#lilith is aroace is true she told me
cryptiicism · 5 months
if I had to pick four characters to explain my character Jessica to others, these would be them :
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• Lilith Clawthorne : a powerful witch whose highly respected, this is who Jessica is without any other inspection made about her character.
into the latter part of Lilith's season 2 arc is to let people in despite how she sees them. this is something Jessica has to later grapple with as well .
• Light Yagami : A young man who strives to be incredibly powerful even if it means using others to get to his goals, often disregarding them as less them. Jessica wrestles with this, rising to the top and often using people to improve upon her own skills while never seeing people as anything pther than "livestock". to her, they serve a purpose and they don't have any feelings against it or otherwise. despite this, both her and light are deeply beloved as well as respected by many.
• Marcille Donato : A young woman driven by her desire for companionship, and understanding within those around her, Marcille delves deep into her studies for answers to her desires, pushed by those who love her; Jessica suffers deeply from loneliness as she doesn't have anyone who is on her level so she strives higher to find someone who'll understand.
• Jonathan Sims : A man in an industry who works hard, latened by the tower of academia to do as he's told and whatever may be asked of him. Less than a dog, but nothing close to being an equal, I sentient tool to be put to go use. He desires that companionship and yet cannot stand those who desire the same, of him- because they aren't useful in the ways he will immediately see. Likewise Jessica strives to be equal to someone, and to be useful as that is what it means to be a achieved student... right? She however despises Edwurd as he brings nothing but delay in senseless pestering her like a dog. Demanding her attention or rather requesting it, but never achieving it because he's her jon, a tool in her project to get the gears going again. What she doesn't realize is that she's the true tool here, and like Jon- he has Martin, who Edwurd is to Jessica.
Ironically most if not all of these characters are autistic coded, and are aro/ace or aroace, with 2/4 wearing glasses.
Jessica is Aroace, and so is Edwurd, he just doesn't realize it. This is Jessica btw !!
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Art is by the fabulous artists @sickhoondr & @poofmalyakaet respectively !!
Anyway please talk to me about my ocs!! if you want-
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bxnnmoon · 2 years
I'm free of college for now yey<3
anyways here's some doodles !! 💕
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