megafruityvibes · 2 years
I have to use step stools.
Y'know, I just got told my maximum height could be 5'1 possibly even 5'2 if I'm special enough. If I don't have someone that is taller than I am, loves everything about me, and appreciates my shortness and pain of being short, and helps me reach the things by picking me up lovingly....then I don't want them.
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papercutsandpeaches · 4 years
Sunday Morning
I wake up sleepily, and shuffle under the covers, soft light is pouring into my room and I can see the space next to me empty, only the wrinkles on these sheets replaced the body that left it only moments ago.
“Good morning” His quiet voice filled the room, and I looked up near the doorway, and I could see an upside down head of curls looking at me, bare chested and standing in boxers, holding a fresh cup of coffee. I smiled and he set the cup down on my bedside table, I reached my arms out for him like a 4 year old wanting to be picked up, his smile increased and he came to hug me back, and got on top of me, his warm body enclosing me and my face resting near his neck. 
“When did you wake up?” My morning voice asked him as he softly kissed my forehead, “Like half an hour ago, but I got out of bed only like 10 minutes ago, I was watching you sleep” I laughed and added a gagging sound at how cheesy we were, like as though this was our first morning together when actually we’ve been together for half a year now. 
Sunday mornings move at an incredibly slow pace for us, we hardly wake up before noon, and our ravenous by then, so then we make a huge feast and eat it all, then spend the rest of the afternoon browsing shitty movies and nursing our food coma, laughing at random jokes, talking, and becoming a tangled mess of long limbs and bodies on the sofa before we finally decide some wine would be nice, and maybe some music, maybe we can pretend to be grown ups then.
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exosh · 10 years
"I Miss you,"  Luhan said in a hushed voice,"I miss u like a crazy."
But Sehun cant hear.
He's already gone,leaving Luhan alone.
and never turn back
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papercutsandpeaches · 6 years
I look over at him, gently snoring away, sleeping off his jet lag. As the orange light of the dying sun, lights up his face in angelic glow. His features, over shadowed by childlike innocence, and calm. I reach over to kiss his cheek, as he turns his face last moment, causing me to kiss him on the lips. I draw back, startled, as he opens his eyes then winks at me.
 “Good timing am I right?” “Bastard”.
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