briefbestiary · 2 years
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Do refrain from accepting kisses or touches from tall, pale, and strange women in white dresses.
Likhoradka is a spirit called "fever" who brings disease, known to travel either in groups or by her lonesome.
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aeipathcy · 1 month
@liecoris * ✭ ❪ plotted starter ❫
The world outside was growing darker and that made for the perfect backdrop for slinking away into dark alleyways and around hidden corners. A petite, red haired girl dressed in a cute and dainty, knee-length pastel blue dress and heels silently dragged her deceased prey behind her. With no blood trail, it was easier to not draw attention to the direction she was heading in, especially at this hour that was filled with drunkards trying to find rides home and with many tucked away in beds at home. Her hand gripped the back of the man's shirt collar tighter as she found herself in a secluded enough alley space to hand off the body to a corpse eater she happened to know.
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However, this alley was, unfortunately, occupied. The scent of blood hit the girl's nose as she turned her head to her right to find a half dead woman siting against the wall after what appeared to be quite the beating. Watching as the blood spilled down the woman's hands and arms, Larisa saw herself cracking a grin, the likhoradka's aura growing stronger as its joy increased at the prospect of more food. A half dead body to use for more sustenance—how lucky to turn in two corpses tonight instead of the measly one, the other voice in her head thought. Dropping the corpse she was dragging, Larisa turned her body towards the woman covered in bruises and cuts.
She crouched down to her knees and scanned the woman's body with her glowing red eyes, fixating on the blood trails that made the likhoradka's temptation to devour stronger. One touch should be enough to drain this body entirely. Her arm stretched out and her hand positioned itself to cup the woman's cheek—except as she was about to do that, the body stirred. Pulling her hand back in a stiff and disjointed manner, the likhoradka piloting her body waited, forced by Larisa to withhold its attack as clearly the woman was still closer to living than dead.
Please let this person run before she couldn't hold this spirit back anymore!
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seewetter · 3 months
Mythic Creatures by Culture & Region
Part 5: East Europe, Northwest Asia
Europeans often think that East Europe and Northwest Asia is simply Slavic: if Poles, Czechs, Russians and many Balkan people are Slavic, surely all the areas of East and Southeast Europe must be Slavic. And if West Asia has Indo-Germanic languages and cultures, surely those must be Slavic too? Well no.
So here is an exhaustive list of Wikipedia's creatures for people who just get lumped in as "Slavic" when they are, in fact, from totally different cultures. While browsing Wikipedia, I also learned that there is a autonomous Buddhist European Republic run by descendants of the Mongol horde in Eastern Europe, something I was utterly unaware of (probably because they are incorporated into Russia, but also because I have some biases to work on).
Albania (not Slavic)
Djall Albanian (technically not Slavic!); Drangue; En_Albanian_Deity; Fatia; I Verbti_Albanian_Deity; Kukudh; Kulshedra; Ljubi; Lugat; Nëna e Vatrës; Ora; Perëndi; Perria; Prende_Albanian_Deity; Shtojzovalle; Shtriga; Shurdh; Stihi; Tur; Turoń; Vitore; Xhindi; Zana; Zojz_Albanian_Deity
Armenian (not Slavic)
Griffon; Hayk; Lake Van Monster; Vishap; Werewolf
Caucasus Region (not Slavic)
Batraz North Caucasian culture may not be Slavic; Germakochi; Ossetian Myth; Tutyr; Vainakh religion Georgia (NOT Slavic); Kopala; Ochokochi; Q'ursha Hungary (NOT Slavic); Busós ; Lidérc; Luwr; Ördög; Sárkány; Turul also Turkic; Vadleány
Romanian (not Slavic) (Land of Vlad Tepes)
Iele; Ileana Cosânzeana; Little Wildrose; Moroi; Muma Pădurii; Muroni; Nosferatu (word) allegedly Romanian; Pricolici; Samca; Sântoaderi; Sânziană; Solomonari; Spiriduș; Strigoi; Swan Maiden; Uriaș; Ursitoare similar to Roma & Slavic Ursitory; Vâlvă; Vântoase; Zână; Zburător; Zmeoaică; Zmeu
Having said that, many East European cultures are in fact Slavic. I will have to revise this section at a later date because I am rarely differentiating the Slavic cultures and lumped them all together.
Ala (from Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia); Alkonost; Aq Bars (winged snow leopard, heraldry from 800s onwards, also Mongolian); Baba Yaga; Babay; Baloz; Bannik; Bardha; Baš Čelik; Bauk; Bies; Black Arab; Black Panther; Błędnica; Blud; Błudnik; Bobak; Božalość; Božić; Bukavac; Cambion; Căpcăun (Romanian ogre); Chort; Chut; Cikavac; Cornflower Wraith; Čuma; Death; Ded Moroz; Devil Boruta Poland; Dhampir; Djadadjii (Bulgarian vampire hunter); Dobrynyna Nikitich; Domovoi; Drekavac; Drioma; Dvorovoy; Dzedka; Dziwożona; Fext; Fiery serpents; Firebird; German; Gold Duck; Goldenhorn; Ispolin; Karapandža; Karzełek; Kikimora; King Kojata; Kostroma; Krasnoludek; Kukeri Bulgarian; Laddy Midday; Lakanica; Lazavik; Likho; Likhoradka; Lisunki (see Lyeshi); Lyeshi; Mara_Goddess identical name with unrelated(??) death goddess from India Mara_Goddess2; Marțolea; Maruda; Masovian dragon; Mavka; Mermaid of Warsaw; Misizla; Moryana; Nav; Nocnitsa; Ovinnik; Paraskeva Friday; Pavaró; Pereplut; Płanetnik; Polevik ; Poleviki; Poroniec; Psoglav; Psotnik; Pvitrulya; Rarash; Raróg; Rokita; Rozhanitsy, Narecnitsy and Sudzhenitsy; Rübezahl; Rusalka ; Rusalky; Samodiva; Schrat also medieval European; Shatans; Shubin; Simargl; Skrzak; Slavic Fairies of Fate; Slavic Mythic Creatures; Slavic Pseudo-deities; Slavic Water Spirit\; Spor; Stricha (Ukrainian, while Strigoi are Romanian); Strzyga; Stuhać; Swan Maiden; The Nine Peahens and the Golden Apples; Tintilinić; Topielec; Unclean Force; Upiór; Ursitory also in Roma similar to Ursitoare from Romania; Vampire pumpkins and watermelons; Vazily; Ved; Vedmak; Verlioka; Vesna; Vila; Vjesci; Vrykolakas also Greek; Wars and Sawa; Wawel Dragon; Werewolf; Wild Hunt; Wild Man, Wild Woman ; Wild Men, Wild Women; Wurdulac; Zduhać; Zheuzhyk; Zhytsen; Zilant; Zlydzens; Zmaj; Zwodziasz
Russia (the European parts)
Russia; A Hut on Chicken Legs; Al (also in Mongolia, Persia, Afghanistan, Caucasus); Azovka; Brosno dragon; Chernava; Gamayun; "Go I know not whither and fetch I know not what" folktale includes creatures; Indruk; Koshchei; Meduza; Oksoko (3 headed eagle see article's points about scripture for ideas); Polkan; Russian superstitions; Shishiga; Swan Maiden; The Mistress of Copper Mountain; The Sea Tsar and Vasilisa the Wise; Tugarin; Verechelen; Vodyaniye; Zmei (aka Zmei Gorynich)
Kyivan Rus (modern Ukraine)
Notify me please if you find any mistakes or would like a disclaimer added if any of the creatures on this list are sacred or should not be used in art by outsiders.
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artoklasia · 1 year
Occlupanid Tags
A running list of the common tags used by this tag project. Artoklasia is a tagging experiment to observe the interplay of tag clouds for particular mature themes.
At the risk of my engineered charm of nuance and mystery, I have decided to add concept clouds to the tags list. Think of these less as strict definitions, and more of a general concept of what to expect from a given tag.
The most common CWs I do my best to tag for: blood, emeto, gore, nihilism, trypo, violence, unsanitary.
In order to guarantee this blog is only visible on PC to people who are 18+ and have opted into seeing Mature Content, I am officially giving my pinned post Labels.
Anointment: rain, oiled surfaces, orthotics, corsetry, posturing; saliromania
Apostasy: emeto, tissue rejection, violent/abrupt excretions
Apotheosis: terato, supernatural creatures, transformation
Asitophilia: pica, unsettling food
Aureole: haloes, fluorescence, crowns, horns
Bathwater: baths, tanks, bodies of water
Censer: respirators, particulates like smoke, smoking
Cephalophoria: headlessness, object heads
Chum for Chums: moodboard collages of a curated theme, chumboxes, clickbait
Devotion: (body) worship, intricate rituals, (religious) conceit
Discipline: BDSM
Elephant chan: the Elephant's Foot
Enkyoku na Seppun / 婉曲な接吻: contact transfer, contaminants; nyotaimori (previously "an indirect kiss")
Filament: fibers, threads, roots, wires, hair, rope
Flux: melt fetish body horror, melting, coagulating
Galatea: agalmato, objectum
Hagiography: conceit of sainthood/martyrdom. figures of interest
Hanahaki: Hanahaki disease; organs filled with foreign matter
Herakleophorbia: oversized things, macro
Kholodets / холодец: cross-sections, resin/gelatin suspensions, anatomical diagrams, dissections, fetish gear under plain clothes
Lace: lace, fishnets, mesh
Laces: corsetry aesthetic, shibari
Latex: vinyl, latex, esp. wetlook
Leaks: mirrors, masks, screens/monitors, reflective surfaces
Leather: only used when I can be mostly confident it isn't latex
Lichinka / личинка: tentacles, tongues, invertebrates, sex organs
Likhoradka / лихорадка: disease, symptoms, infectiousness; nosophilia
Louboutin: contrast-sole aesthetic, hidden linings/coatings
Myxomatosis: leporine, blistered, tumescent
Oblations: paraphernalia *****INDISTINCT TAG*****
Ontology: holes, voids; trypophilia
Optical Disc: distorted visuals, implicit of impaired/altered sensory input
Or the Crown Slips: edging, particular head tilts; symphorophilia, especially the rehearsal ("Chin up, Princess...")
Pachy chan: the corium slags produced by the Fukushima disaster, where three separate reactors melted down
Pearls: pearls, teeth
Raiment: wearables *****INDISTINCT TAG*****
Rapture: the "O"; erotic nihilism
Therapy: parasites, (bad) medicine; trypophilia, formicophilia
Thriai: apiaries, honey curation, telling of the bees
Unction: sploshing/gunge/WAM; more messy/sloppy than anointment tag, though there's overlap
Underfoot: foot fetishism, footwear, corium slag
Satin: silk, satin
Saturnine: afterglow, necro, decomposition
Second Skin: wearables fetishism; second skin
Shuba / шуба: fur, velvet, velour, suede, moss, mold, matte textured surfaces
Stimulating: looping stim gifs
Surfeit: swelling, excess, tumescence; expansion
Synecdoche: setting porn, warning signs, environmental storytelling. abandoned places, urbex, exclusion zones
Syzygy: concentrism, convergence, overlay
Tryasovitsy / трясовицы: contagiousness, transcendentalism
Vagusblogging: appetites, (sensory) gluttony, compulsive behaviors; feederism
Vessels: containers, rooms, dishes; (clothes) stuffing
Wetware: clinical apathy, cybernetics, body hacking
Wetware Softhack: drug use, nerve tweaking, cybernetic malfunctions (historically I've also had a #Wetware Hack tag, but I've been trying to merge that tag into #Discipline)
With the devotion of an Earl Marshal: symphorophilia, especially the planning (Often blurs with #Or the Crown Slips.) "[He] thought of nothing else but her death, a coronation of wounds he had staged with the devotion of an Earl Marshal."
Wonderbread: (Wonder)bread, adulterated bread, extremely processed food products, hypercapitalist environmental damage
Wormwood: radiochemical symphorophilia, hazardous waste, apocalyptica
wundermöpse: I haven't decided whether to add this one to the mix or not
Functional non-aes tags
Chum for Chums: moodboards in this are made by me
Dimercaprol: my adult art
Fav: personal favs
Mine: content I've uploaded, compiled, and/or myself
Music: music tag
Peak B.A.L.: something of a best-ofs where I'm OP
We Just Don't Know: Catch-all nonsense. I started using it originally for raunchy shitposts, memes, and text posts I wanted to be able to reference again. Trying to use it less often and focus on the abstract for this blog.
In addition to the above, I've done my best to tag as many posts as possible with the contributing artists. If it's a publication like a zine, I try to remember to tag that, too. If you ever feel cheeky and want to help me source anything in my #Needs Source tag, you're lovely.
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artoklasia-archive · 3 years
Contour molds a corpuscular hollow, fringes kissed by trifled tin instruments; expiry of ego bloats evident in a fermented seafoam confetto of sawdust, chalk, hair, and plaster; flyblow gluts vacant, wriggling in the spumescent raw lugubriousness it represents. Identity presumes no form. Although
rotted adulterants stuff the vessel, its footing's entrenched to repudiate crust-baked grey flame-tongues of Saint Anthony: The body pleads itself broken, full well aware feeding others won't abjurate its turmoil of inner edacity.
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Sometimes called Tryasavitsa or Milosnice, the disease-phenomenon of Likhoradka was long considered to be not entirely dissimilar to the Pesta. Recent studies, however, suggest it is rather more complicated. Where Pesta are the disease-ghost of the final person to die of a disease before it’s extinction, Likhoradka are constructs of the compounded lingering magic of those who suffer from the same disease in the same area, and thus haunt hospitals with even more regularity than Pesta. So far as can be told, Likhoradka do not require death to manifest, merely the focussed magical bleed-off of someone who’s body is desperately fighting off the same disease as those around them. This magic shares properties and purpose and thus resonates at a similar enough level to seek out and gather together with other such magic, eventually manifesting in a specific form much as Poltergeists can from ambient chaotic magic.
Likhoradka usually take on female forms, though no one is entirely sure as to why. Male forms are sometimes seen, but due to the predominantly female appearance of most Likhoradka the term remains feminine. Like Pesta, Likhoradka can and do spread disease, though usually only if they are manifested from contagious diseases. There are two known Likhoradka manifested from chronic diseases - one in Budapest and one in Sofia - which have thus far stubbornly resisted any attempts to exorcise them or cleanse the hospitals of their magic. However, it seems that in chronic cases, Likhoradka are actually somewhat beneficial to those who have the condition in question, leaching off the magic of the disease rather than directly of the person, allowing the individual to fight back more against the disease. It is only around those unaffected that they become dangerous; their ambient magic replicating the sensations and symptoms of the condition in these individuals in a way that wears off after several hours but cannot be easily treated or cured.
(Image Source)
(Read more Likhoradka in lore over Here. In folklore they’re more like possessing spirits of disease, but I given the limitations of possession in HP’verse I felt this tweak would work better. I hate that I have to include this but PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE IMAGE SOURCE OR MY CAPTION.) 
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frankthefishart · 6 years
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Likhoradka – A female sickness spirit in Slavic mythology. Described as looking  ugly and having only one eye, keeping with my style of Slavic spirits I went for a bear like humanoid, influenced by my previous domovoy and bannik drawing with at touch of the bear in annihilation.
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grovylelover · 6 years
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Inktober days 27 & 28: Likhoradka and Tangie
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pookabagi · 6 years
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day 27: likhoradka slavic myth spirit woman who spreads disease and sickness through touch and kisses
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fandomscollective · 8 years
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Umm....duh? @likhoradka 💜
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damngelical · 3 years
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Fine. I’m done fighting Tumblr and its broken links. Search up Damngelic or Likhoradka on Webtoons or Tapas, and if you go to Webtoons, then I’d greatly appreciate a 10 star rating since this has taken some hits. ♥♥♥
Webtoons: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/damngelic/list?title_no=548686 Tapas: https://tapas.io/series/Damngelic/info Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/likhoradka?filters[tag]=damn%20act%201
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aeipathcy · 2 years
You can tell the state of control Larisa has over her body and the clarity of mental state by the color of her eyes. If she has the most control she possibly can have (as she cannot fully negate the abilities of the likhoradka), her irises will be their natural green color. The less control she has, the more red they will look. If the control is evenly split, one iris will stay green and the other will be turned red.
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wayward-verse-blog · 4 years
The Road So Far (January 15th)
WaywardVerse Cast List: https://twitter.com/i/lists/1342247715103768576/members
Blondie - Sound-A-Sleep 
In Owensboro, KY, Sam and Dean thought they were going to be fighting a succubus. It was a Likhoradka -- who made them both see Hell in their delirium. While everything was (literally) going to hell, neither of them noticed the three witches (Althea, Thaddeus, and Kaylee) casting a spell on Sam to force him away, using intel they’ve gathered from the information that was leaked to the Unseelie Court. 
Both boys are shaken up after the hunt and drink. Sam can’t sleep. This is a problem.
Sam can’t even sleep in the car, which gets an already amped up Dean pulling the Big Brother card, forcing them to stop in Eminence, MO and Sam to take sleep meds. They don’t work. Dean’s been drinking while waiting for Sam to sleep, and Sam hasn’t slept in almost two days, and is now unable to keep food down -- a consequence of his body not maintaining the balance between The Nectar of the Gods and Lucifer’s angel grace that is still stuck in him. This is also a problem. The longer he doesn’t eat meat, which the nectar makes him crave, the worse it will get. How worse? We don’t know. Either way, neither brother is in good shape and they fight, Dean breaking Sam’s laptop. Dean leaves to go get air and get food. 
The witches use this opportunity grab Sam while Dean is out. 
Dean comes back to the motel, hoping to offer an olive branch, but finds no baby brother. He promptly loses it, calling Bobby in a panic. Bobby, Rufus, and Jody start making phone calls to assist in finding Sam. 
Dean calls up the redcap fae who was their go-between before, on the case in New York State where they killed a witch working with Unseelie fae. Dean demands answers in his usual scary way, but doesn’t know he’s being played a little bit so he’ll work on behalf of the Seelie Court. The redcap says he’ll find more answers for Dean. 
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artoklasia-archive · 4 years
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Taiwan CDC commissions 25+ pinups of humanized diseases to raise awareness of contagions
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neon-nicos · 3 years
My webcomic is finally live over on Tapas! I’m so glad to have been able to start this journey and share the story of these three (and many more) with you! 
It’s just the first chapter so far, so please check it out and comment to let me know what you think and what you’re looking forward to in the next episode!
Also, please consider supporting the growth of Likhoradka over on my Shiny, New Patreon and have access to HD early releases and much more!
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huntersxhunted · 4 years
Settling In || Closed ||
The Likhoradka wasn’t exactly sure how to interact with those in her new ‘family’. She’d been here a few weeks already, but despite Ilkwan’s best efforts, she still was rather adverse to... Mingling. Despite visually looking alone she could still feel her plagued misfortune looming around her as always. Normally she didn’t mind it’s presence, it provided a false sense of company. However, now that she had the chance to have genuine company it was the only thing making her hesitate. Knowing she’d have to eventually get past these nerves whether she liked it or not, Suji told herself the next person to walk into the lounge room she’d strike up a conversation with. Surprisingly it was only a few seconds later that someone wandered in, Suji not giving herself a chance to chicken out before she was putting on a smile she hoped didn’t look too forced  before calling out to the stranger. “Hey! I’m kind of... In the process of settling in here and I don’t remember seeing you before so... Hi, I’m Suji. Think you could spare a few minutes for a quick game of pool and we kind kind of get to know each other? Cause apparently, we’re family, so it’s probably important to, yanno, not be complete strangers with people I’m supposed to be close with...”
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