#listen ok. listen it was so hard to decide which warnings to put at the top of this one
cream-and-tea · 2 years
LAY ME DOWN. chapter seven excerpt. unedited. featuring: agnes taking some time to explore her new surroundings and reflect on her old ones. blasphemy. implied homophobia. religious trauma. mild injury.
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[Transcript under the cut]
hiiii! we’ve had pallas’s existential gender ponderings so it’s only fair that i post something that features much more heavily in the plot: Agnes And The Ongoing Sexuality Crisis! now go and listen to hallelujah (in your arms) by semler at least 50 times to accurately recreate the experience i had writing this chapter <3
TAGLIST (ask to be +/-). @vellichor-virgo​ @nicola-writes​ @doctormoss​ @gerbermatter​ @cactusprincewrites @houndmouthed @muddshadow @just-wublrful @midnights-melodiverse @corkywantstowrite @paradisiacalshroud @andromedatalksaboutstuff @kingsinking @lungs-and-gills @lychniscitrus @phantomnations
This isn’t the first time she’s dreamt of girls. 
Agnes considers that fact as she pulls everything out of the chest sitting at the foot of the bed (spare bedding mostly, sheets and quilts and pillowcases— multiple of each—and at least one heavy coat). They’ve never felt like that before though, clear and cold like water running over her skin, so obviously there. Most of the time she doesn’t even remember the other ones, just the feeling of them, waking up part ashamed and part euphoric (the euphoria always wore off long before the shame).
Agnes checks under the bed, then opens and closes the drawer on the end table, scoots it over to peer behind it, not really sure what she’s looking for. Secret passages maybe? Hidden traps? Something to let her know what the rules are here. 
There are, in her experience, at least three kind of rules in the world: the kind that people will tell you up front, the kind that they expect you to just know about and act surprised when you don’t, and the kind that they never say out loud but you can feel somewhere in your bones must be followed at all costs (We don’t talk about how Agnes sees ghosts and we don’t talk about how Agnes thinks about girls both fall into this category). Normally it takes her way too long to figure out which are which, she can’t afford to do that here where everything is already so confusing. 
Pallas would probably know all the rules, if she can find them, if they don’t make her brain explode when she does. Pallas had seemed to know everything about whatever this place is. What would they think of the girl in her dreams? They’re a weird and very sharp sort of person, she thinks, not really anything in particular at all. A why more than a what. If they weren’t definitely going to murder her if she looked at them wrong she would ask about that. 
There’s nothing in the desk but pencils, pens and a stack of notebooks. There’s nothing under the rug or behind the dresser filled with clothes that all look her size. The bookshelf is half full of titles she doesn’t recognize. She’s too weak to climb up to and push aside the strange painting of a human-faced deer full of arrows that hangs over the fireplace. When she limps her way to the bathroom the tub is still full and stagnant from when she filled it the night before but her clothes have mysteriously vanished from their crumpled pile on the floor. 
Agnes sways, then sits on the edge of the bathtub to appease her screaming ankle. She swings one leg into the water, hoping that will somehow help the pain, presses the heels of her hands into her eyes. “Okay. Okay okay okay.”
Things she knows: This is a library in a forest a long time after libraries stopped being something people thought about (her mother is dead). This library is supposedly full of people like her and people like Pallas (her Papá is gone). It’s going to teach her about what she is (her mother is dead). It’s not going to be easy (her mother is dead). She shouldn’t tell anyone her name (her mother is dead). The Library is supposed to save the world. (her Papá is gone). There are doors in trees that lead to tunnels that lead to here and things that look like dogs but aren’t and people that can bend blood and flesh and a Director who’s office sits in the void with a sword hanging above it in suspended animation (her Papá is gone and her mother is dead her Papá is gone and her mother is dead but somehow she is alive alive alive).
Things she doesn’t know: How exactly The Library is going to save the world. What The Library knows about the men in white. Where the men in white could have taken Papá. How these people can teach her about ghosts. How this place stands untouched in a forest that consumes everything around it. Why the girl in her dreams was asking her to find her. Whether or not there will be people her age here. Why the dogs and the Director and the librarian remind her of what the men in white did to her mother. Where her clothes went. If she’ll ever see Pallas again or if they’ve left her for good. If God hates her or not. Why there’s a sword in the Directors office. If there’s a place she can get food. If there’s any point to the deer painting or if it’s there just to creep her out. 
The closest thing they’d had to art on the walls back home was a wood-burned etching of the Virgin Mary that sat propped on a shelf above the kitchen table. Papá had made it for Mother for some anniversary and it really was very beautiful, dark line’s swirling across polished cedar. Her mother loved it and Agnes loved it too, there was something mesmerising about how the natural whorls and grain of the wood mixed with scratchy charcoal dark swirls. She’d liked the way the Mother of Gods eyes were ever so slightly downcast, as if she wanted to look at you but couldn’t quite bring herself to. Agnes could relate to that. And then one night when she was thirteen and everything seemed awful forever she’d gone to bed late after too little time spent with Mother and too much time wandering with the ghosts and dreamt that the carving had come alive. 
Mary had still been the colour of wood in the dream, but soft to the touch, human and wrapped in flowing fabric. Agnes had been standing barefoot and bareshouldered in the middle of the kitchen and Mary had knelt in front of her very very close and Agnes had used to clumsy hands to move the veil from her hair and the Blessed Virgin's hair had come loose around her face and she’d put her carvedgirl hands on either side of Agnes’s face. 
Then Mary had said nos diligimus, quoniam ipse prior dilexit nos and put her lips close to Agnes’s and Agnes had woken up screaming like someone had doused her with boiling oil. 
This, obviously, woke her parents, but she’d been too sick with horror and shame to lie so instead had sobbed out everything into Papá’s shoulder. Then Mother had begun to talk in the high and strung out way that there was something very, very wrong and Papá had sent her to sit on the steps outside in the gnawing February air where she’d pressed her hands to her ears and her snot-streaked face to her knees, trying to block out the sound inside while a dead woman and her barely-there son had pressed to either side of her, trying to be comforting but really only making her colder.
She felt about the same then as she does now, half-awake and shuddery and like she could make one wrong move and the world would collapse in screaming fire around her, well-worn prayers buoying in her heavy head, bits of wood carried along by a torrent of floodwater.
Oh Lord, what’s happening to me.
Oh Lord, why why why why why.
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triptuckers · 9 months
sparring sessions - percy jackson
Request: yes! "ok so ik it’s kinda (by kind of i mean VERY) cliche, but i was wondering if u could do like an angst -> fluff where like percy and reader get into a fight n stuff and he like admits that he loves them??" Pairing:  percy jackson x reader Summary:  when an argument between you and percy gets heated, some things are revealed Warnings:  mentions of injuries and blood, arguing, angst Word count:  858 A/N: raaaaaahhh I LOVE me some cliche's LETS GO !! thanks for you request, enjoy!
it started out as an innocent sparring session between percy and jake, a hephaestus kid. a couple kids from hermes, hephaestus, and athena decided to get together to train. you and percy also joined.
you'd been at camp longer than percy, so you had trained him in the beginning. the two of you often train together even though percy is now better than you.
but somehow he still looks at you while sparring with someone else. if it's to read your facial expressions or just because you're in his line of sight, you're not sure.
but today it nearly went wrong.
while percy and jake were sparring, percy was looking at you and too late to block jake's sword. he managed to make a deep cut in percy's arm.
the session was immediately ended and percy put his sword away. while the other kids continued their training session, you walked away. you couldn't stay there and be around percy right now. clearly he hadn't listened to you.
but percy, having seen your face, follows you.
as soon as you get to percy's cabin - which provides you with more privacy than your own - you turn around to look at him with an irritated look on your face.
'I told you to ignore me if you're sparring!' you say.
percy frowns. but nothing bad happened? why are you mad at him? besides, he can't look away from you when he's sparring. he thought you knew this.
'and how am I supposed to do that?' says percy, watching as you take off your armor and neatly put it away. 'you're the one that taught me. of course I need to see if you think I'm doing a good job.'
you pinch the bridge of your nose between your fingers. you're trying so hard to stay calm right now.
'of course I think you're doing a good job, percy.' you say. 'I know you're good at what you do. but you'd do a great job if you would listen to my advice and avoid getting stabbed.'
percy makes a soft offended noise. 'first of all, I didn't get stabbed. I got nicked!'
you groan out loud 'percy! come on, don't be stubborn!'
'I'm the one being stubborn? you should see yourself when you're sparring. you want it to be perfect but fighting never is! it's messy, no matter how good you train someone.'
'I'm going for a walk.' you say, before you get angrier and say things you don't mean.
you grab your armor and walk towards the door, but he steps in front of you, blocking the doorway.
'oh no, you're not. we're not done yet.' says percy, crossing his arms over his chest, displaying the cut on his arm that he didn't have time to heal yet.
'got more to say?' you say.
'yes. you never did actually tell me what I did wrong.' says percy. 'you're mad, I can tell. but you didn't tell me what it was that I did that's made you mad.'
'yes I did. I told you that you need to ignore me when you're sparring. focus all of you attention on the opponent, not me.'
'I can't do that.'
'can't focus on the opponent? I noticed.'
'that's not what I meant!'
'then what do you mean!'
'I meant I can't ignore you when I'm sparring!' says percy loudly. 'I can never ignore you, don't you understand that? whenever you're near you always have my attention, I can never look away. even when you're not near me I'm thinking about you. gods, you're always on my mind because I love you, okay? so I'm sorry if I can't look away from you when I'm sparring!'
you hadn't realised how close you were to each other. now percy's face is close to yours, both of you breathing heavily.
you knew percy liked you, obviously. you wouldn't be staying in his cabin almost every night if he didn't. but this? even though you knew percy had liked you for a long time, you hadn't been together for that long.
'you love me?' you say in a soft voice, feeling your anger and irritation ebb away.
percy closes his eyes and shakes his head, as if he just now realises what he said. then he sighs and when he opens his eyes and looks at you, there's nothing but sweetness in them.
'yeah. I do.' says percy. 'I've loved you for a long time, actually.'
you smile and want to say something but percy's eyes widen.
'wait, shit, is that too soon? should I have waited to say it? oh gods if I-'
'percy.' you say, shutting him up by stepping even closer to him.
'it's okay. I love you too.' you say.
percy grins and his eyes twinkle. without warning, he puts his hands on the sides of your face and crashes his lips against yours. he can feel the smile on your lips.
when he pulls back, you're both smiling.
'you still want to go on that walk?' says percy.
'definitely not.' you say.
percy laughs and kisses you again, your argument already forgotten.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost, steal or translate my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit
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miya-rin · 2 months
“what the fuck do you two think youre doing?”
shit, you think, you didnt notice the balcony door had been slid open until you heard the voice of one of your brothers. you start to pull away from suna’s lips which earns you a small whine from his end, his grip tightens around you and honestly it its quite cute the way he is trying so hard to savour the moment. “come back later, we’re kinda busy.” the boy mutters before trying to move your face away from the distraction so that he can kiss you once more.
“suna you get your hands off of her right now, i dont give a fuck that its your birthday.” osamu pipes up, he looks furious and a little bit disgusted, if it hadnt been for the situation youre in right now you would think its kind of funny.
“samu lay off him, it was a mutual agreement, im just as guilty as he is ok?” that does not seem to help the boys understand, if anything they seem even more angry with you both.
“what the fuck do you mean it was a mutual agreement? are you two hooking up or something? yn he just turned 18 a few hours ago are you forgetting that?” atsumu says, he is rambling on with every excuse he can think of as to why this is “so wrong”, from the corner of your eye you can see suna trying so very hard to hide the grin that is creeping its way onto his face, his hands still all over you despite the fact that you arent alone anymore.
“listen, it was his birthday wish ok? i swear it didn’t mean anything,” sunas grip begins to loosen ever so slightly, “i just though it would get him off my back and get him over his little crush on me.” suna’s facial expression shifts but you choose to ignore it, you have bigger problems to deal with at the moment.
“no this is not ok, how would you feel if me or samu kissed one of your friends because it was their birthday wish?”
“that’s different, why would my friends want to kiss either of you?”
“excuse me? ill have you know that many women want to kiss me! and dont think youre getting off the hook either suna, ill make sure you never-“ you dont even want to hear the threat that is about to come out of his mouth, you just want to get out of this shitty situation.
“boys please, just give us five minutes to talk and then we will be back inside ok? i promise.” your efforts to plead with your brothers finally work.
“…fine,” atsumu mumbles, “but this better be a one time thing. im not gonna deal with you two being all lovey dovey around me.” and with that he lightly tugs on osamu’s sleeve, signalling him to walk back inside and continue the party. he closes the balcony door but not before bringing two fingers up to his eyes and then pointing them at the two of you. its a warning.
you turn back to suna and notice the sad look on his face - he looks kinda cute like this, “so, what do-“.
“did you really mean what you just said to them?” the poor boy looks heartbroken, after waiting three years to finally have a chance with the girl he loves wants the moment is ruined like that? “did you actually just do that so i would leave you alone?” his hands fully leave your body now and he takes a step back to put some distance between you two.
“well i mean sort of yeah… ive never looked at you in any way other than my brothers best friend if im going to be honest, i dont know if thats because of the age difference or what but ive never thought we could be anything.” the look of hurt is prominent on his face no matter how hard he tries to hide it, normally playful banter would have been thrown back and forth between the two of you but rintarou just stays silent, an indication that youve fucked up.
“listen suna i dont know what you want me to say, i wasnt really thinking when i said that to atsumu it just came out. i am 4 years older than you and many people would not approve of us if i decided to give you a chance.”
“who cares? i could treat you so right if you would just let me. i have waited entirely too long for this moment, all im asking for is one date.”
“you said that about the kiss too, one thing is never enough with you is it? you always need more.” a playful smile creeps onto your face which is outshined by the one on sunas, he knows that your smile means that you agree to go on a date with him.
“i really hope you arent fucking with me right now, that would be so cruel, especially on my birthday.”
“oh give the birthday excuse a rest now will you? you dont need to keep on at me you have already got what you want.”
“mhm i absolutely have,” he walks closer and once again wraps his arms around you, placing a hand under your jawbone to make you look up at him, “and i couldnt be happier.” he states as he pulls you in for a passionate kiss once more <3
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 1 year
Modern Day Hantengu Quads get a gorgeous roommate who they each get the hots for. She seemingly shows no interest in them outside of a roommate relationship, they come home after one night out, they over hear the roommate pleasuring herself in her room, moaning each of their names
I just did this idea separately with the clones, hopefully that's ok lol. Also let's pretend the pics I'm using is them as humans lmao
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Warnings: fem!reader, morden day au!, caught masturbation, vibrator mentioned, pussy eating
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Aizetsu made it obvious how much he liked for you. Even if he's too shy to admit it, he espresses his love for you by making sure you had breakfast and even dinner when he comes back from work and makes sure that you feel comfortable around him and the things he dose for you.
He could tell from your responses and body language that you "weren't" interested in him. It made him sad, of course, but he brushed it off. So long as he could spend this much time with you by being your roommate is all that mattered to him.
When evert aizetsu went out to parties with his brothers hed get sad leaving you alone in the house. "Are you sure you'll be fine.." Aizetsu asked. "You ask this all the time. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Go have fun!" You smiled.
Aizetsu decided to come home early that night. He was all partied out and came home at 12pm instead of 1am. He opened the front door quietly to not wake you. He sighed, putting his bag down, taking off his shoes and started to head back to his room. He stopped halfway to hear muffled moans coming from your room.
"Is she with someone else?" Aizetsu asked himself, but before assuming anything, he wanted to confirm for himself. Your room door was cracked open just enough for Aizetsu to peep through and there he saw it was just you, laying down with your legs spread, rubbing at your clit. Aizetsu's eyes widen at the site and not be able to look away.
Aizetsu gulps, placing his hand over his pants, palming his cock as he watches you masturbating. "A-Aizetsu~ fuck, Aizetsu~" you moan his name, bitting your lip as your hips rise getting closer to your orgasm. Aizetsu covered his mouth with a gasp, did you really just moan his name? Especially in that seductive tone? Before he realized it his own hand pulled his hard cock out, stroking himself.
Aizetsu kept watching and getting harder in his hand at the site of your trembling legs and listening to your cute moans. You eventually came from the self plesure and laid back down, breathing heavy from your orgasm "I know you're there, Aizetsu," you said with your eyes closed.
Aizetsu kept his mouth covered stopping his hand from storking his cock and took a step back. You got up slowly and headed over to the door with wobbly legs and opened it. "I didn't think you'd be back so soon" you smiled. Aizetsu looks down at your half naked body with his hard cock still in his hand "y/n... do you like me? I heard.." he blushes stepping closer to you.
You gave him a shy smile, looking away with a nod. Aizetsu couldn't resist you anymore. His hands grab your hips, pulling you closer to him. You felt his hard cock touch your stomach and he leans down and whispers in your ear "can I make you moan my name again but with me instead you? Please y/n" he begs, grinding himself against you.
"Yes, Aizetsu"
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Sekido wasn't hard to live with, but he could be a handful, and he knew that. He always expected the house to be clean no matter what the situation was. He always makes sure to take care of you by making sure you have the stuff you needed, had food in the morning, had lunch before you went to work and always made sure to have dinner for you.
He'd often ask who you are with when he sees you with someone else. "You're not my boyfriend, you know. I'm just with friends from work, " you'd say, which only pissed him off more. Sekido couldn't wrap around how you could brush off his feelings for you, but he figured you just weren't into him. He refused himself to get bummed out from it and just kept things the way they were.
Sekido went out with some friends and didn't give you a set time on when he'd be back. He arrived home late. It was 1am he opened the door quietly as he took off his shoes and headed to his room. He walked past your door and then slowly walked backward when he heard your moans.
He looked through your cracked door to see you in your tank top, playing with your nipple between your fingers through your clothes and grinding your bare pussy on your pillow. "Hnmhm~ haa Sekido, Sekido..." You're eyes were shut, whining and moaning his name getting closer and closer to your orgasm.
Sekido didn't think and just swung the door open. "....I'm home," he said, making you gasp and covering yourself quickly with your blanket. "What are you doing!? Knocking is a thing you know!!" You raised your voice in embarrassment.
"Well, you're the one who left your door cracked open. Should've closed it, " Sekido said, walking towards you and sitting on your bed with his hand on your thigh. "you're really fucking with me aren't you?" He said, ripping the blanket off of you "moaning my name like a needy bitch and then saying I'm not your boyfriend. What kinda game are you playing with me? " he said, getting between your legs and looking down at your slick mess.
"I'm not playing with you. I just... I just thought you just saw me as a friend. You're also so strict with me- I don't know, " you panicked a little, hiding your face in your hands. "You're an idiot," Sekido said with his hands on your hips, feeling your skin. "But you're my idiot," he said.
Sekido kissed your forehead and grabbed your chin to make you look at him. He smirks. "I've always liked you. you were just too dumb to realize that. But now I like you a lot more, especially seeing you like that and moaning my name, " he said, pulling his cock out and rubbing it though your wet folds
"Sekido.." You moaned and felt Sekido thick thumb rub across your bottom lip. "That's it. Moan my name again" he kissed your lips "don't you dare say I'm not your boyfriend after this" Sekido grabs his cock, rubbing the tip against your entrance "wanna hear you moan my name while you take it. Can you do that for me? Or are you gonna keep playing games?" he moaned softly against your ear.
You shake your head, no in response and wrap your arms around his neck "I won't, please fuck me" you begged.
"Good girl"
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Karaku lives the same way as he acts. He can't take anything seriously and barely cleans his mess. He'd often thank you for cleaning up after him when, in reality, you're not doing it for him but for yourself, so the place stays tidy.
Although Karaku is a messy person to live with, he's still a generous guy. He'd help you clean up whether your yelled at him to help or not, he'll always keep you company especially when he finds you in your room having a breakdown about something and when he gose out he always comes back with something you like.
Karaku often teased you about you being his girlfriend and telling his friends he needs to get back to his girlfriend, you, but you'd always shut him down. Karaku always took it up as a challenge. He found it attractive how you'd shut him down because it made it clear as day on how much he liked you, and he just kept trying.
Karaku came back from a party. It was 2am, and he assumed you'd be sleeping. As he got closer to your door, he heard the sounds of your moans along with the sounds of loud buzzing. He leaned closer to your door to listen. A smirk curls on his lips when he hears you moan his name. "Karaku, Karaku- Karaku!!" You whimper, almost acreaming from squrting on your vibrator.
After a minute, Karaku decided to speak out. "That was hot, even though I couldn't see," Karaku said, making you gasp and then knock on your door. "I'm home cutie" he chuckled.
"W-why are you home so late? It's 2am..." You said, "Why are you moaning my name without me in there with you?" He teased and heard you groan in annoyance. "Can I come in?" Karaku asked. You only gave a small "mhm" and Karaku opened the door, coming to your bed. "I was right. You like me, don't you y/n?" He asked, running his hand up your thigh.
You only nod, but Karaku leans closer, resting his chin between your boobs so you can look at him. "I want words, princess. You like me?" He asked again, his lips trail down to your closed thighs, giving them soft kisses. You shiver, biting your lip, and nod quickly. "I do, I do actually like you..." You confess and let Karaku part open your thighs, seeing your dripping mess.
"I like you too princess" he said, going straight to your pussy lapping up your juices and licking at your puffy clit. "Karaku!" Your thighs almost closed shut like you were going to crush his head but you grab onto his hair.
"F-fuuck, Karaku, I just came, slow down," your hips roll in a circular motion, and your body is lying back on the bed. Karaku smirks and gives your clit a kiss "you dont need that fucking toy" Karaku said shoving the vibrator off the bed "my tounge is all you need" he gave your pussy a long lick and watches your body tremble with your loud moans escaping your throat.
"Let me clean up the mess this time"
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Urogi is never home. You've told him in his past life that he must've been some kind of bird since he likes going out so much, especially in the wilds. He's not usually a party. He finds more enjoyment hanging out with people in the woods and doing the most dangerous shit ever but calling it "fun."
He'd never want you home alone unless you really wanted to be alone. Urogi would drag you along to go with him on walks and always hold your hand. "I need to hold your hand so you don't get lost!" He said, grabbing your hand, "but don't couples do this... we are friends, aren't we?" You'd ask Urogi, but he'll always ignore you with a blush on his face and just enjoy the walk.
Urogi told you he was heading to the arcade with his brothers and said he'd be back in a few hours. He came home that night around 11 pm. "y/n, I'm back!" He said and got no answer from you, only the sounds of the water running in the bathroom.
He stepped closer to the bathroom door and heard your moans. "Oh my god~ Urogi, Urogi, please." His brain stopped working he only stood there until he came back to reality and knocked on the door. "I'm here y/n. I hear you saying my name. What's going on?" He asked and opened the door"
"Wait! Don't open-" you squealed, seeing Urogi open the door to see your naked body in the tub. Urogi saw how you were laying down in the tub with your legs spread open letting the water from the tub faucet going on your pussy along with your fingers rubbing your clit.
Urogi only chuckles. "Strange way to masturbate but it looks fun," he said and grabbed a towel, handing it to you. "Sorry for coming in like this. I just heard you saying my name, so i thought something was wrong, " he said, clearly sounding like a lie, "but I walked in at a good time, didn't I?" He winks
"Nah, it's okay." You stood up and took the towel from him wrapping it around your body, and carefully stepped out the tub. "And no you didn't walk in at a good time" you said and stepped closer to Urogi "I didn't get to cum.."
"Well, I'm here now. You can tell me you like me now since I'm so into you, if i didn't make that obvious" Urogi's hand pass the towel and uses his fingers to rub at your clit. "I do like you, i really really like you" you said he chuckles at your soft moans and whispers in your ear "don't worry baby I'll have you cumming all night for me"
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wandanatsgf · 7 months
Right Where You Left Me
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Pairing: Maid!Wanda x Noble Woman!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Wanda is your maid who you fall head over heels for. But like all good things, you knew it wouldn't last. You knew your life was already decided for you, but that didn't mean you couldn't enjoy your time with her while it lasts.
Warnings: This ends sadly and contains smut. Read at your own risk. Also I wrote this in two hours so there's probably grammar mistakes so pls ignore those.
You had never understood this strange feeling inside of you, the way you would cringe when you danced with a man or when he kissed your knuckles. You didn't understand why the idea of marrying a man brought feelings of dread and despair. You didn't understand how such simple actions from a man could elicit such strong emotions in a woman. And then you met Wanda.
Wanda is your recently hired maid and god is she gorgeous. She has long brown hair and eyes as green as emeralds. You tend to get lost in them quite frequently, much to Wanda's chagrin. And every time her skin touches yours it sets you ablaze, which is what's happening right now.
"Does this corset really need to be so tight?" you complain to Wanda who is helping you get dressed. It's making it really hard to control your slightly labored breathing. Wanda's presence was really doing something to you today.
"I'm sorry my lady but I'm just following your mother's orders," she says apologetically. She continues to help you get dressed and then she gets to work on your hair.
"You know you don't have to call me my lady when we're alone, Wanda. Y/n is fine," you tell her as she fixes a curl that was out of place.
"Ok Y/n," she says, trying it out. Your name sounds so good coming out of her mouth, you could listen to her say it for forever. Unfortunately you have duties to attend to today.
"Thank you for helping me," you say once Wanda announced she was finished.
"It's really no problem, Y/n. It is my job after all."
"Yes I know but it's only right for me to thank you."
Wanda smiles at this and you swear you've never seen a prettier sight.
"Have a good day, Wanda," you say as you open your bedroom door and slip out of sight.
You spent the majority of your day entertaining your parent's guest, Steve, a lord from a neighboring country. You talked with him for hours, however your heart wasn't in it. You could've cared less about what he was saying. You would've much preferred to be reading a book or talking with Wanda. And by dinnertime you were ready to rip your ears off if you had to hear another story about a battle.
"Thank you so much for accepting our invitation," your father says as everyone takes their seat.
"It really mans a lot to us that you rode all the way out here to visit us and our daughter, Y/n," your mother adds.
"The pleasure is all mine," Steve says.
"This actually brings us to an important topic, Y/n," your father says. "We, your mother and I, are hoping you would be open to courting Steve." You knew he wasn't really asking, he was telling.
"I would love to father," you say, lying straight through your teeth.
"Well that settles that. I think this calls for a toast," your father says.
The rest of your night was spent drinking and pretending to be merry, but you couldn't get out of your own head. You knew your parents wanted you to marry soon, and you had put it off for as long as possible. Now you were being set up with Steve and you felt hopeless.
Around midnight you bid your parents and Steve goodnight and headed to your room. Maybe you could cry in peace there, but when you enter you see Wanda waiting for you.
"How was your day?" Wanda asks as she helps you out of your dress.
"Honestly it was horrible. I had to spend the whole day with Steve," you say, your face wrinkling up in disgust.
"He can't be that bad."
"He's not bad...he's just not interesting," you say carefully choosing your words.
"Well men never are," Wanda says. She pulls off one of your many petticoats, accidently grazing your thigh. You let out a low moan and you hope Wanda didn't notice. You don't think she did because she finishes taking it off and sets it off to the side.
"Oh?" you ask. You can't tell if Wanda is giving you a sign or not. Or maybe you're just reading into things.
"Well you know how men are. They just talk about hunting or battles or money. It's all very boring."
"Oh yes of course," you say agreeing with her. Wanda continues to undress you, but your thoughts are still plagued by the awful news you got at dinner today.
"You know my parents wish for me to court and probably marry him and I don't know if I can do it," you blurt out. You hadn't meant for that to come out, but you just feel so safe in Wanda's presence. Despite the short amount of time you've known her, you've grown close to her. At least as close as you've ever been to a person.
"Why not? It's not like there's someone else and Steve could give you a life of luxury." Wanda unties your tight corset and lets it drop off your body.
You think carefully before letting your greatest secret slip. "I don't think I could ever love him, Wanda. Not the way I love you." At this Wanda's hands still and drop to her side.
"Y/n are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"I'm in love with you Wanda Maximoff. I know it's wrong and we barely know each other and my parent's would never approve but I can't help how my heart feels."
"Do you really mean that?"
"I mean every word Wanda."
"I'm in love with you too Y/n. I have been since I first started working for you," she admits.
You carefully turn around and plant a soft kiss on Wanda's lips. She tastes like strawberries and you can't get enough.
Wanda pushes her body as close to you as possible, slowly walking the two of you backwards until your body hits a wall. Your thighs open up to make more room for Wanda to position herself between them.
Wanda's lips move from your own to your neck, making you arch your back.
"Please Wanda."
"What do you want baby?"
"I want you to touch me please," you beg.
Wanda obliges and slowly moves her hand down your breasts, fondling them through your undergarments for a minute. You thrust your hips up against her, getting impatient.
"You're just so needy for me aren't you baby?"
"Mhm I just want you so bad Wanda please," you mewl.
Wanda's hand moves to cup your mound and one of her knuckles lightly grazes your clit.
"Is this what you wanted? You want me to touch you right here?"
"Yes Wanda," you breath out. Your loins were on fire and only she could extinguish it.
Wanda slowly rubs her fingers against you and it takes everything in you not to cum then and there. You never thought this would happen, and now that it is you didn't want it to end.
"Let go for me baby. I'll still be here," she says. Her fingers start to move faster against you and it breaks your resolve. You cum in your underwear, moaning like a mad woman.
As you come down, you see Wanda staring at you.
"What?" you ask.
"You just look so beautiful doing that I want to see it again."
This time Wanda gets on her knees between your thighs and slowly pulls your underwear off. She can clearly see your arousal and it turns her on, making her let out a low moan. She lifts your left leg up over her shoulder and dives in.
The wet slurping sounds are unholy but they only turns you on more. Your hands grab onto Wanda's hair and you pull her closer to your heat. Her nose bumps against your clit and your hips thrust against her.
"Right there Wands," you moan out. The brunette woman continues to lick and suck your clit until you finish all over her face.
Wanda slowly works her way up your body, leaving kisses all over your stomach and chest. She makes her way up to your mouth and leaves a soft kiss there.
You gaze into her eyes and see nothing but love and admiration. It makes your heart melt.
"Let me return the favor," you tell her. You swap places with her and gently take off her clothes. Saying she's gorgeous is an understatement. She looks like an angel.
You kiss her as you start to fondle her pussy, messing around to see what she likes. You can feel her moan against your lips and it gives you a surge of pride knowing you're the one making her moan.
You dip one finger into her entrance and you feel her buck her hips against you. Clearly you had a much stronger affect on her than you thought. Her wetness coats your hand.
You thrust your finger inside of her, watching her writhe in ecstasy. It was a sight you knew you would never get sick of. You add another finger and watch as her head rolls back in pleasure. Soon she is cumming and you continue to fuck her through it.
Once she's calmed down you take your fingers out and lick her arousal off of them. She tastes so good, and you tell her as much.
The two of you spend the rest of the night in each other's embrace, enjoying your time together.
You wake up and you think it was all a dream before you look next to you and see a brown mop of hair sleeping next to you. She looks so pretty and peaceful when she sleeps, but you have to wake her up.
"Wanda. Baby. Wake up," you say as you gently shake her.
"Good morning honey," she says.
"Good morning," you say. You lean down and place a kiss on her lips.
'We have to get up y'know," you say as her lips move against yours.
"Just give me one more minute," she says. She continues to kiss you until you can't breathe anymore and you have to pull away.
"Now we really have to get up and get ready," you say.
"Fine," Wanda grumbles.
You each help the other dress and look presentable.
Today you were supposed to hang out with Steve again. The only thing that made that even bearable was the thought of going to bed with Wanda by your side.
"I'll see you tonight," you say as you cradle her face in your hands. You place a passionate kiss against her lips before walking out.
You spend the next couple of weeks like this. You spent your days with a man you hate and your nights with the woman you love, the woman who owns your heart.
"You know we could run away together. We could live in that abandoned cottage near the woods and have a garden and never have a worry again," Wanda says one night. The two of you are cuddling in your bed.
Deep down a part of you knew it was nothing but a dream, but the thought of living with Wanda made your heart soar.
"I want nothing more," you say, never truly thinking Wanda was serious. You lean in and capture her lips with yours.
That night you fall asleep with a pit in your stomach. You still needed to tell Wanda about the now official wedding plans (well your mother was planning a wedding but Steve hadn't proposed yet. You knew it would be soon though), but you would rather live in delusion than end this. And that is what you did, at least until Wanda comes storming into your room a few days later.
"What is this I hear about a wedding between you and Steve?" Wanda questions.
You were currently brushing your hair at your vanity, but you set the brush down when she stormed in.
"There's nothing official but word is he plans on proposing soon and my mother is planning a wedding even though there isn't one yet."
"And you weren't going to tell me?" Wanda asks. You can see the pain and anger on her face and it makes your heart break.
"I was going to eventually Wands. I just couldn't. I couldn't ruin what we have just yet."
"Are you going to deny him Y/n?"
"I-I don't know. I don't know if I can."
"Of course you can Y/n. You have a choice here."
"I don't think I do Wanda."
"Please Y/n," she begs. She begs you to choose her, but you can't let your delusion cloud your judgement anymore.
"I'm sorry Wanda, but we should've known this would never work," you say. You can feel your perfectly applied makeup start to run down your face, but you don't care. You look how you feel, a mess.
"Why wouldn't this work?" You can hear the pain and desperation in her voice.
"Because..." you trail off. You don't want to give her the real reason. You're afraid. Afraid of your family, the townspeople, and a life full of unknowns. You knew that going with her to the cottage the two of you had always talked about would mean giving up everything you have ever known and loved.
"I'm sorry Wanda but I can't leave them and I can't disappoint them." She knew you were talking about your parents.
"You always complain about them controlling you, y/n and you're letting them do it now. Is your happiness really worth their happiness?"
You nod and that is all the confirmation Wanda needs to realize her life was about to fall apart. She was about to lose the love of her life and there was nothing she could do about it.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Wanda," you say. You fall to the ground in a heap of petticoats and skirts. Wanda moves to comfort you, but she knew that would only make this harder.
"I'm sorry too Y/n," Wanda says. She leaves your chamber and you sob harder. You knew you brought this upon yourself, but that didn't make you feel any better.
The next morning a new maid walks in, telling you Wanda had quit last night. From that day on all of your days blurred together. Time was pointless without her. Living was pointless without her.
Exactly two weeks after you had ended things with Wanda, Steve proposed. You don't even remember saying yes, but you must have because you now have a huge, shiny ring on your finger.
You expected Wanda to come to you after the news of your engagement made it's way through the kingdom, but she never showed.
Maybe if she had came back for you things would be different. Or maybe if you had ran away with her you wouldn't be where you are now. But you had backed yourself into this corner and there was no getting out.
Your dress is beautiful. It's big and poufy and white. But the person at the end of the aisle isn't who you want to see. Instead of emerald eyes you see cerulean. Instead of a smooth face with delicate features you see a rough face with harsh lines. He's all wrong, he's not her. But you made your choice. Your parents and their wishes come first. Maybe in another life you could chase your happiness, but in this one you were chasing theirs.
After the wedding you resided yourself to a life you hated with a man you loathed, even though you knew it wasn't his fault. If only you could feel the same way about Steve that would make life so much easier. But no matter how much you tried to love him you were still repulsed when his lips touched yours or when you laid in bed side by side.
Sometimes you couldn't stop the sobs that would fall at night, knowing you had made a mistake with marrying him. You should've ran away with Wanda, but now it was too late. You had kids to take care of and an estate to run.
Despite that you let yourself dream about the woman you left all those years ago, the woman you still loved. You hoped Wanda had lived a life far more happier life than yours. You hoped Wanda had moved on and found someone else. You hoped Wanda and new her lover lived in the cottage that was meant to be yours's and had a plentiful garden and never wanted for a thing.
However Wanda's reality was much sadder than what you had wanted for her. Wanda spent her days at the cottage by herself, over come with grief. She never moved on. She spent her days gardening, reading, and crying. Everyday she hoped her lover would come back to her. She never did.
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mandy-asimp · 1 year
Forever home
Melissa Schemmenti x reader
Warning: hurt, lots of crying, yelling, throwing things, miscommunication, insecurities, a few swear words, fluff at like the veeeerrrrry end
A/n: I'm sorry if I forgot any warnings, I didn't proof read, I literally had this idea off of like a spurr and just started going
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"You tanked Janine! Took the whole school with you! It was impressive." Melissa poked at the younger teacher. Not knowing you were walking out the building.
"Leave the poor girl alone, she tried to help." You stood behind the red head. "Janine I think you made a choice and it didn't give you what you wanted, but it's nice that you care so much." You didn't look at the two, focusing on your class before you threw a water balloon at one kid.
Your class lit up and you took the to the open park across the street. Missing the rest of the conversation held between the two.
Today you wore a white top, not really planning to be playing in water today. So while your class left, you were in your classroom. Soaked to the bone.
The knock on your door made you head snap up. "Oh! Hey Janine?" You flashed a smile. "What can I do for ya?"
"I just wanted to say thank you. For the words you said earlier. You really had my back. And you know how Melissa is." She stood cautiously by your door.
You furrowed your brows, "Janine why are you just standing by the door? You're free to come in more. Hey did you eat today?"
"Im fine I was just stopping by. And I was gonna wait...but I should eat now since I'm hungry." She nodded like it was some new discovery.
"Well it's me and Melissa, but I also know Gregory is going out if you wanna go with him. You wont get bullied by Melissa." You joked. Still drying out your shirt.
Janine watched for a second. "You and Melissa? What's that all about?" Her curiosity peaked. "Also I have an extra shirt if you wanna change?"
"No I'm good, I have to go home to change anyways. And me and Melissa? We're just friends I guess." You played it down. "She was the teacher I began with. She made me like it here a lot and then during the pandemic, she let me come stay with her and her husband. I usually had headphones playing loud music so they had time together. She got mad at me for it a lot cause I never came up for dinner."
"You lived with her?! How did you manage?" Janine was baffled by the new found information. "Does that make you like the second person who knows so much about her? After Barb?"
You shrugged and didn't see harm in talking about the past a bit. "She gives you a hard time cause your new."
"Ok but that doesn't explain how you went from her student teacher to living with her?" Janine pushed. She needed to know what was the reason for the favoritism.
"Are you ready?" Melissa's voice came from the door way. Ending the conversation entirely. The 2nd grade teacher in front of you frowned at the nasty look the older gave. "Still can't believe you tanked. Like the whole school Janine. The. Whole. School."
"Melissa," You warned lowly. Getting into a short staring match with her. Which you won with a smile. "I have to run home and change, but then I'll be there for dinner."
"Whatever." She scoffed and walked away.
You had to take a deep breath before having to deal with her. "Janine, just don't listen to her. She's clearly just upset you took whatever fish she had in the fridge. She'll find something new Monday. Have a good weekend." You led her out the room.
Once you got home, you could find no sight of Melissa. No car in the driveway, no opened wine, nothing. You tried to call her, but got the voicemail. Five times. You looked for her location, but got her at the school.
With one last call, you changed and just went to the restaurant. Sitting at the table while dressed in your best. But after waiting for half an hour, you decided to just go home. Tipping the waiter for putting up with you and holding up a table.
You felt embarrassed. There was also anger and fury in you. You called Melissa while on your way home, leaving a voicemail. Going on about how when she's ready to pull her head out her ass and talk to you, you'd be ready.
What you didn't expect was that to lead into tomorrow.
You woke up in a bed alone. It had been years since this feeling. You groaned in frustration and went looking through the house. Not any trace. No note. No car. Nothing.
You let it play out, maybe she just went out early and would be back before noon. Constantly checking your phone to see if anything would come from her.
By five you were at Barbs in tears. You explained you hadn't seen her for twenty-four hours now. How you got nothing from her but she left Friday with a scoff.
That night you stayed at the kindergarten teachers house. Her and Gerald being the nicest people to you while in such a state.
Barbra had watched you two fall in love. The first year you two worked together, she knew you were the one. So seeing you crying over such a thing hurt her. It enraged her that her friend could do such a thing.
That night, before dinner, Barb tried calling Melissa. Getting the voicemail, and she wasn't going to call back. She explained calmly but with so much venom about the harm she's caused. How you can sobbing to her.
"Why don't you come eat with us? Get something in you?" She offered to your lifeless body. You were so numb you couldn't. You just shook your head. "Y/n, sweetheart, please. I know it hurts but you have to get something in you."
"What if she never comes back?" You whispered out. "I don't know what I did. I...I don't know how to control this. I was angry. So so angry at her for standing me up. But now I just I want her home. But what if she doesn't come home?"
Barbra hugged you. She held you on to you tight. Feeling you tremble in her embrace. She held you until your cries subsided. Holding you even through uneven breathing and the soft sniffling. Scared that if she let go, you'd think you had no one.
"Come on, we can make plates and eat on the couch tonight. Watch your favorite?" She offered. Seeing the smallest sparkle in your eyes. "I'll make you a small plate, and if you want more, you can grab more."
You nodded and mumbled a thank you. Slowly trying to find The Devil wears Prada.
You woke up on the couch. Frowning that you still had no sign of Melissa. You cleaned up your stay and wrote Barbra a note thanking her for everything and saying you'll see her Monday.
On your drive back you stopped at the store. Desperate to find something to distract you for another day.
You picked up a Lego set, one that you didn't need but knew it would take your entire day.
Driving home, you had a large pool of hope to see her car. It hurt you to know that you were getting hopeful for the worst. And then it hurt when you didn't see the red truck. That red truck that you had star gazing dates in. That red truck that you've made out in. That red truck. Tears streamed down your face when you got inside.
They kept falling as you showered and changed. You wore one of her sweatshirts and a pair of shorts. Crew socks protecting you from the cold floors. They felt colder than normal. The whole house did.
It was empty.
Your Sunday was filled with movies, legos, and multiple water bottles. Your phone next to you as you desperately awaited a call or a text.
You woke up to rustling. "Mel?" You quietly called. Voice being dry and hoarse from sobbing yourself to sleep. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. "Melissa?" There was no one, it was still dark in the room. The tv being the only light.
"I'm sorry, but it's just me. You weren't answering my text about if you were awake." Barbra's voice came through the dark.
You stayed silent as your lip trembled. Tears rolled down your face. "I...Barb." Was all you could say. She nodded and walked over. Pulling you from the bed and hugging you.
"Why don't you get ready and I'll drive you to work today?" She held your face, her thumbs wiping your tears away. "We can even stop for breakfast."
You nodded and got ready. Not putting much effort in, and everyone knew when you walked in the morning.
Your hair was freely down and you were in jeans. But you hardly wore jeans unless it was Wednesday or Friday. And the button up that belonged to Melissa was untucked. Your socks didn't match. You had your glasses on and hardly any makeup.
You moved in silence while in the lounge. Head held down and picking at your nails until the coffee was done. You took it straight and walked silently to your class. Not coming out until you had to print your papers for the day.
Ten minutes before she's counted late. You counted those second that made up the time. Once the kids came in and she didn't, you rushed back with your papers holding in your tears.
You sent her one simple text. Turning off your phone for the morning and masking everything for your kids.
Thankful that gym and lunch was back to back. Giving you an hour and a half or so to cry. It was only three minutes into that time before Barbra was comforting you again.
You had cried so hard that you had to throw up. You were surprised by yourself today. You've never cried this hard. Never. And now you were dry heaving.
Barbra was leading you down with your head buried in her side. You could hear her say something, but you couldn't bear look at who she said it to.
You knew who it was, especially went you felt your heart get pulled back. You wanted to run to her. To cry into her knowing she was safe and she was here. Yet, you couldn't. You just let Barbra walk you to Ava. Leaving you with her.
Ava, when she cares, she get serious. And seeing you, one of her more valued workers, made her serious.
She held you for the rest of the time you had. Letting you cry into her shirt. She didn't care you were soaking it with sadness, she just wanted you ok.
Once your time was up, you wiped your face. Giving a final hug to your boss before trudging to the lunch room.
When you opened the door, your heart wanted to burst. The overwhelming emotions seeing her talking to your class. You mustered it all up, ignoring her entirely as you collected your class.
On the verge of tears when your hand brushes against hers. A shaky breath left your body when it happened.
The rest of the day you stayed in your class. Feeling relieved when your kids left and it was just you.
A few tears fell out your eyes as you packed up. Taking in your silence as you left the building. You didn't stop and talk to anyone. Just walked out to your...Barbra.
You instantly spun in your feet, ready to head back but there she was. Not Barb, no Melissa. You wiped away the tears that started falling faster. "Shit," You whispered in annoyance. Making a beeline to the eldest teacher
Barb was expecting you. But not with this many tears. "You know you can't avoid her forever. She's hurting just as much as you are."
You nodded, knowing she was right. "It just hurts to see her after being completely ignored. I just...I couldn't even figure it out."
"Well, I'll drive you home." She knew you didn't want to get into it. She knew most of it already anyways.
When you got home, there was no truck again. Barbra asked if you were going to be ok and you had to be. You couldn't keep her forever so you just nodded.
When you got in, you poured a glass of wine and changed. Balling up on the couch and watching another movie.
Waiting for that door to open again. Needing her walk through the door tonight. If she doesn't you might died.
You sat in the teachers lounge this morning. Not letting tears get you today.
"Oh! Y/n! Its good to see you! Where were you yesterday?" Janine came in, a bright smile on her face.
You hummed, "busy morning. I got nothing done over the weekend." The lie fell from you with ease. "And its good to see you as well Janine."
Everyone else began to fill in. And you could sense when Mel came in. You could sense her any day.
The morning was quiet with you. You didn't sit next to Melissa, instead you sat next to Janine. Listening to her watch videos for the wish list.
"Janine, I swear if I hear one more preppy video," Melissa turned in her chair. "You should put a pair of headphones on that list."
You gave a quiet scoff. "Janine, I wouldn't stress it. I think it's adorable how you're making a video for your classroom needs."
Melissa looked at you next, right before turning while shaking her head. "Well maybe you should just date Janine." She whispered so quiet only Barb heard it, and you could tell it.
"Melissa!" Barbra scolded, never seeing such a side of her friend. Her brown eyes quickly jumped to you. "Y/n..."
"No. If she wants to be immature and childish, the so fucking be it." You collected everything and rushed out. Tears burning in your eyes.
The rest of the day you avoided everyone. Not wanting to give into the tears that begged to spill. You were tired of crying. Tired of being tired.
The woman you've been with for the past five years is suddenly someone you've never met. You've met jealous Melissa, and this was not that green monster.
That night you stayed up. You expected her to come home tonight. After what happened you expected her to. But she didn't.
It hurt. It burned. It shattered. You couldn't understand what the hell was happening. So you called her. Not getting any answer, but you laid it out in the voicemail. The emotions ripping at you.
You didn't go to school. You stayed home and sulked. Crying the entire morning. Only stopping for an hour or so to drink water. Just to cry it all out again.
It was a repeating pattern with it. That was all your day was. You couldn't believe you were crying this hard for someone.
Yet, it'd be terrible if you weren't crying over her. You spent the past five years with her. Even though it wasn't official till last year though.
You were with her through everything, and now she's just throwing you away.
That night you stared at yourself in the mirror. First silently, then after an hour, you screamed. You screamed so loud you heard dogs start barking from streets down.
Tomorrow would mark a week of whatever is happening. Not...that anyone was keeping track or anything.
You went to school and just kept to yourself. It was a you day where you talked to nobody. You hardly talked to your students.
You gave them papers of what they knew to just do extra practice and did your own thing.
And at night you did what you did for what seems like a month, sat with a glass of wine waiting.
A week. A week if not talking to her. A week without a text. A week without a call. A week of constant tears. A week of hurting.
You walked into your classroom and see a box. A familiar box that you adore so much. There was a blue sticky note on top.
Your heart thumped loudly. Each step was a louder thump.
You read the note and a small smile tugged at your lips. But then you let the pain she cause catch up to you today.
You went through your day, a bit more on edge. A bit meaning you were shaking the entire day since reading the note.
By the time you were home, you were downing water. Trying to calm the nerves that we're eating you alive. They took over your body and you felt cold and clammy.
The door opened. You wanted to throw up everything. You wanted to be eaten alive by the floor. To be abducted by aliens. Ran over by a train. Honestly anything to not be here.
"Hun?" A soft voice called in. She walked further into the house. And when you laid eyes on her, you couldn't.
The mixture of rage and sadness forcing tears out. You began yelling. It didn't stop, you just kept yelling. Screaming things you didn't know you wanted to say. You stepped closer and closer and once you were close and she stared at you, she looked shocked to think you could say such, and it made you even more mad.
You threw your hands up and kept screaming. You began throwing objects, being conscious of what you had. Nothing was breaking to satisfy you.
You grabbed your wine glass, note it still had a bit of wine, and threw it at her. Instantly shutting up when it fell to the ground where she used to be standing. You were thankful she moved, but the feeling that glass had made you pant.
"I know you're upset," she began. But it didn't go long because you kept going. You laid it on to her heavy. You've never yelled at someone like this before.
You plopped down when you were for sure done. Watching her with puffy eyes.
She began to talk. And as she went on, you still didn't hear her reasoning. It was just a long apology of how she knew she was wrong.
"Please, I'm sorry." She looked at you longingly.
You shook your head. "You don't get you just apologize and not give me a reason. You left me for a week without saying a word. You stood me up at dinner Mel. What did I do?" You croaked.
Melissa's eyes went wide and she rushed to crouch in front of you. Holding your face and wiping away tears.
"Honey none of this. And I absolutely mean none of this, was your fault. I...I let my insecurities get me. On Friday when you were defending Janine and then talking to her alone," she got out quietly. The fear of you looking at her differently feasting on her.
You could only begin crying. You slipped off the couch into her arms. Sobbing so heavily. Melissa wrapped her arms and held you tightly. Even when you tried hitting her chest and pull away. She could only apologize at you.
Tears of her own showering your head. Neither one of you able to part. You not wanting her to disappear ever again, and her not wanting to see you pained the way you are.
It was well past midnight when you came through again. Stirring around trying to determine where you were.
In your bed with a bonding like grip on you. You couldn't move but you moved enough to wake up Melissa.
"Mel..." you softly spoke. Grabbing at her hands to loosen them. Only making them tighten around you.
"No..." she grumbled. "I can't let go of you."
"Melly? I'm not asking you to let go of me, I'm asking you to just let go of me." You pulled at her hands again, getting the to let go. You rolled over to prop yourself up. Looking down at your woman as her face was so relaxed.
Her eyes fluttered open. Instantly filling with tears. "Please don't leave me..." her tears began falling. "I know I was wrong but please. I cant go through it."
"Melly, I'm not leaving you. You did a terrible terrible thing and I still hardly know why, except that it had something to do with Janine?" You pushed hair out of her face and getting comfortable in her arms again. "What went through that head?"
Melissa moved to rest lower and bury her head into your chest. You knew she needed to be held, so that's what you did. She explained it all to you while you played with her hair.
"And I just....it kept eating at me that you were tired and wanted someone young. I know not Janine but I wanted to get it over with so you couldn't break my heart." She finished. The sun peaking up and through your blinds. "And when you yelled and said what you said, I had a reality check."
You pulled her head back slightly to see her face. Leaning down and kissing her so passionately.
"I will never, and I mean never, mean what I say when I'm mad. It will never mean anything until I have time to calm down and talk sensibly. I was so so hurt that you did that to me though. And it hurt even worst because I knew I still would love you after it all. Because I love you Melissa." You kissed her forehead.
You took in this moment. You had the woman you swore to marriage within your own head. She was your forever. Since the first day with her she was your everything.
"I love you too, y/n." She smiled. It was the most genuine smile you've ever seen this woman give you.
The look in that woman's eyes before you both fell back asleep was all you needed to know she was your forever home.
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farfromstrange · 3 months
Ok so just read one of your thots that ended in. The tag “submissive and breedable” and that instantly got me going on my own thot. So I present a concept to follow that one up
Matt’s been working hard. At work, as daredevil in bed. Hard work all the time working for others. Saving them, advocating for them, always putting himself first. He hates asking for things won’t often times (as you’ve said I agree).
So he’s back at it again instantly trying to please and pleasure you which you would normally love getting to have him dom you and pull every bit of pleasure from your body is amazing. But you know he’s been working too hard. And even if you have to force him you will make him take the love and care he deserves
Cue you pushing him back into a chair as he tries to get up. And climbing on top lining up to the spot. “Your going to listen to me. Tonight I want two things. Your obedience and your cum. Do you hear me.” Grinding your ass down into him nipping at his ear as you whisper. Knowing it may shock him normally you wait for his signal to get in control but you know he needs it. And your more then happy to accept both things from him.
You pull so much pleasure from him pushing him aorund when he tries to do anything but sit back and take your love. Holding him down nipping or grabbing at his hands if they try and work too hard your aggressive with it but you know he loves both pleasure and pain that you give him and he’s a whimpering mess by the end both covered and sticky but you want one more “one more my good boy I know. You got a little more in you. Cum deep in me. One more and I promise you can pleasure me too” thay final promise gets him he’s spent but even so blissed out from it all he wants you.
As he finishes and you roll off him equally tired and proud to take care of him he just rolls over cleaning up as much of his cum off you finally begging so sweetly to taste you that you give in and let him still puling at his hair and praising him as he eats you up.
I’ve written a few now but don’t have a Mat nsfw blog so I may just start signing as 🪷
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG! You have really been waiting an eternity, so I tried to do your thot justice. I hope I didn't disappoint you. (Also, definitely saving 🪷 for you in case you ever decide to slide some more thots into my inbox!)
Tbf I thought your scenarios couldn’t get much better than the last few, but I was gravely mistaken. I am spiraling over here. The pictures you put in my head, I–
Honestly, I thought there was not much I could add to this because it’s already juicy enough, but I did end up playing around with it a bit. I hope you don’t mind. 
Pairing: Matt Murdock x afab!Reader (otherwise no gendered pronouns)
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: Smut, unprotected p in v, creampie, sub!Matt, praise kink, oral f!receiving, and other sexy stuff mentioned above
Smut under the cut. 18+ MINORS DNI!
The pads of his rough fingers rub slow circles over your swollen clit. Your slick walls clench around nothing, and it’s torture every single time his touch on the sensitive bundle of nerves sends shockwaves through your body.
Matt kisses from your lips to your jaw and down your neck. He has been on you ever since he came home from work. Everyone seems to need him lately, and he doesn’t know how or when to stop. It’s work, it’s the city, and it’s you. He’s so busy, he forgets that he isn’t an invincible machine.
In bed, he has been the most loving partner. That never changes. When he has set his mind on something, he finishes it with the utmost care. His performance isn’t your issue, not at all, it’s the fact his performance is centered solely around you that irks you. He puts your pleasure first every night, not allowing himself to come until he’s buried deep inside of you, and even then he holds back. He fucks you into the mattress until you can’t see straight anymore, but only in the way you want him to. 
Every night, he rips countless orgasms from your body, leaving his mark on your skin and inside of you. Sometimes it feels like he sees it as a chore he needs to finish, setting his own needs aside. But not being able to give him back even an ounce of what he is giving you leaves the pleasure with a bitter aftertaste on your tongue. It makes you feel guilty. He’s doing it because he wants to, but Matt doesn’t know how or where to draw the line sometimes. He thinks he wants to do something even though it’s more of a feeling of obligation rather than an actual desire. He has been hurt so many times, you can’t blame him for being who he is, but it’s frustrating when you want to help him out of whatever hole he fell into this time, and he refuses to take your hand. 
So, you need to push him. You need to slap him awake and prove to him that he matters, too. You would never force him to do anything he doesn’t want to do, but he needs a little push from time to time because if you don’t coax him in the right direction, he will run himself dry.   
Matt never asks for what he needs because he can’t allow himself to come first—both in life and in bed—but that selflessness tends to cause more destruction than it does anyone any good, especially him.
He’s back at it again tonight. 
Matt smelled your arousal thick in the air the second he came home from work, his shoulders tense with the stress he had been bottling up for weeks. The scent knocked him right off his feet, your cunt already wet just from the thought of him—of what you are going to do to him—and he instantly started to spiral. 
The soft welcome home kiss you pressed to his lips quickly turned into something more as desperation began to take over, and he once again made it his mission to make you come before he could even take his clothes off.
Tonight though, you won’t let him get so far, no matter how much he tries. And he always tries hard. If Matt Murdock is anything, it is determined. 
You try to break through the haze of pleasure he pulls you under with every stroke of his fingers. It’s like you’re drowning. You’re not in control, but you need to grab a hold of the reins before your plan washes down the drain.
Your body burns brightly as it holds on to that last sliver of self-control. He reads your body like an open book, your curves the Braille he traces with his fingers, and he knows he is doing something right. Your body always betrays you. Your moans, your wetness, and your stiff nipples that are reaching up toward the ceiling are all clear signs that you are enjoying the way he’s touching you, and that spurs him on.
It’s so tough to resist him when he knows exactly how to play your body like a fucking fiddle. He knows how hard to press down on your clit and how fast to move his fingers to get you exactly where he wants you. To make you soak his fingers with your essence so he can lick it off and taste you.
He wants to make you come. He needs to. And him feeling like he needs to is the very thing that makes you snap out of it, finally. 
You grab his wrist. His movements halt instantly, pulling his head away from your neck. “You alright?” he asks. “Did I hurt you?”
The lust in his eyes stems from a need to please. His cock is straining against his slacks, but his shoulders are so tense, you doubt he is enjoying this. Not like you are, at least. For someone who is barely holding on as it is, that must be so exhausting.
“I’m okay,” you whisper. “But you’re not.”
He stiffens. His unfocused eyes move wildly from one side to the other. He tilts his head, listening to your heartbeat, but there is nothing there but pure honesty. 
You know. You always know.
Matt is about to object—pointlessly, may I add—but you push him off of you instead. You flatten your palms against his sturdy chest, urging him to get up. He doesn’t argue, he simply follows. A fog has settled over his senses to the point you consume him.
The puzzled look on his face is replaced by one of surprise when you push him backward rather forcefully toward the chair in the corner of your shared bedroom. 
You take one of the hands flailing helplessly at his side, placing it on your hip. He needs something to hold onto, something to ground him. With the world on fire, every new situation becomes dangerous territory for him, and you don’t want him to stumble into a free fall of overstimulation down a bottomless pit.
Tonight, you want him to use his heightened senses on nothing but you, and for that, he needs to touch you. He needs to know you’re right there and not going anywhere. Only then can he allow himself to lose control. 
“Sweetheart, what’re you–” Matt stumbles over his words, his chest heaving with every labored breath he inhales. 
You place your index fingers against his swollen lips. “Stop.” Your hot cunt hovers dangerously close above his crotch as you straddle him, and he makes a strangled sound in the back of his throat. “Stop focusing on me and let me help you,” you whisper against him. “Please.”
He tastes you in every corner of his mouth when you kiss him. He can feel you in his soul, calloused fingers digging into your hips in an attempt to find something to hold onto to stop himself from falling. But you’re powerful; you’re a dangerous force to reckon with. He can’t say no because the little voice in his head that isn’t wired to self-sabotage his pleasure is calling for him to let go. To let you take over. To let you consume him, swallow him, and never let him go. Matt wants to tie himself to you with the invisible string that has wrapped around his neck like a noose and stay that way, even if it kills him. 
You force his chin up to level his eyes with yours. He can feel your gaze burning holes through his sensitive skin, the scent of burning flesh filling his nostrils but it’s not real. You’re real, and your hands are real, but him burning… that is not real, even when it feels that way.
Before, when you took control, he was still in charge. Secretly. He gave you the reins but he was still pulling from the other side. Because Matt Murdock does not know how to let himself go. Not usually.
When you rode him, he would keep his hands on your thighs as you bounced on his cock. You didn’t mind it. Tonight though, this is far from what you want to happen.
“Tonight I want two things,” you tell him then, nipping at his ear. “Your obedience and your cum. Can you give me that, baby? Can you be good for me and let me take care of you?”
His cue comes in the form of the faintest nod. 
You spend what feels like an eternity riding him, his thick cock buried between your tight, wet walls. Your lips caress his skin with a featherlight touch. The other hand—the one that isn’t busy feeling him stretch you out as you rub your clit with abandon, not wanting him to lift a single finger—roams his chest. You glide your fingers through the sheen of sweat that is glistening on his beautiful, milky skin. You dig your finger into it, and the moan it elicits from him is so delicious. 
He can’t do anything but sit back and take your love. Your punishment. Everything you are willing to give him. You rock back and forth, lifting your hips every so often until only his tip remains inside. It drives him crazy, every inch of him so sensitive from the sheer agony of feeling you around him.
His pulse quickens. You can feel his heart pounding under your hand, his temple pressed against yours as your sweat mingles with the wetness of your cunt and the cum from all the orgasms you have already pulled from him. 
“Please,” he’s begging you, but he isn’t sure what for. 
Matt clings to you, nails dragging over your bare back, lips chasing to catch your nipple. He feels so useless, unable to give you the pleasure he wants because you are so focused on him. So focused on his cock and giving him what he needs. Making him come over and over again, cleaning around him and milking him dry, but never letting up. You turn the pain of overstimulation into pleasure. The world turns quiet under the beating of your heart in his ears, and the scent of you soaking the hairs in his nose to the point he knows he will take you with him to the grave. 
He whimpers. “Please,” again, he pleads and begs. 
You tangle your fingers in his locks, pulling him closer to kiss him. “I know,” you coo. “Just give me one more. Fill me up one more time and I promise, you can make me come as often as you want.”
“You promise?” he chokes out. The soft baritone of his voice wavers, and you dig your teeth into his bottom lip. Copper explodes on your tongue. He moans.  
“I promise,” you repeat. “Come again f’me, baby. I’ve got you.”
He is so spent, but for you, he would steal the stars. All he wants is you. His balls tighten in response to your words, his body chasing yours and the high that threatens to take him under and drown him. You’re every-fucking-where. His hips jerk, but you keep him weighed down right where he is. He’s so painfully hard and full and needy, even though you have tortured him for hours by now. You move once, twice, and even a third time before the wave crashes in. 
You hold him to you, your own body shaking as he fills you up for what feels like the hundredth time. His breath comes in labored spurts, his cum leaking out of you and staining his sturdy thighs with a cocktail of you both. 
His nails move from your back to your ass, anchoring himself to something, anything, to make it through this. His teeth find their way home on your shoulder, biting down just enough to send a thrill of pain straight to your core, and your walls tighten around his overly sensitive cock. He doesn’t let go of you though. His orgasm drags on for an eternity, and he lets it happen. Oh, you’re so proud of him. He hardly ever lets you take care of him like that, fucking him senseless until he can’t think straight anymore—until the world disappears and it’s just the two of you; no responsibilities just sex. 
“That’s it,” you murmur. “Such a good boy. Did so well f’me. I’m so full. Gonna feel you for days.”
Something snaps in his very tired self at your talk. He rolls you off of him. “You promised,” is all he says. 
You blink up at him, tired and satisfied and covered in cum, but oh so proud of the privilege he granted you, seeing him like this and taking care of him. He doesn’t like to be vulnerable unless it’s with you, and even then he is reluctant. He has always been this way, but it would never make you love him any less. 
With a sigh, you spread your legs. “I promised,” you agree. “And you’ve been such a good, good boy. You deserve it.”
His swollen lips travel over your heated skin like dripping wax. The hairs on your body reach toward the ceiling. You gasp, softly, feeling him inch closer to your core, yet taking his time exploring you. Touching you. He’s a man on a mission again, though this time you do not stop him. 
One brush of his lips against your clit, and your back arches toward him. You pull at his hair, falling victim to the force of his silver tongue. In the end, he owns your body, your pleasure, and your orgasms in a way no one could ever live up to, and he always will. 
He is your world, you are his, and if you didn’t have each other, neither of you would no longer have a reason to breathe. 
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Matt Murdock (Smut) Tag List: @shouldbestudying41 @theradioactivespidergwen @cheshirecat484 @1988-fiend @acharliecoxedfan @gpenguin666 @linamarr @mcugeekposts @itwasthereaminuteago @norestfortheshelbywicked @yarrystyleeza @littlenerdyravenclaw @etanordoesbullsh1t @thychuvaluswife @harleycao @schneeflocky @imjustcal @pipsqueakkitten @merlinbtch @sya-skies @amberritonicole @ravenclaw617 @pigeonmama @bohemianrhapsody86 @a-girl-has-n0-name @winkev1 @callsign-ember @chittaphonstar @buckyyyismahhlife @trublu2u @xnatyx @zomtart
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momentomori24 · 2 months
Keiji is a character that I'm pretty sure every one of us can recognize is an absolute weirdo (ok maybe some are too hard on copium for the "weirdo" part) and sketchy as hell, but thinking about everything he's done it really feels like he's so much shady and ruthless than we give him credit for. So here's me bulletpointing some the moments that I haven't seen too many talk about, a little theory throwing his status into question and addressing the massive elephant in the room that almost everyone refuses to acknowledge. If there's something else you feel I missed or wanted to evaluate on, do leave it in the comments.
[Also, disclaimer: I will be discussing Keiji and Sara in a romantic light near the end of this post, so if that makes you uncomfortable please proceed with caution or skip entirely. This should go without saying but for my own sake I will say it anyway-- No, I do not condone their relationship in real life. No, this is not meant to be "shippy" or endorsement of any kind. This will simply be pointing out their dynamic as another example to prove the whole point of this rant. But if someone else does ship them that's totally fine. Fiction doesn't equal reality and if you harass a real person over fictional characters you will not see the light of heaven. Be civil, please and thank you. My block button is rated E for Everyone and if anyone decides to ignore the warnings and be an asshole I won't hesitate to use it. Thanks for listening. Disclaimer over.]
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*Being a murderer.
I feel like I should start with the most obvious and undeniable. I don't think this is debatable to anyone here. Mr. Policeman may have been an accident and kinda confirmed by Midori to have been set up, but he still shot and killed an unarmed man in a moment of panic and recklessness. Even putting that aside, there's no denying that he killed Megumi in cold blood to get out of his debt to her and covered it up to the group to preserve his credibility. Regardless of what you think of Megumi, he has no excuse here. Not only is he one more kill away from being a serial killer, he's the only participant in our group that has actually killed people directly aside from Alice. Another reason why I bring this up is cuz something that completely flew over my head is this:
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At the start of the game he had the audacity to complain about not having a partner or someone he knows with him like Sara does as if he didn't literally let Megumi get ripped apart by chains probably not even an hour ago Keiji what the hell--
*Throwing Kanna under the bus repeatedly.
Despite positioning himself as a protector and someone to rely on, he's far from above putting their youngest members in danger. Next to voting for the fourteen year old girl to die, he had the great idea of letting said fourteen year old be the one to babysit their biggest liability. Up to the point where they would stay in the same room both day and night. While I absolutely 100% trust that Sou would never EVER do anything to her, Keiji had no guarantee of that when he send her off. Hell, he literally just got done accusing Sou of setting Joe up to die (which I don't believe almost solely based on the fact that he said it, more on that another time maybe). He knew Sou was bad news, and openly acknowledges how adults can be terrifying, but he did it anyway. The dubiety of throwing the already traumatised little girl to keep watch on what they thought to be the most dangerous adult that had manipulated her once before is not lost on me, and that he didn't take any responsibility for her afterwards isn't lost on me either. To be fair, the Sou and Kanna thing doesn't just fall on him, it falls on everybody (Alice gets a pass because he actually swapped out with Kanna to watch Sou for her), but he was the one with the final say on the matter and who encouraged her to take the role despite Reko's rightful protests. The fact that he also voted for her to die in the Main Game, and is the only adult to do so, doesn’t help his case.
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*Attempting to frame Sou knowing Reko was actually responsible.
While you could argue he was trying to cover for her since he knew why she did what she did, trying to pin this act on Sou to cast more doubt on his is extremely shitty. Never mind the blatant corruption and the irony of a supposed man of the law abusing his power to knowingly frame an innocent person (in this situation at least), and him sowing more seeds of confusion and resentment within an already rattled group, and giving Sou legitimate reason to be suspicious of him (and by extension Sara)-- this makes it so difficult to trust him after realising he's done this. Literally every time he accuses someone of being or doing something suspicious (mostly Sou), I always have to think in the back of my head if he’s telling the truth or just telling a blatant lie. He's shown that he's willing to not only lie to cover for himself, but to lie to delegitimize someone else. And Sara never caught onto it (Sou and maybe even Nao likely did tho). She never openly acknowledged it-- No one did. The complete lack of mention of what he did here makes this action quite missable. Hell, I didn't even catch it the first time. Has he done this before? Who else has he lied about? Who else would he lie about? Who else would he knowingly pit against the group? You don't have to wait for that answer, because I will provide an example later. And with "later", I mean now.
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*Casting suspicion on Gin before the vote while hiding the fact that he killed Megumi.
While it's not as blatant as with Kanna, there are two instances where Keiji shows a readiness to either put or leave Gin in harm's way. The biggest one for me is in the Main Game. Like, how dare you. That is a furry child, sir. This kid’s like TWELVE. Even though he makes a valid point about calling out suspicious actions to clear them up so we can all trust each other, casting doubt on Gin of all people right there feels pretty screwed to me. This was before the preliminary vote. His words could’ve very well gotten Gin voted for if he couldn’t disclose why he did what he did for whatever reason and therefore being unable to clear himself from suspicion. It’s even more fucked when you realise that Keiji has literally murdered his partner and is currently planning to get Sou killed while giving this whole spiel about doubting others so that we can believe them and pointing the finger at a little kid to make an example to the group. But when Nao, Sou and Sara call him out on his suspicious actions that could rightfully damage his credibility, he tries to shut them down completely. My brother in Christ, you brought it on FIRST (don’t get me wrong I’m very much aware he didn’t really mean the whole “trusting each other” bit but come on dude)--
Speaking about not meaning what he says:
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*Letting the group think he’s Ok to vote for knowing he’s the Keymaster.
This kinda got to me because I thought this was Keiji actually being… vulnerable? Accepting the consequences of his actions and allowing them to vote for him in their distrust without protest even tho it could cost him his life, maybe. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I can’t remember a lot of times-- or any times, really-- where Keiji has willing put himself into the line of fire, at this point at least. He always finds a way to keep himself safe, give himself insurance, and I thought that this would be the one time he doesn’t do that. But this feels so ominous looking back knowing that he was the Keymaster the whole time. That our distrust and betrayal and his resignation to it all didn’t matter because he was going to be safe no matter what. That he knowingly allowed us to assume that he was a safe vote because he didn’t want his plan to kill Sou to be ruined, which narrowed down choice of people we can safely vote for even further. That this action is ultimately the reason why Sou and Kanna were our only options to kill off in the end. If he had admitted it there, we could’ve found someone else to vote for so our final options could consist of three people, not two. But he didn’t, and the rest is history. There’s a lot of things he’s done I can’t get over. This one ranks pretty high. The second Main Game is already a huge sore spot for me for obvious reasons; knowing that a lot of the things that happened were due to his inaction where it truly mattered and activity in all the wrong places doesn’t make me fee any better. He didn't say he was a safe vote-- he didn't lie-- but his words carefully omit that voting for him means a total party death, something he should've stated then (and before this, really).
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*Leaving Sara with the sacrifice card.
Despite making a big show about “always being by her side” and being her “reliable policeman”, he chose to look away when she was in real danger. He attached himself to her as her right hand man, made her shoulder the responsibility of being the leader, constantly manipulated and flattered her to win her trust and gain her favour-- but when she needed him the most, he basically left her for dead because it was the most beneficial to him. Keep in mind that not only did he know about her getting the sacrifice (he was also the sage so he'd have seen the trade happen), but he had the tokens to help her get rid of it. But those tokens weren’t for her life. They were for his. He used them instead to give himself the Keymaster as insurance for the Main Game (the Keymaster he stole from Sou/Kanna most likely to buy Sara’s trust btw). His desperation for survival outweighed his sense of obligation to keep her safe, and that’s the most subtle yet transparent he’s been about his selfishness. What makes this so much worse is that Keiji is our support character. He’s an ally, and our closest one at that, to the point where Sara burned her hands in a futile attempt to rescue him and signed her life away to save his. And yet his loyalty and protectiveness pale in comparison to other characters. Compare his actions to Sou’s: one of their many parallels and similarities is that both their girls get hit with the sacrifice card. As we’ve established, Keiji was fully aware of Sara being send the sacrifice by Sou, had 50 tokens ready to go and chose to secure his own survival than save her life. Kanna ended up doing it instead, attempting to trade the card off Sara with Sou realising what happened immediately. And what does Sou do? Completely bend over backwards trying to keep her alive. He lied about being the Sacrifice so the others wouldn’t suspect Kanna of having that role, meaning he could try gathering vote for her without anyone seeing his true intentions. He tried to stop her about coming out with the truth of what she had done so she doesn’t sentence herself to death. After everything he did to survive-- after how much he lied, how much he schemed, how much he hurt, and how he had thrown himself away to replace everything that made him Shin with the man that had traumatised him years before the game began to scrape together even the tiniest chance to survive-- he threw it all to the wind and was willing to let it all be in vain if it meant she got to make it out of the Main Game alive. The worst part is that Sou had never intended to make it through that Main Game. He confessed to already knowing that Kanna would choose Sara over him if she truly had the Sacrifice card. Yet he still did what he did all in the hopes that she could win. Because it was all about her survival first, not about them surviving together.
It also gives a different context to Sou's panic and him stumbling over his words trying to come up with any argument to get them to stop. At first I thought that Sou was afraid for his life. Which would make sense-- Keiji and Q-taro set him up to die and seemed pretty adamant on having everyone voting for him to get it all over with. But he was already prepared to die the minute he realised Kanna traded with Sara. So it means it wasn’t his life he was fearing for here-- it was hers. To him, if they voted for him there, it wouldn’t have just been his end but hers too. But we know that Kanna isn’t the one who has the sacrifice. It’s Nao, and considering how the Main Game can end either or both of them dead, I wonder if he regrets not having given up there, not letting Keiji get away with that shitty stunt he pulled knowing it would’ve at least guaranteed her safety than leave her fate in hands of a girl with enough reason to kill her. Ignoring the sounds of my heart shattering into pieces for the 100th time thinking about the Greenblings, it’s so fascinating that our biggest rival and most distrusted member has a greater sense of loyalty and responsibility for his ally than Keiji has for his own. Sou can be a liar and manipulative and selfish, but for how unpredictable he is something I can always trust is his love for those he holds dear (Kanna) and general desire to protect our most vulnerable (Gin). Sou loves Kanna, and so he’s fine with protecting her even if it comes at a price he never wanted to pay. Keiji surely cares about Sara, but unfortunately that is something I can’t say about him-- at least at that time (also the fact that Sou ended up taking more care and responsibility for Kanna despite Keiji having been the one to throw her on him in the first is so ironic).
*Continuously pushing Sara to take on the role of leader.
I think one of Keiji's biggest failures in the game come from his treatment of Sara despite positioning himself as her most reliable ally and her partner. From the very get-go, he was very adamant of making Sara be the one to shoulder the responsibility of the group. He, along with Joe (he didn't do anything wrong here), pushed Sara to be the Challenger during the Russian Roulette, despite Q-taro and Kai being readily available. He made Sara be the one to interrogate the suspicious convict while distancing himself from the situation. And he encourages her to lead them through the Main Game, lets her make the choices that steer them all forward and as a consequence take the fall for them as well. Rather than take on the role himself, or let another adult take it, he places his full trust in her and makes her shoulder everyone's weight so he doesn't have to. And he can see the effect it has on her: having horrific hallucinations due to the immense guilt she feels. But having Sara as their leader gives him a greater shot at survival and helps his credibility, so even though he tries to provide her comfort he still continues to keep her in that role. Again, the high schooler taking responsibility for the adults falls on a lot of the older people here, but Keiji was the one who kickstarted it rather than just go along with it like everyone else had. Gin, Nao, Kanna, Reko and even fucking Sou to an extent all have moments where they take the burden off her and relieve her of that pain she shoulders all the time (or at least try to). I need Keiji to take more responsibility for both the group and for her.
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*Pitting Sara and Joe against each other.
This is just another example of the previous point. This isn't as bad, and I could give him the benefit of the doubt that this might have not been intentional, but it's something I want to bring up regardless. I'll be the first to say that Keiji wasn't wrong here. Prying into everyone's votes is a very bad move, especially since no one knew that Mishima would actually die (it was introduced as a practice round, after all). I agree with him, Joe was being rash, but instead of leaving the conversation there, he decided to throw Sara into it to pick a side. Which is... not good. He already won the argument and already had Reko on his side. Bringing in Sara could not only make Joe feel worse and potentially strain their relationship (especially if she rightfully chooses Keiji's side like he was expecting and hoping for), but just puts Sara in the spotlight during something she doesn't want to be part of. While there's a chance he might've done this because he know Joe is more likely to listen to her than him, he should've known better than that. It again makes her take the responsibility of giving the final verdict that would've otherwise gone to him.
*Asking Sara to take responsibility for his life
I've got nothing other that the grown adult swearing his life to the grieving, unstable teenager to take responsibility for while asking her if she'd die along with him is weird as heck. Keiji's said weirder things prior to this, but this one is a different weird. I think Beanieman's post mostly echoes my thoughts on this on, so I'll link it here for this point. This part kinda bothers me:
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He shouldn't be encouraging her taking on anymore responsibility than she already is. He knows that the deaths that happened under her leadership haunt her. He knows that she's very much unstable enough already, to the point where he takes baby-steps to avoid triggering her trauma over Joe. He positioned himself as her reliable partner, her rock to lean on (quite literally sometimes). We see first hand how emotionally dependent she is on him. If he died, it would destroy her-- she'd destroy herself over it. He knows this (or should) but he still does it. His disappointment and dismissiveness when she understandably rejects him makes it worse. The guilt of potentially not living up to his expectations is not what she needs.
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*Potentially working for Asunaro
This is more ambiguous than everything else here and more a theory than anything but it's been on my mind for a long time that Ranmaru might actually be onto something here. We know that Asunaro has a strong hold on the police. Midori was able to infiltrate the force, and they were able to get rid of Mr. Policeman for looking into the corruption going on, first having Megumi fire him and secondly getting Keiji to kill him by planting false info about the suspect having a gun. Megumi was also able to get Keiji off the hook for murder, which I believe Asunaro had a hand in too (I theorize this might've been her wish). There's also Alice, who was arrested and sent to prison despite the fact that he (legally) didn't kill anyone since Midori was a doll. The police are connected to Asunaro-- by extension Megumi and extending further potentially Keiji.
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Something I've seen someone rightfully point out is that neither of the options you're given to say in response to the accusation... actually deny it? Both choices dance around answering directly, which is suspect as fuck. If Keiji truly wasn't with Asunaro, why not shut that theory down immediately? There's no benefit to answering anything but "no" when he's innocent, and he's lied straight to people's faces for less. So why not just debunk it? I think it's cuz there might be some truth to what Ranmaru was saying here. The biggest reason I think this is because despite the fact that Keiji quit the force, he and Megumi were still associating with each other years later. They were kidnapped together and partnered up for their first trial. One missable piece of dialogue is Keiji admitting that he was with his partner-- or rather a "coworker"-- before getting knocked out.
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That slip of the tongue and backtracking makes me believe this part to be true. Him switching from "my partner" to "a coworker", which is a lot more distant and impersonal, makes me think it's got to be Megumi. However, I don't believe that Keiji would wanna keep in touch with her after what happened willingly, so I can only imagine that it's due to that debt he has to her. My little game theory here is that after the shooting, the debt he owed her was a forced recruitment into Asunaro. It's the only thing I can imagine he meant by "the worst kind of debt", a debt he'd literally let her die for to get out of. And if this is true, then it could also explain away his instant attachment to Sara, since he'd know beforehand that she's someone he can depend on due to her having the highest chance at survival. Maybe he already knew about her beforehand, one way or the other. We know Hayasaka did (which I think we as a fandom moved on from way too fast btw). Kai and Sou did too. There's always a chance. And unlike Sou's victory rate and Midori's favourite number, it's not zero. One person made a comic about this idea I recommend checking it out, it's tastefully unsettling. But still very much unsetling and uncomfortale. Be warned that it's also Keisara-centred, so if that makes you even more uncomfortable they did the job right you can ignore it. Proceed with caution or don't read if you don't like.
*Being a predator
I have been waiting so long for this one XD For context: a while ago I made a longpost discussing the sanitisation of soushin and this kind of toxic attitudes in fandoms regarding "problematic content" (ships, characters, shows, you name it). In it, I mentioned that it's not only soushin that receives this treatment but a certain other dynamic too. It's not a rainy day, however this has been way overdue and if I don't get this done now I never will.
Something I've seen a lot, and I mean a LOT-LOT is this notion that Keiji acts "like a father" to Sara and that their relationship is a completely platonic father-daughter bond and that he's the resident dad of the group? Like, it's cute, but that's not at all what their relationship is. At all. Not even a little bit. We called Sou and Kanna siblings before the Greenblings reveal. The difference is that not only does half the fandom think this man is gay, but he's only ever been protective and caring and loving without any romantic intentions towards Kanna ever. His title as her brother was deserved, based on the genuine affection and platonic protectiveness similar to that of Alice's. Keiji has made advances tho, on many occasions, and his flirting is repeatedly acknowledged by other characters. Namely Sou and Reko.
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(Sou grills him for being a creep every chance he gets I love him XD) But yeah, these are not the type of reactions and comments you receive when being a "father-figure" to the teenager. You get all this when you hit on the teenager. Which he does all the time by calling her "cute" every time she asks something and his "cute little detective", swearing himself to her by saying that "he's always on her side" or something like that, asking her if she'd die alongside him, repeatedly claiming or insinuating that they're on a date, or ""having a moment"" and going to ""take the next step"" when in private (*cough* groomer *cough*)-- you name it, he likely said it. He's a walking-talking ladykiller machine and teenage girls aren't safe, apparently.
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(Quick note: The dialogue for the Russian Roulette one is a tad different now. In the new translation he says "cause you're so darn cute" now. I dunno if that makes it sound any less weird, but I felt like putting that out there. What I'm also putting out there is that according to the trivia he calls her cute 8 times throughout the game so. Yeah. *Cough* groomer *COUGH COUGH*)
Like, who tf says this?? Especially that last part 💀 Even if you wanna die on the hill that these are supposed to be "jokes" not to be taken seriously, we should all be able to agree that the (ex)police officer in his late 20s jokingly hitting on the high schooler he follows around is still weirdo behaviour at best and down right despicable at worst. The fandom seeing lowkey predatory/inappropriate behaviour from a figure of authority persistent for almost three entire chapters and dismissing it as "fatherly" and "platonic" is, well, concerning. It's very concerning. If your dad acts like Keiji, you should probably call the police. Unfortunately for Sara, Keiji is the police. And considering this guy got away with manslaughter, I don't think said police would do anything anywho. But yeah-- he uses flattery and flirting to distract her from prodding to much at him while simultaneously aiming to gain favour in her eyes. He showers her with reassurance of his loyalty and affirmation of his deeper attachment towards her and her alone every chance he gets to cement his position as her closest and most trustworthy ally. He insinuates a romantic partnership between them to others to mostly keep her to himself or the two of them alone (he always does that when they're investigating or going to investigate by themselves). There's such an obvious romantic undertone to their relationship and his actions that it going almost completely ignored in the fandom feels weird to me.
I want to make clear that there's nothing wrong with headcanoning Keiji as a father figure to Sara. It's cute. Keiji didn't have a dad himself, and the closest thing to a father figure he had was the man he shot dead. He's a damaged and hardened guy. But Sara's dad is involved with Asunaro and Gin's is an alcoholic, and in a situation where they both need guidence and protection he tries his best to grow and change, fumbling to become that decent father none of them got to have. It's nice, and a wholesome dynamic for our "characters with memorandum counterparts and only non-determined deaths" trio. But that's obviously not what their dynamic is. There's a difference between headcanoning something and erasing canon and the Yttd fandom leans heavily into the latter. Keiji's a creep, he always has been, yet 90% of people I see always portray him as a Mr. Dad Guy or completely sanitise him to hell when him being creepy and unnerving to be around is what made him such a fascinating character. Just like I said with Soushin, the sanitisation to make canon more digestible is one thing: harassing or insulting the people that explore canon is another. I'm gonna take a bullet, derail this rant and say it-- Keisara shippers get so much shit for literally being right it's so infuriating. Keiji does hit on Sara, a lot. He's creepy and weird like that. Him flirting with her isn't a "mistranslation" or a joke or anything like that; his dubious wording and antics are very much intentional. Yet the only people I see actually addressing and acknowledging that without adding fluff is keisara shippers and other ""proshippers"" only for them to get fucking sniped for it I cannot 💀💀 I have yet to meet a single eastern fan who calls this cop "fatherly". This really feels like such a western issue cuz the majority of the japanese fandom agrees that this man's a predator (correct me if i'm wrong but keisara is the most popular ship in the japanese side of the fandom, right?). Then again, eastern fandoms are more chill over there when it comes to separating fiction and reality in general anywho.
*Yeah, I think I'm done with the Keiji slander. Yay. Time to unceremoniously end this.
There's more to say about that, but this is a Keiji post, not another shipping discourse post (although it's hard discussing Keiji's predatory behaviour without bringing it up too). Before I do spiral from the original point, I'm going to try and reach some sort of conclusion here. While I did spent the majority of this post just reading Keiji to filth, and am very salty towards him in particular, this was not just to rake him through mud for my own sanity (tho it's part of it XD). Keiji's character is that he started off as someone who wanted to do the right thing, someone who wanted to be good and moral and protect others by joining the force only to kill all the progress he made along with the person who inspired him to become an officer in the first place. It heavily contrasts the Keiji we have now, a sleazy, unreliable and corrupt ex detective who flirts with underage girls and is willing to resort to the most bankrupt of decisions to save himself. A man that has long lost hope of his wounds healing that he lets them fester and his rot spread onto others. And while I headcanon Keiji to just inherently be a piece of shit, his former self tried his best to be genuinely good before he became so convinced he can never be better that he made peace with his shittiness in the end.
With all this I wanted to highlight some the shadier and bankrupt things he's done that I haven't seen much discussion around and refresh myself on them before the final part. Both so no matter how emotionally dependent and therefore rose-tinted Sara is about the man I don't forget what he's actually like and what he's done while also being able to appreciate how much he's changed for the better. Some of my favourite examples about how he's changed are these:
Before the second Main Game Keiji was willing to let Sara and Kanna die because it was the most beneficial option for him, but in Chapter 3 he takes the on the role of "it" from Kanna and refuses to tag Sara when he thought he was gonna die after failing to beat Midori.
Actually showing more sympathy towards Sou after the Main Game. He was very mean about dismantling his pretence of a cold front to Kanna's death, don't get me wrong, but he showed a lot more consideration and understanding for Sou's feelings and acknowledgement about his active role in it than he ever had beforehand.
He was genuinely fighting for everyone to survive the game, not just himself. While Keiji would prefer everyone making it out safely, he has a tendency to guarantee his own survival first through any means necessary. His plan to corner Midori in the banquet could've cost him his life if it weren't for Q-taro's final stunt, yet he still reassured Sara to save Gin even tho it could've resulted in his execution from Meister potentially finding him guilty of violating the rules.
Him hugging Mai and trying to be more cheerful was cute as heck. I'm sorry but him showing more vulnerability around his allies and being less closed off in a way he hasn't been before is something I'm very head empty about. That he was hugging and interacting with Mai without making any unwanted advances or ladykiller jokes and generally just having a more friendly vibe was nice. It makes his creeping on Sara more unfortunate, but I'll take what I can for now. The bar is in hell.
And that's it, I think. Overall, I hope they do address some of his actions here in the final part or make them have an impact on his and Sara's relationship. Especially that Asunaro part. The person who wished for Sara to join the death game is still unknown and so is Keiji's consent form wish (same goes for the Dummies, Hinako and Megumi), so I'm curious if they're related or not. If he's going to go down an even darker path or redeem himself as much as he can we'll see when the final part drops. He has the potential to go both ways. This is going to be kinda awkward if the next part reveals him to have been a decent guy all along, so hopefully that doesn't happen. Please be morally bankrupt, man. This post didn't end up the way I wanted it to, nor bring up as many points as I would've liked, but I know I won't finish it if I went full perfectionist on it (I already spent months on this writer's block do be a bitch) and it's looking kinda long already. Hopefully it's still decent enough as is right now. I'd like to say that this is my apology for the last longpost I made, but I brought up one of the most controversial and hated ships and traits of Keiji's character and defended them, so maybe I shouldn't 🙃 Anywho, hope you enjoyed and cheerio.
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marsdreamworld · 1 year
Electric Love - CL16 x reader
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mars’ notes: First off, wtaf??? i’m so so so happy that you guys liked my lando blurb that much, i was half distracted and incredibly anxious when i wrote it, so the fact that so many people like it is absolutely insane to me jnfruncr - anyways, here’s a cute little (not so little) Charles fic i had bouncing around in my head :) thank you @love-belle for listening to me ramble!! please please lmk what you think, any and all feedback is greatly appreciated <333
summary: 4 times Charles almost told you he loved you, and the one time he did.
warnings: none!! super fluffy (again)
The first time Charles almost let those three precious words slip from his lips was during an unassuming pasta date the two of you had planned. You had gone to the grocery store earlier in the day, and had remembered the old, silver unused pasta maker that was stashed in the back of yours and Charles’ kitchen cabinet, and decided that it seemed like a good day to finally teach your boyfriend how to properly cook the Italian staple. You’d come home in a flurry of excitement, bags dangling from your arms and a bright smile on your face, stating that you were going to teach him how to cook so well that he’d rival Yuki Tsunoda, teasing that maybe that way he’d be able to get Pierre over to his house for a dinner date as well. He’d smiled, grabbed the bags from your hands and set them down on the kitchen counter, before winding his arms around you and kissing you softly, telling you that he missed you and couldn’t wait.
You were too full of excitement to wait any longer, turning on the old radio in the corner of the kitchen, the sound of an old 1950s love song filling the space whilst Charles got two glasses and a bottle of red wine from the rack in the living room. Once your glasses were full and your hands had been washed, you’d dragged him over to the kitchen counter and thrust a “kiss the cook” apron into his hands, instructing him to put it on so he wouldn’t get flour all over himself. He’d asked whether you had a matching one, to which you replied that you’d done this far too many times to spill any flour and that your outfit would be ruined with it. He’d let his eye roam your figure, taking in the sweatshirt you’d stolen from him yesterday, claiming it smelt like him, along with the cute giraffe print pyjama bottoms you adored so much; your hair clipped back messily, sleeves pulled up to your elbows, and Charles swore he’d never seen anything as beautiful.
He was elbow deep in dough before he knew it, hands sticky with egg yolk and flour, the substance sticking to his skin despite how hard he was trying to pull it off. You were standing next to him, your own ball of dough perfectly rolled and kneaded, hands free of any lingering blobs of dough. A piece of hair had fallen into your face, and you’d used your shoulder to attempt to push it back behind your ear again, huffing when it returned to block your vision. Something had just felt so right - he could imagine doing this after a hectic race weekend, coming home to you making a fresh batch of pasta to go with his favourite white sauce, love songs in the background and wine glass in hand. He thought of you standing at this very kitchen counter, flour smudged on your face as you taught a mini version of you how to knead dough, and how to use the pasta machine that he knew was going to come very close to sucking in his fingers.
“Charlie? You ok, my love? Pasta isn’t that hard to make, baby, you just need more flour.”
You’d looked over to catch him staring at you, cheeks red and eyes glazed, and it took everything in him to not spit out how much he loved you. He wanted to scream it from the rooftops, post it on every social media platform, say it over and over until your heart was beating as fast as his was. He watched as you leaned over, sprinkling more flour onto his hands, and all he could do was smile.
The second time Charles almost confessed the inner workings of his heart was during a race weekend - Spa, to be exact. Spa was a race that was heavy with memories, good and bad. Antoine’s ghost still lingered at every corner, and the cheers of the 2019 crowd still rang in his ears during his track walk. It was a weekend that stirred up a plethora of emotions, contrasting and deep, and it weighed on him. He’d made it a point to leave flowers for his friend every year, joining Pierre alongside the track when they went to pay their respects. This would be the first time you would be by his side, at your insistence. He’d told you countless times that it was he was perfectly fine with just Pierre for company, that you didn’t have to drag yourself out there with him and get soaked, but you wouldn’t back down.
“I don’t care whether it’s storming or if people are passing out from the heat, Charles Leclerc, I’m coming with you, whether you like it or not. You’ve gone through enough on your own, and I’m not letting you do it again, not while I’m here.”
He’d stood in silence, gaping at you until your expression faltered and your hands fell from their resting place on your hips. You were halfway through stammering an apology, explaining that you just didn’t want him to be going through that alone, that you were always there for him when he surged forward and kissed you, hands cradling your face.
He was so overwhelmed in that moment, thoughts of Antoine floating through his head, a tiny voice in the back of his head telling him that it could be his turn this weekend, that he’d never get to tell you how he feels. He pulled back, thumbs brushing over your delicate cheeks, lips forming the words, when suddenly,
“Charles! You have a press conference in 5! Get a move on!”
Fred’s voice broke through the bubble, and you both jumped, startled by the shout. A weight settled in his chest, Charles desperately looking back at you, hoping that what he didn’t have a chance to say was evident in his eyes. You smiled back at him as if to say “me too”, and that was the end of that.
The third time was during family dinner. His mother had invited the two of you, along with Arthur, Lorenzo and their respective partners, over to her cosy house in Monaco for an evening meal. You had spent the last thirty minutes stressing over whether or not you looked good enough to meet “the woman who gave birth to the prince of Monaco” and thirty minutes before that stressing over which wine to take, if any. Once a good enough Chardonnay had been chosen (a 20 year old bottle you had been gifted by your boss and had deemed too fancy to just open over a plate of pasta at home), and your hair curled and make up painted to perfection, you turned to look at Charles, smiling, shooting him a “What’s cookin’, good lookin’?” and he couldn’t help but laugh.
The drive to his mother’s house was fairly uneventful, with him humming along to a French song playing on the radio, one hand on the wheel and the other situated on your thigh, slipping in between the slit of cherry red, silk dress you had chosen for the occasion. The windows were down, the wind whipping through your hair, and you were smiling and singing along with him, a pretty picture of contentment.
You had calmed down by the time the two of you had reached the front door, confident enough to greet his mother with a hug and a kiss to the cheek, laughing when she said that you looked “absolutely amazing, chèrie”. You had bantered with his brothers, giving as good as you got, helped set the table and pick the music, and had even taken over Arthur’s babysitting duties, spending time playing dolls with his little nieces. Looking at how well you fit in with his family made Charles’ heart beat out of his chest. He felt a hand on his arm, and turned to see his Maman standing next to him, a light smile on her lips.
“She’s the one, my boy.” she said, and all Charles could do was nod in agreement, quietly saying the words,
“I think I love her, maman.”
Pascale simply smiled, and turned to walk back to the kitchen.
He actually got through the first word and a half the fourth time. It seemed like whenever Charles actually got the opportunity to tell you he loved you, something or the other interrupted him, and this time was no exception. He never thought he would end up here, in a dingy club bathroom, wine stain on his brand new white shirt, and you standing by the sink laughing at him.
He had just won the Australian GP, Carlos coming in a close second, and Daniel stealing the third step of the podium. The season had started well for the team, and in natural Ferrari fashion, they had all gotten dressed up and found their way to the nearest club. Drinks flowed, partners were found and dragged to the dance floor, sweaty bodies pressed so close that it was hard to figure out who was who. He had been walking back from the bar, his and your drinks in hand, making his way back to his fellow drivers and you in a pretty black dress you’d picked out earlier in the day, when someone had bumped into him, wine spilling and staining his shirt. You’d turned at the noise that escaped his throat, an embarrassingly high-pitched squeal, and had kept a straight face for all of three seconds before you were laughing.
You’d taken the now empty glasses from his hands, set them down on the table and looped your arm through his, pulling him in the direction of the bathrooms.
“You know, now might not be the best time for a quickie, mon ètoile, my shirt is soaked.”
You had simply looked back at him, and told him that that was “even more reason to get that shirt off him”, your tone insinuating that you wouldn’t be doing anything of the sort. Once in the bathroom, the door locked and lights on, you’d beelined for the tissues, soaking them in a little water and soap before turning back to him with a determined look in your eyes. Instructing him to hold still, you’d taken to trying to scrub the stain out, armed with tissue that was on the verge of disintegrating. He knew the stain wasn’t going to budge, a voice that sounded like his mother’s telling him that he’d need hydrogen peroxide or vinegar at the very least, but he let you grip his shirt regardless, perching himself on the lip of the sink and pulling you closer to stand in between his legs. His eyes roved over your face, taking in the slight crease in between your eyebrows, and your teeth biting at your lower lip. There was something so endearing about the way you looked trying to rub something as stubborn as a wine stain out of his clothes that made him want to never let you go.
Tell her now, you idiot, who cares if you’re in a club bathroom, it’ll make for an interesting story to tell your kids later, he thought to himself.
“Ma chèrie?”, he waited for you to look up from his shirt before continuing, “I lo-“
“Charles! Did you manage to get that wine out yet? We’re waiting to order the next round of shots, mate, hurry up!”
The banging on the door, combined with his teammate’s voice, had interrupted him, the moment well and truly over. He grumbled to himself, something about never having a moment of peace, before looking up at you, nodding his head towards the direction of the door.
There was always next time.
It had been a quiet moment, just you and him somewhere on the coast of Monaco, yacht rocking with the waves, peaceful. The day had started the way it usually did, the sun streaming into his eyes as you curled into his side, screwing your eyes shut in a vain effort to try and sleep a little longer. He’d kissed you, slow and soft, before whispering a hushed good morning, smiling when he got a sleepy mumble in response. He’d pushed himself up to lean against the headboard, with you whining as he jostled you, only quieting down when he pulled you back into the warmth of his arms. The two of you had stayed there for another half an hour, drifting in and out of consciousness before your stomach rumbled, effectively declaring that it was time to get out of bed and start working on breakfast. Charles knew you didn’t usually like to eat in the mornings, claiming that it made you feel slightly nauseous, but that you were an absolute sucker for a good cup of coffee and waffles, so he set out to make exactly that whilst you were in the shower.
It was not going well, to say the least. He’d even pulled up a waffle recipe on his phone, specifying to Google that he needed one that was beginner friendly. It had started out well, with him grabbing all the ingredients listed, even going so far as to grab the measuring cups you used when you baked the vanilla cookies he loved so much; and then he actually had to start putting everything together. He’d ended up cracking the first egg with far too much force, causing it to spill all over his hand, with slivers of the shell ending up in the bowl below. Once he had fished out the infuriatingly small pieces out of the egg mixture and added the milk, he got to work measuring out the flour, only to misjudge how heavy the bag was, and spilling it all over the counter and himself. He was stood stock still, face stuck in disbelief when you had walked in, freezing as you took in the scene unfolding in your kitchen.
“Oh, my love” was all you’d managed to get out, before you were making your way over to him, brushing your thumb across his cheek and saying “You’ve got a little something there.”
Once the breakfast disaster was cleaned, and you had taken over to make edible waffles, the two of you had migrated to the living room, curling up on the couch under your favourite fluffy blanket, armed with snacks to start a movie marathon. Sundays during summer break were reserved for snacking on salted caramel ice cream and brain-rotting romcoms, and it was tradition for you and Charles to bicker over which movie was put on first. Charles knew he would give in after the first minute of arguing, when you pulled out the big guns and flashed a sweet smile at him, and today was no different. He was glad it was no different.
The day had passed in a haze of kisses, sweet fruit and good wine. The weather was beautiful, wonderfully warm with a light breeze, and Charles had stated that it was the perfect night for a picnic under the stars on his yacht, ushering you in the direction of your room, telling you to get dressed. He grabbed a few more bottles of the wine you had been loving in the last couple of days, cutting up fruits and cubes of cheese for your impromptu picnic, before packing it all up into a small basket you could take with you. You’d come out of the bedroom in a white summer dress, and Charles felt his heart stop at the sight of you. You looked ethereal, like his own personal angel, and he told you as much, before gently taking hold of your hand and leading you to his car, picnic basket in hand.
You had been out on the water for an hour or so when you had leaned into Charles, your head resting on his shoulder, arms wrapped around his. He’d looked down at you and smiled, all dimples and warmth, before leaning down and kissing you softly, his lips just brushing over yours. You’d settled in and were sharing your second bottle of wine, looking up at the stars and talking about everything and nothing, the topic of your conversation ranging from who could find the most constellations to new recipes you wanted to try out the next time you had the chance. Charles was watching you ramble about a new cake recipe that you’d seen (or was it pie? He was hardly paying attention, too caught up in the way your eyes lit up and the way your cheeks flushed) when he just blurted it out.
“I love you.”
You had stopped midway through your sentence, words suddenly sticking to the inside your throat as you gazed up at him. He was looking at you with glazed eyes, the stars reflected in them, and panicking because what if you didn’t say it back? What if he had misread the situation so badly and had ended up ruining a perfectly good day because he couldn’t keep his thoughts to himself like-
“I love you too.”
And just like that, the breath was knocked out of his chest. You loved him. Him, Charles Leclerc, you loved him. He wanted to hear those words every single day, every morning when he woke up, every night before he went to sleep, every day for the rest of his life.
“Say it again”, he begged, needing to make sure you were really saying that you loved him, and this wasn’t just some sick, twisted dream, a figment of his imagination. You repeated it in hushed whisper, again and again, watching as the dimpled smile you had come to adore grew on his face, before pushing yourself up and kissing him again.
Yes, today had been the perfect day.
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envirae · 1 year
you're losing me — jay park
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pairing: idol!jay x reader genre: angst wc: 1.1k warnings: intentional lowercase cursing, toxic relationship, jay is a horrible bf, not proofread
series masterlist
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as an idol, jay's line of work simply did not allow for a "normal" relationship. his company didn't really care if he dated or not, as long as he was incredibly smart about it. which he was, sometimes.
you were one of jay's classmates at hanlim, and from his first day there, you had caught his eye. the stolen glances from across the room, his not-so-subtle attempts to sit next to you in class, and his even more obvious attempts to constantly make you laugh.
it was no surprise when jay confessed his feelings to you the day of graduation.
when you decided to accept his feelings, you knew exactly what you were getting into. a part of you even knew it was doomed from the start. but when you looked into jay's eyes and felt an overwhelming sense of home, you just felt you had to try. 
and he was perfect, at least in the beginning. he tried his best to see you often, even if you two couldn't go out on dates like normal. he made it clear that he would always put his career first, and you respected that. you told him you would always be there to support him, even if it hurt you a little.
and then, about two years into your relationship, you noticed a shift. he used to spend nights sneaking out just to see you, but some nights you were struggling to even get a goodnight text from him. he used to hold you in his arms for hours, but now it felt like you were always waiting on him.
you tried your best to make it clear to him how you were feeling, yet he always brushed it off as you being overdramatic. not wanting to cause more problems, you believed him.
one particular night, jay texts you around 8 pm, asking you to come to the dorm. you were too excited about the fact that he wanted to see you to notice that he didn't want to come over to you, or even offer to pick you up.
and when you get there, he lets you in before rushing straight out the door, telling you, "not to go anywhere," and that "i'll be right back."
you sit on the couch, feeling awkward and out of place. you make small talk with some of the boys for a bit, and you don't miss the look of pity on heeseung's face.
when jay finally returns, it's past midnight. he opens the door and puts his things down before taking his seat next to you. you can't believe that you actually waited 4 hours for him, and that he doesn't even have the nerve to apologize.
you would say it's hard to believe he would do something like this, but this wasn't even the first time. were you really okay with just forgiving him each and every time? and you had put up with it countless times before, but you were slipping through his fingers.
"are you kidding me, jay?" you breathe out, trying not to sound angry, although you very much are.
he's caught off guard, but he simply raises a brow and responds, "what do you want me to say? i forgot something at work."
"and that took you four hours? do you really expect me to believe that?" you were baffled by his shamelessness, but both of you had too much pride to back down at this point.
“yes, i do. you don't think i'm lying, do you? i didn't mean for it to take so long, but once i was there i just got caught up. i don’t understand why you're being like this, y/n.” he sighed, running a hand through his hair.
 “i know you don’t understand, jay. because you never listen to me! you never even try!" your voice was shaky, and you could hardly get your words out without tearing up.
jay looked at you in disbelief, as if you had just said the most outrageous statement to him. "ok, so what exactly do you want me to do about it, y/n?"
"just do something, jay, anything! show me that you're in this like i'm in this. it feels like you're fighting with me, not for me." you choked out through tears.
"so what, you're saying that i don't care about you? i'm just the worst boyfriend in the world? you know my work is difficult i just-"
"i don't give a fuck about your work, jay! i have stood back and taken all of your shit for two years, and i never said a word about it. i know you're capable of loving me properly, so why don't you? why do you keep ignoring me? i'm right here, jay." you cut him off. his expression was blank, and you knew there was really no point in trying to voice your feelings when he just didn't care. "i just want you to choose me."
it felt like a knife was being twisted in your chest. what are you supposed to do when the person who your heart beats for is now the same person shattering it into pieces?
"i can't do that for you, y/n. i just can't give you what you want from me." he stood there, watching you cry.
you couldn't believe it. how could he claim to love you but be perfectly okay with watching you cry in front of him?
"then i'm done, jay. i'm not gonna wait around for you anymore." he nodded.
"if this is what you want, i'm okay with it." he said, disappointed. you knew it was bullshit. you knew he didn't care about what you wanted. what you really wanted was him, but there was no point in telling him that anymore.
you got up to leave and decided to look at him one last time. he was the same person who brought you flowers once a week and told you that you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen. and now, you didn't know a single thing that was going through his head.
"i'm sorry, jay. that this didn't work out."
he nodded and walked away before you were even out the door. he didn't even care enough to watch you leave. your chest felt heavy as you left the dorm. the moment you closed the door behind you, you collapsed to your knees sobbing.
you knew that jay hadn't really been in the relationship for months, but you couldn't believe it was really over. you had given him everything, and you weren't really sure who you were without him. but it was over, and there was nothing you could do about it.
what you couldn't stop thinking about, though, was that in the end, you were still the one apologizing.
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taglist (open): @misokei @nhularin @girlokarina @jaeyunsimswife @hanienie
150 notes · View notes
fandomgirlz01 · 1 year
Anesthesia Brain Fog
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Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Reader
Prompt?: No
Request?: No
Requested prompt?: No
Warnings here
You can listen to the story be read out loud here.{Coming Soon}
Post Date: July 3rd 2023
Post Time: 10:48 pm
Edited: Yes
Word count: 5,195
Summary: When the reader goes under anesthesia for a surgery, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw sweetly takes care of his wife.
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Author's Note: This Fic is based off of this video:
I {Faith} saw this on Tiktok and immediately thought of our sweet sweet Rooster and I {Faith} came up with the following Fic. I {Faith} decided that we don't give enough just fluff on this page so here you guys go a straight up fluffy piece. Plus I {Faith} believe that to this day this is my best work yet, you guys can really tell how far I've come in my writing if you guys follow my Wattpad and I am super proud of this one. With that being said I hope you guys enjoy this work of mine and I hope I did both brads and Maverick justice though my writing. I hope you guys see how much I put into making this absolutely just Brad.
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Bradley’s Pov:
“She’ll be fine, Bradley. They said they do this surgery all the time,” Maverick notes, trying to comfort me. I raise my head to look at him. 
“I know, I just miss her is all. This is the first time in a long time we’ve been apart this long,” I reply as my leg bounces from anticipation about my wife. 
“You look more worried than anything, but I get it. You guys are always together. Hell, you guys are even together in the air,” he comments with a chuckle and I sigh, rubbing my hand over my face. 
“Ok. Maybe I’m a little worried, Mav, but wouldn’t you be worried too if Penny had to have aortic valve surgery?” I question him in a slightly biting tone and he shrugs before nodding. 
“I’d be worried with any form of surgery on Penny,” he sympathizes with me and I throw a hand up to point at him. 
“See. So it’s only natural I'm worried,” I justify with a shrug before looking back down as I play with the ring that sits on my finger, twisting it around. 
I sigh as I sit back in my chair, waiting for y/n to come out of her surgery. When she’d started having chest pains a few weeks back, I immediately took her to the doctor and they found that her blood pressure was a little low. They looked at the problem further to learn that her aortic valve had been narrowing, making it hard for her heart to pump any blood to the rest of her body. 
The doctor immediately had her start the preparation for the surgery, which I of course helped her though. Today was the day we both highly anticipated for the last three weeks: the surgery. Her numbers kept bouncing back and forth, making the three weeks of waiting unbearable, until finally she was in the right range of numbers they wanted. Now it had only been three and a half hours since they finally took her back. My leg has been bouncing the whole time, unable to sit still as I continuously rub at my mustache or play with my ring anxiously while we wait for any news. 
“Really, I’m sure she’ll be fine. She’s under anesthesia, Bradley. She probably doesn’t feel a thing,” Maverick offers his comfort once again and I sigh, shaking my head as I sit up with my arms crossed. 
“But that’s the thing, Mav. What if she does feel anything? I read somewhere that sometimes even with the anesthesia, a person can feel everything,” I explain while smoothing out my mustache and he shakes his head, chuckling. 
“Bradley. I’m sure she doesn’t. If I remember correctly from the research I did, it’s only one patient per thousand that feels anything,” he explains as he pushes off the wall where he’d been standing with his arms crossed and I shake my head in frustration. 
“She’s okay and either way, she’ll be fine. You're just making yourself panic more than need be, son,” he calmly talks me down as he walks over next to me and I sigh, nodding. 
“I know, Mav, I just wish I could be with her,” I reply as he chuckles, setting a hand on my shoulder and squeezing it. 
“You remind me so much of your dad. He’d be the same way. So protective and a big worry wort,” he comments jokingly yet lovingly, and I lightly smile as I uncross my arms now. 
I start to say something but the door opens, cutting me off. A nice looking older lady with brown shoulder-length hair walks in. She closes the door behind her before turning to us with a smile on her face. Maverick smiles softly as he takes his hand off my shoulder to shake hers before crossing them once more. 
“Hi, my name is Kairi. I’m the head nurse on the floor today,” she introduces herself with a light smile. 
“Y/n should be out soon, I’m just here to get the room ready and to inform you that it went well,” she explains to us as she starts to move around the room and I let out a sigh of relief. 
“See, Bradley? You were all worried for nothing,” Maverick jokes with a small chuckle as he slaps me on the shoulder and the nurse lets out a small laugh too. 
“Well, no more worrying. She’ll be here soon. She did so well. The doctor had little to no issues,” she reassures me in a friendly tone. 
“So there were issues?” I ask and Kairi shakes her head. 
“It wasn’t a big one, she just had a very elevated blood pressure from her body learning to take to the new dynamic again. It didn’t remember how to function with the valve not closing off, but in the end all went well and the doctor was able to fix her all up,” Kairi continues to reassure me and I sigh. 
“Will she be awake when she comes in?” I ask and she smiles softly. 
“She may still be asleep at first because the anesthesia will still be wearing off, but she’ll be perfectly ok,” she promises as she writes something on the big chart on the wall and for the first time all morning, I can feel myself relax. 
“Ok. Well, I’m finished up,” Kairi starts as she lightly pushes off the wall, caps the white board marker she's holding, and clips it back to the side of the board. 
“She’ll be in here in a few minutes. If you need anything, just push this button and I should get the notification to come on in,” Kairi continues to explain to us as she points to the button before putting her right hand in her pocket as she starts to walk out of the room. 
“Oh! Would you look at that, I was right,” Kairi remarks happily when she opens the door and there’s two other nurses pushing y/n’s bed. 
We watch as they get the bed into its final resting place. Soon they finish up and we watch as they all move towards the door. 
“Let me know when she’s awake and we can make sure she’s not too out of it,” Kairi informs us as she turns back to us with a smile and a nod before her and other nurses are fully leaving the room. 
“Sounds like it’s just a waiting game now,” Maverick comments as he leans back in his chair and I give a small “hmm” as I pull out my phone. 
I text the group chat to let everyone know she’s out of surgery and in no time start getting replies about how happy the team is that it went well. I smile softly at the love she gets from everyone on the team and respond back to a few of them. 
When the group chat calms down a bit, I mess around on some other things on my phone for a while as I grab her hand and hold onto it with my unoccupied hand. It’s only about an hour later when I feel y/n squeeze my hand lightly. 
I jump up and quickly put my phone back into my pocket as she groans for a moment. Maverick looks up from his phone when I jump up and hover next to her. He stands up and walks closer to the other side of her bed. 
“Morning, honey. How are you feeling?” I ask in a soft tone as I smile down at her. 
She blinks a few times and groggily looks up at me as I stroke her hair back lightly. Maverick chuckles before walking over to the door and opening it. He stops and turns to look back as I look up at him. 
“I’ll go let Kairi know that she’s awake,” he informs me before he walks out.
Y/n groggily blinks up at me a little more before reaching up for me. I go to reach for her hand, but stop when she starts to rub at my cheek. I smile down at her and she smiles as she pokes my mustache, making me chuckle. 
“What, you like my mustache? Was it a nice sleep?” I question her with a quirked eyebrow as she continues to look at me with half-lidded eyes. 
Maverick walks back in with Kairi and she smiles as she walks over to y/n. Kairi stops by y/n’s bed and looks over her drip bag. 
“Good morning, miss y/n. How are you feeling?” she queries and y/n smiles groggily at her. 
“I feel fine, but who’s he? He looks cute…” y/n questions as she points at me and I fight off a laugh as Maverick looks at me with a smirk. 
“Sweetheart, that's Bradley. Your husband,” Maverick states to her through his laughs. 
“Oh hi, Mav!” Y/n shouts as she looks over at him and grins as he gives her a small wave. 
“Wait, so she remembers Mav, but not me?” I ask and the nurse smiles softly as she looks her over. 
“It may just be temporary amnesia from the anesthesia. It’ll wear off soon enough,” she explains as she continues to look her over. 
“Looks like you were worried about the wrong thing, Bradley,” Mavrick jokes with a smirk and I give him a playful glare. 
“Temporary amnesia is common and it can definitely be very selective. So I wouldn’t worry. Everyone reacts a little differently to the anesthesia,” Kairi continues to explain as she looks over the needle in y/n’s arm. 
“Well, she looks ok and like all is well. I’ll come in when she’s more awake and off the amnesia from the anesthesia. I will also be checking in every half hour or so,” Kairi explains as I look up at her and give her a nod. 
“You know what button to push if you need me, right?” Kairi queries one last time, making me and Maverick nod. 
“I think we got it from here. Thank you, Kairi,” Maverick muses out through his laughter that he’s trying to stifle and she smiles, nodding at him before heading out of the room while holding her own laughter in. 
“You come back here,” y/n demands, pointing at me and wiggling her finger for me to come closer. I hold back a laugh as I bend back down to her. 
“Oh I’m getting this on video. The memory will be golden,” Maverick comments as he pulls his phone out and seems to start recording. 
“You like how he looks, Bumblebee?” Mavrick questions as she starts to caress my face again. 
“You look a little weird,” she declares and I hold back a laugh again. 
“But you're cute,” she continues as she pokes my mustache again, making me openly laugh now. 
“Hmm. Well I’m glad you still like my face,” I joke and look up at Maverick, who’s stifling many more laughs while recording. 
“She’s so gonna kill me for recording this, but it’s so good,” Maverick cheekily jokes as he continues to record and I chuckle. 
“That she will, Mav, but I’m sure once she sees it she’ll just laugh it off. Ya know, after she kills you though,” I agree jokingly with him and he shrugs. 
“Worth it,” he comments with a shrug and I shake my head at him. 
She continues to rub at my face again and soon it starts to tickle, making me shy away for a moment. She then stops rubbing my face and I turn back to her while laughing. She stops and looks at me in confusion, making me tilt my head as she continues to look at me for a moment, almost deep in thought. 
“You’re funny lookin’,” she decides as she points at me and I bow my head to laugh. 
I look up at Maverick as I continue to laugh, but jump when she pulls my hat off. I watch as she holds it up and looks at it before trying to put it on her own head, but it ends up just sitting haphazardly on her head. 
“I like it. My hats always look good on you, sweetie,” I state with a grin before she pokes my mustache again. 
“I like you,” she informs as she keeps poking at my mustache, making me chortle. 
“Yeah? Do you?” I ask her and she keeps poking my mustache as well as my lip now. 
“I think,” she adds and I chuckle as I give her a playful shocked look. 
“You think?” I ask her though my laughter and she widens her eyes at me, continuously poking my face. 
“Honey. You don’t have a straight head right now. Thinking may not be the best idea,” I joke and Maverick chuckles as she just gives me a confused look. 
She then takes my hat off her head and throws it down on the side of the bed. She looks away for a moment, then looks back at me and takes my aviators off. She tries them on, but they only sit haphazardly on her face again. 
“I like them. Again, they look good on you, darlin’. My stuff always suits you,” I tell her with a grin as I nod at her. 
“You’re cute,” she comments, completely ignoring what I’d told her as she pulls her hand away only to thump me in the forehead as she points to it. 
I laugh as she lets her hand drop and she looks up at me in awe some more. I look at Maverick and we have a silent conversation before I nod, chuckling to myself as I turn back to her. 
“I’m gonna blow your mind right now, sweetheart,” I note jokingly. 
“You wanna know how?” I ask her as she looks away from me, almost ignoring me. 
I quickly move forward and give her cheek a kiss. she turns to me, her mouth falling open. 
“That cute guy in the Hawaiian shirt is kissin me, Mav!” she shouts as she looks at me in awe and shock, making us both burst out into laughter. 
She looks shocked and every time I look at her, I laugh harder. My face falls just under her chest above her lungs as I laugh harder and harder. I take a deep breath as I try to sober up from my laughter before looking back up at her again. 
I quickly move forward and kiss her on the lips before pulling away to see her face in even more shock. Her mouth stays open in shock as her eyes widen and I can’t help but to laugh even harder. 
“Whoa,” I playfully tell her with wide eyes and she doesn’t react, just stays frozen in her shock. 
I lay my head back down again as I laugh harder at her and her hand grips onto my hair for a moment. She runs her fingers through it, making me look up at her again. 
I lean forward for another kiss and this time she closes her mouth and kisses back. Once I pull back, she looks at me still in shock and I start to laugh harder if it’s even possible. I fall back onto the floor as I continue to laugh with my eyes screwing shut as I fight to breathe through the laughter. 
“You are cute,” she states again as she points at me on the ground, only making me laugh harder. 
“And he kissed you, sweetheart,” Maverick informs her, as she continues to look at me and loosely point at me now. 
“How lucky are you?” Maverick asks her though his own laughter. 
She quickly turns to look at Maverick, who tries hard not to laugh. He continues to record and laugh as she just stares at him. 
“Think he’ll take you out to dinner when you get outta here?” Mavrick questions her and she looks at him. 
“I got a nasty scar though,” she groans out with a face of disgust as she points to her chest where they opened her up. 
“Don’t you worry about that, honey. I still find you very attractive,” I promise her with a smile and she gives me a dazed look as Maverick stops recording. 
“I’m tired…” she whispers quietly and I smile, nodding at her. 
“Ok. Go back to sleep then, princess. It’s ok to be tired. You’ve had a very long morning,” I promise her as I brush some of her hair back behind her ear. 
“Ok, cute guy…” she mutters sleepily before closing her eyes and getting comfortable. 
“I’ll, uhh, go get us some lunch. What do you want?” Maverick asks as he shoves his phone into his pocket. 
“Umm, maybe some In-n-out?” I answer him with a question and he hums in agreement. 
“That does sound very good. I’ll be back soon. We’ll watch the video when I get back,” he tells me with a smirk as he puts his jacket on and I nod at him as I try not to start laughing again. 
He smiles and chuckles one last time before turning around and walking out the door. I chuckle lightly as I pull a chair over by y/n’s bedside before sitting down in it. 
“Hey, cute guy…?” y/n quietly asks and I have to hold back a chuckle as I look up at her, giving her a ‘hmm’ in response. 
“Will you hold my hand?” she again quietly asks me now, looking at me with her eyes gleaming and I grin. 
“Of course, sweetheart,” I reply as I reach my hand out for her to take. 
“Thank you, cute guy,” she whispers out, before cuddling back into her bed and I smile, squeezing her hand. 
“You are very welcome, sweet girl,” I tell her as I bring her hand up to my lips, leaving a kiss on the back of it. 
She sighs softly and I chuckle as she seems to slowly fall asleep. Once she’s out, my phone goes off and I quietly hiss as I quickly try to pull it out of my pocket with my free hand. When I successfully pull it out I see a text from Phoenix. 
Phoenix: Hey. Any updates? She awake?
I smile softly at the care that comes through the text, the same as earlier. I look up at y/n to see that her chest rises and falls softly. I slowly let go of her hand for a split second so I can’t text back. 
Me: Hey. All’s good. Although she did have a small bout of amnesia when she woke up. Nurse says it’s a common symptom for most people. Right now she’s asleep again. I’ll text and let you all know when she’s feeling up to visitors. 
Y/n whines a little as her hand moves a bit as if searching for mine. I smile and after sending the text, quickly grab her hand again. She calms as soon as I grab it and I smile softly. 
I then continue to play around on my phone as she sleeps and time seems to fly by. Soon before I know it, the door is opening and Maverick walks in with the In-n-out bags along with a drink holder with two drinks. 
“How do you always do that?” I ask as he sets the two bags down along with the drinks and he hums. 
“How do I do what?” he questions and I motion to the drinks. 
“How do you carry drinks on your bike?!” I ask in astonishment and he chuckles, shrugging. 
“I don’t know, just do,” he replies, bouncing his eyebrows at me and I shake my head. 
“You are a wonder, Mav,” I tell him through a chuckle as I shake my head. 
“So are you, kid. So are you,” he tells me with a smile my way. 
“Come on. Let’s eat,” he continues as he pulls his burger out of the bag. 
“I’ll eat mine over here,” I state, holding our interlaced hands up so he can see them and he nods, smiling as he pulls my fries out of the bag. 
“I figured you would. Just like your dad. He wouldn’t have left Carol’s side for anything in the world even if it was to eat when she was in a hospital bed,” he reminisces and I smile softly, loving that he’s telling me about my dad. 
He hands me the fries as well as my burger along with my drink and I take them, setting them down on her table. I take a moment to look over at her and smile when I see she’s peacefully sleeping. I then pull the table closer to me before starting to eat. 
We both silently eat, exchanging banter every now and then before y/n lets out a groan. I look up at her before shoving my phone in my pocket, pushing the table away from myself and standing next to her. 
“Morning, sweetheart. Did you have another nice nap?” I ask her and she smiles at me. 
“Morning, Brads. Yes, yes it was a very nice sleep,” she tells me and I smile at the mention of one of my many nicknames that she’s dubbed me with. 
“So you know who I am this time?” I ask her as I hold back a chuckle. 
“What do you mean?! Do I know you?! Of course I know you. You're my husband,” she tells me while giving me an incredulous look. 
“Sweetheart. I’m glad you know me now, but as of an hour ago you did not,” I inform her as I continue to hold back my laughter. 
“What? No. I don’t even remember waking up,” she denies, shaking her head. 
“But you did, honey,” I tell her softly and she shakes her head. 
“Why don’t I remember it then?” she asks and I shrug lightly. 
“Well I think I can answer that…” a voice speaks up, making me look up to see Kairi standing there smiling with her hands on her hips. 
“You had a temporary form of amnesia when you woke up. You probably don’t remember it because you weren’t fully off the anesthesia, but now you should be,” Kairi explains as she smiles while walking over to us. 
“How do you feel, Mrs. Bradshaw?” she asks as she walks over to us. 
“I feel fine. Tired still and a little hungry, but overall fine,” y/n answers before looking over at me and I squeeze her hand lightly as I let out a chortle. 
“Ok. I think we can handle that. I’ll make sure to have food brought up to you,” Kairi promises through her laughter. 
“But don’t worry. It’s all normal after these kinds of surgeries. You may experience weakness for quite a while, as well as many bursts of emotions or even sudden tiredness,” Kairi explains softly and I smile at y/n encouragingly. 
“You’re also looking fine, that must mean you’re already recovering pretty well. You may feel some pain or discomfort around the incision. If you do, just call me in and we’ll figure out what’s up,” Kairi explains as she finishes looking over y/n and I smile, nodding at her. 
“Thank you, Kairi. We’ll definitely call if we need you,” I tell her and she smiles softly. 
“Ok. I’ll see you again in an hour unless you need me before then,” Kairi promises with a smile as Maverick and I nod to her. 
“Word of advice: keep these two around, Mrs. Bradshaw. They both seem to love you a whole lot,” Kairi comments, making y/n smile. 
“Thank you, Kairi. I plan to,” y/n agrees and Kairi smiles, nodding before turning and heading for the door. 
“Did I really forget you?” Y/n asks with a pout and I chuckle. 
“Yes, you did Bee, I even got it on video!” Maverick tells her and she pouts even more. 
“Hey. It’s ok, sweet pea. I know it wasn’t actually you. It was just a reaction you had to the anesthesia,” I promise her as I rub back some of her hair and she looks up at me, tears filling her eyes. 
“B…b…but I forgot my Brads. How could I forget you?” she asks and I chuckle, looking at Maverick. 
“I think she may be having one of those bursts of emotions, huh Bradley?” Maverick questions and I chuckle, shaking my head. 
“I think she might be, but it’s okay. It’s just temporary. Honey, it’s ok, really. I know it wasn’t actually you forgetting me,” I tell her and her lip trembles. 
“Really?” she hesitantly asks and I smile softly. 
“Yes, my sweet girl, it's okay. I’m not mad,” I promise her and she finally smiles. 
“It was more funny than anything. Wanna watch the video?” Maverick comments, holding back laughter and she glares at him. 
“You better not have,” she sternly tells him and he chokes on his laughter. 
“Oh, but I did…” he cheekily tells her with a smirk and she groans. 
“Mav! Please delete it?!” she begs him and he laughs, shaking his head. 
“No can do, Bee. Sorry, it’s just too good to delete,” he informs her and she lets out a huff as she crosses her arms. 
“You must really want to die,” she mutters and I chuckle, shaking my head at my two favorite people. 
“Bradley, honey… say your goodbyes to your father now while you have the chance, because as soon as I’m able to get out of this bed, he’s gone,” she tells me in a very serious tone and I hold back my laughter as I try to nod seriously at her. 
“Bradley, tell her she can’t kill me,” Maverick tries to plea with me but I shake my head. 
“Oh no. I’m not getting into this. I warned you, remember, and you just shrugged saying it was worth it, so don’t pull me in. I don’t wanna be in the hot seat. You're all on your own,” I tell him and slowly his eyes widen. 
“Bradley, you can’t possibly sit by and just watch as she murders me,” he tries to fight back and I smirk. 
“Who said I’d be sitting back? I wouldn’t even be in the room. Gotta keep my innocence,” I inform him and he scoffs, shaking his head. 
“Innocence, my ass. Kid, you ain’t one bit innocent,” he tells me and that’s when I finally break, starting to laugh. 
“Who are you to talk, Maverick? Mr. My name isn’t innocence…” y/n comments with an eye roll and I laugh harder as he looks at her in shock. 
“And you act so innocent all the time? I think not!” he argues back and she scoffs. 
“I’m definitely more innocent than you,” she continues to argue back and Maverick shakes his head. 
“Bradley, help me out here, you can’t possibly think she’s so innocent,” Maverick begs me to help him and I shake my head. 
“I’m not getting into this. This is between you two. I can’t be picking sides here now,” I reply, shaking my head in refusal. 
“Wow. It’s her over me, huh?” he asks and I sigh, shaking my head in amusement. 
“No. It’s not. I’m not picking sides for that specific reason and you know it,” I tell him and he chuckles, shaking his head. 
“Yeah. Yeah. I get it kid,” he surrenders, putting his hands up and I chuckle. 
“I’m sorry, am I interrupting?” A girl in her early 20s with a light brown bob walks in. 
“Oh no. You're good. Come on in,” I inform her as I invite her in and she smiles softly. 
“I’m Elizabeth. I’m just bringing Mrs. Bradshaw that food she requested,” she explains as she opens the door farther to show the tray she’s holding. 
“Oh my goodness, food! I’m willing to eat literally anything!” Y/n moans out, making us all laugh and I lightly push my food aside for the nurse. 
“She hasn’t eaten for thirty six hours, so…” I explain and the nurse nods. 
“Well, here you go then. Enjoy!” Elizabeth tells y/n as she sets it down on the table.
“Thank you!” Y/n happily expresses her gratitude and Elisabeth smiles, nodding. 
“Of course. It’s my job,” Elisabeth comments before walking back out the door. 
“Welp, shall we finish our food and watch this video?” Maverick jokes as y/n starts to dig into her food. 
Y/n stops what she’s doing, looks at him and growls. He puts his hands up in surrender again and I chuckle. 
“Oh come on, honey. Don’t you wanna see it at least a little bit?” I ask her and she rolls her eyes, sighing. 
“Uggh. I guess. Go ahead, play the dumb thing,” she agrees, rolling her eyes and I throw my head back laughing. 
“I’ll put it up on the TV, it’s supposed to be able to connect to it,” he tells us as he starts to try and connect it. 
“Yes! I got it!” he cheers when it connects and y/n groans when she sees it ready to play. 
I sit back into my chair, still holding y/n’s hand as the video begins to play. I can’t help but smile as I watch her and Maverick joke around with each other. She giggles as well as groan every now and then at the video that plays over and over. 
I can’t help but just enjoy sitting here with my wife, who’s now in recovery, and my father-like figure as they throw jokes back and forth. For the first time all day, I truly feel at peace, knowing everything went well today. I stand up and y/n looks at me, confused, but it quickly goes away as I sit on the bed with her. 
She cuddles into my side as we continue to just laugh at the video. She groans and hides her head in my chest. 
“He’s never going to let me live this down, will he?” she asks and I chuckle. 
“No honey, I don’t think he will,” I quietly reply and she groans again. 
“How in the world did I ever forget my Bradley Bear? It’s just not me!” she asks, shaking her head as she cuddles in closer, nuzzling her face into my chest and I smirk. 
“Oh, but you did!” Mavrick remarks from the chair he now lounges in and y/n only growls at him again, making me chuckle. 
“It’s okay though, sweetheart. I know you weren’t fully in your right mind,” I again promise her sweetly as I kiss her forehead and feel her smile softly as she snuggles into my side even more. 
After we all finish cracking up laughing at the video of y/n, Maverick decides to watch something on TV. Together we decide what to watch and then just enjoy the rest of the day together, watching TV with y/n cuddled up next to me, Maverick in his chair, and Kairi checking in with us every so often. 
The End…
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yuyusgirl · 5 months
This is my first story so bare with me guys :) lol.
Just another regular practice for you as Ateez choreographer. You’re choreographing their new tour song “WAKE UP”, when u first listened to it you just KNEW it had to be a sexy dance to it so you got right on it. Using every sexy dance trick and as much thrusting ucan think of u put it in the choreo. And finally u were finished snd it was time for the boys to come in and learn. As Ateez enters very happy to see you, you scream “ARE U GUYS FUCKING READY” them not knowing what u have up your sleeve they respond saying “ YESSS” and you get to work. Firstly you get to show them the dance which is fun for you because you love their reactions as you dance. But this time there were different reactions then u normally see, all the faces seem mesmerizing and they are just looking u up and down, especially yunho. After you are done showing it is time to teach, and while teaching the hip thrusting parts of the dance seemed a little awkward to you knowing they are enjoying it a little TOO much but u are satisfied that they enjoy your dance. Y’all stop and take a water break and yunho comes up to you saying “ so a little spicy for this song hmm?” You replied “yes I know I know but I really feel like the choreo goes with the sound of the song” “you know what I feel like Y/N ?” He asks “what?” you ask “I think u looked too sexy performing that for us” “oh haha” you laugh thinking he’s just joking “oh so u think im playing, im so serious” he replies, “Oh yunho im flattered thank you” you respond trying not to seem awkward because that flustered you. “Of course pretty” he replies. “Ok time to get back to work guys!” You yell to try to get yunhos compliment out of your head.
Day 2 practice you’re so excited to get things done, the boys coming in with loud energy and screaming you know this is going to be a good practice. Y’all are all stretching, getting ready to get started and while you are in the straddle with your legs open, yunho is staring you DOWN thinking of how your legs are so farly stretched. You look up catching him staring and he just plays it off by looking down super fast, you get flustered AGAIN with how he is looking and you. You decide to just say fuck it and show him how it feels, so the whole practice you are both just staring and eye fucking each other. “Hey Y/N” san yells “woo taught me how to do the spilts yesterday you wanna see?” He asks, “boy what the fuck, yea sure haha” you reply, he tries his hardest to split and obviously.. he can’t. “Y/N can you split?” San asks “of course I can” so you go down and split. Yunho sees this and his mind is running CRAZY knowing you were this flexible Imagining all these things has his literally drooling all over himself. You catch this and start laughing at him “seen a ghost ?” You ask he plays it off with a laugh saying “shut up”. Yall finish up and everyone is hugging you bye, you get to yunho and while y’all are hugging you whisper in his ear “stop eye fucking me and do it for real” being very bold. His face and ears turning redder than ever he can feel himself getting hard and runs off to the bathroom. “Hey yall leave without me I’ll call a Uber I have to shit” he says. They all agree and leave, you are still there packing your stuff getting ready to go and you hear slight moans coming for the bathroom. You head closer to the bathroom to hear what’s going on, obviously you know whos in there, you slightly turn the knob seeing its open. Yunho springs up in shock and is very embarrassed to see you standing in the doorway, “yunho what are you doing?” You ask “im sorry you kinda just tu-turned me on...” You chuckle “and how is that yunho?” “ the dance, the splits, my ear I-I-I just couldn’t take it”. You start slowly walking towards him and you end up looking up at him. You not even realizing he’s so much bigger up close, him towering over u just turned you on. You both just staring at each other his dick hard and your cunt soaked, he says “ im s-sorry I just got caught up in the moment” “you want to see me do the splits on that big dick huh?” You ask, “mmhm” he replies. you keep walking towards him while he is backing up and he suddenly hits the wall. You grab his hard cock through his pants “fuckkkk” he replies, he wants to cum from just you grabbing on his 11 inch. You get on your tippy toes to hard on kiss him and y’all just go at it, tongue on tongue him moaning while your hand is rubbing his hard on. He starts to think that you shouldnt be the dominant one so he turns you around and now ur the one on the wall you let out a small gasp being so surprised, and now your letting him take control. He slowly moves his veiny hand down and now is slowly taking your tights off and reveals your pretty pink panties which the sight is getting him even harder and is getting your cunt wetter. He takes his thumb to move your panties to the side and sees your cunt is so wet for him. “ this all for me pretty? I knew you were a slut the way your legs were so spread open during strech” “its all for you daddy” he LOVES this word, a little TOO much that he takes It upon himself to pick u up. “Daddy?” “You dont even know what that does to me pretty girl?” He rips your panties off and you moan at the dominance of him, you never thought he was this freaky. You still touching his rock hard cock pulling his sweats off “dont” he says, making you anxious you ask “wait what’s wrong” he replies “ let me show you everything I wanted to do to u since you started teaching” he says while carrying you to the couch in the practice room and gently putting you down while he takes off your panties and reveals your leaking cunt throbbing at him.
the sight of it makes him so hard he just wants to fuck your face into the couch but he holds his composure and places the top of his tongue on your clit making you jump and moan loudly “AHH YUNHO F-FUCK” “hey pretty girls dont curse” “yes daddy” you reply. He takes his finger and slides it into your leaking hole making you jump once again, he chuckles and keeps eating you out like its his last feast and stroking his long veiny finger in and out of you making your walls cusp around his finger. “So you are a little pretty slut hm?” He asks “ Y-ye-yes FUCK” you scream “cum for me baby I know you can” “FUCK YUNHO FUCK ME” you scream feeling so good his fingers hitting your g spot and his tongue sucking your clit so well. You’re reaching your max point and just needed one more push, and he gave you that push. Slapping his other hand fastly on your clit makes you go so insane “FUCK Y-YUNHO IM CUMMING FUCK” “hey didn’t I say no cursing pretty?” “Sorry daddy” you respond. Cumming on his fingers he gets so turned on by that, precum spreading everywhere, and dripping down his pants he couldn’t wait to stick his hard cock inside you. “Yunho..” “Yes baby” he responds “please…” “please what pretty?” “Fuck… me, I want you daddy” faster than lighting he took his sweats and boxers off and you see his long, hard, 11 inch flick up on his stomach making you wet once again. “Im gonna fuck you so bad you can’t teach another sexy dance mk?” That turned you on so bad you couldn’t even respond you just grabbed his dick and pulled it closer to you signaling for him to put it inside you. “You want it bad? Beg.” He said “yunho I want you to fuck me so deep I won’t get to teach another sexy dance” he didn’t know you were gonna say that, he was gonna let you beg but he seen you confess and confirm that your his. That turned him on and he grabbed your thighs closer and tapped his cock on your throbbing clit “AH SHIT” he screams out that slap felt so good that he just wants to cum on the spot. “I thought u dont like cursing daddy?” You asked, he chuckles “ I do, not from you you’re too pretty for that baby” he slowly puts its in your hole, “SHIT” you scream out, he doest like that “ you dont wanna listen?” He says “no no daddy I’ll listen” “do you want me to cover your pretty little mouth while I fuck you?” That actually didn’t sound bad to you but u wanted him to hear your every moan. “ no please just ram into me daddy” he does as you please going faster in missionary while flicking your hard nipples “OH MY GODDD” you scream out, he’s trying to just cum in you by hearing your moans so he ends up covering your mouth which does him no justice because it turns him on even more. “Fuck Y/N why do u feel so good, your pretty little pussy is clenching around my cock so well” his moans going up even louder when he sees you so fucked out taking his length so well “ who’s pussy is this hm ?” He asks “YOU-YOUR-YOURS DADDY” barely can talk because he’s fucking you so well. “Promise its mine or ill pull out” “its its yours daddy forever” you say, he loves that shit and is going faster while kissing down your chest, fucking you while he’s sucking on your breasts makes your orgasm come even faster. He feels your walls clenching him and your moans getting louder and louder “cum for me baby, I know you can your doing so well” he says, this sends you over the edge “OH MY GOSH FUCK ME FUCK YUNHO AHH UGH” “ I knew you could do I-AH SHIT” he saying while he cums right after you “hey let me tell you something” he says “hmm?” You reply “if u curse so much like that again ima stick my cock so far down your throat you won’t be able to speak and curse word hm?” “Sorry daddy u just made me feel so good, and yk what I won’t even mind u sticking that big thing down my throat” yall both chuckle, y’all sit there not the next 20 mins touching and kissing not knowing you’re both hard and wet again. “Let me take you home baby” he says, you agree and he takes you home, making out before you walk into the house.
Day 3 of practice you are no where to be found everyone is worried and is asking where are you, someone walks in the door “HEY THATS NOT Y/N” woo says “hi guys im Veronica, Y/N couldn’t be here today she said her legs were hurting idk, so I am here to cover for her” yunho chuckles “something funny?” Hongjoong asks “ oh nah nah my bad” yunho says.. if only they knew what took place the night before..
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teddy-bear-baby · 1 year
Their Deadly Flower - Ten
(A/n: Chapter Ten as promised. Enjoy, my Lovelies!)
Pairings: Ghost X GN!Reader, König X GN!Reader
Warnings: None
Prolog - One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Here - Eleven
    The drive to the meeting point was long and awkward. Beside you in the passenger seat König was quietly seething while Ghost sat in the back staring at you in the rearview mirror. Only two hours in and you had subconsciously chewed no less than three holes in the inside of your cheek. 
     You found out as you were tossing your things into the car that Ghost had requested to be part of your little mission. Price, not seeing any harm in it, had agreed to allow Ghost to head out early with you and König. Silent panic had set in almost immediately as you hadn’t had time to tell König about the interaction you’d had with Ghost yet. You had hoped to have that conversation alone with him on the way there, which wasn’t quite possible now. Thinking about it though, maybe it was best you hadn’t gone through with that plan. König was a large man, and while you didn’t think he’d ever get violent with you, you couldn’t be sure. You’d seen him angry only a few hours ago and that was not something you wanted directed at you. 
     The tense silence had begun to annoy you slightly. “You guys want to listen to music or something?” You peer over at König and then in the rear view mirror at Ghost, neither spoke as they glanced at you. “Ok…” You keep your eyes trained on the road as you think through your options; You could just blurt out that you had mostly made up with Ghost, but the thought of  König losing his shit right next to you dissuades you. You could just leave the situation as is, but the silence and odd air in the vehicle was distracting, and that alone was dangerous. You could stop the car and tell them to hash out their problems before you get there, but you don’t really want to deal with cleaning up the fallout of them pummeling each other. 
      After thinking on it for a while you decide to put your playlist on and just let it run until you reach your destination. It does very little to ease the tension between the three of you, but you try to push that out of your mind, quietly bobbing your head to the music. Neither Ghost or König seemed to mind, so you kept driving, turning it up a little hoping to drown out the thoughts running through your head.
     You’d been on the road for nearly 4 hours now, still listening to your music, paying no mind to the two brooding men in the car with you. Your fingers drum against the steering wheel as you sing along to your ever-playing list of songs. 
     Your voice dies in your throat as the music cuts off abruptly. You turn your head to look at the center console, finding your phone missing from its previous location. “What the hell?” You glance over at König, finding your phone in his large hands. It looked almost like a toy as he thumbed through your playlist. “Oh..” You move your eyes back to the road as you wait for him to finish whatever he’s doing.
     A light hum comes from the hooded man next to you. “What is ‘Guy.exe’? What the hell is ‘Superfruit’?” 
     You laugh through your nose as you glance at him. Confusion flashes through his eyes as he stares at you. “It’s a song, if you’re that curious you can play it.” You nod at him and watch as he taps the glowing screen. You sway in your seat a bit as the song begins. You flick your eyes to the rearview where Ghost stares straight ahead awkwardly. You sing along, glancing between the road, König, and Ghost. “Six feet tall and super strong.” 
     A devilish grin graces your face as you hear Ghost choke on his own saliva. You snort as you catch his wide eyes staring at you, laughing outright when you see König side eyeing you deviously. The tension in the car starts to dwindle as you all begin laughing. 
     All hard feelings are put aside and replaced with light banter as both men start critiquing your music taste. You can’t help but laugh and play along, not wanting this little bonding moment between them to end. You enjoy the way they get along in the moment, anger and animosity left behind for the time being. They take turns playing songs from your playlist, requesting you to sing for them. 
     “What do I look like, a karaoke professional?” You roll your eyes, grinning from ear to ear.
     König looks at you, adoration swimming in his eyes. “Come on, Maus. Bitte, just one more.” He glances back at Ghost for a moment as he speaks. “Back me up on this one, ja? It’s a beautiful sight.”
     Ghost hums at König’s words. “It is. He’s right.” He leans forward, one hand on either seat as his head pokes in between the front seats. “One more, Love? We’re almost there, what’ll it hurt?” 
     You blush a little as the nickname falls from his lips so naturally. “My pride?” You try your best not to look at either of them. You can feel their eyes still on you as you bring the car to a stop at a red light at the edge of the city. You take your chances, glancing over at the two of them. That was a mistake, both stare at you expectantly. Your heart feels as though it’ll beat out of your chest, heat making its way to the tips of your ears.
     You start second guessing all of the fantasies from before. You could barely handle both of them staring at you while you were fully clothed, you’d surely die of a heart attack before they even touched you. You groan internally as the conjured images come flooding back to you. That coiling heat begins to grow between your hips as you impatiently wait for the light to turn green. 
     With a huff you relent, finally speak again. “Fine, but I get to pick the song.” You glance between the two men who smile at you with their eyes. A sigh falls from your lips as you silently plead with yourself, hoping that the fire in your belly will die down before you get where you’re going. “Play ‘Bound To You’ by Christina Aguilera.” You watch as König’s thumbs tap at the screen for a moment before the soft strings and piano begin spilling from the speakers.
     You focus all of your energy into driving and singing along. You direct every word at both of the men in the car with you without either of them knowing. Your mind swiftly drops the lewd images, instead replaying some of your happiest memories with them. Your secret serenade seems to capture their full attention, neither of them speaking as you continue belting out the words. “Do I risk it all? Come this far just to fall?”
     You inhale deeply, the song comes to a close as you make the last turn of your drive. You slow the car a bit, keeping your eye out for the designated parking lot. You spot a small lot, empty aside from a man leaning against a motorcycle. “This is it, right?” You nod toward the lot as you bring the car to stop.
     When you don’t get a response you glance over, to see if they’d fallen asleep or something. You’re surprised to find that both of them are still staring at you, an awestruck look in their eyes. Your stomach does back flips as you blink at them. “Guys?” You wave your hand in front of them. “What’s wrong with you two?” You put the car in park and turn the ignition off before opening your door and climbing out.
     They both come out of their dazes and follow suit, climbing out of the car and checking their weapon holsters. You keep your back to the parking lot as you slide your mask over your head before walking cautiously to meet with the man standing in the parking lot. You keep a few paces back from König and Ghost, turned toward the street as they have a hushed conversation with the man. You keep your eyes peeled, insuring you weren’t being watched or followed. Your hand resting on the pistol holstered on your hip, ready to pull it free at a moment's notice.
     The sound of light footsteps alerts you to the end of the conversation. You peak over your shoulder seeing Ghost and König walking up to you, shoulder to shoulder. You catch the end of their quiet conversation as they stop by your side.
     “It’ll have to do. May not be huge, but it’s something.” Ghost glances down at you as he finishes speaking to König. “I’ll drive, it’s not far.” He holds his hand out, silently asking for the keys. “Small abandoned house just north of here.” 
     You pull the keys from your pocket, placing them lightly in his palm as you start walking back toward the car. “How small is small?” 
     Both men chuckle as they follow you to the car, but neither answers your question.
     You grimace a bit as you stare at your new home away from home. In front of you stands a quaint family home long since abandoned. Mint green paint cracked and peeling, vines have overtaken the whole right side. The windows are boarded and shuddered, broken glass scattered across the overgrown path to the side gate. The front door hangs crooked on its hinges, one harsh gust of wind away from ceasing to exist. “Cozy.” Your sarcastic remark is rewarded with a small chuckle from the men on either side of you.
     Ghost pats your back lightly as he begins walking up to the door. “We’ve slept in worse.” 
     You stifle a laugh as you think back to the old rickety cabin he was referring to.
     You and Ghost had been separated from the rest of your team during a torrential downpour. If it hadn’t been for him grabbing your wrist and tugging you along, you’d probably have been completely lost and alone through the six hour storm. With radio contact cut due to the storm and no way of navigating through the blinding rain, you were forced to take shelter wherever you could. 
     You were soaking wet and freezing cold when you finally found an old, stand-alone cabin. There were no windows and the door didn’t latch but it was shelter. The whole building swayed with the wind as the foundation groaned. The floor bowed beneath your weight, creaking with each step.
     “I think I’d rather brave the storm than risk this collapsing in on us.” You scan the building's interior with your NVGs while Ghost jams the door closed with one of his knives. The building consisted of two rooms; The main room, which held a small pull out couch with a dusty blanket draped over the back and a wood furnace with a small pile of lumber next to it, and a small, showerless bathroom that connected in the far back corner.
     Ghost grumbles a bit as he walks across the small space to the furnace. He squats and hunches over as he places a few logs in. “Strip.” His voice is serious and demanding.
     Shock overtakes you and you stand there gawking at him. “I’m sorry, Lt. What?” 
     Ghost stands to his full height as small flames begin lapping at the inside of the furnace, shedding the smallest amount of light around the room. “Did I stutter, Iris?” He doesn’t even bother glancing at you as he begins stripping off his gear. 
     You watch as each layer falls from his god-like body. First is his vest and holsters, piled neatly in the corner. The next to go is his overcoat followed by his shirt. The flickering gold light of the fire only accentuates the dips and curves of his muscles as he continues peeling the clothing from his body. You force yourself to look away as your mouth practically waters at the sight of him nearly naked. 
     He lets out an aggravated huff as his bare feet thud across the floor. “That was an order Sergeant. Unless you rather hypothermia take your limbs.” He works quickly, removing your vest and holsters. You swallow a moan as his hand brushes your inner thigh, his fingers working deftly at a buckle between your legs. 
     You step back once you’ve been rid of all your gear. “I- I think I can take it from here, Simon. Thanks.” You shift awkwardly as you pull at the cuffs of your jacket. 
     “Are you sure?” Simon’s voice is husky as he rakes his eyes down your body. “I wouldn’t mind helping.” He gives a half shrug as continues to stare at you.
     Your face begins to burn as you continue to pull your jacket from your arms. “No, I think I’m more than capable of stripping myself.” 
     “Suit yourself, Sweetheart.” A mischievous glint flashes through his gaze as he turns and walks to the couch.
     You shed everything but your undergarments as you watch him unfold the couch and toss the cushion up to the top. Your heart races as you slowly walk over and sit on the edge of the bed with your back to your lieutenant. You rub your hands up and down your arms attempting to produce some sort of heat. You nearly jump out of your skin when two arms wrap around your midsection, pulling your back flush against the culprit’s chest.
     “We’ll have to share the blanket.” Ghost pulls you down to the bed as he brings the blanket around you both. His head comes to rest in the crook of your neck as you drift peacefully into sleep. 
     The house has three bedrooms and one bathroom, along with a kitchen, living room, dining room and a half basement. None of which had furniture. Ghost explained over ‘dinner’ how each room would hold two people, the dining room would hold four more and the rest would squeeze in wherever they could. The basement would be turned into an armory of sorts, while it wouldn’t be stocked as well as the one back at the main base it would hold all of the necessities. 
     You’d each set up a small area to sleep in, each of you claiming a bedroom to occupy until the others arrived. You’d thought for a moment about sleeping in a room with one of them, but decided it wasn’t a good idea. They’d gotten along so far and you didn’t want to ruin the peace. Your mind drifted between the two as you fell asleep. Dreams filled with the two of them holding you close, like some weird love triangle.
     You woke up to the sound of light footsteps in the hall outside of the door. The sun shined bright through the window, nearly blinding you as you opened your eyes. You groan as you consider rolling over and going back to sleep. You’d been up almost all night driving and  could really use a bit more rest. You lay there for what feels like hours without sleep taking you back into its comforting arms. You give in and with a heavy sigh you pull yourself out of bed.
     When you finally make it down the stairs you find Ghost and König sitting on the kitchen floor. They sit against opposite walls, each with an empty MRE next to them. You wonder for a moment if they’d allowed each other to see their faces. 
     “Good morning Maus. Breakfast?” You nod slightly and König nods back as he slides a bottle of water and ‘breakfast’ across the floor.
     As you finish off your food you look to Ghost, hoping for some answers about what you were supposed to be doing. “What’s our next move, just wait for the others?” Your curiosity had been slowly rising all morning. You knew nothing of the rest of the mission, just that you were to secure the safe house and wait.
     Ghost shrugs his shoulders a little as he stares at you from across the kitchen floor. “Yea, far as I’m aware.” He brings himself to sit a bit straighter. “Could use something to sit on while we wait for them.” 
     You snicker a bit at the thought of the three of you traipsing around a furniture store in your field gear. You could just imagine the confused stares you’d get from the civilians around town. “I’m not sure we can just walk around town furniture shopping Lt. I mean,” Another small giggle escapes you as you look between the three of you sitting on the cold linoleum. “Look at us. At the very least you two would stick out like sore thumbs.”
     Mischief twinkles in Ghost’s eyes, voice lilting with amusement. “Does that mean you’re volunteering to go for us?” 
     “Definitely not, no.” You set your face seriously, honestly not wanting to think about how troublesome it would be to buy furniture for men as large as they are. “I think it’d be best if the two of you went. I might accidentally buy a normal sized chair and that would be a disaster.” Your voice drips with sarcasm as your eyes move to König, his shoulders shake slightly as if he’s holding back a laugh. “I mean, it would give you guys time to work on this little act.” You gesture between the two, a devious smile creeping onto your features. “You know, a grumpy old man and his anxiety riddled wife. The kind that bicker over nothing.” You stand, moving to leave the kitchen. You knew there would be backlash for that comment, and the more distance you could get the better chance you had of survival.
     “What was that, Sweetheart?” Ghost’s voice came out dangerously low, but still playful. “Where do you think you’re going?”
     You glance over your shoulder as you round the corner into the dining room. You squeal as you catch sight of both König and Ghost already on their feet, stalking toward you. You break into a sprint, making your way to the stairs. “Wherever you’re not, that’s where I’m going.” You can’t help but laugh as you rush for the stairs.
     “Run all you want, Liebe, there’s nowhere to hide.” The dark tone of König’s taunt sends chills up your spine. 
     The thought of them hunting you down in an old, empty house had your mind racing. A whirlwind of lewd images passing through your mind as you rush up the stairs. König was right though, there was nowhere to hide. You settled instead for locking yourself in the bathroom, bracing yourself against the door.
(Don’t forget to ask about joining my tag-list: @josieguts @strangepuppynightmare @theredviolets @poohkie90 @giulia2372 @fillechatoyante @buckysjuicyplums @running-writing)
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
how about a Blake belladonna x female reader.
blake is not a very affectionate person which is normal considering what Adam put her through, but Reader is but doesn't overstep her boundaries and let's thing go on her terms( doesn't say I love youand doesn't initiate physical contact in order to not make her uncomfy).
Until one day Blake catches reader saying "I love Blake belladonna" while she is sleeping so the lil neko goes and snuggles herself in R's hoodie( R wakes up and ask if everything is ok) and falls asleep listening to her heartbeat
I'm sorry it's very specific but I can't get that scenario out of my head.
thanks for reading this whole shit and for your time have a good day!!!
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Blake Belladonna x She/Her Faunus Reader
A/N: It’s so hard to attempt to write slow burn without writing everything that happens in between. I managed to compress this quite a bit despite how long it still is. Improvements! Warning for near drowning of the reader character and the drowning of Adam. Thanks for reading! Word Count: 3,795
When Blake severed the train cars and by extension, her relationship Adam, (Y/n) stood by her side, she almost rested her hand atop Blake’s shoulder, but thought better of it. They watched Adam’s portion of the train slow to a stop, watched his figure shrink as the distance between them grew. The locomotive whistled ominously as he finally vanished from sight, too far behind to see.
“You did the right thing.” (Y/n) quietly assured.
Blake shook her head and fixed gambol shroud onto her back. She then slunk into the train car, head hung low.
(Y/n) bit her lip but did not follow. She felt it best to leave Blake alone for now. She sat down, watching her legs swing above the tracks as the wind whipped at her bare face. She tapped her nails against the hard material of her White Fang mask, once worn with pride.
She inhaled deeply. The White Fang was not an organization to be proud of anymore. But if Blake had decided to stay… (Y/n) didn’t think she would have been able to bring herself to leave on her own. She brushed the mask off of her lap and with a clatter, it was lost amongst the iron and gravel.
This was the start of a new chapter. She only hoped she and Blake would not grow to regret their choice. The way Adam just stood there and let the distance grow… somehow they would meet again and the thought gave (Y/n) goosebumps.
They never would have guessed where that decision and all that followed would take them. When Beacon fell, they had felt awful. Adam had been there, he stabbed Blake, slashed (Y/n)’s face, cut off Yang’s arm… Blake felt that as long as she was there, she’d be putting them all in danger, so she ran.
(Y/n) and Yang had been distraught, but where Yang was resigned, (Y/n) was determined to go looking for Blake. She tried to entice Yang to come along, but she wouldn’t budge. (Y/n) promised she would let her know when she found Blake as soon as she could because although Yang acted indifferent, she knew she was just as worried about Blake as she was.
(Y/n)’s search lead her to Menagerie and to a smoldering mansion. The smoke obscured the dawn, but through the commotion (Y/n) still found Blake in the center of it all, calling her fellow Faunus to action.
“Blake!” She called out, pushing through the crowd.
Blake scanned the crowd, quickly leaping into the sea of people when she saw (Y/n) struggling to get through. She reached her hand out and pulled her forward with enough force to knock their bodies into each other with force.
“(Y/n)!” Blake hugged her, she hugged her! “I can’t believe you’re here. I missed you.”
“I- I missed you too.” (Y/n) stammered, clumsily returning the embrace though her mind had suddenly grown fuzzy with the contact. She never would have guessed Blake would be so happy to see her. They were friends sure, but she had never seen Blake be so affectionate.
“Your tail,” Blake giggled, “it’s gone into overdrive.”
(Y/n) yelped in embarrassment and pressed her tail flat against her backside, making Blake laugh a little louder. (Y/n) couldn’t say she had ever heard Blake laugh like that before either. The Blake before her now was so different from the Blake who had left Adam and the White Fang behind her. She wasn’t covering her ears anymore. She was healing, budding like a new sapling in a scorched forest. She was breathtaking.
“What, (Y/n)’s here? No way! Wish you could’ve gotten here a little sooner. It was a crazy night.”
Sun swooped in, slinging a heavy arm over (Y/n)’s shoulders.
“You decided to stalk Blake too?” He grinned.
“I wasn’t stalking!” (Y/n) sputtered, horrified, “I was only— I just wanted to— I was only tracking her scent! (Because that sounds so much better) Just to make sure she’s okay! Because she’s my friend! And it looks like everything’s cool so I guess I’ll just head back to Vale—“
“Don’t go.” Blake spoke hurriedly, taking (Y/n)’s hand before she could slip away, “I need you.”
She needs me?! Me?!
“Huuuh…?” (Y/n) could only feel the fire in her blood skyrocket to new temperatures only found in the center of the planet. Sun snorted at her and she gathered enough functioning brain cells to elbow him in the stomach.
“We need to go to Mistral. The White Fang, Adam, they’re going to attack Haven Academy. I know it’s a lot to ask of you, but will you help us?”
(Y/n) wished that Blake knew she would never need to ask. Ever since she had tentatively whispered to her that she wanted to leave the White Fang and even before that she had (Y/n) in her pocket. (Y/n) would follow her to the end of Remnant as long as she wanted her.
“Just what have you gotten yourself into?” (Y/n) scoffed, then smirked, “I’m in.”
“Aw yeah!” Sun whooped, “Faunus dream team right here. Ilia, you’re welcome too. Even if you did stab and electrocute the crap outta me.”
“Ilia?” (Y/n) spun around, finding the other Faunus standing an awkward distance away.
“Uh, long time no see?” Ilia coughed, absently rubbing the back of her neck.
(Y/n) decided she wholly missed way too much while she and Blake had been apart.
The journey to Mistral was long, plenty of time to catch everyone up on what had gone down since the fall of Beacon. (Y/n) was surprised how easy it was to fall back into place with Blake, but it felt so different. Blake was different. She seemed more confident, more surprisingly she was kind of goofy. It was cute.
(Y/n) couldn’t help but feel a little jealous seeing her with Sun. Maybe he had brought that out of her. And things were awkward with Ilia too, but that was nothing new. Both of them had been very aware of each other’s crushes on Blake when they were both still in the White Fang. (Y/n) had tried to avoid being alone with her during their trek to Mistral, but she did catch her alone eventually.
“Congratulations, I guess.”
“…For what exactly?”
“Oh come on,” Ilia groaned, “don’t play dumb with me. I’m trying to bury the hatchet. Start fresh?”
“That sounds fine, great even, but what are you congratulating me for? I honestly have no idea.”
“You and Blake, idiot. Obviously. The girl we literally fought over behind her back? The girl you got to run away with?” She reminded, each word growing more noticeably bitter until she took a deep breath in, than a long exhale.
“Oh, well, we aren’t together-together. We haven’t been, and probably won’t be, anything other than friends… not saying you should try shooting your shot or anything though.” (Y/n) warned, making Ilia roll her eyes.
“Are you kidding? Did you see the way she ran to you when she saw you? You should have heard how she talked about you when we were fighting too. When it’s all said and done, she trusted you enough to tell you she wanted out of the White Fang over me… and she was probably right to.” A regretful look washed over Ilia’s face and (Y/n) put a hand on her back.
“Look at where you are now. You’re making a difference for the better, like what the White Fang was meant to do. You’re a good person, Ilia.”
Ilia’s lips twitched upward for a moment. She didn’t quite believe (Y/n), but she appreciated the sentiment from her old rival. “Thanks.”
“Everything okay over here?” Blake asked, jogging up from the slower ranks.
Both (Y/n) and Ilia flinched as if they had been caught doing something they shouldn’t have. Blake was somewhat aware of their rivalry but not the full extent of it.
“Yeah, just, um, catching up.” (Y/n) shrugged. Ilia nodded.
Blake bit the inside of her cheek, eyes darting between the two of them almost as if she was suspicious. Then as casually as she could, she eased herself between them and began a new subject.
When they finally made it to Haven, they dominated. (Y/n) had been scared to see Adam again, but Blake faced him with a courage that inspired (Y/n) to give her all as well. Together, they had him retreating into the woods, utterly defeated.
When they burst into the academy, they were in awe at all the familiar faces they saw fighting along. (Y/n) stood back, smiling fondly as team RWBY reconnected. She did feel the absence of her own team acutely. She could tell Sun did too. They were all in Vacuo last she heard.
“Told you I’d find her.” She chuckled when Yang forcefully pulled her down into the hug.
“I’ll know better than to doubt your nose,” Yang smiled tiredly.
Apparently the reason for the fall of Beacon and the attack at Haven was a lot bigger than anything (Y/n) or Blake could have imagined. Salem was no joke, and though it was an easy choice for Blake to continue on with her team, Sun already decided he was going to link back up with his team and the reminder that (Y/n) had a team of her own that she had separated from made her feel more than a little guilty.
Blake had told her it would be okay for her to go to Vacuo while they all began their journey to Atlas, but of course (Y/n) couldn’t agree to that. First and foremost her loyalties always laid with Blake, even before she had a team. Not to mention how dangerous this mission to defeat Salem would be… her team would understand. They knew how she felt about Blake, and this was a mission to save all of Remnant after all.
So she stayed. Everyone was happy to have her aboard, none more so than Blake. The further north they traveled, the colder and more difficult their journey became. They hit a wall with Argus and when trying to get through peacefully failed, they decided they would need to get more creative.
For (Y/n)’s part in the mission, she and Blake would disable the communications tower. Yang had drove them as close to the tower as she could without being noticed and (Y/n) only grew more anxious the closer they got.
Blake noticed and took her hand. She stopped walking and asked her what was wrong, her ears titled downward.
“I don’t know what it is… something just doesn’t smell right. I’ve smelled it a couple times before, but this is the strongest it’s been and I swear it’s getting stronger.”
“What is it?”
(Y/n) shook her head, unsure. “Something bad. We have to take care of the tower quickly. The sooner we get back to Yang, the better.”
When they got to the tower, they saw that a worse trouble than them had gotten their first. The tower watchmen were scattered around the tower, unresponsive, and that was when Adam decided to make himself known.
“I have waited so long for you to be alone Blake, but you can’t seem to be without each other for even a minute, can you?” He growled, baring his teeth at (Y/n).
“Adam! Why can’t you just leave us alone!” Blake yelled.
“You used to be such a good soldier (Y/n), a confidant. Then you just had to go and ruin everything, didn’t you? You manipulated Blake into leaving me so you could have her all to yourself.” He tightened his stance, hand on his sword, “I’m going to make the scar I left you with at Beacon look like a mark of beauty by the time I’m done with you.”
“She didn’t manipulate me into leaving!” Blake readied herself for Adam’s attack, “You did that all on your own, Adam!”
“So I just wasn’t good enough for you.”
“You know it’s so much more than that.”
Adam released an angry scream and lunged forward, starting the battle in earnest. The way he was moving was erratic and reckless. After Beacon and Haven and now ambushing them here, it was clear that he would never stop hunting. Try as Blake might, this cycle could only end one way.
“Blake, watch out!”
Adam had Blake backed up dangerously close to a cliff overlooking a magnificent waterfall. Blake’s back foot skidded off the ledge, but before she could fall completely, (Y/n) took her hand and swung her back up onto the ledge, placing herself into the precarious position Blake had been in moments before. Adam tried to take advantage and swung his sword with the intent to cleave (Y/n) in two no doubt, but (Y/n) gripped his wrist in one hand and his jacket in the other, taking him down with her into the frigid waters below. The last thing she saw before the water enveloped her was Blake on the cliff above, hand outstretched.
Below the water, Adam did not let up. They punched and kicked and struggled against each other. Their oxygen was quickly running out and Adam seemed more interested in making sure they both drowned than saving his own skin.
(Y/n) kicked him hard in the stomach trying to wrench herself free from his clutches. She heard a bubbling, gurgling sound and saw Adam begin to sink though his arms clawed at the water above him in a futile attempt to breach the surface. (Y/n) didn’t take the time to watch him sink any lower, her own air supply had reached was reaching its limits.
No matter how hard she kicked, the shimmering surface never seemed to get any closer. Dots began to speckle her vision and her lungs burned hollow. The light above her was suddenly blocked out and then she knew nothing.
(Y/n) came to with a round of violent coughs, expelling a concerning amount of water and bile. Hands grasped at her and hot breath fanned against her lips, gradually the muffled voices became clearer and (Y/n) opened her eyes, only finding gold before being enveloped in wet, inky black hair.
“Blake, give her room to breathe.”
(Y/n) blinked when the harshness of the sun met her full force. When she was able to keep her eyes open, she saw Blake and Yang hovering over her.
“Oh, (Y/n), can you hear me? I’ve got you, you’ll be okay.” Blake sobbed, cradling (Y/n)’s head in her hands.
“Blake—“ (Y/n) fell under a coughing spell and Blake shushed her.
“Just focus on breathing. Blake and I are going to carry you to Bumblebee so we can get to the ship. Just hang on.” Yang told her, already scooping her up on one side while Blake worked on the other.
They balanced (Y/n) on the motorcycle and Yang slipped in front of her while Blake took the back. Yang revved the engine and Blake held onto (Y/n) tight as they zoomed through the forest, catching up to the stolen airship with all the their friends on board.
It took a some time before (Y/n) could fully get her wits about her, but when she did they were well on their way to Atlas. She and Blake were wrapped up in a big blanket, her clothes still uncomfortably wet. She shivered, and one of Blake’s ears flicked against her cheek. Blake lifted her head from (Y/n)’s shoulder to get a better look at her, sleepily checking her all over.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“Yeah,” (Y/n) cleared her throat, trying not to think about how close Blake had been willing to sit with her yet again, “I’m fine, just a little uncomfortable with these wet clothes.”
“Me too. Unfortunately this plane is disappointingly bare of resources. Thankfully, Ruby and Qrow lended us their cloaks. It helps a little at least.”
(Y/n) looked down at the blankets and sure enough, they were a familiar deep red, one a little rattier than the other.
“Thanks guys.”
“No problem!” Ruby smiled, Qrow gave a loose thumbs up without looking away from the plane’s course.
“Blake, how did you get so soaked?” (Y/n) asked, her brain still felt waterlogged, so she had a hard time following all that had gone down.
“Really?” Weiss shook her head in disbelief.
Yang snorted, “Who do you think pulled you out? By the time I found you guys, Blake was already doing chest compressions.”
“Ah.” The chill from the water still enveloped her, but just beneath it, a fire began to rage.
Blake had pulled her out of the water and she— and she—
“Sorry about that!” She laughed awkwardly, putting a little breathing room between her and Blake, “Well, um, thanks for uh, not letting me die!”
Blake blinked twice in rapid succession, a bit stunned by (Y/n)’s sudden liveliness. Then she smiled warmly, scooting closer to (Y/n) once more. The poor girl could just about faint.
“Of course I wouldn’t let you die, are you kidding? Stop moving around so much, I’m freezing.”
“Not gonna do you much good in those wet clothes,” Maria laughed, “If you really want to warm up, you’re gonna have to take those off.”
A mix of laughter and groans rose from the group but (Y/n) was already too far gone to hear it. Turns out, she ended up fainting after all.
Once they were all set up in Atlas, (Y/n) worked really hard to allow Blake plenty of personal space. She worried a lot about Blake’s comfort and how her own feelings might affect Blake should she ever learn of them and judging by the not so subtle teasing of literally everyone, it might be sooner rather than later.
(Y/n) worried constantly about boundaries, making sure to show Blake she respected her autonomy. She wanted to leave no doubt that even if Blake finally put two and two together, they would still be friends at the very least. Adam had treated her like a possession who owed him everything. If Blake thought for even a second that (Y/n) was taking advantage of her budding affectionate side, then she would punt herself off of this floating rock of a kingdom posthaste.
But that was what made it so hard! Since when had Blake become so openly affectionate, and with (Y/n) specifically?
It seemed like every moment they could possibly be together, they were. Blake always had a hold of (Y/n)’s sleeve between her fingers or sleepily lean against her during morning briefings. (Y/n) often found herself wondering how she hadn’t failed a mission yet given she frequently flew by the seat of her pants because of how often Blake distracted her.
It was becoming harder and harder to maintain the invisible bubble (Y/n) tried to keep between them. It was hard to see Blake’s ears droop when she tried to reclaim that distance. It was becoming harder not to let an, ‘Be safe, I love you.’ slip off of her tongue when they were sent on separate missions. What was a girl to do?
A tired groan rumbled passed (Y/n)’s lips as she put on the soft and warm academy issued hoodie that quickly became a favorite after long days. It wasn’t late by any means, most of her friends were still out doing their own tasks, but being as exhausted as (Y/n) was, she slipped right into her bed. Mornings started hellishly early anyway, it was smart to get in as much sleep as possible. And without anybody else around, sleep came easily.
Blake entered the barracks just a little less than an hour later. Having heard that (Y/n) got back a little earlier, she hoped to ask her if she wanted to go to Robin’s election party with her the next night… as a date.
She was super nervous, and a party wasn’t exactly her first choice for a romantic date, but if she backed out now, who knows when the next opportunity would come along.
At first she was disappointed to see that (Y/n) was already asleep, but she got over it fairly quickly. (Y/n) must have been exhausted to have gone to bed so early, she needed her rest, and truthfully, Blake could use a couple extra hours too.
Blake got ready for bed and pulled back the covers, pausing when she heard (Y/n) begin to mumble. She chuckled quietly, it had been a long time since she heard (Y/n) talk in her sleep. Sometimes when they were doing overnight missions in the white Fang, Blake would hear (Y/n) say all manner of things when it was Blake’s turn to keep watch.
Blake crept over to (Y/n)’s bed and carefully sat near the foot of the mattress so she could better listen to whatever silly things she might say.
She seemed to be having a passionate discussion with someone. Some of the things she said were mundane, other random, and some things were completely unintelligible, but one thing made Blake’s heart nearly leap out of her chest.
“Because I’m in love with her. I’m in love with Blake Belladonna.” (Y/n) snoozed, but the passion with which she spoke couldn’t have been more clear if she had been wide awake. “Her hugs feel like sunshine and she’s more beautiful than when the moon and stars reflects off of tranquil waters. ‘Gotta be good to her and leave her be so I don’t cause any waves.”
Blake blushed, touched by those sleepy words, but also a bit saddened by them. If she understood that last mumbled line correctly, and if (Y/n)‘s waking thoughts were being accurately worded, then she was worried about getting too close to Blake and making her uncomfortable.
However, that’s not how Blake saw it at all. She loved (Y/n), without her, who knows where she would be right now. She wanted nothing more than for them to be closer, so closer she would get if (Y/n) felt like she couldn’t be the one to make the first move.
Blake joined the other Faunus in the same bed. The lack of room suited her just fine since she wanted to snuggle as close as she could. (Y/n) wiggled, subconsciously confused by the sudden lack of room, she squinted against the dark, sleepily asking what was going on.
“It’s just me.” Blake whispered. “Are you okay with this?”
“Yeah, are you okay though? Is something wrong?”
“No,” Blake smiled, “everything is just fine.”
“M’kay,” (Y/n) yawned, wrapping an arm around Blake to pull her in closer, “good night.”
“Good night, sleep well. We have a lot to talk about in the morning.”
But (Y/n) was already sleeping again.
Blake shook her head fondly then closed her eyes, focusing on the thrum of (Y/n)’s heart to lull herself to sleep.
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positivelyholland · 2 years
The Fight For Our Lives
pairing: tom holland x sister!reader
genre: fluff 
warnings: so much talk of taylor swift, bad writing
summary: i don't wanna ruin the plot twist but just read it please 
A/N no one asked for this and I have a million requests in my inbox that i'm working on so just enjoy this short little thing while i work on everything else
Everyone was so close to a mental breakdown, especially you. And at this point, you felt the need to go back in time and warn your past self. Tell her it's a terrible idea and she definitely shouldn't do it. If you could, you would've never put yourself in this situation in the first place. 
You needed to rewind time and tell Y/N from 45 minutes ago that this was going to end in disaster. 
And Tom felt the exact same way.
If only he wouldn't have accepted the job from his parents to do this. If only he would've thought thing through, then he wouldn't currently be on the verge of committing a crime. 
It was the moment that everyone had been dreading for 15 years. The task that everyone pushed off as a future problem, but now was the moment they had to face their biggest fear....
Teaching Y/N Holland how to drive. 
Tom had been stupid enough to accept the job that his parents offered him, and now he knows exactly why his parents didn't want to do it themselves. 
"Tom, I have a really important chore for you" Nicki started. 
"Ok...." tom responded, putting his phone down.
"Someone needs to teach y/n how to drive, and god knows you're the only one with enough patience to do so"
"ok i'll do it! how hard can it be?" tom laughed at his moms dramatics. 
Oh how naive he was to think that his mom was exaggerating how bad this was going to be, for both Tom and you. 
It had started off pretty smoothly, with only one curb getting hit and almost running over a couple of pedestrians. Although Tom wasn't too worried during those moments, he soon began to fear for his life and sanity. 
You got distracted because of the fact that you listening to Taylor Swift while you drove, so Tom tried to turn off the music after you almost ran a red light because of this. However, you were not pleased with your eldest brother disrupting your jamming session, so you instantly became very irritated. 
You tried to turn it back on, as you insisted that it helped you drive better, but due to the fact that any other person on this earth would disagree with your statement, Tom immediately slapped your hand away from the button that turns your music back on. 
"DONT TOUCH ME I'M LISTENING TO TAYLOR SWIFT" you practically screamed at him. 
"WELL I'M SORRY THAT I WANT TO SURVIVE THIS DRIVE" Tom said, matching your volume. 
"BUT WILDEST DREAMS (taylor's version) HELPS ME KEEP US ALIVE" you said, to which Tom rolled his eyes. 
"you literally missed 3 turns in a row because you were rambling about how good the bridge of this song would mix with 13 of her other songs" Tom started to calm down, but unfortunately for him, you had a point to make. 
"YOU'RE JUST BEING A HATER, AND I'M JUST GONNA SHAKE IT OFF BECAUSE I CAN DRIVE" you were so proud of that comeback that your little smirk accidentally showed through, which angered  your brother even more. 
"Y/N EYES ON THE ROAD" he was overreacting at this point. Everyone knows you can defend Taylor Swift and drive at the same time. You can practically do anything while fulfilling your swiftie duties. 
"I. NEED. TAYLOR. SWIFT." you weren't giving up on this anytime soon, so Tom decided to just let you win this argument. 
That doesn't mean he wasn't scared for his life though.
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mariii1 · 2 years
░▒▓█ 𝖒𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖘 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖋𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊 █▓▒░
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Reupload since Tumblr wants to be a pos. I'm unfortunately going to be taking another break after uploading this but let me know what pac you want to see again.
DM me for paid readings
1 - you may be fighting with the people around you a lot or you might be somebody who's combative. You could have anger issues or you just don't know how to deal with anger as an emotion either from yourself or from other people. I see more conflict and a warning that if you dont deal with issues you have now with other people they will get much worse in the future. I see you potentially embarrassing yourself or coming off as irrational to others. I also see someone trying to stab you in the back or take something from you because it either gives them pleasure to see and know that they made you upset or they feel like it's easy to take things from you because they view you as crazy/don't take you seriously. If you're deciding whether or not you should cut someone off because they make you feel emotionally out of balance, do it. I'm getting it's a trauma response; this person knows how to manipulate you. They are a bully, this could be a family member.
2 - Something about a future partner. You'll be freeing yourself from a capitalistic mentality. If you believe in hustle culture, you'll learn the hard way that it's not gonna help you. I see some of you burning out real quick from that. You're not gonna care about money in the future. For a few of you, this obsession with work and money comes from being financially abused whether by a partner for most or by a family member/guardian. I see you not letting money or work ethic define you or be your entire personality for some. If you feel stuck now, it has to do with money. I was getting more rude messages but I feel this comes from people around (they might not be close to you either) who find your mindset annoying and/or they see right through it.
3 - if you have a partner you might break up worth them. You will realize that they were never that good to you. This reminds me of a tiktok where this girl was saying that (to people watching) "he's not special". "He" does normal things and you make it special when it's not. Its the basics of being human, it's how he should've treated you even if you weren't in a relationship. This could be a groomer or some sort of abuser romantically for a lot of you. This could also be someone you put on a pedestal romantically if you don't have a partner. Maybe your crush actually treats you like a piece of shit. This could also apply to those in talking stages in dating apps and such. You're gonna realize someone isn't shit and you only really put them on a pedestal bc you either didn't like yourself or you were bored.
4 - this is a warning for some and others know its gonna happen. There are a few of you planning this on purpose. You might be veryyyy stressed out and over worked in the future. This could result from you not listening to yourself especially if this relates to some sort of decision. If its life altering you will regret it a lot it's just gonna make things harder. Im getting this could have to do with education. There's something you really should have listened to yourself about and it might be too late. My best guess is that if you know what this is, you might even be trying to get out of it currently. This is specific for some people. If you don't get it, it's not for you. This is for people who have been actively trying to block their thoughts and opinions on something out.
5 - ok so you are stopping a cycle if not you will be. However, when you stop, you're going to be stagnant. For a lot of you it can feel like you're stopping the flow of type life in a way. I see you not making any new moves or decisions which will keep you in one place even though you have ended a cycle. It's like you won't find something new or move on to the next thing. I see you being scared of your old cycle repeating or something worse coming your way. I feel this has to do with career or education. It seems you might've felt heavily overworked and not compensated for your work or you didn't get the right outcome so now you just don't want to do anything. Hmm this would be interesting to do a paid reading on.
6 - you're going to give up on presenting as something. In particular, a certain personality. You might have internalizations you're working on, for some of you this has to do with gender transitioning (we're in this together 😭) I see for most that this has to do with again a workplace or just a hostile environment. Maybe in the past you thought that not saying anything and just ignoring ppl would help you, but you see that's not the case. A lot of you had this idea that you needed to be the bigger person or act like ppl weren't worth your time but it was just you not knowing how else to approach conflict. So i see you finally getting someone in trouble with some sort of plan or just speaking your mind in a way that brings action ig. Yeah you might've really hoped to get along with someone but you'll see its just not possible and they refuse to leave you alone.
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