kiealer · 1 year
Future Gohan looks onto his friends' new relationship from the veil of death but appeared before her as a spirit.
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risingsouls · 1 year
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"Good morning Mr Vegeta is Trunks home??" The little one stood at the door, hoping for another misadventure with his childhood friend.
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The Saiyan prince glared down at the miniature Kakarot standing on his doorstep. " Trunks lives with his mother, brat. He's not here today, so scram and go to his mother's house. "
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sxs-a2 · 1 year
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@likeadragcn asked
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"Come on slow poke , we're never gonna make it to see the previews on time..no thanks to you and your stupid make up." Spoke the rowdy one in a rather teasing manner before sticking his tongue out and began rushing forward towards the ticket booth in order to get to their movie.
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"Don't worry, I don't think he meant that." It was really something of a big loop comparing the two Trunks' with one another but he does know that the words spoken from his childhood friend came from a place of love..well a type of sibling love considering Gohan used to have his days as well when it came to teasing him. "Come on, we'll go together." With a smile Goten extends a hand forward.
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🌸 → ❝ I am NOT going to to scuff my heels for you, Blueberry! ❞
The zombies destroyed the bots, which left Mai and Capsule Corp to work all weekend. She knew Trunks would be in a bad mood, but his frustration gained her a date with her crush Goten. Nezukos does not like Cleangod, but this was a chance to spend time with him, even if Trunks will be in the middle.
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She took Goten's hand and changed her attitude.
❝ Thank you for inviting me. You didn't have to, y'know. ❞
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amitsuma · 1 year
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"Mom always did say I was her 'handsome boy' but that could be chalked up to her just..being my mother."
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❝Aw, don't sell yourself so short,❞ she chuckles, amused. She withholds the temptation to reach forward and squish his cheek between her fingers, finding that a tad too gauche for her tastes. Instead, she merely smiles, decidedly placing a hand upon his shoulder and leaning closer. ❝I think you're plenty cute. I'm surprised that you checked off so many… though perhaps I shouldn't be, considering who you are.❞
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"Look at you..all grown up and confident. I was right to put all of Humanity's hope on you. But I'm also sorry, that I couldn't be strong enough to give you a normal childhood. You're someone that deserve fond memories, you deserve to have dreams and be happy. Honestly, the life of a warrior was never something I wanted for you, this burden. Although I knew in my heart that you could bear it..it just..I only wished I could have been a better older brother. But seeing you, this you right here right now..it eases my heart to know the little brother I have now will one day find peace. I only hope you could find it in your heart to forgive me for not being strong enough." (From a Gohan that's just recovered after losing his arm.) //ALSO this is to the GOAT, trust me bro when it comes to writing this character you are HIM.
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"Gohan I-"
He found it hard to find the words. What would he say that he hadn't cried out countless times before? That he was sorry that he still wasn't strong enough? Sorry that he had to lose his arm for him? Sorry that he wasted the last senzu bean on him? He had been sitting next to Gohan along with Bulma day in and day out, waiting for his mentor's recovery so he could give a proper apology to the man he owed so much to. Even after spending hours thinking about what he wanted to say, his thoughts were clouded and hazy as too many emotions were running around at once.
"Don't apologize- I'm the one who should be doing that..."
His eyes focus on where Gohan's arm used to be. The man had sacrificed so much for his sake, and he couldn't even repay the favor by turning into a Super Saiyan. He felt pathetic, but he didn't want Gohan to catch him feeling sorry for himself- This wasn't about him, it was about his mentor. No matter what, from now on, he had to resolve to be worthy of this praise.
"When you get your energy back, I'm gonna make you proud Gohan. I'm gonna work twice, no, thrice as hard! And I'm gonna turn Super Saiyan right before your eyes! You'll see, those monsters won't know what hit them!"
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beforecreation · 1 year
@likeadragcn liked for a starter!
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"Tell me, how does it feel to pass the Omni Kings' test? Did you put any thought behind it, or did you think that it'd be funny to undo those erasures only minutes after they happened?"
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
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SUBJECT MATTER: Old (Unprompted) Meme-Move From Old Blog // sender: @likeadragcn.
' . . . another Saiyan besides Dad and Vegeta.'
Oh, wasn't this the biggest surprise of her life. Not only did a seemingly unassuming childling approach her--he was polite about it and even mentioned her heritage. Were it not for his last question--which clarified everything--she'd ask him why she knew about Saiyans at all in the first place.
--She still had questions, but she'd get to those later.
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"Perhaps, I do. Perhaps, I do not," she said in an even, calm voice. She immediately sat up straighter from her sear on the park bench. She placed her chin into her palm at the same time she crossed one leg atop of the other. "--I'd have to know the name of your father first." Her first assumption was that he must've been Earth-raised; there was no native accent she heard from the boy, and he didn't even greet her in their shared language. Then her second assumption was: if so, how did he survive the near-extinction of their species? Was it through this parent?
She also wondered where his tail was.
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likeadragcn started to following you
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Peppa were getting a few things for fishing, she lived by herself now so using what she learned from her Earth’s parents to survive, she never regretted on not trying to get back to her home planet, she flt more free to do whatever she wanted then back at the Sayian’s planet.
She flies towards a river before she got a net and toss it on the water and sits down to wait for any fish to be caught, clueless that some stranger could show up.
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eternalbxtterfly · 9 months
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@likeadragcn Continued from this ask.
Well she supposed it was a good thing that he did not sense anything about her that would give away too much about who she was or what exactly the young woman was supposed to be in the first place.Good.In all honesty knowing this from him was an actual relief,but for now the other could not help herself but to let out a small smile escaped her lips right afterwards.
"Well i'm very much happy that you cannot sense anything...at...all from me stranger."
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"Hmm.How interesting it has been quite awhile since i've last fought in anything young man.I must say this battle will turn out to be very intriguing to say the least."
"But before that this environment is not suited for violence."And just like that with a simple snap of her fingers both of them found themselves in an unknown space.
"This is the nothingness the perfect place for this encounter.Regardless you can go first...show me what you're capable of."
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peoplcshope · 1 year
✅ How many URLs have you had? List them if possible.
💓 What do you think your reputation in your rpc is?
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Too much that i'd care to admit to be honest, er at least if we talkin bout blogs.
Let's see there's...
First multi: @scarlxtleaves
Sinbad: @highseaskxng
Dbz multi: @likeadragcn
Yusuke: @thuganomxcs
blog for graphics: @devilsxcry
AND As for my reputation on here. Well I'd hope it's nothin' bad but IF anything I wanna have the reputation of being the one that always gives a homie a chance at writing with 'em. Eventhough I'm REALLY bad with replies.
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kiealer · 1 year
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"I am a god, I do not 'perform' arts, they are performed FOR me."
He certainly checked off a lot of boxes across the board, though admittedly, she'd expect nothing less. She eyed a particular one that was left unchecked, and initially planned on raising a small fuss -- acts of service is her primary love language, after all, and to not be permitted to take care of her partner did not sit well with her. However, another one that was checked caught her eye.
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He was willing to have children with her.
That in itself almost entirely makes up for the complaint she was about to raise. The concept alone was enough to have her blush, though she makes no verbal note of her discovery. Instead, her lips purse into a pout, and her eyes draw below, still wearing that orangey hue on her cheeks. Above everything else, she knows how detrimental everything they've cultivated is, and she realizes all her faults for being with him in the first place. Despite all that, she can't seem to help it.
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❝I know. I'd like to do that for you, too, if you'd let me.❞
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❝The fact that you check off so many boxes bothers me.❞ She scoffs, as if seemingly unaccepting of the facts laid before her. Her arms fold into one another in a defiant stance. Yet, she seems oddly firm and insistent, almost as if she's trying to tell herself what she's saying rather than him.
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❝We are not compatible. The fact that you even did this is stupefying to me.❞ It has to be this way, after all, they way that things should be. Never mind the bright spark of interest that appeared in her eyes the moment she read over the form, or the titillating sensations ruminating beneath the surface -- no, she denies all of that. Only now do her cheeks dust a faint orange hue, an idea popping into mind that he may have done this because he's interested in her.
❝I-- I don't want anything to do with you. Don't even try.❞
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sxs-a2 · 9 months
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@likeadragcn asked:
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"Nezukoo." He called out cheerful and pecks her lips with a gentle kiss before handing her a present, a small little box with a leather braided bracelet that had been made by him. "Happy Birthday, hope you like it."
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A kiss from her boyfriend already made her heart pump. It is like a dream whenever she sees Son Goten. His pure mountain scent is intoxicating to the half-demon. His hair is full of volume, his dark eyes are alluring, but his smile shines like the sun. He is the kindest boy she has ever met, so when Nezuko learns he crafted her present herself, her eyes begin to be filled with tears. She didn't say a word. She just LUNGES at the tall Saiyan and kisses him in front of all the students in the Blu Hall entrance.
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amitsuma · 1 year
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"A rather interesting set of choices. Fitting for a god."
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❝Oh, why, thank you. I thought so, too.❞ Her eyes narrow in interest, taking note of how every box was checked off save for one, and it wasn't even a deal-breaker. Her lips curl into an amused smile. ❝I must say, I'm surprised. I truly didn't believe anyone would mark off nearly every trait. It seems as though you and I need to chat a bit more, don't you think?❞
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(months after the androids) "This planet feels 'comfrotable...and with so little life left in it too. Huh, I had thought Frieza destroyed every last living saiyan..for you to be THIS strong enough to bring this planet down to the brink..heh, not bad kid."
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While there was no doubt in Trunks's mind that he was now talking to a stranger, he'd be lying if he couldn't feel some hint of familiarity through the other man's hairstyle alone. It was certainly not what he expected, but it would seem that the battle hardened man that stood before him was under the assumption that he was the cause for the destruction on the planet, an assumption Trunks was far too happy to disprove.
"I'm not the one that did the damage to this planet, I'm the one that brought the destruction to an end."
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beforecreation · 1 year
What type of villain are you?
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No Moral Compass
You are cold, analytical, and you strive to be as objective as a person of flesh and blood can be. Either don't understand the concepts of good and evil, or you understand it perfectly and think it's a load of bull. Some may call you selfish, some may call you unfeeling, but you're just doing what you believe will yield the best results, plain and simple. Why bother with petty ideals of right or wrong when you can do what will actively help those you give a fuck about? Your goals may be selfish or noble or anything in between, but you will not let anyone make you feel like garbage for going after them. You couldn't care less about what people brand you as. You just care about getting shit done by any means necessary.
tagged by: @regledesflorale (thank youuuu)
tagging: @likeadragcn @gazelessmenagerie @gerudospiriit @acoldsovereign @amitsuma @goddevourd @dragvnsovl @dearestgoldwitch @athenafire and whoever else would want to!
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acoldsovereign · 7 months
I'm an adult woman in her late twenties (26+). The alias I formally go by is Guillotina, or GT for short if you can't remember it. Once we become familiar with one another, you may call me any of these variations: Tina, Tee, T, Tiny and/or Terror.
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#acoldsovereign houses a villainous/antagonistically-aligned Saiyan in the form of Maiz, an indie DBZ OC (who plays well with DB Super-based stories). Concerning Saiyan lore, the blog takes inspiration from the following places: the early "Z" anime and manga, Dragonball GT, Jaco the Patrolman (manga), and the anime/manga of Dragonball Super, albeit selectively. The movies I pull from are: Bardock: The Father of Goku, Broly -- The Legendary Super Saiyan, DBZ: The Tree of Might, and later additions like Dragon Ball Super: Broly.
Activity & Inclination: Low to medium, Private and Selective.
Affiliated w/ the following blogs: @hopefromadoomedtimeline, @peoplcshope/@likeadragcn/@thuganomxcs, @roseplendence & @particlecreator!
Secondary Blog:
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