#like. idk. i feel like when he put those bracers on and took on those responsibilities
altschmerzes · 9 months
That Aragorn and Faramir fic idea you mentioned sounds really interesting! There's so many layers involved in those two and those around them, and it sounds like a concept you would really have fun with!
THANK YOU it’s so clear in my mind honestly. this moment in that in-between space where aragorn either comes to find him or runs into him and has the chance to talk with him for the first time - say, you know, it’s an honour to meet you. your brother spoke of you with great pride.
like. the kind of person aragorn is would be really fascinating to watch faramir figure out how to handle tbh. this is Thee Literal King, and he’s also the type of person who looks at the people around him with warmth and appreciation at all turns, who puts himself on the line beside them, who is compassionate and interested in people and like. offers people his respect. pretty much regardless of who they are, until they prove they do not deserve it.
and for faramir, who has been. well. look at all he’s been doing in pursuit of his father’s respect, his father’s love, all entirely in vain. and what came of it. he’s just narrowly survived an attempted murder/suicide, after the first time he was sent to his death for the crime of being the wrong son didn’t quite get him all the way dead. just mostly there. so he’s been suffering and bleeding and dying for the good opinion of the central authority figure in his life to absolutely no avail. and here’s the king. the literal whole king. who’s never met him before, and is now seeing him in this sorry state. who offers his good opinion freely and without hesitation.
i SIMPLY think there’s so much potential in that dynamic and i want to poke at it SO bad tbh
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dodecademons · 4 years
Alright you critical nerds, it's time for some evaluation. We had a WHOLE week to sit on some moments that happened and even draw up some theories. Doubt anyone would see this but I need to release my thoughts. This will include some shipping moments, so if y'all trying to bring your discourse in here. Kindly hop off me cause I don't need you bothering me. Feel free to share thoughts though.
This guy is up to something. Liam is really good at dropping subtle hints without anyone picking up on it until later in game. He keeps bring out that wand, from Calianna, and stained glass. At first I just thought he would use it to channel his magic but he just kinda fiddled with it. Calianna said "a lot of the wood just burns and blackens, some of it becomes extra strong and is especially good at channeling fire magic" in her letter so I thought maybe he was having this sense of self thing. The stained glass came from the cathedral I believe, the one where Yasha was saved but idk. He also made a little cat statue. Liam does these things on purpose and I wanna know what it is. Idle pondering? He mentioned the Traveler and the Storm Lord when talking to Yasha so IDK ANYMORE. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe he'll charge into the Soltryce Academy and kill Trent, who knows.
The coat. It works with light armor and Yasha still has her bracers. Her stats would essentially stay the same if she took the breastplate off and used them instead. If the breastplate is the one that Oban gave her, I can't remember if she kept it on, then I feel like she would toss it. Also, sexy coat. On that note, is she no long fallen? Will she finally step out of the -1 into the nice solid 0? She has her wings now and before Matt described her skeletal wings as these dark, scary things that made "the white tips of her hair go completely black" and her eyes to. Aesthetically, hot. So with her new angel wings is her hair going to turn white? Or maybe like naturally over time the ends crawl up. Does she have a halo in her future? Unrelated note: I'm also kind of wondering if maybe she'll do what she said she would do and visit Zuala's grave. Is it where her tribe is located? Killed on sight or what? Would she take the M9 with her or maybe if it's like a far in the future thing she'll just take one or two peeps. I'm just excited to see how this angel things is handled and if any dynamics change.
The Traveler is donking up and Jester is noticing. Her friends are supportive of the choices SHE makes. But she still seems to be making choices for Artagan because she has this deep connection with him. BUT, and this is a big but, she's being hesitant and questioning more and more as time goes on. I'm legit wondering if she's going to pull a Fjord and just symbolically throw her sword in the lava. Or maybe literally, there's a volcano and Jester is unpredictable sometimes. Regardless, she is STRESSED out and although the M9 are being supportive, I feel like maybe she's waiting for someone to tell her what to do so this will end. Maybe she'll stay, maybe a change in relationship, maybe she'll leave completely (there's more than one option there). I just want the precious soul to be happy.
It's shipping time
Alright sapphics, you've been getting fed these last few episodes. Yasha flew, Beau was a stuttering mess, and they were both awkwardly flirting. Is a kiss in store for us? Thoughts? I don't really mind if there is one or not I just want them to talk. About anything really, just a sweet little moment about whatever. If there is a kiss though, who would initiate? The obvious choice is Beau, she has made the first move on every girl she has been with (that we've seen). Yasha is getting more confident in her advances though, and after that Zuala moment I think that's a sign to go in guns a blazin. Before the Zuala dream she was flirting more and more with Beau and after that flight and those longing looks I can see anything happening. I can picture them going on short flights for then next few days, assuming nothing major happens and they just spend some days waiting for TravelerCon, and just existing. Yasha getting to use to her wings and Beau wanting to go for the flight. Maybe they practice some sentinel babe battle moves. Yasha drops Beau from like 50ft and Beau just superhero punches taking no fall damage. I have this cute moment in my head but that's for another time. They both have things to think about and I'm excited to see what Marisha was hinting at last episode (106).
They had a sweet moment. Like Fjord really put his feelings out there. Something that he was terrified of doing for a while. He doesn't care about a bunch of randoms but he would do anything for Jester. Which could be written off as a friend just being concerned but nahhh, he had a slip of the tongue moment with his little "i woul- WE would..." and that's pining folks. I was thrownback to the moment where Fjord kissed her on the cheek, IN THE HEAT OF BATTLE, and everyone had a stunned moment of silence. No idea where that's gonna go though since Jester is probably having an existential crisis because of Travler Con and everyone seems to notice. Fjord is sweet on her and although we have no idea where Jester stands right now with her crush on Fjord, since it's been a while since that was addressed/Veth didnt try and create a moment, I still think he is special to her and there is something there. Pursued or not, I see some subtle and maybe not so subtle fluffy moments happening.
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