#like. power hungry mamas boy cops.
dashiellqvverty · 2 years
i don’t know what to make of this archetype/similarity yet but syril karn is the same exact same kind of character as sprout cloverleaf from my little pony a new generation
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lovelivingmydreams · 3 years
A story by heroes and villains
Virgil Anker: better together
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Virgil learns to accept help from others.
“Ugh! I am done!” Virgil glanced up from his assignment to see Roman let himself fall back into his chair with relief. Their first study session had gone rather well. They should probably reserve one of the discussion booths next time. The poor librarian had needed to remind them to be quiet multiple times. They’d just had too much fun. But Virgil could understand Roman’s exhaustion. It was time they wrapped things up. “Give me a sec, I have to finish this thing for English,” he muttered absentmindedly as he focused once more.
“Want me to read it trough for you?”
Virgil looked up in surprise. “You don’t…” he started. He didn’t even know why he was feeling like he’d done something wrong right now. Picani might be able to help him figure it out during their session after Virgil got back from his trip to the zoo with uncle Thomas tomorrow.
“We’re here to help each other Virgil. If I didn’t want to help you I wouldn’t offer. I thrive on being of help to my friends. It’s no trouble.” Right. Roman was like that. For everyone, not just him. It was okay to let him help. Virgil found himself smiling a little sheepishly and nodded. “Alright. You can read it when I’m done,” he allowed quickly turning back to his work.
When he finished his essay he looked up to find Roman in the zone. Which was excellent. It made it easier to sneak up on him. Apparently those with ADHD were extra susceptible to his cloak. Did he have proof for that? Well it was more of a hypothesis, but he had no means to test it. It made sense though.
And Roman had yet to prove him wrong.
Virgil cloaked himself, moved to stand right next to Roman and looked over his shoulder. It looked like he was designing a fashion line. Trans girl dresses, Pansexual messenger bags… as well as formal clothing inspired by broadway and Disney characters it seemed. He dropped his cloak.
“Seems I’m not the only one who can draw up some clothes.” Virgil had to stifle his laughter when that observation nearly made Roman jump 4 feet in the air.
“Will you stop that!?” he hissed.
“Not a chance,” Virgil chuckled as he picked up Roman’s sketches.
“This looks good though… You ever thought of becoming a fashion designer?” he suggested casually, allowing himself to imagine starting a brand with Roman someday.
“You are a genius!” Roman exclaimed, making Virgil’s heart jump.
He played it cool though. He’d gotten good at that over the last two years. Pretending that Roman’s smile didn’t turn his insides upside down. “It’s the least I can do. I sent in the designs like you said… I’m kind of excited.” He was. He hoped to catch a glimpse when he went out tonight.
“I’m sure next time you see DreamPrince on the news he’ll be wearing your design.” It was nice, having someone believe in him like that. Other than his dads that is.
“We’ll see,” he smiled as he handed Roman his laptop.
“Well,” Roman announced after a while. “I think you can hand this in with confidence Virge.”
Virgil felt himself relax at that. Roman wouldn’t say that if he didn’t mean it.
“So… I recall something about pizza? I’m starving!”
Virgil chuckled and lead the hungry Hispanic to the restaurant he’d suggested.
Virgil reminded himself over and over that this wasn’t a date, but it was very hard. Especially when, near the end of their meal Roman suddenly started acting nervous. “So… Um… There’s this… Shoot wait a minute,” Roman got up and picked up his phone.
“Si mama…? Que?” Virgil watched Roman look at his watch and jump.
“Perdona! I’ll be there soon.” With that he hung up and took out his wallet. Rambling all the way.
“So sorry Virge! Time got away from us I’m afraid. I swear I intended to give you that ride… Can you call your dad… You know what? Just use the change to take the bus or a cab or something alright? My treat! I’ll call you later!” he promised as he tossed down a few bills before rushing away. Leaving Virgil behind a little stunned. Maybe it was a family thing? It looked urgent.
He took the bus as it was cheaper and there was a stop in his new street.
The house was nice. Though Virgil wasn’t used to it yet. Especially now, when his dads weren’t home, it felt weird being here. Luckily he didn’t plan on staying too long.
He texted his dad while getting dressed. By the time he left the house, he got a reply.
“Don’t wait up. Patton and Thomas say hi. Thomas wants to remind you of the trip to the zoo tomorrow.” Virgil smiled, he didn’t know uncle Thomas was going to be there too… Maybe these projects were just poker nights with the boys. He might have to ask them about it when they got home.
Regardless, duty called.
Virgil was starting to think that he might need to do take a break from turning in evidence for a bit. The criminals were getting agitated.
“I say we attack now! They are weak! We can take them down easily!” he heard one guy suggest. No, turf wars were a bad idea. Clearly he hadn’t thought about maintaining the power balance enough. Good thing he was about to even the playing field again. All these idiots had to do was get caught on his camera with something very illegal, preferably saying the bosses name or any clue the police could use for some kind of big bust.
The leader of this troupe seemed rather well respected. Virgil had learned to spot the difference between the ranks, and if this guy wasn’t answering to the big guy himself, then he was pretty close.
“Boss says we have a truce until the rat is found,” The big dude in question stated.
A truce? Was he that much of a threat? Should he feel flattered or scared?
The tugs argued back and forth a bit more and Virgil was seriously considering just getting out of here. Maybe he could trip up some lower tier members. Or go back to helping lost travelers for a while. Just enough to make the higher ups relax again. They wouldn’t rebuild their ranks too much if they thought it was an inside job or something. Right?
And if they’d realized someone was giving the cops everything they needed to stop them, they wouldn’t plan anything major for a while. Unless the boss was stupid.
Suddenly Virgil saw a figure descend from the roof. He made a hero landing, straight from a superhero movie.
Virgil’s eyes widened. It couldn’t be…
“Do you gentlemen have permits for those weapons?” Dream Prince asked with a deep, booming voice as he rose up, wearing the full costume Virgil had designed. Including the cape. What was he doing here? Stupid question. He was government sanctioned. The chief was on the news a few days ago claiming him as one of theirs.
Which meant she probably asked him to look for Virgil. Does that woman never give up?
The gang was confused by his appearance. One of them calling the young hero ‘prince clown’. Virgil was too far away to see it, but he was willing to bet the clown in question was not too pleased with that.
With a gesture from the leader the gang was silenced. “Sure kid,” he said in a voice that made Virgil stand on high alert. “Got mine right here.”
Or find the stories of Logan and Roman in the Master post
Before Virgil could react in any meaningful way, Prince had shielded himself with his cape and the leader fired at least four rounds at him. The hero was unharmed though. The sounds of bullets falling to the ground the only evidence that they had ever left the barrel in the first place.
“Well now you just pissed me off. This is brand new!” Prince complained as he dropped the cape. And Virgil had to admit, it looked very cool. “I suppose you won't surrender peacefully?” he deduced.
The sound of guns being armed was his only answer. Which was stupid. That was already shown not to work. But sure, shoot with more guns. Don’t actually use your brain or anything. Prince let out an annoyed sigh as he hung his cape from a water pipe. “Fine.” And just like that, he sped towards the criminals through a rain of bullets.
It seemed like he had it handled, and Virgil was pretty sure that he would notice he was there no matter how well he cloaked himself if he got involved. And if he was here to look for him and bring him in for whatever the chief had planned…
Still, he couldn’t make himself just stand by.
He jumped in and helped disarm the criminals and caught a few punches, Prince seemed unlikely to dodge. Pretty soon he felt like Prince was adapting his fighting to his presence which told him that he was in fact spotted.
Soon the gang was down on the ground and their disassembled guns were on a pile on the floor. Virgil returned to the shadows once the sirens lit up the alley.
Prince donned his cloak once more and walked up to where the leader laid, showing off his boot.
“So… how does it feel to get your butt kicked by a guy in heels?” Virgil’s eyes widened as he saw Prince show off the boot. He was wearing the heeled boots? Sure he pulled them off, but that wasn’t a smart move. He couldn’t have had that much time to practice with them yet. Virgil sent the design on Tuesday. Unless… Maybe he’d worn heels before? That was a possibility. Though crime fighting in heels couldn’t be comfortable… Still, it did make the whole thing extra cool, Virgil had to admit.
Suddenly Dream Prince looked up at him and gave a playful wink. So he had noticed him. And he could see him even though he was cloaked right now… Or not quite. He wasn’t looking directly at him. So he knew he was there, just not where exactly.
“Good job Dream Prince. We've got it from here,” one of the police officers who’d come to make the arrests told Prince. The young hero turned to him and bowed.
“It's my pleasure to be of assistance to the police of this fine city.” While he turned around he made a gesture with his hand. Virgil could tell he was being asked to follow.
Part of him wanted to run the other way. But he was curious.
He wanted to take a good look at the costume. He wanted to scold Prince. He wanted to give him a message for the chief. Maybe find out what she wanted from him.
So he followed him all the way to a rooftop.
The city lights illuminated Prince from the back, his cape floating in the wind.
Virgil wished he could take a picture. Roman would love this.
Prince took a step forward and bowed for him. He was really sticking to this Prince thing huh?
“Greetings Phantom. I must thank you for the assist now and three months ago. I am Dream Prince, he/him if you please. A pleasure to officially meet you.” So he had figured out when they’d met.
Virgil couldn’t help a chuckle. He was still cloaking himself. He’d never talked to someone like this before so he had no clue if and how that affected his voice.
“Phantom huh?” Hmm. He kind of liked it. Sure it confirmed that prince was here due to chief. But it was a cool nickname.
“Sure you can call me that. He/him… mind telling me what that was about? I thought you officials weren't let of your leash unless you could be responsible enough to not get yourself killed?” Did he sound a bit catty? Maybe. Was what Prince did idiotic? Absolutely.
Prince didn’t seem to agree. “Says the guy who has half the criminal underworld out for his blood.”
Virgil looked away. Damn. He’d hoped Prince was going to live up to Virgil’s original nickname for him. But he was no idiot.
“Do you have something against the program?” Prince pressed.
“No I…”  Virgil tried to steady himself. It wasn’t Prince’s fault that he was pissed at his boss. “Sorry I’m just pissed at the cops for sending you, I guess,” he admitted reluctantly.
“Yet you chose to follow me up here?” Okay, so he really should give this guy more credit.
“Um… Well… I just…” He couldn’t tell him he was curious about him. That would give away interest on his part and he was not ready to let anything personal slide. He hated being put on the spot like this. Damn, this was not helping the stoic, mysterious guy aura he was going for.
“You interrupted my stake out!” he recalled. Right, one of the reasons he was mad at Prince. The lecture he’d interrupted with his observations.
“Do you know how long it takes to work my way up the ranks? First I have to find a low level runner, then I follow him to his boss, that guy to his and so up the ladder I go. I was getting real close to the big guy of this group. And now…” Sure, he had been thinking about needing to go more low profile for a while to let the rumors simmer out. But still.
“I apologize,” Prince replied sincerely with another bow. It was hard to be mad with this guy. Perfect hero material. “I merely intended to help. They were talking about killing you.”
He appreciated the concern really. But he overlooked one crucial detail.
“And now there is a price on your head! The leader of that little club is like two steps away from the big boss. They won’t be happy with you taking him in.” He couldn’t let him get himself on the bad guys’ list. Not because he thought he needed to protect him. Or maybe a little. When had he started feeling responsible for Prince? Was this how his dad felt? Why he’d tried to keep him from being overly self-sacrificing as a kid?
“You got dirt on them?” Prince wondered.
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Yes… But that’s not the point. They have no clue about me. Not really,” just some guesses and rumors. “But you are out in the open.” They’d know who to go after with him. “This is not your kind of mission Royal pain. And now that you are out, you can’t expect me to hold your hand any longer…” Virgil got distracted when Prince crossed his arm and smirked smugly. “You’ve been looking out for me all summer huh?”
That smug little… Fine he got him there.
He rolled his eyes with a scoff, trying to dismiss the statement. “It’s not like I came looking for you.” He just… Did the right thing when they met up.
Prince was the one dreaming if he thought he felt any kind of responsibility towards him. He was just trying to… To be someone he could be proud of. That was why he was doing this. To not feel week and useless. To help people, even if he couldn’t always help those he felt closest to.
“Still… Thank you…” Prince said gently, about to step forward again. But then he cringed and clutched his head. “Ow!”
The young hero sounded more annoyed than in pain.
He pressed a finger to his ear. Communicating with whoever was on the other line no doubt. “One. Loud. Two. Rude! I am in the middle of something! And did you seriously remotely reactivate my com?” Virgil could hear him hiss in the communication device, dropping the regal persona completely. Virgil bit back his amusement.
“I am fine, not a scratch on me,” Prince replied annoyed. “I’ll call you when I’m done here.” And then he seemed to take something out of his ear. He was so lucky Virgil wasn’t a bad guy or he’d just made it a lot easier on him to take him out.
“Sorry,” Prince sighed. “My mentor is… intense at times.”
“Mentor?” Virgil wondered. He’d heard about the GTA program and it’s monitors in the past. But mentors… that sounded a bit more one on one than just people who told you what to do.
“One of the people helping me practice my powers, test my limits. Comes with the program. It’s not just a babysit and a nice suit,” Prince joked.
“Oh…” Virgil didn’t know what to say to that. It was… Something he’d been wanting for a while now. For a way to test all that he could do. To figure out the shield, push the limits of his cloak and try and use his healing for others. Someone to help him strategize, to talk with when he’d had a tough night. But unless he was ready to come clean with his dad, that was out of his reach.
“Listen, I admit I was sent by the chief. But I didn’t come here to recruit you. I wanted to thank you and tell you… If you ever need someone to talk to, to help you figure something out… I’d be more than happy to oblige. No need to tell me your name or anything about yourself.”
Virgil looked at the offered hand. Maybe, it wasn’t impossible after all.
He considered his options. But it seemed like there was no catch to this offer. So he closed the gap and shook his hand.
“I’ll see you next time,” Prince offered kindly before letting go and running straight of the rooftop as if there was a walkway just for him.
Virgil smirked. Maybe he should wrap it up for tonight. Prince and the other heroes had the area covered. He’d collect the information he had on the tugs that were arrested tonight. Next time he saw Dream Prince, he’d hand that information to him.
If things went well… This could be a good partnership.
End of this part. Meet Janus and learn his side
@cirishere​ @hestianerd1 @moonlightshow00 @naturallyunstablegamer @alias290 @meowthefluffy @frida0043 @angelic-cali @selenechris @theblackveilinreverse
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sprintwireless · 4 years
im so fucking hungry, like yeah physically because im starving but also hungry in a furious way that this is the way things are
im poor, and black, and mexican, and trans, and gay, yadda yadda. the world isn't built with the idea of me surviving in mind. im fucking angry all the time. i bite my tongue to keep from shouting. why do the fucking pigs kill us and brutalize my family ? why do ice fuckers throw my relatives in concentration camps ? why can't i use the bathroom at my own school without the cops up my ass ? why do we have to sell these drugs ? why can't i just be a fifteen year old boy ?
why why why why ? i know the answers. but i'm so angry, regardless. i want to live. i want happiness and change and to never go back to my normal state of constant simmering rage and fear and grief. i never want the next generation to feel the way i do.
im so scared. i fear going outside, that i'll be killed by cops with no one around, screaming for my mama and knowing she won't come. i fear not just death but the kind of death the police would put me to. im terrified. i am lucky, i am so lucky to have what i have. i realize that me being lucky shouldn't be a thing, that kids of colour shouldn't have to worry about these things, yet we have to anyways, and i am angry again.
i am seething from the moment i wake up to the time i fall asleep, and sometimes in between. i am so angry with the world, i think. the world didn't do it, power hungry colonizers did. i am angry with them. i cannot kill the world, but colonizers can die.
blah blah blah we live in a society get a load of this guy huh ? im just mad u know ?
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shirtlesssammy · 7 years
9x19: Alex Annie Alexis Ann
Hey All! Welcome to winter hellatus! We’re pretty excited for Wayward Sisters so we thought we’d recap a selection of Wayward episodes over the next 5 weeks. Enjoy!
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Sody! Er, Jody’s a badass hunter, who’s been through a lot of shit.
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We open with a big, burly, gun-toting police officer manhandling a young woman down the halls of a police station. Yikes. He locks her up and answers a call about a possible B&E. Leaving the offender alone, the officer goes to check it out.
Later that night, the inmate gets a visit from, uh, a dude she knows but seems scared to be near. He unlocks her cell and tells her, “You can run and you can hide, but we will always find you.” Fangs out...And head off. JODY comes in for the head chopping save!
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The next morning, the boys meet up with Jody who fills them in on her latest case. 
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They’re dealing with a nest of vampires, and a runaway who won’t talk or even give up her name. She IDs Sam and Dean as hunters after Sam checks for fangs (she doesn’t have them). Jody interrupts their less than enlightening interrogation with news of who their mystery prisoner is: Annie Jones, kidnapped 8 years prior. Jody wonders if she was kidnapped by the vampires. Sam and Dean surmise that she’s a blood slave, a human kept by vamps to feed on. 
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Back in the interrogation room, the brothers try breaking through Annie’s Stockholm Syndrome, but she insists that her name is really Alex, and it was her choice to feed the vamps. She left the nest because it was time for her to strike out on her own (she says not so convincingly). The brothers lay out her options: She can help the Winchesters+Jody find the nest or the vamps will find her. Alex admits that if “Mama” finds her, she’s dead.
Sam and Dean scout some possible locations of the nest and head out to investigate, leaving Jody on babysitting duty. (Man, that sounds awful, but leave it to Bobo to make this the most badass babysitting job outside of Adventures in Babysitting.) Jody tells the brothers she has a cabin in the country. She’ll take Alex there -no back up. (She’s got this. It’s all good!)
The rest of Alex’s “family” find, confront, and kill the nice bus ticket sales lady who helped Alex escape.
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Jody and Alex arrive at Jody’s cabin in the woods later that night. Jody briefly reminisces on fond childhood memories, and more recent, more painful and bittersweet memories. Once inside, Jody sets up the home while Alex wanders. She sees a picture of Jody, and her husband and son. She asks where they are. Jody’s blank look says it all. “Hmm, dead.” Oh, how far these two have come.
The boys wait all day, and then head out at night to check out the vamp location.
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They find a vamp woodchipping a victim and interrogate him. He whines about his “sister”, but knows that she’ll always chose them over humans.
(Shallow end of the pool break: Dean, why do you look so good and broody this episode? Oh yeah, you’re working that Mark of Cain by now.)
At the sheriff’s, (during a power outage?) the Family Vampire make an appearance.
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Sam and Dean’s vamp gives them a detailed flashback to how Alex helped the family all these years --by picking up gross older men and luring them to their death. The boys are instantly worried about Jody.
At the cabin, Jody finds Alex asleep in her son’s old room. She goes to throw a blanket over her, when Alex wakes with a start. Hesitantly, Jody tells Alex she made her a sandwich when she’s hungry. Alex asks about her grandmother --but Jody just shakes her head no. It seems that Alex is truly alone in the world.
Sam finds out that both of the victims worked at the bus station where Alex was and realizes that the vampires are hot on Alex’s trail. He calls Jody and fills her in but before Jody can get all the facts, a car pulls up outside. The vampires quickly break through the window and take Alex. Jody races outside to try to rescue her but she gets knocked out. Dawn breaks when the Winchesters finally get there and Jody wakes up and gets to her feet. They figure that the vampires are on their way back to their nest. Jody tells the boys in no uncertain terms that they can stow the kid gloves. She may be injured but Alex was under her protection and she’s going to fight for her. JODY I love you so much. Dean tries to argue that Alex isn’t worth saving, given her history as a vampire lure. Jody is like, fuck you very much. “I’m coming. And if either of you lays so much as a hand on Alex, you’ll have to go through me.” She gets into the Impala and slams the door.
Alex wakes up to mama vamp telling her that she’s made a right mess of their life. Mama vamp tells Alex that she’ll always take her back, though. Alex is her baby girl. “I love you mama,” Alex tells her. “I couldn’t take it anymore. The blood and the death. The sounds of their screams. I can’t do it anymore.” Mama vamp tells Alex that she should have turned her years ago. Then Alex would never suffer guilt.
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Outside, Dean tells Jody that their priority is clearing the nest and saving Alex is secondary. Fuck you, Jody says with her eyes.
Back with mama vamp, she tells Alex that she was selfish. She wanted to watch Alex grow up. But if Alex turns vamp she can stay with her vampire family. Alex looks at her and considers…
The Winchesters and Jody sneak into the house, machetes bared. Jody hears a moan from the basement and heads down to investigate. Meanwhile, upstairs Sam gets captured and Dean gets knocked out.
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Jody follows the moans to a bed in the basement where Alex is lying in pain. Alex looks up and her mouth is covered in blood. “I made my choice,” she tells Jody. She drank mama vamp’s blood. Mama vamp creeps up and knocks Jody out.
The vamp brothers interrogate Sam, trying to decide who to kill first. One of the vamps grabs a bucket and a knife. They’ve got to find a new place to live and nothing says road trip like road snacks, amirite?
Downstairs Jody’s awake but trussed up to the ceiling. She tries to talk some sense into Alex.
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Mama vamp hauls Alex over to Jody so that Alex can feed off of her and become a vampire. Alex refuses. “Clearly, Sheriff, you got issues. Some hole in your life you’re using Alex to fill,” Mama vamp tells Jody, continuing her emotional assault on Alex. “You think motherhood’s just about blood?” Jody doesn’t disagree with that statement, but she also tells mama vamp that motherhood isn’t about forcing children to be like them the moment they’re inconvenient. Preach, Jody! Mama vamp tells Alex that Jody “Hunter Cop Bitch” Mills is just trying to play Alex.
Upstairs, Sam’s starting to get woozy as the bucket begins to fill with blood. Bro vamp licks some up. Gross. The other vamp heads to Dean, ready to slit his throat and pour him into a bucket. Dean’s awake though. Yay, Dean! He fights the other vamp.
“Alex!” Jody says. “Was that her name?” Jody realizes that the reason mama vamp changed Alex’s name is because she lost a child and stole Alex as a replacement. Alex listens to Jody talk, realizing that she’d been stolen as a child to replace another child. This puts things in perspective for Alex. Sure, Jody is projecting things from her own loss. But mama vamp did it too. Mama vamp starts to beat up Jody.
Meanwhile, Dean continues to fight with the vamps upstairs. Just before he kills the vampire he tells him to look into his eyes which… YIKES, Dean. (It’s here that I first go WTF Dean and then remember that we’re deep in the Mark of Cain storyline.) Dean kills the vampire and slowly comes down off of his murder rage. Then he starts to untie Sam, and tells him, “Yeah I know. You wouldn’t have done the same for me.” (Me: bundles Dean into a blanket and hands him a stuffed bunny.) Anyway, Sam reminds Murder Dean about Jody and Dean runs off.
Downstairs, Jody is way worse for wear. She’s had her knee kicked out and been beaten up badly. Mama vamp cuts her down so she can eat Jody herself. She stops though. Alex has stabbed her in the back with dead man’s blood. “How could you?” mama vamp says.
“I’m sorry, mama,” Alex whispers.
Jody tells Alex not to watch and Alex looks away as Jody cuts off mama vamp’s head.
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Afterward, Sam tells Dean that he was enjoying the kill too much. “Sorry for not putting on a hairshirt,” Dean says. Taking pleasure in killing bad things is fine, he assures Sam. Yeeeeah…
Jody strolls up and wraps up loose ends with the Winchesters. They apologize for being dicks and for not fighting to save Alex. Jody admits that her judgment was clouded, though.
“You know, working this case, it brought...feelings back. Feelings I've been trying to bury for years, you know, buried it under work, religion. Even dating. We know how that worked out. But, you know, it was still there, you know, underneath. The grief. Don't know what that means for me, just that I've been... I've been fooling myself to think that I could ignore it.”
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Jody heads back in as the Winchesters leave. Alex is suffering through the conversion back to full human. “I want you to know that when mama offered I couldn’t disappoint her again,” Alex tells her. “I have enough to be ashamed of as it is. Jody, I’ve done things.”
“Whatever you want from me, I’ll give it,” Jody tells her. “What you’ve been through the last 48 alone. Losing your entire family, everything you’ve ever known or loved. No one can understand that.”
“You can,” Alex tells her.
<3 <3 <3
Quotes Quotations Quotables Quote:
Nest? I'm guessing that's not half as cute and cozy as it sounds.
You two are FBI? Then I'm Taylor Swift.
Nice work back there. "Look at me, bitch?”
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