#literally cant interact in canon. dont care didnt ask gay boyfriends
risingsunresistance · 2 years
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happy pride *drops these and runs*
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Are they, are they not?
„GoodOmens“ content was flooding my dash for a while now.
At first I ignored it, but I grew more curious with every post about the show, cute fanart does that to you.
So i made an amazon prime account (thankfully there is a free month option) to check out for myself what that hype was all about:
Aka the two cents noone asked for.
I like bible story adaptations. Though I myself am not a believer, I love the concept of angels, demons, gods, mythical creatures, all that good stuff. Makes sweet fuel for the creativity engine.
I did enjoy the story, the story telling. I liked quite a lot of the characters. The humor. Cringed at some scenes and lines.
All in all the series was a solid 4,5 out of 5.
The big questionis: Are the angel Aziraphale and the demon Crowley a thing?
((Now I only watched the TV Series, never read the book. But as far as I am aware, what I could gather from tumblr posts anyway, there are quite a lot of differences, so they should be treated seperately.
What I could gather, in the book they held hands facing the Apocalypse, and at the end moved into a cottage together.
What I do know, is that in the series one of the angels that cornered Aziraphale to question him, called Crowley something along the lines of „your boyfriend with the sunglasses“.
If they arnt canon, why put a line like this in there. I mean yeah I guess its meant as harmless joke but did they really have to include that?))
- I have seen many opinions on this:
Some claim it is absolutely canon, refering to the creators confirming it in an interview.
- Others say they are just (best) friends.
- My friend told me she read an article where the creators (or one of them anyway) said that they cant be in a love relationship because celestial beings apparently dont have a concept of that kind of love. To which I call bullshit, because not only do they experience love for things like food or a bentley to the point they are „having a moment here“ when it burns down, to crying over the loss of a best friend.
Its not a huge leap from best friends to Significant others, rather its a pretty small step.
And before anyone says something along the lines „Just because they dont have sex on screen...“ yada yada. Of course they dont have to fuck to be a valid couple. I myself wish nothing more than  relationship stories that dont revolve around sex in this over sexualised world. Id love to see more Asexual rep.
I love their relationship: being fond of each others company, wanting to run off together, worrying for eachother, caring for eachother,  having fun together...but how hard would it be to say „I love you“ or hold hands while smiling lovingly at eachother. Because as cute as their interactions are, you COULD interpret it as just really close friends.
Hell, there are still a lot of people denying Korrasami (the lesbian couple from the show „the legend of Korra“), calling them gal pals and seeing their handholding and them longingly gazing at eachother as being really close friends. (disclaimer, Im not saying their relationship has been established in a perfect way with all the love triangle going on etc.)
- I read an article, where N.G said that it IS a love story, which kind of love, though, is up to the viewers interpretation. Which, to me, is one of the rudest things to say, especially as an supposed ally. What does he think have we been doing all these years? Starving for representation, the lgbt-etc community kept grasping at any ever so small hint, clinging to any for two same gendered individuals atypical interaction they could find, just to be shown the middle finger in the end.
Is it queerbaiting?
((If Im not mistaken the book and the series was written by two authors, and I dont know, to me, if its not both parties agreeing on them being gay, and only one pushing this narrative, then I wouldnt count it.
Also im not sure why he is practically begging for fanfictions. If your show is good and you have nice character you dont even have to say a thing and there are thousand fanfictions appearing every second. Mostly fetish/kink based porn fanfictions, but yeah.))
((Disclaimer: Before I get jumped, yes I know angels and demons have no gender, I am aware of that.
But they present themselves mostly as men. Sometimes as women.
So lets just say it would be a win for nonebinaries and homosexuals alike.))
Many shows like using queerbaiting to boost their views. Using interactions between two same gendered people, including romantice cues, to wake the illusion of a possible homosexual relationship, but keep it vague enough not to throw off the straight viewership.
And boy do the fish bite, just to be tossed into the grinder when the show is done and it turns out, hey those two characters were straight all along. Silly fish.
I mean, are straight people not tired of the „will they wont they trope“?
Also it bothers me how we have two celestial beings knowing eachother for thousands of years  with the potential of an enemies, to friends, to best friends, to significant others love story and get nothing (?).
But then we have two characters that literally just met, and they fuck in a storm because of a prophecy.
That scene threw me off. Did I miss something? Did they stop the storm by fucking? Also haha hes a virgin. And after that they are together.
That being said, in no way do I want to force the creators to change their characters into something they didnt envision them to be. But if you didnt plan it then stick to your actual plan and dont give people, who are starved for this kind of content, false hope so you can collect browny points and/or gain more viewers. And Im pretty sure making their interactions as gay as they are is a huge part why this show exploded so hard.
Also we should stop praising „browny point fishing creators“. (of any media)
In this case its absolutely valid to praise the creators of Good Omens for a good show, I liked the series too.  
But dont put them on the throne as saviors of the lgbt community.
((As I already mentioned, I liked the show, it was a cute little story with nice characters.
But I dont really want to invest my time and energy into supporting a noncanon pairing like I used to.
Its tiring and draining and ends in sadness. Id rather move on.))
This is a written mess and all over the place, so please do correct me on anything that I got wrong.
All I want to know is the truth.
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