#literal meow-meow-ification
rats-and-robots · 7 months
...... Oh, Tervantias definitely has more than four arms. Hm.
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butchhansolo · 1 year
Ok well now you've got me interested in your thoughts on crosshair, please go off on one I'll gladly read it
oh GOD where to even start
well first of all let me just put it on the table that i don't like the Crosshair Still Has His Inhibitor Chip Through To Season 2! camp like at all. sorry. i'm taking this way more seriously than i should but that's kind of the fun of it for me so here goes -- this theory does 2 things that i dislike about blorbo fandom-/woob-ification, for me: 1) his agency and flaws are wiped away in favour of crosshair being the universe's favourite punching bag pathetic little meow meow who everything bad happens to for no good reason just because they want to be mean to him through the deus ex It's Not His Fault Actually! mind control, granting him total absolution from, and 2) it completely ignores the narrative of the overall story which requires crosshair to have agency in his own decisions or else it all falls apart. there would be no weight to his poor decisions in the latter half of s1 and no weight to the batch letting him choose to stay with the empire. cody literally outlines the point of crosshair's narrative: "We make our own decisions. Our own choices. And we have to live with them too." -- the point is making bad choices and living with it and being better, the point is that he makes mistakes and is irrational and angry and so so heartbreakingly human, and as all humans do, just as he has a say in his misdeeds, he also has a say in choosing to be a better person than he was before.
having his chip be the influence causing him to do the idiotic shit he does is literally a detriment to his character at the point we're at now -- it makes him less interesting in favour of turning him into a Nothing sob story, and it's just a disservice to his character. even if s3 pulls it out of the bag as an A-Ha, Gotcha! where he does have his chip in, all that'll do is sink tbb to an F tier show for me because literally why. what's the point anymore.
crosshair is interesting/a favourite for me specifically because of how raw and human he is. he hates that his brothers left him behind enough to choose to side with the empire to spite them, but he still loves them so he keeps them safe from the empire despite it. he loves his brothers, he's a piece of shit, he protects those he's close to but that circle is comically small and he fails to recognize who it is that are in the same boat as him and who they should be facing as a common enemy (the regs and the empire, respectively) until it's shoved in his face (yaaaay character development). and he thinks he's special and talented and skilled enough to outpace the fact that he's a clone, he's naive enough to believe that the empire will ever see him as more than canon fodder just as long as he's useful, just as long as he's more useful than all the other clones, just as long as he's a good soldier, and permit me to connect this to my own experiences with being a minority but this in particular resonated because like. the people who hate me aren't ever going to see past what i was born as, no matter how much i put myself in a nice box and make myself palatable. and putting down others who don't do the same only harms the people who are my family. it's a worthy lesson to learn, and it has a lot of potential in crosshair's story, if they develop it further than the episodes we got with cody and mayday (doubtful given how kinda dogshit they are at committing time to these things but we'll see).
i guess in the end crosshair is compelling to me as a character who is all about growth. making bad decisions, choosing to be better, feeling and loving and caring too much or not enough and learning and growing and just being. human
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actualbird · 2 years
I was talking to someone abt how my cat always meows in front of my bedroom door because he wants to be let inside (even when I'm not in my room). And they told me that I should put up a sign for him that says "gone fishing" so he knows I'm not in the room and I immediately thought abt Giann Von Hagen Standard Operating Procedure x4 speedrun(tm) bc I literally reread the fic yesterday (it's amazing btw, I love the Von Hagens, I love polynxx that fic was like a dream come true). Btw idk if u even remember this one but I still think about your 'how to care for your dear friend who is currently stuck in his magical serpent form' fic on a daily basis.
omg ur cat sounds like a darling!!! we also have a cat here at home, owned by my older sister, and this cat also loves to sit at the doorway and meow Very Loudly but specifically when people have left the room and she wants people In The Room to Witness Her
witness her doing what??? not much. our cat just likes having a human present javkfjhaskf
cat ramble aside, hhHHH im so glad you enjoyed both those fics you mentioned 🥺🥺🥺
"standard operating procedure (x4 speedrun)" is going down in my personal hall of fame for many reasons, the biggest one being the fact that it was the first WIP in years that i managed to start, update, and complete without getting distracted by another other fic. genuinely, i have no idea how i did that back then i'd like some answers from past!zak...wHAT WAS YOUR SECRET?? AND HOW CAN I DO IT AGAIN 😭😭😭
i definitely have not forgotten about "how to care for your dear friend who is currently stuck in his magical serpent form", this WIP is very dear to me and ive mumbled a bit on twitter abt how i wanna turn marius back into a human and finish that fic once and for all with its 4th chapter before 2022 ends (an entire year-wait for probably de-noodle-ification and soul repair jahvsfkjahsfa) but...im very...Very Very hesitant....to make any promises whatsoever on my fic writing progress and schedule. like ajhsvfkajhsfvaks at this point, i just dont talk abt what im writing anymore bc i never stick to schedule anyway so. it will be as much as a surprise to me as it is to readers when my WIPs will update!! JHAJHDASJFH
still, it's rlly rlly nice to see that you enjoy both fics :')!!! the dragon!marius fic especially since it's from a while back and it's imcomplete haunts me everyday along with every other WIP i havent updated OTL
i too love the von hagens very much <3!! thank u for telling me abt ur cat! and the sign! and that u think abt my fics :'D
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applekitty · 3 years
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blairwitchh · 2 years
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Literally the meow meow-ification of Johnny Depp after he's literally admitted to being an abuser is So Gross and chilling and the fact that its only gonna get worse for victims of abuse because of it is so sad
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actualbird · 3 years
just wanted to say, i'm all for your cat boy marius agenda. you wouldn't happen to have any more, pretty please?
HAHA, thank u for the support for Meowrius von Nyah-gen 2021!!! heres all the contents ive done that even vaguely mention marius the catboy, from most recent to oldest:
minific: tot alice in wonderland au [in this one, marius is the cheshire cat and u have no idea how badly i wanna commission art of cheshirecat!marius aaaaaa]
screaming: meowrius von nyah-gen [this is jus a ramble on how truly feline marius is. hes so so so kitty cat...]
au/hcs: nxx team as genshin characters: part 1. part 2. part 3. part 4. [i mention marius is a catboy in this au as a throwaway line in part 1 but it still counts. hes neko-ified here]
fanart: puppy luke, kitty marius, bunny mc [quick doodles i did bc i need to point my furry-ification ray gun at tot characters]
au/hcs: NXX boys get turned into cats: part 1. part 2. [theyre ALL LITERALLY CATS in this one, but among the cat-ified boys, marius is winning the trophy for "Most Catlike Cat"]
aaaaand, a bonus: heres a video of a cat being swaddled and then SCREAMING ITS GODDAMN LUNGS OUT and i tagged it as #marius von hagen. and im right.
i hope u enjoy the content of this horrid little meow meow!!!! here, i made u a terrible gif
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