#lindenau museum altenburg
garadinervi · 2 years
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Markus Raetz, Gerhard-Altenbourg-Preis, Lindenau-Museum Altenburg, November 21, 2004 – February 20, 2005 [Museum für Gestaltung Zürich]
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weimarhaus · 6 months
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Conrad Felixmüller, The poet Walter Rheiner reads in the studio, 1927, Lindenau Museum Altenburg.
The graphic "The poet Walter Rheiner reads in the studio" shows Felixmüller's beloved friend at a meeting in the artist's studio. Felixmüller himself turns to Rheiner; he holds a pen or brush and a sketchbook in his hands - utensils that distinguish him as an artist. At the bottom left of the picture, a smoking woman turns towards the viewer or other people present in the room. The window in the studio is tilted at an angle, the moon hangs in the sky behind it; it is night in the big city. Felixmüller met Rheiner for the first time in 1916 in a small bookstore in Dresden. At that time, Rheiner was a commercial employee in Leipzig. The seller in the shop is Felix Stiemer (1896-1945). From this encounter onwards, the three of them became close friends. Felixmüller illustrated what Rheiner wrote as a poet, and Stiemer printed and published it. Together they founded the magazine “People”
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k00299567 · 10 months
Memmi lippo
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Italian painter. He was the son of Memmo di Filippuccio, the brother of Tederigho (also spelt Federigo) Memmi and, after 1324, brother-in-law of Simone and Donato Martini, all of whom were painters. He is known through signed works, documentary references and early secondary sources.
In 1317 he signed and dated a frescoed Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints ('Maestà') in the Palazzo del Popolo, San Gimignano. Commissioned by the podestà, Nello di Mino de' Tolomei of Siena, the work is an adaptation of Simone Martini's fresco of the Maestà in the Sala del Mappamondo of the Palazzo Pubblico, Siena. A diptych of the Virgin and Child and St John the Baptist, originally in Pisa (Staatliche Museen, Berlin and private collection), is signed and dated 1333. In the same year Lippo and Simone Martini signed and dated the altarpiece of the Annunciation (Florence, Uffizi), originally from the altar of St Ansanus in Siena Cathedral. The precise nature and extent of Lippo's participation in this work are disputed by scholars.
A fragmentary fresco of the Virgin and Child Enthroned with SS Peter and Paul and Two Angels (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena) from the cloister of S Domenico, Siena, once bore a signature and, perhaps, a partial date of MCCCL.... In Santa Maria dei Servi, Siena, there is a signed but undated half-length Virgin and Child. A Virgin and Child Enthroned (Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg) carries what is apparently an original inscription (LIPPUS MEMMI DE SENIS ME PINXIT). A Madonna of Mercy in Orvieto Cathedral is signed LIPPUS DE SENA, but there is much disagreement over attempts to identify this artist with Lippo Memmi.
He was not an innovator, but an indication of the high quality of his work is that several paintings are disputed between him and Simone. Like Simone, Memmi worked at the papal court at Avignon.
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dzismis · 1 year
Alma quartet records all of Schulhoffs strings quartets. And how
Basia Jaworska Woodcut by Conrad Felixmüller of the composer Erwin Schulhoff, Prague 1924. Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg, VG Bild-Kunst Of all the composers covered by the term ‘Entarte music’, Erwin Schulhoff is the most complex.Contrary to what various anthologies tell us, Schulhoff was never in Theresienstadt. Nor was he murdered in Auschwitz. The hybrid Czech composer who did not fit into any…
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nunc2020 · 2 years
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meisterdrucke · 3 years
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The Annunciation and Christ suffering, c.1351-75 (tempera on wood) by Allegretto Nuzi tempera on wood Lindenau Museum, Altenburg, Germany
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galleriaartethule · 3 years
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Franz Stassen
Das Sonnenpaar
1920 c.
Oil on wood, 120 × 120cm. Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum
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benkaden · 3 years
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Fritz Cremer (geb. 1906) Entwurf zur "Mutter Erde", 1950 Bronze, 53 cm hoch
Besitz: Staatliuches Lindenau-Museum Altenburg
Leipzig: E.A. Seemann, Bild- und Kunstverlag, Leipzig (III/18/6 350/265-300/59
Foto: Archiv Staatl. Lindenau-Museum Altenburg
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akonoadham · 3 years
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Lorenzo Monaco, The Flight into Egypt, 1405-1410, Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg, Germany.
Image from the 1400's Showing Mary and Baby Jesus in an OLD Church in Germany.
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ars-videndi · 5 years
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Lorenzo Monaco (born Piero di Giovanni; Siena c. 1370 - 1425 Florence), Christ on the Cross, with Sts  Francis, Benedict of Nursia and Romuald, 1405-07, tempera on wood, 57 x 42 cm. Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg
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garadinervi · 2 years
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herman de vries – all all all. Werke 1957–2019. Gerhard-Altenbourg-Preis 2019, Compiled by Laura Rosengarten, Edited by Roland Krischke and Lindenau-Museum Altenburg, Texts by Roland Krischke, Anne Moeglin-Delcroix, Laura Rosengarten, Maren Wienigk, Deutscher Kunstverlag, Berlin, 2019 [Exhibition: Lindenau-Museum Altenburg, October 13, 2019 – January 1, 2020]
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weimarhaus · 6 months
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Conrad Felixmüller, Mäcen (in memory of Heinrich Kirchhoff), 1920, Lindenau Museum Altenburg.
Kirchhoff (1874–1934) was an art collector. The Expressionists were at the heart of Kirchhoff’s collection. During World War I, Kirchhoff had already begun to collect color intensive and technically expressive paintings. He searched for contemporaneous exemplary works that specifically captured the multi-faceted nature of Expressionism. Kirchhoff endeavored to invite the artists of these works to Wiesbaden and, furthermore, to understand their art through personal conversation. Each artist stood for his own artistic position, thereby bringing a diversity of intellectual and stylistic trends that reflected a comprehensive overview of German Expressionism.
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solitaryfossil · 4 years
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Carl Georg Anton Graeb German painter (b. 1816, Berlin, d. 1884, Berlin) View of Athens, 1853 Oil on canvas. Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg
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Enthroned Madonna with Child, c.1340 Lippo Memmi Tempera auf Pappelholz Lindenau Museum, Altenburg, Germany
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kulturell · 3 years
Denkmalschutz - ein Schrecken für private Bauherrn und Immobilienbesitzer. Nichts darf geändert werden ohne Zustimmung des Denkmalschutzes. Und der ist mehr als kleinlich. Anders aber wohl bei öffentlichen Bauten: Der Denmalschutz kuscht - auf Weisung von oben ? Peinlich wird dies, wenmn der radikale Eingriff gar ein Museum trifft, soll doch ein Museum den Blick auch auf Verganes eröffnen. Gut, dass nun die Bürgeschaft aktiv wird. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass sie sich gegen das mkostspielige Objekt (€ 48 Mio.) durchsetzt, welches keinen Sinn macht und zudem ein Prunkstück vergangener Zeit vernichtet. 
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akosnovaky · 4 years
Akos Novaky
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1951 geboren in Sopron/Ungarn
1969 Abitur am Gymnasium für Bildende und Angewandte Kunst, Budapest
1971 bis 1976 Studium an der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig,
Fachrichtung Buchkunst bei Prof. Irmgard Horlbeck-Kappler
1976 Diplom
2022 gestorben in Leipzig
1984 Galerie Süd, Leipzig
1985 Galerie Eigen + Art, Leipzig
1986 Galerie Rampold, Berlin West
1986 Galerie Theaterpassage, Leipzig
1988 Galerie Wort & Werk, Leipzig
1989 Galerie Vigadó, Budapest
1992 „Erdhimmel“, Museum der Bildenden Künste, Leipzig
1993 Galerie Axiom (mit Rolf Faber), Köln
1993 Galerie Adlergasse, Dresden
1993 Galerie am Sachsenplatz, Leipzig
1993 Bergkirche, Worms-Horchheim
1994 Galerie ArtCo, Leipzig
1995 Galerie ArtCo, Leipzig
1995 Dresdner Bank, Leipzig
1997 Büthner, Altes Rathaus, Leipzig
1997 Regierungspräsidium, Leipzig
1999 Galerie im Hörsaalbau, Universität Leipzig
2000 Galerie Leipziger Hof, Leipzig
2002 Galerie FerRho 18, Leipzig
2004 Lindenau Museum, Altenburg
2006 Neue Sächsiche Galerie, Chemnitz
2007 Galerie Vorortost, Leipzig
2007 Galerie Baumann, Leipzig
2011 Galerie am Sachsenplatz, Leipzig
2012 Alte Feuerwache Loschwitz, Dresden
2012 Galerie Hoch+Partner, Leipzig
Malerei aus vier Jahrzehnten
Neue Sächsische Galerie, Chemnitz
6. Dezember 2016 bis 5. Februar 2017
Zahlreiche Ausstellungsbeteiligungen im In- und Ausland.
Werke in: Museum der Bildenden Künste Leipzig, Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig, Grassimuseum Leipzig, Kunstsammlung der Sparkasse Leipzig, Lindenaumuseum Altenburg, Kupferstichkabinett Dresden, Sammlung Neue Sächsiche Galerie Chemnitz, sowie in zahlreichen Privatsammlungen
Preisträger: Leipziger Jahresausstellung, 100 Sächsische Grafiken
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Akos Novaky: "Bilder"
1999, 44 Seiten
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