#lily evans bio
dreammakcr · 2 months
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roaringlilyevans · 2 years
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✨ a bit about miss lily evans
name; lily marie evans birthdate; 30 january 1960 blood status; muggleborn hogwarts house; gryffindor family; john, marie, and petunia evans
astrological sign;
Lily is solidly an aquarius, and her personality is characterized by many of the traits that define her sign. Highly intellectual and deeply curious, Lily thrives in a career where she can test the limits of magic. A big thinker with larger-than-life dreams, Lily often needs more space and time to herself to think than her closest friends can completely understand, so sometimes she seems distant and neglectful of relationships. Not one to have the patience for small talk, Lily can seem aloof to others, until she peels back the layers a little deeper, and then she shines, radiating warmth and passion. Deeply stubborn, it can be difficult for Lily to change course or opinion once she’s decided on one. 
more on that here
10 1/4 inches, willow, dragon heartstring. Like many wands with a dragon heartstring core (and even more like its’ owner), Lily’s is both powerful and temperamental. Her wand learns as quickly as she has in the magical world, able to keep up with the constantly spinning mind that Lily possesses. Made of willow wood, Lily’s wand immediately recognized her deepest insecurity (will she ever belong anywhere?) and decided that she was worthy of it. 
The smells Lily recognizes are the fresh scent of a newly lit fire underneath a cauldron, the salted caramel hot chocolate that her father always favored, and fresh apple just cut into. She smells other things too, but finds it harder to identify the scent of broom polish and gingersnaps. She has her suspicions, of course, but things feel too fragile to think much further about all that.
Lily’s boggart takes the form of her disapproving older sister holding her snapped wand. From the time she boarded the Hogwarts express, she had a sense that she was leaving behind the world she grew up in —there would be no place for her in the muggle world, not anymore. And while she attempted to hide that sense from her parents, every break from school just became a deeper reminder that no matter how dark and dangerous and unwanting this new world was to her “dirty blood”, there would be no going back to a time before magic. And while Lily knows that she belongs in the magical world, her greatest fear is that one day she’ll find herself unable to return there either, and forever be a homeless wanderer between two hostile worlds. 
Lily’s patronus is a doe, representing her fierce protectiveness over the people she loves, and the gentleness they can find in her presence. To her frustration, mastering the patronus charm in sixth year was not something that came easily to her. After the dissolution of her friendship with Severus, it seemed that every memory was tainted, every relationship had the potential to leave her behind, deem her unworthy, lacking, dirty, not chosen. After all, not even her own sister could stand to be around her, and now the very person who had made her feel whole again had spit that word and made her world unravel. In the months that followed that horrible encounter by the lake, Lily had retreated in on herself, preferring to be alone rather than leaning on her friends, afraid that they too would decide she wasn’t enough for them. There wasn’t a singular moment that snapped her out of it, but the persistence and dedication of her friends was enough to slowly bring her back to herself. They were patient and kind and understanding, and it was a memory of all of her fellow Gryffindor sixth years cozied up together in the common room over the Christmas holidays that finally fueled her corporeal patronus. It was a memory soaked in warmth and a feeling of belonging, and ever since, she’s been able to do the charm.
writing sample;
With a sigh, Lily leaned back in her chair, wrapping her long hair into a loose knot and sticking her wand in the middle to hold it in place. She stretched out her legs under the table, turning away from the pile of papers spread out in front of her. It was Lily’s night to stand watch at headquarters and be on hand to assist and heal anyone on mission tonight who needed it. It was just a regular patrol, so it was highly unlikely that any of the Order members who were out tonight would be hurt, but Lily didn’t mind sitting alone in the quiet, dark upstairs of the joke shop. She had a lot on her mind, and a change of scenery always helped her think more clearly. With all that she had weighing on her mind, this assignment for tonight was a gift. It also gave her an excuse to bow out of whatever plans her friends might have cooked up for a Friday night without attracting their suspicions.
For tonight, Lily had buried herself in hers and Pandora’s research over the murder of Booker Bagnold, a fact that would only cause her friends to either be exasperated or worried about her. Ever since the recent article speculating Silas Crump’s innocence, Lily’s interest in the case had been renewed, and she had once again picked up the research that she had previously abandoned. To her continual frustration, most of her closest friends can't seem to understand the near-obsession that Lily had developed for the death of Booker Bagnold and the disappearance of Rosaline Flint. At least Sirius and Peter were sympathetic to her interest in the case, even if it was only out of an interest in werewolves being treated fairly because of Remus. Dorcas and Mary didn’t understand at all, and seemed to want Lily to just drop it and not risk putting more of a target on her back should news of her interest reach the ears of the people behind it. And Marlene…well, Marlene understood, but Lily didn’t relish the thought of dragging Marlene into all of this — with everything that she had been through, this was a little too close to home.
Honestly, thank Merlin for James and Remus, for they seemed to be the only two who both understood and joined in on Lily’s continuous research. In fact, they were the reason she had thrown herself back into the case at all. Their conversation after reading the article had given Lily even more to think about, renewing her fervor to discover just what those wounds on Booker had been. Remus was positive that they weren’t the result of a werewolf (and if anyone would know, it would be Remus), just as Lily and Pandora were, though of course that wasn’t new information to Lily. No, it had been something that James had said that sparked new life into the abandoned research, though it wasn’t really connected to what Lily and Remus had been discussing about Silas. Instead, when asked his opinion on all of it, James had just said, “That was the last night that Rosaline Flint was seen before her disappearance. There’s something fishy about that whole night.”
With that, a lightbulb had gone off in Lily’s head. Previously, she hadn’t accounted for Rosaline’s disappearance in any of it. After all, there really didn’t seem to be much connection — Rosaline’s disappearance hadn’t even been taken much notice of until weeks after the event; everyone had been far too busy focusing on Booker’s death. But werewolf wounds and Rosaline were connected in some way, roundabout as it was. They were connected by Jonathan, one of Lily’s flat mates. Knowing Remus for as long as she had, Lily knew what it looked like for a werewolf to hide their condition from those closest to them, and Jonathan showed all the signs. Lily was positive that Jonathan was a werewolf, a fact that she hadn’t really fixated on before, since it didn’t change her opinion of him in any way. But Lily also knew that Jonathan had been seeing Rosaline Flint at the time of her disappearance — being exceptionally observant, there was a lot of things her flatmates had never told her that she was able to deduce on her own.
And there was the connection. Rosaline had disappeared, and the logical conclusion in others’ minds might be that her boyfriend would have something to do with it. Lily didn’t believe it, of course. While she hadn’t known Jonathan much at all when they moved into the same flat, she knew him now, and she didn’t believe him capable of hurting someone he cared for deeply. But wouldn’t one have been able to assume that her disappearance would put Jonathan in the hot seat? And didn’t the wounds on Booker, no matter what they were actually caused by, look enough like a werewolf attack that the assumption would be that a werewolf was the culprit? If the two were indeed connected, it would be easy to see that someone (whoever it was that was responsible for these deaths/disappearances) was trying to frame werewolves.
Unfortunately, this was where Lily’s inspiration halted. Sighing again as she mulled all of this over in her head, Lily stood up and wandered into the nearby kitchen, flicking on the lights and grabbing the kettle off the stove to fill it with water. A cup of tea sounded good right about now, and she went about making it the muggle way, preferring to keep her hands busy over just a quick wave of her wand. Her mind wandered back to the dead end, slightly less frustrated after a bit of movement. It wasn’t illogical to assume that the Dark Lord was behind all of this; after all, wouldn’t turning the Ministry and society even further against them be the perfect way to get the werewolves on his side? And didn’t the Death Eaters have a knowledge of magic that was vast and dark, dark enough to include a spell that could mimic a werewolf’s attack? Lily knew that all too well; after all, she had seen firsthand what some of Severus’ spells could accomplish, and she would put any amount of money on the odds that her former friend had become one of them. But still, none of this led Lily to a likely culprit OR to an understanding of what spell had been used. Not unless she wanted to seek out her old friend and try to discover what he knew about the situation.
Lily frowned at the thought. She wasn’t against it, not really. As little as she cared to have anything to do with Severus Snape, she knew that it wouldn’t be impossible to get what she needed from him — not so long as he still felt that old obsession to possess her that had once caused her skin to crawl. It would be worth it, really, to solve this problem and finally put her mind at rest (after all, there was nothing Lily hated more than a puzzle she couldn’t solve). No, the problem would be James. He would never be okay with the idea of her putting herself back in Sev’s clutches, and she knew that the rest of their friends would side with him. And to do this behind their backs? Lily couldn’t bear it. She had shut them all out once before, and it had been the loneliest time of her life. She didn’t keep secrets from them anymore, not about things like this.
Taking her now-finished cup of tea in hand, Lily returned to the conference table and pulled her wand out of the knot of her hair. She gave it a quick wave and watched with a dissatisfied frown as the mess of papers spread out on the table righted themselves, arranging into a neat pile and slipping back into the folder they belonged in. Another wave and the folder was depositing itself back in her bag. Reaching instead for the well-worn Jane Austen novel she had brought with her, Lily signed once more and turned her attention away from this impossible problem. She was stuck for now, so she might as well distract herself with the exploits of Emma Woodhouse.
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Would aslıhan malbora or melisa asli pamuk work for possible fcs for lily evans?
Hello anon! I don't think Melisa would work for Lily I'm sorry. However I think Aslıhan Malbora has Lily vibes. I can also see Ahsen Eroğlu for Lily, which would be my preference for her.
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paradoxlostrp · 2 years
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NAME ; lily evans AGE ; twenty three years old GENDER ; cis woman, she/her HOUSE ; ravenclaw MAGICAL FOCUS ; the creation and composition of new potions YEAR ; seventh
one ; magic. what a fucking shock. you see, lily didn’t learn she was meant to be magical until much later than she was supposed to. a letter lost in the post, a muggle born girl who slipped between the cracks. lily always knew she was different, she just didn’t know all of the details. lily was a smart girl, she sped her way through secondary school and got accepted to a good college, one that her father struggled to pay for. oxford made lily grow a tough skin, fighting to catch up with the kind of people who had private tutors and all the advantages that money could buy them. 
two ; she was in her final year of her advanced chemistry degree when she found out, when a man named albus dumbledore found her and told her who she was always supposed to be. a witch. so lily ground her way through her last few months of muggle uni with a spring in her step, and toild all of her friends that she had been accepted into a highly selective PhD program in Scotland. dumbledore made it clear that Lily would be at a distinct disadvantage coming to Hogwarts so late in her education, but that if she studyed hard and tested well he would allow her to move on to the NEWTS with the rest of the students her age. so lily studied hard. she pushed herself until she felt like her eyes were bleeding. she was kind and friendly, but she didn’t waste time trying to make friends that first year at hogwarts. she pulled all nighters in the library and felt like an imposter. 
three ; she’s always been someone who had to work harder than everyone else. the hogwarts students reminded her a lot of her cohort at oxford. she was at a disadvantage, but she was determined to prove that she was worthy of magic. she was insistent that she was just as good as everyone else. she wanted magic so badly that she would do anything for it, and she would do anything to learn everything she could. that was why she was sorted into ravenclaw, so they say. ravenclaw was for the clever ones, who wanted knowledge more than they wanted oxegen to breathe. 
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barty-not-bartemius · 2 months
sup cunts!
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the names Barty NOT Bartemius
I’m 17
I’m a slytherin
I’m gay as fuck for your dad
taken (till the grave)
Italian and British
Likes: my boyfriend, my friends, playing the drums, skateboarding, horror movies, parties, and a bunch of other shit I don’t need to tell you
Dislikes: my dad, gryffindors, dancing, annoying people (also classifies for gryffindors), homophobes + transphobes, and racists
the song in my bio:
other people you should check out:
@driedoutrose my darling Evan 🥰
@reggieblackthepoet bitchy boy black 🔪
@pandadoraa my future sister in law and fav arsonist 👹
@cassie-meadowes she acts like she’s my mum 👑
@rj-mo0ny-lupin interesting guy with good cigarettes 🚬
@im-a-not-so-sirius-star reggies brother (he’s alright) 😎
@heres-ur-daily-dose-of-prongsie gonna be real he’s hot af but super annoying 🤓
@wormtail-pete why do his friends call him wormy 😭
@lily-pad-love hit me up mammacita /j 💋
@mary-macdonald1 I need her skin care routine 🎀
@ur-fave-rockstar-girl dorcas’ quidditch girlfriend 🎸
@aunty-emms-emporium study/gossip buddy 🦢
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(ooc: this is a roleplay account and this is how I think Barty is like, if you have a problem with it, get out and if you want to join contact @im-ur-sleep-paralysis-demon)
(ooc: my main account @cheekyboybeth)
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fencer-x · 4 months
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My newest Drarry (and Severitus!) fic has been revealed! This was posted for the 2024 Severitus Big Bang, a fest celebrating the father-son relationship between Harry Potter and Severus Snape, in all forms (bio parent, father figure, mentor, etc.). I explored an alternate reality where Severus married Lily, not James, and the ways in which that might have led to Harry's life being drastically different from how it was shown in canon.
Title: The Fall of the Hosue of Evans Rating: Explicit Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy Word Count: 142,000 Summary: After spending fifteen years living in hiding in America following his mother’s murder and his own near-death experience, Harry Evans and his father Severus are obliged to return to England for a compulsory year of education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But never fear—everything’s gonna be just fine, he just has to get through nine months of maintaining a secret identity, putting up with a trio of really weird godfathers, feeding the fantastic magical noodle he found in a sewer, and dodging the wrath of the surliest, prickliest, finickiest roommate one could ask for. Associated Works: This gorgeous typeset from my partner on this project, kitsunerei88! Notes: Be sure to read the tags on AO3, and the lovely cover art was commissioned from @ muraeaka on twitter!
Read it on AO3
“Quodpot,” Harry said, still marvelling at the slick subway tile lining the showers and gleaming fixtures. The ceiling overhead was already blanketed in a thick fog of steam, and the air was getting heavy with humidity. How was it the bathrooms here were nicer than his and his father’s entire apartment back home? “And I haven’t actually played.” He hadn’t even flown on a broom before, honestly, but confessing as such right now might send Malfoy into cardiac arrest. “Ugh, ghastly name,” Malfoy groaned, shucking his Quidditch jersey and pelting Harry in the face with it as he set to work on his bottoms next. Harry quickly turned his back, letting the jersey drop to the floor. He wasn’t Malfoy’s house-elf, even if Malfoy spoke to him like one. “Step lively,” Malfoy called out, voice fading with distance. “I haven’t the time to bring you up to speed so you don’t embarrass our House and then shower.” “Surely there’s a book or something I could read on the subject…” Harry groaned, carefully stepping backwards after Malfoy. If he slipped on a bar of soap and got an eyeful of Malfoy’s undercarriage, he was going to leave, just leave, Apparate right through whatever wards were blanketing the campus and damn the Trace and all threats concerning it. Blessedly, though, he bumped up against one of the long benches fronting the stalls and settled down, focusing on the far wall while Malfoy told him all about the evolution of the Snitch from bird to ball and then moved on to a lecture concerning the different broomstick manufacturers and their respective strengths and weaknesses. “And frankly, the Nimbus line hasn’t matched the quality of the Firebolt since—towel.” Malfoy snapped his fingers at him. “Towel, Potter.” “Summon it yourself.” “With what wand?” “The one you’ve got up your ass…” Harry grumbled beneath his breath.
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thetorturedpoetsfest · 2 months
Welcome to Day 14 of The Tortured Poets Fest!
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Click the links listed below to check out all of the content our lovely Tortured Poets have created for all of us today! (and go to our bio to access the rest of the AO3 Collection)
✍️ these fatal fantasies by @magswrite
Ship(s): Pandora Lovegood/Lily Evans Potter
Rating: T
Lily is the captain of the Dutchman. Lily is quite happy being the captain of the Dutchman, when she isn't thinking about her buried heart, hidden upon Pandora's island.
🕯 Edelweiss by @quantumelepant
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Rating: M
Sirius' failed attempts at promises told through the dying of a flower.
"Right where the wind whistles and the weather sinks its glacial claws in the deep of the mountains, there’s a flower that withers away.
It is important, because it once breathed, and there’s a boy at a window who waits for it to come back to him and bring the gentleness of a new spring.
There’s a chance he’ll fly before he falls."
🗝 No Sign of Soulmates by Itsgivingcamp
Ship(s): Harry Potter/Pansy Parkinson
Rating: M
Pansy Parkinson is rotten to her core. Or at least that’s what she’s always been told. That she’s mottled and broken, incapable of being loved. She can break any curse, except the one she was born with. Enter Harry Potter — a reclusive Auror who luckily doesn’t put much stake in prophecies any more.
📜 you said you were gonna grow up (then you were gonna come find me) by ThatMatchie
Ship(s): James Potter/Regulus Black
Rating: M
“I love you, Jamie,” Regulus whispered.
It’s then that James felt the tip of a wand gently poking into his temple. A flash of surprise rose in him, but it was too late. Regulus was already saying the word when James realized what he was about to do.
Or James and Regulus through the years from their first meeting, to their falling apart, to their happy ending.
🖌 My Good Name by @thecouchsofa
Ship(s): Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Rating: M
Standing there, in the foyer of Draco’s parents’ house, was the most visible display of love that Draco had ever been shown.
Harry loved him. He loved him. And Draco was about to throw him to the wolves.
Be sure to check our page for Day 15’s reveals! Until then, Tortured Poets <3
🩶 Your mods,
@wolfpadx @multiimoments @heartsoncover @lemonlans @mercurial-witch @steveahoi damagecontrol & shewritesmaybe
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prettiestlovergirl · 7 months
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" late night devil, put your hands on me "
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disclaimers ༊彡⬭ 𓈒  I
✪ please check my rules before you request anything! and please read these disclaimers, if you are in violation of any rules, you will be deleted and/or blocked.
✪ please make sure you have your age in your bio/ pinned on your account! i do not interact with minors!!
✪ there is no guarantee that i will write what you've requested! i do not always have inspiration for things, so please bear with me and PLEASE do not message me/harass me about whether or not i saw your message.
✪ smut is my preferred genre but i am definitely open to writing/responding to other genres! i'm a whore but i love fluff as much as the next girl!
✪ if you want a part two of something, you MUST give me an idea for it!! could be small, could be fully thought out, doesn't matter to me, but there MUST be something i can go off of.
✪ below i have a loooooong list of characters i'll write for, if you see a character you like but is not on the list, please feel free to reach out! i will let you know whether or not i will add them to the list xx
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characters i'm willing to write for 𖼐꒱࿐ ִ I
✦ luke castellan ✦ coriolanus snow ✦ sejanus plinth ✦ finnick odair ✦ peeta mellark ✦ anakin skywalker ✦ peter parker ✦ jj maybank ✦ rafe cameron ✦ tim bradford ✦ wesley evers ✦ john nolan ✦ jake peralta ✦ barry allen ✦ james potter ✦ remus lupin ✦ sirius black ✦ tom riddle ✦ mattheo riddle ✦ theodore nott ✦ ares (from pjo) ✦ spencer reid ✦ aaron hotchner ✦ matt simmons ✦ luke alvez ✦ will lamontagne jr ✦ tony stark ✦ miguel o'hara ✦ steve rogers ✦ peter quill ✦ scott lang ✦ harry potter ✦ ron weasley ✦ fred weasley ✦ bill weasley ✦ charlie weasley ✦ percy weasley ✦ george weasley ✦ aaron thorsen ✦ anthony bridgerton ☆ benedict bridgerton ☆ harry hook (ouat) ✦ alex claremont diaz ✦ cardan greenbriar ✦ manny (abbott elementary) ✦ sally jackson ✦ lucy chen ✦ celina juarez ✦ hermione granger ✦ katniss everdeen ✦ johanna mason ✦ padme amidala ✦ sarah cameron ✦ angela lopez ✦ nyla harper ✦ amy santiago ✦ rosa diaz ✦ lily evans ✦ marlene mckinnon ✦ luna lovegood ✦ ginny weasley ✦ fleur delacour ✦ emily prentiss ✦ jennifer jareau ✦ elle greenaway ✦ emma swan ✦ natasha romanoff ✦ yelena belova ✦ kate bishop ✦ carol danvers ✦ wanda maximoff ✦ jude duarte ✦ prettiestlovergirl (fantasize about me, baby <3)
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definitely into ༊彡⬭ 𓈒  I
☆ oral fixation ☆ infidelity kink ☆ size kink ☆ brat/brat taming kink ☆ face fucking ☆ tit fucking ☆ thigh riding ☆ daddy/mommy content ☆ domination ☆ sadism ☆ breeding kink ☆ masochism ☆ exhibitionism ☆ squirting ☆ degrading ☆ dirty talk ☆ cum swapping ☆ dacryphilia ☆ overstimulation ☆ gagging ☆ praise edging ☆ biting ☆ marking ☆ cne ☆ dubcon ☆ coercion ☆ breath play ☆ impact play ☆ anal play ☆ legal age gap ☆ threesomes ☆ brother's best friend ☆ best friend's brother ☆ daddy x princess ☆ step-cest ☆ legal age gap ☆ dom x sub ☆ gangbang ☆ bareback/ cream pies ☆ being shared ☆ free use ☆ orgasm denial ☆ brat x brat tamer ☆ knife play ☆ corruption virgin! reader ☆ bimbo! reader ☆ office sex ☆ mean! reader ☆ hair pulling ☆ dark content ☆ fratboy! character ☆ hand kink ☆ dumbification ☆ nicknames: mami, mamas, mama, ma, pretty girl, babe, baby, sweetheart, angel ☆
sometimes into ༊彡⬭ 𓈒  I
☆ somnophilia ☆ olfactophilia ☆ piss kink ☆ arm kink ☆ dry humping ☆ virgin! character ☆ best friend! character ☆ kidnapping kink ☆ thigh fucking ☆ sub! character ☆ sex toys ☆ period sex ☆ orgy ☆ drunk sex ☆ angst ☆ fluff ☆ sex pollen ☆ under the table ☆ noncon play ☆ polyamory ☆ predator/prey kink ☆ bondage ☆ sensory deprivation ☆ fake relationship ☆ cuckhold ☆ pet play ☆ cockwarming ☆ nicknames: babydoll, doll, honey, hon ☆
not into ༊彡⬭ 𓈒  I
☆ tentacles ☆ age regression ☆ professor x student ☆ childhood bedroom ☆ self-harm ☆ suicide ☆ ai ☆ pedophilia ☆ incest ☆ underage characters ☆ race play ☆ race exclusive features ☆ eating disorders ☆ depression ☆ getting caught masturbating and moaning out a name ☆ financial domination ☆ scat ☆ gay for pay ☆ age play ☆ wax play ☆ pegging ☆ feet content ☆ food play ☆ male! reader ☆
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struttingstag · 1 month
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Week 3 Recap
The Strutting Slut Fest is a prompt-based fest run by The Strutting Stag pairing James Potter with at least two characters.
pulling pigtails (4888 words, rated T) by @gracelesslady23 Sirius Black/James Potter/Severus Snape
Severus has been on the receiving end of pranks from bitter rivals, Black and Potter, for close to seven years and believes himself to be well and truly sick of it. But after an eye-opening conversation with Lily (which includes the mention of a very famous muggle adage) Severus finds his perspective shifting. Can it be that Potter and Black are so emotionally repressed that they are using pranking as a form of flirting? And is Severus so lacking in good taste that he finds himself actually enjoying their attention? aka. a silly little starbucksprince rom com where none of them know how to properly communicate their feelings, but it all works out in the end.
Lips Like Morphine  (9708 words, rated E) by @bluedahlia912 Regulus Black/James Potter
He wanted to get closer, needed more, more. James was still just barely hovering over Regulus, one leg positioned between both of his own. Regulus began grinding his ever-hardening cock against the muscular thigh, the frottage doing pleasant things that had him moaning, making sounds he didn’t realize he was capable of making. “Careful love,” James purred, and the sound of his voice nearly sent Regulus over the edge. “Not yet.” OR Regulus Black goes to Potter Castle to repair his relationship with his brother. Little does he know that he has strayed willingly into the midst of vampires; AKA the vampire smut I’ve always wanted to write.
the alchemy (4119 words, rated T) by @ghst-boys Regulus Black/James Potter, Narcissa Black/James Potter, Past Lily Evans/James Potter, Minor Lily Evans/Pandora Lovegood
James Potter is one of the biggest pop stars in the world, and he has what appears to be the perfect relationship with Lily Evans. But what if things are not all they appear to be?
Scandal does funny things to pride (But brings lovers closer) (3801 words, rated E) by @dyke--vader James Potter/Ron Weasley, James Potter/Lily Potter
James knew what he should do. He should accompany Ron to the clinic. He should pay any necessary costs, be there for him as he recovers. They should end things. It was clear that they didn’t know how to stop themselves, how they’d taken every precaution necessary at the start - yet let their relationship wear down the safeguards until they had toed the line too closely. But when James looked at Ron, he couldn’t bring himself to say it.
What Are Friends For (ongoing, 9k+ words, rated E) by @samynnad102687 Regulus Black/James Potter, Barty Crouch Jr./James Potter/Evan Rosier, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/James Potter, Lily Evans/Pandora Lovegood/James Potter, Regulus Black/Barty Crouch Jr./James Potter/Evan Rosier
James has ADHD and his mind is a mess. The only way to make it go quiet is by being fucked dumb. His friends decide to help. Prompt for Strutting Slut Fest 2024 A 5 + 1 Smut fic: Five times the members of the polycule fucked James stupid and one time James wanted them to but they all took care of him instead.
Venom Dripping In Your Mouth (9443 words, rated E) by @arviyya Regulus Black/James Potter, Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier, Regulus Black/Barty Crouch Jr./James Potter/Evan Rosier
If you were to ask Regulus how he ended up here, he would tell you with conviction that he has no fucking idea. However, that would be a lie. And, now he’s the one with a vampire’s hand digging into his back, his cold lips pressed against Regulus’ ear, voice a growl so low that it’s a mere breath, enough to send shivers to every inch of his body, “For someone who was clearly searching for this, you seem more than a little terrified, sweetheart." Or: Regulus is a bio-chem undergrad fulfilling a humanities credit when he realizes there may be something strange about his professors, James and Evan. He finds more than he bargains for when he decides to test his theory with his best friend Barty in tow, leading to Regulus and Barty becoming human sippy cups.
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I have a question
Do Snaters think "Anti Lily" means "pro snily"? Cause it doesn't. Im not mad that she didn't choose Snape, darling.
If you couldn't tell, since my bio was obviously read, I prefer Snape to be with the older Evans sister
Snetunia for life in this household
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yearofthevampire · 9 months
marauders characters ethnicity/race headcanons
this isn’t gonna be at all canon compliant so if you don’t like that don’t interact
these are what i’ve compiled for my personal interpretation over my time in the fandom, including random headcanons of my own that i think fit
James: full desi. half-indian (monty’s side) half-pakistani (effie’s side)
Remus: 1/4 nigerian (hope’s side), 1/2 welsh (hope and lyall’s side), 1/4 jewish (lyall’s side)
Peter: 1/2 mexican, 1/4 filipino, 1/4 german (i’m a believer of peter having two mums because IT FITS 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ unnamed mum #1 is mexican and unnamed mum #2 is half filipino and half german) (they magic-ed a baby and are his bio parents)
Sirius: 1/2 korean, 1/2 french (almost all his family, including his parents, cousins, brother, aunts, and uncles are half korean and half french because incest yay they all have the same ancestry)
Lily: 1/2 navajo (her mums side), 1/4 african (dads side), 1/4 jewish (dads side) (idc that she’s ginger and has green eyes tbh she naturally has dark brown hair)
Marlene: filipino
Mary: egyptian
Dorcas: jamaican
Pandora: brazilian (afro-brazilian)
Regulus: 1/2 korean, 1/2 french
Barty: italian
Evan: brazilian (afro-brazilian) (rosier twins real)
Amelia: mongolian
Hestia: indian
Emma: 1/2 african, 1/2 mexican
Emmeline: vietnamese
Benjy: african (specifically from the peninsula discovered by the portuguese that ended up being cape verde because IM cape verdean and i said so!!!! 🇨🇻🇨🇻🇨🇻)
Edgar: mongolian (he and amelia are siblings canonically so yk)
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eueclid · 2 months
Character bios of Laila Nadar, Emma Davies, and Caleb Walker below the cut:
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Laila Nadar was born to Indian immigrants who moved to London ten years before she was born. Growing up, Laila always had an interest in literature, which led her to major in it at Cambridge University. While there, she met Emma Davis, her first year roommate. The girls would live together through all their years of school and into their postgraduate masters programs. Halfway through her undergraduate, Laila meets Caleb and introduces him to Emma. From there, an unbreakable friendship was formed between the three of them. They all received their masters degrees together and by some stroke of luck, had the opportunity to work at the same library in Exeter, a building called Mistwooden. However, after the three get settled in there, it's apparent the library is not what it seems.
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Emma Davies was born in London through surrogacy to two doctors. Growing up, she always felt her mothers wanted her to follow in their footsteps, but she never wanted it. Instead, she was drawn to the classics and wanted to become an author herself. Her resolve only strengthened once she met her freshman roommate, Laila, and became friends with Caleb later on. As much as she wanted writing to be her career, it was pushed on the backburner as she was offered a job she just couldn't refuse. She packed her bags and moved to Exeter with Laila and Caleb, starting to work in the same place. The mysterious Mistwooden contained more than meets the eye, and with the help of her friends, she was determined to find whatever haunts the library she has come to consider home.
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Caleb Walker was born in London to an actor and a musician, both of which graced London's West End multiple times before he was born. However, no matter how much he tried, acting wasn't for him, and neither was singing publicly. He did have some interest in being a playwright, which led him to start studying English at Cambridge. He met Laila in one of their classes which led him to meeting Emma as well, which created the bond that would bring the three of them to Exeter following them receiving their master's degrees. He is the one who found the jobs at Mistwooden, unaware of what awaited them there. However, once he learned what lurks beneath the surface, Caleb made it his personal mission to solve it once and for all.
Some facts that apply to everyone in the story:
Mistwooden is somewhat inspired by media like Scooby Doo and Nancy Drew. It is haunted by a variety of ghosts and other supernatural entities that were experimented on by a man named Doctor Hughes during some point in the 1800s. There are four specific ones that need helping, which are listed below.
Helena Davies, an ancestor of Emma. She was experimented on by Doctor Hughes who claimed he could cure her anemia. She was bled out and her body was never found. Played by Alycia Debnam - Carey.
Frank Jones, a newspaper boy. He was kidnapped by Doctor Hughes as a means to test out a new toxin. Frank died, of course, with his body being left on the streets. His parents were wrongfully blamed and prosecuted for his death. Played by Elliot Grihault.
Agatha Baker, a socialite. She went to Doctor Hughes for what she assumed was a pregnancy — however, there was no baby, and the abortion performed made her bleed out. Her death was attributed to another killer. Played by Lily Dodsworth - Evans.
Arthur Thomas, another doctor. Doctor Hughes was jealous of him, and killed him in cold blood. He made it look like a suicide. Played by Henry Golding.
At some point while solving all these cases, Laila and Emma start dating. By the fourth case being solved, they are engaged and have a date set for a wedding.
After each of the cases are solved, Caleb meets a marine biologist named Samuel Wright ( played by Jacob Collins - Levy ). They don't get married, but rather become life partners.
The three live within a mile radius of each other for the rest of their lives, choosing to remain in Exeter. Emma is able to become an author, Caleb goes on to teach at a local university after receiving his doctorate, and Laila becomes a book critic.
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roaringlilyevans · 2 years
tag dump.
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starryeyed28 · 1 day
hey! you should consider putting a link to your ao3 in your bio or in your posts (so people can get to your story easier)
sincerely, a very lazy person who very much wants to start your fic :)
thank you so much for the suggestion!!! xxx
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/58753639"><strong>In A Rush</strong></a> (15015 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/starryeyed28"><strong>starryeyed28</strong></a><br />Chapters: 6/?<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Harry%20Potter%20-%20J*d*%20K*d*%20Rowling">Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling</a><br />Rating: Not Rated<br />Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings<br />Relationships: Regulus Black/James Potter, Regulus Black & Sirius Black, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter, Sirius Black & James Potter, Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes<br />Characters: Regulus Black, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch Jr., Marlene McKinnon, Lily Evans Potter, Mary Macdonald (Harry Potter), Peter Pettigrew, Dorcas Meadowes<br />Summary: <p>James was deeply in love when he was a teenager, but he got his heart broken. Time passed, 8 years have gone by and he is okay now. Except his old love shows up in his life again and now everything is a bit of a mess in James’ heart.</p>
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heyyyy hi hello i'm marching out all my fics for one giant post finally 💕 my ao3
the latest
Coming of Age:
In which Barty turns sixteen, receives an owl, and meets some new friends. M | 3k words | 2 chapters | BCJ character study / rosekiller
the multi-chapters
Pickup or Delivery:
Barty meets the love of his life while delivering sandwiches. Evan meets some asshole while working the front desk of the campus admin building. rosekiller | wolfstar | jegulus | a hint of pandalily
Less of a cohesive story and more of a series of chronological one-shots within the same universe // E | 27k words | 11 chapters | WIP
Stars on Ice:
Regulus Black is the reigning National Champion in senior men's figure skating, and James Potter is close on his heels in the rankings. They exist purely as co-competitors until Sirius "shit-stirrer" Black and Remus "enabler" Lupin bring them together for an opportunity to perform as a pair as part of the Stars on Ice tour. jegulus | wolfstar | background dorlene | background pandalily
My online hyperfixation meets my real world lifelong hobby // M | 43k words | 16 chapters | Complete
In a Rut:
Evan is trying to practice, but Barty sucks at his job. rosekiller
Exists within the Stars on Ice universe, set prior to the events of SOI, but can be read on its own (it's mostly smut) // E | 3k words | 2 chapters | Complete
Guilty Pleasures:
Pandora wasn’t an idiot; this woman (Lily, according to her profile) was gorgeous. Her bio was simple; “Looking for new people and fun times”. Well, Pandora thought, she could certainly show Lily fun times. pandalily | rosekiller | wolfstar
An ode to two emotionally constipated bitches being emotional about each other. Also toddler Harry is there and he's slaying. // 14k words | 6 chapters | On Hiatus
the one-shots
from longest to shortest
The Marauders Project: M | 12k words | jegulus/wolfstar/rosekiller
Among the Stacks: T | 4k words | wolfstar/jegulus
Hardly Working: M | 3k words | rosekiller
Shopping Trip: T | 2k words | wolfstar/jegulus/pandalily
Banana Pancakes: G | 1k words | wolfstar
Letting Sleeping Dogs Lie: M | 826 words | rosekiller
Mornings: G | 557 words | wolfstar
Let Them Eat Cake (And Cry): G | 475 words | pandalily
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rosebudprincess · 2 months
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(enter CENTER STAGE.) rosebudprincess
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the actress: rosebudprincess
hi! i’m gabrielle, otherwise known as gabby!
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི 🇵🇭 + 20 + genderqueer femme lesbian from southeast asia + she/they/he (pronoun indifferent, prefers feminine compliments) + sagittarius sun, aquarius moon, sagittarius rising + enfj/2w3 + hufflepuff
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི single + femme4butch, resident romantic vampire, red roses personified, princess with golden skin, raven hair and crimson lips + professional manhater, lesbian lover and butch defender
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the audience: interactions
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི i follow and like from @honeyedpoppies
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི DNI: men, minors, terfs, racists, fatphobes, ableists, israel supporters (immediate block)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི BYF: i primarily post/reblog lesbian and femme4butch content with the occasional girlblogging on the side. some content is nsfw/nsft. for fandom related content (see below) and other general related stuff, you can follow my main blog (@honeyedpoppies yippee!!)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི asks/anons are always open. dms are also open but please don’t be creepy, perverted or rude. sexual content is okay but at least introduce yourself first and strike up a conversation. playful flirting is okay!!
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the screenplay: all about me
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི this blog is dedicated to the exploration of my sexuality (both in sexual and nonsexual ways) having recently discovered that i am a femme lesbian, this blog is for me to create friends in the femme4butch community but also to connect with other sapphics as well 🫶
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི besides that here are some of my interests + hobbies + recent hyperfixations: the color red, anything heart or ribbon shaped, roses in everything (scent, taste, etc.), love letters, lace and gingham, velvet and satin, vampires, princess x knight dynamic, 1920s and 1950s to 70s fashion, period dramas and regency romances, classic literature (austen, fitzgerald, shakespeare), fashion and costume history, musical theater (cabaret, chicago, burlesque, hadestown), harry potter and the wizarding world, interview with a vampire, marvel cinematic universe, grishaverse (specifcally six of crows/shadow and bone), disney animated movies (princess and the frog, frozen, hercules)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི kinnies include but is not limited to stephen strange (mcu), lily evans (hp), nina zenik (soc/ck), megara (hercules), lestat de lioncourt (iwav), emma woodhouse (emma), tahani al-jamil (the good place), harleyquinn and poison ivy (dc), camilla morone (djats), cleo de nile (mh), stella (winx club)
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behind the curtains: what to expect/i’m into
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི switch (sub leaning but currently exploring dominant side) bottom, femme4butch
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི brat, daddy kink (as a title), praise, breeding/corruption, primal play, guided/mutual masturbation, objectification, goddess like devotion, roleplay, somnophilia, free use, emphasis on being called princess + bunny + ma’am
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི ABSOLUTELY NOT: any play with bodily fluids, feet, noncon/dubcon, large age gaps
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the prologue.
if roses were mortal, it would be she 🥀 connoisseur of lipstick kisses, forever smelling and tasting like roses, resident romantic vampire haunting the paintings of an abandoned library, raven haired princess adorned with gold and draped in crimson velvet.
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ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི dividers by @cafekitsune ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི
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