#listen timkon do end up together and I love them
flowerflamestars · 2 years
Robin fic snippet
“Kid.” He looked up, vivid, heartbroken anger adulterated by a scrunch between his brows, “You want me to kneecap him?”   “Yes.” Tim drummed his fingers against the wood, shockingly loud, “No. I want”-   “Someone to tell you you’re not crazy.”   Tim said nothing.   “There are no one way bonds,” Elle settled on saying. “Death echoes are not a coincidence. I know nothing about clones and less about aliens, but I do know that what you’re feeling is real, okay?”   Tim swallowed. “When Jason came back, you felt it, right?”   Like a supernova. A sunrise. A falling star, and then just a speck of light, for more than a year, before the Pit’s tide rolled fire back in. Gotham had revived him first, all at once, six feet under and so divorced from humanity it did not understand immediately, the diminished return of life without air.   “I felt it,” Elle said. “Warmth.”   Tim met her gaze. “Sunlight.”   No easy kind of kinship- what Elle would, frankly, wish on exactly no one.   But there was something to be said about the way magic drew people together. Every coincidence in Elle’s entire life- and Gotham itself, the power she’d pulled not calmly spooling away, but sitting up on her ribs in steady weight. Like a cat, purring.  Pleased.   “You have to tell me,” Elle began, settling her fingertips on the edge of the ash tray, lip thick enough it was probably a proper baccarat. In this house, there’d be nothing else. “What the hell not human enough to die, means. Especially if I ever find myself in an alley with this guy.”   “Not a lot of alley’s in Kansas.”   “Do you know,” Elle said, spinning kryptonite between her fingers, “There’s a minor breed of demon that lives only in cornfields. You could summon one with fifty pounds of sugar and half a wish.”   Tim laughed, the sound ravaged. “If you tell me what the hell Jason was thinking, giving you a gun.”   Not a surprise that he’d clocked her- but maybe one that it was questionable.   “I don’t know,” Elle planted her hip against the desk, “Blow big holes in anyone who fucks with you, I assume?”
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002yb · 1 year
Hello, i am the anon about Tim crushing on Jason and omG, thank you so much, that was so lovely like???? OmG i love it. Also rereading some of your answers i saw one ablut possesive Dick and Kon lending Tim a hand but getting hot. I would love to see your thoughts on timkon being like hot damn at dickjay
(I love all your writings, thank you so much for sharing♡)
Thank you so much, anon! I'm glad you enjoyed the reply and all my other stuff. The support means so much! //u///
Mentioned asks here and here, btw. I wasn't sure what to write, so it's largely just Tim and Conner ogling.
Kon only turns up in Gotham because Tim's heart rate spikes and it's alarming. Because Kon knows the sound of Tim's heart and the rhythm of its beat so intimately that it may as well have a place behind his own ribs. Something is wrong and Kon doesn't wait around - he goes to save his friend. Always. Without thought or question.
Only when Kon gets there, there's no danger
Just the love of his life being a little voyeur perv creeping on his brothers who are getting hot and heavy and consequently getting hot under his little Robin collar, in turn
Tim being completely oblivious to Kon for a few moments because he's so enraptured by Dick and Jason. So Kon just crouches beside him and observes, petulant about the lack of attention until the exact moment he's not because - oh.
Oh, damn. Kon gets it.
But then to distract Kon from the view - Tim. Who finally realizes that Kon is there beside him and he startles so bad. Flustered because Tim has been caught out for having a wildly unsavory hobby
Which Kon wouldn't mind sharing with him and taking part in, but like - before that? Kon can't not tease Tim about it.
Kon also gets caught out for his own invasive hobby (of listening to Tim's heart like elevator music) and sputtering and flustering just as bad as Tim
Just two red faced boys trying to save face in light of being so brutally exposed. But it's just the way their relationship is, so Kon ends up breaking into titters while Tim hides in his hands, groaning a bit but also laughing because ffs
'Shove over, would you?' Kon tells him, nudging Tim to make room so that they can both be creeps together - watching and getting increasingly overwhelmed as they watch Dick and Jason get nasty.
And then TimKon get a little nasty themselves //u///
Alternative more sfw option:
SuperBatfam on a cruise together
Tim doing his utmost to convince Kon to fly him outta there immediately because he's so understimulated it's painful
Kon being 👀 because he can stimulate Tim plenty heyo
Tim gaping because what? was that a come on?
Comically, tragically, it was not
Kon just takes the challenge for what it is and it's all Tim and Conner doing all the cruise activities.
It's at these activities that they run into Dick and Jason who are just - so over the top and ridiculously cute?
Just the way they banter and challenge one another and get competitive. The stakes/rewards they put on things - making things fun in a way that's fun for them.
Which just so happens to become fun for Kon because aww 👀👀
Meanwhile Tim is exasperated because his brothers really don't quit so smitten it's too much
But at the same time? A little aww 👀
Just Tim and Conner admiring the easy comfort and easier affections. And both of them getting a little blushy when Dick or Jason steals the other away, ducking down halls or behind pillars for stolen kisses. How they hold hands but in a way that's barely there - hidden behind their bodies and with only one or two fingers hooked.
Them at the pool deck watching Dick put sunscreen on Jason. And Kon really sort of drooling over how Dick's hands span across Jason's shoulders and back - how small Jason's waist is when Dick holds it, hooking his chin over Jason's shoulder and smiling at him and -
Then all at once Dick's gaze slides over to Kon and Kon is in full sun but he is chilled when Dick smiles at him - an open threat and oh wow that only made this predicament all the more attractive
Tim smacking Kon in warning, but Kon misses the memo because: 'idk if you guys have ever thought about swinging, but...'
Jason, who's been aware of the extra attention, busting up because omfg. And Dick can't help but laugh too, because okay Kon. Shoot your shot, they respect that. Tim is just crawling away though save him throw him overboard he shouldn't be on a confined ship with these three.
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lacrimosathedark · 2 years
Hello. I love Conner Kent and have compiled pretty much every time Conner and Tim have had any kind of intimacy since he was brought back to canon.
Let’s go in order!
Young Justice 2019 (not to be confused with the OG)
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For the record, this is pre-bisexual-realization Tim. tbh I’ve been thinking about just how bitter Tim sounds here despite still being oblivious to how freaking gay he is. Like, seriously “Whatever dumb thing or person makes him happy makes me happy.” Like, why they gotta be dumb, Timbo? While not anywhere near as weird, it also feels very strong for Tim to say with his whole-ass chest “he’s my best friend and I love him” solely given how recently he recovered those memories.  But if they had resolidified into him by that point, it’s not too strange. Stronger things have been said about them and by them.
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Conner goes right for Tim. (In fairness, Cassie’s already got him and Bart isn’t in the room yet, but still)
(Also please join me in desperately trying to ignore the Drake outfit for the next few images because Yikes)
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Conner was being such a Mom to Bart before this that this just reminds me of when they started Young Justice and he made a comment about how Bart would be a handful for other heroes or parents and Tim just gave him a Look and he was like “Oh, no! I am NOT the mom!” Sure, Jan.
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More cute Bart, but it’s just...the thought. Bart knew Tim would want to see pics of Kon punching Luthor in the face and I love that for them.
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I couldn’t not include the subsequent hug. THEY’RE SO FRICKIN CUTE.
That’s about it for Young Justice (and thankfully Drake). Next is the Tim Drake Pride Special, most of which is also in Batman: Urban Legends. Though Conner is only in Urban Legends for this one hot sec.
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Kon doesn’t end up helping with Bernard because Tim is a stubborn dumbass with a habit for self-sabotage. But he saves the day and gets the boy anyway.
(For the record, I am endgame TimKon 100%, but Tim and Bernard are also very cute together and I’m so excited to see more of them! Honestly, read the new Tim Drake: Robin comics they are so flippin cute and we get to see Bernard being a ridiculous conspiracy theorist like he was on New Earth and it’s actually pretty funny and so cute UGH)
Then this is I think exclusive to the Pride Special, and we are post Bisexual Awakening.
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So many people loved this page. Including me. But this part of the special was more about getting Tim to talk to Stephanie again. Because he’s an awkward loser who is trying to find himself and will occasionally just distance himself from people to do so. Despite generally being self aware and knowing better.
Anywho, the following is from Dark Crisis: Young Justice. Which isn’t too bad, but sometimes feels a bit wonky, especially with the girls. But it’s not totally out of character, especially given the Fresh Trauma, and it gets in the boys’ heads. And there’s...A Lot.
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This is...well, these are Cassie’s thoughts. The plot hole made here, “Conner never find[ing] out” which shouldn’t be true because both Cassie AND Tim told him about this, is hand waved later because the whole thing with Rebirth is everyone’s memories are Fucked. I mean, Kon and Bart should have not been included in that because they were “off-world” when the N52 reboot happened which is the explanation for the 90s/2000s versions to come back basically as they had been, but y’know. Comics.
But anyway, this is bringing up, in case you live under a rock and were unaware, the time when Kon died and Cassie and Tim started dating for a hot second almost entirely because of their shared grief over Kon. Cassie had literally been in a Superboy cult and Tim was in the desperate process of trying to clone him.
You know. Fun times.
Dark Crisis actually has a lot of Kon@Tim stuff. I mean, plenty of the mutual affection still, but Kon is very focused on Tim, whereas Tim is trying to be more logical and, funny enough, listening to Bart.
Everyone forgets Bart is Super Smart, in part because he’s actually naturally clever but has a goober personality, but also because part of his trauma response to getting his kneecap blow off and having to have surgery done with little to no anesthetic because his metabolism burned that shit right out, he literally consumed an entire library. Like, read every single book there at super speed. Boy Knows Things. Plus he’s experienced to much more trauma since then, he’s become a quick thinker (pun always intended).
But you’re not here for my Bartholomew Is Great lecture, you’re here for TimKon!
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Coffee Boy Confirmed
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Oh, Tim...
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All three of them go flying out of a car and Kon grabs Tim, but fuck Bart I guess? Bart brings this up later but it’s still frustrating. Sure, Tim and Kon are besties, but they love Bart. He’s not a third wheel in their friendship. He’s part of it. Just...sigh.
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I love “You know I can run, right?” This is just a little glimpse into while Kon’s brain seems almost exclusively reserved for self pity and Tim, and Tim is still very much more focused on Conner, Tim is still paying attention to Bart (even if he doesn’t feel like it). Tim didn’t need to grab Bart at all, but why not?
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Again, Kon brushing Bart off entirely, and Tim acknowledging Bart’s point but still showing preference to Kon.
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Tim is So Done with these two and it’s so funny.
Also want to note, “process this with Babs later”. Is Babs acting as his therapist? I think she has the training, or at least a degree in psychology? That would actually be kinda sweet.
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This seems so much more “ow my heart” out of context...the context is, Kon is being a dick to Bart. Tim ultimately disagrees with Conner, but not enough for Bart to not storm off, as seen below.
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For the record, that’s not Cassie. Which is pretty obvious from the jump. But even here...yikes.
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This stunned look (which is oddly glassy-eyed and unnerving tbh...) is in direct contrast to his calm understanding when Cassie actually told him, and then when Tim tried to talk to him about it. He was initially like “that’s kinda fucked up, but I get it and I forgive you”. Which...honestly sounds super big and sweet, but he also had pretty much the same reaction to “I was in a Superboy revival cult” and “I tried to clone you 90+ times and considered tossing you in a Lazarus Pit” so...
What I’m saying is Kon, in true Kent fashion, is a himbo.
But this could set off so many trains of thought here. Cassie told him it was out of grief that she did it--Tim never gets to explain his side. But what if it was a grief reaction for Tim? (It was.) Does that mean he was projecting his feelings for Conner onto Cassie? (Probably.) Tim knows he likes boys now, does that mean he liked Conner? (Likely.) Either way, what does Kon do with this?
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Okay, this isn’t TimKon, but these boys are so fucking funny. Have I mentioned that I love Tim Drake? Because I love him. (Also reminds me of the time when Bart’s head was fucked up and he thought he was Batman...look, the 90s were weird, okay?)
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They just had a fight and Tim’s first move is to stabilize and comfort Conner. Just....aaaaaaaaaaaa
And then we get to the fourth issue...which is probably my favorite because we’re finally in Conner’s head! We’ve been bopping between Bart and Tim until now (and also Cassie and Cissie elsewhere), but nearly this whole comic is Kon’s POV and it’s both hilarious and a little heartbreaking. I...I love him. He is my Favorite.
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So, they’re being attacked by a whole fake Justice League and Titans (I see Roy and Kory and Kyle and Donna and--) and Big Bad is fucking with the sound waves. Until Conner is like, “Okay, but what if we didn’t?”
He’s the one who’s been trying to convince the other two that this fake world is okay, that it’s better and they should stay, despite things being noticeably Off, and despite the distinct lack of Jon, Damian, and Wallace. (As far as I know, Bart doesn’t know Wallace too well, but Kon and Jon at least met and got on okay, and Tim and Damian are...well, they’re at a point in their relationship of begrudging respect and affectionate verbal violence rather than, y’know, actual violence). Bart wants to GTFO, and Tim was wishy-washy at first, but at this point is firmly with Bart and wants out. I mean, he started getting Bad Vibes when Fake Batman said him wanting to date Bernard over Stephanie was “just a phase”. I didn’t include that image despite loving it, but Tim’s internal thoughts are, verbatim, “@#$&#&* what?” which can, I would guess, be translated to, “Fucking what?” Tim is very curse-y in this series.
But I’m getting sidetracked. Kon wants to stay, the others want out, and Kon throws a bitch fit.
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“The man was too stunned to speak”
Poor Bart, figuratively and literally carrying this fucking team.
Here we go.
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Hey. Hey, Conner. Buddy. What the fuck does that mean, man?
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I cannot begin to tell you the number of ways this page hurts me. Just...all three of them are so fed up with everything and aaaaaaaaa
And then Bart rightfully goes off.
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Like, that’s not quite true, but it sure do be feeling that way right now. And while even in this post I’ve shown just how much both of them can care and pay attention to Bart, they have always been more focused on each other. At first it was because Tim was secretive and Kon thought he had a stick up his ass meanwhile Conner was new to the world and being actively manipulated by people. And then it’s because they’re best friends. Like, heterosexual life partners levels of best friends. Platonic (or not-so-platonic) soulmates levels of best friends. They both consider Bart their best friend too, but they hold each other above pretty much everyone else. Which, after they’ve all lost some footholds in reality with their seniors missing, those small slights feel more pointed and are getting to Bart a lot more. He’s hurting and Tim’s the only one listening, but Tim is favoring Kon and it’s driving him up the wall. All that frustration and resentment come to a head. Hopefully to be resolved.
I’ve made this a Young Justice Boys post instead of just a TimKon post, but I regret nothing!
For the sake of my image limit I haven’t given everything I love about this issue, but even if you don’t read the rest (which is fair, it gives some people Bad Vibes at the start) please read this issue. Conner’s inner monologue is so stupid and so funny and I love him so much.
But anywhozits, proceeding!
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I want it noted that Bart was attacked right before this and is held on the ground but Conner immediately goes for Tim. Unbelievable.
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(I refuse to crop out Bart when he’s funny)
I’m, uh, not a fan of Superboy’s face here, but y’know, more him focused on Tim. While Bart is in a similar predicament.
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He finally mentions Bart...after he seems to have nearly been able to save himself.
(Yes, the bad guy’s name is Mickey. Yes it’s awful, but that’s the point. I think.)
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Now, here’s a big point for me, so I’m breaking down the page.
Mickey-boy conjures up images of new and revised characters (ex. Jon Kent and Harley Quinn) and Tim sees
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And the next panel?
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He sees Tim looking at the image of his boyfriend...and he changes his tune.
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And they they all go off on a speech that’s touching in context but incredibly cheesey out of it. Also a bit obnoxiously meta, but so is this whole storyline.
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“What are you gonna do about it, Conner Kent?” I don’t know why that gets me so much but it does.
That’s all for now. Last DCYJ comes out November 15 and I’ll probably edit this post at that point to add what’s in there but I’m impatient and made this whole thing and I need people to love and appreciate these boys.
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spider-jaysart · 3 years
DC Ship headcanons:
Dick just loves styling Kory's hair in many different styles, it entertains him and it's a fun way to pass some time, Kory always falls in love with the end results. He also starts to do it for Mar'i too in the future when they have her.
Dick and Kory always have cooking nights on Tuesday and Saturday nights, where they'll both make a delicious meal together while dancing to some fun music playing in the background. It's always usually a mess when their done, with a piles of used up and stained pots and pans and mixing bowls, with flour all over the island table and kitchen walls, unused spilled sugar on the floor along with some sauce drops, leftover pieces of cut up vegetables on the cutting boards. They both work together to clean it all up which tires them out afterwards, but they still do it again every week
Dick loves kory's hugs
Kory loves hearing Dick read poems to her, it's something she loves very much
BB will always try to make Raven laugh even when she's upset, determined to keep her happy always giving her a smile on her face
Raven likes to fall asleep next to Beast boy while watching a show or a movie, she feels at peace when sleeping like this
When Raven's not home sometimes Beast boy likes to play with Raven's cloak (though he always puts it back neatly before she comes back)
They both have matching bunny slippers, except Raven's is light purple while Beast boys is light green. Also Beast boy was the one who bought the slippers
Tim just loves cuddles with Kon, it just really gives him a lot of comfort and it helps him sleep a lot better just being next to Kon
Tim and Kon like to go to this skating park in Metropolis where they like to show off their rad skills in front of all the other skaters, they are very popular over there
Kon always brings Tim coffee when he visits him at the mansion
Tim and Kon like to binge watch all of Tim's favorite animes on weekends in Tim's room with a bunch of snacks to munch on
They like to have dancing competitions, though it always ends with Kon being the winner
Jon and Damian are almost always wearing each others shirts or hoodies, it's called boyfriend privelage
Damian's a critique when it comes to movies (obviously), Jon just loves to listen to him rant on their movie nights about everything in the movie that just doesn't make any sense at all, he gets a laugh out of it hearing how bad and unlogical the whole thing is
Damian loves Jon's laugh
Jon likes to sing to Damian sometimes, sometimes he'll write some of his own songs and sing them to him as well
When Jon and Damian had started dating they went to a carnival in Jump City that Dick and Kory went to on they're first date. They had a lot of fun going on most of the rides and playing the games there. Though Damian won most of them, winning Jon a giant Superman plushie and a red beanie with the Superman symbol on it. Jon loves the beanie the most, he wears it a lot, especially when he's around Damian
Jon loves to surprise hug attack Damian, sometimes Damian just can't dodge them quick enough. Jon's hugs don't bother him anyways, he actually enjoys them now that he's more used to them
(Dick and Kory went to a carnival one time together on a date in a Valentine's special called my crummy valentine in one of the Teen titans go! comics, a comic series that's connected to the og tt series)
By the way I also have 2 other DC headcanons lists that I posted about the Batfam and the Superfam, so please check those out too as well in the links below if you have time.
Also more headcanons lists to come.
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Heat Waves (TimKon)
Words: 3k
Hi! I’m so glad you’re here! I’ve been working on this for way too long and definitely have a pt2 planned out if you guys like part one! I hope you’ll take the time to read this because I spent way too long on it and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out!
for the like 0.1% of my audience that this overlaps with, yes, i too am utterly obsessed with Heat Waves for DNF and have been listening to this song on repeat for three days straight waiting for chapter 8. But, i figured why not let that amazing piece of absolute art inspire a Timkon fic cuz they have the same dynamic as DNF in my eyes! All credits go to tbhyourelame on ao3!
if you don’t know what heat waves is that’s fine this is just a regular fic but I highly recommend you checkout the amazing song here 
It was as hot as death itself in Kansas. Not to mention a farm with no AC was just about the worst place Conner could be forced to “vacation” at. But Ma and Pa had been begging to have him over and the month of June just seemed to overlap, so there Kon was, sweating buckets in the middle of nowhere. 
It felt so cold in Gotham. Though, the temperature was comfortable- the most comfortable it had been all year- but Tim always felt colder, lonelier, when Conner wasn’t by his side. The two of them were a duo, fitting together like a puzzle piece, the absolute best of friends and best of heroes. But now, he was using his mandatory away-from-the-tower weeks up while Conner was in Kansas, it was some sort of mandate that Bruce’s kids come home occasionally and instead of suffering weekends in Gotham Tim opted to just grind out a few weeks at the manor, even if it meant dealing with Damian’s unrelenting murder attempts. But it wasn’t all bad, Tim got to patrol with Bruce again, hang out with Jason occasionally, and even see Dick from time to time. “Family” bonding at it’s finest. 
“Hello?” Tim’s voice was quiet, Kon constantly felt himself turning the volume button up on his phone just to hear a decibel more of his best friend’s comforting tone. 
“Hey Timbers how was your day?” Conner felt himself relaxing to the light sound of Tim breathing, he was laying on the floor, spread like a starfish so that no sticky part of his body could touch and create more sweat. 
“Nothing much, no patrol tonight- I guess you remembered,” Tim’s voice was filling his ears. I remember everything you tell me. “Yeah, yeah I did,” Conner quickly replied. “Any boring farm chores today?” Conner heard the familiar rustling, he could hear Tim stand up, he’d memorized the sound of Tim taking him off speaker and resting the phone in between his shoulder and ear. He could hear Tim’s hair, that he knew he was probably growing out, brush the mic. I always liked his hair longer. 
“Kon?” Tim snapped him back into the stiflingly hot room. “Oh sorry, it’s really hot here, kinda makes me zone out. Um, I’m alright I got to hangout with the cows today which was cool- they don’t like the heat either but Ma says it’ll be over soon,” Conner rambled, all too focused on Tim’s breath in his ear. 
“Sorry for making you zone out, I guess nothing interesting is happening here,” Tim sighed, Conner shook his head, rolling over on the floor, leaning down into the mic of his phone. 
“Nothing about you bores me Tim,” 
Tim didn’t reply. Conner mentally cursed himself, he was really too tired, too hot and bothered to be this flirtatious with Tim, who was a complete wild card when it came to Conner. 
And then he answered, Tim’s voice was higher pitched, the way it ascended when he was blushing- he was blushing. “Well that’s not true, I’m very boring. When I’m doing cases or training or-” Conner couldn’t take it. 
“Nothing about you could bore me Tim. I’m down to be with you whenever, doing whatever, you know that,” he felt his tone soften, loving the way Tim’s breath hitched with every compliment.
“Be with me?” Tim shot back playfully, Conner could practically hear the smirk toying on the smaller boy’s lips. 
“Did I stutter?” Conner heard a loud noise, a thump. Tim’s voice was high pitched again, “Sorry- uh I dropped my phone,” Conner felt himself growing warmer, if at all physically possible. “No problem. So, what are you doing tomorrow with Bruce?” Conner didn’t like pushing Tim too far, hell, he barely knew how he felt half the time. Tim’s voice brightened, “Oh! We’re gonna go to this old ice cream shop I adored as a kid! It’s been too long since I’ve been there, you remember me talking about it?” 
Conner didn’t need a second to answer, “Sub 30, you always get the one with the espresso poured over it,” he couldn’t lie, ice cream sounded absolutely heavenly at the moment. Tim’s voice flooded through the heat, “Right as always- I swear they programmed some sort of photographic memory inside of you,” Tim teased, Conner answered honestly, “I just listen when you tell me things”. The night went on, Tim quickly had to go, believe it or not he did sleep when given the opportunity. “Try not to die of heat exhaustion, drink lots of water throughout the day, not all at once,” Conner smiled, “will do, goodnight Timmy,” Tim answered mid yawn, “night Kon”.
And then he was alone. Alone with the heat, with his thoughts, the latter far more dangerous. He’s my best friend, of course I remember everything. Conner found himself staring at the ceiling, Ma had painted constellations on the walls and ceilings of the room, something funny about alien genes liking the stars. Conner used to be able to find every pattern, name every star, but the only shape he could trace was Tim. There were his eyes, they were pools of deep blue, they sparkled when he laughed but could glare bullets when he tried. If he stared hard enough Kon could find his hair, it’s always soft and smells delicious, layers falling effortlessly- cascading to frame his face. Then there were his lips, Conner found himself constantly mesmerized with the way Tim bit his bottom lip when thinking, the way they scrunched together when he said something funny, how they constricted when he bit the inside of his cheek just enough to hide the emotion he was so scared of portraying. They were perfect. 
He let the heat take his mind, flowing with the stars as he thought dangerous thoughts about his best friend. His thoughts danced around Tim’s waist, flowing carefully around his chest, wrapping Kon in every layer of Tim’s personality, every smile, laugh, tear, scowl, it was Tim. Kon’s Tim. 
And there, on the floor, he drifted to an uncomfortable, sweaty sleep.
Tim was scrolling aimlessly through his phone, Gotham was surprisingly boring. He once found the city bustling and distinctly alive but now it only left him cold, cold and bored. 
“Ice cream as good as you remember?” Bruce’s voice lifted him from his device. “Yup! Can’t believe you let me have espresso at like 10, you basically started my addiction.” Tim threw on a smile, glancing down at the half eaten dessert. “Yeah, can’t say I was the best father but, I tried,” Bruce’s shoulders shook lightly, but the laughter didn’t make it to his eyes. Did you really try? Truly? Tim dove back into the creamy sweet, admiring the bitterness the espresso brought the flavor. His phone buzzed.
K: Did you get the ice cream?
T: yeah, you remembered?
K: You literally told me last night
T: have i been off your mind since? 
K: No.
Conner always did this, every time Tim thought he’d throw him off guard with something funny or flirtatious just to have a little fun Kon took it and ran with it. And I’m always the one who ends up blushing. Tim thought, shaking his head. It was really his fault he let Conner get him riled up. They were best friends, flirting or dealing out little sexual quips were natural, and often pretty funny. 
“Earth to Tim? I’ve got a meeting you wanna head back while I head to the office?” Tim glanced over at Bruce who was now standing up in front of him. “Yeah, I can work on cases back at the manor, you gonna head to the office?” stretching his arms he stood up, noticing Bruce had put on his business face- the one stone cold and dry that only brought back the worst memories. “Yes.” His response was gruff, Tim suppressed the shudder that tried to dance down his spine. “Uh yeah, I’ll head back, have a nice day B,” he smiled, hoping it made it to his eyes. 
“You can’t keep calling me while I’m on patrol, it’s not safe,” Tim chastised Conner loosely, appreciating the company as his patrol with Damian was always deathly silent. “C’mon, you’re used to having me in your ear,” Tim gulped, glancing around for Damian who was three buildings over, deeply uninterested. “Kon, oh my god, I’m gonna mute you,” Tim whispered, revelling in the chuckle that stirred in Conner’s chest. It was deep, and warm, so distinctly warm Tim felt the heat budding in his chest. 
“So, patrol with the demon? He hasn’t cut your grapple line yet?” Conner’s tone was low and silky smooth. Coughing to clear his throat Tim replied, “nope, he’s most horrific when Bruce is here, when he’s not the punk couldn’t care less whether I live or die,” 
“I care,”
“I know Kon,” If only you knew how much I appreciated it. 
“Asshole, can you hear me? I said we’ve got a gang robbery on second? You coming genius?” Damian’s disgusted tone flooded over his comm, and Tim quickly turned his attention to the bat-brat who was already grappling towards the alarms and shouts. Conner’s whisper asked, “can he hear me?” and Tim replied, “no, you’re on a separate channel, Dami can only hear me when I unmute. Just be quiet while I take out these thugs,”
“Why? Because my voice distracts you?” Conner’s tone shifted into dangerously flirtatious. 
“No, cuz you’re annoying as shit,” Tim smirked, running across the top of a building, letting Damian call the signals so he didn’t get all upset. 
“Do I make you uncomfortable Tim? Do I make you forget just exactly what you’re doing, whether you want to use your batarang or bo staff? Do I make you, warm? Because it’s so warm here, so hot, god I’m just so hot I-”
“Shut. Up.” Tim struck the gun out of a scared looking man. Rolling his eyes at the man in his ear.
“Why? Are you too focused? We’ve taken out much harder criminals all while talking. Aren’t we just talking right now?” Kon’s voice was ringing in his head like never before. 
“I’m trying to focus but it’s no good when you’re in my ear.”
“And what if I wasn’t in your ear? You remember? When we work side by side, so close- are you an affectionate person Tim?” Tim could feel the heat dripping off of Conner’s voice, but he was taken aback by Conner’s new line of thought.
“Wha- what? Am I affectionate? I don’t know. Sometimes?” Tim almost missed a hit, huffing as Damian blocked what would’ve been a hard blow on him. “Start paying attention Drake,” Damian’s tone was acidic. But he was drawn back into his com as Conner’s voice flooded his ears again.
“Would you be affectionate with me?”
“Yes” Tim’s breathless reply was instant, his brain not giving him a chance to think.
“Good, I like that. You know I’m very affectionate too? I like getting to hold the people I care about close, feeling their warmth. You know I’m very warm right now?”
“I- I know Kon, I bet, are you doing alright? Drinking water?” Tim shook out the thought of Conner lazing out in his room, sweaty, lips parted as he pushed out warm breath- Stop. Focus. Your job is to defend these people. Damian’s doing a good job, You just have to round up the civilians. Tim forced himself back into the real world, taking on one of the gang members with ease, tying him up swiftly before moving on to the next.
“I heard that, I can hear it every time you take out one of those men. This is easy isn’t it? I can’t be that distracting to you. You’re too good.”
“You always do this,” Tim felt his cheeks heating up, his steps felt forced, like he had to remind himself to breathe. Tim carefully rounded up civilians, escorting them to safety as Conner started again in his ear. 
“Always do what Tim? Tell you how much I appreciate you? How much I miss you? Do you not think you deserve to be missed? To be loved?”
“Conner” Tim’s tone was harsher than he wanted it to be. But nonetheless Conner continued. 
“Why not? Why the hell not? You’re amazing Tim.”
Tim scoffed, playing it off as a cough to the people in front of him.
“What do you need to hear Tim? That you’re amazing? Brilliant?-”
“Oh my god Kon-” Tim interrupted, but Conner wasn’t done.
“Talented? Impressive? [his tone deepended] - Attractive?” 
“I’m gonna hang up,” Tim was breathing so hard he was practically hyperventilating. The compliments were all that consumed his thoughts, swirling around his brain, packing it full of deep, dangerously flammable thoughts. 
And Conner was ready to let it burn.
“You need to be kissed Tim,” Conner murmurs, throat raw, “so hard that you can’t remember your name- maybe then you’ll understand what I mean.”
The batarang in Tim’s hand clattered to the floor. Damian’s head whipped to him as Tim struggled to regain function. 
“I’m muting you, see you in a bit,” was all Tim could choke out before he ripped the earpiece out, unable to let it sit, burning into his skull. You’re almost done here, cool down, finish up. Tim told himself as he manually reminded himself to breathe. You’ve got this. 
Conner knew Tim ended the call. But he didn’t have the energy to stop the endless beeping from the disconnected phone. 
He was laying on the floor of his room, limbs spread out as he clawed for anything that could cool him down, but all he could feel was heat as he stared up at the stars.
He had to admit, he’d pushed Tim further than ever before. But it felt too right to stop, too good. He couldn’t stop replaying the way Tim’s breath hitched after every word, desperately grasping for the feeling budding up in his chest. It was too addictive to not let the words he’d spent too long crafting pour from his lips into Tim’s heart. 
Kon didn’t know how long he laid there, dazed in the heat, just trying to relive word after perfect word. 
Until his phone rang.
“Tim?” his voice was ragged and raw.
Tim’s was high pitched and tight. “Conner what the hell was that? Was that funny to you? Saying all those things- flirting with me while I’m trying to do my job?” 
“Flirting?” Conner mused, staring at the stars with a tattered smirk on his face.
“Don’t act dumb, I don’t know what kind of sick joke it was saying all that while I’m on patrol but I’m glad you think you’re funny,” Tim’s voice was cold. But not the cooling tone, it was sharp, like the way the freeze of ice can feel so painfully hot when applied too harshly. 
“I would’ve said it to you no matter what you were doing,” Conner whispered, resting his phone on his chest, wincing at the sticky noise it made as he tried to adjust it’s positioning. 
“So that was just all for you? To let you listen as you screwed with my brain?” Tim retorted. 
Conner was done dancing around the truth, all forms of control eluding his mind. “Yes,”
“That’s cruel Kon, can you imagine if I did that with you? Told you how you needed to be kissed while you’re out with Jon or something?” Tim sounded exasperated, but at the end of each quip Kon could hear the deep breaths he was taking. Does- Does he like this?
Tim continued. “Don’t answer that. Shut up, I know what you’re gonna say. ‘Oh Tim it’s not the same,’ just- just get out of my head!”
Conner sat up. He was floating. Floating in the middle of his room, the phone on his chest tumbling to the floor as he scrambled to grab it again, feeling his feet touch the ground as he held the phone as close to his lips as he could.
“What do you mean Tim? How am I in your head?” Do you feel the same way I do right now?
“You- you just know me. So well, and when you say stuff like that- when you’re in my ear saying those things your voice, it’s like fire, it burns.” Tim sounded desperate, his voice painfully strained. 
Conner’s head was spinning, “I burn you?” he matched Tim’s desperate tone.
“You melt me.” 
Conner’s head slammed against the roof of his room, as he tried to regain control of his senses he heard Tim murmur, “does that make sense?”
“More than you know Timbers, more than you know,” Conner could hear Tim let out a sigh, the kind that told him all would be okay. 
As Conner took a deep breath, steadying himself for what was to come Tim spoke first. “It’s so late Kon, I’ve been up to long, I think I need to go to bed,” Tim’s tone was soft again, the cooling, comforting tone that Kon was scared he’d never hear again. 
"Yeah, I- uh, have chores in the morning anyways.” Conner answered, hoping to give Tim some peace of mind.
“Okay, sounds good. Goodnight Conner,” Tim said quietly, his tone thoughtful and slow, finally letting the sleep crowd his mind. 
“Goodnight Tim, talk to you tomorrow?” Conner let too much hope sink into those last few words. 
“Yes, night now,” Tim answered easily, quickly hanging up the call, letting Conner sink down back into the carpet of his floor. 
“Tomorrow,” Conner whispered to himself, feeling the intense heat start to creep back in as he drifted into a sweaty sleep.
“Tomorrow,” Tim whispered to himself, trying to swallow the nerves he didn’t know Conner could draw out of him. 
“I’ll figure it out tomorrow.” 
not my usual fic but I really hope you enjoyed! 
taglist: @vintageroses10 @idkmanicantenglish @kishony-the-geek @foenixphire @how--are--you @psych0crybaby @romance-is-tragic @birdy-bat-writes @subtleappreciation @officiallydarkgeek also kita cuz i love u and wanted to try writing timkon more in your style hehehe @river-bottom-nightmare 
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strawberrycamel · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
tagged by: @aj-itated <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 30!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 46,254 words
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? based on my Ao3 and my old ff.net account: 3 - Fairy Tail, BNHA, DP (though I haven't written for Fairy Tail or bnha in years)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? in order, that would be How to Take Out a Ghost by TooFineFoley, Bad Luck Tuck: The Sequel, ignorance is your new best friend, What Could Have Been, and, surprisingly, A Connoisseur of Fine Art (all DP or DP crossover fics)
5. Which of your fic do you want more attention for? both they're siblings, your honor and Big Boy Tucker. i can't choose, they both need love
6. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? i used to respond to them as often as I could at the start, but i kinda slacked off sometime around the beginning of summer classes. I used to respond to them because they made me really happy and i wanted to let the commenters know I did actually read it and am very grateful for their comments, but after a while it became... idk, draining? I felt bad about leaving the same response to each commenter and got caught up in my own head so I just kinda,, stopped all together. I wanna start responding again at some point, but uh, probably not anytime soon.
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
oh definitely One More Time; I think that's the only fic I've written without some kind of happy ending (anything in the Not Your Son series doesn't count since it's not finished yet :3) and I can't tell you how much it pained me not to make it happy. Don't get me wrong, I loved writing that for going angst week but hole-y shit did it fuck me up
8. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you’ve written? I do write crossovers! The craziest, I think, is my Strange vs. Work: Wife Swap AU, it's not done because I'm seriously stumped for it right now, but it's essentially a DP Marvel crossover where Clockwork and Dr. Strange are forced by a TV host ghost to switch bodies and mentor the other person's 'apprentice'. Peter and Danny have to help them get adjusted to their new environments/bodies and they all have to figure out how to turn things back to normal. This whole series is meant to be based off the show 'Wife Swap'. I have fun making Stephen suffer >:)
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic? not that i can remember? like i think it was more grammar and dialogue punctuation nitpicking on my old ff.net fics, never hate
10. Do you write smut? if so what kind? not really, but i have a singular wip that im working on that's definitely spicy
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? no? (i was working on something a while ago but we havent finished so, I'm going with no)
13. What’s your all time favorite ship? i don't think I really have one. Usually I just read whichever fics have cool summaries or tags and just dive right in, ships be damned. Lately I've been reading a few TimKon fics and I've been thinking about Dark Ages, UFS, and Gray Ghost stuff a lot over the summer
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? oh, oh god. I'm going to say it and I'm going to feel real shitty about it because it's such a good fucking concept, but I can't bring myself to write anything more than what I already have written and all the notes I just randomly add onto it every once in a while. It even has a title: "Ectoplasmic Pudding".
It's a DP DC crossover fic wip and the plot is about Danny being called by Batman to help with a kidnapping case he suspects to involve ghosts; he needs Danny's expertise and help to capture the ghost. Danny agrees and he meets Batman and Robin (Dick Grayson) on the roof of the police station (after dropping face first onto it because he got blinded by the bat signal). They go by Batmobile and arrive at the scene of the crime where Danny confirms a ghost is involved. A bunch of different scenes of Danny and Robin having a blast while Batman's trying his best to stay on task and then, eventually, they find a warehouse where the box ghost is interrogating a bored looking Mr. Trand, the victim, about some fancy box commissioned by Vlad.
Danny figures out this guy is Bertrand in disguise and since Bertrand's essentially on vacation, they both agree to lie about how they know each other. And then I got stuck around here, but I imagine it just ends up being a series of dumb events where Batman, Robin, and Danny have to 'protect' Bertrand until they catch Boxy and throw him back into the Ghost Zone while the disguised ghost tries to make the most of the rest of his vacation.
Batman and Robin definitely don't believe whatever lie Danny came up with to explain how he knows Mr. Trand, but they go along with it until it's revealed in probably the worst way possible and leads to both of them trying to take the former kidnapping victim to the GIW while also trying to keep Danny from stopping them and barely listening to a word he says (maybe they think he's being threatened somehow or being controlled or smth, idk). Absolutely no clue how that whole fight goes, but in the end Danny kicks Box Ghost into the Zone and Bertrand is told very explicitly never to bring Spectra to Gotham.
15. What are your writing strengths? evoking emotion in my writing? yeah i'm going with that
16. What are your writing weaknesses? planning out plot ahead of time. I can write outlines and write a bunch of notes about what i want to include, that's not the problem. My problem is that all my motivation to write just drains away the moment I have a somewhat concrete plot planned out for a fic- this applies to one-shots and longfics exactly the same. And past that, sometimes I'll make one change to the planned plot and feel like tossing the whole thing out the window and going freehand without the 'constraints' of an outline or anything ..........
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? try not to offend anybody? like, look at good examples of how others have done it and do a lot of research and stuff. Also, be aware that not everything will translate perfectly from the original language you wrote the fic in and whatever language you're translating it to.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Fairy Tail
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Hellbent. A few others come close, but I seriously cannot express the joy i felt writing that first chapter (and when I'm done my minibang fic, I literally cannot wait to get back to it)
20. What fic are you most proud of? that's a tough one, there are a bunch i fucking adore but i think it's tied between The Big Dipper and ignorance is your new best friend
Tagging: @guardianrex, @shinygoldstar, @cleanlenins, @princessfanonanona, and @ghost-pasta!
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birdy-bat-writes · 4 years
Headcanon- Being Tim and Conner’s Civilian Best Friend
Request: Could you do headcanons for what it would be like to be Tim or Conner's civilian best friend?
Yes, of course, lovely Anon! First of all, thanks for the really great request. Second, I have no self-control, and this was an amazing request that got the cogs turning so here I present you with both Tim and Conner plus a thing.
-       You and Tim had been buds forever. You frequented the same coffee shops for years and knew of each other’s existence, but you never actually spoke until he was in your middle school class at Gotham Academy.
-       He had a habit of speeding through last night’s homework every morning, ten minutes before class started. You always wondered what he had going on after school that took up so much time.
-       The two of you got pretty close. You even went over and met his family one day. Dick loved you, Jason thought you were a robot, a scary child with a large dog watched you from afar- you were told his name was Damian, and Bruce Wayne gave you a firm handshake.
-       After years of knowing and trusting one another, you learned that he was red robin. You didn’t freak out, you just kind of stood there staring at this panicked, coffee-fueled maniac, realizing how much sense it made.
-       The dynamic stayed the same, but you became even more of a mom as you got closer.
-       “Tim, only one espresso shot in your coffee.”
-       “NO, you cannot sleep for 48 hours and stay awake for the next 72, you’ll end up in a comma!”
-       “Tim, the human body needs actual food.”
-       “I know bats are nocturnal but you’re not a bat! The sun is good for you!”
-       You bring him breakfast because this genius only wakes up early enough to get dressed and pick up a travel mug of coffee. Anything from grapes to a sandwich. You can basically give him anything at 7:30 am and he’ll eat it without question.
-       You once gave him toast with a paper on it and had to tell him to spit it out because he didn’t even notice.
-        As a habit making a second copy of all your homework and notes because he will most likely forget and even though he’s smart enough to finish it super quickly, you don’t want the poor sap to have to rush through work 10 mins before class starts when he’s already sleep deprived.
-       You go shopping with him for anniversary presents for Stephanie. Sooooo much teasing.
-       Movie nights with him are the best. It’s rare but once every two weeks, you can drag him away from all cases and red robin work and just sit and watch a movie with him. It almost always results in him falling asleep before the end but you don’t mind.
-       It always made you happy to see your best friend actually sleeping. It’s one of the few times you can him relax.
-       Jason no longer thinks you’re a robot and Damian watches you from up close now. Dick says that means he likes you. You take pride in that.
-       He also super protective of you. He’s very careful not to let a anything to do with red robin come back to you.
-       When he’s worried about your safety, he calls Conner and that usually goes something like this:
-       “Hey, Y/N! It’s nice to see you! How have you been?”
-       “Conner, why are you acting weird? I saw you yesterday.” And then he’ll find some way to drag you off to Metropolis for a few hours. Sometimes he’ll convince you to let him fly you to Smallville and you always say yes because you love the Kents’ horse.
-       Tim used to think you didn’t know that he called Conner, but you figured it out really quick. Now Conner just shows up and you pick up your purse and leave.
-       “So, what is it this time?”
-       “They think Poison Ivy is spraying some weird plant gas thing in your area.”
-       “Oh. I’ll just text him. He had better be careful, we have a project due in a week.”
-       Tim’s other bestie became your bestie too.
-       Tim introduced you to him before you found out he was red robin. When you found out that Conner was Superboy, you weren’t even surprised. It made sense.
-       You got to see Titans Tower once. It was fun have your very own superhero escorts into the building.
-       You don’t hesitate to mom him around too.
-       “Kon, I know you’re invincible and stuff, but your human side needs a jacket. It’s below freezing outside.”
-       The Kents love you and Jon is the most adorable child. They are invited to every family event you have and omg Lois makes the best pies.
-       Piggyback rides in the sky.
-       You’re his rock and he talked to you about all of his issues about family. He trusts you just as much as he trusts Tim at this point.
-       He comes to you for relationship advice.
-       Conner is definitely the cheekiest of all of your friends. He’ll play pranks on you with Jon and Tim for the fun of it, which usually results in him receiving uncoordinated randomized punches from you. Jon gets away with it because he’s a cutie-pie.
-       You receive so much teasing from him over every crush you have, like, holy guacamole! You can’t even try to deny it because he can read minds for one. But then, he can hear your heart rate increase! Darn superpowers!
-       Now, as a reflex before he can even say anything, you just go “Shut up.” But that doesn’t stop him. Why would it?
-       This sweetheart will go everywhere with you when you need him and refuses to let you drive from Metropolis to Gotham at night.
-       “I can fly back, Y/N. It’s not a problem for me. You on the other hand, live in Murdersville, USA. You’re not going alone; I don’t care if Batman is there. You know Tim would agree with me.”
-       Helps you with shopping for birthday gifts.
-       Big protective baby.
-       He’ll join in on movie nights and actually stay awake. He usually carries Tim to his bedroom and tucks him in which elicits a few eyebrow dances from you. ;)
-       Both of these guys will protect you with their lives because like they’re your best buds and while you’re not exactly a superpowered hero or a Bo staff-wielding, bat trained detective, you would do everything you could to protect these boys.
-       You are somehow their baby and also their mom, perhaps because you force them to eat and sleep and limit Tim’s coffee intake and he actually listens to you.
-       When they are together, they are such softies! Endless teasing about how they are like a married couple.
-       “Well, Steph seems to have some competition.” *eyebrow wiggle* ;D
-       It’s Besties Movie Night! You’re all chilling, the popcorn is ready and you’re ready to- *beep beep*
-       And in the middle of the movie they have to go for a Titan thing. They look at you apologetically. You assure them that it’s alright, give them their hugs.
-       You basically tell them go have fun, don’t die, come back safe and you’re finishing the movie without them. And they groan and go off on their mission.
-       They come back around dinner time just to make up for the time they didn’t get to spend with you.
-       They find you watching SpongeBob and eating Nutella from the jar. “Yay you’re back!”
-       You flip back to the movie you didn’t have the heart to finish because it just wasn’t the same without Tim’s commentary about how its scientifically inaccurate and Conner’s constant nagging about how the flying looks so fake.
-       “Aww thanks for waiting, N/N!”
-       “You’re welcome.” You said.
-       “You love us too much to finish it without us, don’t you?” you just grumbled. “Oh come on. Admit it, you love us.”
-       “Not as much as you love each other.” You joked.
-       But it was true. You love your boys.
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g-on-ef · 7 years
Dusk till Dawn
Fandoms: Super Sons, Batman DC, Superman DC
Parings: Damijon, TimKon, JayRoy, BirdFlash,
Characters: Damian Wayne, Jon Kent, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Wally West, Connor Kent, Roy Harper, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana Prince, Lois Lane
Summary: Genius playboy Damian Wayne has everything he could ever want and more yet people fail to see how broken this boy truly is. He meets Jon Kent a bright cheerful boy who’ll show Damian there’s more to life than fame and fortune
Link: Dusk till Dawn by GoNEF
Chapter 1: The end of an era
Chapter 1: End of an Era
“Damian Wayne has ended his engagement with Kitty Moth, the singer told G! News that he and model Kitty Moth wanted different things, sources indicated that Damian didn’t want to be tied down, he wanted to party and be wild while he still could while Kitty wanted to have a calm more private life, she says that she was ready to start a family and Damian wasn’t.
Our sources indicate that the main reason Damian [Wayne] kept putting off the wedding is due to the fact that he was afraid of being tied down to one woman and needed freedom after three years of cheating, heart breaks, Damian [Wayne] finally ended the engagement leaving Kitty [Moth] heartbroken and distraught, the model refuses to talk about it and wishes Damian the best,”
“And me being gay having to hide my sexuality as well as this whole mess being a pr stunt to further her career has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I called off that engagement,”
Dick let out a surprised squeak as he turned around to see Damian leaning against the door way, glaring at the TV, Dick looked at the TV before he looked at Damian, he was about to turn off the television so that Damian wouldn’t have to see the media trash talking him about his engagement with Kitty, Damian however, had other plans.
Taking the remote from Dick the younger Wayne turned the volume up as he continued to hear the reported paint him as some bad guy while making Kitty look like an angel.
“Add to the fact that Gotham Fashion Week starts tomorrow and she needs all eyes on her so that she’ll be the main focus also has nothing to do with our ‘break-up’” he continues ignoring whatever Dick was going to say as he watched Kitty do an interview about how heartbroken she felt and how she wanted to apologize to all her ‘friends’ for not listening to them when they warn her about him.
It annoyed him to no end, especially when Kitty kept going on and on about how Damian didn’t treat her right despite her always being faithful, attended to his needs, and was always his shoulder to cry on when it came to his anxiety, the reporter as well as her father called her a caring girlfriend who deserves better.
“More like a fool if you ask me, if she was willing to stay with a man who cheated on her than she is a fool and anyone who believes her or calls her brave is also a fool,”
He turned off the television when the reporter continued going on about how Damian was nothing like his brothers and he should learn from them.
“Damian, you know that your dad only brought the two of you together because-“
“Because she is an upcoming model that needed publicity and her father is a business man who’s company would be a great help to WE and now that both sides got what they wanted it over and done with,”
“Everyone got what they wanted, everyone but me,”
“Damian look, I know that right now things are a little hectic but all this will be over once Gotham Fashion Week is done, then everyone will forget about this break up and you’ll-“
“Have another bimbo waiting for me to entertain so that she can get a head start of her career without actually doing anything,”
Dick stared at Damian in shock.
“Father already has another woman waiting for me, says with the wedding coming up he needs me to be seen with another girl this time it’s another blond bimbo who is nice and sweet and will hopefully help tame ‘the beast’”
“Wait, you mean to tell me that you spending some time with Melissa wasn’t coincidental?”
“Dick looked shocked at the mention of Damian going with another girl, hell he and their dad talked about giving Damian a break so that he could spend some time alone and focusing on his music career, not to mention he really needed a break after the past year of having the media attacking him and Kitty’s fans calling him degrading names as well as enduring racial slurs from those Islamophobic assholes who wouldn’t leave him alone.
Tt, no, if anything Father and Selina want me to be seen with a ‘good girl’ who will hopefully stop me and all my playboy ways,”
“I don’t even know what to say to that,” he answered honestly.
“Yeah, I know, any way if you need me don’t call because I won’t be answering my phone at all,”
“Where are you going?”
“Out where?”
Damian glared at his brother before saying,
“Just out!” he slammed the door and headed to clear his mind and gather his thoughts.
Damian Wayne was the youngest son of billion-dollar business man Bruce Wayne and world-famous model Talia Al Ghul. His three-half brother were Richard, Jason, and Timothy.
Each boy had their own success in the industry. Dick was a famous model, every agency wanted him, every fashion designer wanted him to wear their clothing, all in all Dick ran the modeling world with an iron fist. Jason was a famous athlete; whether the sport was basketball, football, MMA fighting Jason was the best. He was currently focusing on MMA and so far he’s been doing a good job at it. Tim is another business man in the making so it’s no secret that he’s going to take over WE when Bruce retires.
All three of them were also famous actors and all of them were currently working on a film together that Damian was also a part of.
As for Damian, Damian has always had a love for singing but lately he’s been losing his inspiration to write music, well he would’ve lost it completely if it weren’t for.
“Oh hello Mr. Wayne, how are you today?”
Damian stopped dead in his tracks when he saw where he was, guess he was lost in thoughts longer then he thought.
“I’m fine Kara, how are you doing?” he asked with the famous (more like infamous) Wayne smile that can charm anyone.
“Doing great, actually better than great I am magnificent!”
“Why is that?” Damian asked as he was lead to his usual table.
“Well, because my two nephews are spending their summer vacation so I am excited to see them here,”
“Yep, in fact they are right over…there! Jon, Kon come over here and say hi to Damian,”
“We’re coming,” a young voice shouted from the kitchen.
Damian watched as two boys came out of the kitchen, one was a muscular man, he appeared to be the same age as Jason, a strong chiseled jaw line and bright blue eyes with black hair and a nice tan skin. The other one, the other one was the one that caught Damian’s attention.
He looked…he looked… words couldn’t described the angel’s appearances, his skin-Damian couldn’t help but wonder if it were as soft as it looked-was smoothed, unblemished from any markings, scars, or cracks that would destroy the image of perfection that many try to obtain. His eyes, his eyes were a heavenly deep blue, two sapphire gems that rival the clear sky as well as the deep sea, Damian could see that those beautiful eyes caught the beautiful image of deep oceans glittering in the light of the moon. His midnight locks shone like the sea at night, the black strands utterly white where the bright lights fell.
He was an angel, that was all Damian could say about him, he watched as the two boy came closer and closer to him and the only thing going in his head was for him to not say anything stupid.
The two stopped in front of him and the angel smiled at him, Damian felt his heart stopping for a second before a warm feeling began to spread from his heart across his chest while his face began to turn into a light crimson shade as his eyes became a brighter shade of green, the angel extended his hand and spoke in a rich velvet tone,
“Hi, I’m Jon, Jon Kent and you are?”
For the first time in a long while Damian smiled, not his usual Wayne smile or the fake one he uses when it comes to the paparazzi but an honest to God real smile.
He shook Jon’s hand-Jon, what a lovely name for a lovely angel-and spoke his own name,
“Hello Jon, I am Damian it’s a pleasure to meet you,”
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desolationofzara · 7 years
three’s a crowd, but four’s a party part 1
Characters: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Jon Kent, Connor Kent
Pairing: DamiJon, TimKon
Summary: Just two bats on a double date with their super boyfriends
A/N: My lovely mutual @unavenged-robin wanted a fic where Tim, Kon, Damian, and Jon all double dated. So here’s part one! I didn’t originally plan for this to be a multipart fic, but it’s been too much fun writing the boys interactions, especially Tim and Damians. This is my first time writing for the couples so please be nice! 
I aged up Damian to 17, and Jon to 15. I dont know the age gap between Tim and Damian but im gonna say that Tim is around 22. 
It was a relatively quiet night for Gotham city. Just a few muggings, a convenience store robbery, and a car heist. Normally, Damian would've been antsy all night. Waiting, practically begging for some villain to come along to spice things up. But tonight, there wasn't a peep out of Robin. This made Batman very suspicious.
Batman headed back to the cave. Robin said that he wanted to do one last sweep of the city before deeming it safe for the night. Bruce knew better than anyone that there was something about swinging in the cold Gotham night air, thousands of miles from the ground, listening to the sounds of the city, made you think clearer. And if that's what Damian needed right now, so be it. He'd come to Bruce with his worries when he needed to. And with that, Bruce got started on his report for the night.
It wasn't much later that Damian flipped into the cave.
"Everything alright?"
"Yes, even as I did one last sweep down, it seems that there was no crime to report for tonight." Damian answered, taking off his mask.
"I didn't mean with the city, Damian, I mean with you." Bruce chuckled, looking at his youngest. That seemed to freeze Damian mid step.
"I'm fine." Damian said quickly. Too quickly. Bruce gave him a skeptical look. Damian swallowed thickly and approached his father. "There is a State Fair that will begin on Friday in Metropolis, I had the intention of taking Jon."
Damian wanted to take Jon to a fair? All the way in Metropolis? They could wait another week or two and there would be a state fair here in Gotham. Granted, the one in Metropolis probably had less psychopaths try to ruin it.
"As in a date, Father."
Bruce's brain short circuited. The words 'date' and 'Jon' were the only things that he could focus on.
"Take your brother with you." Bruce finally said, turning back to the Batcomputer.
Damian scrunched his nose, "I hardly think that we need to be chaperoned-"
"Take your brother with you, or you wont be going." This thought made Bruce very happy.
"But Grayson is on a mission overseas! He'll never get back here by Friday!" Damian whined.
"Last time I checked, you had more brothers than just Dick." Bruce smirked.
He could feel Damian weighing his options behind him. It was either Jason "Guns blazing for the entire public to see" Todd, or ask Tim for a favor.
"Isn't Master Tim still dating Mr. Connor? Perhaps you could ask him." Alfred supplied helpfully.
“As in double date?” Damian scrunched his nose up.
“I believe it’s either this, or you could wait for the Gotham State Fair and Master Bruce would happily chaperone your date. Unless you would rather prefer Master Jason.” Alfred said
Bruce grinned at Alfred statement, and it only widened when he saw Damians head snap toward him.
“I will call Drake in the morning.” Damian grumbled as he sulked out of the cave. When Alfred and Bruce heard the entrance to manor close, they silently high fived.
Tims phone started to buzz as soon as he got out of his first class. D E M O N S P A W N displayed across his phone. Tim sighed as he glided his thumb across the screen to answer.
“Everything alright?” Tim asked, sipping his coffee he just bought.
“Peachy. Why wouldn’t it be.”
“The fact that you’re calling me. So Im asking again, everything okay?”
“I have a mission for you. On friday. You don’t have any friends so im going to assume that you’re free.”
“I dunno, Damian. I could have a date that day.” Tim smirked. Oh, he was going to have fun with this.
“Is a date really more important than a mission?” Damian asked. It sounded like he was ready to head to his campus any minute and strangle him.
“It could be. Especially if that mission is having to chaperone your little brothers date.”
“How did you-?!”
“B called me last night and asked if I could chaperone your date.”
“Let me guess. You leaped at the offer.” Damian drawled.
“You know, contrary to your popular belief the soul purpose of my life isn’t to bring misery into your own.” Tim snapped. He didnt mean to, it was just something about Damians know-it-all attitude about him that got under his skin. “Look,” Tim started again, “My first date with Kon was a movie date, and do you know who followed us around everywhere?”
“Batman?” Damian snorted
“Bingo. You can only imagine how awkward my first kiss was.” Tim could hear Damians chuckling on the other end of the phone.
“Grayson caught my first kiss with Jon.” Damian admitted quietly.
“And somehow, I feel like that’s worse than Batman spying on all my dates.”
There was a few beats of silence between the two. Both struggling with what to say next, or just let the conversation die there. In the end, it was Tim who spoke first.
“Listen Damian, my class is about to start pretty soon.”
“Of course, then I will see you friday.”
“A word of caution,” Tim started. Damian felt his ears perk up. “Kon is... an acquired taste. But he’s very close with his brother. If you want to date Jon long term,”
“I do.” Damian interjected quickly.
“Then you should, no, NEED to made a good impression with Kon.”
“Isn’t the fact that he’s dating you make any difference?” Damian sighed.
“I wouldn’t push my luck if I were you. But how about you let me do the talking on friday?”
“By all means, Tim.”
“Sounds like a plan, see you then. Bye.”
Tim pulled up to the manor Friday afternoon. Alfred, as always, was ready to greet him at the door. “Good afternoon, Master Timothy.” Alfred smiled.
“Hey Alfred. Where’s our growing boy?”
“I believe Master Damian is in his room,” Alfred said with a smirk on his face. “He’s been trying on clothes for the past hour or so.”
“No way.” Tim snorted. The kid took “make a good impression” way too seriously.
“If you don’t believe me, inspect for yourself. I do believe you know where his room is.”
Tim fought the urge to run to Damians room, with his phone in hand. Tim couldn’t wait to send a video to Jason and Dick about the ‘baby getting ready for his first date’.
“Oh, Master Timothy,” Alfred called and Tim turned around to face him. “Do keep the teasing to a minimum. I’ve just got the blood stains out of the carpet from your last argument.”
“I’ll try my best, Alfred.” Tim smiled, pocketing his phone.
Tim knocked on Damians door. Damian opened his door wearing an Armani suit. Tim didnt know whether to break down laughing, or be exasperated.
He chose the latter.
“Really?” Tim deadpanned.
The tips of Damians ears turned red, “Perhaps I got carried away with-”
“Playing dress up?”
“My options.” Damian hissed, narrowing his eyes into slits.
“Well have you decided on what you want to wear? Because we should probably leave soon if we want to pick the guys up on time.” Tim stated looking at his watch. He saw Damians feet shuffle from the corner of his eye. Tim pushed himself into the younger boys room. Surprisingly, there was no protest from Damian. 
Tim bit back a laugh when he saw the state of Damians room. It was a mess. The younger boys whole closet was probably on the floor or his bed. “I feel bad for Alfred.” Tim chuckled as he got to work on a pile of clothes.
“I will clean my room myself when I return.” Damian sighed, flopping down on his bed. Tim quickly extracted khaki pants and a plain black button down. He threw them on top of Damian and exited the room.
Damian walked out as stiff as a board. “This does not seem appropriate.”
“But an Armani suit was?”
“Michael Kors.”
“The suit was Michael Kors. Not Armani.”
“Oh, so the casual look. I get it.”
“Shut up, Drake.”
“Stop stressing out. Everything will be fine.” Tim said, taking Damians arm to roll up his sleeve.
“Im not stressing out-” Damian scoffed.
“The state of your room says otherwise.” Tim smirked. He could practically hear Damians teeth grinding together. 
“The Kents appreciate simplicity.” Tim tried to sooth, moving to Damians other arm.
“Obviously. They lived on a farm.” Damian smirked.
“Very ‘actions speak louder than words’ people.” Tim continued, placing a watch around the teens wrist. “So if you really mean that you’re going to be with Jon for the long run, they’ll see it. Our family is the one with the trust issues.”
This elicited a snort from Damian. “And don’t we know it.” He said quietly.
Tim smiled down at Damian. “Yeah. Now go put on some deodorant and cologne. You smell like mothballs.”
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sweettsubaki · 8 years
I hope that v5 arc you mentioned plays into Rebirth. I'm not sure if it was intended to from the beginning but I could forgive it if it were explained away as Manhattan wackery screwing with their brains and making them all into douches. (And the power of their friendship managed to overcome it for *one glorious moment* and then it all fell apart and Kon flew into a wall. It'd be so melodramatic I would cry. Group hugs, everyone.) I hope it will. I'm not sure it will. What do you think?
About This
Are you talking about the Kon one ?I don’t think so, I think the authors were given the instruction to get rid of Kon as much as possibly can and to give Bar Torr a reason for not coming back.The simple reason is that unlike with Tim, they listened to the readers in their complaints (they also might have had some fans *cough*Geoff Johns*cough* who actually realized they were different characters, it’s at least 99.9999999% sure in Kon’s case) I was hoping that’s what Tim’s “death” would be about in ‘Tec Rebirth but apparently they’ve become hell bent on trying to make us believe they’re the same character (ironically enough every time they do, he gets further away, in the end Lobdell wasn’t Tim’s worse writer…. who would have thought).
The thing is, it’s not a matter of behavior, even if Manhattan had made sure they’d be douches, the world would have “adapted” to it. For example Tim had a very loving and present family in N52, both of which he didn’t have preboot so that’d be the universe adapting to how Manhattan changed Tim’s neuronal connection ? Well no, if it had then Tim would have had to live in certain circumstances none of which include loving and nurturing parents (if anything he might become slightly arrogant ? Even then I think he’d just be confident)… What they changed wasn’t the behavior but the personality (for the record : Personality = a person’s core, behavior = personality altered by environment). I still think my Nozaki idea™ (which, by its very nature is a crack theory) actually makes more sense than anything they’ve tried to come up with in recent events…
Honestly out of all the TT’s core 4 Cassie’s the only one who didn’t feel like a different character (she was a watered down, 2 dimensional character, but most of her tropes were actually there for most of her life in the preboot), so beside the 2D feels instead of a fleshed out character one of my main issue is how over-sexualized she was (seriously people she’s 16-17, this is really really really creepy), which is something that already annoyed me in the preboot (luckily not all artists did that), my main issue with her is, as I said in the previous post the secret origin story with her “god” family and while I get that it wasn’t just to excuse her behavior, that it was also to link her to Wonder Woman they didn’t need to do it that way, Wonder Woman could have seen her worth and decide to take her under her wing.I mean I already wasn’t happy with the retcon in TT v3 because, well I don’t especially like her since spoiled brats aren’t my cup of tea, but she did have some great moments and the way she “bullied” Zeus in her origin story well…it was great and learning that she was actually his daughter made the gesture suddenly…well more patronizing, it’s not about seeing a spark of potential in her anymore :/.On that same note, I especially disliked all the “yeah but you know my mom worked at a museum so she wasn’t always there” trope in the preboot, like have you MET Helena Sandsmark ? If anything she was slightly over protective, so you can’t tell me that if she couldn’t get home on time she didn’t have a baby sitter on call for her daughter or, once she was too old, made sure she had already prepared meals to re-heat or simply taught her the basics (like cooking you damn TT Annual). It’s especially annoying since this trope took up at around the time after the death of Tim’s father who in this case WAS neglectful and in some cases verbally abusive and we got songs of “you had the love and care of your father for 15 years”, like no ? His origin story is that he was alone and reported his need for a family on Batman and Robin (then again most of those weren’t actually written by Johns but some of those still were written by him, it’s also worth noting that most of Kon and Cassie’s development as a couple happened on adrenaline whether it’s their first kiss or their ‘first time’ which was why having them saying I love you to each other made me facepalm, but this time I can actually believe it’s due to the fact that they’re still kids and mixing lust+like and love is normal…literally in Kon’s case)…And I’m gonna stop here, I went off track, sorry.
Back to the matter at hand : Cassie. She can still be used, maybe if she met Wally he might spark the beginning of memory in her brain (I mean I don’t think we’ve seen  him talk about Bart yet, I get you’re sad about Linda but c’mon, And what about Max Mercury ?), because Bart was a very good friend of hers, she’s probably the only one in the N52/Rebirth lineup who could get that memory jogged up which could lead to something.
Honestly at this point I don’t care that much anymore, like I’d be happy if they managed to get a feel at least similar to their preboot but it’d be ruined if the writing is similar to what we have today in a lot of comic writings. Aka Superficial. Nice moments are nice, but if there’s nothing behind it then they’re empty (*cough*Batman #16*cough*the Batfam in N52*cough*’Tec Rebirth*cough*). so I’d settle for good characterization and well written relationships (in which case I should at least get my TimKon friendship back, because you can’t characterize and develop them well and not have them be friends :p), even if it means that they won’t be the “core 4″ again (I’d still prefer to have them together, at least Kon, Bart and Tim, because while Cassie was one of the 4 main she still was slightly apart  from these 3, but if it’s well written I wouldn’t mind if they weren’t as close). And maybe finally, FINALLY they’d stop trying to push Tim and Steph together, like, let these poor kids live their lives instead of shackling them to each other and have them be in either generic relationship n°13615360 or toxic relationship n°1351920.
So your idea would be nice if they hadn’t spent N52 and Rebirth making sure the characters couldn’t be used that way.
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awhitehead17 · 3 years
100 ways to say I love you - TimKon edition:
Number 89: “I noticed.”
Enjoy! :D 
Complete adoration spreads through Kon as he stares at his boyfriend across the room from him. A fond and yet amused smile had made its way onto his face some time ago and not once has he turned away from looking at Tim.
His boyfriend, currently oblivious to Kon’s blatant staring, continues to ramble on about his newest device he received for Christmas a couple days ago. It’s a brand new camera model from Canon along with three different lenses. Tim is so pleased to have this present and Kon can tell he’s super excited to start using and testing it out.
Tim’s sitting on the sofa opposite him, though Kon wonders how he hasn’t fallen off it yet considering he’s right on the edge of the cushion, and is enthusiastically telling Kon about his new gift and all of the things it apparently has the ability to do. Tim’s face is lit up like he’s a kid in a candy store, his enthusiasm bleeds into his body language as his arms start doing wide comical gestures, and he hasn’t stopped talking about it in over three hours.
Tim’s detailed explanations of what the camera is capable of has long gone over Kon’s head. He admits he doesn’t understand everything Tim is saying, it’s a little out of his depth, especially since he doesn’t have a passion for photography like Tim does. Despite not fully knowing what Tim is on about, that doesn’t mean Kon doesn’t enjoy it.
Believe it or not Kon is having the time of his life. Seeing Tim be so excited and energetic for a hobby of his which he doesn’t really allow himself to indulge in anymore makes Kon feel giddy. It’s a reminder on how young Tim is and how simple things like a camera can make him so happy in a way rarely sees anymore.
Since Tim started talking about his camera he hasn’t stopped. Kon doesn’t have anything to input to his speech so he sits back and allows Tim to talk about it, making humming noises here and there to let him know he’s still listening to him. Kon loves how excited Tim is acting just from the aspect of this new camera. As he carries on talking Kon begins to make a mental list of places they could visit together where Tim could take photos, after all he’s dating a guy who can fly and is able to take him to all kinds of places in the world within minutes and hours so he may as well use the advantage it offers.
Tim seems to finally come to the end of his rambling session because he takes a long deep breath before slumping against the back of the sofa as if he’s exhausted. After a moment a giggle comes from Tim and Kon shoots him a surprised look, he didn’t expect a sound like that to come from his boyfriend.
Tim sends him a sheepish shrug and Kon could see a blush appearing on his cheeks. “Sorry. I can get a little passionate about things like this. Sorry if I bored you to death with nonsense.”
“I noticed.” Kon comments amusedly. Kon didn’t mean anything else by those words but he quickly elaborates when Tim’s sheepish expressions turns to one of pure embarrassment. “Hey, hey, I didn’t mean anything by it! It’s adorable, I love it when you get so passionate about something and then go on for hours about it.”
Kon’s words don’t seem to have his desired effect of assuring Tim he didn’t mind his ramblings. The embarrassment and shame his boyfriend is feeling can easily been seen on his face. Guilt pools inside of Kon. Now he feels awful that Tim’s feeling embarrassed for loving the present he received for Christmas but more than that, how he feels embarrassed in front of Kon.
Kon’s pulled out of his thoughts when Tim suddenly stands up from the sofa. His face is flushed and his body has gone taut, Tim starts edging his way towards the door. “I’m just gonna, well y’know, I’m gonna – go.”
Without even thinking about it Kon is on the move. He jumps up from his seat and darts over to Tim before he could even take a couple steps towards the door. Kon wraps an arm around his waist and twists them around back towards the sofa, falling back onto the seat Kon forces Tim down onto his lap and keeps him there with his arms locked around his boyfriend’s waist.
Tim lets out a yelp at the movement and squirms in Kon’s hold. Kon only tightens his grip and hooks his chin over Tim’s shoulder. Tim’s struggles don’t last long as he quickly gives up and goes pliant in his hold, he sags back against Kon’s chest and splays his legs more loosely over Kon’s thighs.
After feeling Tim sag against him Kon loosens his hold on his boyfriend, while keeping his arms wrapped around him Kon strokes Tim’s sides with his hands softly, hoping to bring Tim some comfort. When Tim doesn’t so much as to react to his touches, Kon tilts his head and presses light kisses to his neck and jaw.
“Please don’t feel embarrassed. It’s just me, you know I wouldn’t ever judge you for being happy about something you enjoy. If it brings a smile to your face, how could I hate or judge it?”
Tim makes a noise from the back of his throat but otherwise stays silent.
Kon presses a couple harder kisses to Tim’s skin, gently nipping at the area with his teeth. “Why don’t you show me how you use it. You’ve been on about these functions for hours, show me on the camera now.”
That finally gets him a reaction. Tim pulls away from him slightly so he could turn and face Kon, there’s an incredulous expression on his face. “You want to know how it works?”
Kon shrugs like it isn’t a big deal. “Sure. I might understand it better if I could see what you’ve been talking about.”
Tim seems to think about this for a moment before letting out a little humming sound. “Okay, I can do that.”
Still sitting in Kon’s lap, Tim shifts about to get comfy. Kon allows him to move as he pleases, only moving himself when Tim demands him too. A few moments later the two of them are leaning back against the sofa, Tim sitting sideways on Kon’s lap with his head resting on Kon’s shoulder and camera in his hands, all Kon has to do is look down to see the device.
Seeming to have relaxed some now, Tim turns his camera on and starts speaking with a level of confidence that only comes from someone when they know exactly what they’re talking about. Kon basks in that tone of his boyfriend’s.
A smile stretches across his face as Tim once again gets so lost talking about his passion that the world around him ceases to exists. As he talks he flicks through his camera settings, now detailing every little thing about them and what he likes and dislikes about a certain setting. He flicks through the settings so fast that Kon struggles to keep up but he doesn’t mind, he loves seeing Tim in his element.
As Tim talks Kon asks the occasional question, both because he is curious but also to show that he is listening to Tim and is taking an interest. Tim answers him whole heartedly, excited by his questions and curiosity, never once faltering as he speaks.
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awhitehead17 · 3 years
His Tiny Person
TimKon, Soulmates AU, Canon Divergence, Mini Soulmates, Humour, that “oh” moment, Realisation of feelings, Getting together.
Summary: "Kryptonian's have something called soulmates and every single Kryptonian has one. We know who our soulmates are because mini versions of them manifest to us. To begin with you won't recognise them, or even know their name, until you actually meet them in person. You will meet, you are destined to, but whether you get along or not is another story."
When Kon finds a tiny person hanging around him he's extremely confused but comes to adore him anyway. However its still a complete shock when Kon learns that he's known his soulmate for years and has just never realised it.
Also on AO3
Enjoy! :D  
No matter what anyone says, Kon believes that the freak out he has is very much warranted.
After getting out of the shower, Kon wrapped a towel around his waist before entering his bedroom and without any conscious thought he goes through his routine of getting ready for the day. The last thing he had expected to see was a tiny person perched on a pillow on his bed.
In all of his glory Kon let out a yell and scrambled backwards in surprise, his back quickly hits a wall which stops him from going anywhere. The tiny person on his bed openly stares at Kon and it feels like he’s being studied or even judged by him.
Kon stares back completely bewildered at the sight. There’s a tiny person on his bed. How did he get there? Who was he? Where did he come from? Is this some kind of prank?
“Conner, is everything alright?” Ma Kent’s voice could be heard calling him from downstairs. “We heard a yell.”
Still staring at the tiny person Kon tries to get himself together. He shuffles to his bedroom door, never taking his eyes off the person, and opens it. Over his shoulder he calls down to her. “Sorry Ma, I saw a spider. It caught me off guard that’s all. It’s all sorted now.”
“Okay dear if you’re sure. Breakfast is ready when you are.”
“Will be down in a bit, thank you.”
Kon quickly closes the door and debates on what to do. He takes a moment to observe the tiny person. The tiny person is a boy, he has messy black hair, two blue eyes, thin lips, a small body lean body covered by a red t-shirt and black sweatpants.
Kon has no idea what this is, however, weirdly enough he’s feeling a pull towards this tiny person. He can’t describe what it is but Kon feels kind of protective over him, like he wants to just wrap this tiny person up and hide him away from everything. The feeling is completely irrational because Kon knows absolutely nothing about what this could be.
The tiny person stands up and makes his way across Kon’s bed until he’s standing near the edge of it. Kon couldn’t help but find him adorable, he’s so small! He’s not much bigger than his hand in size comparison.
Kon approaches the bed carefully and crouches down so he's almost eye level with him. When they make eye contact the tiny person smiles brightly and Kon feels another pull inside of him, this time its sharp and releases a sense of warmth through him. His heart melts even more for this little thing.
“Hi, do you have name? Where did you come from?” Kon asks softly. The tiny person shakes his head and Kon frowns. “Oh okay. Well I’m Kon or Conner, its nice to meet you.”
“Conner your breakfast is getting cold!” Ma Kent’s voice comes from downstairs again and Kon knows he really should get going.
He turns back to the tiny person. Should he tell Ma Kent about this or not? How would the Kent’s react to this? Kon is still rather new to the whole family thing, he’s only recently moved in with them and is in fact still adjusting to life in Smallville, would this freak them out? Maybe he should work out what this person is doing here first before telling them anything.
With that in mind Kon sends him a small smile. “I’ve got to go have breakfast now, but once I’m done I can work out what to do with you.” He stands up and heads for the door but is stopped short when he hears a small thump.
Kon looks over to find the bed now void of the tiny person, initial panic rises up inside of him though it’s quickly diminished when he feels a tugging sensation on his jeans. Snapping his gaze down Kon finds the tiny person insistently tugging on his jeans with a panicked look on his face.
For unknown reasons, Kon’s heart breaks at the look. “Hey, I’m not leaving. I won’t be long, I promise.” The person shakes his head and without warning starts climbing up Kon’s leg, grabbing fists full of fabric to help him on his journey and he doesn’t stop climbing until he gets to the pocket and climbs inside.
Kon’s not entirely sure on what to do with the tiny person that’s now curled up inside his jeans pocket. Obviously he hadn’t wanted Kon to go, or perhaps it was more of a separation thing and had panicked when he thought Kon was leaving?
Running a hand through his hair Kon opts to leave it for the time being, he’ll work it out later on. As he once again moves towards the door, he hopes that the tiny person is comfortable enough in his pocket until he returns to his bedroom.
Throughout the next couple of weeks Kon learns a lot about the tiny person.
He comes to notice that he has his own personality, he has his own quirks and things he likes and dislikes. While he doesn’t speak, the tiny person makes sure his opinion is heard. He likes to train and work out and he’s wickedly smart. He also loves to be held in Kon’s palm and to have his hair stroked.
Through some misunderstandings, Kon comes to realise he actually needs to feed this tiny person, he also needs to regularly clean him, exhaustion and not sleeping enough is certainly a thing, injuries too. The first time this tiny person hurt himself Kon almost had a heart attack in concern and panic.
It’s literally like he’s looking after another human being, only this human is super tiny and can easily fit into his pocket.
Despite all of this he still hasn’t worked out how this tiny person came to be. Anything he’s looked into has come to a dead end, he’s even explored scientific possibilities but it’s all come up empty handed. He’s still completely perplexed on this person’s existence.
When an unfortunate event occurred, Kon became aware that he can’t be too far away from this tiny person either, only because the distance causes them both physical pain. That alone makes Kon believe there’s more to this whole thing, he doesn’t know what it could be but there’s definitely something.
Other than that Kon really adores him. He’s gotten used to his presence now and how he happens to be there in Kon’s everyday life. It frightens him to no ends when a mission comes up or if Kon engages in a brutal battle because he could get hurt. Nonetheless the tiny person is always there for him, its like he’s got his own cheerleader.
A few weeks after the tiny person appears, Kon is meeting with Clark on the farm to catch up. Since the man had finally accepted him as a person and has even named him as part of the family, Clark’s been trying to put effort into getting to know him. Kon appreciates the effort and knows that their relationship is slowly healing.
When Clark arrives they settle onto one of the benches outside with some food Ma Kent had baked and were generally catching up. However Kon’s focus on the man’s words instantly die when movement in his peripheral catches his attention.  
Kon glances down at the ground and freezes when he spots a small woman walking around within the grass looking completely at ease observing everything around her.
Blinking Kon averts his attention away from the woman and back to Clark who is now frowning at him. How long had Kon not been listening for? Instead of saying anything Clark looks in the direction Kon had been and confusion crosses his face.
“What is it Kon?”
Kon waves a hand in the direction of the small woman. “Do you not see that? There’s a tiny person in the grass Clark!”
The man continues to stare at Kon like he's crazy. It makes Kon feel insecure. He wasn’t imaging this right? He’s got his own little dude hanging around him for weeks and now there’s a small woman too.
“Yeah… that’s Mini-Louis.” Clark says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“Mini-Louis? As in your wife Louis?” Kon asks sceptically.
Clark pulls a face, clearly not understanding his confusion. “Yes Kon. My wife. She is my soulmate, therefore I have a Mini-Louis around me.”
Kon has no idea on what to say to that because what?
Realisation crosses Clark’s expression. He pulls back a bit, seeming surprised. “You don’t know about it?”
“About what Clark? What the hell are you on about?” Kon snaps.
Clark takes a deep breath and leans forward on the table using his elbows to prop himself up. “I’m sorry it must have completely slipped my mind. We as Kryptonian's have something called soulmates. Every single Kryptonian has one. We know who our soulmates are because mini versions of them manifest to us and these mini versions are attached to our souls. Once we finally meet our soulmate in person the bond between us is solidified.”
Kon blinks trying to digest that information. Soulmates. Soulmates are an actual thing and they appear in the form of tiny versions of themselves. Kon’s tiny person is in fact his soulmate. But he doesn’t know who his soulmate is, he doesn’t recognise him!
“Has your soulmate manifested Kon?” Clark questions after a long drawn out silence.
Instead of answering Kon carefully reaches into his jacket’s pocket and scoops up his tiny person. He’s been sleeping this entire time and Kon feels bad for moving and waking him up but he gently does so and places him on the table in front of him.
His tiny person looks disorientated for a moment. He sits down on the table, yawns and rubs his eyes with his fists as he wakes up. Once he notices where he is he looks alerted and sends Kon a panicked look. Kon reaches out a strokes a finger down his face. “It’s okay buddy, you’re safe. No one is going to hurt you. I’m finally learning about you properly.”
Kon glances up to find Clark watching him with warm eyes and a soft smile. Kon raises an eyebrow. “What? If you say this is my soulmate it would certainly explain why I’m protective over him. But why didn’t you tell me sooner? I don’t recognise this person, doesn’t soulmates work after you meet the one or something?”
“With Kryptonian’s, your mini-soulmate manifests when the younger one of the pair comes of age. Your situation is slightly different, thinking about it I could guess that your soulmate appeared once you were named as you were already of age.”
Kon nods to the explanation. He’s slowly understanding it. He’s still feels conflicted about it, like he’s afraid of the idea of it but he's also open to it…
“The idea is that you don’t recognise them, or even know their name, until you actually meet them in person. You will meet, you are destined to, but whether you get along or not is another story. You’re soulmates, but that bond can be either platonic, romantic, or even in some rare cases it’s a hatred bond. By the looks of it, yours is either a platonic or a romantic bond.”
Kon sighs, he guesses that’s better than it being a hatred soulmate bond. He thinks he gets on rather well with his little dude.
“As frustrating as this will sound, the main thing I can say is that only time will tell. When you meet your soulmate you’ll recognise them and then how your relationship with him progresses will depend on the two of you.”
After that they change topic of conversation, leaning more into Kryptonian heritage and ways of life as well as different battle strategies Kon could be using with his team. Meanwhile as they talk, Kon’s mini-soulmate joins Mini-Louis in exploring the wildlife together.
It turns out Kon has already met his soulmate. In fact it turns out he’s best friends with his soulmate. He’s known him for a couple years.
It turns out his soulmate is Robin and he’s only finding that out now.
Young Justice, or rather the newly formed Titans, are gathered together and spending the weekend at the Tower. They were about to start their movie night when Robin tells them he has an announcement to make.
In line with their new team development he wants to clear the air and start fresh, hoping they would all forgive him for certain things in the past. Robin takes his mask off and gives them his real name.
As Kon meets Robin’s – Tim’s – eyes his heart stops. Without the mask obstructing the top half of Robin’s face, Kon clearly sees the same face that his mini-soulmate has.
Robin is his soulmate. How has he never made that connection before? The resemblance is uncanny, he’s literally been carrying around a Mini-Robin for 6 months.
He’s been on a team with Robin for a couple of years now. When he first escaped Cadmus, him, Bart and Robin made a trio team and over time the others had joined them, therefore creating Young Justice. A couple years later here they are joining the Titans and Robin is finally sharing his identity with them.
To begin with he and Robin never got on, they were always at each other’s throats and never saw eye to eye but as time went on they both mellowed out and come to accept the others presence. Their friendship became stronger as they both matured over time. Kon had moved to Smallville and began to really learn what life is about, how there’s a life outside of superheroing, while Robin had moulded the legacy he carries into his own and has found the confidence to become his own person rather than trying to be someone else.
Either way, he immediately recognises Robin’s – or Tim’s – face and not because apparently he’s famous but actually because Tim’s face is the one his mini-soulmate wears. There’s no mistaking it.
His mini-soulmate is currently hidden from view inside his jacket pocket but Kon could easily feel the excitement rolling off the tiny person, he’s practically buzzing with energy. Knowing he’s going to have to try and restrain his mini from doing anything rash, Kon brushes his telekinesis over him in attempts to calm him down.
At Tim’s announcement there’s a loud explosion from the group which lasts for some time until everyone calms down enough to settle so they can watch the films they have lined up. No matter what they put on, Kon couldn’t focus on any of them. His mind is too occupied with the thoughts of Robin being his soulmate and what that could mean.
He begins questioning his entire friendship with the bat vigilante. Reflecting on everything from the moment they met to now.
What kind of feelings does he actually have for his friend? He cares for him, they trust one another (the whole ID thing was a different matter despite how many arguments there have been on that topic) and Kon can’t imagine his life without Tim in it. Even back when he loathed him Kon wouldn’t have imagine Robin not being there.
They balance one another out. Where Kon is reckless and is hot headed, Robin thinks things through and plans accordingly. Where Robin is uptight and too hard on himself, Kon is freewheeling and helps him to relax and unwind.
When he’s with Tim he wants his friend to be happy, he wants him to feel safe and protected. When things get too much Kon reminds Robin he’s there to talk to if he needs it. When Kon’s felt overwhelmed by his powers Tim is the one he turns to because he helps Kon to understand them without making it feel like he’s being judged. There’s been numerous of nights where they’ve sat together in silent company, both of them wanting to be alone but not at the same time.
Kon thinks about his smile and his laugh when he’s genuinely happy and not wearing that stupid asshole persona. He think about how when he gets invested in something he would passionately defend it. How there’s a shy and genuine guy behind that mask despite all the confidence Robin plasters on in front of them all. He recalls when Robin would walk into a room and how Kon’s mood would improve significantly for no reason.
Well shit… there’s a lot more feelings towards Robin than he ever realised. Is this still platonic though or is it the start of something romantic? Can Kon even imagine what it would be like to be romantically involved with Tim? To hold his hand, to cuddle, to kiss and then maybe more, to be seen in public with him, to lean on one another without fear…
Kon’s heart misses a beat when he realises that yes he can imagine all that. Now he knows Tim’s name and knows what he really looks like, Kon can see himself doing those things with Tim and even getting to know him better than what’s slipped through his persona over the years.
Tim is his soulmate, they’re bound to each other in some way. Why hadn’t he ever seen it before?
What is Tim’s opinion on all of this? Kon’s mind suddenly goes into overdrive when it clicks that since Tim is his soulmate, he has a Mini-Tim with him at all times, then that means Tim would have a mini-him.
“on? Conner! Kon!”
A sharp stinging sensation gets his attention and Kon blinks, his thoughts finally residing for now. Kon looks around to find everyone in the room staring at him with concern and how Robin is standing in front of him with worry etched all over his face.
“Are you okay? You completely spaced out on us.”
Kon swallows thickly and sends Tim, and everyone else, a tight smile. “Yeah, yeah. Sorry just got lost in my thoughts.”
Tim doesn’t look convinced and now that his mask is no longer on Kon could clearly see his expressions. Despite only seeing Tim’s face for the first time moments ago, Kon can already read his facial expressions because they happen to be the exact same ones Mini-Tim wears.
Kon reaches out and pushes Tim away from him to create room so he can stand up. “Seriously I’m fine. It’s just been a long week that’s all. I’m actually going to head to bed, I’ll see you all in the morning.”
Without looking at anyone Kon flees the room, trying to get out of there as fast as possible. He doesn’t stop moving until he gets to his assigned room where he promptly barges in and slams the door shut behind him. Unable to stand still Kon begins pacing the length of the room, his mind back to working on overdrive.
Its only when something starts moving against him that he breaks out of the cycle. Kon stops in the middle of his room and gently scoops out his mini-soulmate. From the centre of his palm, Mini-Robin looks up at him and scowls. Kon winces in both guilt and embarrassment.
He places his min-soulmate onto his dresser and instantly Mini-Tim turns his back on Kon and crosses his arms over his chest. Kon frowns feeling terrible, he didn’t mean to make him upset or angry. He can’t help that he's a little incompetent when it comes to these sort of things.
Kon goes back to his pacing, now talking to his mini as he does so. “I’m sorry okay. I didn’t realise, all of this time and you’ve actually been in front of me. How many missions have we been on, how many rooms have we been in together, how many hours have we spent in close proximity of one another? After all of that its only now I’m figuring it out!”
He glances over to find that Mini-Tim is still ignoring him. Kon huffs. “Well it’s not like it’s entirely my fault! Robin is as much as to blame as I am. At least I have an excuse, I didn’t know it was him because he had half of his face covered all the time. What about him? He’s probably had a mini-me this whole time and has never approached me about the topic, it’s not like I’ve gone incognito.”
When he stops talking the silence in the room stretches out. Even though its only Kon and his mini-soulmate Kon could easily feel the tension between them. He doesn’t like feeling like this, especially with his little counterpart.
Sighing heavily, Kon shuffles over to the dresser where Mini-Tim is still standing and leans in closely. “Please don’t be annoyed. It’s a shitty situation and my emotions are everywhere. The last thing I need is for you to be annoyed at me too…”
When Mini-Tim continues to ignore him Kon frowns and carefully reaches out to him with his TTK. He gently prods his mini-soulmate, trying to encourage him to loosen up and even look at him again.
Eventually his insistence must work because Mini-Tim turns around and stares up at him with wide-eyes and a pout on his face. Kon pulls back his power and reaches out to brush a finger along his tiny cheek.
“I’m sorry,” Kon whispers softly, “I’ll sort things out, I promise but it may take some time.” The wide-eyes and pout soon turns into a glare without heat and a pointed look. Kon understands his message though. “I will talk to him, soon okay. Just not yet, I need to get my thoughts in order first.”
A knock on his bedroom door breaks his attention away from his mini-soulmate. Kon sighs and is reluctant to open the door, fearing what’s on the other side of it. When a second knock happens, Kon forces himself to walk over to the door and pull it open.
As feared, Tim stands there in the corridor looking worried and lost in thought. He notices that Kon has opened the door and snaps back to attention. “Uh hey.”
“Can we talk?” Tim asks sounding unsure.
Kon sends him a tight smile. “Yeah.”
Tim enters his bedroom and Kon closes the door behind him. There's a pause between them before Tim turns around to face him wearing contemplative expression. “Your behaviour isn’t about my name and face is it?”
It sounds like he already knows the answer to that but Kon humours him by answering anyway. “No. No it isn’t, well, not the main part of it at least.” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. How was he supposed to talk to Robin that he's his soulmate? How was he going to explain that for the last 6 months he’s been carrying around a tiny version of him but didn’t know because he never made the connection until today?
In the end he shakes his head, he’s probably way over thinking this too much. Maybe he shouldn’t use words, perhaps using actions is the way to go?
Kon moves around the room and goes back over to the dresser, when he leans in close he finds Mini-Tim hiding away behind a deodorant spray. He lifts his hand with his palm facing upwards and waits to see if his mini takes the invitation. Mini-Tim stares at him suspiciously for a moment before coming out of his hiding spot and climbing onto his hand.
Kon carefully turns around and shows Tim his mini for the first time. Surprisingly yet unsurprisingly, Tim doesn’t look shocked. His eyes widen but that’s the only reaction Kon gets. Tim wordlessly reaches down into his jacket pocket and brings something out of it, Kon could only gasp when he sees a mini version of himself on Tim’s palm.
Before he or Tim could react their mini-soulmates both make an excited sound. Mini-Kon jumps up from Tim’s palm and flies straight for Mini-Tim. In return Mini-Tim jumps up with his hands stretched out and grasps onto Mini-Kon when they collide together. Mini-Kon carries them around for a moment before they land on the bed and separate. They use their little arms and legs to wildly gesture to one another about something lost to both Kon and Tim. It’s rather adorable to watch.
“I think that answers a few questions does it not?” Tim says amusedly watching the minis with a smile.
Kon huffs. “Some of them yeah. Look dude there’s a lot to explain about this, I get you must be super confused about how a tiny version of myself just suddenly appeared one day and I understand that -”
“I’m going to stop you there Kon.” Tim says firmly raising a hand up in a stopping motion, he’s now looking at him. “I know a lot more than what you think I do. I know what this is and what it could mean. If anything I’m the one that should explain some things to you, like why didn’t I tell you sooner for example.”
Feeling rather overwhelmed Kon shakes his head and moves to sit down in his desk chair.
Tim takes it as an opportunity to keep talking. “We’ve always had a strange relationship Kon. From the moment we met until now it’s been odd, but quite frankly there’s not a thing I would change. I know those minis represent that we’re soulmates. I have to admit I was rather confused when you appeared tiny in my bathroom 6 months ago, to begin with I thought you had shrunk or something but there was something telling me there was more to it than that.
I got my answer about a month later when I ran into Louis, she had been at the Manor talking to Bruce when I saw she had a tiny Clark riding on her shoulder. After a conversation she explained that her and Clark were soulmates, it’s all to do with because he’s a Kryptonian. Of course then it made more sense.
The reason why I never approached you about it is because I didn’t know what to do. I knew it was you, it’s kind of hard not to tell y’know,” Tim sends him a knowing smirk at that comment, “but since you never said anything about it I figured you didn’t know it was me. It’s only then that it clicked that I still hadn’t revealed my face or even shared my name with you.
It wasn’t my choice not to tell you, you know that, it had been Batman’s orders. For months I debated on what to do, even going as far as arguing with Batman to share my ID at least with you. In the end Batman gave in but only after I explained why I was so insistent about it. And well, here we are.”
Tim trails off into silence and he’s looking expectantly at Kon, waiting for him to respond to his side of the story. Kon could only blink at him and repeat his story in his mind. The minis are currently sat together side by side on the edge of the bed’s footboard, they were holding hands and swinging their legs together as they share a smile.
As much as Kon would like to be frustrated at Tim for what he did, he knows he really couldn’t be. Its not his fault that Batman put him in an awkward position. Kon rationalises in his mind that’s its all done and over with now, he can’t change it but from here they can at least go forward.
He glances up at Tim. “So what do we do from here? How would you like to go forward? Also I’m sorry that I put you in this position. It was as much as a shock to me as it probably was to you.”
Tim glares at him. “Don’t apologise Kon. It’s not like you had a choice in the matter and you know what, I’m glad its you.”
That gets Kon’s attention. He stares at his best friend wondering if he heard right. “What?”
The sigh Tim lets out sounds almost resigned. “Why would I be bothered by it? You’re my best friend Kon, of course I don’t mind being soulmates with you. I know we’ve had one heck of a bumpy road in the past but we’re here now aren’t we.”
Kon grins, unable to deny what Tim had just said. He looks back up, taking in how Tim’s eyes are focused on him, how they seem to shine when the light hits them, he takes in Tim’s relaxed posture and how at ease he appears to be.
A sudden urge washes over Kon and all he wants to do is crush Tim in a hug and kiss him. He has no idea when he started thinking about Tim in that way but he finds that he doesn’t actually mind. It’s just the case of whether Tim returns them or not.
Kon stands up and steps towards Tim, standing so close to him that he could feel the others heat. “So how do you want to go forward with this? When Clark told me about soulmates, he said there are platonic, romantic and hating bonds. Is there a certain type you want to be?”
Kon wants to smack himself in the face for how bad that sounds. What the fuck is he on about. Thankfully Tim seems more amused than anything else. A glance to the side shows both minis exaggerating an eye roll each, Kon opts to ignore them.
Tim steps closer, finally pushing their chests together, he has to tilt his head up while Kon looks down to make eye contact with one another. “I don’t know… I mean to be honest if I had to say one surely it would be the hatred bond? I can’t stand you, you know? You get on my nerves too much.”
Kon snorts and shakes his head. “Maybe once upon a time. Anyway you’re just as bad, you and that neurotic brain of yours.”
They both grin at that, shaking their heads at the ridiculous turn in the conversation. Opposite him Tim opens his mouth again but this time Kon decides to cut to the chase. He ducks his head and presses his lips against Tim’s. There’s a pause on Tim’s side but after a second he’s responding to Kon and pushing back against his lips.
Some sort of spark passes between them and suddenly it’s like something inside of him has clicked into place and now he feels complete.
He presses against Tim even more and wraps his arms around him, keeping them pressed closely together. Tim goes with the movement, reaching up to wrap his arms around Kon’s neck and even buries a hand in his hair.
When they part the two of them are sharing wide smiles. Kon huffs out a laugh and rests his forehead against Tim’s.
The only thing that pulls Kon away from Tim is a light slapping against his neck. He pulls back and looks to the side to find Mini-Tim now standing on his shoulder trying to get his attention. Opposite him, Mini-Kon is floating next to Tim’s cheek also getting his attention.
Tim and Kon take a step away from each other to look at their minis. Mini-Tim is grinning wildly and Kon could just feel the excitement and warmth radiating off from him. Kon smiles back softly and reaches up to stroke a finger along Mini-Tim’s cheek, even poking his stomach for fun. It’s a pleasant contrast compared to what he was like a little while ago.
Kon turns back to Tim. “So, um, now that a few things are out the way, can I ask you out on a date? Lets give this a try?”
Tim gently nudges Mini-Kon away to stop him from prodding his cheek, he looks at Kon and nods. “Just text me the time and place and we’ll be there.”
It takes a moment but Kon quickly catches on that he means him and Mini-Kon. Of course, duh, if they’re going to be dating then by extension so are the mini versions of themselves. It probably should be weird but Kon finds that he doesn’t mind, in fact its cute and the fact that Tim doesn’t seem to mind either makes it better. He’s looking forward to the near future and what it could bring for him and Tim and their mini-soulmates.
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awhitehead17 · 3 years
100 ways to say I love you - TimKon edition:
Number 38: “I like your laugh.” 
Enjoy! :D 
He should really be paying attention to the TV. All it would take is a slight turn of his head and then he would be facing the screen fully. However he just couldn’t make himself avert his eyes from what’s happening in front of him in order to do that.
Kon is on the couch facing sideways, his back is resting against the arm of the chair and his legs were stretched out in front of him with his feet resting on Tim’s lap who is sat at the other end of the couch facing front ways. If he were to look at the TV then he would have to look away from Tim, that’s where the issue comes in.
Kon observes as Tim gets engrossed into the film being played. He watches as Tim’s face changes into various of expressions as time goes by. To begin with he had been almost stoic, minutes later a small smile tugged on his lips which was then followed by a frown and furrowed eyebrows, eventually they straightened out and a faint smile appeared before suddenly exploding into a wide grin as he laughs.
Something that Kon has come to notice is how when Tim genuinely laughs he laughs with his whole body. His face scrunches up into a grin and his eyes slam shut, one hand comes up to cover his mouth while the other flaps uselessly next to him, his body curves in on itself before straightening out as he calms down only to curl up again when another bout of giggles take over.
It’s not very often Kon sees Tim have a genuine laughing fit, they are few and far between but it’s always a delight to witness him having one. Most of the time when Tim laughs it’s usually controlled and kept quiet but when he lets go it’s loud and happy and Kon wishes it occurred more.
Tim has a nice laugh, Kon deduces. Well he has a nice everything, but his laugh is wonderful to listen to.
“Oh my god did you see that!” Tim says in between giggles. He shakes Kon’s feet to get his attention as if it weren’t already on him. “Oh my god, I don’t know why that got to me so much – did you see the way he… and then they just didn’t know… oh I can’t breathe…”
Without even realising it Kon’s grinning widely, enjoying the way Tim wipes tears from his eyes that have formed from laughing so hard. Tim straightens up in his seat and presses his hands to his sides as he tries to compose himself, he takes a couple deep breaths but after the second one he bursts out giggling all over again.
Unable to help himself, Kon starts laughing as well. Though he’s laughing at Tim rather than at the film. Laughter is just contagious.
It takes a while but eventually they both calm down enough to be breathing normally again. It took a while because any time they would take a deep breath, another fit of giggles would take over and set them off again.
“My cheeks hurt.” Tim says breathlessly, he may not be laughing any more but there’s still a smile on his face.
Kon hums and watches Tim, enjoying the carefree moment between them. It feels like the world doesn’t exist outside of them and Kon decides that this is one of the best feelings in the world.
For the first time since the film started Tim turns to him, he finally notices that Kon is looking at him rather than at the screen. They make eye contact and Tim’s wide smile falters a little. “What? Don’t judge me, it was funny okay!”
Kon chuckles at his reaction. As if Kon is going to actually judge him for laughing! “Of course not. I like your laugh.”
Kon pauses after he realises what he said and blushes. He didn’t mean to actually admit it out loud. Thankfully Tim doesn’t seem to mind the comment because his boyfriend is shaking his head in amusement. “Yeah okay, Kon.”
“What, it’s true!” Kon exclaims. He reaches over and grabs Tim’s hand in his own and fiddles with his fingers. “It’s not often I hear you genuinely laugh like that, where you fully let go-”
“Hey I laugh!” Tim proclaims indignantly.
“I know you do but it’s usually so controlled. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself that’s all, I love seeing you like that, carefree so to speak.”
Tim huffs softly in disbelief but otherwise doesn’t comment. Wordlessly he takes his hand back from Kon and for a moment Kon’s worried that he's completely ruined the mood with his unintentional declaration, it turns out those worries are unwarranted because Tim is taking his feet off his lap and then moving to lay his body over Kon’s.
Kon lets Tim get comfy on top of him. His boyfriend tucks his head under his chin, presses his chest against Kon’s and tangles their legs together. Once he’s situated Kon feels himself relax once again, he ducks his head and presses a kiss to the top of Tim’s head and wraps his arms around Tim, hugging him close.
Even now, with Tim no longer opposite him to look at Kon still doesn’t pay attention to the film. Instead he closes his eyes and basks in the feeling on having Tim lying on top of him and lets the sounds of the film fade into the background as he focuses on Tim’s breathing and heartbeat. This is better than any film he’ll ever see.
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awhitehead17 · 3 years
100 ways to say I love you - TimKon edition:
Number 19: “Can I hold your hand?” 
Enjoy! :D
It’s stupid. He’s being stupid. It’s such a minor thing so why is he getting so worked up over it?
Kon glares over at the offending appendages that’s causing him to have an internal crisis while his boyfriend, owner of said appendages, remains completely unaware of what’s going through his head.
They were out walking through the streets of Metropolis spending some time together. It was mid-December so the temperature is low and the air around them is bitter and chilly. Kon scowls and shivers when a particularly sharp gust of wind hits him. The jacket and beanie he’s wearing doesn’t do much to help fend off the winter chills. He hates the cold.
Tim isn’t faring much better than he is. His boyfriend is wrapped up in hundreds of layers along with a hat, scarf and gloves. Kon couldn’t help but think he looks adorable all wrapped up like that, especially as his bright red nose peeks out of his scarf.
Kon blinks and focuses on Tim’s face. His boyfriend is raising a questioning eyebrow at him and Kon feels like he’s missed something. “Yeah?”
“Are you even listening to anything I’m saying?”
Kon could only send Tim a guilty smile in answer. He didn’t mean to zone out on Tim but it’s hard to not get distracted when his boyfriend looks so cute wrapped up like that. Tim huffs in response but with how his lips curve into a smile tells Kon he really isn’t annoyed, just amused instead.
That’s when Tim raises his coffee up to his lips to take a sip and Kon is once again distracted. The original reason to why he had been distracted in the first place comes back full force. Once Tim’s had his sip, he lowers the takeaway cup with a contented sigh and Kon watches the movement longingly.
It’s not the coffee he wants, he couldn’t care less about the hot liquid, but instead he wants Tim’s hands. He just really wants to hold Tim’s hand. The strong desire that’s burning through him is ridiculous because holding someone’s hand is so simple yet here he is yearning for it.
The reason he doesn’t reach out to simply take his boyfriend’s hand is because Tim has both of them wrapped around the cup, using it as a heating source. Even with the gloves he’s wearing his fingers were still freezing and Kon doesn’t want to disrupt that.
It’s such a stupid thought and that’s why he’s getting so worked up over it.
“Conner.” Kon blinks again and realises that for a second time he completely zoned Tim out. Concern crosses Tim’s face as he looks at him. “Is everything okay? What’s going on?
Kon sends Tim his best reassuring smile, trying to act normal. “Nothing! Everything is fine. You’re just so cute all bundled up like that, it’s slightly distracting.” It wasn’t a complete lie at least.
Tim isn’t convinced and Kon, not for the first time, curses that he’s dating the best detective on the planet. His boyfriend stops walking and turns to face Kon fully, looking up at him with narrowed eyes. That’s Tim’s contemplating look, where he just stares, not saying anything as he waits for an answer.
Kon hates it when he’s on the receiving end of that look. They both know that he can’t keep things hidden when Tim uses it on him. He hates how deceiving it is.  
“It’s nothing! Seriously Tim, everything is fine. It’s right as rain as they say!” Kon lets out an awkward humourless laugh before turning away from Tim, feeling his face heat up with embarrassment.
He hears Tim sigh. “Well if that isn’t a clear indication that something is up then I don’t know what is. Kon, come on, it’s me. You can tell me anything.”
Avoiding Tim’s gaze, Kon keeps his eyes on the ground and mumbles his response, finally giving in. He knows how stupid it is and he knows he’s going to be teased to hell about it.
“What?” Tim questions gently, not understanding the mumbling.
“Can I hold your hand?” Kon repeats himself still not looking at Tim. However once he admitted it it’s like he couldn’t stop the words pouring out of his mouth. “I just want to hold your hand but you’re holding the cup which is keeping both of them warm and I didn’t want to interrupt that so I haven’t said anything and I know how stupid it is that’s why I-”
Kon’s one-breath ramble is interrupted by Tim pressing his lips to Kon’s in a light kiss. It’s effective and immediately shuts him up. As Tim goes to pull away Kon chases his lips and coaxes him into another, slightly longer kiss.
This time when they separate, Kon lets him go and Tim is staring at him with an amused expression. “So this entire time you’ve been acting off is because you wanted to hold my hand?”
Kon hums, unable to say anything.
He doesn’t know what Tim is thinking, and for a moment Kon’s pretty sure his boyfriend is about to make fun of him but he’s proven wrong when all Tim does is hold out a hand towards Kon while the other clutches his coffee.
Kon finally looks at Tim and meets his gaze with an almost impish smile as he reaches out and grasps Tim’s hand in his. As Kon laces their fingers together it’s like everything slots into place and Kon can relax once again.
“Better?” Tim asks genuinely, and Kon appreciates that there wasn’t any hints of teasing in his tone.
“Yeah,” Kon agrees, “much better.”
If Tim has questions about the odd behaviour, he doesn’t voice them. All he does is send Kon a soft smile and starts walking again. Later on Kon will try and work out why he happened to be so worked up over the simple gesture, he was probably way over thinking the action. However, for now, since he’s finally getting what he wanted he’s going to enjoy it.
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awhitehead17 · 3 years
100 ways to say I love you - TimKon edition:
Number 32: “It looks good on you.” 
Enjoy! :D 
Once he noticed it, he couldn’t look away. Tim stares at Kon’s hands as his boyfriend wildly waves them around as he tells his story about his recent trip to the farmers market, how apparently the old lady running it had started arguing with him about oranges.
Tim’s not entirely sure on the context behind it, he kind of stopped listening the moment he caught a glimpse of Kon’s hands, or more specifically his nails.
Sometime between now and when Tim last saw Kon three days ago, Kon painted his nails a deep red colour, perhaps maroon if he had to put a name to it. All ten nails were painted, looking like they were really well done too.
Tim doesn’t know why he seems to be caught off guard by it. He guesses that it’s just something different and he hadn’t been expected it. Not that Kon needs to consult him on anything he does with his body of course, he really isn’t one of those partners, he couldn’t care less about what Kon does. As long as Kon’s sure and happy about his decisions then Tim really doesn’t care.
He can’t help but think that the painted nails actually look good on Kon, they suit him. Perhaps it’s the colour? The maroon certainly blends in well with the plaid shirt he’s wearing over his usual black t-shirt and jeans.
Snapping fingers in front of his face gets his attention. Tim blinks and looks up at Kon who’s pouting at him. “Dude, are you even listening to what I’m saying?”
Tim shakes his head. “Uh no.” There’s no point lying about it. He sends Kon a sheepish smile. “Sorry, what were you saying? Something about an old lady and oranges?”
Kon waves his hand, dismissing the conversation and sits down next to Tim on the couch. The action doesn’t do anything helpful because it only draws Tim’s attention back to the painted nails.
“Ah forget it, it was just a bizarre situation that’s all.” Kon sees the moment his attention drifts and gives him an exasperated look. “Dude! What is going on with you?”
Instead of saying anything Tim simply reaches over and grasps one of Kon’s hands in his own. He brings it up close to his face and studies his boyfriend’s nails closely, now having the opportunity to properly look at them.
Kon lets him fiddle with his hand for a long moment before finally asking the expected question. “Is there something wrong with my hand, is that what’s got you distracted? You do realise it’s a bit early to be even thinking about anything like that right? As much as I would love to I don’t think now is the appropriate time.”
Kon’s suggestive comment breaks Tim’s haze and he sends his boyfriend a disapproving and unimpressed look.
“For starters I wasn’t even thinking about anything like that, get your mind out the gutter-”
“Who’s mind is dirtier if you knew what I meant without even saying anything?”
“-and secondly, I was looking at your nails. When did you paint them? And why?”
Kon’s playful grin turns into a frown at Tim’s questions. “You don’t like my nails?” He suddenly sounds so insecure that it breaks Tim’s heart to see him like that.
Tim shakes his head and tries to dismiss any negative thoughts Kon may be having about it. “Actually I really like them. It looks good on you, the colour at least certainly does.”
A shy smile takes over Kon’s face. “Yeah? To be fair it’s not something I would ever actually consider doing myself. The only reason they are painted is because I babysat some kids in Smallville the other day. Two preteen girls, daughters of a friend of Ma’s, they asked if I wouldn’t mind watching over them while the parents pop out of town for the day.”
Tim gives Kon his hand back and settles into the back of the couch as Kon tells his story, this time Tim actually listens.
“Do you know how hard it is to entertain preteens? I was so out of my element. One of them happened to have lots of make-up and somehow that lead to me getting my nails painted. I figured there was no harm in letting them do it so I allowed it, it kept them distracted and all I had to do was sit there.”  
“Well it’s cute,” Tim comments amusedly, “I wasn’t expecting it but it doesn’t look bad. What did the Kent’s say about it?”
Kon shrugs. “Nothing, didn’t even bat an eyelid.”
“Just expect to get your nails painted again if you babysit them another time.” Tim says smiling.
Kon hums before he moves on the couch and stretches over to wrap his arms around Tim’s waist. In one movement he lifts Tim up off the couch and places him in his lap. Kon’s arms circle around his torso and he hooks his chin over Tim’s shoulder, keeping him there pressed closely.
Tim huffs in amusement at the manhandling but allows it. He’s being cuddled by Kon, in what world would he refuse that?
“That’s a possibility,” Kon speaks up in the end, “anyway, enough about me, what have you been up too recently?”
Not minding the topic change, Tim laces their fingers together and starts telling Kon about the most recent outing he and Dick had the previous day.
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awhitehead17 · 3 years
100 ways to say I love you - TimKon edition:
Number 55: “I don’t mind.” 
Enjoy! :D
“Master Conner, it’s good to see you. I’ve already prepared Master Tim’s bedroom and I’ll be up in a moment with some refreshments and medicine.”
Kon nods at the elderly man, sending him a warm smile. “Thank you Alfred.” Alfred returns the smile and exits the foyer. Once he’s gone Kon turns his attention to Tim who currently has an arm thrown over his shoulders so Kon could help support him. Kon gently nudges him to get his attention. “Hey, you okay?”
“I’m fine.” Tim snaps. Not making eye contact with him, Tim keeps his stare straight ahead and starts moving forward which makes Kon follow suit. “Let’s just get to my room.”
Kon wants to argue with Tim, clearly he isn’t alright because it’s easy to see that he’s in pain and is suffering. Instead he keeps his mouth shut and helps Tim shuffle along towards the staircase that leads up to where the bedrooms are located on the first floor.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to pick you up? It’ll be much easier and I don’t-”
“For the last time Conner, no. I don’t want you to carry me. I can walk. It’s my damned hands and side that’s injured not my legs.”
Tim still isn’t looking at him, his focus now on the ground so he could watch where he’s stepping as they take one stair at a time. It hurts Kon that Tim is closing himself off like this. That he isn’t letting himself be vulnerable or to be helped and cared for. The best compromise they could come to is Tim letting Kon support him home and to support him to his bedroom once they arrived.
For a reason Kon doesn’t yet know, Tim is blocking everyone out. It’s like he’s reverted back to his old ways of not asking or seeking for help when he needs it, back to when he didn’t accept the fact that it is okay to ask for help.
During the last mission Tim got badly injured. There are a mixture of first, second and third degree burns covering his body. There’s a slash wound up his side and he’s also got a couple fractured ribs. The burns are the worst on his hands, both are now blistered as a result although his right is much more severe than his left, the doctors are hopeful he’ll gain full function of them both again however it’s just going to take some time.
Tim’s torso makes it look like he’s trying to impersonate a mummy. It’s completely covered in a range of bandages for different reasons. The main span of his chest and stomach has been burnt, it’s blistered in some areas but is only tender in others. It’s all been treated and wrapped, the doctors claimed he’s lucky as it could’ve been much worse but he’ll make a full recovery. His ribs have also been set and wrapped to the best as they could have been considering the other injuries. The wound on his side has several stitches in it, the injury itself hadn’t been deep but it had been wide so the stitches are there for precautionary reasons.
During down time of the mission the Titan’s had been caught off guard. Tim got hit with the brunt of the attack, only wearing half of his suit at the time, hence why the injuries are so bad. Kon hadn’t been there at the time of the attack, having gone away to restock some supplies, so what he knows has come from what the others have told him.
After a week back at the tower Tim stubbornly declared he wanted to return to Gotham. The Titan’s tried reasoning with him but Tim wasn’t listening to any of it, to help ease their minds Kon decided to go to the Manor with him, that and also because he wanted to be there for boyfriend in any way he can.
When they get to Tim’s room, Kon guides Tim inside and helps him over to the bed. Tim gingerly sits down on the edge of the mattress and takes a deep breath to steady himself. He goes through the cycle a couple times while Kon stands to the side hovering worriedly.
Unfortunately standing to the side while Tim battles the pain from his wounds isn’t new, Kon’s experienced it way more times than he would ever want to. Each and every time it happens he can’t help that feeling of uselessness wash over him as he watches his boyfriend struggle. There are times when it’s easier like when Tim willingly asks for help, knowing he doesn’t have to face anything alone, however there are times when he refuses help, like now, and that makes it harder to deal with. Kon loves Tim to pieces but it’s a hard battle each and every time.
Tim opens his eyes and finally looks at him. Kon could see the exhaustion in them as well as the pain and suffering he’s currently enduring. It breaks his heart to see Tim like it.
“I’m going to get some rest…” Tim whispers glancing away from him to the bed he’s sitting on.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Kon responds in the same tone, he takes a step forward on autopilot towards him, “why don’t I-”
Kon immediately halts in his tracks at Tim’s yell. He stares wide-eyed at his boyfriend, frozen on the spot unsure on how to proceed.
Tim’s eyes are clenched closed and he’s holding up his less-injured hand in a stopping gesture. “No. I can do it.” Tim’s voice is strained and Kon could hear how much pain he’s in. He just can’t understand why Tim won’t let him help.
“No Conner.”
They both stay frozen in place, Kon standing to the side staring at Tim while Tim sits on the bed breathing deeply with his eyes closed. Several beats go by where neither one of them move, it’s like they’re waiting for a spell to be undone so they could set in motion again.
Surprisingly what breaks the spell is the quiet sound of a sniffle. It wouldn’t have been noticeable if they were in anything but absolute silence. Kon trains his eyes on Tim, watching him like a hawk, and he catches the barest of movements. How he takes a longer and deeper breath, how his breathing ends up hitching, the way he sniffles again, the way he swallows thickly and how he clenches his eyes shut even tighter.
Kon restrains himself from going over to him despite how much he desperately wants to. Tim doesn’t want to be touched and for now Kon is going to respect that but his resolve is quickly breaking. Even as he breaks down Tim tries to keep himself together and it shatters Kon’s heart to witness it.
When a tear slips down Tim's face Kon’s resolve breaks. He strides over to Tim and kneels down on the floor besides him. Without wasting any more time, Kon does what he’s been wanting to since the start and pulls Tim in close for a hug. He gently cradles Tim’s body against his own, guiding his head to rest against his neck and shoulder and holds him. Tim doesn’t fight him. He wraps his arms around Kon and presses in closer as a sob tears its way out of his throat.
After that the dam has broken and Tim openly cries against Kon, letting all the built up exhaustion, frustration and pain come out in a giant mess and Kon keeps hold of him the entire time.
It takes an unknown amount of time for Tim to calm down, until he’s quiet and limp against Kon. After a few moments Kon carefully moves Tim away from him so he could see his face, Tim blinks blearily at him, his eyes are now puffy and stained red and his face is all flushed. Kon reaches up and strokes his thumb across his cheeks, his palms cradling Tim’s face as he does so.
“m’rry…” Tim mumbles not meeting his eyes.
Kon frowns. “There's nothing to be sorry for Tim. How are you feeling?”
“Yeah I bet. C’mon, let’s get you into bed.” Even after his breakdown Kon could see that Tim seems hesitant about accepting help. Kon continues to stroke Tim’s skin softly. “Tim it’s okay to accept help. There’s nothing wrong with it, you know this. It doesn’t make you weak, it doesn’t change my opinion of you. Let me help you, I don’t mind, I’m here because I want to be.”
In response to that Tim raises his eyes up and meets Kon’s gaze. Kon lets Tim take all the time he needs, all he does is look back at the one he loves, waiting for him to make the next move because now it needs to be Tim's turn.
“Can you help me please?”
Unable to contain it a smile breaks out on Kon’s face. Warmth fills him as Tim asks the all-important question. Kon nods in answer, feeling himself well up with emotion because of the significance of it.
Kon turns his head and presses a kiss to Tim’s temple. “Of course I’ll help. I’ll always help no matter what.”
“Thank you Kon, for everything.”
Kon draws back and meets Tim’s eyes again. “Thank you for trusting me. Now let’s get you ready for bed, let you sleep some of this off. I’ll still be here with you tomorrow.”
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