#listening to these for science of course
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Oppenheimer Girlfriend and Barbie Boyfriend
(they’d do the double feature but they each have a clear favorite)
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cienie-isengardu · 4 months
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Kid Eileithyia, kid Ares and very concerned Zeus & Hera
<picture #1>
Eileithyia (still little) goddess of childbirth & midwifery: *retelling in great details the most horrible, bloody childbirth she assisted, when Ares was away from home* Ares (still little) god of war: SO COOL!
<picture #2>
Concerned Zeus and pregnant Hera: ...
<picture #3>
Zeus (to still unborn Hebe): Hebe? It's me, Zeus, your father - please, don't be like your siblings! You hear me? BE NORMAL! Hera (to still unborn Hebe): Yes baby, listen to your father!
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nessvn · 9 days
it's so irritating me when i take courses that heavily touch on religion or religious history and no one else in the class can fathom that people's religious beliefs are genuinely held and deeply central parts of their worldview. "why didn't the jews just convert to escape persecution/restrictions/taxation/etc." bc judaism isn't just some whim ??? bc if you genuinely believe in the torah then the thought of apostasy isn't just a savvy political move or whatever it's a violation of your sincerely held beliefs ??? the same goes for like "why would heretics be willing to burn at the stake for their beliefs" and obv the war against heresy was complex and had political as well as religious dimensions but also like. well they're willing to die for their beliefs bc they're not just "heretics" for the fun of it they genuinely believe that their way is the real path to salvation or whatever.
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bestial4ngel · 3 months
Girl help i can’t stop thinking of ideas for drag looks / performances now that I’ve done it once?? it was supposed to be a one time thing but I’m losing it over these ideas 😭
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drconnors · 11 months
curt connors vc: i care for all my mentees equally! there’s peter, gwendolyn and *looks at smudged writing on clipboard* harkins
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rook2ii · 4 months
i want to put. a bunch of characters from different things that are really passionate about science in a room together. like... some of them would be just interested by each other's creations and scientific knowledge and progress. others would be attempting to LITERALLY DISSECT EACH OTHER- entrapta
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llycaons · 6 months
I never really liked the kiss only on account of doesn't her neck hurt. and also the yellow is really overpowering. my mom recently told me she regrets not taking me to more art museums as a child because my cultural education has been neglected and I'm a stem girlie so I said I came out fine don't be preposterous
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euphoniouspandemonium · 6 months
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winglssdemon · 2 years
Weight loss does not automatically mean your body is eating your muscles and organs. The antivaxxer level of anti science on this site when it comes to weight loss is unbelievable.
Your body will only start "eating" your muscles if you're losing weight AND YOU DONT NEED TO AND ARE HEADED TO BEING UNDERWEIGHT.
HUGE REMINDER THAT THERE ARE TIMES WHEN WEIGHT LOSS CAN HELP DISABLED FOLK ESP FOLK WITH CHRONIC PAIN. It's not a cure-all but people with chronic pain experience large amounts of inflammation in the body and having excess adipose CAN cause inflammation just by itself. Compound that with extra weight on joints can make movement that may already be difficult even more difficult.
And while I'm on this rant, I'm SO sick of people acting like overeating and binging aren't disordered eating and also forms of self harm. I'm sick of the "body positive" activists who get SO mad that some fat people HAVE become fat through overeating and binging and want to talk about it. Like why can't those of us who gained weight through disordered behaviors actually talk about it? Why don't you talk about or let others talk about the fact that some people go from a restrictive eating disorder to a binge eating disorder.
Reasons Why I a Disabled Person decided to lose weight:
1. I knew I was eating too much junk food and not eating enough fruits and vegetables. So I started working on moderating how much junk food I was intaking and I have been trying really hard to make sure I choose healthier options.
2. My chest was/is too big. It was beginning to cause actual dysphoria issues along with the excess weight giving me constant shoulder and neck pain. Weight loss cannot be targeted at any specific part of your body, but overall weight loss can help you lose cup sizes.
3. The food was making my chronic pain worse. Many ultra processed foods are known to increase pain in people with chronic pain and it's been proven in multiple studies that eating a healthier diet can help decrease pain. It won't get rid of it, but it can help.
4. I was using food as a maladaptive coping mechanism. Stress eating is not actually helpful in the long run. Sure it makes you feel better while you're eating it, but once it's gone the problems, the pain, the stress is all still there.
5. I want to be able to use my crutches and KAFOs more often and having already lost a fair amount of weight, I can definitely 100% say that I have less difficulty using them than when I was at my heaviest. It's easier for myself to push myself in my wheelchair, and it's easier to propel myself in sled hockey. Among this, getting a bigger chair was just out of the question when I last ordered my most recent chair. The world is already so hostile to wheelchair users and spaces are already so narrow, it's easier to have a smaller chair if possible. Like we can talk all we want about how things need to be more accessible and universal design needs to be implemented everywhere so people in all sizes of wheelchairs esp those in power chairs, can get around easily without this being something to worry about, but at the end of the day, I want to be able to get through as best I can, and making sure I'm not going any bigger with my wheelchair is legit just something I have to do.
And you know what, even with all of these reasons, there's still the fact that people deserve bodily autonomy so if I want to safely lose weight for ANY reason, then that's my choice.
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aetherceuse · 1 year
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Intercom message in the Aether testing center!
"Dave Johnson here. Those of you who volunteered to be injected with Lurantis DNA, I've got some good news and bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of Lurantis men. Pick up a rifle and follow the yellow line. You'll know when the test starts."
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onyxxxxxxxxxxx · 2 years
how to write chem lab conclusion
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atvbs · 2 years
i find it so funny that back in hs everyone always assumed i took honors spanish 4 and ap physics. they genuinely thought i was in the class and knew what they were talking abt and i. was never there. i never signed up for them. lol.
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myxinidaes · 2 years
Think I've gotta relisten to all of my favorite wolf 359 episodes again. For science.
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agent-oo-z · 3 months
Being trans in the specific way I am is so wild sometimes.
I’m not a woman, but everyone around me sees me a woman shaped. I’m like a hyena. People see my shape and go “oh that’s a type of dog!” But I am not a type of dog. I am a type of cat. Just like hyenas.
But I filled the ecological niche most often filled by a type of dog so people treated me like a dog for so long that even now, knowing I am a cat, I look at dogs doing dogs things or having dog problems and I reminisce.
I was not ever really a dog. But I was told I was a dog. I was just a tomcat-ish dog. I trusted them because they knew better. I had to be a dog because everyone said I was a dog. And then I learned that Hyenas are Feliformia and not Caniformia and I realized I was not a dog. But the people who spent my whole life telling me I was a dog and treating me like a dog just sort of never stopped. They used the right words, most of the time. But they look at me and still see a dog.
Anyways TLDR being non-binary is wild. I know I’m not a woman. But I was raised a girl. And then I grew up into a ‘woman’ before I learned I could be neither man nor woman and just be me. And I have moments where I relate with the struggles and joys of woman-ness and I find myself thinking “but I am not a woman.” Even tho I know it doesn’t matter and that’s not how it works. I just wish I could be a hyena and relate to common dog experiences without having to defend my being a cat.
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navramanan · 7 months
my brain is sooooo fried i'm starting to question if the money is worth it lol
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Started a course for IT and ofcourse the first bit of code is displaying "Hello World!"
But my dudes
My broskies
I cannot pronounce words with "rl" sounds. I can code enough to display this in a few programming languages but I cannot say it in the English language 👍
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