slowburnreader · 1 year
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Stars: ★★★★★
This book was so well-balanced that it’s terrific. It felt like that time when I followed a recipe correctly and my dinner tasted soooo good. I felt good after reading it. Satisfied.
Read the full review here: https://slowburnreaderblog.wordpress.com/review-of-falling-kingdoms-1/
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cariciapadre · 1 year
OKAY so i think i found a way to link Dr Empala and Mondo to being related !! MEET BLANCA AND MORE MONDO / EMPALA LORE
i wanted mondo to be in the same time as the generals BUT i decided he wouldve been generals with them but not for long , however he was a general before the other three were . so hes wayy older than them ( Otto and Mondo are wayy older than Fluffy and Hocicos . Hocicos being mid 30 and Fluffy pushin late 40s . However Otto and Mondo are well into their 50s . before ofc ) . Mondo had his own special relationships w the generals before retiring at 75 - 80 .
Blanca ( full name blanca - blanco lol ) is Mondos daughter , who lived with her mother Joan all her life ( it was not fun !!! ) at the times Mondo did come home it was persistant argueing between them that ended in one of the parents ranting to her after it all . At the times Mondo wasn't home however Blanca dealt with her emotional outbursts . Blanca entered the army after her father , warannting others to treat her based on their opinion of their father
One day , the camp was invaded by Unicorns . The camp was destroyed and many bears died , several injured ( Hocicos lost his hearing being too close to a granade explosion ) . General Mondo joined the soldier bears in trying to kill all the unicorns , after sucessfully killing the last ( and seemingly leader of that team of ) unicorn , he ripped the horn off her head and turned it into a dagger ( which still holds unicorn magic ! the older the unicorn is the more magic it holds . did i mention unicorn magic is painfully deadly to bears )
Blanca survived along with handfuls of different bears from differwnt sections of the camp . they were all sanctioned to rebuild the camp from the bottom up . Which is where Blanca met Limero ! Limero was a trap / bomb creator . very crafty with his work . Limero was the first to crush on Blanca , but Blanca fell way harder and confessed first . a while after Limero confessed he wanted to leave the army and start a life with her , Blanca at first was hesitant of what her father may think . But eventually agreed after months on months of peristing . During the time , Blancas mother fell ill . So she stayed and cared for her for her last years . After Joan ( breif joan bs : she was born with OCD and Schizophrenia . and at the time she was born there was no real cure for her , she was punished all her life for her untreated illnesses . One day Mondo had enough of her constant episodes and has her lobotomized , however it sorta just fucked her ass up more . end of Joan lore for now ) dies , Blanca takes over the house and lives with Limero from then on .
( this section of the story is still under construction SAWRY !! some mondo stuff tho about having a bad fallout with the generals and leaves )
Blanca hesitantly lets Mondo stay in their home after he retires , this was the first time in years they were . together for real ! it was weird and Blanca did not have a good image of her father her entire child and adulthood . Mondo kept his sour and otherwise mean attitude .. to everyone except his granddaughter Empala . He admired her with every fiber in his old being ! for the first time in her life , Blanca saw her father be loving and kind . And she pushed down the jealous parts of her for her baby .
Mondo passes when Empala turned 2 years . the rest of Blancas life is quiet and nice , how she always wanted it
Blanca is prob one of my most emotionally strong characters !! She does take on a bit of her mothers emotional distress but not the anger and agression stuff !! more of the easily depressive . However that all started after she left the army , her entire life was nothing but constant fixing and working she never had the time to sit and process her own emotions . so a shut down for her came easy ! Limero was one of the only people who could work with her and her episodes ( i mean look at her LIFE good greif her mental parents fucked her up bad )
Something Limero did with Empala was create things for and with her , which sparked her intrest in becoming an engineer and scientist .
Empala loved her grandfather and joined the army as a scientist / engineer as soon as she was able to. The generals were hesitant to let her join at all ( mondos grand daughter DUH ) however she was let in on account of lack of those who specialize in her field .
next thing you know she's assigned a very important mission from the generals , to create the most perfect bear the army had ever seen ! Dulzura is now created
if you made it THIS FAR into the post i will find you and give you flowers thank you for reading and beignintrested in my crazy ocs !!!:! THANK YOU
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cafegraces · 1 year
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for @starlcved cont from here.
she's fully aware of the skeptical gaze of the gathered nobility, but it's no different than the way her father's advisers used to look at her; she's accustomed to people looking at her and seeing little more than a pretty face. in many cases, that mistake on their part is something she can use to her advantage. however, at the present moment, she will have to simply ignore such assumptions and allow her comportment to show them otherwise. the warning in the king's tone is clear, but she can't heed it for fear of the very real potential consequences. news from her home planet has been few and far between, but it has become clear that gaius damora has established himself as the ruler of not only limeros, but paelsia and auranos, as well. news of her family's deaths had spread widely through the galaxy despite the otherwise strained communications, no doubt meant to support gaius' claim to rule. it's likely that the only reason she remains alive is her father's attempts at dissolving kingdom tensions by sending her away. clearly, gaius had recognized her absence as one of the only remaining threats to his right to rule, and she's of the mind that the recent disturbances in selustria are evidence that he's finally learned of the planet to which she had been secreted away, likely from sifting through her father's communications.
spine straightening, she's careful to keep her tone as casual and controlled as his in her reply, " respectfully, your highness, in the wake of recent events, i am now auranos' queen. " regardless of the distance or lack of coronation, that responsibility now bears down upon her. " a fact which certain parties are well aware of, parties whom i believe to be responsible for the recent violence in your lands. " there's a delicate balance to maintain in ensuring that the most logical result of this discussion does not turn out to be turning her over to her enemies. though she believes mohandai to be a kinder person than the reputation and mantle his father left for him, she's well aware that their kingdoms must always come first. " as you already know, auranos has great amasses of wealth and resources that we would be glad to continue to offer our allies whilst a rightful ruler is upon the throne. if it is true that gaius damora is responsible for the pillaging of your villages, then he has, in his arrogance, already dismissed the value of a working relationship with selustria. a mistake in his quest to secure his rule, likely by ending my life and removing the question of his conquering of our planet. " cerulean eyes hold the king's, cool and collected as she concludes her case. " only arrogant fools desire war, but it has intruded on your lands all the same. doing nothing is untenable and tantamount to allowing the king of blood to lay claim to your lands too, so now, regrettably, you are faced with a choice, your highness. "
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corgifallingfanatic · 2 years
Rainy Assistance
Summary: Cleo has a panic attack due to the rain, caused by an event from her past. Magnus wonders the inn, only to come across Cleo in her state of panic, guilt overcomes him and he tries to help her overcome her fears. Rated K+
She had once liked the rain. But now, things are different. She now hated the rain. Every time she heard it pounding against the roof, every time she saw it splatter on the windows, a sense of fear crept into her stomach. And that hadn’t changed when she heard the beating of it against the roof of the inn. She knew it hardly rained in Paelsia, why did it have to start when she, Magnus, King Gaius, and Selia Damora had arrived? She sighed. She knew the true fear was just beginning.
Cleo pulled her arms around her knees, her back against the wall beside her bed. She felt the grip of terror’s cold hands around her chest, her breath coming out in short rasps, her heart pounding like mad. Her vision began to spin as the rain’s insatiable thirst for her panic continued to hammer around her. Cleo’s head whipped around the room, her vision chaotic, she could hardly breathe. 
She was strong; she had to stop this nonsense. She tried to get up, but ended up tightening her arms around her legs. Stop, stop, stop, the words echoed through her mind. This has happened every time it rains since that day months ago, the day that now causes her horror. Something wet fell down her cheek. She didn’t even bother to wipe the tears running down her face. Goddess, how she wanted her sister. 
Since childhood, her sister had been the one to comfort her when she was scared. Emilia would hold her until she calmed down, sometimes falling asleep in her arms. Oh how she longed to be held like that again, but now she had no one. No one to comfort her, no one to hold her. Nic, her only remaining friend who was also almost family, was who knows where. It wasn’t even a question if Magnus would comfort her; she already knew the answer was no. The reality that she had no one bit into her painfully. The room continued to spin around her, chest heaving, breath ragged, tears running down her face like the rain outside. 
He climbed up the stairs to the bedchambers of the inn. Several wooden doors lined the top of the hallway. He knew distinctly which door was his and which one was Cleo’s. Rain poured down outside, hammering the walls and roof pleasantly. He enjoyed the rain; it never rained in Limeros, or any of the kingdoms for that matter. He enjoyed the way it rushed down the windows, how it sounded when he was falling asleep. And that’s what he was about to do: go to sleep.
He walked towards his door, the one three down from the stairs. Instead of rushing into his room the minute he saw it, he stopped at Cleo’s door. A soft whimpering sounded from behind the door. Immediately, concern began to overcome Magnus. Was she hurt? What happened? He wondered. He twisted the round doorknob, relieved when he heard the click indicate it was open. Tentatively, he pulled the door open, careful not to cause any loud scraping against the door’s hinges. Magnus pulled the door open completely. His gaze immediately landed on the wall opposite Cleo's bed.
A petite figure hugged her legs to her chest, her arms so tight around her legs that he could see the whites of her knuckles. She lifted her head to look at him, her white-golden hair falling lightly over the sides of her face. He noticed her chest heaving, as if she was gasping for breath. But the most shocking part was the tears that rained down her cheeks. He had never seen her cry before, not once. Whatever had happened had pushed her far, farther than ever before.
He didn’t waste a second longer, rushing to her huddled figure in an instant. His legs hit the wooden floor harder than he had anticipated when he went to sit beside her. He placed his hands against her knees. "Cleo, what’s wrong?" He asked quickly, aware of the disquietude in his voice. She stared at him, not offering an answer. He shook his head, it didn’t matter what happened. She was upset, he had to help her. 
He moved to sit beside her, his hands leaving her knees and extending out in front of him. He watched her gasp for air. She hadn’t bothered to hide her tears from him. Cleo looked at his extended arms cautiously. "Let me help you, Cleo," he said, noticing her eyebrows had knitted together in confusion. 
"Please, I don’t know what happened, but let me help you. I’m not very good at comfor-" he was interrupted when Cleo wrapped her arms around his waist. He was shocked for a few seconds, his arms were still extended out in front of him. "Cleo," he whispered, the surprise wearing off as quickly as it had come. Her grip on him was tighter than he had expected from her. His arms were wrapped around her own waist, pulling her closer. 
"Tell me when you’re ready, Cleo." He whispered.
He felt her grip loosening around him a few minutes later. She unwrapped her arms from his waist, instead bringing her head down to rest on his lap. Her legs were still curled up behind her, but by then her breathing had calmed down to a slow aftermath. His arm continued to rest around her waist, his other hand stroking her hair gently. "You’re safe here, my love," he whispered delicately, continuing to stroke her hair.
She breathed in deeply, "The day before the attack on Auranos, it rained the worst I have ever seen. That night—her voice broke, emotion pouring out through every word—I stayed with Emilia the whole night. She died not long later. Since that day, the rain has triggered something in me, something I have tried to hide within myself. I think," she choked on her words, "I think it reminds me that everyone I loved has left me; it reminds me that I have no one left to comfort me the way she used to." Her voice was barely a whisper.
Cleo’s confession left him feeling guilty; guilty that he and his family had taken everything from her. He was heartbroken that she had to go through everything alone. He had been so selfish and conceited that he hadn’t noticed she was a beautifully broken turmoil. No, he wouldn’t think like that anymore. He had to move on from the past, to build a better future. And whatever the cost, that future would have Cleo in it.
"I’m sorry," he said softly. Cleo shook her head in his lap, "It isn’t your fault, Magnus." He exhaled.
"You have me now, Cleo. I will do anything to ensure your safety. You know that, don’t you? I won’t let you suffer alone anymore. You pulled me out of the darkness, and  I will be damned to the darklands before I allow you to drown in your own. "
Her head turned to look up at him, a grateful look on her face, along with a different look he had hardly seen before in his life, love.
"I scare myself with how much I need you, Magnus." She said delicately, he felt her heartbeat against his leg. It seemed to have calmed down to a slow, normal, tempo.
He leaned over slightly, gently so as not to disturb her. As he had suspected, she had fallen asleep right there in his arms. 
"You know I love you, right?" He whispered under his breath, bending over to plant a soft kiss against her forehead. "For forever and always."
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ocombatenterondonia · 5 months
Abertura do Motocross em Cacoal é um sucesso e pilotos locais se destacam na competição
O Campeonato Estadual de Motocross em Cacoal, que aconteceu nos dias 27 e 28 de abril, foi um verdadeiro sucesso,. O evento contou com o apoio do deputado estadual Cássio Gois (PSD). A parceria entre Limero e Cacoal Motoclube proporcionou um evento de alto nível, que atraiu não só os amantes do motocross, mas também a comunidade local. Adelmo Dias, diretor de provas da Limero, destacou a…
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cmatain · 2 years
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«Ajústase la diferencia: el que tenía pagado el lugar [en el corral de comedias] le cede y siéntase en otro que le dieron los que apaciguaron el enojo. Tarda nuestro hombre en sosegarse poco más que el ruido que levantó la pendencia, y luego mira al puesto de las mujeres (en Madrid se llama cazuela»). Hace juicio de las caras, vásele la voluntad a la que mejor le ha parecido, y hácele con algún recato señas. No es la cazuela lo que v. m. entró a ver, señor mío, sino la comedia. Ya van cuatro culpas y aún no se ha empezado el entretenimiento. No es ese buen modo de observarle a Dios la solemnidad de su día. Vuelve la cara a diferentes partes, cuando siente que por detrás le tiran de la capa. Tuerce el cuerpo por saber lo que aquello es, y ve un limero, que metiendo el hombro por entre dos hombres, le dice cerca del oído que aquella señora que está dándose golpes en la rodilla con el abanico dice que se ha holgado mucho de haberle visto tan airoso en la pendencia, que le pague una docena de limas. El hombre mira a la cazuela, ve que es la que le ha contentado, da el dinero que se le pide y envíale a decir que tome todo lo demás de que gustare. ¡Oh, cómo huelen a demonio estas limas! En apartándose el limero, piensa en ir aguardar a la salida de la comedia a la mujer, y empieza a parecerle que tarda mucho en empezarse la comedia. Habla recio y desabrido en la tardanza y da ocasión a que los mosqueteros, que están debajo de él, den priesa a los comediantes con palabras injuriosas.» (Juan de Zabaleta, _El día de fiesta por la mañana y por la tarde_, ed. de Cristóbal Cuevas García, Madrid, Castalia, 1983, Cap. I de _El día de fiesta por la tarde_, «La comedia», pp. 311-312) #Teatro #SiglodeOro #CorraldeComedias #JuandeZabaleta #ElDíadeFiestaporlaTarde https://www.instagram.com/p/CjFGg94MmBY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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superlauri · 6 years
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My beautiful Golden princess <3
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runesandfaes · 6 years
Full offence, but I would 100% DIE for Magnus Damora
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hellisempty · 6 years
“ whatever the cost, I refuse to let that light be extinguished”
 ― Morgan Rhodes, Gathering Darkness
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limerianfrost-blog · 7 years
Falling Kingdoms Characters as Nathan Young Quotes
I was binge watching misfits the other day and well all I can say is Nathan Young has some of the best and somehow most relatable quotes ever.
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and finally
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BONUS: Kelsey and Catriona as Nathan Young quotes 
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nickjgoodsell · 7 years
Nick Goodsell’s Fancast: Falling Kingdom Series:
Some may seem like a bit of a stretch...but this is my fancast for the series, so it’s not changing! feel free to comment other/better ideas for these or other characters I missed; I love to hear other fancast ideas, especially for books I read!
Cleo Bellos: Blake Lively
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Magnus Damora: Nick Ayler
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Lucia Damora: Barbara Palvin
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Jonas Agallon: Marco Dapper
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Nic Cassian: Sam Claflin
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Prince Ashur: Jesse Williams
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Princess Amara: Jessica White
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Felix Graebas: Colby Lopez (WWE Superstar Seth Rollins)
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King Gaius: Richard Armitage
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Lysandra: Jana Kramer
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Kurtis Curillo: Sebastian Stan
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Melenia: Charlize Cheron
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Alexius: Luke Guldan
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Theon/Taran: Jensen Ackles
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*cries in brazilian*
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Yes. And he's quite taken with his wife, isn't he? When I last saw them in Limeros, they couldn't keep their eyes off each other. Love's like that. It's one of the few things in life that are worth killing for, wouldn't you say? He'd likely do absolutely anything for her, wouldn't he? How romantic, considering she remains the greatest threat to your throne.
Morgan Rhodes (Frozen Tides)
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winteirsa · 4 years
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MAGNUS     DAMORA      /      STAR     WARS     AU .
magnus    is     the     prince      of     limeros ,   a     kingdom     found     within     the     planet      mytica .       he      rules     under      his      father ,     king     gaius     damora ,     the      king     of     blood ,     and      helps      to     keep       his     sister’s     force     sensitivity     a     secret     from     the      universe .      limeros     has     connections     within     the     first     order ,     and      helps      provide      supplies      and     resources     to      them ,     with     the     intention     of    offering     up     lucia      at     a     high     price     to     help     them     win    the      war     once     her     training    is     compete .       when     luica     runs     away ,     magnus     follows ,     pays    alluria     ( @rebelflight  )   to     take      him      out     of     the     kingdom     and      after     his     sister ,      hoping     that    he     will     be     able    to    find     her     and      bring     her     home .      during     this     time ,     he    has     to    go    undercover  ,     blending     in     as     a     regular     human ,     rather     than    a    prince ,     and       he     does      anything     he      can     in     order     to     find      information     about     his      sisters’      whereabouts .         
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goldenreign · 4 years
things i plan to write up if i ever have more than (1) functioning brain cell:
tsc verse
star wars verse 
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onlyangrybeargram · 3 years
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Tilia cordata (tiglio montano ?) . . #tiglio #tigliomontano #tree #limero #limetree #tenacia #angrybeargram https://www.instagram.com/p/CS3we0yKL8N/?utm_medium=tumblr
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