#linked sheets loz dnd thing
twixtandshout · 1 year
@sparkingoverload So! Wild’s DnD sheet. :3c
I’ve statted him as a modified half-elf variant. I went with Eladrin first, because seasonal Even More Fey elf felt right – I love the idea of him having leafy ear-tips and other planty offshoots that change with the seasons, but being stuck in the castle and Zelda’s royal retinue and court year-round, maybe trimming those bits so as to fit in uniform or else just quietly wilting/molding because the environment really isn’t hospitable for his wildness – but he really didn’t need to be able to teleport in a rush of flame whenever he feels like it when I’m already lining things up to give him a more reasonable teleportation option. I gave him the basic Eladrin suite besides that, Aquan language proficiency thanks to growing up in Zora’s Domain, and then stole the half-elf’s extra skill proficiencies instead of teleportation. (He also knows Goblin and Celestial.)
Choosing backgrounds was a little fun because of the whole amnesia thing. Assuming this was post-Shrine, I went with the folk hero background, which gives him animal handling and survival proficiencies, land vehicle proficiencies, and a tool. I chose chef’s tools, which went well with the iron pot the background starts you off with! Also the various cooking-related feats I gave him, which I’ll get to later. The main trait the background gives him is rustic hospitality, meaning he blends in easily with common people and is generally well-liked, enough for them to do things for him if it won’t put them in harm’s way. (That’s a trait he shares with Twilight!) I didn’t make a tenth sheet for pre-Calamity Wild, but if I were gonna I’d probably go with some unholy amalgamation of the soldier and knight backgrounds.
Equipment-wise, I’ve given him twice-enhanced leather armor (thanks Great Fairies), manymany weapons, and a very kludged Slate, complete with runes. It’s very OP, but then again, he is level 20, and it’s a one-of-a-kind item that serves as system ID. It would be fairly easy for a concerned GM to have a Yiga or whatever steal it and let there be Consequences tm.
Despite the amnesia, I’ve decided that he retained a couple levels in the fighter class. Haven’t made any decisions about which levels came before and which came after, but either way, he’s got five levels as a Champion-class fighter, which is just enough to give him an improved crit threshold, an extra attack per turn, one-time HP regen, and bonuses for fighting with archery. The rest of his levels are, as mentioned, in fey wanderer ranger. He can deal extra damage to an enemy he marks in a fight, sense the location(s) of magical creatures within a mile, travel easily even through difficult terrain, melt into nature to become magically invisible for a turn, and reroll low damage rolls when he attacks with two-handed weapons. Thanks to his fey associations, he not only has advantage on charm/fear saves (and a bonus to any charisma check!) but can reflect the triggering charm/fear effect back on the caster. He can also deal extra psychic damage on practically every attack, and can’t be tracked except through magic unless he wants to be.
Cool spells:
On/Off (cantrip): Turns electronic devices on or off at a range of 60′.
Sudden Awakening: I love giving this to him, Legend, and Time, lol. None of them are gonna get caught in comas again if they can help it!!
Goodberry: Create a handful of magic berries. Goes well in cooking – well, presumably; I’m not sure there are any rules for how adding magic hp+ berries to hp+ cooking works, but it’s nice thematically at least.
Alarm: Good for setting up perimeters around camp! And for avoiding getting a Yiga surprise.
Summon Vehicle: Master Cycle, go! Plays very nicely with that land vehicle proficiency from his background.
Conjure Barrage: Technically you’re supposed to throw(??) a piece of ammunition to create a barrage of it that rains down on your target, but I think it’s way cooler to draw back one arrow and fire a whole 60′ cone. Being sick as hell is really the only reason I need for this one, but it also kinda maps to his whole air-archery thing.
Freedom of Movement: The toad cannot be contained. This would let him basically clip out of any restraint, including shackles. I can totally see the Yiga taking him and some of the others hostage and locking them up in a dungeon somewhere except. oops.
Summon Beast: Technically he shouldn’t get this one but I say it’s okay because it only summons Twilight.
Misty Step: Comes from the fey wanderer subclass. Twice per day, he can teleport <30′ for free, and as a bonus he can bring one other willing person with him! Tell me you can’t see him and Hyrule sneaking off like this.
The Observant feat gives him lipreading proficiency and bonuses to passive investigation/perception, and the Stealthy feat not only gives him stealth expertise but also the ability to openly move up to 10′ without being spotted so long as he ends the turn under cover. Excepting an ability score increase to Wisdom, his last two feats concern food and health recovery! The Chef feat lets him cook for the party during short rests to give everyone HP-replenishing food, and the Remarkable Recovery feat means he gets extra HP any time he regains any and bounces back easily from the brink of death.
I’ve given him the Boon of Peerless Aim, which lets him basically auto-hit one shot per short rest, and gave him the Champions’ gifts as spells (one cast per day free) instead of a blessing. He’s also got homebrew mechanics for ADHD, autism, scarring, chronic pain, and PTSD.
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twixtandshout · 1 year
Alright, so I hear you have link dnd sheets for crossovers?! What’s this about Wild being “magically delicious”?! Does Time get language proficiencies from his party? (or did i misinterpret that?)So many questions! (must admit, Wild is my favorite…) So please will you elaborate? please?
:D I will absolutely elaborate. Thank you for giving me the opportunity!
Re: Time's language proficiencies: Time knows six and a half and two halves languages. Now, what languages those work out to is a little muddled by virtue of these sheets existing as sheets in-and-of themselves, in the absence of any campaign or setting; without knowing the precise balance of LoZ to DnD content, I've got no way to tell if everyone's speaking Hyrulean or Common. Just to make things easier on myself I've gone with DnD-standard languages for the most part, though I've tried to tie them back to things that make sense in an LoZ context if you squint through one eye and pretend for a while. Since I've put him down as a Firbolg (forest giant), he knows Common, Elvish, and Giant, and because he's got the Feylost background thanks to being Kokiri, he also knows Sylvan, the language of the fey. (Being a Firbolg also allows him to speak to plants and animals; they can understand him but he can't understand them. So that's the first half-language.) I've classed him as a College of Glamour bard/clockwork origin* sorcerer (*with some homebrew edits)/fey wanderer ranger, and while the first two don't give him any extra language proficiencies, the ranger class comes with an option to have learned a language spoken by a favored enemy of yours.
(Technically I didn't give Time the option that does that, but I figure he grew up close enough to Skull Kids to fudge knowing that even if he didn't necessarily learn from Tatl or Skull Kid, and having an extra language or two isn't going to make or break anything. Which, speaking of, I also gave him Druidic, the secret coded wild language of the druids, because if Anyone is gonna know that despite not being a druid it's gonna be the guy who was raised by a Great Tree.)
The two remaining half-languages are Abyssal and Celestial, which I've decided he's half-inherited thanks to being Fierce Deity's vessel. :3 (Fierce Deity being a hc'd – alternate? – version of Sky, hence this part's inclusion in the "cool interactions between Sky's godpowers and the Chain" section of my comment.) He doesn't actually know them, but if he takes disadvantage on his next roll from the ensuing migraine, he can borrow them for a little while. :33
Re: Wild being magically delicious: it's not a mechanical thing or anything, lol, just a little note I left on his sheet in case it would influence any (theoretical) play. This guy's tripping over gods left and right, and they all adore him! He also gets some fey traits by virtue of being a(nother) fey wanderer ranger, and I've decided that means he has a Snow White effect that draws wild animals to him and makes them more comfortable in his presence. (He also frequently wakes up with seasonal flowers in his hair. 💞 ) Combined, that basically means his aura/magic signature/whatever is Very Tasty and powerful beings like to say hi and pinch his cheeks.
I'd like to think that if Sky did fail a couple madness saves in godmode, Time would get taken out by a nasty headache, everyone flips out, Wars freaks and moves to cover Time in preparation for getting Absolutely Wrecked (he's got a healthy respect for FD thanks to Time's performance in the War of Ages)... and then FD catches sight of Wild and drags him into an impromptu cat nest while Wind rolls his sleeves up and goes to argue him into giving Sky back without frying everyone.
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