#like you have to understand the position im in here. from a narrative standpoint the character doesnt need to be brought back like he's done
krytus · 6 months
i dont know what's funnier. if tdp brings back harrow or doesn't.
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OH MY GOD btw idk if you saw my tags in my second rb of that post but im SO SORRY that it looked like i was telling you to "chill" for a second i would never say that, that's so dismissive 😭😭😭
tumblr hates me and hates when i talk in the tags of my mutuals' posts apparently
i thought ur post was very good & i was TRYING to express agreement and talk about my thoughts in the tags. so sorry if it seemed like i was trying to shut u down at first. godspeed o7
[In reference to this post]
LMAO Clay I shit you not I was in the middle of writing an ask to *you* saying, first of all, no worries at all about the fucky tumblr tags haha this is the hellsite and I read that tag as sarcasm anyways so dw dw lol I know you're not like that haha 🫂.
And second of all, that I was nodding very emphatically reading your tags yeah I'm also quite conflicted- increasingly so frankly, and I can relate to your description of being *so* sad from it that it kind of falls flat? As for like, whether I find it satisfying from a narrative standpoint or not, *honestly* as more time passes the more I can feel my own opinions going from positive to... Mixed? I agree that the Swifts deserved more time, period (absolutely) and that there was so much left unexplored... And that it would have felt more satisfying if we got more with them...
Hm. With the interaction as it was, I honestly think I would have liked it much more if it happened like, midway through the season? Giving Nicky enough time to step up and really prove himself to Taylor? Though of course we return then to the issue of that family not having enough time in general!
Conversely... I think I could have been happier with Taylor's decision happening at the end here and simultaneously been *less* uh absolutely heartbroken if it had been delivered differently like, tonally? I suppose I feel like... Combining all of their previous interactions prior over the course of the season, the complications surrounding Nicky's abandoment to begin with (listen could my man have sent a letter now and again abso-fucking-lutely but bro also had all his friends turn against him and was tortured by the FBI who he didn't want hurting his family like it's not so black and white at all), and maybe most of all the fact that Nicky genuinely *was* trying to be there for Taylor post-reuiniting in Hell... Combining all those things, it's not that I think Taylor is wrong to decide still that his dad wasn't there for him before so he doesn't want him now, as sad as that is I think it's still very understandable and certainly *interesting*, but the *cruelty* in how he delivered that blow is what came as a bit of a shocker to me and just doesn't feel good to me with. Well with all those other things I mentioned. Again, that's if we're keeping this interaction at the very end here, having Taylor chew out his dad the way he did way earlier could have been great.
IS. Is where I'm currently at with that I think? Yeah lol. Like there's more thoughts for sure but I would surely go on several tangents haha.
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petitepistol · 4 years
this is hard because i have to separate elena from how she exists in canon from the elena i have built up for myself in my mind, so in the interest of brevity im choosing to focus on the canon aspects that deeply drew me to her to begin with and continue to feed my fascination and frustration with her to this day
ONE elena is a minor character. like, take her out of the story of the game and nobody would bat an eye. the writers dont really know what they are doing with her at any given moment, so she is this half formed mess of anachronistic traits. that can be really interesting and really challenging to try and flesh out, especially when you factor in how disconnected she is from even the characters closest to her and what those interpersonal dynamics must be like. even among the turks she is an outlier, new to the team and hellbent on diligently doing her job despite not having the same ghosts as the rest of them. before crisis tries to touch on that with her sister, but that just muddies the waters further providing conflicting motivations that they never really address. because, as stated initially, she is a minor character. and that means the exposition is something i have to do, not canon.
TWO despite being a minor character, from a mechanics standpoint she serves a purpose. her first appearance is there to give you an important lead on the big bad, her narrative purpose in the wutai subquest means you get both a party member and a forge fragile armistice with the turks. during the icicle portion if you get knocked out by her, she drops you off in gast’s house, which might mean the devs were using her to guide less skilled players into viewing missable but important lore. this extends to the compilation, where she is utilized off screen for the jenova head in a box debacle, and in before crisis to pad out the plot a little longer by getting kidnapped. from a game design perspective her existence is validated not by good writing but by being a deus ex machina and i have learned to love that as much as i hate it.
THREE she occupies a space where you can throw just about a billion tropes at her and it can work. people don’t usually realize this, but for such bit player you can do a lot with her. also if you wanna write snappy dialogue you can let this girl just say fucking anything. nothing is off limits coming out of her mouth, because there is so little to go off of and what data there is can be interpreted so broadly. that also means you can write her as downright sociopathic or as an unlikely altruist, leaning towards either of the extremes or staying dead center in the middle of the road. the only limitations are that of the perceptional biases of the writer.
FOUR that she is the highest level of the turks in game will never not make me ridiculously happy. i love that this so called clumsy rookie is the most difficult to take out in a fight with the rarest gear. if you wanna hear more about aspect that go here.
FIVE hnnnnng pretty girl who can kick my ass please step on me unga bunga
there are so many wonderful people i want to give accolades too that i often find it hard to do these kind of daisy chains, and even now im cheating by doubling the number. that still isnt enough, so to those who arent on this list i have to say i love you too but the powers that be and my own shyness turned off the mic before the speech ended
ONE forever amused by how both @makeupandmateria and @madamdirectcr are not only incredible to me as a player, but elena as a character. we are in love with this surprising supportive mean ladies coterie. swiftie plays an elegantly dubious scarlet to the hilt and manages to bring out the best in everyone. lottie brings an uncanny sensitivity to scarlet that makes you think while being so sweet and engaging outside of play.
TWO speaking of girls muses supporting other girl muses @heavenlyfighter and @cultivatxr are a dynamic duo and im lucky enough to be in talks with both of them. jessica plays a lovely tifa who has such a melancholy imbued to her strength while not only tolerating my flakiness but being so understanding, while phoe has had a perfect grasp on aerith for what feels like an epoch always letting that same vibrancy spill out into reality.
THREE so @animus-inspire and @urbdev-assistant are two peas of positivity in a pod and i adore them for it. one them plays an understated hero who has the capacity to do great good even when aligned with evil and the other has taken the adage about there being a great woman behind every great man and elevated an npc into a brilliant character. both are fantastic.
FOUR shout out to @missionheartcd and @rude-at-your-service for being not only the best coworkers elena could ever had but being consistently delightful out of character. not only do i want to play more with their characters, i also appreciate their support.
FIVE thank you to @warofthebeasts​ and @inanisvitae​ for putting up with my inexplicable affection for sephiroth. kevin is so patient with my persistent poking and prodding and you could not find a more passionate advocate for either character development or friendship than maria.
these are mostly mine but may or may not apply to elena from some twisted meta perspective also this was hard because i have no guilty pleasures my tastes is flawless (this definitely applies to elena as well unless we are talking about her taste in men which is terrible lmao sorry im just bullying tseng he is actually pretty cool)
ONE you cannot have this type of lists without ABBA represented and while this is almost a lesser known track of theirs, i have liked it since i heard it in childhood playing through the records my mom owned. the lyrical content is very shinra-core and while i dont think elena ever dated a middle aged fat cat for money as a teen im certain she considered it
TWO as a kid i didnt like the indomitable miss spears because i bought into regressive attitudes towards female sexuality while not recognizing she was being exploited by the industry, but i have grown. elena agrees with the sentiment of “you better work, bitch”
THREE im not ashamed of my love of god queen shiina ringo but at the time i first saw this video i was not prepared for the gratuitous badass lady nurse on sexy female patient malpractice action it featured and that was what made it a guilty pleasure
FOUR everybody loves george michael and that includes me. this piece from his wham! era is almost too peppy, but i am an absolutely a sucker for imagining brutal fight scenes with anachronistically cheerful songs playing over the carnage
FIVE rounding things off is an obligatory recent weeb jam. well half of this combo is american but you know what i mean. i love the combination of classic funk and whispery vocals echoing into an unrepentant cry of “fuck you motherfucker.” coupled with the blonde in the video intercut with the OL being joyfully liberated by her train ride? elena vibes
Tagged: @madamdirectcr @animus-inspire Tagging: you!
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alanajacksontx · 7 years
Here’s how to get executives excited about SEO
As an SEO expert at your company – maybe the SEO expert – you may find yourself needing to persuade executives to invest more in your company’s SEO practices.
Championing SEO means successfully selling the right company leaders on the benefits, demonstrating the effectiveness and wisdom of your specific SEO strategy, and, more often than not, including a few convincing facts about why it will make them look good.
Here are four practices you should use to your advantage when trying to win executive support for your SEO proposals:
1) Understand your executive audience before you even step in the room
When you enter the executive meeting to present your SEO plan, know exactly what you’re getting into. Is this a group discussion, or are you going in one-on-one? What will keep the attention of this particular individual or group, and what are the expectations for this meeting on the other side of the table?
In presenting your plan, it’s important to tell executives everything they need to know in order to say yes. This means explaining the very specific goals that your SEO proposal will help the business achieve. Clearly explain any costs and risks as well, so that executives have the information to make a fully informed decision.
Remember that they may even have to sell what you’re proposing at the level above them. If it’s possible to tailor what your asking for and how you present it to align well with current budgeting and company strategy, do so.
Overall, try to hand executives the ready-made case they need to fully convince both themselves and others how a greater investment in SEO will positively affect the bottom line.
2) Prepare a presentation that’s focused, powerful, and to the point
Take the time to practice and refine your presentation, focusing on a tight collection of points that you want – and need – to make. It also doesn’t hurt to use a few tricks from the advertising world, from plain old flattery to the bandwagon approach.
Make it clear that a proper focus on SEO is what smart companies are doing to succeed, and that this focus will serve to increase exposure for the tremendous work being done by creative and other teams. Also explain how “everyone else is doing it,” especially through presenting information that highlights where competitors have superior SEO practices and are beating your company in search rankings.
A little competitive spirit and FOMO can help put the push for SEO in perspective and get executives animated about how your company can respond – a response plan you ought to have ready as well.
3) Stick to terminology your audience can understand
Remember that the executives in your audience probably don’t understand SEO terminology at an expert level. That said, you shouldn’t hesitate to provide specific examples and information that will help draw them in; just be sure to avoid SEO jargon with which non-experts aren’t familiar.
For example, you may want to talk about metadata and KPIs, but your audience may need a bit of guidance to navigate these terms. You can accomplish this with rephrasing, such as changing metadata to “how searchers view your result on the search engine results page”, and KPIs to “specific data points that matter.”
4) Present those specific data points that matter
When weaving the narrative you present to executives as to how an investment in SEO will achieve intended results for your company, ensure that they take it as more than a fairy tale: ground everything in actual data.
From an internal execution standpoint, this means getting specific with the costs, personnel, and bandwidth required. It also means setting target goals the potential visibility and profit your company’s SEO efforts will deliver.
Don’t be afraid to dive into the real metrics that your proposal has been crafted to improve. This will likely include specific information like customer acquisition cost (CAC), the marketing percentage of CAC, the ratio of customer lifetime value to CAC, the time to payback the CAC, and the marketing originated/influenced customer percentages.
If your presentation can convincingly demonstrate how your SEO efforts will return favorable numbers for these metrics, there’s a good chance that executives would be smart to listen to you – and that they will.
Kevin Gamache is Search Strategist at Wire Stone, a digital marketing agency part of Accenture Interactive.
from IM Tips And Tricks https://searchenginewatch.com/2017/11/16/heres-how-to-get-executives-excited-about-seo/ from Rising Phoenix SEO https://risingphxseo.tumblr.com/post/167552265865
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