#lilly dreesen gifs
emziess · 4 years
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Hanna Jung in Donnerstag 15:04
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beidoucansteponme · 4 years
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@pers-sky-ephone olur da gifleri silerim die tumblr’a depo yapıorum hadi eyw
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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The Prewett House is an established name in the wizarding community and this comes with high expectations and status. LUELLA married ADGER PREWETT when they were only twenty-one and soon after, the nurturing and kind Molly Prewett was adopted. The Prewett Estate contained a modest but elaborate mansion, a small garden and a quaint greenhouse. Adger Prewett worked in the ministry as the captain of the accidental magic reversal squad whilst Luella Prewett ran a healer shop in Diagon Alley. Molly grew up lavishly, and even when her mother gave birth to twins, a gene that seemed to run through the Prewett family as Adger had a twin himself, there was enough wealth to go around. Being part of The Sacred Twenty-Eight, the Prewetts were often invited to grand parties hosted by the House of Black, which Adger and Luella politely accepted. This often left Molly at home to care for her younger brothers, FABIAN and GIDEON which she did not mind at all as her brothers had become her best friends and found herself to be quite nurturing. As they all got older, they were soon invited to attend such events at their parent’s side and met many other prestigious houses along with their heirs, such as EVAN ROSIER and MARIANNE MACMILLAN. At first, Molly was shy and retracted, she wasn’t used to unfamiliar faces and she couldn’t read others as well as she could read her brothers, she wasn’t sure what was expected of her. Soon, however, thanks to the kindness of her new friends, she opened up and discovered that many of them were either going to be attending Hogwarts or had already completed their first year. 
Knowing that there would be familiar faces when she would attend Hogwarts eased her nerves as the summer came to an end and her first day at Hogwarts grew nearer. She had become very comfortable in the Prewett Mansion, she knew every nook and cranny, she knew when her brothers were lying or when they were up to no good. She was used to falling asleep to the Tales of Beedle and Bard and waking up to the sunlight streaming into her cosy room. She wasn’t ready to leave that all behind to move into an old castle, a new room and to be surrounded by an ocean of people that she didn’t know at all. However, as much as this scared her, she couldn’t help but also feel enticed by the idea. A chance to really learn how to use her magic, a chance to explore who she really was without having to worry about what her brothers were getting up too and a chance to build greater connections with her new friends. Molly was soon sorted into Hufflepuff House and was greeted with open arms by the rest of her house, becoming best friends with fellow Hufflepuffs, NATAN DIGGORY and AYA FAWCETT. She grew to love Hogwarts and studied hard, her best subjects being charms and herbology, which was mostly due to her mother’s childhood teaching of different medicinal herbs and magical plants. This, however, did not stop her from knowing how to party, especially when her mischievous brothers were the ones hosting. As she grew older she surrounded herself with people she was proud to call her friends. Molly settled into quite a large friendship group consisting of a gaggle of Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and fellow Hufflepuffs. 
Molly was the mum friend, constantly trying to bake and cure her friend’s hangovers as they lovingly accepted to tried to bat her away. It was through this group and sly introduction from her best friend, she met Aya’s childhood friend ARTHUR WEASLEY. A funny boy who liked Muggle things, Molly became quite taken with him and the pair quickly began dating, becoming quite the item in their little group of friends. Little did Molly know that these connections she formed would last so much longer than Hogwarts and grow into friendships she couldn’t have even imagined. After Hogwarts, Molly had grown into a very talented and confident witch, a very different person compared to her younger shy self. She didn’t really have a career plan in mind, she dabbled in the idea of taking over the healer shop from her mother one day as that was her summer job and she adored helping others and listening to the mystical and sometimes horrific stories of how her patients had obtained their injuries. However, Molly began to crave more, help more, and to be more. Arthur suggested she worked in the ministry and when the position for junior undersecretary to the Minister for Magic, MILLICENT BAGNOLD opened, she pounced at the opportunity. After an interview and an intensive aptitude test, Molly was awarded the position. She was extremely excited about the opportunity and took the job very seriously. She began to work closely under THIEBAUT LESTRANGE, who was her lovely yet stern mentor. The position allowed Molly to sit in many official ministry meetings and attend multiple VIP ministry events. 
Her work consumed her and she really enjoyed it, she loved being part of something bigger that had the power to change the wizarding world into something better, a safer and inclusive place for all. Molly knew that not everyone shared her perspective, but she instantly bonded with those that did. As the years passed, the shadows within the Ministry seemed to grow darker and the cracks in the shimmering marble only seemed to deepen. The meetings that Molly attended adopted a sombre tone as reports of mysterious killings gradually increased and pressure was placed on the ministry to take greater action. The dark circles under Thiebaut’s eyes indicated how weary the powerful man had become and Molly couldn’t imagine how the Minister must have felt. Press conferences took negative turns out of nowhere and gossips such as RITA SKEETER seemed to find their way into the ministry like an annoying leak during a storm. Molly felt the pressure herself and was loaded with more and more paperwork, Thiebaut often handing off his own work onto Molly so that he could handle more pressing issues. Molly didn’t mind this at all and knew that if she hoped to be the senior undersecretary someday she’d need to learn how to cope with it all. Her work life put pressure on her home life and she began to lose contact with her brothers and parents. She stopped attending family dinners and the famous Fabian-Gideon parties at the Prewett mansion, she politely declined dinner invitations and after-work martinis. 
Her close friends constantly checked up on her, either bringing her a fresh cup of coffee or insisting on having lunch. If it weren’t for Arthur, who was stubbornly supportive and insisted on breaks, she would have probably burnt herself out. Molly was ambitious and dedicated and had given her all to the job. She still strongly believed in the current ministry staff and her own vision of creating a better world for all. Her relationship with Arthur was one of the only constants in her life and she adored him with her whole heart. When he proposed she accepted without hesitation. Her life felt washed anew, and although she knew she’d spend the rest of her life with Arthur, she was ready to start this new stage of life with him. However, not everyone was as supportive of their engagement. Whilst Fabian and Gideon were ecstatic, her parents were not. They had tolerated her fantasy of being in a relationship with someone from a blood traitor family but had hoped she’d find enlightenment and move on. The engagement was a step too far, and it was promptly announced that she was no longer their daughter. Molly didn’t know if they acted out of anger or if her decision had truly made them lose love for her, but she was too proud and sure of herself to beg them to change their mind. The two took out a loan from Gringott’s and purchased a plot of land in the countryside with a single, small Tudor homestead located just off the banks of a picturesque river. She adored it and couldn’t help envision what a family would look like growing up there. The home was small but they could always add onto it assured Arthur and Molly adored the idea. 
The newly-engaged pair began to host dinner parties in their new home and spent countless nights under the stars enjoying a picnic with friends or stargazing together. Although the attacks got worse and murmurs of a war began to float around and echo through the Ministry, Molly now had a magical place of her own to escape too. It wasn’t until a small dinner party with Fabian, Gideon and their friends LAUREL LINWOOD and TRYSTAN WARRINGTON that Molly had heard about the Order of the Phoenix. Her brothers admitted that they had recently joined and Arthur along with Alice and Frank filled her in with the fact that they too, were part of the order. Molly was taken aback by the information and that her fiance was in a secret society that seemed to be taking the law into its own hands. At first, she felt lied to and betrayed by Arthur, but once they had explained what the order was and who had orchestrated the idea, she found herself more accepting of the concept. She did, however, believe that the ministry was truly doing it’s best and that through their hard work, they were the best chance the wizarding community had against fighting a rising dark wizard and preventing a chaotic war. She politely declined their request to join the Order but agreed to keep an eye and ear out for any information that could keep Arthur, her brothers and best friends safe. She also vowed to herself that if she caught wind of any corruption within the ministry that she would stop at nothing to get to the bottom of it. Molly Prewett may be kind, nurturing and dedicated but she was also loyal and fierce, a woman to reckon with. 
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female 
Sexuality  → Up to Roleplayer
Relationship Status → Engaged to Arthur Weasley 
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Hufflepuff)
Societies → TBD
Family → Adger Prewett (father), Luella Prewett (mother), Gideon Prewett (brother), Fabian Prewett (brother)
Connections  → Arthur Weasley (fiancé/best friend), Aya Fawcett (best friend), Natan Diggory (best friend), Mafalda Hopkirk (close friend), Daisy Hookum (close friend), Keira Grey (close friend), Jennifer Vane (close friend), Laurel Linwood (close friend), Trystan Warrington (close friend), Constance Song (close friend), Giva Patil (colleague/friend), Amos Diggory (friend), Natasha DuPont (boss), Millicent Bagnold (boss)
Future Information → Future Member of the Order of the Pheonix, Wife of Arthur Weasley, Mother of William, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ronald and Ginevera Weasley
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blissitssunshine · 5 years
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anselm bresgott and lilly dreesen in the end credits of season 3
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thebvbbletea · 4 years
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skamverse gifset — favorite joneva
⤷ honas / janna (hanna jung x jonas augustin - druck)
"I still have your nose"
"You can keep it"
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loversmore · 5 years
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druck x mains’ first scenes.
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toomucharitime · 5 years
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lavandula-field · 5 years
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Berlin fan event
Arda is me in every situation 😂
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julerocks · 5 years
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So Mile missing da gang and Lilly answers that she already has withdrawal symptoms...
I mean who is asking us?
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zooey-glss · 7 years
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Druck: Matteo badass
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chaoswillfallpromo · 3 years
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The Prewett House is an established name in the wizarding community and this comes with high expectations and status. LUELLA married ADGER PREWETT when they were only twenty-one and soon after, the nurturing and kind Molly Prewett was born. The Prewett Estate contained a modest but elaborate mansion, a small garden and a quaint greenhouse. Adger Prewett worked in the ministry as the captain of the accidental magic reversal squad whilst Luella Prewett ran a healer shop in Diagon Alley. Molly grew up lavishly, and even when her mother gave birth to twins, a gene that seemed to run through the Prewett family as Adger had a twin himself, there was enough wealth to go around. Being part of The Sacred Twenty-Eight, the Prewetts were often invited to grand parties hosted by the House of Black, which Adger and Luella politely accepted. This often left Molly at home to care for her younger brothers, FABIAN and GIDEON which she did not mind at all as her brothers had become her best friends and found herself to be quite nurturing. As they all got older, they were soon invited to attend such events at their parent’s side and met many other prestigious houses along with their heirs, such as REGULUS BLACK, EVAN ROSIER and MARIANNE MACMILLAN. → Read more here...
The year is 1983 and The Dark Lord is gaining power. With London at the centre of the battle, witches and wizards from all walks of life have been forced to pick a side in the fight against evil. Will you choose to follow The Dark Lord and further your agenda in his new world? Or join those fighting with The Order of the Phoenix and put a stop to the darkness?
Chaos Will Fall is a Marauders Era Harry Potter roleplay focusing on the first wizarding war. Writers must be 18+ due to dark themes. For any queries please drop the admin team an owl.
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hoaxhq · 3 years
Who can you see for molly ?
lilly dreesen, kennedy mcmann, nicola coughlan, loey lane, sophie skelton, zoey deutch, & ludovica martino would all be great for molly. bree kish could also work if you wanted to play molly & gideon as half siblings! 
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gt-icons · 2 years
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Random Actress icons
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Lilly Dreesen on Druck Season 1 Part 4
as Hanna on Complete Season 1
Information on beautifulfaces
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loversmore · 5 years
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“This fear inside of you is only strength hiding inside you, that wants to get out.”
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toomucharitime · 5 years
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