chainsxwsmile · 3 years
🐶 whispers just if you want to aha ;; i understand if you maybe don't have ideas for him `D`;;
Send “🐶” For a drawing of your muse as my muse’s species!
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Natori might be a filetail catshark (Parmaturus xaniurus); it was the only catshark species with the closest color to Natori!
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soulcluster-moved · 3 years
@linchxpin​​ "plots please" //whispers just if you want, since i know we have quite a few things going atm aha ;; but i've seen you say you prefer plotted threads and tbh i miss having more plotted ones myself fjjifa
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Ahh it’s never too much! I’m glad you sent it in uwu
Ok but I just wanna say that I am very much here for an extended Baron/Natori relationship, however it pans out. Natori should like, spend his retirement at the Cat Bureau, but only if he doesn’t want a peaceful retirement because Muta is there lol but having tea and nice convos with Humbert or maybe even helping out occasionally? yes 
Kiki able to visit the cat kingdom cause she’s a witch and maybe even Jiji knows about it actually! Maybe she gets wrapped up in helping the kingdom because of something related to Jiji
Amalthea tends to stick close to her forest to protect the animals there but she still travels occasionally, post events of the movie/book. it might be easier to interact with shapeshifter Natori in this? Maybe the forest is near the campus? Also being able to tell that each of them are old, magical beings
This like Just sprung to my head but Animal Crossing verse Rocket and he’s the police chief for Plumsong 
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                                                     plots, free plots, get your plots here! >> accepting!!
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a-young-lion · 4 years
[[ Starter for @linchxpin ]]
Serena seemed to have gotten herself lost again into another world. She landed with a small thud in the middle of a grassy fields. She let out a small sneeze as the end of one of the plants touched her nose. “Wait, t-these look like cattails. Wonder h-how far I am from anywhere,” she said to herself. Fog surrounded everywhere, but it was slowly clearing out.
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shxfu · 4 years
Send 🎤 for the muse to sing a song the mun has recently listened to...
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         Singing in public wasn't his kind of thing, but he sighs and prepares to fill the silence with the melody of his velvet voice once again.
❝ Someone's got to take the blame Things will never be the same And it burns as it goes down It burns when it comes back around
What lies and Disguises Can let it go What lies and Disguises Can let it go
This side is Too dark to  Shake this shadow...  ❞
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flossinspector · 4 years
cont. with @linchxpin
She always did like cats. She was a bit more used to big cats, and for a moment she wondered if there were any of those in the cat kingdom. Maybe they had their own arrangement. 
Even as all this went through her mind she kept her eyes open. The wonder of the gorgeous place over taking the woman.
“That is a good one.”  She agreed with mild amusement.  “I’ve found it accurate in my time. Not in a rude way, mind you. Cats have a sense of who they are in a way that’s so rare and admirable. I find it hard that such proud creatures find it easy to kowtow to a single king. Although I suppose that’s admirable in it’s own way too.”
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eternallycharming · 4 years
“Do you have a home?” It's tinged with equal parts hesitation and skepticism, because while the line of questioning strikes Natori is indecently invasive, he's most definitely had what he feels is more than his fair share of mysterious visitors to the kingdom he so dedicates himself to. Twice now he's let himself be complacent, and he's not keen on this other strange cat ending up as the third! //pls lmk if anything needs adjusted! `~`
He gives the other feline a side eyed kind of glance, half sizing him up and half just, curious. He’s used to people telling him to scram but this is something else entirely...what is this.
“Yeah, I do. And I gotta crew too. Why d’ya ask?”
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pxperhearts · 4 years
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“I heard you were in need of assistance.”
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gongmensoothsayer · 4 years
x | @linchxpin
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The most she gave was an affirmative grunt as she settled into her seat. Gods, it felt like the compounds she used for divination had ignited in her throat. She coughed harshly into her fist, tears pricking at her eyes.
Another day, another bit of trouble with the Council. Arguments never got that bad, but emotions were high and someone invoked Thundering Rhino to incite dissent. The old goat may not be able to throw a punch or qi like it was a ball and not an abstract concept, but she was a fighter nonetheless.
“I suppose chili oil makes sense-- at least for colds--” the Soothsayer tapped her the end of her snout. “Good for sinuses.”
Although, depending on the person, the spice is just as likely to flare up sinus and throat problems.
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splittingxpaths · 4 years
❊ ✥ ❦ ✣ ✦ ❆ crawls under a rock bc i hope that's not too many symbols hhhh
{ what you want to tell me } 
❊ I want to roleplay with you
✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great
❦ I sort of secretly ship a thing with your muse(s) 
✣ I like the way you express your muse(s)
✦ I like seeing you on my dash
❆ I love your art
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(*cue gibberish noises!!*
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GOSH, that’s a lot of symbols! But they’re more than welcomed!! (so like, come back out from under the rock, friend--) It might always surprise me that someone likes seeing me come on the dashboard, but I’m glad I can make the day/night a little better just by coming up, I guess!!!
I’m always -- ALWAYS -- flattered that you want to roleplay with me, as well as had enjoyed our threads from before!! And goodness, is there a new ship thing you have in secret, or is it Roh, or??? I’m still always kind of gushing about what we’ve been talking about before with Roh & Taiko, at least whenever I look through threads and they pop back up!
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And I’m genuinely happy to hear that there’s someone that loves my art!! Especially someone like you, Masha! Since I, well, do look up to YOU!!)
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a-personifiedchaosx · 5 years
“ i am who i’m meant to be. ” //pls let me know if this doesn't work! sorry for the wait rip `D`;;
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There’s a small hint of envy in his voice, the smallest smile fluttering over his face before it melts away just as rapidly. To be able to say something like that with such conviction… and to be sure that you were right in who you were and what you were meant to be doing here: Jack longed to be able to relate to something so seemingly simple.
He releases a long breath through his nose, lips pursed together as a look crossed over his face before smoothing the faint lines of distress from his expression before looking back up; hoping his lighter expression was at least somewhat believable. “Still– sounds a bit boring that all you do is hang around and hand out bits of advice when asked. Kinda like a fortune cookie.”
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chainsxwsmile · 4 years
“Oh–” A plaintive, embarrassingly young noise leaves him when he’s first the unfortunate target of a relatively large raindrop. It splashes right on the tip of his nose, and for a moment he’s downright indignant at the accuracy. It’s only the occurrence of a second and third drop, and then countless more, that stirs him into action, scampering into a nearby culvert to save himself.
Yet, even that quick thinking isn’t enough to fully protect him– at least the bottom half of his robe is muddied and soaked, and he sits for a moment to resign himself to wringing it out.
“…now, really…” Murmured under his breath. Of course, he’d been aware it had been raining at some point before his arrival; the puddles and wet earth and asphalt had made sure of that. But it didn’t rain in the Cat Kingdom, which left him perhaps unusually uneducated on its patterns on Earth.
It’s as he’s forlornly attempting to brush some of the dirt and mud off himself that he hears something echo across the walls surrounding him, the clatter of a distant stone or other refuse, and for the first time seems to realize just what kind of structure he’s taken refuge under. It’s hazy, immensely so, but he has distant recollections of Grandmama recounting stories of monsters living under bridges to him and his sisters.
But a culvert hardly counts as ‘under a bridge’, does it?
…Does it?
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Debating furiously to himself over the few options open to him, he finally calls out, “I-Is there someone there..?”
The other end of the concrete structure is shrouded in darkness, but even an old cat’s eyes are better than your everyday average human. He’s not alone.
Here amid a small town, Bruce had thought he found a decent place to slumber, falling asleep to the pitter-patter of raindrops on cement and metal pipe. One couldn’t really listen to rain in the ocean. Not like on land. And he had thought the culvert a wonderful place to do so.
At least, until Bruce caught an unfamiliar scent. His head jolted up from his crossed webbed claws, and his beady blue eyes fastened on the figure silhouetted by the opening of the decrepit underpass. Or was this simply a massive drainpipe? Bruce wasn’t sure, but his attention was more closely locked on the stranger than his current surroundings.
The Cetus sniffed the air, rising from the ground and jostling loose a few stones underfoot. It smelled feline, much like the strays wandering around the harbor fish markets and boatyards. Though… it stood bipedal and dressed in some sort of clothing.
At the stranger’s question, Bruce gave out a hesitant ‘hmm’, although his bassal voice and surrounding acoustics amplified the thoughtful hum to a rumbling growl. “Well now, li’l morsel, that would depend on who’s askin’,” the darkness bellowed back. “Why don’t ye come in a little closer, eh? Can’t make out much of you ‘gainst the light.”
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soulcluster-moved · 3 years
@linchxpin​  💛 // whispers i know on baron's page it says shipping is unlikely to happen and i can totally respect that (their interactions are a lot of fun no matter where it ultimately leads), but i am curious about your thoughts in any case :o
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it’s hard for me to tell with baron, cause he has a lot of extraneous factors going on lol mostly related to being a statue with a soul and though he comes off super cool (I mean he is super cool tho) I like the idea that he’s still exploring and learning what feelings are and how relationships work
I know you asked before about baroness and while he is looking for her, tbh I don’t default ship them. I kind of think of them, at least, just being platonic soul mates due to the way they were crafted together. but as for actual romantic feelings and who he ends up with? it more comes down to development with him
I think I could see something possibly happening with them because they seem to vibe really well from our interactions and I really enjoy them. I’m much more of a plot-based rper so I think if we were both interested in exploring that angle, it’d do me way better to actually talk about it and throw some ideas around to see if things click in that direction (and I mean, aesthetically, they cute)
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                                     send a 💛 for my opinion / thoughts on our muses as a ship!
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wuqvi · 5 years
x | @linchxpin
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“What he doesn’t know won’t kill him,” he said, smile a little too cordial for what he was saying. “And if he does know, well... you seem smart-- I’m sure you can connect the dots, yes?”
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rebirthxguardian · 5 years
linchxpin replied to your photo “[I feel so much better!]”
whispers i loved that movie so much when i was a kid jfjieiriujh
[Titan A.E. was so. underrated and it makes me sad?? It is a really great movie, and I’ve loved all the characters]
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thechildlikeangel · 5 years
a pensive hum. "i wasn't aware humans came in blue."
She makes an amused noise.
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“Humans, specifically, no.” She hums in thought. “At least not on this planet. For what I know about here, they usually come in a range of colors from black, passing through various shades of brown, to white.” She states this like she’d read about it on an encyclopedia.
“But as you could guess from my words, I am not exactly human. And you? You are not human, either. What are you, then?”
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creatxn · 5 years
quietly nudges this here if you want ;; but i know they have yet to interact ♡
send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship, italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance / pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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