#literally that one person who looks at an angry cat and loves it unconditionally
shougancid · 9 months
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Mari's dad is 6'5'', looks a bit intimidating but is actually the sweetest person is existence, he's a chef with his own restaurant but when the kids were younger he was the stay at home dad because working hard to provide for the family is his wife's love language. He went to every recital, performance and match every one of his children had and always brought delicious snacks/cheered for people whose parents were too busy to come. He went for a double-barrelled name when he married his wife Ayame because he thought her name was super pretty and he's just generally a man with a lot of love to give. Toxic masculinity is dead and Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Hagihara slaughtered it tbh.
He and Mari watch trashy telenovelas every week and spend most of their time shouting at the screen.
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zivazivc · 3 years
Pinocchio AU
Okay people want the explanation for this comic so here it goes. It’s long and complicated and MESSED UP because of course it is, this is me. I’m going to write in points because my small tired brain can’t handle good english atm but basically to sum up the Adrien was a sentimonster theory or Pinocchio AU as I like to call it:
Young married Emilie and Gabriel can’t have kids. Gabriel reluctantly accepts this fate and even brings up adoption as a possibility once, but Emilie doesn’t want to hear any of that. She’s a bit of a Marinette in the sense that she pictures this romanticized ideal life for herself and a child—her flesh and blood—HAS to be in it.
They keep trying to get a baby while other young families Emilie knows keep growing. She feels left out and hurt and depressed, then her newlywed twin sister announces she’s expecting a baby too and something within Emilie just unhinges.
She eventually lies to some of her friends, who she was out for coffee with, that she’s pregnant too. She mostly does it just to see their reaction and feel what it would be like but it quickly spirals out of control where she just starts pretending she’s pregnant until you can’t even tell if she believes it herself.
Gabriel is confused at first because he hears the news second hand (a friend/family member congratulating him) so he’s apprehensive when he approaches his wife but she convinces him that they really are getting a baby and Gabriel is ecstatic.
It’s only later at a doctor’s check up that Gabriel learns that she indeed is not pregnant. The doctor even speaks to him alone explaining that his wife is in denial and that he should make sure she goes to see a psychiatrist, something she definitely wouldn’t do alone.
Gabriel is unsuccessful with that because he’s not entirely persistent, doesn’t want to be the guy with the crazy wife having to tell everyone she lied about being pregnant, and hopelessly believes she’ll just get over it eventually.
That is until her “pregnancy is near due”—her sister already had Félix in England a few months ago—and he stumbles on her transformed with her peacock miraculous (they already have both of them) creating a sentimonster newborn.
They have a huge fight about it but because Emilie refuses to destroy it, won’t tell Gabriel where the amok is, and Gabriel can’t just hurt the baby with his hands, Emilie just… wins. Fucked up, yeah?
Now she tried creating kids before this one, using her imagination to try and blend her and Gabriel’s looks but it just wasn’t working. So she decided to copy of photos of baby Félix because he already looked almost like a copy of his mother, and Amélie and Emilie already looked alike so it’s not so weird?—is what her mind was telling her.
She didn’t dare alter his looks but she decided to give the baby Gabriel’s eye color to include the “father” in some way. (Yes in that comic I made I gave Adrien a mix of green and gray but that was mainly to get the point across to the perceptive readers)
Now we got Adrien, a normal baby boy to the whole world except for Gabriel who’s forced into his wife’s fantasy through social expectations.
Why are we only at this point and this post is already so long AAAAAAAA!!!
Adrien physically basically grows in a way where Emilie just keeps changing his appearance to match what Félix looked like a few months prior.
Mentally he’s like a robot just taking in information without really needing to learn it. So Emilie decides when he says his first word, she decides when he learns to walk,… He knows how to walk, he just wasn’t given the command to do so yet.
But even so he does develop a personality over time, just slower, because unlike a normal child who’s always testing his boundaries, how far they’re allowed to go until they’re in real trouble, Adrien just can’t misbehave. At all.
But he does have his favorite foods and favorite toys, and jokes that make him laugh the most. The problem is just that Emilie could just decide that his favorite food is strawberries and he’d just start acting accordingly, rewiring his belief. 
He also isn’t allowed to argue or be mean to others which is why Félix thinks he’s a goody two-shoes weirdo while Chloé the brat adores him.
This behavior isn’t so hard to hide with a toddler who’s fickle but it’s harder and harder as the kid grows. Which is why the family becomes very secluded over time.
Gabriel always keeps distance with his “son”. He’s not Dad, he’s Father, he doesn’t do hugs and cuddles, he doesn’t say I love you. But Adrien knows he loves him because his mom told him so and he loves him back unconditionally because Mom said that’s what families do.
Now even though Gabriel is traumatized by this whole ordeal and knowing Adrien “isn’t real” freaks him out he does soften a bit over time. I’m going to give an awful example but like someone who hates cats softening for a cat that their partner/roommate decided to get/had from before. Continuing with this example: But still becoming appalled when the cat starts acting odd/unusually.
Okay I think you get the gist. Let’s move on…
Emilie loves her son more and more as he grows and his sentimonster behaviours start bothering her more and more too. She hates being reminded that he’s not a real boy by people mentioning he looks young for his age because Emilie forgot to make him grow for a while. She hates when he does everything like he’s told. She hates that he has no real friends because they’re afraid to expose him to the outside too much and without supervision. She hates to think about his future.
Her desire for him to be real keeps growing and is what drives her to search for a solution in the miraculous spellbook.
She cracks the script after years, when Adrien is nearly a teen, and finds a way to transfer the creators soul into a sentimonster.
It’s a long process that takes time and while she falls ill to everyone around her, Adrien becomes more real.
Gabriel starts realizing what’s happening when he notices Adrien hesitate for a second when he’s playing a video game and Gabriel wants him to do something, groan when he gets bothered watching TV, huff, complain, have slightly opposing opinions to his and Emilie’s, when he argues with his mother when she tells him she’s feeling fine; when he notices his son’s eyes are greener. Or is it all in his head?
He confronts his wife too late, when she’s extremely ill already, her normally vibrant eyes dulled match Adrien’s bluish gray, and he pieces together in his head what she’s doing.
Before Gabriel could properly think what to do to stop the love of his life from turning into a lifeless doll, in a fit of panic he tries to take her wedding band (where he knows Adrien’s amok is) to get rid of Adrien instead, but is unsuccessful in getting it off her so he snatches her peacock brooch instead (which she needs to complete the spell obvs) and breaks it. (Heyoo! broken peacock miraculous. things are coming together)
Because the spell was almost complete anyway it’s Emilie who falls unconscious. But she doesn’t disappear because she’s not a real sentimonster, she just becomes dormant like one.
This is the point in the story where Gabriel makes it seem like Emilie ran away or something like that—basically disappear. Now he’s living knowing he has an almost sentimonster wife in the basement, knowing he almost killed his son (or her), and having to care for a son that suddenly became much more alive, questioning, arguing, angry, screaming, not accepting, crying, grieving, staring at him with Emilie’s eyes.
Instead of becoming a real parent, Gabriel shuts him out.
Soon Adrien evolves desires for socializing, company, getting away from the suffocating home which eventually leads to him going to a public school.
He slowly starts to live life freely without the restrictions that were put around his thoughts.
Gabriel has an even stranger relationship with Adrien now because he still loves him in a way but also holds resentment toward him. But mostly he sees him as something valuable.
The show happens here…  And now finally we get to the comic…
Gabriel gets a hold of the ladybug and black cat miraculouses. (There’s no epic fight in his lair as you see there’s no Ladybug in the comic but that’s not really important)
What’s important is that Gabriel had deciphered the miraculous spellbook with the help of Emilie’s notes and had decided to use the unification’s “wish” power to awaken Emilie.
He’s aware he’ll need to sacrifice something for the wish to come true and he’s certain Adrien should be enough because the soul inside him is literally the one thing Emilie is missing.
✨Adrien (poor boy just lost his miraculous) is taken to Gabriel’s lair, where he finds out his father is Hawk Moth, sees his mother, learns he’s a sentimonster, and that he’s going to become a sacrifice ✨
Of course the last part is not what happens. It’s Gabriel who ends up being sacrificed.
I can’t decide if Gabriel ends up sacrificing himself because he changed his mind in the last moment while Adrien was screaming for him to stop, OR  because he didn’t love Adrien enough for him to be considered an equal exchange for his wife… O.O
But anyhow…
Emilie wakes up with Gabriel’s soul within her (hence the bluish gray eyes in the comic).
Adrien is traumatized for life.
This took me hours to write… I knew there was a reason why I didn’t want to do it. I hope I didn’t forget anything and my brain made sense of it all
Well there you have it, peeps. The Pinocchio AU. It’s as messed up as my sleep schedule. Good night. 
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 3 years
Thoughts on Gang of Secrets
Warning: Spoilers and intense emotions. Have fun!
Chat Noit sensed that something is wrong with Ladybug. Love how he can sense that based on what she doesn't say.
She almost didn't pound it and was distracted to do so. Oh boy.
The civilians do not mind that superheroes are going to the movies. That is until...
Ladybug goes into this rant about romcoms and I agree with every word she says. There is no such thing as a happy ever after and things do not go perfectly. Go off Ladybug!!! There's a reason why I hate rom coms.
The civilians being shocked/annoyed from her rant just adds to it. I am guessing because this is literally freaking Paris and considering the couples there. Has the same vibes as Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls when he approached a couple to say marriage is terrible in the second episode.
Hurts that the rant was the reflection of Marinette's dilemma.
Chat finds out that it was about heartbreak. He finally picks up about social cues! Good work Chat! Too bad that you learned that after your breakup with Kagami.
Ah, the swimming pool. A great place to go to forget your heartbreak go for a swim.
Realized that akumas cannot attack people if they are submerged under water, which is why she goes to the pool and a theory roaming online that she goes to the pool to cry makes a lot of sense.
I know this is a kids show and that logic gets thrown out the window, but does no one in Paris find it fishy that Ladybug in her swim suit enters the Dupain-Cheng household???? I feel like no one cares.
Ladybug might say that the board of pictures with Adrien and Luka and some of her friends might not bother her, but it seems to bother her somewhat as it is a reminder of the relationships that she can't have as long as she's Ladybug. It hurts badly though.
Unpopular opinion: The Kwamis can be good at providing comfort and probably make them laugh, but they are not the best therapists. Do not blame them though.
Marinette only detransforms for Tikki's wellbeing. She is at that point where the only reason she does something is because someone else is suffering, not for herself. It hurts seeing her suffer like this.
Tikki is fine despite being in the earrings for a long time. She is more concerned about Marinette though.
Meanwhile, the girls have their suspicions about Marinette as they did not know about her breakup with Luka until he told Juleka, which started a chain that I cannot remember, but do remember that it ended with Alya.
They call Marinette, but she does not answer because what will she tell them? The not answering part is a mood, but the reason hurts.
Alix being like "why not get orange juice with her and talk about her feelings" and everyone else staring at her as if she was the one with a crazy idea. I can't! Especially when she was like "*sigh* fine"
Also, Luka is not taking the breakup well either if Juleka's photo is anything to go by.
The bracelet idea is cute. I did something similar to that Junior year.
The scene from the ad that made us mad: Marinette transforming angrily after saying how her life as Marinette is complicated and prefers to be Ladybug all the time. It hurts to see this scene actually be in the 3rd episode as the guardianship and the breakup had consumed her so quickly.
Baby girl, we love you and we know as the audience how hard your life is now. This is why we are very concerned about you challenging ShadowMoth. Concerning.
But she breathes and goes back inside. Glad that you blew off some steam, but is everyone in Paris not aware that this just happened?!?!? Hello!?!?!?! Like Plagg said: People are blind. And a good thing too.
Just as this was happening, the girls come barging in. Good that they are great friends for being concerned, but have they ever heard of knocking?
Rose finds the dollhouse. Its a nice dollhouse, but isn't that too obvious that it will attract other people's attention? Not judging though, its a nice dollhouse and shows the expansion of Marinette's craft.
Originally, I thought they were coming after Marinette because of what happened in the episode "Ladybug", but glad to know her other friends cared about her too!
Alya comes up to find Marinette in the balcony just as she detransformed. That was WAYY too close.
Obviously, this made Marinette angry. Like who wouldn't be? They did barge into her room without asking and she was already stressed out as it is. And they were also snooping through her stuff.
In the heat of anger, Marinette said that she didn't want their friendship, which shocked everyone. So they left. But they weren't mad, they were just upset.
At least no friends means reduced amount to lying??? Yeah, but we need friends in life, so it is a lose-lose case.
Sabine asks of they are okay and no one says anything. I wonder if she will ask Marinette later on.
They go to the park and as they recall their pain, ShadowMoth akumatizes them in a link because of their emotional connection to the bracelet. They didn't even have to hold hands in a circle!
Finally, a safeguard for the Miracle Box that isn't obvious and is protected by a passcode. The record sonogram (or whatever is called) that Master Fu had!
Bruh, they couldn't come up with something different for the Gang of Secrets other than their former akumatized selves???
And then the girls (now the Gang of Secrets) barge into Marinette's room (again) to get her to spill her secrets.
Trixx using their power of illusion to lead the Gang of Secrets somewhere else. And Marinette was hidden.
Lady WiFi wondering how Marinette jumped 3 stories without superpowers was just that wholesome moment like girl you don't even know.
Every kwami using their powers without a holder has their own adverse affect. For Trixx, it was making the Eifel Tower dance (or at least I think it's dancing)
Plagg is like "this isn't a me thing, this is an everyone thing, but more importantly a Trixx thing." Adrien is like "M'Lady needs me!"
Ladybug and Marinette merge into one (figuratively speaking) when she tells Chat why the Gang of Secrets was there in the first place. Poor girl, we need to give her a hug.
Ladybug confronts Lady WiFi and tries to tell her that she is trusted and about Rena Rouge. Then...
Ladybug trusts Alya and gives her the Fox Miraculous again. Not complaining, but what about ShadowMoth knowing her secret identity??? Miracle Queen anyone??? You know, a chunk of the reason WHY MARINETTE IS SUFFERING IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!?!?
Also, teleportation of the Miraculous from the Miracle Box to Ladybug's yoyo! (Well more like a direct connection!) Cool and smart!
Rena Rouge, THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING US MARICHAT STANS AND OUT #justice for Marichat CAMPAIGN STARTED BY SOME OF MY FOLLOWERS ASKING FOR MORE MARICHAT EVEN IF IT WAS FOR 3 SECONDS!!!! (Yes I notice your comments peoples, I am generally a tired and busy person to respond, but I eventually acknowledge everything)
Can we take a moment and point out how amazing it was that Chat was fighting three (four???) akumas ON HIS OWN WHILE ON THE CAT PHONE!!! ICONIC!
The moment with Alya in the alley! Friendship goals.
Marinette comes to terms that the breakup upsetted her so much and finds that love is complicated and chose friendship at the very least. Their reunion was what they all needed after what happened.
Alya stays behind to say that she knows that there is more, but will not press further. Can we get an applause for character growth?
Marinette asks her to stay longer as she wanted to tell her something.
It really was hard for her to keep lying to everyone and how she had to break up with Luka for this reason while also fearing that it would be the same with Adrien (she does not know, so she has a right to fear, also Chat Blanc!) She really needs a hug and such.
The whole concern about things changing between them is relatable to be but on a different context. It hit hard for me.
My fellow peoples: the moment that we were (sort of) waiting for ages is here:
As sad as I am that it was not Chat that she said this to first, I am glad that it was Alya. As her best friend literally hours prior to becoming Ladybug, having stuck by her side unconditionally, and having the willpower to break out of her akumatization, Alya is a perfect choice. Now I look forward to see how Alya helps Marinette deal with this burden.
Overall, this is a top tier episode, aka the best episode in the entire series in my opinion! I love how we explore Marinette's feelings regarding everything that is going on in her life and the ramifications of her being a guardian. It hurts and at the same time, it is beautifully executed! It shows the evolution of the writing and of the characters!
My arm hurt from the vaccine yesterday and these posts are usually long, so that's why it's released today rather than yesterday. Anyways, I recommend watching this episode!
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joanna-lannister · 5 years
i have been trying for some days now to put into words what it feels to say goodbye to Game of Thrones but i can't. I have so many feelings, the show has been part of my life for half a decade and it's not easy. whatever if i liked the final season or not, it doesn't matter, the show helped me in so many ways. and it's funny because at first, i didn't want to watch it, everyone was talking about it and it annoyed the hell out of me. i looked at the synopsis and i was WTF IS THAT? but i gave it a shot and i was so lost at first... so many characters, so many storylines but i kept going and oh god, i loved the journey. and i remember so many things...
i remember that Cat was my first crush, i remember the moment i fell in love with Cersei, i remember Jaime and Cersei first conversation and being wtf are they talking about and at the end of the episode being ah okay cool, i remember losing my head about who was Lyanna, who was Rhaegar, i remember being on my ass when Ned died, when Dany gave birth to the dragons, i remember The Rains of Castamere playing at Edmure's wedding and Cat's face, Robb's death... i remember starting to like Jon because of Ygritte and crying when she died, thinking that Oberyn was going to win against The Mountain because we expected him to die, i remember wanting Joffrey to die and then being devastated for Cersei, i remember having faith in Melisandre to resurrect Jon, crying when Sansa reunited with him, shaking when Cersei blew up the Sept, i remember when Dany was bitch valyrian is my mother tongue, i remember Tyrion killing his own father, i remember that some moments pissed me off and i remember so much more, so many lines... and i will remember Jorah and Theon's death, i will remember Dany who wanted to do good, Arya killing the Night King and i will surely remember Jaime and Cersei's death... i'm grateful for all these memories and i will cherish them. i laughed, i cried, i loved (and hated sometimes), i was exalted and devastated. i shipped hard too. it made me feels a lot and that's amazing.
i'm grateful for the characters: complex and never truly evil or good (except 1 or 2 lol). i'm thankful that i've seen so many different women on my screen, women who inspired me and always will, who helped me becoming a woman, who are all strong and unique in their own ways. i'm thankful especially for Cersei, it was the first time i could relate so much to a fictional character and i guess that's why i never understood why people hated her so much. she taught me to be more resilient, taught me that it's okay i can be angry, ambitious, proud, i can love power, i just don't have to crush others lmao. she was the first regnant woman of Westeros and was the last one to sit on the Iron Throne. i hope one day i will love my child as much as she did and i hope i will die with someone i love. and a toast the Lannisters. the most dysfunctional family in the realm but in the end, they still loved each others. To Jaime, thank you for loving unconditionally. To Tyrion, for your wit. To Tywin, for your strategic mind and your iconic death. You will always be in my heart. And also Sansa, you reminded me the young girl i was, dreaming of fairytales and pretty things. And Dany, for believing in your dreams. Thank you to all these amazing characters.
thanks to the cast (and the crew) who worked their ass off to give us something magic and unforgettable. without them, nothing would be the same. shout-out to Emilia, my first crush on this show. she is a ray of sunshine and she literally fought for her life. i can't wait to see what's next for her. shout-out to Lena, for being a fantastic actress and human being. you fucking deserve your Emmy. shout-out to Sophie. to Nik. to Peter. to Maisie. to Kit. shout-out to Natalie, Alfie, Iwan, Carice, Isaac, Iain, Richard, Gwen, John, Pedro, Pilou, Kristofer, Nathalie, Raleigh, Conleth, Joe, Liam, Rory, Charles, Jack, Rose, Jason... and all the ones i forget right now. i love you.
i'm proud of all the content i have created, even if sometimes i don't publish it or think it's ugly but it's okay, i can do better. no show inspired me as much as GoT did. the gifsets, the fanfictions... yeap. the memes always makes me laugh so much. and all the theories and predictions, it was part of the fun too but i'm glad it's over, my brain can rest now.
and last but not least, even if i'm tired of the discourses and drama, and sometimes i want to gouge my eyes out because of what i read and open my big mouth, i've made tons of friends here. for an introvert as me, it's something. even if we spoke only once or twice, i remember you: i know who you are, i know your name. all the persons i've met here are amazing and i'm sooo thankful. and i'm thankful for the all the messages i got, the late conversations at night, everything. it wouldn't have been the same without you.
it was an experience and i'm glad i took part in it. it was intense, maybe too much sometimes, and it's over now but i will continue to do gifsets and others stuffs. it was a big part of my life, and i'm honestly crying while writing this, but i will never forget it. it's not a farewell, only a goodbye. i love you 💖
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repose-and-run · 6 years
Haname Yumishi | Get to Know the Character
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► Name ➔    “Haname! Haname Yumishi!”
► Are you single ➔ “Nope, not anymore! I was single and NOT looking to mingle but I ended up caring too much about that troublemaking cherryboy and then he had to go and win me over. And now? I am his and he is mine! No regrets though! Heh!”
► Are you happy ➔   “Overall, yes! When the people I love and care about are happy, then I'm happy! It honestly doesn't take a lot to make me happy!"
► Are you angry? ➔   “Right now? Not really. I get annoyed pretty often now, but I don't get truly angry easily. That’d be bad for all. There are surefire ways to piss me off though. Don't go there or I can't guarantee your safety!"
► Are your parents still married ➔   “Yes? Unless something happened from when I stopped writing them. Even then, divorce is not really a thing in Sui-no-Sato. Knowing my parents, at worst they'd just give each other the silent treatment in private and put on a face in public."
► Birth Place ➔ “Sui-no-Sato, under the Ruby Sea. Borefest of a village with very traditional folks... Would not recommend visiting, even if you could breathe underwater and find it!”
► Hair Color ➔ “Light blonde.”
► Eye Color ➔ “Pitch black. I guess in a way, they do make me stand out!”
► Birthday ➔ “16th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon! Wasn't that long ago!"
► Mood ➔ “Mm... Pretty happy because of the family I’ve gained! We’re not actually related in any way, but our bonds run thicker than blood! There are some pretty big conflicts in my life though, but that just means I have to work harder to resolve them! Oh, and of course I'm always ready to fight the injustices of this world!”
► Gender ➔ “Female!"
► Summer or winter ➔ “I've never experienced a real winter yet unless you count being on top of a snowy tower in Coerthas, getting a love confession, and then throwing up all over his boots! Buuut as romantic as that was, I'm so not used to the cold, so Summer it is!”
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “I guess I'm more of a morning person. Always ready to start my day!"
► Are you in love ➔ “Very much so! He's my sun and stars! My partner in crime! The rolanberry of my eye! My one and only! I could go on and on but I'll stop there before I embarrass myself further... Eheh...”
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Nope, not at all. Even after going through thick and thin together, it took a lot for me to even accept being in love because I found out that when I love, I love fiercely and with everything that I am. I don’t want anyone else having him! And anyone that tries to hurt him or threaten him? I’ll crush them all! ...So I can't imagine something as stupid and unbelievable as love at first sight. How can you love someone unconditionally when you don't even know them and their flaws, much less trust them? Total bogus!"
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “This is my first relationship and the only one I'll ever accept!”
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔  "Huh?! I don't think so! If I did, I know nothing about it! Unless you mean literally breaking someone's heart by cleaving my axe through their chest, then sure!"
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “Yeaaah, just a little... Okay, a lot! I'm a flighty person, okay?! But I don't regret the ones I let into my life. Because like I said, I love fiercely! Heh! Aren't they lucky? They're my family and they mean the world to me!"
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Well, I'm learning to be more affectionate! Affection just wasn't something that was shown very often back in Sui-no-Sato. But now, there's my sun and stars that I hug every morning the moment I'm awake (and in my sleep but I think that sometimes ends up being a dangerous chokehold), and often times throughout the day too! He's also the last person I hug before bedtime. Then I also try to give hugs to the other Sweepers if I see any of them feeling down, but they usually flinch or run away. Guess I need to work harder at showing affection..."
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “Huh? Not that I know of! Does this tie back to the question about breaking hearts?"
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “Wait, how would that even work? What a complicated question!"
► Love or lust ➔ “Pfft, there's no contest there. Love for sure!"
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Both! And even better if you mix both!"
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Both!"
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “A few best friends. I'd rather have a small handful of people I can trust and call family than a whole lot of acquaintances!"
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “What's with all these romance questions?! If by wild night out, you mean destroying our enemies together, then I'm fine with either or! Any time spent with my honeybuns is still time well spent, whether we’re working on crushing a Monetarist scumbag or just sitting around chatting!"
► Day or night ➔ “Daytime! New day, new adventures, new developments!”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Well, I have no reason to sneak out anymore ever since I left Sui-no-Sato... But yeah, I got caught all the time as a kid, mostly because I’m no good at sneaking around. I’m more of the type to bust in, guns ablazing! ..’Cept I don’t have guns!”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “You know, for all the times people call me a ditz, I’ve never once fallen down or up stairs before. Suck on that! Heh!”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “I guess for me, it’s more of a ‘something’... At one point, I felt so powerless and was so desperate to keep my loved ones safe. I was on the verge of losing them and that ‘something’ inside me cracked open like an egg and has been a part of me ever since! I’ll keep using that ‘something’ too, so I’ll never have to feel so powerless again and the people I love can rest easy!”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “What? No way! If I’m gone, who’s going to protect everyone and put a smile on their faces?! I’m irreplaceable!”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Both! When his eyes smile, that’s the best. Hehe!”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Well, it doesn’t take much to be taller than me... So taller is the pick by default...”
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔  “Pfft, both of those are only secondary to having a heart of gold! What’s it matter if they’re smart and good looking but they’re a scumbag?!”
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “Relationship, of course! I honestly don’t understand how people can have hook-ups... Blegh! Just the thought of it gives me the heebie jeebies! What if you land yourself some creepo?!”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “My biological family? Nope! We’re kind of estranged at this point... In fact, they probably think I’m dead. Oops! But the family I built in Eorzea? Well, we have our ups and downs, and we bicker a lot but I love them and they mean the world to me!”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “Eh, I think I’ve had it pretty well compared to some of the stories I’ve heard...”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “Weeeelll... I guess being sent to study abroad, dropping out of school to pursue a life of crime while never writing back to your parents to know your whereabouts counts as running away...!”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “I almost got kicked out of the Sweepers safehouse... Stupid nodes...”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “No way! If I hated them, they wouldn’t be a friend. Why make it a secret?”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Well, they’re good to me..!”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “’That’s a hard one to answer. There’s a small handful of people that I consider family and I trust with my life. And then there’s one that I love with all my heart, that’s a kindred spirit and my soulmate! They can all be considered my best friends, right?”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Well to be totally honest, I don’t even know everything about myself. Every day is like a journey of self-discovery or something cheesy like that! So I’d be surprised if there was someone who knew everything about me. But there is one person who knows my thoughts both metaphorically and literally, who knows what makes me tick, who can finish my sandwiches-- I mean sentences! And I’m lucky to say that I get to wake up every morning to that person!”
Tagged by @chantokahkol thank you! :3c
Tagging: @sunhiskies @yurensohn @invxeners @coeurlfist @keeperofthelilacs @adreamofserenity and anyone else who wants to do it!
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Continuing... 8 - Sol/Bo; 9 - Eleanor/Hadley; 10 - Mackenzie/Winnie; 11 - Drake/Alodie; 12 - Matt/Bailey; 13 - Maxwell/Penelope; 14 - Steve/Nadia; 15 - Leo/ROE MC;16 - Liam/Alicia; 17 - Andy/Maggie; 18 - Bartie/Lyra; 19 - Flynn/Marley; 20 - Kai/Hayden
8) who keeps the other awake at night with their snoring? (Sol/Bo)
Bo is definitely the louder sleeper of the two of them. She doesn’t snore as such, but she constantly wriggles in bed until she’s comfy, sighing, talking to herself in her sleep. She doesn’t settle properly until Sol puts his arms around her and holds her against his chest.
9) who finds stray animals and begs the other to let them keep them? (Eleanor/Hadley)
If she can catch it, Hadley will bring anything home. Eleanor doesn’t let her keep anything, per say, but their garden is bustling with various wildlife that Hadley has saved from roadsides. They do adopt a dog and a cat from a shelter when they went more full time pets.
10) who usually makes dinner? (Mackenzie/Winnie)
Definitely Winnie. After AME, Winnie starts her own cooking show to show off her true passion. She loves to cook at home; the kitchen in their home is her favourite room, and whilst she can whip up pretty much anything, there’s nothing she loves more than making her ‘Mack and Cheese’ that she named after her wife; her own recipe with crispy bacon.
11) who plays their music out loud? (Drake/Alodie)
Drake is extremely private when it comes to listening to music so he never plays it out loud, until Alodie rips his headphones out one day and High School Musical starts blasting out. Drake will deny this ever happened.
12) who hogs the bathroom? (Matt/Bailey)
Bailey would be the worst bathroom hog if not for the fact that because of their size difference, she and Matt can share the bathroom mirror in the morning, and their wet room shower is their favourite place in the house.
13) who gives the most compliments? (Maxwell/Penelope)
Maxwell, hands down, and he isn’t even subtle about it. He constantly tells her how beautiful and amazing she is, and if he ever posts about her on social media, the tags are just full of him gushing over how much he loves his wife.
14) who usually starts/causes arguments between them? (Steve/Nadia)
Kai; the little shit stirrer. Steve has never once started an argument between them, and if on the rare occasion Nadia finds something to argue about, it’s over pretty fast.
15) who isn’t afraid to embarrass the other in public? (Leo/Kaylee)
Leo is the worst at doing this. He loves messing with Kaylee and playing pranks on her. But when she gets her own back, it is epic.
16) who gives the other cringeworthy pet names? (Liam/Alicia)
These two are literally the cheesiest cringiest couple when it comes to pet names. When they’re younger the kids constantly complain about having to hear them call each other stuff like ‘Queen of my heart’ and ‘my darling love’, and Liam tells them that one day they’ll understand what it’s like having someone that you love this unconditionally. And one day they do.
17) who fusses over takes care of the other when they get sick? (Andy/Maggie)
They both mega fuss over each other, but Maggie’s a bit more subtle about it than Andy. When he was on pretty much bedrest after he broke his leg, she went to his house every day, sometimes with their friends, sometimes not, to keep his spirits up, and make sure he didn’t miss out on anything. When Maggie gets sick, Andy takes care of her like a pro; fluffed up pillows, hot water bottle, constant stream of tea and soup, and naturally; his hoodie for her to cuddle up in.
18) who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long? (Bartie/Lyra)
Bartie literally cannot be angry at Lyra. If they get into an argument or a disagreement or whatever, once the split moment of heated emotion is over, he just looks at her or thinks about her and his heart melts.
19) who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared? (Flynn/Marli)
They cling to each other for comfort when it is needed, but Flynn does it more. If something worries him, or if he has a nightmare about losing Kate again, he instantly reaches for Marli, most of the time without thinking about it.
20) who is more ‘physically passionate’? (hugs, kisses, or maybe more…) (Kai/Hayden)
Kai is the most physically affectionate person ever, whether it’s with people she loves romantically or platonically, she loves to express her love physically; hugs, cheek kisses, just lying on the couch leaning on them, anything, she loves being close to people. Hayden isn’t shy with being physical with her in any sense, but Kai jumps the gun to hold him/kiss him/more before he has a chance to. 
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blandwriting · 3 years
It's been a long pause, where have I been? Mostly procrastinating at knowing how to be a functioning adult. Despite my flaws, characteristically I'm still very much the same. Major Depressive Disorder, a term to prescribe me antidepressants at a low yet effective amount to keep my anxiety at bay. Effexor XR, Side effects include loss of appetite, drowsiness, blurred vision, fatigue, dry mouth, nausea, sweaty palms, leg tremors, insomnia; I guess the cure and the ailment are one in the same. I'm functioning now at a rate where I feel almost numb enough to feel sufficed by my less than mediocre existence. Thirty years old, greying hair and pubes, a long list of non established idea's that never got off the ground. Financial freedom.... We just reinstated a credit card due to the pandemic taking away our wage and making us less than satisfactory to pay for our fancy Meriton apartment in Mascot. Paces ahead but still trailing behind. I always find myself romanticising life.... Looking for the hidden posies in the mess. No wonder my outlook had degraded to catatonic self destructive seeking missile. I was hit by a car and rolled up onto the dash.... fell to the ground miraculously leaving unscathed only bruised and badly shaken... although the longing for greater injuries if not death was the only thing I could fixate on. Why was I so depressed... why was I so unnerved at my miraculous and somewhat outstanding ability to survive a car driving directly into my right leg without so much as even breaking a bone? I flew over the top of the bonnet and rolled down onto the wet and unforgiving bitumen with nothing more than a manic episode. It opened up a huge sinkhole.... the medication was the only thing stopping me from taking my own life. I cared for nothing. I've had a lot of sobering moments in my short by well worn life. But sitting across from my doctor with tear stained cheeks, quivering bottom lip and shaking hands, I'd spent the last three days just scream crying every moment I had left with my swelling thoughts of self harm and suicide. I simply no longer wished to live.... My doctor worried expression painted across her face sat there and listened to me, as my emotions heightened and I cried out that I was fine... everyone said I was fine... so if I'm fine then why do I no longer want to live... Something has to change... I'm exhausted.... I simply no longer wish to exist, I am meaningless and broken I'm discarded and used, People whom only benefit from myself keep me around I am not loved, I never had been unconditionally loved. She sat there mouth agape... "Krystal..." I looked up to her, With what I can only imagine would have been one of the most pained looks I've ever given another person... " You're not going to kill yourself are you?..." she said furrowing her brows at me with a downturned expression, I looked to the right with my lips pressed into a straight line, rubbing the edge of my thumb nails to the underside of my thumbs, swapping them back and forth, as I looked to my left avoiding eye contact but ruminating on how I felt... softly I let out " I don't know anymore". She reached her hand across the table and asked for my left arm as my right was rendered useless by the bruising. I handed her my hand, hers warm the warmest hand I've felt in a long time, " If you kill yourself Krystal I'll be very angry with you, It will hurt everyone you love, You make me laugh everytime you come in, there are so many other choices".
In that moment I looked at her, I knew I couldn't do it, I'd been held accountable. My heart swollen she wrote me a prescription and I'd left that office with a follow up appointment booked, before I walked out of her room I asked her for a hug, In that moment I felt loved, truly loved with an unbiased heart, She literally didn't have to at all, but I just so needed a hug without answers without question, I just needed that in that moment. To feel loved.
This is the thing, loved. A feeling every human being on the face of the planet longs for a feeling of complete and total acceptance. That is all I've ever been looking for, to feel accepted. I grew up in an unconventional yet familiar family story, My mother freshly 18 two weeks out of the legal boom gates, and my Father turned 22 an hour and fourteen minutes after I was born, It was the typical Australian 1991 period, Still heavily influenced by Christianity, My mum was placed in a separate wing from the other mothers who were Married or accounted for, She and dad were on-again off-again young lovers with a fiery relationship built on jealousy drama and pure attraction, I came into the world on a Monday, it was Mercury retrograde, need I say more. Mum didn't have a lot of money or a stable household at that time, she was living in-between homes, Momentarily we lived in the garage out the back of her mothers house, a red back spider infested ex photography studio and teenager hangout spot, They had a tumultuous relationship themselves, That's the difficulty with family scars, My father from memory lived in a share house with friends, he and his parent's also from a not so forgiving background, both of my parents were dragged up I wouldn't really say either had the golden childhood either of them really deserved, two seperate sides of two different coins, but both resulting in the universal fate of their meeting and my existence. It wasn't long and without shock before my parent's broke up. My dad wasn't ready for fatherhood, he was still drinking and fighting and doing whatever he wanted to do, and mum a young mother had taken on the role of responsibility with a bit more of a stiff upper lip, Rightfully so. He and she were again on and off again for the most of my formidable years, I remember my mum writing notes on a phone pad, back when corded phones were a thing and you were stuck in one place, She'd write his name with hearts and little doodles, I also remember her agonising cries when they'd broken up. It wasn't unusual for Mum to drop me at dad's and for he to leave me with his latest fling and I'd give them hell while he went out stalking down Mum wherever she was. I remember the arguments and my dad's alcohol induced rages towards mum. He showing up to our cottage at random hours banging on the doors and window's to be let in, I remember being dragged out of bed at 2-3-4 am to be placed in a cold Torana to drive around because he was in a violent frenzy smashing every valuable mum had collected on her very small wage she was earning working at a pub to support us, to give me all she could. He'd come in and ruin everything, our tables our chairs the television he'd smash her beds up throw the kitchen around smash the dining tables and chairs, a violent and unstoppable force, and then just like a hurricane he would dissipate and we would rebuild; I don't know how my mother did it, that man didn't even pay the child support he was owing, how do I know this as an adult I went into my centrelink history and saw all of the unpaid arrears.... funny that.
Due to my home life being so far from average or normal I really focused on my imagination, I was plagued with nightmares and an extreme amount of anxiety.... But we didn't really know or talk about mental health in children back then... So I just played with our cats and dogs, singing on the swing alone or annoying our Landlord who owned a sign writing shop out the front, I'd collect snails or grab my dog and escape to the hair salon out on the main road our cottage was behind. The creativity really appealed to me, it gave me an escape from an otherwise crippling existence even for a small child, I was so loved and my mum did everything she could to prove that so, but I just felt so conditional.... I think even as a small child below the age of five I knew that my mothers life would be different if I didn't exist... At school there were rumours around about my family so obviously the children were biased based upon their parents opinions even as early as preschool mum and I faced adversity... I was an outcast from a poor family going to a Lutheran preschool in an affluent area, my mum showing up in a Commodore to drop me off, young and beautiful, I found it difficult to make friends, although I had one best friend but she ended out going to the adjoining Primary school and I were to be moved to the state school three doors down from our cottage.
When I started at my primary school there was 27 students from year 1 to year 7, there were Three educators, Miss S was year 1 - 3, Mrs B was mathematics and science and the Principal Mr F educated year 4-7. I'd made some friends but I was a little off-beat and bossy and a real stickler for the rules so I was always telling on everyone, I wasn't overly athletic or smart, I was more interested in writing or talking or reading than really doing any actual school work. I remember vividly being in trouble for talking while we were doing maths which I still very much struggle with today.... But I ended out being put in time out and I sat there and thought I'd counted to a thousand... because I was entirely bored.... Miss S walked past and I told her " Miss S I counted to a thousand". She looked down at me and said " No you didn't, You silly girl you don't know how to... now be quiet". I'm still cut about that... Mole.
There were many times in those years I was subjected to questionable people and activities many in which I know for sure, No child of mine is ever having sleepovers at their friends houses.... and I mean it. I was socially under developed and preferred the company of adults to children... I didn't fit in with kids my age and the ones I was socialised with were little sicko's with weird parents...
Surprisingly my parent's got back together when I was around age 7 or 8... My dad was working overseas and for some reason mum and he decided to get married by this point my mum had my first younger brother and She and Dad got married...... even that day was a flop for my poor Mum... he ended out going on a four day drinking binge with his friends and mum was left to clean up the mess of the wedding after party and retire home alone. Romantic right?.... I love and adore each one of my four younger brothers and I am so thankful for their existence they’re all individually wonderful and loving and kind i just find it difficult to sometimes sit there and think about how different my mum’s life could have been... had none of us existed.... although I am grateful sometimes for existence I just wish that my dad had dealt with his demons and maybe had gotten some help, flash forward a few years and dad ended up in rehab for six weeks during that time he’d seen mental health professionals but nothing came from it... he just decided to not take his Zoloft because “he hates feeling happy” He for some reason needs aggression which for me is something I just cannot simply understand, now as an adult I recognise my parents have their own issues their own histories and past just as we all do, but it’s one of those things where when I was younger and learning about the world my perception wasn’t of that but only of a lack of unconditional love, now as an adult I’ll do upmost anything to prevent being like my father, so when offered the help I took it... there weren’t other options in that moment for me to be functioning... I just hope I made the right choice.
As a teenager I experienced the usual laziness,  my household was filled with children and crying and new borns the precession of another brother came closely after the first was born and mum was dealing with a “hyperactive” toddler and a newborn and myself now a pre-teen.... I’d moved school’s by this point but realistically speaking and I’ll cut it fairly short, I never really fit in with anyone or anything.... Without being academically gifted or Athletically gifted... my value wasn’t highly ranked... I spent most of my lunch breaks playing Chinese checkers in the library or reading books, I loved books and Encyclopedia’s, hyper-fixating on certain topics and being drawn to the mystics and paranormal.. I would spend hours pouring over pages within books my Aunties had gifted me for Birthday’s or Christmas’s. I feel like my time filled within that school was also darkened by my own inability to behave like a “normal person” I don’t know if at the age of ten I was acutely aware at all about my inability to fit in... all i know is getting choked out at lunch time and ran away from wasn’t the best...
I’ll continue the story later.
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russellthornton · 6 years
What Is A MILF? The Surprising Truths & Thoughts Behind Its Meaning
‘MILF’ is code for Mother I’d Like To Fuck. But there’s really much, much more to it. Here’s a unique take on what is a MILF exactly.
If you’re a dude you’ve probably used this term more times than you care to admit. Walking down the street with your boy, you see an unusually attractive older lady and you’re like, ‘Bro, check out that MILF.’ But if you’re wondering, what is a MILF, it’s time to educate yourself.
What is a MILF?
It’s just one of those words we like to say. It rolls off the tongue like sweet honey… Sometimes we say it for humor. Other times the word MILF is just… definitive. The truth. There’s even a male equivalent—‘DILF’, which is code for Dad I’d Like To Fuck.
Primarily, being a MILF/DILF means you’re older but still look remarkably attractive. MILF is sort of similar to the term cougar, which is a woman who is independent, older, and likes her meat younger.
But MILF/DILF are different in that those terms suggest you have parenting responsibilities. Which could also suggest you’re in a committed relationship… [Read: How to make an older woman fall in love with you]
Which is why the term MILF feels kind of taboo
Let’s take it back…
#1 ‘You low-down Mother Fuckers.’
– US soldier to his draft board, 1911
#2 ‘You see this cat, Shaft is a bad mother
(Shut your mouth)
But I’m talking about Shaft
(Then we can dig it)’
– Isaac Hayes in his song ‘Shaft’, 1971
Another controversial term: ‘Mother fucker’ was used as early as the late 19th century. But throughout the years, mother fucker was softened into minced oaths such as:
– Motherfugger
– Mother for you
The cool thing about this word is that you can’t say it, and even when you do you’re expected to make it cryptic. Unless you really don’t give a fuck and want to make your feelings clear… *‘Mother fucker, I dare ya! NO, I double dare ya!’*.
The funny thing is most people don’t think about ‘mother fucker’ in terms of actually having sex with a mother. Counter-intuitively, they associate it with awesomeness OR sometimes with offensiveness. [Read: What’s in it for the older woman dating the younger man?]
‘That movie was mother fucking amazing.’
‘Yeah, well, fuck you, you dumb mother fucker.’
THEN the internet hit and these things happened…
– Lots and lots of porn
– Lots of sexualized material on TV/movies/media
– Even more sex on social media, which popularized acronyms for sex like: mofo, ons, dtf, bdsm, bbw…
– Lots of new dating sites/apps that made dating/sex a whole different ballgame
– Everything became a candidate for ‘LOL cool’, e.g. Stiffler’s mum in American Pie
This is why I think the word MILF is sort of an evolution of the phrase mother fucker. However, it’s also a very unique and ultra-modern word. Let’s take a deeper dive into its meaning…
#1 Milf is short-code. People need short codes to speedily distinguish between categories of things in the world. MILF generally makes it clear that the mentioned person is an older woman.
If I’m with a buddy on a crowded street and want to let them know about an older lady with a gorgeous look, I’ll say, ‘MILF dead ahead, 8 out of 10.’ He knows to skip over the faces under 30 and search for the hot 35+ year old. It’s simply a matter of critical timing. [Read: You guide to scoring yourself a MILF]
#2 A MILF is the wet dream. Teenagers going through puberty may be unable to attract or connect with girls their own age. For example, an adolescent who spends too much time watching porn and doesn’t have good social skills…
Due to his inexperience, he might naturally be drawn to a more maternal, nurturing figure—thinking she will mother him up unconditionally and acceptingly.
#3 A MILF is emotionally developed. Maybe you’re bored of club life and people with stringy attention spans. You want more depth. You can find depth in young people, but many higher order character traits take a lifetime to build. And it’s a never-ending journey. So, some people will consider a person to be a MILF if they meet the emotional connection criteria.
#4 A MILF is very cute or hot. There’s a somewhat universal attractiveness level spectrum, whether or not we like to admit it. In other words, people can generally agree on whether someone looks attractive or not and roughly what level of attractive they look, even if they’re not specifically ‘their type.’
This might sound controversial, but if you’re honest with yourself you may agree *ever heard the phrase ‘she’s out of his league’?*.
Things like facial details symmetry and body shape all factor in. And with that said, some people age better than others and stay looking attractive for longer. Which means that they stay looking remarkably attractive for longer. Note that the word GILF *for grandmother* isn’t popular, because there’s less chances a woman will stay looking hot at that stage of her life *although there are many exceptions*. [Read: The 30 traits of hot women that men love]
#5 The MILF is a new kind of woman. Women had massive inequality pre-world wars. Post-world wars, they slowly gained more rights. Today they’re more on an equal footing with men societally than they have been in any other time. In some arenas, such as within education, they outperform guys. It’s no longer a given that a woman’s role in society is to get married and to have children by a particular age.
Customs are unclear—more open-ended. Women have more independence and make their own sexual decisions with less social repercussions. Words like MILF pop into existence in times like this. People aren’t so sure that an older lady is probably someone else’s wife or that she won’t be DTF. [Read: The meaning of DTF and signs she’s feeling it]
#6 The MILF is straight to the point. Being messed around by a 22-year-old Colombian chick who doesn’t know whether she’s coming or going? One of the appeals of MILFs is that they don’t play games with you.
It’s a popular belief that if a MILF doesn’t feel you she won’t take your info or reply to your messages. But if she is into you she really means to follow through and may even initiate things, because she’s confident enough in her own skin and knows what she wants *she probably also works out if you’re the real deal faster*. [Read: The pros and cons of dating a woman in control]
#7 A MILF might not be a mother. I’ve never been walking with a friend and we see a hot older lady and my friend says: ‘That is either a hot MILF or a hot cougar.’ He probably doesn’t care if she’s mothered offspring. What’s important is that she looks like she could mother offspring.
We’re usually attracted to people that look capable of passing on genes to create healthy offspring. When we notice curvaceous hips or a buxom chest, this is us looking out for signs of genetic health. The hips don’t lie.
#8 The 20-year-old MILF? Of course, a woman in her 20s could be a MILF. But you often hear ‘baby mother’ used more in that situation. A MILF is a bit more like a fine wine… something that takes a given amount of time to develop properly.
Though I saw a girl who was 22 and had a toddler. It was the first time I’d dated a mother, and I definitely used MILF more than a few times.
#9 The 30-35 MILF. A popular MILF imagery is the ‘dirty 30s’ MILF who is sexually ravenous or a recently divorced single mum. She’s rediscovering who she is and is going yolo. She may be dating several guys at the same time and looking for completely no strings attached sex. [Read: 17 important guidelines for NSA sex]
#10 The conqueror’s trophy MILF. To get with one, you may need to be direct. You should also know what you want. She’s seen too much in her time to be won over by timidity. To add to this, she’s not a commonly ‘available’ demography. Think about it this way: the market tends to value things based on supply and demand. So, if something is in high demand, but seems to be in relatively short supply, it’s going to increase in value.
There are simply fewer older and hot women still dating compared to younger women. So, this literally makes MILFs a hot product. And hunters of MILFs get a sense of self-validation from knowing they won something difficult to get. It’s competition.
Say you’re 20, and a MILF you come across is 45. Chances are it’s less socially acceptable for her to get with you. There’s more in your way in terms of natural social obstacles. So, if you proceed to get her despite this, it says something about your tenacity and abilities.
#11 A MILF can have dirty affairs. I think being a parent tends to make you mature sooner, both emotionally and spiritually, whatever your age. This is because of the higher amount responsibility you bear. When a MILF does anything she does it properly. That means a sweeping, mature, lusty affair. By comparison, a ‘baby mother’ is more likely to bring drama and angry ex-lovers who carry guns. This is simply because younger people generally have less life experience than older folk.
By the time you’re in your 30s you’ll have more perspective on some of life’s absurdities. So, a MILF is more likely to have emotional control and able to keep a dirty secret. [Read: 15 dirty ways to have the sexiest rough sex ever]
#12 A MILF understands sex and sexuality. Think of a hot 20-year-old girl… It’s not hard to get the feeling that her body as it is just popped into existence one day and she woke up with an uber-slim waste line and a perky bubble butt. She didn’t go to the gym for it. She might even have a diet of cigarettes and Coca-Cola.
The same thing is likely to be the case with that girl’s sense of her own sexuality. She’s not matured fully yet. She doesn’t yet know what she likes and enjoys, or what she really appreciates in a partner.
A MILF’s sexuality is practiced. It’s deep, subtle, knowing. She truly appreciates sexuality to a level that shocks you. A MILF may dress modestly and show her sexuality in subtle ways. Her sexuality may seem to emanate from her sleekly and stylishly. However, when you make a moment of intense eye contact with a MILF, there’s a knowingness there.
Don’t get me wrong, people can be impulsive and naïve whatever their age, but wisdom and skills generally tend to form with time.
[Read: Cougar dating: 10 rules to dating an older woman]
Hunters like to explore. They know that variety is the spice of life. Understanding what is a MILF and the slightly taboo off-limits temptation can only be addressed in a socially acceptable way through code.
The post What Is A MILF? The Surprising Truths & Thoughts Behind Its Meaning is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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wired-novel-blog · 7 years
Chapter one
It had all started out pretty simply. A dead pet, needing a replacement to fill the void of loneliness. So...how was she here?
”Simple. You're here because you need someone to fill that void in your life Mittens left.” Minnie practically beamed.
"You're awfully cheerful, considering we buried my cat this morning. In the rain.” That was me. Minnie's best friend. Only I knew her real name, but she got nicknamed Minnie after it came out she could do a flawless impression of the overly pink clad mouse.
“Mittens was so old even the neighborhood dogs left her alone. She's in a better place, where all cats who scratch people just trying to help them go.” Minnie was overly pink clad herself as well, usually. Today she wore a sleeveless white button up tucked into one of her favorite skirts, a color change knee length that looked like it was made of a flowing metal.
“Min you ever worry that that skirt of yours would turn blue when you fart?” I was trying, my head still hurt from all the crying I'd done at the cat funeral.
Minnie only rolled her eyes and chose not to comment. But if she didn't know I wasn't in the mood to argue, she would have mentioned something along the lines of a lady never farts.
“So explain to me again what your issue with this store is? And why its such a big issue that we're standing outside despite the very threatening rain clouds?”
In terms of the company, this store was small. Just a little shop that sold the old and used, the damaged, the discounted. Androids.
“I think its just another kind of slavery. But this time instead of dark skin light skin, its real skin synthetic skin. It just feels wrong.”
Minnie scoffed, the sound somehow ladylike coming from her. As though it were directed at a cookie that didn't go with the tea she selected, rather than my beliefs.
“You don't feel the same guilt when you open Sirius to ask a question and then shove her back into your pocket.”
“Sirius is a program on my phone that literally everyone has to ask questions. This is different. These things...they have bodies, minds, personalities. It feels wrong to just go and buy one. On top of that, you're asking me to spend the savings I put aside for a car.”
“Lil You're sort of buying a person. I mean not to make the moral aspect worse, but you're paying for a living being that will love you unconditionally. And when you're old and gray, you can turn it it, and get whatever its worth to leave to your kids, or say your best friend.”
“Says the best friend who already has two parents working for the company selling these things.”
“They want me to get a job this summer, I'll be cut off at the end of the school year. Lets go inside, at least look at a few. Who knows, you might meet a cute boy and take him home.”
“You'd better be referring to one of these over-sized barbie dolls.”
“Of course, of course. Come on, its getting windy.” Minnie's expression was one of pure innocence. How did she manage to do that?
The inside of the store was warm in contrast to the brewing storm outside. The smell of coffee from a machine in the back meant to make the business more inviting hit me as soon as we got in the door. It took me back, to old bookstores with free coffee, a live band playing on a stage made by the store owner. People sitting around enjoying the atmosphere, the small town feel that made me feel cozy and familiar anywhere in town.
I was instantly brought back when the door opened again, a couple attempting to get past me bringing in the smell of big business. The reek of smog, which seemed to be everywhere in Angel city. Of course the residents were used to it, always smelling it, taking the smell home with them on their clothes. No one was bothered by the constant presence of asphalt and smoke, they thrived in it like fish in the ocean. I missed the ocean. The pleasant little town on the coast, one I would miss for the rest of my life.
“Lily, you're blocking the entrance.”
“Right. Sorry.” I half slid on the floor trying to get out of the way. The manager shot me a look, mud smeared across the floor where I'd nearly done the splits. That was how Angel city worked. It didn't matter if you fell, only how much of a mess someone else had to clean up from you getting hurt. If not for Minnie I'd never make it here. Before we met I was a mess of walking into bike lanes, thinking people with Bluetooth were talking to me, and even once walking into a club ironically named The Library and finding out there were no books there. I missed the small town friendliness, the way people would just help each other out. They all knew each other, they were all family. Now, feeling the cool air on my back as people came in, pretending to look at product to get out of the rain. I felt a twinge of longing. Why did you have to buy something to stay dry until the storm passed? Why not wave hello to the shop owner, share a laugh about the sudden torrent of rain? I walked around to make the appearance that I was still fully there, not off on the coast somewhere dreaming about warm waves and caring people. The sound of quiet chatter fell away. The dim buzzing lights of the back room drowned it out. The musty smell of cardboard and discarded instruction manuals was almost enough to take me back again, if only the coffee would reach it I could close my eyes and delude myself that I'm home again. As the coffee smell finally reached me I smiled, letting my imagination take over.
I was home, sitting in the bay window watching the bees scuttle about to be finished before the sun would set.
“You know I don't like you sitting in that ramshackle addition, Lily. It looks like it could fall right off the house at any moment.” Mom was always worrying, it was what made her mom.
“I'm not bouncing or anything, and besides if it was going to break it would be creaking. And its never broken before. Dad made it sturdy.”
“Your father doesn't make things study, he makes them quickly. That window is hardly up to code.” Mom was a contractor, she worked for some fancy company up in the city, part of the Ark conglomerate. She left on business trips a lot, it was up to dad and I to keep the house standing while she was gone. Dad did basic construction, that's how he and mom met.
“Okay, I can watch the bees work tomorrow. When does your flight leave?” It was a tradition to make her a nice breakfast before she left, all started on a joke that airport food was terrible and expensive.
“I'm actually driving this time, its only to the border of Angel.”
“What's going on at the border?” The border had been crammed with homes and businesses, everyone trying to get a taste of the city without paying to be close to the center. There was nothing else to cram into the border. Certainly no large businesses buildings.
“I'm actually going to see a doctor there. A specialist.”
And that was the beginning. Ark had failed to provide her with proper breathing equipment when she went to a site, her requests for them finding the bottom of a stack of requests. A simple error in paperwork. When she came back she had a bunch of medical equipment, and doctors hired from the companies she'd worked for in hopes she wouldn't sue.
Of course she didn't sue, my mother was a good soul who loved to help others. Her only condition was a settlement, enough for dad and I to live on after she was gone.
“Excuse me.”
Once again I was yanked back to the present, but not by an angry stranger or Minnie. It was a boy, about my age by the looks of him. He looked grimy and kind of gross, covered in dirt and oil stains. He wore a fair amount of leather, though none of it matched. A faded black leather jacket, cocoa leather gloves, and leather combat boots that might have been dark brown at one point, but looked almost black. With a dirty oil t shirt and equally dirty and oil stained jeans, he looked like a homeless mechanic. And I  was standing over him, staring down like an idiot.
“You're standing on my cards.” He was right, my muddy rain boots were on top of what looked like a game of solitaire.
“Oh I'm so sorry, that was all my fault.” I stepped back, some of the cards sticking to the bottoms of my boots.
“Oh no, no need to apologize. Not like I'm a human being or anything.” Where did the sudden attitude come from?
“Look I'll buy you a new deck, there's a corner store near here.”
“Stop. I've got an extra deck. There are a bunch back here, from back when this hole sold little gift shop gifts to advertise.”
“Oh...well. Um, I'm still sorry, is there anything I can do?”
“You can get out of the storage room.” The manager who'd glared at her before for making a mess now loomed over her.
“You're not supposed to be in here, little girl. Especially talking to this defective droid.” It didn't matter if he wasn't a human, though that did explain his rude comment. No one was defective.
“Well I'm interested in buying him.” What? That wasn't what I meant to say at all.
“Uh huh. You want this defective droid you don't even know the model of.”
“I do. I want him. I have an Ark card.” Part of the deal, a card that could be charged without limit, in case of emergency. This was an emergency, right? This kid looked miserable.
“No need, he's not for sale. The best you can do is sign the paper claiming ownership of him. Ark won't sell a broken product.”
“So he's free.”
“Then I'll take him.”
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tabulaclark-blog · 9 years
The not so glamourous side of Fashion Week. Part 2
Fashion week is over. Sorry, I meant Fashion Weekssss are over. New York, London, Milan, Paris and all the other ones around the world.
The perspective of comfy clothes, messy hair up and maybe a "grasse matinée" (French for "lie in", but literally means fat morning so long sleep or massive breakfast or both, understand what you want here, I take both) is heart warming.
Of course, fashion week is everything wonderful and beautiful the press is showing us. It is a fabulous moment where everybody from the industry is in the same city and can therefore meet, brainstorm, plan exciting shoots, stories, collaborations. It's a thrilling moment where we get to discover the outcome of designers' hard work displayed magically by their team.
What the press is not showing us is what fashion workers hide behind their colgate smile or their grumpy cat face: Fashion weeks are super tough! It's an extreme "no pain, no gain" challenge, both physically and mentally.
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Travelling from fashion week to fashion week means packing  and who on earth likes packing? Unconditionally happy people maybe, but I suspect those are medicated... maybe few OCD enthusiasts? And let's put that packing chore into perspective. We are not talking about a person who works and live in one city and has to pack for a well deserved holiday away. We are talking about a breed that travels often, has to look good constantly and has to look different everyday and maybe has to change twice (or more) a day.
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Of course the traveling experiences and the looking good in nice clothes is enjoyable. No question about that. It's the planning ahead with weather and impromptu events options. There is no way you can foresee your state of mind and what you'll fancy wearing on day 6 of fashion week number 4. There is no comfort zone here. You have to plan outfits that will work with the moment and lobotomise your wishes, moods, envies, weather sensitivities because you simply cannot bring your whole wardrobe with you, it's too heavy! And you won't have the time to pick and choose on the day everyday anyway.
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Nice clothes don't necessarily mean nice to wear. You have the extreme case of those wearing uncomfortable heels, clothes that are too tight, spandex, push ups and itchy fabrics. Why would anyone chose to suffer, why would anyone choose sure discomfort for potential attention? That goes way above my head, I have no ambition to look like a post modern sculpture, not even for halloween.
All of my clothes, and all of my friends' and respected acquaintances' clothes are comfortable, fitted and soft. But they are far from being pyjamas and sleepers. Not even elastane jeans and converse. Anything that has class, anything remotely chic doesn't give you the warm feeling of hugging clothes. Long flowing dresses and cute leather flip flops being the exception but those are summery and no fashion week happens in august.
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So yes, despite extremely well engineered high heels swapped for ballerinas when you have to walk, you do have blisters. Sometimes you get blisters just because the weather is damp and you walk around a lot, even in flats. You don't need to do fashion week to know that.
Weather is a bitch! It can be spring in the morning, autumn for lunch, summer in the afternoon and winter at night. That's the worst scenario as you move around whilst it's hot, you sit at a terrasse for lunch thinking you'll finally enjoy the weather but BAM, it's cold and there are no sit inside anymore, then you rush for meetings and shows in the heat. Finally, you go for an event at night in that nice little dress you had planned and you'll feel as frozen as the Snow Queen but no kids will love you for it.
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All this drama may get on your nerves if it's your 1st fashion week but soon, you just don't care. You just don't feel anything. You just disconnect your hot / cold / sensitivity neurones. You just suffer in silence.
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The fashion industry is international, with models, photographers, journalists, stylists, hair and make up artists, art directors and designers from all around the world. And as I said, fashion week brings the whole industry in one city at the time, especially Paris, which is a plus point for me as lately, I have had only time to do this one.
So that gives me 9 days to organise and kick start my whole semester of work to come and meet everybody I want / need in between shows, presentations and events, and I can't wear my running shoes to achieve this marathon.
By the time I am facing the fashion director, the editor in chief, the designer I want to work with, I have had to make the same intro about a zillion time before and I risk going into a powerpoint presentation mode which will for sure kill my attempted fabulous factor.
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As if that wasn't a challenge already, I am facing people who are on their 4th fashion week in a row (New York, London, Milan and Paris are back to back) so they are probably jet lagged, they have met more people than their brain can process and they may not even remember their own name.
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Eating? When? The only lunch meeting I had turned into a bloody mary for her and a carrot juice for me (I know, how healthy of me, right?). Service takes too long when you have half hour meetings back to back in different locations.
Aside from an insanely early consistent breakfast, feeding is limited to your own provisions (I carry dry fruits in my bag) and canapés at parties and let's talk about those canapés. There are more and more parties / events that offer no food at all and only serves champagne. Please don't even start mocking me here, I hear you with your "awh poor baby, champagne only". 9 days without real food, I am hungry and therefore angry. And when canapés are indeed served, you can't just make a dinner out of it. How ridiculous would you be sitting by the buffet and devouring each spoon you can reach?
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The complete opposite of my experience can happen too. There are those who have morning meetings which turn out to be unannounced breakfast meetings where large amount of delicious food is served, yet they already had a breakfast at their hotel, then they'll have 2 lunch meetings, one at noon and another at 1pm, in the evening they'll attend an event where canapés will be served and finally they'll have two sat down dinner, one at 8 pm and the other one at 10 pm. I am not exaggerating, I heard it from the horse's mouth (guess she felt like a horse by then end too)
Issey Miyake, chiffon, Palais de Tokyo, jersey, red, lace, Chanel, avenue Montaigne, silk, cotton, layers, Martin Grant, wigs, feathers, Tuileries, purple, Vogue, yellow, orange is the new black, Dior, gold, shoes, gothic, leather, Kendal Jenner, Rochas, stilettos,Yazbukey, organza, corset, Première Classe, pastel tones, motor bikes, Elie Saab, bags, alligator, nude, Little Shilpa, le marais, Zoe Chicco, Le Costes, ...
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By the end of fashion week, your brain is like a desktop on which you saved all your favourite images without putting them in a folder. The quantity is such that your head is spinning. Actually, it's like going to a film festival and watching several films in a row. You remember each detail of each film but you struggle pairing actors to situations.
Time to pull your socks up and play linking game: Red dress ➔ by ➔ Yohji Yamamoto ➔ seen at ➔ Hotel de Ville. And in case of total black out, Vogue is there to the rescue.
Bottom line, neither of this is a drama. We wouldn't do it if it wasn't worth it and every bit of madness is more than bearable because in the end we work for a fascinating industry and we are thankful to be part of it, however little or huge our impact may be.
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blazerought · 7 years
4. the one where you and your soulmate have matching marks and the marks glow when you’re near your soulmate.( im a slut for this one tbh )
There was a mark on lower part Keith’s right palm, just above the junction where hand met wrist. It was about an inch long and vaguely in the shape of a star, BUT NOBODY WOULD REALLY KNOW IT.
He’d kept it covered for most of his life when he could, not wanting to think about it or the implications behind it because maybe if he just IGNORED IT then it’d mysteriously start to vanish or if he met this supposed soulmate he was attached to they wouldn’t see his glow and they’d think it was a mistake or there’d be absolutely no mention at all because there was no guarantee his soulmate’s mark was was on the exact same place on their body which was equally visible.
Keith had always felt rather unfortunate in that way, having his mark in such a spot that THE ONLY WAY he could cover it was with a pair of thick leather gloves which he wasn’t always allowed to wear. It wasn’t proper, it wasn’t sanitary, he couldn’t just wear gloves EVERY SECOND OF HIS LIFE according to the natural law of societal function. So, there it was always sort of staring him in the face with it’s jagged shape and MOCKING HIM any time he’d be forced to remove that protective covering.
No soulmate existed for him anyway, HE WAS SURE OF THAT, but he wouldn’t want to risk the exposure in case he was wrong. Who out there was meant to love him so fully and unconditionally the way only a soulmate could anyway though, when he’s never had anyone love him in all his life even in the most mundane sense of the word.
No friends, no family, NO NOTHING, because Keith’s been told he was too angry or too blunt or too unapproachable. There wasn’t any standard of acceptability held within his person that could be loved, so THERE WAS NOBODY IN THE WORLD FOR HIM and that was a truth he’d accepted… but still remained cautious regardless.
That of course didn’t mean there were days where he’d FORGET to be.
Days that he’d left his gloves at home in a hurry or just hadn’t consciously thought of slipping them on before he left his home.
It was JUST HIS LUCK that one of those days he’d bump shoulders with a certain man meant to change his life. A man with the softest, friendliest smile that showed in his bright gray eyes as he’d uttered a slew of several apologies and Keith couldn’t find it in himself to be angry at that at all. A man who, despite the scar which marred his face, wasn’t any less of a captivating or any less of an invitingly warm presence. A man who, upon noticing a red glow at Keith’s wrist, held a special kind of TWINKLING AWE in his gaze before his jaw had dropped and he seemingly hadn’t known how to continue-…
❝ Y-you’re… ❞ Keith had started, exhaling shakily before taking a hard swallow. It was suddenly getting difficult to breath and it didn’t help that Keith didn’t know what to make of that expression on the stranger’s- HIS SOULMATE’S- face.
It seemed to be some form of surprise with an UNDERLYING HURT as the gorgeous man had slowly reached out with his left arm only for his hand to fall which is when indigo eyes were drawn to his right and the clear observation that the flesh there was GONE and replaced with a sleek silver metal. It was gone and with it possibly the mark which matched Keith’s own red star if the noticeable lack of any glow on the man’s person meant anything.
The man had moved again, slower this time and with the hand tentatively moving toward Keith’s shoulder came a soothing voice telling him to JUST BREATHE and assuring him it’d be alright, that Keith didn’t have to worry and he only wanted to talk. It’d taken a moment for his heart to stop beating so loud and fast it drowned out every other sense enough for Keith to respond but he eventually did with a slight nod of his head and together they’d made to a nearby bench where Keith sat and placed his left hand firmly over the glowing mark, looking at it just feeling THAT MUCH MORE COMPLICATED than this all was already.
That night when Keith had returned home, collapsing tiredly on his bed as his cat padded over to check on him he’d learned five things.
His soulmate’s name was Takashi Shirogane.
Shiro was a veteran who’d lost his arm at war, along with his mark.
He found the idea of a soulmate as terrifying as Keith did now ever since he’d been through hell and back and lost the clear proof of the mark, and wanted to take things slow but only if Keith agreed.
Shiro was made of LITERAL SUNSHINE AND WARMTH and every gorgeous smile radiated that energy the entire time he spoke with a calm understanding.
Maybe soulmates weren’t so bad after all…
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nanalikessurveys · 4 years
Are you one of those lucky people to own a walk-in closet? No, i’m so unfortunate haha Is there a random object you own that has a huge personal significance? Not really lol Do you use Google? Yes, everyday Would you like to go swimming right now? No, not right now Can you play electric guitar? I can’t
Do you have an HDTV? I’m not sure lol, it’s just a TV to me When was the last time you drank something through a straw? I have no idea, i usually don’t use a straw Have you ever tried to teach yourself a different language? Not really How long was your last phone call? About 2 mins which is long for me haha
Do you need to repaint your nails? I don’t have them painted and i don’t feel like doing it now Has there ever been a horoscope that came true for you? I don’t read horoscopes Are you a fan of industrial metal? No, i don’t like metal music Are you one of those people who chew two pieces of gum, not one? Yeah sometimes
Do you have a wall calendar? I don’t 
Have you ever taken the pictures from a calendar and used them as posters? Nope Can you handle the cold? Better than the heat for sure, i love cold weather Have you ever been to Canada? No Do you believe in superstitions? Not really When was the last time you took a taxi somewhere? When i went to the vet with my cat, i don’t own a car i don’t feel comfortable going to the bus with my cat lol Would you ever join the army, airforce or navy? I wouldn’t How old is the person you last kissed? 25 Is there a friend that you can always rely on to get you out of a jam? I hope so :( What was the most embarassing thing you’ve had to buy? I still get a bit embarrassed buying pads. and also underwear when there’s a guy cashier LOL i’m so stupid Have you ever tried to balance the light switch between off and on? Haha yep Do you believe in ghosts / supernatural occurences? No, i never had any experience with them luckily Have you ever mistaken a person’s gender? I’m sure but they never knew about it What was the most expensive thing you’ve broken? My phone Has anyone texted you yet today? Yes Did you stay calm during the whole swine flu scare? I think i did, but i remember getting the shots in school and being scared af Is there a light on in the room you’re currently in? Yes Are your feet touching the floor? My left foot is Have you ever been in a car accident? No, luckily Do you usually make back-up plans? Yep Can you focus well in high-stress situations? NO, definitely no Without the aid of mascara, do you have long eyelashes? They’re pretty long and i love them, if they were darker i would never wear mascara again Is there a kind of music you listen to that helps you release your anger? I don’t listen to music when i’m angry Are you one of those people who keep their feelings bottled up? Yeah Is one of your friends extremely odd but you love them regardless? She’s weird in the nicest way possible Is there anyone you dread going into public with? No Are you a victim of writing run-on sentences? I have no idea what that means Graffiti: an art or an act of vandalism? There’s amazing ones and then the stupid ones lol. like there’s factor area near my neighborhood with AMAZING looking graffitis on the walls, they looks so nice Do you buy things online? Sometimes, i did order bunch of underwear couple days ago lol Are you easily frightened? I’m afraid of lot of things but i don’t get jumpy? like jumpscares are lame hahah Do you have a favorite model? Gigi and Bella Hadid are gorgeous. Also Gaspard Ulliel is the definition of perfect tbh Have you ever watched Titanic? Yep What’s your current facebook display picture of? I’m not on facebook, seriously every survey assumes i am lol How about your IM display picture? It’s of me Is there anyone whose hair you envy? My therapist’s lmao, she has long, blonde and silky hair Would you act in a movie if it offered a role? No, i was like 7 years old when i attended this movie camp where we made bunch of short movies and then we watched them in the end of the camp and I CRINGED SO FUCKING HARD AT MYSELF LMAO like i was so bad and i haven’t gotten any better since then Does speaking in front of people make you nervous? YES, school presentations are the worst. literally everytime in grade school i had one there was this one motherfucker who just had to yell something about me having to speak up Can you read in a moving vehicle or does it make you sick? I don’t read in vehicles because of that reason Have you ever dated someone who was extremely shy? Not really, i wouldn’t have called him shy Or have you dated someone who took things too fast? Mmm yes Does the idea of driving 220 mph sound exciting to you? Nope Everyone has a weakness, what’s yours? Good dancers, lol Do you or anyone you know have an account on Deviantart? I don’t and i don’t think anyone i know has one Thoughts on the Dunkin Donut commercial that says “America runs on Dunkin’”? I don’t know that commercial Do you bother buying movies on DVD anymore or do you just download them? I buy movies on DVD still, yes Do you listen to Daughtry? No Do you get your eyebrows waxed? No, i pluck them
How do you take your coffee? With milk If you have a dog, what breed is it? I don’t Have you found someone who makes you unconditionally happy? I guess so Do you have a friend who always seems to be dying their hair? She has dyed her hair in the past couple times, but now she just has her natural color Would you swap names with a friend? Sure, but i’m happy with mine Do you plan on going to university? I don’t think so Guys who wear muscle shirts, yes or no? I had to google this and i got two different kinds of results, so i have no idea which muscle shirt are you talking about. anyway you can wear whatever you want pretty much Are you a fan of Carrie Underwood? I know about her but not any of her songs, so no Do you make playlists on iTunes? I don’t use iTunes Have you ever forgotten someone’s birthday? My friend’s birthday this year and i felt SO FUCKING BAD Are you scared of being left behind? Yes Do you remember your last dream? No. i never do Do you know someone who is an obsessed Star Wars fan? No one obsessed 
Is politics something you don’t care about? I don’t care about it that much, no What’s a movie/tvshow/book/series that is way overrated? I can’t think of any Do you think Barbie presents an unhealthy image to young girls? It’s not a realistic looking doll but does it really have to, it’s just a toy Is there a pet that you desperately want? Not anymore, i have two lovely cats Would you ever get your bellybutton pierced? I already did Are you musically talented? No Have you ever shot a gun? No Do you have a friend that always changes their mind last second? No Are you not afraid to voice your opinion? Yep, that’s me Are you one of those people who are always pushing their limits? Not really lol Is there a word that you will always find humorous? A lot of finnish words
Do you frown upon immature people? Idk Have you ever slipped on ice and hurt yourself? I have slipped many times but never hurt myself badly Do you try to have an intimidating impression? I guess, try is the key word tho Living in the big city or chilling in the country? City No one seems to obey the legal drinking age, do they? Haha no Do you like your country’s flag? Yeah i like the color combination. other than that it’s kinda meh Have you ever made a totally amazing snow fort? Not an amazing one Do you use Bounty Paper Towels? I don’t know them, are they like coconut scented lmao Are you the one usually behind the camera or the one in the picture? Behind If you get married, will you have a traditional wedding? Sure Do you feel you’re slowly losing one of your friends? Tbh it kinda feels like that now If you draw, what’s one thing you always have trouble with? Just everything Is there someone you know moving away any time soon? Probably my sister, but she’s not so sure yet Allergic to anything? Penicillin How many cars have you owned? Zero What are you going to do after this? Going to brush my teeth and wash my face and go to bed
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writefromthevoid · 8 years
Writers, as a general rule, are the types of people who tend to gather strange connections. We make friends in odd places, but there is no denying we can be difficult to love. At any moment, conversation can go from on topic to a complicated plot twist, and not all people can handle our commitment to our work. Flexible hours are great for productivity, but not all that great for friendships.
That’s why animals are so darn fantastic. They love their human caretakers unconditionally, and they don’t mind a rant about the latest plot twist. They’re there for the long haul. I have owned every pet on this list, and this is my opinion of how each of them stand up to the life of a writer.
Number 5-Fish
Depending on the tank setup you choose, fish can be extremely time consuming or worry free friends. There is a huge assortment of colors and varieties. In my experience, though, a lot of people don’t see these creatures as friends.
Let me tell you something, buddy. I had a Halfmoon Beta once that we named Remus Lupin. We hardly ever called him by name, though. To us, he was Mr. Angry-Jazz-Hands or Our Beloved Asshole. That fish would flap his bitter little fins at everything that moved. The front door? FLAP FLAP FLAP. The dog? FLAP FLAP FLAP. His reflection? FLAPFLAPFLAPFLAPFLAP.
That vicious little beta fish lived quite a while in his little ten gallon tank. I found watching him swim around to be relaxing, and the noises of his filter made for a good background to write with. Fish are the perfect pet for people constantly on the go.
That said, fish can’t be cuddled. They’re not good at wiping away tears after a tough scene. They’re not able to go out of the house with you. I love fish, and while they can absolutely be good companions, they come in at number 5 in this list.
Number 4-Rodents
Many people I know are terrified of rodents. My aunt, for instance, hates bats because they look like flying rats. My mother won’t willingly go within ten feet of a mouse. However, I find most rodents are incredibly good pets.
I had guinea pigs for several years. They loved to sit on my shoulder or to climb around me while I wrote. They were very sweet animals, and low maintenance. For many writers, maintenance is of the utmost importance.
Guinea pigs need their cage spot cleaned daily, deep cleaned once a week, with fresh food and water every single day. Ultimately, taking care of my guinea pigs took less than half an hour a day. Their excited squeaks at the sound of the refrigerator (because the fridge means fresh spinach), their cuddling, and their ease of care make them fantastic pets for those who aren’t bothered by small mammals, putting them at number 4.
Number 3-Horses
This one might be surprising. Horses are incredibly high maintenance and their price tag is no joke. I’ve spent more hours than I care to admit up to my knees in mud, water, and muck for these soulful creatures. One wrong step and they could kill me. All said and done, though, I love them. Horses are gentle giants.
Cleaning stalls is quiet work. During high school, when I leased a gorgeous Thoroughbred, I spent my hours working lost in my mind, weaving plots and building characters with the help of another stable hand. We’d discuss story lines and work on building our worlds. When I was on my horse’s back, I felt limitless. Trail rides let me see a lot more of the world than I could see on foot. There’s no doubt travel helps improve writing. Seeing more of the world is good. I’ve known riders who’ve worked on memorizing poetry on horseback, listened to books on tape on horseback, and even used speech-to-text programs on their phones to write while in the saddle. Something about being with horses makes people feel closer to nature or closer to God.
There are definitely negatives, though. Horses are powerful creatures, and it takes a long time and a lot of commitment to learn how to work with them safely. They are expensive. Horses eat nearly 10 pounds of hay at each meal, and they can’t be fed just once a day. Their vet bills tend to be higher, and their equipment isn’t cheap. For the amount of companionship and inspiration they can provide, though, I place them at number 3.
Number 2-Cats
Yes, I knocked the stereotypical writer’s animal to number 2. Cats are fantastic animals. They’re calculating little assholes made of spite, fuzz, and teeth. Cats evolved from enormous predators to tiny containers of hatred. I love them.
Cats are stereotypical writer pets because of their independent nature. They don’t need a lot of attention to survive (unless they’re that rare creature that feels more like a dog than a cat). They have a habit of laying on warm things, like keyboards, and making sure you stop to stretch your wrists once in a while. The best thing about them is getting to watch their antics. Cats are creative, proud, and not the type of creature to take anyone’s shit.
The down side for these furry monsters is actually their fur. Cats naturally hold in a lot of static electricity. When they seem to suddenly come unglued and attack their humans for petting them, it is often because the static has built up enough to cause them severe discomfort. For someone like me, a person who pets animals absentmindedly, that’s a major drawback. I don’t want to be bit, and no cat wants to be shocked.
Number 1-Dogs
Okay, anyone who knows me should have seen this one coming.
Pictured is Pippin, my service dog and best friend. Dogs are literal angels. They’re brilliant creatures that evolved alongside us to become exactly the kind of partners we needed. No other animal is so attuned to humans.
Dogs are watchful and loyal animals. Countless emergencies have been handled and avoided by dogs. They’re more social than a lot of pets. Their pack mentality has bled over into their interactions with humans to the point that now, humans are the pack. We are their family. We make sure they have their basic necessities handled and they make sure we have a break away from the computer and go outside for a while. Dogs are amazing partners.
Obviously, no animal is perfect, but dogs’ biggest downfall is that they are so dependent on us. Ultimately, I don’t see this as a negative. They remind us there is a real world. Dogs make us take a moment away from our created worlds to be with them.
Love is synonymous with dogs.
The Top 5 Best Pets for Writers Writers, as a general rule, are the types of people who tend to gather strange connections. We make friends in odd places, but there is no denying we can be difficult to love.
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