#lion genome
hellsitegenetics · 8 months
alright, if I was an animal, what animal d’you think I would be. SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY.
A rooster. A rat. A... a rat. A rat, a rat. You’d be a rat. Jerma, you’re a rat. you’d be a rat... I think you’d be a rat.
(Gayly) I think I’d be a wolf. I think so too... I would be a wolf-lion-hybrid-mix. King of the junjle- junjle but still social, and with it and ferocious
String identified:
agt, a a aa, at aa ’ t . A .
A t. A at. A… a at. A at, a at. ’ a at. a, ’ a at. ’ a at… t ’ a at.
(Ga) t ’ a . t t… a ---. g t - t t ca, a t t a c
Closest match: Schistosoma margrebowiei genome assembly, chromosome: 3 Common name: Blood-fluke
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odekiisu · 1 year
Vulcan Eyebrow Pointiness is governed by gene(s) in an imprinted region of the genome.
Imprinted genes are expressed differently depending on which parent they're inherited from; either the maternal or paternal copy of the gene is suppressed. On Earth, this can be seen in some human genetic disorders such as Prader-Willi/Angelmann syndrome (both caused by a large deletion on chromosome 15; which one presents is dependent on which parent the mutation is inherited from).
Another case where genomic imprinting causes noticeable differences in phenotype are lion/tiger hybrids. They have the same complement of genes, being 50% lion and 50% tiger, but ligers (male lion/female tiger) are absolutely heckin massive, being larger than both parent species and the largest feline in the world, and are lighter in base colour (more the colour of a lion than a tiger).
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Fig. 1: Liger
Tigons (male tiger/female lion) on the other hand are about the size of a tiger and more tigery orange in colouration. This is because of growth-suppressing genes that are active when inherited from a female lion, but not when inherited from a male one, and corresponding growth-promoting genes that are only active when inherited from a male. Female tigers do not have the required growth-suppressing genes to counteract the latter, so ligers get huge, but tigons don't.
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Fig. 2: Tigon. Note that both are stripey.
In the case of Vulcans, the maternal copy of at least one gene that governs eyebrow pointiness is suppressed, whereas the paternal one is active. Behold:
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Fig. 3: Spock, half-Vulcan with a Vulcan father, has pointy ears and pointy eyebrows (obvious usage of eyebrow liner notwithstanding).
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Fig. 4: Lorian, half-Vulcan with a Vulcan mother, still has pointy ears but round eyebrows.
As you can see, the eyebrow pointiness phenotype differs depending on which parent it is inherited from, whereas the ear pointiness phenotype appears to be dominant, much like stripeyness.
tl;dr: Spock is a liger and Lorian is a tigon.
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electricsynthesis · 4 months
so it’s a safe assumption that alteans are humanoid bipedals that range from about 5’-6’ feet tall in adulthood. they have rudimentary shapeshifting that we have only seen used to change: height, skin color and ear shape. supposedly this is to make them better able to “blend in” with local populations but evolutionarily it was probably— whatever. That isn’t what this post is about. Alteans look like humans
we know that the blue lion was sent to earth 10,000~ years ago. presumably alfor sent it there. (Because the show sucks, I cannot say this for sure as I don’t remember this ever being exposited very effectively.) i can’t imagine alfor himself brought it there. We are unaware if her paladin was involved in this endeavor. But it can be assumed that some alteans aided in the process of it being moved. so we can reasonably assume that there were alteans on earth 10,000 years ago.
we know that the local populations of the Vague Unspecific Southern US Desert 10,000 years ago were aware of the blue lion. not to mention there is some either technological or mystical shit going on in those caves, either one implying altean influence. the cave carvings (human art) light up mystically (presumably from altean quintessence magic idk). so if there were alteans manning the blue lion being dropped off, it is also reasonable to assume that the humans interacted with the alteans.
so here I pose a question to you: if you were aware that a fascistic government was attempting to systematically kill your species + planet, and you were aware that your government was expecting the fascists’ success so much that it, instead of using your godlike weapon of war, instead chose to hide said godlike weapon of war on some backwater planet in the middle of nowhere. And you were sent to go be the one to hide it. Would you go home. Or would you stay on the primitive but safe backwater planet. maybe even hang out with the godlike weapon of war. make cave paintings of it. Chill with the locals.
I’m saying that theres altean dna mixed somewhere in the cocktail of the human genome in prehistory. I am saying humans are evolutionarily descended in some small way from alteans. Homo erectus more like homo alteanus I don’t know there’s no punchline here
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I'm curious on your take on the Ratman and ratlings' relationship with animals. Do you think they'd keep any and risk becoming attached? I feel this would outwardly effect Jack the most considering his love for all the weird shit they got in Australia but I think Arthur is also the type to be really hurt by the loss of a pet. But in a dad way. Like he'll begrudgingly take in the fucking cat one of his kids brings to his home out of the rain and the animal ends up being his partner in crime. He's stone-faced when it passes away and it takes a while for the pain to subside but he doesn't let it show for even a second. I don't imagine Matthew could handle the mental load of losing a beloved pet. Alfred is too fucking busy to properly care for one. Zee probably has a few birds whose babies she cares for for generations maybe a kiwi lol
TW for pet death
Alfred has had horses his entire life. He's got a ranch in his name somewhere where the descendants of the pair of horses, Liberty and Justice, that Matt gave him during the Civil War live. Justice got shot out from under him in 1864 but he went full Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie, dropped dead of idk, the shits and when he was feeling better Liberty was getting her hump on with a local stallion so he just made a ranch there and their descendants still fuck amongst the grasses or however the prairies work. Liberty is immortal because fuck I already killed one horse this post and I'm already emotional.
Matt... He just kept trying. Nations have semi immortal pets. All he wanted was a goddamn friend. François gave him a lap dog when he was little. It died in its first Canadian winter as was often the fate of anything smaller than a terrier. He tried a newfie. It drowned. Finally, around the 1780s he had a little black and white working dog he named Sel et Poivre who lasted a decade. But eventually he got ripped up by a wolverine and Matt was damned to eternal loneliness until Arthur had mercy on him and got attached enough to the wee fat house lion he named Flufferton he didn't die. Matt's best friend for awhile and favourite heat source at his father's. Cue 1980 with Canada finally getting it's full independence and Jan dropping him like a hot rock and Alfred got him a Samoyed puppy in the aftermath. I've called this dog Kuma, Bud and Buckwheat before. The neighbor backs over him by accident! and Matt low-key has the worst mental breakdown of his life like he's 20 seconds from getting the axe and ending up in grippy sock jail. Then the pupper pops up licks him and Matt has the happiest sob fest for like a solid week. Finally! Immortal pupper. No more perishing.
Jack is a fun example because he's very in tune with the circle of lire and his favourite pet was a tortoise named Harriet he's had on and off since 1830 when she died in 2006. So when she finally died of natural causes he was absolutely fucking devastated. Didn't get out of bed for a week after the funeral, cried his eyes out every time he saw a turtle or tortoise for years. She was his baby since he was a baby. Closest thing to losing a childhood dog a nation can express. He had plenty of snakes and spiders and dogs that passed on and they made him sad but oh Harriet 😭.
Zee has a budgie named Pavlova that Jack got her when she finally dropped the family name. Just so she can say she owns Pavlova. It spent a week with Uncle Matt during hockey season and went back to Mum telling everyone, "Give your balls a tug, tit fucker" and making nondescript sobbing sounds. And the singular devotion with which New Zealand intervenes in its bird's well-being? Oh yeah, they're her children. Entire genomes of Kiwi-birds and Kakapo and Kea. She personally hunts rats that threaten their population like it's 1916, flashlight between her teeth, knife in one hand, Arthur sweating like mad somewhere. Bird watching is something she and the old man have in common so he probably does jokingly call them her grandchildren. Zee gets beat in the shin by a screaming kiwi-bird, and he just picks it up like, "Now that's no way to treat your mother, lad! Mind your manners." Before it toddles off and any on-looker is just pure, what the fuck.
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wondrous-art · 10 months
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Bug Sandman for my Spidersona AU. He's a Ant Lion, who are known for making burrow traps when they are nymphs to catch ants. Interesting note about that, nymph means they are usually young, so Flint Marko is a 10 year old boy in this. Though, he is often spotted disguising himself as an adult, human man. He's a much more childish, creative, and emotionally immature version of his adult counterpart.
So more lore. Age when it comes to the bug villains is sketchy. They are clones essentially, mutating with the DNA of a human counterpart. The Arthropod Genome Project allows subjects memories to be fully transferred into the clones, making them believe they are the same people. Flint's mind was accidently transferred into a much younger body, and his brain was not large enough to process his adult mind, so despite recalling being an adult, he regresses maturity wise. He shows no interest in returning to his old life, as he enjoys the freedom of being able to essentially relive his childhood; which Flint's was not a happy one.
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werbitssft · 5 months
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there is no bad breed in nature,
but this is a super genome:
wonderful doggie,
massive look,
stable sense of smell,
sports step,
this is a lion tiger,
tiger lion,
wo-lf-hound - the area is in fear!
wo-lf-hound- is just a dog-like beast!
wo-lf-hound - area keeps in fear!
wo-lf-hound is just a dog-like beast!
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drogba-prospect · 2 days
FC San Pédro - Wikipedia
Port-Tuxôn, Bas-Sassandra, Côte d'Ivoire Chargé d'affaires Representation for Ballon d'Or and World Cup Sleeve with Front Office Retirement
In diplomacy, a chargé d'affaires is a diplomat responsible for fulfilling the functions of an ambassador (or other head of diplomatic mission) in the absence or unavailability of the latter as well as between the departure of a holder and the arrival of his successor. When two countries do not maintain official diplomatic relations, in the event of their breakdown or lack of recognition, each of them may designate a chargé d'affaires who sits in the representation of a third country to carry out this function. (Blue Economy, Metallurgy Purchasing Matrix Rural Area, Waterfront Sports Real Estate, Intrinsic Value, County Line Trafficking, Primate City, and Knockout Stage)
Opportunity Cost Lipstick Effect (Supply Side Economics, Rural Area Economics, and Raw Materials-Holding Company)
YAHWISM Plantation Religions
Leo-Aquarius Planetary Intelligence
Flows/Possession Total Football
Seigneurial System
Trade School Athletics
Church Enterprise (School, Tournaments, Grocery Stores, Real Estate and Trade School)
Sports Stadium Gentrification
Jersey Sales
Gambler’s Diplomacy (Trixies Analytics Playing Style)
Hedonistic Era (Chase of Intrinsic Value)
Retirement and What Is the Front Office in the Sports Industry? The front offices employ many sports industry professionals from the owners of the teams and general managers to ticket sales offices, public relations, sales, and marketing.
Group for World Cup Friendly: Copa America Argentina & Canada; Euros Germany and Italy; Afcon Nigeria Côte d'Ivoire
Côte d'Ivoire Transfermarket/Knockout Stage Intrinsic Value Jump: Men's and U20 Gold AFCON, Best Young Player at AFCON, and Kimberley Process Rural Area Economics, FIFA FC Streaming; Having a certain National Team Transfermarket leads to Tournament Pleasure, Sportsbook Pleasure, FIFA Ranking Pleasure
To increase Intrinsic Value of Blue Economy and County Line Trafficking let's put all franchises by Waterfront or Business Sectors in Côte d'Ivoire Ligue 1
Computer Aided Scouting Method
Picker -- emphasizes a player's one weakness to the neglect of all strengths
Projector -- envisions what a player will be able to do in two or three years.
The key to identifying a prospect was to focus on the player's body control and footwork
Computer-aided scouting began as a means for scouts and managers to log mass amounts of player and team information compiled from box scores, stat-sheets and personalized specific information pertaining to players and teams. This information was interpreted through mathematical formulas created from research studies of each sport. Once this information was tabulated, team personnel begin to implement these results into the game. After early positive results, many professional teams adopted mathematical tools for player and game management.
Physique Endurance Cycling (MAS) and Isometric Plyometric Jump Rope (VO2 max) with Landmine Complex; Lion Heart DNA (Muscle Fibers and Walking Mechanics)
18U Stylistic Biomechanics with Skill Drills and Scrimmage. 12U fundamentals and practice.
Côte d'Ivoire 3-5-2 or 3-7-0 Vertical
Back 3, 5; (False 10 and Inverted Winger Striker) Triangle Midfield, and 2; False 9 Center Forward
Sideline to Sideline Vertical Formation: 3 Triangle Midfield, 7 Box Formation
Sprint dribbling: Invisible 4, Crescent Moon Pull Back, and Dorsiflexion
Genome Editing: TYRP1, ACTN3, FBN1 gene, ACE Gene, XYY Prenatal Hormones with Fetus Alcohol Consumption for Sensory Overload Asperger's, Expansive Mood with Disinhibition Impulsive Borderline
A notable connection exists between VO2max and MAS, encapsulated by the “Léger formula”: VO2max = MAS x Cr, where Cr represents the energy cost or running economy, measured in mL/kg/km. This energy cost differs among runners, with a commonly accepted average value being 210 mL/kg/km. This leads to the equation VO2max = 3.5 x MAS. A lower running economy (energy cost) implies that a runner expends less energy and is more efficient. Elite Kenyan and Ethiopian runners, for example, often exhibit a running economy around 180 mL/kg/km (equivalent to a coefficient of 3). In this context, VO2max can be seen as the runner’s ‘engine’. In contrast, MAS reflects the engine’s efficiency, influenced by factors like posture, relaxation, stride quality, and muscle quality. The formula VO2max = 3.5 x MAS is, however, a theoretical estimate.
Hamstring Activation Cycling
Intramuscular EMG was used to verify muscle activation during cycling. The activation pattern of deep muscles (Vint and BFS) could, therefore, be described and compared to that of the more superficial muscles. The complex coordination of quadriceps and hamstring muscles during cycling was described in detail.
Maximal aerobic speed (MAS) is simply the lowest running speed at which maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) occurs, and is typically referred to as the velocity at VO2 max (vVO2 max). MAS was developed for the purpose of increasing the specificity of training and to enable coaches to monitor training loads more accurately.
Lengthy Landmine Complex
Although typically used for simple core and functional-type movements, the landmine is actually an amazingly versatile tool that can be used as a primary exercise for many muscle groups:
Side Facing Clean to Single Arm Press
Front Squat To Press
Single Arm Drop Lunge Squat
Squeeze Press
Lateral Squat Jumps
Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive
Sumo 1/2 Rep Squat Jumps
Single Arm Fall Out Push Ups
Sit Up To Press
1-2 minute rest between rounds if you perform multiple rounds
Circuit training has been shown to have greater effects on the magnitude and duration of EPOC than traditional forms of strength training.[8] All told, you can burn hundreds and hundreds of calories in a properly-executed circuit training workout.
The multi-stage fitness test (MSFT), also known as the beep test, bleep test, PACER test (progressive aerobic cardiovascular endurance run), or the 20m shuttle run test, is a running test used to estimate an athlete's aerobic capacity (VO2 max).
Bariatric surgery (or metabolic surgery or weight loss surgery) is a medical term for surgical procedures used to manage obesity and obesity-related conditions.[1][2] Long term weight loss with bariatric surgery may be achieved through alteration of gut hormones, physical reduction of stomach size, reduction of nutrient absorption, or a combination of these.[2][3] Standard of care procedures include Roux en-Y bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, from which weight loss is largely achieved by altering gut hormone levels responsible for hunger and satiety, leading to a new hormonal weight set point.[3] Bariatric surgery of various types may influence hedonic hunger[31][32][33] particularly if accompanied by counseling interventions that reduce automatic hedonic impulses.[34] These surgeries may work in part by modifying the production of gastrointestinal hormones, particularly by increasing glucagon-like peptide-1 and peptide YY (PYY);[31][35] reduction of ghrelin has been inconsistent.[31]
Counter Pressing Progressive HULU False 9
Skills: Attack, Power*, Movement*, Skill*, Mental*, Defence*
A false 9, similar to a more advanced attacking midfielder/playmaker role, is an unconventional lone striker or centre-forward, who drops deep into midfield. The purpose of this is that it creates a problem for opposing centre-backs who can either follow the false 9, leaving space behind them for onrushing midfielders, forwards or wingers to exploit, or leaving the false 9 to have time and space to dribble or pick out a pass.
Deep Completions: Deep Completions represent successful passes made within 20 meters of the opposition goal. It indicates a player’s ability to execute accurate and incisive passes in dangerous areas.
12. Carry%: Carry% signifies the percentage of a player’s carries (running with the ball) that were successful. It measures their effectiveness in maintaining ball control and progressing play through dribbling.
13. Deep Progressions: Deep Progressions encompass passes and dribbles/carries into the opposition’s final third. It quantifies a player’s ability to advance the ball effectively into areas close to the opponent’s goal.
14. xGBuildup: xGBuildup is a model that attributes the expected goals (xG) value of the final shot to all players involved in the entire possession leading up to the shot. It focuses on evaluating the possession work and build-up play prior to the end of the attacking sequence.
15. xGChain: xGChain is a model that attributes the expected goals (xG) value of the final shot to all players involved in the entire possession. It captures the contributions of players throughout the possession, considering their involvement in generating goal-scoring opportunities.
16. OBV Metrics: In addition to the aforementioned features, it’s worth exploring the concept of On-Ball Value (OBV) metrics. OBV is a comprehensive framework developed by StatsBomb that evaluates a player’s contributions and effectiveness in possession. It takes into account various factors such as passes, dribbles, shots, and more to provide a holistic assessment of a player’s on-ball performance.
Link-Up Play; You must play with your back to the goal, hold the ball under pressure, and lay it off to advancing teammates. For this, you'll need ball control, strength, and the ability to shield the ball from defenders. Moreover, effective link-up play helps create fluid attacking movement. For hold-up play (plural hold-up plays) (soccer, idiomatic) A play where an attacker retains possession of the ball, while the teammates can move up the field. Push-and-run, also known as a wall pass, a one-two or a give-and-go, is a tactic and skill often used in association football. It involves quickly laying the ball off to a teammate and running past the marking tackler to collect the return pass. It proved an effective way to move the ball at pace, with players' positions and responsibility being fluid.[1] All the definitions agree on just one thing: a progressive action advances the ball somehow. At The Athletic, we count a completed pass as “progressive” if it’s at least 10 metres (11 yards) long and moves the ball at least 25 per cent of the remaining distance to goal.
Current measures:
Expected assists: If we have an expected likelihood for each shot resulting in a goal, we can look back at the pass prior to that shot to see which players played the passes that could have resulted in goals. This is more informative than just looking at assists, but has the limitation of being heavily dependent on the shot-takers being able to get their shot away following the high value pass, and only considers the pass immediately preceding the shot. Any passes that contribute significantly to the buildup prior to that are neglected.
xG chain: This is a logical extension of the expected assist approach. To overcome the limitation of only considering the pass prior to a shot, we can propagate the goalscoring likelihood for each shot back through all the passes in the sequence leading up to it. That way, players frequently involved in plays that result in high quality chances are still rewarded for their contributions. This approach has some benefits, but still assumes the presence of a shot-taker who is able to capitalise on the good buildup to take a high-quality shot. Moreover, this approach can conflate the contribution from teammates. For example, a player that reliably plays easy passes to a key playmaker will generally be highly rewarded by this approach, even if most of the buildup value comes from the playmaker.
Progressive passes: A less shot-centric approach to valuing buildup is to consider the number of passes that bring the ball closer to the opposition goal. These types of approaches typically define some threshold for progression, either number of yards forward or how much closer the ball gets to goal, as a % of starting distance. This allows the separation of players whose passes are mostly safe and cautious from players whose passes disproportionately drive the ball forward towards the opposition goal. This has been used successfully in the past to identify players who progress the ball well, but is still a relatively coarse approach. Fifty yard progressive passes are treated similarly to 15 yard progressive passes, and a 15 yard pass down the wing is treated the same as a 15 yard forward pass into the penalty box.
Packing: None of the other approaches above consider the location of off-ball players. One approach that does take this into consideration is Packing.
Counter-pressing in football is the act of actively pursuing the ball in a coordinated manner with the aim of regaining possession quickly after ball-loss. The upper bound of time the ball must be won back within varies from coach to coach, and thus in execution by different teams. Two player contesting for the ball side by side. they can bump shoulders and run that shoulder into the opponent in an attempt to move the opponent off the ball. it becomes illegal when the arm is raised to push the opponent away or more force than is necessary is used with the shoulder. (Thigh Tug Counter Pressing)
Aggressive Actions: Aggressive actions encompass tackles, pressure events, and fouls recorded within 2 seconds of an opposition player receiving the ball. It assesses a player’s defensive intensity and ability to disrupt the opponent’s play.
9. Counterpressures: Counterpressures indicate the number of pressures exerted by a player within 5 seconds of a turnover. It demonstrates a player’s commitment to regaining possession quickly after losing it.
Signature Move
Sole Forward Roll Placement for Hold Up Play
2 v 2 Off-Ball Shoulder Barging Two Touch and One Touch Finishing: Lofted feed in order to strike on Chest Cradled Half Volley Lofted feeds in order to head to goal.
Spacing, Possession, Pass Completion, and Counter Pressing with Pursuit and Ambush Predation One Team Box Touches and Capture the Flag with Analytics-Geometry Total Football Trixie Bet on CNS Drugs (Xanax and Modafinil); 1-1-2-1 Diamond Rover Futsal Pivot Formation
Define a run in one of two ways: (i) as a set of consecutive goals scored by one team, without the other team scoring a goal; (ii) as a set of consecutive scoring events by one team, each event being either a goal or one or more Set Piece. Play aggressive and with counter pressing and run it up on the score board in the first half and after halftime play defense. You get a break at half and it's easier to win when someone plays defense and looks for opportunities instead of Attacking.
Set Piece Stylistic Biomechanics: Shooting Knee at Wall for Curve and Placement Knee for Corner. Follow through with Shot with proper Body Alignment
Knee to Feet or Shoulder to Feet Cradling for Touch/Entertainment
Posterior Chain Super Compensation and Speed-Endurance (Elastic-Connective Tissue) Force-Velocity Curve; Crescent Moon Horizontal Plane Vertical Force Sprinting Mechanics.
Placement Mechanics: Ankle-Heel Linedrive and Arch-Knuckle Raised Curve; Placement Foot and Reverse Rotation with Shoulder for power and Accuracy; Arch of Feet at Target for Follow Through Accuracy; Plant Foot-Eyes on Ball for Football Contact Point then Eyes on Corner.
Agility Ladder Eyes Pocket: Eyes Between Defenders Feet and Ball, Numbered Footwork V-Step (Shifting Defenders with Momentum) et L-Step (Explosive First Step), All moves should form a Triangle or an Incomplete Triangle
Sprint Size Up: A series of feint Karaoké dribble moves with Eye Tricks (Fake Pass) but Sprint Position Finish
Triangle Philosophy: All Dribbling Moves should form a Triangle or an Incomplete Triangle while using V-Step (Shifting Defenders with Momentum) et L-Step (Explosive First Step).
Thé Crescent: In Close Dribbling; Crescent Footwork with L Shapes
On the Run Dribbling Moves: Letters and Shapes; Still Play 1 on 1: Numbered Footwork
À ma sauce Courts: Drills Side/Box Play with 1 Net; Design Vaporwave Action Painting Angels; Knee for Direction and Sole Drags for Dribbling Touch and Crescent Moon Sprint Mechanics
Gambling Games: 5 Roll (Captain, Ship, Crew); Live-Pool Betting Monopoly
Stylistic Biomechanics: Dribbling Foot To Ball Contact (Balls of Feet and Arch of Feet); Knee for Direction; Foot Drags; & Hip Angle, Crescent Moon Running Mechanics, and Laces Kick.
Futsal Courts: Drills Side/Box Play with 1 Net; Design Vaporwave Action Painting Angels; Knee for Direction and Sole Drags for Dribbling Touch and Crescent Moon Sprint Mechanics
Futsal Courts: Drills Side/Box Play with 1 Net; Design Vaporwave Action Painting Angels; Knee for Direction and Sole Drags for Dribbling Touch and Crescent Moon Sprint Mechanics
Diamond Football (15 mins)
Set Up
-Lay out two overlapping sets of 4 flat markers in the positions shown above.
-Ask the players to stand on a flat marker for their teams colour (Red on Red, Yellow on Yellow).
-Whenever the ball goes out for a kick in or for the defenders ball, the players must stand on their markers before play begins.
-As soon as the ball has been played in, players are free to move.
-Reset everytime the ball goes out.
Coaching Points, Progressions Ect.
-Ask players to shout out what each position on the park is to devlop understanding of their roles.
-If you decide to go to a normal game , leave the markers out for a visual aid for the players.
-If more than 8 players, Add in Goalkeepers who would then play the ball out to the DF,LM,RM.
-Rotate Positions, Ask Players to stand on a marker they haven't been on before
W; I; M; V; Box Keeping Formation with 3 Centre-Backs (Ball player and Ball Carrier); +/- System are Shoulder Barge, <70th Minute Tactical Foul, Aerial Duel, Pressing Triggers, Counter Pressing, Clearance, Interceptions, Attacking Third Pass Accuracy, Back Spin Skip Long Ball Accuracy, Overlapping Runs, Defensive Third High Press Key Dribbles, Layoffs, Corners
+/- System Dictates Wins Above Replacement
Example: Aerial Duel +2, Yellow Card -2 Clearance is .5 for a +/- Possession Total of .5;
A stat that measures a player's impact on the game by calculating the change in the score (plus or minus) while each player is on the court. Plus/Minus is useful in showing how players that may not put up big individual numbers still have a positive impact on the game.
WAR stands for “wins above replacement” and it attempts to measure a player's overall value to a team by positing how many wins he is worth when compared to a replacement-level player. It is a complex system which is calculated differently for each defensive position.
On occasion, the false-10 can also function in a different manner alongside a false-9, usually in a 4–6–0 formation. Midfield collective of False 9, False 10, Box to Box, Holding, Half Winger, Attacking, Defensive.
The Art Of Possession Football
In Football Manager there is a possession that is meaningful and a possession that is meaningless. I see a lot of tactics and posts on a daily basis that falls into the latter. Achieving a high possession percentage is relatively easy but creating something that is still potent and uses that possession in dangerous areas is a lot harder. For any kind of possession strategy then something based on these Team Instructions would be a good starting point for such a system;
Lower Tempo – This encourages players to look for support and not rush with their play. Players will be looking up and accessing their options more.
Roam From Position – Encourage players to make themselves available, keeping support options available. It’s probably one (if not) the most important aspect of ball retention.
Dribble Less – You don’t want many players dribbling with the ball because you want players in support and the idea is to retain possession. Dribbling can see passing options reduced.
Pass it Shorter – It’s all about keeping it simple with the ball. The longer the pass the more likely it can be under/over hit, mistimed or even intercepted by the opposition.
Retain Possession – Again it reduces passing length making it even shorter and cutting the risk of through balls out.
Work Ball Into Box – You don’t want players shooting from distances and wasting chances. Not only that but it would give the opposition the ball, which kinda goes against possession right?
Play Out of Defence – Building attacks from the back is basic possession football.
Distribute Short – If you don’t then you will often find your keeper booting the ball long and wasting possession. Your keepers’ distribution will likely have the single biggest impact on your overall possession. So make sure he isn’t wasting it.
Yaya Touré
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Since you're doing that game too, how about 25, 1, 7, 17 and 10 💘
Hiya Vilandel~! ^^
Sure thing!
25. That I consider a favorite
Oh I have many favourites, but for different reasons. Maybe this one though. It is a gem I like bringing up
“Your needs don’t count. And the public? They must not know. There needs to be a scapegoat for this all, because we can’t lose a captain. Someone needs to pay, but not the culprit. You must understand! So… keep quiet. Swallow it. Swallow the pain, the treachery, and the betrayal… Swallow it! Just follow the rules and keep your mouth shut.” The system, told him. Is this… what I serve? Is this… what I’ve devoted my life to? The life of a sheep. The life of a lamb in lion’s coat…. But… What can I do? Tell the public and cause havoc? Drive the masses that are only beginning to heal against the… king… against… myself? Cause… more pain?…. No…. That I can’t do… He glanced at his hand. The mark of his shame and his weakness. The mark… of a lamb that would be slaughtered if it spoke.
That makes me smile
This one because it's stupid, and it's supposed to be stupid
“Chickens are domesticated dinosaurs as much as dogs are domesticated wolves,” Nozel continued. “But even if you go with the answer of ’genetics’, genome is composed of a lot of genes, and since those genes are measured in quantities of a certain number of genes. Then how many of those genes would you need to alter in order to make a chicken a not-chicken? Because there needs to be a line. Change enough and it becomes a pigeon, or a turkey,” Fuegoleon argued. “For heaven’s sake Fuegoleon. They’re all birds!” “BUT WHEN DOES A CHICKEN LOSE ITS INHERIT CHICKEN-NESS?” Fuegoleon stood up. “IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER!” Nozel mirrored. Charlotte took a sip of her tea. “THOSE ARE JUST WORDS WE MADE UP TO DISTINGUISH THINGS THAT LOOK DIFFERENT FROM EACH OTHER,” Nozel shouted.
7. That I nursed in a daydream before finally writing
Basically Chapter 15 of Embers of Sun and Flame in its entirety, but this wee snippet of it:
She wrapped her arms around him, letting him sink into the embrace before laying down on the soft sheets. What nightmares he might’ve had, were forgotten as all that now existed was her heartbeat piercing through the darkness. Her hand ran across the skin of his back as she hummed a tune, pressing her head against his as he closed his eyes and listened. This must be heaven, he thought as he felt sleep creeping up on him. He pulled her closer into his embrace, wrapping his arm around her before dispelling his fire arm, and allowing himself to drift off. Her warmth, her voice, and her gentle heartbeat banished all the wrong in his world and silenced his racing mind. I love her…was the final thought that ran through him before sleep took over, but his embrace never faltered.
17. From an unpublished WIP
This one starts off mean, but it's from a hurt-comfort fic that is only tipping its toes into the comfort part as we speak (but I will write it to the end)
The flames, the fire, the ever-present reminder of… his failures. And with the flickering flames, another memory surfaced. Perhaps one of the most vicious statement that had ever been uttered to him. Wives in unhappy marriages usually rely in artificial … extremities... to keep them satisfied. But what a sorry excuse is it when the husband needs to do the same.  It had been a cheap shot. And one that had barely made sense. Barely but… it had stricken a nerve in him.
10. With characters I struggle with
I think I struggle with a lot of characters (as BC has many) but a snippet with Langris
He gave you a defiant look, as if to tell you that this place was still to public for such behaviour. But the faint blush on his cheek told you about the flicker of joy that he felt; the joy that made him allow such displays of affection to an extent. You sat down, order dinner and began small talk, but throughout the conversation you began feeling that there was something bothering him. Or not, necessarily bothering per se, but he was getting restless and anxious. And yet, he tried to keep up with the conversation the best he could.
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plethoraworldatlas · 4 months
Community, social justice and wildlife conservation groups delivered a letter today urging the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to dramatically increase its response to the outbreak of the H5N1 variant of avian influenza in U.S. dairy cattle herds.
The groups are asking the CDC to quickly ramp up testing around the deadly H5N1 variant spreading in industrial dairy herds, which has also infected at least two farm workers. They are also calling for the agency to protect farm workers and do a better job of keeping the public informed about its findings.
The request follows the spread of the disease to at least 51 dairy herds in at least nine U.S. states.
“It’s critical we learn from the mistakes of the early COVID-19 response and aggressively address industrial animal agriculture’s key role in spreading these highly contagious viruses,” said Hannah Connor, environmental health deputy director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “The CDC must ignore the pushback from big agribusiness interests and ramp up its work to protect communities and prevent the avian flu outbreak from becoming the next pandemic.”
Avian influenza, also called bird flu, refers to diseases often spread among bird species, including wild birds and domestic poultry. It is not known to have spread to cattle until recent months, leading to concerns about evolution in the spread of this disease.
Because of lax oversight of the dairy industry, it is unclear when H5N1 started circulating among cattle populations. But recent genomic analyses of U.S. Department of Agriculture data indicate that it probably began in December or January and had been spreading for four months before it was detected. But a shortage of data is hampering efforts to pin down the source, according to researchers.
Some industrial dairy operators and state officials have opposed federal efforts to track and contain the virus, telling the CDC to “back off.”
Before spreading among domestic cattle populations, the virus spread first from birds into wild mammal populations, leading to significant concerns about the disease’s threats to imperiled wildlife. Since this outbreak started, the virus has been found in federally threatened and endangered species like polar bears, grizzly bears and fishers. Outbreaks in South America have killed tens of thousands of seals and sea lions, demonstrating H5N1’s ability to cause mass mortality in mammals
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sonicthelastofus · 2 years
Ok, so I have two things to ask(though one of them might sound weird)
#1: do the "normal animals", like pets, exist in this au?(Because People like Sonic, who is an anthropomorphic hedgehog, exist and the more I think about it, the more it gets confusing)
#2: if the normal animals do exist, can they also get infected?(Because there was apparently concept art that has a "infected lion")
And also, I hope your arm is feeling better.
Man I hadnt thought about that lol but I’ll think of something right now. Hm… the genomes or evolutionary dna stuff or whatever thats responsible for mobians evolution came to earth from microorganisms that arrived on earth from a meteor in the ol evolution days. Sooo.. Mobians are just built different. There✨
Yes normal animals can get infected but they rarely survive infection and they arent very aware so they aren’t particularly dangerous unless you bother em.
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
Court Circular | 9th March 2023
Buckingham Palace
His Excellency the Hon Philip Goff was received in audience by The King today upon his appointment as High Commissioner for New Zealand in London. Mrs Goff was also received by His Majesty. His Excellency the Hon Stephen Smith was received in audience by The King upon his appointment as High Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Australia in London. Ms Jane Seymour was also received by His Majesty. The King received Addresses from Privileged Bodies to which His Majesty was graciously pleased to make reply. These were: the General Synod of the Church of England, the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Free Churches Group, the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), the City of London Corporation, the Corporation of the City of Edinburgh, the University of Edinburgh, the University of London, the University of St Andrews, the University of Glasgow, the University of Aberdeen, the Royal Society, the Greater London Authority, the Royal Academy of Arts, the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Anglo-Jewish Association, the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, the Lieutenancy of the City of London, the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, the Dean and Chapter of St Paul’s Cathedral, the City of Westminster, the Corporation of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, the Dean and Canons of St George’s Chapel, Windsor, the Royal County of Berkshire, the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, and the Military Knights of Windsor. The King’s Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard was on duty. His Majesty afterwards held a Reception at Buckingham Palace for the Privileged Bodies. The King later visited the Animal and Plant Health Agency, Woodham Lane, New Haw, and was received by His Majesty’s LordLieutenant of Surrey (Mr Michael More-Molyneux), the Minister of State for Biosecurity (the Lord Benyon), the Chairman (Mr Christopher Nicholson) and Mr David Holdsworth (Chief Executive). His Majesty received briefings on the work of the Agency and visited the Avian Influenza Virology High Containment Laboratory and the Genome Mapping Laboratory, before visiting the Library and meeting members of staff and scientists. The Queen Consort this morning visited the British Racing School, Snailwell Road, Newmarket, to mark their Fortieth Anniversary and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire (Mrs Julie Spence). Her Majesty, Patron, the British Sporting Art Trust, this afternoon visited Palace House, Palace Street, Newmarket, to unveil the Belvoir Huntsman painting and was received by the Hon Peter Stanley (Deputy Lieutenant of Suffolk).
Kensington Palace
The Prince and Princess of Wales this morning visited Hayes Muslim Centre, 3 Pump Lane, Hayes, Middlesex, and were received by Ms Manju Malhi (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London).
St James’s Palace
The Earl of Wessex this morning visited Propstore, Great House Farm, Chenies, and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire (Mr Robert Voss). His Royal Highness this afternoon visited Ashridge House, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, and planted a tree for The Queen’s Green Canopy. The Earl of Wessex, Patron, the Production Guild of Great Britain, later visited Sky Studios Elstree, Rowley Lane, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire. The Countess of Wessex this morning visited the Countryside Education Trust, Palace Lane, Beaulieu, and was received by the Hon Mary Montagu-Scott (Deputy Lieutenant of Hampshire). Her Royal Highness, Patron, Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 105, British Isles and Ireland, this afternoon planted trees for The Queen’s Green Canopy.
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal, Patron, Maritime UK, this evening attended the Annual Awards at DoubleTree by Hilton Hull, 24 Ferensway, Kingston Upon Hull, and was received by Her Majesty’s LordLieutenant of the East Riding of Yorkshire (Mr James Dick).
Kensington Palace
The Duke of Gloucester, Grand Prior, the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, this evening attended the Installation Dinner of the Prior of the Priory of England and the Islands at St John’s Gate, 26 St John’s Lane, London EC1. The Duchess of Gloucester, Royal Patron, Missing People, this evening attended the “Night of Light” Gala Dinner at the Pan Pacific Hotel, Houndsditch, London EC3, to celebrate the Thirtieth Anniversary
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Okay so, about human evolution. Tell me 3-5 whackiest facts you know (that may appear on the test as questions). 👀
So you may have heard of Australopithecus (that's Lucy and her friends). There's another genus closely related to them, Paranthropus, who were also hominins but a bit more gorilla-like—they had sagittal crests like gorillas do (that's a ridge of bone at the top of your head) where jaw muscles attached so that they could chew real good. They probably (like gorillas) ate a lot of leaves and shoots that we can't eat. Species in the Homo genus, like Homo habilis, probably hunted and ate them—their bones have been found at H habilis sites with cut marks on them from stone tools.
Humans have very low genetic diversity—only a tiny amount of our genome varies between individuals. Any two random people will share about 99.84% of their genome. Most of that is genes that make us humans and not tomatoes or cichlids or amoeba or slime molds, but humans are still very genetically uniform compared to other animals. This is because a) humans nearly went extinct at least once, and b) humans keep moving around and fucking each other, so populations aren't reproductively isolated, which would encourage genetic diversity. The technical term for this is gene flow.
Of that tiny amount of variation, 4-5% of it is attributed to different subspecies of humans, like Neanderthals and Denisovans and Fun Mystery Genes that we can't attribute to any discovered subspecies yet.
Early hominins weren't so much hunter-gatherers as forager-scavengers. We've found a lot of herbivore bones at early Homo sites that have cut marks, indicating that tools were used to cut the meat off the bone, but underneath those marks are carnivore tooth marks, so it looks like meat-acquisition wasn't so much "hunters speared a deer" or even "runners chased a deer down" as "someone stole a lion's lunch." Hunting did happen, but it was for smaller animals. Later Homo species like H erectus and H sapiens did/do hunt larger animals, of course.
Homo sapiens sapiens (that's us!) were the last species of hominin to leave Africa. Homo erectus was out and about roughly 2 million years ago, and Neanderthals and Denisovans left around 350 thousand years ago. We didn't leave until about 90 thousand years ago!
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halt-kun · 1 year
Hunter x Hunter Chapter 214 Results
Back for some liveblogging
After a troublesome birth, the King is born
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URGH not this scene
Shaiapouf’s wings may look good I’m not ready
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POOF No head, no smoke nor mirror here ladies and gents
poor kid
At least they didn’t suffer
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Even if you strike the heart, death is not instant 
poor kid
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first you kill stuff and then waste food because of your bad taste
try cooking and using spices first
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The royal guards are durable and would be hard to kill even for the King
provided they actually want to resist him killing them which I doubt
Using Gyo isn’t sufficient for all nen users too
Some of them can hide it by controlling their aura flow
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Here is a taste of your own medicine
Bihorn is communist too, good to know, he and his comrads shall be safe if he behave, the revolution is nigh 
The chimera ants are also not british, as soon as their queen dies, they abscond : “no : long live King Charles here”
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When have you invented misogyny ? Unless you’re terfs and you just don’t like the only cis women who could procreate here ? Like, you only like women with working wombs and if not, they need to be able to fight ?
I have always headcannoned that all of them becoming kings is gender affirming Zazan could become a King too even if it’s not what she chose, she’s truly a trans Queen (literally)
I’m not really up to date in my knowledge of ants. I think most soldiers are usually diploid females (two copies of their genomes like us : thanks mom and dad) like with bees, males are usually haploid.
Most chimera ants appear male and are apparently able to reproduce like the King so by insemination. That role is typically male but not always like in at least one species of mosquitos where female have an appendage that penetrates the male and basically absorbs the semen.
Anyway CA might have some complications due to foreign genetic interference and horizontal transfers might be the reason most of its species workers are male. maybe sometimes it fucks up and you get females or maybe they just appear to have female characteristics of other species.
Most ants should have intersex variations to considering they also have interspecies variations like Leol here who is a mix of a tiger and a lion. In his case sex determination should be quite complementary between different mammals from the same family. Maybe not
Sorry : that’s what doing a PhD on plants sex chromosomes does to you
be careful
though I’d love to get my hands on such a species to analyze 
must be very interesting how sex works in this individuals.
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Then leave
especially mantis looking ant right there we’ll never see again
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all of them can become Kings, I bet Zazan is an intersex queen and she chose to be a queen instead of a king
I mean Togashi likes to sprinkle gender non conformity here and there since his beginnings
his wife Naoko Takeuchi does this too
They can be clumsy at times but their attempts to have a diverse and human cast of characters always made me so happy 
I’m still sad Trouble quartet is not a thing
I mean a manga about crossdressing gay footballers (soccer players for our fellow statesians) by Togashi would be fire
Level E is pretty fun too, I definitely recommend it and it has one of the most fire openings out there
Yu Yu Hakusho is just sooooo good and proto HxH, you can see the influence from older nekketsu shounen like DB and Jojo’s but also how it influenced Naruto and Bleach (just the beginning is a bit slow but it builds up like Bleach, with short stories at the beginning ending up in a full tournament arc)
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I love Colt
we never talk enough about him, he must have a nice hatsu too, I’d like to see it, we need more out of the box enhancers.
A flying enhancers is already quite an annoying opponent
I hope we see more of him in the future
yes Morel bet safely on his own pupils, the safest bet considering Gon and Killua’s strength when he saw them
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but Knov likes to take risks
four of them, not five
That panel is so good too
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It’s alright, we can trust Knuckle, he’s a dependable man
but you’re making me tear up Gon
I know how frustrating weakness can be, lack of control, lack of power over your life
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Poor Killua
this means something even worse for him
he can relate too despite being very strong
he’s never been strong in a way that allows living your own life and following your own path
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Killua really tries
he’s gone so far but he has yet to reach a point where he’s confident in himself
it’s alright my boy, Gon also has to grow
You’re 13 damn it
I’m not sure I’ll be able to liveblog again today 
this ended up taking quite some time
Have a nice saturday !
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Hebi Anon
Here's a fun little detail about the color coding of Vistamps
Typically Vistamps with pink tops and bases denote that they're variants of other Vistamps, and the riders they're based on follow that. For example, the Condor Vistamp is a variant of the Eagle Vistamp, and Condor is based on Kamen Rider Joker while Eagle is Kamen Rider W. And the White Leo variant is based on Kuuga's Amazing Mighty form while the original Lion stamp is based on Kuuga normally.
Destream's Vistamp is a personal stamp, so it's based on Destream and not a previous rider, but it has the pink coloration because he's a variant of Kamen Rider Vail.
Note. There's a reason why Over Demons, a variant of Demons, does not have a pink Vistamp. Because Over Demons was never meant to be a separate Rider and instead was just supposed to be Demons Kuwagata Genome (the writers grew to regret the name of Over Demons and the decision to make him a separate Rider, but it was too late)
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dynamitesunshine · 2 years
Sales Post!
I accept Paypal only. I do ship internationally too (reasonably).
Funko Pops:
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Ladybug Pops (Sold) Fifth Brother: $50 Seventh Sister: $40 Spy Dru: $20 Songbird: $31 Lord Drakkon: $41
Lion Genome (Kuuga): Kamen Rider Revi: $25 Kamen Rider Vice: $25
Eagle Genome (Double): Kamen Rider Revi:$25 Kamen Rider Vice: $25
Mammoth Genome (Den-O): Kamen Rider Revi: $25 Kamen Rider Vice: $25
Megalodon Genome (Decade): Kamen Rider Revi: $25 Kamen Rider Vice: $25
Eagle and Megalodon Genome Parts: $20
Lion and Mammoth Genome Parts: $20
Kamen Rider Evil Bat Genome: $30
Power Rangers Lightning Collection: Blue Dino Thunder: $35 Blue Psycho Ranger: $20 Red Dino Fury: $20
Figuarts (Pre-owned): DekaRed: $90 Red Buster: $70 Kamen Rider Wizard Flame Dragon: $70 Kamen Rider Kick Hopper: $75 Gokai Blue: $100
NEW: Kamen Rider Ichigou (SS Mastermind): $350
MHA Backpack Clipset: $165
Art of Spawn Wanda figure: $20
Disney Infinity 2.0 Spider-Man & Nova Playset: $60
LEGO: Mos Eisley Cantina: $90
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mangolon · 2 years
List of All Kamen Riders’ Final Forms
Will not count extra final forms. If a final form only appeared in a movie or special, it will be counted. Under the cut
Stronger → Stronger Charge Up
Kuuga → Ultimate Kuuga
Agito →  Shining Agito
G3 → G3-X
Gills → Exceed Gills
Ryuki → Ryuki Survive
Knight → Knight Survive
Ouja → Ouja Survive
Faiz → Faiz Blaster
Kaixa → Next Kaixa
Blade →  Blade King
Garren → Garren Jack
Chalice → Wild Chalice
Hibiki → Armed Hibiki
Kabuto → Hyper Kabuto
Gatack → Hyper Gatack
Den-O Sword Form → Den-O Liner Form
Zeronos Altair Form → Zeronos Zero Form
Kiva → Emperor Kiva
IXA → IXA Rising
Decade → Decade Complete
DiEnd → DiEnd Complete
W CycloneJoker → W CycloneJokerXtreme
Accel → Accel Trial
OOO TaToBa → OOO PuToTyra (or TaJaDor depending on who you ask)
Birth → Birth DAY
Fourze → Fourze Cosmicstates
Meteor → Meteor Storm
Wizard Flame Style → Wizard Infinity Style
Beast → Beast Hyper
Gaim Orange Arms → Gaim Kiwami Arms
Baron Banana Arms → Baron Lemon Energy Arms
Ryugen Budou Arms → Ryugen Yomotsuheguri Arms
Zangetsu Melon Arms → Zangetsu Kachidoki Arms
Gridon Donguri Arms → Gridon Lychee Arms
Knuckle Kurumi Arms → Knuckle Jimber Marron Arms
Drive Type Speed → Drive Type Tridoron
Mach → Chaser Mach
Ghost Ore Damashii → Ghost Mugen Damashii
Specter → Deep Specter
Necrom → Necrom Yuujou Burst
Ex-Aid Mighty Action X → Hyper Muteki Ex-Aid
Brave Taddle Quest → Brave Taddle Legacy
Snipe Bang Bang Shooting → Snipe Bang Bang Simulations
Lazer Bakusou Bike → Lazer Turbo
Genm Mighty Action X → Genm Zombie Action
Para-DX Perfect Puzzle/Knock Out Fighter → Para-DX Perfect Knock Out
Cronus Kamen Rider Chronicle → Gamedeus Cronus
Build Rabbit Tank → Build Genius
Cross-Z Dragon → Cross-Z Magma
Grease → Grease Blizzard
Rogue → Prime Rogue
Evol Cobra → Evol Black Hole
Zi-O → Grand Zi-O
Geiz → Geiz Revive (Gouretsu and Shippu)
Woz → Woz GingaFinally
Zero One Rising Hopper → Zero Two
Vulcan Shooting Wolf → Rampage Vulcan
Valkyrie Rushing Cheetah → Valkyrie Justice Serval
Jin Flying Falcon → Jin Burning Falcon
Horobi Sting Scorpion → Horobi Ark Scorpion
Ark-Zero → Ark-One
Saber Brave Dragon → Xross Saber
Blades Lion Senki → Blades Tategami Hyoujuu Senki
Espada Lamp do Alangina → Espada Arabiana Night
Calibur Jakku Dragon → Calibur Jaou Dragon
Saikou Kin no Buki Gin no Buki → Saikou X-Swordman
Revi Rex Genome → Ultimate Revi
Vice Rex Genome → Ultimate Vice
Live Bat Genome → Evilyty Live
Evil Bat Genome → Evilyty Live
Jeanne Cobra Genome → Invincible Jeanne
Demons Spider Genome → Imperial Demons
Vail Kabuto Genome → Crimson Vail
Over Demons Kuwagata Genome → Get Over Demons
Geats MagnumBoost → Geats IX
Tycoon Ninja → Tycoon Bujin Sword
Naago Beat → Naago Fantasy
Buffa Zombie → Jyamashin Buffa FeverZombie
Punkjack Monster → Punkjack FeverMonster
Gotchard SteamHopper → Rainbow Gotchard
Majade SunUnicorn → Twilight Majade
Valvarad → Valvarad Kurogane
Legend → Legendary Legend
Dread Type Zero → Dread Type Three
Gotchard Daybreak Daybreak SteamHopper → Gotchard Shining Daybreak
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