#like. new warriors 'just got full of the entire nova force and died trying to get rid of it' richard vs. 'guy who just got punched
butch-chastity · 10 months
I do often think about... riderquill timeloop scenario
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talpup · 4 years
Light In the Darkness:70
Summary: Yami Sukehiro just wanted to join the Magic Knights and make his mentor proud.  He knew there would be trails.  He knew trouble would come his way.  Knew he would be faced with discrimination for being a foreigner and a peasant.  What he didn’t know.  Didn’t expect.  Was that literal Chaos would come his way.  That he and his mentor’s sister would be at the center of world ending trouble.  Or that he would fall in love with his mentor’s sister and face more than discrimination; but the jealously of Nozel Silva who loved the same woman he did.
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, eventual sexual behavior, and other possible triggers.  For a full list of story tags please check the fics AO3 (link to that at the top of my tumblrs homepage).
Chapter 70
“Alowishus Spade.  I believe I told you, next time I saw you I’d kill you.” Morris, the Warrior King of the Diamond Kingdom greeted.
Calen looked at his Master for signal that he should act.  When none came he turned back to the King the tension never leaving his shoulders.
“Death cannot be killed.”  Alowishus stated, calmly.
“I have several Magical Investigators who would kill for a chance to test that theory.”  Morris said.
“We both know you won’t.  Not with me being proven correct.” Alowishus said.
“I wouldn’t call your theories correct.”  Morris said.
“The Light and Darkness have come.  You heard of their first clash same as everyone.  Even made deal with my Chief Servant before he died.” Alowishus frowned at the reminder of Erskin's death.
“A deal you rescinded.”  Morris said.
“A deal I never personally agreed to.”  Alowishus challenged
Ignoring the irksome detail, Morris said.  “I never denied the existence of light and dark magic users.  Or that their existence doesn’t interest me.  But that hardly means you are correct about the rest.”
“Did you not see the sky light up the morning of the Summer Solstice?” Alowishus questioned.
Morris nodded.  “I did.  It was a great and terrible display of power that the Clover Kingdom currently has at their disposal.”
“My disposal!”  Alowishus snapped.  “Those in the Clover Kingdom know nothing of their true power.  Of how to access it.  Of what beauty and destruction they are capable of.  I made that happen.  I alone control Yami and Teris.”
“All the more reason for me to kill you.”  Morris said.
“What do you want?”  Alowishus asked.
“Tell me what you want and I’ll tell you what it will cost for you to have it.”  Morris responded.
Alowishus glared.  He could end King Morris’ life here and now but that would only cause further war and problems as the Diamond Kingdom would be thrown into chaos.  Funny how all his life he had been trying to wake Chaos so he could bring about death and destruction and yet here he was trying to prevent such things from happening.
Summoning his control and patience, Alowishus told.  “It is my understanding that the skirmishes to the southeast and southwest are nothing but a diversion.”
“What?” Morris questioned.
“That there are three small teams of Magic Knights currently making their way here to your seat of power.”  The Master of Chaos went on.
“What!” The King stormed.
“The Wizard King believes that this war you instigated Kira Clover into was done solely for the purpose of boredom and desire to keep your Warriors sharp.”  Alowishus said.
“Jorah’s not half wrong.”  Morris admitted.
Alowishus smirked at the easily read nature of the Diamond Kingdoms ruler. “That if they can get a team of Magic Knights here that you will agree to peace.”
Morris tilted his head considering.  “Possibly.”
Leveling his gaze on the King, Alowishus said.  “I am asking you to agree. To do as Jorah believes you will.  Make peace.  Give Kira Clover his meager sign of repentance for crossing his border in pursuit of the Spade Kingdoms Sorcery Lances a year ago.”
“You mean the skirmish that you instigated?”  Morris put in.
Alowishus smiled at that.  “Your network still keeps you as informed as ever.”
“You had your doubts?”  The King questioned.
“Well, you did sound rather surprised that the battles were a distraction and three teams of Magic Knights were headed this way.”  Alowishus remarked.
Morris ignored that.  “I know you leave nothing to chance but I’m sure there’s more you want.”
Alowishus watch the King closely.  “True.  And I’m asking that you don’t take it when it arrives.”
Morris raised a brow.
“The Light Magic user.  Teris Nova.  She is among one of the teams headed this way.”  Alowishus informed.
Morris grinned at that, eyes dancing.  “Is she now?”
“You can’t have her.  Not yet.”  The Master of Chaos said.
“This is my kingdom.  I can have whatever I like.”  Morris declared, wondering which of his Investigators he should hand Teris over to first.
Alowishus took a breath.  He and the King went back a long way.  He and the mans father having gone back even further before his passing. “Morris.  Please.”
The King’s eyes focused on Alowishus.  “You’ve never pleaded before.”
“She is that important.”  Alowishus admitted.  “I will give her to you for a time.  In time.”
“We’ve had this deal and you broke it.”
“I didn’t make that deal.”  Alowishus told the King.  “You have my personal word.  I will let you have at Teris Nova.  I will even see that you have three entire days with her without Clover threatening war for her return.”
Morris’ eyes narrowed, tempted.
“I’ll also send you my knowledge and findings on her and what she is capable of.  Just don’t take her.  Not now.  Not yet.”
“What’s so important about now?”  Morris questioned.
“The second ceremony has yet to be done.  They are unbalanced.  Weakened to a point.  But raw and all the more dangerous if pushed because of it.  If you take her now and begin experimenting, she could lose control to the force that’s within her.  Thus ending the world.”
“Isn’t that what you want?”  Morris asked, wryly.
“I want to bring about a new existence.”  Alowishus said.
Morris smirked.  “You’ve repeated that lie to your followers so many times it sounds like you’re beginning to believe it yourself.  You forget.  My Father knew of your plans.  Therefore I know of your plans.  Your true plans.”
Calen glanced at his Master.
“You truly are paranoid.”  Alowishus said.
“Fine.” Morris allowed, not pushing the matter in front of Alowishus’ man. “I’ll delay taking the girl if and when she shows herself.  But you must agree to letting me have her within a years time.  Whether your second ceremony is completed or not.”
Alowishus inclined his head.  The next ceremony would happen on the Winter Solstice and see the revival of the Harbinger of Darkness.  If Teris hadn’t gotten a hold of her own mana by then, the release of the Light Bringer should help level out Teris’ mana enough for her to manage three days of experimentation without losing herself.
“And, I want all you have on the both of them.  Immediately.”  Morris added.
“Don’t kill her.”  Alowishus said, mildly concerned about what Morris planned on doing once he got a hold of Teris.
Morris gave a derisive scoff.  “I’m not going to kill her.  Not if she’s half as strong as you claim she is.  She should survive just fine.”
“Then we’re agreed.  Peace with the Clover Kingdom.  And you allow Teris Nova to return home with her comrades.”
“And I get everything you have on them now.  And three days with Teris in my possession within a years time.”  Morris said.
Alowishus nodded.
Morris smiled.  “I’m glad I didn’t kill you on sight.”  He stood and made his way toward the other man, everyone in the throne room relaxing.
“I already told you.  You wouldn’t be able to.”  Alowishus stated.
Morris huffed.  “I’m sure one of my Investigators could manage to figure something out.  Come.  Let us go somewhere less formal to visit while we wait for these Magic Knights to arrive at my doorstep.  No doubt you are wishing to stay to make certain I uphold my end of the agreement.”
Bronn kicked Yami awake.  Yami grabbed his katana and got to his feet, ready to head out again.
“This is getting tedious.”  Yami growled.
“Good thing it’s over then.”  Bronn said.
Yami looked back at the Vice Captain then around at the battlefield where Magic Knights and the Diamond Kingdoms Magic Warriors were separating.
“They got there.”  Yami said, in amazed relief.  “And it actually worked!”
“Yeah.” Bronn sighed, looking out over the field.  “I had my doubts Sir Jorah was right but it seems the man knew what he was talking about. War’s over.”
“And Teris?”  Yami asked.
“Easy there thick staff.”  Bronn calmed.  “You’re waiting for marriage anyway.  Got some hand exercises to do before it’s safe for you to see that girl again.  Besides, don’t you have a payment to return before that buddy of yours that was hired to kill you comes calling?”
Bronn still couldn’t believe their luck with that.  Who would have guessed that Yami’s long ago friend was a leader of a gang of hired killers?  Well Bronn could easily believe it.  In fact he had long ago surmised that Yami had been running with a bunch of low lives before Julius came across him.  That much he and Yami had in common. But to be lucky enough that his friend was hired this time around when Yami was transported off alone.  Not to mention that Yami and the guy had left things on good enough terms that the man hadn’t wanted to kill Yami all the more on sight.  If Bronn were the superstitious sort he would have said Yami had nine lives but even then Yami would've used them all up by now.  Suffice it to say someone or something wanted Yami Sukehiro alive.
“You do have enough on hand to cover the cost of your life.  Don’t you?” Bronn asked.
“Not on hand but at home.  Yeah.”  Yami said.
“That’s what I meant.  Fool.”  Bronn snapped.
“What? You’re saying you’re gonna take me?  Now?”  Yami asked.
“With peace made, now’s as good as ever.”  Bronn said.  “Don’t need anyone else coming after you.  I already cleared our absence with the She-Lion.  Let’s go.”
Yami looked over the dry, rocky expanse he knew so well by now but couldn’t wait to forget.  “If I never enter the Diamond Kingdom again, it’ll be too soon.”
“Oh, you’ll enter it again.  Especially if you take my position once I’m gone.”  Bronn looked at Yami as they entered the portal and stepped into the Black Bulls great room.  “You sure you wanna do this?”
“Leave that place?  Heck yeah.”  Yami answered.
Now Bronn was positive Yami was purposefully misinterpreting his questions.  He tried not to let it get under his skin certain that was what Yami wanted.
Despite his efforts, Bronn growled.  “Be the one to return the money to Lord Silva.  Doing so could make things a whole lot worse.”
“I’m not looking to make things better between us.”  Yami said.
“Then what?”  Bronn questioned.
“I want to look him in the eye.”  Yami answered.
“And?” The Vice Captain asked, exasperated with the younger mans unhelpful responses.
Yami shrugged.  “That’s all.”
“Fine. Then get that girl of yours to take you to one of those fancy royal balls they always seem to have.  You can look Silva in the eye all you want there.”
Yami shook his head.  “Not the same.”
Bronn sighed, understanding.  This was nothing more than a cock sizing contest.  Yami wanted to look Nathyn Silva in the eye, drop the money in front of him, and all but dare the royal to try again.  Trouble was a man like Nathyn Silva would try again, only he would adjust his strategy.  One that Yami didn’t see coming and had no hope of coming out of.
Bronn knew Jax wouldn’t have allowed it.  The Captain would forbid Yami from doing it.  He would order Yami not to go and then order Bronn to watch the arrogant fool to make sure he obeyed.  Jax would have him tie Yami up.  Knock him out.  Send him to the Healers even.  Anything to keep Yami well away from wherever Nathyn Silva was currently residing while someone else saw the funds were returned.
“Go on.  Go fetch your money.”  Bronn urged.
When Yami returned, Bronn shook his head.  He truly hadn’t believed it when Yami said he had ten thousand yules on hand.  “What were you planning on doing with such a sum, boy!”
Yami eyed the pouch of coins he held and answered.  “Essence rings are expensive.”
Bronn closed his eyes somewhat pained for the man.  Shaking his head, he muttered.  “Saving up for wedding bands.”
Yami shrugged a shoulder.  “Kind of traditional like that.”
“You? Traditional?”  Bronn scoffed.
“In some things.”  Yami admitted.  “When I first heard about essence rings I liked the idea.  Don’t understand why no one uses them anymore.”
“Cause they’re a costly sum.  Even a noble wouldn’t spend that much without thought.”  Bronn said.
“But not even they or the royals use them anymore.”  Yami said, wondering why.
“Yeah well, essence rings hold a literal piece of someones magic.  It ties people together in a way--”  Bronn shook his head.  “I’d love to carry a piece of Gilly around with me like that.  Know she was well and safe just because her magic in the essence ring I wore wasn’t agitated and still in there.  Folk higher up the class ladder.  They marry who they’re told to.  Not who they love.  Such a tie to someone that is nothing more than a means for the family’s prosperity or continuation is likely nothing more than an uncomfortable nuisance.”
Thinking that he would have to put most of his pay way again until he recovered the amount, Yami sighed.  “I’m going to miss gambling--”
Yami didn’t get to finish the statement let alone react to the sense of Bronn’s magical attack.  He fell over unconscious.
Looking down at him, Bronn apologized.  “Sorry kid.  I understand your need to look the bastard in the eye.  But Jax wouldn’t like it.”  He frowned, sour taste in his mouth as he bent to pick up the bag of money meant for future wedding bands.  Maybe it was because he was engaged and set to be married, but it didn’t feel right.  He felt bad for Yami and hated the Lord Silva all the more.  Disgusted with himself, he stood and muttered.  “I really am getting too old for this if I’m starting to feel things and get a conscience.”  To the unconscious Yami, he told.  “I’ll see this to Silva for you. We’ll call it payment for you saving my hide out there.”
Morris entered the room he had left Alowishus and the mans follower in. “Well?  I had my Warriors stand down nearly forty minutes ago yet there is still no sign of any of the three teams of Magic Knights you said were on their way.”
Alowishus smiled.  “There’s a team watching your throne room from afar as we speak.”
“And you know this how?  Some of your easily swayed believers secretly following them?  Sending you reports?”  Morris asked.
“If only.  Sadly the two sent to watch after Teris Nova weren’t up to the task.”  Alowishus said.
Morris tisked with distaste.  “I don’t stand for failure.”
“Neither do I.”  Alowishus said.  He looked over at Calen who had been ordered to inform Beast of what to do with the two found followers. As for the one who had sent the two, thinking they had been up to the task.  Alowishus would deal with them personally.
Alowishus felt a sharp pain behind his eyes.  While he could look through the eyes of the dead, whether they be human or animal; it was a draining, painful endeavor that never failed to make him want to gouge his own eyes out.  He closed the link with the dead bird.  He had seen all he needed.  Teris and her team were here.  Soon she would enter the throne room and then be sent back to the Clover Kingdom where she could continue in relative safety until the time of the Harbingers Awakening.
The Master of Chaos turned back to the Warrior King.  “I’d take your seat upon your throne.”
Randall jumped from the tree, his air magic buffeting his descent.  Quickly, he made his way back to the group.  “Wasn’t King Morris suppose to be out fighting alongside his Magic Warriors?”
Nozel nodded.  “That’s what everyone thought.  He isn’t?”
Randall shook his head.  “He just entered the throne room.”
“This changes nothing.  Our orders still stand.”  Fuegoleon said.
“True enough.”  Nozel agreed, but it might change how they went about this.
“We still need to get in there.”  Teris said.  Thinking that what she really needed was to get out of this cursed land.  In the two days since getting captured, waking up in a cell, and being attacked Teris had returned to her usual self, mostly.  While the others had the constant reminder of her bruised face.  It was Teris’ blood stained clothes that acted as an ever present reminder to her.  She needed to get out of them, and incinerate them, then take a long cleansing bath.
Anyone within a foot of her would likely agree on that last part.  They all stunk.  What made matters worse was they knew they did but had long since stopped smelling it.  One would think that was a good thing and in one way it was.  But it only added to their tired, grimy, itchy feeling and need to have a good proper bath.
“Can you get us in there?”  Nozel asked her.
“All of us?”  Teris questioned, brows rose.
The acting Captain nodded.
Teris looked at them.  After escaping, Nozel hadn’t cared one lick about the order to not use their magic unless necessary.  That had surprised her given how rule oriented he constantly was.  But after all that had happened she assumed Nozel, like the rest of them, wanted out of the Diamond Kingdom as quickly as possible.
Nozel and Randall had taken turns flying them.  Fuegoleon was fully capable of creating a fiery lion, which strangely didn’t burn but was just warm, to hurry their travel along as well.  But Nozel had been against that.  While Zara still laid his traps at every camp they made, all Fuegoleon had been allowed to do magic wise was start a fire to cook their food or super heat some rocks to keep them warm through the night.  Teris had been allowed to do even less.  She was the only one that had used absolutely no magic throughout the mission.  Her full reserve of mana could certainly take them all along with her.  The question was would they be blind and burned when they got there.  An idea struck her.
Teris turned to the Purple Orca.  “Zara, can you make a sort of light barrier trap?  Like a day to night type thing that’ll leave whoever’s in it--”
“Blinded by the dark.”  Zara said smiling.  “I like how you think.  I got just the thing.”
“You want us to purposefully step into one of Zara’s traps.”  Nozel said, understanding where she was going with this.
Teris looked to him and told.  “Being blinded by darkness for a couple of seconds is better than chancing the possibly being blind forever. It’s your fault, Captain.”
“How’s that?”  Nozel demanded.
While Teris had kept her promise, and listened and obeyed his commands; she was still what Nozel considered borderline insubordinate with her comments and ways.  They may have found a sort of peaceful working relationship.  But it was one Nozel didn’t care for, and would hope to remedy if he ever had command over her again.
Eyes tinted with humor, Teris reminded.  “You’re the one that instructed me not to use my magic, sir.  If I wasn’t full up with mana we may not have needed Zara’s trap magic as a buffer.”
Nozel gritted his teeth.  He wanted to tell her that just because she added ‘sir’ at the end of a sentence didn’t make it respectful.
“We’ll be left blinded and squinting going from such dark to whatever light is in the throne room.”  Fuegoleon said, not liking that they’d be left open and defenseless for however long it took their eyes to adjust.
“Still better than the four of you being blinded long term.  It’s not like we have a healer with us or could easily get to one.”  Teris said.
Fuegoleon couldn’t argue with that.  He was just doing his job as Vice Captain, making the variables known so his Captain could make the best decision.
Since it was his magic, Teris was certain that Zara was aware of the same possibility she was.  That his spell might cancel out more than her light but the travel aspect as well, thus leaving the four men behind.  Sure that it was Zara’s place in society that kept him from speaking up, she felt like a hypocrite for taking advantage of his deference.  But they needed to get this done.  And if Nozel was made aware that there was the slightest chance she might be left traveling to the throne room alone, he would nix the idea.
Choosing to focus on the just as unsavory possibility that knew Nozel was willing to chance, Teris said.  “I don’t know exactly how Zara’s spell and my light travel will interact.  It may fully block my light.  Or, it may not block any at all.  In which case, sorry if I permanently blind anyone.”
Randall scowled.  “Not funny, Teris.”
“I wasn’t trying to be funny.  I really would be sorry.”  Teris told.
Ever the optimist, Zara said.  “Or it could work exactly as we hope.  In which case just enough light will get through the trap so we’re not going from total darkness to the light of the throne room.”
Teris looked at Nozel.  “What say you, Captain?”
Nozel stared at her certain her query was more of a challenge.  Still, they were so close to achieving their objective.  The fact that they had managed to get here before the other two teams, despite the full days delay of their capture, likely had everything to do with him and Randall flying them; something Nozel refused to apologize for if and when the time came.  They weren’t suppose to wait for the other teams.  Their orders were for the first team to arrive to enter the throne room as quickly as they could.
Nozel looked at the royal castle which was more of a fort and nothing like the beautiful palaces of the Clover Kingdom.  He hoped this plan worked and the war could be called off so easily.  Magic Knights were fighting, falling while he sat here taking his time trying to decide what to do.  And during all of this his beloved Clover Kingdom was left with a depleted force.  Unprotected.
“Zara, make the trap.”  Nozel ordered.
There was a flash of light that left Morris momentarily blinded.  The Warrior King stood.  Still seeing spots, he demanded as if nothing was wrong with him.  “Who dares enter my hall!”
“Magic Knights of the Clover Kingdom, Your Majesty.”  Nozel said, repeating the words the Captain's of the three teams had been instructed to say; though he had never expected to be addressing them to the Warrior King himself as he said them.  “We hope our arrival has surprised and proven us a worthy and formidable foe.”
Morris smiled, his sight clearing.  He looked at his Warriors, seeing that many were either blinded or still seeing spots though they hid the fact well enough.  He couldn’t help but wonder how things would've turned out if Alowishus hadn’t come and made his deal, telling him what to expect.
“It has at that.”  Morris said.  He eyes fell on the sole female of the group.  Teris Nova.  The Light Magic user.  One half of the destructive force that could obliterate a city or possibly the entire world.  She was smaller than he imagined though stood no less proudly than such a power had the right to.
Teris looked stared back into the King’s eyes wondering if she should lower her gaze in respect.  No, she thought.  This wasn’t King Agustus.  This was King Morris.  A Warrior who had fought and won the right to sit the throne and who had kept it all these years by his might alone.
Morris smirked when the girl didn’t look away like some timid Clover Kingdom royal afraid to look a king in the eye.
“Your Majesty,” Nozel went on, “we have come in the hope--”
Morris waved dismissively, cutting him off.  “I know why you have come. I’ve been expecting your arrival.”  He smiled at their surprise. Was he getting old?  This group appeared to be comprised of nothing but children save for one who looked to defer to all of the others. Morris focused on the young man who had spoken and told.  “Peace was made over an hour ago.  The question now is, will we keep that peace.”
“I—I do not understand, Your Majesty.”  Nozel said, feeling cast adrift without a rope.
The acting Captain had never been instructed on such a scenario.  Had never gone over such a probability in his own mind.  And Nozel had gone over countless possibilities.  The war was already over?  Peace had made.  All before they had arrived.  He would have thought one of the other teams had gotten here before them; but the crystal the three Captain's carried was still intact telling him that neither Jax or Jamie had arrived and been successful.  Had Commander Greywright or Julius met King Morris on the battlefield and somehow made peace that way?  Had diplomacy worked out through Sir Jorah in the end?
“I can’t see what you’re incapable of understanding.  Peace between our two kingdoms has been made.  The fighting has ceased.  Your fellow Magic Knights to the southeast and southwest are returning home.”  Morris looked to Teris.  “All you need to do to insure we stay at peace is speak with me for, shall we say, ten minutes?  After that you and your comrades, as well as the other two squads somewhere out in my kingdom can return home and things can return to how they once were.  With the occasional small skirmishes between our peoples and a general distrust.  What say you?”
“I agree.  I will speak with you.”  Nozel said, keenly aware that the King had been speaking to Teris.
Morris turned his eyes one him.  Did the fool think himself clever?  “I was speaking to the Lady.”
“I’m the Captain of this squad.  Anything you wish to talk about can be done with me.”  Nozel said.
“I assure you, Captain.  It cannot.”  Morris said.
“Why is that?”  Nozel questioned, despite already knowing.
Maybe Morris was lying, Nozel thought.  Maybe there was no peace and the war continued as they spoke.  Maybe all the King wanted was to get Teris somewhere easier to capture.  They had light traveled in here easily enough so escaping that way would likely be just as easy.
Temper rising, Morris warned.  “Don’t test me, boy.”  He looked at Teris.  “He may be your Captain but I have a feeling you have a mind of your own.  What say you?  A ten minute civilized conversation for continued peace?  Or silence and war?”
Teris studied the Warrior King, wishing that she was capable of sensing a persons Ki like Yami.  “Can you prove to us that peace truly has been made?”
“Teris!” Nozel snapped.
Morris’ smile grew.  “Not in anyway that would completely satisfy you that I’m telling the truth.  But isn’t some sort of trust needed to make and keep a peace.”
“Are you telling me that out of all these Magic Warriors you have standing about not a single one is Spatial Mage?”  Teris asked.
“Teris!” Nozel censured again, grabbing her by the elbow.
The King laughed.  “I like you!  It’s a shame I can’t keep you, yet.”
Morris saw the girl blink, a hint of worry and fear melting into her dark eyes.  He smirked at how the four men she was with stepped protectively toward her.
“Calm yourselves.”  Morris commanded the Magic Knights.  “I said I wasn’t keeping her.  Drake!”  He called to his Spatial Mage.
Drake stepped forward, saluting.  “My King.”
Morris laughed again.  He looked at Teris and tilted his head to his man. “You’ve blinded him.  Let us hope he can get us to what was the southeast battlefield without his sight.”
“I can, my King.”  Drake said, hoping he could.  He knew what failure meant.  And there were plenty of other Spatial Mages eager to take his place.
“Then do so.”  Morris commanded.
Teris and the others looked at the portal unsure if it truly led where the King claimed.
“I would say ladies first but I see you are still doubtful.”  Morris said.  “Anyone in here able to see?”  He asked, voice carrying a dangerous undertone.
“I can, my King.”  A man said, stepping forward only partially lying. Though spotting covered most of his vision, he could manage.
“Go tell the Magic Knights Commander I have five Magic Knights in my throne room eager to see him.”  Morris ordered.
The man saluted.  “Yes, my King.”
They waited silently, looking at the still open gateway.  Finally, Greywright stepped through followed by the man sent to fetch him. The portal closed.
“Captain Nozel.”  Greywright greeted, unsure what circumstance he had walked in on.
Nozel stepped forward.  “Commander.  Forgive me, Sir.  But has the war ended?”
“It is.”  Greywright answered, confused.  When Morris had pulled back his Warriors, he had figured one of the three squads had made it and successfully sued for peace.
Morris turned back to Teris.  “Well, my Lady?”
“Sir, His Majesty has announced that he wishes to speak with Senior Magic Knight Teris and that if this does not happen the peace will end.” Nozel quickly informed the Knights Commander.
Greywright turned to the Diamond Kingdoms King.
“It’s true.  All I want is a simple conversation no longer than ten minutes or so.”  Morris told.
“And if you do not have this simple, short conversation you will continue the war we just ceased?”  Greywright questioned.
“I will.”  Morris affirmed.
Greywright frowned.  “I knew you had an interest in them,” he said referring to Yami and Teris, “and a constant thirst for battle.  But to be willing to continue with war if you’re denied a mere ten minute conversation...”
Morris tilted his head.  “One could say the same for you, Commander.  I’ve heard you were a man who fights to protect the peace.  Are you really going to restart this war because you won’t allow me a simple ten minute conversation?”
“Of course not.  But, I’ll be present.”  Greywright said.
“Don’t trust me, Commander?”
Of course Greywright didn’t trust the King, and Morris knew it.  But he could hardly tell the man so.
“Don’t want to have to mess with hearing her report when there’s so much else to do.”  Greywright said.
Though Morris knew that was far from the Commander’s reasoning, he appreciated that is was still in part true.  “Fair enough.”
“Nozel, break your crystal.”  Greywright commanded.
Nozel did as the Knights Commander ordered, breathing a sigh of relief.  He didn’t like Teris having to speak with the King but at least Commander Greywright would be there.  The war was over.  They could return home and begin to put this all behind them.  Strange as it sounded, he was looking forward to no longer having everyone looking and answering to him.  He still wanted and would one day become Captain of the Silver Eagles.  But if anything, this had proved just how much more he needed to learn and experience before he was ready for such a role.
“Drake.” Morris commanded.
“Yes, my King.”  Drake created a portal back to what had been the southeast battlefield.
Greywright ordered.  “Nozel, take your squad through and find Captain Mereoleona.  Teris, with me.”
“If your command tent is still up we can go through and have the discussion there.”  Morris offered, feeling generous.  No doubt the watching Alowishus would be put mildly on edge with that.  Unable to listen in.  But it would also serve to put Teris at ease allowing him to get a better gauge of the girl.
Greywright gestured Teris through the portal.  “Your Majesty is too kind.”
“No. I’m not.  But my humor is high so best take advantage of it while you can.  You,”  Morris looked at the one who had gone through the first portal to fetch the Magic Knights Commander, “assist Drake through and wait.”
Morris turned back and walked through the portal, following the Magic Knights Commander to his command tent.
Yami woke to the harsh sound of Bronn’s voice yelling at someone. Slowly, he turned his head his neck stiff from the awkward position it had been in for so long.  Rolling onto his back he looked about.
“Glad to see you’re awake.  I was going to move you.  At least position you better.  But Bronn wouldn’t allow it.  Sorry.”  Gendry said, standing over him.
Yami snarled.  “Where is the bastard?”
“Who? Bronn?”  Gendry questioned.
Just then Bronn entered.
Yami was on his feet and racing toward the Vice Captain at ramming speed. “You--”
“Yami!” Julius hollered, seeing the younger man about to slam into the Vice Captain.
Yami skidded to a halt.
“Good timing there, Julius.  Was afraid I was gonna have to kill the little bugger.”  Bronn said, giving Julius a nod.
“Where is it?”  Yami demanded.
“Exactly where you were going to take it.”  Bronn answered.  “It’s done.”
“It wasn’t yours to do!”  Yami shouted.
“What’s this?”  Julius questioned, sternly.  He moved to stand between the two men, his expression firm and commanding.
“Nothing.” Yami and Bronn said in unison.
“At least you two can agree on something.  Sadly it’s lying to me.” Julius said.
Yami looked at his mentor.  “It wasn’t--”  He stopped.  While it technically wasn’t a lie if thought of in a certain way he wasn’t going to try to further and explain the deception to the man he respected and looked up to.
Bronn on the other hand had no qualms about furthering any deception or lies, and told.  “Kid’s just riled up is all.  Hungry spear. Once he gets a hold of his girl he’ll be--”  At the angry flush on Julius’ face, Bronn paused.  “That’s right.  Your his girls brother.  Excuse me.”
The mirrored glares of Julius and Yami watched Bronn exit the house.
Julius turned back to Yami.  “What was that?”
“I swear.  There’s been no spears involved with Teris and I.”  Yami told.
“I know that.”  Julius snapped.
The Captain cleared his throat.  At least he hoped he knew that.  Teris may go her own way on a lot of thing; but waiting till marriage was something Julius always saw her doing.  It was more than his own hopes for her as an older brother.  Teris was somewhat traditional in that aspect.  As for Yami, Julius figured that Yami respected Teris and him too much to press her for such a thing.  Though it certainly helped that Yami had once told him he wanted to wait until married.
“I meant you charging at your Vice Captain like that.”  Julius clarified.
Yami shrugged.  “Man’s an ass.”
Julius looked away, finding such truth difficult to deny.  “That’s besides the point.  He’s your Vice Captain.”
“Not for long.”  Yami said.
“Yami.” Julius chastised.
Yami straightened and lowered his eyes.
“Fine. I don’t have the time to pull it out of you.  But, I will be mention this to Jax.”  Julius told.
Yami could live with that.  The Black Bulls Captain was use to this sort of thing between him and Bronn.  Chances are Jax wouldn’t question the incident; too grateful that he and Bronn hadn’t killed each other out there.
“Teris?” Yami questioned.
Julius’ expression softened.  “At Headquarters.  Their team did good.  They were the the ones who reached the capital.  They’re the reason we’re back at peace.”
Yami grinned, proud.  “Never doubted her.”
“It’ll be a while before she and Jax return.  The rest of your squad will be coming in over time.  You should wash and rest up while you can.” Julius suggested.
Already got plenty of rest that thanks to Bronn, Yami thought darkly.  Still, he nodded for Julius’ sake.
“Good man.”  Julius smiled, giving Yami’s shoulder at pat.
Before the Captain could turn and go outside where he could time jump, Yami called.  “Julius.  Just in case you didn’t know.  Being on the southwest side and all,  There was an incident.  A couple actually. I worked it out with the Lion—Mereo—”
“Captain.” Julius prompted.
“—Captain Mereoleona.”  Yami said, taking the correction.  “Everything was find after that.  The other—that worked out okay too.”
Julius smiled with a soft sadness.  He didn’t know what Yami was referring to, but was glad Yami had made it through the battles and was home safely.  “The next few days will be hectic.  But I’ll try to make it by before the month is up.  Suffice it to say, no belated birthday excursions till things completely settle.  Understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
Julius gripped Yami’s shoulder.  He wanted so badly to pull him into a hug, but knew that would make the other man uncomfortable.  Yami wasn’t one for such expressions of fondness.  At least not with anyone other than Teris it seemed.
“Sit.” Greywright instructed Nozel and his squad.  “Someone will come and bring you to in shortly.”
Nozel watched the Magic Knights Commander turn and enter the War Room.  He figured that his position as acting Captain ended when they had returned to the Clover Kingdom.  Not that he was overly sorry about that.  He was sure Teris and Fuegoleon were glad for it too.  Though Fuegoleon had been an exceptional Vice Captain.  Even so, Nozel was sure that answering to him couldn’t have been easy for the Vermillion.
Taking a seat beside his cousin, Fuegoleon asked her.  “What did King Morris want?”
Staring at the door Greywright had disappeared behind, Teris complained.  “We don’t even get a bath?  A proper meal?  At least a change of clothes!”
Teris turned to Fuegoleon.
“What did King Morris want?”  He asked again.
Only sitting because the Knights Commander had ordered it, Nozel looked at Teris out of the corner of his eye.
Teris shrugged.
“Don’t give me that.”  Fuegoleon snapped.  “You were in there with him for ten minutes.”
“So was Greywright.”  Teris said.
“The King didn’t request to speak with Commander Greywright.  Morris wanted to speak to you.  Quit being difficult.”  Randall said, just as curious as the rest of them.
Teris shrugged a shoulder.  “Regular stuff I guess.  It was kind of weird.”
Nozel’s eyes narrowed.  “What sort of regular stuff?”
Teris sighed and turned to the Silver Eagle.  “Not you too.”  When Nozel merely stared, she repeated.  “Regular stuff.  How did I like being a Magic Knight.  Was it all I expected.  Did I miss my father. How were I and the family adjusting.  Did I have many friends.  Were they all nobles and royals.  Why did I choose to accept the Black Bulls invitation to join their squad.”
“He was trying to get to know you.”  Randall said, wondering at that.
Nozel and Fuegoleon shared a look.  It was odd enough, but somewhat explainable that King Morris would know about Lord Jaxon Nova’s death.  But for him to know the details of how Teris became a Black Bull...
“I suppose.”  Teris murmured.  While most of King Morris’ questions were simple.  They felt weirdly invasive.  His knowledge about certain details of her life had been unnerving.  And his final question.  However did he know about her unwillingness to wed Nozel to the point that she was willing to be banished?
’Would you consider coming to live here?’  Morris’ last question echoed in her mind.  Thankfully Commander Greywright had called time.  The ten minutes which had seemed to drag on forever apparently finally up.  She had thought that Morris would press for answer.  But instead the King had smiled. ‘When the time comes, know that I would accept you and Yami into my kingdom. Such powerful weapons would be a welcome addition to my ranks.’
“I don’t know if I could have managed without Greywright there.” Teris said.
Nozel sat back, looking forward.  “Well, it’s over now.  It all is.”
Nozel wondered what lingering emotional effects Teris would have from the attack and for how long.  As fine as she appeared Nozel knew something like that just didn’t go away.  He wanted to reassure her.  Tell her he was there for her no matter what she needed.  But he wasn’t sure how to say it without calling attention to the event they all wanted to put behind them.
At least Fuegoleon had told Teris that he had killed the man.  It felt wrong taking credit for it.  But Nozel understood how Teris knowing she had ended the mans life would further harm and delay her recovery.  They would have to tell what had happened during their report.  The lie that he had broken the man’s neck, ending his life, being written and filed away forever as truth.  As much as that bothered him, Nozel would lie to anyone, even the King or his own father, if it spared Teris further distress about the experience. She was to be his wife.  Her image, and emotional and physical state reflected on the image of House Silva.  Moreover, Nozel loved her. As hard as he fought to lessen that love, thinking it would ease the hurt of her unreturned affection, he had been unable to.  If anything Nozel loved Teris more now than when they had first become Magic Knights.
A Clerk opened the door to the War Room.  “Your Highness.”  Seeing three royals, two of which were Prince’s from the second and third leading families, the Clerk paused.  “Your Highness’.  Sir Jorah has called for you.”
Thank you to those who have left hearts.  And a special THANK YOU to those who have recently left comments or re-blogged. They really mean a lot.
So I decided not to participate in No Content November.  Though that may eventually leave me without a stockpile of finished chapters; and you all in the same boat as those who read my BNHA fics (stuck in a post as I write scenario).  I hope not.  But only time will tell.
Next chapter snippet:
Yami pulled away leaving her wanting more, smirking at the look of disappointment in her sweet face.  That’ll help you forget and focused on better things and keep you coming back, he thought to her. Thing was could he withstand it long enough till she full returned to herself.  He had to.  Teris was worth it, and deserved his support and patience.  He’d surpass his limits of desire for her and hold out for as long as it took.
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