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so back in 2010-11-ish I used to SIMP (still kinda do) for this handsome fellow real hard... he's from the movie Insidious, I felt nostalgic and drew him again🥰
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the-extra-baby-blog · 5 years
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#LIPSTICK #ilovemakeup #lipstickjunkie #lipsticklover #lipstickaddict #lipstickoftheday #lipstickismyvice #lipsticklove #lipstickday #lipstickqueen #lipstickaddiction #lipstickobsession #nationallipstickday #lipstickface #lipstickonface #lipstickonmyface #toddlerlipstick #toddlermakeup #toddlermakeuptutorial #toddlermakeupartist #toddlermakeupskills #toddlersandmakeup #blondehair #toddlerface https://www.instagram.com/p/ByBP_rVDj6d/?igshid=byot36xtv2qo
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Where it all began.... . . . . #tb #day1 #babymua #lipstickface #itsalook #makingtrends #beattocapacity #beatforthegods
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Insidious: The Last Key 2018
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Let me start off with saying this is probably my favorite out of the series so far. Though I do love the first, This was a surprisingly good prequel. It starts off with scenes that show you Elise’ backstory. Which features the common father doesn’t accept her gift but her mother does, scenario. Her poor younger brother is just being traumatized his whole life by his sister scaring him with her gifts but who can blame him.
 Her father was played by Josh Stewart, who is always a welcomed sight to see in my eyes. He’s been a chameleon in the acting roles he’s landed so I wasn’t surprised he excelled at this role as well. You don’t get as many scenes with with Elise’ mother because she gets murdered when Elise goes into the further and unlocks the door for Keyface. Yes that’s the actual name for the demon. So we have Keyface and lipstick-face. They’re striving for creativity on these names. Which, side note, are we ever going to go back and see lipstick face other than his split second pop up in every movie? I still have questions about him and clearly he’s of importance if he’s popping up everytime. I know Elise died in the first movie but since these are out of order, let’s go back and revisit this guy. 
Flash forward to modern day, Well 2010, and Elise and the boys get a call for work in Elise’ childhood home. Go figure. Also she lived next to a prison so no wonder that house had so many spirits. At first she says no but to true Elise fashion, she changes her mind like she did with Quinn Brenner. Specs and Tucker are originally told they can’t go but as you can guess, they ended up tagging along. Despite having those small predictable moments, I will say the jump scares were great. I enjoy how Insidious always goes silent before a jumpscare. I prefer that over the music that can make it predictable as to when it’s going to happen. They did a great job in this film with making the scares happen in parts you aren’t expecting. 
 Back to Elise’s house and the boys get her set up for the night and the man living in the house, known as Ted Garza, shows her her childhood bedroom and says that’s where the ghost is. Note that this guy still had Elise’s family decor throughout the old house. That’s a bit gross but whatever his personal taste is. He hands her a bible and right as I was thinking, how is that going to ever help her?, Elise chuckles and sets it down on the bed when he leaves. That’s what I thought. Religion has never come into play in Insidious and I didn’t it want it to start. On a positive note for Elise, she finds her brothers old whistle that their mother gave him when he was six but thought he lost. That whistle becomes a pretty significant part of the story and I wasn’t really expecting it so that was a nice change of pace. Elise is eventually led into the basement, where her mother was murdered and where her father would make her go when she admitted she saw ghosts, and sees a woman who screams at Elise to help her. She doesn’t say help me but help her, signaling to Elise that someone else needs help. 
The next day the boys and Elise go to the diner in town and run into Elise’ nieces, Melissa and Imogen, who she didn’t know existed and she sees her brother for the first time after she left at 16. Naturally he told her to stay away from him and his family but Elise gives Melissa a photo she took of herself holding the whistle the night before and tells her to give it to her father. After another eventful night, the movie gave a surprising but enjoyable twist. Turns out Garza, the guy who owns the house now, is keeping a hostage chained behind a wall in the basement. Clearly he was more crazy than just being haunted by a ghost in Elise’ bedroom. Elise of course manages to find her with the help of the ghost and the whistle! One blow for yes and two for no. I always enjoy things like that because it can lead to a genuinely good jumpscare. It didn’t here but it was still a good scene. The one complaint I have is that it’s taking so long to finally see something other than Keyface demons hand and of course, who does he go after? Elise’ niece Melissa. Now I was watching the way the demon crawled on the floor and instantly I was reminded of Samara Morgan. He almost had that same look to his skin as well. Now clearly this demon isn’t a fan of noise because he uses one of his key fingers and sticks it in Melissa’s throat to silence her screams. There’s no backstory as to who this demon actually is, why he doesn’t like noise, what each key means or anything. So that leaves questions for us who have a interest in backstories of villains. Also goes back to having questions about lipstick face. Let’s give these demons their own backstory movie. 
 So Elise goes back to the house and helps her brother and Imogen find Melissa, chained and barely alive in the basement. As she’s being wheeled off, a secret comes out. Guess who can also see things and go into the further? Imogen! I wish I could inherit something like that from my family. So Elise gets knocked out and trapped in the further by Keyface and Imogen goes in for the first time to help her. After a battle against Keyface and finding Melissa, as they leave Elise comes across a red door. Now I was genuinely excited when I saw who was behind it. It was Dalton! Flashed to the scene where he fell in the attic. So by now you realize the movies are out of order but I found it exciting to see Dalton again.
 At the end you see Elise back home having a dream about Dalton and Lipstickface shows up in the window, looking a bit more crazy than usual. See he holds a lot of importance if he’s appeared in every movie and I’m dying to know why. I’ve left out a lot of details so it didn’t contain too many spoilers but overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Insidious 4 and I hope they continue the series. This was a movie I would definitely watch when I wanted a good Adrenalin rush from jump scares, not a casual Sunday movie.
💀💀💀💀 out of 5 skulls from me! 
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impossibly-closer · 7 years
Klance Pride Pt 2
Here is the part 2 to this oneshot based on head canons by @starcosdiaz
1355 words, enjoy
The parade is only a couple minutes in, Keith can’t stop smiling, and he’s covered in blue lipstick. What he doesn’t realize is that Lance has already taken a ton of photos of Keith smiling.
Lance has kept his word and one arm has never left Keith’s waist.
Lance leans over and kisses Keith’s temple. “I think I’m going to start calling you lipstickface.”
Keith smiles. Moments later, he turns to Pidge. Can I have my phone?” Pidge’s cargo shorts have a lot of pockets and Keith’s shorts don’t. She hands him her phone.
“More photos of me?” Keith asks, scrolling through his notifications.
“How could I not? You always look so happy and so pretty,” Lance explains.
“Lets take a picture for my Snapchat,” Keith says.
“Only if we use the dog filter,” Lance replies.
“Oh jeez, I have a lot of lipstick on my face,” Keith laughs when he opens up Snapchat.
“Let’s add more.” Lance turns and kisses Keith’s cheek while Keith takes the picture.
“Aw, you’re so cute with your dog filter,” Lance says a few kisses later with a smile. “Definitely save that.”
Lance can see three shirtless guys standing in front of Keith and he’s a little worried. They guys are definitely chatting Keith up; with the flirty smiles they have, it's kind of obvious. Lance had been getting drinks for the group and he wanted Keith to come with him but Keith wanted to stay and watch the parade.
Lance picks up his pace. This isn’t the first time someone has flirted with Keith but Lance never likes it. Sure Keith is gorgeous but he’s also Lance’s boyfriend.
He makes it to the group, giving everyone their drinks except Keith, who hasn’t noticed Lance yet. Lance walks up behind Keith, clearing his throat to catch Keith’s attention. Keith turns around and Lance raises his eyebrows and nods to the shirtless guys. Keith wraps an arm around Lance’s waist and turns to the shirtless guys.
“This is my wonderful boyfriend Lance,” Keith says, kissing Lance’s cheek. All three of the men sigh.
“Of course he’s taken,” one of them says.
“Sorry boys, he’s mine,” Lance says proudly. The guys walk away.
“Are you mad?” Keith asks.
“Why would I be mad?” Lance replies. “Sure I’m kind of annoyed. As long as nothing happens, I’ll never be mad at you. I mean, you’re gorgeous. If I wasn’t dating you, I’d totally be one of those guys.”
Keith blushes. “You’re gorgeous too.”
Lance smiles and peppers Keith’s face with kisses, causing Keith to giggle.
“Augh, you two are so cute, I don’t know whether to gag or think it’s adorable,” Pidge says, making Lance kiss Keith even more. Pidge fake gags.
A few drinks later, Lance is dunk.
He can’t stop laughing and he’s standing behind Keith with his arms draped on Keith’s shoulders. Keith only had half of a drink do all he’s doing is taking pictures of his drunk boyfriend.
Lance leans forward, “Keith, Keef, Keeeeeeef…” he whispers into Keith’s ear. “I love you.”
Keith almost chokes on soda. Lance has told him I love you before. They were cuddling in bed one night with the rain pounding outside. Lance had been trying to keep Keith calm and he kind of blurted it out. Keith managed to mumble a ‘love you too’ but after that, they haven’t said it since.
Lance giggles. “I loooooove you.” he repeats, slurring his words a little. “Do you love me?”
Keith turns to face Lance. He feels more confident. He wishes that Lance wasn’t drunk because this is a pretty special moment but he can’t have everything. “I love you too, glitterface.”
Lance giggles even more. “Prove it.”
Keith smirks and kisses Lance passionately. Lance kisses back with as much passion as his drunk self can manage.
Moments later, Lance pulls away, hair messy and a blush across his cheeks. “Point proven. Now let’s dance.”
Keith gives Lance a confused smile and Lance moves Keith’s hands to his shoulders. Lance wraps his arms around Keith’s waist and sways slowly back and forth. They aren’t swaying to the Panic! At The Disco song playing. Keith isn’t sure what they’re dancing to but he doesn’t really care.
Lance leans down. “I love you,” he murmurs into Keith’s ear. He repeats it a couple more times and Keith can’t stop smiling.
It’s a beautiful moment. The sun is beginning to set so the sky is slightly pink. The parade is pretty much over, except for the random people running around, just being happy and proud of who they are. Pidge is currently one of those people. Hunk and Shay wandered off together a little while ago. Shiro is nearby with Allura, making jokes about his prosthetic arm to anyone who will listen. Coran has been trying food from all the different food trucks.
But to Keith and Lance, none of that matters. All that matters is their love and the two of them dancing to unknown music.
“I love you too,” Keith finally replies. Lance giggles and pepper Keith’s face with kisses. The two dance until the sun sets.
The group finally met up again a couple hours after sunset.
“We should get some food,” Hunk offers as they start walking to the cars.
“That sounds like a good idea,” Keith says. He expects Lance to be next to him so he can take Lance hand but Lance isn't there. Keith turns around to see Lance slowly trudging along behind the group. Usually after giggly drunk Lance comes sleepy drunk Lance.
Keith smiles fondly and slows his pace down to let his boyfriend catch up.
“Keith, piggy back ride,” Lance demands. “‘m sleepy.” Keith chuckles and helps Lance onto his back.
Keith catches up with the group.”I think Lance and I are going to go home. You guys can go eat without us.”
“Do you want a ride home?” Shiro asks.
“No thanks, we can take the subway,” Keith answers. “Pidge, I need my phone back.” Pidge gives him his phone back and Keith says goodbye with Lance sleepily echoing.
When they finally get home, Lance has passed out. Keith tries to wake him up to eat but no luck.
Keith gets Lance ready for bed, putting his pajamas on and wiping off most of the glitter. Once Lance is in bed, Keith eats some toast and gets himself ready for bed.
He’s sad to wipe off all the blue glitter and lipstick. He wants to go back and relive pride all over again. He had so much fun.
Once Keith finishes, he goes into his and Lance room to find Lance sprawled out on the bed, still asleep. Keith moves all of Lance’s long limbs so he can lay down. He feels Lance moving next to him, then an arm wraps around Keith’s waist.
“Goodnight Lance,” Keith whispers.
Lance’s response is a snore.
The puking noises from the bathroom wake Keith up. He gets off the bed and walks into the bathroom to find Lance hunched over the toilet.
Lance looks up from the toilet. “Hey Ke-Why are you all red?”
Keith looks in the mirror to see his face, shoulders, arms, and legs are red. “I think it’s a sunburn.”
Lance is about to reply but he starts retching in the toilet again. Keith sits on the floor next to Lance and rubs his back.
“I think...I think I’m done,” Lance says tiredly, leaning against Keith.
“Do you want some medicine? Keith asks. “I’m assuming you have a headache.”
“Pounding,” Lance replies. Keith helps Lance leans against the wall. He flushes the toilet and looks in the cabinet for some medicine.
“You’re going to need some aloe vera for your sunburns,” Lance says while Keith is still looking. “I told you to get sunscreen yesterday.”
Keith finds the medicine and aloe vera. He gives Lance the medicine and takes his shirt off to start putting aloe vera on.
“Keith, you have tank-top tan lines,” Lance laughs.
“Yeah, whatever, help me put this aloe vera,” Keith says.
“Love you, Keef.”
“Love you too.”
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halloweenhorrorsqueen · 11 years
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awlwygn · 11 years
i am a shitty friend
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Can NOT wait for Insidious Chapter 2! #insidious #lipstickface
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julietsimmsofficial · 12 years
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Laying on a bed of kisses. So. Much. Smooching. Must keep making out with paper! Get your autographed/kissed card and @nevertakeitoff bracelet now! Before my lips die! NeverTakeItOff.Bigcartel.com #valentinesday #smoochies #lipstickface ❤💋💄
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