book :- The concept of that book is 'don't focus on time management, focus on mind management. If you will focus on mind management, time management will automatically improve. Further, david kadavy (author) classify time into two parts:-
1. Clockwise:- means doing a work according to the clock. For example:- Ramu is a boy who follows clockwise time. Suppose, he is making his schedule, so he will make it like this:-
6:00 (woke up)
6:00-6:45 (fresh up)
6:50-7:05 (eating breakfast)
He is planning everything according to the time. So, he is clockwise person.
2. Event wise:- means doing a work according to the event. For example:- shyamu is a classmate of ramu, who is a event time follower. So, he will eat, when he will feel hunger. In simple words, he will do things whenever he feels like to do it. Not every work can be done by following event time. For example:- going to school or office. You cannot go office or school at your terms. It is a necessity to attend school or office everyday.Therefore, for general peoples it is must to indentify the clockwise and eventwise works and maintain a balance between them. [Note:- Some works can only be done in event wise and some in clockwise]
Doing work according to the event is most suitable for artists & creators who are somehow indulge in any kind of creativity. Creativity can never be done in a specific period of time. You cannot predict when you will be creative. Hence, creativity must be done event wisely. Write when you feel the ocean of words inside yourself, draw when you want to express your feelings into a picture, compose music when you have to express the sounds & tones of your inner self to the outside world. I had seen people making blogging a business but it is actually a emotion and way to improve other's life. As a writer, I can feel his words. I agree that you can never write at a time. Writing a article is a task of whole day. Whenever you feel something important, you go and add it. That's how a article becomes a masterpiece. People who are new to blogging as a beginner they done this mistake. They set time for writing a article like I will write a article [6:00 pm to 8:30 pm]. This is a wrong approach, you are making a mistake change it as soon as possible.
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bulletnotestudies · 4 years
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☁️ 10 tips on studying when your motivation’s nowhere to be found
i got an ask about this yesterday and decided to turn my reply into a post because having trouble focusing when you’re super unmotivated is really common, so i thought more people might find this helpful :) buckle up kiddos, this is gonna be a long one!
1. i want you to remember that this is a universal experience.
every student out there struggles like hell sometimes, and that’s completely normal; you’re not a machine and that means you can’t possibly churn out work 24/7 without burning out. so try not to beat yourself up too much okay, you’re doing great!
2. take a deep breath and identify the reason you’re feeling like this
are you burnt out because of stress or overworking yourself? are you overwhelmed by the amount of tasks on your plate? is there a particular assignment or exam scaring you to the point where you don’t want to start studying? these are all normal reasons for lack of motivation and knowing the why will help you figure out the how - you gotta know the problem to solve it.
3. i know you feel like you’re months behind, but start small
small achievements accumulate. repeat this sentence to yourself daily, write it on a sticky note and keep it on the wall above your desk (it’s exactly what i did). break up daunting tasks into smaller ones; got a billion formulae to know by heart? memorise 3 every day (you’ll have memorised more than 20 by the end of the week!). got a long chapter to study? divide it into smaller chunks and just focus on 1-3 pages a day. slow and steady, you can do it
4. the pomodoro technique is a lifesaver!
i always use this technique when i’m feeling unmotivated and cannot focus. sometimes, your mind just won’t stop wandering off and so scheduling regular breaks is a must! try going for 25 minutes of work, followed by a 5 minute break, then repeat the cycle :) you’ll be less tempted to prolong your break if you know there’s another one coming in less than half an hour. if 25min is too long, try just 15 minutes of focus and work your way up form there - there’s no shame in studying in really short bursts! sometimes that’s all you can bring yourself to do and that’s okay! and if you can, i really recommend a 45/15 or 50/10 ratio (those are the ratios me and my friend - 2nd year med students - use the most :))
5. track your productivity
use the forest mobile app or a hand-drawn productivity tracker in your bujo - a visual representation of productivity will activate the reward system part of your brain. it’s the same part that’s involved in addiction formation and you can use it to your advantage - get a mini high from seeing your effort, not only from seeing your results!
6. set up a reward system
continuing on that tangent: sometimes, a short break isn’t enough motivation to stay focused. sometimes, you gotta pull a little sneaky on yourself and bribe your brain. some examples: - ‘if i can manage to reach 3 hours of productivity today, i’ll watch my fave movie in the evening’ - ‘i’ll have a bubble bath once i finish reading this chapter’ - ‘if i complete this assignment by the end of the week, i can do absolutely nothing the whole day come Saturday’
7. consider different sources/modes of studying
switching things up can do wonders; try making flashcards on quizlet, watching youtube videos on the topics you’ll be tested on, you can read wikipedia articles (wikipedia is severely underrated!), browse for podcasts on the topic, there’s a million different ways to learn, not just sitting down and reading from your textbook for hours on end :) on a similar note, if you have the option, try studying elsewhere - go to the kitchen table or study on the floor - beware of the bed and sofa! not a good idea, you’ll most likely end up taking a nap.
8. take care of your body and your mental health
have you drunk enough water today? have you eaten enough vitamin-rich foods? make a healthy snack! or get your fave comfort food, that works too, extra serotonin :) have you been outside in the past 3 days? if not, i highly recommend a short walk outside (if your corona regulations allow it, ofc). i know getting out of your house is hard, i suck at it myself, but getting fresh air and direct sunlight is crucial for your wellbeing! think of yourself as a slightly more complicated house plant:) you gotta nourish to flourish!
9. stop for a second and think how you value your work.
i’m sure you’ve done more than you give yourself credit for. it may seem too little, a drop in the sea of assignments you’ve yet to hand in, but every single minute of effort counts! every little task you do brings you closer to your goal! replied to a school email? good for you, you’ve got your correspondence covered and your professor knows you’re working hard. took 3 minutes to clear your study space? wonderful, a fresh setup = a fresh mindset! got more than 6 hours of sleep? yay, your brain had time to recuperate from a day’s worth of activities!
10. and again, you are not alone in this!
i promise there are at least 50 other people feeling exactly the same as you at any given moment. we all struggle with the same things, in one way or another, and motivating each other always helps. whether it be aggressive pep talks or gentle words of encouragement, studyblrs always have each other’s backs and you can message practically anyone in this community if you’re in need of support :) our job is to hype each other up and watch as we reach our respective goals <3
take care and good luck with your studies!
some additional posts you may find helpful: ◦ a wonderful ‘how to get stuff done’ guide ◦ energy management ◦ focus & productivity tips ◦ a very straight to the point guide to starting a successful study sesh ◦ how to handle having too much to do 
my other masterposts: study sounds⎪dealing with failure⎪chrome extensions for students
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Strawberry Lattes
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Summary: He always needs his morning caffeine to wake him up for his morning classes. He never knew what it feels like wanting to come back to a particular place again and again solely for one reason, until he met you. You were a full time barista and a part time university student. Despite the stress you get almost every week, your two friends have always been there to support you. What happens when your friends come to visit you at your workplace one day, only to find out that they were friends with the same boy who not only is your eye candy, but also your regular customer?
Genre: Super fluffy
Pairing: Kim Sunwoo x GN Reader
Word count: 5.5k
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It was another dreadful morning after only 2 hours of sleep due to staying up all night hoping to finish at least 50% of the assignment. But this wasn’t an excuse for you to call in to work sick or unable to come for your shift. Hence, the reason why you were now forcing yourself out of bed to freshen up and get ready for work. You were a full time barista at a local café downtown just around the corner from your apartment, and also a part time student at Yonsei University.
The reason why you chose this path was because you wanted to further your studies but also earn a monthly allowance in order to pay for your school and house bills since you were living alone and didn't have the time to search for a roommate.
Despite the stress load you get every once in a while, you managed to cope and tried your best to pass each module. Today was no different, as you got ready for work and was out the door by 0730. You arrived at the café only to find your manager already preparing the coffee machines and restocking the cakes in the fridge beside the cashier. You greeted him good morning before he smiled at you.
You went into the back room to put your bag down and took your apron. Proceeding to head to the front where the cashier and coffee machines were.
“Did you get enough sleep yesterday?” Kihyun asked.
Before you could reply, a yawn left your lips as you used the back of your hand to cover your mouth slightly.
“Nope. But I’ll be fine.” You said. You could hear the heavy sigh that left his lips when he closed the fridge door and soon turned to you with a frown.
“(Y/N), you know you have to get some rest. It’s not good for your health.” Kihyun said, but you nodded.
“I know Ki, but I can’t fail this module.”
“Just… know when to take a break okay?”
With that, he went to the back room to settle some paperwork while you stayed by the counter, refilling the powders into the containers. After you were done, a few customers had entered to buy their morning caffeine doses. 4 orders and 5 minutes of silence later, you leaned over the counter top with one knee resting on the stool in front of you that was hidden from any customer in plain sight.
You supported your head on your palm, slowly finding yourself drifting to sleep when the doorbell chimed, catching your attention. You looked up to see a guy walking into the café looking just as tired as you were but he had more life in him.
“Dang he’s cute.” You thought to yourself as you quickly wiped the pout off your face and soon replaced it with a warm smile.
“Good morning, may I take your order?” you greeted him.
He flashed you a soft smile before glancing up at the menu boards hanging above your head.
“Do you have any recommendations? I feel like trying something new.” He finally looked back down at you, only for you to feel as though your airflow got sucked out of your lungs.
“Personally I really like the Iced Matcha Latte with soy milk if I want a non-caffeinated drink. But if I want that espresso kick to start my mornings, I really love the Strawberry Latte, with two pumps of syrup and a light dash of strawberry sprinkles. It’s not too strong and it definitely gives you a sweet tangy balance to the bitter coffee taste.” You ended your speech with a light giggle after you realized how long it was.
The male only smiled fondly at you during that whole minute explanation but it was worth it. “Great, can I get the exact order for the second one then?” He said. You looked quite surprised but nonetheless smiled as you began to key in the order
“Choice of size?”
“Regular please.”
After you were done, you took the regular size takeaway cup and a marker, looking at him to ask for his name or initials.
The corner of your lips tugged upwards, writing down his name before setting the cup to your left beside the coffee machine and soon charged him for his order. After he was done paying, you returned him his change and gave the receipt before telling him to wait at the collection point. You made the drink exactly how you would make it for yourself. Smiling happily upon seeing your creation being prepared for not yourself, but this time for a customer.
After you had sprinkled the strawberry powder on top of the foam surface, you took the lid and secured it close before you went to the collection point and called out softly.
“Strawberry Latte for Sunwoo.” 
He walked forwards as he took the cup, not forgetting to give you a smile. 
“Thank you-” His eyes darted towards your name tag pinned to your apron before he looked back at you. “...(Y/N)”
You bowed to him slightly as you watched him leave the café. After he left, he didn’t forget to spare a quick glance into the café, only to see your smile soon disappeared. Replacing it with a small pout when you let out a sigh. Sunwoo chuckled as he continued walking to campus that was just 2 blocks away.
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For some reason, he couldn’t stop thinking about you even after he made it to his first lecture. The small smile gracing on his lips didn’t go unnoticed by his friends as Kevin began to nudge Sunwoo’s elbow the minute he came to sit beside the former.
“Aye, why are you smiling like an idiot huh?” Kevin asked.
“Maybe he just sniffed a smiling gas.” Younghoon said.
“What the hell is that?” Jacob asked.
“I was being sarcastic you nimrod.” Younghoon said, making the former one growl.
“I’ll tell you guys later.” Sunwoo said as he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. 
2 hours passed and they were now heading to the food hall in the main building, when Hyunjae slings his arm over Sunwoo’s shoulder.
“So? Why were you smiling all morning today?” He asked, causing the rest to focus their gazes on him as Sunwoo sighed knowing he couldn’t run away now.
“Ahh, it’s nothing… I went to get my morning coffee and there was this really cute barista who attended to me. That’s all.”
A series of “ooh”s were heard as the boys got noisier by the second.
“Jeez, can y’all shut up? You’re embarrassing me.” Sunwoo said as he quickened his pace, only for Younghoon to grab hold of his backpack and pulled him back.
“Oh please, you should be thankful we even gave reactions to what you say.” Younghoon said, making Sunwoo scoff. 
A few weeks later, you were just handing a customer her plate of pasta and a cappuccino at one of the tables when you heard the doorbell chime. The customer you were attending to, thanked you for bringing her orders to her, smiling and replied to her.
“Your welcome. Enjoy your food.”
With that, you began to walk back to the front counter when you saw a group of guys gathered in front of the cashier. Right when you were just about to walk past them to head behind the counter, one of them glanced towards his right only to lock eyes with you. It was Sunwoo. The same regular customer that came every morning before his classes. The same guy who you may or may not have a tiny crush on.
The moment you locked eyes, you could feel your heartbeat stop for just a millisecond later as he flashed you a soft smile. This was enough to make you blush as you smiled back to him shyly before quickly making your way behind the counter.
“Oh great, you’re back. Help me take their order will you? I have to prepare the delivery ones.” Kihyun said simply. You were about to protest but you had no choice since the other part timer was on his lunch break.
So you nodded defeatedly before you returned the tray back at the collection point before you went back to the cashier, only to see Sunwoo standing there alone.
“Hey.” Sunwoo said as his lips began to tug upwards.
“Hey. What can I get you today?” You asked with a shy smile. Your voice sounded much softer than usual. You didn’t miss the little chuckle that left his lips before he spoke up.
“There’s gonna be a bit more than one order today.”
“I can see that.” You joked.
“Can I get one regular iced mocha, two regular double chocolate frappe, one small iced americano, one regular iced vanilla latte, and my usual please.”
You keyed in his orders as he spoke, only for you to look back up at him to confirm if that was all he wanted. Sunwoo gave you a firm nod, proceeding to charge him for the orders and soon told him to have a seat, you will call out to him once the drinks are ready. Sunwoo nodded as he left, not forgetting to smile at you for the umpteenth time that day.
You soon came beside Kihyun and started to make the drinks. Sunwoo on the other hand, immediately got dragged down into his seat by Kevin when they began to make comments about you.
“You were right, they’re hella cute!” Kevin said.
“Do you think they’re attached?” Younghoon asked.
“I don’t know. I mean, they’re quite cute. It’s impossible they’re single.” Sangyeon shrugged.
“Not all good looking people are attached. Even some normal looking ones are attached. We can’t just judge from their looks.” Sunwoo said defensively, only for Changmin and Haknyeon to smirk.
“Or are you just saying that because you want them to be single?” Changmin said, causing the rest of them to agree teasingly.
“Whatever, they wouldn’t date someone like me anyway.” Sunwoo said.
Not long after he finished his sentence, your voice echoes around the café walls as you called his name.
“Drinks for Sunwoo.”
With that, Sunwoo got up and soon jogged his way to the collection point, only to find you standing behind the counter with the tray in hand. You smiled as you pushed the tray gently towards him.
“Be careful. It’s heavy.” You warned.
“Don’t worry.” Sunwoo said, couldn’t help but smile at him.
He soon came back to their table and distributed the drinks. Almost half an hour had passed, they were just talking about random topics when Sunwoo happened to glance towards the counter. Seeing you laugh at something your manager said.
He didn’t realize he was smiling until Sangyeon spoke up. “Sunwoo yah, if they make your heart flutter that much, why don’t you just go there and ask them out?”
Sunwoo whips his head to Sangyeon, almost pulling a muscle while doing that.
“What?! N-No!”
“Why not?”
“The last time I asked someone out, I got turned down harshly in front of everyone. I couldn’t sleep for days!”
“Sunwoo yah, you’re just thinking too much. Just try and ask them out. Who knows they’ll accept?” Haknyeon asked.
“I don’t wanna risk it.” Sunwoo said. Glancing back to the front counter.
“Why must I have a crush on the cutest barista working just two blocks away from campus?” Sunwoo thought to himself as he gently shook his head and went back into the conversation with the guys.
A few minutes passed, some of them were discussing their project work while some were doing their own stuff when Sunwoo saw you left the counter only to walk towards an empty table near the back of the café. Since the café was not so packed, Kihyun told you to eat at one of the tables. So as to not feel cramped in the back room.
You had a transparent cup filled with what seems to be strawberry latte and a plate of sandwich. Sunwoo was caught staring by his friends as Younghoon nudged his arm to gain his attention.
“This is your chance to talk to them.”
Sunwoo saw some of them nod in agreement as he glanced back at you who was just taking a bite of the sandwich while scrolling through your phone.
With much motivation, he finally got up and made his way towards your table. You were just looking at your Instagram feed when you saw a figure come to a stop on the opposite side of your table.
You looked up to see Sunwoo standing there with a nervous smile as he spoke up. “Do you need some company?” He asked. You giggled, locking your phone screen and soon placed it face down on the table.
“Sure, that would be great.” You said. He pulled the chair out and soon took a seat.
“You’re just having that for lunch?” He asked curiously as he looked at the plate in front of you.
“Is that enough to fill you for the rest of your shift?” He asks, genuinely concerned at how little you ate.
“Yeap! Don’t worry. I always get something heavy to eat before my night classes.”
Sunwoo paused only to raise his eyebrows in confusion.
“Night classes?”
“I’m a part time student at Yonsei U. That’s why I’m a full timer here.”
“Wow… Are you able to cope with work and study at the same time?”
“It can be tiring and mentally exhausting sometimes but I persevere.”
Sunwoo was shocked at this new information but nonetheless gave you some comforting words to help cheer you on. “That’s… a lot to take in. I hope you don’t stress yourself out too much. Please get some rest and don’t overwork yourself.”
You hadn't seen this side of him before but it was very sweet of him to even say all those things to you. You ended up chatting for a bit, only for you both to find out that he was a student at Hankuk U, you were the same age, you both loved sushi and many more.
Your lunch break was ending soon but you were dreading to say goodbye. “Well, it was really nice talking to you Sunwoo, but I’m afraid my break time’s almost over.” 
You pouted sadly, only for him to chuckle.
“Do you have class tonight?”
You nodded.
“Hmm, don’t worry okay? I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” Sunwoo said, making you giggle at his disclaimer.
The both of you got up only for him to speak up.
“My friends and I are leaving soon too. I’ll see you tomorrow. Take care, don’t forget to eat before you head to class!” He reminded you. Not forgetting to give him a nod.
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A few days later, you had just ended your night class and you were almost burned out for the day, you could barely keep your eyes open. Only for your phone to ring. It was Eric.
“Hello?” You said into the line.
“Hey! Are you finished with class?”
“Yeah. I’m heading down now. Where are you?”
“At the parking lot. Me and Chanhee hyung decided to wait for you today.”
With that being said, you gasped lightly, unable to digest this information.
“Wha- Eric are you serious? You didn’t have to- omg.”
“No, it’s fine! Besides, me and hyung needed to discuss something anyway. Meet us at the parking lot okay?”
Before you could reply, he already hung up the call, making you sigh. You felt bad for making them wait for you since it was already half past 10 at night. But then again, they did it out of their own will. You arrived at the parking lot, only to see Chanhee and Eric leaning against the side of Chanhee’s car amongst a few other vehicles left just chatting away while waiting for you.
Just then, Eric glanced towards the entrance, only to see a very tired you dragging your feet towards them. You could barely open your eyes as you held onto your bag strap for your dear life. Right when you had just arrived in front of them, your vision blacked out, feeling your head pound against your skull. You let out a soft groan, falling forwards, just in time for Eric to catch you.
“Woah, are you okay?” He asked worriedly as Chanhee and him exchanged glances to one another.
“Mmm, y-yeah… I just blacked out for a bit.” You said, only to hear Chanhee sigh.
“How many times must we tell you not to overwork yourself and get some sleep?” Chanhee said.
“I did sleep...” You tried to defend yourself, but they knew you better than you know yourself. 
“How many hours did you sleep last night?” Eric asked as he narrowed his eyes at you questioningly. You avoided their piercing gazes by answering their question in a hushed tone. 
“An hour and a half.” 
With that, your two friends let out a heavy sigh as Eric looked disappointed in his friend. It wasn’t because he was mad at you, it was because he was growing more and more concerned over your sleeping patterns and your health. You weren't just schooling, you were working as well so it would only be right if you maintained a healthy sleeping pattern and a balanced work/study time.
“That’s it. You’re coming home with me. I’m gonna make sure you get that sleep you so well deserved.” Chanhee said as Eric nodded in agreement.
“What? No, I’m fine. Okay, I promise I’ll sleep tonight.” You said.
“Yeah right.”
“You don’t trust me?” You asked with a pout.
“On this? No, I don’t.” With that, you scoffed as you knew you couldn’t fight back with them. So with that being said, you ended up following Chanhee to his apartment since he lived alone. Once you were back at Chanhee’s place, he told you to wash up. He let you borrow a loose shirt and sleeping shorts.
He told you to sleep in his bed and that he could take the couch. At first you rejected it, saying you could sleep on the couch but he refused. 
Chanhee purposely placed your bag in the living room so that you couldn’t sneakily stay up all night and worked on your assignment. Chanhee’s body clock was never normal to begin with but to him, your sleeping pattern was more important than his.
Hence, the reason why he was still awake at 3am, watching the live broadcast of the World Cup. He was trying so hard to keep quiet to avoid waking you up as he eagerly watched the tournament. Just then, he thought he heard soft whimpers in his head.
“What the-” He mumbled to himself as he continued watching the game.
Just then, the whimper sounded again and it was a lot more distinct this time. With that, he lowered down the volume just to see if that sound would appear again. Not long after, he heard the whimper again and it seemed to have come from his hallway.
Chanhee got up immediately as he went to his bedroom, opening the door gently.
That’s when he saw you shifting uncomfortably in your sleep. He approached you in a rush as he saw you clutching onto the blanket against your chest as you had a frown on your face.
You were mumbling something in your sleep but he couldn’t really catch what you said.
“(Y/N)? Hey wake up.” Chanhee said softly as he placed a hand on your shoulder and lightly shook it. It took him 3 tries to finally get you awake when you jolted forward. Your breathing was heavy as you sat there with cold sweat running down the side of your face.
“It’s okay (Y/N), you’re okay. I’m here. It’s just a nightmare.” He comforted you while grabbing a handful of his shirt.
He pulled you into a hug, feeling your body shiver. They stayed like that for a while, only for him to tuck you back in bed. He pushed your hair away from your face as he looked down at you gently with a soft smile.
“Goodnight (Y/N).”
“Goodnight Chanhee.”
He was about to walk away when you grabbed his hand.
“Thank you… for everything.”
Chanhee could only smile, gently caressing the back of your hand with his thumb and soon spoke up.
“Get some rest, (Y/N).” You nodded only to let go of his hand. You fell back asleep a few seconds after as he went back to the living room, only to turn off the television and went to sleep himself.
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It has been 4 months since Sunwoo first came to the café and you've gotten a lot closer than before. 
However, Sunwoo still has yet to ask you out on a date.
It was a chilly Wednesday afternoon and both Chanhee and Eric promised to visit you after their lecture. The time was 35 minutes past 2 and the two guys had just entered the café, settling themselves into one of the empty tables beside the glass window after they ordered their drinks.
After making their drinks, you made your own drink and took one of the sandwiches from the fridge. Making your way to them for your lunch break.
“Hey guys, one iced mocha and one iced matcha latte for the two sweetest guys I’m lucky to have as friends.” You said, causing the two boys to smirk.
“Just friends?” Eric teased.
“Best friends.” You corrected yourself, only for Chanhee to laugh at Eric’s pained reaction.
“Ouch, never thought I’d be friend zoned this quick.”
You found yourself giggling as you spoke up to comfort your friend while you took a seat beside him.
“I love you, Eric ah.”
He couldn’t find himself being angry at you as he immediately melted and soon became a giggling mess. You were just chatting away, gossiping about the same stuck up girl in their class who keeps acting as if everyone was head over heels for when they’re actually not.
Just then, a familiar voice calls out to Chanhee and Eric from a distance behind you making your heart skip a beat.
“Hey! Hyung! Eric ah!”
Chanhee glanced past your shoulder while Eric turned to look over his own shoulder before they smiled widely and waved eagerly to whoever was behind you.
“That voice…” You whispered under your breath, only to slowly turn around. That’s when you saw Sunwoo walking up to your table along with his usual group of friends. However, you didn’t miss the look on Sunwoo’s face when he locked eyes with you. He was definitely surprised but also confused as to why you were seated with his friends.
“Oh? It’s the cute barista!” Juyeon said innocently. Flashing them a bashful smile. Just then, both Chanhee and Eric turned to look at each other simultaneously only for them to look at you and spoke up in unison.
“You’re the cute barista Sunwoo’s been talking about?!”
With that, Sunwoo gestured a punch to them signalling them to keep quiet. Only for him to look at you and ask.
“You know them?” 
You could only nod as you told him the truth.
“I’ve known them since college.”
The rest of the boys gasped at the newly profound information. They couldn’t believe you were mutual friends with Chanhee and Eric. The 12 of you ended up sitting in two separate tables side by side whilst Chanhee and Eric began to spill the tea about Sunwoo.
“I can’t believe he’s been talking about you all these while.” Eric said.
“If I had known sooner, I would have set you two up on a date.” Chanhee said, causing you to glance at Sunwoo who was sitting opposite you. You cleared your throat and glanced down at your wrist watch before you got up abruptly to avoid any more awkward conversations.
“Oh look, my break time is ending. Nice talking to you guys. Thanks for visiting me today, my babies. More cakes for you? Yes? Okay.” You said in a rush. Quickly leaving the table, earning a laugh from the guys. Thinking that your actions are cute.
“Sunwoo, you really have a good taste don’t you?” Eric teased, making Sunwoo throw a tissue paper packet to Eric’s face, catching the poor boy by surprise.
You were in the back room, having a short break when your co-worker, Mingi called for you from the door.
“(Y/N), somebody wants to talk to you. He said he’s a friend of yours?” Mingi said, making you hum in confusion but nonetheless left the back room.
Only to be met with Sunwoo standing at the collection point.
“Hey, umm, I was wondering… Are you… free, this weekend?” You found yourself blushing as you tried to come up with a quick response.
“Uhh yeah. Yeah, I’m free.” Sunwoo didn’t expect you to say yes so quickly but it definitely made him feel slightly happy that he didn’t get rejected.
“Great. Umm, I’ll pick you up at 8?”
“Okay.” You smiled genuinely.
“Okay… Well, I uhh, better get going. Bye (Y/N). See you.” He said shyly, his ears starting to burn red.
“See you Sunwoo.” You said, only for him to quickly leave before his whole tomato head explodes.
Weekends finally came and it was already 30 minutes past 7 and you were struggling to find a nice outfit to wear. You didn’t know exactly where he was taking you, all he said was to wear nicely. You were nervous to say the least. You haven't been on a date in like what? 2 years?
Ever since your last date where you got stood up, you decided not to go on any more blind dates. You would rather stay single for the rest of your life than being played with and getting your heart broken again and again.
Sunwoo texted you a few minutes later saying he was downstairs so you replied by saying you’ll be down in a minute. You soon left your apartment and locked the doors before heading down the corridor towards the lift lobby. Once you were at ground level, you made your way out, only to see Sunwoo leaning against his car door.
The minute he noticed your figure walking towards him, he looked up only to give you a one over. You stopped a few feet in front of him with a shy smile as he spoke up.
“Wow, you look really stunning.”
“Thank you. You look dashing.” You giggled.
Sunwoo was wearing a dark blue button down shirt tucked into his black denim skinny jeans, a pair of black sneakers and a few stainless steel accessories. He recently dyed his hair to a deep berry colour. He soon opened the door for you. Getting in before he walked over to the driver seat. Once he was in, he buckled his seatbelt and started his car engine.
“Where are we going?” You asked.
“It’s a surprise.” Sunwoo said with a cheeky smile as you could feel your heartstrings pull.
The drive to the destination wasn’t as long as you thought, maybe because the journey was filled with jokes and laughter every now and then. Before you knew it, he finally pulled into a parking lot at what seems to be an outdoor movie theatre.
“Sunwoo yah… This is…” You paused as you got out of the car while he reached over to the back seat to take the blanket he brought to lay it down on the grass. He came back to your side after locking his car, only for you to continue from where you left off.
“So cute. How did you even find out about this outdoor movie?”
He smiled as you both began to walk towards the open space where quite a lot of couples were already seated down on their own blankets.
“My friend told me about this when he went on a date with his girlfriend the other day. So I figured why not give it a try.” Sunwoo said, making you blush.
You managed to find an empty space so he laid down the blanket and soon sat down. While waiting for the movie, you talked about almost anything. The movie soon started as everyone was starting to get excited. Halfway through the beginning of the movie, you were sitting beside Sunwoo with your legs extended out in front of you.
The night slowly got breezy, feeling the cool air blowing on you softly. Just then, he saw you straightening your posture, rubbing your arms to keep yourself warm. He felt bad that he couldn’t give you his jacket since he didn’t wear any.
However, an idea flashed across his mind, making him turn to you to speak.
“Hey, are you cold?” He asked. You turned to him with a small smile before you answered.
“Yeah, but it’s fine. It’s just a little chilly, that’s all.” Sunwoo wasn’t convinced as he saw your teeth clattering, making him chuckle softly.
“You know, I heard from somewhere that close body contact can keep us warm.” Sunwoo suggests indirectly to you, turning your head to him to see a playful smile on his lips.
You giggled as you looked at him with your brows raised.
“Are you okay with it?”
“If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t suggest it would I?” He asked, causing you to mentally facepalm at your ridiculous self.
“Right. You have a point.”
You heard him chuckle when he pat the empty spot in between his legs, gesturing for you to come over.
“C’mere.” He said.
Once you have settled down between his legs, you feel him wrap his arms around your body, trapping your arms. Gently pressing your back against his chest. Warmth immediately engulfing you both as you snuggled deeper into his chest.
“Warm enough?” He asked, only for you to nod.
You stayed like that for the rest of the movie. Sacrificing his back if it meant keeping you warm throughout the 1 and a half hours of the movie. 
After the movie ended, you went to get supper before he sent you home. You agreed to let him walk you all the way to your door. Hence, the reason why you were now standing outside your apartment door. You unlocked the door but then turned around to face him.
“Thank you for today Sunwoo. It was a fun experience watching a movie outdoors for the first time under the starry night.” You said as he smiled.
“I’m glad you liked it…”
“I hope we can do something like this again soon.” At that being said, his ears perked up, staring at you in awe.
“A-Again? Does that mean…?” He paused, causing you to giggle.
“Yes. I’d love to go on a date with you again.” 
Sunwoo couldn’t contain his excitement as he smiled from ear to ear, his adorable toothy grin made your heart skip a few beats. He elicited a soft giggle, biting his lip to stop himself from smiling too much.
Just then, you decided to take it upon yourself by pressing a soft kiss onto his cheek. Sunwoo was frozen in place as you smiled up to him endearingly before you bid him goodbye. You quickly entered your apartment to hide your flushed face when you could feel the embarrassment starting to creep up on you. You leaned against the door. Trying to steady your heartbeat.
After what felt like forever, you finally pushed yourself off the door and was about to walk deeper into your apartment when there was a knock.
You turned around to open it and you were greeted by Sunwoo again, seeming he finally came into senses.
Without any words exchanged, he took one quick step forward, reaching up to cup your face with one hand before he gently pressed his lips against yours. You melted almost immediately when you felt him smile into the kiss. Sunwoo could feel his heart get weaker, snaking one hand around your waist while pulling you closer to him.
Your hands rested on his chest as he pulled away with a soft sound, only for you to keep your gaze on his collarbone. Too shy to look at him in the eye.
Sunwoo gently took your chin in between his thumb and index finger. Tilting your head up, making you lock eyes with him.
“I’m pretty sure that just proves to you how I feel about you, but I still wanna tell you in words. I really, really like you. And I would love to take you out on more dates and be able to call you mine.”
With his cute confession, you couldn’t help but giggle. Wrapping your arms around his neck before you spoke up.
“I like you too Sunwoo. And yes, I would love to go on dates with you, and for you to call me yours.” With that being said, Sunwoo smiled in victory. Kissing you again sweetly.
The next day, you broke the news to your friends as you got happy cheers and excited screams in the group chat. Sunwoo never thought he would date anyone after being rejected multiple times but maybe he was fated to meet you and be the person who orders the same drink every time at the café you worked in. Maybe now he could finally live his love life with more cuddles and Strawberry Lattes.
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illyaana · 3 years
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Collab: Chaos's Bearsday Collab by @chaos-night
Thanks for having this Collab hun! I hope you had/have an amazing birthday <3
Tags: Aged Up! Birthday boy! Izuku Midoriya x Binaural, SFW, Fluff
Synopsis: You thought this was going to be a normal birthday with Deku - the only thing that was different is you were going to make Katsudon, pork cutlet bowls, for Deku. What you weren't prepared for was a flirty Izuku Midoriya.
Word Count: 1689
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Like my writing? Do you want a drabble specifically made for you about your love life with a character of your choosing? Check out my 50 followers event over here!
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You groaned at the sound of your blaring alarm, forcing you awake. You raised your head to meet Izuku’s chin. His hands were wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his body even more. You pressed against the bed, pushing yourself upwards to face the sleeping face of your beloved.
You adored the sight of the defenceless hero.
His dishevelled green hair mimicked a bush in the woods - wild yet so adorable. His lips were slightly parted, allowing soft snores to escape the powerful quirk user. His small freckles glowed under the soft sunlight entering your shared room from the window, leaving you in awe. His long lashes framed his closed eyelids.
Thankfully, your alarm turned itself off - he wasn’t letting you move anymore, not with the vice grip he had around you tightening unknowingly.
You couldn’t resist the urge to run the pad of your thumb against his soft lips - it looked so soft and supple. The rest of your fingers found their place on Izuku’s cheek, enjoying the warmth only he could radiate. You smiled, looking at the sleeping Izuku subconsciously pressing his cheeks against your fingers.
This is what you believed a life spent with him would look like - and you pray so that it stays like this.
“Hey,” you say as you kiss Midoriya’s forehead, “Wake up, sleepyhead.”
Your alarm began to ring again, causing the hero beside you to groan loudly.
“Turn that thing off,” he said, placing his head on your shoulder, “We don’t need to wake up early today.”
This man… how was he the top hero?
You ruffled his hair, chuckling.
“Weren’t you the one who told me to wake you up early today?” you ask, recalling your conversation with him yesterday.
“I just wanted to spend the whole day with you, but I think we can do it from this bed, can’t we?” he said, pressing kisses on the nape of your neck.
“I think you forgot, Deku,” you say, cupping his cheeks, “You have a press conference with Bakugo and Todoroki today - you know, about your job as a hero?”
His eyelids shot open.
“Oh, shit,” he mumbled, making you laugh.
“It’s only,” you looked at the wall clock, “9 am right now. You have about 1 hour to get ready and head to the studio. That trip would take about 20 minutes.”
You smiled when you saw him visibly relax.
“Sadly,” you say, “You aren’t getting breakfast from me since I couldn’t even move one inch from the bed,” you gesture to his arms on your waist.
You kissed his forehead again, trying to wipe off the guilty smile he had on his face.
“Happy birthday, Midoriya Izuku. Now, go get ready.”
He kissed the apples of your cheeks before pressing his forehead against yours.
“Thanks, love.”
The minute you heard the door close, you got out your phone and called your mother-in-law.
“Hi!” she answered cheerfully, “You ready to do this?”
You turned the voice call into a video call, then propped your phone behind the salt shaker.
“Hopefully…” you trail off as you put on your apron, “You don’t think I’ll burn anything or cause a fire, right?”
“If you’re anything like Izuku in terms of cooking, we’ll be fine.”
You weren’t.
Pancakes, waffles - you could handle that.
But meat? It definitely was not your forte.
Izuku’s the one who handled all the savoury dishes while you were the resident taste tester.
“Don’t worry - the very person who introduced him to the savoury dish is right here, showing you each step in detail. You won’t mess up that much,” you said to yourself as you brought out the ingredients.
You laid them out in front of her, allowing her to examine them thoroughly.
“First things first,” she said, moving to her couch, “You’re wearing your apron wrongly.”
You stared at the pan filled with onions, eggs and fried pork, feeling defeated.
You were supposed to move all of that into a small bowl of rice.
You were supposed to move a bunch of slippery onions doused in sauce, a steamed omelette that looked like it was going to break into two and a pork cutlet that you slaved over - all of that, into a small bowl of rice.
“Trust me, it’s pretty easy,” Inko said, trying to calm you down, “It just looks intimidating.”
“Intimidating is one way to explain it,” you said, staring at your hard work.
“Just do it, don’t worry - you have multiple backup pork cutlets if you mess up.”
“I know, but-”
“Just do it.”
You immediately placed the toppings into the bowl of rice without any spillage.
...or so you thought.
The whole thing spilt over the sides of the pan, missing the bowl of rice entirely.
“Try again, dear,” she said smiling, “No harm in trying again.”
After 5 tries, you managed to make two perfect bowls of fresh katsudon. The smell of the fried pork cutlets wafted through the air, making you smile at your hard work.
“It looks really good, dear,” she said, smiling, “He’ll love it.”
You smile at her cheerful gaze towards you.
“You sure you don’t want to come over? It’s just a fifteen-minute drive.”
“I appreciate you asking me,” she said, sighing, “But I think you two should spend the day together. I’m pretty sure you both haven’t spent much time together since your honeymoon.”
“You sure?” you ask once again.
“I’m very, very sure,” she says, chuckling, “Now go get ready.”
You placed your phone flat on the countertop and started to set the table. As soon as you finished, Izuku came into the house, a tired expression painted on his face.
“You okay?” You say as you walk towards him.
“How rude of them to make me work on my own birthday?” he chuckled softly.
He looked to the dining table and his eyes lit up.
“Did you made Katsudon?” he asked, the tired expression he once had leaving his face.
“Yeah, I did,” you say as you help him take off his jacket.
“However,” you place his hands on his chest, “You need to go bathe.”
“What’s with everyone bullying me today?” he huffed.
“Bullying or taking care of you?”
“Well, when you put it that way…” he trailed off.
“Just go bathe,” you say, chuckling as you push him towards your room.
“Oh no,” he said as you pushed him, “My feet can’t move.”
This grown kid.
“So I’m supposed to carry you bridal style now?” you joke.
“ I did it to you, didn’t I?” he whispers in your ear.
You felt blood rush to your cheeks the minute the sentence left his lips.
This man…
“Wow, my feet work now! I’ll go bathe,” he said as he kissed your cheek.
This man is too cute for his own good.
“This…” he said, mouth stuffed with food, “This is really good!”
You smile, looking at the green-haired male scarfing down the food you made. You loved the little sparkle he had in his eyes whenever he truly enjoyed something - and to your luck, it was the food you prepared for him.
“You seriously made this by yourself?” He asked with his eyebrow raised.
“You don’t see your mom here, do you?”
“You sure you didn’t order in?” He teased again.
You kicked his leg under the table, causing him to wince in pain.
“Oh, how you wound me,” he said, faking tears.
“Serves you right for making fun of me,” you huff.
He got off of his chair and headed to the sink to wash his bowl.
“Well, to be fair,” you add, “I did video call your mom so she could teach me.”
“So I was right, then,” he said as he places his bowl in the sink and turning to face you.
“She didn’t make it, though!”
“You said you made it all by yourself, but you got my mother’s help. Hence, you lied to me,” he put his arms on the countertop.
“I didn’t lie to you,” you say, laughing, “I really made it by myself.”
Izuku was already standing in front of you, cupping your face in his hands.
“You kicked me,” he stared at you, “You kicked a tired hero.”
“Heroes don’t tease others as much as you do,” you retort.
“What is my purpose in your life but to tease you?”
“A lot of things actually,” you say, smiling at him.
“Oh? Like what?”
“First of all,” you put your hand on his chest, “Where did this flirty Izuku come from?”
“Maybe,” he put his thumb on your lower lip, “He came because I am using my birthday privileges to be a little more flirty than usual.”
You stare at his green orbs. They glimmered even under his own shadow. Its golden flecks shined just for you and you alone. The creases of his eyes curved upwards, showing you how happy he was just to be in your presence. The wild forest he calls his hair had rogue strands that tickled your cheeks. You loved how soft they were - especially after him just washing it roughly an hour ago.
Your hand on his chest began to outline the scars he cultivated through his years under All Might’s wing and his hero training back in UA. You smiled as you remembered how strong-willed he was as a boy to become a hero, and now he was - standing on the very top.
“You okay?” he asked, worried.
“I was just thinking of how much you’ve grown from back then,” you look up to his face, meeting his eyes that were staring straight at you.
“For someone who took so many notes back then, you’re really dumb,” you both chuckle.
“How are you still bullying me?” he sighed.
“Endure it, Deku,” you joke, imitating Bakugou.
You close your eyes as you pressed your forehead against his, enjoying the small moment you’re sharing with the male in front of you.
“Happy birthday, Izuku.”
“Thank you, love.”
You both shared a kiss, both bellies and hearts full.
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
how do you manage to get such a high word count? i struggle to get 50 words a day and if I do get a whole chapter of my wip done,, then during the editing process I dissociate from my writing and am unable to form any attachment to it
my mentality is that the first draft does not have to be perfect! it is allowed to be messy and poorly written. what matters is just getting the words out. so long as the words are written, i can always go back and edit them later! it's much easier to edit words that are written than to try to come up with something perfect on the spot.
as for how i've managed to keep churning out words...i honestly don't know. i never used to be able to write like this! the last time i was able to write so frequently was when i was 17 in high school writing truthful scars, and even then i didnt update as frequently.
i think the secret is that i am genuinely just having so much fun. im loving the story im writing, it's entirely self-indulgent and enjoyable to create, so i think that's what's spurring me to have fun to create!
plus i get really excited over any comments i receive, so the idea that posting more chapters = more encouraging comments really makes me wanna keep going!
i wish you best of luck anon ♥ remember that any progress is good progress! even if you write only 50 words today, that's 50 more than you had yesterday!!!! :)
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kelieah · 4 years
going on dates with arvin russell
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request (summary): anon: I read one of your head cannons for Arvin the other day and loved it!! Could you do one with a drive-in movie theater where they get a little steamy or another one where they go dancing maybe the reader is shy about dancing and Arvin’s all sweet about it? I just love both date ideas and so much could happen! You don’t have to do either, I know it’s vague but I’m here for just about anything:)
anon: Hey Arvin x reader fluff just going on a date
word count: 1.7k
warnings: fluff fluff luff, lil bit of suggestive content
a/n: ugh the idea of going on a date w arvin fking russell during the 50s? yes pls,, and thank you sm doll! decided to do multiple dates bc yes. also yes i decided to make this a head canon bc im too lazy / busy to write out a whole ass fic, but this is still going to be a long ass head canon so ennnjooooyy i hope ehbejsf
main masterlist | arvin russell masterlist
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when you first met arvin you never thought of him as a romantic guy
but oh you were so wrong
so wrong
your first date with arvin was nothing what you’d expect to be
i mean
it’s not like you expected arvin to show up with two cans of beer and a carton of cigarettes 
but you didn’t expect him to go all out either
you remember your first date with that damn boy like it was yesterday
he showed up to your house with a bunch of flowers
you could tell he picked them out from the park or something
but it was the thought that counted and it warmed your heart
god what a sight he was
all doe-eyed
face still mean as hell though
and pretty too of course 
you liked to call him pretty boy and he called you stupid
his eyebrows were a bit furrowed and knitted together 
but the look in his eye and the small smile on his lips
enough to make any girl swoon
“hey,” he said briefly, pushing out the poor yet lovely flowers in his hands
some were fully bloomed, bright yet dull
some lopping over
some dead
even a little bit of dirt and roots hanging from the end
but you could tell he tried
he tied a bit of woven rope around it all to keep it together
before you could speak he interrupted 
“i– i know girls like flowers. but i couldn’t get you em fancy ones from the store cus. yanno. m’ sorry doll, but this is all i could get,” he held them out again and you gladly took them
“there’s no need to apologize, i love these arvin. thank you,” you smiled and leaned close towards him, kissing his cheek
his cheeks were instantly dusted with pink at your affectionate gesture
“y’ of course. my pleasure. well, uhm. if you’re ready, my car’s parked a bit down the road, cause you said your parents?” he trailed off, glancing behind you.
you nodded and giggled softly
“yea, they usually don’t like it when boys come over. but i don’t give a fuck,” you whispered the last part and sent him a wink
god he loved it when you cursed
he found it kinda hot he told you
he flushed and looked away, chuckling 
“well alright, do you want me to wait in my car?” he stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking back at you
“yep, i’ll be out ina jiffy,” you said, about to turn the other way and put the flowers in a vase
“wait,” he coughed while taking a step forward
“yeah, arvin?” you turned back towards him
“you look real pretty,” he complimented you
it was then your turn to blush
“why thank—” before you said anything he turned around and walked off to your car
you always found him such an interesting fella
you giggled to yourself and retreated back into your home
he first took you on a long drive
which honestly scared you a bit
“you sure you’re not taking me somewhere to kill me?” you muttered and looked around
nothing but trees and road was in sight 
“i think,” he replied blankly, one hand on the wheel while the other was on his thigh casually
you blushed at the sight
you weren’t sure why you found it attractive
but you sure did
“how reassuring,” you teased, catching a smirk beginning to curl at the end of his lips
he eventually found a spot and parked on to a hill, that looked over knockemstiff
the sun was setting and the town was dark
it looked absolutely beautiful
he got out of the car and soon opened your door, holding out his hand
you jokingly froze and looked at him suspiciously
“you sure y’ not gonna kill—”
before you could finish your sentence he pulled your arm towards him, holding you close
you let out a squeal and looked at him with a flushed expression
“no, i’d never. you hear me dumb one?” he cupped the side of your face
you blushed and nodded into his touch
“m’ only teasing. jeez.”
he chuckled and pulled you carefully toward the front of his car
“gimme a minute,” he walked off towards the back of his car
you smiled and leaned against his car, looking out at the stunning scenery in front of you
soon arvin came out with a picnic basket
he’d hear you before the both of you went on a date that you loved picnics
so of course, he had to take you on a picnic
it was so sweet
a basket full of sandwiches, pop, and some cheap snacks he managed to buy
with change, he scrounged all over his room, place, and car
the both of you shared your first kiss that night
“i’d genuinely never met a girl like you,” he murmured, looking down at you as lied across his lap
“well i sure as hell never met a boy like you,” you whispered and looked back up at him
you both leaned closer and closer towards each other’s faces
and then pure
your lips fit perfectly on his
his floppy hair that was surprisingly not hidden underneath a cap fell onto your face
he held your face so gently and you held onto his shirt like you were going to fall 
you both kissed the night away
he’d never put so much effort into dates before
most of his past dates were sexual, but he didn’t tell you that until later
the more dates you two had, the better they got
now this one date you took him on
you don’t know how you did it
but you managed to get the poor boy to go rollerskating with you
and lord
was it a great laugh for you
as soon as the two of you rolled out into the arena
arvin was wobbling all of the place
you had multiple fits of giggles and laugh
“how the hell!” he grunted and continuously slipped
eventually having to hold onto the railing
“honey, you just glide y’ feet,” you snickered and held his hand
“yeah no shit. it’s like m’ a goddamn baby again learning how to fucking walk,” he muttered frustratingly underneath his breath
“awe you poor poor baby,” you teased and squeezed his hand. “just watch me lover, look at me feet. move with me, ready?” 
he nodded and stared at you closely
you began to move your feet slowly, watching him as he watched you
“yes! see you’re getting there, slowly. yep. wow arvin, didn’t think ya had it in y—”
before you could even finish your praise
he let out a loud yelp while slipping, bringing you down in the process
you landed on his chest
he let out a grunt, holding you up before you could hurt yourself more
you both looked at each other in disbelief and burst out in laughter
it was moments like these where the both of you truly enjoyed each other’s presence
some dates were steamier than the other
the two of you were supposed to be watching the movie
while in his car and snacking
but of course y’all couldn’t keep your hands of each of other
his hand was already up your skirt 
caressing your skin
while your tongues pressed against each other
your hand tangled in his hair
you felt his finger brush against your lower area and you gasped in response
yeah you and arvin had made out before
but it’s never gotten farther than that
so lil touches like that surprised you
“oh m’ sorry baby doll. did you not like that?” he pulled his hand away immediately
he cupped your face with his other hand and looked at you with pure concern
you blushed and shook your head 
“no i liked it. i’m just scared, but you can continue. please?” you leaned into his touch
“okay, i got you,” he smirked slightly and pushed his hand back under your skirt
let’s just say
you saw fireworks for the first time that night
and not any typical fireworks
as the weeks went on
you and arvin were inseparable 
everyday was a date and the both of you couldn’t be happier
one day he really surprised you
he got you and him tickets to some dinner and dance
“ain’t no way, you, arvin russell got these,” you looked down at the tickets in your hand
“gee thanks darlin’, but yes. i did get these, for us,” he stuffed his hands in pockets and looked down at the ground sheepishly
you let out a loud squeal that scared the hell out of him
you jumped into his arms and crushed his bones while hugging him
he laughed softly and held you up, spinning you around
honestly, you thought the two of you would just go for the food
for some reason you didn’t think he’d like the dancing
but oh were you wrong
“c’ mon beautiful,” he begged and dragged your hand toward the dance floor
“i don’t know about dancing baby, you know me,” you whined and hesitantly followed
“oh yes i do know you y/n. and i know i got you tied around my finger. so you know damn well you’re going to dance with me right now,” he said lowly underneath his breath, leaning close toward your face
his hot breath fanning your skin and sending chills throughout your face
cocky motherfucker
you huffed and glared up at him, “yea i know, i know.”
“okay perfect, follow my lead gorgeous,” he placed his hands around your hips while he brought your arms to snake around his neck
“n-now what?” you said awkwardly, your body still a bit stiff
usually he’d hate to do this in such a crowd but since you were there with him
he felt like it was just you and him
all alone
that’s always how you made him felt 
like it was you and him against the world
“i got you. alright? just move with me, it’s just you and me. don’t focus on nobody but us,” he murmured softly and began to sway
you smiled timidly and swayed along with him
you kept your eyes on your shoes, afraid to step on him
“don’t worry about that, just look at me angel,” he reassured
you sighed and looked back up at him, “mk. since when did you dance?”
“mama taught me when i was a kid, she’d dance with me,” he confessed sheepishly
your eyes softened 
“i love you,” you nuzzled your nose against his
his heart hammered in his chest at those three goddamn words
“shit,” he mumbled as his cheeks burned red
“w- what?” you said a bit panicked, about to pull back
he pulled your body closer and embraced you while pressing his lips against yours
you complied and kissed him back, smiling against his lips
he moved back and placed his forehead against yours, “i love you a lot more, flower.”
and right then and there
you just knew you were the luckiest girl in the world
to be able to be with someone like him
to be able to go on dates like these with arvin russell
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slowpoke-fics · 3 years
The Good Doctor
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Negan x Reader
Summary: You're the doctor in Alexandria and Negan comes on a supply trip, taking something that doesn't belong to him
Warnings: depression, death, mentions of off self, gets a little triggering, I know I'm missing some, Negan is off character, nothing is exactly right in this, it's writing for writings sake
A/N: This is my first fic in years please forgive me for mistakes, it's just me in this operation, probably gonna be a whole series, here is part two!
May 20th
Negan's trucks roll into Alexandria again, loudly pushing past the gate and up to the medical center. Your insides start to rumble at the nervousness you have to see the ruthless man who knows no bounds. You reluctantly step outside and wait for him at your door, not doing well at hiding your displeasure of the loss of supplies.
When Negan and his men get out of their loading trucks, Negan shoots you his oh so dangerous smile before directing his men to their collections, keeping two of his men with him, he finally approaches you. "Well good fuckin' morning Dr. Y/L/N," he holds the door open for you, "after you, doll."
You moved past him, smiling at him, and walked to the stockpile of medication you had collected yourself helping Daryl on runs. "Please, only take what you are owed." Negan's men glared at you viciously, "We will take whatever we damn well please." Negan turned to face his men, "Now, we have a peaceful agreement here with the nice fuckin' doctor, get the supplies n lets go." You smiled at him, "Thank you for keeping your end of the bargain." Negan nodded, "I may be a fuckin' prick, but I am a man of my fuckin' word, ain't that all that fuckin' matters nowadays?" You nodded, waiting in silence for the men to complete their tasks.
After the men went through the supplies that laid before them, they pulled Negan to the side, obviously keeping their conversation private, one of them turning to you and flashing you a gut wrenching smile, you leaned on the gurney, waiting for the problem. Negan turned to you, scratching his chin, laughing lightly, "See doc, my men seem to really think that you've tried to short us this week," your eyes went wide, remembering what happened to the last person that tried to short Negan and his group, "I know you wouldn't fuckin' do that so can you just clear this shit up for us."
Scanning over the pages in front of you, "No," you cleared your throat, "I'm not short, its all documented here," you handed Negan the clipboard. As he scans over it, looking at your logs for every pill that comes in and out of this faux medical center, every date and name, the two men he placed with him rips your bag from your shoulders, dumping it out on the table, displaying the contents. Negan glances up, taking in the items on the table; a knife, a ripped up pack of spearmint bubble gum, a few pens, a small first aid kit, a few hair ties, stray items and a small leather bound notebook.
Negan slams the clipboard down, smiling at you, "I'll be damned she's fuckin' right boys, pack it up, it's all in the goddamned charts." You let out a breath of relief, a little worried to be Negan's next lesson. One of the men came close to you, pushing you backwards toward the gurney, "Don't test me bitch," backing away while still staring at you, he picked up your knife and waved it at you, "mine now, doll." The nickname reverberated evil inside you, at least when Negan did it, it felt at least flattering, but this man dripped poison from his words. At that though, Negan perked up, "Come on, shithead we've got things to do." You panicked, "No!" They all turned to you, "You cannot have my fucking knife," you backed up a little when the man stared you down, "please, it means a lot to me." The man started to say something, obviously furious you would even try ordering him, but Negan stopped him, taking the knife and handing it to you. The man he took the knife from grumbled and picked up your pack of gum, "Fuck you, keep your knife bitch, I'll take something sweet." Flashing you his smile, Negan was gone.
As you watched his trucks leave Alexandria, you finally returned to your work, cleaning up the mess his hooligans had made. Straightening the bottles, subtracting inventory, picking up your bag and sighing at the small amount of happiness you had as you realized that was the last pack of gum that you could find in a 50 mile radius. As you were putting away everything on the table, you started to move frantically looking for your notebook, under the table, around the table, even been looking all over the room. You couldn't find it. Your coping mechanism for the world moving at a pace that you just couldn't handle. A sense of dread washed over you as you realized, Negan.
He just couldn't help himself, just has to know what makes the good doctor fuckin' tick. Now, he just happens to have an all access pass to your thoughts in the zombie apocalypse. Humming to himself and relaxing into his seat, he peeled the book back at the marker for your most recent entry, picked a random nearby page and began reading.
April 23rd
celebrating yet another round of people. at some point I hit my limit, just can't keep meeting and greeting. feels pointless, I never see half of them, and when I do they normally die in my clinic. is this what it's become? death after death? mercy after mercy?
April 30th
every time someone dies in my clinic and I slide a knife through their skull it just reminds me this is how it will end for us all. we'll all just be the walking dead in the end. when's my turn? when do I get to finally stop running this rat race and throw in my damn towel? everyone else gets to say goodbye seems fair
Goddamn, Negan thought to himself, there's an entry here for every fuckin' day. He readjusted, taking in where they were at and how long he had to read for now, planning to figure out how you worked. No shame in wanting the pretty doctor.
May 4th
so fucking stupid, absolutely incompetent, couldn't even find antibiotics. couldn't find any gauze or even disinfectant. what a waste of gas, we're beginning to pick clean every building, car and trash can in a 50 mile radius. how long do we have left with the saviors breathing down our neck
May 12th
found some supplies, couldn't find enough, not enough, people treat the medicine like it's never ending but I just can't keep up there's nothing left, there has to be something that I can do, has to be something out there for me to find, it can't just be all gone, I'm not thinking of something, there is something out there I just have to be fucking smart enough to find it
May 15th
risk is worth the reward, I finally found some more antibiotics, and hit the fucking jackpot, found some chewing gum, melted Twix for Judith, and a knife for henry after I lost his in that horde, indescribable emotion when I had that first piece of gum that reminded me of how it used to be, when I was surrounded by support and family, gotta make it last
May 16th
henry was carried in by rick and daryl. henry was conscious, talking, don't let me turn, he begged. rick said he fell from a third story window. daryl grabbed alcohol and gauze, rick grabbed the stitch kit while I cut open henrys shirt, glass, at least two dozen pieces, please be manageable. I grabbed the tweezers and pour alcohol on henry's chest, his screams. half an hour in, he's seizing, rick grab buccal midazolam, place it in his mouth, hold him still until it stops, wait for a beat, no beat, cpr, one hundred twenty seconds in, can't let him turn, wait for beat, no beat, knife.
had to be something more.
henry was carried in by rick and daryl. henry was conscious, talking, don't let me turn, he begged. rick said he fell from a third story window. daryl grabbed alcohol and gauze, rick grabbed the stitch kit while I cut open henrys shirt, glass, at least two dozen pieces, please be manageable. I grabbed the tweezers and pour alcohol on henry's chest, his screams. half an hour in, he's seizing, rick grab buccal midazolam, place it in his mouth, hold him still until it stops, wait for a beat, no beat, cpr, one hundred twenty seconds in, can't let him turn, wait for beat, no beat, knife.
Negan shifted uncomfortably, this went on for at least ten pages, questioning every move you made, reliving putting down a good friend of yours, is this how you mourn?
May 17th
This is it. surrounded by death, my turn.
Fuckin' christ, Negan thought, now realizing that the good doctor is too fuckin' hard on herself. Realizing that you had your own horrible demons, and that this world is starting to get to you.
May 19th
Guess not.
Negan felt horrible for taking this, he felt like he had taken a piece of you, just trying to figure out which buttons to press to make you want him like everyone else, he definitely didn't expect this. He had to give it back, had to find a way to make it better, and he just might have a plan.
May 21st
You woke up feeling empty, just going through the motions, getting dressed, brushing out your hair, brush your teeth, quarter of a piece of gum- no. Walk to the clinic, not hungry today. You sat in your chair, clipboard on lap, staring at the door, waiting for your next victim to come through. After about two hours, you hear a few bikes pull into the gate and getting closer. Taking a peak out the window, you see Negan at your clinic doors with a relatively large backpack on, and the same two men he had with him yesterday, and an extra woman who you had never seen before.
Negan walked into your clinic, the woman standing at the door but not stepping in, and you couldn't do anything but get your knife out. "What the fuck are you doing back here?" You pointed the knife at him, not going to let him take anymore of your hard earned supplies. "You raided yesterday and stole from me! The kind of nerve a selfish prick like you-" Negan pulled out your book and an unopened pack of spearmint gum. You lowered your knife, looking at him like a confused puppy, and then jerked the book out of his hand, leaving the gum. "It's a fuckin' peace offering, doll," Negan held out the gum, but you didn't take it, just stared at him. "I don't want it, you don't get to take all of our lessening supplies and steal from me after I've been nothing but honest trying to keep our deal for no violence and then just come offering a pack of gum your henchmen stole from me! I worked for that! I worked for all of this! I was good to your men! I was good to you, Negan!" You started tearing up and turned away from him, mindlessly putting your journal back in your bag, sighing in great relief that it was returned to you.
"Doll, I didn't fuckin' mean to upset you, I didn't fuckin' know what it was-" Negan stepped closer, setting the bag he carried on your table, "it's not the only peace offering, I've got two more." He sat the gum next to the pack and took your place in the chair, spinning around. You emptied the pack, meds, gauze, a Twix bar, and a few cases of extra supplies. You immediately turned to him, eyebrows raised, "What's the fucking catch? Nobody gets anything from you without a catch." Negan smiled, scratching through his beard, that trouble causing smile, "You gotta come back with me." You scoffed, gawked at that. "Are you serious? You want me to come back with you, with the saviors? Why? That's not even possible, I-I'm needed here, I'm the only one whose been studying the medical books, only one that can tell their ass from their end, that's just stupid-" Negan stands and points to the woman at your door. "Cue the next fuckin' offering, Amelia. She knows what she's fuckin' doing, she's a good one and fuckin' despises my fine ass, so I know that your fuckin' people are in good hands. You only gotta come for a week, just a fuckin' week."
You sighed, not sure what to do, but only had seconds to figure it out, "Okay," you moved closer to him, "on two conditions." Negan smiled, turned on by your big balls of courage to demand something from the man who mercilessly beat the shit out of people with a barbed wire bat. "I have today to train her on how to keep things in order while I'm gone, and next week, you leave Alexandria alone, and no taking extra in two weeks, we get to keep our extra supplies for next week." Negan scoffed, unbelievable that you'd demand that, he's gotta run his own group, "Are you fuckin' joking sweetheart?" You laughed, packing up the supplies and giving the bag of supplies back to him, "No, I am not," you pulled back and crossed your arms, "so how bad do you want me, Negan?"
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realcube · 3 years
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rq; could you possibly write a one shot about the reader having AD(H)D and has a really hard time focusing on core academics (math, science, english, history) because they feel scared about stimming and/or fidgeting in front of people and so they ask tamaki for help?
tw; very mild angst, fluff, stimming, i use the word ‘embrassing’ too much, swearing
words; 2.7k
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it only took a moment of skimming over your latest progress report for you to understand the situation.
you continued to thrive in practical subjects like physical education, graphic design and manufacturing — the three main reasons you managed to secure your spot in the support course — but your core subjects seemed to be lacking.
for the last two years, you managed to score flying colours in all your subjects. but now, it was starting to appear as though your golden era was coming to a close. what was once a report with only scores greater than 90%, was now a range of totals anywhere from 90 to 50%.
this meant you were still passing all of your classes but these grades were only indications of how you were doing now; you knew that if you continued to struggle in all of your core courses, you might not finish your third year of UA highschool.
you simply wouldn't allow for your grades to decline further, so like any good student would, you made a list of ways you could improve.
number one was, of course, study more. however, you were almost certain that discipline and diligence aren't the causes of the issue.
number two was to ask for help from your teacher and although this was a completely valid option, you still felt like the problem ran deeper than your ability to comprehend the material. after all, you had made it this far without having to do so.
before you could even ponder number three, your pen ran out of ink. with a huff, you reach out to grab a new one from your pencil case, until you noticed that in the spot where your pencil case usually sits on your desk, there was nothing.
it was as though the void had caused all your memories of yesterday to come crashing down on you in an instant; it was almost nauseating. yet it, ironically, provided some clarity as to the location of your stationary.
two days ago, after school, you paid a visit to tamaki's house to deliver the gear he had commissioned. however, what was initially meant to be a casual interaction, somehow turned into a game of pictionary (with mirio and nejire there too, of course), for which you needed to bring your pencil case out of your bag. amidst your awkward goodbyes, you must've forgotten to put it back into your bag, hence your pencil case is probably lying dejected on tamaki's coffee table.
this left you with no choice but to throw on your jacket and begin your journey to tamaki's house. fortunately, he only lived a bus ride away from your home, yet you still mentally rebuked yourself for the whole length of aforementioned bus ride due to the fact that every time you would interact with tamaki, it felt like you were digging a deeper grave for yourself.
partially because you always found yourself oversharing with him — not that it was a one-sided ordeal — and you couldn't begin to explain why; he kinda just had a comforting aura about him. albeit you haven’t said anything embarrassing yet but the possibility of that happening was way too large. plus taking into consideration your complicated feelings for each other, leaving your pencil case at his house was a disaster waiting to occur.
or perhaps you were overthinking it. either way, you were now standing in front of his door with your school uniform and backpack on during a saturday afternoon because you had no idea what else to wear.
after ringing the doorbell, you stood as a patient statue in the cold until tamaki reluctantly opened the door and only poked his head out. “hello?”
emphasis on ‘only’, because he was truly committed to not allowing you to see him in his casual-wear, for some reason. a part of him reasoned that there was no way you would expect him to be wearing his school uniform on a saturday, but the majority of his brain was screaming about how he had to hide his clothes from you at all costs. especially since he was wearing socks, comfy trackpants and — most shamefully — a sweater with a small octopus design on it. and what would you think of him if you saw that his choice in loungewear was so childish?! it would be utterly humiliating.
completely unaware that tamaki was having a crisis behind the door, you pulled your most authentic smile and said the line you had been rehearing on the bus, “hi, tamaki. sorry for coming unannounced, but i think i left my pencil case on your coffee table when we were playing pictionary with mirio and nejire.”
“oh.” tamaki was almost too panicked to process what you just said but once he did, he immediately recalled the moment he noticed that you had left behind your pencil case. at the time, he planned on calling you to ask if he could drop it off at your house, but his nerves got the better of him and he decided to keep procrastinating the call until he completely forgot.
though, if he remembered correctly, the pencil case should be lying on his desk after he moved it there in hopes that the convenient location would remind him to return it; which it evidently did not.
“yeah. uh, i’ve got it. i’ll just go get it.” his face tingled with warmth slightly as he retracted it from the doorway, resulting in him finally realising how cold it is outside. in fact, since the eaves of his house shielded you for the climate, he didn’t even notice that it was snowing!
the polite bone in him got to work before the rest of him could react, as he blurted out, “come in, make yourself at home.”
fuck! i mean, it’s not that he doesn’t want you in his house — quite the opposite actually — but rather now he had to dart off to his bedroom before you could catch a glimpse of his sweater. but at least now this gave him an opportunity to change into something less embarrassing.
closing the door behind you, you were now left alone in tamaki’s living room. your eyes followed his figure as he dashed towards his bedroom, “odd.” you murmured to yourself. you weren’t exactly tamaki’s BFF but you were close enough to him that you could tell when he was acting weird.
but you didn’t think to much of it. actually, you were slightly grateful for this weird spike in tamaki’s behaviour because if he doesn’t want you around, that just means you are less likely to overshare and catch feelings, which means better outcomes in the long run, right?
after changing into a plain blue sweater and collecting your pencil case, tamaki strolled into the living room and handed it to you with a weak smile, “here you go.” he almost whispered, patiently waiting for your response so he could mentally prepare himself for goodbyes or another hour (or so) of conversation.
“thank you!” you basically squealed, pulling off your bag to stuff your pencil case back inside. while adjusting the straps on your shoulders, you took a moment to appreciate tamaki’s familiar attire, “oh, i love your sweater; i have a similar one with a cute little octopus on it.”
tamaki concluded that neither of you would be saying goodbye for a long while.
“thank you.” he responded with a soft smile, folding his arms over his chest as he made his way towards the kitchen, “um, so how are you?” he inquired, assuming that it was a pretty harmless question that would simply help get the conversation off the ground while he prepared tea.
“i’m good. but i don’t think i can say the same for my progress report.” you said with an awkward chuckle, standing aside as you watched tamaki put the kettle on. “and how are y--”
“what do you mean?” tamaki asked, disregarding the fact that he didn’t answer the question himself. although, simply put, this was because he found that conversation came more naturally to him when he was with you; or perhaps that is a slight overstatement. he tended to be more curious and inquisitive when talking to you and it wasn’t hard to tell.
until now you and mirio simply brushed it off as tamaki’s interest towards the support course, since you were the one who manufactured most of his gear. yet nejire always teased him as she believed that tamaki’s interest was caused by a different sort of passion.
nevertheless, regardless of tamaki’s motives, you still found yourself consistently answering his questions, “eh, well, i’ve just not been performing as well as i hoped.” you replied plainly with a shrug.
“is that all?”
no matter how many questions he asked, each one still managed to catch you off-guard. “um,” your throat ran dry, which might’ve been a sign from a deity to stop talking, but your swallowing was your way of proving that you did not care. although you will probably regret it later, talking with tamaki always relieved you.
“well,” you started, the lump in your throat growing by the second, “i guess i have a bit of trouble focussing in some classes too. but i mean, maybe it is because i drink too much caffeine? i’m not even sure to be honest.” that was lie, you were  90% sure of what the problem was, but you wanted to hear tamaki’s response before you proceeded, to determine whether he’d be open-minded about it.
“there is no such thing as too much caffeine.” he joked, handing you a cup of tea while he sipped on his own. “so it’s probably something else.”
he’s too good. it’s as if he knew you were withholding information.
“well,” you began once more, trying your best to appear clueless, “i guess moving helps me focus, but no once else in the class does it so wouldn’t it be embarrassing if i was the only one?”
“i don’t think it would be embarrassing at all.” he spoke softly, leading you back into the living room and offer you a seat on the couch beside him, which you graciously accepted. “but if you think it is, then i have something to help.”
before you could say anything, tamaki got up and headed towards his bedroom; leaving you to drink his heavenly tea while he searched. though, only a few minutes passed before you felt his arms slither over your shoulders to hook two clips together by your neck.
“there.” he said with a proud smile, “this is one of my cloaks that i use in my hero costume. you can tie it together so it covers the whole front half of your body.”
observing your reflection in the blackened TV, you smiled upon seeing for your own eyes that everything he said was true. it was like wearing a cape that goes around your whole body, and it had a nice hood! “wow, this is so adorable!” you cheered, then paused, “but how is it going to help me focus?”
“well, you can do whatever you want underneath it and no one will notice.”
ignoring the shady implications of that sentence, you moved your hand around underneath the cloak and he was right! no one would see you fidgeting underneath the cloak, and hopefully the professor’s voice would cover any sounds you made. plus, it looked pretty badass.
“this might work! are cloaks included in dress-code?” you joked, but you weren’t laughing for long as you turned to look at tamaki who was wearing an upset expression with his head hung low, “no.”
“oh.” you sighed, unclipping the cloak and handing it back to tamaki with a slight smile, “it’s fine. thank you for your help, and the tea. it was delicious, but i’ll probably have to start cutting back on the caffeine.” you gave it a chef’s kiss yet he didn’t even chuckle like he usually does. it was almost scary how your true emotions reflected onto him, as it seemed like the whole atmosphere had changed.
“(y/n).” tamaki uttered with a much more serious tone; eyes filled with determination yet trained onto the cloak in his hands. “you shouldn’t be embarrassed-- or at least, I, um, don’t think you should be.”
your eyes widened at how sternly he said the first part; granted, he became flustered when it came to the second part, but it really showed you how firmly he stood by what he was saying. you nodded for him to continue as he looked like he still had a lot on his mind.
“it’s unfair that you have trouble focussing because of what other people think. so my two cents is that you should do whatever you need to do, and, um, not care about other people... well, i mean, you should care about them, but just not what they think about you. because like, you can’t really control that--”
he found himself having to abruptly shut his mouth to stop himself from prattling on any further. especially since most of what he was saying was probably none sense that he mistook for inspirational, or at least that is what he gathered from the shocked look you wore; it was ironic how humiliated he was.
“that’s nice to hear.” you hummed, a kind smile gracing your features in place of the previous stunned expression, “though it’s hard to believe coming from someone as cool as you, tamaki.”
“yeah.” you chuckled, rolling your eyes at his baffled look which he must have been faking. surely he knows how highly thought of and respected he is throughout the whole school. he is in the big three, for fucks’ sake! “there is probably a better word to describe it, but you are one of the most badass people i know.”
“badass?” it was as if all he was capable of doing was repeating these words to you with an innocent yet confused gaze.
“yes!” you enthused, “so, is there anything you even have to be embarrassed about?”
“i do!” he almost whined, and without thinking, he stormed to his bedroom only to grab the sweater he cast aside earlier to show it to you, “look! an octopus sweater, isn’t this embarrassing?”
you deadpanned, unsure as to whether he was joking or not. “stimming is very different from a octopus sweater but go on.” however after a few moments of actually analysing the design on the article of clothing, you exclaimed, “oi, i have that exact same sweater! how is a cute little octopus embarrassing? plus, it would be extra cute on you because you have tentacles.”
in a moment of frustration and wanting to prove a point, he threw the sweater aside and began to sheepishly grab at the ends of his sleeves, “well, you know what’s even more embarrassing? having a crush on someone for three whole years and not having the balls to ask them out! and on top of that, being to nervous to return my crush’s stuff after you left it at my house.”
you weren’t sure if he meant to switch out ‘my crush’ with ‘you’ on purpose or if he was just confused. either way, you found yourself leaning in to wrap the poor boy in an overdue embrace, smiling against his chest as he hugged back. “that was..” you faltered, allowing tamaki to interject with “mortifying” but you were quick to correct him, “i think that was a very unique way to confess, and i'm just glad you did.”
your chuckle that followed was left to echo around the room as tamaki stood still and silent, simply enjoying the comfort in your arms as feeling the pleasure of time escape him. until eventually he whispered close to your ear, “so since i know more about embarrassment than you thought, will you take my advice now?”
you snickered, gently tracing shapes onto his back, “i was going to take your advice either way because if i don’t get good grades and remain in the support course, how will i graduate with you?”
“good point.” he hummed, not-so silently enjoying the relaxing sensations near his spine, “but we are not wearing matching octopus hats.”
how did manage to shoot down your idea before you even proposed it?
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scribblingfangirl · 4 years
WRITTEN WORDS & WHISPERED WISHES | Julie and The Phantoms - Luke Patterson
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Author’s Note: I wrote this fic for an old fandom of mine and thought I could re-write/re-use it to finally get started on my JaTP bingo card (because my creativity and originality are nowhere to be found) - I hope you enjoy, yet I’m still sorry in advance? (song’s Poet by Bastille but slightly adapted by me)
word count: 1.9k
prompt: ‘Song Fic’ on my @jatpbingo​ bingo card
summary: It took several sleepless nights, days of throwing up and feeling bad and the pressure of cuddling with Luke to finally discover that you were pregnant. 
warnings: teen pregnancy, character death, a very hastly scribbeled down fic idea (this was not beta read (or read over in general) so typos, inconsistent grammar and other faboulous little annoyances (if anyone loves to read my fanfics and would like to volunteer as my beta reader I’ll kiss your feet))
It had been a few weeks since you, well... since you had seen another room rather than your classrooms and your own four walls. You even missed your kitchen and living room. But especially, you missed the boys' studio. 
Today, however, has been a good day. You had managed to eat properly without feeling sick and were starting to catch up on some shortly due essays, papers and homework assignments, so you wouldn’t need to do them when feeling utterly sick again. 
Luke had come to visit you (or tried to) a few times, needing to use his charm at your door, as you told your parents that you didn’t want him to see you. Your hair was a mess and unkempt, it pained you to stand for a long period of time (so you reduced the times you washed it to a minimum), your eyes had dark circles under them and you were exhausted even if you didn’t do anything the whole day long.
“I brought you food. I know that your fridge only knows like three meals”, he had said once quietly, putting the tray with the steaming meal on your bed, gesturing for you to move a little, so he could sit beside you.
“You mean to say that I and/or my parents only know three meals”, you had coughed laughing and refused to move. You didn’t want him to get sick too. 
“No don’t,” you had muttered when he started to push you to the side, “I think I might have a bad bug and Sunset Curve can’t function without its lead vocalist and guitarist. And I can’t eat anyway.”
He had looked at you, confused and concerned. “Still? Alex told me you were able to keep your breakfast in, and I thought that meant you were on your way of improvement.”
“Some illnesses take longer to go away. I just didn’t want you to check on me because things like a normal cold or a little stomach bug can pass without unnecessary medications even if it takes longer.”
That had been two weeks ago. But today, when you were finally looking presentable again and were even able to open the door yourself, it wasn’t Luke that was visiting you.
“Oh… it’s you guys.”
“Geez, thanks Y/N. No need to kill us with all this kindness,” Reggie said laughing and sniffed, “Uh! Smells amazing. Pizza?” Without any hesitation or warning, he entered your house and vanished into the kitchen. 
“Pizza? Wow, you must really be feeling better. I remember you throwing up on me a week ago when I tried to feed you chicken soup,” Alex smiled, hands in his pockets and not moving until you invited him in. 
“Oh no,” hiding your face in your hands after you closed the door behind you both and groaned. “I’m so sorry about that. Again. Tell me how much the cleaning bill was and I-”
“Chill Y/N, relax. You’ve seen me at my worst and now I’ve seen you at your worst. Sure, I was still way more elegant and not as weak as you, but you just gave me a reason to finally get rid of those shoes.”
“No Alex! You loved those sneakers!” you said horrified.
“Just kidding. Give me 50 bucks and we’re even. Or, you know, better yet, come back to the studio and help us get rid of an overly clingy Luke. Now that you’re better, pleeeease, give him some cuddles!”
You giggled. “You know you have two perfectly fine arms to hug him with as well, right?”
“Yeah!” He said, raising his voice. “But not ALL the time. And I want to be appreciated for myself once too! Not just because I am the only one available to give hugs as an ‘emergency solution’!”
“You make it sound like you actually let us hug you dude, don’t lie,” Reggie muttered through a mouthful of Pizza, throwing himself on your couch.
Throwing Reggie a stink eye Alex turned to you again. “Anyway… You and I will go to the studio now. Yeah?”
“Well”, you stocked, not sure if you could talk to them about it. You had hoped for a few more days to think it over. “You know… It might actually not have been a bad bug, but rather a big bug that I caught.”  
At their confused faces, you sighed. “I’m a few days, or even weeks... late”, you mumbled the last part so quietly, you weren’t even sure if they had heard you (if they even knew what you meant).
You were definitely not expecting Reggie to be the one to answer. “Do you want me to drive you to the hospital or do you just want a pregnancy test first?”
You didn’t know who of them had told Luke, or when, but after a few minutes of waiting in the hospital’s waiting room he came barreling in, beanie askew on his head and guitar case on his back. His searching eyes found yours in a haze and you could basically hear the question in his gaze ‘Are you?’. Silently you shook your head, averting your eyes. 
Alex offered him his place beside you and Luke grabbed your hand while you waited. A few moments later your name was called and the nurse brought you and Luke to an empty room and told you to wait again. She came back a few minutes later and Luke moved to the side of the bed and held your hand again.
You didn’t feel the cold gel on your belly. Didn’t feel the way Luke was almost crushing your hand in his. Didn’t hear the words the nurse said. You only heard the faint heartbeat of your baby. You were pregnant. 
Luke was beaming, looking at the screen where you could see the ultrasound of your baby, but he also looked at you with a little bit of fear in his eyes. 
I can't say the words out loud So in a rhyme, I wrote you down Now you'll live through the ages I can feel your pulse in the pages
Even though you were only in your eighth week and not really showing yet, Luke wouldn’t allow you to wear anything else than his oversized hoodies, sweaters, pullovers and flannels (the ones that still had sleeves. And okay, fair enough, it might also have been because he absolutely loved to see you in his clothes.)
He was like an eagle watching over you, flying down as soon as you were doing or were going to do something he didn’t approve of. He even almost convinced his and your parents to move into your room so he could reach you faster in case of an emergency. (It was a clear no from both parents and he even got grounded for that idea - though later on, you learned from Alex that it was because he had said ‘Why not? It’s not like I can impregnate her again!’)
Of course, your parents weren’t happy about the situation, but they weren’t about to throw you out on the street. They both loved you and Luke (after all, they did fall for his charms one to many times), but they never really spoke the words out loud, never really talked about the fact that you two were going to be parents, a family at such a young age.
And Luke and you? While he was acting like an overprotective husband you both weren’t really talking about it either. You both were terrified about the fact that you were going to raise a child while Sunset Curve was trying to make it big, while you were still in High School and it still seemed more like a dream to you both, a dream from which neither of you wanted to wake up and face reality.
That’s why you started to write the letters. Or in Luke’s case - lyrics. Letters to future you’s, letters to your unborn child telling them about your adventures, your experiences and feelings. It was a way to tell yourself all the reasons why it was okay that you were going to be having sleepless nights filled with the cries of a baby, telling you that it was all going to be worth it.
And for the first time, while writing those letters and lyrics, it was as if both you could feel your baby.
Your body lies upon the sheets Of paper in words so sweet I can't say the words So I wrote you into my verse Now you'll live through the ages I can feel your pulse in the pages
Time went by fast. You remembered the first time you felt the little kick very well, as if it was yesterday, but at that time you still could somewhat see your feet and now you couldn’t even stand up anymore without somebody’s help.
School was weird, but you had the boys to help you through it.
You started to draw little babies beside your letters, trying to imagine the different looks it could have. Would it have your hair or Luke’s? His eyes and your nose? Your eyes and his smile? 
And then you started to write your letters and lyrics around the baby, making it look like it was cradled by your warm words, hoping that whenever you wouldn’t be able to hold your child, it would be able to read your letters and feel the love, because you surely did. 
How could you have known that in just a few weeks these lyrics would be the only words your child would ever ‘hear’ from their father?
I have read you with these eyes I've read you with these eyes I have held you in these hands
You had never seen your parents looking so fragile and broken like the night they came into your room to tell you the boys died. 
And then, the next thing you knew was that your son was born. The doctors and nurses said that it was the stress, the emotional overload of being told that your friends, your loves, the father of your child died that caused your water to break.
That’s why it was Bobby and not Luke that was by your side that night and held your hand. It was Bobby, the normally strong and grumpy teenager, that was smiling like a little kid that just got told it would get to eat as much candy as it wanted. 
His eyes were glistening with tears as the nurse handed him the little bundle of joy and he started to sway him - Luke - slowly back and forth, knowing that you were too tired to hold him at the moment. 
“He is beautiful”, you murmured as he took a seat beside you, his gaze still fixed on his nephew, because obviously, he would be Uncle Bobby (though not for a very long time), “Just like his father.”
You didn’t hear Bobby’s answer as you fell asleep and dreamed of Luke, tucking you in and kissing your forehead before he dedicated himself entirely to the new tiny human in his arms, singing a sweet lullaby. 
“We have written you down. Now you will live forever and all the world will hear you and you will live forever. In eyes not yet created, on tongues that are not born, in ears not yet listening. I have written you down, now you will live forever and Sunset Curve will sing about you.”
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
Hey, I love your work alot you're an incredibly skilled writer and always look forward to seeing your notification pop up! Is it ok if I request Adrien pinning a male reader down while they're alone?
A Adrien solo headcanon? How fun, boo!
Sure thing.
Sorry boo, even if I really liked your idea I've been having a lot of headaches (sorry if it's tmi, but: Periods fuckin sucks-).
I hope you don't mind if I redo your ask another time, probably a better one shot than- Whatever the hell I was thinking when writing this XD
TW/Tags: bullying but like- That's no surprise lol- // mentions of past encounters // perhaps mutual simping? // short hc, sorry about that boo ;-; // Terrible quality for an headcanon
Sorry I don't have a title- [Yandere!Bully OC (Adrien) x M!Reader - Headcanon]:
You have been running around this place for quite some time now, Amaryllis Academy is quite big after all.
You suspected that someone like him would not have enough stamina to continue pursuing you like this. And the truth is that he didn't have enough of an athletic build to hold it for so long, he just changed his strategy.
You also weren't necessarily interested in exercising everyday, you could say that maybe you two have the same amount of stamina, the difference being that you decided to waste it all while trying to run from him- And he decided to plan a way to corner you.
No one can blame you for falling so easily to that, but let's be honest- You should have seen this coming the moment he stopped chasing you and started coming forward very calmly.
"Why didn't I stop running as well?" You thought out loud now that you find yourself in a no ways out situation, great, just great.
You were choking on your own air- Completely out of breath having a hard time bringing more oxygen to your lungs. You take a look back and notice who was walking in- Wow, how surprising.
"- Ugh, come on-" you were not really pissed off, or surprised, or even scared anymore, you were just tired of having to run from this guy. One would think that someone like him isn't capable of hurting a single fly, but those who doubted him would end up having a big wake up call- Just like you did.
Do you remember now? It was in a similar situation like this- You were cornered, out of breath, your legs were giving up and couldn't even fight anymore. The only difference from that moment to now was that there wasn't anyone else here, except you two.
No audience this time, this was the backstage and you two were the actors getting their costumes out. At least that's how he saw it, to you it was just like any other time he would bully you. How wrong were you to think that.
He didn't make any attempts at running at you, and as you tried to help yourself on the walls beside you, he clapped at your latest performance.
"- Bravo, Are you happy with yourself now? That you managed to make a fool out of yourself?" His voice wasn't as bored as he usually was, it sounded filled with sarcasm with a hint of true anger in it.
Despite that, you weren't sure what he was talking about. I mean- You know what happened, but you can't recall a single moment where you have made him so pissed off.
"- You tried your hardest to get me to this point, and congratulations- You did it-" Adrien was holding himself from lashing out as much he could, he was feeling humiliated and the fact you're so unaware as to way makes him want to choke you. Put his arms around your neck and force you to at least look at him when he is talking with you.
You tried to remember what could have possibly made him so desperate to get back at you, and as you do, you can feel your blood pulsating inside your skull- You can recall one incident that happened yesterday.
Yesterday, you were avoiding Adrien as best as you could, while also trying to make new friends that could help you get away from him for a bit longer. You started talking with a shy girl in your class, you thought that it would be easier to get to know someone who is mostly alone all the time then going straight to the popular crowd- Who would absolutely dismiss you or even do worse things considering Adrien's influence over them.
You started talking to a girl you thought to be an outcast just like yourself, maybe you two could have been friends- But that didn't last too long after you realized exactly why she would be so distant from other people, apparently she was one of those who were… A little too into other people's relationships, more specifically your relationship with Adrien.
She only started talking with you because of how much time you spent with Adrien, how suspicious it is for someone like him to be so clingy towards you. Her endless nagging was horrible but even worse was how she had planted the idea in her head that you two have been dating or something- You tried arguing that Adrien has done nothing but bullying you and distancing yourself from others, but she couldn't really listen to you, or even care enough to try.
You were heavily reconsidering your options, after all it didn't seem like you two would really work out together- But before you considered ditching her, Adrien had confronted you about walking around with her.
He was acting like his usual bratty self, keeping himself calm and still holding that stern look in his face, but the actual contents of his speech were a bit concerning- It sounded like he was really jealous of you hanging out with a "creep like her", as he said.
You tried calming him down to not create a bigger scene, but your new "friend" had pushed Adrien to end up bumping on you, which only made the situation to escalate.
Adrien took this whole thing as a plan you both created to make himself seem like a fool, this was just an attempt to get his attention and he fell for it- He got red and started yelling at you two, his threats sounding like barks.
That's why he was chasing you today, at least that's why you thought so- Although the truth was a bit deeper than that, dearest. That whole event didn't slip through his mind even when he was asleep, he dreamed about the incident- Although with a thin veil of something a bit… Uncalled for in his opinion.
In Adrien's head, the accident made it look like he was hugging you, which made him get flustered and panicky. He had a dream about the whole scene happening again, but without your friend and without any of the other students, it was very pathetic of him to imagine a scenario where you would be there for him, to get him when he falls, how wishful.
He blames you for such a dream, just as if he would blame you if he ever got a dream about you cheating on him- Regardless of how your actual relationship is currently.
His own delusions and anxious thoughts would get the best of him, and that's why you're in this exact situation- Feeling out of breath with no one to save you from Adrien.
You felt yourself almost lose your balance and almost hit your face in the concrete, but thanks to Adrien slamming your back against the wall you didn't need to scratch your face, at least that's a positive.
You didn't pay much attention to what he was saying, you were just kinda pissed off of having to deal with this brat's bs everyday. Although, you're very aware that Adrien can be a bit more than just a brat, sometimes you have to remind yourself of that- It wouldn't be pretty to make him mad.
Bullying you, hating you, liking you, loving you- All are so difficult to manage everyday, it's too much work for someone like him. It's exhausting overthinking about you every day.
"- …. Sigh- You're very annoying, very, very annoying…." all that anger that was previously in his voice has almost gone away, being slowly replaced with tiredness. Key word being "almost", he was tired but not over his own jealousy yet.
You didn't want to provoke him considering how, well- Dangerous this situation is, or could be if you do the wrong thing. It's a 50/50 chance of you finding a way to comfort him without him lashing out once again. Then again, nothing can prevent him from getting the wrong idea of your actions, so choose wisely your next move, dearest.
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Allright. Elliott thread that nobody asked for. Part 4
The words you read seem to be some alien gibberish? Try these first:
Part 1   |    Part 2     |   Part 3      
Don’t worry guys. It will be over soon, I promise.
Bevore we start: This happened yesterday.
Tumblr media
And I basically turned into that iCarly gif, where she’s on the Computer, sippin’ her drink and goes: interesting.
Because look who we have here. Our future husband acting all self-aware? Right after I assumed in my last post that he never talks about the possibility of his failure...
Elliott, do you know that I talk shit about you on Tumblr?
Please stop breaking the 4th wall...
To safe at least some of my ‘credibility’, he followed this up with something along the lines of:
“No, no...I am not fishing for compliments. Which does not mean I don't appreciate them ;) “.
Sure. Whatever.
In comparison to that:
A few in-game days previously, I had a cut-scene with Leah, where the player can suggest that she should organise an art show. And there, Leah openly communicated her fears of ppl not liking her art. I was surprised about how open she was, given that it was probably her 2nd heart event or something (?). It's interesting, how Leah (who I perceived to be more reserved than Elliott), was so willing to let us know about her insecurities. Meanwhile, Elliot seems to brush these thoughts aside rather quickly and returns to his nonchalant, graceful self.
I always thought that from the two of them, it might be Elliott who is more vocal about his emotions. But now, Elliott doesn't seem to wear his heart on his sleeves as much as I thought he would. Which changed the way I think about him quite a bit. Maybe he is more likely to hide behind platitudes and a self-assuring smile, after all.
And what can we take from this, when we would want to write, let’s say a scene with Leah/Elliott friendship dynamic?
What do you guys think?
Anyways, before I was so disgracefully exposed, I was roasting Elliott’s life choices. To which I now gladly return to.
You see, the "issue" I see with Elliott is, that he plays into a trope:
The brooding hermitic author, who turned his back onto society in favour of finding inspiration in nature.
While this might sound thrilling and "romantic", we know that Elliott is not the best candidate to conform to this lifestyle. Just compare, how we as the player, manage to form quite strong relationships with everyone in Pelikan Town just by talking to them regularly.
We see Elliott outside the beach-area quite often. But aside from Leah, he does not seem to interact with anyone much. I don't know if there are statements about Elliott made by other characters, to have some inkling on how they feel about him. But its quite remarkable, how all other friendships outside to his connection with Leah, are not explicitly known as canon (?).
After a whole year living in this town, previous to our arrival, I would suggest, that Elliott might still be very much an outsider. He even remarks how, with our arrival, it will be nice, to no longer be "the new guy" in town.
But the problem with that might have been Elliott's reservedness, to begin with. Polite, but yet, maybe, quite impersonal. All pleasantries and platitudes as mentioned above. It all plays into Elliott's refusal to experience the comforts of a normal lifestyle in favour of pursuing his art.
And I love how Elliott just brushes that aside as if its nothing. I'd really love to know: what would have been his plan b, if his debut failed?
Worst case cenario: What would he'd done, if he ended up stranded in Pelikan Town, penniless and unsuccessful?
Where would he go? Is there a place he can return to? A previous home, previous friends?
I don't think so.
But, dedicated, impuslive, sweet, dumb Elliott just thought to himself:
“I can do that. How bad can it be???, it will be fi~ne.It will be marvellous!
Authentic, truly!
It will be superb pictouresque and that is all I need to write my novel....”
Thanks Yoba. You’ll keep doing that please.
And then we also have interactions of the likes of:
“People have scaped a living off the sea for thousands of years....
I just go to the grocery store.”
A different thought I had on Elliott kind of plays into what I already said previously. But I will adress it as its own topic.
The downside of Elliott’s ego.
As much as we explored the rather whacky / chaotic elements of his character and how he does stupid shit for prestige itself, it is interesting to see what happens when the player challenges his self-dramatisation.
I keep re-thinking if and to what degree Elliott can laugh about himself.
He is not one for self-deprecating humour, I think.
I can imagine that to be more Shane’s thing.
We see different scenarios, in which Elliott reacts differently to things not going his way. One of the positives is the whole “A tiny crab made a home inside his coat pocket”- story. I have seen two interpretations of this scene. And both are dependent on the tone, in which you read his dialogue. One group thinks he is just complaining yet again.
On the other hand, you could read it more like:
“My, look what we have here. Can you believe that [y/name]?!“.
I think that Elliott does not appear to be angry or annoyed at all in that scenario, too. He could have vented to the player, how he needs a new coat, now.  But he simply leaves it at that. And you know what?
But, there are other times, where Elliott reacts negatively to the player not doing what he wants you to do. Meaning:  your reaction to him or your behaviour in a specific situation. Let's look at his 2nd (?) heart event at the Stardrop Saloon. He comes up to the bar, finds himself in the mood for company, and orders wine for you and ale for himself. 
New Headcanon:
That little crab still lives there! It will probably live there long after you two get married. And he will feed it scraps from the dinner table even though you ask him not to.
Whatever...Sounds Cute. 
My first reaction to that was: “aw, wHaT a GeNtLemAn!!!”. My second reaction was my inner feminist having a temper tantrum because: “how dare a man, to assume what I want to drink!” 
New Headcanon on Elliott and gender roles, anyone? Or is it given, that with him being a good old fashioned lover boy, his expectation on any relationship dynamic might be more traditional?
As much as I find Elliott charming and all, this could be a great red flag and, again, beautiful material for character-conflict. Maybe Elliott needs to learn to not take everything at face value. Maybe he needs to learn, how to take a joke. Especially those made at his expense.
However, when the question arises, what the two of you should drink on, he will not laugh if you say “your doom”.
This is not something he sees as sarcasm or as a joke. In fact, you lose 50 friendship points! Like holy shit. That in itself is not much, but its a game-penalty. He is actively reacting negatively toward you. This is one of the few times, where your decision actively has an impact on the friendship-metre. Of course, that statement could be delivered in a non-joking matter. Which then justifies his reaction.... sure.
But even the fact that Elliott chooses, to not downplay or gloss-over your comment, leaves me with the following interpretation:
He hoped for a charming, flirtatious interaction. All you had to do, was to play along. But you ruined it.
Just imagine a situation with a little bit of miss-communication and a version of Elliott that is a little too proud for his own good and *chef's kiss* we have drama.
Me to Elliott and Farmer-OC: fight! fight! fight! fight! :D
All of you reading right now:
omg can't you just chill??? We are here for the fluff :(((
Also: depending on how it's written, that could be one of Elliott's major character flaws. The one that is not cute at all!
I wanted to take some jabs at Elliott's likes and dislikes. But as it turned out: Yes, you can turn Duck feathers into quills. I had this funny headcanon that Elliott wanted to be extra special by choosing duck feathers as his preferred writing instrument. And I was all like: “use a pen!!”.
But then I found out about the Unobtainable Weapons-List and Elliott’s pen is one of them. Okay, whatever. 
And then I asked google how to make quills. And while duck feathers are not the preferred or most popular option, there is also nothing that would speak against it, as long as the feather’s shaft is durable enough. So that theory has flown out of the window pretty quickly as well.
The only thing that comes to my mind instead is, how Elliott would still need a digital manuscript for publishing. But me screaming: “Where is your Laptop Elliott??? You need a computer! Its the 21 century!!!” is not half that funny anymore.
I guess I’ll end it here.
I hope you enjoyed this completely useless stream of consciousness.
I will now continue playing Stardew Valley and indulge in all my other quarantine-born obsessions.
I wish you a wonderful day and happy farming.
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shiishki · 3 years
okay wait, i changed my mind. you should answer all of these questions as well, if that's what you want from me >:)
oof there's a lot of it, that's what i get for wanting to be ✨aesthetic✨
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
vowels (and the importance of being me) - hunny
honeypie - jawny
pretty young thing - michael jackson
mirrors - justin timberlake
sunflower - red orange county
paradise - rude-a
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
a therapist.
ok someone else.. uhh,, my grand grandma because i only have scratches of memories but i dunno if that counts since she passed away...
*rummages through ancient scripts* uhh ok someone who isn't dead.. uhm,, tommie? yeah I'd like to meet them if i could meet anyone on earth
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
ok, the closest german, english or polish book? nvm i have english
"suddenly was. So I just said thank you a few times too, and Mum" ironically this is one of the normal lines in this book
4: What do you think about most?
the fact that I'll have to do something after school. and I don't know if i want to go to college or get a job bc i have no legitimate idea on what to do with my life. it gets overwhelming, just the lack of knowledge about the actual experience.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
with, tho i sleep with just shorts in summer
7: What’s your strangest talent?
not sure if it's a talent, but i can fall asleep anywhere
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
girls are pretty. boys are pretty
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
by me, yes. no one else has written a poem about me specifically. nvm, tommie wrote one and it shall rest on my wall, or desk, i need to find a place for it
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
uhh i think last month?
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
i don't think so, but i am hella afraid of the possibly gigantic, terrifying things in the ocean depths that humans haven't discovered yet
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
yep, beloved legos as a lil child
13: What’s your religion?
i can't ever remember the name, but i believe gods (from all religions) exist in some way or form. so i believe in different pantheons and etc.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
walking my doggo, skateboarding, thinking about how to make the lives of my characters worse
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind it.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
uhmm the arctic monkeys? or the strokes
17: What was the last lie you told?
i know what i want
18: Do you believe in karma?
yes, the rule of three specifically
19: What does your URL mean?
i don't know. it's something me and my sis came up with and that's just my whole identity now.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
uhh greatest weakness.. i can't finish things. strength is that I'm very stubborn so maybe I'll finish that thing out of spite
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
i grew up thinking crushes were like unicorns. my ex was odd enough to argue with that i didn't love her if i didn't have a crush on her. but I think if i had to guess.. selena gomez, especially in the role of alex russo in wizard of weverly street
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
i write angry letters. sometimes they're sad letters. i write a lot of letters. except i never send them out and no one made a movie about them :}
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
jars and witchy bottles, books? scented candles
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
phone calls are stressful enough as is, i don't need you to see my reading off what i frantically wrote to not stumble over my words
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
i think so, yes, but that won't stop me from becoming better
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
hate flies buzzing right by my ear, love cat purring
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
what if I'd been born in a place where it was illegal for me (nonbinary) to live, in a time when others thought of me as a curse?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
they be chilling.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
right arm, doggo, left arm, pillow
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
fresh air and doggo, because doggo is with me and I can't live without open windows
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
i dunno tbh
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
which one is less homophobic?
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
every gender is my opposite gender. selena gomez and justin timberlake
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
to make it easier for people down the line
36: Define Art.
make thing, thing goes woo
37: Do you believe in luck?
38: What’s the weather like right now?
it's nice actually, very sunny, slight breeze
39: What time is it?
12.59 am
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
i don't, but i once crashed into a fire department vehicle with my bike. bike ded.
41: What was the last book you read?
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
i legit ass don't know what gasoline smells like.
43: Do you have any nicknames?
many variations of my name, aka. Luce
44: What was the last film you saw?
i think it was Robin Hood: King of Thieves, but it might have been that half of spider-man homecoming i managed to watch with my poor internet
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
oh man i dunno... it's not an injury, but i was very sickly as a lil kid and almost died :)
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
once, years ago
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
hmmm horizon zero dawn i think
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
proud pansexual ^^
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
not really, i don't think they're big enough to be actual rumors,, meh
50: Do you believe in magic?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
meh. they suck, i know they suck, that's it.
52: What is your astrological sign?
cancer ♋
53: Do you save money or spend it?
i attempt saving. attempt
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
for my own money, sweets. i bought lizards for my cats so they can brush their teeth from my dad's amazon acc
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
nope, i buy my own cookies
57: How many relationships have you had?
1, kinda toxic toward the end, very stressful, don't recommend
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
nu ><
59: Where were you yesterday?
on the fields walking my doggo
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
yep, a pastel pink hoodie in my closet uwu
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
yis, thicc warm socks
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
cuddles and food.
64: Where is your best friend?
bold of you to assume i have a best friend.
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
tommie-hildebrandt, kageyuji, nekomas-kuroo, joyful-soul-collector
66: What is your heritage?
I'm a demon boi from Poland tho that's not a thing to be proud of, i mean, look at the economy. awful.
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
sleeping, trying to sleep.
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
Pinkton. or Satan.
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
this is such an odd combination of words i had to look it up. yea.
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
a friend who won't laugh at me when i ask them to order smth for me because I'm too anxious to.
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
excuse me? i am saving the doggo wtf. f u boss, I'm gonna sell my tragic story to the news.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) i tell my parents. b) live the hell out of them uwu c) nope uwu.
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
history maker - dean fujioka :]
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
communication, trust, some more communication.
77: How can I win your heart?
let's not pretend to be something else to please each other, and bring some bitter chocolate.
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
maybe. it could. i don't have a say in it since my sanity is held by tape.
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
eat the pizza. stop caring about others not liking me/parts of me. just living for myself uwu.
80: What size shoes do you wear?
uh i dunno how the american sizes work and i don't wanna look it up so, 39, 40 fits too.
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
demon boi
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
the bloody organ that sits in your chest and pumps blood into your body so you don't die.
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
uhm im not sure if that counts as a saying, but fake it till you make it
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
blinding lights - the weeknd
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
oh a normal question people use for ice breaking, sea blue and pastel variations of it.
87: What is your current desktop picture?
like my wallpaper? or the actual picture that sits on my desk? or how my desk looks like atm? it's ugly, a lot of papers and pens and schoolbooks.
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
donald trump. or the next asshole who'll try to take the rights of the lgbt and poc away
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
this. this is the question.
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
yo there's a pizza somewhere in the refrigerator, want me to heat it up? we can have a sleep over and talk about our feelings :3
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
telekinesis! or shapeshifting! i could do such fun things with telekinesis ^^ yeah I'd totally eat some radioactive veggies
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
that time my "friends" got me into shoplifting, half-hour is more than enough to punch some sense into my brain and develop good music taste
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
can i save this one? i don't think i have an experience horrible enough to be erased haha
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
sleep as in.. uh no thank u. but I'm down for a sleep over with sam smith ^^
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
just me? what about my pets? my fam? it's lowkey illegal for me to go just anywhere without them owO
uhhmm, greece. imma become part of the greek pantheon out of pure spite. and maybe toronto canada.
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
not any that i know of o.o
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
i think i may have but i honestly don't remember
98: Ever been on a plane?
nope, i dunno if i like planes, but I'd probably sleep if i were on one.
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
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hatsukeii · 4 years
Hiii do you have any relationship Hc's for goshiki
Hmmm this is gonna take a bit, but I have some ideas in mind:D
Our weird bowl cut boy lol
He’s gonna be Shiratorizawa’s ace... someday.
I’m gonna split this to two parts, because I write long hcs and I wanna write out how you guys dealt with your feelings before actually dating.
Tumblr media
- Really clueless at first.
- By really clueless I mean REALLY CLUELESS.
- When you joined the volleyball team as manager, he definitely tried to talk big, trying to give you a good impression of who is and why you “shouldn’t mess with him.”
- He refused to get close to you, despite your efforts in trying to get him to loosen up.
- “You’re just gonna be a distraction.”
- “I’m here to beat Ushijima and become the ace of Shiratorizawa, not make friends.”
- Ah yes, the typical no bullshit shounen anime protagonist that ends up somehow becoming the little brother of the team.
- And also ends up as a tiny crush for a certain someone.
- You don’t really know when you started noticing him that much. He was kinda just... there.
- But alas, seeing how determined he is to get to the top? Mad respect.
- Maybe with time that respect slowly became admiration and attraction.
- You wanna know how determined he is? Think Kageyama, but times ten.
- This bitch waits for everyone to leave the gym after practise, then continues to train his ass off for hours. I’m talking 4-5 extra hours of training.
- You only know this because you stay behind in the gym to clean up the equipment, and he doesn’t leave the gym when you do, which is about an hour or two after practice ends.
- Whenever you ask him when he’s leaving, he just waves you off halfheartedly, usually muttering a casual “I’ll be leaving soon, don’t worry.”
- And if you think that’s it? Oh nononono.
- There has been one instance where you saw him passed out.
- Like Goshiki trained so hard he just blacked out due to exhaustion.
- How you found him?
- Well,
- Your dumbass left your textbooks in the gym, so you had to go back and retrieve it.
- It was like what, 8 in the evening, but the lights and air conditioning were still on.
- You were already weirded out, so you decided to be extra careful. You know how high schoolers are these days, who knows what they’re doing behind closed doors sometimes.
- You creak the doors open just a bit, taking a peep.
- And your eyes land on a motionless Goshiki just laying on the gym floor.
- That scene scared the shit out of you.
- You checked his pulse, and his breathing. To your relief, his pulse was still there, although it wasn’t as strong as it should be. However, his breathing was definitely shallower than usual.
- Thank god for that emergency treatment course you enrolled for last year. You knew how to treat Goshiki almost immediately, raising his legs and keeping them up with a stool you found. What you didn’t expect, was for him to not wake up even after 5 whole minutes of you checking on him.
- That time you literally called an ambulance.
- Needless to say you definitely scolded him when he woke up, before forcing him to eat and drink something.
- Turns out for the past months or so, he’s been training for an extra 4-5 hours a day, without enough food or water to replenish himself.
- It would be about 9-10pm when he got home, where he had to finish his homework and finally get some food in his system, mostly leftovers. When he’s done with homework, it would be around 1am, which would be when he actually cleans up and hauls his ass to bed.
- He has to wake up at 5am for morning practise.
- You were about to punch him when he told the doctor all that.
- Since that worrying experience, you’ve forced Goshiki to leave the gym after a maximum of two hours.
- You walked him to the bus station after every single practise, just to make sure he doesn’t pass out.
- (And also to stare at him while he listens to music and tosses the ball occasionally, but he doesn’t need to know that.)
- Goshiki honestly appreciates the walks to the bus stop and the casual conversations you guys can hold.
- And to be honest, he was pretty surprised you’d actually go along with what you said in the hospital and “Walk him home every single day until he’s done with volleyball in highschool.”
- These days you patiently wait for him to finish his extra practise, and set an alarm for 2 hours. Once those 2 hours are up, you’re dragging his ass out of the gym with his stuff all packed neatly. No buts, nope, don’t wanna hear it.
- Maybe it was the determination you had to make sure he was safe and healthy, or the dumb conversations you had every single day about mermaids getting laid and unicorns getting horny.
- Because with time, Goshiki eventually succumbed to his feelings and admitted to himself.
- He had fallen for you. Hard.
- And there was nothing he could do about it.
- Except,
- Avoid you as much as he could.
- Poor little Goshiki was so clueless that he thought avoiding you would eventually cause his feelings to just disappear like how my dad went to get the milk.
- Whenever he saw you in the hallways, he’d just blush and walk the other way, even if it was the opposite direction of where he was supposed to be going.
- Nope, no fist bump, hi five, nothing.
- Alas, he couldn’t avoid you much anyways, since you were the manager for the volleyball team, and you also persisted on walking him to the bus stop every single god damned day.
- All he could do was try and muster up the driest possible responses to anything you said.
- “So, how was practice? You feeling anywhere near as powerful as Ushiwaka yet?”
- “Eh, it was okay.”
- “You want something to eat or drink? We can go to that boba store around the corner from last week and get something.”
- “Nah, I’m good.”
- You were weirded out, to say the least.
- Since when did Goshiki pass on boba?
- “Oi, Tsutomu, are you feeling okay? You’re acting a bit odd.”
- You raised your hand to his forehead, feeling the warmth on your palm as Goshiki flared 50 different shades of red.
- “U-uh, my stop’s there, I’ll see you tomorrow bye-” he rambled, stuttering over his words before zooming towards the wrong station.
- “What just happened?”
- All Goshiki could do was get home as quick as possible, finish all his work, eat up, clean himself, and just scream into his pillow.
- “I’ve been avoiding her for so long, why is she still stuck in there?”
- He was being so blatantly obvious with avoiding you that the volleyball team eventually had to speak up.
- That went terribly.
- “Goshiki, why aren’t you focusing these days? Is there something troubling you?” -Shirabu
- “Plus, you haven’t even spared a glance at y/n, let alone talked to her. Aren’t you guys like best friends?” -Tendou
- “Goshiki do you like her?” -Ushijima
- Goshiki almost choked on his water.
- No, not almost. He definitely choked on his water.
- “What? ME? PLEASE! OF COURSE NOT!” -Goshiki, in denial, blushing
- “Seems like you do to us.” -Ushijima, as blunt as usual
- “Well then, you should’ve just told me Goshiki. I never knew you disliked me.” 
- Oh shi-
- Well isn’t it convenient? You were standing right there with volleyballs in hand when he decided to belt out that statement.
- For the next few weeks, you both avoided each other as much as you can. You even stopped walking him to the bus stop.
- Until the day before their match against Karasuno.
- At this point, Goshiki had had enough.
- This was troubling him to an extent already, and he also had the match to worry about.
- At the end of practice, he waited until all the members of the team (especially Tendou) left the gym, before harshly pulling you into the storage room, pulling you down to sit next to him on the floor.
- “What do you want Goshiki-”
- “I like you. That’s it.”
- What the hell.
- Your mouth hung open, you face and neck feeling hot, as he made his way back into the gym, practising yet again. All you could do was sit in the storage room, still not comprehending what had just happened.
- Not knowing how to deal with this, you grabbed your stuff, and made your way home as quick as you can, not wanting to deal with the situation at hand yet. You flop onto your bed once you reach your room, and scream into the pillow out of frustration.
- “Why did I do that? That was my chance, I blew it! I’m so stupid oh my god.”
- Goshiki was also being extra aggressive with the volleyballs too. By the time he had finished his extra practise, his palms were scathed and sore, red marks scattered all over.
- During the match agaisnt Karasuno, he was extra nervous, not wanting to screw up.
- But at the same time, the events of yesterday replayed in his mind like a broken record. The way you stared at him in shock, not even making a sound. How you left the gym as quick as it happened, not sparing even a glance at him. It made him regret ever befriending you in the first place. He should’ve known that this was bound to happen.
- This led to him being extra aggressive during the match. Both teams were shocked and quite frankly, a bit intimidated too.
- Goshiki was fueled by all his pent up rage against himself, a seemingly dark aura radiating off of him on the court. He was stupid. An absolute imbecile. A moron. An idiot that put his heart on his sleeve, not once thinking about the consequences it could bring.
- When coach Washijo decided to scream “if you’re gonna stare, at least stare at a damn girl” at him, he sneered so hard at him his face was about to become permanently contorted. Even his own coach, the spawn of satan, was taken aback.
- The fact that Shiratorizawa ended up losing did not help. At all. All that did was make his day even shittier.
- Until you finally told him you reciprocated his feelings.
- Not long after the loss, the team all went their own way home, feeling miserable about the game.
- Goshiki had his earphones in, walking towards the bus station, head hung low as he silently sobbed, feeling like absolute shit.
- You caught up to him, before basically engulfing him in a huge hug from behind, nuzzling your head into his shoulder, refusing to let go.
- He was flustered, to say the least. Frozen in place, tears continued to stream down his face in steady streaks.
- “I’m sorry for your loss today, and for yesterday too.”
- His eyes widened at your apology as he furiously wiped the hot tears, his eyes still slightly puffy and his nose still red.
- At this moment, Goshiki needed someone. Desperately. In one swift motion, he had turned around and held you with an iron grip, a hand pushing your head into his chest, his back hunched with his head in the crook of your neck as he cried, this time letting the sobs and whimpers become audible. His salty tears met your skin, rolling down to your collarbone.
- “So the reason why you’ve been avoiding me was because you liked me?”
- Goshiki nodded into your neck, still crying.
- “Well I’ve liked you since the start of the school year too, so don’t worry. I’m here for you.”
- Hearing that, he detached himself from your neck, staring at you, surprised at how calm you were and how dense he had been.
- “Wait for real?”
- You were in a hurry, since you promised to run some errands, so you did the first thing that popped into your mind.
- On your tiptoes, you gave his lips a quick peck, before running away, your face completely red.
- “For the record Tsutomu, we’re dating now I guess.”
- What a sweetie.
- At first, he’s super secretive with the relationship, not wanting people to find out.
- Especially not his parents. He would have hell personally sent to him in a cute little death package if they ever found out he was dating someone.
- He tried his best not to show any trace of him being in a relationship during practice.
- But alas, Tendou once sneaked up on you two holding hands at school and instantly knew.
- This redhead announced it to the whole team that you two were dating and you almost beat him up.
- Now, he’s opened up a lot more about this than when it first started.
- No, his parents still don’t know about you two.
- But his friends knew not to hit on you, and the volleyball team would constantly tease him when you walked by, making kissy noises and over the top fake moans. Tendou once shoved two balls up his chest just to imitate you. You looked over to see your third year senior with an ahegao face, two volleyballs unevenly shoved into his shirt as he skipped around. You stared in disgust, giving him a slight scowl before turning around and continuing with your shit.
- Needless to say his other balls were absolutely wrecked by Goshiki.
- Will spoil you so badly like damn.
- Occasional gifts from lil bowl cut is something you should definitely expect.
- Sometimes you’ll just randomly find a new pair of earrings or a new phone case on your desk with a note from him, while your classmates stare in awe and lowkey envy you from afar.
- Very, very frequent dates.
- I’m talking like every weekend, and sometimes even after school on friday.
- Dates planned by Goshiki aren’t ever extravagant or anything, but god damn do they make you feel blessed. Usually it’s just to a cute cafe, maybe a carnival, or a movie date.
- Dates planned by you though? Ohohohoho he was in for so much fun. I’m talking trampoline parks, amusement parks, gaming cafes, volleyball dates, all that fun shit.
- You would let him teach you how to play volleyball, and end up laughing your ass off at how incredibly bad you were while he kinda just gives up on teaching you and goofs around.
- Your hands running through his hair is literally the best thing he has ever felt no cap.
- Likes to cup your cheeks a lot, just to make you flustered.
- (Secretly loves it so much when he’s able to make you all blushy because oh my god you look so cute.)
- You’re not allowed to sleepover at his, nor is he allowed to sleepover at yours because strict parents!
- The rare times when your parents allow you to go “help your friend Goshiki study,” you guys actually do serious studying.
- Then right after that comes the cuddling.
- Okay let’s be real, Goshiki would probably be really awkward at the start.
- He’d probably try make sure you were comfortable, so his body would be twisted into some weird position.
- But he eventually found his favourite way to cuddle with you, in a way where both of you could just lay in peace comfortably without breaking your backs.
- Most times, he would lie sideways on his bed facing you. He’d snake one hand around your lower back, the other to your head as he pulls you in close, resting you against his chest. You could hear his heartbeat, which sped up every time you nuzzled against him.
- Cute.
- Will give you pecks on the lips every single morning when he first sees you, wherever he is.
- It do not matter to him how many people are watching, he do not care. At all.
- Holds your hand e v e r y w h e r e .
- He’s also very fond of forehead kisses.
- He just finds them so heartwarming and intimate in a non sexual way.
- Every time something was bothering you, or you were just breaking down because of how shitty life was, he knows exactly what to do.
- He’d pull you into a tight hug, kissing the top of your head while drawing circles on your back with his fingers.
- If it was worse and you were crying, he likes to wipe your tears for you, kissing the stains on your cheeks, before planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
- Loves it when you wear his hoodies.
- They’re oversized on you and oh my god sweater paws are the death of him. 
- You’re honestly relieved he’s not looking for anything sexual. 
- He’s too pure for that shit, keep his innocence.
- You made a promise to cheer for him wearing his jersey whenever he played in matches, and you’ve never broken it.
- PDA.
- This boy. He loves showing you off to his teammates so much.
- “I may not be as good as Ushijima at volleyball yet, but at least I’m not a crusty single bitch.” -Goshiki to some rando that insulted his skills and personality
- “You guys go look for your own plus ones to the school dance, I’m keeping y/n.” -Goshiki to his friends
- “Stop imitating her Tendou-san, it’s insulting to her. You’re too odd to get even close to imitating her accurately.” -Goshiki to Tendou who had volleyballs in his shirt and pants
- Please just protect him at all costs, he’s so precious.
Love how the request was for relationship hcs and I ended up writing more backstory lmaoo
Still hope you liked it though I worked on this for days xx🥺🥰
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higuchimon · 3 years
[fanfic] Pain of Healing:  Chapter 2
 Contrary to his expectations, Daisuke slept fairly well, even with the way his stomach growled and he wanted something to drink so very badly.  He thought later it would have been better if he'd been at home and had Chibimon snuggling up next to him.  But for being collared by his apparently out of his mind soulmate, being here against his will, and having to sleep on a comfortable futon instead of in his own room at home, he actually slept well.  He didn't notice any bad dreams if he had them, and woke up at the sound of Kaiser moving around.
He didn't get up just yet.  He opened his eyes and watched as Kaiser prepared for his day, entering the bathroom and coming out some time later in his full garb, a very pleased look on his face when he turned towards Daisuke.  That look made Daisuke watch carefully.  His stomach rumbled fiercely and he winced as Kaiser smirked.
"Good morning, my soulmate."  Kaiser purred as he strolled over to stare down at Daisuke, who started to scramble to his feet at a gesture.  "Did you sleep well?"
It had only been a few hours, but Daisuke already knew what Kaiser wanted from him.  It had been rather thoroughly hammered into him the day before by V-mon being taken from him.  He swallowed and forced himself to be polite instead of raging.  Raging wasn't going to do anything but get V-mon hurt.  That was his partner.  He couldn't do it.
"Yes, but I'm hungry."  He wasn't surprised at all to see Kaiser's eyebrow quirk up ever so slightly.  With a deep breath he forced out the last word.  "Master."  That tasted so wrong on his tongue.  But it was what he had to do.
Kaiser nodded in pleasure.  "Yes, I expect so.  Do you regret what you did yesterday?"
Truth to tell, Daisuke wasn't even sure anymore of what he'd done to get Kaiser so angry at him.  He'd not bowed down to him at once, but that couldn't be it, could it?  It was all he could think of and while he didn't regret it, he also did regret what came from it - the threat to V-mon, the fact that he hadn't eaten or drunk in hours and he could hear that in his voice.  He managed to speak, but his voice was dry and he knew he'd do whatever Kaiser wanted to get a meal.  And a drink.  Oh, he wanted to have a drink so very much and he'd call Kaiser anything he wanted for that.
So he nodded quickly, not quite trusting his voice to keep on speaking.  Kaiser chuckled at him..  "Let's see how long that lasts when you're eating. Come with me."
Daisuke followed as quickly as he could, looking forward to having some breakfast.  He settled down on the cushion at the Kaiser's feet without a protest this time, not even needing the Kaiser's gesture to do so.  He knew if he tried to resist, Kaiser would simply forbid him food for another day.  He told himself, just as he had the night before, that he would do this only because he needed the food.  If it weren't for that, then he wouldn't give in even this little bit.  Kaiser made it clear that he didn't have that option.
Enslaved Digimon brought out breakfast, which was traditional steamed rice, grilled fish, pickles, miso soup, and seaweed.  Whoever cooked was really good at this.  Wormmon settled near the Kaiser himself, looking ready to do anything, and Daisuke suspected he didn't want to be doing any of this.  Just the way those large blue eyes stared at Kaiser, with tiny flicks towards Daisuke, said everything that Daisuke needed to know about that.  He wished he could talk to Wormmon, but that wasn't going to be an option right now, not with Kaiser watching over him like the proverbial hawk.
Kaiser ate swiftly.  He didn't give Daisuke a morsel until he'd finished his own share of the meal, then slowly fed Daisuke by hand, each little bit set in his mouth.  Daisuke wasn't going to complain about that.  If it had been up to him, he would have cleared off the whole plate in seconds.  Knowing Kaiser, that would probably just piss him off even more.
So Daisuke dealt with being hand-fed as if he were a dog of some kind by thinking about V-mon and hoping that he was all right.  He didn't ask until they were done eating and heading into the control room.
"V-mon's fine,"  Kaiser dismissed the question with a wave of one hand.  "He was fed with everyone else this morning and no, he doesn't have a Ring on him.  Remember, as long as you don't get me angry, he won't."
Using V-mon for Daisuke's good behavior.  Daisuke ground his teeth together and plastered a fake look of blandness on his face.  It didn't feel right doing so.  What he really wanted was to take his partner and go home.  Soulmate or no soulmate; that didn't matter right now.  He would have happily existed far away from Kaiser.
Only that would also mean leaving the other Digimon in this world to their fate with him, and while Daisuke wasn't the sort to think that he alone could free them, he wanted to be sure that they were freed. 
The more he thought about it, though, the more a potential idea flickered at him.  It wasn't much and he had no idea at all if he could pull it off.  He didn't have any real backup unless he could somehow get V-mon back and he didn't know if V-mon would agree with him.  There were so many things that could go wrong - like if the Kaiser found out what he was doing.
A core of solid steel that Daisuke had scarcely even known was there hardened itself.  I don't care.  He's doing everything wrong and he either doesn't know it or he doesn't care.  Someone's got to stop him.  That's not just why I'm a Chosen - it's why we're soulmates.  No matter what he thinks.
The Kaiser - Ichijouji Ken - needed someone who could show him the right way.  Daisuke determined that he would be that person.  He didn't have the faintest idea of how he'd do it or even if it could be done.  The Kaiser might be way too far gone for it to work.  But he had to try.  He had to make the effort, no matter what it cost to himself.
So for right now, that effort involved learning about him, and the only way to really do that was to stay right where he was.  He didn't enjoy it.  He had to wonder what calling this jerk "Master" was going to do to him.  If Kaiser got annoyed because of anything Daisuke did, he'd not only not be allowed to eat, but he'd risk getting V-mon Ringed.
There were so many things that could go wrong, but Daisuke wasn't going to give up.  He wanted to go home.  There would just be a very long road to get there.
Kaiser settled into his chair and started work on the next phase of his plans.  He would have to return to Earth at some point today and get things sorted out there.  He did intend to set up matters so it would look as if he and Daisuke ran away together.  It wasn't unknown, even for people of their age.  Usually those who were underage came back after a few weeks or months.  Sometimes it was seen as completely understandable, soulmates needing time together to adjust to this new facet of their lives.  He'd always rather scoffed at the concept, but now it turned out to be far more useful than he'd originally thought.
Putting a Ring on V-mon wouldn't be in his best interests, no matter how willing he was to threaten to do so to keep Daisuke under control.  He suspected that it wouldn't work forever, either.  Daisuke was a stubborn soul, and while that mostly annoyed him, there was a small part of him that found it intriguing.  He did his best not to pay attention to that fact for now.  He would squash the rebelliousness out of Daisuke.  He'd already made significant inroads on that.  Hunger and thirst were very fine tools in his arsenal.
For now, he had other plans to work on.  Once he got everything set up for their disappearance, it would be time to deal with the Chosen themselves.  He didn't doubt for a second that Daisuke had told them that he and Ichijouji Ken were soulmates, which meant if Daisuke vanished and then reappeared in the Digital World with the Kaiser, then they could easily figure out what was going on.  Best to reveal it in his preferred fashion.
That would involve Daisuke as well.  He would take that carefully.  First came setting up their 'running away'.  He decided a note would do, as well as packing a few clothes.  He didn't want to take any of his school uniforms - he rather hated how drab and gray they were.  He wasn't much invested in fashion, but he knew they could do so much better.  Uniforms didn't need to be so boring. 
He wrote the note quickly and to the point.  Motomiya Daisuke is my soulmate.  We are leaving to deal with this.  Good-bye.  If he'd done this other circumstances, he would have tossed in an insult to the tune of 'insects', since he had no intentions of ever returning.  It wouldn't matter if he cut all those ties.  It didn't matter now but if they thought he was just off with Daisuke, then there wouldn't be as big of a search for them.  He personally didn't care one way or the other, but this way would ensure that the Chosen wouldn't be able to reveal any secrets that he didn't want them to.
Would he be your soulmate if the Digital World were nothing but a game?  The question ghosted around in the back of his mind and Kaiser promptly ignored it.  Of course he would.  The game's existence didn't have anything to do with human reality, and he and Daisuke were both humans. 
With that safely out of the way, he passed a piece of paper and a pen to Daisuke.  "Write a note,"  he ordered.  "It's to your parents, informing them that you are running away with me.  Don't give an expected time of return or a way to contact you."
He enjoyed the very annoyed look in Daisuke's eyes as the other accepted the paper and started writing.  He suspected Daisuke wanted to revolt against him.  Anyone would, after all.  But as long as Daisuke behaved himself, Kaiser would be pleased.  Eventually that obedience from fear would become obedience because Kaiser was right and Daisuke wanted to support him.
It would take time but Kaiser had a lot of that.
Once Daisuke finished the note, Kaiser checked it out for any hidden messages - not that he thought Daisuke would actually be able to sneak one in but he hadn't gotten as far as he had without being suspicious of everything - and then gestured to Daisuke as he picked up his Dark Digivice.  The other stood up, clearly confused, as Kaiser quickly arranged a portal on the main screen.  He wrapped one hand around Daisuke's wrist and sent the two of them through the gateway.  
They were in his bedroom on the other side in moments.  The apartment was silent - Kaiser had timed this visit carefully, so that they arrived when both of his parents were at work.  Technically he should have been at school.  He wasn't ever going back there.  Instead, he pointed Daisuke to the dresser.
"Get out three outfits.  Anything that's not a uniform.  Put them in the bag."  He pointed to the closet.  "Then just wait for me.  This won't take long."
Daisuke got to work on that.  Kaiser made a mental note to arrange a mild reward for him for his obedience.  But that would come later.  For now, he darted outside and set the note on the table in the living room.  His parents would see that when they came home from work. 
Then he headed back into the room, pleased to see that Daisuke had followed his orders.  Those weren't his favorite clothes by any means - his favorite was the Kaiser outfit - but these would do to cover up the fact he didn't intend to return.  Then he downloaded the two of them back to the fortress, and rearranged the gate once more.
"Now where are we going?"  Daisuke wanted to know, dropping the bag in the corner Kaiser indicated while he worked.
"Where do you think?  We're going to leave that for your family,"  Kaiser replied, gesturing to Daisuke's note.  He smirked.  "Then it's time to arrange a little meeting with the Chosen."
Daisuke tensed up at once.  "What do you mean, a little meeting?"
"Oh, you'll see.  I told you that they're going to know that you're with me."  Kaiser smirked in satisfaction before once again heading through the gateway.  He much preferred associating with a human than with Wormmon.  Wormmon simply couldn't do anything useful beyond bring meals.  At least Daisuke could do something other than insist Kaiser should be a good boy.  And if Daisuke weren't his soulmate, he wouldn't have even been useful for that.
Kaiser glanced around the room, his lip curling before he shook his head, then gestured to Daisuke.  "Go put that somewhere they'll find it, then get back here and get your clothes and whatever else you would take with you.  Hurry up."
Daisuke pressed his lips together and hurried out of his room.  It was the wrong time of day for his parents or Jun to be there, so all he could do was set the note on the refrigerator in the kitchen and go back to his room.  The ever present threat to V-mon's well-being hung in the back of his head.  He had to keep reminding himself that the Kaiser would do horrible things to him if Daisuke didn't do as he was told.  That didn't make it any easier, not even when he considered this part of his plan to eventually change Kaiser.
He cast quick glances all around the apartment.  He didn't know how long it would be until he saw it again.
If it wasn't for that whole world-conquering thing, I think I'd like to run away with him.  Running away with your soulmate - he'd thought about it a few times before actually meeting his soulmate.  There were so many movies made about soulmates who ran away together and one of his favorite manga series involved two people who weren't soulmates but wanted to be so pretended they were - and all signs were they actually were, just with one of the rare signs.
But now that he was dealing with it personally?  Daisuke didn't think running away was all that great.  Especially since he wasn't so much running away as he'd been lured in and then not allowed to leave.
"Don't waste time."  Kaiser ordered, standing in the doorway of his room.  Daisuke bit back a sigh and started back in, grabbing some of his favorite outfits and looking around for any keepsakes.  He found one that he wanted - the cushion that V-mon liked to sleep on.  He looked over at Kaiser.
"This is V-mon's.  Can I give it to him?"  He couldn't shake the feeling the answer would be no.  Kaiser wasn't a giving sort of person.
But the other regarded him thoughtfully before nodding slightly.  "You'll have to earn being able to give it to him.  Working with me on my plan for the Chosen will do that.  Do everything you're told and I'll allow it."
Daisuke didn't hesitate for a moment.  He stuffed the pillow into his bag and made sure there wasn't anything else he wanted before presenting himself to head back to the Digital World.  Kaiser nodded in approval and Daisuke tried not to feel too good about that. Most people didn't tell him that he'd done something good and well -
Kaiser brought them both back through the portal.  Daisuke gladly sank down onto the cushion, breathing in deeply.  Traveling quickly like that got him a lot more tired than usual.  He wondered if that had anything to do with the Kaiser's Dark Digivice as compared to their own.  He also wanted to get his D-Terminal back so he could send a real message to the others and let them know what was going on.  He didn't want to let them find it out from Kaiser. 
He didn't even want to think about what Kaiser had in mind how to spend the rest of the afternoon.  It wouldn't be anything good at all.  But to have even a chance of giving the pillow to V-mon, he'd have to go along with it.  Working with Kaiser kept V-mon safe but put other Digimon at risk.  Not working with him meant V-mon would suffer for it.  This wasn't how being soulmates was supposed to work.  He'd find a way through all of this, no matter how long it took.
But for now, he watched as Kaiser worked at his keyboard again, various images of areas he didn't recognize and Digimon he'd never seen before popped up.  Kaiser appeared not to approve of most of those and kept on whittling down his choices.  Daisuke finally ventured a question.
"What exactly are you looking for?"  He wasn't sure if he wanted to know so he could suggest something or so he could find a way to stop it.  Everything was so complicated and he didn't like that.  Complicated things got so complicated and he couldn't keep track of them all. 
"Three powerful Digimon.  Preferably of the Perfect level."  Kaiser didn't look at him, but Daisuke thought he sounded annoyed.  He wasn't sure why but he thought it was because finding Digimon that strong wasn't easy. 
Daisuke worried at his lip, then shook his head.  He didn't know any Perfect level Digimon.  He'd hardly known that Perfect Digimon even existed, at least not until they'd encountered Andromon.  Hikari-chan had mentioned that he was a Perfect level and there would be others.  But he not only didn't want Kaiser to have strong slaves, but even if he had, he didn't know where they could be found.  From what he'd seen, most Digimon seemed to be very young and very small.  The ones who weren't stuck together in herds or packs or something, with a small handful of villages or even towns gathered together.  The longer the Kaiser's reign went on, the fewer of those areas they were.
Kaiser didn't seem to expect him to help make the decision.  So Daisuke watched as Kaiser winnowed through the options before him, finally selecting one Perfect and half a dozen Adult levels.  Clearly they weren't exactly what he wanted but they were what he had to work with for the moment.  He selected an area and sent them all there, arranging them like pieces on a gaming board.  Once he had them in place, he turned towards Daisuke.
"Are you ready?"
To Be Continued
Notes: Next week we finish this up! Hope you’re looking forward to it as much as I am.
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