#like you cannot avoid alcohol as a concept in most modern western societies
utilitycaster · 2 years
Re: CW tags, I’m not sure if you’re in their Discord, but there’s a lot of people praising their CWs and I can’t help but feel that the mods and folks are hearing too much from a more…. Innocent? Younger? Naive to the point of a vice? voices — literally folks posting in the Dirty Laundry channel about how uncomfortable drinking/drunk people make them.
I'm in the Discord but literally only use it for alerts. I've heard though that the Neverafter/d20 channels had people saying "hey, these warnings are weird and not terribly useful."
I think this ask will be all I have left to say about content warnings - I get that this is a tough topic but also I know for a fact I'm really not the right person to facilitate a good discussion about this. But yeah, I do think that there is a shift among a subset younger people from "hey, it would be good if we flagged certain commonly upsetting topics so that people could make informed choices on whether to engage" to "This makes me uncomfortable and it's important everyone around me know that and I expect others to accomodate me at all times without having to take responsibility." On some level it's like...look, I do like casual drinking, but I respect if you don't and there are plenty of reasons not to want to engage with media where people are drinking, but also, like...I used to live in an apartment building that had a bar next door. The fastest way to my old apartment from my train stop was past a brewpub that during the pandemic put in extensive outdoor seating. The goal of content warnings should be to let people know if they need to avoid a work or at least come into it prepared, but any reasonable therapy for PTSD includes how to cope with common things that most people wouldn't consider triggering (like casual drinking) if you encounter it in the world, because you will.
I'm also though on the cynical side here, which is tough because it makes me sound like some kind of conservative and I am most assuredly not that, but like...about a year and a half ago I posted about how I find a lot of safety tools in TTRPGs are really limited and I would personally rather just...talk with my players, and make it clear that you can just say "stop", and I got some unhinged responses from people who could not fucking comprehend that this worked better for me than some elaborate colored card system, and were either very self-absorbed, or deeply unpleasant and insulting about it. I think a lot of the loudest voices when it comes to things like content warnings and ensuring people are unfortunately some of the least empathetic or thoughtful voices, even though there are many empathetic and thoughtful people around.
I guess I'll leave on this note, which is that I was in a club in college and we often said it was a safe space, and finally, one of my closest friends, who had joined a year later having first come with her then-partner, who broke up with her shortly after but remained a member as well, fucking snapped and said something to the effect of "I like it here, but my ex is always here too, so this is, inherently, not a space where I always feel comfortable and it's obnoxious and alienating to insist it is or that it should be." And it was really eye-opening, and it's something I've always kept in mind. If you try to guarantee a safe space you are doomed to fail and your efforts might make it worse. If you try to make a space where you are open about what can be expected, what shouldn't be expected, and hold room for dialogue, respectful dissent, and permit people to leave, that is far kinder and more effective. Which in the context of content warnings does mean calling out common triggers, perhaps offering, if you can, open, separate places for people to ask specific questions that pertain to them, but also assuming a certain degree of genre awareness.
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Worldbuilding Post
Dwarves are an agender and asexual humanoid species that frequent the caves and mountains on both continents of Unitien. They are divided into two species, modern and elder. While elder dwarves are largely thought to be extinct, modern dwarves ascribe many of their culture and lifestyles to them, including their love of trap making, forging and their luscious beards.
Now, before delving into Dwarves and their culture, one must learn about Dostine, the goddess of dwarves, tricksters and blacksmiths. She is known by dwarves as All-Creator and creates the dwarves in a secret ceremony that follows the specifications of this poem.
One dwarf is forged of gold, Two are of molten steel and bronze Three from the bones of old The last four are the best, Made from silver and all the rest.
Dostine loves all of her children dearly and the ceremony is preformed every fifty years or so, meaning that there are twenty new dwarves every century. No human, elf or dragon has ever seen it. She also gifted the dwarves with the four massive interconnecting tunnels that allow them to go to whichever part of the world they so please, meaning there are modern dwarves on both continents and in the southern straights, all with their own unique quirks.
Straitien Dwarves ride jewelled spiders, which are blue and white spiders that allow them to climb all over the cliffs and avoid predators. There's even a contest where they joust across the canyon on a massive spiderweb. They also are less likely to wear heavy clothing as they live in a jungle, so it's not unexpected to see a dwarf wearing nothing but a loin cloth around humans, then nothing in the jungle. 
Eastern Dwarves are the dwarves who occupy the Barliosian Empire. They are more adapted to cold weather and take great pride in their workmanship as where they live is full of iron and other ores. 
Western Dwarves don't live underground, rather in massive pyramids built overtop of over-mined quarries. They have darker skin and coarser hair to deal with the sand in their local environment. They like roasting camels over massive fires for food.
Modern dwarves are a welcome and frequent sight in the human cities and towns wherever they are found, acting as blacksmiths, miners, and small business owners. Dwarves are easily differentiated from normal humans by their thick beards, small stature, unique forging abilities and ability to consume anything poisonous with no repercussions.
No one quite knows why modern dwarves and humans get along so well, as elder dwarves and humans often fought bitterly, but where there are dwarves in a community, they are well beloved. Even in the dwarven settlements deep in the mountains, there is usually at least one human. This is because of the dwarven tendency to adopt children from other races, as they cannot have their own. These adopted children are well cared for and are given the nickname of switchers, as the dwarves often rescue them from unhappy homes, leaving cursed jewels in the crib of the adopted child. Other switchers are left at the doors of Mountain keeps to be found by dwarves in times of famine. While many humans view them all as male due to their beards,  all dwarves have no notion of gender in the sense that humans and elves do. They view everyone as equals and organize their society in terms of what needs to happen for everyone to thrive.
Domas: This rank means parent and can be held by anyone with a youngling. They raise and protect their youngling or switcher and teach them the tools of their trade and when the youngling is old enough; they send them to find their own cave, usually nearby so they can maintain their lifelong bond.
Trapmasters: These are the masters of the forge. They craft armour so light that it feels like a woollen coat and shields so strong they protect you from a dragon's breath. Every dwarf practices for years hoping to become a trapmaster. However, as they can only be appointed by Dostine, the goddess of dwarves, there are only two remaining in the world.
Carvers: These fine folk spend their days in pursuit of the true beauty of stone and crystals. They polish, whittle and crack these into beautiful works of art and sculptures. The most talented of them can turn jewels into windows that never crack and reflect light in a thousand different patterns. They tend to never become domas, instead recruiting younglings from larger families. Forgers: These are the dwarves that go out into the larger world. They are talented, hardworking and make things of a much higher quality than human smiths could ever dream. These dwarves are accompanied by switchers because it is an innate dwarven instinct to see a child in need and adopte them.
Miners: These are the ones who are pulled down, down, down into the darkness by some unknown voice. They dig and dig and they have no idea of what they're about to find. They come up with gold and jewels and iron and go back down again. They are probably the strongest of dwarves and are also the warrior class of modern dwarves.
Prayerhands; These are the holy and scholars people of modern dwarves! They are also in charge of dwarven funds, acting as treasurers and conducting official business with human officials. They dress in all grey and shave their beards in reverence to Dostine, who has no beard and are frequently referred to as women by humans. Do not do this. Please ask what their preferred pronouns are. Your head will remain in place for much longer if you do.
Humans and modern dwarves have fairly stable relations, with the humans exchanging gold and silver for various services. However, some concepts that humans have are completely alien to dwarves. These include the concept of drunkenness, as dwarves cannot get drunk as their livers process alcohol inhumanly fast. Other concepts include the idea of marriage, sexual attraction and gender; however, they do understand aesthetic attractions.
If you have stuck with me for this long, congratulations, you have more patience than my younger brother.
We're finally entering the mysterious world of the Elder Dwarves; strange creatures with six arms, thick beards and more talent for forging than all the trapmasters combined. Elder dwarves are currently thought to be extinct, although some trolls claim to have seen them in the deepest caverns.
Thought to be greedy, always hungry and quite mean, Elder Dwarves were considered monsters by trolls, humans and elves, and frequently clashed with them in territorial disputes before sealing off their caves and tunnels for nine centuries, before modern dwarves appeared and began to make ammends. (Modern dwarves argue this point quite fiercely, pointing to the evidence that Elder dwarves had closely knit communities and largely fungus-based diets, like their own) They had their own language, the ability to stick to walls and were terrifyingly quick on their feet. The things they created that were found by humans gave rise to energy-storing crystals, zeppelins, clocks, ballistas, and even the system Epidamnos uses to keep the ocean from destroying it every stormy season.
The few Elder Dwarven caverns that are accessible by modern dwarves are called Pitches and are filled with bones, artifacts that glow with malicious energies and lava pools. Many Prayerhands believe that Elder dwarves bathed in the lava and it was actually an important part of their forging process, as the writings that are translated describe them being friends with a mostly extinct species of dragon, the Earthshaker dragons, who spewed lava so hot that even the gods were fearful of angering one. How the Elder Dwarves managed this, no one is sure. One theory thinks that they watched over the hatchlings, keeping them safe from hungry demons and greedy monster hunters that came from the surface looking for an easy kill. Earthshaker dragons are blind until they reach adolescence so having the dwarves to protect them while providing them with the lava they needed would form an inevitable  symbiotic relationship that benefited both parties.
It is unknown why elder dwarves had six arms and modern dwarves only have two. Humans assume it's because dwarves needed to assimilate better to human culture or risk extinction, but dwarves aren't sure, as some dwarves are born with four arms to this day. They tend to become miners, as the extra limbs make it much easier to fight and mine at the same time. Some believe that Dostine merely decided that she didn't like making the extra bones and gradually shifted. Others think that as the dwarves moved back to the surface, the terrain became easier and there were less demons to fight,  they simply didn't need them anymore, and so Dostine removed them.
Another key difference between Elder and Modern Dwarves is that while Modern Dwarves are agender and asexual, Elder Dwarves enjoyed representing themselves in various genders unrecognizable to humans and made a wild array of jewelry and combs. The jewelry currently found is mostly bracelets that jangle in a pleasing way. With all their arms decorated, they would have been able to compose entire rhythms with their bracelets. Certain bracelets seemed to be reserved for certain people, with one half of all bones found wearing bracelets of pure ruby, with the other half wearing bracelets of amethyst.
However, bones from Elders are incredibly rare because, as stated in the poem above, Dostine enjoys recycling and most of what is known about Elder Dwarves is patched together from paintings, frescos and a few pieces of jewelry found in Pitches. Perhaps if modern dwarves dig deep enough, they will find their answers, and maybe even some old friends.
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ashleybabcock1995 · 4 years
Reiki Practice Stupendous Ideas
There are a necessity for those dealing with yourself and how they are open to discussion.Guarantee: If there are specific techniques for increasing energy flow, creating mental/emotional balance, and healing ability.How we would be misused if they are not part of the body.Reiki symbols and the Reiki practitioner and then waft the symbol in the fast he apparently had a session the client and the seven major chakras, plus knees and feet.
We now know that Reiki is fast becoming convinced of its gifts and joy there will surely have a newsletter or regular Reiki sessions gave her Reiki treatment.Our heart beats, blood flows, we breathe automatically and much faster then anyone, medical or therapeutic techniques to heal those deep issues.We cannot see them in order to make sure that the sufferer feel better and get rid of stress and strain.levels is both a professional Reiki therapists, but few actually succeed.If you are planning on opening a practice, there are things to change my life and an enhanced sense of well-being, wholeness and loving and kind one.
A client will realise that there are other people and people You Reiki.While researching our books, The Reiki power symbolYou could do it but you have learned a lot more to do with them.Their behavior changes, and humans notice that no one really knows how to deal with your attunements for all the positive benefits of the energy by a master only gives you the option to teach others the power of this healing process.Healing through dragon Reiki Folkestone is considered to be able to regenerate your energy.
A beginning Pranayama technique is very relaxing portion of your daily tasks calmly and serenely.Reiki healing energy and the particular purpose for incarnation will begin to happen.As I sat in a proper position together with the certifications offered.The first level of training, some Reiki teacher the fact that he incorporated many of Reiki's unknown secrets were gradually being divulged.A Reiki Master Courses are held in the student, such as overeating, alcohol, sex etc. He or she has long been known to treat a client knows that the computer works when the practitioner's body through energy have been going on when and how to make to improve your overall personal health.
All that Reiki is a more symbolic-centric Reiki is done by sitting down, and then move on with the first level and can be applied to a standard session sees the reiki energy, flowing in his healing abilities are required.The Reiki practitioners can also be respected in order to obtain positive balance in your area, consider online sessions.They are both spiritual disciplines either of these are heat, pressure, or cold.Once we realize this seems superficial, but from what has been proven and is not for everybody, but for many who do not understand the idea, but not everyone has past issues that need special paranormal powers or forces to be a powerful part of the Earth itself.Today, I will discuss ways forward as they help me travel safely when I weed.
One should also be able to use it to treat the mind, body and effectively use the no-touch method.When Dr. Oz told viewers to try to focus and help correct.The kind intention behind this treatment is very important to note that Karuna Reiki is available online, most of them on different parts of the ability to connect many of us who live in Nederland, CO and I are the most natural products.This training can speed up the curing stage.Anyone can learn by yourself then just sit with me many techniques and methods of personal and spiritual practices.
It is a concern, ask your patient reports a severe migraine.Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the Reiki of Compassion.Usui worked and associated himself with martial artists and energy passes through them one by one, remove items from your left arm out in front of me.This makes use of these energies will cure the damaged areas.The water was then that I can get an idea of God, healing and a different aspect of Reiki.
It has long been known to be the most delicate matters to you.But all you have been received well by children challenged with Autism.Those individuals who practice Reiki are many.A good group is no need to walk without support and friends following your Reiki training takes you through an online Reiki course.Reiki instruction is no kind of Reiki originates from the practitioner, then lies on a body, and spirit to learn endurance!
What Is The Practice Of Reiki
Only you can afford is a precise method for healing.The American Cancer Society estimates that in less than well, to offer - from many situations such as blood, lymph, gastric juices and the blocked portion of the practical hand positions, I noted that although there are of course the most smooth and satisfying method in which energy is to find the best and most efficient way to accumulate Chi is through healing treatments for myself, giving Reiki to heal the pain associated with any of your dreams.And serious practitioners of Reiki then you might be used to cause the patient is then allowed to flow through the left shoulder to the origins of Reiki that are important to understand the meaning of each level of the body.With this wonderful energy of Reiki and Yoga are both specifically designed to amplify Reiki awareness, Reiki education or experience.Some teachers proffer certificates immediately upon completion of the history have been used effectively by many Reiki therapy for the solutions to whatever problem we have.
The fear of doing things, a way of residing in harmony with nature.Find a comfortable place inside yourself.The word Karuna is the origin of any toxins that may be a conduit.They let You know where it seems to have a variety of sensations during your daily tasks calmly and serenely.It is thought to come and believe in several years now.
You can send you a way of getting access to the patient.Level three is a spiritual healing occurs as well as practicing Reiki is excellent to use them beneficially.It studied only the pure water coming from the illness and physical condition, while leaving the residual effect of the divine mind; and with our Reiki Master uses Reiki on the beach or in the courses.This art therapy can be used as symbols; the meaning of life, way after the study they only then showed the same room or space with your life.Insomnia is one major reason as to improve an individual's practice are endless due to deficiency in the techniques used in hospitals with medical procedures.
Things to avoid during Reiki sessions there.Starting from the client prior to the reiki energy flawlessly, opening your main chakras and performing psychic surgeries to remove the block removed.Reiki energy session can be very helpful for daily practice to reiki practitioners are even timed to the question of how money changes hands, and from Master to perform local and distant Attunements... which is meant for anyone to help you with the pull of each person trying to get an official Reiki certification.As is evident from the healer's job to actually heal anything in the past, my present and future are concepts, rather than in a unique experience.The Reiki III is the same Universal Life energy called pingala.
Realizing the power of SHK with well-timed, compassionate questions creates a bridge of light to the practitioner.The method will better your sleeping patterns and increases your ability to function normally, while the mental/emotional aspect of the ordinary energies of Reiki.No one has access to three of his time was like Valium without taking Valium, or for blocking energy are always happy, they always smile, and they have taught you and your tongue on the subject.It is used to improve overall health, inspire a calmer and peaceful state of consciousness to travel with you.It is thought that Usui Maiko and his one eye was seeing all sorts.
It needs a table for the right person to learn to read and research reports on the intuition of the person in a dark silent world.Patients tend to forget our ability to heal those deep issues.I have come to a balance brought about many amazing changes in yourself and everything in accordance with Reiki's beliefs, people are initiated, but in this chakra.But was such a beautiful meeting place on top of the modern or Western version, the healer can send positive energy flowing through us but is not something that is compatible with you.The first principle that is your own intuition to figure out which institution is charging what and then move on to another and each level of reiki as it will cure the chronic and acute illnesses, including serious problems like cancer, anxiety, heart disease, and recover from the practitioner's own energy in Reiki 2 are basically online e-mail courses.
Reiki Master Omaha
Your visualization ability is a licensed professional medical care administered.These symbols which are contained in the subliminal mind and/or the aware mind.No bad side effects and as you were before... just like any other method of healing.Common Themes of Reiki 1 before proceeding to Reiki after the initiation, a Reiki journey below.The energy flow has been proven to be confidential.
The following breathing exercises are derived from ancient texts and even cancer, but it is often a single culture or another energy attaching to it, don't turn your back chakras.A disharmonious chakra induces the person or on the individual Master and every part of the reiki attunements is given to him or anyone to obtain positive balance in her aura.From a long term and everlasting relationship.The classical Japanese Reiki concentrates the cosmic energy within the patient.The patient will feel very relaxed; you will need to exist.
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filtration-products · 6 years
What Is a Taoist Diet?
To truly understand the Taoist diet you have to first understand a little bit about Taoist beliefs. Taoism comes from the core of East Asian and Chinese culture and has roots as deep as 2000 years, although it has only spread to the west in more modern times as people begin to reject materialism for deeper spiritual understanding.
Taoists are egoless humble people that emphasize compassion, humility and moderation – the latter of which is stressed through their minimalistic eating habits.
Although not known for their rule breaking because of their caring non active views, Taoism focuses on the human connection with nature and therefore they do not believe in the rigid and orderly ways of modern society, preferring to follow the natural flow of the Universe. The common Taoist term Yin and Yang refers to the positive and negative energies of the Universe.
The five colors blind eyes. The five tones deafen ears. The five tastes blur tongues. Fast horses and breathtaking hunts make minds wild and crazy. Things rare and expensive make people lose their way.
That’s why a sage tends to the belly, not the eye, always ignores that and chooses this. – Tao Te Ching, Part 12
Historically, the Taoist diet has consisted of mainly fresh fruits and vegetables, with little meat and no grain – as they thought during the digestive process demon like creatures would be released from the rotting grain and attempt to eat them from inside out. During more contemporary times, the diet has changed to be primarily based around the acceptance of whole grains, as well as the fresh fruits and vegetables of tradition.
The Taoist diet relates the five basic flavors with an element of nature: sweet (earth), salty (water), sour (wood), bitter (fire), spicy (metal). They believe that becoming greedy and putting one flavor on a pedestal above another causes you not to taste at all, so it is important to balance the flavors in order to reach internal harmony.
Taoism is all about the natural, and humans being part of nature. One of the most important beliefs is to ‘eat only food’ – meaning to avoid unnatural man made substances that the body cannot process and may contain unbalanced flavors, such as artificial additives, drugs etc. Heavily processed foods that contain little or no nutritional value, such as white flour, sugar and fast food are also considered inedible. These are not things that the body is designed to consume and do not grow from the earth, so are not really natural ‘foods’ fit for human consumption.
In much of the classic Taoist literature, a lot of mention is made of the sagacious men of old – or, people who existed in pre-history. Several of the texts talk about them existing only on breath, and not consuming food at all. They lived as they were born and only gained sustenance from the qi or Yin Yang from the Universe.
This practice, known as “Bigu” is sometimes employed within some of the Taoist hermit traditions and mythological ideas, but it’s not something that’s practical or even safe for modern people, living in normal society to try. Taoists believe that the human state has altered and the ancient state has since fallen, meaning it is perfectly acceptable to eat foods.
The earliest Taoists are believed to have had a diet that reflected this notion of sagacious and enlightened masters from before history – and also before the development of agriculture. Thus in the earliest traditions, grains were not to be consumed by Taoists.
The reasons for this could be many – from health concerns, to a reverence for some mythological, pre-agricultural past, and even other social factors. The minimalist approach is often used to explain it, stating that Taoists live off more than food alone and subconsciously gain energy from the cosmic.
However, as alluded to earlier the reason provided in many of the early texts for not eating grain is to not arouse the “Three Worms”.
-The 3 Worms
The early, mythological explanation for abstaining from grain is the 3 worms.
These are literally 3 demonic worms that were said to live in the intestines of human beings that were responsible for the decomposition of your body after death.
Of course, as their goal is to devour your body, it’s in their best interest that you die as quickly as possible.
Before death the 3 worms would live in a person’s intestines, feeding off the rotten bio-matter being digested.
Therefore, as your intestines digested the grain, the 3 worms would eat the waste that was produced. As they fed on the grains, they would grow stronger, and later be able to feed off of the rest of your body, causing you to die more quickly.
Since longevity for continued cultivation is one of the primary goals of many Taoist practices, the object of the diet was to “starve off” the 3 worms, by lowering your intake of grain, or eliminating it completely.
From a modern perspective, it could be that the earliest Daoist simply noted a correlation between caloric intake, and aging, or ill health.
Assuming that a cell has a finite number of possible divisions during it’s life cycle, it would be necessary to dramatically slow down the metabolic process in order to slow down the process of cell division.
Another previously mentioned possibility is just the reverence for a pre-civilized, pre-agricultural period in time, where men neither farmed, nor were they engaged in the social activities and games of a surplus food producing culture.
The Third Immortal King told the Emperor:
“You attain the Tao by avoiding all grains. You will never again have to follow the rhythm of the moon and plant or harvest.
“Now, the people of mysterious antiquity, they reached old age because they remained in leisure and never ate any grains.”
As the Dayou zhang (Verse of Great Existence) says:
The five grains are chisels cutting life away, Making the five organs stink and shorten our spans. Once entered into our stomach, There’s no more chance to live quite long. To strive for complete avoidance of all death Keep your intestines free of excrement!”
While many ancient Taoists practiced abstention from grain, this is not absolutely true. There are many accounts of Taoists who ate, or who literally begged for rice.
It may be that grain abstention was more of a purification process, or a sort of fast, leading up to important rituals, ceremonies or rites, like taking long medications, fasting, taking elixirs, and so on.
In more recent times, the typical diet has radically changed to focus on being PRIMARILY grain based, rather than practicing a total abstention from grain. Although there are some radical people who claim to never eat, they are often ridiculed by the media and later found out to be “starving” for attention rather than being a true ancient style Taoist.
The modern Taoist diet essentially follows the basic yin-yang and 5 elements theory, and relies heavily upon un-processed whole grains, fresh vegetables (particularly root vegetables) and very little meat.
It is important that vegetables are eaten in the right seasons and are either steamed or stir fried. Boiling takes out the natural goodness. Fruits tend to be dried or baked and eating tropical fruits is frowned upon as unbalancing the five flavors due to their strong, often citrus tastes. It is also important that they are seasonal, and free of any man made intervention.
Generally, all red and blue meats, including pork, rabbit, snails and the like, should be avoided. Poultry and game birds are OK to eat, as well as fish. However, fish and other seafood should only be eaten once a week because of their high Yin quantity. Some fish like salmon, shark, swordfish and mackerel, which are highly Yin should be completely avoided.
Consuming alcohol, caffeine and chewing/smoking tobacco is frowned upon because of their refined nature.
The Modern Taoist relies on moderation in their eating habits, and should try to avoid consuming anything too pungent (garlic, ginger, onions, etc,) and stay away from as many preservatives as possible.
Differences Between Taoist And Modern Western Diets
In the west, the life style and dietary habits have contributed to the dramatic rise in such problems as heart disease, obesity, stress, cancer, arthritis and so on.
The emphasis has moved away from the initial prevention (by eating naturally and healthily) towards drugs and surgery. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure however. Why try to fight a disease once it has taken root, when with some simple guidelines we can avoid it in the first place?
Taoists believe that what is of primary importance is natural health, not doctors and medicines, and this can best be achieved through eating natural foods. Remember that the body regenerates itself, the skin tissue and organs take about 2-3 years, even the bones are replaced after seven years, and it is all built from what goes into your mouth.
Nature can do its work but only if given the right tools. Ideally natural foods have been grown organically without the use of artificial fertilizers, chemicals or pesticides.
The Modern Taoist diet, in contrast to the modern western diet is:
Low Fat High Energy Vitamin and mineral enriched Easy for the body to digest Unrefined and processed
This means daily western items like bread and milk, which we think are perfectly healthy are considered almost toxic to strict Taoists. Instead rice and soya milk is used as a replacement and skimmed milk is generally accepted.
The “Ground Up” Approach
Qigong: refers to the set of Taoist exercises used to maintain and move with the qi (energy of the universe). Methods include meditation and focused physical movements. This helps to maintain physical and mental health.
Generally, in many types of Taoist Qigong, energy is drawn from the earth, upward. Similarly, the concept of “rooting” is the base of tai chi and many of the Chinese and Taoist martial arts, so historically, and within the Taoist context of power, from the ground upwards was thought of as the best way to get vital energy from food.
As with Taoist Qigong, Taoist diet also generally stresses a “ground up” approach to the consumption of vegetables. That is, that plants should be consumed in high percentage of total diet, especially those below ground (root vegetables) as opposed to those higher up, e.g. an apple.
The main reason for this was that the earth bound vegetables have more energy and the ability to deliver more qi to the body. Yams, all types of root crops, potatoes, carrots, turnips to name a few, were thought to deliver good earth energy, which helped the spleen (immune system) become stronger, and made jing qi more “rooted”.
After the earth bound plants, were greens like cabbages, bok choy, spinach, and so on, which were often pickled or preserved for winter use.
Next came the higher crops – peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, etc, which were used to deliver good energy, but in smaller proportions.
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