#literally not leaving wills side for a single Second
propertyofwicked · 6 months
speed demon - LN
warnings: speeding + dangerous driving, references to sex
short fluff :) fewtrell!reader -> can be read as a stand alone or an extra to the secrets series!
my take on a BTS of the quadrant athletes video with willne and bambinobecky :) p.s hey caitlin i know ur reading this
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lando’s girlfriend was a concerning driver. growing up in the english country side, especially with her racing-mad brother max, she became very accustomed to driving at insane speeds down backroads, learning where the swerve potholes and where all the cameras were. honestly, put her in an f1 car with a good song and watch max verstappen crumble.
her brother and his friend could speed around race tracks, y/n preferred real roads.
the only flaw in her driving ability arose when lando, who notoriously hates being a passenger, sat to her left, gripping any hard surface he could as his girlfriend threw her car around a corner.
“y/n, angel, you know i love you - but why do you drive like you had somewhere to be 10 minutes ago?”
“this is a good song,” she answered with a shrug, which only confused him further, yet she slowed down, glancing at the man besides her, “it’s got a good bassline. you literally drive at like 200 miles an hour and yet you’re getting stressed about me going 80 on an empty road?”
“the difference between you and me is that i wear a helmet when i drive that fast.”
“no one is stopping you from putting a helmet on in my car, lan.”
“erm, i think the national speed sign meaning 60mph should be enough that i shouldn’t need to wear a helmet in your car y/n.”
“god you’re so dramatic, lando - has anyone ever told you that?”
“yes. you. the last time i complained about your driving, you little speed demon,” he said, finally laughing quietly at the situation.
in fact, they were late. they were supposed to be at a quadrant shoot in 10 minutes, but still needed to pick up will and becky from the station near to the warehouse they were filming in. when they finally reached the station, lando jumped out of the car to meet them, leaving y/n to sit in silence, queuing a few songs for the short journey to the shooting location.
“y’alright y/n?” will asked, climibing into the back seat of her car, becky climbing in from the other side.
“i’m good, thank you will. how are you?”
“im good, however i’ll let you know how i feel after ive experienced your driving,” he joked, earning a guilty chuckle from lando who was buckling himself back into the passenger seat. her hand rose, slapping his arm lightly.
“hey! my driving is not that bad.”
“let them find that out for themselves, angel,” he responded, dramatically rubbing his arm, feigning pain. she ignored him, shoving the car into gear before jamming her foot onto the accelerator, the loud engine loud enough to wake the dead.
when they did arrive at the shoot, will had gone silent, his face paler than usual. becky was still smiling and chatting, but her face conveyed the same level of fear as wills. the group of them walked into the warehouse, where max was already waiting.
y/n walked up to max, taking him in a small embrace before stepping back to let him greet the rest of the group.
“will? you good man? you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” max said, taking a step back to look at the man a second time.
“yeah, yeah, im good,” he responded, smiling sheepishly. y/n absentmindedly played with her car keys, the jingling of her key rings raising max’s attention.
“lando let you drive? jesus, no wonder will looks like he needs a fresh pair of trousers,” max laughed, doubling over.
“why does everyone think im such a bad driver? i have not crashed once. never. not a single crash. the same cannot be said for you or lando, max,” she exclaimed, beginning to feel offended at the accusations.
“in all fairness, lando warned me. i thought he was joking when he said she loved the accelerator more than she loves him,” will replied, the colour coming back to his face as he smiled. max shook his head at his sister again, before directing will and becky round to the sofas, running them through the plans for the day.
y/n felt a warm pair of arms snake around her body from behind, lando’s head coming to rest on her shoulder. he turned his head to look at her, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek.
“im not actually a bad driver, am i?” she mumbled to him.
“no angel, people are just jealous of your sheer ability to drive at dangerous speeds and do it safely,” he responded, he meant to be sincere but y/n could feel the sarcastic undertones.
she shook her head at him, pulling away from his embrace, but his hand reached out, latching onto hers, before pulling her back into him. this time her chest melted into his, her head tilting to glance up at him.
“i hate this scarf,” she announced, but stretched her neck up to presses soft kisses along his jaw.
“ouch. why? i like it.”
“’cos it covers your neck. i love your neck,” she said, smiling up at him again.
“i know you do angel. your love for my neck is the reason i have to wear a scarf for the shoot today,” he said, laughing, his hands moving from her back to push loose strands of her behind her ears. a blush rose up her cheeks at the memory of the night before, as her fingers moved to pull the scarf down slightly looking at the bruises beginning to darken on his skin.
she hadn't meant to, but she had found herself on top of him last night, legs straddling him as his pushed up into her. with max only a room over, she needed to find an outlet for the noises she wanted to make and his neck fell victim.
“whoopsies. but im sure the lando girlies would love to see you with hickies.”
“i’m sure they would,” he said, grinning at her still and nodding slightly, “im sure your brother would love it to,” he added sarcastically, glancing over to the man in question who was now handing becky a script.
she tutted in response, pulling his scarf back up to covering his neck. lando’s head tilted down to look at her again, using his hands on her jaw to pull her face up closer to his. his lips pressed soft kisses to her forehead and cheeks before finally planting a soft but quick peck to her lips.
“lando did you want to stop getting it on with my sister and come and do your job?” max bellowed from across the room, pulling the two apart.
lando decided he should probably drive the two of them home that day, and let max take the others back to the station, but the moment the car moved off from where it was parked, he stalled the engine.
"formula 1 driver but can't drive a manual without stalling it. that's embarrassing - now who can't drive?" she joked, laughing at him as he restarted the ignition.
"still you," he replied bluntly, his foot slamming down on the accelerator sending the car flying across the car park.
"please don't destroy my car," she begged quietly at the sound of her engine about to take off, "a man i quite like bought it for me and id hate to make him angry when he has to buy me new tyres."
"ill just buy you another car," he joked as he returned to the speed limit of the road ahead, his hand moving from the gear stick to rest on her thigh, grabbing lightly at it.
"you're not a bad driver, you know that, don't you angel?" he said after a few minutes of silence. he'd admit that she wasn't the best driver, but she was still skilled even if slightly reckless.
"i know," she said, her voice still heavy with the annoyance from everyone's teasing.
"you would be great at karting, you know?"
"stop it - i spent my entire childhood trying to avoid karting please do not bring it into my adulthood," she begged, albeit jokingly.
"why did you avoid it? im sure max would've loved to race with you," lando asked, glancing to his side to look at her face, her head leaning on the door panel.
"it was max's thing, i guess. i didn't want to do what he did. i wanted to be my own person. i still do," she said with a shrug. lando's hand moved from her thigh to grab hers, pulling it up to his face to press a kiss to the back of it.
"i'm glad you're unapologetically you. i don't think i could cope with two max's in my life. or two of you for that matter."
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noneorother · 11 months
I went dumpster diving into the posters for Good Omens Season 2 and found a few pearls.
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I found it odd that this season had SO MANY official posters. Hours and hours of work and real dollars from Amazon went into the production of these things. This one won a freakin Clio award. I know Neil confirmed he didn't have a lot of control of what went into these 21 (Or 22 depending on whether or not you count the umbrella piece that was made before season 2 shooting began. Personally I don't!) pieces, but I will leave no stone unturned, so here we go. I combed through every single season 2 poster I could find so you don't have to. Here's everything I've found so far:
1. The allegiances poster
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After having watched season 2, knowing what we know now, this poster seems very much to me like a Game of Thrones style family at war image. We have a perfect mirror down the center, with Aziraphale/Angels/Nina&Maggie on Aziraphale's traditional left side, and Crowley with Beelzebub & Jim as reflections of Maggie/Nina, and Shax and Michael(?) as reflections of the three angels on the other side of the mirror. It seems unbalanced, unless you count the floating white head (conveniently watching in the background) as The Metatron...
Which means Michael is... not on the same side as Uriel and Saraqael? She's also grouped in with the Metatron and Shax, on the side of the demons. How very odd. Gabriel & Nina also have a mirror in that they've both turned their backs to the crowd. Gabriel is willing to go live with Beelzebub in hell, and shut down Michael's plan and the Metatron's scheming for a second Armageddon, so that literal turn towards Beez and away from everyone else makes sense to me. The Nina one however? Not so much from what we've seen. Why is she turning her back on the angels & demons? 2. The individual posters
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Interestingly, the individual posters all line up pretty much exactly with the all the allegiances this season. You just have to look at the way the characters are slanted vs. how the backgrounds behind them are slanted. All 3 bookshop posters and all 3 street posters are slanting left, with their characters also slanting left. They are who they say they are, and they're on the same side.
Michael and Uriel have right slanting backgrounds, so odds are heaven is supposed to slant right. Uriel is following the rules and slanting right, but of all the characters on the posters, Michael is the only one really betraying the background slant, and is slanting left against her background. Something's up with Micahel. They're not on the same side as they claim to be. Saraqael is more mysterious, as the only one sitting straight, and the only angel to have a left slanting background. Shax seems to be slanting left with a left slanting background, which puts her in the same pose as Uriel, but mirrored. While Beelzebub is weirdly slanting right with a right slanting background, making them a bit of a traitor, like Michael. Shax, Saraqael and Michael have some explaining to do. Lastly, and I think mostly obviously, there's clearly a missing poster in the set. Why doesn't hell have a third green poster? Is it supposed to be the Metatron, and they didn't want to spoil the surprise? Furfur maybe? Why wouldn't poor old Furfur get a poster when he has more screen time than Uriel? I don't think this is very important other than it's funny : everyone single person is holding something in their right hand, except for Shax and Crowley, who are holding things in their left hands, and Muriel, who's holding fucking NOTHING. Poor baby Muriel lolsob. One thing I do think might be important is that there are 21 posters in total + 1 missing one. So maybe 22 posters for season 2? How appropriate. 3. The triple phone box
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In both the Nina street poster and the group street poster, there's are a set of 3 red phone boxes down the street. We never see phone boxes in series 2. Seriously, not once. Every other detail in these ones is from Whickeber street footage: gumball machine, post box, newspapers, coffee sign, puddle, walking extras... The only thing out of place is those blasted phone boxes. As far as I can tell it's literally the only thing in all 21 posters that never appears in the show in some form, and this background plate is used for all the street posters, so the phone boxes are in quite a few of them.
4. Crowley is showing his good side, Aziraphale is always facing away from Crowley.
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Crowley is always shown with his head tilted to his right this season, body tilted towards Aziraphale and always with long sideburns. Even in the illustrated poster his default is head to the right, sideburns long.
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EXCEPT for this poster. This is the only time he's looking away from Aziraphale, and his snake tattoo is visible. And his sideburns are short. Either nobody noticed this or they refused to fix it. There's also the matter of Aziraphale facing his body away from Crowley in every single image except the allegiances poster, where they face each other. So cute.
5. The sneaky details posters
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This one has: 1. Pride & Prejudice 2. Treasure Island 3. A tale of two cities 4. The Crow Road 5. Catch-22 9.
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AND whatever the hell this photoshop artifact/invisible thing coming out of the scroll on Aziraphale's desk. I checked every version I could find of this poster and it's always there. It looks like someone tried to edit out something that was there and sort of got it mostly right. Which is completely ludicrous given the amazing amount of flawless photoshopping and collaging going on in this image. These are the magicians linking rings from the 1941 magic shop. Mystery solved!
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This one has the yellow book on the bookstand, the record, and : 1. Only one clock hand on the grandfather clock, facing 6. 2. A feather duster on the floor (but weirdly it's grey not yellow). 3. The dark horse statue with Crowley's old sunglasses on it. 4. Aziraphale's bowtie ON THE FLOOR. What. Why. I can only conclude that in this poster either A) Aziraphale and Crowley have left these things behind (meaning no more bowtie for Aziraphale in season 3) B) They are currently not wearing these items somewhere else in the bookshop....
_____________________________________ I ran out of images. So the dome poster will have to be it's own post!
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bagdaddyb · 1 year
Self Centered
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Summary: Wednesday realizes just how self-centered she has been. (reader has powers connected to nature)
Pairing: fem!Reader x Wednesday
Warning: slight angst
AN: Love the Wednesday character. Cold emotionless cutoff while also sadistic mean and cruel
"No Wednesday."
Those were the words you'd muttered to the girl before disappearing into the crowd. No. Wednesday was almost unsure how to process it. Since she'd came to this school of miscreants there hadn't been a single person not willing to bend to her will and since you'd started.... whatever it is you have with Wednesday you'd never turned away from any of her desires. So what changed? By the time Wednesday has recovered from the blatant rejection you're long gone and she's left to do nothing but return to Ophelia hall. She goes over the whole interaction again, taking note of your slumped shoulders and baggy eyes. You weren't yourself today, honestly if Wednesday truly thought about it you hadn't been yourself for some time. How long had it been since your demeanor changed? You don't smile at her anymore, you never seek her attention. When was the last time she'd spoken to you before today? She's been so caught up trying to investigate her stalker that she's completely neglected other parts of her life. Entering her shared room she's unsurprised and slightly disappointed to see Enid laying in her bed speaking with Thing.
"I just don't think this color suits your skin tone, the lighter green would go much better."
Thing taps and signs in response causing Enid to gasp.
"You take that back."
Upon hearing the door close the blonde's attention is grabbed eyes locking with black ones.
"Hey Weds, how's the investigation? Did (Y/N) agree to head into the forest with you tonight?"
The ravenette says as she neatly deposits her things on her side of the room moving towards her desk chair to start her writing hour.
"I'm not surprised."
Enid lets out in response gaze moving back to the display of nail polishes she put out for Thing to choose from. This catches Wednesday's attention, turning in her chair she burns Enid with her glare.
"Why is that?"
"Well she literally almost died during your last 'investigation' when she was stabbed and said "I'm never helping you again Wednesday Addams" while I stitched her up."
Before she continues Enid lets out a sigh muttering she's gonna kill me under her breath before continuing.
"And I'm going to tell you this because you're my best friend, (Y/N) has been unhappy for some time. You treat her more like your minion than partner. You drag her along on these dangerous stunts where she almost always gets hurt yet you never put forth any effort into the relationship, the last few things she's agreed to have been purely because thats the only way she gets to spend time with you. She is tired of it all being one sided so you need to get your act together unless you want to loose this relationship you pretend to not care about."
As Enid speaks its like a light bulb pops above Wednesday's head, recalling past encounters, conversations, and arguments she now finds herself feeling conflicted over. Standing abruptly Wednesday leaves her room, completely disregarding Enid and her writing hour. She needed to find you. It was never her intention to use you, or was it? She'd been approaching this like she would approach anything else but she now realizes that in and of itself is the problem. This isn't anything else. As much as she will deny it she cares for you in a way that is completely foreign to her. Arriving at your dorm room she knocks three times. Waiting only thirty seconds before knocking again.
"I'm coming, I'm coming."
Wednesday bites back her snarky remarks when Bianca opens your shared dorm door. The siren does nothing to hide her disgusted face in turn.
"(Y/N) isn't here. She's always in the gardens during this time. Of course you'd know that if you cared about anyone other than yourself."
That is all the ravenette gets before the door is slammed in her face, Wednesday's eyebrows furrow as she turns on her heel. Just how self centered had she been? In her eight months of knowing you and five months of courting she'd learned little to nothing about you. Besides physical attributes and your general knowledge Wednesday never made an effort to get to know you better lazer focused on the hyde investigation then later her stalker you were always kept on the back burner. For the first time in her life guilt washes over her and it makes her bristle. Her feet move quickly towards the garden, entering she doesn't even have to look following your voice carrying through the flowers. Wednesday can't help the way her lips turn in disgust as she walks, the garden was to bright countless flowers planted aimlessly with no value yet she couldn't deny the health of the garden. Every flower in bloom properly watered and glowing. Coming around a corver she sees why observing you as you sang along the the music coming from your phone. You fingers were at work using your powers to meticulously grow different flowers and plants in healthy soil. You worked diligently so immersed in it that you fail to notice the brooding aura observing you. You fill the flower box you're working on with purple lillies a beautiful contrast to the blue bachelor buttons in the box next to it. Stepping back you observe your work humming in approval before turing to head to a different part of the garden. The moment you spin you freeze eyes meeting black ones you'd never once seen in the garden before. You are truly at a loss of words at the girls presence as she'd never once seeked your company and for a moment you consider pinching yourself. Surely this must be a dream.
"Wednesday? Ummmmm.... what are you doing here?"
"I came to apologize."
Okay now you were sure you were dreaming. You look around before pinching yourself.
"I must be living in the matrix."
You say before looking around again. Not sure if this is true reality. Silence envelopes both of you as Wednesday stares realizing she's never truly had to apologize. Especially not of her own volition. She's stumped on what to say or do but you don't wait long scoffing you begin to walk past the ravenette.
"If this is your way of apologizing spare me."
Wednesday stays quiet denying herself the mean and witty response knowing it wouldn't help her situation as she starts to form words in her brain she follows you past a dead section of the garden three planters tucked away in the middle of the garden that you don't even glance at as you continue foreward. Wednesday pauses for a moment taking in the uncared for section in contrast to the overly cared for garden before moving to quickly catch up with you.
"(Y/N) I apologize for my previous actions. As surprising as it may be I have not realized the fault until now. You are more than my pawn but I have failed to treat you as such. So I hope you can forgive me."
You merely hum in response not taking your eyes off the planter you stood infront of.
"Ok Wednesday."
You dig your figures in the soil trying to decide what would look best in the array of colors before you. Wednesday can tell her words have little affect and the fact that she may of already lost you causes her stomach to unsettle. Not easily detered she sticks around watching you mend the soil before speaking up again.
"That patch back there full of dead plants, why did you walk right past it? You seem very keen on keeping everything else in the garden grown and healthy."
You jump when she speaks honestly surprised that she was still there.
You hesitate before releasing a sigh and turning to face Wednesday.
"It was a patch of flowers I grew for you when we first began our relationship. I grew them in the beginning as a gift symbolizing the start of our bond. I was going to show them to you the first time I invited you to the garden but as your rejections grew harsher and the light of what our relationship truly was shined brighter..... I stopped caring for the flowers. Now the bushes are barren and dead yet still as symbolic as ever."
You release another sad sigh eyes dropping to the ground before turning back towards the soil.
"If you don't mind Wednesday I'd like to be alone. I'm sure you have more important matters to attend to."
More important. The words Wednesday used everytime you've invited her to the garden. Everytime you've asked to spend time together in Jericho. Everytime you've tried to have conversation about anything other than her current obsession. Everytime you tried to engage her in a subject or activity revolving around you. She'd made you feel unimportant.
"No I don't."
Wednesday pauses a moment unhappy with how unstable her voice sounded.
"While I have failed to prove it in the past you are the most important thing in my life. I...... care for you deeply and I do not wish for our relationship to be forgetten, barren, and dead. This is all new to me..... these feelings, this bond.... but I won't allow myself to be held back by my lack of knowledge. So I will sit here all night if I have to. Today, tomorrow, and the next if that is what it takes for you to forgive me."
Your vision becomes cloudy as tears form in your eyes, the once grey sky becoming dark with clouds and as the first drop falls so does your first tear. This was all you ever wanted, effort. Tears fall as your heart pounds in your chest after finally being showed you meant something to the Addams girl and if that wasn't enough the feeling of a hand wrapping around your forarm was.
"I'm sorry mon cher."
Another apology things that were unknown from Wednesday Addams coupled with physical contact something you'd never experienced from the girl.
"I forgive you."
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sxcret-garden · 9 days
Seonghwa & Yeosang ღ Perfect Boys [M]
ღ Ateez Seonghwa x Yeosang x gn!reader ღ words: ~4.3k ღ genre: smut (sub!Seonghwa, sub!Yeosang, dom!reader, Seonghwa and Yeosang are wearing collars with leashes, reader wears a strap, threesome, handjobs, oral, anal (all idols receiving), praise, some degradation, Seonghwa has a bratty moment, dacryphilia, some cum play, orgasm control, overstimulation, a hint of dumbification, safe word being used (green)) ღ reader: wears a strap, no description of physical features, no pronouns used ღ warnings: none
Author’s note: I don’t even know what happened here but enjoy 4k words of pure filth I guess <3
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With a tight grip on his leash, you part Seonghwa’s lips with your tongue, making out with him sloppily as you dominate the kiss. You leave him breathless when you part, and you can’t but marvel at the sight in front of you. He stays in the moment, savouring the feeling of your kiss and the flame of passion it has kindled inside of him, and only a few seconds after you parted from him does he open his eyes. The pleading look in them only makes you hunger for more, but you don’t want the other man kneeling right beside Seonghwa to feel neglected. So you turn to Yeosang, giving his leash a gentle tug, and you admire the stoic expression on his face that only gives way to a shallow gasp as you turn your attention to him. You kiss him as well, the taste of Seonghwa’s mouth still lingering on your tongue, and as it mixes with Yeosang’s, calmness washes over you. You part from his lips after a more chaste kiss, and you sit back at the foot of the bed to look them both up and down, as they’re quite literally on their knees for you. 
“How am I gonna play with you today, my loves?” you speak, your voice soft and your intentions not yet clear. They both stare up at you in anticipation, and you relish in their attention, wondering what orders to give each of them.
This is your secret playtime. Once the door to this room is locked and their collars are snugly wrapped around their throats, they’re yours. Loyal and obedient, and willing to do whatever it takes to please you.
You drop their leashes, and you gesture for them to turn to each other.
“Give me a little show,” you demand, and Seonghwa is the first one to turn his head to the side. They know what you want to see, it’s not the first time you’ve made them do this, and still it is exciting to watch them rile each other up under your command anew every single time you play. Seonghwa is also the one to initiate the kiss, plush lips nipping at Yeosang’s carefully, and you can’t tear your gaze away. You can see the way Seonghwa slips the tip of his tongue inside the other’s mouth for a short moment, and Yeosang shuts his eyes tightly, reaching out for the other man’s hand that’s cupping his cheek. You know Seonghwa can get eager, while Yeosang likes to take things slow, and the way the latter’s ears take on a shade of bright red amuses you. They part for a second, giving Yeosang a chance to breathe, but when the older one goes in for a deeper kiss, he can’t but moan into his mouth. You watch them make out for a while, struggling to find the right pace, but eventually they fall into a comfortable rhythm, and you can visibly see Yeosang’s shoulders relaxing as he clings to the other guy who’s slowly trying to get on top of him. 
“You two are doing so well…” you grant them some praise, and almost instantly both of them become more eager to please you with what they’re doing. Your gaze takes in their shapes, following the lines on their bodies and watching their muscles dance under the skin as they continuously move in tune with each other, until finally Seonghwa is about to push Yeosang to the ground underneath him, and you stop them.
“That’s enough,” you say, and you don’t miss the way it takes the older of the two great effort to tear himself away. Both panting with a blush dusted onto their faces, you pat the blanket of the queen sized bed you’re comfortably sitting on. “Come up here.” Surprise is painted into their faces - they both know how rare it is for you to invite them into bed with you so early, but neither of them hesitates to do as told.
“Yeo…” you call out to him. “I think I wanna start with you today.” His lips part to give way for an inaudible gasp, and you direct him to sit in front of Seonghwa, with his back flush against the other’s chest. “Relax,” you breathe as you kneel in front of them, placing one palm onto the younger’s bare chest and pushing him just a little further back. Seonghwa places his hands on his waist, his lips hovering above Yeosang’s sensitive neck, and you wonder if you should give him permission to do what he’s very obviously waiting to do. One look at the younger’s face, and you decide that for now you want to have him to yourself.
“Behave,” you order, as you shoot Seonghwa a sharp look, and he lifts his head up so as not to get tempted. Then you cup Yeosang’s face with both of your hands, making him look right at you, and the shy expression in his eyes makes you chuckle.
“You’re so cute, Yeo,” you mutter, leaning in and brushing your lips against his. “Let me show you how much I adore you.” He relaxes more easily as you kiss him compared to when Seonghwa did, starting out slow and careful, and gradually building up the intensity of the kiss - just how you know he likes it. Letting your tongue lick into his mouth, your fingertips begin dancing down his torso, and when you drag your nails down his abs, he mewls into your kiss. You respond with a moan of your own to show appreciation for the pretty sounds he makes, until eventually you part to allow for him to catch his breath momentarily. “You’re so perfect,” you whisper, before you reconnect your lips to his, and then you bring your hand back up to wrap it around his throat. Applying some pressure to put him in a light chokehold, you’re satisfied with the look in his half-lidded eyes once you part again. You know it takes him a little longer than Seonghwa to truly relax during times like these, so you want to do your best to ease him into the scene. 
“Y/N…” the older calls out to you now. A question that he doesn’t dare say out loud lies in his pleading gaze, and when he licks his lips seductively it’s hard to find it in you to say no. However, you know Yeosang isn’t fully ready yet, so you put your palm against Seonghwa’s cheek and you lean in to give him a passionate kiss.
“Soon, Hwa,” you promise. “Be nice and I’ll let you have all the fun you want later on.”
“Okay,” Seonghwa mouths, and in his stead, you attach your lips to Yeosang’s throat. You trailing soft kisses down the side of it makes him whimper, and you place a palm right onto his chest to feel his heartbeat quicken.
“F-feels good…” he mutters, and you find yourself grinning at his words.
“That’s good, Yeo,” you say. “Wanna make you feel soooo good today.” You drag your nails down his abdomen and feel him shiver, and he lets you hear the sweetest whine when your hand passes by his core and instead comes to a halt on top of his thigh. “What do you want, baby boy?” you ask, and you sit up so as to look him right in the eyes. He averts his gaze in embarrassment, and you bury your face in his neck once again, mumbling, “Maybe you’re not ready yet for that?”
“I-” Yeosang chokes on his words when you move your hand back up to his stomach, grazing his hardening dick in the process, and right next to your ear you can hear Seonghwa letting out a curse. You give him a look that acts as a warning, before turning back to the person in between you two.
“You…? What is it, baby boy?” You feel the urge to tease him a bit, and just as he opens his mouth to try to speak, you let your fingertips graze his length again. 
“Hnng…” He bites his tongue, still looking away from you.
“I think you need someone to shut up that pretty little head of yours, don’t you?” you guess, and though it’s barely visible, Yeosang nods. “Well…” you bring some distance between the both of you, and then you find Seonghwa’s hands that are still resting on the other guy’s sides to lead them up to his chest. Yeosang squirms a little when the older’s cool fingertips find his nipples, but as soon as he begins playing with them, he lets out a shaky moan and relaxes against Seonghwa’s chest.
“Y/N… can I?” Seonghwa asks once again, and seeing the blissful expression on the younger’s face, you finally give him the okay. He doesn’t hesitate to attach his lips to the neck of the guy in front of him, sucking and biting and lapping at the side of it, drawing a string of heavenly moans from Yeosang’s mouth.
“Are you enjoying yourself, Yeo?” you ask, thumb brushing against his lips. 
“Mhm…” he merely mewls in response, and you smile at him.
“That’s good,” you say, leaning in to kiss him, this time being quick to deepen the kiss, and he lets you without showing any resistance. Just before you pull away, you wrap a hand around the base of his cock, starting to slowly jerk him off. “That feel good?”
“Y-yeah…” he desperately whines, his hips bucking into your hand. You crawl into his lap in response, using your weight to keep him from doing that.
“Can’t even stay still now, huh?” you tease him, moving your hand up and down painfully slowly. With your strap already securely attached to your hips, you wonder whether you should push him some more, of if he needs more time to let himself be fucked stupid. You tighten the grip on his length just a little when you reach his tip, but even just this much has him arching his back, moaning at your and Seonghwa’s hands pleasuring him, while the latter is also busy sucking marks into his skin. You decide it’d be fitting to do the same - after all, he’s your baby boy, and not Seonghwa’s. So you lean in to attach your lips to the skin covering his chest, leaving a few kisses here and there while wandering south slowly, and eventually starting to suckle on a spot above his abs. His breathing has gotten heavier, and as you’re forced to slide off his lap to reach where you want to reach with your lips, he immediately bucks his hips into your fist again.
“You really needed this, huh?” you assume as you sit up, letting go of his cock and earning yourself a pained sound of protest. However, when Seonghwa pinches his nipples a little harsher, Yeosang immediately quiets down. 
“Good boy,” you say, directed at the both of them, really. You bring your hand down to his hole, and he immediately adjusts his position to give you easier access. Raking the fingers of your other hand through his hair, you continue, “So ready to be taken by me today, hm? That’s what I like to see.” One digit slipping past his rim easily, you watch him shudder at the sensation, and when you pull out again, Yeosang dares to glance at you. 
“Hwa, hands off him,” you order, and he begrudgingly obeys. You reach over to where you keep your lube, getting a generous amount of it on your hand, before you commence working the boy in front of you open. 
“F-feels so good…” he continuously mewls as you fit two, then three fingers into his tight hole, and you watch the blissful expression on his face with awe. 
“Can’t wait to make you cum on my cock, baby boy…” you mutter, momentarily getting a little carried away yourself, but when Seonghwa reaches for Yeosang’s length you snap right out of it.
“Or we make you cum on the spot, hm?” Seonghwa growls, Yeosang’s breath hitching at the added stimulation of the other man playing with his dick. “See if you can even keep it in before Y/N starts fucking you properly…”
“Hey,” you give Seonghwa a warning, though you must admit being a little mean sounds very tempting to you as well. However, you hear Yeosang mutter,
“C-can take it… I’ll take it, I swear…” His determination makes heat rush to your own core, and with Seonghwa’s gaze resting on you, prompting you to make a decision, you think for a short moment.
“Hwa,” you call out to him eventually. “Keep going then. He said he can take it.” Seeing how the younger immediately starts to shiver and cry out as Seonghwa’s slender fingers begin working him up to his high, you don’t actually believe he can, but now he will have to live with the consequences of his actions. And he knows just as well as you and Seonghwa do, that you won’t be happy if you don’t even get to properly fuck him before he spills all over himself. 
Yet he keeps at least some degree of self control - maybe it helps that the older is now more focused on jerking him off than on tending to his neck - and so you position yourself to push up into him.
“Sangie, are you ready?” you ask, and he nods vigorously. Chuckling at his need, you thrust your hips, watching as the toy strapped to your hips disappears a little further in his hole with each repetition of your movements. 
“Fuck-” You can’t say you’re not proud of yourself when you manage to lure a curse out of Yeosang, a rare occurance indeed, and you signal Seonghwa to up his speed a bit. The latter too seems more than affected by the situation, after all he must be able to feel the friction of Yeosang’s lower back moving against him with each time you thrust in and out of him.
“Stay focused, Hwa,” you remind him, “we’ll get to you in a second…” Then you lean in to press a sloppy kiss against Yeosang’s jaw, who is turning into a mewling, crying mess in between you and Seonghwa.
“Y/N… please…p-please…!” he slurs his words, but you don’t slow down.
“You can cum if you want,” you mutter, taking in his features and if you’re being quite honest, you could also cum from the sight alone. A few more thrusts and he comes undone, spilling into Seonghwa’s fist as a broken moan falls from his lips, and you come to a halt, carefully pulling out of him. You cup his face in your hands, a single tear falling from his cheek, and you wipe it away with your thumb.
“You’re so perfect…” you mutter, leaning in and placing a kiss onto his chest, tasting the thin layer of sweat that covers his skin on your lips. “I want to ruin you completely. Are you green?” Yeosang nods, repeating back to you,
“‘M green…” With Seonghwa shooting you an impatient look that’s probably supposed to ask something along the lines of “And what about me?”, you reach your hand out to comb your fingers through his black locks.
“I could ruin the both of you, actually…” you mutter, excitement sparking in your chest as you think about it. Seonghwa’s eyes become soft, and with a gesture of your chin towards him, you prompt him to speak.
“I think… we deserve that,” he says, and you chuckle at his words.
“Then lie down first of all. Help me out and I’ll wreck you too,” you offer, an almost wicked expression on your face now, and Seonghwa doesn’t hesitate.
“I will.” His voice shakes as he answers - as much as he likes to sometimes push your limits, at the end of the day he too is just another pretty set of holes who wants nothing more but to be ruined by you. You direct Yeosang to sit on the other’s face, and without having to give Seonghwa any orders, he’s already putting his skilled tongue to use. Yeosang shivers upon feeling the warm, wet muscle prodding at his rim, and you steady him, kneeling above Seonghwa’s chest.
“You’re doing well, baby boy,” you praise Yeosang, before you share a slow and gentle kiss with him, feeling him relax under your touch. You find one of his hands, guiding it towards his core and eventually wrapping it around his softened cock.
“Get yourself off,” you whisper against his lips, but Yeosang hesitates. “What? Still too sensitive?” He nods, and with another short kiss to his lips, you say, “You can take it.” He sucks in a sharp breath when you guide his hand into the movement you want, and with the other guy lapping at his hole eagerly, Yeosang can’t say anything. And though he’s clearly getting overstimulated, he’s not safe wording you, so you tell him to keep going as you move away from him, so as to position yourself in between Seonghwa’s legs. Always keeping an eye on Yeosang, you make sure he doesn’t stop touching himself.
“Keep going, Yeo,” you say, sounding somewhat strict, and he immediately nods.
“O-okay,” he mutters, letting out a moan as a pained expression sits on his face. With knitted eyebrows, he does his best to obey, while also watching you, but his thighs are trembling, and eventually he tries to escape the older’s tongue instinctively. However, Seonghwa is quick to reach out to force Yeosang back down, and you can tell he’s eager to please you. 
“Doing so well, the two of you,” you praise them, before you lower yourself and you leave a trail of kisses down Seonghwa’s stomach. You can hear him letting out a moan, subsequently making Yeosang shiver on top of him, and it only makes you want to hear more. You sink your teeth into his skin, working your way further down, and eventually your lips hover above his hip bone.
“Gonna leave a mark on you too, baby boy,” you mutter, earning yourself another moan from Seonghwa, and then from Yeosang too. And so you get to work, alternating between sucking on the skin and licking it to soothe it, until you’re satisfied with the outcome. “Hwa…” you call out to him, not missing the increasingly desperate expression on the younger’s face as his dick has grown back to its full length, and he’s trying not to reach his next high too quickly. But you know he can hold back for a while longer, and you also know he won’t cum unasked, so for now you decide to direct your attention towards the older, with his hard cock right in front of your face. You wrap your fingers around the base, and with a chaste kitten lick across his tip, you test his reaction - and you’re not unhappy about it. Because the second your warm muscle comes in contact with him, he too shivers, and he lets out a needy moan that once again Yeosang reacts to as well. Getting high off of the control you have over both of them, you don’t hesitate to wrap your lips around Seonghwa’s head wholly, swirling your tongue around it a few times, before you start slowly bobbing your head up and down on top of him. And with each desperate sound either of the two men make, you only become more eager to get them both off.
“Y/N…” Yeosang calls out eventually, his voice shaking. “I’m so close…” You lift your head for but a moment to answer,
“Then take your hand away from your pretty cock, baby boy. Don’t you dare cum before Hwa.” He does as told, and though with Seonghwa’s tongue all up inside of him it is still only a matter of time until he can’t keep it in any longer, this will still at least give him some more time until he breaks. As for you, you go back to tending to Seonghwa, sucking him off in just the way he likes most, and with how noisy he’s getting you know that he too is drawing closer and closer to the edge. That’s when he finally starts bucking his hips up into your mouth, and you gag a little when he hits the back of your throat suddenly. You let him slip out of your mouth as you lift your head, letting your hand take over, and enjoying the way he rapidly loses control.
“Such a whore…” you say, watching in amusement as he becomes more and more desperate by the second, and you know he’s so so close. “Look at you, having your face buried in one person’s ass, while you’re trying to fuck the face of another. Aren’t you greedy?” You’re sure that if he could talk right now, he’d agree with you, but like this all he can do is moan incessantly, with Yeosang holding on for dear life on top of him. You move your hand up and down Seonghwa’s length at a relentless speed, knowing that a little overstimulation is sure to throw him off the edge in no time. “Such a greedy whore…” you repeat, and along with your degrading words, he comes undone, spilling his seed all over himself. “Keep going,” you say, not letting him rest just yet, and then you crawl towards Yeosang, reaching for his cock and swiftly licking the precum off his tip, before taking him in whole. It takes you and Seonghwa but a few strokes of your tongues to have him coming undone as well, and warmth rushes to your core as you feel him spilling inside your mouth. You let Yeosang collapse on his back as he tries to catch his breath, but with you now on top of Seonghwa, you grab his jaw harshly, and you press your lips against his. Parting them with ease, you pass Yeosang’s load onto the other guy, the taste of it mixing with the taste of Seonghwa’s mouth, and when you sit back up, you watch as he swallows it without protest.
“Good boy,” you praise him, fingers combing through his hair. You reach for one of the towels you had prepared in advance to clean Seonghwa’s cum off his stomach, and then you give them both a few moments to rest.
“I’m not done with you two,” you mutter. You make Yeosang get on all fours, trailing a few kisses down along his spine before reaching for Seonghwa’s leash and guiding him closer. 
“You wanna fuck him?” you ask. “While I fuck you?” 
“Yes,” he breathes, anticipation making his voice shake. 
“Then get to it,” you order, and once again you can’t peel your gaze off of the two as Seonghwa slips two fingers into Yeosang’s hole, stuffing some more lube inside just in case, and as the younger waits patiently, a blush creeping back onto his cheeks, Seonghwa gives himself a few strokes until he’s hard and ready to go. There’s pink dusted onto his cheeks as well, and with only a few thrusts he’s snugly fitted inside the younger.
“Good. Now hold still…” The mewl Seonghwa lets out when your lubed up fingers come in contact with his ass is like music to your ears, and you take your time stretching him out.
“Please…” A single word slips past Seonghwa’s lips as he’s getting impatient, but you hold him back, wanting to tease him just a bit more. When you curl your fingers inside of him, grazing his walls so perfectly, he moans your name, and his hips snap forward as if they were moving by themselves, making Yeosang groan as well. 
“Not so eager…” you say, placing your free hand onto Seonghwa’s waist to keep him still. 
“I’m sorry…” he apologizes, his voice sounding strained with need.
“So cute…” you breathe as you work your fingers inside of him a little longer, and he forces himself to stay still, even though you can tell it’s taking everything out of him. “You’re both so cute…” And then finally you pull out, and Seonghwa shivers when he feels the tip of your strap prodding at his entrance. You push inside with ease, and a few slow thrusts already have both of them groaning and mewling and shaking for you. 
“Shit, you’re perfect…” you praise them through gritted teeth as you pick up speed, and their voices form a melody filled with pleasure, you wish it would never end. And with you fucking both of them like this, neither of you three is bound to last long. The first one to break is Seonghwa.
“C-can I cum? Please… please, can’t hold it in…” And it’s not like you can blame him in his position, but still you don’t want to give him the okay just yet. So you reach for his hand and guide it towards Yeosang, and once Seonghwa’s fingers are wrapped around the younger’s cock, his moans too are becoming more and more desperate.
“P-please, Y/N…” he too is begging for permission to cum now, and with how close you too are to your high, you can’t but grant them their releases.
“Cum for me, my perfect boys…” you say through gritted teeth, and almost on command, Seonghwa breaks, then Yeosang follows suit, and lastly, as the overstimulation is already building up for the two of them, you too reach your high, feeling your whole body shake from all the sensations coursing through it.
You watch as both Seonghwa and Yeosang collapse onto the bed, side by side, both looking completely spent and fucked out. You can’t but find the sight adorable, and you give them a hand with cleaning themselves up a bit, before you find your place in the middle. With you sitting up, you let both of them rest their head on one of your thighs, playing with their hair.
“You did so well for me today,” you praise them as you can feel them melting under your gentle touch. “My two perfect boys.”
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tender-rosiey · 2 years
omg you're taking requests uhm, can i request for dazai and/or chuuya where he overheard his co-worker confide to kunikida or to yosano (in chuuya's case, it's tachihara or anyone in the port mafia lol) about her feelings towards him? like, she really went into detail as to why she loves him and wants to be there for him but she's scared that dazai doesn't feel the same way or she thinks he doesn't find her attractive esp when she did attempt to confess but they were too dense to put two and two together lmao im in the mood for angst and fluff so feel free to go wild with this one haha thank you~!
— dazai and chuuya hearing you talk about them
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“I don’t know, yosano; it’s hopeless.”
“are you serious right now?” yosano deadpans as you frown at her.
you get up, exasperated, “I have tried to confess twice! twice! and he either doesn’t get it or can’t find it in him to outright reject me!”
“you think dazai wouldn’t be able to figure something out?” she questions.
you sigh, “that means that it is the other option so I should probably stop liking him,” accepting defeat after god knows how long.
“you know it isn’t that easy; you can’t just stop feeling for someone, y/n.”
you look at her before finally bursting, “obviously it isn’t! I have spent the majority of my time either thinking about how much I love the idiot or how I want to be by his side and be there for him!”
“with a side of solving crime and saving the world.”
“yes and that too, but honestly I have gotten to the point that I NEED him to reject me so I can move on with my life and be a normal single person!”
yosano catches a figure standing outside the door and smirks lightly before speaking up, “say y/n, why do you like dazai so much?”
“first of all, I am wayyyyy past ‘like’; second of all, I like him because he is funny, cute, charming, smart, caring when he wants, observant and most importantly, he, deep inside, wants to do good.”
“oh?” she perks up at that, “why?”
“I…dont know much about his past with the mafia, but if he left then there has to be at least a part of him that is good,” you smile softly as you gaze into the ground, “I also don’t know much does he actually trust me, but if we ever have a chance, I would like to tell him that I am willing to shoulder his pains because he doesn’t deserve to go all of that alone.”
“and all of that because you love him?” she smiles and stands up then walks to the door.
“uhh, yeah? that was literally the introduction of my monologue,” you say, watching her walking.
“well, it’s a good thing that he heard all of that,” she announces before slamming the door open, “eavesdropping is a bad trait, dazai.”
he raises his hand up in mock-surrender, “I would never do such thing.”
she rolls her eyes and ruffles your hair, “I will let you two be,” then she closes the door behind her after she leaves.
you can see dazai processing things, and soon you and dazai stare into each other for a while, but a smirk settles on his lips, “so you love me, huh?—“
“if you’re going to reject me then do it quickly please,” you hurriedly say before looking away, not being to handle looking at him.
“hey now, I never said that I was going to reject you,” he points out, softly, but you merely side-eye him so he continues, “neither am I joking.”
he pouts and mumbles, “you really have no faith in me.”
you look away once again and fail to see the small smile that makes its way to his face; however, you hear his light footsteps as he approaches you.
he takes a hold of your hand and rubs it gently with his thumb, “I am going to be honest with you,” he notices how you tense up and kisses the back of your hand to calm you down, “I was going to say that I love you too, silly.”
“are you…sure?” you ask softly and gently bumps your foreheads and hums.
“never been more sure in my life,” he admits.
he smiles teasingly, “in fact, my honesty was going to be about how much I do and why; it’s only fair if I ramble about my love for you as well, no?”
“I am going to throw myself off a bridge.”
“oh no, not this again,” tachihara cowers.
“oh it’s this again!” you admit before freaking out, “did you see how good he looked getting off that motorcycle?!”
“how is he so attractive?!” you screech and he shrugs making you pout, “tachihara, cooperate!”
“I don’t see what is attractive about him!”
you take a breath and hear a small ‘what have I done’ from tachihara but start either ways, “first, his voice; holy crap his voice is so hot like yes sir please do talk more, let me listen to you talk about every single type of wine in the industry.”
“second, his eyes, they are so HEHEE! I can barely keep eye contact with him,” you fangirl and continue doing so, “and bro his entire physique honestly! I can’t think of a man that’s better than him in literally ANY category, sorry tachihara.”
he waves you off, but puts out another question, “what about his personality? what makes you so in love with him?”
“well,” you shyly start off, “he is a gentleman, he is nice, respectful, very kind and compassionate, trustworthy and overall an amazing person. I really can’t put it into words.”
“what about his anger issues?”
“oh no, he has every right to get angry at you people; everyone here is insufferable,” you say and tachihara huffs.
“but,” and the sadness in your voice doesn’t go unnoticed by your best friend, “i don’t think he feels the same.”
“why??” he asks, memory flashing back to every single time chuuya came to freak out about something cute you did and how much you fluster him, visibly so.
literally everyone can see it, except you.
“I don’t know; it’s just a feeling,” you murmur sitting down, “I am pretty obvious with my feelings and don’t necessarily hide it that much.”
that as well is true, which leads to only once conclusion that tachihara can think of: you both are undeniably stupid, clueless and are a pain in the ass to everyone around you because of how clueless you both are.
“well it’s a stupid damn feeling alright,” he quips and quickly gets a pack of tissues thrown at him.
however, he quickly recovers and with a smile and teases you, “sooo it’s safe to say that you love chuuya, right?”
“I have said that I love chuuya at least 4 times today; what’s wrong with you?”
you hear the sound of a glass breaking and turn around to see a red-faced chuuya who, for the life of him, can’t look you in the eye right now.
“oh shit,” you mumble and notice tachihara, sneaking out giggling. the bastard.
amidst the wine on the floor, the ticking of the clock and the blowing of the wind, chuuya barely mumbles out a sentence, “i l…v you… too.”
but you, obviously, didn’t hear anything, “what?”
he grumbles and walks closer to you, “i love you too.”
“chuuya, i really can’t hear you,” you say.
“I SAID I LOVE YOU TOO, YOU FREAKING IDIOT!” he yells and crosses his arms.
“jeez okay, no need to yell!” you shout back and he raises an eyebrow before sighing.
his arms wrap around your waist and he presses a kiss to your cheek, “you’re a handful, y’know.”
“already?” you giggle and he nods.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @bakugossanity @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @luciferspen @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @waosobii
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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darkdemeter · 8 months
◤✘WANDA MAXIMOFF COLUMN | Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader ISSUE NO.#2
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NOTES: ↳ So this took a fucking while because I was very sick and then by the time I could write I had lost the ideas I had and the inspiration to write it. Anyway this is considered as part 2 to Wolf At Your Door but can be read as standalone I suppose. Also there is no smut for this one because I just couldn't see it being in this part. WARNINGS! ↳ fluff — slightly possessive reader — Wanda and reader being a grump x sunshine couple — profanity — mention of protective reader — all about them pups really — small mention of Wanda's backstory — there's SITCOMS HERE — reader acknowledges the cheese of romcoms — marking — confessions and feels — I think that's it? SUMMARY: ↳ Never did you ever imagine that pups would become your future. No less, to Wanda Maximoff. Despite your odds and differences to begin with, perhaps you're willing to give this thing a shot.
✎ 2.9k
It’s as simple as that as you push the trolley forward. Wanda pouts and as an act of defiance, she throws the colourful, tiny suit into the metal basket on wheels. You aren’t quick enough to repress the almost disgusted sigh. 
“What’s wrong with it?” she asks behind a scowl as you both continue your voyage down the aisle. “Yellow hurts me. Deeply.”
Was that a lie? Maybe. But did you instantly regret your answer when you see the flicker of disappointment in Wanda’s eyes? There’s no doubt about it. She reaches back into the trolley for the tiny suit, amongst the array of others you both had already picked out, most likely to place it back on the rack when you stop her. 
“Leave it.” She looks shocked when you prevent her from fishing it out of the selection. You only roll your eyes, the faintest of smirks on your lips. “I’ll just have to be blindfolded when I hold them.”
Wanda smiles a toothy smile - that perfect smile - in regards to your humour. You’d never been one at the party to crack jokes but sure as hell would win a joke match against Rhodey. Him and his fucking tank story. 
But Wanda is entertained deeply by the mental picture of you with a literal blindfold over your eyes as you cradle little wolf jr. A picture perfect snapshot already archived in the album in her mind. 
Already midway through the second trimester. Time is flying by so quickly. You both still hadn’t sorted out the crib yet and by that, you hadn’t. But all the cribs you and Wanda saw were made for one baby; two at best if you were really set on them sharing. 
But human cribs never accounted for four pups and you weren’t very impressed by the idea of building four separate cribs. Uh uh, that made your wolf brain go crazy. Your pups separated from each other? How would they bond with each other?
That was how you and Wanda got on the topic of a ‘den’ and nesting. Surprisingly she was on board with the idea from the start when you first told her your concerns about the pups being kept away from each other, that their bonding time would be hindered greatly if you both went about it the human way.
She’d agreed wholeheartedly. Not a huge case it took to convince her. 
Wanda and yourself roll into the next aisle and the first few racks were rows upon rows of socks and shoes meant to be fitted to tiny feet. 
Wanda laughs at the expression on your face and you give her a puzzling furrow, head tilting to the side like a confused dog. 
“You,” she giggles, “didn’t expect our little rendezvous night to take so well, did you?” You merely shrug with a small noise, quick to cover it up you clear your throat loudly. 
“You brought it out of me. You should have known never to do that to a werewolf.”
Wanda smirks with a slight nod of her head. She’s double sure she doesn’t regret a single thing. There’s nothing she would trade for this feeling of her hand running over the large bump of her stomach that ferociously kicks with your pups. Four, healthy pups. 
There were still remnants of the aftershock back at the compound. The reveal that you and Wanda had slept together was talk of the compound for weeks before Wanda grew sick and with that, the test coming back positive. When you were able, Banner executed some further tests and you almost fainted right there on the spot when he congratulated on the four additions.
And not to mention the overstimulation on your part. Not only was Wanda a walking ball of ever changing hormones but you were in overdrive as well. Anytime someone made Wanda upset in the slightest you were on them in a matter of seconds. Fury had to call an emergency meeting in regards to keeping yourself in line throughout Wanda’s pregnancy. Not that it helped, you only grew to become fiercely protective over Wanda and your unborn pups. 
But for Wanda it was all she could want. Not to lie to yourself - your counsellor advised that lying to yourself is a bad habit - but you were happy as well. This was a secret dream come true. Wanda’s interest is piqued when she spots a set of black footed pyjamas with crescent moons on the pads of the feet and little pawprints scattered across the body. 
“Y/N, look!” she gapes as she holds the suit up for you to look at. Out of some maternal habit, she holds it against her bump and in that moment, it all hits you like a freight train. 
You were going to become a parent. A wolf parent. You wouldn’t be so alone anymore now with Wanda carrying your lineage within her womb. And she’s excited for it. Has been since the very beginning. To have such an opportunity before you now, you realise just how alone you were before. How fine you’d been being so alone before. 
But if you had a chance to go back in time, to stop yourself from entering Wanda’s dormitory that night, you realise now that you wouldn’t. 
Your lips part but no words come to mind. You’re drawn at a blank. All you can do is marvel at the inevitable coming of your pups. “I think we should get them, the pups will look so cute.” She grabs three more and places them in the trolley. 
‘Fucking hell…’
Wanda looks up from the haul and tilts her head curiously at the look you give her. Eyes wide, unblinking and just simply admiring her. Right there in that aisle of baby supplies. Not exactly one of those times in movies where the misunderstood, hardened love interest finally sees the sunshine protagonist in the highlight of their epiphany and has a complete one-eighty on their entire reality; but fuck, it was close enough. 
Seeing Wanda swollen large with your pups. It’s something that cannot - will not - be robbed from you. “You okay?” she asks softly and you nod slowly. 
“Yeah. Really good, actually.”
Ugh, those sitcoms and romcoms she’s made you watch are starting to rub off on you. You sound so fucking cheesy. She smiles wider this time and using a hand to flip some loose hair behind her shoulder, she beckons you to follow her. 
Maybe yellow isn’t such a bad colour. You can make it work.
Dinner time is rolling around and you check the time, just ten minutes past six. Wanda happily prepares dinner for both of you and your invited guests, her eyes occasionally lifting to watch the sitcom she’s adamant on watching.
At first, you didn’t get the fascination with a cast of characters just doing mundane things in one space only to have the laugh track and fade effect transition into the next location. 
However, Wanda was quite open with you about her life before Hydra took her and her brother. That she adored sitcoms from a young age, and one of the last memories she has is sitting down next to Peitro in front of the TV to watch an episode of the Dick Van Dyke show, her parents cuddled together on the couch. 
It was a raw scene to bear witness to. Her eyes flooded with tears. The only thing you could do in that moment was pull her to you in a tight embrace. The rest is history. One of your personal favourites was Bewitched, but you refuse to admit that to anyone. 
“How’s the project coming along?” Wanda asks as she stirs the contents in the pot around, giving it a little taste test. “It’s good,” you answer with a focused grunt, expertly working one of the last screws into place. 
“You’re following the instructions, right?” You don’t need to look at her to know her attention is elsewhere, she’s not even looking over at you. You roll your eyes, gaze momentarily glaring down at the booklet. 
You grumble to yourself under your breath. “Don’t need the instructions, werewolves don’t need fucking instructions.”
Wanda can’t suppress the grin on her lips at your huffing and wolfish grumbling. The pups were in for a treat with you, she can tell already. 
“Do human babies actually like these… knick knacks?” you ask rather unsurely. You stand the changing station up and brush your hand along the mobile. The colourful, plastic bits clink and sway. 
“Yeah!” she answers with enthusiasm. You only raise your brows more with worry. You weren’t set on having those little things dangle in front of your pups, just begging to be grabbed and chewed to bits. But that was a worried conversation for another time, a knock on the door alerts you both of your arrived company. 
You call out for them to enter as you busy yourself with putting aside the table. Natasha all but swaggers on inside, a box in her hands as her eyes glance between you and Wanda. 
“Good evening, how did the shopping go?” 
Wanda giggles at your reaction before she uses her stirring spoon to point at the haul you both had garnered today on your big voyage to the great danger beyond: the public. Sam, Steve and Clint walk in after Natasha, each wearing a smile of their own.
“You ready to have a crack at parenthood, Wolf?” Clint jokes and you shrug. “As ready as I could ever be.” 
Wanda begins serving up dinner when her eyes squint, accusation on the tip of her tongue. “We’re missing one,” she drawls and Steve chuckles lightly under the scrutiny of the witch’s gaze. 
“Bucky had to cancel last minute, small mission briefing.” Steve’s explanation is supposedly good enough for your little witch to accept but you see the judgement in her eyes. You chuckled, the wolf in your eyes spelling mischief as you look at Wanda from across the way.
“So lucky. If only I had a mission briefing too.” 
Wanda flicks her fingers at you, the tips of her fingers glowing with her scarlet magic when a knife flies your way. You catch it with a surprised guffaw. “Sweetheart, I thought we would save the knife play for later.”
Wanda looks at you with a narrowed gaze but her smirk speaks volumes to you. She’s silently challenging you and all you do is raise your brows, your tongue in your cheek. 
Sam is clearing his third plate of the masterpiece dish he insists is of five star quality. You hum teasingly under your breath, “I dunno, I think she tried to poison mine.” 
The others share in the banter with small laughs and their own opinions of their dish, all of which praise Wanda’s skills around the kitchen. 
But what was all your teasing but a mere altered projection of your deep, underlying affection for Wanda? As you talk and catch up with your friends at the dinner table, your hand seeks out Wanda’s under the table. When you find hers, your fingers intertwined together. A simple and small action but for you, it held more affection than many things that could overly express one’s love. 
You weren’t the type to show up at the door with a giant bundle of roses and balloons, with music blasting the greatest love song hits of the century. You always prefer to keep it small. Private. Intimate. 
So after another hour or so, your friends call their leave. “And remember, Tony’s hosting that huge baby shower for you guys next week,” Natasha reminds over her shoulder. A shudder attacks your spine and you inwardly growl. Tony would of course play out the entire thing as an act of being the ‘fun and cool uncle’ but really, it was another dig for getting the car done up good on your mission. 
“He knows I hate his parties,” you mumble to her once you’re both alone. She’s in the kitchen finishing up the washing when you walk up behind her. It’d been a big day for you both. It feels good for it to just be the two of you know. 
Your arms circle around her waist and pull her in close, her back flush against your front you take the opportunity to bury your nose into her neck. She giggles loudly, cringing as she tries to wriggle away from you.
“What’s wrong?” you coo with a playful nip to the shell of her ear. “I’m ticklish there!” she squeals but you continue to feign knowledge.
“Oh? Are you now?”
You laugh, cool, rich and deep. A husky drawl while you continue to nuzzle into her neck, inhaling her calming scent. Your hands balance on the rise of her swollen stomach, the kicks strong and prominent against the light pressure of your hands. 
“They know it’s you,” she cannot help but say with a smile. Something about your pups being able to recognise your touch makes her heart flutter and it makes something in you inflate. Pride. 
Your pups knew you by touch already. You just knew they were excited by the mere presence of your hands - of you - being so near. You smile. “Because they know I’ll protect them. Protect you.”
“You know… you never did mark me.”
You freeze for a moment, hesitant on how to answer her. What could you say to that? But Wanda turns around to face you and draws you into a deep, passionate kiss. Her lips capture yours and her tongue teases the line of your mouth. 
“I don’t care what reservations you have about this relationship, or that you plan on sleeping with other people. But please, I just want to feel some semblance of love, that I belong to you.”
You frown at this and immediately, your hands find the edges of her jaw to lift your tearful eyes to yours. “Wanda,” you sigh in disbelief, “take a look inside. What do you see?”
She gives you a look of scepticism and you huff deeply through your nose, a wolf behaviour to further urge her to comply. She does so, closing her eyes and taking a moment to read your thoughts. This is the first time you’ve given her permission to take a look inside your mind.
“You see anyone else?” She shakes her head in response. “That’s because there is nobody else. There’s only you.”
You sink to your knees so you’re at eye level with the baby bump. Wanda watches you, eyes wide and jaw slack. Whatever antics you were getting up to, she’s at a loss. When has she ever seen you become a mushy mess for anything? When Wanda looked at you, she never put affection as part of your resume. You and the factor of affection or anything to do with a loving relationship were just two opposite ends of the spectrum.
She didn’t believe you were ever capable of such adoration and devotion. “There’s never been anyone else. It’s always just been me. That’s how it used to be before… this.” Your nose pushes against her bump and you feel the pups kick again. 
You grin this time before your eyes lift up to see Wanda, her button lip jutted out in a pout. Her bright eyes coated with hot tears.
“Little witch, I’m not… I’m still very new to all this. But I’m telling you now that I want to have a go.” You pause and swallow thickly. “I don’t want it to just be me anymore. I want it to be us.”
“Then make it an us. That’s all I want.” 
You hear the plea in her whisper and you rise up to your full height, staring down at her. Your hands cradle her face in your hold, you simply take the moment to admire in her eyes what you once mistook for lust; that you now see as love. 
“It’ll hurt for a second,” you inform her as you slowly tilt her head so her neck is bared for you. “But I promise it’ll be for just a second.”
She nods and you take that as your go ahead. This is where the lone road ends for you. No more being alone. 
She closes her eyes with the growing anticipation and you bare your prolonged fangs, inching them closer to the sensitive skin of her neck, hovering over the spot you’d nuzzled just prior. Right where she was ticklish. 
With a final, deep breath you close the distance and plunge your canines and her body locks up, a yelp on her lips you tug her in closer to you. Your body is a silent assurance that she’s alright. That she and your pups will be alright. 
She feels it in her core, a whirlwind that sweeps her like a heavy storm. Like wind blowing in her face and drawing the air from her lungs. Right beneath the surface of her skin tingles and becomes ignited with that binding fire. When you pull away with a breathless exhale, your dazed eyes glowing, it takes you a moment of swaying to become stable again.
“Fuck,” you both groan softly, noses brushing together as your lips dance over one another, their connection ghostly but the radiance of your new connection a fiery and passionate spark to the touch. 
Wanda smiles and her flushed cheeks indicate her flustered embarrassment. You chuckle deeply and lift her chin up with your fingers so she meets your hungry, wolfish gaze. 
“You’re mine now.” Her hand finds purchase on her stomach, and yours falls over the top of hers. “And they are our pups.”
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antianakin · 2 months
I think one of the best showcases of how the prequels were meant to be an "everyone loses" story is The Last Battle in Rebels. Kelani pointing out basically that the logistics didn't make sense for how the war was going (and let's be honest the CIS could basically continuously pour out droids cheaper than the Republic could replace clones, it could have been a win of overwhelming force.)
Ezra pointing out that when both armies were basically weak and leadershipless they were destroyed.
Outside of someone managing to break out of Palpatine's manipulations, it was a no win scenario which I think a lot of recent stuff misses.
For me, I think it is and it isn't a no-win scenario. The Jedi almost beat Palpatine and Dooku and the CIS. They're SO CLOSE. Even WITH Palpatine and Dooku manipulating things behind the scenes, they nearly win the war. And without Palpatine and Dooku manipulating things so much, I think the Jedi and the Republic would've wiped the floor with the Separatists. Of course, without Palpatine and Dooku manipulating things, there's no war to win anyway, but the point stands. The Republic gets close to winning or to finding a way to peace MORE THAN ONCE and Palpatine or Dooku have to quickly engineer some sort of attack to scare the Senate into backing the war all over again.
So, yes, Palpatine and Dooku are making it impossible for either side to win, and especially impossible for the Jedi to win, but despite that, they manage to get pretty close over and over and over again.
And the other thing to take into account is, of course, Anakin. The one piece of the puzzle that no one in Rebels really knows exists in order to take it into account in their analysis of the Clone War. The ONLY REASON Palpatine wins is because Anakin allows him to. The Jedi would've killed Palpatine and ended the war with the Senate intact and hopefully moving towards peace if Anakin hadn't stepped in and saved Palpatine at the last second. The Jedi had WON, literally every single Separatist military leader was dead, leaving only the actual politicians (most of whom seem at least somewhat willing to consider trying for peace with the Republic) and the Corporate Alliance leaders who are trying not to be publicly aligned with the Separatists anyway and would likely be too cowardly to try to take over the war on their own. The only thing standing in the way of peace and the end of the war was Palpatine, and he would've died in his office if Anakin had made a different choice.
So, sure, it's SUPPOSED to be a no win scenario, but it wouldn't have taken much for the Republic to emerge the victors and it all came down to one person's choice in one specific moment. It wasn't truly a no win scenario because Anakin could've chosen differently and changed the course of history if he'd wanted to. All of Palpatine and Dooku's manipulations would've been for NOTHING if Anakin were just a slightly better person.
Obviously from the perspective of the characters in Rebels, it would probably feel like it had been a no win scenario that none of them had any control over and accepting that reality is something they'd need to do in order to find peace. But it's not entirely... true. And what I personally wish more stories these days recognized is that the Jedi and the Republic almost won, almost achieved peace, and the only reason they didn't was because Anakin Skywalker was a selfish, greedy, piece of shit who condemned an entire galaxy to save one person.
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sjmgirlie · 7 months
“I see so much potential for Lucien and Elain”
There has not been a single scene in 2 novels and 1 novella since we found out they were mates that alludes to any potential at all?
They haven’t even had one conversation where Feyre isn’t there carrying it? He lives on the other side of Prythian? Can't stand to be around her? She wants to leave the room each time he's there? Specifically sits away from him? Like where is the potential other than some sort of imagery (which I'll get to)? It ain't there.
“I can’t imagine a single conversation happening between Elain and Azriel”
They had one the first day they met. Talking about flying.
Not to mention on Solstice they stayed up to talk to each other when everyone else went to bed.
How do we know they didn’t talk when they were in the garden together?
“Azriel just stifles Elain. She’s just a damsel in distress”
You sure?
He literally gave her the knife he had literally never let anyone touch in 500 years to protect herself? Cassian didn’t want Nesta finding the troves either? Are we trying to say that a man who wants to protect a women is suddenly.. unattractive? Like idk about you, but I would love for a bat boy to save me lol. Or tell me not to do something for my safety. But okay.
“It’s just lust”
Let’s not even go there because a male willing to participate in a blood duel and renouncing his own religion is not just trying to have sex
“Lucien is the son of Helion and Elain needs sun!”
Well Lucien has never had sun imagery. It’s fire from his Autumn Court heritage and in Hybern he released himself with SPELLS. Feyre was actually the person to cast out a bright light to break the wards, and we find out later that it’s a gift from the Dawn court. Lucien tells us this. Lucien has fire magic and is a spell cleaver, not the sun. ELAIN is the sun. Day court does not equal sun for Lucien. Sorry.
“Elain will never accept Azriel’s profession”
Pretty sure she’s already accepted everyone in the Night Court. They all have jobs that are borderline sus. And considering the countless instances where we see Elain is actually very observant, I’m sure she knows what he does, yet she still leans into his touch. Not to mention Mr. fashion police Cassian also tells us that Elain is not a loyal dog. That she saw everything Nesta did and understood. Doesn't seem like she's not accepting to me.
"Azriel just wants a mate!!"
If the male wants a mate why would he bother spending time with a female he knows has one? Why wouldn't he be sailing around Prythian looking for her? Because she sure as shit isn't in the Night Court. And let's be honest, I don't think he will even be getting a mate if it's not Elain through some sort of different bond. Because there is no one in canon right now that could be his mate, and we only have 2 more novels and 1 novella left. And his book is next. Apparently we can all agree on that, but can't accept Elain is also getting the next book, aka their book together. And no, Gwyn is not his mate, because it would have already snapped into place. We had an 800 page book where they were in the vicinity of each other through all the training monologues (so maybe more 400 pages) and it didn't happen? Rhys knew before they left under the mountain. Literally happened at the end of the book. Cassian knew the first day he met Nesta. Lucien knew the second Elain took her first breath lol... it's not happening.
"Elain should be with Lucien and they would be High Lord and Lady of Day Court!!"
You want to kill off Helion??? I want the novella to be about him and the Lady of Autumn tbh (even though it's likely Mor). Like? No, I need some sort of scene with Helion in each remaining book. I need more of him, biblically and spiritually. Also, have we forgotten “You can not resent my decision to lead a small quiet life..” ??? Elain said this in ACOSF to Nesta, like, do you think this girl wants to be High Lady all of a sudden? No. She doesn't.
"Elain needs to give Lucien a chance!!"
I swear everyone who says this has never been in that "Oh, well he's just such a nice guy!! Give him a chance" type of situation. Like why should I? WHY SHOULD SHE? He literally was an accomplice in her human life being stripped away from her. Should they end up being friends? Yes. Together romantically? No. If she doesn't want to give him a chance, which she clearly doesn't, then she doesn't need to. Stop diminishing choice in character arcs. Her whole arc, with Azriel and Lucien, is centred around choice in the first place.
"Azriel's shadows danced for Gwyn, so they are endgame"
Don't get me wrong, the shadows are a part of Azriel, but I don't think they literally determine his life for him. Actually, I know this 100%. His shadows are under his command. Also, they danced for her breath, not Gwyn. Which is weird. Not to mention his shadows alert him in times of trouble and to gain information. Is it not weird they didn't alert him that she was there? Like that's not being wing-shadowy, that's screaming something sus is going on. (And no, I'm not anti-gwyn or even saying she's evil. Is she a lightsinger? Probably. The evidence is there. Does it mean she's bad? No.)
"Azriel's shadows hide from Elain, so they can't be together"
Again, are Azriel's shadows the ones that command him? Or does he command them? And his shadows have disappeared for half of the IC. They disappear when there is no threat. They disappear when he doesn't want them there. Pretty sure Azriel's whole character doesn't just revolve around shadows. Sure, they are a huge part of his identity so far, but do we truly think that he wants to be reduced to them? Doubt it. He's probably had a very hard time coming to terms with the fact people have always looked at him differently because of it. I wouldn't be surprised if him becoming a Shadowsinger (since they came to him later in life in the dungeon) was a result of unfathomable trauma. Azriel does not only equal shadows only. We just don't know him yet.
"The BC sunk Eriel"
You mean the bonus chapter where Azriel was about to get on his knees for a taste? The bonus chapter where Elain was giving him offer and permission? The bonus chapter where Rhys was the reason they DIDN'T actually kiss? The bonus chapter where Rhys became their obstacle and lifted the stakes not only on a personal level (with Elain thinking she was rejected, with Az and Rhys having a wedge between them) and politically (the potential downfall with god knows how many courts since Lucien is a drifter and the human lands)? Like we need the stakes!!!! This is what makes it worthwhile to read?? Forbidden romance? That should be enough intrigue. Plus anyone who genuinely thinks an author would write a male character willing to drop to his knees for a female (we've seen this with both Rhys and Cassian btw) only to have him move on in the next book is just idk. It's not possible. It would be so UNROMANTIC for them not to end up together. Like I would never forget Azriel wanted Elain's coochie so bad only to end up with someone else??? Ya, that's not romantic.
"Elain and Tamlin would be perfect mates"
Throws Up
So Elain is going to go to the only court where there is no gardening because the HL magic keeps everything in eternal bloom, only to shack up with her sister's ex who that same sister almost married and her mates ex best friend? Make it make sense. You're truly showing your hatred for stereotypical feminine qualities my friend. Tamlin needs some time to lick his wombs and maybe learn how to cook. He needs to stop isolating himself. And again, Elain is not his mate. Also, let's just add Elain is not ever leaving the Night Court. The series is about the Archeron sisters, and her sister is the literal High Lady of NC, not to mention her other sister is mated to the Illyrian General. Like be for real right now.
The End. 🌹🗡❤️🦇
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kedreeva · 2 months
Hi! I went through your FAQ and didn't see a direct answer this this, but how do you go about actually obtaining a peafowl? How much do they usually cost per bird?
Up front, I can only speak to USA practices, so if you live elsewhere the answer may not be the same.
I'll answer the second part first since it's "easier," or maybe I should say, slightly more concrete, and the answer is: it depends on what you want, and how capable you are of caring for it. I have seen day old blues from backyard breeders go for as little as $15, but unless you really have a handle on what to expect and how to care for them, you will almost certainly be responsible for the death of a day old peachick and waste the money. I have watched an online auction for an ultramarine yearling go for $6,800, but that's because that was a newly imported color from Europe that no one else had. A green - a true, pure green, not an American green that's actually a high green blood hybrid - will run you $5-10k depending on where you import from or who you're buying from that's imported themselves and tracked lineage. An American green will still run you a couple thousand, but more like $2k than $6k. Your average adult blue will run $80-200, but I've watched blue hens go for $400 at auction. Color/pattern mutations will run $150-800 typically, for "common" colors, depending on their quality and whether they're a nice looking hybrid (blue + green species), but I've seen nice morphs go for $35 at auction. I say this because auctions can be great on some days and terrible on others and you would need to know average prices for the color and/or pattern you want, to know if you're getting a deal or getting hosed.
But regardless of a $15 chick or an $800 silver pied platinum Spalding, the expense on them actually comes mainly from the cage- the minimum (and I do mean minimum literally not pretty owners of YouTube outrageous claim of minimum), flight pen size is 500 square feet with no side shorter than 12 feet long (to accommodate trains and allow the birds past you without injuring themselves, and 8 feet tall to allow for a 5-6 perch the males can get on to clean their trains. Every bird must also have 150sq/ft, so 500 will hold 3, but not 4, you'd need 600 for 4. But with peafowl, bigger is better- the more space they have to move around (and thus away from you) the closer they are willing to come to you, because they feel like they can safely get away again. The minimum size is also not optional if you want to maintain healthy birds- they're extremely susceptible to parasites and bacteria often found in raw soil, and even to just... Getting dirt in their face and getting infected sinuses. Minimizing their ability to access dirt by growing in grass and cover crop plants like clover is the single greatest step you can take to protect their health. And this doesn't even include the coop, which is minimum 8x8x6 to protect them and their trains. With the price of lumber, wire, and netting, this will easily run you a few thousand, but it's by far the safest way to keep them, especially the hens, who otherwise tend to get eaten by predators when they set a nest while free ranging. It's also the only way to ensure they don't just leave, because they are game fowl like pheasants, not like chickens, and you can't just toss them in the yard and expect they'll stay. Occasionally they do, but largely they don't.
To answer your first question... It depends on where you live. Most USA states have livestock auctions and bird swap meets- your best bet to acquire local birds is to find those but how to find them... Well. You kind of just have to luck upon them or hope a web search turns them up, if they're even advertised online, on publicly accessible places. There are bigger breeders around the USA that will ship birds if you're looking for something specific you can't find locally, but you'll be looking at a $350+ shipping bill. You can join peafowl groups on Facebook and try to find locals, or contact the UPA (United peafowl association) to get a breeder directory but that's only people who have paid to be in the club, which honestly doesn't do much anymore. You can also, if you know of one breeder, ask if they know other breeders. A good breeder should at least be able to say 'if I don't have what you're looking for, you can try this other person/people.' alternately there's ebay and craigslist, although I wouldn't trust the former because you can only sell eggs, and peafowl hatching eggs are a big fucking waste of money, typically speaking. They're extremely finicky eggs to hatch and most people prefer to let broodies hatch when they can, because they don't hatch well in incubators.
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hunting-for-sport · 2 months
crazy to me how people still put so much effort into trying to compare isaac to liam (granted, i get that one it mostly makes sense to me) or theo (i get this significantly less it's such a superficial comparison) while talking about later seasons characters when hayden romero is literally right there. both isaac and hayden were younger siblings to people in civil defense positions (soldier and cop, respectively), both were some of the only characters in the show, barring scott, who actually had jobs at some point, jobs that both worked as a result of a family situation that were also not objectively appropriate/normal for teenagers to be working, both ended up on the side oppositional to the main group for a period of time, isaac with derek, hayden with theo, with little to no choice in the matter (yes, technically isaac had a choice not to take the bite, but it was a choice between that and staying in an abusive house, then after his dad died it was a choice between going with derek or yk, being homeless and a murder suspect) and had marked shifts in their personalities/the way they presented themselves as a result of it, eventually shifting back to something closer to their true selves when taken into the mccall pack, and gaining renewed senses of selflessness + protectiveness. both isaac and hayden held intense, long lasting grudges, they were both characteristically blunt and probably too willing to be honest with people. despite their physical prowess and, at times impulsive, willingness to fight, both also proved their ability to think/work strategically often. oh and then both of them moved away from beacon hills and were promptly forgotten about, sparing a single mention of them leaving. this is really just a basic comparison and there's probably a few other similarities im forgetting but it's been a second since i last watched season 5 & 6 so. anyways i just think the isaac/liam and isaac/theo comparisons have been fucking done to death at this point with no particularly interesting insights and i wish people would branch out and also actually remember that hayden exists for once.
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stressed-and-queer · 1 year
Reasons why Merlins s1 ep4 "The Poisoned Chalice" is one of my favorite episodes (spoilers)
Gaius giving Merlin a fake proverb and Merlin calling him out on it
Merlin: "Someone has to keep the place running"
Gaius: 🤨
Merlin gets so excited he gets to go to the ball and it's adorable
The iconic outfit Arthur picks out for him
Gwen teasing him about the hat
Arthur looking back at Merlin clearly amused
The moment "Clara" confirms that Arthur's cup is poisoned he immediately leaves to save Arthur
Arthur keeps on trying to take a sip of the cup thinking the speech is over only to be interrupted again 🤣
Merlin: *Takes Arthur's cup*
Arthur: #annoyed
Uther asks Merlin for proof about his claims about the cup being poisoned and Arthur immediately goes into protective boyfriend mode
Arthur got so worried when Uther decided he would drink the wine
To the point that he tried to drink it himself knowing there was a possibility it was poisoned.
He was literally willing to do that for a servant he met 4 EP ago
Continuing with the point that they met 4 EP ago, they've known each other for like what, a month at the most and Merlin was already willing to die for Arthur
"but if it's poisoned, he'll die :('
Arthur was so fucking worried when Merlin drank the wine, you could tell just by the way he stood
*Dramatic music playing after Merlin drank the wine for a dramatic pause* Merlin: ...It's fine
The fact that the poison took a few moments to kick in. Idk it made it seem more realistic
You cannot convince me Arthur wasn't planning on somehow getting Merlin back from Bayard
When Merlin starts to choke, Arthur's face immediately drops. There's just a look of pure worry and dread
When Merlin falls to the ground unconscious, Arthur is there by his side in a matter of seconds
Arthur didn't even think twice when he picked Merlin up to carry him to Gaius's physician chambers
Arthur asking if Merlin was going to be ok
Gaius explains how to save Merlin, and how dangerous a journey it would be and Arthur is still willing to go to save Merlin
Gaius: A single drip of venom from the Cockatrice would mean certain death
Arthur: Sounds like fun!
Morgana has so much faith that Arthur would save Merlin she wasn't even worried
She relieved Gwen from her duties for the rest of the night so she could take care of Merlin!!!
"I can't stand by and watch him die!"
" Then don't watch"
The ways those lines are delivered are sooooo good omg
The way Arthur leans against the fireplace
Morgana is the one that convinced Arthur to defy his father and save Merlin
Merlin saying a spell in his sleep
And Gaius having to cover for him because Gwen was literally right there
Gaius immediately knows it's Nimue that poisoned the cup when he finds out the poison has been magically enhanced
"He's just a boy"
"Have you seen your son recently?"
Merlin literally moans Arthur's name in his sleep
"Art-Arthur, Arthur...ngh" -Merlin s1 ep4
Even when Merlin is literally dying and unconscious he's still trying to save Arthur
The whole act that Nimue puts on that Arthur falls for instantly
When Arthur flights the Cockatrice with his sword. I love all the fancy movements Bradley had to learn for the role of Arthur
Merlin moaning Arthur's name pt2
Merlin tries to warn Arthur that it's a trap in his sleep
"Who are you!"
"The last face you'll ever see"
Merlin moans Arthurs name pt3
"Do not let Merlin die because of something I did"
Arthur is willing to be put into the stocks for a month if it means Merlin gets the antidote
Arthur reaching for the flower through the bars of his cell
The way they snuck the flower out of the cell
"That's disgusting, you would be ashamed of yourself you're old enough to be her grandfather"
"I'm proud of you Arthur, never forget that"
Arthur went to check in on Merlin to make sure he was doing ok
"Arthur....thank you"
"You too, get some rest"
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mortiskiller · 1 year
Story: Man to Hog
Text version of my latest audio of the same name. Trigger Warning: Extreme weight gain, immobility, weight gain regret, manipulation and non-consent.
The tears and panic washed over my face. "Fuck, I cant move, fuck fuck!" You Watched me try to move unaided.When we started this journey, I did not really think this would happen, you would have stopped this. But pound after pound, milestone after milestone, I gained. Slow, then faster and faster, at one point it was 50 pounds a month. You would feed me and call me your handsome hog, lull me into being feed past any point of human fullness. I would moan the whole time watching my body swell around me and loving it. I put every negative thought buried under pounds of food and liters of ice cream, you made it so easy. Its what you wanted to see me like this. This morning you helped me up and placed the scale under my feet, as you lifted me up, I wheezed and groaned, it had been weeks since I was on my feet, feeling all my weight. After a few seconds you brought the live stock display to my bloated, puffing, sweating face, the number blurred a little as my eyes were pushed slightly closed since last month. With your other hand you grab my fat face and push the fat back so I can see. Slowly the red blurs become numbers, numbers I cant believe. 987 lbs. 
I let out a whimper, my mind racing with fear and disbelief. This couldn't be happening. I was nearly a thousand pounds. How had I let this happen? How had you let this happen?
But then, a small part of me felt a sense of terror, utter terror and realization. No, my mouth manages to eek out. 
You watched as conflicting emotions played out on my face. You could see the terror and the realization warring within me. You knew that I was yours, completely and utterly. You had molded me into this, had fed me and cared for me, and now I was your masterpiece.
You reached out and ran a hand over my fat rolls, relishing in the warmth and softness of my body. You leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "You did it, my handsome hog. You're the biggest, the best. 
You cackled with glee, your hand still gripping my cheeks as if they were made of putty. Your eyes danced with delight as you looked over your handiwork, the product of months of feeding and pampering. I could barely breathe, my chest heaving with each intake of air. The weight of my own body pressed down on me, making me feel like I was being crushed under a mountain of flesh.
But even as I struggled to come to terms with my new reality, you were already making plans for me. Plans that involved growing me even larger, pushing me to new heights of gluttony and indulgence.
"You look positively delicious," you murmured, tracing a finger down my flabby arm. "We're going to have so much fun with you."
I shuddered, both in delight and fear. Part of me reveled in the idea of being your plaything, your oversized pet to be fed and pampered at your whim. 
My knees burned, hips ached, my back was on fire, my body was no longer able to stand unaided. As my fear flooded my body, I felt your hand leave my thick upper side roll, where my beanbag tits meat my 125 inch belly.
You moved your hand to my lower belly, where you could feel the movement of my organs struggling to keep up with the sheer mass that was pressing down on them. I could feel your breath on my neck as you leaned in closer, your voice low and husky in my ear.
"You ready, my handsome hog?" you asked, turning the food balloon that was my body."Its time for your final steps." you cruelly yelled as your hand stung my couch filling ass. Ahead was a single slice of chocolate cake, my favorite. Even with 30K calories for dinner in my sagging gut, it rumbled, it needed food. Drool escaped my lips as I started oinking.  
My mind willed me to move but my body refused. Too fucking fat, too greedy, too lazy, to easy to control, too dumb to see what was coming. I shuffled one foot forward, my mind was focused on the cake, the food, i needed it. The slight movement of my foot made my body slump, and collapse. Books fall off the shelf and your jump as nearly half ton falls down, wet watery fat slapping the ground. A breathy fuck screams from my lips. My vision settles on your cute manicured toes and slim ankle. Your foot taps as you say, I am waiting hog. I cant even move my head, you see the ocean of fat pooling on the ground. I watch your feet glide over the floor and grab the cake. You place it on the ground, and push it toward me with your foot. It gets closer and closer, and it seconds the plate is smashed into my face. My new life as man was over, I was a hog now. 
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gingerjunhan · 1 year
xdinary heroes and the texts you wake up to
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☆彡 Could this have been an smau? Yes. Do smau’s frustrate me to no end? Also yes. Oops. There needs to be an easier way to make those I swear
word count: 745 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: mentions of food (Heyongjun), lmk if I missed something
goo gunil
hello my love ❤️
I hope you had a good day today
I can’t wait to talk to you tomorrow :)
he won’t text too much because he knows you deserve your rest 🫶🏻
no matter how late it is you KNOW Gunil is checking in on you to make sure you had a good day
he doesn’t care if you’re asleep and you won’t see the message until the next day, he just wants to check in
he also has it worked down to a science that if you’re still awake when he messages you, you probably had a bad day
no matter how late it is he is always willing to help you through a bad day, or just talk to you about your normal day
even if nothing exciting happened, he wants to hear all about it
good night sunshine:) dream of me
I’m sorry I needed to picture that I’m blushing rn
kim jungsu
hi honey :) we just got done at the studio. today was so looooong!!
one simple text
a mini debrief, if I may
if he feels clingy I think he would send you multiple shorter messages
hi baby :)
I miss you
how was your day today?
I can’t wait to hear all about it
I love you
definitely makes your phone vibrate too much and then he feels bad for waking you
I also feel like if Jungsu is feeling clingy he will call you the second he sees you typing a reply
he just loves you so much and he wants to hear your voice :(
kwak jiseok
missed you today!
we just got home from work and I’m SO TIREDDD
call me in the morning!!
love you!! ❤️
so excited that he finally gets the chance to message you
if you text him back get ready for a play-by-play of his entire day
but don’t worry he will be just as attentive to your day as you are to his
if you feel too tired to text about your day he’ll offer to call you and stay on the phone until you fall asleep
he will tell you he loves you so. many. times. over the course of this conversation
work = time away from you = sad Jiseok
oh seungmin
hello baby
how was your day?
sorry if you’re asleep rn haha
simple, to the point
he totally sends you ootds every day, so you might also wake up to an ootd
he won’t get mad if you don’t respond because nine times out of ten if you respond he misses it because he’s asleep 💀
if he does catch a response he’s so excited!
did you have a good day? tell me all about it!
I can’t wait to see you baby
I missed you so much
I feel like Seungmin might not text much because he definitely prefers calling
he can’t rizz you up with texts as well as he can with his voice 😼
han hyeongjun
hi hi hiii
did you have a good day?
look what we had for lunch today
(attachment: 1 image)
if you don’t think you’d get a food haul from Hyeongjun every day you’re wrong
his sleep schedule is honestly so horrible that he would probably sleep through half of your texts the next morning/afternoon so he doesn’t mind when you do it to him
much like Jungsu, I can see him getting clingy over text?
his bubble messages from the other day inspired this whole fic, I just need y’all to know that
you can tell he really missed you if he pulls out the nicknames
I missed you today <3
I’m going to go practice some more
sleep well baby
lee jooyeon
hi :)
are you awake?
I missed you today
can you call?
Jooyeon also prefers calling in my opinion
he just wants to hear your voice :(
if you’re too tired to call but you respond to his text, he will literally stay on the phone with you until he’s too tired to keep typing
guess what happened at work today!
what did you do today?
did you do anything fun today?
are you busy tomorrow? I want to see you :(
a million questions
if it was up to Jooyeon you would come to work with him every single day so you didn’t have to leave his side
I am a firm believer that this man wants to spend every second of every day with you and he would never get bored of you ever
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sieglinde-freud · 3 months
grabs ur hands dm ur reasoning rn *looks at you with my big eyes*
YOU GUYS ARE PEER PRESSURING ME WTF... but ok im just gonna post it here then hi tc thank u for the ask :) going under the read more because my initial ramblings were literally 3k but let me see if i can chop it down. cw: LONG. also pic for reference so we know what im talking about
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so the placements all assume the only headcanon thats real going into this is that the morgans are siblings. no canon second parents which means no chrom!inigo or anything like that they all have single moms or whatever idk not important but just clarifying none of that is impacting their placements because i dont want to think about that
black eagle placements were the most fun because the fun thing about that route is that it splits into two more! one thing thats always bothered me is that when that route splits, the only thing that changes is that you either lose edelgard or hubert or you lose flayn. are you really telling me those are the only three students with enough free will to not let byleth pick the rest of their life for them? ferdinand would NOT go to the church i dont care!!! this is something they fixed (kind of) in warriors but in general when picking the black eagles i wanted to keep that in mind too
so kjelle was the first character i looked at and went “i know where you go.” i think she looks at edelgard and goes “you are everything i want to be and more” because what edelgard fights for and how she accomplishes it. kjelle is a very “the strong must protect the weak by any means necessary” which is kind of harsh when its presented to the player in awakening but it is literally edelgard’s whole philosophy. and kjelle is very egotistical (not hate i love her ass so much underrated fav!!) she thinks incredibly highly of herself so for her to bow down to anyone they would have to 1) echo her ideals and 2) be stronger than her. sorry shes never bending the knee to dimitri and claude i dont give a fuck she doesnt like those men. i think she’d understand edelgard’s idea of putting power in human hands and fully commit to the ends justify the means. this isnt really a gameplay rewrite thing im trying to do but if byleth picked the church she would leave. also… please. please please consider edelkjelle… okay guys… for me……..
on the opposite side nah was my second immediate “ohh i know what im doing with you” and its because if byleth picks edelgard, shes out!! granted, i could just put her with lions or deer but how is that fun. its not. nah, being a manakete, would probably be much more understanding of rhea and willing to reach out. being a manakete is probably a pretty isolating experience for her, ylisse or fodlan or otherwise, so i think her finding solace with rhea and flayn and seteth during her time at the academy would allow her to get closer to people more like her, and understand on some level why rhea is the way she is and why governs the way she does. though, still being housemates, she’d befriend edelgard and i think she’d admire edelgard’s conviction and maturity during the academy arc. but when edelgard betrays the church i think she’d take that very hard, and i dont think anything edelgard would say to her would get her to turn on what is basically the family she never got to have (theres also second gen angst potential in here somewhere…)
inigo was interesting to think about and i did almost saddle him in with golden deer but i like the potential of him with edelgard a lot more when i really sat down and thought about it. im pulling more from his characterization as laslow i think but at first i wasn’t really sure if i had a case for him picking between the empire and the church but i decided to go with the empire because i do think in the time he has with edelgard, he’d be a voice of reason for her (to hubert’s dismay). edelgard’s problem is that she has literally no outsider pov and is going based on her own sense of justice that, while its based in good intentions, has a lot of unintended consequences and failure to acknowledge how it impacts everyone else. i think inigo could take a unique role, similar to ferdinand (or lorenz to claude, felix to dimitri) in that he challenges edelgard but on a much more friendlier level. the thing about how that role normally plays out is that its formed on some personal grievance rather than genuine better interest of the people, and i think of all the lords, edelgard needs a friend the most (its why shes so attached to byleth???). and just looking at how hes able to handle xander in fates and how much more introspective he becomes, i think it’d play out similarly here. also i think with the forces of him and dorothea combined they would give ferdinand the worst bisexual panic of his life. ik i mentioned felix/inigo WHICH I STILL LIKE but imagine the layer of angst if they are on opposing sides… ok thanks
was on the fence about gerome until beloved mutual (hi woocy :3) convinced me he would be beagle and im completely down with that. for me, i struck out blue lions immediately. so after that its just a matter of do i think he fits in better with BE or GD and quite honestly. for some reason golden deer gets the rep of being the meme house but aside from lorenz looking a little funny anf claude putting up a facade YOU ALL FELL FOR this straight up is not true. the funny house is black eagles and by GOD it would piss gerome off to be there. i dont think they chose their houses, by the way. i think they got to fodlan and rhea vibe checked all of them immediately so he didnt have a say in this. not only is he stuck with inigo, hes stuck with watching kjelle—the strongest warrior ever probably the only one in the second to match him in terms of raw strength—stumble over herself over their house leader because wwaauuw women pretty LIKE COME ONNNN. though, i do think he’d respect edelgard for her strength, and theres a lot of interesting dynamics for him to explore. dorothea pissing him off, bonding with petra over their enjoyment for wildlife, he would definitely be training partners with caspar, and i think he’d actually be like. really good at talking to bernadetta? maybe seeing her reminds him of how he was when he was younger. maybe he gets her out by introducing her to minerva. much to think about. but in general he would keep mostly to himself with standard gerome “cant get close to people that i cant guarantee will stay with me” fashion i think he probably wouldnt be as close as say someone like inigo or nah would be with the house. so when the time to choose a side comes… i dont think he’d have the relationship with edelgard to pick her. i think he would oppose her ideals, and go with nah, if not flee fodlan entirely because omfg who careeesss…. WHO CAREEESS his ass is in wyvern valley (no i think he’d fight. but he’d def consider dipping)
m!morgan is here because i think it would challenge him. guy who is so cute so earnest so ready to be happy in school learning everything hes ever wanted hoping to come home and make momma proud and oh my god he got put in the most crazy house imaginable. whoever his professor is is probably like wow morgan you have a gift for tactics! why dont you try managing the class for a mission? and being morgan he’d go YES ABSOLUTELY!!! unfortunately this house has hubert. and ferdinand. and bernadetta. and linhardt. and caspar. the thing about robin and the shepherds is that most people immediately respected robin as their tactician and robin was able to connect and befriend most of them fairly easily because they were mostly all sane and normal people. the black eagles are most definitely not and have you guys seen that black eagles seating chart post? well. i just think it’d give morgan a hard time and between him and f!morgan its funnier if its him. also splitting him from the justice cabal for timeskip angst sorry. also i think it’d be cool if he took edelgards side. i dont actually know which way he’d lean thats a tossup like this is a character that i could believe would trust byleth’s judgement and go with them but if its edelgard i think that could set up fun conflict between him and nah. grima vs naga part 2!! though i actually did have him for blue lions first if only because of the three houses the blue lions probably need a tactician type the best but. i like this one better.
so for blue lions i immediately clocked owain like look at this guy. i think owain would see the house of cool knightly chivalrous types fighting for justice and being cool and having swords and i just think he’d be in heaven. i also think, to him, dimitri would be a figure to look up to similar to lucina, but with the difference that they are not family and owain might put him on an even higher pedestal because theres this sense of familiarity he had with lucina thats not really there anymore? kind of similar to ashe and dimitri. and when the timeskip comes, i think he’d be endlessly devoted to dimitri even still, never forgetting who he was before and striving to bring him back, still thinking of this idolized version of him, even if it puts himself at risk. i also think in general, owain would thrive in the blue lions house. felix, ashe, ingrid, dedue, annette— those are all prime support partners for him that have a lot of potential. the blue lion house is very… the way that they are. and something owain shows in fates is that though hes very good at using his theatrics to ease people, whether that be on purpose or otherwise, and by god do the blue lions need it. look at them… jesus.
cynthia is in the blue lion house for similar reasons but i think she has a key difference from owain. while i think owain is the type to go down with the ship, i think cynthia might actually serve as an opposition to dimitri and potentially go against him in a similar fashion to felix and annette in thats hidden in the games files and was never put in the game (WHEN IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN. dimitri doesnt get enough push back in azure moon!! another post for another time though). in their time at the academy, while owain is fangirling over dimitri, i think cynthia would too at first. but fodlan is very different than ylisse, and in particular faerghus treats its knights and specifically women knights very differently than cynthia wouldve otherwise been treated. i think this would push cynthia into questioning faerghus’s ideals (especially in getting close to ingrid who im sure she’d find friendship in) and eventually dimitri in how he seemingly upholds those ideals. when he goes down a darker path in the timeskip, she’d probably take felix’s more critical approach, and i think she could turn on him. for the empire? probably not. but i dont think she’d be as down as owain or ingrid to keep following him when hes not taking accountability for what hes doing. she might find her way back once hes come back to himself but who really knows. not me (<- girl who is writing all of this)
yarnes a funny pick because lions are supposed to be brave and fearless and hes a Rabbit. but obviously yarne would be very aware of that irony and i think it could serve as a push for him to come into that bravery, and thats something i think the lion house could help him do. i think he’d look to dimitri for solace similar to how he does with lucina, and dimitri would be very happy to provide that for him. when the timeskip comes and dimitri is lost, i think yarne would have to find it in himself to abandon that anxiety for a bit to come help ease dimitri, sort of repaying him for his initial kindness (read: i want eyepatch scary dimitri to find stress relief in petting a big ass bunny). also i dont need yarne to be in the same house as petra and marianne for him to interact with them. dont worry thats a thing. also if youre a real one you recruit marianne to blue lions everytime. no i dont know how they’d handle bringing a taguel to fodlan i dont really care either
for severa i think, even if she would rather not admit it, justice and loyalty are very key parts of her character. its buried underneath her mean girl attitude and like five pounds of trauma but its there. and what are the blue lions if not loyal knights with very LOUD auras of sadness? she would be similar to felix in terms of their views on knighthood, and obviously her whole thing with cordelia would put her at odds with the whole dying for your king/for glory thing faerghus has going on. similar to cynthia she’d be very critical of faerghus and dimitri except she’d be that way to his face. she doesnt have the same personal beef with him the same way felix would, and might be a little more like how i imagined inigo would be to edelgard, criticism with the better interest of the greater good rather than formed of personal beef. in the end though, i think she would stick with dimitri. also i think she’d have insane sexual tension with ingrid like i dont think theyd like eachother but like. my vision… do you see it.
bradys in lions partially due to mutual influence (hi zorua) but also because i ended up liking his potential with the lions as opposed to the deer or eagles. he’d have a very cute friendship with mercedes and annette i think, playing violin for them and having tea party gossip sessions. i think he and dedue could bond over being kinda scary but doing what they can to ease people’s fear of them. since thats an insecurity for both of them that brady purposefully takes steps to get rid of (ex: him hunching over is so that he can be eye level with children and people shorter with them so as not to come off as intimidating or more powerful) i think brady could help with that. though if im being so real i dont think he would like dimitri. i think he would stay and stick around and help dimitri get better. but i dont think he’d approve of his bloodlust and be very open with his issues in regards to how dimitri handles and carries himself. sorry guys im not meaning to have dimitri catch so many strays here 😭 i love the guy i just also like when theres conflict here i promise
laurent is in the golden deer because i think he and claude would be very like minded people in terms of trying to discover the secrets behind fodlan and what that means and how to better navigate fodlan as uncharted territory. theyre both foreigners, as are all of the second gen kids, but thats something claude keeps under wraps that i think laurent would be able to tell very quickly (not that it was hard. claude doesnt hide it well its just that everyone in fodlan is either stupid or all the smart people are kept away from him) that claude is from almyra. i think this knowledge could help him serve as something of a confidant to claude. obviously he wouldnt tell laurent everything but when claudes supposed closest allies are lorenz (guy who hates him and prays for his downfall) and hilda (girl who is racist and from a racist family) its just like. well maybe claude should have another friend who is normal adjacent at least, and laurents not the type to go blabbing anyways. obviously both lorenz and hilda (eh. well.) get better about their mindsets post timeskip but i think in the time of the academy laurent would be a very valuable friend for claude and vice versa. in general laurent would do well anywhere because i think most of his interest would be with the technological and scientific advancements of fodlan which is flexible, but i think, with rhea purposefully halting progress and claude being the main guy who wants truth above all else, this is the best spot for him. could hear an argument for him going to edelgard (potential recruit out of house recruit fs) but i do like him with claude a bit more. gerolau angst also.
lucina is in golden deer because i dont want her in the other two houses but also because i do think, similar to laurent, she’d be very valuable to claude and vice versa. awakening world building is horseshit but from what little we do know there is quite a bit of political discourse that lucina probably knows quite a bit about. even if her timeline was thrown into war when she was young, she probably had some form of royal training and can help claude navigate fodlan a little bit. i also think coming to fodlan would just be a very refreshing experience for lucina as the burden of everything is no longer directly on her shoulders, and i think she’d be looking for a broader perspective on life and finding another purpose for herself now that grima is dealt with. i think claude would be able to help her with that and i think she’d be genuinely interested to learn of his homeland once she figures out where hes from (i do think laurent beats her to the conclusion but not by a lot. remember this is lucina aka marth aka woman her disguised her own royal status and was very successful at it. just saying). also while i did say that golden deer is in fact not the meme house, i think they are more light hearted overall in terms of character (does NOT mean meme house or funny house. look me right in my eyes and say the house WITHOUT hubert and linhardt is the meme house. fucking liar) and i think lucina would love that. i want her to get the chance to be silly and childish for a little bit. characters like raphael and marianne and lysithea might help her heal that inner child that she never really got to let out and i just think the golden deer house would be the best place for her
morgan is here because i didnt want her and marc in the same house thats too easy. but while i think claude is the least in need of a tactician type character, him and morgan would be sooooo funny so cute and i need someone who can keep him on his toes. i think he blurts out a plan and morgan goes “ermmm ackchully” and half of the time her rebuttals are complete nonsense she just wants to argue. i think they both enjoy it. i also think, similar to lucina, a light hearted house would be a little better for her. shes much more prone to mischief than m!morgan is i think and i think the deer would benefit from that if only so she can target lorenz and make me laugh. i also think separating the twins would make for fantastic angst down in the timeskip but for now shes just hanging out having fun being a piece of shit. #girl also i think its funnier if one morgan is absolutely thriving and the other is barely keeping his shit together and by god it is way funnier if its f!morgan getting away with everything
noire is here because. i. could not think of a reason for her to go anywhere else! i thought about putting her in beagles but i dont think making that choice between the church and edelgard would be as interesting for her? and i dont think putting her in lions would do anything for her. i think the best lord and the best house at helping her through her issues and being understanding of her mood changes is probably claude and the deer. i could see hilda and leonie reaching out to her, or ignatz and her getting on pretty well, but im not quite sure on the specifics of that. my least thought out placement but also it doesnt matter because it keeps the placements balanced to put her here. i’ll have to give this one more thought…
anyways if you can believe it this is the cutdown version. i know right. i hope i didnt forget anyone that would be really embarrassing
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello I love your stories, so wonderful. This is my first time of asking. Can you do a RoR characters x beautiful anger reader?
Poseidon, thor, hades, qin shi huang, nikola tesla and lubu.
Angel reader is the most beautiful angel in valhalla, it can compete to Aphrodite's. Plus, powerful but compassionate and serene, that makes the ror characters melt and fall in love with her. Thank you
-Y/N was a name known throughout Valhalla, everyone knew who you were, humans, gods, demons, there wasn’t a single soul that didn’t know who you were.
-You were an angel, not a valkyrie, but a literal angel, with 2 sets of massive wings coming from your shoulder blades, snow white in color.
-Your beauty rivaled Aphrodite’s own, but rather than being jealous, Aphrodite admired you for your kind heart, you were beautiful both inside and out.
-You were compassionate and kind to all you met, always willing to give everyone a chance, as well as a second chance, but never a third.
-Despite your kind soul and gentle heart, your power was breathtaking, rivaling the strongest gods in Valhalla.
-You focused your power to protect when fighting, if you were forced to fight, you would do it only to defend those around you, defeating your enemies swiftly, giving them the mercy of a quick defeat and a quick death if it so called for it.
Poseidon- He feels that emotions are not something that should be displayed, especially in public, finding those who let their emotions get the better of them, both the good and the bad, are weak. You, however, were the one exception. Even the mighty Poseidon was unable to withstand you, your beautiful and delicate looks, your warm smile, and your lovely heart. You were the only one worthy to stand at his side, you were the only one who saw the rare soft emotions he would let slip out. Your soft caresses against his face could melt even the coldest of men, and Poseidon was no different, letting you perch up on his lap, running your hands through his hair, basking in you gentle affections.
Thor- Was very shy with you when you found him up on a roof one day, you had landed, asking him if he was alright and when he turned to tell you to leave, as he wanted to be alone, he couldn’t speak, he didn’t think he could even breathe as you tilted your head to the side, a bit confused as to why he wasn’t saying anything. Loki absolutely adored you and when you and Thor started to date, he gushed, finding you adorable, as you were polar opposites. Many were concerned for you, worrying that Thor would hurt you, or that he wouldn’t treat you kindly and give you the love you deserved. However, whenever you saw Thor after being apart, even for only a few hours, you were running to him, leaping into his arms and he always catches you so gently, so carefully, so he wouldn’t damage your wings, and you would beam up at him with so much love that he couldn’t help but smile back.
Hades- Many believed you were polar opposites with your lover, Hades, but when they see you together, there were no other men that looked as good as Hades, standing beside you. He treated you so carefully, so gently, like you were a priceless treasure, one that he had gotten lucky enough to call his own. Cerberus was the reason the two of you had met, as you instantly tamed the giant doggy, not aware that he had a job, and when Hades came to investigate, he couldn’t help but grin, seeing his ‘fearsome’ Cerberus on his back, getting his belly rubbed by you. Hades was taken by your stunning looks, you were so soft, so pure looking, but your strength made his admiration for you grow, you could handle yourself in a fight with ease, but Hades’ love for you made him always defend you first, never wanting you to get hurt. His actions always gets him extra kisses from you for his chivalrous deeds.
Qin Shi Huang- How a human wound up with someone as stunning as you was beyond the comprehension of many, gods and humans alike. He’s not completely sure how he did it either, but he wasn’t complaining, not when you were sitting on his lap, pressing soft kisses to his cheek as he read through more paperwork, making the job a bit more tolerable. Qin Shi Huang adored everything about you, from your stunning looks to your impressive strength, but the thing he liked the most was your beautiful heart, you were always so kind to others, and when your attention was on him, he would melt under you, basking in your glory. However, with beautiful girlfriends come big responsibilities, he couldn’t began to calculate the number of men who tried their luck with you, trying to pull you away from him. While you always refused, many didn’t want to listen and that’s when he would step in, to defend you.
Tesla- Nikola adored you, you were so unique and special! He loved to study you! He found you interesting and you had never had a human ask to study the structure of your wings before, and while only a bit hesitant at first, you agreed. You were concerned that this was another pickup trick, as many men had been trying different tactics on you, but no, he actually studied you from head to toe, inspecting the joints of your wings, being so carful with them, seeing how they worked. Unlike others, you felt drawn to Nikola, happy to answer questions he would ask, and when you would ask him questions, he would light up and go on long rants, but you enjoyed it, as you could see he was passionate. When he was done inspecting you, after weeks, he asked you out to dinner as a way to thank you, and you instantly agreed, and the two of you have been together ever since.
Lu Bu- When others, gods and humans, saw you with Lu Bu, they couldn’t begin to imagine how he managed to get with you. What they didn’t know, as you were both quiet about your relationship with each other, was that you approached him first. You had seen him training while you were out flying and you were in awe when he split the sky, holding your cheeks in awe. You flew down and he didn’t seem bothered by you as you praised his strength, which he did like. He could see you were beautiful, but what drew Lu Bu to you was your heart, you always brought him snacks and water, asking him if he was okay, and just doting on him. He wasn’t bothered when you started to cling to him, your arms around his neck from behind, one of his arms under your rear, holding you up, as you both talked about your days. When another man tried to grab your wrist to drag you away, you slapped him before Lu Bu grabbed you, pulling you to his chest, minding your wings, and gave the man a harsh kick, punting him over several buildings. He looked furious, seeing the ring of bruises around your wrist, but you calmed him by wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, which he looked away from you for, a bit shy from the affection, but he was quickly grinning when you asked him if he was going to go fight, so you could watch.
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🥳Han’s Midnight
This is quite literally a filthy sub!Josh fic idea that I cannot make into an entire fic bc I have 2 Josh fics in the swamp as we speak. SUPER SMUT IMMEDIATELY BELOW THE CUT; MINORS DNI.
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Okay but what if Josh made this face when you made him cum?
What if you started out sucking his cock while he ate your pussy at the same time?
What if you started off slow, just softly gliding your tongue from the very tip of his head all the way down to the start of his balls and back again? What if you went so slowly it was torturous? What then?
What if after doing this a few times, you felt him twitch against your tongue while he moaned into your heat? What if you got so turned on at the sounds he made that you took his whole length in your throat and swallowed it?
What if you did that a second time?
A third?
What if every single time your throat closed around him, he whimpered, never letting your pussy leave his mouth?
What if you involuntarily clenched your walls around his tongue every time you swallowed him? What if he responded by pulling you further into his mouth? What if you started taking him faster?
What if he broke the suction he’d created on your clit to moan louder than he had been? What if he whined as you took him faster and faster down your throat? What if he cinched his brows and said, “Ohhhh god, mama. Please.” What then?
What if you increased your pace still? What if he tried to keep eating your pussy but couldn’t because his breath kept getting stuck in his throat? What if all he could manage was a stray lick or two at a time before he gasped again?
What if he got so close to cumming down your throat that when you felt him squeeze your ass that rested in his face, you felt his hands trembling?
What if the second that he was on the tip of his cusp, you stopped? What if you swung your legs to one side of him and turned yourself around to face him? What if you let his cock slip from between your lips and watched it throb against his stomach while you sat at his feet?
What if you watched his eyes grow wide as he realized what was happening? What if his mouth sat agape as he gazed at you?
What if the shocked look in his eyes turned immediately into pleading?
What if he was willing to do absolutely anything you wanted if you’d just finish him?
What if he told you that? What if he begged for you?
What if between heavy breaths he begged you to ride him? What if he told you that he needed to be inside of you? What if he told you that all he wanted was to cum inside your perfect pussy?
What if the second that you had taken half his length, his hips bucked up into yours hard enough for his balls to make contact with your ass because he couldn’t wait any longer? What if as soon as he bottomed out, a beautiful, thick cry pushed itself up from his chest and out past his perfectly wet lips?
What if as you continually bounced harder and faster on his cock, he continued to meet your hips in the middle, slamming himself up into your core the smallest bit further? What if his hands conformed to the shape of your hips, sternly holding you in place? What if he let out a sharp exhale each time your skin met, leaving him to inhale ragged breaths in between?
What if as you pressed on, you watched his mouth change from hanging slack to having his teeth clenched and his brows scrunched as tight as they would go? What if you felt his legs start to shake under you as you sank down on his cock again and again?
What if you felt his hips stutter as hot sweat beaded on his forehead? What if his grip on your hips grew impossibly tighter? What if he cried out through clenched teeth as he released into the depths of your core, an absolutely seething expression on his face? What if every muscle in his body stayed tightened until you’d ridden him through the longest orgasm you’d given him to date?
What if?
What then?
Taglist: @sunandthemoontwinflames
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