#literally i never cite sources like that i always just link directly but tumblr is a fumblr
jyndor · 8 months
sliman mansour - also referred to as suleiman mansour - is a palestinian painter, sculptor and cartoonist. he was born one year before the nakba in 1947 in birzeit, which is north of ramallah. he now resides in jerusalem. mansour is one of the most famous palestinian artists of all time, and palestinian american artist samia halaby considers him to be part of the liberation art movement¹. his art focuses on the concept of samud², or "a firm rootedness in the land." he is a founder of the league of palestinian artists³.
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on using only palestinian materials during the first intifada⁴:
That was the philosophy of the intifada. When you read their literature and leaflets, it's about boycotting Israeli goods and trying to rely on ourselves. Most people were trying to do that, by planting their land or starting a small farm to live from. As an artist I thought, why don't we do the same? Why don't we search for natural materials to do our work from?
The mud came from my childhood memories. As a child I used to work with my grandmother when she was building beehives and even ovens with mud. And I was always around her, trying to help. So when I thought about material that I could use, mud was the first thing that came to my mind. After a while, once I started making figures, I realized that the mud also reflects the human fate with the cracks, people waiting to disappear, fall down and go away.
go take a look at his art. reblog with your favorite pieces of his.
mine is the village awakens (1988)
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jadaliyya interview with samia halaby
palestinian art by gannit ankori pg. 74
dw interview with sliman mansour
his website | insta
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