#lion king arturia
rennebright · 8 months
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アルトリア by Zerocat [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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lastencoregraphics · 11 months
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It's because... I still remember... your smile on that day. Arthur. On behalf of the Knights of the Round Table... thank you. We made you carry the burden of that dark era all by yourself. You are my shining star. My king, my liege... Now... No, this time. I will return this sword to you.
@giftober 2023: DAY 26 - TEARY
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doctorchapatinphd · 21 days
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sintreaties · 2 years
Hey, have u watched fate heaven's feel movie? And which fate series have u watched so far?
I watched the movie trilogy, Fate Zero, Fate Stay/Night, the Unlimited Works series, the Illya spin-offs and Apochrypha.
Apochrypha was the one that I liked the most because of Mordred and Jeanne D’Arc (and Astolpho, though it feels weird to admit it).
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unit-zero-two · 2 years
My post about the personality differences of Servants in Fate when summoned for a Grail War Vs by Chaldea just got a lot of reblogs suddenly and that reminded me that that post was meant to be part of a series of posts. So, I guess here’s the next part before I forget.
One of the best things about FGO is how it allows us to see different sides of the Servants we’ve met in other series in the franchise. Avicebron went from a character people thought was evil to Avice-bro. Mordred went from insulting and killing Frankenstein to caring for and hanging out with her when no one is watching. Similarly Sieg’s popularity was boosted by him getting a Servant and event that showed him after the character development of Apocrypha and now with the ability free from the narrative to better demonstrate his personality.
While the previous posted talked about Servants going from a Grail War to Chaldea, we also get to see Servants as antagonists to Chaldea. Caster Cu allows us to see a more mature Cu who gets to be a teacher while Berserker Cu shows us how much his sense of honor and desire to fight can make a dangerous and compelling villain. The Lion King is a fascinating look at what happens when Fate takes a character we were already very familiar with and who was beloved and shows her losing her humanity. This goes for her knights as well. What is Mordred like without his sense of rebellion? Tristan without the sympathy he has for others? Gawain without the will to question the actions happening around him? We get interesting looks into what makes these characters who they are.
This can be a double edged sword as encountering these characters as their villainous forms as a person’s first experience led a lot of people to disliking Tristan and Gawain, despite both having appeared in the Extra series games previously. (Gawain’s fight difficulty didn’t help things for him.) It’s takes quite a few more appearances, some of which are locked inside interludes, to reform these characters in people’s minds. For characters like Arturia and Mordred who were much more well known by the reader, with Mordred having been an ally in London previously and Arturia just being the face of the series, their presentations were received much better.
We also get to see examples of FGO original characters introduced and shown multiple facets of their characters. No character is a better case study than Jason. He appeared early in FGO in Singularity 3 and was shown as significantly unlikable. In addition, he was shown as an asshole to Medea, a character who was already popular from her own nuanced portrayal as a villain in FSN. For years the very mention of Jason could cause fans to recoil in hatred. Ignoring the fact that he was being played the entire Singularity and that his character had a bit of a tragic story of his own going on. We got to see him at his worst, boastful, fearful and letting others do the work for him at every turn. When he was released as a 1* Saber, there was a lot of talk about burning him.
Then Lost Belt 5 Atlantis came out and Jason was the primary ally to Chaldea. He was still a boastful coward who let others do the work. But he was also more than that. As the story goes on, we get to see how he’s wracked with guilt at surviving his crew and friends. How he recovers from this and works to build a new crew, with himself directing and advising everyone. We get to see his clever and strategic mind at work, allowing Chaldea to keep up with the overwhelming strategic minds and martial force of the Atlantis defenders. We get to see him stand tall with us to the very end, pushing us forward to victory against the gods. And get to see him die with a smile after his success, having pushed himself past his own boundaries and abilities to a heroic degree. This is a Jason that someone could fall in love with.
Both versions are Jason. Heck, he remembers the events of Singularity 3 and holds his loss against Chaldea. But he still works with them. He still stands tall. We get to see him at his worst, and we get to see him at his best. And that contrast helps to elevate a character who might’ve otherwise just been cool instead of inspiring. Jason isn’t the only character we get to see this happen with, but he’s the character it’s clearest with. The beauty of FGO is getting to experience all sides of a character. What makes them a hero, and what happens when they aren’t heroic. Servants are remnants of existences and the circumstances of their summoning greatly dictate their personalities. They will almost always be just a facet of the person they were in life, but with FGO’s long story, events, interludes, Valentines and My Room lines we get to see these characters in many different forms. Each servant is more complicated than any single incarnation and to judge a character just by how they are at their worst is missing the inevitability of seeing them at their best. Even if that’s many years down the line. That’s the beauty of FGO.
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kob131 · 9 months
I Know im kicking a dead horse at this point, but i still think camelot singularity had the blandest mordred i have ever seen. She was a main servant in london, which is supposed to be a quite important position. they could've easily replace her with another knight, arthuriana have dozens of knights, nasu could peak any of them and i wouldnt complain.
The main problem isnt exactly that she was there, rather how they used her character (i would have prefered if she wasnt there and was on the opposite side with kay and gaheris). Camelot had some hits and misses in handeling kotr, like agravain's wasnt perfect but it was a good enough Introduction that even now a lot of people still want him to be playable. But it didnt really add anything to mordred. They probebly wanted to get a sad reaction from the player but there were so many things going on that they didnt really focus on her enough to be Impactful.
Sorry I took so long handling this.
I get this, Mordred wasn't really expanded on like Lancelot, Tristian, Gawain, Agravain and Bedivere were. She really is the blandest of the knights in Camelot.
But...thing is- the knights that sided with The Lion King were chosen because they reflect Bedivere's sense of duty and failure with Arturia. Gawain and Lancelot are obvious; Tristan didn't hate Arturia and feels guilty about what he said...even though what he said was needed; Agravain feels he failed his king the first time around and Gareth wanted to stand by Arturia at the end.
They are also flawed characters succumbing to their flaws- Gawain's strict adherence to the ideals of knighthood reach their peak here as he plays the part of a loyal knight even as he tramples on what his king truly cared about. Lancelot's overwhelming guilt is making him betray Arturia again despite knowing her flaws. Tristan's inability to forgive himself made him lose everything. And Gareth's own inability to move on caused so much pain. This contrasts with Bedivere, who is overcoming his flaw to fulfill his duty despite how he feels.
With all this in mind- It makes perfect sense that Mordred sides with the Lion King. She's succumbing to her idolization of Arturia and (ironically) her guilt over Camalann. She feels she failed her duty as a knight and failed her father in her rebellion so now she's rejecting who she is once again to play a part she isn't meant to. Remember, Mordred was known as 'taciturn' or 'silent' when she was a member of the Round Table, despite the fact that we KNOW she isn't actually like that. Instead of further establishing who she is like she did with Kairi, she regressed back to the role of the 'loyal knight'. Even though Mordred's rebellion is NEEDED in the Sixith Singularity because King Arthur lost her humanity in full. She forgot what she was fighting for in the first place.
I know this sounds off but to summarize-
Mordred was likely chosen because she fits with the theme of the other allied knights- succumbing to guilt and in turn, forgetting just who Arturia really was.
I mean, speaking of Agravain- There's good reason why the knight who only ever saw Arturia's 'kingly' mask is the Lion King's loyal advisor and the knight who saw her true motivations is her fiercest foe.
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versegm · 2 years
At this point, between MHXX and Arturia Lalter, I’m just expecting Goredolf to charm every Adult Arturia to the point that we somehow meet the Camelot Lion King again and even she’s like “Oh no this man is perfect”.
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spiegelgestalt · 7 months
Saberfaces (and why I don't mind them)
People like to make fun of the fact that there are like a thousand people with sabers face and I get that it's a bit cringe.
BUT (with the exception of one) they always made sense for me. Let me explain:
A lot of rambling under the cut:
Even in FSN Saber was as much a symbol for heroism and chivalry as she was a character. She is the Good King (TM). But she also stands for order which will protect some people and will hurt others. Not because she wants to but because she thinks it is necessary. Saber in FSN is struggling with the question if mercy has a place in justice and order. She does the right thing even against her interests. She is someone who upholds justice even if it means sacrifices. And she comes to the conclusion that even that behavior is not enough .And so she trieds to reset history so that someone more merciful than her can take the throne... Someone who could understand the feelings of the others and could have protected The Innocent better. In the end she comes to the conclusion that she tried her best and that you can't change history.
BUT even in FSN there was the possibility of saber alter. Saber Alter is Saber who decided the conflict between mercy and order in favor of an order which protects the in-group from the out-group. In heavens feel she fights against Shirou + Co because they are.the out group not because it is just. The order-symbolism would have worked better if she had been fighting to kill Sakura but I guess that would have been difficult and heavens feel was not sabers story.
In FGO we meet a lot of sabers who made the same decision as saber alter - the lion King is the most obvious one. The mysterious heroine x is someone I haven't met yet but my understanding is, that she is a cop (Cop=Order), saber alter in Shinjuku tries to establish some kind of order etc. I don t know about Okitas relationship to order but she is also a cop.
Bedieviere has sabers face but is a Saber who decided the order/mercy conflict in favor of mercy. A mercy that even includes Arturia herself by giving her a chance to finally rest.
Mordred in some way represents Sabers inner shadow child. He is emotional, he is ambitious, he liked protecting the innocent not because it's the right thing to do but because he feels like it etc. These are all things saber does not allow herself to feel. His betrayal of saber is motivated because he wants to help her. Saber cannot accept Mordred. She despises him but because she cannot accept him she gets destroyed by him. Anyone who has ever done inner child work knows that this struggle between Mordred and Saber is similar to the struggle of someone who has a lot of emotions but cannot relate to any of them.
The one character I'm stumped by is Nero. She doesn't relate to the Order/mercy dichotomy, she is emotional like Mordred but she doesn't try to do the right thing. I'm not even sure she has a real relationship to Arturia. Imo Nero is not a comment on saber. She represents Rome and Romes ideals. She should have gotten her own face.
So that's it these are my opinions on saber..maybe I will reblog this post when I have more to say
Edit because I forgot about Grey: Grey is a parallel to Waver in that she is a person who is meant to aspire to the ideal of a perfect king (while not being it) (Waver - Iskander, Arturia-Grey) but while waver chooses to aspire to iskander grey has to aspire to become Arturia. That's why she hates her face.
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starburstdragon · 1 year
Guys Who Are Multiple Guys Tournament, Round 1
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The alternate Evelyns are incredibly relevant to the way the movie plays out, and the movie itself is about love and identity and individuality and all those things, so she’s got the vibe. My friend suggested her :)
“In Stay Night, "Saber Arturia" is the only Arturia, but in Grand Order we see other versions of her that emerged from different paths she could've taken in life, or after. The original that we know is Saber Arturia, and in the last route of Stay Night we also meet Saber Arturia-Alter. In Grand Order, we know of Lancer Arturia and her Alter, an possible older future she could've had, Caster Arturia who's life diverged from Saber since young, and King Lion, a darker future Lancer Arturia could have taken.” - User submission
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fate-inspiration · 1 year
Back with a few questions, if that's okay ^^ "some fools think that Gilart fans like violins" do you mean that they think we don't know it's actually not a super wholesome, uwu sorta ship (lol)? Also I'm very intrigued by your concept of a GilAlter- if I were to accept one (I think it's contrary to the essence of Gil's character for a GilAlter to exist,but.), I think I'd like your version best- "he turned to his divine blood and not his human side.".
Super last thing, if you still feel like answering questions. I'm curious: would you feel comfortable sharing your shipper story? Like why drew you to GilArt, which of these 2 characters do you resonate with more, etc? And what do you think of CasGil and Lion King Arturia (personally, I love that ship -so grateful for zoro's art- and any and all combos, like Casgil x default Arturia)? Thanks!
I just realized the mistake, but it's even worse than the violins, I was talking about the rape. They think that Gilart's fans like rapes because in fsn route fate, Gil plans to rape Arturia.
(Of course, for the connoisseurs, we all know Gilgamesh's state of mind in this route).
Thanks for choosing my version of Gilalter. I had already thought about him a long time ago and I can say that he will be horrible. But I didn't really think about if he will be interested in Arturia, maybe he will.
Aaaah, I fell in love with this ship. I already knew the name of the Fate license, but I never managed to watch the 2004 (2006?) anime version because it was ugly XD (I was a teenager at that time)
So I was convinced to watch Fate/Zero very late, in 2018. And I was not disappointed, it's a good way to discover the license. I fell in love with the ship at the end of the series when Gil proposes Arturia. It came out of nowhere and Gil didn't really put his best side forward and I didn't notice the moments where he praised Saber. Since I didn't know the stories of the fsn, I guess it was like an arrow in the heart XD. I think the most important thing was the sincerity of Gil in that moment. It seemed like a whim, but when you think about it, not at all and he was making the effort to force her to accept, when in principle, if it was insignificant, he wouldn't have even asked her.
So after that, I did some research and research. I never watched fsn, because I didn't want to see a SaberxShirou and I didn't have the opportunity to play the game yet, but I watched almost everything related to the license, just to have a little official moment between Gil and Arturia. (I was unfortunately very disappointed XD Arturia became a worldwide waifu, same for Gil, because even if he's an asshole, everybody loves him. So I concluded that they couldn't put them together to mix them. Probably because it would break the fantasy, I'm not sure). Then I turned to Fanfictions, I found my little happiness, even reading the most horrible stories XD, it was not serious, I had my dose. And I started to draw humans again just to be able to draw them, and I was very happy.
For the other versions... Arturia Lancer is a problem for me because of the Fanservice. It goes from a small flat woman to a big disproportionate woman, I don't like it at all. I mean, it's impossible XD. And she is presented as someone more mature and rational than Saber when Saber is this King Arthur at the end of his life in the license. So to see Lancer made my heart ache because it's like denying her true self.
After other people will probably not agree with me XD.
I have less of a problem with Gilcaster because it's just an older version of Archer, but technically they're still the same. It's just a shame that he references Lion King more than Saber. But I like that he loves Saber Lily in Carnival XD.
I love Saber Alter. But I modified it for myself and I think others like my version.
And Lily is cute. (With Ko-Gil it's the little extra)
I don't look too much at the other versions, for example the Caster version, I haven't had the chance to know it yet. But I don't think I like her, I think she's a distorted version of Saber, but I'll wait until I get a chance to read her story to be sure.
(but I'll gladly ship Arturia saber with all the Gil XD)
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rennebright · 9 days
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bunny lion♥ by kakeku [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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lastencoregraphics · 2 years
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I am the Lion King. The King of Storms and the Lord residing over the end of the world. Humanity has been destroyed. This is now the only place for salvation, at the end of the world. God... cannot exist without humans. I love all of you. That’s why I cannot bear to lose you. I’ve decided to grant all of you eternity.
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guhamun · 7 months
multimuse combination meme; accepting || @paramythas
⭐ as many as u like tbh-
Percival and Arturia: I think that he would be one of the knights that Larturia most definitely trusts because the weird shenanigans F.GO pulled for whatever weird lulz they did for that one event is something that he wouldn't have partaken in or agreed with. If she ever did or said something wrong, he wouldn't hold his tongue to it. Percival would say something, I think, going by him turning away from the Lion King in that one Singularity as he knew his king would never give half the orders they did. Which is something she very much needs.
Percival and Rie: I just find them really cozy idk! He would be curious of Rie's thoughts as Rie and not as a Master and would even ask as such depending on the circumstances. "What would you as Rie do?" not, "What would you, as humanity's final Master, do?" However, it would probably also take him 3000 yrs to stop being so polite to her each time they talk but he'd get there...little by little.
Jianyu and Bronya: There is just something altogether amusing about Bronya trying to get him to 'lighten up' a bit, which he in turn would do to make things more comfortable for her sometimes, depending on what it is. He doesn't know anything about her save that she's his charge, however, I do think he would figure out that she is someone important based on how she speaks and acts. You don't go from being an authority to being so normal Jane Doe out there and not carry that with you.
Jianyu and Eula: They have met a few times before, spoke here and there, and he respects her as a fellow warrior. Occasionally lends a hand with clearing out monsters or troublemakers that get too close to any passes, primarily due to being paid to do so by the merchants who hire him as a personal guard.
Jianyu and Blade: Listen...that skill with the blade would certainly have his attention. Probably crossed swords a few times, but both go their separate ways in the end. 10/10 he would enjoy those clashes since he doesn't have to hold back and can go all out.
Arash and Rie: Probably acts a little silly with Rie, but that's because she's a silly enabler. He'd really care about her as a Master because he knows that she cares about everyone beyond them just being tools to be used. He'd remember her a little from when they first met in the Singularity -- not much -- just a little bit in a way that feels like deja vu.
Arash and Arturia: LISTEN. LISTEN... I think they'd hit it off really good! Arash's skill being compared to that of Tristian of all individuals is pretty damn noteworthy, and then the fact that he's very honest and speaks his mind / doesn't really hold back what he says is good for her too I think. She needs people to be honest and not say things she wants to hear as that was one of the faults of the knights.
Tomoe and Arturia: Let them be friends... I want them to talk about all kinds of things and just be so chill with one another.
Neuvi and Broyna: I'm playing with the idea of them meeting either on Belobog or when Bronya has become one of the Nameless, but either way, he would be intrigued by the destruction of a stellaron as he didn't think such a thing could be possible considering the destructive capabilities of such.
Neuvi and Amandine: That half human and half allogene has me like 👀 -tents my fingers- so I am very interested in an interaction between these two! I think he'd sense that she's 'off' and then be curious from there.
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ardenssolis · 7 months
continued from [ x ] || @paramythas
     THE KNIGHTS, TO OZYMANDIAS, could be quite stuffy when it came to duty and all that entailed. A shame that they were so utterly devoted to their King that he couldn’t recruit any of them, but alas, such was the way of it. However, even if he could, he still observed them sometimes – memories from that Lostbelt he had been summoned into always present at the back of his mind. Sure the ones here were not like those who gave up everything they were to devotion, yet even so…he did wonder if they too would have made the same foolish choices. There were times where that was fascinating to see, and there were times that such blind duty earned a faint click of the tongue and a narrowed gaze. That wasn’t important, though. He wasn’t here to discuss the knights. He was here to prod at Arturia and tease her for the words that had slipped past her lips.
     ❝Your knights would indeed be uncertain as to how to proceed if you shared what was in your thoughts to them. Their image of you seems…unbending even after all the time that has passed.❞ A good and bad thing in his opinion. For if Arturia stepped outside of her mannerisms as a king, spoke more candid with them and with looser tongue, they wouldn’t know what to do.
     This he could easily see.
     His index tapped at the smooth surface of the table slowly, soon coming to a stop at what was said next. ❝Insincere…❞ Hardly. He would have merely made it clear that he wished to take Arturia as his from the beginning in the same manner that he had thought to bring that forward to Da Vinci. The only thing that had kept him from that particular line of thought, was for the sheer fact that despite her differences – vast as they were – from the Lion King, at times, when he looked into those eyes, he was reminded of them. Arturia, the one before him, however, held a brighter gaze; one still so human in a way that theirs had not been (in a way that had been forgotten). ❝Is that what you wish to call my response? I would think that you were expecting a certain answer to that question you had asked.❞ His hand taken into hers, it twitched instinctively, the gesture so foreign to him. If one thought that Arturia’s palm would be soft, they would be surprised to know it wasn’t.
     How many battles had she fought?
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     He didn’t need the Throne of Heroes to relay that much to him. As nonchalant as he appeared, there was an intensity in that gaze, golden eyes taking in each and every gesture. A dangerous game she was playing, one that she fearlessly pursued with the same confidence she held on the battlefield. Lips were always so close to touching skin, yet so far away. A tease meant to keep his ever fickle whims from flickering, and oh, she was successful in doing just that. The only thing that broke his hawkish attention was what she said afterwards, soft laughter bubbling from him before he tilted his head back, his amusement filling their room until he could almost feel moisture gather at the corner of his eyes. ❝How brazen! I expected no less!❞ He grew aggravated with those who could not state their desires plain – who danced about it or refused to state their thoughts even when he knew what they were. If there was something someone wanted, they should reach for it. Grasp it.
     ❝Are you not meant to court the one whom has your eye, O’ Dear King? To woo them? To make it so that their heart flutters with the mere connection of gazes from across a room as so written in the many romances from your homeland?❞ He leaned forward, eyes gleaming with both challenge and continued amusement both. Voice lowering, Ozymandias near purred his question. ❝Am I not worthy of also being granted this? To have my heart flutter so due to the machinations of King Arthur?❞
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brave-symphonia · 1 year
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It feels very weird hearing Da Vinci say “the Arturia we know”, because the FGO characters really never feel like they know Arturia like readers  of FSN do.
Like, they know her as this one Servant who was King Arthur, or as the Lion King from the 6th Singularity.
But they didn’t get to know her personally again and again from different perspectives across multiple timelines. Having her be the person that they’re closest to, a close friend, and even an enemy.
Like, there’s a closeness you get to Arturia over playing FSN, that Chaldea doesn’t really have, and it’s something I think of whenever they say something like this.
All that said, she does kind of feel pretty different from the Arturia I know.
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kob131 · 9 months
This an half attempt to answer your quiestion, but you are by no means pressured to read it as it is just too long.
Now that i actually sit and think about it a bit more, I think i shouldnt have called them trait, rather the Impact that having a fucked up parent such as morgan had on them. Im sorry that i cant exactly point it out but i will try my best.
Even gawain who is a geniunely good person, can be too persistent as it seems and im pretty sure morgan was a pro in that regard. Gawain is a good person but he can be a bit fucked up too.
agravain is the one who hates morgan's guts the most while still not being able to completley able to escape the Impact she had on him. Being raised by morgan literally messed the dude up. Seeing morgan's probable short temper in agravain wasnt that hard for me. When he hates someone, the hatred is quite deep whether you even did something wrong or not. The "i hate women" line, while being extremly memeable, does imply that morgan definitely isnt the best female parental figure someone could have.
For mordred..... Oh boy, being isolated and having morgan as the only consistent influencial figure outside of your idol who didnt even know you exist , she was really unlucky. Mordred has a short temper which seems to be the easiest to point out.
We dont Know anything about gaheris *dramatic sobbing* outside of the fact that he is probebly the tallest among the five of them.
Either gareth was too young to remember her, or her brothers and lancelot's influence washed out any possible fucked upness. I would say the Impact the orkneys had on eachother did matter even if it isnt really brought up.
No no, I love reading.
I can see how Gawain's stubborness could have come from Morgan, given that both of their actions in the end did more harm than good.
Yeah, Agravain does seem to share Morgan's vindictiveness and fury. Kind of ironic considering he hates women in part because of Morgan's actions while he perpetuates those actions.
And...it might actually be worse for Mordred. A key part of Mordred's conflict is her inability to define herself (her Bond 10 Craft Essence is literally named 'Who Am I?') and a key aspect to Morgan is that her life is split in three to her three different roles. Three different parts of herself she likely could never reconcile between them.
I've said it once and I'll say it again- Mordred is probably the one person who could fully understand her mother.
Though, it's not like Gareth's personality is entirely separate from Morgan. Agravain may have ended up with issues but Gawain ended up as a pretty upstanding if stubborn guy. And remember Gawain's the ELDEST of the Orkney so logically he was exposed to Morgan the most. For him to have grown up that well adjusted, Morgan had to have been a good mother at some point. And it's said she also acted as a good sister/motherly figure to Arturia before finding out the full truth. Gareth's personality could very well be a reflection of who Morgan was before things fell apart.
But yeah, the Orkney siblings most certainly do affect each other quite a bit. Gawain is said to be the closest with Gareth, Agravain doesn't hate Gareth like he usually would (instead having a 'complicated' relationship) and Agravain does care about both Gawain and Mordred since he called out to Gawain after he was shot with Rhongyominad and questioned the Lion King's coldness towards Mordred in the Sixth Singularity. Remember, Lancelot having a lesser part in the Fall of Camelot caused his to utterly loathe the man- by all rights he shouldn't care about Mordred. Yet he clearly does.
P.S. Yeah...I wish we knew something about Gaheris too. Best we know is that he teased Gawain about not knowing how much Gareth looked up him in Garden Of Avalon.
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