#literally it's my song I'm gatekeeping it
thepixelelf · 2 years
3! 6! 5! came on shuffle and i can’t believe golcha made the song just for u 😳 (no but rly i hear 3! 6! 5! and im like omg wow… ursa song 💕)
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real screenshot from spotify don't look it up
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melonnmiru · 1 year
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being a professional volleyball player had gotten kiyoomi an onslaught of— albeit, somewhat unhinged, fans.
he'd never say he hated his fans. in fact, he appreciated their constant support for his growth as both a person and a way too attractive volleyball player. however, the way some of them would show their support was rather... unique for his standards.
the two of you were sprawled out on the couch, you mindlessly scrolling through tiktok, and him ultimately deciding to do the same. this was one of the few times he ever even went on the damn app and the first thing he's greeted with is an edit of him from his most recent game. he somehow felt inclined to open the comments but a part of him knew his scowl would only deepen if he did.
you leaned over and tried to smooth out the crease in between his brows with a hum. "you gotta give them credit, 'omi. you look really hot there."
"it's a 15 second video of me drinking water."
"still hot."
he rolled his eyes, switching his phone off and leaning on your shoulder. you went back to running through his hair with one hand, and scrolling on tiktok with the other.
while kiyoomi was mainly focused on how nice it felt to have your fingers gently carding through his hair, he was also listening along to the random audios that played each time you scrolled onto another video. eventually, a song oddly familiar to kiyoomi started up on your phone.
kiyoomi paused, turning to look up at you in a comically slow manner with a grimace painted on his face. you bit back a laugh at his sour expression, batting your eyelashes back at him. "what's wrong, my sweetheart, honeybunch, sugarplum, light of my life?"
"ignoring those disgusting pet names— is that the same edit i just saw?"
the familiar song played faintly as you offered him an innocent grin. you glanced at your phone then back at him, quickly swiping up. "edit? don't know what you're talking about."
alas, the algorithm knew you a bit too well. maybe it was coming after you with the fact yet another kiyoomi edit popped up after you swiped. the two of you stared at the screen silently, your thumb sliding over to press another button.
"...what a coincidence, huh 'om-"
"did you just favorite it?"
you didn't respond. he shifted closer to grab your phone, you leaned away. this ultimately led to you and kiyoomi wrestling for your phone. as you two were tugging at your phone, it slid to unsurprisingly, another kiyoomi edit.
"i'm gatekeeping these, get off!"
"they're literally edits of me!"
eventually, he decided to dig his fingers in your sides, causing you to break into what sounded like a mixture of a scream and manic laughter. he smiled triumphantly, using his free hand to grab your phone from your— now weak grasp and going straight to your favorites.
he scrolled through the random collection of cooking tutorials he knows you won't do, cat videos you've shown him multiple times, and of course, edits of him. from clips of him from interviews to his monstrous spikes, you had it all.
"this is— an invasion of privacy!" you whined, trying to get your phone back to no avail. kiyoomi looked through all your saved edits with an amused look. "think you might be even more obsessed than these fans." he teased, his shoulders shaking as a chuckle escaped his lips.
"god, can't someone enjoy videos of their jaw-droppingly handsome, gorgeous, hot, attractive boyfriend in peace?"
"not when you're right next to said handsome boyfriend, watching those videos on the highest possible volume."
you waved off his quip, "details, details." you propped your head on his shoulder and watched in silent amusement as he regrettably decided to open the comments on one of the edits. he's not even sure how some of these comments slipped past community guidelines, while some were rather tame, gushing about how good he looked, some were so depraved he thought he was going to get permanent frown lines just by looking at them.
"if you though that was bad, you should see what i say on twitter."
for the sake of his sanity, kiyoomi decides against checking your twitter account.
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my 31 pending school reqs will not stop me from kiyoomi posting!!
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jointherebellion215 · 6 months
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John "Bucky" Egan x female!reader
Summary: A rare night out in London has Bucky coming to terms with his feelings for you.
Word Count: 2.9k
Tags: mechanic!reader, songbird!reader, female!reader, she/her pronouns used, drinking culture, cursing, mutual pining, moderate bouts of denial, insecurities, women supporting women because it's what we deserve, let's pretend that The Old Therebefore is an ancient Appalachian folk song in this universe, maybe she's a Mary Sue idgaf, I just wanted to write something happy so LET ME LIVE, WWII era, there's no Y/N but reader has the nickname "Birdie"
A/N: Yeah, I'm obsessed with Masters of the Air. I had to write something for my mans before the creative procrastination literally killed me. Please leave a like, comment, or even a reblog if you're so inclined :)
You can read my OC version of this story on AO3!
Songs Mentioned in This Fic:
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy by The Andrews Sisters
G.I. Jive by Johnny Mercer
The Ole Therebefore (Accapella) by Rachel Zegler
Disclaimer: I own nothing. This story and any recognizably named characters are based solely on dramatic portrayals of the characters from the series, not the real individuals they represent. All the respect to the actual service people who fought and died in the Second World War. Also, don't copy my writing without explicit permission. That includes you, you AI sonuvabitch.
Your heels clicked on the cobblestone streets, turning into the pub you’d heard so much about. You were out celebrating a very rare weekend off. The Brass had somehow allowed you and twenty other mechanics from base two days leave, so you took advantage of the opportunity and headed straight to London.
Your two best girlfriends from base were with you. Teresa was one of the toughest nurses you’d ever come across. She could give you a wide grin, crinkles around her hazel eyes, and reset a broken bone without breaking a sweat. It helps that she was already working towards becoming a nurse back in New Mexico, the war just sped along that process. You had bonded over your love of books, giving each other recommendations almost weekly.
You’d met Irene on the boat to England. She puked on your shoes almost thirty minutes exactly after leaving the port in New York. You gave a small grin, offering her a handkerchief and a piece of ginger candy and the rest was history. Finding out that she was a fellow mechanic was the icing on the cake. Coming in at a whopping five foot two, the spritely blonde could easily be found in a crowd with her loud Appalachian accent.
It seemed almost like fate for the three of you to have found each other. Being some of the few women on base naturally made you close, but you were closer with Irene and Teresa than any of the others. That’s not to say that you weren’t friends with any of the men, because you were. Friendly. 
All three of you were dressed to the nines, in contradiction to your everyday work wear. You all got ready together in your hotel room, giggling while you applied makeup here, spritzed some perfume there. You all felt confident and were ready to have a good time. You spotted some familiar faces and made your way over towards them, your friends linked arm-in-arm with you. Lemmons was the first to greet you.
Of the fifty men on the ground crew, Sgt. Ken Lemmons was the most welcoming of them all. From the get-go, he didn’t care if you were a man or woman. He just wanted to know that you were capable. You were sure he had to go through some hazing because of his age, which probably changed his perspective on gatekeeping the job. This made earning and maintaining respect a lot easier for the women on your crew. We all came over with the same goal, it was better for all if we just helped each other out.
“Hey Birdie! Nice to see you out and about.”
Ah, the famed nickname. You tend to hum and sing under your breath when elbow-deep in a project. It helps you pass the time and clear your mind. Of course, the rest of the ground crew quickly caught on to this habit of yours, which quickly earned you the nickname “Birdie”. You, of course, never sing solo in public, so this confuses anyone who’s not around you while you’re working. But the name stuck, so here you are. Birdie.
Chairs are quickly cleared for you and your friends, which you all graciously take. You go up to buy some drinks, knowing what your friends like, and quickly return with your drinks of choice. Conversation flows, laughs are shared, and a few drinking games are played over the next hours. Teresa soon speaks up on a topic you’d been hoping to avoid.
“Do you think he’ll be here tonight?”
You shrug and look into your drink, “Dunno. Why does it matter?”
Irene, the ever supportive best friend that she is, backs up Teresa. “What do you mean ‘why’? This is your chance to finally make a move!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You quickly deny, taking another sip.
An unladylike snort leaves Irene, “My ass! You and Major Egan have been making googly eyes at each other when you think the other’s not looking for months. I’m saying it’s time for you to perk your tits up, buck on over and ride that—!” You slam your drink on the table, pressing your hand over Irene’s mouth, heat rising to your cheeks in embarrassment.
“Are you insane?” You whisper harshly, looking around to make sure no one overheard you. You seem to be in the clear, which makes you calm down a bit. Irene pushes off your hand, takes a swig of her drink, and consults the person who started this whole conversation.
“Am I wrong?” You look to Teresa, who cringes slightly in agreement.
You gape at the pair of them. Normally, you were the median between the two girls who had vastly differing opinions. But this is what made them come to a consensus? Unbelievable.
“Look, I’m not saying that I don’t want to.” You start, which makes your friends nod encouragingly at you. “It’s just that… Is he really as interested as you think he is?”
They both groan and slump against each other, like they’d just run a marathon. Teresa sits up, scooching your chair in closer so that the three of you were in a private triangle, cut off from the rest of the group.
“Let’s look at the facts here, okay?” Teresa starts to tick off a finger with each point she and Irene make. But you seem to always have a rebuttal at the ready.
“He brings you coffee every morning.”
“I thought he does that for everyone.”
“He constantly fixes his hair when you’re around.”
“He takes care of his appearance!”
“He walks you to the mess hall every day for dinner.”
“We just happen to be going the same way. And we happen to have the same dinner schedule.”
“He read The Hobbit when you said how much you loved it.”
“He’s an adventurous guy, it’s an adventurous book, what’s not to like about it?”
“You two literally will walk and talk outside alone for hours.”
“A man can’t have a stimulating conversation with a woman?”
“He laughs at all your dumb jokes.”
“Hey! They’re not all dumb. Like, the one with the goose and the—”
“Point proven. Anyways! He has your picture in the inside pocket of his jacket.”
That one stops you in your tracks. You brain tries to justify this meaning but comes up blank.
“He…” You struggle with an excuse. “He…” Your best friends give victorious smirks in your direction.
“He… likes the extra padding in his jacket?” You stutter over what is possibly the most pathetic, sorry excuse you could have ever come up with.
“When are you gonna admit to yourself that he likes you? Like, actually truly likes you?” 
You gave a sad sigh, letting the insecurity you were feeling deep down come to the surface. “I just… He’s just so…” You had stomped down your feelings for so long that it was becoming hard to articulate what exactly you’re feeling.
“He just seems so unreal. Like, of everyone he could have chosen, why me? I mean, I know I’m great. But you’ve seen the other girls on base. They’re all so beautiful, smart, classy… and none of them are covered in engine oil ninety percent of the time.” You looked down at your hands, specks of grease and oil peeking out from beneath your nail beds. It seems like it would never completely wash out, no matter how hard you scrubbed. You hadn’t even painted your nails for this weekend, knowing it would be money wasted come Monday morning when you’re back on the clock.
Teresa and Irene share a look that you don’t see, then come forward and grab each of your hands. 
“The words you just used to describe those girls. All of that is you, Birdie. That and more. You being a mechanic doesn’t make you any less of a woman, and to hell with anyone else who thinks otherwise.”  You nodded in agreement, Irene’s words of encouragement slowly washing away your anxieties.
Teresa spoke up next, “You deserve someone who will rearrange the stars and the whole night sky for you. And I’m more than willing to bet that Major Egan is up for the job.” 
“Besides, none of that 'unreal' stuff. At the end of the day, John Egan is nothing more than a man. If he can’t look past his nose and his d—" You gave a squeak to cover up the vulgar word Irene was about to blurt in public. She rolled her eyes fondly and continued.
“If he can’t see what you’re worth and make the effort to treat you a hundred times better than that? That’s on him. Not you. You know what you deserve, and you deserve everything you want. Absolutely everything.”
You sniffed, happy tears coming to your eyes. You brought your best friends in for a hug, thanking them profusely. 
“Don’t sweat it,” Teresa grins into your shoulder “every girl needs to be pulled out of her well sometime.”
You pull back from the hug, grabbing your glass and tipping your head back, finishing the rest of your drink. “Even if he’s not gonna be here, let’s have a ball!” Your girlfriends cheer as the three of you go to the bar for refills.
One drink turns into two, which turns into a few more, and suddenly you’re buzzed. Your group are having a rambunctious time, Irene dancing by the local piano player. Once Irene looks over to you, she stops and whispers in the player’s ear. He nods, then starts a new tune. Irene starts up her voice, walking over to you and Teresa, encouraging you to join her. 
The alcohol has loosened you up enough that you don’t feel the nausea you usually associate with being perceived, so you join in the harmonies you and your friends have practiced in your bunks at night.
He was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way
He had a boogie style that no one else could play
He was the top man at his craft
But then his number came up and he was gone with the draft
Soon the whole pub was jumping and dancing along to the tune as you brought a new vibe to the pub. It was like a spark that started an entirely new night and everyone was eager to go on forever.
One song turns into an entire set, which ends with a full rendition of G.I. Jive, which had everyone singing along. It was a magical moment; made you feel like you were a part of something important.
Irene sidles up to you, giving you a hug. She says in your ear,
“I think it’s time to slow it down a bit. How about you sing that song I taught you.”
She means an old Appalachian folk song that’s been in her family for generations. You had heard her sing it one night and immediately loved the dark, but strong nature of the lyrics. It was an honor to learn it from her. 
“I don’t know, it’s your family’s song and…”
“And I can’t think of anyone better to sing it to these soldiers.” You gave each other a look, her slight eyebrow raise gave you the courage to nod in acceptance. She smiled, hugging you again, her voice yelled out to the crowd. 
“Birdie’s gonna sing solo!”
The announcement is met with raucous applause, Irene and Teresa shoving you towards a dodgy looking table. Crank offers a hand up, which you take gratefully. As you find your bearings on the tabletop, you quickly spin around and find all eyes on you. 
The crackling energy in the air seemed to simmer, the fast-beating hearts of the pubgoers recognizing a moment to acknowledge you. Nausea starts to make an appearance, but a deep breath quells the sensation within you for the time being.
You take another deep breath. Inhale, exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
You close your eyes, open your mouth, and sing.
Majors Gale Cleven and John Egan walk down the familiar street, one eager to catch up with his fellow countrymen’s alcohol intake, the other just happy to spend time with his friends. They were arriving later to the festivities due to being caught up in filling out reports. By far the worst part of having a higher rank was the paperwork.
“It’s pretty quiet.” Buck acknowledges. “They’re usually rowdier by this point.”
Bucky sniffs, shrugging off the concern. “Ah, it’s probably nothing.” 
As the two men approach the pub, they find that a crowd has formed. Soldiers, civilians, RAF, USAAF, old, young— people had obviously stopped to watch whatever was going on. It was dead silent, save for a voice singing. Was there a radio show on or something?
A familiar face peeks out at them from the crowd, DeMarco quickly waving them over. 
Bucky is quick to question, “Hey, what’s going on?” but is immediately shushed by nearby crowd members. Buck cringes in apology, despite not being the one to disturb the peace. His best friend, ever unshaken by the opinion of strangers, carries on.
DeMarco leans in, whispering, “Your girl’s taking us all to church.”
“My girl..?” Bucky’s nose scrunches in confusion. He makes space through the crowd and quickly makes sense of DeMarco’s words. It was you.
I’ll catch you up
When I’ve emptied my cup
When I’ve worn out my friends
When I’ve burned out both ends
Standing on a tabletop, watchful eyes sat all around you like baby ducks flocking to their mama. You were captivating everyone with each note and word that flows from your mouth. Damn, you've got a set of pipes— a voice that belongs on the radio, in concert halls, on Hollywood records. He had no idea.
His little Birdie.
“Wow.” Buck mutters in awe from behind him, and Bucky couldn’t be more in agreement.
When I’m pure like a dove
When I’ve learned how to love
He hadn’t noticed before, but her eyes were closed. Like she needed to concentrate on each and every breath she took, every single movement her body made, before letting them out in an angelic melody.
As if by divine intervention, her eyes pop open and lock on his as she belts “how to love” 
It could’ve been an eternity, for all he knows, the amount of time that they spent locked in each other’s gaze. The world pauses around them, everything frozen. Her eyes were already the kind to knock a man clean off his feet with a single gaze, but he thinks- for a brief moment- that his heart completely stops beating.
John Clarence Egan would swear every day from then on, until his dying breath, that the course of his life was altered in that very moment. He knew how it would continue from then on, and how it would end. How he wanted it to end.
Then the world starts back up and carries on.
Right here in the old therebefore
When nothing is left anymore
Her final hums are joined by a short blonde woman who stands nearby, another face he recognizes from base. 
The applause that picks up after the end of the song is near deafening. The star of the hour gives a shy smile, a quick curtsy and is given a hand to step down from the table.
Everyone soon starts mingling, the normal chatter of the bar returning. But Bucky is stuck in his spot, dumbfounded. In all the conversations you’d had together, somehow this never came up. He should’ve put two and two together, as he recalls overhearing your hums one morning as he made his daily coffee delivery to you. But you had been caught off guard, so much so that you tripped off the ladder you stood on and fell. Luckily, his quick reflexes kicked in to catch you before any serious injuries occurred. 
Remembering the sensation of his hands on your waist and thighs, face just inches from yours, sent his brain into a tailspin. That’s not even considering just how damn cute you were when, after a beat, you turned away from him and playfully mourned the cups of coffee that were splattered all over the hardstand.
“John. John?” A hand waving in front of his face knocks him out of his reverie. He blinks once, twice. Then looks to his best friend.
His voice comes out uncharacteristically weak in response, to which he then clears his throat and corrects. “Yes—yeah?” He pops the collar of his sheepskin jacket to try and hide the rampant red of his ears that signals the heat radiating from them.
Buck just shakes his head and gives him a knowing smile. “You sure know how to pick ‘em, Egan. Never thought I’d see the day.”
“See what day?” Bucky starts to consciously return to his body, leaning on the bar.
“The day when a girl finally knocks you on your ass. I knew you had a thing for her, but that?” He points to his face and motions to indicate where they had just been standing. “That’s something else. That’s something real.”
Bucky gives another shrug in response, to which Buck throws back an unconvinced frown. He turns his head to gaze over the pub patrons and is distracted by you once again. Any denial he was about to spout immediately dies in his mouth when you lock eyes with him again and give him a dazzling smile. The world starts to fade away again.
His heart pumps faster in his chest at the sight. Damnit. He sighs, telling his best friend the truth he’s been privately wrestling with for a while now, all the while keeping his eyes locked on yours.
“I know, Buck. I know.”
Bucky smiles back at you and is elated when your face lights up. You give him a wave.
“She kinda snuck up on me.”
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heedzhee-art · 6 days
more of my yapping about the fandom-given hetalia Ukraine name
I don't like the Katyusha Ukraine because in my opinion it doesn't suit her, and people constantly use the name incorrectly. basically, Katyusha is like a playful version of "Kateryna/Katya", but people write it like a formal first name pretty often (Katyusha Chernenko), no blame since it comes from a place of unfamiliarity with slavic languages, it's just a bit annoying. plus the word is associated with that one russian song that became popular during World War II god it just doesn't suit her at all in my opinion 😭
"Katyusha" is a diminutive form of the name Kateryna, except it's of russian origin; in Ukrainian the diminutive forms of the name are "Katrusya", "Katerynka", or less commonly "Katrunya"
historically, the russian empire and later the soviet union promoted russian at the expense of Ukrainian, leading to the suppression of Ukrainian culture and language. of course, some Ukrainians use Katyush/Katyusha as playful nicknames, because the blending of Ukrainian and russian, that's been caused by reoccurring russification, migration, and political influence, lead to mixed usage in everyday speech – it's a normal thing (surzhyk). it's not a crime to use this word or anything, I just find it ironic that the character that represents a nation constantly oppressed by russian imperialism, in hetalia only exists as a dependant and less important character to give russia more endearing relationships and make him more interesting, and then the Japanese fandom coincidentally has also chosen the russian word for her name (I assume it's after that popular soviet song)
really I feel there's not much Ukrainian about canon hetalia Ukraine, which seems to be a very common feeling among many of my Ukrainian friends who know about the character :/ they think she's cute and pretty, but when it comes to national identity and culture, she is not relatable even on a stereotypical level, and has little depth as a character
anyway, if you want some Ukrainian first names, here's a list of the ones I think sound fitting (SUBJECTIVE OPINION 😡)
Myroslava (love this one) - slavic origin, a combination of мир and слава, meaning peace and glory. it suits resilient and strong people
Olha/Olya (ОЛЯ UA!!!!!!!) - scandinavian origin (ukr. variant of Hélga). yea it's a really old and really common name that associates with the Kyivan Rus era, anyway I use it because of a meme and due to every Olya I've met building this collective Olya in my head that's literally how I also see Ukraine. she's such an Olya. it's hard to explain
Olena (not Olyena) - greek origin (ukr. variant of Helénē) came to Ukrainian through Church Slavic "Yelena" (not Yelyena)
Lesya - Ukrainian name deriving from "Olesya" which in turn derives from "Oleksandra". I'm very biased about it because it's one of my favourite female names, and also many Ukrainians associate it with Lesya Ukrayinka, which is the self-given title of an outstanding Ukrainian writer, translator and cultural figure
Halyna - likely greek origin and comes from "galēnē". I like it because I get to call her Halynka/Halya, I think it sounds cute
Tetyana - common slavic name, likely of roman origin, it just has a tender and pretty sound to it
these names are common in some or all other slavic languages, differing in varied phonetics
😑 I am NOT gatekeeping people from calling her "Kateryna", I just personally dislike Katyusha or russian Yekatyerina for her, and in my opinion the old russian-speaking fandom did a better job naming her Olha, even if that popularized the russian transcription for this same name (Olga)
my Ukraine is named Olha Tkachenko. I just like it the most and I've kind of grown used to it. whateva
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I will kiss you.
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yevgenyyyy · 1 month
a sincere note about @/benjicotblckwood
Hi. I'm making this post to alert the hotd fandom about the utterly disturbing behavior of user @/benjicotblckwood (their other blogs: soulsbrne, cregnstark). Some of you might already be familiar with this blog and their posts, since they constantly spam the "cregan stark" and "tom taylor" tags with their inbox messages. Some of you might already have them blocked.
I've filtered and blocked all the tags and blogs that I could, but I've honestly had enough, and I feel obligated to make this post, as I believe it concerns all of us as a fandom. The way they choose to "conduct" themselves on this platform is abhorrent, showing an acute lack of respect and consideration for other users, and worst of all, for some of the actors - real human beings - involved in the show. They have already deleted many of the posts that I show and link below (I wonder why), but these are only a few drops in an ocean. I didn't even bother to scroll that far on their blog.
I want to preface this by saying: whether you choose to read this in full or not, I am begging you not to send them hate or to harass them in any way, shape, or form. That is NEITHER my intention nor my purpose. If you are angry, disgusted, etc., please, please, please just report and/or block them. Don't engage with them.
For the past few months, together with the anons and blogs they enable (and who enable them in return), they have repeatedly made incredibly disgusting and sexually explicit comments about Tom Taylor and Kieran Burton, tagging almost all of the posts with the actors' names and/or the characters they play, thus clogging the tags with shit like this (I suspect that they have since deleted some of the tags):
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bonus: why was this post even tagged as Cregan Stark?
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To further demonstrate that they do not see Tom Taylor as a real person but rather as an object to hypersexualise, they read and reblogged rpf (real person fanfiction) of him:
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They have repeatedly stated that they comment on every instagram and tiktok post from Tom Taylor and Kieran Burton, asking them for their heights (and fuck knows what else). They themselves referred to this as harassment, which it very much is.
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what DO you say on twitter, benjicotblckwood?
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They constantly post clips and videos of Tom Taylor, where he is, who he is with, and what he is up to, often adding their own speculations and gross comments. This is literally cyberstalking. They even keep the things that he himself ends up deleting. (the post below is about a song Tom Taylor made and deleted)
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Here are links to some deleted posts that contained some of their invasive and disgusting comments about Tom Taylor, his body, etc.:
https://www.tumblr.com/benjicotblckwood/758267144930738176/i-love-and-hate-that-tom-is-so-mysterious-like-i?source=share [they talked about "gatekeeping" and not wanting to "share" Tom Taylor in this one, 'cause.... you know... he's not a real person, obviously]
They also zoomed in on Harry Collett's underwear:
https://www.tumblr.com/benjicotblckwood/758272062982930432/the-fact-that-you-zoomed-in-and-enhanced-the?source=share [deleted post]
https://www.tumblr.com/benjicotblckwood/758267589006884864/like-there-is-absolutely-no-way-harry-had-boxers?source=share [deleted post]
I assume, because they constantly appear in the tags with questionable content (I'm being polite), they have been getting called out by multiple people (admittedly, not in a constructive way aka via anon hate). They got incredibly defensive (used buzzfeed and others doing similar things as excuses), acted like they didn't know what they were being called out for, and eventually deleted most of the posts. Don't get it twisted. These aren't jokes. This isn't what fandoms are. This isn't what fandoms are for. This isn't about a "handful" of "jokes" from today or yesterday. This is about dozens and dozens of posts (many of them incredibly disgusting and invasive) about real human beings, made over months and months, every single day.
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Finally, I arrive at the reason why I'm making this post. They used the g*nocide in G*za to deflect from the shitshow on their blog. This isn't even performative activism. It's pure evil, in what I can only assume is an attempt to portray themselves as a good person who still has morals and empathy. As far as I'm aware, they have never ONCE shared a post, a fundraiser, anything about the topic on tumblr. But they chose this day, after responding to and deleting posts calling them out for their repulsive behavior online. This is beyond vile. This is fucking unacceptable.
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I will conclude by reiterating what I wrote earlier: Please do not send them hate. Please do not harass them in any way, shape, or form. Please just report and/or block them.
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dumbistsmartass · 6 months
Every Hatchetfield song explained badly in ten words or less
spoilers and also this is only the main trilogy not nightmare time.
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals - Yeah, he didn't like musicals
La Dee Dah Dah Day - "the dogs are my meal"
What Do You Want, Paul? - "please god have an I want song"
Cup of Roasted Coffee - If I had to sing working retail I'd kill someone
Cup of Poisoned Coffee - oh hey, they killed someone
Show Me Your Hands - this is what cops think 24/7
You Tied up My Heart - gaslight, gatekeep, girl bossing your way to mariticide
Join Us (And Die) - Guts Magee and Brainiac explain why you should KYS
Not Your Seed - "it's your fault your daughter is dead bitch"
Show Stoppin Number - He had a point but like no
America Is Great Again - you know what it's a joke about
Let Him Come - they know he's the main character
Let It Out - Is it an identify crisis or possession
Inevitable - a beautifully haunting ending
Tickle-Me Wiggly Jingle - what the actual fuck is this?
What Tim Wants - what can I say, it's sad
Califor.M.I.A. - they really want you to bond with these characters
What Do You Say? - everyone is too invested in these twos relationship
Our Doors Are Open - "shopping will fill the hole in your heart"
Feast Or Famine - this is real footage when the new iPhone comes out
Monsters and Men - He's fucking back!
Deck The Halls - we got a full working boys, we could get this
Take Me Back - I'll be real I skipped this one on rewatch
Adore Me - haunting when you don't say the shit part
Do You Want To Play? - a reversal of who you're told to trust
Made In America - we let him in via consumerism, amazing capitalism critique
Black Friday - me singing a musical as I'm being choked out
Monsters and Men (Reprise) - This guy is so cool
If I Fail You - "are we the baddies?"
Wiggle - Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle
What If Tomorrow Comes? - So she is seeing the other Hatchetfields right?
High School Is Killing Me - they really spoil the people who die first song huh?
Literal Monster - shove yourself in your locker
Cool As I Think I Am - you think you're cooler then you think you are
Dirty Girl - makes me genuinely uncomfortable, skip it
Bully The Bully - interesting plan, let's see how It plays out
Bury The Bully - oh... that got dark fast
Go Go Nighthawks! - everyone is happier now that this bitch is gone
Nerdy Prudes Must Die - to be fair, you did kill him
Hatchet Town - mass panic is so hip
Just For Once - we all though the light was gonna fall on her
If I Loved You - they are in so much denial
The Summoning - Wiggly want you to kill your crush
Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise) - really tragic, trying to convince the other to sacrifice them
The Best Of You - I'm so glad it didn't end with everyone dead again
Dirty Dudes Must Die - When you give a Christian a little dark magic
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xx-emowarz-xx · 10 months
Also here's the thing about Taylor Swift calling herself "goth punk". There is literally nothing stoping her from listening to a bunch of goth and punk music for inspiration and making a genre and aesthetic switch. None of us would listen to it and we'd all bully her for it but she's very rich she doesn't have to notice us doing that. But instead of putting on corpse paint she's putting on clown makeup and walking out here like "Better Than Revenge had an electric guitar in it so basically I'm super edgy." And then the egirl Swifties wonder why we gatekeep. It's because the scene is a rich subculture with audacious fashion and experimental music which pushes boundaries and y'all want to demean it until it means a girl in shien leggings who listens to Paramore but only Still Into You and Ain't It Fun. I know the same bitches who are drawing little black hearts on their cheeks and getting mad about us gatekeeping against people who have never even heard a Siouxie song are the same people who threw eraser bits into my hair in middle school when I had it teased up and bullied me for wearing a choker I made out of a belt. You want to be cool and jaded like us but you don't want to actually be cringey enough to dress like and listen to the same music as the freak tranny you went to school with who wore socks on his arms and safety pins in his ears, well guess what that's what goth and emo and punk is. When you're the outcast, and you've been singled out your whole life, dressing scary and listening to loud music and getting angry and using the aesthetics of pain and death become a way to take your power back. They can't accept and embrace that weirdo outsider element and that's why they'll never be genuine. They don't care about that shit they just want to be someone's goth gf.
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clarabowmp3 · 3 months
hate brigade? I'm sorry but joe alwyn is directly responsible for a lot of the mental hurt that taylor will have to deal with for the rest of her life. I don't understand how people can hear sll, half the songs on midnights not to mention the anxiety ridden lover album and not see the emotional gaslighting joe was putting taylor through! Like that takes a toll and fans qnd the general public alike has a right to call that out. Now he's saying ish about tayvis when none of this concerns him?? Like if that's not manipulative, my name is Bennett cuz he's literally re inserting himself into the ex he resented' life. Unhinged if you ask me. So I don't think it's fair to characterize people as doing the most in this case. Alwyn could have just kept quiet and ate and ate food but now he deserves the dragging. Peace.
wowww wow okay so a couple of things:
we don't know much about their relationship. all we have is speculation based on taylor's lyrics, but we have to remember she is an unreliable narrator, so at best we can take them with a grain of salt. that is excluding how she might have modified certain things to present herself in a favourable light. I'm not saying she did or didn't, but it's a possibility. I say this because of how she's written music about her cheating. She very obviously focuses on how she was feeling and what led her to cheat, rather than her considerations of how it would affect her partner, which I think is yet another manifestation of how she perpetuates her victim narrative. I'm not saying all cheaters are villains, there's definitely some complex emotions involved, but she writes in such a way so as to encourage the reader to root for her by default.
This plays into her desire to be seen as the underdog or hero that everyone wants to support. She did this with Miss Americana too where she spun this whole standing up for women and other marginalised groups narrative, which I think contributed to being a swiftie becoming a trend, along with her whole 'relatable' schtick, fostering personal relationships etc.
There is nothing wrong with liking her music (I'm not gatekeeping), my issue is with people who treat becoming a swiftie as some girl scouts patch to earn by ripping into her 'enemies,' most popularly her exes. Naturally, he has been put through hell on social media since the break-up, up till ttpd dropped and the attention shifted to matty instead.
I agree that many of her love songs from as early as lover are anxiety-ridden, but I think that speaks more to her personality rather than his actions. Certain events may have transpired and he might have acted in a certain way which made her feel insecure etc but we have no reason to think he did it maliciously. What we do have is reason to think this is extremely unlikely. 2016 was rough man, no one knew if she would ever recover from #taylorswiftisoverparty, and yet he still stuck around. To me I think that shows he genuinely cared about her, something taylor has also thought.
Could you elaborate on the emotional gaslighting he has done, (and hence the "mental hurt" he has caused her) keeping in mind all those other reasons why her music is not an accurate source of info ^^?
getting more specific with sll, I don't see how he did anything wrong? I don't want to get too much into it but I know what it feels like to be burdened by someone else's mental health issues, and I do feel irritated by it at times, even though at the end of the day I know it's something they can't control. There's nothing wrong with creating art about difficult emotions, but I think she did not need to release it for the whole world to hear, knowing that they know who she is talking about. The song itself isn't too egregious, she just expresses her frustration with the whole situation ("you'll find someone," "I'm not the one" -> even she doesn't blame him for anything let alone the emotional gaslighting you're accusing him of anon what are you on 😭) the main problem is when people like you use it to villainise joe. like explain to me what part of it shows his gaslighting
For context here is what the whole deuxmoi thing is about, taken from this post:
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You can clearly see that he was expressing an opinion on what he thought was a private enough setting. How could he have known he was going to be overheard and it was going to leak to the internet and eventually reach taylor (if any of this ie even true)? She is his ex of 6 years and it's only been a year since their breakup, I think it's fine that he's still somewhat emotionally occupied with her. We don't know if he obsesses about her every day and since the London travis thing is pretty recent, maybe it was just on his mind that day? Also why does he have to keep quiet? taylor can write whatever she wants in her songs, I think he is more than justified to have a conversation in public. We have no reason to think he meant for this to get out or to "[re-insert] himself into the ex he resented' life," as you put it.
to end off, anon I really think you should touch grass (and I'm not trying to be condescending here) because it feels like you're blowing up select details out of proportion to fit the narrative taylor has created through her music. We don't know how accurate that narrative is.
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symeona · 2 months
💀Ok not to engage in music discourse about Ghost of all freakin things
But eh it's still about art, I have 2 cents. Here's the deal, gatekeeping what good and bad art is, to me, is way more cringeworthy and unnecessary than whatever "ipad kid who listens to ghost and thinks it's REAL metal". Like y'all smell bad, if this is what comes out of your mouth on the regular. Respectfully.
I have listened to 5 Ghost songs so maybe I'm not an expert but their music is literally a vibe. Psychedelic metal fucks so severely what is wrong with y'all. I don't dictate what is or isn't metal, but I'm a huge fan of power metal, as people call it. That said I still enjoy Amaranthe, who is more pop-metal. I don't believe their music is bad just because it's pop. And I don't feel the need to stick to the "good genres" instead of the "bad" ones. I like what I like, particularly songs that have a story in them. Ghost has at least 5 of these lil guys.
If that story is told "badly" or not is irrelevant to me. I can enjoy a "bad" drawing just as much as a "good" one. Cause to me, it's not about that. Yes, there is something to be said about all the work one has to put in, in order to make art "good". For sure. I've put in gallons of sweat, blood and tears, I get it's hard. But similar to my art, I'm sure Ghost's members individually put a lot of effort into their art pieces. Yes, the music itself is still not something I listen to everyday but I can appreciate it from time to time.
Because I find it's more valuable to find something to enjoy about all manner of art, ipad kid metal included. You can be a hater. That's fine. But for the rest, I'd like to ask for a minute where you consider why it's socially acceptable to call art "bad" instead of just owning that you're a hater. Why not say "oof I hate this", why does it have to be BAD before you hate it?
Tldr: I don't think any type of art can ever truly be BAD, but you're allowed to not like it. Just please take ownership of your feelings and be honest, you don't need a reason to not like something. Just like, you don't need a reason to like something.
But if it's about art, I suggest working hard to get on the artist's level before you judge them so severely, like damn. I for one will judge Picasso's fuckshit awful art, his classical pieces are literal dogshit. He did not surpass Raphael, I think he was too busy preying on minors for those alleged 4 years, and I wish I could shove the The School of Athens up his mold infested asshole. And I'm confident I can grab any Raphael-apparently-level art piece of his and paint it better. I'm such a hater, I hope my hate for his art is on my tombstone in writing one day. And I don't have to separate the art from the artist if I hate both✨
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cuntydreamgirl · 1 month
short n sweet review
(don't shit on me)
LOVE LOVE LOVE short n sweet wins #1 for the cuntiest most unhinged lyrics. basically sabrina carpenter is the dreamiest girl with the dreamiest voice.
here's my perfect ranking (excluding espresso and please please please):
sharpest tool | where's the hype for the best track on short n sweet? it's not being talked about enough BUT that's fine, i'll gatekeep. anyway, you're so hot and perfect if this is your #1. hear me out, it's very maisie x harry, it's bugging me that i can't pinpoint how but it just makes sense somehow. intro is heavenly, chorus is gorgeous, just perfect.
juno | pop fucking perfection. so close to replicating the serotonin I get from listening to guilty as sin? which says a lot because i am still addicted to that song. literally to die for, sabrina outdid herself with this one
lie to girls | sister to boyfriends by harry styles iykyk. self-explanatory. LOOOOOOOOVE
bed chem | "where art thou? why not uponeth me?" was all I needed to hear for this to be top 5. it's hot, flirty, and fun
slim pickins | okay dolly parton!!! she sounds insane!!! relate too this one too hard & it's not fair
don't smile | she's so petty and i love her for it. scrumptious track. i know i'll be ranking this one higher eventually. 100% sure it's going to be one of the most underrated songs of the album
dumb & poetic | short n sweet literally. should've been longer and vocals like honey. we needed more songs like this one!!!!
good graces | very ariana grande
coincidence | lyrics are so funny and clever
taste | ....mv makes it 100000/10 because they're both perfect gorgeous stunning and i do like it but it's just not a song i'd play on my own
overall i'm obsessed, infinite gold stars for how witty and fun she is. i don't know how to describe it other than that it's the perfect getting ready album. very high energy and girly. just imagine doing your makeup and hair while blasting this (unreal). BUT BUT BUT i won't lie, other than my top 3, i wouldn't really seek out any of these songs to replay over and over yk. i really REALLY wish we got more ballads and songs that showed just how powerful her vocals really are. and even though i know i wasn't wow'ed by most songs, i know they'd all be 10/10 live because she's an insane performer and the atmosphere would be dreamlike (kind of like tpwk by harry, i never ever ever play that song but live it was probably one of my favorites because of the energy). anyway don't come for me, i really do like it. I can't wait to listen to it as I walk through campus
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Eddie Munson + potential Iron Maiden references
because I'm hyperfixiating and desperate. Also apparently not everyone was raised on 80s metal, so this might be new to some people and gatekeeping is lame. None of this is confirmed obviously and I'm probably reaching but here we go
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let's start with the most obvious one: This is Iron Maiden's mascot. His name is Eddie. He's been on every single album cover, most single covers, merch, posters... He looks a little different every time, but he's always undead.
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This is the cover artwork for the 1982 album The Number of the Beast. It features A huge version of Eddie, controlling the strings of a red, devil-like creature, which in turn holds the strings of a tiny version of Eddie. The Devil (Vecna, there I said it) is not shown to be aware of Big Eddie controlling him. It's all very double agent, The Spy parallel. Also if you take just the frame of Big Eddie's hand and the devil, it looks A LOT like Eddie Munson's puppetmaster tattoo. With a little fantasy and even more reaching there's also some vaguely mindflayery shape in the background of the image.
(probably irrelevant but still fun fact: This album was released on March 22nd 1982 - EXACTLY four years before Eddie Munson became the main suspect in Chrissy's death)
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This one speaks for itself. We've all seen the Eddie prequel book that's gonna come out later this year with literally the same title as this 1983 song.
Interestingly, Eddie has batwings here, aka KAS THEORY CONFIRMED?
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This one, holy shit. This is the artwork for the 1986 (!) album Somewhere in Time, and if the year and title weren't enough, there is so much more.
1. Again starting with the most obvious: There is a graffito on the wall to the very right that literally says EDDIE LIVES.
2. Under the graffito we see a hand reaching up from the ground (grave?). The version of Eddie that we get here is a cyborg, and the hand on the ground looks very cyborg-esque as well. The band members are seen a little towards the left as normal humans, so it's not like everyone's just a cyborg in this world. Ergo the hand belongs to a second Eddie, which is very in line with the whole "there is another timeline with shadow selves"-theory.
3. The red clouds in the background are very vecna-y.
4. The little winged figure from the Flight of Icarus cover is seen left of the big tower in the middle.
5. The neon sign of the movie theatre to the very bottom left contains the words "Live After Death" (illegible here, but it's there!)
6. The lyrics on this album! In particular Wasted Years, featuring the lines "But now it seems I'm just a stranger to myself
And all the things I sometimes do, it isn't me but someone else"
- again, very much in line with shadow selves. And even more Stranger in a Strange Land:
"Was many years ago that I left home and came this way
I was a young man full of hopes and dreams
But now it seems to me that all is lost and nothing gained
Sometimes things ain't what they seem
No brave new world, no brave new world
No brave new world, no brave new world
Night and day I scan horizon, sea and sky
My spirit wanders endlessly
Until the day will dawn and friends from home discover why
Hear me calling, rescue me
Set me free, set me free
Lost in this place and leave no trace
Stranger in a strange land
Land of ice and snow
Trapped inside this prison
Lost and far from home
They found his body lying where it fell on that day
Preserved in time for all to see
No brave new world, no brave new world
Lost in this place, and leave no trace
What became of the man that started
All are gone and their souls departed
Left me here in this place so all alone"
Does that sound like someone left for dead in the Upside Down or is that just me?
7. idk a fuckload more in the cover probablay because it's wild.
Bonus Metallica fact: Master of Puppets was released on March 3rd 1986. Eeven if he bought the album the day it was released (he would) that would have given him under three weeks to rehearse it so much that he could give the most metal concert ever on March 27th.
Anyway that's just from the top of my head; I might add on to it if/when I think of more. PLEASE spam me with your theories I beg you.
Side note: Contrary to popular belief, if you got into metal because of Eddie: That's awesome! Welcome! Again, gatekeeping sucks; we've all had our minds blown by a Metallica song for the first time at some point, so let's be nice to the newcomers.
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n01mistahphonelover · 2 months
IT'S MEEE!! TOILET, THE ONE, THE ONLY [well not actually only but yeah-] CO-HOST OF INANIMATE INSANITY!!!!! >:D
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NICKNAMES!!!! ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)
ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ = I LIKE IT!!
( •̀ - •́ ) = I don't like it :[
ᕙ( ᗒᗣᗕ )ᕗ = NO.
𐙚 Toilet ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ
𐙚 Toi ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
𐙚 TT ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ
𐙚 Mistah Toilet ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
𐙚 Sir ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
𐙚 Mistah ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!
𐙚 Ma'am ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
𐙚 Madam ᕙ( ᗒᗣᗕ )ᕗ
𐙚 Miss/Ms. ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!
𐙚 Mx. ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ
𐙚 Sai (·•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ ) [What the beans does that mean??]
𐙚 Bro ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ
𐙚 Girl ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ
𐙚 Dude ( •̀ - •́ )
𐙚 Mate ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
𐙚 Man ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ
𐙚 Buddy ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!
𐙚 Chum ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
𐙚 Pal ᕙ( ᗒᗣᗕ )ᕗ
𐙚 Friend ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ
𐙚 Boyfriend (o/////o " ) [PLATONICALLY!]
𐙚 Girlfriend ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ [DEPENDS!]
𐙚 Bae ᕙ( ᗒᗣᗕ )ᕗ
𐙚 Boo (·•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ ) [ehhh...]
𐙚 Baby ( •̀ - •́ )
𐙚 Sweetie ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ [DEPENDS!]
𐙚 Honey ( ˶°ㅁ°) !! [DEPENDS!]
𐙚 Leng ( ˶°ㅁ°) !! [PLATONICALLY!]
𐙚 Fit (·•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ ) [UHHHH- IDK]
𐙚 "You Dunny" (o/////o " )
𐙚 Trash Panda ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!
𐙚 Idiot ( •̀ - •́ )
𐙚 Racoon ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ
𐙚 Racky (o/////o " )
𐙚 Religious Dr. Fizz drinker ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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ABOUT ME!!!๋࣭ ⭑⚝ (˶ˆᗜˆ˵)
𖹭 I USE HE/THEY/IT!!! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
𖹭 I LOVE CATS AND RACOONS!! :33 ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎
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𐙚OTHER STUFF! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
MISTAH PHONE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
GO CHECK HIM OUT TOO!!! (˶ˆᗜˆ˵) ↓
𖹭 @mefone4-cookielover ⤶ ⤶ ⤶ ⤸
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DNI. (⊙ _ ⊙ )
If any of you are this, I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU HERE. SHOO. ᕙ( ᗒᗣᗕ )ᕗ
Racists, homophobes, transphobes, abelists, zoophiles, any other basic offensive criteria. NO.
People with s3xu4l humour. THAT’S GROSS.. Suggestive jokes are alright, but actually full on jokes about it, I DONT LIKE. Also jokes that s3xu4l1s3 things that are perfectly normal or jokes about r4p3/4ss4ult make me SUPER uncomfy. Also jokes about pregnancy. I don't like it!
People with OVERLY cruel humour/just mean in general. I'm a sensitive person sometimes so if not specified as a joke, that stuff can upset me.
Mistah Phone haters. GET OUT. /j
People who gatekeep characters. I get that you kin them for a reason, but it's not fair to gatekeep! People can kin/relate to/like the character you kin too!
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[Mod message! :D]
[✮ Hiya! Some of you probably know me as Marz/Cuppa/Cheese Pretzels! This is another one of my fiction kins blogs!]
[Here's my main account if you want more about me personally or just wanna have a look! ---> @ikintwosm]
[✮ This is a kin blog, meaning I use it in order to cope, as I kin Toilet. I kin him as I relate to his protectiveness in a way, and I am hyperactive and loud sometimes, we're also both British! A lot of this blog may have my own headcanons implemented so if anything is inaccurate, it's my interpretation! Also, some headcanons I have may not apply to me as a person, so please remember that I do not relate to all the headcanons I give him!]
[✮ Feel free to speak to Toilet, ask him questions, whatever!]
[✮ Just to clarify, in NO MEANS do I gatekeep characters. If you're also a Toilet ficktin/fictive, feel free to interact!]
I LOVE YOU ALL!!! 𖹭 (˶ˆᗜˆ˵)
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rist-ix · 11 months
The sparxshipping teasing from Iginio got me wondering.... if we ever did get canon sparxshipping explored, whether in a reboot or new adaptation, how would you like it for it to be done?
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I'm gonna try to answer both of these in one post cause they overlap a little, but first of all thank you!
Buckle up fellas I'm bringing discourse.
This is gonna be a bit of an unpopular opinion I think, and it’s that I don’t want sparxshipping to be canon at all.
Feel free to get the pitchforks, but until then imma talk. I have villainships that I think not only add something to the overall plot, they kind of define it too. Reylo for examples, with its themes of redemption, masks and compassion, or Darklina and how important their relationship is to the war and Grisha oppression, or Lotor and Allura with its symbolism of breaking the cycle of abuse, making peace, reclaiming a heritage thought lost and so on.
To put it very briskly: an established Sparxshipping relationship adds nothing to the plot. It would have to be a plot of its own, and while there are tons of fascinating plot threads you could weave back into Domino, Bloom's family and the war before the Fall, it is simply, plainly, and rightfully so not the story Winx Club is telling.
Winx Club, at its core, is about the girls and their friendship. That is the show I love, and that is the show I am invested in. Fanfiction is a separate thing, I’ll get into that later. But canon, commercially produced and globally aired Winx Club is what we are talking about now. And the one defining truth of Winx Club is that it’s about the Winx. Their boyfriends are the side note, the Kens to their Barbies, to cement them as the cool popular teenagers younger kids are supposed to see them as. If Bloom and Valtor had a lasting serious relationship, Valtor would inevitably have to be shoved into that category as well, and that would ruin the entire appeal of him.
To boil it down even more: if sparxshipping were canon, either Winx Club would have to shift away from its intrinsic premise and formula, or Valtor would have to be diminished beyond recognition. So my longstanding opinion has always been: don’t make sparxshipping canon. Just don’t.
What I, personally, would do if I were ever to gain access to the mythical and likely overcrowded writing room at Rainbow SpA, is this:
Tease the fuck out of it.
Lean into their fucked up little hate-obsession. Every time they share the screen they have to be radiating unresolved sexual tension. Their chemistry has to be so off-the-charts it sparks a million fanfics before the season even ends. If there aren’t so many crappy amv's set to angsty Taylor swift songs it brings down the YouTube servers by midnight you have failed. Because canon is bound to certain limits, but fanfiction is NOT. The goal of any show should be to create something that will awaken an inescapable need to build on it, to continue where it left off, or to wonder but-what-if? To make people text incoherent keysmashes to their fandom buddies with shaky hands in the middle of the night and be unable to sleep until they’ve confirmed their buddy has seen it too.
I would want to see Bloom go fully I-have-lost-sight-of-everything-but-revenge until her friends manage to pull her back, I would want them to fight so vehemently the structures around them collapse and they don’t even notice. They should be in situations where they are UNDENIABLY going to die if they fight on and they still do it, they literally CANNOT stop, they don’t care to. To the point that everyone around them is seriously concerned and talking about their terrifying obsession with each other, more or less out in the open. And after a season full of epic fight scenes, high stake conflicts and frankly obscene tension between them, I would want Bloom to kill him.
Straight up.
Give her that moment of calm self assurance, at peace and perfectly in control, while Valtor tries to gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss his way out of this, contrasting the way her support network and genuine, unconditional friendships strengthen her while Valtor, who is always sabotaging everyone around him, is forced to confront his own powerlessness in the face of the power that created him. His manipulation attempts have nothing to latch on to. They have one last exchange where Valtor is visibly furious at her denial of him / his own failure — to really drive home that this is Bloom's triumph — but the last words they exchange are cordial. Maybe a comment at her growth, or a warning about his mothers, or another way to foreshadow future threats — if he couldn’t defeat her, no one should. He ends on a high note, but he does end, and it’s at Bloom's hands. She retakes the corrupted spark into the Flame she is guarding, and that is that.
And then, and this is important. He fucking haunts her for the entire next story arc. The next season, the next two seasons maybe, because she has learned a fuck ton of things from him and it is really, really difficult to move on knowing everything she does, knowing everything he implied or hinted at, or simply knowing so many really, really cruel ways to get her way now, which isn’t who she wants to be, but it would be easy, quick and effective for the greater good, right?
Boom, character conflict for the next season established, lots of potential for future flashbacks or visions, Valtor stays on his high horse of forever-the-juiciest-fucking-villain-of-the-franchise and the story can move on.
The End
Cue three decades of mind-blowing fanfiction. We all say Thank you Rainbow and cry ourselves to sleep thinking about what could have been.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
who hugged me tightly
only you
who protected me
who only protected me
who held my hand
who held my hand tightly
who reached out to me
who reached out to me
who held out his hand
To you who looked at me greatly
🔗 https://twitter.com/jaksal_5813/status/1639683901571620865?s=46&t=6h2FRfv41Qg9RyUk25oCZQ
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Such a beautiful song. I hate that it's only on CD. JIMIN YOU SAID ITS FOR FANS, GIVE IT TO ME SO I CAN STREAM IT THEN PLEASE?!
Here is my original post over Letter too, that I'll stick by what I said there and just add onto it in this post for now too:
During his live stream for FACE, he breifly mentions Letter, which the trans for that is here
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The way I'm side eyeing the heck out of the way JKs involvement in this song is being completely ignored by BOTH OF THEM. LOL don't gatekeep please. Share with us!
Honestly the fact that it's named letter because he sat down and wrote his feelings out into a letter and then roughly transformed that into lyrics for a song and it turned out so beautifully. It's because Jimin is a GENIUS and he emotes so sweetly and his EQ is insane and translates so well. And so him just pouring his emotions into paper would of course turn into such a softly stunning song like Letter. 😭 he repeated many times that he emphasized honesty in this album, including letter. And that comes off so sincerely every time you listen.
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It's a fan song, yes. It's also... more in my opinion. Because things can be more than just one thing. It's also interesting that the majority of Letter lyric wise is written in a more formal tone/language and uses honorifics. But when the bridge hits, aka when JK joins in for the more heavy backing vocals, the lyrics drop the honorifics and use more informal language from what I've heard. And with the call and receive way the backing vocals answer Jimins main ones, it almost sounds like they are talking to each other there, rather than the fans. Jimin is always so formal and polite and kind when he speaks to us. And jikook often over do the formalities when they talk, or they drop them totally. Which is a consistent habit of theirs. So could the last part of the song be more for themselves? Maybe. Could it still just be for ARMY? Maybe. Could it be for both? Maybe. Regardless, Jimin said it's a song for the fans and JK made it very clear that everyone had always known that he is hyungs biggest fan
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Letter IS a love letter. To multiple people I believe. JK being one of them. And I think it was a really really amazing and sweet way to end the album. Hidden in the ending of Like Crazy, after all the emotions and pain and hurt and confusion he went through over the last few years dealing with everything the world went through and they themselves adjusting to a new future.... things like having to quarantine alone for 2 weeks everytime they returned to Korea... getting covid and then having emergency surgery at the same time and having to recover in a quarantined hospital room alone. Facing the upcoming changes for the band in chapter 2 and the uncertainty that came with it. And more. Yet there is still this uplifting and positive emotion that we find ourselves in at the end. Letter feels like love and safety and that feeling of coming home after a really long hard day. It feels like peace. And I like to think that Jimin is expressing those emotions through that song. He finds peace, love and safety in the end. He feels the happiness of being home and embraced. He feels that love from ARMY. And with his choice to include JK in that song, it's like he is saying he feels that peace and love in Jungkook too. That's his home.
LMAO and I have to end with the way he scolded us for uploading Letter everywhere anyway lmfao so cutely. He literally wagged his finger at us!
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But the way he said it he saw it ALL. Man if he typed letter in either English or Hangul into the search engine, half the videos that pop up are jikook edits to the song. I know he saw those! 🤣 HE KNOWS YALL, I KNOW HE KNOWS 😅
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Anyways, amazing song. I shared it with my non army friends and they were also obsessed. Jimin sounds heavenly on it. I will never stop asking for an official streamable verison of this song. We waited so long for Promise. I'll wait for Letter too!
Editing super quickly to add this clip of Jimin singing a snippet of Letter live to an ARMY on the FaceTime fan meeting calls 😭😭😭
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gothchoccymilk · 17 days
I swear 'the goth community is so gatekeepy and unwelcoming' swings two ways
they're posting in goth spaces like 'can I be goth if I don't like goth music', or 'are the B-52s goth' and people are telling them no
they've had the displeasure of talking to tiktok 'dark aesthetic' goths and can't/won't buy a bunch of elaborate fast fashion to wear 24/7 and do corpse paint to go grocery shopping
I literally only listened to my first goth song less than a year ago. I'm the Quintessential Baby Bat. so far I have yet to see this unwelcoming and gatekeeping stuff outside of screenshots of tiktok (bc I avoid that place like the plague). what I have seen... is people complaining about it? and r/goth seems to have a bad rep because 'guys they're so mean :<<< they won't agree that every band with a gloomy/edgy sound is goth :<<<' (they have good background info and spreadsheets of new goth music releases in the sidebar btw)
the goth community is so nice. they will help you with learning about the music, the clothes, the general ethos.. if you actually ask. 'I don't like loud/metal music but I like the look can I still be goth' is not the same as 'does anyone have recs for women-fronted bands' or 'can someone help me find good ethereal wave' or 'is it okay if I can only afford cheap fast fashion'. You don't even have to ask, if you're an anxious wreck like me. You can lurk in the spaces and absorb the knowledge while others ask the questions.
and if you find a dickhead goth (I have the conservative goth subreddit blocked for a Reason)? that sucks, I'm sorry that happened. but come on, work with me here
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fazfacts · 9 months
a compilation of quotes from myself & my friends have said as i played fnaf hw2 for the first time. also some motions + gestures i keep doing in-game. feel free to change as needed!
❝ I finally feel like I have a dad... ❞
❝ I am TRYING to hit a baby. ❞
❝ Y'all are like real customers. You're never fucking satisfied. ❞
❝ I swear to God I got [their] order right! ❞
❝ What do you WANT from me?? ❞
❝ I thought their name was pronounced "[___]" until somebody called them "[___]." I'm still confused. ❞
❝ You go, queen. Get that pizza!!! ❞
❝ Look at this! This is so pretty! ❞
❝ I can see the lobby from here! ❞
❝ I'M IN LOVE. ❞
❝ Do you want a widdle kissy for your boo-boos? ❞
❝ SHHHHHH. Shhhhhhh. ❞
❝ Do you know how hard it is to focus for that long? ❞
❝ Are you proud of me, [father]? ❞
❝ What am I gonna do? My [dad] still doesn't believe in me! ❞
❝ Ew. ❞
❝ Why is there MOLD on everything??? ❞
❝ I, like science, am a liar sometimes. ❞
❝ Why'd you do that? ❞
❝ I wanted to hear [them] gaslight gatekeep girlboss me... ❞
❝ Don't do that!!! ❞
❝ Oh God, WHY are they doing that??? ❞
❝ I wish I could give you a thumbs-up. ❞
❝ My [dad] is disappointed in me...just like in real life. ❞
❝ Can I high-five you? ❞
❝ My chakra is clouded and unfocused...yeah, that tracks.❞
❝ I like that those aren't even tarot cards. ❞
❝ I don't know what reality is anymore... ❞
❝ Look! I found lore! ❞
❝ This takes, like, two seconds. ❞
❝ Wanna see a secret? ❞
❝ Haha, don't say that ever again. ❞
❝ It's gettin' hot in here, so take off both your arms... ❞
❝ I hate [___]...but I love the way they move. ❞
❝ I'm so sorry, [___]. I have the memory of a goldfish. ❞
❝ I know you can't tell, but I'm fingergunning you. ❞
❝ Please don't "Bite of '87" me this time. ❞
❝ I feel like I'm playing a worse version of Wii Sports. ❞
❝ I swear I'm better at [___] in real life. ❞
❝ Oh yeah! I have TWO hands! ❞
❝ If only I could use my left hand... ❞
❝ I think my blind, aimless shooting just saved my life. ❞
❝ I suddenly feel like I have reflexes. ❞
❝ Is lime sour?? ❞
(singing) ❝ My parents don't love me... ❞
❝ No, THAT song goes like "ba bum bum-bum da-nah." ❞
❝ Oh. I guess they are the same song. ❞
❝ You eat GARBAGE. You have no right to be this picky. ❞
❝ They don't like my art... ❞
send a corresponding number; reverse muses by adding something like "+ reverse." get funky with it.
for my muse to stare at their hands, existential crisis-style, in front of yours.
for my muse to recklessly shoot a firearm.
for my muse to ferociously shove a toy in their mouth.
for my muse to do a little dance.
for my muse to furiously wave "hi!" at yours.
for my muse to gently pet your muse's head.
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