#like. it's fucking scary how they go about shit. how haphazardly they prepared for the move etc etc
landgraabbed · 8 months
btw no posts today!! my queue ran out and i'll try to set up some more for tomorrow but i'm just chilling rn after that doozy of a weekend
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shurisneakers · 3 years
harmless (xiii)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader)
Warnings: cursing, frustrated bucky, dramatic reader, smidge of angst, guns, little bit of violence, obnoxious flirting, and kidnapping lol
Word count: 6.2k
A/N: welcome to chaos week >:) this is the first of three updates coming out this week (if i can finish the last one in time).  big thank you to my love @no-shit-sherl0ck for the kidnaped!reader idea, and that one anon who suggested the inator that’s used here. i know you wanted to see it in a zoo but i couldn’t really figure out a way to use that so i referenced it a bunch in previous chapters. oh and also @ginevranights​ for this specific imagery 
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Previous Part  || Series Masterlist
Who the fuck kidnaps a villain in this day and age?
Saturday started normally enough.
Nat kicked Bucky’s ass in training, evening the score to 120 and 120. He blames it on the lack of sleep. She tells him that it’s his fault he stayed up late to binge watch 911 Lone Star.
He still thinks it was worth it.
The team’s sunshines and rainbows that morning. Someone had cooked up a batch of pancakes and fresh orange juice. Someone else burnt the bacon but left to feed his dog before anyone could complain.
Nat opened up the newspaper. Different sections went to different people until Bucky got stuck with the entertainment section. Fun, considering that he doesn’t even recognise half the names. He’d have to pretend to be interested until the next rotation.
He watches the orange juice levitate in front of him from the corner of his eye and just assumes that Wanda’s getting a refill even though she could have just asked him to pass it. He smells the next batch of bacon burning and figures that Clint is back.
Sam’s beside him, annoying him about how long it takes for him to read about which new celebrity relationship just ended and Bucky retaliates by reading even slower. Fuck you.
He’s on his second stack of pancakes absolutely drenched in maple syrup when the doors to the elevator open and Marie steps out, laptop in her hand.
An instant chorus of hello’s and invitations to have some charred bacon resound through the table. She politely declines them with a small smile, instead opening her laptop and placing it in front of Bucky without further ado. 
He looks at her questioningly, slowly swallowing whatever was in his mouth.
“An email for you.” She tuts her head towards it. “It has a video attachment of your friend.”
Bucky has plans to not watch the video in front of everyone, given that the content could range anywhere from you reading out fanfiction about him to a deep-fake of him singing a Whitney Houston song.
Both of which you have done before and would do again, without any hesitation.
“Aren’t you gonna watch it?” Wanda asks from across the table.
He slowly shakes his head no, cutting his stack into smaller pieces.
“If what’s in it is real, it’s important,” Marie stresses.
“What’s in it?” he inquires instead, hoping that the team would stop staring at him. If Marie was implying strongly that he needed to watch then something was wrong.
“Just watch it, man.” Sam’s statement has everyone agreeing with him. Bucky can’t refuse now, and if the team makes fun of him for the next month about how he looks good belting Greatest Love of All, he’s going to personally assassinate you.
He clicks on the email, noticing it came from a throwaway address. Probably untraceable, if the cards are played right. 
The video opens to grainy footage, which is stupid considering modern technological advancements. If this is one more of your stupid LARPing sessions, it could definitely wait till after lunch. 
But, he instantly recognises your silhouette strapped to a chair and suddenly the room feels very cold around him. His hand automatically clutches onto a bead from the bracelet you gave him that still remained tied to his left arm more often than not.
“Speak,” someone commands off camera.
“About what?” You sound annoyed, exasperated even.
“Why you’re here.”
“I’m here because you have unaddressed feelings of childhood insecurity.”
“I warned you to take this seriously.”
Bucky’s eyes widen slightly but his body relaxes the minute he reads the situation. 
The team’s crowded around him, he can feel it. His attention remains on the screen in front of him.
“Who even are you sending this to?” You don’t sound the least bit threatened. “My roommate’s not at home but my cat is and I don’t think she’d care.”
”You’ve made a complete joke out of villains everywhere. Fraternising with the enemies, the Avengers,” he spits the name with so much vitriol. “You’ve erased what it’s like to be truly evil. Turned us into a laughing stock.”
“If it takes one person to undermine your whole movement then maybe it wasn’t strong enough to begin with.” You look at someone outside the lens, face scrunching in distaste. “Also your costume’s ugly.”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., can you trace this voice?” Bucky asks, receiving an immediate confirmation. “Figure out who it is.”
“On it.”
“Tell them. Tell them we are a serious threat and are to be feared.”
"No,” you say resolutely. “You’re an overgrown manchild. Go watch Teletubbies or something.”
“She does not give a shit,” Clint marvels at the situation, a piece of half eaten burnt toast between his fingers.
You didn’t. And if he knew you in the slightest, which he prided himself on at this point, you already had six different ways of getting out of there.
“She knows she’s going to be fine,” Bucky murmurs, returning back to take a bite of his pancakes. “She’s probably still there just to irritate him.”
He zeroes in on your wrist to see if the teleportation watch was still there but no, your wrists are bare. Guess you forgot.
“You have to.”
“Because that’s how a real villain does it.”
“A real villain- what are you, gatekeeping the villain community?” You scoff. “You sound like a fuckin’ incel.”
“Just send them a message,” the guy bellows, hitting a table.
“She’s going to frustrate them to death.” An accurate observation, Sam.
“Okay, jeez, fine.”
Bucky just knows that you rolled your eyes at that moment.
He had faith in you, or in your abilities at the very least. While every wisecrack could possibly inch you closer towards harm, you probably wouldn’t be making them unless you felt completely secure in your situation.
“Help, I’m totally kidnapped and in danger. Save me because I can’t do it myself. This man is too powerful and strong and sooo scary.”
“Do you think she has a strategy?”
“You’re not worried, James?” Wanda asks curiously. “I thought she was your friend.”
“She is my friend.” He reaches over to take the jug of orange from across the table. “That’s why I’m not worried.”
“Are you going to fight the Avengers?” you interrupt his endless tirade. “Because that’s a stupid plan. You get how that’s a stupid plan, right?”
“Let them come. I’m prepared.”
“With what? A stick you found outside? A Nerf gun? Man, you’ve tied my hands with fuckin’ zip ties, you can’t be serious-”
“Shut up,” he roared and the stand shakes slightly from where he stamps his feet. “Our army is enough.”
“Wow,” you exhale. “I wish I had your confidence, I really do. I want to study you under a microscope.”
“I have reinforcements.” It sounds like he turns to the camera to address it directly. “This is a warning. Your friends have an hour to find you or things are gonna turn ugly. This is what real evil looks like.”
“Evil dresses in a dollar store Speedo, apparently.” The man pays you no heed, instead picking up the camera. “Hey, sarge, if you’re watching this, don’t bother. I’m fine, it’s not even the real me-”
The camera cuts to black.
“When was this video sent?” Nat looks at Marie, eyebrows drawn together.
“About ten minutes ago.”
Bucky clicks out of the email, determined to get at least half his breakfast in him before he left to see what’s up with your situation. A notification pops up immediately.
[email protected] just sent you an email.
A video attachment.
“We got another one,” Bucky informs the team, drawing their attention back to the screen from the informal conversation that had erupted between them about what they could do.
This time, there’s a subject line included.
Attack on the Clone.
"Ain’t that a Star Wars movie?" he asks, craning his neck to look at Clint.
"That's Attack of the Clones," Sam corrects. "Probably autocorrect."
Bucky narrowed his eyes in suspicion at him, jaw sliding outward before falling back into place. Enough times had Sam called him Fucky in the group chat and gotten away with it for him not to be wary.
“Or a code,” Wanda suggests, too many crime thrillers read and podcasts listened in her spare time. She occasionally brought them over to Self Care Saturday, introducing him to the world of true crime as a bit of light content while they snacked on chocolate chip cookies he baked. “Like the Zodiac.”
“For what?” Bucky peers over at her.
“All I remember from that movie is them rolling around a field together,” Clint mutters. “Maybe that’s how you’re supposed to save her.”
“I’m not saving anyone. Look at her, she’s fine.” Is he the only one who saw it?
When he’s met with skeptical looks and no other useful suggestions, he presses play on the video.
This time it's clearer footage. It hardly takes him a second to ascertain where it was.
"That's her lair." It showed the pathway leading up to the flat concrete building, exactly where the intercom should be.
There was a black Sedan parked haphazardly outside, engine still on judging by the sound of the radio blasting an AC/DC song. 
Within a few seconds, someone drags you from the entrance of the lair to the car, despite your very clear protests and opposition, shoving you inside before it takes off in full speed, tires screeching. 
"F.R.I.D.A.Y., track the car from that video. Check all the CCTV and surveillance footage from around the area that you can find," Bucky commands, taking a sip of orange juice.  
"Why would they send us that?" Clint pipes up. "They make their email untraceable but send us a video of the fuckin' abduction itself?"
"I don't know." Bucky shakes his head, setting his glass down. "She probably convinced them to."
It was an unusual scenario, he realised that. But his eyebrows lower in contemplation, his lip caged between his lip before a thought suddenly occurs to him. A laugh in disbelief almost escapes his throat ad he pushes it down with some freshly cut strawberries. 
"And they listened?"
"I don't think you realise how annoying she can be." He knows, though. He knows. "Bet they regret it, though. I should tell them to keep her for a little longer."
"Voice recognition registers voice to someone named Chad, better known by his alias Soul Crusher. Surveillance footage places the car about thirty minutes away. Exact location sent to your phone GPS."
Soul Crusher. That was worse than Dr. Strange.
"I can make that fifteen." Bucky shrugs, setting down his fork and knife. If his hunch is right, the team didn’t really have to get involved. “See you guys later.”
“Do you want any of us coming with you?” Wanda gestures to the crowd at hand.
“I got it.” He pushes away from the table, depositing his plate in the sink, dropping an extra piece of bacon on the ground for Clint’s dog. “She’ll be alright.”
They watch him trail out of the room briskly, heading up to his room to change.
“Is it just me or is he too casual about this?” Clint continues staring long after he leaves.
“Both of them are weirdos.” Nat pulls open the newspaper again, going back to the sport’s section. “Who knows what goes in their heads.”
“Can confirm that not a lot goes on in his.”
Without Bucky to retaliate or grumble, a Steve walking into the room, sweaty and shiny after training becomes the new subject of jokes that morning.
For the first time in months, he’s had to bring a weapon or two along with him. Two revolvers and a couple of knives kept out of plain view. He wouldn’t need more than that anyway.
True to his word, it takes only fifteen minutes to get there, thirteen if he didn’t stop for the chain of ducks that crossed the street.
He’s also dressed in a little more leather than he usually reserves for your meetings. A jacket that brings to act as a windbreaker and tightly laced up combat boots make him look like he either stepped off a runway, or more menacing than usual depending on who was looking.
The GPS points him to an old warehouse near a more subdued part of the city. It was abandoned by the looks of it, and had been for a while judging by the lack of upkeep. Prime real estate.
He pulls off his helmet, hanging it on the handlebar along with his backpack before kicking the stand into place. The bike’s a few metres away just in case they decide to blow something up.
Bucky looks up at the warehouse, assessing the most damage he could do to it if at all it was needed. That thing could barely stand on its own, a grenade would absolutely decimate it. That wasn’t good news for you.
He sighs once before putting on his death glare, straightening out his shoulders into a stature that screams stone-cold, and pushes the door open, gun raised.
A mini-army of people ranging from their early twenties to late thirties stood guard at the entrance, all with rifles pointed at him. He counts fifteen, maybe eighteen.
“Oh, hell no,” a voice erupts from the back, followed by the sound of his gun being thrown to the ground. “No one told me that he was coming.”
Bucky raises an eyebrow, his death glare not shifting and Glock not lowering.
“I’m out.” The same guy raises his hands up to show he meant no harm, slowly brushing past Bucky as he squeezed out of the building.
“You got five seconds to leave before I shut this door,” Bucky gives the rest of them an ultimatum. Not like there was a point anyway. SHIELD was sending down some people to account for the one day rise in new morons. 
They all looked at each other, swallowing thickly before raising their weapons.
“I hope he’s giving you good insurance.” The second he finishes his sentence they all cry out in what sounds like a fucking war chant, launching themselves at him. 
“They’re here.” Someone presses his ear to the door as if the gunshots and screaming weren’t enough. 
“Brilliant. We’re ready.” Chad picks up the knife, running his finger along the sharp end. You try to see if you can use your Twitter-ordained powers of manifestation for a paper cut.
“How much are you asking them for?” You put forth a query instead, when it disappointingly doesn’t work.
“Asking who for what?” Chad stops his dumb intimidation tactic for a second. 
“You know,” you insist like it was obvious, “my ransom. How much did you ask them to pay?”
“We didn’t-” He looks around at the other people in the room for confirmation. “-we didn’t ask for any.”
“Because I’m invaluable?” Your head droops to the side in mock flattery. “Aw, you guys.”
“We didn’t think of it,” someone from the corner behind you speaks up, coming to the aid of their boss.
“Now that’s just rude.” You tut, shifting maybe an inch or two in your bounds to try and get more comfortable. “Leaving aside your lack of preparation, let’s just assume he bursts in here, desperate and ready to bargain. How much would you ask for?”
“Three million,” Chad says confidently, gathering a nod and sounds of agreement from everyone else.
“Are you serious?” Your jaw drops, a scoff escaping you. “That’s all?”
His self-assurance falters a little bit, you can see it under his 5 Minutes Craft mask.
“Three mill-” You stop mid-sentence. “With this wiring? Ridiculous. Make it ten, I demand it.”
“We’ll ask for fifteen mil,” Chad proposes, his teammates agreeing again, a little more delighted than last time.
“Ask for thirty, you coward,” you argued. “Thirty million and a jet.”
“You’re not worth that much.” The dipshit diagonal to you pipes up with his unwanted and, frankly, useless opinion.
“And you are?” You whip around the best you can. “Henchman number four?”
“Megedagik,” he informs, standing up a little taller now that he was given some importance. “It means ‘killer of many’.”
“Did you just say your name was Mega Dick?” 
“Megedagik,” he corrects.
You stare at him hard before turning away. “Alright, other than Mega Dick here, does anyo-”
A knife lands right next to your feet, driven at least an inch into the ground. You look up at the guy you managed to piss off within four sentences, his face now a beet red. 
“These are brand new, asshole,” you barked, shaking your shoes around. “You’re gonna pay if there’s even a scratch on it.”
“Permission to kill her?” Meg growls, casting a side eye at Chad.
The boss man looks at you thoughtfully, assessing the repercussions of what might happen. You raise an eyebrow.
“Slow and painful,” he settles. 
A small smirk makes its way onto your face. 
“Title of your sex tape,” you quip as the man in the corner storms towards you.
It’s all a flurry, really. A bunch of inexperienced newcomers versus one of the most skilled assassins the world had ever seen? Ten minutes tops.
Bucky doesn’t do any serious damage. A couple of broken bones but only out of necessity, a lot of concussions, and maybe a bullet wound, or three, here and there. 
Most of the time he spends thinking about things that have absolutely nothing to do with what was going on. He forgot to take his laundry out of the machine. There was a biscotti recipe he had been procrastinating on trying. His succulents needed watering but he could do that once he was back. Was he wearing his good combat pants or was it the pair that had a hole in the pocket?
His left hand thrust outwards to shove someone away while he stuck his right hand into his pocket to check if it had frayed away. The person he pushed slams into a wall with a loud groan and no, his pants didn’t have a hole in them. 
He stops to take a breather, assess what was going on. There are bodies scattered all around, mostly writhing in pain from minor injuries. Someone very bravely stands up, hands posed in front of him in a regular fighting stance.
“You sure about this?” Bucky asks, reaching for one of the concealed knives he hadn’t had a chance of using yet. It twirls rather nimbly between his fingers for something so dangerous, the hilt finally landing in his palm for a sturdy grip.
The man takes one look at the knife before sitting right back down on the ground. 
“Good choice,” his voice drops to an octave lower than his self-esteem. He’s tired of this old routine but it works like a neat little party trick, often getting him the result he wanted. “Where?”
A few fingers point down the hall to the only room whose door was closed.
He makes sure to step over everyone who was lying along the way, ears tuned in to even the smallest of noises just in case one of them decided to attack him from the back. It doesn’t come.
He doesn’t bother creeping down the hallway. With all the ruckus that just went on outside, he’s pretty sure it’s obvious that they had an intruder. 
Bucky kicks in the large steel door with ease, given that it was barely hanging on its hinges. His gun’s raised, muscles tight, and senses on high alert for any immediate threats. 
It lands with a large thud, reverberating through the room. He’s reminded of your first meeting with him.
There’s a chair in the middle of the room with a person tied to it by a mixture of rope and tape. Others found themselves slithering around on the floor in a similar fashion, trying to get out of their bondages.
“Hey, James,” you call out, drawing his attention to you. You were sitting atop a table, legs swinging back and forth without a care in the world, a blade in your hand. 
“You okay?” He tucks the gun into his waistband when he realises that none of the henchmen are going to be going anywhere soon.
“All good.” You hop off the table with a little spring in your step. “Did you bring your bike? I need a ride back to the lair. I think I left the TV on when I was, you know, getting kidnapped.”
“You coulda teleported back home before all of this even happened.” Bucky does a quick assessment of your body to make sure there weren’t any bruises or anything of the sort. “Avoided the whole thing.”
“Don’t have the watch with me.” Odd, since he knows you consider it one of your essentials but it just fuels his theory further. “Besides, if I just quit before we started, they’d keep messing with me over and over again.”
“Do you want me to punch someone’s face in?” He glances around the room at the ones wiggling about on the floor like fucking worms. “I’d be happy to.”
“Nah, I got a few in myself.” You rotate your wrist, other hand still holding onto the knife. “You know what, maybe I’ll have another go.”
He simply makes a noise in acknowledgement before he places a hand on the hem of your shirt, gently reeling you back. “I think you fixed ‘em up real good. That’s enough for today.”
“Fine but only ‘cause you said so.” You huff, looking past him and at the weirdos on the ground. “You hear that? This man just saved your life. Say ‘thank you’.”
A muffled chorus of what sounded like appreciation echoed through the room. Bucky awkwardly looks around.
“Damn right.” You walk over to the guy in charge of the whole event, bending down to his level. “If you ever try to fuck with us again...”
You stare straight into his eyes, unblinking. You hold up the knife to his Adam’s apple. Chad doesn’t dare to move other than the thick swallow.
You raise your finger and flick him in the forehead. “Get a better costume.”
The corner of Bucky’s lip quirks upward.
“Let’s go, sarge,” you announce, standing upright again and making a motion to follow you. “D’you have an extra helmet I could use?”
“Yeah.” He had brought one along in his bag, assuming that you’d need one once he noticed the watch was missing in the footage.  
The only storage space on his bike was under his seat and it’s just enough for an extra revolver. Clint asked him if it was his way of flirting with someone, give ‘em a quick spin around the city and then show them his gun. If looks could kill, Clint would be 7 feet under. 
“You sure you wanna ride it, though?” He cringes immediately when he realises what it sounds like, waiting for you to smack the innuendo in his face. “We could wait for SHIELD.”
“Don’t really have another choice, Bucky,” you say absentmindedly, strolling out the room as you tossed the knife behind you.
He frowns at your indifference but turns around for a second to look at Chad. The man in question looks back viciously, his grandeur from that morning basically deflated and left to die along with his reputation.
“Might wanna reconsider the name,” Bucky remarks, doing a quick sweep of the area once more. “Soul Crusher.”
He waits until both of you are outside the cell and the door is shut on the ringleader and his circus clowns, handlebar twisted out of place so that they don’t escape for the time being.
“One second,” he calls, touch gently lingering on your forearm to stop you without even thinking twice about it. A famously uncharacteristic move for him.
"Hm?” You don’t even look like you notice his action.
“You sure you’re good?” he asks seriously, actual concern slipping through the question. “Do you need medical assistance?”
“They couldn’t hurt me anyway.” There’s something strange about the way you say it, almost assuredly. “I’m good.”
“Okay,” he concedes, his hand darting back when he realises it was still on your arm. His eyebrows furrow when he realises how instinctively he had reached out in the first place.  He didn’t touch anyone, ever.
“What are we gonna do about them?” you inquire, stepping over someone on the floor to get to the exit.
“Marie told Agent Hill. They’re sending someone over.”
“They’re sending SHIELD for these wannabes?” Someone groans in protest from somewhere and you elect to ignore them. “Ew.”
“Just to make sure confidential information isn’t compromised in any way.” There’s a large bang that comes from the room they just left. Maybe one of them shot their teammate by accident. They were more than capable of doing it.
“I would never,” you exacted a little more solemnly, pushing the door open with your elbow to let the sunlight flood in.
“I know.” He doesn’t realise how dark it was in the warehouse until he steps out into the noon sun. “I’m pretty sure this is more about the fact that you were abducted.”
“For me?” The smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes the way he kinda likes. Something definitely felt off. “I love being class favourite.”
He doesn’t reply, a small grunt as he twists the handle of the warehouse door upwards, effectively jamming it. 
“Can I drive?” You bat your eyelashes at him innocently, disregarding the loud screaming that came from inside as those less injured probably regrouped for a last ditch attempt. 
“No,” he doesn’t hesitate in replying, handing you a helmet and buckling his own securely.
“But I just got kidnapped,” you complained, watching him swing a leg over the bike and straddle it. Okay then. 
“All the more reason for you not to drive right now.” He mentions for you to get on, squinting at the warehouse a few feet away.
“Fine, but next time I’m driving,” you grumble, climbing on the back.
“Do you even know how to?” His head is tilted to look at you from the corner of his eye, voice heavier on account of the obstruction on his face.
The door starts shaking violently and he knows for a fact that it won’t hold up for much longer. Some of those who he had knocked out probably had been shaken awake again for manpower. 
“I can learn.” You take a pause, mischief seeping into your next words. “You can teach me.”
“No.” He didn’t exactly practice what was considered safe, law abiding driving. He just got from one point to another and that’s all he cared about.
“Then I’ll do it myself.” You sound determined. “I’m going to leave a note for us in the lair.”
“You do that.” He revs the engine when something solid hits the metal door. As guessed, their usage of props to push it down faster was coming into play. “Now, can you hold on to something? We need to go.”
If only those idiots just realised that the windows covered by newspapers were right there, ready to be broken.
“Only if you promise to let me drive next time,” you say defiantly, drawing this whole ordeal out.
“Whatever,” he urges. “I promise. Now can we go?”
“Wait for it...” There’s a devilish smile on your face. “One.”
There’s a loud creak as the door finally gives way.
“Two.” The same people you left tied up in the room burst out, almost stumbling over each other in the process.
“Three,” he completes it on his own, not waiting for you to finish because God knows how long you’d stretch it out just for the drama.
Your excited screech of laughter as he narrowly misses a rod that gets thrown at him like a fucking javelin temporarily distracts him from the brain freeze he gets when your arms wind around his waist to hold yourself in place. 
There’s angry screaming and bullets that whiz past in an attempt to get him to stop but a swift turn around a corner, pulling the both of you out of their sight is enough to get rid of them. 
“We should get a few weapons and go back,” you yell over the wind rushing by, barely audible.
“You do that in your own free time,” he shouts in response, yanking you through narrower lanes and less popular streets.
“Maybe I will, you bore.” 
Still, you shut up for the rest of the ride, only grumbling when he stops the bike to tell you that no, you cannot let go just because you want to throw your hands in the air like in the movies.
You hop off when he finally pulls up on the street outside your lair, adrenaline still pumping through your veins. He waits patiently as you unbuckle the helmet, switching off the engine. 
“You gonna drop me off at my door too, now?” You snicker, fingers pulling off the helmet.
He looks at you for a second before dropping the kickstand into place and dismounting from the motorcycle.
“I was kidding.” You laugh, handing him your headgear that he shoves into his backpack. 
“You’re pretty capable of gettin’ abducted along the way.” An absurd notion, considering it’s a short path from the road to the door. 
“Oh, how chivalrous.” You let him tag along anyway, for his peace of mind. 
“My ma didn’t expect any less.” A couple of sharp lessons from Winifred Barnes and Bucky was nothing short of a damn angel. 
You knock on the door three times, crossing your arms over your chest as you waited. 
“Aren’t you the one with the key?” Bucky questions, one hand on his waist. 
The door swung open in the middle of his sentence revealing... you.
Another you.
“Nah, she has it.” Ex-Kidnapped-You raises your head in acknowledgement at Doorway-You.
“Ah.” He fucking knew it. An unnatural sense of smugness blossoms in his chest. 
“Hey,” the both of you said at the same time.
Doorway-You looked way more relaxed, a little less grimy and dishevelled but exactly the same.
“Buck, I see you met my other half,” the you from the doorway greets him. “Or other whole, actually.”
“Sure did.” He sends a glance at Ex-Kidnapped-You.
“You can go on in. Big first day, huh?” Doorway-You refers to the you beside him.
“You wouldn’t believe,” Ex-Kidnaped-You mutters, pushing past the entrance and disappearing inside.
“She gonna be okay?” His gaze trails after your clone.
“Oh yeah, just needs to recharge.” You turn around to make sure she’s fine. “She’s made of some pretty strong carbon, technically almost indestructible.”
No wonder ‘you’ said they couldn’t hurt you.
“Heya, sarge.” You draw his attention back to you. “Always good to see you.”
“Can’t really say the same about you.” 
“Ever the emotional repressor, Mr Barnes. I like this little leather show you got going, did ya wear it just for me?”
He shifts his balance to his other foot, feet slightly wide apart. “Take it that the clone machine finally worked?”
“I was in the middle of celebrating.” You sigh, recalling the events of that morning. “Teleported home for a second to get some champagne and when I came back she was gone.”
“Irresponsible.” He tsks, head shaking in disappointment. 
“Sorry I didn’t take amateur kidnappers into account for my risk factor analysis, Bucky,” you shoot back, pressing on his name for added annoyance. “Anyway, I did the responsible thing. I sent all the evidence I had to you guys.”
“Real clever.” Bucky looks at you in dry amusement. “Attack on the clone? Really?”
“Hey, always make time for a good pun.” You finger gun, lopsided grin on your face. “Did the team like it?”
“They thought it was a typo.” Or a code. He really had Wanda to thank for his big revelation. “Your video didn’t help either.”
“Don’t tell me they couldn’t make out it was me.” You laugh, crossing your arms over your chest.
He doesn’t reply, pursing his lip inwards in sympathy, but more so to conceal a smile.
The happiness drops from your face slowly, horror taking its place. “Don’t tell me they couldn’t make out it was me.”
“Good job, your machine worked,” he adds helpfully.
“C’mon, there were so many differences,” you whine, the success of your endeavour the last thing on your mind. 
“That is your literal clone,” he points out, only to see you- clone you- walk into the giant box in the corner of the room, bright green light emanating from it like a xerox machine.
“How could they not tell the original apart from a copy?” You look genuinely offended. Insane. “Not even Sam?”
“Guess you’re not unique enough.” A rise and fall of his shoulders signify his attitude towards this whole thing. “Think I like your copy better, too, actually.”
“You’re so mean.” You puff in disbelief. “I’m a 100% original. How many mad scientist teachers do you know?”
“I don’t mean now, that’s not even the-” You poke at his rock hard chest. “You are so much more annoying than when I first met you.”
He thinks it’s good relationship development.
“I have to deal with you every weekend.” He watches your finger drop from his chest. “Picked it up along the way.”
“Boo hoo, talking like you don’t have deep, deep feelings for me.” You roll your eyes. “I see right through you, Bucky Barnes.”
“Can you see the part that couldn’t give less of a shit?” He gestures to himself. “It’s all of it.”
“You think you’re such a comedian, huh?” You narrow your eyebrows. “How did you know she was a fake then, huh?”
“Probably ‘cause you didn’t talk as much today,” he dodges. “Actually had some peace of mind for a change.”
“You knew before you got there, you liar.” You push past his fabrications. “You figured it out before everyone else.”
“You literally put it in the title.”
“Yeah, but the rest of the team saw it too.”
“Rest of the team didn’t know you were building a goddamn clone machine for months.”
“You remembered that?” You pulled away, palm over your heart. “Oh, sarge, you paid attention to me.”
His nose twitches.
“You said it, like, eight hundred times.” He could use both his hands to count the number of references you had offhandedly made in the last three weeks alone.
“Why'd you go save me when you knew it wasn't real?” you continue to challenge relentlessly, knowing fully well that he was fibbing. 
“Because you fuckin’ peer pressured me. Had the whole team around me when you sent your little video during breakfast.”
“Just admit it,” you coo, ignoring all his justifications. “You noticed it was fake me right away but showed up anyway because you’re wildly in love with me.”
“No,” he says stiffly. 
“No as in you won’t admit it you have a crush on me, or no as in you didn’t know it was fake me?”
There was no winning this. 
“Good day to you.” He pulls the motorcycle helmet on to hide the expression that plain as day screamed the former of your two options.
“Also,” you bring up indignantly, “she even got to ride the fucking bike and I’ve been asking to drive it for months now!”
“We-” he chooses his words carefully. “-compromised.”
“Oh, you did?” Your voice lowers at the newfound information, interest piqued. “I’m gonna hold you to that then, whatever it is.”
“Doesn’t count.”
“Absolutely does,” you huff. “A promise is legally binding. Blue’s Clues taught me that.”
“Bye, Y/N.”
“You’re my knight in leathery armour,” you swoon, switching sides immediately, “Kinda.”
“See you next week,” he says in farewell, determined to leave before you made it worse. “Try not to get killed by then.”
“Why, so you can do it yourself? Protective much?” You pull him back when he starts walking away, laughing slightly. “Wait a second, you weirdo.”
He sighs, staying put anyway, arms crossed impatiently over his chest.
You pull out the pen tucked behind your ear and slowly tap him twice on each shoulder in a makeshift knighting ceremony. “For your sacrifice.”
He rolls his eyes at the ludicrousness, tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth.
You ignore his lack of enthusiasm, pressing your fingertips to your lips in a small kiss and then to his nose, given that it was the only part of his face you had access to.
“That was for your bravery.” You grin brightly at him and he sure as hell is glad he’s wearing the stupid helmet because he can feel his cheeks light up a bright crimson.
“Thanks.” His voice sounds gruffer than a second ago. He clears his throat.
“Now you’re my knight in leathery armour,” you fawn, nearly falling over yourself dramatically. “Let’s ride into the sunset together. I love you.”
“You’re ridiculous,” he calls out over his shoulder, turning away to return to his bike. “I despise you.”
“But you don’t.”
He really didn’t.
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also i managed to fuck my phone up really bad so all proceeds from my ko-fi go towards getting it fixed
Next part
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looooooooomis · 4 years
F I N A L  G I R L  |  O N E
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You were his final girl.  And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   o n e  |  c o r n   m a z e
masterlist here 
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader  word count: 4.3k warnings: implied/referenced cheating, swearing (obv), angst, drinking, fluff, pending smut + mentions of smut. as mentioned, part 2 will be allllllllll the smut x
You were going to kill Randy.
In fact, as the five of you crossed the threshold into the corn maze, you thought of the various ways you could do it without it coming back to you. You could strangle him with the tape of one of his precious Jamie Lee Curtis flicks, you could push an entire shelving unit of said movies on him during one of his shifts, hell, you could just lure him over to your house with the promise of sex before ultimately throwing him out your window. Any of the above sounded good to you tonight because the bastard was running late. Which meant that you were currently fifth wheeling on what was supposed to be a slightly boozy corn maze with your friends. Only now it was a slightly boozy corn maze with yourself and two loved up couples as you all impatiently waited for the idiot to arrive.
Yeah, you were definitely going to kill Randy.
You and Randy were friends, had been for years, and you were always there for each other when it came to these types of activities. Nobody liked being a fifth wheel but at least with two single people in your little gaggle of friends, it made things easier. You were happy as a clam being single, you preferred it in many ways if you were being honest, but at least with Randy around, you could ignore the weight of his stare.
Billy’s stare.
His brown eyes were on you constantly. You could feel them on your skin, feel them raking over every inch of you as though he was trying to soak you in from afar. His stare had a weight to it, you found. No matter how far away he was or where you two were – be it at school or hanging out or even in a goddamn corn maze – you felt him all over you.
At least with Randy around, it was easy to ignore. The two of you could joke around and escape the couples long enough to focus on anything else but the weight of Billy’s stare. But tonight, it was impossible to ignore, and you hated Randy in that moment for unknowingly leaving you with the one man you hadn’t been able to get out of your head for the better part of three years.
You hated Billy more, though, for making you feel as though every inch of your skin was on fire. For making you feel this level of guilt each and every time you hung around with Sid. Sid was one of your best friends, as was Tatum, which only made this entire situation so much worse.
“You think they’ll kick us out if they find out we’re loaded?” Stu asked with a quiet chuckle, glancing behind them for effect as though he was being tailed by the owners of the farm.
Tatum smacked his chest. “Maybe if you said it a little louder, Shit for Brains.”
Stu giggled again and slipped his hand into his jacket before pulling out a mickey of cheap vodka wrapped haphazardly in a brown paper bag. “Then I guess they’d be really mad at this.”
Tatum opened her mouth to tell him off but seeing it as your only saving grace, you reached across the divide and plucked it out of his hands to take a big sip. The vodka burned all the way down your throat, and you could feel all eyes on you as you licked the remainder of it from your lips and bottled it back up before handing it back to Stu. “You’re a saint, Stu.”
“Damn, Y/N,” Tatum laughed, “I can’t even be mad at that.”
Stu was smirking across at you, knowing exactly why you were choosing the bottle tonight which only made you feel worse than you did. Of course he knew. Where there was a Billy, there was a Stu. The pair didn’t have secrets between them much to your chagrin which only made nights like this all the more awkward.
“Everything okay, Y/N?” Sid asked, sweet as ever.
Your stomach twisted in your gut at the genuine concern radiating off of Sid’s features and your heart fell into your stomach when you watched her lovingly place her head on Billy’s shoulder. Where the fuck was Randy?
“All good, Sid,” you smacked on a breezy grin and shot her what you only hoped was a convincing wink. “I haven’t done a corn maze since I was a kid, just preparing myself is all.”
Tatum leaned into Stu’s lean torso and frowned. “Why? You scared?”
“Nah, she’s not scared,” Stu hummed, grinning across at you with a gleam in his eye. “On edge, maybe. Why so jittery, girl?”
You rolled your eyes and flipped him the bird just as Billy spoke up. “She’s not jittery, pencil dick,” his velvety voice was closer than you’d expected and when you saw him reach for the bottle in Stu’s pocket to take a rather big gulp himself, you swallowed hard. “She’s just getting this party started.”
You held his stare for a moment, feeling your entire body light up like a switchboard, before the familiar voice of Randy rang out. Breathlessly, he waved you all down and grinned. “What’s this I hear about a party?”
Tatum rolled her eyes and hugged her jacket closer to her body. “About time you got here, dick, it’s fucking freezing out here.”
“I know a way we can warm up,” Stu teased as he leaned down to nibble at her neck.
Despite your mood, you found yourself smiling across at the pair. They were a good match and you could tell that Stu genuinely made Tatum happy. Just as Billy made Sid happy. Your smile fell at the thought.
Randy’s eyes circled around your group of friends briefly before he threw an arm around your unsuspecting shoulders. “What did I miss?”
“The usual,” you chimed in, smiling across at him. “Tatum and Stu sucking face, Billy and Sid cuddling up and me drinking my weight in cheap beer from Stu’s dad’s mini fridge in the garage.”
Randy grinned. “I chugged a couple beers before I left the video store, so good to know we’re all on the same level.”
Your chest was already starting to feel lighter now that Randy was around. Granted, Billy’s eyes hadn’t left yours for a second since Randy slung his arm around you, but that was to be expected. At least you had Randy here now. With that kind of distraction, you’d be just fine.
��Why don’t we make this interesting?” Billy suggested, running a hand through his unruly mop of brown hair. When everyone’s eyes were on him, you could have sworn he gave you a little smirk before shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket. “We should split up.”
“Fuck that,” Tatum laughed, “no chance in hell.”
“Yeah,” Sid agreed quietly, “I don’t know.”
“That’s literally what they tell you not to do in scary movies,” you chuckled. “When everyone splits up, trouble starts.”
Sid shivered and leaned into Billy’s chest. “Yeah, Billy, I don’t know. I don’t think that’s a great idea.”
“Oh, come on,” he was grinning excitedly now, looking between Stu and Randy for backup. “It’ll be like the movies. Dumb teenagers wander into a corn maze and split up for the sake of the plot. Halloween’s tomorrow - why the hell not, right?”
A slow grin began to pull on Stu’s face as he listened to Billy. There was a mutual understanding between the two men in that instance and if you blinked for just a second longer, you would have missed it.
It made you nervous.
“Dumb teens wander into a corn maze on the night before Halloween,” Randy repeated, “you know what, I like it. I’m in.”
You snapped your neck up to look at him. “What the hell happened to the Do’s and Don’ts of a horror movie? This is easily number one: Don’t split up.”
But Randy only shrugged. “I’m still a virgin, I’m safe.”  
“How about you three idiots stick together,” Tatum gestured to the boys, “and the three of us stick together. Whoever makes it out first gets a prize.”
You and Sid were nodding along to her words, but Stu simply pulled her in for a quick kiss and laughed. “Or we all split up and see where the night takes us.”
“I’m not Lewis and Clark, Stu,” you grumbled, “I had every intention of letting Randy and Sid lead us out of here alive while the rest of us idiots followed.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” Billy smirked across at you, “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
Sid seemed to still be unsure of the entire situation as she mulled over the suggestion. “Y/N is right, what if people get left behind?”
“It’s corn, not the berlin wall,” Stu pointed out incredulously. “Fucking walk through the stacks until you find an exit if you get too lost.” As if on cue, Stu’s eyes lit up as he noticed one particular bend of the maze that held six different options. With a burst of laughter, he took off running towards it and pointed to his newfound discovery. “If this isn’t fate, I don’t know what is.”
You, Sid, and Tatum begrudgingly followed the boys to where Stu now stood giddily beaming across at everyone. “This is a stupid fucking idea,” Tatum grumbled as she took her place in the row beside her boyfriend. “We only brought one flashlight, how do you idiots plan on seeing the route?”
“Here,” Billy gently tossed the flashlight to Tatum and shrugged. “Moon is bright enough for me.”
With another roll of her eyes Tatum flicked the flashlight on and scowled across at her route. “Girls, if you see a flashlight, come to me.”
Stu laughed. “What about me?”
“You lost that right when you agreed to this stupid idea,” she groused. “You’re on your own.”
Grinning – and probably much drunker than he gave himself credit for – Stu rubbed his hands together and began counting down from three.
“You okay to do this, Sid?” You found yourself asking. Her mother had only died a few months prior and the idea of the poor girl meandering around alone in a cornfield sounded barbaric considering what she’d just been through.
“I’m fine,” Sid vowed, “I’ll see you guys soon.”
“It’s okay, Sid,” Randy muttered. “You’re safe, I promise.”
By the time Stu reached one, you took a hesitant step forward and embraced the darkness that surrounded you once you delved further and further down your path. You could hear the footsteps and crunches of the stacks around you as your friends eventually all split up to take their own trail and you swore that you heard Randy bump into Sid a few minutes in, putting you slightly at ease to know she wasn’t going through the maze alone. But, as time went on and you continued to circle the gigantic moonlight maze by yourself, your nerves began to eat away at you.
You weren’t one to scare easy but there was something about being on your own in the middle of a corn maze that was eerily off-putting. You’d seen Children of the Corn one too many times to feel at ease right now and the fact you could only see a few feet in front of you at any given time wasn’t helping one iota.
Hugging your denim jacket tighter around your body, you turned left and were met with a dead end. Groaning, you threw your head back in defeat and turned on your heel to retrace your steps but stopped when you heard a loud snap come from the wall of tall corn stacks before you. Swallowing hard, you narrowed your eyes in an attempt to see through the wall of decaying crop, but it was to no avail.
You couldn’t see a damned thing.
Another snap of a corn stock echoed out before you, making your skin crawl. Why the fuck had you agreed to splitting up? This is exactly how every horror movie you’d ever seen started and sure enough, here you were. About to be killed by a child of the corn on the eve of your favourite holiday.
Another snap.
And then, just as you were prepared to run for your life, a husky raccoon came bounding out of the thick hedge with a mouthful of hard corn. Your scream caught in your throat as you jumped back from the wild animal but, before you could think of bounding away, your back connected into someone’s chest.
With a high-pitched yelp, you turned only to be met with Billy’s wide brown eyes watching your every move. “Hey,” he cooed, reaching across to steady you. “You okay?”
That familiar cologne of his hit you like a tonne of bricks and for just a second, you allowed yourself to get lost in it. You knew that smell well. You couldn’t count how many times you’d woken up to that smell all over your pillows and sheets, wafting all over your bedroom like a slow mist that never quite subsided. Swallowing hard, you blinked out of your reverie and took an instinctual step back. “I’m fine,” you breathed out, “a racoon just scared me, is all.”
He glanced over your shoulder briefly before those brown pools soaked you in yet again. “You sure you’re okay?” He asked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket. “You’ve barely said a word to me all week.”
You offered him a polite smile. “I’m fine, Billy. Just been a busy week. With swimming practice and—”
“You know that’s not what I meant,” he muttered, voice strained. “You’ve been avoiding me.”
“Billy,” you sighed, pinching your brow, “I’m not doing this here. We can’t.”
His brows pulled together and a pained look crossed over his handsome features. “I meant what I said,” he rasped out. “You’re my girl, Y/N.”
“No, see that’s bullshit, Billy,” you bit back, “Sid is your girl. I’m just an easy lay. That’s all I’ve been for the last six months and I can’t do it anymore. I won’t.”
“You can’t believe that,” he stepped towards you and visibly flinched when you stepped back. “Sure, Sid’s a good girl but it’s compli—”
“Complicated,” you choked, “yeah, you’ve mentioned that a few hundred times in the last six months, Billy. And you’re right. It is complicated because me and you are making it complicated. For god’s sake, she’s one of my best friends, Billy. I’m fucking one of my best friends’ boyfriends. Do you get how fucked up that is?”
“Me and Sid are complicated,” he reiterated, ignoring your little tirade entirely. “But me and you, sweetheart, we work. We’ve always worked. You’re it for me. You’re my final girl.”
You shook your head and grabbed his wrist, yanking him closer to you to avoid having one of your friends creep up on the two of you and hear him rambling on. “Jesus, scream it a little louder, moron,” you growled, pulling him into the corner of the maze where the racoon had just jumped out of. “What is wrong with you? Do you want one of them to hear you?”
“I don’t care,” he admitted, “I miss you. I miss feeling you squirm against me when we watch a scary movie. I miss smelling you all over me the next morning. My fucking pillow smells like your shampoo and the fact that you haven’t so much as said a word to me this week is killing me, Y/N.”  
Looking over his shoulder to ensure none of your friends were coming, you nearly hissed as you pulled him further into the thick wall of corn stocks. The tall stacks towered over the two of you and shielded you away from any prying eyes.
“One week, Billy. It’s been one week and it’s hurting you? Try being in love with someone for three fucking years and watching them fall in love with someone else. And then, when he can’t get his whistle wet with his girlfriend, he ends up in your bed.” You ground your teeth together in an effort to control the burst of emotion pounding in your chest. “That is the shit that hurts, Billy. I wasn’t good enough to be your girlfriend, but I was easy enough for you to sleep with and I was so enamoured with you that I was willing to overlook the fact I’m hurting Sid each and every time we do it. I won’t do it anymore.”
The moon managed to seep in through a barren patch of the maze wall and struck Billy in such a way that you lost your breath. Those brown eyes you’d fallen in love with all those years back were glued to your face. He’d always had this air of intensity about him but, right now, looking at the long shadows cast against his face from the illumination of the moon, that intensity had all but dissipated. You’d never seen Billy look more beautiful in your life.
The silence that followed your words was thick and tense, but those damn eyes never left your face. Not even for a second. Slowly, Billy leaned in and, in the softest voice you’d ever heard him speak, he managed to break your heart all over again. “You love me?”
“Oh, shut-up,” you snarled, “like you didn’t know.”
“How the fuck would I have known that?” he whispered, taking a step closer to you. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you?” You snapped. “Billy, you have a girlfriend. I’m already fucking you, what am I going to do? Confess all of this in between sucking your dick and packing up before Sidney catches wind of us?”
“Don’t cheapen it,” he cautioned, “not when it comes to us.”
“There is no ‘us’, Billy!” You reminded him. “There is a you and there is a Sidney. Then there is me.”
“Fuck Sidney,” he snarled through gritted teeth. “And don’t act like it’s only been sex between us.”
You snorted. “Maybe the odd movie, sure.”
Anger flickered across his face as he took another step closer, backing you into a particularly sturdy corn stock. This was a side of Billy you rarely saw, this unhinged almost animalistic side that came out when his emotions got too overwhelming. You’d seen this look only once before. It was few weeks into your sneaky little affair when Billy had snuck in through your bedroom window with red, bloodshot eyes and bleeding knuckles. It was the night his mother had left, and he’d just had lost a one-sided fight with the brick wall of his house.
“You were there for me when nobody else was,” he leaned his forehead against yours and you watched the muscle in his cheek clench several times over as he chewed on his words. “When my mother left, you were the one that was there for me. Not Sidney, not my father – you.” You felt his hands trail up your jean-clad hips before guiding your hips towards the thick corn stock behind you. You should have pushed him away, stuck to your guns, and ran off to find the rest of your friends. But, you couldn’t. Not with Billy looking at you the way he was.
“Billy,” you tried, but there was no conviction behind it. “I meant what I said.”
“Which part?” He asked. “When you said you loved me or when you said you couldn’t do this anymore.”  
“Both,” you told him. “Sidney’s a good friend and—”
A growl escaped his throat as he shut his eyes, but he never stepped away. With his forehead still leaning against yours, it was as though he was afraid to break contact in fear of losing you all over again. “Can we not talk about Sid for one goddamn second?” He took a few even breaths before those brown eyes opened back up, capturing your gaze instantly. “I love you.”
“Don’t,” you warned him. This time it was your turn to shut your eyes as the pain of hearing those three little words sliced you from stem to stern. “That’s not fair, Billy.”
“What? You don’t believe me?” You felt his hands slither up the side of your waist and up the length of your body until they cradled your face. “Look at me.”
“No,” you griped, “to both of your questions. Don’t say shit you don’t mean, not when it comes to that. It’s cruel.”
His calloused thumb danced across the apple of your cheek. “Look at me,” he demanded, barely above a whisper. “Sweetheart, look at me.” Frowning, you opened your eyes but remained silent. Bumping your nose with his, Billy pushed your hair back and away from your face and shook his head. “I fucking love you.”
“You’re with Sidney,” you reminded him, sounding like a broken record. “If you loved me, we wouldn’t be hiding in the middle of a goddamn corn maze while our friends blindly stumble around looking for the exit.”
“Stu knows,” he admitted. “And when it’s a good time, so will everyone else.”
“Colour me shocked,” you rolled your eyes. “Stu knows everything.”
“You think I don’t want to parade you all over town?” Billy questioned. “I get so heated when I see Randy or any of those goons on the football team flirt with you. I want you every second of the day.”
You swallowed hard. “Then please, Billy, just be honest with me. Tell me why things are so fucking complicated with Sid? I get break-ups are hard but cheating on her isn’t the answer.”
Billy was truly torn as he took in the desperation in your eyes. Things with Sid were complicated but not in the way you thought they were. There were no feelings involved with Sid, at least not the romantic kind, but there was no chance in hell he was divulging his plans with Sidney. Not with you. He couldn’t stomach the idea of losing you knowing full-well you’d try and sway him on it. Or worse. What if you went to the police about it? What if you tried to stop him? No. He wasn’t getting you involved. You were the one person in his life who hadn’t let him down and he was hell-bent on doing the same for you.
The less you knew, the better.
“Just give me some time, alright?” He pleaded, grabbing your hands to ghost his lips across your knuckles. “She’s still dealing with the loss of her mother. I can’t spring a break-up on her, too. Not yet. But soon,” he kissed your hand, “I promise.”
“I don’t want to hurt her any more than we already have, Billy,” you told him, “we could end this here and now and then when you do break-up, we can continue whatever the hell this is. But we shouldn’t d—”
Before you could say another word, he leaned forward and captured your lips in a bruising kiss. Everything about this man was electric and despite everything –  the guilt, the secrets, all of it – the way his lips seemed to mould against yours so perfectly, stopped you dead in your tracks. Placing sloppy kisses down from your mouth and along your jaw, Billy nipped at your ear. “I really do fucking love you.”
You leaned into the kiss and tangled your fingers through his hair, tugging at the ends. A low growl rumbled in his throat as he continued his assault down your jaw towards your neck where he nipped and sucked at the sensitive flesh. “You give me a fucking hickey and you’re dead,” you chastised breathlessly. When he responded with a gentle bite, you gave his hair another gentle tug. “I mean it, Loomis.”
Pulling back from your neck, you were met with one of Billy’s rare but genuine grins. He was all teeth as he leaned his forehead against yours again, scraping his thumbnail gently across your cheek as he fought to catch his breath. “You’re perfect, you know that?”
“Your girlfriend would beg to differ, but I appreciate the sentiment.” Groaning quietly at the mess you and Billy had created for yourselves, you reached up and pushed a strand of his brown hair back and away from his face. “We should go,” you told him. “Before anyone besides Stu finds us.”
Giving you one final peck, he nodded in agreement and pushed a few stocks aside for you to escape from. Before you stepped out of the covering, however, Billy reached for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I promise, Y/N, everything is going to work out for us.”
Giving him a small, resigned smile, you leaned in and gave him a quick, chaste kiss. “I’ll leave my bedroom window open tonight,” you told him. “Do what you will with that information.”
Billy watched you disappear back into the maze with a shit-eating grin on his face. God, he was in deep with you. Too deep, perhaps, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Not yet, at least. For now, he had you back and he had no intention of letting you go again.
part two HERE
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nohoney · 4 years
Eyes lit
notes: Artist Keigo is something I did not know I needed until I made my own dumb paintings lol. Title credit from Crimewave by Crystal Castles 
characters: Hawks/Keigo Takami
warnings: 18+, artist!Hawks, drug use, minor choking
You see swirls of purples and greens forming spirals that you’ve never thought of before, dancing like glitter being blown in the wind and then suddenly you see white. You’re thinking in tones of purples and pinks, they pulse and shine against a wall of white and now you’re thinking of Valentine’s day.
The blanket is pulled from over your head and you look up into golden honey eyes, they look even brighter and you swear that they glow as you look up into them. “You having fun under there babe?”
I’m not an artist, I don’t know how to paint. You told him, intimidated initially when you walked into his apartment and saw a box of paints along with two small easels. The only painting you’ve done was just with your fingers back in elementary school when you were a child, how were you supposed to paint alongside someone who’s a fucking art major who’s got a whole portfolio to backup his experience? But Keigo eased your worries, told you that there’s no need to be intimidated at all.
“You don’t have to worry at all about being good or anything like that dove. The trip will tell you what to paint.”
“It’s gonna look like shit when the trip is over Keigo.”
“Don’t say that dove, art is subjective. Trust me, when you’re on you won’t care as much.” He touches the small of your back and leads you towards the dinner table, “And besides, you might really like what you make in the end.”
“I don’t know what I want to paint.”
“The trip will tell you what to paint, you’ll see.”
Keigo has you sit down to eat first, just takeout pizza from a nearby restaurant along with some breadsticks. Barbecue chicken with a side of ranch, he doesn’t like pepperoni pizza at all. His first choice was fried chicken or wings but that’s damn near what you eat with him almost all the time so this is his compromise. He’s got a little basket of snacks and candy on his kitchen countertop, prepared ahead of time for tonight along with a plastic container of red and green grapes already washed.
“I don’t like grapes Keigo.”
“Trust me, you’ll be grateful to those grapes when you’re on dove.”
He brought out a plastic baggie from his fridge and set out the contents of it onto a wooden chopping board, watching as he broke up the small pieces carefully with a knife. You heard that acid comes in forms of little blotter paper or that people put a drop of it into sugar cubes and dissolve it in water to micro dose someone. Keigo cuts two pieces of what look like little window panes, very small fragments and when you inspect them closer, it almost looks as if there’s little gold flakes inside the gelatin.
“When will I know it’s kicking in?” you ask him, looking down at the tiny piece that sits in the palm of your hand. Such a small little thing that’s apparently a strong hallucinogenic, Keigo’s told you before that he’s felt his sensations cross over like hearing colors or seeing sounds. You had no idea what he spoke of but the best way to find out is to give it a try. “How long will it take?”
Keigo’s fixing up the easels in front of the couch, has blankets ready and is putting a video playlist up on his television. “Depends on the person but most of the time it tends to kick in after half an hour or so. You’ll know when you’re on, you’ll see it.” he explains.
You look around Keigo’s apartment, paintings he made himself hung up on the walls of his home. Most of his paintings were done sober but he’s got a few framed up that he’s particularly proud of that he made when he went on acid trips. He’s already such an amazing artist, certain pictures on his walls capturing your attention and invoking particular emotions from you. You’ve seen Keigo color match your sweater in just a mere manner of seconds, sampling little bits of paints and combining them until the hues matched exactly what you were wearing. And there’s you, just a mere amateur when it came to the arts. But Keigo assures you again that it’s not about making something ‘good’, it’s just there for you to have fun with it. He’s got canvases of all shapes and sizes for you to work with and that even though he’ll be on too, he’s definitely going to take care of you for your first trip.
You trust Keigo, it’s just the canvases and the paints that make you nervous.
He stands in front of you, smiling gently before leaning down to kiss you. His lips are soft, just a hint of vanilla you taste off his mouth because you let him borrow your chapstick earlier, and it’s so tender the way he holds your cheek in his hand that your heart flutters in your chest and butterflies tickle the inside of your tummy. You feel a little flustered when he pulls back, blonde hair swept back stylishly and a lazy grin on his face as he holds his own tab in between his fingertips.
The little tab goes underneath your tongue and you’re just supposed to wait for it to dissolve.
So Keigo puts on the playlist and the two of you talk for a little bit before moving to the art stations. “Choose whatever colors you want dove, choose the colors that you think will speak to you.”
You squeeze certain colors you think you want to work with into your little plastic palette, making sure to shake the bottles first and filling all the little spaces that’s meant to hold the paint. Keigo easily chooses the paints he knows he’s going to work with to start himself off and sets himself in front of his easel. He wears a simple red hoodie and gray sweats, comfortable loungewear for the next few hours and you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t notice the print of his cock sometimes when he swiveled his hips a certain way. You wear pajamas pants and one of your soft sweaters, a gentle shade of lilac, perfect for keeping you warm on this rainy night.
You know you’ll be exhausted by the end of it, deciding to take acid for the first time overnight but at least you’ll have the next two days to recover.
And you’ll have Keigo as well.
He makes easy conversation with you, talking about how his week was and in turn asking how yours was. You look down at the paints in your palette as you talk back and forth with him, forcing yourself to not wonder how much time has passed. Your phone is by the kitchen table, placed face down so that you don’t obsess over the time so you try to measure the amount of time has passed based on the time of the videos playing on the television. Yet you start to care less about the time as you actually start to get caught up in the paints in front of you, experimenting and pleasantly surprised with how you came up with such a pretty violet color. You point it out to Keigo, stupidly excited over it but he smiles and agrees with you. “Such a pretty color dove, but not as pretty as you.”
His words make the butterflies flutter in your stomach again but you say nothing, turning back to your canvas and picking up a brush. For a few minutes you just stare back and forth between the paint and the white canvas, wondering how you should start off. Keigo obviously sees you concentrating too hard and reminds you, “Don’t think about it too hard, just paint and see what happens.”
Okay... so in other words, just do it.
So you take a deep breath, dip your brush in the paint, and make a single stripe at the very top edge of the canvas.
“See? Not so scary.”
“Y-Yeah, it’s not!” You squeak out, still embarrassed but a little less intimidated now that you actually started it. You’re not exactly sure what you’ll do with it but there’s no harm in just winging it.
Hm... wings...
You glance over to Keigo, one of his sleeves rolled up and his tattoo visible on his forearm. It’s a detailed wing on his forearm inked in only black, the very tip of it extended towards his elbow and he’s got a matching one on his other forearm as well. You remember the first time you saw them and how Keigo let you run your fingers over his tattoo, watching in amusement over how fascinated you were.
Back to your canvas, you see the sheen of the fresh paint on the white canvas and decide to add more to it. Maybe you’ll get inspired the more you add to it, thinking what colors compliment violet and what exactly you could create. Over the next few minutes you just continue painting the violet further onto the surface of the canvas, looking down briefly at the black paint that’s also in your palette and wonder if you could try painting a mountain. You recall plenty of times looking up at the sky when you were done hiking and just in awe of the colors of the sunset, hues of purples and reds and orange that invoked a certain feeling in your chest.
A sunset... a sunset!
Easy enough yeah?
You just have to add red, orange, yellow, probably a touch of blue... some clouds would be nice too.
So you spread more of the purple across the canvas, concentrating hard at first before realizing something. “Keigo?”
“Yes dove?”
“I think my painting is breathing.”
Keigo laughs from his side and you feel his hand ruffle your hair affectionately.
You look hard at your canvas and swear that you can see the paint inhale and exhale, the veins of the paint pulse in the painting. Wait... veins? You don’t remember painting anything like that, all you did was just cover part of the canvas to get you started. The longer you stare at the canvas, you swear that you can see the paint drip down slightly, the canvas inflating and deflating, and hidden designs on the untouched parts of the white canvas.
The acid had finally hit.
“Keigo... I think I’m on.” you say as you dip your brush into the water cup to wash off the violet, this time into the yellow paint and haphazardly brushing it onto the canvas before switching over to the bright red without washing off the yellow. You think how powerful the color red is, how strong and overpowering it is on the canvas and you tell Keigo, “I think you’d look gorgeous with red wings Keigo.”
Keigo is concentrated on his own canvas but he does glance over to you and smiles how you’re suddenly so into painting when you were so reluctant at first when you walked into his studio. He watches you blend the red into the yellow, wondering what exactly is inspiring you and what your finished product will be. “Ah how interesting dove, you comparing me to an angel?”
“Angel wings are white, I said your wings would be red.”
“Why red?”
You shrug your shoulders as you brush some blue onto the violet on the top of the canvas, blending the blue and violet together. “I don’t know, just suits you a lot... I wore wings last year, I was an angel last year for Halloween.”
“You dressed like an angel last year for Halloween, you certainly didn’t act like one.”
Suddenly the memory of last year’s Halloween comes rushing to the front of your memory and you begin to giggle, needing to set your brush down and have your little giggle fit; he was very right, drunk shenanigans in your angelic costume while holding White Russians with your friends surfacing to your mind. You don’t know why you’re so amused but you are, leaning back against the couch and curling yourself into a ball. You pull the blanket over your shoulders, pulling the bottom corners into your lap and you look down in awe. You swear that even though you’re sitting still, the blanket looks like it’s pulsing as well and you can see the small fibers of it sticking out from the surface. You can’t help but pick at one and hold it in between your fingertips, staring for a few seconds before releasing it.
Moving to lie on your side, you press your cheek into the couch cushion and stare at the painting you just started. It looks weird right now, purple on top with yellow and red in the middle but you’re determined that you’re going to paint that sunset!
You look over towards Keigo, seeing that he started off his canvas a golden yellow at first and is brushing a crimson red on top of it as well. It sort of reminds you of fire and you wonder what he’s seeing. You pull the blanket over your head, sheltering you from the bright lights of the room and you stare at your own hands right in front of your face. Every line and wrinkle is moving, like they’re switching places on you and you ‘ooh’ quietly. When you shut your eyes, it’s not a straight darkness you see like when you close your eyes and go to bed. You see swirls of purples and greens forming spirals that you’ve never thought of before, dancing like glitter being blown in the wind and then suddenly you see white. You’re thinking in tones of purples and pinks, they pulse and shine against a wall of white and now you’re thinking of Valentine’s day.
The blanket is pulled from over your head and you look up into golden honey eyes, they look even brighter and you swear that they glow as you look up into them. “You having fun under there babe?” Keigo asks you, clearly amused to have looked back and saw you as just a lump under his blanket. “Yeah, looks like you’re having fun.”
“Hehehe... yeah.” you smile up at him, pushing some of your hair back from your face. You look as he presents a single red grape to you, drops of water still on it to let you know that it had just been washed and while grapes weren’t your favorite fruit to eat, somehow they looked so appetizing in that moment. You open your mouth and Keigo places the fruit into your mouth, chomping down and it’s so juicy and firm and crunches so loud in your head that you moan as you chew.
Delicious, it’s delicious!
Keigo feeds you grapes every so often, whether you’re sitting in front of your canvas to continue painting, looking at the television and the visuals presented along with the music, get up to look at his other paintings that you think are whispering or waving to you, or when you decide to just stare at the tapestry he hung up in front of his balcony. You understand why tie dye is so appealing to look at now, you know for sure it’s not the wind making the tapestry move, the colors waving at you and you try to reach into the tapestry, your fingertips just barely grasping the colors in front of you.
“How long has it been Keigo?” you ask as you continue to look at the tapestry.
“It’s almost eleven, so it’s been three hours since we took it.”
Wow, three hours...
You’re not sure how the passage of time is feeling for you, everything is looking warped and you suppose that your sense of time is included in that as well.
You feel hands under your armpits and your lifted up to your feet, leaning back and touching the arms that hold you securely. The tattooed wings on Keigo’s forearm, the feathers look as if they’re rustled, they look like they need to be preened. It’s important for birds to preen their feathers so that their wings look presentable. “Okay dove, time for a bathroom break. Think you’ll need my help?”
No, you’re a big girl, of course you can go to the bathroom yourself.
Though you do have to ask Keigo to hold your hand, looking down at the floor and not trusting your own feet. It’s like you’re looking through a fish eye lens, like the floor seems so much wider and closer to you. Keigo says something to you when he drops you off at the bathroom but you don’t hear him, humming absently and you close the door. You do your business and wash your hands, using the nearby hand towel to dry off your hands and then you look up at the mirror.
You lean forward and inspect your pupils, they’re blown up and you think you can see shifting colors in your iris. You really are on, pulling back and inspecting your reflection. Now you feel like you’re caught, not sure if you recognize the person who’s looking back at you and... and... is the shower curtain moving towards you? Is that really you in the mirror? Your hair is never this mussed up and the color of your shirt you always liked before but why did it look so weird on you now?
“Dove, I’m coming in.” Keigo announces and slowly pushes open the door so that he doesn’t catch you in any indecent state. But he sees you just staring intently at your reflection and just comes up behind you, pressing his front to your back and tilting your head back to look at him. “Ah got caught looking at yourself in the mirror huh? S’alright, the first time I did acid apparently I spent a half hour just looking at my own reflection too.”
His eyes are the color of honey and you think you can suddenly taste it in your mouth, you imagine it. “Your eyes are pretty.”
“You’re pretty.”
But you shake your head at the compliment and ask, “Did I always look so weird Keigo?” you ask him, reaching one hand up and brushing the tips of your fingers along his stubble.
“No you never look weird, you’re always so cute.” he reassures you, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose. “Go back to the living room, lemme have my bathroom break and I’ll join you in a hot minute.”
“Don’t fall in the mirror.” you say absently as you walk out the bathroom and shut the door. You hold onto anything you can to help balance you, the floorboards beneath your feet look as if they’re trying to trip you up but you manage on your own to make your way back to your spot on the couch, staring at your unfinished painting.
What... what was I making again?
Violet, blue, red, yellow... oh yeah, the sunset.
Keigo really was right when he said that trip would decide what you would paint.
You don’t hear the bathroom door open but you look up as Keigo comes into your vision and ask, “How do I make clouds?”
“How do you mean? Like how clouds are made in the sky? Well you see clouds are made of water droplets that are so small that they’re able to stay in the air. You see the water vapor-” Keigo starts on what you know is a very educational lecture on clouds but you stop him with a whine, pointing to your canvas. “Oh... oh! You want to know how to paint clouds. Haha, sorry dove!”
Keigo makes himself comfortable right behind you, your bodies once again pressed to one another as he hands you the palette of paint and picks up a different paint brush has you hold it in your own hand but he covers it with his own; you’ll hold the brush while he controls your movements. So he dips the paint brush in the white paint, also adding in a touch of red that almost makes it pink and you gasp. It’s not gonna go together! you think but Keigo hushes you, tells you to just trust him. And although you’re watching how he dabs the paintbrush onto your canvas, you’re not really perceiving the process. One minute it’s a messy slate of purple, yellow and red and then boom suddenly there are clouds that actually create a picture. “Ah you were trying to make a sunset, I can see why you wanted to paint clouds. Very creative, I’m proud of you!”
“I did that?”
“You did!”
He praises you as if you were a child doing it for the first time... though you actually are painting for the first time and honestly it actually is coming out pretty nice, though it’s only thanks to the help of Keigo. So you look back at him, pressing your lips against briefly and whisper out, “Thank you.”
Returning back to his canvas, you decide that you can continue painting on your own. You close your eyes and try to remember any memory that contains a sunset, whether it was through your own eyes or perhaps looking at images on the internet. You try your hardest, your mind producing more interesting shapes and patterns of colors that almost distract you but you’re going to pain that sunset damn it! So you blend the colors on the canvas, adding in more tones of violet and purple towards the bottom to cover up the blank spots. You thought about adding in a mountain or some trees but you feel that’s much too advanced for you to attempt, though you know that you can ask Keigo again but he already helped you once. Now you were determined to do another by yourself.
You ask if you can have another canvas and Keigo gets up to the little pile of untouched ones. When he hands you one and ask if it’s a good size, it’s a question you can really answer because the way he holds it out to you makes it seem to long. And realizing that your perception is altering the way you look at the canvas, he holds it upright for you and you ask for something a little bigger.
Carefully setting aside the sunset painting... whoa it’s like the clouds are really moving!
You set up the new blank canvas in front of you, wondering what to make next.
“Ah I almost forgot, I got this for you too while I was at the craft store.” Keigo tells you as he brings up the box paints, holding out a tube of-
“Ooooh... glitter.” you awe at the opalescent colors, holding it against the light to see sheens of white and pink and purple. You’re not sure if it’s the acid or not but it looks extra pretty and you shake the little tube in your hand.
“Have fun with it just uh... make sure to not get too messy.”
You could imagine such pretty colors like the stars and them falling into your eyes... oh, you could make a starry night for your next painting. So you enthusiastically brush more violet and blue onto the new canvas along with a touch of black to make a dark sky. The canvas breathes at you and you think that the more color you add to it, you think you can hear it sigh in relief. You blend it all together and wonder what else you could add to it. You drift to the palette and zero in on the white paint, exchanging your current paint brush for a smaller one, dipping it into the white paint and just making little dots here and there to represent the stars. Then you open the tube of fine glitter and you’re particularly giddy; your painting is going to be amazing, it’s going to look exactly like the night sky... no even better! It’ll be like the cosmos!
You must have been a little overzealous with the glitter on your painting because Keigo nudges a towel just right underneath your easel and you feel him pat down your feet.
Careful with the edges of the painting since it’s still wet, you gently shake off any of the excess glitter and then lean back to really inspect it. In the moment it really looks like a beautiful starry sky and you think that you can literally see shooting stars in it, so sparkly and pretty in the moment. You pull the blanket back over your body and crawl your way to Keigo’s side of the couch, sitting behind him and perching your chin atop his shoulder. Weird, you could have sworn that when he first started painting he started off with yellow and red, he’s painting over it with blue and green now. “Keigo, what are you painting?”
“I don’t know. I started off thinking about fire at first and then all of a sudden I just started putting green and blue together... I think I might have been either thinking about the ocean or the forest... I forget.” Keigo explains, still not stopping his paint brush over the surface. You guess that even artists start off sometimes nonsensical too and that they don’t always have a clear idea how their end product might come out. But you still admire it anyway, reaching your hand out and loosely holding onto his wrist. His arms look even longer from where you’re looking and yet he’s sitting so close to his painting at the same time.
Perception sure is a strange thing when you’re on.
He smells nice, pressing your nose into his neck and breathing in his cologne, humming in delight and pressing yourself even closer to him.
Now you’re not exactly the bold type, every once in a while you’ve decided to make the first move but most of the time you let others give you the signal first before you flirt back. Already you and Keigo have been seeing each other for a few weeks, a few dates here and there but you’ve yet to progress anything spicier than a few make outs and maybe some teasing touches. So it comes as a surprise to him when you drag a hand down from his chest and let it rest in between his spread legs, groaning when you lick the shell of his ear and nibble on it. “B-Babe... we’re supposed to be... to be...”
“Painting? That canvas isn’t the only thing you can paint Keigo.” you whisper in his ear, feeling for his cock in his gray sweats and pleased that you can feel that he’s getting hard. You form your hand over his cock and stroke it through the sweats while your other hand drags over his arm, still stretched out towards the painting but now his arm is tense. “For example... you can paint me with your cum. Inside or out, I’ll let the artist decide.”
Keigo sets down his paint brush and his palette before tugging you to his bed.
It’s dark in his room when he shuts the door but you’re quickly put on the surface of his bed. You can hear him fiddling around somewhere in the corner of the room and then red light fills the room, it’s pretty basic of him to own those strip lights seeing as you’ve had more than a few friends decorate their room with it too but now isn’t the time to critique the mood lighting. You do have to wonder why the color red, why not just put on the regular ceiling lights?
He’s on you once the lights are on, pulling off your pajama bottoms and setting them to the side for the time being. Spreading your legs open, Keigo starts off with kissing the inside of your thighs and slowly goes up higher. Your panties are still on but you moan softly when he kisses your pussy through the cotton, then it’s up to your belly button, pushing your sweater up along with the soft bra you decided to wear tonight as stops to pay attention to your breasts, nipples perked up to the cold air along with the way Keigo flicks his tongue over them. While he sucks hickies onto your breasts, you run your hand through his hair and look up at the ceiling, you think you can hear the flap of a bird’s wings and think something flutters from the corner of your eye. “K-Keigo... is it okay for us to do this while we’re on?”
“You’re safe babe, I’m here.” he assures you as he helps tug off your sweater over your head. “Just focus on me, I’ve done this before.”
Oh great, he didn’t just allude that he’s fucked other people on acid before did he?
Keigo seems to catch his choice of words and grinds his clothed cock against your panties and gives you an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I just mean that sometimes sex on acid can be a precarious thing to engage in, I just wanna let you know that I got you.” he presses the pad of his thumb where he guesses your clit is. “You trust me yeah?”
Yeah, I do.
“How about a little art lesson for ya? That’ll help get you in the mood and you’ll learn something interesting.” Keigo takes off his sweats and his underwear, leaving you the only one who’s almost naked in the room. The music still plays from the living room, smooth guitar and easy beats still reach your ears. “You wanna know why I made the lights red? Red provokes the strongest emotion and is considered the warmest and most contradictory of the colors. Can you tell me some things you think of when you think of the color red?”
Apples, firetrucks, blood.
“Red is one of the most visible colors in the spectrum, its the kind of color that’s an attention grabber which is why it’s used to warn people of danger. Red can convey a sense of danger,” Keigo explains this while he pets you through your panties, it’s almost leisurely the way he does it but he can see how you quiver underneath his touch. “but it’s also associated with excitement, that even sometimes just being exposed to the color can cause elevated blood pressure and heart rate.”
Your heart rate is certainly up right now and it’s not just because of the acid.
You feel Keigo pull your panties to the side and easily glide a finger in but he wants something in return as well, “Spit in your hand and stroke my cock.”
As you stroke Keigo and he gently fingers you, he continues on about his lesson on the color red. “So along with danger, excitement, there’s also aggression and dominance. There’s not exactly a clear reason why red is associated with dominance, maybe it just goes hand in hand with feeling aggressive, perhaps also representing power as well.”
“K-Kei... please get to the point!” you whine, sitting up with one hand braced on the bed while the other continues to stroke him. He’s added another finger and you notice that he’s put a little bit more vigor in his actions. “Please won’t you just-”
“Most of all though, my little bird,” Keigo continues over you but you can take a guess where this ‘art lesson’ is going by the way his lips quirk up and how is voice drops. “red is also linked to passion, love, and desire, that it’s apparently a very attractive color. You remember what color you wore the first time we met?”
“You... you saying that you only liked me ‘cause I was wearing red?” you ask, a breathy laugh leaving your lips but then whine as Keigo strokes your g-spot and you almost dropped back onto the bed but he’s quick to catch you. He quickly pulls his fingers out of you and winds it around your waist to pull you flush against him and settles you in his lap, your hand trapped between your bodies but you continue to jerk his cock despite the limited space.
Keigo chuckles along with you, leaning down to press a kiss to your neck and give you a gentle bite. “Aha I’m just teasing you dove, it was your cute face I saw first and besides, you weren’t wearing a red shirt when we first met... You were wearing red panties, I remember seeing them when you bent over in that short little black dress.”
“You’re embarrassing.” you mumble, adjusting yourself so that you hover over his cock, slapping the head of it against your clit. “And that wasn’t an art lesson, that was more like color psychology.”
“You still learned something, did you not?”
You cup Keigo’s cheeks in your hands, kissing him briefly and pull back to tell him, “I’m not looking to learn anything except how your cock feels inside me.”
So you brace your arms around Keigo’s shoulders, sighing as he eases himself into you slowly. His hands hold your ass, gently lifting you off his cock and then easing you down again to take him further, repeating the process until his girth was sheathed all the way inside you. You gasp together, you at his size and him at your tightness, hands all over each other and you’re wondering where his body begins and yours ends. Whatever other cocks you had inside you before, they’ve never felt like this when they first entered you.
And then the two of you are moving in sync with one another, holding each other’s gaze, just barely able to see the reflection of each other in your blown out pupils. You can’t really see the honey gold of his eyes thanks to the lights but you you think you can taste it still, every time you just taste that sweet nectar when you look into Keigo’s eyes. It must mean how sweet he is, that must be why his eyes are colored like that.
He’s sweet like honey.
Again, you hear the flap of a bird’s wings even though you know the bedroom window isn’t open.
It’s slow and sensual at first, sex on acid is something more heightened, something indescribable behind the sensations as you lean back slightly to roll your hips while you meet Keigo’s thrusts. Your hands locked behind his neck and your head lolling back, a sensual sigh from you when you feel a hand go to your throat. A breathy ‘yes’ spills from your lips as the pads of the fingers carefully press at the sides of your neck; feels good, feels so good...
Suddenly you’re pushed onto your back, gasping in surprise at first and then uninhibited moans as he viciously fucks you. And what can you do but take it, take all of it, peering at him through the haze of pleasure and the peak of your high when you see it.
Bright red wings spreading from Keigo’s back, brighter than the lights, the feathers ruffle and seem to groan alongside him, he’s losing himself in this carnal moment, bracing himself over you and the wings coming forward as well. You feel floaty, almost as if the wings are carrying you themselves, you think you can feel feathers tickle your skin while Keigo’s hands have your hands pinned above your head, your ankles locking just right above his buttocks.
It feels like the sex is lasting forever, that as fast and hard Keigo pumps into you it feels never ending. In truth you don’t know how much time has actually passed, just that the passage of time seems longer. But it feels good, you feel one with Keigo and even just the slightest clench of your fingers intertwined with his feels even more intimate. His panting, your whimpers, the music, the lights, the flapping of the wings, and you crying out his name.
Even as you clench your eyes shut, swirling patterns of hues of red dance behind your eyelids. They seem to move in time with Keigo’s tempo, every slap of his hips connecting with your body, they respond accordingly. You feel one of his hands drawn down from your neck, past your breasts, giggling when he goes over your belly button, and groan when he plays with your clit.
He praises you, tells you how good you’re doing even though you’re just lying there and taking it, you try to participate by rolling your hips up to meet his but his power is just too overwhelming. “Kei... Kei... go, it feels so good...!”
You wriggle your other hand free from his and pull him down, practically hugging him and bringing him even closer, eyes shut hard as he goes into double time. His face is pushed into your neck, breathing hard into it and you think you can hear his wings flapping even harder. His hands hold your waist, just lifting you up slightly so that your back slightly arches.
Soft skin against rough hands.
“Where you going to paint your cum Keigo?” you ask, your lips just barely brushing against the shell of his ear. “All over my face? My tits? Maybe... even turn me around and blow it all over my back?”
“Fuck! Keep talking like that! ’M gonna cum dove... I’m gon’a cum!”
You push him back just enough and once again cup his face in your hands, “Look at me when you cum.”
Jittery nods of his head, he’ll absolutely obey anything you want as long as you don’t let him leave inside of you. All over your face would be so nice, your tits even nicer, he hasn’t pulled out to cum on someone’s back in months but fuck when you mention it, it’s so fucking enticing. But nothing beats when it’s oozing out, like ice cream melting on a hot day as it drips so he has to ask you if it’s okay. “Babe... can I paint you inside babe?”
Does an artist even have to ask permission to paint their canvas?
“Yeah... paint me white inside.”
And that’s all permission he needs, a few harsh thrusts and he cums with you, his cum shooting inside you while you gush around him, almost like it’s trying to push him out. But he stays inside you, his visit isn’t over quite yet, he doesn’t want to leave, not when he feels so connected with you.
You catch your breath, blinking your bleary eyes and see all of those red feathers slowly leave Keigo’s back. You don’t know how many there are, maybe two hundred or something like that, but you watch them leave one by one, almost as if they’re each being controlled individually. You think Keigo is the one that’s dismissing the feathers and you reach out towards them; you never got the chance to touch them.
Hands sliding down his back, you express a mild disgust over how sweaty Keigo is, “Ew... take a shower.”
“Only if you come with me.” Keigo chuckles pushing himself off you but wiping at your forehead as well. Geez, you hadn’t even realized you sweated too.
So the two of you stand under the warm shower spray, he lathers his shampoo and conditioner into your hair first, washing it out for you before you return the favor for him. You note how even more intimate this is compared to the sex before, looking up into his eyes and you give each other an endearing smile. The peak has been passed and now the acid will ease off, already things look a little less distorted and the intense distortions don’t feel like they used to when you first started.
“How are my eyes dove? Getting lost in them?” Keigo chuckles but he doesn’t give you a chance to answer, choosing to kiss you instead. “Did you mind that our first time was on acid?”
“No, it was good.” you tell him as you draw a single line on his collarbone with the tip of your finger. “I can’t wait to have regular, sober sex with you.”
“Hehe, I hope it compares well to my first performance.”
“I don’t know,” you singsong to him, “maybe you set the bar too high having first time on acid.”
“Well don’t say that now.”
The two of you laugh together, he playfully pushes your head but pulls you back in for another kiss. The water runs down both of your bodies and you pull back, looking down at the ground. Keigo thinks that you’re looking down at his cock and that you might be up for another round but you look back up at him and ask, “My feet are like a million miles away... have I always been this tall?”
You dry up together and change into clean clothes, returning to the easels and you’re surprised that the television still is playing music from the playlist. After so long without having your phone, you check the time to see that it’s well into two in the morning and it’s no wonder that you feel tired, not just from the sex but how late it was as well.
You curl up onto the couch while Keigo still works on his painting, the last thing you see were your sunset painting alongside the starry night one, the clouds shifting on one and the other still sparkles with shooting stars.
“Ugh, I told you that they’d look like shit when the trip is over.”
“Don’t say that, they look fantastic.”
You hold up both of their canvases and each hand, looking deadpan at him with tired eyes. “This one looks like I just puked glitter on it and the only part of this one that is good are the clouds that you helped me paint!” you sigh out and look down at each of the paintings. You knew it, you weren’t an artist after all and you had thought that you did such a good job last night.
Keigo takes your starry night painting and brings it over to the sink, banging the edge of it gently a few times to shake off any glitter that didn’t dry on the paint before handing it back to you. “See, now it looks a little less like glitter puke and I have to tell you this dove, but you painted those clouds yourself.”
Huffing at him, you set down the starry night painting and look down at your sunset painting. “Keigo, I know I was on last night but you for sure helped me paint the clouds. I remember that part pretty clearly, don’t try to treat me like I’m a kid and say some bullshit to make me feel better.”
“I helped you get started but I saw that you picked it up on your own and you painted the rest of it yourself, I swear.”
He stops you with a soft call of your name and even though the two of you are tired as hell and feel disassociated from your own bodies and personalities, something tugs in your heart that way he says your name. “I’m serious, I helped you start making the clouds but you actually got the hang of it and watched you do it yourself. I told you the trip would tell you what to paint and you did it!”
You still look disbelieving at him, swearing that you thought you felt his hand help you paint last night. But then again, you also thought you saw one of his paintings of a balloon flying away too so maybe he might be telling the truth. It’s a little hard to discern what were your actions that actually happened versus what was in your mind. Much like the wings you thought he sprouted when the two of you had sex.
“Can you just show me yours? I fell asleep before I could see what you made.” He hands you his own canvas and you stare hard at it, looking back and forth between him and the painting in your hands. “Did you make another one last night?”
“Nope, I used that one canvas the entire night.”
“Didn’t you start off painting it with yellow and red? How did you end up with,” you turn the painting around to show him, “painting this?”
Delicate pinks and purples dotted just right to look like wisteria flowers and a big tree trunk in the very center of it. It just wasn’t fair that he was so good at conceptualizing these kinds of things. You have to wonder if he just had a natural talent for it or if it was something he honed over time. Either way, you know he didn’t get that art degree for nothing.
Keigo chuckles and sets aside his painting. “I looked at your sweater last night and thought I saw wisteria flowers sprouting out, I got my inspiration from you. Also you seemed really into the color purple last night so that helped too. Although you did also give me an idea last night too.” he takes your hand in his, pulling you close to him and reaches one hand underneath your shirt, his palm resting on the small of your back. “That whole ‘paint me thing’ you said yesterday... I was wondering if one day you’d let me paint on you?”
You tilt your head to the side, “What do you mean?”
“Like... just let me paint on your body one day. I can get those body friendly paints and just make a picture on you.” Keigo explains with a sheepish smile coming onto his face despite how tired he looks. “It kinda turned on me on last night when you said you wanted me to paint you inside and I just thought ‘well what if I actually did?’ But not with my cum I mean, though I wouldn’t mind that either.“
The thought of laying down for Keigo while he does such a thing, it sounds quite intimate. You look into his eyes, his pupils still a little wide but it’s only a few more hours for the acid to exit your bodies. It was intense last night but you were glad to have done it with Keigo and even though you think the art you did last night is sort of crap now, you can’t deny that it was sort of fun to do it still. 
Your paintings lay to the side, his own stupidly good wisteria painting sitting alongside your glittered starry night and sunset painting. Strange how your eyes perceived everything last night from elongated lengths, the dynamically changing colors you saw when you shut your eyes, you felt everything alive around rather than thinking of the furniture as mere static objects, the red wings and feather you swore you felt against your skin when Keigo fucked his cock into you, everything was beautiful and you couldn’t have asked for a better first time.
You’d like to do it again.
“Can I dove? Can I paint on you one day?”
“... Yeah, I’d like that.”
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whentommymetalfie · 5 years
Lights On
A/N: A quick little one shot I wrote for the Tommy/Alfie prompt fest over on Ao3. Modern AU and not connected to any of my other works. Established relationship and lots of hurt/comfort. 
Summary: Every year on Bonfire Night, Tommy hides under the covers terrified by all the fireworks, this year Alfie is under the covers with him comforting him.
Tommy doesn’t acknowledge him. His breathing continues to come in erratic burst, wheezing out of his throat. Alfie strokes his hair
“It‘s just noise, love, just noise,” he whispers. “It’s scary fucking noise, I’ll give you that, all those bangs. But it’s just noise."
Pairing: Tommy/Alife
Wordcount: 1800
Warnings: ptsd
Never fucking drive in London... Alfie should know better by now and he thoroughly hates himself for this decision, as well as the one to ‘just swing by for some groceries’ despite working late in the bakery to prepare a dough. But his royal highness Thomas Michael Shelby will be most displeased if there’s no milk tomorrow and honestly, whatever his princess wants, he shall have. If only because it gives Alfie the excuse to say that exact phrase and watch Tommy scowl at him.
Right now however, he’s fairly sure Tommy would’ve taken his tea without milk indefinitely if it had meant Alfie would’ve been home on time.
Finally, he has to give up and park several blocks away from their apartment. And it’s possible the front tire ends up on the sidewalk, but that seems completely irrelevant at the moment. Far above him, the smattering of fireworks continue relentlessly. He slams the door shut using his foot, one arm around the bag of groceries and fishing for his mobile in his coat pocket with his free hand. The signals go through, but there’s no answer. Making his way down the street he starts typing out yet another text, despite the three previous ones remaining unanswered. Will be home in less than five minutes love-
“Oi, watch where you’re-“
He doesn’t even slow down to apologize to the highly offended owner of the voice.
Two minutes later, he’s standing outside their apartment, cursing and wrestling with the locks on the door, wondering who on earth decided doors needed this many fucking locks. If people are determined enough to break in and have gotten through one lock, why would a second one stop them? Would they suddenly fucking… give up halfway through?
Finally he gets the door open.
“Tommy, love, I’m so sorry I’m late. It‘s fucking bullshit this… was an accident on the A40 and I had to-“ He struggles out of his boots, leaving them haphazardly in the middle of the hallway. “Had to fucking take the tunnel, didn’t I? Yeah. Absolute fucking bullshit- Some people clearly shouldn’t be operating any vehicle more complicated than a bike.“
All the lights are on in the apartment, but Tommy is nowhere to be seen.
“Tommy?” He shoves the entire bag of groceries into the fridge -fuck actually sorting them into shelves, he’s got more important things to do, and then sets off towards the bedroom.
There’s a small lump in the middle of the bed, covered entirely by the duvet and several blankets.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he sighs as he walks up to the bed, sinking down onto the mattress and rubbing his palm over the figure. “It’s okay.”
The lump remains motionless but he feels the slight tremors under his palm, can hear the hitched breaths. When he lifts the covers ever so slightly he finds Tommy curled up into a tightly wounded ball, knees drawn up to his chest, face tucked against them and arms covering his head. He’s not just trembling, but actually shaking violently, which becomes painfully clear now. When a smattering of fireworks go off just a block or two away, he lets out a choked whimper and winds his fingers into his hair.
“It’s alright, love, I’m here now,” Alfie says and lies down behind him, pulling the covers up over them both again. Then he curls himself around his quivering frame, opting for wrapping an arm all the way over his knees and letting him stay in his position. Tommy doesn’t acknowledge him. His breathing continues to come in erratic burst, wheezing out of his throat. Alfie strokes his hair
“It‘s just noise, love, just noise,” he whispers. “It’s scary fucking noise, I’ll give you that, all those bangs. But it’s just noise. Happy people who just want an excuse to play with a bit of… fire and gunpowder, but it’s all fun and games. And the worst that’ll come out of it are all those colourful plastic bits you find all over the city for days afterwards.”
He presses a kiss against the nape of his neck.
“You’re home, you’re safe, and no one in the world will ever hurt you again. Because I’m going to personally hunt them down and end them in the most painful way possible if they do.”
There’s a high bang right outside the bloody window and Tommy lets out a horrified shriek that seems to cut like a dagger through his chest. Then there’s another one and Alfie realises that whoever is setting those off is hanging out on the street beneath their flat. If he listens closely, he can hear the unmistakable drunken hollering of a few lads apparently having the time of their fucking life out there.
When the third firecracker goes off, Tommy starts crying. This heart wrenching, desperately frightened sound that cuts him to his very core.
And fuck it, Alfie might not be able to do anything about the entire goddamn city losing their collective mind, but he can at the very least keep them away from this small patch of street…
“I’ll be right back, love,” he promises in a whisper and squeezes Tommy tightly, before climbing out of bed and stomping over to the window. He throws it open and stares down at the street, where a group of five young men are having a grand ole time with a box of matches and far more firecrackers than anyone should reasonably have. Which of course must break all sorts of laws but he couldn’t give less of a fuck -as long as they’re far away from here.
“Oi, you fucking lot!” he bellows and successfully gains the attention of at least two of them -one wearing a spectacularly dumb hat with some print he can’t read but instantly hates anyway, and one with a slightly less dumb hat. “Fuck off with that noise will you?”
“Nah, you fucking…fuck off,” Dumb Hat Guy yells back. Now, that’s really fucking eloquent, innit?  
“Alright, this is the deal,” Alfie barks at them, somehow trying to burn Dumb Hat alive with his gaze alone. “I’ve got someone up here who can’t fucking stand all this noise. So if I have to fucking tell you again, I’m going to come down there and shove one of those so far up your arse you can fire it through your fucking mouth!” He does wish he was a bit closer -he cuts a more imposing figure face to face, he’s well aware. But thank fuck the guys don’t seem to be out for trouble tonight.
“Fucking fine,” Less Dumb Hat Guy bellows as Dumb Hat Guy starts dragging him down the street to join their three friends, who are blessing the neighbourhood with a terribly off key version of God save the queen.
All things considered that went easier than expected. Alfie shoves the window closed and quickly returns to the bed and Tommy, who hasn’t moved an inch since he left, still shaking violently and choking out heart wrenching sobs. He pulls him close again.
“There we go, they went away. I know I can’t make all of the noise stop, but it’s a start,” he whispers and rubs his palm over his side. “But it’ll stop soon, I promise.”
For a bit, there’s no change: Tommy stays curled up so tightly that Alfie thinks he might’ve frozen like that, the quiet sobs wracking his frame. Alfie just holds him. Holds him, shushes him gently and mutters soothing nonsense against the soft skin on the back of his neck. It’s all he can do for now. He wishes he didn’t have to know shit like that, but things are the way they are, right? So he’s well versed in how these things usually go. And he knows that right now, Tommy can’t quite hear him. Mostly just registers that he’s there, that he’s not alone. But there’s no point in getting into elaborate stories. Simply repeating that he’s safe, that he’s not alone and holding him is enough.  
Bit by bit, Tommy’s muscles seem to soften, and his legs relax enough for Alfie to wrap the arm around his waist instead. He places a hand on his chest, feeling the quick pitter patter of Tommy’s heart against his palm. Like a frightened rabbit’s. He pulls him a bit closer. Hoping his own heartbeat will somehow seep into Tommy’s chest and calm his racing pulse.
The fireworks continue to thunder in the distance.
“So, a lady came to the bakery today,” he begins quietly. “Wanted to buy raisin bagels. Of all the things in the world. Whoever began stuffing raisins into perfectly good bread should be charged for their heinous crimes against humanity.“
He talks a bit about the nerve of certain people. It’s becoming quite warm and stuffy underneath the duvet, but it’s a small price to pay. Whatever makes Tommy feel even marginally more safe is worth it. As he talks, he can feel Tommy relax further into his embrace. Finally he turns around to face him, burying his face in his chest.
“Would you like to get out of these clothes, love?” he asks then. “Think you’d be more comfortable.”
After getting a small nod in response, he helps Tommy out of his clothes and goes to turn the light off, making sure to first switch on the lamp on the bedside table. When he climbs back into bed, Tommy is watching him from under heavy eyelids, his long lashes still wet with tears. God, if he could, he’d go out there and personally rip the fireworks from each and every fucking idiot holding them, consequences be damned. A statement that when said out loud finally earns him a faint smile, even as Tommy still trembles ever so slightly.
Soon, Tommy is safely wrapped up in his arms again, face buried in his chest. Outside, another round of fireworks go off right nearby and like clockwork, his breathing hitches.
“Did I ever tell you about the time me and my cousin tried to build a hot air balloon and send his action figure to the moon?” Alfie asks and Tommy makes a noise that could almost be the beginning of a quiet laugh.
“I don’t think so.”
“Well, it’s an excellent, excellent story, so strap yourself in,” he says and starts stroking his hair again, raking his nails softly against his scalp. “So, me and my cousin, right, we used to spend a few weeks every year at his grandmother’s place outside Margate. Big fields and all that, and-“
It’s a long story. And once that is finished, he follows it up with another one, and another, as the fireworks outside continue to brighten the sky into blue and green and red. Tommy clings tightly to him, as if he’s drowning. Perhaps he is, in a way. But Alfie will do his best to keep him afloat.  
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
Reflections by the Water
Paring: Newt x Plus Size Reader
For the SPOOKTOBER 2018 Competition
Requested by @gruffle1 :  Could you please write 50: “ We’d make such a cute couple. ” with Newt (from The Maze Runner) x reader? Also if it’s not too much trouble could you please make them plus size? Thank you in advance.    
Words: 3125
Warnings: None
A/N:  Writing a story for a plus size reader was very much a new endeavour for me (which I thank you for requesting because it helped me learn new things). I read a few articles and other people’s fics in order to get a feel for Do’s and Don’ts. I’m not skinny but I’m also not plus size (and simply being friends with plus size people doesn’t make me an expert so I refused to slap on an ‘Oh I know someone like xyz’ and then write something stereotypical) so that’s why this piece was late. But also, I’m still learning, so your criticism would be greatly appreciated to make sure I know what worked and what didn’t with this fic!
Prompts in Bold-Italics.
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You woke up early that morning to prepare for your supply run with Minho. Supplies were getting low and he had made a subtle comment about not wanting to be stuck for hours in the wasteland with Brenda's permanent sour expression and dry sense of humour, so you took that as his unofficial way of asking you to come with. You always enjoyed Minho's humour and he always said he felt safer with you watching his back.
As you snaked your arms into your favourite leather jacket, you noticed the layers beginning to peel and the seams loosen with age. You'd have to replace it soon, a notion you weren't all too thrilled about. Finding supplies and clothes weren't easy lately. You had asked Newt to teach you how to sew so you could easily mend any tears because it was easier than trying to find new clothes that were comfortable and not tight.
As you made your way over to the beat-up vehicle you noticed Newt give something to Brenda before she headed towards a sleepy/eyed Minho. Newt ran up beside you, a big open smile on his face, his sandy blond hair ruffled by the wind. The smell of the saltwater clinging to the morning air.
"Hey, Y/N! Hold up..." He called after you as he hobbled slightly at a faster pace than his leg was comfortable with.
You turned towards him, squinting from the morning sun, "Hey Newt, what are you doing up so early?"
Newt let out a gentle laugh as he shyly rubbed the hairs on his nape, "Uh, Minho said the three of you were going on a run..."
When he didn't immediately finish his sentence, you tried to help him along, "Did you want us to keep an eye out for something?"
"Not exactly," he looked up at you a little uncertain. "I just wanted to say be careful, is all."
You found his concern sweet. It was no secret the two of you got along. In fact, you had always had a soft spot for Newt, but he was always a little shy when left alone with you for long periods of time. He’d fumble for words and always give you that charming, squinty, half-smile.
"Always," you reassuringly caressed his lithe arm, running up and down the length of his biceps.
"See you when you get back, yeah."
"For sure," you waved goodbye and then headed to join Minho and a very cranky looking Brenda.
While in a desolate old-world building, you, Minho and Brenda went searching for supplies.
"Okay, I'll run ahead, do a quick search of things. Meet back in ten?" Minho asked.
"Uh huh, yeah sure." Was all Brenda said after she pocketed that list from before and hauled her body on top of some fallen debris onto the second floor.
"Be careful, and remember: stay quiet," Minho nodded at you as he ran down a corner and out of sight.
You worked your way through desolate rooms that held damaged manikins and destroyed artefacts of all kinds, keeping an eye out for essentials. About a few minutes past the agreed-upon rendezvous time, you carried your haul to the vehicle, the sound of Brenda's shrill scream pumped adrenaline straight into your veins like it was an intravenous transfusion. You grabbed your trusty metal bat and ran back to the building. When you finally got there, you noticed an abundant number of infected screeching and heading towards a struggling Brenda who was pushing the dead weight of one such infected from her body.
Brenda looked over at you, relieved to see someone, anyone, that wasn't infected. After a moment of letting the ice in your veins freeze your muscles, Brenda shouted with a slight hint of agitation: "A… little… help… for fuck's sake!"
You regained your senses and looked around for a way to get up to her level quickly. You spotted the stairs on the other end of the building and made a break for it, bashing your bat against any infect body that tried to claw its way to you. When you got to Brenda you had to practically wrestle the infected off her and use as much of your strength as you could to throw it off the ledge. Its body landed with a crunching thud, missing Minho by inches as he yelped from being startled.
Brenda dusted at her jacket before her eyes went wide in horror, "Oh shit!"
"Uhh, guys," Minho looked frazzled. "Better get down here quick!"
You looked in the direction Brenda and Minho were staring and saw a hoard of infected clamouring over each other in a seething rage and practically foaming at the mouth.
"Fuck!" You swore.
"Quick, through here!" Brenda shouted after you as she slid under a crack in the wall that led to the lower levels.
"You kidding, I can't fit through there!" You said with annoyance. You rolled up your sleeves and looked back to the smaller hoard you had previously struck down to get to Brenda. "Guess, back into the killer hoard I go!"
You focused more on making a break for it than using your energy for your mean swing. As you ran, you were annoyed by how haphazardly your tits bounced about against the weak bindings of your bra. It was a bit of a hindrance, especially given the life or death situation you were in. You would have to make a note to fix the straps or maybe make a new one altogether.
When you finally met up with the others, you made your way out of the building, making sure to barricade the door shut.
As Minho held his knees and tried to catch his breath, Brenda rested against the door which rattled from the bombarding hits from the infected on the other side.
"That's the last time I do Newt any favours," she said apprehensively.
"Favours?" You asked.
She just looked at you and shook her head, "It's not important. Let's get out of here."
As you walked back to the vehicle, you noticed a tear running across the length of your arm.
"Shit!" You mourned your jacket. "No amount of needle and thread will fix this!"
"Don't be so dramatic. Anything can be patched back together!" Minho gave you a heartfelt smile.
"It's a lateral tear!" You whined.
Brenda sighed, "I'm sure you'll be able to replace it."
You closed your eyes and sighed into your hands, "Easy for you to say." You whispered too low for anyone to hear.
When you got back to camp, you decided to go and lay by the beach for a moment. You'd be lying if you said all this excitement hadn't left you a little winded. Hell, you could see Minho grabbing an impromptu nap on a hammock he set up with Thomas the other day. You also noticed Brenda take something to Newt's workshop by the edge of the beach strip. Newt noticed you staring at their exchanged and beamed a bright smile at you as he awkwardly gave you a quick wave before disappearing into his workshop.
A part of you wondered what exactly Newt asked her to get. Another part was irritated he asked Brenda instead of you. The two of you were closer for starters. At least he always gave you that impression.
As you lay by the ocean, hearing the waves lap, Thomas jogged to your side.
"Y/N, hey!" he said.
"Hey, Tommy. What's up?" You asked as you noticed a group of people collecting by the heart of the camp and stacking firewood.
"Hey, a few of us are gonna have a little bonfire. Trade scary stories. You in?"
You mulled his invite over for a bit, weighing your fatigue against your need to socialise. Your gaze shifted to a now snoring -and drooling- Minho swinging on the hammock. He was dangerously close to falling over. "I think I'm going to follow Minho's lead and get some shut-eye before meal time."
You stood up off the ground, dusting sand off your trousers.
"I hear you guys had quite the exciting day?" Thomas remarked.
You huffed, "A little too exciting if you ask me!" Your eyes Thomas for a moment and then asked skittishly: "Hey you mind if I ask you something?"
"Have you noticed anything weird between Newt and Brenda lately?"
You question made Thomas shift his stance. You didn't know whether that was a tell or not. You chose to ignore it when he guffawed and slung his arm casually around your shoulders, "I have it under good authority that Newt and Brenda are strictly friends. Maybe friends is pushing it… More like friendly."
Thomas smiled at you as though he knew something you didn't.
"I'll see you later tonight?" Thomas asked as he walked back to the ever-growing fire pit.
"If I don't sleep like the dead… Or Minho!" you jested as you made your way over to your shack.
Everyone around the campfire was tense. Bated breath and bulging eyes all set on Gally. His eyes lingered on you for a moment before he clapped his hands and made screeching noise.
"And then, just like that, they never saw her again. Some say her haunting screams can still be heard if you wander too close," Gally muttered with a sinister edge hanging to each vowel. His eyes wild and unnerving as he finished telling his ghost story to the rest of the crowd.
Thomas's eyes were elsewhere, staring blankly at the flames. Newt held a similar expression from time to time, his attention bouncing back and forth between reminiscing and being in the present. Brenda didn't care much for the story and spent much of her time with her head to the stars. Minho was joking around with a bunch of boys who had decided Gally's storytelling skills were not to their liking.
Aris seemed particularly unhinged, his face downturned in discomfort.
"I think that's enough horror stories for one night," you spoke gently to the crowd. Aris noticed your eyes linger on him when you said that. He gave you a look of appreciation in exchange. You smiled warmly. Just then you noticed Newt come out of his stupor and look across from the fire to where you sat. His blue eyes reflecting the flames like clear mirrors. His gaze was intense, but his features soft and almost filled with a look of intimacy you'd never seen before. Or maybe you just never looked in his direction when he did.
You blood flushed hot and you were unsettled by how quickly your heart began to feel heavy and full against the butterflies manifesting within your stomach. From the heat of the flames to the heat emanating off your body, everything was becoming a little overwhelming.
You excused yourself from the group and made your way to the banks where you let the cold waves lap and splash across your bare feet. The moon was full, providing ample light for your reflection to be cast upon the water easily. Inching closer to yours was Newt's reflection, becoming larger and larger until you could all but feel his frame blocking the wind beside you.
"It's a beautiful night isn't it?" He asked casually, as though you'd been talking for hours before this moment.
Your eyes were glued to your reflections shimmering and distorting with the waves. The starlight appearing as speckles on the dark water. Newt's eyes were set on the horizon, glancing at another marvellous view from your own.
"The stars are unusually bright for this time of year," you agreed.
The longer you stared at your reflections, the more you began to wonder what exactly it was that made you so close. Newt had been adamant to get to know you in the beginning. To be honest, he wasn't always trusting of new people since he left the glade. At least that's the impression he gave you from all his stories and how cautious he was around new people. There was a certain irony to him being one of the few people you felt close too.
Your personalities couldn't be further from compatible. He was stoic and level headed, but there was a latent temper that simmered under his cool eyes born from the harshness of this world and what he had to endure. You could be a little hot-headed and a bit more open when it came to expressing yourself. You were like to sides to a coin. Even his small stature and deceptively slender arms contrasted to your larger build and more visibly formed muscles. And yet, the two of you couldn't have looked more normal, more fitting, standing side by side.
"On nights like tonight, I always find it calming to come out here and watch how the light casts a silver layer just where the horizon meets the sea." Newt pointed out to where his eyes were set.
You lifted your head and followed his direction.
"I've noticed." You said freely.
Newt turned to you. You simply shrugged and nudged him with your elbow.
"Just because I don't brood as you do, doesn't mean I don't notice things too."
There was a brief pause filled by the sound of the waves. Newt's left hand trailed down to his leg where he squeezed the muscles as though trying to will them to heal better. You returned your eyes to the horizon.
"When Minho told me what happened, I was worried," Newt admitted.
You glanced over at him, "Hey, you know I always make it back."
You placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked over to where your palm connected to his shoulder and gave a fond smile.
"I know. But it doesn't change the fact that I always worry. Not just for Minho, but…" Newt looked into your eyes this time. "For you."
"Newt," you said softly.
"I kept waiting for the right moment to say something, but I forgot that in this life the right moments are moments like these. When it's peaceful and you do get a chance to say something when the people you care for come back despite all the dangers they faced."
Newt turned to you, placing a hand over yours that was still connected to his shoulder.
You tried to speak but you were tongue-tied. This was most definitely a first.
"Y/N, I feel something for you. And whatever it is, it's more than friendship."
You cocked your head gently to the side, the breeze blowing your hair into your eyes. Newt removed his hand from yours and tucked those stray strands back behind your ear. The contact of his calloused fingers against your soft cheeks felt indescribable.
Before you knew what words were surfacing, you absentmindedly asked, "Why me?"
Newt smirked and shrugged, "Why not?"
You giggled to yourself, finding something comical in this sweet moment.
"What?" Newt asked surprised.
You shook your head, "It's nothing. It's just… Well, I always thought we’d make such a cute couple."
Newt gave a low grumble in agreement, "How does Thomas put it: Me with my stubborn broody nature and you with your warm smile."
Suddenly, it made sense why Thomas had looked at you strangely earlier.
"Thomas huh? Is he the reason for this confession?" You teased.
"He may have mentioned that you thought something was going on between me and Brenda. I didn't want you to get any wrong ideas about her and me so I figured I'd show you."
"Show me what?"
"You'll have to trust me," he held out his hand for you.
You placed your hand in his and let him lead you towards his workshop.
Once inside, Newt began moving things around as he lit a few lamps along the way.
"A while back, I heard this story about a past time from before. During the time of year when trees shed their browning leaves and it rained for days, they used to decorate their towns and streets with carvings and other frightening things." Newt mentioned as he bent down to retrieve something from a handmade box.
"That sounds… odd," You remarked.
"I thought the same thing. Apparently, they'd exchange gifts," Newt handed you something wrapped in a thin sheet.
You hadn't expected him to hand you a gift. A part of you felt a little bad for not having one to give him. "I--"
"Before you say anything, just open it," he encouraged.
You set the parcel on the table and unwrapped it. You gasped.
"Newt, it's..." You searched for the right words as you lifted the newly sewn together jacket and held it up against the light. It was pieced together with several different pieces of leather. Red, tan brown and even darker black patched gave it an authentic if not complementary colour scheme. You ran your fingers over the careful stitches made from thin thread to the slightly more noticeable ones made from what seemed to be twine.
"I noticed your old one was getting a little worse for wear and I figured it since I can't be with you on all your scavenging trips..."
"It's perfect." Your voice croaked slightly, pushing back tears as you motioned to set the jacket down and wrap your arms around Newt.
He staggered ever so slightly, not expecting you to hug him so quickly but when he regained his ground Newt returned your hug with just as much enthusiasm. A beaming smile tugging at his lips.
When you broke away, your eyes locked for a long minute and the amber light from the lamps cast a golden sheen upon the two of you. And then your lips met in a tender and novelty kiss.
"I have imagined doing this a lot of times. I have to admit, the reality is a thousand times better," Newt said.
You failed to suppress your blush, "That's one thing we have in common."
"Just wait until Thomas finds out. He's been pestering me about admitting how I feel for months now."
"And now you can shout it from rooftops."
"Our roofs aren't that high, or sturdy."
You laughed, "You're right. Bad idea."
"Besides, I'd like to keep this between us for now. See where we go from here. Save Gally from inevitable heartbreak."
You looked at him quizzically, "Gally?"
Newt scrunched his nose in disbelief, "What you didn't know? He was being quite obvious about it."
Your mouth upturned into a half moon, "Maybe I don't notice everything."
"You noticed me," Newt said before placing a kiss to your cheek.
"How could I not?" You placed your forehead to his. "Let's go back and look at the stars."
Note: The bra thing was something I got from my own experience being someone who gets assaulted by her own boobies if I even think of running without a sports bra. I hope it didn’t come across as crass.
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devnny · 5 years
This is it fellas; the MEAT, the starting point that actually matters. It's all a damn mess hereafter. Devi, babey... forgive me, the Hell begins now! (And Johnny... please fucking behave yourself.) 
Dear Diary,
I’m back from vacation.
I have a date FUCK meeting with Devi. Yes, that Devi. Weird, no?
She grew a head-thing too, but she can control it, and she’s going to try and help me do that too… We’ll see how well that works out. She yells a lot… scary.
I haven’t totally given up on my emotional enema idea, though! Just gotta work on my temper. Why does everything have to be so aggravating?
“I must be out of my fucking mind, Tenna.”
“I thought you just got over being out of your mind.” Tenna replied from the couch, squeaking Spooky as punctuation to her sentence.
“Don’t chastise me.” Devi moaned, loosely draped over her armchair. “Sickness has nothing on Nny.”
She dragged herself into an upright position to continue her complaints.
“AN ART LESSON FOR A MURDEROUS LUNATIC, yeah, innovative idea there, Devi!” She cried to the gods in vain. No gods could save her from the bed she’d made so neatly for herself.
“Maybe he won’t show up?” Tenna tilted her head further off of the couch in an attempt to make eye contact with her forlorn companion. Devi only melted further down her seat.
“That’s my only hope.” She sighed. “But knowing my luck, he’ll show up with a bouquet of severed hands for me. God it was so… weird talking to him again. Besides the topic being about personal insanity and death, it was sorta like old times.”
Tenna sat up to stare at her skeptically.
“Don’t tell me you missed him.”
“NO, no! Nothing as stupid as that.” Devi insisted. “Well, I mean, I did miss the Nny I thought I knew, but that’s kinda “sucks to suck”, seeing as that Nny wasn’t… really him.”
“And what if that was the real him? And you’re going to slowly scrape Mister Nice-guy out of his skull with your bare hands, like some kind of monkey artist-therapist combo?”
“I doubt that even more.”
Devi got up from her chair to scoop up the art tablet that was besmirched with Johnny’s drawing from off of the coffee table. The little stick figure he scribbled down had stayed there, mocking her, since his creator had left in the early morning hours. Johnny had only shared a couple of his “Happy Noodle Boy” comics with her long ago, likely because he was embarrassed about them. He had said he used to paint and sketch very detailed pieces, but as “something” ��� which she now knew was the “Doughboys” and wall-demon, and whatever else was involved with these brain parasites – overtook him, he lost all ability to create beyond these meager doodles. She couldn’t imagine a more horrid fate for a creative. For herself.
To some degree, she pitied him, but then she would remember he that tried to murder her and felt a lot less pity. Even if she understood now that he was hapless pawn, set forth to do obscene violence in the name of some otherworldly creature, all that said about him was that he was too weak-willed to stubbornly commit to his art the way she had – so could she even help someone like that?
It was irrelevant, she decided, since his new little “voice” wanted to involve her in his scheme to eat the last remaining bits of Johnny’s brain. If she didn’t try and aid him now, he would probably just manifest in a couple of months to try and either murder her or… worse.
She shook her head. Disgusting!
“I don’t have a choice with this Tenna.” Devi grumbled. “Or rather, I guess I do, and I’m choosing to deal with this now, instead of trusting Nny to have any mental wherewithal to fight this off and not turn into a puppet again.”
“That’s very brave of you, Devi. You’re an inspiration.” Tenna joked, wiping a fake tear away. Devi groaned.
“Thanks. Now get out of here, before the creature himself shows up.” She tossed the tablet back onto the table haphazardly. “I know how he acts around me, relatively anyway, but I don’t need extra company throwing him off-balance, and this ends up a double murder.”
“Okayyy, but if things get hairy, give me a code, like, three stomps on the floor, or eerie silence, or something, and I’ll call the cops!” She grinned from the doorway.
“WHAT GOOD WOULD IT DO!?” Devi steamed and slammed the door shut. She still had very bitter feelings about the city’s useless police force – demon intervention or not.
Johnny sat with his knees up under his chin in the driver’s seat of his car. He pressed his shins against the steering wheel anxiously while he tried to think about what to do. He had gone home and bummed around – the house was still as he’d left it, only dustier, which was to be expected -- until the afternoon, after which he started panicking like the madman he was. What the hell was he supposed to do, actually show up to this thing against his wishes? An ‘art lesson’ with that intimidating woman that he didn’t particularly enjoy being around anymore, mostly because she berated him with scathing honesty now!? Ridiculous!
Yet he was here, parked behind a 24/7, less than a block from her apartments, at the time she requested he come. Curse her, and curse her rightness about all of this. He didn’t want to go.
Hesitantly he moved a hand over and grabbed a small bag of his own art supplies from home. Nothing fancy, but he preferred his own pens for inking comics, as he knew how they performed. Small increments of control was better than none, after all.
Johnny, bag clutched to his chest, exited his vehicle and kicked the door shut. As he walked from the alleyway to the sidewalk that lead to Devi’s building, he questioned all the uncertainties that he was headed directly towards.
The most basic of those worries was his timing for this meeting – arriving early was out of the question, but he had arrived almost exactly on time, which also seemed kind of pathetic. He hated getting caught up in these sort of social dilemmas – but since it involved another person, and one that he kinda-sorta respected in the highest regard, he wanted to make a good impression! What if she was irritated that he was even a minute late? Or what if that made him look totally creepy, and arriving loosely around 6:00PM was more of what she imagined? Stupid social cues!
Amongst his inner-monologuing, he failed to realize how close he was to Devi’s apartment until he was at the steps of the building. He cursed to himself, then treaded up into the lobby and checked the time on the digital wall clock that hung lopsided by the elevators. 6:14PM.
“Shit.” Johnny mumbled again. He didn’t want to hurry if this was supposed to be a casual timeframe, but he didn’t want to doddle either! He decided to take the stairs, but briskly.
Devi had just started to think that the glimmer of a chance that Johnny wouldn’t show up was plausible, when the door knock came.
“Shit.” She griped from the kitchen. Her chest heaved out a sigh, and she aggressively set down her glass of water on the counter. This was going to be a long night, surely.
A few short strides to the door, and she opened it up to her expected guest. At least he didn’t have a bouquet of human limbs.
“Hi.” Johnny shot her a sideways smile. Devi did her best to hold in any unhappy noises, and tried to force what little optimism she had out from the very bottom of her soul.
“Hey, Nny.” She replied, only a little dryly. Johnny smiled wider at that.
“No bat tonight?” He pointed to her bare right hand. Devi looked down to it, then back at him.
“Don’t tempt me.” She stepped aside and let him in, hoping that the act wasn’t just as good as signing her death certificate. Johnny strolled in much too casually for her liking, but she ignored that, hoping to put off any bursts of maniacal rantings from him as long as she could.
Johnny looked around her apartment, like a normal house guest might, seeing as he was one this time. He inspected a few of her paintings with a thoughtful smile on his face and his hands crossed behind his back, still clutching his pencil bag. Devi’s eyebrow ticked in annoyance.
“I didn’t really get a good look at your apartment last night. It’s nice. Very you.” He hummed.
“These are your paintings aren’t they? I like them.”
“Thank you, Nny.” Devi rolled her eyes tiredly. “Can we focus here, a little bit?”
“I’m only trying to be polite! You were so kind to invite me back despite desperately wanting to smash my skull in yesterday.” He smiled at her again, almost arrogant, as though trapping her in small talk was a necessary evil, and if he had to suffer this social outing, so did she. Devi snorted.
“Your immense politeness is noted. Now let’s get on to what you’re here for.” She tilted her chin in his direction as she walked by, leading him further into the living room. She sat with a leg tented up on the floor, and Nny followed, sitting across from her with his feet together.
“I see you came prepared for this. That’s good.” She noted the little bag in his lap, choosing to assume it was art supplies and nothing sinister. Johnny grinned while Devi took up the same drawing pad from the night previous. He eagerly opened the pouch to spill out his pens and pencils onto the table. Devi held in any relief that she was right in her assumption.
“So. You just want me to draw?”
“And you really think that’s the key thing here?” Johnny questioned skeptically.
“Sickness always talked about how annoying my work ethic was for her. While she was trying to form, I guess, I was using too much of my brain for painting stuff, so she couldn’t grow right, or quickly, or whatever.”
“I see…” Johnny brought a knuckle up to his mouth. “So it’s not so much using your brain, but using it for creative endeavors? Writing, drawing, thinking?”
“Seems like it.” Devi leaned back on her palms. “And to a further extent, not giving in to the temptation of sitting around and doing nothing. There were times where all day I’d be thinking; “I need to work, I need to work”, but I just sat there on the couch thinking about it, never actually got up and did anything, which is what she wanted. For you, it was probably a little different, seeing as – as far as I know – the only supernatural thing that lived in the apartments besides Sickness was the psychic fat of a morbidly obese woman.”
“Nevermind.” Devi looked around before settling her eyes on the paper again. “Just draw, for like, an hour. I need to get some work done too, so I’ll just sketch concept crap while you do that.”
“What should I draw?” Johnny inquired while he jammed the eraser of his pencil up against his gumline.
“I can’t tell you that, that defeats the purpose.” She sighed. “Just, draw a comic, I don’t know. It doesn’t have to make any fucking sense, just something.”
“HAH!” Johnny laughed. “Well I have good news about my Happy Noodle Boy comics, then.”
He seemed a little more enthused at that and pulled the tablet in his direction, before hunching over the table and skritching away at the paper beneath him. Devi watched him curiously a moment before returning to her art room to retrieve her own sketchbook.
Devi looked up from her perch on her armchair at her struggling ‘student’. She’d already watched him wad up and throw three separate sheets of paper around him, and he was looking more unhinged the less his drawings were coming out like he wanted. Johnny stared at his current page with his lips pursed and his eyebrows furrowed tightly. As he lifted a hand up to the spiral of the tablet, Devi interrupted him.
“Ah.” She scolded. “Keep going.”
“But it’s STUPID. It makes no SENSE.” He argued at her from the floor.
“I told you that’s fine. Don’t get frustrated on the details, it’s fine if it looks like crap as long as you finish.”
“Nny.” Devi’s eyelids lowered, indicating as ungently as possible that she wasn’t budging on the subject. Johnny responded with collapsing across the table dramatically.
“THIS IS TOO ANNOYING, I WON’T CONTINUE.” He seethed. “I’m going to the 24/7 and getting a Brain-Freezy!!”
“No, you are not. Finish your stupid comic, you only have like, ten minutes until ‘break time’ anyway.”
“YOU CAN’T MAKE ME STAY!” He screamed back, raising up to glare at her with his hands flat on the table. “I’M TIRED of being controlled, this is idiotic!!”
Devi frowned and set her sketchbook aside.
“Don’t be such a baby!” She chided him. “Think of the goal you’re working towards, you moron! Complaining about not being free when working toward freedom? HELLO?”
Johnny kicked his legs out and let himself fall backwards onto the floor, glaring at the ceiling as though it had called him a slew of cusswords. After a few moments of heaving breaths, Devi watched his chest slow to childlike huffing.
“But… I HATE it, Devi. I HATE IT!” Johnny clenched his fists tightly. “I hardly even enjoy drawing these ASININE Noodle Boys anymore!! I want to draw the way I used to, and this just reminds me that I can’t!! Sometimes it’s still fun, but mostly it SUCKS! COMPLETELY SUCKS!”
“Jeezus… don’t look at it like that, Nny.” She sighed. Tenna joked about her being a therapist monkey, but that was barely an exaggeration if this was going to be how things went every encounter. “Look at your scribbles like the first step back to your previous talent, not a continuous path of stagnant shit you have to walk. I swear, Johnny, this is going to help.”
She hoped that she was swearing to something she could actually bolster, especially after Johnny rolled his head over to give her an immensely forlorn expression. After a moment he sighed and sat back up, lamely picking up his pencil to continue drawing. Devi watched him again, a pinch uncomfortable with the sudden seriousness of the mood, and tried to think of something funny to say.
“Well,” She picked up her work again. “I guess if all else fails, you can just die again.”
Anyone else might have thought the comment cruel, but Johnny burst into a fit of muffled hysterics. Devi smiled against herself, but did her best to hide it behind her sketchbook. Johnny’s giggling tapered off as he settled his hand back onto the page he was working on.
“You know,” He began as he started scribbling. “the funniest thing about the whole dying incident… the method was so stupid.”
��I told you about the RadioShack arm and all of that, but the way I rigged it, it shouldn’t have ever worked! It was hooked up to the phone, and would activate when I got a phone call, but wouldn’t actually go off until I picked up the receiver and said “hello” into it. As Psycho-Doughboy so kindly said, it was a load of shit! I never get calls, not even wrong numbers, and especially not at 2 o’clock in the fuck-all morning!”
Devi’s hand stopped moving mid-stroke, her eyes wide. Johnny didn’t notice, and continued speaking while he drew.
“But, out of all the shit luck I’ve had, the phone rings, right then, right when I was screaming with the Doughboys, saying I was calling the whole thing off! Now that I think about it… I don’t know why I didn’t just… not pick it up – BUT, thank fuck I did, right?”
Devi remained silent, her throat suddenly, and increasingly, dry. It couldn’t be, it just could not be. Her mind raced; maybe it was wrong, she was mistaken – but there was no way, it fit too well. All she heard was that fucking “hello”, then a bang – a gunshot. A thud. A scream. If Johnny was still talking now, she couldn’t hear him.
“It was me.” She said suddenly, bringing Johnny out of his thought.
“…It… was me. It was me, I was the one that called you that night.” Devi’s widened eyes lifted to stare at him as she spoke. “Tenna said… I was just… checking if you still lived there.”
Her mumblings died off as her eyes wandered away from Johnny’s face to bore into the drywall across the room. Johnny blinked, barely processing what she was saying.
“What? You called me that night, Devi?” He wondered only briefly how she could know it was that exact night, but quickly rationalized that he hadn’t received any other phone calls besides that one, before or since. It was Devi. His eyes grew impossibly larger as the reality of it dawned on him.
He stood up, unable to keep still with the sudden surge of energy pulsing throughout his body.
“You, you – YOU called me Devi!” He paced as he handled the information. “You did – oh my God, I can’t believe I never thought of this before!”
Devi’s attention made it’s way back to her now manic guest, and she watched him uncomfortably from her seat. Johnny smiled uneasily, holding his head while he walked.
“The entire reaction, I gave the reaction the credit for removing those shitty horrors from me, but I never thought of the action! The call itself! It wasn’t just the GUNSHOT, it wasn’t just DYING, it was that phone call! MORE IMPORTANTLY, it was the one that placed that phone call!! My God, all this time I’ve been ambling around, a slave free from his shackles, thrust into a world unknown, when the KNOWING was right there!! It was so obvious!”
He stopped his frantic pacing to kneel into a lunge at the foot of Devi’s armchair, startling her further into the fabric of it’s back. Johnny grabbed the corners of her sketchbook, which she was using as a pathetic shield between her frazzled self and the man before her, and he smiled wide with excitement.
“Oh, Devi! Devi it was always YOU – who else would it be!? Who else COULD it be!” Johnny breathed through a laugh. “Devi, you KILLED ME.”
She could only stare at him in silent horror. It wasn’t like she meant to kill him! She did say that she wished he would die for making her like him so much and then letting her down so horrendously but – Christ, it wasn’t meant to be so literal! She didn’t want to be the cause of it! If he wanted to just go vaporize and leave her alone, that’s what she would have preferred back then. Johnny didn’t seem to realize her discomfort on the gruesome truth to his ‘demise’.
“You stripped me of those wretched little monsters – even the WALL-THING!” His smile didn’t waver. “I should have known; there was a reason you escaped! No, a reason I MET you!”
Devi wanted to interrupt before he convinced himself of some soulmates bullshit, but her throat felt clogged, and nothing would come out.
“And here you are, helping me again… Fuck’s sake, I’ve been so foolish! So BLIND!” Johnny’s fingers gripped onto her sketchbook harder, pulling it down so the top was under his chin as he leaned in further. “All this time, it was always you; you made me happy, you escaped, you released me of that Hell!! If fate’s a real thing, THIS is it! How else would I get aligned with the one person, after all of that previous shit, that has the mental fortitude to withstand an attack from those disgusting vermin!?”
“J… Johnny.” Devi managed finally, through her barely functioning jaw. The sound of her voice seemed to reel him in a ways, and he slid back to sit on his heel expectantly, but with a much less wild look in his eyes.
“Oh, I beg you, please don’t be nervous Devi! I don’t hold any resentment for your hand in my death, not at all!” He chuffed. “And I’m so sorry for… for yelling, and being an overall pain in your ass since visiting you. I swear, after this, that’s it! Whatever you say, goes.”
Devi blinked in surprise at that. Was he honestly pledging his loyalty out of sheer gratitude that she inadvertently kind-of murdered him? She could only stare at his eager eyes, unsure of whether to be horribly afraid of this new measure of weirdness in their relationship, or to feel safer in that she was his so-proclaimed Angel of Death.
“Um… uh…” She tried to think of something to say, but was still panicking internally. “Um, y-y’know what, Nny?”
She hated how his head perked up, like he was waiting on her word.
“A uh… a Brain-Freezy sounds good, actually. You wanna go grab us a couple while I… think about what kind of existential bullshit I’m experiencing right now?”
“YUM. Yes, okay! I will!” His smile pulled up on one side, letting his gums peak out, before he ran to the door. He halted abruptly and turned to her again. “Is Cherry Doom okay? That’s the flavor I get.”
“Yeah.” Devi didn’t even think about her answer, and watched him leave with an uncertain, disturbed look in her eyes. She melted unceremoniously against the chair, arms and legs splayed out, and continued to stare at nothing in particular. She didn’t want Johnny to like her so immensely -- she didn’t even want for him to like her much at all! The way this was going, she might be stuck with him as long as his gratitude lasts. How long could the frenzied gratefulness of a homicidal maniac last, exactly?
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winnipegpatty · 6 years
to all the boys i’ve loved before [pt. vi] | s.m. series
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a/n: here’s the ski trip yay!!!! feedback is MUCH appreciated. all other parts are linked in my master list!
I remember writing those words on the contract thinking there was absolutely no possible way this would last that long. Three months I’d been faking it with Shawn, but when did it become real? I couldn’t pinpoint the moment, but as my dad dropped me off at school on the fateful Friday morning, I felt my entire world shifting. I was going on an overnight trip with Shawn Mendes. School sponsored, sure, but everyone knew that meant nothing. It felt monumental. Ground breaking. Earth shattering. Like something that shouldn’t be happening when it’s all fake.
I stared up at the large charter bus, as if it somehow held the key to calming the anxiety that was running rampant in my heart. It did nothing but heighten my awareness of what awaited on the other side of the drive. Finally mustering up the strength, I threw my backpack over my shoulder and stepped into my fate.
Shawn was sitting a few rows in, clearly waiting for me. He hopped to his feet the moment he saw me, but I avoided all contact and tried to push past him.
“Hey, hey wait. Where are you going?” He looked concerned. I’m not really sure why exactly, like he felt like something was wrong between the two of us. But nothing was wrong.
Except that everything was wrong.
“I think I’m just going to go sit with Chris,” I gestured towards my friend in the back.
“What? Chris? Come on, look at her. She’s sleeping. I saw on her Snapchat, she was up all night partying at an EDM concert or club or something.”
I nodded, trying not to consider the idea that Shawn was keeping up with my friends. “All the more reason for me to sit with her then.” Stepping away from Shawn’s obviously hurt face, I landed in the seat next to Chris.
Following right after me was Gen, who of course found Shawn right off the bat. “This seat taken?” She hummed sweetly.
Shawn looked back at me, unsure. “Uhhh,” Shawn turned around, “No.”
And just like that, Shawn was engulfed in the presence of Gen. I knew he’d completely forget about me if I only just let him.
Chris mumbled, “I hate you for making me get up this early,” before she turned towards me and cuddled into my side. At least I’d always have Chris. No matter what.
The lodge was beautiful. The ceilings were high with giant wood beams, and it looked like something out of a Magnolia magazine. Perfect touches of farmhouse chic sprinkled everywhere. The fireplace was lit, comfortable blankets strategically placed around the couches. It was cozy.
“And listen they said to me, ‘Greg, make sure everyone sleeps in their assigned rooms’” I heard one of the student council members, Greg apparently, speaking as I entered into a lobby area. “And I said, ‘Overruled! Sleep where you want sluts!’” He made a dramatic move of throwing all the room keys on the floor, and suddenly it made sense how people lost their virginity on this trip. I wonder how many got pregnant too.
“Those are the chaperones?” I muttered to Chris, ignoring the mad dash for room keys.
“See you on the Black Diamond, Shawn?” Gen hollered from across the room. Shawn looked up at the mention of his name, as the entire room looked at him. “Last one down owes the other a hot toddy.”
Shawn didn’t respond, just continued talking to the boy he was standing next to.
“Go get your man,” Chris nudged me.
I scoffed, annoyed at my existence on this trip in the first place. “Are you kidding? I can’t go down a ski slope! I don’t even know how to put on the boots!”
“If you don’t plan on skiing, what do you plan on doing all weekend?”
As my best friend, Christ really should have saw it coming. “I came prepared,” I said, pulling out my backpack full of romance novels.
“No, no! This is a major backslide, Y/N. What, hey, Lucas!” Chris called as Lucas came over towards us, “help me convince Y/N to come ski with us.”
Lucas laughed, “I’m sorry you think I’m going to ski? It’s cold, and I don’t do the cold.”
Chris looked between the two of us completely bewildered.
“I have facemasks!” I offered, knowing Lucas would instantly side with me.
“So, let me get this straight,” Lucas said as we sat adjacent on the hotel beds. The timer on my phone rang, signaling the time to take off the masks. “Shawn asked you to fake date him so that Gen would be jealous and you said yes so that Josh Sanderson wouldn’t think you like him. But then somewhere around mile two you realized you actually had feelings for Shawn, and now you think you’re fucked because he’s still trying to get back together with Gen?”
It sounded like a lot when it was said like that. “I know, it’s kind of crazy, but I’m just feeling so overwhelmed.”
“Look,” Lucas waved his hands to get me to stop talking. “I don’t care how this all started, all I know is that homeboy Shawn has it bad for you. It’s so fucking obvious in the way he looks at you. Like he wants to write songs about your or some shit.”
I laughed, kind of feeling the strings in my heart loosen a bit at his words. “It doesn’t matter, he’s still so hung up on Gen, and I’m just another stupid girl who fell for Shawn Mendes. It’s embarrassing”
“Look, everyone gets a little obsessed over their first relationship, first kiss, first time, you name it. Firsts are scary and important and they stick with you, no matter where you go. Let’s just look at the facts for a second. Feelings completely aside. The whole fake relationship was his idea. You made the no kissing rule. And you’re the one who keeps trying to break up with him. And you’re the one who keeps ignoring him. And you’re also the one currently having a spa night with a gay man, while he’s probably down there waiting for you in the hottub. So, I’d say, if there’s anyone who fell for someone stupidly who doesn’t like them back, it’s Shawn. Not you.”
“You think he’s waiting for me in the hottub?”
“Hell yeah, he’d be a fucking idiot if he weren’t.”
“All alone out here?” I asked Shawn as I came around the hottub.
He had been waiting, and that may have done something to my heart. His curls had gotten longer since we started dating, and I really enjoyed the way they flopped across his forehead haphazardly.
Shaw looked up at me, and the casually back at the water.
“So, now you’re ignoring me?” I questioned quietly.
Shawn scoffed, swirling the water with his finger a bit. “Oh, I’m the one ignoring you?” He laughed, but it was fake. “That’s funny.” There was this weird tone to Shawn’s voice that I couldn’t decipher, something I hadn’t heard before.
Deciding to take a plunge, well...a dip, I walked around to the stairs of the hot tub and tipped my feet in, feeling the warmth of the water. “Sorry, I can’t ski. You didn’t even offer to teach me, so I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing here, Shawn. What’s my role?”
“Right, I’m supposed to just be sweet to you, when you don’t even sit with me on the bus ride? Like honestly what the fuck was that? And your role? How about being what we agreed on, my girlfriend. Girlfriends sit with boyfriends on bus rides. They ski together. Spend time together.”
“Shouldn’t you be thanking me? You got to sit next to Gen, and that’s who you wanted to sit with anyway. The whole purpose of the entire trip, our relationship, me being here, it all comes back to Gen.”
“You’re so dense,” Shawn muttered.
“Excuse me?” I said, turning to face him more directly.
“Yeah, I didn’t want to sit by Gen! I wanted to sit next to you, Y/N.” Shawn stressed every word, making it clear that he’d never intended to sit next to anyone but me. “I packed the snacks I know you liked. I literally asked Sof how to make fucking horchata so that I could bring you a nice drink. She had to tell me where to get all these special ingredients, and literally came over to my house to help me make it.”
“That grocery store is all the way across town,” I said in shock.
“I know,” Shawn stressed. “So if I went all the way across town and spent an entire evening with Sofia trying to learn something so that I could make you happy, you really think I was excited to sit next to Gen and not you? I went to all this extra trouble to do something you’d like and that means…” Shawn trailed off.
“That you really like horchata?” I tried.
Shawn rolled his eyes and jokingly pushed water towards me, “You are impossible.”
I looked at Shawn, focusing in on him, “I’m sorry that I didn’t sit next to you.”
“It’s alright,” Shawn whispered. He gave me a small smile, and shrugged lightly.
And it was in this moment, that I decided to take a risk. I’d never know, if I didn’t try, afterall. So I shrugged my coat off, and gently eased my way into the hot tub. Shawn’s eyes widened at my movement, and he swallowed quietly. Coming to stand right in front of him, I froze. Fuck, this was it. This was the moment, right? Like that cinematic dramatic moment.
“Hi,” I spoke into the silence.
…And that’s not how the cinematic moments go, but whatever.
Shawn laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist. He pulled me closer to his body before whispering, “There’s no one like you, Y/N.” He looked at me for just a moment longer before he pulled me in and kissed me gently. And god, what a fucking kiss. I felt the air in my lungs give way, and all I could feel was Shawn. His hard chest against my own, my legs wrapped around his hips, my fingers on his cheeks. It was Shawn overload, but there was absolutely nothing better than that in the entire world.
Fuck the no kissing rule, what the hell was I thinking?
Shawn had asked me to come back to his room, but “only to hang out and eat the snacks that he’d gotten for me”.  And yes, that is a quote. So I went, only a little unsure, mostly just because of the weekends reputation. But I told myself that I wouldn’t stay too long. I’d go back to my room with Chris and enjoy the rest of my night in peace.
“Tell me what your favorite show to binge is?” I asked Shawn as I sipped away at a surprisingly good horchata.
“It’s gotta be Brooklyn Nine Nine right now or Gilmore Girls.”
I laughed, “Gilmore Girls, really? Are you more of a Lorelai or a Rory?”
Shawn scoffed as he took reached for the bag of Takis, “Lorelai obviously. Honestly, I’m offended if you would have thought any differently.”
I smiled at him, “Yeah you have the wit of a Lorelai, and you aren’t nearly studious enough to be a Rory.”
Shawn feigned hurt before rolling his eyes. “What about you? Favorite binge show?”
“For me it’s Friends. Which, I know...it’s so basic. I’m not unique enough, but I just really love it. Monica and Chandler are just perfect and Joey is so hilarious. I mean, there’s no episode that I can’t laugh to or have fun with.”
Shawn nodded, smiling intensely at me for a moment. His eyes were soft and everything in me just adored him.
“What?” I finally asked, laughing uncomfortably, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” Shawn asked quietly, biting his lip.
“I dunno,” I shrugged. “Like you can’t look anywhere else, you’re just staring so intensely.”
Shawn smiled, “Where else would I want to look, Y/N?”
I bit my lip, unsure how to answer.
“You know, I really like you, right?” Shawn said softly.
I stared at him, slightly shocked. Had we just finished making out in a hot tub? Sure. But the quiet and intimate tone was just different. It was just me and Shawn, and I’m not sure I’m ready to handle everything that entails.
I choked out a quiet, “I like you too.”
Completely unsure what to say or do, I sat there on the bed, a few feet away from Shawn. Shawn put the Takis down before reaching for the horchata in my hand and placing it on the bedside time. He pushed his legs up against my own before looking down at me with all sincerity in his eyes, “I want this to be real, Y/N. I wanna make us real. I think you and me both know it’s been real for a while, but we’ve been too afraid to say so.”
I leaned my weight against Shawn, forehead coming to his shoulder. “You wanna be my boyfriend, like for real?” I whispered.
Shawn nodded, “I really do.”
“I want that too. God, yeah I really want that, Shawn.”
Waking up the next morning felt surreal. Yesterday, I’d been in a fake relationship with Shawn Mendes. But today, today was a whole new world. It was a world full of beauty and excitement. A world where I could kiss Shawn just because I felt like it. It was a world completely free of contracts and rules. A world where I had a boyfriend. A real boyfriend. My first boyfriend. A world where frankly, anything seemed possible.
It was a world that came crashing down the moment I stepped on the bus. People clapping and hollering at me like I’d somehow managed to score something huge. Made a game winning play or something. It made my skin crawl.
I sat down next to Shawn, “You didn’t tell anyone about last night did you?”
“No,” Shawn answered wholeheartedly, “It’s just how people treat couples on the ski trip.” I sighed, hoping that were true. “Hey I’m tired. Can I use you as a pillow?”
Deciding to push it behind me, I obliged, allowing Shawn to rest his head on my shoulder. And within minutes we were both asleep.
We arrived back at the school a few hours later. I shook Shawn awake before hopping off the bus to find Chris before she left. And after saying goodbye to Chris, I headed back to the bus to grab my bag.
“Hey, Y/N,” I heard Gen’s voice from above. “I think it’s so cool that you came on the ski trip.” I stood up, my bag in hand and pasted on the most fake smile. “I hope you had fun.”
“Thanks, Gen.”
“I just think it’s so cool that you’re so understanding about my friendship with Shawn.” Gen’s eyes gleamed like she knew she was going to hit a nerve.
“What?” I asked confused.
“Well, I mean, most girlfriends wouldn’t be cool with their boyfriend staying in another girl’s room, but you are so understanding. That’s just really cool. You must trust Shawn a lot.”
“Yeah...trust.” I responded.
Gen reached towards her hair, “God, my hair just gets so greasy on bus rides.” Gen pulled her hair out of a ponytail to reveal a familiar scrunchie. The scrunchie I had given Shawn at the first party we went to.
“Where’d you get that?” I asked Gen.
“Oh, Shawn gave it to me a while ago,” She smiled. “It’s so cute, don’t you think? I just love the colors.” She pushed the scrunchie onto her wrist before looking up at me again, “Well, it was nice seeing you.”
And then she was gone. And...that was just a lot to process. Shawn, in Gen’s room. On the same night he said he wanted to have a real relationship. Shawn, giving my favorite scrunchie to Gen on the same night I’d told him not to lose it. Shawn, just fucking lying since the genesis of this whole joke of a relationship.
“Hey,” Shawn smiled as he walked up to me.
“Did you go to Gen’s room last night after I left?” I asked, giving no room for other discussion.
Shawn sputtered, “Yes, but I can explain.”
“And did you give her my favorite scrunchie?”
Shawn rubbed his neck uncomfortable, not answering.
“Is this all a joke to you, Shawn? Am I a joke to you?” My voice cracked at the end.
“No, no. God Y/N absolutely not.”
I took a step away from him before saying words that felt like could break my heart, “This is over, every part of this. Whatever this is. It’s done. I’m done.” It wasn’t until then, that I realized Gen was right. Despite everything, despite the relationship being fake, I actually did trust Shawn. I trusted him with secrets, and soft whispers, and memories. I’d trusted him, even knowing he was still wanting Gen, and he’d broken the trust.
“Just let me drive you home, Y/N, and I can explain everything.” Shawn said, anxiety lacing his words. “Please.” He reached for my arm, but I moved back again.
“I’d rather walk home. No I’d rather drive myself home than get in a car with you right now.”
tagged: @peacedolantwins2 @rosecth @justanotherfangurl272 @unhealthyobsessionwithmarvel @honestlygarbage
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Christmas in Lights | Junmyeon (part 1)
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Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Neighbor!AU 
Pairing: Junmyeon x Reader Word Count: 2701 Warnings: None! Summary: Kim Junmyeon has been your sworn enemy ever since he beat you in the annual town Halloween decorating competition and now you will stop at nothing to beat him in the Christmas decorating competition. (This is part 1 of a 2 part story)
A/N: This was written as part of the @exo-writers-net December Collab Event! I was lucky enough to be partnered with @morkmywords I absolutely love all of her fics (I personally recommend Not Really a Cinderella Story and Peaches). And we’re sorta down to the wire on posting these, but better late than never, right??? @morkmywords wrote part 2!
You looked up from your paperwork when the door to your office opened. Walking in the door was Kim Seju, a third grader and also your most frequent visitor. He was holding his elbow and had a small frown.
"Miss (Y/N)?" He asked with a frown.
You gave him a smile, "How's it going, Seju?"
He held out his arm out toward you, "I fell down and scraped my arm while I was playing tag."
You pressed your lips together, trying to not laugh as you reached for your first aid kit. This was the third time this week. This kid always got hurt in some way. Good thing your
He went over to his usual chair in the office and sat down next to you as you opened up the kit. You started to clean his scrape with the alcohol wipe. You started to talk to him to distract him from the pain.
"Any plans for winter break, Seju?" You asked, careful to not press down too hard to cause him more pain.
Seju winced, "Not really. It'll just be me and my dad this year. Dad doesn't have a girlfriend this year or anything so we don't have to go anywhere which is nice."
You nodded as Seju rambled on. You had already placed the bandage on his scrape but he didn't notice. You couldn't help but find his rambling endearing. At the mention of the lack of holiday plans, you had to hold yourself from scowling.
"So you and your dad are just staying home this year, huh?" You asked, a little bitter.
Seju looked at you, confused. "Yeah? But what about you, Miss (Y/N)?"
You shrugged, "I don't have any plans with family. My sister decided to go to the Bahamas with her husband. So I'm all alone this year."
For the third year in a row, you couldn't help but think bitterly. Well, you could blame it on her lavish lifestyle. She had certainly changed ever since she won the lottery.
Then again, she did gift you a house that you wouldn't have been able to afford on a school nurse salary. It was in a nice neighborhood, though you couldn't help but think it was probably the cheapest one.
You didn't have any actual plans for Christmas, but you had more important plans leading up to it. Possibly diabolical ones.
As if summoned by your thoughts, the door to your office opened again.
Walking in wearing a dark gray suit was Kim fucking Junmyeon.
He looked around the office confused until his gaze rested on you. He smiled wide, his eyes crinkling slightly.
"Knew I'd find you here," he said.
Not at you. But the boy sitting next to you.
"Dad!" Seju exclaimed, jumping out of his seat super fast and running to his father.
You watched as Junmyeon bent down to give Seju a hug. And if it were any other parent, you would have found this a cute scene.
Junmyeon locked eyes with you over Seju's shoulder, smirking. It made you seethe.
"What are you doing here?" Seju asked when he pulled away from the hug.
Junmyeon smiled and patted his son's head. "I'm pulling you out of school for your dentist appointment, remember?"
Seju pouted. "I hate going to the dentist."
Junmyeon laughed. "Well, if you don't have cavities, we can make cookies tonight, okay?"
"Of course!"
The bell rang, signaling the end of recess. Junmyeon nudged his son. "You go get your stuff and meet me back here, okay? I already talked to the office and your teacher."
"Okay!" Seju exclaimed, running out of the office. "Be back!"
Part of you hoped that Junmyeon would leave or wait outside, so your veins thrummed when he simply hung around.
"You going to the meeting later?" Junmyeon asked, leaning on your desk. You wanted nothing more than to smack his arms away.
"Do I really have a choice? Minseok would skin me alive if I skipped," you scoffed.
Minseok never forgave poor Baekhyun when he skipped a neighborhood community meeting to sleep early. He had put Baekhyun on cleanup duty for the three months after.
You locked eyes with him and he smirked. You wanted to slap it off of his face.
"I think he's going to announce the Christmas decorating contest tonight. Are you prepared to lose again? Ready for a repeat of Halloween?" he teased.
If you were a cartoon, steam would have been coming out of your ears. He laughed at your expression.
Seju opened the door once again, his backpack haphazardly thrown on. "You ready to go, Dad?"
"Yeah, let's go, buddy." He went to the door but turned around and winked at you. "I'll see you later, Miss (Y/N)."
Seju waved at you enthusiastically. "Have a good day, Miss (Y/N)! Thank you for the band-aid!!"
You gave the child a small wave back. You also tried not to look at Junmyeon's butt as he walked away.
You failed.
Neighborhood community meetings were always interesting. You figured it was a perk to knowing everyone It gave you the chance to see people you were otherwise too busy to see due to differing schedules. Like Zhang Yixing, who travelled a lot but always made time to come to each meeting. And Do Kyungsoo, who always made enough food for everyone. Especially after the time Jongin was in charge of the food and gave everyone food poisoning because of bad fried chicken. It also gave everyone the opportunity to gossip like the catty housewives they pretended they wanted to be. Like Kim Jongdae, who was once again passive-aggressive in telling Chanyeol that his bushes were three inches too high for regulation. You had no idea if Chanyeol was playing dumb or if he genuinely didnt pick up what Jongdae was trying to tell him. You sat towards the back of the hall that was usually used for these meetings. You looked up when you felt someone take the seat next to you. Oh Sehun slumped in his seat, which you found odd because he usually had perfect posture. He sipped at his coffee that was usually provided at these meetings. His eye bags were dark and extreme. "Everything okay?" You asked. "I've been up for thirty hours," he mumbled. "Why?" He opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by Minseok who stood at the podium. He looked adorable in his Santa hat. "I'm glad that everyone could make it today!" He greeted warmly. "We have a bit to talk about today but I'll cut to the chase with our more exciting news. We are hosting another round of our Christmas decorating contest!" You squeezed the hem of your skirt tightly in anticipation. "This year's theme is Lights! So make sure you make your house light up the night this year!"  Minseok announced. He rambled on but your eyes trailed over to where you knew Junnyeon was sitting. You had been hyper aware of him ever since he entered the room. He looked over and locked eyes with you, a growing smirk on his face. You scowled. What a dick. "Are you still mad about him beating you on Halloween?" Sehun asked, you could tell from his teasing tone that he was amused. "Of course. What's passed is past. I just think it was ridiculous that he won even though Nightmare Before Christmas is clearly a Christmas movie and not a Halloween movie," you scoffed. "You're such a sore loser," Sehun chuckled. "Just you watch asshole," you grumbled. "I'm gonna beat him this year."
To say that you and Junmyeon had a history would be ridiculous. You had known him for a little less than a year, and for most of it you thought that he was a perfect gentleman. He definitely had his cool and suave sides, accentuated by the way he dressed in his suits for work. There was a charm about him that drew you to him immediately. It also helped that he was incredibly attractive. You felt yourself melt every time he threw a smile toward you. You could say that you harbored a little tiny crush on him. And then Halloween happened. Your neighborhood was famous—borderline notorious—for the Christmas decoration contest held every year. And for the last five years (including the first year that the house was gifted to you by your millionaire sister) the title for Best Decorator had been yours for the last five years. You were gifted a reindeer shaped statuette each year with the title Best Decorator and the year etched under it on its base. It was perhaps a little bit overboard, but you appreciated the sentiment and had each statuette proudly displayed on the mantle of your fireplace. So when a Halloween version opened up this year, you gunned for first place as well. You spent a lot of time researching fog machines and projectors. You went to haunted houses with the intent on taking notes on how to successfully make a scary aura. You had thought that your only competition would be Sehun, who thought that TP-ing his own house counted as Halloween decorating. Oh, how wrong you were. Kim Junmyeon won the title for Best Halloween Decorator. He had managed to turn his front yard into a recreation of a Tim Burton movie seemingly overnight. You could see elements of both Nightmare Before Christmas and Beetlejuice in his decoration. And because of it, he stole the title from right under your nose. It took you until almost Thanksgiving to get over the loss, but you had acknowledged Junmyeon as your rival. You resolved to keep your title for Christmas and crush him. You still adored Seju though, even though the kid got hurt enough at school to where you worried over him, seeing him was still the only good part of your day sometimes. You unlocked the door to your car only to freeze at what was inside. You looked around confused until you found a tiny card on your dashboard and opened it. You immediately ripped the card in anger. A door opened next door, Sehun was walking out, presumably leaving for work. You dropped the pieces of card on the ground and charged at Sehun, your hands wrapping around his neck. He yelped in surprise. “Why did you help Junmyeon break into my car?” you growled. “How did you know?” Sehun asked, voice barely escaping in your grip. “Only you are crafty enough to break into a car without breaking a window.” His eyes suddenly shined at the odd compliment. You thought that it was weird that he was flattered. “You think I’m crafty?” You nodded. “Like how Kevin McCallister from Home Alone is crafty.” You let go of Sehun’s neck, he bent over to catch his breath. “But that’s beside the point! Why did you help him do it?” Sehun shrugged. “He just asked me to do it and I did. He didn’t tell me why.” “He left a bajillion Christmas themed pacifiers in my car,” you said, frustrated. “Along with a card that said, ‘You might need these for when I beat you in the contest.’” “This rivalry you guys have is the weirdest form of foreplay,” Sehun wheezed, rubbing his neck. “What are you talking about?” you asked. Sehun rolled his eyes. “C’mon, (Y/N), it’s clear that you two have a thing for each other.” “I do not have a thing for Kim Junmyeon!” you exclaimed angrily, uncaring if the entire neighborhood heard you. “The way you stare at his butt begs to differ,” Sehun muttered bitterly. You rolled your eyes. In another world you thought you and Sehun would be a good match, but his interests more aligned with musicians who wore too many muscle shirts. Before you could open your mouth to reply—probably to tease him about his petty jealously—Sehun’s front door opened again, revealing Chanyeol who strided over to Sehun with his signature grin. “Sehun-ah!” he called out. He handed Sehun a paper bag. “You forgot your lunch.” Sehun smiled, eyes squinting into crescents. “Thank you, hyung. I appreciate it.” You looked back and forth between them. Sehun, as if remembering what was happening and where he was, looked at you panicked. “This isn’t what it looks like?” You quirked an eyebrow, “Good, because I don’t have the emotional capacity to unpack this right now. Just don’t help Junmyeon break into my shit ever again.” You turned around and stomped away. “I have an ass to beat this Christmas!” “Kinky!” Sehun yelled to your retreating back. You flipped him off.
You opened the door to see Seju shuffling nervously, holding a giant plastic bag in his hands. You blinked, confused, before shaking it off. You smiled, "Seju, how is your break going?" "Good, Miss (Y/N)!" Seju answered enthusiastically. He thrust the plastic bag at you. "I made these for you!" The contents of the bag looked questionable. Inside looked what appeared to be black star-shaped lumps. You hesitated to take them, but you didn't want to hurt Seju's feelings. "Thank you, Seju. What are these?" You asked. He tilted his head at you, confused. "Can't you tell? They're cookies!" You gulped before putting on a stronger, faker, smile. "Of course they are, how silly of me." "I made them to thank you for taking care of me!" Seju grinned. You were touched by the sentiment. "You're very welcome, Seju. Just be more careful when school starts back up again, okay?" Seju nodded, "Okay!" Deep down, you knew that nothing much would change. Seju waved goodbye as he went back to his house, leaving you with the bag of lump-shaped cookies. You closed the door and sighed. Should you throw them away? Another knock on the door startled you out of your thoughts. You opened the door again, surprised to see Junmyeon at your doorstep. He was most certainly dressed down. He wore a plain white shirt with gray sweatpants. His hair, not styled, was pushed out of his face by a headband. His hands were behind his back, and you could see the tiniest peek at how defined his chest was. How did he still look so good even in casual clothes? "Hi?" You asked. "What are you doing here?" Junmyeon sighed. "Whatever you do, do not eat those cookies." He revealed another plastic bag from behind his back. This time, you could clearly see that they were cookies. You gingerly took them from his outstretched hands. "Why are you being so nice to me?" You asked with a glare. Junmyeon shrugged. "My son likes you." You rolled your eyes. "You're just buttering me up so that I could let my guard down for the competition." His lips quirked up in a teasing smile. "Is it working?" "As if," you huffed. "Delicious sweets won't work on me." You were about to slam the door in his face but stopped yourself. "Thank you, though," you mumbled. "I had no idea what I was going to do with Seju's cookies." Junmyeon smiled bigger this time, more genuine. "My pleasure, (Y/N)."
You walked out on your front porch and screamed. "What the hell is this?!" You dont know how, but overnight your front yard had become a reenactment of Nightmare Before Christmas. You had come face to face with Jack Skellington in a Santa costume, smiling in a way that unsettled you. There was a note sticking on his chest with your name written in neat scrawl. You instantly recognized the writing. You opened the note. 'You're right, Nightmare Before Christmas is much more of a Christmas movie than a Halloween movie. Maybe if I gave you these you'd stand a chance at beating me. --Junmyeon' You crushed the note in your hand and pushed Jack Skellington over, screaming. You spied Sehun out of the corner of your eye, who raised his hands in surrender and shook his head, wanting to let you know that he had nothing to do with this one. You stomped over to the rest of the decorations, pulling them down. Kim Junmyeon just struck your last nerve.
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kinsbin · 5 years
Movie Night
Title: Movie Night Ship: Johnny Cage/Alexys [Self Insert/Canon] Word Count: 2058 Summary: Johnny and Alexys plan for their annual movie night, with a selection of good monster movies and a plan to kiss during all of them. Pure fluff.
A/N: A commission for @bad-blue-moon-rising! She’s slowly getting me into mortal kombat and it is a TIME
Movie nights were, more or less, a tradition now.
Alexys would call it a testament to their relationship, in a peculiar sort of way. The endless entertainment both herself and her boyfriend seemed to garner from the animated or live-action features always drew them closer together. It was important to how they first met and, hell, it would be important for the rest of their time together certainly. There was something about being able to forget about the outside world that warmed her heart. Of cuddling into a pile of blankets with her boyfriend and being able to exist only in that pure bubble of momentum and delight. The mere idea brought a smile to her lips as she imagined a life where they could be together comfortably. To always have movie nights. To be...she dared say normal...but what life was normal with Johnny Cage?
Her thoughts were interrupted when a hand fell against her wrist, pulling her back against a strong chest as a chin rested on the top of her head. She could feel the taught muscles of the body against her go lax the moment they made contact, the warmth of their shared heat nothing short of delightful as she exhaled outwards and smiled. Reaching up, she felt the arm around her and squeezed it, half hugging the being behind her in the best way that she could as she also tried to focus on the hot popcorn bag she had been pouring into a bowl before hand.
“Johnny,” She managed out through a small fit of laughter that only seemed to grow as his lips descended on her neck, “I’m trying to make us popcorn!”
“And I’m trying to kiss you,” He purred back with a smirk that she could feel on her neck, “Looks like we’re both doing pretty good at what we decided to try, eh?”
“Easy for you to say! You don’t have hot butter near your fingers, now either help or sit on the couch.” She giggled and smacked his arm playfully. Johnny laughed back at her before relenting, raising himself upwards and off of her body so that he was at her side rather than behind her. Alexys looked up and admired the face of the man before her, muscled with a curved and perfectly kissable jaw that she loved and adored so much. Without his signature sunglasses covering his eyes, she was able to note the soft laughter lines that trailed from underneath his pupils to down on his lips, admiring their movements as he stretched his face between words and expressions. They were always so fascinating and, somehow, so melancholy to see on him all at once...it was interesting.
“Hey, Ripley, you’re spacing out on me.” He joked as he snapped his fingers in front of her, drawing her out from her momentary enamorment of his face. HIs grin was wider now than it was before, “I know I’m good looking but, dang darling, you’re gonna make me blush if you keep those doll-eyes up on me.”
Alexys felt her face heat up with intense redness, her gaze pulling itself away so that he wouldn’t catch the effects it had on her as a whole. He did, however, because he was just that good. Because he was Johnny Fucking Cage. And he bit back a laugh as he instead returned to hugging her, his lips this time finding her cheeks and nuzzling into her temple with a purr, “Don’t be so embarrassed, doll, I think it’s incredibly adorable. Goes with the rest of you~.”
“Stop being a sap and tell me what movies you brought over,” She laughed it off with a grin, turning to kiss his nose in retaliation. After a moment of sputtering and laughter over the sudden kiss attack he had been the victim of,  he recovered by removing his hands from her in a gesture of surrender before reaching around to the messanger bag he had set unceremoniously on the ground before wrapping himself around his lover. When he rummaged through it, he eventually pulled out two DVD cases with a wide, delighted smile.
“Aliens and Big Ass Spider. Classics.”
“One of these things is certainly not like the other,” Alexys managed out with a bubbling laugh over the ridiculous title of the second one, admiring the way its cover displayed its concept almost too perfectly. A large, comically photoshopped tarantula whose eight legs were busy crushing cars as people ran in mock terror was organized on the front, along with the name of the movie in comic sans font and the head actors who, surprisingly, were no one Johnny actually knew. Well, not so surprisingly perhaps. It was a very niche movie.
“One is a cinematic masterpiece filled with beautiful acting, a strong female lead, and a fearsome inhuman foe ready to kick the ass of everyone in its way,” Johnny declared, “And the other is Alien.”
Alexys cackled at the comparison, her hand flying over her mouth to stop the laughter as she shook her head. Johnny’s own laughter echoed heartily against the kitchen as they shared the moment of giggles together. It was moments like this, she admitted with ease and delight, that she loved these movie nights most of all. The feeling of laughing with the man she loved, the strong earthen defender who had somehow fallen for her...It was almost normal. A sweet sense of normalcy that she had craved time and time again amongst fights and bloody fists and watching him come home with blood that wasn’t his across his torso...It was something else, certainly.
It was almost homey.
“Go put it on the TV,” Alexys sighed, “I’ll finish getting the popcorn.”
“And the soda!” Johnny called out before exiting the kitchen to the living room with a grin, sending a sharp wink her way before complying to set up their featured films. Alexys smiled as he went, watching him as he began to juggle the two DVDs in his hands, knowing she was staring behind him. Knowing that she knew he was showing off. She laughed again before gathering the popcorn up into its bowl and melting some butter to go with it.
The snacks organized and balancing precariously in her hand with some sodas, Alexys meandered her way towards the couch, where Johnny had already set himself up comfortably, DVD in and remote in hand prepared to hit play on the feature whenever his girlfriend gave the okay. He reached over to nab the sodas from her, smiling as she sighed with relief and was able to put the popcorn down with no spillage to its contents. “Gotta say, doll,” He joked while putting one of the buttered popcorn pieces into his mouth, “You know how to butter me up.”
“That joke was as corny as these kernels.” Alexys chided with a laugh at the joke either way, making Johnny grin and lean forward to press a kiss to her cheek, which she accepted happily with a hum of approval.
“So which cinematic masterpiece are we watching first?”
“If we watch Alien first, it’ll only enhance the pure artistry of Big Ass Spider,” Johnny reasoned, the shit-eating grin on his lips stretching further when Alexys rolled her eyes and shrugged to indicate that she was fine with that order of business, perhaps even a bit happy to be putting off the lesser horror movie for a couple hours longer as she pushed herself closer to Johnny and snuggled up into is side. Johnny felt the tips of his ears glow a bright red at how close she was, at how he could feel her body press on him, and he could only cough between a subtle remark of how he was going to press play.
The movie started in the way it always did, for they had seen Alien together more times than Alexys could actually count on her fingers. She considered it a bonding movie in one way or another, the joy to which the both of them had in quoting the entirety of it line for line and laughing at the parts that  did not hold up to modern day cinematic standards was a delightful way to offset the true tension and terror the Xenomorph could instill upon them to that day. Alexys felt Ripley’s lines falling from her lips, word for word, while Johnny seemed to read for everyone else. It had been their fifth time watching it together when she had acquired the teasing nickname of ‘Ripley’ by her star of a boyfriend, happy to hear her quote words in and out of the comfort of their home. Happy to hear her excited about whatever she was talking about.
Happy to be with her.
The thought still rustled in the back of her mind, making her blush at the mere idea of it. Someone like Johnny Cage somehow liked her...It’s how most people would view it, wouldn’t it? When she had met his friends, their first impressions had been something along that nature but now...now? Their shared banter of movie quotes and bad jokes had everyone nodding in understanding. An appreciation to how well they got along permeated the friendship circle endlessly as they continued to stay together.
Alexys leaned in further against Johnny’s chest, her breath hitching as the climax of the movie set itself into place and Ripley was facing off against the Xenomorph at long last. The music score crescendoed darkly, emphasizing the already dark parts of the room around them. Johnny watched her out of the corner of his eye, biting back his own smile at just how cute she looked pressed up against him. How her eyes grew wide with tension and excitement and her tongue darted out to lick at her lips while she waited for the part she knew was going to happen occur full force. Her excitement warmed his heart, in a strange way.
His arm found its way around her shoulders, bringing her close to his body and giving him a chance to haphazardly hug her. Alexys startled at the touch, blushing brightly but smiling as she snuggled into his body. He pressed his head to the top of hers, kissing and inhaling the scent of her soft hair as they watched the rest of the movie together. Against her, he whispered softly:
“You know it’s popular to kiss during the scary parts. Distracts you from the actual scare.”
“We’ve seen this movie like ten times, Johnny,” Alexys teased, “What are you, a teenager?”
“Maybe at heart,” He laughed back, “But maybe I just really want to kiss you right now. Did you think about that?”
She averted her gaze biting back a smile with a thoughtful hum for comedic effect. Johnny laughed, but used the moment to lean in and capture her lips in a kiss. Alexys squeaked, but accepted it. In the background, the final fight scene echoed against her eardrums as Ripley and the Xenomorph attacked one another. As they fought for survival. In the meantime, she put her hands on Johnny’ chest, feeling the solid muscle underneath the loose shirt he wore. Feeling how careful he was being with her, keeping his hands on her shoulder and hips, to bring her as close as possible to him while he kissed her.
When he pulled away, she was breathless. Alexys felt the warmth of her face as she looked up at him, the only saving grace of the embarrassment was the fact that she could see the red tips of his ears and nose as well, showing just how in love he was with her. Showing just what she made him feel.
“I love you,” He finally murmured out, pressing a new and more gentle kiss to her forehead. Alexys sighed with a content breath, snuggling into his chest and reaching for a piece of popcorn, popping it into her mouth and closing her eyes for a moment to relish in the shared care they had for one another.
“I love you, too.”
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What You Deserve (M)
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 17k
Summary: Best friend to boyfriend scenario
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“Is that how you feel? Did you feel like this the entire time we were dating or is this a new thing?” You crossed your arms and glared at the man before you, previously your boyfriend and now the man that just shattered your heart.
“I- well it’s not really new…” He glanced off to the side, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Your face was bent out of shape and you could tell it was making him uncomfortable, but that was the least of your concerns. He let out a heavy sigh. “I swear I actually did feel something for you when we started dating. It’s just, I lost interest.”
“Lost interest?! Then why the hell didn’t you break up with me sooner?! You wasted your time and mine with this relationship; you should have broken things off as soon as you started feeling like that instead of leading me on then cheating on me!”
“I know, you didn’t deserve that, but I just couldn’t work up the nerve to say it to you.”
“So you thought this would be easier?”
“I didn’t want you to find out this way. You don’t understand how tough this has been on my conscience.” His conscience?! He had some nerve. “I got too attached to you. It’s like telling a lost puppy that’s been following me around for months to go away and never come back. I’d feel so bad breaking up with you.”
You almost choked at his words, unable to hide the shock on your features. A big lump formed in your throat, but you pushed it back down, fighting the angry tears brimming your eyes. “Finding out like this is way worse than telling me yourself. Not only did you hold back MY life with this relationship, but then you didn’t even have the balls to break it off yourself and had your side whore say it instead!!” You were in public and you didn’t want to cause a scene but your anger was becoming too much.
“My life was held up because of this too! Do you know how many girls have been waiting for us to break up so they could get a chance to date me? There are girls who are much better looking than you that are throwing themselves at me but I couldn’t say anything to any of them because of you. Instead I had to tolerate you and your worrying and nagging because you’re an overprotective attention seeker.” There it was. The side of him that you’ve only seen once. Normally he was kind and bashful around you, but finally you get to experience the selfish, inconsiderate, rude side of the man you had been dating for a little over a year. Was sex all he thought about? It was becoming clear to you that he never had his priorities straight in the first place.
“Considering the situation, I had a right to be overprotective. I knew I couldn’t trust you and so did my friends but I had faith in you. They warned me that you were a fuckboy and now I see what they saw.”
“Whatever.” He scoffed and rolled his eyes at you, exiting out of the conversation like he always tended to do when you said something he didn’t like. He always chose not to listen to the truth and it pissed you off more than anything.
“I should have known dating a self centered asshole like you would end up like this. Is your head so far up your ass that you can’t see how any of your actions affect the people around you?” He turned his head from you and you knew he had stopped listening. As soon as he started walking back to the girl that was waiting for him, you followed and spoke loudly so she could hear. “If you’re leaving me for her, don’t set your standards too high. You might lose interest too quickly and then you’ll be forced to choose from that long line of women waiting to fuck you.”
The look on the girl’s face was priceless as she turned toward him. You couldn’t figure out why she was surprised to hear that he had other side pieces, as if she wasn’t one herself. After collecting herself from her shock, she turned back to you.
“Hey, don’t talk to him or me like that, ever.” She squeaked, her voice annoying you more than before.
“What makes you think my conversation was about you? You’ve never been the main of anything in your entire life.” You didn’t know where all of this sass was coming from, but it made you feel big. You assumed it was a natural defense mechanism to compensate for your bruised ego. Suddenly the shorter girl approached you and drew her hand back, quickly making contact with your face and leaving a stinging mark behind.
Rage shot through your body and you felt your face get hot. Every fiber in your body told you to fight her, you weren’t a wimp and you didn’t take shit from anyone, but miraculously you were able to contain yourself and hold your temper. She wasn’t worth the effort and she definitely wasn’t important enough for you to go to jail for beating her up. Stepping dangerously close to the woman’s face, you spoke lowly so only she could hear you. She cowered at your proximity but didn’t move away.
“Listen bitch,” You spat. “If you put your hands on me ever again, I will not hesitate to drag your raggedy ass up and down this park until the cops take me away.” The deadly look in your eye sent shivers up her spine but she kept a tough look on her face as you backed away and looked to the man beside you. He looked like he was prepared to break up the fight and you almost laughed. Despite everything, he still knew you well and understood that you would fight someone if necessary. You had never been pushed as far as starting a fight before, but he knew what you were capable of. A hard glare was thrown in his direction and he stepped back because of the intensity. You were scary when angry. “Fuck you.”
With that you brushed past both of them and walked out of the park to your car. Your face was red hot and you were sure you were getting looks from the patrons of this park, but you couldn’t care enough to look back. You wished with all your heart that this had happened in a less public place, but there was nothing you could do about it, it was over.
As you drove down the road to your house, you prayed that something bad would happen to them. It was unlike you to wish misfortune upon someone, but you were in your feelings and all you could feel was hatred toward them. You couldn’t get what he said out of your head. He got “too attached”? Why shouldn’t he be attached to someone he had been dating for a year? And did he actually think of you as a lost puppy? Was he just dating you out of pity? It wouldn’t have been the end of the world for you if he had rejected you when you first told him you had feelings for him. Your crush wasn’t even that big, you simply thought he was cute, it wasn’t like you were obsessed. He was hardly ever the first thing on your mind, but now that you thought about it, he seemed to think you saw him that way. He always did things to get reactions out of you and tried too hard to show off. Maybe he thought you were desperate for a relationship. Maybe you were. It had been a long time since you dated someone seriously and you wanted one so bad. That probably played a big part in why you fought so hard to make things work. Of course you saw he was slowly becoming less passionate about you, but you did everything you could to stay together with him, and despite all of that, he still cheated on you.
His words echoed in your head. “Instead I had to tolerate you and your worrying and nagging because you’re an overprotective attention seeker… There are girls who are much better looking than you.” Nothing he said should have gotten to you the way it did. Sure there would always be someone who’s prettier and nicer than you, but his words still hurt. He made it seem like he didn’t think you were pretty enough for him, ugly even, like you were at the bottom of the barrel. He was wrong about the overprotective part, however. You gave him his freedom whenever he requested it, maybe even a little too much, and you never coddled him. You only nagged and worried when he disappeared for long periods of time without contacting you or telling you where he went, and you pieced together those pieces very quickly when his side chick walked up to you and him this morning. Never in your life had you been an attention seeker and it was bothering you that he felt that way. The only requirements you had in your relationship were that he take you out on dates regularly and show affection when you needed it. If he thought that was too much then that showed how little he actually cared.
Your house appeared faster than expected and you sat in the driveway, gathering your thoughts for a moment. It was over. He was gone from your life and you didn’t want anything around that reminded you of him. Getting out of the car, you quickly entered your house and began cleansing it of him. You snatched pictures of him off the walls and shelves, took all of the clothes you stole from him out of your closet and carelessly tossed them into a pile, tears streaming down your face as you rampaged your home. Your bed sheets were washed to rid them of his scent from when he spent the night just last weekend. You took pleasure in ripping up cards he had sent you, breaking every gift he gave you and throwing away the evidence. Figuring he might come back for the items he left when he slept over, you threw all of his stuff out of the front door haphazardly, ignoring the odd and concerned looks from your neighbors. You left it sitting there on your lawn and you couldn’t care less if it got stolen. Matters like that didn’t concern you anymore.
It was done. All evidence of him was out of your house and you were left to sit there sulking. You couldn’t believe that he had the nerve to set foot in your house when he was unfaithful. How dare he sleep in your bed knowing that he didn’t have feelings for you anymore. It was stupid for you to even be crying over him. He wasn’t that great of a boyfriend in the first place so why were you upset? It was probably just the thought of getting cheated on that was bothering you. But he is a grown man that made his own decisions and you couldn’t blame yourself. He was out of your life so it was time that you stopped thinking about him. He had held you back long enough.
“Are you ok? You don’t seem like yourself.”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
You found yourself at your best friend’s house, watching him play video games to take your mind off things. You put on a grand facade, equipping yourself with a fake smile and a bag full of various snacks to help hide your emotions. You knew you didn’t have to smile, but you read somewhere that smiling can increase happiness so you were willing to try it. Unfortunately, Jimin could see straight through you.
“You’re not saying much, is something bothering you?” He turned his attention to you for a few seconds, long enough for you to catch his gaze, before returning it to the game.
“Nope.” You shook your head even though he wasn’t looking anymore and stuffed your face with a hand full of gummies. Jimin paused the game, squinting at you as you threw him another smile.
“Don’t lie to me in my own home.” He lowered his voice but made it softer, concern showing on his features. “Did something happen?”
“What gave it away? Was it the smile?” Sighing in defeat, you turn toward him and place the bag of snacks on the coffee table in front of you.
“And the comfort food… and the puffy eyes.” He looked you in the face and his expression put you at ease. “What happened? What’s the real reason you’re here? And don’t just say you wanted to hang out.”
You pursed your lips and looked away. There was no way you could lie to him about this. He had the right to know and you wanted him to, that was the only way he could help you.
“I had a bad day.” When he gives you a look, you elaborate. “My boyfriend and I broke up.” You hear a small gasp as Jimin’s mouth falls open in surprise. “Yeah, turns out the bastard was cheating on me, so it’s over now.”
“How did you find out?”
“We were supposed to be going on a date to the park this morning, but when we got there his side chick came up to us and exposed him. Can’t say I was surprised though.”
“What did you do? What did you say?!” He seemed more in shock than you were. It was probably just disbelief that something like this happened to you.
“You’re probing.” You needed some boundaries, he understood that.
“Sorry.” He looked away from you until you spoke again.
“I didn’t do anything.” Your voice came out quieter than you expected. “Listen, I just came over here because I didn’t want to be alone, I don’t want you to think you have to get involved or anything like that.”
“You know that I will if you want me to. You’re not burdening me.” There was a moment when you both stared at each other, communicating with your eyes and understanding every unspoken word.
“Can I just sit and watch you play for a while? I don’t want to think about this right now.”
It had been five days since the break up and you still weren’t feeling much better. You had gotten over the initial sadness and feelings of betrayal, but there was still a lingering emptiness that you couldn’t quite explain. You were beginning to realize how much of your time you spent on your ex, finding holes in your daily routine that you didn’t realize would be there. Having deleted his number from your phone, you hardly had anyone to text, most of your friends usually were at work around this time so you didn’t want to bother them. Later on that night, however, everyone agreed to do a group Skype call.
“(Y/n), you should definitely go to the party with us tomorrow night.” Jungkook smiled through the screen and you sighed.
“Yeah, friends are the best cure for loneliness.” Taehyung stated and everyone nodded.
“I am not lonely.” Your weak defense earned you a few groans and rolls of the eyes from your friends and you questioned them.
“We heard about your break up, (Y/n), and considering you’re not gushing with emotions, I’m guessing that you’re keeping your thoughts and feelings bottled up. Whether or not you tell us what happened is up to you, but going to this party should do wonders for you.” The other female member of your group, Hani, chirped in and your face became hot. You didn’t say anything, just glared at Jimin through the screen and he gave you an apologetic smile.
“Sure I’ll go, but I’m not "bottling up” my emotions. I just don’t want to talk about it.“
"Well you aren’t acting like yourself. Normally you’re the loudest one out of all of us, but today you’ve barely said a word.”
“Jungkook, that’s a lie, we all know you’re the loudest one.” You retort and everyone laughs.
“I can drive everyone to the party. My house is the closest to the place so if we could all meet up here everything would be a lot easier.” Jimin volunteered and Hani and Taehyung agreed quickly, Jungkook giving a single nod. You weren’t mad at Jimin for telling your friends your business, you just wish you could have told them yourself.
“Maybe you’ll find a new man there.” Taehyung wiggled his thick eyebrows at you.
“I literally just broke up, I’m sure hooking up with a stranger at a party will not fix any of my problems.”
“You never know.” He shrugged.
“Repeat after me, (Y/n),” Hani started abruptly. “Men. Ain’t. Shit.”
“Hey!! One man does not define an entire population.” Jimin protested and you snickered. Hani sighed.
“Okay correction: *He ain’t shit. I don’t hear you repeating.”
“He ain’t shit.” You roll your eyes but you can’t help the small smile tugging on your lips. It felt good to say that out loud.
“That’s right- and don’t you forget it!” Hani pointed a finger at the screen and everyone laughed.
“He doesn’t deserve your tears, you’re too good for him.” Jungkook interjected and the others agreed.
“There are no tears but okay. Thanks guys.” You were grateful for their support and you had to admit, they did lighten your mood. You hadn’t cried since the day you broke up, but there was still some sadness in the back of your mind. You were glad they could see through your bullshit.
Hani came to your house early so you could help each other get ready and you asked her for advice on which dress you should wear. Of course she chose the most revealing one, but you didn’t have a problem with it. She picked out a sexy push up bra and a thong for you to wear underneath and that was when you questioned her.
“Look, I know you aren’t exactly on the market just yet, but you still need to look good. Tease the guys a little, make them drool, there’s nothing wrong with showing off.”
“I get that, but what’s the thong for? Nobody’s gonna see it.”
“Exactly. You’re wearing a tight dress so you don’t want your panty line to show. Plus, you never know what could happen.” She gave you a pervy smirk and you rolled your eyes at her, hesitantly complying and walking into the bathroom to get changed. You both did your hair and checked each other’s make up, picking out a cute pair of heels from your closet before heading out of the door and to Jimin’s house.
When you got there the three boys were already ready to go and upon seeing you two walk through the door, their jaws dropped.
“Damn,” Tae grunted as he eyed you both, eyes lingering on your cleavage and silky legs. “I’m trying so hard not to get hard right now.”
“Don’t be nasty.” Hani squinted her eyes at him but she couldn’t help the grin that crossed her brightly colored lips. You were used to his dirty comments so you paid little attention to them.
“I thought you said you weren’t trying to get a man?” Jimin walked up to you and stopped a few feet away, resisting the urge to grab your hips and pull you to him. He got a closer inspection of your outfit and makeup, visibly trying not to gawk at how perfectly your tight dress hugged your curves. He nodded in approval after a while and you smiled back at him.
“I’m not, this wasn’t even my decision.” You motion to your outfit.
“Well it might get you some attention.”
“Jeez Hani, put those away.” Jungkook complained from behind Jimin as he shamelessly checked out Hani’s all too revealing dress. It was an A-line dress with a V neck that reached down to her naval, making her already big breasts way more noticeable, showing all the side boob a man could ever ask for. The silicon bra cups she had suctioned to her breasts pushed them up and the sight was enough to make any man drool. It was clear what her intentions were tonight and you admired her for having the guts to dress like that.
“Seems like you’re enjoying it though, Kookie.” She smirked at him and watched as his face turned a light shade of pink. He tried to hide it with a cocky comment, but she brushed him off.
“I’m hanging with Hani tonight. Her boob is definitely gonna fall out and I wanna be there to see it.” Taehyung joked.
“All you have to do is ask.” She winked in his direction and you all laughed at his shocked expression, asking if she was serious and getting ignored.
“So how far away is this place anyway?” Jungkook asked when he was finished drinking in both of your appearances.
“Um, about 15-20 minutes.” Jimin glanced at his watch before looking back at the group. “Are you ready to go?”
“I guess.” You grumble and head to his car.
Jimin drives and Taehyung sits in the front, simply because none of you trust that he would be able to keep his hands to himself sitting in the back with two females. You sat in the middle and watched the road in front of you most of the ride. There was a conversation going on around you, but you couldn’t hear any of it. Your thoughts were too loud for you to focus on what they were saying, so you zoned out and had an internal monologue.
What if he’s here? He knows the same people that I know, why wouldn’t he be? What if he brings his side piece? I don’t want to be that person who fights in the middle of a party. My friends don’t even know what happened between us, they’ll start asking questions and then I’ll have to explain everything in front of everyone. Why am I even going to this stupid party with them? I bet we’re all gonna split up as soon as we walk through the doors anyway. The car erupts into laughter and pulls you from your thoughts momentarily. When did I become so melodramatic? My friends are trying to help me get over him, so I should at least try to be happy. I love parties…. generally… so I’ll just try my best to enjoy this one. Get it together (Y/n), the world is not going to end. Remember: He ain’t shit.
Taking a deep breath, you try to enter the conversation. The ride feels shorter when you’re talking, and before you knew it, you were parking in the lot of a crowded club.
“The party’s in here?” Hani asked, expressing exactly what you felt. From what you had been told, this was a party for someone that you had only met once or twice before. Apparently he got a promotion or something and was throwing a huge party, inviting almost everyone he knew to celebrate. When you got inside, you saw that there was a section reserved for the party with a table of food sitting on the side. That’s probably where you would be most of the night if you were being honest with yourself. Jimin and Taehyung greeted a man inside and reintroduced you, Hani, and Jungkook to him.
“Oh yeah, you do look familiar. Well, thanks for coming, um, the club is open and so is the tab so have fun! Food’s over there, bar is that way, try not to die or kill anyone.” With that, the man walked away and left your friends to party. Immediately Taehyung pulled the group to the dance floor.
After about 2 hours of dancing, you called it quits and left to entertain the free buffet. You were okay with getting checked out by your friends, but the stares you were receiving from people, female and male alike, were making you uncomfortable. For some reason, it felt different than when you were in a relationship. When people used to hit on you before, you were flattered and took it lightly, feeling protected by the fact that you were dating someone. But now that you were single, every person that approached or touched you seemed like a predator. There was no “I’m taken” excuse to ward off the hands that wandered too high or low on your body. Of course you could lie and say that you were, but that would just remind you of your horrible break up and make you emotional and you didn’t want to be the person crying at the club.
You stayed close to Jimin and Jungkook while you danced, feeling more comfortable dancing around them. They were both great dancers and you would consider yourself one too, so you three stole the show. You never touched them and they never touched you, but you were all pushed close to each other as you danced provocatively, visibly affecting Jungkook even though he didn’t stop you. A few women tried to flirt with you three as you swayed your hips to the music, complementing your dancing and, ultimately, your ass in that dress. Countless men tried to grind against you, but every time someone would get too close you would turn your butt toward Jimin or Kookie or just sandwich yourself between them, using their bodies as a safety cover.
Jimin couldn’t keep his eyes off of you as you moved fluidly, body flowing to the music like water in a stream. You were a distraction to his thoughts, a constant reminder of what he couldn’t have, but he wanted to touch you so badly. Would that be too much? Probably. He tended to think of you as a fragile being, someone who could take care of herself, but often needed back-up in sticky situations. He cared for you and he cared about you and made a mental vow to be your personal bodyguard, but the way you were dancing was setting his heart on fire. Every now and again you would turn your back to him and occasionally you would brush up against him. Of course everyone was smashed together in the mass of bodies, but he could always tell when you were the one that touched him. He would stare for a bit, hoping you would make a bold move and grind on him to relieve some of the tension growing between you two, yet he feared that he wouldn’t be able to control his actions if you did something like that. Why was he being like this? He shouldn’t be having inappropriate thoughts about his best friend, but his body said otherwise. Thankfully, you decided to leave the dance floor to cool off a bit and he was quick to follow, keeping a close eye on you.
When you finally left the crowd, you were dripping with sweat. It was so hot in there that it was getting hard to breath. You spotted Hani and Taehyung at the bar, downing drinks before going back onto the dance floor. Taehyung was standing unnecessarily close to her but she seemed to be encouraging it, her face showing that she was flirting her ass off and you laughed.
“They should just date already.” Jimin’s voice sounded alarmingly close to your ear and you turned to him quickly, not having realized he followed you out of the crowd.
“I don’t know why she keeps saying they’re just friends, we can clearly see they have some benefits situation going on. We’re not blind.” You turn your body toward him and are surprised by his proximity. He steps back as you reach over him to grab a plate and begin to pile it with food.
“I haven’t eaten all night, I should probably get something.” Jimin picks up a plate too and you wait for him to fill his plate before walking over to an empty table. The motion of the sea of people rocking in front of you is almost nauseating as you stare into it, making you wonder how you survived being in the center of it. You frown.
“I can’t believe we were in there. There are sooo many people here.”
“Yeah, this is probably the most crowded it’s ever been.”
“Where’s Kookie? Did you leave him all alone?” You take a bite of your hamburger slider.
“Oh he’s not alone.” Jimin laughs. “Just when you left he started dancing with this girl. She was basically fucking him with clothes on in the middle of the floor. I was surprised he was okay with that, but when I told him I was leaving he didn’t even care.”
“When will you learn that Jeon Jungkook is not as innocent as you think he is? I’ve seen that boy do some nasty things.” You and Jimin just chat as you stuff yourselves with food. After a few hours, you start rapidly declining and you wonder what time it is. It had to be late. Eventually Jungkook found where you were sitting and he stole some of Jimin’s leftovers, but soon he was up again, disappearing into the pulsing mass of sweaty bodies.
You and Jimin continued to talk and somehow the conversation looped back around to your friends.
“I think they would be perfect together. Hani is a little… out there, but so is Tae and they could probably work. They can’t keep pretending we don’t know she sucks his dick whenever she goes to "hang out” at his place. He’s really bad at lying.” Jimin leaned back in his seat.
"Do you think you’d be able to hide it if I sucked your dick?” You didn’t know why those words slipped from your lips, but they did and you could see the shock on Jimin’s face, but he quickly recovered.
“I just wouldn’t say anything about it. But that question is irrelevant because I don’t believe in friends with benefits arrangements, so I would never let that happen.” You shrugged and both looked at the crowd for a bit until a man approached you.
“Heyyyy, can I buy you a drink?” The man was tall and skinny and clearly intoxicated. The way he wobbled as he stood and slurred his words told you that he had been drinking all night, not to mention the nauseating stench of hard liquor on his breath.
“No thanks, I’m not drinking tonight.” You tried to be polite because you didn’t want to upset him since you had no idea how he would react.
“Well do you want to dance?” He held his hand out toward you and you glanced over at Jimin, unsure of how to respond.
“Actually, I just got off of the dance floor so I think I’m going to rest here for a while, but thank you.” He retracted his hand and leaned against the table. His face was uncomfortably close to yours and you feared that he would try to slide into the small booth with you. You shot Jimin another look, hoping he would save you, but he looked equally as stunned as you were.
“Listen, you’re really hot.” The man giggled and a tight frown pressed into your lips as you anticipated his next words. “I really only came over to ask you one thing.” You raise your eyebrows and he continues. “Is you fuckin’?”
“I-” Your eyes widened and your lips parted in shock. Out of the corner of your eye you could see that Jimin had a similar reaction.
“Cuz I see you in that dress and all I can think about is bending you over this table and fucking the soul out of-”
“UMMM n-no I’m not… fucking…” You were at a lost for words. Another look was thrown in Jimin’s direction and this time he actually did come to your rescue.
“Actually, she’s with me tonight.” It seemed like something caught the man’s attention and he finally noticed your friend sitting across from you. He squinted at Jimin, focusing his eyes on his figure, trying to determine if he was real or not. Then he looked back at you.
“Oh. Are you two..? Damn, I’m sorry.” He turned back to Jimin. “You shouldn’t let her out of the house looking like this. Every guy here wants a piece of that.” His tongue ran slowly along his lips and you cringed, wishing you could unsee that as he walked away.
“That was so fucking embarrassing.” You groan, covering your face. Jimin tried to laugh off the awkwardness. His thoughts were less than appropriate and he fought hard to keep his head straight.
“If anything, that should have been flattering.”
“What, having a stranger say that he wants to fuck me in the middle of a dirty club? How romantic.” You roll your eyes sarcastically.
“Not that. All I’m saying is that you look great and you shouldn’t be embarrassed that other people recognize your beauty too.” You blush at his words and take a sip of your soda. He regretted saying that last word, hating how it sounded like he was flirting, but you didn’t seem to notice.
“I imagine you’re used to getting hit on.” You meet Jimin’s gaze and he questions you. “Don’t act like girls don’t hit on you all the time. It’s kind of inevitable when you look like that.”
“What does that mean?”
“Well, you look like… you. You’re mochi sexy.”
“You think I’m sexy?” He cocked an eyebrow up at you, a faint smirk on his lips.
“Mochi sexy. But you’re missing the point. I’m saying that you probably get hit on a lot because girls find you cute and/or hot, so this probably doesn’t bother you as much as it bothers me. I’m not used to this kind of attention.” He was flattered by your compliment, but decided to turn the conversation back to you.
“Really? Either you’re oblivious or blind because you get attention everywhere you go.”
“I ignored it. But now that I’m single it feels like everyone’s eyes are on me. Maybe it’s because I can see them too now…”
“Get used to compliments because I’m sure you’ll get hit on a lot more since you’re single now. And if your ex didn’t see how hot you are before, then you should show him what his missing.”
“I’m not going to date someone just to spite him.” You looked away, but you couldn’t say that the thought didn’t cross your mind. You deserved happiness and a small part of you wanted to show him that you had a line of people waiting too.
The night dragged on and the music only seemed to get louder. The conversation was reduced to judging the increasingly rowdy party goers as they passed. Jimin pointed out who he thought had been drinking the most and you tried to come up with backstories about the patrons as you watched their night unfold. When you saw a drunk woman slip and fall on spilled alcohol, exposing a breast and her bare bottom under her dress, you and Jimin stopped inspecting the crowd and focused on talking about Hani and Taehyung again.
“How much do you wanna bet she wore that outfit just for him?”
“How much do you wanna bet they’re fucking in the bathroom somewhere?” Jimin responds and you laugh.
“I hope they aren’t, I’d like to leave soon if we can help it.”
“Do you want to help me find them so we can go? It’s already 2am, we’ve been here for about 5 hours.” You nod and follow him back onto the dance floor, only to see Jungkook making out with the girl Jimin saw him with earlier. She was pulling at his hair and looked like she was about to tear his clothes off any second. You and Jimin snapped pictures of the hot make out session for future blackmail use before almost literally pulling them away from each other.
“Get her number, we’re leaving.” You shout over the music at him and he shakes his head.
“No, she’s coming home with me.” The dirty looks they give each other make you want to vomit, but you just nod and keep pushing through the people, searching for your other two friends, assuming they’re not off fucking in some secluded area.
You come across the pair leaning against a wall on the side of the dance floor. Jungkook spots them first and leads your small group to where they were standing, clearly looking disheveled. Taehyung’s hair was mused much like Jungkook’s and telling from the smear of red lipstick on his face that matched Hani’s, they were engaged in similar activities before you found them. Upon seeing you and Jimin walking up to them, they each moved a bit farther away from each other, wiping the corners of their lips as if you hadn’t already seen the evidence.
“Ready to go?” Jimin asked as his friend ran a hand though his tousled hair in an attempt to fix it. Jimin gave him a knowing look but the other male ignored it.
“Yeah we’re ready.” Taehyung threw a glance in Hani’s direction before they both pushed off of the wall and walked past you. In passing, you grabbed Hani’s arm and spoke to her as quietly as you could over the roaring bass.
“You look like you had fun.” She rolls her eyes at you.
“The party hasn’t started yet.” You want to ask what she means by that but you could probably take a pretty accurate guess. She latches herself onto Taehyung’s elbow and they walk ahead of everyone else, suddenly in a rush to go home.
In the car, you sit in the front with Jimin to avoid being smashed between the couples. Taehyung offered for Hani to sit on his lap, but Jungkook insisted that his “date” sit on his lap instead because his thighs were “firmer” and “made a better seat than Taehyung’s”. They agreed on that arrangement quickly without complaint and you were surprised Hani didn’t make a dirty comment in response. It might have had something to do with the fact that everyone was already onto her and Tae and she wanted to keep it a little low key for a while.
The ride home was much quieter in comparison to the way there. You could hear the couples speaking to each other respectively, but nothing was above a whisper so you couldn’t make out what anyone was saying. Jimin took this opportunity to have a conversation with you.
“Are you driving back to your place or staying the night at mine?” He couldn’t think of anything else to talk about.
“Uh, I’m most likely going to spend the night with you because I have a feeling Hani doesn’t need a ride tonight. Taehyung’s the only one who can give her the kind she needs.” You look back and see Taehyung with his hand on her thigh, steadily moving it up as he spoke lowly into her ear. Curiosity got the better of you and you turned so you could see Jungkook in the seat behind you. His face was hidden by the woman’s hair but you could tell he was nibbling on her ear and whispering sweet nothings just from her reactions. There was no doubt in your mind that she was sitting on his erection.
“As long as they don’t fuck in my car, I don’t mind what’s happening back there.” You turned back around to face Jimin, but he kept his eyes on the road. He focused all of his energy into driving to keep out the thoughts of fucking you in the back seat. The drive home was much shorter than the ride there and you were relieved when you reached his driveway. Before Jimin even had a chance to pull out his keys to open his front door, Jungkook began walking toward his car, gripping the girl’s wrist tightly as he pulled her along.
“Goodnight guys, talk to you tomorrow.” He waved in your direction before digging in his pocket for his car keys.
“Bye Kookie.” You laugh as he opened the passenger’s side of his car for her and then jogged to the other side. He was most likely trying to hide his boner from his friends.
“Someone’s in a hurry.” Jimin mumbled as he held open the door for the remaining three of you. As soon as you got inside, you kicked off your heels, dragging yourself over to his couch to relieve the pressure on your aching feet. Everyone gathered in the living room for a while and talked about your night, but their attention was mainly on you as you told them how you got hit on by various people.
“He said that?!” Hani laughed.
“Yes he literally said ‘is you fucking’. In front of Jimin!! I’ve never been more embarrassed in my life.”
“It wasn’t even that bad.” Jimin brushed you off.
“Oh please, you were surprised too.”
“Yeah, it kind of caught me off guard.” He admitted.
“Did you see the way Jungkook let that girl inhale his face though? That surprised me.” Taehyung interjected and you nodded.
“He must be either really into her, or in desperate need of some sex. I guess your hand can only work for so long before you get bored.” Hani shook her head as she leaned back.
“Oh trust me, the hand never gets old. It’s just that sometimes fucking another living thing feels way better.” You all grimaced at Taehyung’s remark.
“What about you?” Jimin started, smiling evilly at your other friends. “You seemed to be having adventures of your own away from us.”
“Nah, you just walked in at a bad time.” Hani’s protest wasn’t very convincing and you wondered how long she would keep their relationship a secret. It was clear they were into each other, but you didn’t understand why they didn’t want to admit it. You hoped it didn’t have anything to do with your friendship.
“Sure. Tell that to the messy lipstick smeared all over his face.” You gestured to Tae and he blushed, fighting back the urge to wipe his face just in case you were bluffing. Jimin snickered at the look on his face and Hani avoided your gaze.
“Whatever, don’t pretend that you guys didn’t spend an entire night together too. I would have thought you were on a date if I didn’t know better.” Hani smirked and you rolled your eyes, not noticing the slight blush on Jimin’s cheeks.
“Well it’s time for us to go.” Taehyung stood abruptly and motioned for Hani to follow. It was obvious that they were going home together to “hang out” or whatever they did.
“You’re not driving are you?” Jimin got up as well and looked concerned at the two. You guessed you should stand as well.
“No, we called an Uber before we left the club. Neither of us is sober enough to drive.”
“I hope you had fun tonight, (Y/n). You look great.” Hani smacked your ass when she walked past you and you glared at her.
“Goodbye.” You pushed them out of the front door before anyone could make a comment about how you looked or ask if you were feeling better. You shut and locked to door behind them. “Guess it’s just us tonight.”
Jimin got a bit tense at your words, but he said nothing as he turned and headed toward his bedroom. You followed and called taking a shower first, hating how sweaty you were underneath your dress. It felt like there was a river flowing down your back and if you had to wait another minute to shower you would have gone insane. Upon reaching his bathroom, you stood in the mirror and looked at yourself. You had to admit, you did look pretty good. Tonight wasn’t as painful as you thought it would be and you were actually glad your friends dragged you along to this party. It was fun.
As soon as you started getting ready to clean yourself up, you ran into a problem. Your zipper remained elusive from your sweaty fingers and after minutes of frustrated fumbling, you gave up. Shyly stepping out into Jimin’s bedroom, you found him sitting on the edge of the bed looking at something on his phone. He looked up at you and raised his eyebrows.
“Can you help me unzip my dress?” He stood and walked over to you as you turned your back toward him. You hadn’t really thought this plan through all the way because you failed to avoid the sequence of events that followed.
When Jimin began pulling on the zipper, he found that it was stuck. Adding a little more force, he tugged on it until it came free and slid all the way down the length of your back. His moment of triumph and your moment of relief was cut short when the strapless garment fell from your body and landed in a pile around your ankles, leaving you exposed in nothing but your push-up bra and butt floss. His eyes widened as he stared at your back, gaze unintentionally falling to your ass that he discovered was bare. He took a step back because suddenly you were standing way too close to him and he couldn’t handle what he was seeing. Since you hadn’t brought out a towel to wrap yourself in, you had no way to cover up and you would rather die than pull your drenched, stinky dress back up your body. Thinking as quickly as you could, you turned toward him so your backside was out of view, but that led to Jimin getting a full show of the lacy front of your thong along with the see through material of the bra you were wearing. Your hands flew to your body, one covering your privates and the other arm crossing your chest to hide the nipples that Jimin has probably already seen by this point.
He tries his hardest to look at only your face as you stand there in shock, eyes boring into each other’s, until you step back toward the bathroom.
“Thanks.” You bend down to pick up your dress and he can see straight into the space between your cleavage, a sight that finally forces him to turn his head away from you. When he hears the bathroom door close, he plops down on his bed, covering his face in humiliation.
What the hell?! You think as you look at your now bare face in the mirror after you finish wiping off your makeup. You felt so stupid. Why weren’t you holding onto the front of your dress when he unzipped it? You knew that would happen once he pulled the zipper down. Why weren’t you thinking? Jimin must have been so embarrassed seeing his best friend practically naked, but you were mortified. It was the second time tonight that you had been embarrassed in front of him. He’s seen me in bikinis, what’s the big deal? Bikinis were different though, very different. Bathing suits weren’t see through. They covered what was important and allowed someone to keep some dignity. This was an entirely different situation, however. You might as well have been completely naked because you were sure Jimin saw everything. Stepping into the shower, you tried to ignore everything that happened. As you washed yourself you thought of your behavior tonight. Were you flirting with him? If so it was completely unintentional or at least you didn’t realize you were doing it and you hoped Jimin didn’t take it the wrong way. But suddenly the thought of seriously flirting with him didn’t repulse you, and that scared you. How could you think of your best friend like that? You shook those thoughts away immediately. He probably didn’t think tonight was that big of a deal so you shouldn’t worry about it too much. Like Jimin did with most embarrassing things, you would just brush it off.
Park Jimin was having a meltdown. Literally. His face was so hot and red he thought it would melt right off. What was happening to him? Why was he so upset over this? He tried to figure out everything that was going through his head, but his body was being flooded with hormones. All night he had been trying to ignore it. He had pushed down his feelings for you since Day 1 when you put him in the friend zone and he was doing a pretty good job at moving on. How could all of those feelings that he thought he erased suddenly resurface in just one night? You must be doing this on purpose. From the moment he saw you in that dress, he knew he was doomed, but he put up a valiant effort. You had on his favorite color, minimal makeup, and that faint scent of perfume that he adored so much. The way you danced at the club and stayed so close to him was a tease and he had to look deep inside himself to find the self control not to touch you. Your comment about sucking his dick and the fact that you thought he was sexy did not go unnoticed and it was surely a test to see his reaction. And when that guy came over to you and said he wanted to bend you over, Jimin couldn’t stop his mind from imagining himself doing that exact thing, having you moaning his name as he took you right then and there in front of all those people. Seeing you practically naked was the tipping point for him and he didn’t know how much more he would be able to handle.
A hand dragged through his hair as he tried to calm down. Jimin knew you and you wouldn’t do anything like that on purpose. He was probably just overreacting and he felt bad for that. You had just gotten out of a relationship and you needed someone who would be there for you, not someone who was glad that things ended poorly because he secretly hoped he would have a chance. It was a long shot and you were not looking for that at the moment. You would probably feel betrayed if you found out your best friend had inappropriate thoughts about you. Gathering himself, Jimin sighed and swallowed everything that he was feeling. He mentally apologized for even thinking of you that way.
After you finished your shower, you were faced with another dilemma. What on earth were you going to wear? The shirt Jimin gave you was adequate enough as a top, but you didn’t have anything to wear under it. You hated the idea of wearing that uncomfortable thong to bed, but going commando was out of the question. You rummaged through your purse for anything that could possibly help you. Miraculously, you found an extra pair of emergency underwear at the bottom of it that you always kept. It was for if there was ever an “accident” of some sort or if your panties ever got ruined and went missing after a suspicious visit to a nearby bathroom or closet with your now ex. You thanked your past self for forgetting to take them out and quickly slipped them on. It didn’t matter that you weren’t wearing shorts underneath because the shirt would have covered them up anyway.
Jimin rushed into the bathroom once you came out and quickly shut the door. You would never know that it was because he didn’t want you to see his boner. When he came out after a cold shower, he found you already under the covers, arms sticking out so you could watch something on your phone. You didn’t even look up when he entered the room and walked around. Not even when he slid into the bed next to you did you acknowledge his presence and he assumed you were either upset or embarrassed. He was quickly proven wrong as the video you were watching ended and you turned your body toward him.
“You going to sleep?” You asked. You said it as if everything was fine, so it was. Clearly you weren’t upset with him. He could relax.
“Not yet.” He turned his head to you to see that you had placed your phone down on the bedside table and now had your full attention on him. “Why?”
“I almost fought her,” You blurt out and his eyebrows rise ever so slightly. “My ex’s side piece I mean.” It didn’t take long for Jimin to figure out the context of the conversation and he was quick to signal you to continue. It wasn’t often that you opened up about things like this so he didn’t want to miss the opportunity to get the whole story. “I would tell you everything that was said but that might take awhile.”
“We have time.” He was not going to let this moment pass.
“Where do I start?” You groan, shifting in your spot to get comfortable. He did the same and turned his body toward you, preparing himself to hear your story; it would probably be a long one.
“Start wherever you want. The beginning, how you started your day that day, when she came up to you, anywhere.” With a sigh you begin.
“I guess I’ll start from about a month back.” You told him all the ins and outs of your relationship, the small details that he didn’t know, the things you were feeling throughout this time and your thoughts now that you had insight into everything. In hindsight, the signs of cheating were clear, you were just in denial. You told him that every time someone would ask where he was, Hani would give you a look, as if she knew what was happening or at least figured it out. Jimin listened with an open ear and a closed mouth as you spilled your guts about how you liked him and wanted things to work out but that you didn’t really see a future with him. You said that since there was nothing past dating for you and you knew it, that you wasted his time too and you played a bigger role in this breakup than just being the victim.
“Don’t say that. He played you. You can’t blame yourself for any of this because even though you felt that way, you tried for him and gave him an effort when nothing you did was reciprocated.”
“Jimin, I’ve thought about this from every prospective; I’m not 100% innocent in any of this.”
“Yes you are.” His voice was firm but low. “Because you didn’t cheat. And even if the relationship was falling apart, he did all of the damage.”
You were thankful for his words and you forced yourself to believe him. You saw his point, but there was still a bit of guilt in the back of your mind. Maybe if you had been different he wouldn’t have felt the need to cheat? Maybe if you had broken things off when you realized you were driving a dead end street, you would have avoided this heartbreak.
“We were supposed to go on a date that day, it was rare that he would do something romantic like that, but I didn’t question it. When we got to the park he refused to hold my hand; he said he hated PDA. Now that I think about it, he probably just didn’t want any of his side pieces to see us together like that. I imagine he kept them in the dark about us. His efforts were pointless because about 5 minutes into the date, this bitch in heels comes stomping up to us. Who the fuck even wears heels to the park? Did she know we were going to be there? Does she have a tracker on him? I don’t know.”
Jimin laughs at your commentary and it lightens your mood slightly. It keeps you from getting angry all over again. You take a breath and continue.
“So this girl– we’ll call her Candy because she looked like a stripper– so Candy comes up to us and she starts yelling at him like I’m not even standing there. I really don’t know what she was saying because her voice was too annoying for me to focus on anything. Then she turns to me and says 'He doesn’t want you, he’s with me now. He should have told you this a long time ago.’ And I look at him and he doesn’t say anything! At this point I’m piecing it all together. At first I was like "he can’t be cheating on me with this hoe”, but then everything starts making sense from the past month and the reality hits me.“
"He didn’t say anything?”
“Hold on I’m getting to that. So I pull him to the side for a somewhat private argument because I don’t want that bitch in our business and, frankly, her presence was annoying me. Basically he tells me that he "lost interest” in me and that he was going to break up with me soon.“
"If he felt that way then why the hell did he wait so long and why did he even bother to take you on a date?”
“EXACTLY! That’s what I said, then he compared me to a dog.”
“He called you a bitch?!” Anger flared in Jimin’s eyes for a moment, but you were quick to respond.
“No, he compared me to a lost puppy and said that he would feel bad if he shooed me away. He also said that I worried too much and was too overprotective and that there was a "line of women” waiting to get a piece of him.“ Jimin scoffed. You hold up your hand. "But it gets better. Now this part is kind of on me, I should have just left then, but I couldn’t help myself.”
“Oh God, what did you do?”
“I didn’t necessarily do anything wrong, I just stated facts that Candy got upset about. I told him not to set high standards because he might lose interest in her too quickly.”
“And… I may or may not have called her a side chick. In my defense, that is the truth and she shouldn’t be mad at me for just stating an observation. I think my exact words were "you’ve never been the main of anything in your entire life” and that set her off.“
You let Jimin get his giggles out, complementing you on your comeback. When he settled down, you told the climax of your story.
"Apparently that struck a nerve in her because Candy the Hooker got brave and decided to slap me in the face.” The anger bubbled up in Jimin again and you were thankful that he cared that much. “This was the moment that time froze for me. I was faced with two choices: Pop those fake boobs of hers and drag her ass until the cops come, or walk away.”
“Since you’re not in jail, I’m assuming you chose to walk?”
“Actually I’m on the run from the authorities, thanks for letting me crash here.” He looked concerned for a moment and you laughed. “Nah I’m just kidding. But walking away was the hardest choice of my life. I was tempted to just give her a quick sucker punch: a hit and run, but I decided against it and let her off with a warning. I should have taken the shot when I had it.” You said, shaking your head.
“Do you want me to find them and beat them up?” Jimin asked playfully, but you knew he would if that was what you really wanted.
“No. For the same reasons I didn’t; they aren’t worth it. Going to jail for them shows that I care and they aren’t important enough for my time and energy. As long as I never see them again, I think I’m okay.” You rest your head on the pillow and stare at Jimin, who is mentally reviewing the story. You study his face from your angle and realize how perfectly beautiful he is. Butterflies flutter in your stomach and you don’t know why. You choose to ignore them.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes I’m very sure, now let’s go to sleep, I have a headache.” With one more hard look for confirmation, Jimin gets up and flicks the light switch, engulfing the room in darkness aside for the moonlight streaming in through the windows.
Sleep finds you quicker than you anticipate and before you drift off, you roll over, instantly feeling strong arms wrap around your middle comfortably. You realize just how long it’s been since he’s been able to hold you like this. He’s a cuddler, you’re used to being the little spoon.
As he held on to you, watching you sleep, Jimin became restless. All the information you had told him didn’t add up in his mind. How could anyone possibly be unsatisfied with you? You seemed like the perfect girlfriend; you were kind, passionate, caring, and you could stand up for yourself and others if needed. Not to mention you were gorgeous. How could someone be so disrespectful to you, who cared for and loved him so much? How could someone throw that away? There was a shadow of a thought hidden in the back of his mind, fueling the anger he suppressed. It told him to find your ex and beat some sense into him, but he knew that wasn’t what you wanted. He wasn’t worth it. Jimin looked at the back of your head and determined that you were sound asleep. There were a few things he needed to get off of his chest and now felt like the perfect time to do it.
“I know you’re asleep and probably can’t hear me, but there’s so much I need to tell you.” He whispered, voice calm and low, careful not to disturb your peace. “Firstly, I’m sorry you had to go through that break up. He didn’t deserve you and you didn’t deserve the way he treated you. He shouldn’t have been able to give you half effort when you gave him your all.”
You were unsure of how long you had been asleep, but you were awakened by soft words being whispered into your hair. The grip around your waist had gotten tighter and you could feel your back molded into Jimin’s firm body. You soon noticed that Jimin was speaking. Was he talking to you?
“But I can’t say I’m not happy that you’re single now. Not only because I hated your boyfriend, but because I love having your attention. I know it sounds selfish but you’re so beautiful and so loving and it’s an honor just to be around you and to be your best friend. I bet you didn’t know this but for the longest time I wanted to be your boyfriend.” You felt your cheeks heat up at his confession but you stayed still. “I know you probably think it would be disgusting to date me, so I keep it to myself. I push those thoughts away to be a good friend for you when you need me. Tonight was a little hard for me though. You looked stunning and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you, especially when your dress fell down.” He paused. “That’s a little creepy I probably shouldn’t have said that.” You fought the urge to laugh so you could listen to what else he had to say. “We always talk about Tae and Hani getting together and it makes me think about us. Would it be so crazy if we got together? Everyone already thinks we’re dating anyway. If I was your boyfriend I would never do anything as stupid as cheat on you. I would never make you cry and would only be supportive. You already have all of my attention and you would only get more of my love. I would buy you anything you wanted and would make sure you were taken care of because that’s what you deserve and I want to give you the world. I would love you forever. The only problem is you I guess. I understand that my feelings aren’t reciprocated, but that doesn’t do anything for my imagination. Oh, if you only knew what kinds of thoughts run through my head every time I see you. I’m sure we wouldn’t be friends if I told you half the things I think about doing to you at night. I wish you felt the same way… And I’m sorry for thinking about all of this when you’re still struggling through a break up, that’s a little insensitive of me; from now on I’ll just focus on comforting you and making you happy. Even though I can’t show it in the way that I want, I’m still going to try my best for you everyday because I love you.” At the end he kissed you gently on the top of your head and you felt like you were going to explode.
Your heart was beating so loud you thought he might be able to hear it. Jimin loves me? You didn’t know what to do. Should you just lay there and pretend like you didn’t hear him, going on like this for the rest of your life? Should you say something? What if he gets embarrassed and can never face you again? And if you were to say something, what would it be? You thought for a moment, feeling Jimin’s body relax behind you. He was probably falling asleep. Shit. You had to think fast. On one hand, you were flattered that he felt that way and wanted to try dating him because you finally realized your attraction to him and how good you guys would be together. On the other, you didn’t like change and kind of hoped that things would stay the same between you two forever. What if you broke up? Would he still be your best friend? You doubted it. But he had just poured his heart out to you– even though he didn’t know you were listening– and you would be foolish not to do anything about it. You decided to do something risky, maybe even a little stupid; you turned around. If you were going to say something, you would be as straightforward as possible and would act with no regrets.
When you turned to face him, your eyes were still closed. Jimin held his breath as his eyes shot open to inspect your face. When your eyelids began to crack open, his heart stopped beating. Did you hear? He could only wait to see what you did.
“It wouldn’t be crazy at all.” You say after a few moments of dense silence and he grows pale. So you did hear.
“It wouldn’t be crazy if we dated. And no, the thought doesn’t disgust me; it actually sounds quite appealing.”
“What are you saying?” He gulps nervously, trying to wrap his mind around what you meant because you couldn’t possibly be saying what he thinks you’re saying.
“I’m saying,” You scoot impossibly closer to him, a centimeter away from his face. “I wouldn’t mind being your girlfriend.” You were tempted to say “I love you too” but you weren’t ready for that yet. The wounds from your break up were still fresh and it felt wrong to admit that to someone so soon, even if it was true. Even if it was Jimin. He didn’t know what to say or do so you made the next move and leaned in, planting your lips on his. As soon as they connected he responded, pulling your body into his and kissing you passionately. Somewhere along the line his hand made it to your hair, holding your head in place as he deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue past your parted lips. He couldn’t believe this was happening. You were making out with him in his bed. And you said you wanted to be his girlfriend. This had to be a dream.
He pulled away first, reluctantly, and stared at you for a long moment, allowing his eyes to adjust in the darkness. You looked like an angel in the moonlight and it was killing him. Little did he know, he looked even better in your eyes.
“Well that escalated quickly.” He breathed, biting his lip as the taste of your mouth lingered on his tongue. You were a much better kisser than he imagined. Your hand ran up his back and shoulder to travel across his neck and rest on his jawline. Your thumb played with his lips as you spoke.
“What do you think about doing to me at night? I’m curious to know.” Your voice was suddenly very seductive and playful and you didn’t know where all of this was coming from. You decided to roll with it. There was a bit of hesitation on his part, but eventually he spoke up. You assumed it was because he thought you might be offended by what he was about to tell you.
“You really want to know?” You nodded. “I dream about fucking you in every position I can think of. There are so many things I want to try with you it’s driving me insane. And I know how flexible you are so I can’t help but imagine all the ways you can bend for me.” The way Jimin was looking at you made you feel naked, but for once, you didn’t mind. He was undressing you with his eyes, and from what he saw earlier, he probably had a pretty vivid picture of what you looked like.
“I don’t know about the being bent in half part, but you can do whatever you want to me.” You said this with confidence. You trusted Jimin with your life so you weren’t worried about what he would do. The more you thought about him fucking you into the mattress or possibly being kinky, the hotter you got. Your panties were probably already wet.
He took your words as an invitation to your body and didn’t waste any time getting started. Your ex was the only person you had fucked in almost two years. The last time you had had satisfying sex, however, was over two months ago. Somewhere during that time, he had stopped caring about pleasing you and became selfish in bed, only focusing on himself and leaving you to take care of your own orgasm afterwards. Somehow you knew that Jimin would be different.
He hopped from the bed and turned on the lights again, allowing you to see that he had already discarded his shirt on the way there.
“I want to be able to see how beautiful you are.”
You slipped your panties off from under your oversized shirt and threw them onto the floor, smiling when Jimin came back to hover over you. He pulled the sheets away from your body and fiddled with the hem of the shirt, fingers dancing lightly over the skin on your thighs.
“May I do the honors?” You guessed it was more of a rhetorical question because he did it anyway before you could get any words out. He slowly pulled the fabric up, allowing you time to arch your back so he could move it higher, and when he got to the bottom of your breasts, he stopped. “Arms up.”
You followed his instructions, noticing how deep and sharp his voice became, wondering if he was going to be ordering you around like that the rest of the night. Not that you minded at all. In one quick swoop, Jimin snatched the shirt over your head and threw it off the bed. His eyes were transfixed on the way your breasts jumped at the sudden movement and jiggled for a moment. His mouth practically watered at the sight and suddenly he was overcome by the need to explore them. Before you knew it, his mouth was engulfing one of your hardened buds, tongue flicking over it once, twice, making you suppress a groan as your back arched into his touch.
Jimin’s nimble fingers played with your nipple on the other side and groped your breast gently, causing another moan to bubble in your throat. He noticed how you strained to keep quiet and released your flesh from his mouth with a loud suction noise.
“You don’t need to be quiet, I always imagined you moaning and screaming my name.” He planted kisses on the other breast that travelled down your abdomen, kissing every inch of skin along the way, occasionally stopping to suck light marks. “I’ve heard you scream before…” He continued worshiping your body and you never thought it would feel so good. Your ex never took time to do things like this. “I’ve heard you scream so loud at a concert that you lost your voice…” He stops to give you a hickey on your hip bone, to which you groan. “And ever since then I couldn’t stop thinking about if you lost your voice screaming for me.” The last words were whispered as Jimin spread your legs and pecked the inside of your thigh, his tongue peeking out to tease you. A shaky sigh left your lips as you took in the sight in front of you. Your best friend was now sitting between your legs staring at your bare core, giving you hickies on the inside of your thighs as he inched toward where you wanted him.
“Aren’t you going to take off your pants?” You manage to get out, eyes staring intently at the bulge in his pajama shorts as if you would suddenly be able to see through them. Somehow that took priority over what he was about to do to you. You bit your lip in anticipation as he sat up on his knees and yanked his shorts and boxers down impatiently, his cock springing up to slap against his taut lower abdomen. It felt like the wind was knocked out of your lungs as you gazed at him. Jimin was more fit that you remembered. Sure he goes to the gym practically every day, but you had never seen his body like this. Is this what he’s been hiding under all of those baggy sweaters and boyfriend hoodies? He truly looked like a god. The muscles in his arms and pecks flexed with almost every movement he made and you wondered how you had just noticed them. His chocolate abs were complimented perfectly by his honey skin that looked so soft on top of his tense muscles. His thighs were always on display no matter what he wore but they looked even better uncovered. Your eyes trailed down to the deep crests of his V line that led you to the most shocking sight of all. His erection stood tall against him, veins protruding along the length of it, making it so hard that it almost curled with arousal. Honestly, you didn’t expect Jimin to be this big. Based on his fingers and feet, you assumed that he was pretty average sized, but he was bigger than your definition of “average”. His member wasn’t the longest you had seen, but what it lacked in length, it made up for in thickness. The girth of his penis was surprising to you and a pang of nervousness shot through you. It’s a cliche question but you truly wondered, would it be able to fit? He was definitely going to stretch you out.
“Are you okay?” He asked, snapping you out of your trance as he threw his clothes to the side and came back down to hover over you. Your eyes were still locked on his lower half and he looked down at himself as though to see what you were looking at. “What? Were you not expecting this?” Instead of sounding cocky like you thought he would, he sounded slightly concerned, teeth nibbling nervously on his bottom lip. You realized your silence was making him feel uneasy.
“Well, no. Fuck.” His eyes grew wide for a moment and even though he looked like a sex god, you couldn’t help but find him cute. “I’m… impressed. You’re way bigger than what I’m used to, are you sure it’s gonna fit?” It was hard for you not to think about how guys were able to hide their dicks in their pants. Did they tuck them away somewhere? It was amazing to you how he was this big and you had never seen any sign of it, even when he wore tight pants. You came to a conclusion: guys are magicians.
Jimin seemed to beam at your praise, his confidence returning when he heard your concern. He smiled and bent down to peck you softly, effectively calming your nerves. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle, I’m not going to hurt you. I just need to prepare you well.” You trusted him so you nodded, heart beat relaxing slightly when you were reassured.
He wasted no time as he climbed back down your body, head once again between your legs, mouth oh so close to where you wanted it. The slight movement of your hips was enough to make him dip down and lick at your core, tasting how wet you were for him. He hummed and licked you again, this time slower as he dipped his tongue into your entrance a little to collect your leaking juices. Your throbbing clit was only teased with three fleeting flicks before the warmth of his head was gone again. You groan impatiently.
“You’re not going to eat me out?” You couldn’t help the disappointment in your tone.
“Nope. I have other plans.” Jimin moves to your side and leans on his elbow by your head. He slips one hand down your body and shoves a finger into you without warning, causing you to moan loudly, your sweet voice music to his ears. “But you like this too, don’t you?” He comments, adding in a second finger after a few short pumps. You were so wet his fingers slid right in. “Fuck (Y/n), are you clenching around me? You’re so fucking tight.”
All you could do was moan in response because you honestly didn’t have any words for him. Before tonight you had never really thought about him in a sexual way– ok maybe once or twice– but you definitely didn’t see yourself ever doing anything sexual with him, and now he had two fingers shoved deep inside of you, commenting on how tight you were. And you loved every second of it.
“Do you know you’re beautiful? Gorgeous actually.” Jimin whispered while staring at your face. You turn to look at him and immediately lock eyes, his stare heating you from the inside out. There was so much love in the way he looked at you that you felt yourself blush. Or maybe it was lust that you saw. “I’m not sure if your ex ever told you that, but I think it every time I look at you.”
He pressed his lips to yours shyly and you found it sweet how he could be so bashful with you even in a situation like this. How could you not realize that he felt this way about you for so long? His fingers explored the inside of your cavern, searching for something, wiggling and prodding at your walls until you gasped and grabbed his wrist. A thin smile crossed Jimin’s plump lips as he curled his fingers into the spot, observing the way your back curved at the feeling. A sense of accomplishment filled his chest as he worked at your g-spot with a consistent pace, amusement in his eyes as you moaned his name and squeezed his arm.
“Jimin, that feels so good.” You whine when he runs his thumb over your nub in pace with his fingers. A familiar warmth grew in the pit of your stomach and you almost wanted to fight it. There was no way he was that good. You couldn’t possibly be this close to coming already. Hot lips found your neck and you groaned at the sensation of him sucking on your tender skin. The way your walls begin to contract around him alerts Jimin to how close you are.
“Are you close? Can you cum for me?” He asks, voice almost teasing as he adds more pressure on your clit and pushes his fingers into you harder. Your eyes flick to his body laying next to yours, your eyes finding his cock, neglected and pink, patiently waiting to be put to use. The thought of it being inside you pushed you closer to your rapidly approaching orgasm and you bit your lip as you tried to imagine what it would feel like. It seemed much bigger than the fingers that were lodged in your entrance. Jimin must have thought the same thing because before you knew it, he was pushing a third finger in alongside the others. The way they stretched you had you gasping for air and bucking your hips up into his hand. He twisted his wrist as he moved in and out, biting his lip, thinking about how close he was to finally fucking you.
Your furrowed eyebrows and tightly closed eyes made it look like you were in pain but your moans let him know that you were feeling nothing but pure bliss. It was amazing to you how good he was at this. From what you knew, Jimin didn’t sleep around often, but his skills told you that he had a lot of experience. Anticipation built within you as you thought about how his hips moved on the dance floor, your heart pounding as you imagined how he would be able to use them to pleasure you. Your walls began to clench around his fingers when he bent down to take one of your nipples in his mouth again, the heat shooting straight down to your core. The butterflies were going wild in the pit of your stomach and you could feel that you wouldn’t last long.
“Mmm I-I’m close, fuck.” You whimper as he pushes his fingers harder into you. The wet sounds that fill your ears drives Jimin crazy and only makes him go faster, caressing your spot endlessly, desperate to push you to your high. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” You rush. Soon enough, your body tightens up all at once and rippling waves of pleasure shake you as his thumb continues to work at your swollen bud. Instinctively, your legs curl upwards and you try to clamp your thighs around his hand, body becoming sensitive as he keeps his steady movements. You peek open your eyes barely enough to see the look on Jimin’s face. It’s a look of amazement and disbelief, as if he had just witnessed a miracle, soaking in the fact that he had just watched you cum around his fingers, that your pleasure was all because of him.
You push his hand away eventually when you can’t take it anymore and he snaps out of his trance. He’s sweating and breathing just as heavily as you are.
“Wow,” Without a moment’s hesitation, he shoots up and reaches over you to dig in his nightstand. He retracts his hand holding a foil package and your eyes light up once you realize what was about to happen. He was about to fuck you. Were you ready for this? Were you sure you wanted this? Is he just your rebound? No, no, no, absolutely not. You were disgusted by your last thought as you quickly shake it away, your heart arguing with your brain that you actually do have feelings for your best friend and aren’t just doing this in the spur of the moment. You stop him before he rips the package.
“I’m on the pill.”
Jimin sighs in relief but looks at you. He didn’t really care all that much at this point, he just wanted to be inside of you, but he also wanted to make sure you were sure. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to control himself once he was close so he needed know you trusted your decision before things got started. With a final, more confident nod, you gave him permission to proceed and he placed the condom to the side before hovering over you. He looked in your eyes as he lined himself up with your entrance, teasing your slit with his engorged tip, pulling a gasp from you. You rolled your hips when he slid himself between your folds, grazing over your already sensitive clit with his hot skin, sending shivers down your body. He smiled at you as he repeated this a few times, getting a reaction from you with every movement he made.
“Jimin~!” You whined, not being able to handle his teasing any longer. He silenced you by slapping his length against your dripping core, causing you to whimper and flinch. Finally, he decided to give into his desire and give you what you both wanted. With a reassuring smirk, he placed his tip against your slit and let your juices lubricate him, taking advantage of your post-orgasm wetness. Slowly, he pushed himself all the way in, watching you for any signs of discomfort as he struggled to keep his body under control. There was little resistance as he slid inside of you, the stretch feeling more amazing than you could have imagined. Jimin held eye contact with you the entire time, watching to see your reactions as you both moaned at the feeling, the intimacy making your heart flutter and face heat up.
“Oh fuck, (Y/n),” He moaned when he was fully sheathed inside, gentle hands rubbing soothingly up your sides. “How are you still so fucking tight?” Jimin pulled out until only his tip was connected to you, before pushing himself back in with a grunt. You moaned as he moved with shallow thrusts, testing the waters to make sure you were fully adjusted. He bent down to capture your lips, nipping at the flesh as he took his time getting used to the sensation of you wrapping around him like a warm velvety blanket. The way he was gently fucking you felt good, but you both craved more. The shakiness of his breaths told you that he was holding back and that was exactly what you didn’t want him to do, so you bucked up into him harshly to let him know what you wanted. He stuttered for a moment, looking into your expectant eyes as you raised your brows at him. With one more gentle thrust, he adjusted himself and let go of all restraint.
Building up a fast pace almost immediately, he moved your legs so they were up in the air, his hips smacking into the back of your thighs with each thrust. He leaned back on his haunches and threw your legs over his shoulders, grabbing a tight hold on your waist. The look on his face sent shockwaves through your body. He looked like he was in paradise as he watched himself disappear in and out of your dripping entrance.
“Jimin, you’re so big,” You whimpered as he dared to go deeper. The sensation of his member was different from what you were used to, but you had to admit, it felt a whole lot better than when you were with your ex. He continued to stare at you as he bit down on his bottom lip, a ocean of emotions crashing down on him. He couldn’t believe that this was real, but just in case it wasn’t or if somehow you would regret this in the morning, he would make the most out of the opportunity and enjoy every second. You threw your head back when his hand made contact with your ass, the slapping noise resonating within the confines of his room. Your walls tightened unconsciously around him and he almost came right then from the unexpected tightness.
“Oh shit, (Y/n), don’t do that or I’m gonna cum. I want this to last…” He whispered, fingers digging into your sides. He slowed down the pace a bit but he still shook you every time he plunged into you.
“I c-can’t help it, you feel so good.” You stuttered out, thoughts already leaving you. He grinned at the expression on your face, lips parted and eyes squeezed shut in bliss. One of his hands snaked down between your legs, running the pads of his fingertips along your clit, teasing you with light touches. The other hand ran along the length of your torso to pinch at your nipples. Taking one of your breasts into his warm palm, he massaged you as he began to accelerate the pace of his hips again. You moaned as you felt him on all of your sensitive areas, knowing that he was watching your every move with darkened eyes.
The sound of his skin slapping against yours resonated throughout the room, mixing with his soft groans and your whimpers. The feeling of him inside of you was electric and when he crossed your legs in one hand, he seemed to get bigger, filling you up heavily with the added tightness. And when he slowed his pace to rotate and grind his hips against you, you couldn’t stop moaning his name. He reveled in the sound of his name on your lips, pushing him to squeeze your breasts harder and thrust into you faster.
“You like this, baby girl?” He asked, a sinful smirk painted on his lips as he eyes you with a lustful gaze. “You like the way I fuck you?” A side of him that you had never seen before was revealing itself to you. He looked dangerously sexy and the more he got carried away in the feeling of you, the more dirty words spewed from his luscious lips.
“Mhmm,” You nod, lacking the oxygen and words to form a proper reply.
“Let me hear you say it, baby girl. Or should I stop?” He teased and you protested in an outburst, eyes shooting open to look at him pleadingly.
“No!! Don’t stop baby, I fucking love it.” Hearing the words fall from your mouth, Jimin thrusted harder into you, causing you to moan out.
“Has he ever made you feel this good? Has he ever treated your pussy right?” Jimin asks, dropping your legs so he can lean over you to look you in the eye.
“…Who?” If you were being completely honest, you had no idea who he was referring to. All thoughts of your ex boyfriend had been replaced the moment Jimin entered you and now all you could think about was being wrapped in his embrace. He chuckled, taking your reply as an answer to his questions. One hand slid down your side, down your ass to your thigh, and lifted it to wrap around his slim waist while his other hand found yours and intertwined your fingers. He used his nose to nudge the sweaty hair from your neck before leaning down and littering it with kisses and marks.
“You deserve so much better than him. You should be treated like royalty.” He whispered huskily as he nibbled on your earlobe. The deep sound sent shivers down your spine as you panted in his ear, giving his hand a squeeze as he hit new depths inside you. Jimin was possessive, you knew this, but you never thought he would be this possessive over you specifically. The way his voice lowered and how his body trapped you underneath him, told you that he wanted you all to himself, that he wanted to be the one to treat you right. You couldn’t deny it though, this side of him was turning you on beyond belief, as if you weren’t already dripping wet.
The rolling motion of his hips against you was heavenly. With his body pressed so tightly against yours, you could feel his every movement, every muscle flexing as he fucked you deep and hard. His pelvis rubbed your clit nicely and the sensation made your toes curl, a hand flying to grip his hair. Wet lips sucked on the sensitive skin of your neck, just below your ear, until he couldn’t take it anymore and lifted his head to satisfy his hunger for your mouth. Jimin slipped his tongue past your lips almost immediately, moaning at your taste. The feeling of his mouth on yours and his hand kneading and smacking the flesh of your ass was almost too much for you and you felt the knot in your lower belly start to tighten again.
“H-harder Jimin,” You moan onto his lips, eliciting a deep growl from his throat as he pulled away. He moved your leg from his waist and held it out to the side, pushing himself off of his elbows and onto his hands for leverage to pound into you. The headboard hit the wall each time he rocked into you, adding to the cacophony of noises filling the room. Skin slapping, sweat dripping, you were a mess of bodies tangled on his bed sheets. He enjoyed the way your breasts jumped with the force of every slam of his hips and how you bit down on your lips to stop yourself from screaming. Suddenly he was pulled into a trance, studying your body as it reacted strongly to everything he did, the sight of pleasuring you way more satisfying than even his most vivid fantasies of you.
“Fuck, baby girl, you feel amazing.” Jimin moved his grip to your hips and lifted them off the bed as he rose to his knees. There was little time for you to adjust before he was slamming into you at full speed, fingers wound tightly into the sheets, moans going up in both pitch and volume. He was panting above you, sweat cascading down his long neck and sculpted torso as he concentrated on pleasuring you.
“Ah~ Jimin, like that!” You barely had enough breath to whine out the words, his cock stealing the air right out of your lungs. The angle that your hips were at allowed him to deliver mind blowing pleasure every time he inserted himself back into you, his fingers digging bruises into your hips to keep you in place. The sounds he was making only drove you closer to the edge, his loud moans and grunts of your name making you clench even tighter around his throbbing member.
“Shit, (Y/n), I can feel you pulsing. You gonna cum again?” He asked, a small smirk spreading across his lips. You moan out something close to a yes and you can see the way his jaw clenches at how sexy you sound. “Tell me: who’s making you feel so good?”
“You Jimin, I fucking love your cock!!” He hummed in approval and rewarded you with an extra hard thrust. You wouldn’t even be able to imagine how many times he’s dreamed of hearing you saying that.
“That’s right,” He growled. “I’m the only one who can make you feel this way.” He breathed between pants.
“Oh God, I’m g-gonna–” You trailed off as you completely lost your train of thought. He was pounding into you mercilessly and you felt like you could explode at any moment. All that was leaving you were helpless moans of Jimin’s name as you chased after your second high. At some point your hand traveled between your legs and now found your clit, working at it feverishly. Jimin groaned at the sight.
“Go 'head baby, cum on my cock. Let me feel you.” He encouraged as your fingers worked faster. His hands lowered you slightly to accommodate your trembling limbs and the new angle sent you flying over the edge with a loud whine of his name. Your walls squeezed him hard and he almost doubled over at the feeling, your fluttering walls dragging him deeper into the depths of bliss. He slowed down slightly for you as you shook violently, vision blurring in the blinding wall of ecstasy, and you weren’t sure if you were breathing anymore; hell, you didn’t care. When you couldn’t take it any more, Jimin pulled out and dropped your hips.
“Your mouth,” He sounded frantic as he gripped his dick and pumped it harshly, waiting for you to scramble onto your wobbly knees in front of him. You looked up at his face and took his tip into your mouth, causing a moan to rip from his throat. His hand movements got faster as you used the tip of your tongue to tease his head, licking over the slit lightly and circling around it before taking it between your lips.
“(Y/n),” He strained. “C-can I cum in your mouth?” As soon as you nodded his muscles tightened up, his veiny hand pulling out his release with every stroke. The white liquid spurted out onto your tongue and you opened your mouth to let him see the view. Jimin grunted your name as he came undone, groaning when your mouth wrapped around him again to suck every last drop from him. He removed his hand and you gave him a couple of deep sucks before you released him from your mouth, a trail of saliva and semen connecting your lips and his tip. With one big gulp, you swallowed everything he had given you and stuck out your tongue to show him the evidence.
“Mmm,” You hummed as he came down to kiss you.
“Why are you so fucking hot?” He groaned as he plopped down on the bed, pulling you on top of his chest.
You sat in silence for a while, letting the reality of what you had just done sink in. You and your best friend just fucked. What did that mean? You hoped it was something good. Jimin was the first one to break the silence.
“Please say something.”
“What am I supposed to say?”
“I don’t know, just, something.” He sighed. “We just fucked, (Y/n). There has to be a million things running through your head right now.”
You didn’t say anything for a minute, feeling his heart rate go up as you held him in suspense. “I just don’t want things to be awkward between us.”
“It’s only awkward if you make it awkward.” You look up at him. “You already know how I feel, I just want to know how you feel; If this was a mistake.” He looks away from you and your hand comes up to his cheek.
“No. What we just did was not a mistake.” His gaze falls back on you. “You just gave me the best orgasms I’ve ever had and made me feel more loved than I’ve ever felt the entire time I’ve been with my ex. You did nothing wrong.” You smiled up at him and he returned it easily. You wondered how he was so effortlessly perfect and why you had never realized it until today.
“I can make you feel like that every day if you want.” The flirtatiousness in his voice made you giggle and blush, but you’d take him up on that offer any day.
“I thought you said you didn’t do friends with benefits situations?”
“I don’t, I want you to be my girlfriend, not my fuck buddy, silly.” He laughs and you feel your heart skip a beat at the thought.
“And I want you to be my boyfriend.” You, becoming Park Jimin’s girlfriend. Dating your best friend that you’ve probably been in love with forever. It felt good thinking about it.
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear those words.” He beams, closing his eyes as your words echo in his mind. “Every time I saw you, I imagined myself as your boyfriend. Holding your hand, telling you how much I love you, going on dates, taking you home afterwards…” You roll your eyes. “I was so jealous of that asshole because he had you and he treated you like you were less than your worth. You deserved better, someone who can make you happy.”
“Why do you keep saying that?”
“Because it’s true! And I can be that better person. I can be the person that makes you happy and supports you; I’ve been doing it for years. I just want you to accept that I love you; more than just a friend. And I don’t want you to regret this.”
“Jimin, the only thing I regret is not realizing this sooner. And considering I’m still laying in your bed naked, I think it’s safe to say that I’m okay with this whole thing. More than okay.” You trace a finger down his chest and it gives him goosebumps.
“So… are we dating now?”
“Yes.” You laugh. “And in case it’s still unclear, I love you too.”
Reaching up, you plant a kiss on his lips to seal the deal and he gladly reciprocates it, relishing in the comforting feeling of your lips on his. “I love you a thousand times more.”
“Pft, cheesy.”
“Shut up.” He laughs.
You roll off of him so he can get up and turn off the lights, realizing that it was way past your bedtime and actually almost morning. He comes back and pulls the sheets over your bodies, allowing you to cuddle into the warmth his side.
“Oh God, what are we going to tell the others?” You groan, thinking of all the teasing you’ll get from your friends later, especially Hani.
“Well, you can tell them how big you think my dick is and I’ll tell them about how I made you scream my name.” Jimin grinned through the darkness, giggling when you hit him on the chest. “What’s wrong with telling them we’re dating?”
“It’s not that, I just don’t feel like being teased about all the hickies you left on me.” You complain. 
“I can give you more if you want.” Before you knew it, Jimin’s lips were on you again leaving playful marks for the whole world to see while you laughed along, enjoying his company, feeling truly loved for the first time in a while as he held you in his arms.
A/N: Ya girl just finished her first month of senior year and things were a little crazy for a while. Since I never really had a schedule in the first place, I’ll probably just post randomly whenever I can get anything written and edited (wait, don’t I already do that?) but I’ll try to keep writing and working on my skills. Feedback is appreciated :) Hope you enjoyed!!
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officialspiderboy · 7 years
Donut Pants (Sam Holland x Reader)
A/N: Hello! I’m still alive and writing! this is my first Sam fic, tbh I thought I would do a Tom one before Sam but hey! Here I am. (Also I have a couple of requests from like November that I haven’t done yet I’m sorry I see you I just write things when I get inspiration for them and I don’t want anything to be half assed). This could have a second part but I won’t write one unless people want it. Hope you like this!
Warnings: Swearing (as always), FWP (fluff without plot), underlying angst? but not really, maybe some secondhand embarrassment (but that’s a stretch), *Reader wears glasses*, open ending. request if you want a part 2
Requested: no
Summary: The reader can’t sleep after watching a horror movie at the Holland household, turns out neither can a certain freckled boy. (Gender is unspecified, but let me know if I made any mistakes on that!) Just let me know if you think you want a second part!
Word Count: 1.5K
Pure bliss was all you felt as you frolicked around your dream world. Quiet and at peace, a certain familiar face that made your heart swell was holding your hand and guiding you through the unclear surroundings. The only thing that was detailed was him. The freckles that scattered his face and the smile that wrinkled his nose and brightened his eyes warmed your heart. You glanced at your surroundings for a second and when you looked back all you saw were bright yellow eyes-
“Holy mother of shit!” You jumped up in your bed, heart pounding in your ears as your brain frenzied. You turned on whatever lights were near you and grabbed your glasses while frantically searching around you to make sure that there wasn’t a clown demon in your room ready to eat you.
“Fuck,” you deadpanned. You adjusted your glasses properly on the bridge of your nose as your vision focused on the room around you.
“Good god,” your heart was still racing and you weren’t as comfortable in this room as you were in your own home so you quietly made your way to a more familiar area.
You peaked your way around every corner, made sure all the doors that led to more sleeping bodies were closed before turning on all the lights and checking behind some furniture just to be extra safe.
You let out a breath that you didn’t even know you were holding as your paranoia slowly died down along with your beating heart.
“Damn those boys,” you muttered under your breath, “I hate them and their stupid- ‘Oh it’ll be fine! It’s not that scary!! We’ll protect you!!’ -And all their bullshit!” You let out a scoff.
“Well guess who isn’t sleeping tonight while those motherfuckers got a kick out of scaring the living shit out of me.” Your frustration was harder to let out considering how quiet you had to be, so you were left muttering to yourself while badly and unnecessarily exaggerating accents to yourself as you mocked the boys that forced you to watch a horror movie with them.
You glanced at the clock on the oven. Oh wonderful, it’s 4am. And I’m not getting any sleep tonight.
You were pouring yourself a bowl of cereal and decided to quietly watch some TV until you could manage to fall asleep again.
“SHIT-“ you jumped up about 10 feet in the air and threw the box of cereal at the noise and grabbed a wooden spoon that was left in the sink near you as a weapon of defense.
“Ow!! What the fuck was the for??” The boy whisper yelled. He glared at you through the cracks of his fingers as he held his forehead in pain.
“Sam?? Shit sorry dude,” you approached him, your heart now pounding for a different reason.
“Woah woah woah,” he put his hands up in surrender, “maybe put down the weapon?” He pointed to the spoon still clutched tightly in your hand.
“Oh! Right,” you put the spoon back in the sink and pushed up your glasses and avoided eye contact with him, “sorry.”
“Yeah, you already said that,” he grinned at you, your heart melting at the sight. You mumbled another apology under your breath and pushed up your glasses that were already at the top of your nose.
“It’s alright love, no harm done,” he moved to pick up the cereal box that lay on the floor, luckily you had properly closed the box before Sam scared you so no mess was made.
“Your head might disagree,” you whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Okay, a little harm done, nothing I can’t handle though,” you blushed when you look up at him to see him already gazing at you. You admired how soft he looked in his pajamas and his messy bed hair.
“Can’t sleep?” You shook your head no when he glanced back at you.
“It’s your fault,” a surge of confidence came to you as you took in his smug expression. He leaned back on the counter and raised an eyebrow at you. Your confidence suddenly disappeared under his gaze.
“How do you figure?” Both of your voices hushed in courtesy of everyone still asleep.
“You made me watch that damn movie,” You feigned confidence as you walked up to Sam. You reached around his body to grab the kettle that sat there and filled it up with water, “tea?” You asked as nonchalantly as you could.
“Sure, also, blame Tom. I didn’t want to watch that movie either, why else do you think I’m out here?” He grabbed some mugs and tea bags and put them down while the kettle heated.
“I figured I wasn’t being as stealthy as I thought,” you shrugged.
“Oh, that too, had to make sure you weren’t a demon who was going to eat my family.”
“Oh, so you’re the idiot who decides to go towards the noise and ultimately get killed first?” You grinned.
A quiet laugh escaped Sam’s lips as he nodded, “I guess I am, yeah. What about you? You’re the idiot who tries to defend themselves with a wooden spoon.”
You feigned offense, “the box of cereal seemed pretty effective! I’d live longer than you that’s for sure,” you shoved his shoulder.
“Maybe,” he shrugged, “but you’d still inevitably meet the same bitter end.”
You rolled your eyes and prepared to make a comeback before both of you heard the kettle on the brink of letting out a loud whistle. Both you and Sam reacted quickly, you grabbing the kettle as Sam turned off the gas.
Same grabbed the pot from your hands gently and playfully bumped your hip away with his own, “I make the best tea in the house, so watch and learn.”
“And what did I do to deserve this pleasure?” You teased, not questioning the ease at which you were conversing.
Some minutes passed and you two were sat on the couch, tea in your hands as you talked about everything that came to mind.
“You were right, this is some of the best tea I’ve had, I’m impressed, Holland.” You complimented.
“Why thank you very much, I did tell you so.”
“That you did,” you agreed as you both took a sip.
“So how did you wake up?” Sam asked.
You raised a brow at him.
“You know like what made you freak out enough to wake up?” You blushed as you remembered you were dreaming about him, but decided not to mention that little detail.
“Well, I don’t remember what I was doing exactly-“ partially true “-but I was just minding my own business when all of a sudden that- fucking clown just-“
“Showed up?” Sam finished. You nodded and took another sip of your drink. “Same thing for me pretty much.” You hummed in response.
“Shit-“ you got up putting the cup down.
“My cereal!” You paused, “come with me.”
“We were just talking about the damn clown now I’m all freaked out again- please, just- come with me!”
“It’s an open concept house, I can literally see the kitchen from here,” he argued, too comfortable to move from his position. You pouted, he groaned. He begrudgingly got up and slumped behind you.
As you were heading back to the couch with your cereal Sam blurted, “okay what is on your pants?”
“What?” You craned your body to make sure you didn’t drop food on your ass or get something stuck on you somehow because that’s just what you needed to happen in front of the boy you happen to have a huge crush on-
“The pattern.” What?
“The what?” You look at him incredulously while he pouted and looked so damn cute what the fu-
“The pattern. What’s it supposed to be?” He looked so genuinely concerned you didn’t know if you should laugh or cry at his cuteness.
“Like I’ve been- non-creepily -trying to figure out what the hell it is for the past hour and I need you to just tell me. The suspense is killing me.”
You tried not to laugh too loud at his ridiculous-adorable-ness, “they’re donuts Sam.”
“What? No way those aren’t donuts.”
“They are!”
“Well then what the hell are those-“ he pointed haphazardly to the general direction of your pants, trying to find the right word before deciding to go with “things on them?”
“No way,” he gaped at you. You grinned and nodded at him, “that’s bullshit, that.”
“Don’t insult my donut pants! They’re comfy,” you defended.
“They’re not donuts!” He argued.
Most of the night went by with more giggles and light conversations. You don’t know when you two fell asleep, but when you woke up leaning on his shoulder and his head rested on your own, your heart ached for him. The friendship you both shared was more important to you than anything, so you would take him however you could get him.
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missjanjie · 7 years
The Show Must Go On || Ch. 9
Title: The Show Must Go On Summary: Kurt Hummel lands the leading role in NYADA’s spring production of Bare: A Pop Opera, but his excitement starts to diminish when he finds out he will be playing a love interest to former romantic rival, Sebastian Smythe. Even though the casting threw him through a loop, he isn’t going to let that deter him from the chance of a lifetime. (canon through season 4) Chapter: Nine Word Count: 1501 Relationships: Kurt Hummel/Sebastian Smythe, Kurt Hummel/Finn Hudson (fraternal), Kurt Hummel/Santana Lopez (platonic), Kurt Hummel/Mercedes Jones (platonic) Rating: M (for some chapters) Warnings/Notes: N/A this chapter
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | AO3
Hell week had certainly lived up to its name. For the past seven days, it felt like nothing existed outside of rehearsal. Kurt, Sebastian, and the cast were eating, sleeping, and breathing Bare.
However, Kurt found that it wasn’t all bad. Since Sebastian lived closer to the campus, he found that he would simply go back to his place every night and stay over, which proved to be the superior alternative to going back to Santana and Rachel.
“I can’t believe tonight’s the big night,” Kurt remarked, wrapping his arms around Sebastian from behind. The taller male, taking advantage of having the morning off, was standing over the stove, cooking breakfast for the two of them.
“Nervous, babe?” Sebastian teased as he flipped the bacon in the pan, chuckling when the other scoffed in response.
“Psh, I don’t do nerves,” he retorted, then quietly added “I’m actually really terrified.”
Setting the completed meal on the counter, he turned and wrapped his arms around his waist. “You know damn well you have no reason to be nervous,” he told him, kissing along his jaw.
Kurt smiled, draping his arms over Sebastian’s shoulders and locking his hands at the back of his neck. “I know, I know, we’re the best leading men this school has ever seen, and everyone will be left quaking in their seats,” he chuckled.
Sebastian grinned and pecked his lips. “That’s the spirit. Now come on, let’s eat,” he set the two plates at the breakfast bar and all but devoured their food. It wasn’t until they were cleaning up that there was a knock at the door.
“See who’s there, I’m indecent,” Kurt said with a dramatic flourish as he left to dress his underwear-clad form.
Letting out a light laugh, Sebastian nodded and opened the door, looking up with a surprised expression. “Hudson? The hell are you doing out here?”
“What, no mean nickname? Wow Sebastian, you’ve gone soft,” Finn smirked.
“Your brother would beg to differ,” he retorted.
“…I walked into that. Santana said he was here, can I-”
“Finn!” Kurt had emerged from the other room, face lighting up when he saw his step-brother, running full speed and hugging him tightly. “When did you get in?”
“Last night, but you were at rehearsal so I just crashed on the couch at your place,” he explained as he was ushered inside. “Come on, you know I wouldn’t miss your opening night for anything.”
Kurt was admittedly impressed that the girls had managed to keep this as a surprised, but was quick to focus his attention on how happy he was to see Finn. It didn’t take long for them to fall right into excitedly catching up on their lives.
“So are you still dating Rachel after all the shit she pulled with Kurt?” Sebastian couldn’t help but chime in.
Finn tensed at the question, but shook his head. “We haven’t been…officially together for a while, but that, I couldn’t see past that,” he explained.
The tone seemed to shift after that, becoming more tense and uneasy. Then, Finn blurted out “I saw Blaine at the airport, I think he’s gonna try to come to your show.”
Kurt groaned, burying his head in his hands. “Fucking—I’m going to call Rachel, see if she has anything to do with this,” he muttered, exiting to another room, leaving Finn and Sebastian to their own devices.
“Listen,” Finn turned to Sebastian. “I don’t know what your MO is for Kurt but you better not—”
“Save it,” Sebastian said flatly. “I don’t need to hear the whole big scary brother act. I know all about Kurt’s tragic past and how he doesn’t need another guy fucking him over.”
“Damn, I had a whole speech planned out and everything,” he mumbled. “Just…look, he’s really overdue for someone that treats him right.”
“I’ve noticed, believe me,” Sebastian retorted, looking up when Kurt rejoined them. “What’s the verdict?”
“Rachel swears up and down that she had nothing to do with this. Honestly, I believe her. If this was her doing, she’d brag about it,” Kurt rolled his eyes.
“Listen, if he does show up, we’ll make sure you don’t have to be alone with him. I promise,” Finn assured, wrapping an arm around the smaller male. “We got you covered.”
Kurt smiled softly, resting his head on Finn’s shoulder. “I know you do,” he exhaled deeply. “And I’m not going to let this distract me. The show’s gotta go all over the place, right?” he nudged Finn lightly.
“T-minus one hour!” the director shouted to the cast, all of which off doing their own preparations.
Kurt was sitting in front of the vanity, the hair stylist having just finished, when he saw a familiar face in the reflection of the mirror. “Oh no,” he murmured to himself.
“Not even a little happy to see me?” Blaine asked, resting his hands on the back of Kurt’s chair, causing him to instantly stand up.
“He waited until I went to the bathroom, I tried to stop him,” Finn panted as he ran into the room moments later.
Blaine ignored Finn’s interjection, fixating his gaze on Kurt. “I just wanted to see you,” he told him.
“Well, you’ve seen me, great catching up. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” Kurt brushed him off as quickly as he could.
“We need to talk, Kurt. You owe me that much.”
‘Seeing red’ always seemed like a figure of speech, but when Blaine said that, Kurt just snapped. “I don’t owe you a goddamn thing. You manipulated and gas-lighted me, you made me feel horrible if it meant boosting your own ego, you abused me, and lest we forget – you fucking cheated on me! I don’t owe you a phone call, a text message, I sure as fuck don’t owe you updates on who I’m dating. When I said we’re done, I. Meant. It.”
Before Blaine could respond, Finn intervened. “You should go, dude,” he said, ushering him out of the room while a few of Kurt’s costars rushed over to see what happened to him.
Moments after Finn had gotten Blaine out of the room, things only escalated. Sebastian was walking back towards the room, only to have the jilted ex-lover lunge at him, an attempted attack if not for Finn’s intervening.
“You!” Blaine hissed. “This is all your fault. You got inside his head and fucked him all up!”
Sebastian seemed completely nonplussed by the outburst, folding his arms over his chest. “If there’s anyone that fucked him up, it’s the guy that left him unable to take a compliment, and that sure as shit wasn’t me.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about! Kurt was miserable before he met me. I saved him,” Blaine retorted.
“And how did forcing your sloppy drunk ass on him in your car play into your whole savior plan?”
Blaine ran his hand through his hair, or at least as much as he could with all the product locking it in place. “Well that wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t trying to tempt me.”
“It takes two to tango, Blaine. And I don’t recall suggesting you try molesting your boyfriend,” truth be told, Sebastian did take blame in what happened to Kurt that night, but he wasn’t about to let Blaine use his guilt against him.
“Why are you harping on this? I know I’ve made some mistakes in my relationship with Kurt, but who the hell are you to say anything? Why can’t you just back off and let us sort this out?”
“Because I’m in love with him!”
Silence took over the hallway after Sebastian’s outburst, everything seeming to freeze except for the distant sound of a clock ticking. It seemed damn near an eternity before Sebastian started to speak again.
“You had plenty of chances to make things right with Kurt. If you really loved him you wouldn’t have waited until now to own up to your bullshit. You don’t own him, you never did.”
Blaine left after that, muttering something about a ‘waste of a plane ticket’ and trying to act as though he wasn’t departing with his tail between his legs.
Finn, who’d been stunned into silence after his attempt at mediating, was looking at him in awe. “Woah, Sebastian, that—”
“Don’t say anything,” he cut him off, pacing about as he tried to calm himself down, feeling more adrenaline than he needed to this close to the show.
Finn put his hands up in surrender and stepped back inside, leaving Sebastian facing away from the entrance, still haphazardly trying to calm down.
When he heard footsteps approach him again, Sebastian whirled around. “Hudson, if you don’t fuck off I swear to god I’ll – oh,” he blinked, seeing Kurt stare back at him. “You...heard the whole thing, didn’t you?”
Kurt nodded.
“You saw Blaine leave?”
Kurt nodded again.
“Goddamnit, Kurt, fucking say something, please,” he pleaded, holding his breath until he answered.
“I love you too.”
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eyez-ff-blog · 8 years
○○ eyez | forty
April 23, 2018
“Hey, put this on,” Jermaine furrowed his eyebrows as Janiya laughed, her purple babydoll style shirt only half on her body. Her eyes peeked from the confines of the collar, and she giggled. “Hi,” She gently greeted.
“Hi,” He smiled, and she laughed as he finished putting the shirt on. “There we go. You wanna wear this?” He held out the pair of jeans. “Or...?” He held out the skirt, and Janiya stared up at him before she reached up towards the jeans. Jermaine proceeded to help her into the jeans, and he stepped back as she stood before him in her what would be her outfit for her birthday party. “Where’s mama? We gotta get your hair done,” He ruffled his hand across her curls, and she held her arms out for him to pick her up.
His sidekick was a year old today, and it brought so many feelings to him as he walked around the house with his daughter in his arms. This time last year, even he was unsure of what Niya’s future would hold. A part of him was afraid that she wouldn’t be strong enough to endure. It was a scary time, and despite those fears he carried the burden of his family. But now it was a year later and the rain still came just as heavily as it did when she was born; despite that rain, the home felt warm and nothing as it was. He could only pray that his baby girl would only understand times like these.
“I wonder where mama is,” Jermaine said as he looked down at Janiya, who seemed to respond to the word immediately.
“Mama,” She mumbled before the two entered the living room. At the sight of Beija, she reached over towards her, wiggling restlessly in Jermaine’s arms. “Mama,” She called out.
“Hi, baby!” Beija got up before she came over to the duo, kissing Janiya’s forehead before taking her from J’s grip. “Daddy got you all dressed up—you’re so cute,” She chuckled as she looked up at the curls that laid haphazardly upon her head. “But he didn’t do this mane, huh?” She shook her head.
“I can barely do mine. I’m learning, though. Before long she will get a good puff,” J said, and he chuckled as he watched Beija carry Niya to the couch—he saw that she had Niya’s hair care items on the ready.
“Did you need me to go to the store for anything or did you get everything?” He asked.
“The cake should be ready by the time you get to the bakery, so go ahead and do that for me if you please,” Beija said as she began to focus on gently combing through Niya’s hair. “Say bye to daddy,” She instructed.
“Bye-bye,” Niya said softly, and J waved before he disappeared to the master bedroom to retrieve his coat. After slipping it on, he went to his car and carefully drove through the rainy streets to reach the bakery.
As he pulled up to the bakery, he heard his phone ring before he checked the I.D., swiping to answer before he pressed it to his ear. “Yo,” He answered.
“You could be more civilized towards me on the phone,” Ib joked, and Jermaine chuckled a bit before he quickly got out of the car and jogged towards the bakery’s entrance.
“I knew it was you, though. Fuck you want, though?” J playfully asked as he stood in line, running his hand over his regrowing dreads. They were pretty much growing the same as before, but with Beija’s help they seemed a lot neater looking.
“First, I got your email about the new album pitch—I love it,” Ib sounded excited as he spoke. “So, that’s all good with me. Go ahead and start that up and I’ll be there to help when you need me,” He added.
“That’s wassup. I was hoping you’d be down for it. But you said ‘first,’ so what’s next?” Silence came after, and he furrowed his eyebrows. “Ibrahim?”
“Nicole’s pregnant.”
“Are you seri—I’m gonna be an uncle?!” Jermaine did all he could not to yell too loudly, letting out a laugh before he nodded. “Congratulations, man. I know you guys have been working on that,” He said.
“She’s been floating all day since we found out. I’m really just blown right now; I’m gonna be a dad,” Ib chuckled softly. “Man, we are getting old as shit,” He playfully complained.
“There’s a strange thing called time, Ib. Doesn’t seem to know much about going backwards,” J retorted.
Ib sucked his teeth before laughing. “Nigga, fuck you—you know what I mean. We spent so long doing this music shit and we never thought this would be our lives, you know what I’m saying? We got so many people on, we put The Ville on the map, we made history several times...and now my niece is one. I’m about to have a kid. We really made it,” Ib said.
“Don’t get emotional on me or I’m gonna have to tease you,” J chuckled. ‘But you’re right. We’ve been through a bit. Can’t say I’d wanna be doing this with anybody else, brother,” He said warmly.
“The feeling’s mutual. But man, enjoy your baby’s day. Kiss Niya for me and tell baby sis I said what’s good,” Ib concluded.
“You got it,” The two hung up soon after, and J smiled softly to himself before he nodded slowly to himself.
Soon enough he got to the front of the line and got the vanilla cake before he took it back to the house. When he walked in, the decorations were finished and what was once a ground zero of planning seemed to be a bit more tidy. He saw Janiya in her playpen as Beija was putting up the streamers, and he sat the cake on the kitchen island before he stood behind her to help her put the streamer up. “Thank you,” She said before she went to check the cake, inspecting it to make sure it was what she ordered. The sheet cake was covered in white icing, the purple trimmings and lettering giving it a pop of color. The theme of the party was a clichéd princess palace but J didn’t mind because in his eyes, Janiya was his princess.
“I made chicken spaghetti to eat—I think that’s general enough for the parents to eat. Then I have some of the baby food I made earlier for the kids,” She said, and Jermaine nodded before he grabbed one of the small canisters of the apple and strawberry flavored ones. “That’s not for you,” She scolded as he popped it open.
“It’s good, though. Not my fault that it’s good,” He grabbed a spoon and started to eat it. “You know, have you thought about selling these?” He asked, as he leaned back against the counter.
“Hm...no, I haven’t actually,” Beija said, and he nodded quickly.
“You should. It’d be a good investment, for one. And you know everyone is out here worried about these modified foods—organiz foods are in the market and it sells,” Jermaine explained.
“And when did you become a consumer’s market expert, huh?” Beija chuckled as she took out one of their plastic punch bowls. She began to prepare a punch for the party, mixing in orange juice with club soda, trying to create a virgin mimosa.
“I do my research! How you think I finally learned how to bake chicken?” Jermaine proudly grinned, and Beija groaned before the two began to laugh. They had baked chicken and store-bought mashed potatoes for about a week just off of J’s sheer excitement of learning to make a protein. “But I’m serious, baby. I mean, I think you could make a brand out of yourself and really do something great with this,” He explained.
“Well it’s good to know you were thinking of me. I know I’d have at least one supporter,” She chuckled.
“Of course. Gotta make sure my star player stays sharp,” He smacked her behind as he passed her, placing the glass canister in the sink.
“I better be the only player,” She playfully threatened, and he chuckled before he gently placed a raspberry-style kiss to her cheek.
“Now you know better, Imani. You my one-woman team,” He chuckled.
Soon enough, the parents from around the neighborhood had shown up for the party with their children. The living room area was gated off and child proofed so that the kids could play in an open space, and meanwhile the adults hung out in the kitchen and dining room, keeping an eye on the kids throughout.
Jermaine hung against the wall as one of the fathers attending the party talked he and some of the other fathers’ ears off about his newest deal with whatever energy business he worked at...his name was Anthony, if J remembered right. But when he finally did take a breath from speaking, the subject switched to the children. “I think my Danielle loves your daughter, Jermaine. They play well together and usually Dani is so picky,” Anthony said, and J glanced back to see the small white child rolling around on the soft rug that Beija had placed down. Janiya rolled around with her, and they stopped to start playing with stuffed animals together.
“She’s gonna be social, I can already tell,” Silas was probably the most confident man in the group and he and Jerrmaine probably were worth a good grip combined. He was a family lawyer and though he was suave and had business savvy out of this world, he was a chatty son of a gun whom couldn’t even be trusted with water without spilling it. Jermaine wouldn’t ever tell him too much, but Silas pretty much knew everything about every guy in that circle at the moment. “What are you gonna do when she gets older?”
“What? The teen years?” Jermaine didn’t like to think too far ahead when it came to Janiya. It seemed that when he did it only made him worry. “I don’t even like to think about that. I’m still worrying about when she starts Kindergarten and that’s another four or so years,” He shook his head.
“Ugh. My oldest just turned fourteen and I’m having the time of my life,” Tim was the true ‘dad friend’ that anyone would want—guy was the sweetest thing, but had four kids and always looked so rundown. Even now as he was sitting and being relaxed at the moment, he seemed to be jittery. “Hormones. Boys. And she started her period,” All of the men groaned.
“Good luck,” Silas laughed deeply. “This is why I’m glad I had boys,” He said, and Jermaine nodded slowly before he sipped his punch. And I won’t let Niya around any of those motherfuckers, J thought.
“I could see why you’d worry, though,” Allen was the newest guy in the neighborhood and had taken on the role as the ‘new black dad on the block.’ He was probably the one person that Jermaine could identify with; guy was level-headed and held down his household as a surgeon at the hospital. His wife was a school teacher, and his twin girls were angelic. “I can only imagine kids’ mothers and fathers when they realize their kid knows J. Cole’s daughter. That’s going to be a struggle,” He said.
“Exactly. I don’t want people taking advantage of my baby,” J said as he watched Janiya as she played with one of her bouncy balls, rollng it around with one of Allen’s daughters. “And the boys—God,” He chuckled lowly. “I don’t wanna think about it,” He sighed.
“I’m sure it’s worrisome. But you and Beija seem like you’re no nonsense. That’s good! The guys will know not to mess around,” Anthony said quickly.
“Oh, yeah. She not getting a boyfriend until she’s at least...twenty. Twenty-one? Sure. If she can handle a drink legally, she can handle a boy,” Jermaine joked...half-joked, anyway.
“Amen to that,” Tim and Allen said simultaneously.
“Okay, it’s time for the cake!” The men looked up to see Beija standing at the kitchen island with the purple ‘1’ candle and the lighter. While most of the mothers were going to get their kids, Jermaine downed the rest of his punch and threw away the cup before he went to retrieve Niya from the play area. “You ready for birthday cake?” He asked, and she looked up at him curiously as he walked over to the cake, where the candle had already been lit.
Beija had the camera recording, and she smiled as she waved at Niya. “Look at the camera, baby,” She laughed before Janiya looked in Beija’s direction, mimicking her wave. “Okay, everyone sing on 3. 1, 2, 3—...”
As everyone began to sing, Jermaine slowly rocked Janiya in his arms and he smiled as he sang to her. Her eyes automatically averted to him when he did, and he watched as she began to smile as well. He could remember the first time he held her in his arms. She was so small, barely moving as they had just revived her from what seemed like certain death. Her eyes were closed as she slowly breathed, and he remembered the feeling of relief and equal anxiousness. He was wondering if she’d ever live a normal life or if she’d even live to see this day. And now, one year later, she looked at him as if he was her most important view. Her eyes seemed to twinkle, and he couldn’t help but to want to hold tighter. He never wanted to let go.
“Blow out the candles,” Beija said softly once everyone was finished singing, and J snapped out of his trance before he nodded.
“C’mon mama, blow em out,” He pushed his lips together, and Janiya mimicked him before he leaned in and blew out the candle for her. Everyone began to clap, and he bounced her gently as she mimicked everyone clapping. “Yay,” He praised.
“Yay!” She copied, and everyone began to laugh.
The party wasn’t extremely long and that was fine—soon the parents left with their kids and once Jermaine and Beija cleaned the house, they opened some of the gifts that Janiya had gotten. They decorated her room with her brand new stuffed animals, and they took a couple photos of her to put into their photo album. Jermaine had finally taken a seat for the first time in a couple hours, and he groaned softly as he ran his hand over his purple jersey; he remembered getting the jersey from a fan some years back and he had made sure to keep it maintained. It did have the Prince branding on it and all.
“What are you doing, girl?” He asked as he watched Janiya sit up and down, laying back against the soft mad that was still on the floor. He raised his eyebrows slowly when she slowly began to try to stand to her feet. “Baby—Beija! The camera!”
“What?” Beija looked back from the dishes she was washing, and she gasped loudly before she grabbed the camera to turn it on. Janiya had been trying to do this for the last couple of weeks, but she hadn’t quite mastered it just yet.
Janiya fell back on her behind, and her eyes got big. “Uh-oh,” She mumbled.
“That’s okay, baby. Try it again,” Jermaine slid off the couch and onto the floor, sitting comfortably before he opened his arms. “Come on to daddy,” Janiya tried to get up again, and she slowly took a step forward, and his smile broadened. “That’s right, come on,” He encouraged.
Janiya stumbled a couple of times, but she had successfully walked to mat until she fell into Jermaine’s arms.
“You did it!” Beija squealed, and Janiya giggled as Jermaine squeezed her gently. “Good job, baby!”
Janiya laughed a bit as Jermaine leaned in and blew a raspberry on her cheek, then began to make the same sound before she patted his cheeks slowly. He smied softly before he placed his forehead against hers.
Beija and Janiya had long since been asleep; it was a little past 10 in the evening, and what was once a lively home full of individuals and party spirit was now a subtly placidity. Jermaine sat in the living room alone as he sat on his MacBook, editing the video clips that Beija had taped, along with different messages that the partygoers had to commemorate Janiya’s special day. Janiya’s grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins had send in videos as well, and J had seamlessly stitched them all together. He and Beija’s message would go last, and he had just added Beija’s message in. Now, he hd to tape his.
He sat his laptop to the side before he grabbed the camera and turned it on before he licked over his lips softly. “Hey babygirl. It’s your father,” He chuckled softly to himself. “You know, it still feels unreal to say that. I’m your father...God thought I was good enough to take care of you,” He paused before he smiled to himself. “You’re sleeping right now, but just know that today was a beautiful day and I’m so blessed to have you. When you were born, no one was sure what your future would hold. But you fought for the right to be here and everyday is celebration of that, to me. You’re...so perfect,” He mumbled as he ran his hand over his face. “You’ll always be perfect to me. We might get into it in the future. You’ll wanna defy me. You might end up being just like me or your mama. You might end up being nothing that we expected. But no matter what...you’re perfect to me. You’re a constant reminder of how lucky I am. Janiya, daddy loves you. So much,” He smiled softly before turning off the camera.
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ewhuskies-blog · 7 years
i really dont know what i'm doing.
So i looked through my docs and found a shitty story i wrote about Aesling and the crew from Thrilling Intent. it's really dumb tho but i thought it was funny and i need to remember it so here. it was 3 n 1/2 pages long what was i doing. It was a fairly average day at the bar of course. Not much flow of people coming out. Ashe had left quietly leaving Inien and Thog to clean up the bar. They didn’t seem to mind it wasn’t that bad either way. Ashe had walked off into the forest surrounding the bar. She actually had wanted to check out “The Fox King’s” Mansion. That place had peeked her interest and there could be some Fog Apple Extract down there as well. So that was where she was headed, though taking a longer route through the forest. She was enchanted by the beautiful scenery of the forest.. She was actually so distracted she hadn’t noticed a faint wail until it sounded again. Tilting her head she stealthily crouched and almost glided along the forest floor. It sounded again and she knew she was getting closer. The scary thing was… it sounded like a baby. As she walked around her eyes caught something in the branches above her head. A cloth. It was slightly tattered probably from getting caught on the thorns and such. How it got into the branches above her was a mystery. That was when she noticed the wails of what she thought was the baby came from directly in front of her. At her feet was a coiled rope. It was a haphazardly placed trap. The hunter hadn’t even thought to cover it in leaves. It must have been hastily put down. Looking up the canopy though obscuring it showed that the quarter moon was above along with a few clouds, and stars. Ashe rubbed her neck and looked around. She was quite confused now and her foot fell into a hole as she was busy looking for the noises. The “hole” she had stepped in was barely three feet down and covered by lichen. Ashe had good enough to balance to not fall all the way down.She pushed the lichen away expecting to find another shoddy trap. Instead she found a swaddled baby. It had been so exhausted it had cried itself to sleep. She reached down and wrapped her arms gently around it. It was oddly warm. Ashe was completely new to the whole “baby” thing. As she moved it it began to cry. Ashe started to coo, and say “Shh, shh it’s ok little one I won’t hurt you.” It didn’t stop crying of course. Ashe looked around and spotted blood on the foliage around the lichen. She immediately checked the baby over finding no wounds, but figuring out it was in fact a girl. She patted the poor babies back and held her against her shoulder one arm under her and the other against her back to keep her still. The poor baby sobbed. It was still too tiny to produce tears. Ashe conducted it was barely a few months. “Hello?” Ashe called out hoping for someone to answer her calls. In reply to her pleas she saw a wolf creep into the corner of her vision. It growled menacingly at her. Ashe moved her hand to the back of the baby's head and then bolted away leaping logs and dodging trees as fast as she could. She didn’t dare look back or care to as she sprinted away. Eventually she made it to the back of the bar and she ran around the still screaming baby against her shoulder. She opened the door with her elbow as her hands were full. Her commotion drew the attention of Inien, Thog, Markus, Dont, and Gregor. Kyr was nowhere to be found surprisingly. She slumped back against the bar door letting herself slide down against it, half to block it and half because she was exhausted. Nobody said anything for a moment before Markus began. “Ashe… did you just fucking kidnap someone?” Markus said sounding serious, and pissed off. “What the fuck Markus? I’m not insane. The baby was being hunted by wolves.” She patted the still crying babies back as they began to form a crowd. Ashe had cuts on her arms, and she noticed how suspicious she probably seemed. So she started to explain. “I was going to go look at The Fox King’s castle and as I was walking I stepped in a hole covered by lichen and there was a goddamn baby in it.” The baby quieted hiccuping. Ashe proceeded to rub it’s back gently. “As I picked her up I heard a growl and there was a fucking wolf, and it was not friendly.” “Why didn’t you just kill it? You’re definitely strong enough to kill a wolf, Ashe.” Gregor asked. “I had a baby in my hands Gregor. I didn’t want to risk the baby getting hurt.” “Yeah but you have that not-magic and could’ve fixed it right up.” He proceeded and then crouched by her. Thog stood silently at the back, while Inien seemed extremely confused head tilted, Markus seemed stunned. “Gregor. My healing is only temporary, and it’s never a good thing morally to let a baby get hurt. And it’s a her.” “Oh yeah. Can I hold her?” “No..” Ashe pulled the baby closer to her chest almost in a motherly, protective way. She thought to herself. ‘Your guardian is showing.’ Which caused her to peek at the binds and hold back a shudder. “But why?” He asked reaching out a hand to pat the baby’s back. “Because. . . I don’t want her to get hurt.” Ashe frowned. It sounded like she was accusing Gregor of something. Something that he hadn’t down. “I won’t hurt her Ashe. She’s just so cute I wanna hold her. Ooh! Ooh! Let’s name her Buddy!” Ashe shook her head. “We are not naming her Buddy.” “Well we’re not calling her Kelly.” Markus finally chimed in. “I think she should be named Little Inien.” Inien pitched in as Ashe glared at Markus. “I have a name-” She was interrupted by Thog clearing his throat. “We aren’t keeping it.” Thog said but almost looked at the baby with pity. Ashe hissed and stood up firmly giving Thog a death glare. “Oh yes we are. And it’s a her.” “Ashe be practical. None of us know how to take care of a baby nor do we have any supplies for a baby. Someone in the town would probably be better prepared for a situation like this than us. Look I’m not a heartless asshole I’m trying to be logical here. I’m sorry.” “The fuck Thog. I’m not just going to hand over a baby to some of the idiots that live on the Shrouded Isles! That’s insane! I can pay for everything myself, and I know how to take care of a baby.” Ashe whisper-yelled not wanting to startle the baby. It ended up coming out as her normal voice but slightly raised. “Ashe calm down. A bar is no place for a baby. You know that.” “I don’t live in the bar. I stopped here because it was the closest place for her safety.” “Aesling-” Thog began bringing out her real name. “I. Am. Keeping. The. Baby.” She hissed out each word it dripping with venom as she glared at him. She did understand what he was getting at but she wasn’t about to ditch the creature the first few moments she had it. “And her name… is… Aednat.” Ashe concluded. It was the first name that came to mind “Aednet? That’s a weird name.” Gregor began to sound it out. Ashe fixed Aednet in her arms laying her head against her forearms and realized how uncomfortable she probably was up against her hardened leather. She awkwardly pulled off her armbands. “Gregor… do you know how to hold a baby this young?” Ashe asked looked at him. Gregor shook his head in a no. “I’ll teach him!” Markus chirped which got a glare from Ashe. “Well here sit down.” He promptly sat down on the ground happily. Ashe showed him how to properly hold a baby before laying Aednet gently on his arms. Which received a few ‘awws’ from Inien, and Markus. Ashe wouldn’t admit it but it was adorable. “I’ll be right back. Don’t let anything happen to her.” She glanced at Don’t who had been quiet the whole time. She sat down next to Gregor ooh-ing and aww-ing at the baby. Ashe left the room looking around before promptly changing in the bathroom. She pulling off her tunic, leaving the binding over her breasts on. She then grabbed a t-shirt Markus had given her a while ago, and began to tug it over her head. It was halfway down over her stomach when the door opened. She quickly pulled her shirt down the rest of the way, but she could already see the awkward gaze of guess who. Thog. It’s not like the bathroom was labeled anything other than ‘staff bathroom.’ “Ever heard of knocking?” She huffed still angry with him. “. . . I didn’t know your tattoos went all the way down.” Thog seemed interested by this fact. “You barge in on me changing and the first thing you think of is my body, and not ‘shit she’s changing I should leave,’ because you know you can be a half decent human when you want to be.” She said with hint of sarcasm. “You’re funny. Really funny.” Thog’s own voice leaked with sarcasm. “I wasn’t trying to look in on you I didn’t even know you were in here, and I barely saw your side which is not peeping in anyway.” he huffed before backing out and shutting the door. Ashe stared at the shorts she was going to put on before deciding against it. Once back outside Thog had disappeared. Markus and Inien were trying to figure out ways to get Gregor to release Aednet. Gregor was grinning and making silly faces at the baby. Aednet simply seemed tired. “I’m back.” Ashe muttered and saw Markus’ smile get even bigger as he saw her in the shirt that he had given her. It was a black shirt with the words ‘Asheling the throat stabber’ written on it. Markus told her to wear it but she wasn’t going to. Of course not. Not until now. Ashe walked over to Gregor and picked up the baby.
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My Introduction/Beginning of a Story Thing?
Hey anyone who might see this! Kale Salad here (that’s my nickname, if you’re in need of context). This is our Tumblr, and if you read our description, you know we made this blog because we have a YouTube channel! Coincidentally, I am a helplessly sentimental person who likes to think I’m good at writing things late at night. So if anyone (for whatever reason) is interested, I’ve started writing a lil thing about the three of us going off to college. None of what I write has happened (yet); it’s more of an imagining of how I might think things will go and I thought some people might enjoy it. Another thing: I used our (decently odd) nicknames in it so I don’t embarrass myself. If you’re interested, keep reading! Chapter one is below. :)
The night before we left for our pre-college road trip, I was a complete mess.  Everything I could possibly take with me on the journey that my two closest friends, Milano Cookie and Deli Sandwich, and I were about to make from Kodiak, Alaska, where we had grown up, down to San Francisco was stowed safely in my suitcase and ready to go. However, being myself, I found countless things to be stressed out about the night before, as usual.  We had been planning this one last escapade before we headed off to college together in California for months, and yet a million unanswered questions hovered at the back of my mind: what if we get lost on the trip and what if we go over our budget and is any of this a good idea at all and, most worryingly, what if trying to be an adult goes horribly wrong? After I had written my umpteenth to-do list and inevitably scrapped it, I forced myself to relax.  It was already 1:30 a.m. and, if I wasn’t careful, my obsessive need to plan was going to keep me from waking up at five in the morning for our flight.  I laid on top of my covers for a while, trying to get to sleep, but after almost an hour of this with no success, I gave up and reached for my phone, intent on texting Milano or Deli.  Although there was a slim chance that either of them were still awake, it quieted my anxious thoughts to try.  
Hey, is anyone awake? I typed into our group chat and set down my phone with a sigh.  I got a response from Milano within five minutes.
Yep, I neglected to pack until now.  Kinda panicking. You? I giggled under my breath, feeling myself settle down a little.  It felt good to know that my friends felt just as unprepared as I did.
I’m freaking out a little too. My obsessive-compulsive nature is keeping me up.  But I’m sure we’ll be okay.
Yeah. This is scary, but we’ll survive this. Plus, we have the whole Summer ahead of us to screw around before we actually buckle down for college. Think about all the fun things we have planned! Remember what our first stop is...;)
Another wave of anxiety mixed with excitement crashed over me as I remembered what we – I –  had planned for that first road trip stop. I exhaled shakily and hoped that the Melatonin I had taken earlier would kick in soon, whisking me off to sleep where my doubts might leave me alone for a little while longer. Finally, I typed a reply: Oh god. Is stopping there even a good idea at all? I haven’t seen them in years. What if things are different and weird? Please give me a pep talk.
Milano responded almost immediately, forever my fast-typing savior: I know you’re nervous, but you’ll be okay. :) You’ve kept in contact with them, so it’s not like you two are total strangers. At the very least, think of it an occasion to catch up. It’s just coffee. They asked you, remember?
She was right. That’s all it was – reconnecting over coffee. I was just meeting them as an old friend, and trying my best to forget the fact that we had some pretty serious history (oh god what was I thinking?). But none of that mattered anymore. I tried to ignore the thoughts in my head about the amazing time we had spent together in the past. Tried to pretend it was just coffee to me too. I chewed a piece of skin off my lip as I replied. Yeah, I guess I’ll figure it out. Thanks. We should probably sleep now, or we’ll miss our flight lol. See you early tomorrow! 
I forced myself to take slower breaths as I turned up my music and closed my eyes again. I would deal with my irrational doubts and fears about our plans in the morning. For now, I needed my sleep. We had a big summer ahead of us.
I woke up to an alarm I had set the night before, a horrible techno song I had liked for some reason in middle school, blaring unapologetically in my ear. I groaned and, while contemplating all the different ways I would like to murder my past self and/or cruelly destroy my phone, rolled out of bed and stumbled to the light switch. I checked my messages as I walked to my dresser, blinking sleep out of my eyes – from the night before, there was a response goodnight text from Milano, as well as three from Deli, a few minutes earlier that morning, asking us “why were you guys up so late in the chat wtf and also yes Kale you’ll be fine and also probably get laid shut up nerd”. I snorted – this was why I was spending college with these two.
Preparation to leave that morning went by pretty quickly, and I was surprisingly calm the whole time, probably from the shock of it all. I threw on an oversized sweater and leggings, haphazardly brushed my teeth and hair, and hauled my suitcase up the stairs. Outside in the dark of too-early morning, my friends were waiting for me in Deli’s beat-up, piece-of-shit red pickup truck, the headlights cutting a path through the mist in the air. Deli, as always, had her Spotify playlist blasting way too loud, and even though it wasn’t her car, Milano was at the wheel. I could imagine her convincing Deli to let her drive, saying with a giggle that she didn’t want us to be run off the road and die in a ditch by Deli’s terrible driving, thankyouverymuch. I smiled at that moment and knew that I had made the right choice in going on this road trip with them. There were no two people I’d rather spend my summer with. Before I rushed out the door, my parents both gave me tearful hugs, promising to mail me the rest of my stuff in a box once I got settled at Stanford in the Fall. I would miss them, but I knew it was time to leave that island I had grown up on behind.
I ran out to Deli’s pickup, threw my suitcases in the flatbed with the rest of my best friends’ things, and told Deli, who was in the passenger’s seat, to scooch, because I was not sitting with our luggage. When I opened the door, Milano grinned and handed me a can of Redbull. “Here’s your life support. I was smart enough to raid Safeway before Deli picked me up.” She jokingly rolled her eyes, smiling wider, and nudged Deli with her elbow. I sighed in relief, beaming at Milano, and took the can, thankful that I had friends who were aware of the extreme importance of artificial energy to my system at all times. Then, once I squished and maneuvered myself into the small space between Deli and the car door, we were off. It seemed almost like one of our many late-night drives, except now there was a strange and new excitement in the air, as if even the molecules were aware of our impending departure. All the way to the airport, we discussed the shops we would visit in Pike Place Market and what the lines would be like at Six Flags and how Deli was definitely going to buy me Dairy Queen once we got out of Kodiak because I hadn’t had it in years. When we finally got to the parking lot, however, we all drifted into silence. It was mostly empty of cars, since we had opted for the cheapest – and earliest – flight that day, and it seemed like the whole world was paused as we made our figurative and literal steps toward adulthood.
“Are you guys ready for this?” Milano asked, looking towards the gate, fiddling with the straps of her backpack. In that moment, I was sure that I was the readiest I had ever been, and Deli must have agreed, because we both nodded silently at Milano before the three of us continued to the entrance. A little coffee meetup was nothing if I had them by my side.
The flights were exhausting, but the Redbull kept me awake, so I spent my airborne time watching the sun slowly rise over the clouds, lighting them up with blinding pinks, yellows, and oranges. At our stop in the Anchorage airport, I started to get nervous, specifically about the “little” meetup for coffee that seemed less and less small and risk-free the closer our final flight came. Was I even ready for it? What if I said something stupid and offensive like I frequently did in normal situations? And what if things were awkward and unbearably different? It had been almost two years – I had no idea what might’ve changed in that time. I tried not to get my hopes up, afraid of being crushed again.   While all these thoughts darted through my head in rapid succession, I followed behind Deli and Milano, who were wandering aimlessly through the little shops and restaurants we passed in the airport, looking for neck pillows and a specific kind of chewing gum from Japan that Deli had seen once and wanted to try. I wished I could focus completely on worrying about the little details, like they were, instead of being stuck constantly thinking about someone who most likely had no intention of starting anything with me again. I shook my head, pushing those thoughts to the side, and jogged to catch up with my two best friends – I was going to enjoy this trip, coffee or not.
I let out an exaggerated sigh of contentment and fell back onto my hotel bed. It was around noon, and we had reached our Seattle hotel room at last. We had booked the room for eight days, hoping that would be enough to explore the city thoroughly.
My eyes were closed, but from my left, I heard Milano muttering. “How the fuck did you get this room for so cheap? The view is amazing and it literally has like five rooms.”
I cracked one eye open to see Milano gazing out the window at the buildings around us, and snickered quietly. “I’m a hotel witch, didn’t you know?”
Milano chuckled at that and padded into her room, connected to mine by a small door. She was right, the room was huge – it had a main room and a bathroom, with three separate bedrooms connected to it that were also connected to each other. The truth was that I had spent a fortune of my own money to book it – I wanted our only hotel stay to be memorable and enjoyable before we left our creature comforts and inhabited connecting buses for the rest of the summer. I closed my eyes again, which were startled open only a moment later as Deli hopped on my bed next to me and poked my cheek. I frowned and kicked her to make her leave me alone and let me sleep the day away.
“Hey, you have a date in about three hours and I’m pretty sure you don’t want to look like you just woke up from a nap.” She whispered, laughter in her voice.  I darted up, swearing under my breath and muttering that it wasn’t a date, just a meetup. As Deli scoffed and shook her head, I darted into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I still wanted to look presentable.
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