#limber miment
choco-cherry-chunk · 4 months
Okay, thinking about OC’s and some of my fave kink tropes, specifically stuckage. Moriarty is an only child and while he is a big guy, his mother isn’t, so when she moves into a new place, it’s smaller than her old one. She warns her tall ass son of this before he comes to visit, but doesn’t think to warn her son-in-law, who is very, very pregnant with surrogate quints.
Limber ends up having to awkwardly try and suck his belly in whenever he goes through doors, or shove his way through with his hips. He takes up a lot of the guest bed and can’t even fit into the shower without some of his belly or ass sticking out. The biggest problem comes up with his MIL wanting to make sure he eats well and basically stuffs him full every meal. At one point, Limber has to convince her to get something from another room and needs his husband’s help to secretly get him out of his chair, as his hips and thighs have wedged him in too tight. Moriarty helps him, but is definitely turned on while doing it.
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choco-cherry-chunk · 2 years
Consider Moriarty purchasing his husband one of those matching sweat sets that are super comfortable as a sort of celebratory pregnancy gift. After all, Limber taking on this pregnancy is a means of them having money while Moriarty continues graduate school and Limber seeks out employment in his field, and the fact that he was able to conceive quints on his first try and a reason to celebrate. But it isn’t a maternity item and it’s only a size or two bigger than Limber’s usually prone to wearing.
Moriarty continues his efforts of “making sure to fill him up”, ensuring that much of what his husband is eating is healthy but high in calories. He asks Limber to take a photo each week to see how “the babies are developing”, but it is really how own not so subtle means of seeing how much bigger his partner is getting with time. He even suggests Limber wear the same outfit (the sweats) in each picture. At first, Limber has to have the top lifted to show any changes. His tummy poking out just a little from the rest of his frame. But by twelve weeks, he looks halfway through a singleton pregnancy. His hips have widened even more than they were before and his rear has plumped up quite a bit. And Moriarty just keeps encouraging him to eat up. He thinks he is quite sneaky. But though Limber acts oblivious, he knows exactly what his husband is doing. He starts snacking all the more and gives into the hunger that seems to gnaw at him all hours of the day. By twenty weeks, he looks ready to pop with one baby. The pants are tight enough to perfectly cup the shape of his ass and thighs. He keeps the sweatshirt pulled down, but it’s started showing a little sliver of skin.
With each passing week, it covers less and less. By week twenty five, the underside of his belly is visible. By week twenty seven, it just barely touches his popped out belly button. He figures he won’t make it much further, but those quints are comfortable in there and his doctors see no reason to induce. By week thirty three, he’s gotten so round that the sweatshirt barely gets past the top of his tummy and the waistband of the pants digs into his flesh. Another week and he can’t get his fingertips to touch when he wraps his arms around his bump. He jokes to his husband that it’s a competition between what’s getting wider - his belly or his hips and Moriarty damn near faints on the spot. It’s true. Limber was always kind of pear-shaped, but it’s outrageous with the pregnancy.
And each time they think his tummy couldn’t possibly grow anymore, it does. They start having to take the bus to the doctor’s, as even with the seat pushed as far back as possible, his stomach is squashed by the dash and his hips press against the door. He can no longer close the door to their shower, as he can’t fit in unless it’s open. When he hits thirty six weeks, he learns the hard way that he’s gotten too wide for door frames. Half his belly makes it out while the rest of him remains in their bedroom and he has to yell out to Moriarty for help. They figure out a way to squeeze him through and (after some serious sex as a result of both getting supremely hard with the stuckage realization) elect to sleep in the living room until he gives birth. Moriarty leaves the bed frame and moves their mattress out there. And that’s when the pair really starts to take advantage of plumping Limber up 😉
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choco-cherry-chunk · 2 years
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A piece of “thank you” art for @poorks , as they did a lovely job drawing Maurice and Cricket for a commission.
I don’t think if Lorenzo were in Limber’s classes/Limber taught at Lorenzo’s university they would get along too well, but I think that would be all the funnier. Lorenzo can be a brat and Limber can be overly sensitive, and I’m certain all of that would be heightened with pregnancies. Still, their arguments discussions are probably performances in and of themselves to other students. 👀
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choco-cherry-chunk · 2 years
Sharing more about my OC’s because it is on my mind, appeals to me, and lets be get into some belly/mpreg stuff. 🫣🫣
Limber is 23 and Moriarty is 25 when the subject of surrogacy is broached. The former is the one that comes up with the idea, as he knows his then-fiancé is working hard to get his masters and eventual PhD to function as a familial psychiatrist, and his moves to act and become a theater professor are more limited. He elects to do it as a means of income until he can secure a teaching position and Moriarty encourages him (in a totally chill way, not a turned on one bit, no sir—). When Limber seeks out a surrogacy agency and carries out the psychical/psychological tests and ends up learning that he is a great candidate for their more “unique” clients - those who wish to have multiples. Limber has no problem with this and accepts such a role.
He’s hired quickly by a straight couple that doesn’t have a ton of expectations other than attendance at doctor’s appointments and some weekly photos. Moriarty is delighted by their latter request, as if gives him an excuse to save such photos and he is able to encourage his husband to eat to some degree of excess (after all, you need to put on weight, you don’t want them to fret about their little ones—). The couple is shocked and delighted every time they see Limber in person, constantly turning him every which way to see just how big his belly has gotten.
He never minds his growing size, only that he can’t fit into his clothes as well. His widened hips make it impossible to zip or button his pants or shorts. His shirts fail to totally cover his swollen tum once he hits twenty-two weeks. He loves drumming along to music on his stomach. On at least two separate occasions, he tries to bend to get something and rips the seat of his pants.
Limber ends up learning the hard way that he’s prone to being overdue. Despite expectations that he would give birth early as a result of multiples, he keeps passing his due date and doesn’t start having contractions until he’s a couple days past forty weeks. Moriarty is mad calm and careful while Limber falls apart, crying and panicking, though calming down quite a bit when the babies are born and he sees how excited their parents are to see them. 💕
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choco-cherry-chunk · 1 year
Can you remind us of your OCs? Do you have a master list?
You’re so kind! I’m afraid I don’t have a master list, but they are all tagged with “my ocs” and their names.
Limber Miment is the OC who is a surrogate and theater professor who gets obscenely pregnant a number of times before having his own kids.
Moriarty Arlington is Limber’s husband, a childhood behavioral specialist, and someone with a significant belly/pregnancy kink.
Conjuring Cricket is a magician, tap dancer, and rabbit whose abilities can often get them and their partner/lovely assistant into [kink related] trouble.
Maurice is a rainbow marionette clown and Cricket’s lovely assistant, prone to similar accidents and losing all his color when sad.
I love talking about my characters, thank you! I hope I can draw whatever y’all ask about and answer them in a way that’s interesting!
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choco-cherry-chunk · 1 year
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“Ooof, how much bigger are these guys going to get?”
I’m figuring this is during Limber’s first surrogacy he does, where he carries quints. He’s like maybe five-ish months here? He’s in for a storm with the reality that not only is he prone to carrying multiples, but he’s prone to going past his due date 😉
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choco-cherry-chunk · 1 year
Prompt, character A is pregnant and character B doesn't find out until they see Character A trying not to throw up while clutching their stomach. Bonus points if everyone else around them knew about the pregnancy except for Character B.
Oh, thank you for sending this, hun! Choosing to place this for Limber and Moriarty.
As I’ve mentioned in some past posts, I’ve adjusted their storylines to be that Limber served as something of a “multiples surrogate” earlier on in their marriage before having their own kids. I think after he has their first baby, he would want to wait to tell his husband about their second, figuring he’d make a big surprise of it. But his pregnancy with William knocks him on his ass more than his others had; he’s exhausted, he aches, he is uncomfortably bloated, he’s puking all the time. His coworkers and friends are quick to ask if this is another surrogacy before he even mentions being pregnant. He has to scramble to tell Moriarty before someone accidentally blabs, only for your described scenario to take place and for Moriarty to delightedly put the pieces together while his partner tries to show his joy amidst efforts to not lose his lunch.
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Limber: *internally* don’t puke, don’t puke, don’t puke—!
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choco-cherry-chunk · 1 year
I know it isn’t something y’all aren’t as in on, but I am thinking more about my mpreg/belly kink source OC’s and I wanna enjoy them, dang it. Thinking about Limber getting truly stupid pregnant for his first surrogacy and trying to handle these new circumstances, especially while his husband is trying to hide how much all of this turns him on. Like, it’s the only secret he’s ever kept - that he has such a pregnancy/belly kink - and it feels shitty to tell Limber now. But Limber frequently uses his husband as a sounding board, rambling through how things feel, especially since Moriarty is studying something in that general field at the time, so Moriarty has to act like Limber’s statements and the like aren’t riling him up.
L: “God, would you look at this? Even with getting as sick as I have, I put on another pound!” *moving to stand at their full-length mirror and scrutinizing his appearance* “I swear, it’s just all going to my hips and my butt. Can you tell?”
M (while desperately trying to sound normal): “…Not really.”
L: “Seriously? I feel like every time I wear these shorts now, I lose some of the draw strings, and my ass half sticks out! But they’re so comfortable and lately my pants have been so tight—“
M (doing his best to not visibly stare): “M-Maybe you need new clothes?”
L: “No, I want us to save money. I know we’re doing well with the contract, but I’ll hold off on clothes while I can. These still fit okay.” *turning around to reveal said supremely snug shorts and a tank top that clings to a bloated tummy* “And even with the weight gain, I’m not showing yet.”
M (using every bit of self control he has not to pounce his husband right there): “Makes… sense.”
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choco-cherry-chunk · 2 years
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“what are you, an amazon? no one in my family is taller than 5’8”; you’re the reason our baby is a fucking watermelon! I haven’t even finished my seventh month and she’s here, the size of— what are you looking at?”
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choco-cherry-chunk · 2 years
How many kids do your ocs have?
Thank you for asking! My heart just explodes when I get OC asks 🥺🥺💕💕
For Cricket and Maurice, they don’t have any “canon” kids at the moment, since most of the JE stuff that happens to them is magic-related.
For Limber and Moriarty, they do have two kids so far - Anne-Marie and William. But prior to them, Limber took on several surrogate pregnancies to help with money in their household (and for other reasons 😉), and has contemplated doing it again and/or having another baby with Moriarty.
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choco-cherry-chunk · 2 years
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“I just need some me-time to watch the new “American Horror Story” and catch up on laundry. If you leave me be and work on your conference materials, I’ll let you be the one to put some cocoa butter on all this. Alright?”
Thinking about the adjustments I’ve been making to Limber and Moriarty’s back stories, in which Limber actually starts taking on surrogacy before he starts his teaching job in order to help support him and his husband while the latter is working his way through grad school. Neither have anything really bad to say about the arrangement, especially when it’s discerned that Limber’s got ample room for extra buns in that oven 😉
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choco-cherry-chunk · 2 years
Lowkey thinking about what if Limber and Moriarty didn’t have a lot of money after graduating college, especially with student loans and the latter heading into graduate school. So while Moriarty is doing that and Limber is seeking out local roles and teaching positions, he stumbles upon surrogacy as a potential and really starts to think about it. He could make quite a bit, even more if he were to have multiples, and he hesitantly broaches the possibility with his then-boyfriend. Moriarty does his best to reign in his excitement and simply tells Limber he’s happy if he is and will support him with any choice he makes. After some check-ups, Limber decides to go through with it for a throuple having a hard time conceiving, and he even figures he’ll need at least two or three tries before anything takes. Except a month or two later, he’s starting to put on the pounds and when he and his husband see the doctor, they are gently informed that he’s conceived not one or two babies, but five. Limber is shocked, the throuple is ecstatic, and Moriarty can’t stop staring at his boyfriend’s exposed tummy that’s already starting to stick out from the rest of him.
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choco-cherry-chunk · 2 years
Would you draw an oc with a small belly?
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In this exact moment, Moriarty is plotting every possible way he could make that belly bigger. 😈
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choco-cherry-chunk · 2 years
My cold has gotten worse so I’m deciding to post more about my OC’s, regardless of interest.
Between Limber and Moriarty, the latter is the one with a belly kink. Not in that he wants to be pregnant or have such a belly, but he loves seeing them as he especially loves seeing the changes in his husband. Limber, at least initially, isn’t so inclined, but he comes to enjoy such things, especially with him seeing how much his husband ogles him during pregnancy and when he’s gained weight.
Limber has always tended to be on the smaller side of things, so his doctors are adamant about him gaining weight properly. Which Moriarty admittedly takes advantage of. Like that episode of “Malcolm in the Middle” when Hal is sneaking extra calories into Lois’ diet. Much of the same happens with Limber. He is the one that makes all their meals and gets creative. Extra protein in breakfast smoothies, adding a little treat or two he knows Limber won’t resist in his lunch, suggesting they order take-out more often because he knows he can sneak in some extra spring rolls or chips and salsa. Limber doesn’t notice for a while, too preoccupied with work and his own family drama, but he definitely starts packing on the pounds. He’s always been pretty wide-hipped in general, so he puts it on a lot in his hips, butt, and thighs. His belly gets quite big with time, stretching out his production shirts and cardigans.
He only brings it up when something significant happens. Given that Limber works on a college campus in a theater department, there are opportunities galore for pregnancy/belly kink, which ends up coming in the form of Moriarty stopping in for lunch and being directed to the theater space. There, he finds his husband directing some tech students on lighting from the stage, thus having a spotlight on him. The light puts a shadow on the back wall that makes Limber’s swollen belly look triple it’s size and Moriarty has to do everything he can to limit his fixation as he watches his husband wave at him and waddle his way down to where he’s standing. The truth does eventually come out and instead of being upset, Limber starts to lean into it (“I’ve always had trouble gaining weight. Why not make it a challenge?”).
But the time he’s in his third trimester, so many awkward events that have Moriarty trying to hide a boner. Limber’s backside getting too wide and thus getting him stuck in one of the theater seats during rehearsal. Limber stepping in for a dance instructor with food poisoning and Moriarty getting photos throughout the day of him in style-specific dance attire that was obviously from before the pregnancy, the fabric clinging to every round curve and crevice. Limber insisting he work until his due date and him waddling around his classroom with a medicine ball of a tummy and belly button to match, reading an old Greek play while slightly out of breath. His students are just as fascinated by his dedication, with some making bets on if he’ll go into labor during class.
And don’t even get him started on his subsequent pregnancies. 😉
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choco-cherry-chunk · 2 years
Who has the biggest belly of your characters? Who has the most babies?
Hmmm… I guess Cricket and Maurice would be tired for biggest bellies since their’s are tied to magic a lot of the time? So they can kind of just grow and shrink. But if they were to actually have babies, well, the joke about breeding like rabbits exists for a reason. 😉
As for the most babies, Limber and Moriarty are the only ones with “canon” babies, as I’ve not created specific ones for Cricket or Maurice. They have two kids atm, but I may feel inclined to give them more, lol.
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choco-cherry-chunk · 2 years
Screw those ask haters! Tell us about the teacher couple. What are they like? How are their pregnancies?
You are too kind, love. Thank you. 💕 I really appreciate it, especially after feeling so down about it yesterday.
I’m guessing you mean Limber and Moriarty? If not, please correct me. Limber is a theatre professor and Moriarty isn’t a teacher, but a family psychologist. And Limber is the only one that gets pregnant between the two.
As for Limber, I’m trying to think of what I could say that would be compelling but also in line with your ask? He’s very people-pleasing, but also very stubborn, which tends to be contradictory in a way that can be frustrating for others. Like when he goes into labor with their first; he’s nearly forty-one weeks along - very overdue - and is finally made to stay at home (school is out for summer and his theater company is adamant that he not return until he’s had the baby), and Moriarty is only at work because Limber insisted he would call if anything happens. Well, he’s talking to his neighbor who’d mowed their lawn for them as a favor and makes a face, which she asks about and learns that he’d been having pains all day, but didn’t call or say anything about them because he “figured they were faux contractions” and didn’t want to worry his husband. She rushes him to the hospital and calls Moriarty, who flips and hurries to meet them, where the man immediately falls apart and admits it was really a matter of being scared of giving birth and not knowing what to do. But Moriarty just tells him how in awe he is of his partner and what he’s doing and that he can’t get over how strong and beautiful he is for doing this (*in an utterly awestruck voice* “Limber, you’re having our baby today…”). He finds pregnancy and birth utterly fascinating, and just adores babies. Things end up going well and their first child, Anne-Marie is born.
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