#like. do we think they just straight up put a bunch of eu shit in there because it’s already done and they just have to compile it?
seveneyesoup · 2 years
hang on i just remembered someone bought me a book of time lord fairytales years and years ago and i never read it because i do not care. is anyone interested in the contents of the book and/or does anyone want to place bets about the contents
21 notes · View notes
tdatdroleplay · 4 years
Crashing Date Night
Including @RaucousRomanian @BiteOuttaCrime @HisTeenDream @RookByTheBook 
Nicolae: [He and Nash had gone out to lunch. This little hole in the wall taco place that was incredible. And because he was well versed in multiple languages, he carried on conversations with the sweet elderly woman who worked there. Once he and Nash had eaten, they hit the gun range, popping off a few magazines and practicing their accuracy. They were finished after about an hour or so, hit the gym, and then were back at the station to finish up those reports that were due by the end of the day. Looking across the desk at Nash, he blew out a breath, signing the last report.] You got plans tonight?
Nash: [He was focused on the last of his reports and he could hear Nic saying something about plans when he dated the last form and closed it in the folder.] Tonight? No, why? Got something in mind? [He looked over at him as he leaned back in his chair. He threw his hands back, fingers lacing behind his head as he stretched his legs out.]
Nicolae: [He watched Nash lean back and relax a bit.] Well, I thought if you didn’t have plans that maybe we could go grab some dinner. I’ve got the /strangest/ hankering for some Creole cuisine. [He bounced his brows and chuckled.] C’mon. It’ll be fun. Normally, we get some takeout, watch some baseball, bullshit around, and fall asleep with a bottle of beer between our legs before one of us leaves the other’s house and fucking goes home to wake up and do it all over again. Let’s just go get some good food, meet Rook’s new chick, have a little fun, some laughs. Ask if she has any friends. [He chuckled.] What do you think? 
Nash: [His brows lifted when Nic suggested the two of them go crash Hank’s date with his new old girl. He shook his head.] You’re too fucking much, man. [He laughed and then realized that he was being serious.] No shit? You wanna go down to where he’s at and just stroll up in there getting some crawfish? [He lifted a shoulder and thought about it for a few minutes.] Yeah, why the hell not.
Nicolae: [He clapped his hands together when Nash finally agreed.] There you go! And hell no, I ain’t gonna crash his date. I’m not going to run up on him and be like, “Hey there, girl. Drop the Rookie and get with the…” [He couldn’t even finish the sentence before laughing. When the two of them headed out, he shook his head.] Let’s just head to our places, get showered, look decent, and go grab some food. Meet outside the restaurant?
Nash: [He shook his head and chuckled as he walked out the door. He was glad that there wasn’t any big issues that came about on their shift. As much as he and Nic were junkies for the rough shit at work, it was a good day when they weren’t needed. That meant people weren’t being hurt. He nodded his head.] Alright, man. I’ll meet ya at the restaurant. 
Nicolae: [He waved to Nash and then got into his SUV. Pulling out of the spot, he was booking it back to his place. He was decently quick in the shower, cleaning himself up in a hurry. He went ahead and jumped out, dried off, and grabbed some clean clothes, pulling them on. His place was a damn mess. He needed to clean it up, but...that was low on his list of priorities. He went ahead and locked up before jogging out to his SUV to head on over to Cookhouse to wait on Nash.] 
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Nash: [He was out of the shower and drying off with his clothes laid out. He blew out a breath. The silence was deafening which is why either he or Nic would be at the other’s house. Just got them through the day. After he got himself dressed, he felt much better about going out and doing something for a change. He locked up his place and went out to the garage, getting on his Ducati before heading toward the restaurant where he knew Nic would beat him. He wasn’t a man who was ever late. He was always early. It’s just the way he was.] 
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Nicolae: [He was sitting in the parking lot waiting for Nash when his mother called. And he knew better than to send her to voicemail. After that initial greeting and some idle chit chat about what he was doing, the conversation took its normal detour off into his mother speaking quickly in her native tongue to him. Talking about how she wasn’t sure this job was good for him.] Totul este bun, mamă. Știu că vă faceți griji. Dar eu sunt un om crescut. [He’d told her that everything was fine, that he was a grown man, that there was no need to worry. Another pause where she told him he was never that grown. He nodded his head though she couldn’t see.] Da. Stiu. Voi fi mereu băiatul tău. [He sighed, telling her yes, he knew. He’d always be her boy. He broke the tense conversation with a bit of humor.] C’mon, ma. Next thing you’re gonna be saying is when am I having you some grandkids? [He chuckled, but groaned when he heard her. “Asta e o intrebare buna, Nicolae.” Which translated to… “That’s a good question, Nicolae.” Well, that shit backfired. Looking out the window, he saw Nash and murmured.] Saved by the Ducati. Ma, I gotta go. Nash’s here. Yes, I’ll tell him. Love you too. Bye. [He swung the door open, shaking his head as he tucked the phone into his pocket.] The woman’s relentless.
Nash: [He lifted a brow as he heard Nic speak about a woman and he knew exactly who it was.] Momma? [He chuckled and wet his lips.] How’s my favorite lady doing? [He grinned and then looked around not seeing Hank’s truck.] Tell me we beat this man to his own date? [He chuckled and then blew out a breath.] Damn, my stomach’s growling big time. I guess I’m glad we came here. 
Nicolae: [He nodded with a chuckle.] Of course it was. And she sends you her love. Told me to tell you. [He shook his head. His mother just thought the damn world of Nash. Such a sweet boy. He rolled his eyes and laughed.] Well, he never technically said what time he and his date were getting here. So…[He shrugged and then nodded.] Right? I’m fucking starved. Let’s head on in. Try to get a table. Sit at the bar, something.
Nash: You give her a big kiss from me. [He chuckled and wet his lips as the two of them started toward the restaurant.] That’s true. Bunch of fucking creepers we are, ain’t we? [He grinned as he walked up to the place and then went inside. He loved Cajun food. Spent some time in Louisiana too and it was always more about the food than anything else.] 
Nicolae: Shit no. [He laughed, shaking his head.] You keep your lips away from my mom, Nash. [He chuckled and then slapped him on the shoulder.] We aren’t creepers. I mean...just a little. Hank mentioned this place and well hell, I like me some Cajun food. [He pushed open the door and they both stepped inside. It wasn’t too terribly crowded. At a quick glance, he didn’t see Hank anywhere.]
Nash: [He chuckled at Nic when he said he wasn’t gonna give her a kiss from him. He shook his head.] That’s too bad. Your momma loves me. We both know I’m her favorite. [He grinned and lifted his hand, with two fingers up so they would know what they needed. The both of them being taken to another table in the back. Didn’t seem too busy which was alright by him.] Hell, maybe they ain’t coming until later on and we’ll just be here drinking Abita’s all night. 
Nicolae: [He rolled his eyes again.] Cut the shit, Nash. That’s my momma. She loves me more than anything in the world. /I’m/ her favorite. You’re just...a close second. [He shoved his shoulder and then chuckled.] Hey, I’m good with that. [He smiled up at the hostess and then took the menu from her.] Thanks, darling. [He flipped open the menu and started to look over it while they waited for their server to come to the table.] So it’s a given that Hank’s gonna be SWAT soon enough. He’s gonna pass those tests. I don’t have any doubt about that, do you? The boy can shoot. Have you ever seen him at the range? [He looked up at the waitress as she introduced herself.] Well, hello there, Amanda. [He shut his menu. He honestly didn’t even really need it.] I’m gonna have a beer, bottle, not draft please. Abita Amber’ll be fine. I’m gonna start with those Cajun Cracklins and then I’m gonna have the Blackened Louisiana Catfish. And can I have some shrimp on the side too? Pretty please? [He handed her the menu as she nodded with a smile.]
Nash: [He chuckled and shook his head as he handed the menu back. He already knew what he was getting.] I’ll have the same. Amber. [He wet his lips and then smiled.] Charbroiled oysters and the BBQ shrimp, please. [He passed the drink menu back too. Nothing too fancy for him. But this place had good seafood. When she left, he nodded.] Yeah, I don’t think there’s a question about that and I have seen him at the range. They’d be damn stupid to let that one walk away. He’s made for this kinda thing. Though like I said, I just hope he can manage it. 
Nicolae: [He wet his lips and looked around the restaurant.] Well, I’m sure he can. I don’t see why he couldn’t. The kid’s been preparing for it for quite some time, you know? I mean shit...is kinda crazy though that some girl from his high school days comes back to fuck with his head. But he seems like someone who has his head on straight. He works hard. I’m sure he can find that balance that I haven’t been able to. [He shook his head with a sigh before the waitress brought their beers over.] Thank you, darling. 
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Nash: [He shook his head.] Have you been really trying though? That’s the question. I haven’t. Not that that’s a bad thing, just means that there’s been other shit going on and I don’t...didn’t wanna subject someone to the bullshit that’s our job. I agree that it’s possible to do it though. It’s just a lot harder for us than it is for the average person. And you’ve gotta find the woman that makes you wanna work that hard to make things happen. 
Nicolae: [He brought the beer bottle to his lips, taking a drink.] Well...no. I don’t guess I have. Otherwise I might be out there looking instead of just…[He chuckled, shaking his head.] Neither one of us is really putting ourselves out there I guess. But you know…[He took another sip of beer.] But, not to sound too much like my mom, neither one of us is getting any younger. [He lifted a shoulder.] And it might be nice to have someone to go home to. To warm up your bed at night. 
Nash: [He shook his head.] Yeah, but it’s not an everyday woman that can deal with what we do for a living. She has to know that any day her man might not come home. [He shook his head.] I can’t help but always look at the shit in a morbid way. You’re always better at making shit sound more positive. I leave the good shit to you, I’ll bring us back down to earth. [He chuckled as he drank a few sips of beer.] 
Lux: [After spending a few more hours with her dad, she told him goodbye and then headed back to the house. She was excited to see Hank again, to get to dress up a little for him, really try to knock his socks off. She hadn’t been out on a date in such a long time, and the idea had her feeling a little nervous. After finding the right dress, she hopped in the shower to get ready for their date.]
Hank: [He went ahead and made his last rounds before trading his patrol car for his truck and then went on home. He grabbed a quick shower, let the dog out, fed him and then finished getting himself ready. With a quick text to Lux, he grabbed his keys and started for the door. He decided to leave the dog out instead of penning him tonight. He got in the truck before hitting send to her. “On my way babe.” Pulling out of the driveway, he headed toward Lux’s house.]
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Lux: [She got his text as she was finishing her hair. She was probably incredibly overdressed, but then again, it was just a dress and a pair of heels. The hair and makeup is what really made it look dressy. Still, she didn’t have the time to second guess herself now. She blew out a soft breath as she looked at herself in the mirror, placing the last pin into place in her hair. She draped a coat over her shoulders, which also gave the ensemble a little more of a dressy appearance and then waited by the door.] 
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Hank: [He pulled up out front and got out of the truck. He was gonna make sure it was like a real date. He made his way up to the door and he had to admit to himself that he was nervous. This wasn’t something they ever did...granted, they were a little reversed, but he didn’t mind and he didn’t think she would either. He lifted his hand and rang her bell, waiting for her to answer the door.]
Lux: [Grabbing her bag, she opened the door with a smile. Glancing at the clock, she nodded her head.] Right on time. Looking as handsome as ever. [She stepped outside, shutting the door behind her.] So where are we going? [She raised a brow as she looked up at him before reaching out to take hold of his hand.]
Hank: [His brows lifted when she opened the door.] Damn...you look...absolutely gorgeous. [He shook his head. All the right things in all the right places. He slid his hand against her waist, leaning in to press a kiss to her lips before handing her the flowers.] That’s a really pretty color on you, baby. I feel like it’s gonna be me, telling all the damn men to put their eyes back in their heads. [He chuckled.] Well, I thought we’d go to Cookhouse. Get some Cajun. But if you wanna go somewhere else, just let me know. 
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Lux: [She laughed softly.] I’m probably /way/ too overdressed. I just got a little excited at the idea. [She took the flowers, her smile even wider now.] Hank, these are beautiful. Thank you. You didn’t have to do this. But I love them. [She brought them up to her nose to inhale the sweet fragrance before she answered him.] No, no, that place is great. I’m totally good with that. [She took his hand, carrying her bag toward the truck.] You might have to help me up into this monster. This dress doesn’t allow for a ton of moving around. [She looked up at him with a laugh.]
Hank: [He chuckled and shook his head.] You ain’t overdressed. You look perfect and that’s all there is to it. [He winked at her and then gave her a nod. He wouldn’t mind doing that for her. Grinning, he opened the passenger side door before turning to scoop her up and slide her into the seat.] How’s that? [He chuckled.] 
Lux: [She made a soft surprised sound when Hank scooped her up to put her in the truck. She laughed as he placed her on the seat.] That’s just about perfect. Thank you. [She put the overnight bag in his backseat before turning to give him a kiss. Once he’d shut the door, she clicked her seatbelt into place.]
Hank: [He had a grin on his face as he made his way around to the driver’s side and climbed on in. He started up the truck and pulled out. It wasn’t until they were on the road that he reached over for her hand. He just wanted to have some type of connection to her.] Jesus…[He couldn’t help but laugh at the thoughts he was starting to have.]
Lux: [She looked over at Hank with a bit of a confused expression.] What? What’s the Jesus comment and the laugh for? [She smiled as she kept hold of Hank’s hand as he drove them toward the restaurant.] Something amusing to you? [She wet her lips and looked back over to him.] My dad’s thrilled, you know? Which is weird. Normally dads aren’t crazy about their daughters dating.
Hank: [He chuckled and shook his head.] It’s because I keep thinking about how this was all shit I thought about then, you know? Like, just ask her out. Take her out. But no, I didn’t say shit. And now fast forward years later and we’re on a date. [He shook his head.] It’s just funny how things go sometimes. [He looked over at her and nodded.] Well, yeah. That’s because he knows I care about ya. And that I have for a long time. And he also knows that I ain’t someone to just toss a woman aside. We’ve talked. A lot. 
Lux: [She smiled when he talked about wanting to do these things back when they were in high school together.] Things work out the way they’re supposed to. And now here we are. On a date. Though we kinda did this totally backward, didn’t we? [She laughed, giving his hand a squeeze.] Oh really? You guys’ve talked a lot, huh? Well...that’s got me feeling pretty curious.
Hank: [He chuckled.] It’s not that bad, right? I mean, we’ve known each other for years and sometimes...that just lets us have chemistry in ways we wouldn’t have if we just met. It lets those walls already be down. [He winked at her and then pulled up at the restaurant.] Well yeah, we’ve talked. He knows what I want in life, knows where my heads at. He knows I’m not a breeze through kinda guy. 
Lux: [She shook her head.] Don’t get me wrong. I’m not ashamed of anything that happened last night. It wasn’t like we’d just met or anything. We’ve known each other for years. We just caught up in a way that...most people don’t. [She laughed a little and then looked out the window when they pulled up at the restaurant.] Are you hungry? [She clicked her seatbelt and leaned over to give Hank a kiss on the cheek.] It’s good to know that you aren’t a breeze through kind of man.
Hank: [He smiled at her and then got out of the truck to go help her back out. And once he did, he reached for her hand.] Yeah, I’m decently hungry. I’m a big guy. I need to get my calories and carbs in. [He chuckled and then walked her toward the restaurant.] Do you like Cajun food? It’s something I like to change up from my normal Mexican most of the time. Or pizza. Just...pretty much live on that. 
Lux: [She shook her head.] Well, I do like Cajun food. I’m pretty well into spicy food. The spicier, the better. [She raised a brow at Hank as he helped her down out of the truck and they started toward the restaurant.] Well...you know...I’d be more than happy to bring you lunch down to the station. To pack your lunch for you the night before. To make you breakfast before you head out to work. Have dinner ready for you when you came home. [She shrugged with a smile.] Just so you aren’t eating the same ol’ thing all the time.
Hank: [His brows lifted when she said what she had and he wet his lips.] So you’re willing to do all of that just so I don’t eat the same thing over and over again? [He grinned and then chuckled.] Sure it ain’t more than that? [He moved his hand to her lower back and wet his lips.] Either way, that’s something I would definitely look forward to. I mean, until you weren’t able to because of working or...auditioning and playing.
Lux: Well, it might be more than that. I might just wanna take care of you. Just a thought. Not anything you have to agree to. I don’t want to embarrass you or anything in front of your tough SWAT cop friends. [She smiled as he pulled the door open and she stepped inside.] That’s /if/ I get a callback. Which...I’m not sure I will. I might have to get a job doing something else in the meantime. [She inhaled deeply.] It smells delicious in here.
Hank: [He shook his head with a chuckle.] Hey, listen...if you wanna do all of that for me, we’re good. You can. I don’t even care if you cut the sandwiches into hearts. They’ll bust my balls and then I’ll kindly remind them that I get to go home to the woman who makes me those sandwiches and they get to go home to their hands. [He grinned and then walked with her back to a table for two.] Well, I’m sure you will. You always were incredibly talented and I know that hasn’t changed at all. 
Nicolae: Yeah, you’re gonna have to let some of my optimism rub off on you, Nash. Jesus, man. You’ve got to get positive and happy. I mean, yeah, it’s definitely something to think about, but let’s be one hundred percent honest with each other here. We’ve never had any close calls. Not saying it couldn’t happen. It could. But...why are we not trying to have some sort of relationship just to keep that shit separate when we could have both. You and I are partners, best friends, and you know as well as I do that we could find some badass ladies to roll with us. Yeah, they’d have to be understanding, but that isn’t…[He raised a brow as he saw Hank and a tiny little blonde walking through the restaurant. He cleared his throat and gestured with his bottle of beer.] Your three o’clock. [He chuckled.]
Nash: I get what you’re saying, I do, but neither of us makes the damn time. That’s all I’m saying about it, not that it can’t happen just that…[He turned and looked over his right shoulder as he saw Hank and this tiny blonde walk in the door. His brows lifted.] He wasn’t kidding was he? Look how damn small she is compared to his brick shithouse self. Goddamn. [He shook his head with a chuckle.] Yeah, look at that grin on his face. He’s already anticipating later. 
Lux: [She smiled up at Hank and then shook her head.] That’s right. At least I’m hoping you’re coming home to me from now on. [She knew that his job was dangerous. She didn’t like it, but she understood it, and she was proud of him. She walked back toward the table with him.] And I don’t mean that in a scary way. I just mean...you know...cause all this just started with us. Still, I’m hopeful. And thank you. You haven’t heard me play in years. I’m a little better than I was then. [She smiled, sitting in the chair he’d pulled out for her.] Thank you.
Hank: He pushed her chair back under before he took his seat and then looked over at her.] I’ve got no doubt that you’re still incredible. And yeah, even more so now. [He smiled.] I mean, we’ve got to figure it out. You’ve got a place, I’ve got a place. But I’d assume that one of us would be at either place at any given time. I know you’re going to need to be closer to your dad now. And I’m alright with that. Just like I’m alright with spending more time there to make sure things get done. More than just mowing every once in a while. I don’t want you worried about the heavy lifting and I damn sure don’t want him worried about it either.] 
Nicolae: Well, maybe we should consider making a little damn time, Nash. I mean look at that. Don’t you wanna be the one with the goofy grin on your face escorting a gorgeous woman to a table in a restaurant. [He chuckled at what Nash said.] Shit, I’d be anticipating later too. Look at that dress. [He grinned and then looked up as their server brought their starters. He continued on after she’d left.] She’s /way/ smaller than him. You know he’s peacock strutting right now. Can’t blame him though. 
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Nash: [He chuckled and shook his head.] Well, yeah...but there’s gotta be time. You can’t just be like, hey...you...that’s the one I want right there. [He rolled his eyes and then wet his lips.] Better be careful and not let Hank hear you talking about her like that. Cause if I were him, you’d be missing teeth. [He grinned. That was true on so many levels. You couldn’t just talk about someone’s woman like that and expect to get a high five. Maybe to the face.] 
Lux: [She nodded her head, a sigh on her lips.] Yeah, well, I’m still clinging to the hope that he’ll start responding to those treatments and he’ll get better. But I know what you’re saying. And you don’t have to worry about me trying to do any heavy lifting. [She laughed, shaking her head.] I can’t. [She glanced down at the drink menu before ordering a Hurricane when the server came over to take their drink order.] I don’t think dad can either, Hank. He’s lost a lot of strength in the past few months. 
Hank: [He went ahead and ordered a beer as he listened to her talk and he shook his head.] Yeah, I know he’s probably just exhausted, but I know he’ll keep fighting. As long as he’s got something to hold onto, he’ll fight. [He wet his lips and went ahead and ordered the cajun cracklin’s. He shook his head. Again.] I just want to make sure I’m there, Lux. That’s all. 
Nicolae: [He had just bit down on one of those cracklins when Nash spoke, and he found himself just staring at him.] First of all, give me some credit. I may be optimistic, but I’m not a raging dumbass, Nash. I know it takes time and work and not just oh...first one I see I’mma gonna fuckin’ take for my bride. [He chuckled, shaking his head as he spoke in a way he normally would never.] Second, I wasn’t talking about her like that. I was saying that she’s a beautiful girl wearing a very nice dress. And if I were Hank, I’d be proud too. Hell, I /am/ proud of Rook. That’s all. Wasn’t scoping her out for myself, Nash. You know me better than that.
Nash: [He couldn’t help but to laugh as he took an oyster and ate it.] Well, you never know. Might be part of your...old world tradition over there. [He laughed when Nic shot him a look.] I’m just saying. Can’t put it past momma over there. [He chuckled and nodded and drank more of his beer.]
Lux: [She ordered the Fried Boudin Balls to start and then watched as the server left to put those orders in. She looked back at the menu for a few seconds to decide on her entree.] Well, he’s been fighting pretty hard, but if they can’t stop it from metastasizing then...his prognosis gets a lot worse. I know. I know you want to be there. And that means so much to me. [She reached over, her hand on Hank’s.] I know you want to be there for dad too. It isn’t all about me, and that makes it even more genuine and sweet.
Hank: [He turned his hand over, taking hold of hers as their drinks came back. His beer and her Hurricane. He smiled.] Well, I just wanna make sure that I don’t give you a reason to leave again. [He chuckled.] Purely selfish. I admit that. [He smiled at her and watched her take a sip of her drink.] How is it? Taste good? [He did the same with his beer.] 
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Nicolae: You’re so funny, you know that? [He shook his head.] Though there is an eastern European tradition of kidnapping the bride. [He chuckled, wetting his lips as tasting the spice on them. It had them tingling a bit as he reached for his beer.] You know that, Nash? I’ve known you now for several years. And you’ve never, /ever/ really had a relationship. In fact, I don’t ever remember you banging it out really with anybody. Never met any of your girls. You’re probably just keeping them all for yourself, huh? [He chuckled and then finished off his cracklins. Looking over at Hank and the little blonde, he could see them holding hands.] They’re cute. Rook’s all starry eyed. And look at her. She’s looking up at him like he hangs the damn moon. [He looked at Nash and leaned forward.] Why don’t you ever look at me like that? Huh? [He laughed, downing the rest of his beer.]
Nash: [He shook his head.] I kind of believe that there’s one person...just one out there for everyone. And if you just jump the gun, you’re gonna miss what you were meant for and you’re gonna end up hurting the person you’re with. Because you won’t be able to keep yourself from that person. That doesn’t mean I haven’t spent time with anyone. Trust me, I have. But it ain’t something I’m just gonna be like, here we go...meet my best friend and the people that are important to me. I don’t...do that. [He wet his lips.] Though I’m thinking I might change that. Give someone the chance. Hell, if they can make it through you then they might just be the one. [He laughed.] Well, it’s because you never take me out to nice places. [He grinned and then finished off his oysters.] 
Lux: You just keep doing what you’re doing, and I’m not going anywhere. [She smiled up at Hank as the server brought their drinks. She took a sip of hers and then ordered her entrée of gumbo and a side of fried green tomatoes. When she’d left, she looked back up at him.] I do like it. It’s fruity and sweet. Can’t even really taste much alcohol in it. I could get in trouble drinking these. [She took another sip.] So anything interesting happen at work today? 
Hank: [He shook his head and then wet his lips.] No, not really. I mean, same as usual. I did a bit of paperwork and then went ahead and did a few rounds of patrol. I’m still kind of nervous about the skills aspect of the evals coming up. It’s not something I wanna fail. I’ve wanted this for so long, you know? [He chuckled.] Oh...I forgot. Two of the SWAT guys that work my shift, Nic and Nash...they’re partners. Anyway, I kind of told them about you and they were both really persistent in that I ask you if you’ve got any friends you or we could introduce them to. 
Nicolae: [He pulled a face, nodding his head as Nash talked about there being someone for everyone, and him not wanting to miss that or end up unnecessarily hurting people.] Yeah, that makes sense. I mean I’ve told you about a few wild nights, but I’ve never really introduced you to anyone that I felt like was going to be around long term. I mean...I let you meet a few girls. [He chuckled, shaking his head as their entrees were brought and the starters were cleared off.] Well, dear...I’ll have to take you on nicer dates, now won’t I? [He rolled his eyes with a laugh.] This looks good.
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Nash: [He shook his head.] Mhmm...well, I don’t know when I became the bitch in this relationship, but we’re getting outta this conversation right damn now. [He chuckled and wet his lips as he nodded his head.] Yeah it does. [He grabbed the bread and tore off a piece before he dipped it in the sauce that was coating his shrimp.] I love the seafood at this place. They make it right. Tastes just like it does in NOLA.
Lux: Oh come on, Hank. You’re great at what you do. I remember back in high school. Anything you set your mind to, you accomplished. You’re a hard worker. And you’re smart and determined and...well, you look plenty fit. I’m sure you’ve got all the skills necessary to secure a position in that department. You’re gonna get it. [She sipped at her drink and then widened her blue eyes as he spoke about two other guys in SWAT.] Nic and Nash? Do they ever catch hell for that? Sounds like Nick at Night. [She laughed and then shook her head.] Are they nice guys? I don’t want to hook any friends up with assholes, you know.
Hank: [He listened to the things she was saying.] It means a lot to me that you have so much confidence in me. I appreciate it. [He lifted her hand, kissing the back of it and then laughed.] I’ll have to call them that once. And see what happens. [He nodded his head.] Yeah, they’re good guys. Nic...he’s a little louder, but he’s funny. Quick mouthed. But he’s respectful. Speaks Romanian. [He chuckled.] Nash? He’s a little older, more quiet, but he’s funny too. He’s traveled around a bit. But the both of them are best friends and do a lot together. As long as I’ve known them...a few years, they’ve never been into using people or anything. They’re not assholes. Maybe to each other every once in a while. 
Nicolae: [He ended up laughing when Nash said he was ending the conversation because he’d somehow become the bitch in it.] Mhmm...you’re the bitch in this relationship, Nashtopher. [He laughed again at the expression on his face.] Bro, I’m fucking with you. You know this. [He took a bite of the catfish and then nodded.] Yeah, it’s seriously delicious. You and your damn travel. I mean...granted...I’ve been to Romania. So...and Mexico. And Italy. And France. [He smiled.] But you’ve been all over the states. Between the two of us, we’re pretty well traveled.
Nash: [He chuckled.] Eventually I’ll make it where I need a passport...other than Canada. [He chuckled again and took a bite of his shrimp. It was damn good. He enjoyed every single bite of it. He wet his lips and tasted the sauce again.] You didn’t find anything in any of the countries you were in? No one you wanna bring home to meet momma? 
Lux: [She laughed when he said he’d call them that and see what happened. She wet her lips.] Well, I’ll have to eventually meet them to see if I think any of my friends would be interested. I don’t just want to randomly chance it. Romanian? That’s...obscure. Not many people speak that language. Is he Romanian? That’s interesting though. And Nash is older? How old? Like daddy old? Like...silver fox old? What am I working with here? [She laughed.] I’ve got to have the details if I’m hooking these guys up with my friends. They’re going to want to know these things.
Hank: [He laughed and shook his head.] Uh...no. Not silver fox, but early thirties. [He nodded his head and chuckled.] Yeah, he’s Romanian. But he’s been to like...a shit ton of countries. He speaks French and Spanish and shit. He’s just...well, you could say cultured. I mean, I can introduce you when you come to the station next time. I’m sure they’d like to meet you. 
Nicolae: [He shrugged.] There were plenty of beautiful women in the different countries I’ve been in. But beauty’s only one thing. You know? And I’ve never been in a place for...well, long enough to actually get to know someone properly. It’s...meeting my mom? Yeah, you’ve gotta be up there to do that shit. Let’s be honest. You’re the only person who’s met my mom. And it took awhile for that to happen. [He worked on finishing his meal for a few minutes.] I think it’s like you said, Nash. You’ve got to take the time. Devote the time, and I’ve been too much of a joker, fucking around, not taking anything but my job seriously. And I can’t blame anyone but myself for that. But...I don’t know. Maybe I’m ready to try that. Maybe…[He chuckled.]
Nash: [He shook his head.] It’s a big step and it’s a lot for us to be open about shit. Trusting people it’s not something that either of us do freely. So going ahead and giving someone the fucking keys to fuck us up is a huge thing, but…[He sighed as he finished up his food.] The thing is, that I think it’s easier to joke around. To not take shit seriously then you don’t have to feel some shit when it goes wrong, but yeah...it’d be nice to feel something go right, you know?
Lux: [She laughed.] Early thirties isn’t too old. And that’s really interesting that he speaks multiple languages. I’m sure that comes in handy on SWAT when you guys run into people who don’t speak English. [She nodded.] Yeah, that’d be nice to meet some of your friends, coworkers. [She wet her lips as the server set down his Cajun cracklins and her boudin balls. She smiled up at her.] Thank you. [She looked back at Hank.] Maybe we could have some sort of get together at your place once I figure out...you know...who’d be a good match for those two.
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Hank: [He chuckled.] We could do that. I don’t think that’d be a problem at all. [He winked at her.] They’re gonna be thrilled as hell that I asked you. I’m pretty sure they’d think I wasn’t gonna, but...I said I would and I’m a man of my word. [He smiled.] They’re kind of a package deal. [He laughed.] They’re always together. Always hanging out. Best damn friends. It’s gonna be hard to make that a trio. You know...if I get it. [He grinned at the food that was set down.] Damn...this looks good, doesn’t it? 
Nicolae: It’s fucking terrifying is what it is. [He chuckled and shook his head.] And if you get a woman and I don’t? I’m gonna be one sad sac just hanging out by my damn self. [He laughed and wiped his mouth with his napkin.] But yeah, I think it’d be a good thing to have someone to...at the risk of sounding like a pussy…[He laughed.] someone to love. Someone to share shit with. Sometimes we go home...and the shit we’ve dealt with? Nash, having someone to hold onto, having something good? It might make all the difference. [He looked over at Hank and his little girlfriend.] You want dessert? Or should we head on over and say hey before we leave?
Nash: [He chuckled and started to shake his head.] Nah, man. I get it. Believe me. It doesn’t sound fucked at all. It’s what I want. And why I’m not just fucking every piece of pussy that throws itself at me. There’s plenty, I just don’t want it. Ain’t nothing like a woman who just gives that shit up to everyone or...better yet...finds their soulmate in every dick they suck...just fucking no thanks. [He chuckled.] Oh...he gives me butterflies. [He laughed and shook his head before looking over at Hank and his girl. His brow lifted.] Oh hell...why not. We’ll get fucking doughnuts before we head back to...your place or mine? 
Lux: [She was nodding about the food looking and smelling good, but turned toward Hank, her hands coming up to cup his face.] Hey...no ifs. You’re going to get in. Don’t doubt it for even a second. And they’re going to accept you. They’re partners. I’m sure though once you’re part of that unit, you’ll be right there with them. [She leaned in and brushed her lips against his before sitting back with a smile.] You never know, they might even want to take you under their wing and...you know...do what SWAT guys do to...make you feel welcome. [She laughed.] Just no strip clubs. [She picked up her fork to try one of those fried pork and rice balls.]
Hank: [He chuckled and shook his head after he returned her kiss.] Baby, they ain’t going to no strip clubs. At least I don’t think they are. Sounds like they just hang out at each other’s places and drink beer. [He grinned at her.] You ain’t got nothing to worry about, but if they do go to strip clubs, best way to fix that? Find them some pretty girls you call friends. [He chuckled and winked at her.]
Nicolae: [He signaled for the server to bring their check and then looked back at Nash.] Yeah, nothing gets my engines revved like a woman who’s had seventeen loves her life in the past eight months. [He snorted out a laugh and rolled his eyes.] Anyway...hopefully Miss Minny over there won’t have friends like that. [He pulled out his wallet, putting his card on the tray.] I got this one. It was my idea. You can get dinner tomorrow. Or lunch. [He handed the folder over to the server and when she brought the slip back, he signed it and took his card.] Let’s go to your place. Mine’s a fucking toilet. I’ll tell you what. If I ever /do/ get a girlfriend, I’m gonna have to clean that bitch. [He looked at Nash with a laugh.] Obviously I mean my house, not the woman. [He laughed some more as they made their way over to Hank’s table, hearing the words strip club. His brows raised as he stepped up behind them.] Hey, strip club? [He did a little shimmy and then chuckled.] What’s up, Page? Fancy seeing you here. And you? [He looked at the blonde sitting next to him.] Where on earth has he been hiding you?
Nash: [He couldn’t stop fucking laughing at the “clean that bitch” comment.] You better get some fucking bleach and a brush if that’s the path you’re going down. [He chuckled and nodded.] Alright...my place then. Lunch tomorrow. [He chuckled and stood up. He didn’t even get to say anything before Nic was already starting in. He lifted his brows as Hank looked up at them both and he grinned.] Looks like this is a real SWAT spot, huh? [He chuckled and slapped Hank’s shoulder before looking at the woman.] Pleasure getting to meet you. 
Lux: This is true. I’ll have to get on that. [She turned her head as she heard someone behind them, her brows raising as she saw a man doing a little dance behind them. She laughed a little and then felt her cheeks getting hot. When the other man spoke about it being SWAT, she wet her lips.] Let me guess. Nic and Nash? [She pointed to the dancing one.] Nic, right? [She then looked to the other.] And you must be Nash. He isn’t hiding me. He just didn’t know I was living here again. I’m Lux. It’s nice to meet you both. I hear from Hank that I’ve been tasked with finding two lovely ladies for you two. [She shook both their hands with a smile.]
Hank: [He was about to say something to her when he heard the unmistakable sound of Nic’s voice.] Are you absolutely shitting me…[He looked over and sure enough. There was Nic, dancing around and then Nash coming up second. He rolled his eyes and dragged a hand down the front of his face.] Well…[He chuckled and lifted his hand.] You had it right. Nic. And Nash. Or...Nic at Night. [He shook his head and wet his lips.] I’m sure y’all had absolutely no idea I was bringing Lux here tonight...oh wait...I told y’all before I left. Hmm… 
Nicolae: Oh shit, Nash…[He laughed.] She knows us by name. Good man, Hank. Good man. [He patted Hank’s shoulder with a grin.] Nic at Night? [He laughed and shook his head.] Alright. Alright. You got us. We knew. You told us where you were going and Nash and I were just...it’d been a hot minute since we’d had some good Cajun food. Just gave us a hankering. You know? [He grinned and nodded.] That would be ideal. Two lovely ladies. [He looked over at Hank.] Nash and I aren’t here to crash your date, man. Just finished our dinner. Thought we’d swing by, meet your beautiful lady here, and remind her about the friend thing…[He laughed.] 
Nash: [He chuckled and shook his head.] Exactly. We just wanted to introduce ourselves. You know, we’re gonna be on the same team soon enough and she’s gonna have to get used to our mugs. We’ll be around a lot. [He grinned and nodded.] That’s right. Lovely ladies. Might wanna prepare them about the job though. [He grinned once more.] We’ll all have to go out and celebrate when Rook becomes SWAT officially. 
Lux: [She laughed when Hank outed Nic and Nash, saying he’d told them where he was bringing her this evening. She nodded when Nash mentioned them all going out to celebrate once Hank was officially SWAT.] That sounds wonderful. And I’ll have to invite some of my friends along. Just...no strip clubs. [She laughed.] It was nice meeting you both. I’ve already heard about you. And I’m glad that Hank’s around such...entertaining people.
Hank: [He shook his head.] Entertaining…[He laughed.] Well, at least they know when to be serious, huh boys? [He grinned as Lux brought up bringing some of her friends along and he nodded his head.] See? Told y’all I’d talk to her about it. And she’s agreed to put her feelers out. [He laughed.] Shit, Nic...don’t quit your day job either. Ain’t no one paying you for those moves. [He chuckled and then nodded to Nash.] Well, now y’all met her. And yeah...she’s beautiful. [He reached over and squeezed her hand.] 
Nicolae: Jesus, Debbie Downer. [He looked at Nash.] You never know. They might think the job’s a pro. Not a con. Sexy. Dangerous. All that shit. [He nodded.] Yes, Page, you did. And I’m thankful. [He scoffed.] Don’t even go there, man. I just didn’t want your girl to leave you. I mean if I’d really broke out the moves....[He laughed and shook his head.] Alright, Nash...let’s leave the lovebirds to their date. You and I...well, we’re heading back to Nash’s place. [He laughed at the innuendo.] Where we’ll drink a six pack and fall asleep on the couch. I know. Thrilling. [He grinned at Hank.] I’m sure a better night’s in store for you, Page. [He gave him a salute.] And hurry up and take those tests, Rook. The quicker you pass, the quicker you’re on the team, and we’re all celebrating.
Nash: [He rolled his eyes at Nic and then lifted his hand to wave at Lux.] It was a pleasure meeting you. And I look forward to having that celebration. [He patted Hank’s shoulder and then looked back at Nic.] Alright, asshole. Let’s go. No sense in wearing the floor out behind our boy’s chair here. Y’all have a good night. [He pointed to the door.] Let’s go. I’ve gotta stop and get more beer.
Lux: [She shook her head with a soft laugh.] Oh, he’s definitely in for a good night. [She waved to both Nic and Nash.] Nice meeting you, boys. Have a good evening. [She shook her head and looked back at her food once they’d walked away.] They’re definitely something. [She looked at Hank.] A decent balance of serious and crazy. They help even each other out, I’m assuming? [She kept one hand in Hank’s as she ate with the other. The food was delicious. And she offered him a bite of hers.]
Hank: [The both of them exchanged bites back and forth until the food was gone and he nodded.] Mhmm. That they do. But I have a feeling that both can flip those roles any time they want to. Just a matter of the occasion. [His brows lifted and he chuckled. He was most definitely happy with the fact that he was in for a good night.] 
Nicolae: [He bounced his brows at Hank and Nash when Lux said he was definitely in for a good night. Chuckling as he and Nash headed for the exit, he shook his head.] Never thought I’d be jealous of Rook. [He laughed, pushing the door open and heading out to the parking lot.] But...I’m happy for him. And you know...I’m sure he appreciates the encouragement about our confidence that he’s gonna be part of the team. Hopefully it puts him at ease about taking those last few tests. [He headed for the SUV.] You wanna stop at the station around the corner?
Nash: [He chuckled and nodded.] Yeah, it’s true. I’m sure he’ll go in there with even more confidence than he already has and that’s a good thing. He just needs to trust his gut. [His brows lifted.] Need something in there? [He reached into his pocket getting out his keys waiting on Nic’s answer.] 
Lux: I’m sure they can. Well, Nic would have to have a serious side to do the job he does. And Nash would have to have a silly side to put up with Nic. [She laughed and pushed the plates away. With the starters finished, their entrees arrived in a few minutes, and looked equally as delicious as the starters had. She loved gumbo and fried green tomatoes, especially with the little dipping sauce they had it paired with.] Thank you for taking me out on a real date. I know you’re a busy man with a lot on your mind. But this is nice. [She looked over at him as they ate.] Do you want to get an order of beignets to go? To take home with us? 
Hank: [He chuckled as the entrees arrived and he nodded his head.] I’m busy, but never too busy for you. Or for us, remember that. There’s a balance that I have to be in for work, but I don’t want that to get in the way of us. You’re important to me. And you’re always going to be important to me. [He grinned and nodded his head.] I think we can certainly take those home with us, darling. Get all that powdered sugar all over the place. Ain’t nothing wrong with that, huh? [He bounced his brows.]
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Nicolae: Jesus, Nash, are you serious? [He stood there just staring at him with a raised brow.] Are you getting that old? You said you needed to stop and get beer. So I figured we could stop there. You alright? You seem like you’ve had some shit on your mind lately. And I haven’t said anything cause if you wanted to talk to me, you would, but...is there something going on?
Nash: What? Well shit… you said station, man. I thought you fucking ment the goddamn station house. [He chuckled and ran his fingers back through his hair before he rolled his shoulders forward.] Just the full moon coming. Always gets me a little rowdy. But hey...things’ll be alright, ya know? [He lifted his brows and cleared his throat.] I mean...we should probably get more than beer. [He sighed and then moved his leg over his bike and looked at Nic.] 
Lux: I know what you do takes a lot of your time, and I’m prepared for that. For the broken and postponed dates. For the sleeping alone. For the...missing you. I’m not going to love it. But you’re important to me too. And when someone’s important to you, you...hang on. I should’ve stayed in touch with you for the past four years. I didn’t. And that was my mistake. I’m not gonna make another one. I just want you to be safe and as careful as possible. And to come home to me when you can. Your job is important. You’re keeping people safe. You’re running into dangerous situations instead of running /from/ them. And that’s admirable. [She smiled and pressed a kiss to Hank’s cheek before she offered him a bite of what she had.] And yes to all that powdered sugar. And yes to getting it wherever we please.
Hank: [He smiled and nodded his head.] But you’re important to me too. And I want to make sure I’m not breaking my promises to you. I’ll do my best to make all those deadlines. [He leaned over, tipping her chin up and pressing a kiss to her full lips.] I will be as safe as I possibly can. And I know those boys will have my back as much as I have theirs. [He leaned back in his seat, ordering the dessert to go.] We’ll have to go ahead and see just how messy we can make it.
Nicolae: No, man, I meant the gas station around the corner. [He wet his lips, leaning against his SUV.] Are you sure? I mean the full moon’s the full moon, but how’s that…[He shook his head with a sigh, knowing /exactly/ what Nash was talking about.] What? You mean like liquor or some shit? There’s a liquor store a couple blocks over. Hangover’s gonna be a bitch though if we overdo it. 
Nash: I’ll stop for beer, you stop for bourbon. [He nodded his head. He knew that Nic had gotten what he meant about the full moon and how it affected him. He guessed sometimes it was easy for Nic to forget that his best friend and partner was a wolf.] Don’t worry...I’ll babysit so you don’t get a hangover.
Lux: [She smiled at him.] I’m glad to hear that I’m important to you. And that you’ll try to keep the balance. [She let her lips purse against his.] I know that you guys depend on each other. You put your lives in each other’s hands. [She put her hand against Hank’s thigh as they sat, their dinner finished, just waiting on the check and dessert.]
Hank: [He went ahead and paid for the meal before taking the bag of dessert with the container inside. He could smell the damn fried sugary dough. He stood up when she did and helped her back into her coat before he took her hand and walked her toward the door. Once they got there, he went ahead and moved his hand to her lower back.] I had a really good time tonight, baby. 
Nicolae: [He lifted a brow at Nash and nodded.] Alright. I’ll get the damn bourbon. [He blew out a breath as he pulled open the door to his SUV. He remembered back when he first learned about Nash being a wolf. He hadn’t believed it until Nash literally had to show him by shifting in front of him. He shook his head, climbing up into the driver’s seat.] No need to babysit. [He chuckled.] I’ll see you back at your place.
Nash: Yeah...See ya then. [He wet his lips, he didn’t bother with a helmet. He shook his head.] On second thought...Nic...get the beer, I’ll get the bourbon. [He tapped the back of seat which was the only spot on the bike he could fit a bottle. No beer was fitting in there.] See you back at my place. [He lifted a hand before he used his keys to start the ignition. Steadying it, he started to head out of the parking lot.] 
Lux: [She stood up and headed outside with Hank, feeling his hand against her lower back. She looked up at him with a smile once they were outside.] I had a great time too. The food was great, but your company was even better. And I’m gonna go ahead and admit that I’m pretty excited to see your place. [She walked over to his truck, and she was pretty sure Nic and Nash were just leaving the parking lot as she climbed up into his truck.]
Hank: [He smiled as they both walked out and got into the truck. When he started it up and headed out of the parking lot, his brows lifted as he saw the bike and SUV head out too. He shook his head.] Oh, it’s not much at all. Just a simple house. Not much in there. [He chuckled.] Mostly because I don’t usually spend that much time there. [He chuckled and looked over at her.]
Lux: It isn’t that I’m expecting some huge house, Hank. I just want to see where you live. Where you spend some of your time. And hey…[She gestured to the bag in the back.] You bet that ass I brought a toothbrush. And I’m leaving it. So all the possible girls who might try anything...they’ll see that toothbrush and know. Oh...he belongs to someone else. [She laughed.]
Hank: [He shook his head.] Baby...ain’t a damn women getting close enough to see there’s a toothbrush in my house. That’s disrespect on a whole other level to bring her into my house, were you sleep and let her see your toothbrush. No, ma’am. I won’t be doing any of that. [He chuckled.] 
Lux: [She smiled at Hank, holding onto his hand.] I know you wouldn’t do that to me. You’ve never been that guy. You’re no Cameran. You’ve never disrespected me. You’ve picked at me, sure, but never in a disrespectful way. But it’s always nice to hear that from you. That you won’t bring anyone else over. That it’ll just be me. [She sighed as she turned toward him.] I know this is all happening really fast. But you were right when you said we’ve known each other for a long time. Sure, we’ve changed in that time. And not just physically. But...maybe it was because you were shy, because you never voiced any sort of attraction to me, but I didn’t feel that insane chemistry with you back in high school. Maybe I just couldn’t recognize it. I was just a kid.
Hank: [He shook his head.] It’s alright that you didn’t feel anything for me then, Lux. I couldn’t help it. I already felt it for you. But...for you? It’s hard to think about something in a certain way when it’s not even an option. And I wasn’t the most attractive guy back in high school. I mean, sure I wasn’t a dog or anything, but I didn’t stand out. I was average. There wasn’t a reason you should’ve felt...chemistry I guess. [He lifted his shoulder in a bit of a shrug.] But we’re not kids. So there’s no point in wondering why you didn’t feel anything then, but have interest now. 
Lux: Hey, no, no, no, wait just a second there. I never said I didn’t feel anything for you then, Hank. That’s not true at all. You were one of my closest friends. I loved spending time with you. You always made me laugh and smile, even when I felt like shit. You were sweet and absolutely the most mature guy in our class. You’re right though. I didn’t know it was an option. That’s not to say I never thought about you like that. Do you remember junior prom? We went with other people, but there was a point during the dance where...I have no clue where our dates were, but you and I were standing there. And a slow song came on. It was Adele’s...Someone Like You. And you asked me to dance. And while we’re dancing...I realized that...I had this weird feeling inside. One I’d never had around you before. It was just the way you held onto me. It was different. It wasn’t just grabby or copping a feel. It was just...intimate. And that whole song I thought...I don’t want to go back to my date. [She smiled, shaking her head.] And I thought you might kiss me. But you didn’t. And when the song was over...well, that was it. But...I remember that so vividly. And there was no way I’d ever bring it up to you because I thought I was just being stupid. And I didn’t want to mess up our friendship by imagining that you might’ve wanted more than a friendship with me. So...don’t think I didn’t feel a thing. I did. I just never knew you did. 
Hank: [He listened to her talking about how it was for her when they were younger, about that night at their junior prom. He shook his head.] I wanted to. I wanted to kiss you, but I was so worried that you’d be so put off that it would just ruin everything and we wouldn’t be able to go back, or things wouldn’t be the same. I really thought at that time we were going to be in each others’ lives and that night I struggled because I thought...eventually I’m going to have to watch you with your boyfriend, which would turn into something more serious with someone eventually. And then I thought...she’s gonna grow up. Get married, start a family, be a world famous cello player and here I am..sitting in my borrowed suit...with my borrowed shoes. And no way to be the person you said you wanted. [He nodded his head.] I wasn’t sure if I felt that because I wanted to and I was just...getting a bit of wishful thinking from you. I really should’ve kissed you. We would’ve worked while you went to college. I know we would have. I would’ve come to see you, spent weekends. Brought you back down on your breaks. Go to Mexico for spring break, we would’ve done it. But now...we just have to figure it out from here and let go of what we didn’t do in our past. What we do from this moment on is what’s important. 
Lux: I just didn’t want you to think it was all one sided, that I never had a single thought about you maybe being more than just my friend. I did. But I didn’t think you were thinking the same thing. And I didn’t want to mess up what we had. But that’s probably why...well, do you remember Georgia Robins? [She pressed her full lips together and then smiled at Hank.] She had the biggest crush on you, and she asked me to talk to you about dating her. And I...didn’t. I told her I did. But I never did. Because I didn’t want you to be hanging out with her all the time and not me. That was selfish. I know. But it wasn’t just you thinking about well, she’s going to date other people. Because I was /not/ looking forward to you getting a girlfriend. Because I know for a fact that she wouldn’t be OK with us hanging out as much as we did, as close as we were. I talked to you about everything. [She leaned her head over onto his shoulder.] But I’m ready to take this from here. I’m ready to...finally be your girl.
Hank: [His brows lifted as she spoke and couldn’t help but to chuckle.] Georgia Robins had a crush on me? [He shook his head.] I didn’t even realize...look at you...cockblocked me. [He chuckled.] That’s alright though...I wouldn’t have been interested and I just would’ve had to hurt her feelings so you just saved that girl's feelings instead. [He grinned over at her, kissing the top of her head before they pulled onto the road to his place.] 
Lux: Yeah, that was mean of me, I know. I should’ve told you. And I shouldn’t have stood in the way. You two really could’ve liked each other. But I just...couldn’t bring myself to do it. Cause I didn’t want to lose my friend. [She lifted her head off his shoulder and smiled.] I’m sorry for cockblocking you. Actually I’m not. I don’t want this anywhere near Georgia Robins. [She slid her hand up the inside of his thigh until it was resting against the crotch of his jeans, her lips pressing against his jaw.]
Hank: [He was about to interrupt her when she was apologizing for it, but then said she wasn’t. And he was glad she wasn’t sorry, but then he heard what she had said and felt her hand and his brow lifted as he looked down at her, his hand moving on top of hers.] That ain’t going anywhere near Georgia Robins, baby. Trust and believe in that. That’s all yours, slick. [He grinned at her and let the truck idle in the driveway as he pressed his lips to hers.]
Lux: [She smiled against his lips when he kissed her. Pulling back, she looked up at him.] Good. Better not. I’d hate to kill poor Georgia Robins. [She laughed, pressing another kiss to his lips.] Come on. Let’s go inside. You can show me your place. [She pulled off the seatbelt and reached for the door handle.] And then you can take your pants off. [She turned back and winked at him before opening the door to get down out of the truck.]
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momentsinsong · 5 years
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Moments In Song No. 021 - Tromac Pineapple
“Moments In Song” asks people one simple question, “What are you listening to?” For every installment we ask someone to make a playlist of 10 songs they’re listening to, whether it be something new they stumbled upon, or a song they’ve always loved, and explain the story behind their choices. We aim to show that no matter where we come from, what we do, or what we look like, music has the ability to bring us together.
DMV producer/rapper/DJ Tromac Pineapple reaches every corner of Hip-Hop and brings it together in his playlist. We talk to him about digging through Bandcamp for music, what makes a good DJ, and his new project the Velour Vandal EP.
Listen to Tromac’s playlist on Apple Music and Spotify. 
Words and photos by Julian.
Julian: First thing I wanted to ask you is what the thought process was behind making your playlist? People always say it’s hard picking 10 songs to squeeze into it. 
Tromac: Well I wanted to spread across my taste as wide as possible. I actually had a hard time once I got to like 7 songs because I was like, “Damn, I can only put in three more of those joints, but I know 5 that I could pick.” I pretty much just wanted to touch on the different types of music I like. I still didn’t even get across all of it.
I noticed that a majority of the playlist was Hip-Hop, but different types of Hip-Hop. You have some boom bap stuff with “Free (Type Shit),” Dilla, and Anderson. Then you have more turn up stuff like WiFIGawd and Ghostie. That Ghostie song caught me off guard. It has a little house feel to it that I wasn’t expecting.
Yeah see I had to add that, because Ghostie is one of the most versatile artists I know. As versatile as this playlist is, he’s six times as versatile as that. As a fellow producer in this area, I have a whole lot of respect for him. And that’s my mans, so I’ll be listening to it anyway. Shit be cranking, no matter what genre he tackles. And then I also have the “Free (Type Shit)” joint because it’s just so smooth and it hits. The beats, the boom bap. That’s one of my favorite things in Hip-Hop. It’s just so powerful. That’s also why I got the J Dilla joint on there. That’s like my favorite Dilla beat of all time. Straight slap, the drums, the snares. The whole thing. It's just hard. Classic. Undeniable.
When did you first really start listening to music and developing your own taste, instead of just listening to what was on the radio?
Pretty much when I was in 9th or 10th grade. Back then my main taste was just mixtapes and shit. The first favorite rapper I ever had was Lil Wayne, and he’s still like top 5 to me to this day. I would just listen to endless mixtapes, because before I graduated High School I just loved to listen to underground shit. I literally didn’t listen to albums and would only listen to mixtapes. I would listen to the first three Droughts, Sorry 4 the Wait. That was my favorite mixtape of all times for like 18 years (laughs).
Were you on DatPiff and all those sites?
Oh bruh, I had a DatPiff account, LiveMixtapes, Sprinrilla, all of that. 
So how did listening to mostly mixtapes branch off into listening to other types of artists and other types of music?
Well basically every now and then I would look into what was new that week…
Still on the mixtape websites, or is this on something else?
Yeah still the mixtape sites but at this point I also got into Bandcamp, and that was some real underground type shit. When I got into Bandcamp I was also making my own music at this point and was posting it on there. I would hashtag that shit and then click on them to see who else was posting music from Laurel, MD, or PG County, or just Maryland in general. That’s how I found a bunch of other local artists, like my homies Fonlon and Kente from NASA8, Tek.Lun and other guys. They had the same hashtags because we were all from Laurel. And then from there I would look at other hashtags like #HipHopBeats, and I would discover artists like Madbliss. Searching through hashtags led to me finding a bunch of random bands on Bandcamp, and I feel like that really opened the door for me to be on the lookout for other genres of music.
You said earlier this is when you started making music?
Yeah I started making music in 10th grade. 
So is that writing rhymes? Making beats? Both?
Making beats. I mean I was freestyling with my friends all the time, and writing rhymes down in my notebook, but I wasn’t rapping on beats until 11th grade, which was around 2013. I didn’t rap on my own beats until 2014 because I knew my shit wasn’t good (laughs). But it eventually got to a point where I could hit my own stuff instead of YouTube “type beats.” I knew early on “type beats” wasn’t the wave. It is the wave for some people, but it wasn’t the wave for me. And I knew that early on because you can’t really build a solid body of work just taking random beats. Even if you get a bunch of random beats from different producers, it’s more that needs to go into a project than that.
When you first started making music, who were some of your influences when it came to producing? I would assume Dilla is one, or did that not come until later?
I knew about J Dilla because I would hear my parents listen to Erykah Badu and Common, so when my Dad found out that I was making beats he would be like, “Oh so you wanna be like Dougie Fresh and J Dilla?” and I was like, “Who the hell are these people?” All I knew was like Mike WiLL Made-It because that was what I was hearing. I wasn’t too keen on producers at that level. The producers I did know were like Flying Lotus, Tek.Lun, Kaytranada, Sam Gellaitry and that was all through Soundcloud. Some of my favorite producers would be the ones I randomly found on Soundcloud.
Can you talk more about how discovering these local artists’ music on the internet led to you linking up with them, and not just working with them but them becoming your homies.
Literally just through showing love and support through the music. I started coming out here to Baltimore for events and chilling with the homies as a way to immerse myself in the scene. Of course, you met people, you tell people you do music, and eventually the link forms itself. And if you’re good the link grows with a lot of people. When you’re genuine, genuine things happen for you. I’ve never been a “clout chaser” or anything like that. It’s always been, “This dude is really dope. He’s the homie of my homie.” 
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I agree with that 100%. I feel like every connection or relationship I’ve made with someone in the arts scene has been on some person to person type stuff. Not even like artist to artist, or creative to creative type stuff, but just like as a person. And I feel like you were saying it just grows from there. 
Definitely. People who are just creative in general. Photographers, painters, dancers, even like fucking bartenders. Athletes, anyone who’s mind moves faster than the normal individual. I remember when I was learning how to drive my driving instructor told me that people who are athletes and artists tend to get adapted to driving easier, because their brains work more than the average individual because they have a craft they need to constantly focus on. Whatever activity you’re involved in, your brain works harder to adapt to that.
So beats came first, and then the raps. Where does the DJing come into that?
So the DJing came in because I had probably performed 3 or 4 times rapping, but then I was really confident in my beats and I wanted to start performing my beats. By this time, 2015/2016, I would be seeing videos of dudes like eu-IV, j.robb, other producers I looked up to, random Boiler Room videos, and was thinking, “Why can’t I perform my shit?” So I started creating mixes in FL Studio, and learned to DJ through that. It was tedious as fuck, but I had time because I was kid and didn’t have shit to do (laughs). 
I feel like that shows in your sets now. The last one I saw from you, you had a transition from some house song to a Gucci Mane song that was crazy. Never would I have thought to put those two tracks together.
Literally when I DJ, I just play the music that I like. That Gucci Mane song just came back into my rotation like a week ago and I was just like, “Damn I don’t remember this shit being so hard. I gotta play this at a show!” A lot of it is on the fly. I don’t really plan too much outside of downloading the music. I always go off of the crowd and how I feel. Sometimes I’ll download 30 songs for a set and only end up playing like 13, and the rest of the set would’ve been made up of songs I’ve played at other shows.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a show, and have been practicing the week before, and had a playlist ready, and you go in and the crowd is totally different, the energy changes, so you have to play off the cuff. I feel like as much emphasis you put on practicing and preparing, you also need to have the skill of being able to be on your toes and change on the drop of a dime.
I feel like if you’re a good DJ, that should already be a thing. You should know. You pick up on things like that automatically. The shows are practice. You’re not gonna get the same experience at a show, practicing at home. That’s why I feel like if you’re just starting out you should take as many opportunities as you can, and get a feel of what your lane is. I used to take any show I could. I would DJ baby showers, college pools parties, everything. You gotta find your lane, figure out what type of crowds your best in, and switch it up every now and then.
What can you tell me about the new project you got coming up? What kind of sound and themes can people expect from it? 
So the new project is called the Velour Vandal EP, and it’s basically establishing myself as a rapper in the game. I’ve had rap projects before, I’ve had beat tapes, but this is my first official EP. I want people to hear this and think, “Ok, Tromac is actually trying to make it type shit.” It’s really just a lot of crank on this joint, but it’s not like I was in this joint like, “Fuck your bitch…”
You put some thought into it.
Yeah! There’s some lyrics that you gotta ask about. I’m trying to make something that’ll hit, stick, and has good content. All the people I’m working with on it are people I know care and are passionate about music. The intro is produced by me and Koleco, I’m recording all of the songs with Martin J. Ballou, I got Vlad on a song, I got Ghostie. Pretty much have all people I know are serious about music. I want this project to be something. 
Yeah it’s like your introduction as a whole artist.
Yeah. And the whole thing behind the title is for like the last year or so, I’ve become really fond of velvet and have been buying a lot of it. People would always tell me I’m a bear, because I’m big and shit, soft and cuddly, just a cozy ass nigga. I have a thing where I give myself a bunch of alisas, and Velour Vandal just happen to be one of them, and I was like, “Hmm. I can do something with that.”
Any last words about your playlist and what you want the people to get from it?
I want people to go into it with a blank slate. Almost pretend like you’ve never heard music before, be reintroduced to all the different genres and aspects of these songs, and cultivate a new taste from that. 
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Connect with Tromac Pineapple:
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Cover You in Oil, pt24
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Word Count: 3501 Tags: @outside-the-government, @yourtropegirl @to-pick-ourselves-up-7, @ghostssss, @rampant-salamander, @saysay125, @sistasarah-sallysaidso @shewhorunswithfandoms, @flirtswithdanger @supermoonpanda @rayleyanns @anyakinamidala
Sally sagged into Tony, a strangled scream escaping her as she lost consciousness. Tony stepped back, adjusting his hold on her until he had her securely.
“A little help here?” Tony asked, looking over his shoulder to Steve. Steve stood frozen in place, gaze locked on Bucky. “Steve?”
“Buck?” Steve’s eyes narrowed. Bucky nodded slowly. “You know who you are this time?”
“Go help Stark, Stevie. We’ll talk later,” Bucky replied. Steve’s head snapped over to Tony, who was carefully lowering Sally to the snow. He covered the distance in a few steps and looked between Natasha and Tony for answers.
“She took two bullets. Superficial, but painful. She was managing, I don’t know what happened,” Natasha reported.
“She just dropped,” Tony shook his head. “I don’t get it.”
“Shock,” Steve nodded. “Let’s get her down this mountain and to medical.”
“Tony?” Sally’s voice was faint. She reached up and touched his cheek. “It is you.” The relief in her voice was overwhelming, and Tony swallowed thickly.
“I’m here, princess,” he reassured her. Sally smiled weakly and tried to focus her gaze on him.
“Actually, I’m now a queen.” Her laugh was barely there, and the effort caused a fit of coughing.
“Well then, Your Eminence, let’s get you to medical.” Tony scooped her into his arms and started down the mountain. Sally sucked in a ragged breath and laid her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.
She must have lost consciousness because when she wakened she was in a hyperbaric chamber. Her hands went up to the glass in a panic, thinking she’d somehow been found and spirited away by Victor. A gentle tap on the glass to her left stopped her and she looked over. Tony waved, a forced smile on his face. She pressed her hand to the glass and waited until his own covered hers on the outside. He looked worried. And exhausted. There were deep bags etched under his eyes, and he was pale, like he hadn’t been sleeping. Sally noticed a bandage peeking out from under his t-shirt sleeve. Her brow furrowed and she tapped the glass pointing at it.
“What happened?” She asked, unsure if he could hear her.
“I told you, when your mark vanished, I developed blisters like I’d been burned,” Tony responded. He sounded like he was talking underwater. “It was just a protective dressing, until we met up with you.”
“And then what happened?” Sally asked. Tony smirked and pulled the dressing off. The band of words around his arm was raw and red, swollen along the sloppy letters.
“It had faded as it was healing. Now it’s dark again. But it’s nothing like yours,” Tony tapped the glass and pointed to her leg. Sally tried to move so she could see it, but the chamber was too tight.
“Get me out of here?” She asked. Tony nodded, and pressed a few buttons on the side of the unit. The glass hissed and drew back, freeing her. She pushed herself to sitting slowly, and then shifted the hospital gown to look at the spot on her leg that had once held her soulmark. She gasped. Instead of the smooth, bare skin that had been the result of Victor’s attempt to brainwash her, Tony’s familiar handwriting wound around her thigh again, angry red spreading from the letters. But the words were different. Sally traced her finger along them in confusion.
“What is this?” She asked, looking up at Tony. Tony smiled.
“I think once you get used to it, you’ll prefer it,” Tony said. “I think it must be what I said when I finally made it to you.”
“I thought I would never see you again. I thought I would die without you. You’re finally safe.” Sally read the words, wonder in her voice. She looked up at Tony with tears in her eyes. “Your words?”
“I’m pretty sure they are. My arm stopped hurting as soon as we were together again,” Tony nodded.
Sally traced her finger across them again, and noticed that she could feel the thick tight scar tissue from her first soulmark under the new words. She closed her eyes, and followed the ridge of tissue, almost able to see the letters under her fingertips. “Do you suppose anyone else has ever had two marks from the same person?”
Tony shook his head. “I somehow doubt it.” Sally reached for his hand and pulled it against her thigh, forcing his fingers along the scarring where her first mark had been.
“Old,” she said, and then slid his hand on to the visible words. “And new.”
“One way or another, Sally, it’s your thigh, and it’s distracting,” Tony smirked. Sally laughed and shrugged.
“Unfortunately, this little glass tube is only big enough for me,” she teased. “Maybe I could be moved to a bigger bed?”
“I’m going to go attempt to make a compelling argument about the healing power of touch,” Tony winked. “How’s that sound?”
“I’ll be anticipating your success,” Sally smiled, and suddenly felt the need to blink back tears again. She dashed them away, flushing. Tony leaned forward and kissed her cheek, smoothing the tears off with his thumb.
“Don’t cry,” he ordered. “You’re safe. You’re safe, and you didn’t even need me to save you. You figured it out on your own, and you made it back to me.”
“I didn’t do it on my own –“ Sally protested.
“You did. You found Bucky, somehow won him over and when your instincts told you to get gone, you were able to rally him and a bunch of people who don’t even know you to help you get out. Self-reliance isn’t about doing everything on your own, it’s about knowing how to create a team to help you reach your goals,” Tony interrupted.
“A lesson you must have learned from Steve,” Sally laughed. “Because that was not Tony Stark talking to me just now.”
“Maybe the boy scout is wearing off on me,” Tony scowled. “But he’s right. You made that escape happen.”
Sally forced a smile and nodded, ending the conversation. She sat up straight and pushed Tony upright by the shoulder. “Go find me a bigger bed. I want to take a nap, and I don’t want to wake up alone.”
“As you wish, Your Holiness,” Tony winked.
“It’s actually Majesty, and if you decide to call me that, I will give you your ring back,” Sally warned. “I’m not feeling like I want to be teased about what happened with Victor.”
“Bigger bed,” Tony nodded and stepped out of the room. Within moments, Bucky slipped in.
“Tony doesn’t want me to tell you, but Victor has already contacted the American Embassy in Budapest to demand your return,” Bucky opened. Sally’s eye widened. “No, don’t worry, the ambassador was already aware of the situation. And was not interested in, oh shit, how did he put it? Entertaining the behavioural manipulations of someone with the emotional capacity of a four-year-old.”
Sally barked out a laugh. “Is there any way to know if the coronation is legally binding?”
“Within Latveria, it is absolute. You are their empress and queen until death or abdication,” Bucky explained. “And even abdication is questionable.”
“Outside Latveria?”
“Victor’s government isn’t so much recognized as tolerated. The EU would be just as happy to see the lands that make up Latveria rolled into Romania or Hungary,” Bucky explained. “Of course, that’s not on any official legal documents. Victor’s claim to the throne and title are tenuous at best. Which makes yours even more questionable. With one possible strengthening exception.”
“Well, first, there was that weird wording at the end of the coronation. If he had the herald pronounce you married, you have the same claim to the throne that he does.” Bucky was thinking out loud for Sally’s benefit.
“How do we find out if he had the herald marry us?” Sally pressed.
“I’m not sure,” Bucky shook his head. “My guess is that there will be some sort of supporting documentation that Victor will present?”
“Wait, I don’t understand. You said first. What is second? And why would whatever is second make my claim more valid than Victor’s?” Sally’s brow furrowed in confusion. Bucky smirked.
“He was never crowned,” Bucky arched one eyebrow and winked. Sally blinked slowly. “Seriously. The guy named himself ruler of Latveria. But never actually bothered with the coronation. He probably thought he didn’t need to because he would never have any real competition for the throne after he eliminated all the Latverian competition.”
“Why did he make me empress then?” Sally asked, her voice a little shrill.
“For whatever reason, he didn’t see you as competition, but a companion,” Bucky shrugged. Sally scoffed.
“Bucky,” she started. “There is no way that maniac actually loves me. There has to be more to this.”
“I don’t disagree,” he nodded.
“Well, why were you there?” She pressed.
“It was a good place to lay low. I’d seen Victor in action before and didn’t really trust him and for whatever reason, I just felt like I needed to be there,” Bucky explained. “I really don’t know what it was, other than a deep feeling that I should stick around.”
“Must be the hero in you,” Sally winked. Bucky rolled his eyes.
“I’m hardly a hero. I have seventy years of decidedly non-heroic behaviour to answer for.” His voice was gravelly, and sounded pained. Sally reached for his hand and covered it with her own.
“You look a lot like you might be my hero right now,” she pointed out. He let out a short, hard bark of laughter.
“Well, don’t let your fella find out you feel that way,” he winked, his jovial mood restored. Sally laughed.
“Oh please,” she snorted. “He knows he has nothing to worry about.”
“Well, except for your husband,” Bucky teased.
“That can be annulled, you know,” Sally said thoughtfully. “It’s just a matter of figuring out if the ceremony included a wedding, and then going to court to say it wasn’t consensual. Right?”
“The problem is finding a court to hear your case,” Bucky nodded. “There are no courts in Latveria. Victor is pretty medieval. He hears all judicial cases. So you’re looking at finding an international court that would recognize the case.”
“If an international court won’t recognize the case at all, that send a pretty strong message that the marriage isn’t valid, doesn’t it?” Sally asked. She was so focused on her conversation with Bucky that she didn’t notice Tony at the door.
“What marriage?” He was pale, and Sally could tell he was battling with whether or not to stay or go. In her few experiences with Tony, she was expecting him to disappear into the depths of whatever building they were in, but she wasn’t in any shape to follow. She held up her hand and waved him over to the seat Bucky was sitting in.
“Sit,” she demanded. “Bucky can find another chair?”
“I was actually coming to move you to a different room.” Tony’s words were tight. Sally sat up and swung her legs to the edge of the bed, holding out a hand to him for assistance. He stayed at the door, arms folded across his chest. When Bucky moved to help her, he pushed past, glaring at the other man. He took Sally’s hand wordlessly, sliding his free hand across her back to support her as he led her out of the room and down the hall to the new room. Bucky followed, a few steps behind them, and waited at the door while Tony helped settle her into bed.
“You’d said you wanted a nap, Sally,” Bucky offered. “Would you like me to come back later to help sort this out with Tony?”
“We’re fine,” Tony snapped. Bucky ignored his comment and looked at Sally.
“Yeah. Maybe give me a couple hours?” Sally nodded. “I’ll need your help sorting through all the weird and keeping it straight. Have you had a chance to sit down with Steve yet?”
“Briefly,” Bucky nodded. “This will give me a better chance though. Just let me know when you want me to come back.” He pulled the door shut as he left, giving Sally a significant look. Protective, maybe, she thought. Tony sat down on the edge of the bed.
“Don’t be a jackass, Tony,” Sally snapped. “You know you’re the only person I want to marry, so don’t dance around this. Ask me what you want to ask. Don’t play games.”
“I’m not playing games, Sally,” he snapped back. “Tell me what the fuck happened?”
“I told you the best way for us to get away was after to coronation. Bucky and I went over the ceremony with a fine tooth comb to make sure it was a safe choice. Victor’s herald sprung some new wording on us right at the end, and I think pronounced us married,” she explained.
“What?” His voice cracked.
“I don’t think there’s a legal leg to stand on, Tony,” Sally pursed her lips in thought. “First, there’s the issue of consent. I didn’t say I do. But then I’m also carrying on with another man.”
“What?” Tony’s face was getting redder and redder.
“You, you idiot. I’m carrying on with you,” Sally laughed. “Honestly, honey.” She took his hands in hers and rubbed her thumbs along the back of his knuckles. His skin was rougher than she remembered. She brought one of his hands to her mouth, and kissed it.
“I thought –“
“You should probably try stopping that. It’s a terrible pastime,” Sally teased. “Our bond is so strong, Tony. So strong that he tried to brainwash me into believing I loved him. And it didn’t work. He tried to make me forget you existed, and it didn’t work. So why would I carry on with anyone other than you?” The stress in Tony’s face melted away with her words and he slipped all the way onto the bed, sliding an arm around her shoulder and pulling her against his chest.
“I don’t deserve you,” he whispered into her hair.
“True,” she nodded against his chest. “You deserve so much more.”
Sally sat up, gasping, clawing at the air above her. She must have screamed because Tony immediately enclosed her in his arm and rocked her into his chest.
“It’s okay. You’re safe,” he murmured into her hair. He kept repeating it until her breathing returned to normal. She looked up at him, blinking back tears.
“I’m sorry –“
“For what?” Tony interrupted, shaking his head. “Don’t.”
“I don’t remember,” she trailed off. She looked down at her hands and blinked slowly. “I was having a nightmare, I think?”
“You’re at the complex in upstate New York. We moved you out of medical about six hours ago so that you and I could bunk together at your request. Your vital signs have been stable since we met up with you, but you did give me a scare when your mark came back,” Tony reoriented her, his words quiet.
“Did I have any x-rays done?” Sally asked. Tony nodded.
“Yeah, Barnes insisted we check your hips and femurs. No signs of any fracture, break or repair,” Tony explained. “But Barnes said the technology is suitably advanced enough, as far as he is aware, that traditional x-rays might not work. We had Dr. Cho take a deeper look. There was never a break or fracture. There was a little degeneration in the hips, which she said was completely normal given your lifestyle and age, and when you were in the cradle, that was repaired.”
“The cradle?” Sally asked, brow furrowed.
“The tube you were in is a modified hyperbaric chamber that can reconstruct tissue. You went in with a probable fractured femur, but when we couldn’t find anything wrong, I went ahead and repaired some damage that might have caused arthritic pain in the future,” Dr. Cho explained as she walked into the room. “You look well, considering your ordeal.”
“How bad should I look?” Sally laughed. “Apparently there was nothing wrong with me.”
“The cradle found signs of damage from whatever interference had caused the removal of your soulmark. It couldn’t regenerate that mark, but given that your new mark lies directly on top of it, you probably wouldn’t want that. Some of your pain receptors in your hip and thigh were altered in order to cause pain that would feel like a break healing,” Dr. Cho offered.
“Did you fix that?” Sally asked.
“I did,” Dr. Cho nodded. “You should be full recovered, physiologically.”
“Thank you,” Sally smiled. Dr. Cho’s stern features warmed.
“You’re very welcome.” She turned to Tony. “I’m needed back at my lab as soon as possible. I’m confident that Sally is well enough that I no longer need to be here.”
“Thank you for coming, Helen,” Tony nodded. “Pepper –“
“Already has me sorted,” she cut him off and smiled at Sally one more time before leaving the room.
“I feel like I need to get up and go for a walk and see if my legs feel any different,” Sally commented. Tony rose and offered her a hand. She took it and pushed to her feet tentatively. There was no pain. She took a hesitant step forward and concentrated on where the pain in her leg had been. There was nothing. She smiled and pushed up to her tiptoes, noting the continued absence of pain. Finally, she let go of Tony’s hand and jumped. She held her breath as her feet met the floor, waiting for the familiar knifing pain to shoot back up her leg, and broke into a wide smile when there was no discomfort at all.
“I think it’s Thai night. Can I give you a tour of the building, and offer you some dinner?” Tony asked. Sally smiled.
“Let me take a shower first?” She nodded. Tony smirked.
“As your responsible decision maker for health care issues, I’m going to have to insist on assisting you,” he leered. Sally laughed and leaned against him.
“I’m not going to put up a fight,” she admitted. “I’m still feeling tired. It’ll be nice to have someone to scrub my back.”
The water was hot against her shoulders, and the contrast between it and the cool air of the bathroom caused a wave of gooseflesh to crawl up her arms. She shivered in pleasure and tilted her head back under the showerhead, water coursing over the crown of her head and down her back. She was nearly reluctant to have Tony step in behind her, wanting to guard the sensations of the shower to herself. Until he started the scrub her back with a lathered washcloth. Then she was all about sharing the shower with him. She groaned and leaned into his hands and was met with a low chuckle from Tony.
“You like that?” He murmured, grazing his lips across her shoulders. Sally leaned against him, nodding silently. The crash of emotions that washed across her every time his skin touched hers was almost too much for her to bear. She blinked back tears, hoping the water across her face would obscure them.
“I missed you,” she managed. Tony slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her close against his chest, dipping his head over her shoulder to kiss her cheek.
“I was lost without you,” he admitted, and reached up to dash away her tears. “Don’t cry, Sal. We’re back together.”
“I’m being stupid, I know,” she started. “I just –“
“You never need to apologize, Sally,” Tony chided. “When have I ever apologized? I’m not ever going to start, so maybe you need to see that you have nothing to apologize for either. Ever.”
“But –“
“Sally.” His tone was chastising, even as his arms were warm around her. “I mean it. Don’t apologize for your tears. Don’t try to justify them or excuse them. I’m gratified that you love me so much. God knows I don’t deserve it.”
“Shut up,” she laughed. She pulled away and turned to face him. “No wonder we’re together, we’re both a couple of idiots.” She pressed her lips against his chastely, and stepped back into his arms.
“A couple of idiots standing in the shower, not getting clean,” Tony countered. Sally nodded.
“That is also true. We could be getting dirty,” she winked. Tony shook his head.
“Let’s make sure you’re one hundred percent first. I missed you. A lot. I don’t want to break you so soon after getting you back,” he smirked. Sally rolled her eyes.
“Who’s to say I wouldn’t break you?” She slid a hand down his hip and leaned forward to nibble his collarbone. Sally’s stomach growled and Tony pulled away laughing.
“How about we revisit this after dinner?” He offered. Sally flushed and nodded. “Turn around, let me finish your back.”
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gffa · 8 years
I’ve been thinking about Star Wars and “canon” lately, how complicated it can be when you have a multi-media style universe as this one does and when, as will almost always eventually happen, you have conflicting bits of canon. Having spent my time in the comic book salt mines, I’m pretty used to, “Eh, you just pick what you like or wait five minutes and it’ll change again.” Okay, Star Wars isn’t that bad.  And they do have the Lucasfilm Storygroup dedicated to trying to keep this shit straight, but... honestly, it’s not going to be long before contradictory stuff starts coming up again, if it hasn’t already. One thing they did was that they wiped the slate clean in 2014, so anything other than the Saga films, The Clone Wars, and Rebels was no longer canon. But now there’s a bunch more stuff again!  New TV episodes, new novels, new comic books, lots of new things!  How do we deal with the eventual contradictions that come up? There was an article about the separation of the new canon line and the Legends canon line on starwars.com:
While Lucasfilm always strived to keep the stories created for the EU consistent with our film and television content as well as internally consistent, Lucas always made it clear that he was not beholden to the EU. He set the films he created as the canon. This includes the six Star Wars episodes, and the many hours of content he developed and produced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. These stories are the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align.
And that’s what I go by.  The Saga movies + The Clone Wars (and, okay, Rebels and the new movies--though, I’m ready to throw the sequels under the bus if they throw my legacy characters to the wolves) are the fixed points of Star Wars, they are the hard canon that cannot be denied. Well, I mean, if you want to, that’s your choice, I’m not going to give you shit about it.  I’ll disagree, but some people don’t like the idea of supplementary canon (though, I don’t think TCW/Rebels/R1 count as supplementary, they’re primary canon right along with the Saga films), but it’s a valid way to consume something, if you don’t want to seek out further material. So, when something gets written into a novel or a comic, I may flail about it pretty hard and shriek about how it’s canon and I’m delighted by that, I absolutely do mentally sort things into “primary” and “supplementary” canon. And anything in “supplementary” canon is entirely possible to be thrown out or contradicted later and I just gotta roll with that.  You do your best to make sense of what’s there or just pick what you like. (For example:  I think the idea of stolen kyber crystals “bleeding” and thus they become red lightsaber blades--as per the Ahsoka novel--doesn’t fully make sense to me and directly contradicts that the lightsabers Grievous stole didn’t turn red.  So I’m totally willing to go, “Nah.” on that, because it’s very much not primary canon, it’s not an immovable object of Star Wars history.  It’s a thing that happened and that lends it validity and weight!  But it’s not immovable.) Sure, it can make discussions on the internet kind of frustrating, when two people disagree about the level of canonicity, but I have found that I enjoy being in sprawling, expansive universes like this and usually the only way to do that is to have multiple creators contributing, which means there’s going to be contradictions, and you’re just going to have to deal with that.  It can be frustrating, but, hey, at least unlike comics, I generally think more than half of what Star Wars puts out is at least worth consuming!
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flauntpage · 7 years
Decline of the Hard Lad: This Weekend in the Premier League
This article was originally published by VICE UK.
It would be great to kick things off with a lazy joke about how shit the international break was, but it was actually alright this time, wasn't it? Scotland were denied a potential World Cup place with a dramatic collapse against Slovenia, Wales suffered the same fate against Ireland, while Chile missed out after one of the most exciting South American qualifying campaigns of all time.
In the "team you want to like but worry have propaganda value for an authoritarian regime" stakes, Egypt secured a World Cup spot in injury time while Syria were narrowly beaten by Australia. In the end, the only boring games all fortnight were those involving England, who managed to win twice and yet somehow leave fans even more certain that they're going out at the group stage of Russia 2018.
Anyway, the Premier League was back in action this weekend, so, for now, let's put England's inevitable World Cup failure to one side.
Decline of the Hard Lad
Cast your mind back to the 2012-13 season – Tony Pulis' last with Stoke – and the Potters' entirely forgettable 1-1 draw with Manchester City. In case you can't recall the details – and the likelihood is you can't remember a thing – the Stoke team-sheet that day included the likes of Dean Whitehead, Glenn Whelan, Matthew Etherington and Ryan Shawcross; Andy Wilkinson, Jon Walters, Marc Wilson and Charlie Adam. This was the age of the hard lad at Stoke, when only Brits and Irishmen with flesh like raw sausage meat and playground bully manners could be assured of game time. Throw in Peter Crouch and Matthew Upson, and the starting XI began to look like the cast of a straight-to-DVD Green Street sequel, or one side of a mass punch-up outside a 24-hour nightclub on the Costa del Sol.
That was what Stoke were about back then, and they were unapologetic in their hard lad mentality. They weren't much to look at, but – especially when it came to upsetting a team of superstar passing wizards with studs up, elbows flying and fists windmilling – they were the right men for the job. Over the last few seasons under Mark Hughes, however, the Potters seem to have eschewed meat-and-potatoes British and Irish players in favour of the same European technocrats as every other mid-table team: your Xherdan Shaqiris, your Ibrahim Afellays, your Bruno Martins Indis. The people of Stoke-on-Trent didn't vote Leave so that, rather than hold Manchester City to a respectable, unambitious 1-1 draw, their team could get pumped 7-2 while attempting a metropolitan passing game and starting a gifted Spaniard called Jesé up front.
De Bruyne, Deified
Speaking of superstar passing wizards, Kevin De Bruyne is fast becoming the best of the bunch. De Bruyne is the Brexiteer's nightmare: a super-talented Belgian at the forefront of an economic powerhouse who is determined to travel to Britain and demolish everything in sight. Thankfully, the economic powerhouse in question is Man City as opposed to the mighty EU, and De Bruyne is mainly demolishing back fours and offside traps rather than, say, our sacred customs, ancient laws and right to work very long hours for abysmal pay. That means we are allowed to respect his genius, even if we suspect he likes the Euro and thinks immigration is OK.
Not satisfied with respecting De Bruyne, many pundits are eulogising him after his flurry of assists on Saturday. One no-look pass through the Stoke back line was particularly impressive, a feint so good that were it five-a-side would have seen everyone else give up and trudge off for an early pint. De Bruyne is now in that pantheon of minor deities just below Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, and almost ready to ascend to the highest level of acclaim in football. By that, I mean a level above Ian Wright calling him "world class" several times on Match of the Day, which isn't exactly the sweet poetry of the beautiful game at its best.
Right Man, Right Time
Were some mad, evil genius to genetically engineer a human embodiment of Roy Hodgson's time as England manager, it would look a lot like Tom Cleverley. A midfielder blessed with the holy trinity of i) a low goal return ii) unremarkable physicality and iii) an extremely average passing range, Cleverley has always been of the "I don't really know what I'm doing here" school of footballer. As such, he was the perfect man to get an added-time winner against Arsenal on Saturday, with the lack of purpose which has dogged his career more of a mantra for Arsene Wenger's team at this point.
Surely there is nothing more evocative of Arsenal in the modern era than a scoreboard which reads: "Watford 2-1 Arsenal, Cleverley 90+2". Where most footballing philosophies comprise some novel approach to passing, pressing or possession, Wenger's can now be summed up with the words "late winner from Cleverley" and three cry-laughing emojis. Usually the fact that a dive changed the game would at least drum up some routine outrage in the commentary box, but the pundits are too busy trying not to piss themselves at Arsenal these days. Watford striker Troy Deeney went on BT Sport afterwards to accuse his opponents of having tiny bollocks, a comment which would usually raise a few eyebrows in the studio but which, under the circumstances, was met with a round of approving nods.
731 Minutes Later
Wilfried Zaha after the final whistle this weekend. Photo: Adam Davy/PA Wire/PA Images
… and Crystal Palace have scored their first goals of the season. The first one was technically an own goal off Cesar Azpilicueta, but hey, when you've made the worst ever start in the Premier League you'll take what you're given and go home grateful.
Decline of the Hard Lad: This Weekend in the Premier League published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
Decline of the Hard Lad: This Weekend in the Premier League
This article was originally published by VICE UK.
It would be great to kick things off with a lazy joke about how shit the international break was, but it was actually alright this time, wasn’t it? Scotland were denied a potential World Cup place with a dramatic collapse against Slovenia, Wales suffered the same fate against Ireland, while Chile missed out after one of the most exciting South American qualifying campaigns of all time.
In the “team you want to like but worry have propaganda value for an authoritarian regime” stakes, Egypt secured a World Cup spot in injury time while Syria were narrowly beaten by Australia. In the end, the only boring games all fortnight were those involving England, who managed to win twice and yet somehow leave fans even more certain that they’re going out at the group stage of Russia 2018.
Anyway, the Premier League was back in action this weekend, so, for now, let’s put England’s inevitable World Cup failure to one side.
Decline of the Hard Lad
Cast your mind back to the 2012-13 season – Tony Pulis’ last with Stoke – and the Potters’ entirely forgettable 1-1 draw with Manchester City. In case you can’t recall the details – and the likelihood is you can’t remember a thing – the Stoke team-sheet that day included the likes of Dean Whitehead, Glenn Whelan, Matthew Etherington and Ryan Shawcross; Andy Wilkinson, Jon Walters, Marc Wilson and Charlie Adam. This was the age of the hard lad at Stoke, when only Brits and Irishmen with flesh like raw sausage meat and playground bully manners could be assured of game time. Throw in Peter Crouch and Matthew Upson, and the starting XI began to look like the cast of a straight-to-DVD Green Street sequel, or one side of a mass punch-up outside a 24-hour nightclub on the Costa del Sol.
That was what Stoke were about back then, and they were unapologetic in their hard lad mentality. They weren’t much to look at, but – especially when it came to upsetting a team of superstar passing wizards with studs up, elbows flying and fists windmilling – they were the right men for the job. Over the last few seasons under Mark Hughes, however, the Potters seem to have eschewed meat-and-potatoes British and Irish players in favour of the same European technocrats as every other mid-table team: your Xherdan Shaqiris, your Ibrahim Afellays, your Bruno Martins Indis. The people of Stoke-on-Trent didn’t vote Leave so that, rather than hold Manchester City to a respectable, unambitious 1-1 draw, their team could get pumped 7-2 while attempting a metropolitan passing game and starting a gifted Spaniard called Jesé up front.
De Bruyne, Deified
Speaking of superstar passing wizards, Kevin De Bruyne is fast becoming the best of the bunch. De Bruyne is the Brexiteer’s nightmare: a super-talented Belgian at the forefront of an economic powerhouse who is determined to travel to Britain and demolish everything in sight. Thankfully, the economic powerhouse in question is Man City as opposed to the mighty EU, and De Bruyne is mainly demolishing back fours and offside traps rather than, say, our sacred customs, ancient laws and right to work very long hours for abysmal pay. That means we are allowed to respect his genius, even if we suspect he likes the Euro and thinks immigration is OK.
Not satisfied with respecting De Bruyne, many pundits are eulogising him after his flurry of assists on Saturday. One no-look pass through the Stoke back line was particularly impressive, a feint so good that were it five-a-side would have seen everyone else give up and trudge off for an early pint. De Bruyne is now in that pantheon of minor deities just below Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, and almost ready to ascend to the highest level of acclaim in football. By that, I mean a level above Ian Wright calling him “world class” several times on Match of the Day, which isn’t exactly the sweet poetry of the beautiful game at its best.
Right Man, Right Time
Were some mad, evil genius to genetically engineer a human embodiment of Roy Hodgson’s time as England manager, it would look a lot like Tom Cleverley. A midfielder blessed with the holy trinity of i) a low goal return ii) unremarkable physicality and iii) an extremely average passing range, Cleverley has always been of the “I don’t really know what I’m doing here” school of footballer. As such, he was the perfect man to get an added-time winner against Arsenal on Saturday, with the lack of purpose which has dogged his career more of a mantra for Arsene Wenger’s team at this point.
Surely there is nothing more evocative of Arsenal in the modern era than a scoreboard which reads: “Watford 2-1 Arsenal, Cleverley 90+2”. Where most footballing philosophies comprise some novel approach to passing, pressing or possession, Wenger’s can now be summed up with the words “late winner from Cleverley” and three cry-laughing emojis. Usually the fact that a dive changed the game would at least drum up some routine outrage in the commentary box, but the pundits are too busy trying not to piss themselves at Arsenal these days. Watford striker Troy Deeney went on BT Sport afterwards to accuse his opponents of having tiny bollocks, a comment which would usually raise a few eyebrows in the studio but which, under the circumstances, was met with a round of approving nods.
731 Minutes Later
Wilfried Zaha after the final whistle this weekend. Photo: Adam Davy/PA Wire/PA Images
… and Crystal Palace have scored their first goals of the season. The first one was technically an own goal off Cesar Azpilicueta, but hey, when you’ve made the worst ever start in the Premier League you’ll take what you’re given and go home grateful.
Decline of the Hard Lad: This Weekend in the Premier League syndicated from http://ift.tt/2ug2Ns6
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
Decline of the Hard Lad: This Weekend in the Premier League
This article was originally published by VICE UK.
It would be great to kick things off with a lazy joke about how shit the international break was, but it was actually alright this time, wasn't it? Scotland were denied a potential World Cup place with a dramatic collapse against Slovenia, Wales suffered the same fate against Ireland, while Chile missed out after one of the most exciting South American qualifying campaigns of all time.
In the "team you want to like but worry have propaganda value for an authoritarian regime" stakes, Egypt secured a World Cup spot in injury time while Syria were narrowly beaten by Australia. In the end, the only boring games all fortnight were those involving England, who managed to win twice and yet somehow leave fans even more certain that they're going out at the group stage of Russia 2018.
Anyway, the Premier League was back in action this weekend, so, for now, let's put England's inevitable World Cup failure to one side.
Decline of the Hard Lad
Cast your mind back to the 2012-13 season – Tony Pulis' last with Stoke – and the Potters' entirely forgettable 1-1 draw with Manchester City. In case you can't recall the details – and the likelihood is you can't remember a thing – the Stoke team-sheet that day included the likes of Dean Whitehead, Glenn Whelan, Matthew Etherington and Ryan Shawcross; Andy Wilkinson, Jon Walters, Marc Wilson and Charlie Adam. This was the age of the hard lad at Stoke, when only Brits and Irishmen with flesh like raw sausage meat and playground bully manners could be assured of game time. Throw in Peter Crouch and Matthew Upson, and the starting XI began to look like the cast of a straight-to-DVD Green Street sequel, or one side of a mass punch-up outside a 24-hour nightclub on the Costa del Sol.
That was what Stoke were about back then, and they were unapologetic in their hard lad mentality. They weren't much to look at, but – especially when it came to upsetting a team of superstar passing wizards with studs up, elbows flying and fists windmilling – they were the right men for the job. Over the last few seasons under Mark Hughes, however, the Potters seem to have eschewed meat-and-potatoes British and Irish players in favour of the same European technocrats as every other mid-table team: your Xherdan Shaqiris, your Ibrahim Afellays, your Bruno Martins Indis. The people of Stoke-on-Trent didn't vote Leave so that, rather than hold Manchester City to a respectable, unambitious 1-1 draw, their team could get pumped 7-2 while attempting a metropolitan passing game and starting a gifted Spaniard called Jesé up front.
De Bruyne, Deified
Speaking of superstar passing wizards, Kevin De Bruyne is fast becoming the best of the bunch. De Bruyne is the Brexiteer's nightmare: a super-talented Belgian at the forefront of an economic powerhouse who is determined to travel to Britain and demolish everything in sight. Thankfully, the economic powerhouse in question is Man City as opposed to the mighty EU, and De Bruyne is mainly demolishing back fours and offside traps rather than, say, our sacred customs, ancient laws and right to work very long hours for abysmal pay. That means we are allowed to respect his genius, even if we suspect he likes the Euro and thinks immigration is OK.
Not satisfied with respecting De Bruyne, many pundits are eulogising him after his flurry of assists on Saturday. One no-look pass through the Stoke back line was particularly impressive, a feint so good that were it five-a-side would have seen everyone else give up and trudge off for an early pint. De Bruyne is now in that pantheon of minor deities just below Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, and almost ready to ascend to the highest level of acclaim in football. By that, I mean a level above Ian Wright calling him "world class" several times on Match of the Day, which isn't exactly the sweet poetry of the beautiful game at its best.
Right Man, Right Time
Were some mad, evil genius to genetically engineer a human embodiment of Roy Hodgson's time as England manager, it would look a lot like Tom Cleverley. A midfielder blessed with the holy trinity of i) a low goal return ii) unremarkable physicality and iii) an extremely average passing range, Cleverley has always been of the "I don't really know what I'm doing here" school of footballer. As such, he was the perfect man to get an added-time winner against Arsenal on Saturday, with the lack of purpose which has dogged his career more of a mantra for Arsene Wenger's team at this point.
Surely there is nothing more evocative of Arsenal in the modern era than a scoreboard which reads: "Watford 2-1 Arsenal, Cleverley 90+2". Where most footballing philosophies comprise some novel approach to passing, pressing or possession, Wenger's can now be summed up with the words "late winner from Cleverley" and three cry-laughing emojis. Usually the fact that a dive changed the game would at least drum up some routine outrage in the commentary box, but the pundits are too busy trying not to piss themselves at Arsenal these days. Watford striker Troy Deeney went on BT Sport afterwards to accuse his opponents of having tiny bollocks, a comment which would usually raise a few eyebrows in the studio but which, under the circumstances, was met with a round of approving nods.
731 Minutes Later
Wilfried Zaha after the final whistle this weekend. Photo: Adam Davy/PA Wire/PA Images
… and Crystal Palace have scored their first goals of the season. The first one was technically an own goal off Cesar Azpilicueta, but hey, when you've made the worst ever start in the Premier League you'll take what you're given and go home grateful.
Decline of the Hard Lad: This Weekend in the Premier League published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes