#listen I know it might sound like Ghost is a total douchbag but like...
toomanywordsnllines · 2 years
It took time for Ghost to get used to Soap… everything.
But mainly his loudness
Ghost is a silent man. Quiet verbally and physically only ever doing the necessary amount of noise. It helps him pass unnoticed and with ease (less anxiety).
It started mostly as a survival technique when little, but as he grew older it just made… sense to him. Don’t make noise and you won’t bother other people. Don’t bother other people and they won’t look at you. They don’t look at you, they don’t bother you. Simple.
Johnny's presence however makes that little ‘routine’ of his shatter into small…tiny… fragmented… pieces.
Many times Ghost has suppressed a flinch or a grimace at Soap’s volume. Parts because of his own over sensitivity to noise… Other’s because… the moment Soap speaks all heads in the room seem to turn to him involuntarily. Either startled by the sound or just… curious about the noise.
Simon will never admit it but all those eyes being in his direction freaks him out… Makes him think of all the eyes that looked down on him as he was buried under dirt. Analysing… constricting…cruel… so cruel.
Ghost hates it. Hates it so much but…
But the smile on Soap’s face as he speaks.
The way his laugh reverberates on the walls and rattles inside Simon’s chest.
The way he’ll try to suppress his giggles and whispers, telling him a secret, but still ends up being too loud.
The way Ghost always knows where he is by this weird form of echolocation of his.
He hates it. He hates it. He hates it–
But he says nothing. He zips his mouth shut and endures. He learns to process the noise and ends up learning how to turn it into something more pleasant. Can’t go a day without hearing that beautiful scott speak. Can’t go a day without missing him. Can’t help just wanting to hear more, listen to more. He saw the expression on Soap’s face after someone told him to shut up. He knows Soap can’t control it and it’s part of who he is. Ghost has learned to endure bigger, worse, more concerning pains and discomforts. For Johnny? He can suck it up and keep on going.
Because losing Johnny will always be a bigger anguish than some little noise.
So he keeps quiet and endures because, god forbid, he ever tries to purposefully hurt that man.
Simon loves him too much for Ghost to even try…
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