#lily and remus friendship
hyperfocuscentre · 6 months
lily steals remus’ jumpers because i said so
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complaining about relationships with your Gay Best Friend™
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fruitcoops · 2 years
hii if you’re comfortable could you write remus & lily wine-drunk watching reality tv or something? I love their friendship and I think their drunken commentary would be fun
Fic O'Ween Day 7: Spiderweb, for an iconic duo <3 Character credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW alcohol, drunkenness (in a fun, silly way), reality TV
“There is no way—” Lily gasped. There was the faint sound of someone shifting to get more comfortable on the couch. “Oh, that bitch!”
“Kendra’s going to lose her mind,” came Remus’ reply, more disappointed than anything. “You know, I had such high hopes for them.”
Lily’s answering hiccup made Sirius and James share a look full of stifled snickering. “I didn’t.”
“Knock, knock!” James called, kicking his shoes off in the entrance. “Honey, darling, we’re home!”
“Am I ‘darling’?” Remus asked.
“Always!” Sirius answered as he hung his coat up. “I take it you had a good afternoon?”
A good afternoon, indeed. One wine bottle sat empty on the kitchen countertop, and another wobbled slightly in Lily’s hand as she refilled their glasses. Her hair had come out of the ponytail Sirius remembered from a few hours prior and cascaded down one shoulder—Remus was similarly disheveled, pink-cheeked and missing his hoodie.
He leaned his head back against the couch when Sirius approached, staring up at him with significantly less focus than usual. “Hey,” he said, one hand toying with Sirius’ sleeve. His accent was thicker on his loose tongue, warm and rounded on the vowels. “You’re not gonna cheat on me with a lady in rhinestone glasses, are you?”
“No,” he snorted.
James frowned. “I don’t have rhinestones on my glasses.”
“Hey,” Remus repeated through his laughter. “You’re not gonna cheat on me with Pots and his boring-ass glasses, are you?”
“No promises.” His forehead was warm under Sirius’ lips; not feverish, but pleasantly tipsy. He left a kiss on each cheek and the point of Remus’ nose before moving back to raise a brow at him. “It is six in the afternoon.”
“We waited until four to start,” Lily scoffed. “Who do you take me for?”
“Someone who gets my fiancé into too much trouble.”
Remus tugged on his sleeve. “I bet we could get into some trouble, hmm, baby?”
“Okay, timeout,” James interrupted. “No bench talk in the house.”
Lily pulled her lip between her teeth and whispered something in his ear that made him turn vivid red—she looked far too satisfied when she settled back on the couch and raised her glass to Remus with a wink. “They love it when we talk, Lupin.”
“Amen,” Remus said, though his eyes were still fixed on Sirius. It would have been sultry if he could go more than thirty seconds without hiccupping.
Sirius smoothed his hair back with a chaste kiss to the freckle on his temple. “Time to go home, loup.”
“No,” Remus whined, brows pitching. “Ada just seduced Jason and Kendra’s going to flip shit. And we haven’t finished our wine yet. Oh, and there was a lady in fuckin’—she had these crazy spiderweb tights on, I wanna see what she does.”
“Fishnets,” Lily corrected. Her eyes were half-lidded from the steady comb of James’ fingers through her hair. “She was wearing fishnets. Her name was Krista.”
“Krista.” Remus nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, no, it’s real important. We think she’s hookin’ up with Brandon, but they haven’t said anything.”
“Love Island,” Lily sighed into the rim of her wineglass. “The modern-day gladiator arena.”
“God, you’re so right.”
Sirius glanced to James, whose shoulders were shaking from quiet laughter. Lily and Remus could make fun of them for their terrible decision-making all they liked, but everyone knew who the real problem children were. Honestly, some days he couldn’t understand how people thought he was the troublemaker of the relationship. James had convinced him to ride a shopping cart down a hill more than once, but at least they didn’t day-drink and watch trash TV.
Glass shattered on-screen and all four of them jumped. Remus reached over to whack Lily’s pajama-clad leg. “I told you she’d lose it! I told you!”
“Fuck me, she’s got an arm like Roger Clemens,” James muttered.
“That’s Kendra,” Lily explained with a vague gesture. “She’s been after Jason since, like, the first day, but he’s interested in anything that breathes. He’s the one with the shit haircut.”
Sirius squinted at the screen. “They all have shit haircuts.”
“Well, yeah, but he’s got the really bad one. Red shirt, cargo shorts. Ada—that’s the one with the distress signal glasses, she could flag down the Coast Guard with those things—gave him the time of day and then they lost $10,000.”
“Ten thousand dollars?” James and Sirius chorused.
Sirius looked down at Remus, though his attention was fully back on the show. “How did they lose ten thousand dollars?”
“Made out for five minutes.”
“That’s the point of the show,” Lily groaned. “Here, sit. I’ll explain. Jamie, can you turn the hall light off?”
“We should…” Sirius trailed off at the hopeful look on Remus’ face. He was awfully cute and cuddly like this. James had already trotted off to do Lily’s bidding, which meant there was no real reason to rush out. And with Harry at a sleepover with his grandparents, there weren’t any time constraints, either…
Remus made a happy sort of sighing noise when Sirius sat between him and the armrest, then burrowed into his side. They would stay for the lady and her spiderweb tights. That’s it. He refused to spend his evening watching people make poor decisions, no matter how relaxing it was to let his brain tune out while Remus cuddled him. One glance told him James was already hooked—there was no way Sirius was going to let himself fall to the siren song of reality television now. He had to stay strong in the face of adversity.
The four of them woke just past 11 pm, cottonmouthed and sore, some ad for collapsible pasta strainers filling the quiet house.
“Oh, Jesus,” Remus mumbled as his back cracked in about six different places.
Lily groaned into James’ shoulder. “Jesus can’t help you now.”
Sirius closed his eyes and prayed for swift deliverance.
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coffeeasexual · 1 year
Remus and Lily Headcanon
Remus and Lily actually live like 30 minutes away and they discover this the summer between 3rd and 4th year when one of them is trying to return books to the other. Anyway they become extremely close over the summer and they come back as best friends and all of the marauders are just stunned seeing them effortlessly interacting between classes and sharing inside jokes. On top of that I just know 4th year Sirius becomes extremely jealous of how close Lily is with Remus and everyone gets really confused because he suddenly starts disliking Lily out of nowhere.
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brandileigh2003 · 2 years
The two bodies one heart line again with Lily and remus?
Merlin, I love their friendship. So hard.
He's gonna sit up and wait for her.
Sneaking in and getting cigarettes not wanting to wake up sirius, and how much she's come to like him?
And just imagining her holding remus crying that one night bc he'd been with sirius (or sirius and James and regulus) sleeping for so long again
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plantsonplutoart · 6 months
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Moonflower study dates! Because it’s possible to be both academic rivals and the best of friends 🌙🪷😌
James and Sirius are definitely sitting across the table drooling over them
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Lily: *clicks pen*
Severus: *clicks pen in response*
James: Stop that.
Lily: Stop what?
James: You’re talking about me in Morse code!
Lily: Yes, that’s what we doing. In our very limited time, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you. Congrats, you figured us out!
Severus, to Remus: That’s actually exactly what we were doing.
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thatsillything · 3 months
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I saw someone's post about Coffeeshop au snupin and couldn't help drawing them, but now I can't find that post 😭😭😭
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your-girl-nina · 5 months
Hear me out-
The marauders never knew just how batshit crazy the skittles were. They had only heard some rumors but never truly saw their antics, I mean sure they had heard that one of them had set the lab on fire, or the other slept with half the school, or even that they poisoned slug horn. Yet never the fights, the weed, the insane things that thy consider normal. Especially Sirius, he expected his goody two shoes brother's friends to be pretentious assholes.
Cut to when jegulus started dating, the two friend groups started to interact, and that's when they saw how crazy they were. It started as everyone was sitting in the Slytherin common room, then out of nowhere barges on barty and Pandora cackling while running away from something, that's when Evan who was standing closest to the door quickly shut it with a shit eating grin. Regulus let out an exasperated sigh and then Dorcas with a subtle smirk "what'd you two do this time?" And with the most terrifying grin Pandora, sweet, sweet Pandora said in the most soft voice "we jinxed Snape then we lit the classroom on fire" Regulus then just smiled and said "awww thank guys you didn't have to" in the most sarcastic tone despite his smile.
Yeah, that was another thing about the skittles, they were OVERprotective, those guys would kill for each other if the occasion arise. The marauders saw a lot of their antics, from laughing as thy jinx or curse someone, to smoking weed in the perfect's room and playing tag (ON THE EDGE OF THE ASTRONOMY TOWER) but what tops the disastrous cake is when they saw just to which extent their cruelty reaches.
It started with a commotion in the halls, Remus was the first to arrive, then Sirius, and oh was he shocked. He saw his little cousin, HIS LITTLE COUSIN narcissa being hugged by Pandora, while barty absolutely beats the living shit out of Mulciber and Lucius. He looked manic, nose and lip bleeding, but he had this crazed look in his eyes, and a grin of pure evil. All while Evan is smirking at him and Regulus and Dorcas apply healing charms on Mulciber and Lucius so they wouldn't pass out. They were all laughing, Regulus. Was. Laughing. Maniacally. Then narcissa comes up to Regulus and whispers something in his ear. "That's enough barty" he then says. Barty, the fucking maniac seems reluctant to back off until Evan quite literally pulls him off and throws him over his shoulder. Regulus walks menacingly towards the two assholes on the floor, "I'll say this once and once only, you talk like that about my cousin or touch her without her consent one more time and we'll cut you tiny dicks off to shove them so far down your throats till they come out your ass with your shitty personality, got it? " they just nod while the deemed "skittles" saunder off.
Sirius wanted to rip his hair out, james was beyond turned on, Peter looked traumatized while lily was chuckling and Remus looked amused.
Another incident was when both groups were sitting together and a Raven claw came up to then. He was eyeing lily and Dorcas weirdly. "Hey ladies, how about you and I leave those losers alone and have some fun? " they looked beyond uncomfortable, "no thanks mate we're not into that." The guy frowned "I promise you won't regret it, I've got a way with girls". " look pal, they said they weren't interested " snarled barty. "Says the person who slept with half the school, shut up whor-" before he even finishes, he was on the floor, a livid Evan looming over him. "Fucking scum, let's leave"
It took about a week and a half of James and Regulus dating before the marauders realized how fucking batshit crazy they were.
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thistuesdaynight · 11 months
y'all, I'm struggling rn
I just read Snape's Worst Memory from canon for the very first time.
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moonagedaydream13 · 7 months
i need friends that i can talk to about the marauders with please!!!
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izzy-prizzy · 7 months
i need more on remus, lily and regulus' friendship.
like imagine, them talking about books for hours and hours, roasting each other, the GOSSIPING, roasting other people together, the snide remarks, the inside jokes to which they are smirking looking at each other mid conversations and the others are like " *-*?? ", them rolling their eyes simultaneously and...
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if you’re taking art requests then maybe trans Remus wearing a suit for the first time? 👉👈
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here you go!!! I imagine teen Lily totally helping Remus pick out clothes at her place in the summer break bc she has a collection of outfits and they end up spending hours combining outfits and just gets lost in how fun it is, this is the first time he tries out a suit that isn't sirius school uniform
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kingstarkingslay · 2 months
Imagine Remus and Lily quoting vines all the time and Sirius and James would just look at them in horror cause they have no idea what’s going on..
“ hey did you study for the potions test?”
“ shit, what’re you gonna do?”
“ don’t worry I’ve got God and anime on my side ”
staring through the window of Honeydukes “ Oh man, I don’t have enough money for chicken nuggets ”
at any given time “ DO IT FOR THE VINE ! ”
accidentally walks into someone “ I’m sorry I didn’t see you there, I was too busy blocking out the haters ”
Remus when Lily got detention for the first time “ welcome to Bible Study, we’re all children of Jesus ”
Remus closing the Marauders Map “ XOXO , Gossip Girl ”
“ he called me a fucking mudblood!! ”
“ oh my god what? This is your space , this is your area, he can’t do that to you ”
“ Lily, I’m heading to the library, do you need anything ”
“ I wanna be a cowboy , baby ”
stubs their toe “ Mother trucker dude, that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick ”
looking up at the stars “ Look at all those chickens ”
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coffeeasexual · 1 year
Marauders Headcanon #2
In the summer between 3rd and 4th year Remus and Lily are hanging out and decide to dye their hair. Remus bleaches his tips and lily gets black streaks in her hair (but the specific type of style doesn’t really matter), anyway let's just say Sirius and James go through a bit of a panic at the start of 4th year.
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surelystaggering · 9 months
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lily evans & remus lupin [ac: drwisteria on twt, ig and tt]
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