#likes my rambles and sotries
albino-whumpee · 2 years
I fucking adore AU Albus and Sann never apologize for ranting. In fact I request more ranting
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uffff there´s a lot of stuff I can gush about the au!! I´m so glad to hear you love it!! :D
But for now I wanna talk about this thing in particular about the newest piece.
I´ve always wondered hwo the fuck their outits at the circus would look like and always tried to avoid going into detail, but it was unavoidable this time.
So I got into designing it and then came around a few thoughts.
Albus´ outfit is meant to humiliate him right? so I wanted to add bells that jingled like a cat´s collar. Fucking annoying and gave out his position if he wanted to hide. But the outfit idea I had didn´t make much sense. It made more sense for Sann.
A puffy collar with long ends that worked as "tails"., Imagine him soaring the sky, making the fabric curl around like a rhythmic gymnast...a pretty collar covering the cruel metal underneath.
So, I was still undecisive about Albus. The tails were a bit of a problem in the composition, so I omitted them, but I still wanted to incorporate the idea of a puffy collar, so I made the top leather and full of belts, like a straightjacket that the actual armbinds completes.
It´s a little harsher looking that way, isn´t it? It´s nothing people can notice, but in the front there should be metal d rings to attach chains. There should be one right on his nape too.
He doesn´t look like a clown like I wanted at the beginning, but the idea of Albus being a powerful, highly dangerous demon muzzled and chained like an animal...I think that´s pretty humilliating for him and the circus owners know that.
I think it still would be pretty good to imagine him wearing a bell bracelet around his ankles he makes a point of destroying and taking off every chance he gets.
this is dumb of me keeping in mind how fucking useless i am tofnish projects, but I wanna write the demonangel au as nanowrimo project... ahha, but i know myself so. still...its a nice fantasy to think this story could be more than it is now.
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anulithots · 3 months
LE gasp! I have been discovered.... oh noessss /s
Unsure if this is /aff or /srs
(does this count as first annon hate??? if soo... what a milestone. *sniff sniff, wipes away tear*)
But for both..
I hath been reseraching things about caspases... I"m SO CLOSE to finishing the article and it has ALLL THE ANSWERSSSS
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ANYWHOSIES I sent your ask on a discord server because my companions are funnier than I.
this is what one of them said. I found it funny... hope you get a laugh out of it too! <3 <3
"Show your face you wimp. You scrub you runt you idiot with your anonymous name and profile with the sunglasses bcs you’re too scared to look us in our eyes, huh?
You think you’re so cool like a cold edgy bad boy calling people nerds. You know what you consist of?? What you run based off of?? Cells, caspaces. Next time you’re feeling sick and dying from a disease and you go to the doctor how about you call’em all nerds, yeah? I’m sure they’ll appreciate you so much they’ll give you a special vaccine called kiyoselinopresol, usually shortened to kys.
Didn’t even have the guts to come up with a real insult. “Nerd” yeah yeah very creative I’m shivering in my non-existent boots. What did you expect to get from something like that?? What purpose-less life do you have that drove you to call people enjoying hobbies insults—hobbies that are much more intellectual and meaningful than yours btw, being that yours in to call random people on the internet nerds?
I mean, I congratulate you. Congrats. You called a person on the internet a nerd. You offered no value to society as a whole. I hope you’re proud of yourself. Nerd"
I laughed so hard this is halarious.
Cassiah is my caspase-3 character and I'm wiritng an entire biology story. I am very much a nerd thank ye thank ye.
Literally this is all for funsies.
Anywho. So i'm still owndering if I should do have the activation for the biostory be through caspase-8 (extrinsic) or caspase-9 (intrinsic) or if I should have the reason for activation be apoptosis or a nonapoptotic need.
Perhapppsss I could have Cassiah attempt to fufill theri thrill seeking life-starved desires through assassining (as you do) and they know that this could lead toward the end of the world, they just want to leave such a mark, live in such a way that they aovid the forgotten death that they will cause.
tagging @bonesbeetle. I'm almost done! ANd I shall send my annotatiosn, sotry rambles and make some more thoughts sometime tomorrow or the day after!!
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katrinasis · 2 months
hello you asked about this like practically forever ago but i love talking about the ve intermission heres my 2 cents. it is pretty funny that its so long and i guess intricate and then at the end the guy just gets shot and dies but i still think theres some merit in how much was written for it anyway.. maybe im looking at it through rose tinted glasses a little but idk i had a lot of fun with it. even if the end is Like That its like. that was a fun time yknow. and anyway something is defs going to happen with some other version of jack in the main story (aahh not to mention!! there are significant ? things that are alluded to have happened at some point in the sotry involving their version of the midnight crew. and i really hope they get around to explaining those) so i have faith that this ask isnt going to look stupid as hell in like 5 years when they make it🤞 sorry if this is kinda rambly and meandering i dont know how to organize intermission word vomit
(gazes into the sunset) i see………. once again i must disclaim that i have not read the ve intermission beyond like the last 50 pages and a few in between so i can’t really speak on if i think it’s good or not. from the bit i have read though it does seem like the writers genuinely do really like the midnight crew and want to have fun with them and treat them in a way that isn’t just “bad guys the trolls gotta kill”. like from what i have seen the writers are real Jack And Friends Understanders. i really like the part where spades slick and ve jack (something sharper? scathing sharper i think) meet and immediately start talking shit about each other it feels very in character. i probably would really like the intermission if i read it im just not super motivated to
thief of blood jack is also very big brained. anyway thief of blood spades slick, prince of rage bec noir, bard of time lord jack. these are the objectively correct jack classpects. the jackspects, if you will
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
Same anon but that liking thing is so right. And it sucks cause I thought I WAS friends with that person, best friends. But then I had a trauma related breakdown and suddenly none of that shit??? Mattered?? Anymore??? Like yeah he "liked" me or "loved" me whatever, but if you're gonna get in a relationship with someone you know has trauma you gotta be prepared for bumps in the road. If a single bump in the road quickly invalidates everything then like??? Did you ever even really care about that person in the first place??? Or just the idea of them. NWGSUWG SOTRY to rant in ur inbox its just. Ough. The Horrors. They are many.
MANNNNNN ARE WE THE SAME PERSON GKJLSHGKJHKGJSGH i also thought we were friends and stuff but we got together when i was in one of my "up" stages if that makes sense, like i was barely sleeping and i was very energetic and i thought i felt great but i was just self-sabotaging and everything. so when i dropped, i was sleeping constantly and i wouldnt be online as much and apparently they interpreted that as like. i didnt like them anymore??? i guess???? i dont really care tbh it was super dumb but it was the fact that they got upset over the fact that i wasnt "putting effort into the relationship" or anything when i was. in a very horrible place. but whatever we dont have contact anymore and im doing a lot better so progress!!! also u guys are able to just ramble abt shit in my inbox whenever u want tbh i love hearing abt it and i dont mind fskjhfjksdh i think its fun =]
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sillylittleosc · 1 year
Whats ur fav object show? :3
mmdpspSOSOSS this asks maded me so hapapy!!!!!!
mm,,,I likes them all a lot, but I thhinmkk my favoriteeee,,,iissss,,,iinanjmate insnaity!!!!!!
I gots really attatch to some characters ,,,{paaintbrush mainly, but alsos silve slpoon, Fan, FLOORY, anf Mephone4,Mephone4s anf mepad,,,,} but I alsos like the sotries n challenge!!!
I wolb love to jus ramble abouf why I love the show!!! it’s been my main interst for almot 5 yers now,,,,,, I alsos have a mian blog that I ony tell to my cosets mutuas!!! I alsossososos haav a tonna ocs!!!!
a good 2d favoite is “extraordinary excellent entities“,,,,super good show,,,,
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joculatrixster · 3 years
Raspberry's new kingdom loading screen page thing mentions that she's proud of her cousin. Mousse is the only other House Raspberry that was seen
OH ty :)
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prenvii-moved · 4 years
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linafication · 4 years
🍓 here you go darling let's get the vibes on
hi hi hi!!! alright there’s so many things to compliment about you shfkdkgk you’re so funny & witty & quite a few of the things you say are gonna live in my brain rent free forever. you’re one of my best friends ever & im so lucky to have you in my life! you’re so sweet & whenever I’m feelin like shit you always reassure me & help me feel a little better. you’re also a very good writer & storyteller like damn your cojum who sotry is fuckign wonderful !!! also I love reading you ramble in the tags of old tally hall posts it’s the funniest shit ever shfjdjf. all in all you’re a wonderful person & I can’t wait until we are awake too late & incomprehensible in west xylophone again <3
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I suppose the purpose of this blog is for me to gather my memories. At the time of writing this, I am 22 and filled with worry for the future. There’s still a bit of whimsy, but mostly, I’m filled with worry for the future.
These could be considered a memoir of sorts, but I doubt it will be any as coherent as most others. Chronologically wise, there will be no true timeline. One entry may refer to my childhood, another to a present story that I wish to write down, yet another to the past reminiscence of my parents.
Oh yes. This was also started, so I may write down the stories of my mother and my father and others I deem important in my life.
I tell myself that this is for future posterity, but the future is murky. More realistically, I’m attempting to collect these things to create a memoir or book that I may sell for a modest amount of money to live off of. I doubt anything will come off it, but I strive for the semi-best outcome of success! I do not want too much success as I would quite like to be dead before somebody attempts to make a movie of my life.
I imagine that would be a strange curse of success though.
In the edgiest sense, yet... most emotionally true way, I want to write upon this here blog to... mourn? To grieve? Ponder seems near what I wish to say, reminisce more accurate, but neither of those seem to fit. Such is the frailties of the written language, I suppose.
In the deepest sense, I want to understand my life better through looking back at the stories that led to this point now. My sotry born of my mother’s and my father’s. What has led to the patterns of thought that could charitably be called me this day and now.
I suppose this is what most philosopher’s would call the reflection of the self, most individuals call a mid-life crisis, and what I will call a pique.
A quiet and soft one, not quite a tantrum, but more than begging. Yes. I will call the moments that I write for this blog, the reminiscences and recollections, the imaginations and musings, the careful and callous writings on this blog, piques.
Just me ranting and rambling to any who would read this, and any includes myself and nothing, in strict defiance to my own apathy.
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disarmingly · 7 years
too long for an ask so I hope submit is ok *shy*
FOUR mermaid Aus I feel like it‘s christmas already XD
And Maknae line is just perfect for the mermaid role so I wholeheartedly agree with your choices ;) Kookie still has this natural kind of innocence and adorable shyness to him especially when he‘s nervous that I can totally see him as a shy but curious sea creature. Tae can be like a child and look at things with wonder just like someone from another species probably would and Jimin well the first BTS mermaid fic I‘ve read was with Jimin as a mermaid, with his orange dope era hair and a matching tail so I can easily imagine that as well.
I‘m really curious as to what you‘ll come up with for their stories, what kind of tail they‘ll have, if you‘ll give them finger webs or extra fins and if or where they‘ll have gills and just in general what their adventures will be.
Just the prospect alone of being able to read a mermaid AU written by you makes me awfully happy! :3
Aww, you are ALWAYS deserving of your readers love and I don‘t think you could EVER dissapoint! Like there really is no way I could ever be dissapointed in something you post. Because you write so beautifully that even IF a story would take a turn that I normally wouldn‘t enjoy that much (which didn‘t happen till now just so you know) I feel like I would still appreciate reading it if you know what I mean? Just like when someone is really talented in art it makes you enjoy their paintings a lot even if they used colours that normally wouldn‘t be your favourite ones..
Hope you have a great day :)
Lots of Love,
Mermaid anon
Mermaiiiid anoonnnnnnnnnn hellooooo ;3; ah ah ah this was such a fun beautiful wonderful submission/ask thingumy ah i hope you don’t mind i took long. i am always slow and if i don’t feel i have time to give a proper brain answer i won’t i will wait! but yes four ^^;;; ahahiojekfsd i was worried it was too predictable to choose tae or jimin or jungkook and then i thought well that is my sotry though so...that’s the story you know? perhaps one day i’ll visit others in that role but for now four has me full up and it’s just really nice to hear it is something even one person will look forward to.  <3 
in the most complete one so far unfortunately we don’t get to see much of jungkook in his element as a mermaid though it’s an important part of the story. in the other one with jungkook as the mermaid however those questions on scars and the overall Look of a mermaid will be a Thing and certainly explored as such -- especially from the non-mermaid eyes. 
i have a special incarnation of the idea of Mermaid for taehyung’s form but ah i can’t share it but it’s maybe not Mermaid enough is my main worry but hopefully the story will justify itself through the world presented....dsojlkfsd
and jimin has a different story too haha but it’s um again /stares at hands/ well THE GOAL is to get them all posted by the end of this year. so. you’ll find out..../sweats nervously
i hoped to get the first jungkook one out tonight but it’s just not right still. sighs. 
that the idea or the impending of it makes you happy is just....really nice? like it’s so nice of you to talk to me and just converse at length and it’s generous because that’s your time and everything...thank you ;_; writing has been really just beating me up more than usual so...i really appreciate this support. and i’m a broken record but truly ah i will work hard to not disappoint even if you say it’s unlikely i am constantly like: ah no that’s not as good as it ought to be or even good enough but what more can i do to it? but sometimes it is okay in that if people respond that is its own good. and while my writing could be better maybe it is made better by the readers, however few or many or for whatever reasons.....ah i ramble as usual... i love the painting analogy and am overwhelmed you’d apply it to me at all auojiklewfdsuijokledfs OTL ;_; do take care ah ..../feverishly keeps revising the first mermaid au ;; 
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