#literally the most cutest human bean
hangeslefteye · 1 year
Hange Relationship Headcanons/İmagines
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Aaah Hange my beloved <3
Hange's love language surely would be physical touch and quality time but she's canonically a little shy and makes her attention known by going sideways and she's not directly flirty or romantic in a traditional way.
İf she's interested in you she's her own authantic self again but much kinder and caring also somehow 7/24 around to observe you even without directly talking to you.
But...she's quite talkative anyways.
And no she doesn't only talk about titans and she can even hold herself back from doing that because she knows this displease other people but she wants to show you her best.
Very much like Armin she must own some interesting -possibly banned or super top secret- books that explain outer world,beyond the walls.She'd love to share it with you and to hear your opinions on it.
She'd also love just to sit on the walls and chill 50 meters above without doing anything else.Since nobody dares to get close to the walls she has a secret happy place there.But she would show it to you whole heartedly even if you are not a soldier.
İmagine lying on the walls,50 meters off ground and daydreaming with Hange as you two talk about uncertainities and possibilities beyond the horizon.
Her majestic hair would flow with the cool spring wind and her glasses would reflect the pink sunset before she takes them off and you would see the warmest shade of brown in her eyes &lt;;3
But if she's feeling extra energetic that day/night she can take you out for horse riding in the huge forest.
Suprise,she loves to race xD But I'd say lose it on purpose so you get to hear her sweet chantings.
Also she's lazy.
İf you guys rode too far she simply doesn't have the energy to go back.
You have to camp.
But suprise again, she 'forgot' her camping equipments at home.
You guys...you are literally a teddy bear the moment she falls 'asleep' xD
She's a very aggresive cuddler but very warm and comfy at the same time.
Levi says she doesn't bathe but he has OCD sooo I'd say she's clean enough and I always imagined her to have a somewhat earthy,musky and cinnamon likely soothing smell.
Also around the campfire she'd cook for you :) She doesn't look like she knows what she's doing and throwing whatever into the pan but suprisingly it turns out quite good.
Aaah since she was cooking, Sawney and Bean were also very good cooks :) You know,original ones that cannibalised more than 500 humans :)
Hange and her funfacts are a package deal you better get interested.
And if you do, one day you get to met Titan!(Sawney + Bean)
But when you are around them, she's suprisingly responsible which will shock everybody including Levi,Mike and Moblit.
She won't let you get too close yet she still wants you to tickle Bean and she'll laugh with Bean as you go on xD
İf they manage to capture some more titans she'll name one after you.
She'll proudly explain to the titan where their name is coming from and at one point it will get uncomfortably personal for everybody else included in the naming ceremony xD
But I can imagine her peak trust in you would be about titans since she's always shamed on it.
After titans, eventually she lets it loose and you get yourself an incredibly cuddly and clingy Hange that will glue herself on you.
And of course she'd kiss you for the first time when you two dive in the recently discovered ocean.You guys dreamed about is for years and now she forever wants to remember this moment with you in it.She'd give you the cutest and the most innocent underwater peck ever <3
Or it was a desperate moment and she was quite sure both of you were going to die.She thought 'now or never' and dived in for the most passionate kiss you ever had but when you both survived she was a little terrified :D
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Who's Yumi?
Yumiii,, my giiirl,, 🤲 She's a cutie, and also cursed with the terrible fate of being able to see ghosts. And I don't mean, like, nice, people-shaped ghosts ; I mean vague aberrations barely capable of human speech. Not only that, her grandfather was a toymaker, who had the power to create anything he wanted... except they turned out wrong. Man-eating teddybears, eternally dancing shoes, the list goes on. So to counter that, the grandfather created one last being, a monster made to obey him. Paris. A puppet whose goal was to find and neutralise the other toys, and who awakens when Yumi is attacked by her teddybear and saves her. Together, Yumi and Paris then decide to find and get rid of the remaining toys ! They make such a cute duo, I swear – the brother and sister duo we all dream of <3 Yuma's really scared most of the time – she's just a little girl and she's forced to deal with all that's happening around her :( – but she pulls through and does some of the bravest actions in the entire Webtoon, plus she's so sweet ;; Your honour I love her
Who's Lachlan?
He's literally THE CUTEST he's really well written for a child character and his birth parents abandoned him (??? Or left him idk) and he kind of got trust issues until Cecily (his adopted mom) adopted him and he also says, very specifically, that "It's not your fault. It's never your fault when someone says they're going to be your family, and then they leave you." To Cecily after meeting her for the first time at the adoption centre when she explains to him that his fiance left. (S2, episode 12) Anyway he continues being extremely suspicious and is very strongly against letting anyone into his family. He is such a sweet bean to his friends once he accepts them though. Also the webtoon kind of never got finished so his arc never really. Uh. Got properly resolved.
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sleepysheepytea · 2 years
FLUFFIIIIII YOU ADORABLE LITTLE BEING 😭😭 I hope you have THE most amazing Christmas🧎 you are the purest, cutest human I have ever met and your art never seizes to make my entire world melt 🥲💕 keep up your amazing work you talented little bean
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WAAAAUGH sorry for being late to this but aaaaa thank you so so so much!! I hope u had a wonderful Christmas too!! You're literally so honking sweet I cannot thank you enough for being such a dear to me aaaaaaaaa <333
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oneprompt · 3 years
hii!!! i absolutely love your works and writing style omg… could i rq ace shanks and robin with a gender neutral or fem reader (both are ok) that have a similar personality of a cat because of having a devil fruit from the feline family? like they’re very lazy but also competent and responsible when needed, sarcastic and also a bit on the physically affectionate side (loves cuddles) if it isn’t too much to ask? feel free to delete if it is,, but if you dont then thank you<3!
authors note: hi , hun <3 i’d be happy to write such a cute prompt ! i hope you enjoy .. + sorry i’ve been so slow everyone ;; i’ve been very stressed out ..
Nico Robin x Cat Devil Fruit! Reader Headcanons
• When Robin first meets you, she assumes your devil fruit with form you into a fearsome creature, one that can tower over all, overwhelmed with a taste for blood. But she’s pleasantly surprised to see how cute you really are! The soft fluffy fur that overthrows your flesh when you’re in your zoan form is a sight Robin loves to see. She loves cute things, especially animals.
• Robin is the type to appreciate mellow moments in her life, even things as basic as sitting in silence. So, naturally, she’s happy to cuddle you, both in and out of your zoan form. Robin adores having you lay your head on your lap while she reads through her most beloved novels. She’ll make sure to be attentive, even when she’s focused. Such as stroking your head and saying sweet nothings to you.
• Finds your sarcastic attitude funny. Robin isn’t new to such attitudes, having met dozens of people from every corner of the world, nearly. She has enough patience to last a life time, it seems. Robin isn’t bothered by your laziness or sarcasm. Although, if she must, she will push you to help out more whether along the battle field or with basic errands upon the Sunny.
• Robin admires your more serious sides. Seeing a person who isn’t too buckled down often act that way is a sight to behold. She admires your strength and intelligence, regardless of what the situation holds. She’ll make sure to tell you how proud she is of you when you two are cuddled up in bed together.
• With her interest in morbid things and horror, Robin will more then likely ask how far your form can go. Can you turn into a beast like cat? Can you tear a person down with just a swipe of your claws in a different form? Robin can’t help but wonder if you can turn into such a thing… She’s a tiny bit disappointed when she learns you cannot evolve into too terrifying of a form.
• Robin loves when you use your zoan fruit during cold nights. Sometimes, a humans touch and blankets aren’t enough to warm her up. Sometimes, fur may be needed. Sure, there’s Chopper but Robin would rather cuddle her partner, of course! Some nights you wonder, is Robin genuinely cold… or is she just saying that to act all clingy and lovey?
Shanks x Cat Devil Fruit! Reader Headcanons
• Shanks finds your kitty form to hit him with a nostalgic glow. He grew up on a ship where he was surrounded by all sorts of different people with varying bodies, and he can remember each zoan user he saw through his time upon the grand line. Your cat form just has such a sweetness mixed into it.
• He loves cuddling you! Shanks is touchy regardless, always wanting to have at least an arm swung around his partner, whether they’re normal or not. Shanks likes to hold your paws a lot especially, tracing his rough thumb against the plush pinkness of your toe beans. He can’t help but laugh at the sight of them! Even if it embarrasses you..
• Shanks loves showing off your powers and form to his friends, he gets all giddy seeing his friends stare in bewilderment. Having such a… normal feline zoan fruit is out of the question until they see you. Shanks will gush all about you, rambling on about how soft you are and so on, even if you’re standing right beside him.
• He likes to cuddle you at night, you’re like a sleeping aid. Shanks loves curling up into you, feeling his heart patter with ease at your gentle touch upon his scarred up skin. You’re his home, his sanctuary within the cold nights that lay upon the sea.
• Shanks loves your sarcastic humour, it always makes him snicker. Whether you’re just being sassy to a friend or to an enemy, Shanks will hoot and holler in approval, nearly. He’s so supportive of… quite literally everything you do, his love is never ending almost!
• You being lazy doesn’t serve any issues to Shanks! He’s on the sea to be with his beloved friends, regardless of anything else in the world, what his loved ones want to do is what’s best. Shanks is happy to let you lounge around all day! He sees no point in hassling you to do things you don’t want to do. Perhaps he shouldn’t think so carelessly…
Ace x Cat Devil Fruit! Reader Headcanons
• Ace is always excited to see new things, especially the untapped powers of others! When you tell him about your devil fruit, Ace expects you to turn into a hurling tiger that can decimate anyone that waltzed into their path. So, he’s rather shocked to see you morph into a prim and cute kitty. He’ll certainly point and laugh… how crude of him.
• He finds it to be the cutest ever! Ace definitely teases you over it… In a kind way, though. Not in the way you may become insecure over your zoan type. He loves to have you in your cat form, petting you whenever he wants, nuzzling into the abyss of your fur. Ace isn’t the type to be around animals too much… So, he’s certainly excited!
• Drags you out of bed to train your form! Ace doesn’t mind being lazy but he knows how much potential you hold, he does. Any zoan user can be an unstoppable force, even ones with the stupidest of animals. He wants to help you unlock nirvana within your fruit, allowing you to defend and protect yourself as much as you may need.
• Ace will give you a ton of cuddles after training. He loves hearing you purr while you hold onto him, it’s just the cutest thing ever. Bless you…! He gives you so much praise, telling you how great you did during your devil fruit training. Ace only wants the best for you!
• Ace can be rather sarcastic with his quips and is thrilled to have you do the same. He’s mature, yes, but that won’t stop him from being snarky to people. He especially loves seeing you act that way towards marines or anything like that, makes him explode in laughter!
• He‘s always star struck when you show off your smarts. Ace isn’t the smartest himself and having a partner who can take charge when they must, especially without being asked wows him. Is he easily impressed by you? Oh, yes. Certainly.
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strawberryakabane · 3 years
Wholesome Karma bean Headcanons pt 2! 🥰
. Blasts music with you in his car (it's the best and biggest rave)
. Buys you plushies
. Will take you to pet cafés
. Will send you songs that make him think of you
. Will always ask you why you picked him
. Always worries he's holding your hand too hard
. Keeps a scrapbook of the two of you
. This man goes in every direction when he sleeps
. Will bring you breakfast in bed
. Will hold your hand as you sleep
. Randomly picks you up for no particular reason
. Takes constant breaks from homework to give you affection
. Couch cuddles for hours
. Brags to nagisa about you
. Will always encourage you and be your hypeman
. He'll make you bentos every day with cute little designs and a note
. Tucks your hair behind your ear
. Bought you earrings shaped like little drops of blood or knives
. He'll let you give him a spa day
. Let's you paint his nails
. Arcade dates
. He'll ask you bizzare questions just to hear the sound of your voice
. Gives random forehead flicks
. Shopping for clothes he saw on Pinterest
. He has a certain star in the sky that he always sees and thinks of you
. Will literally walk miles just to get you a bar of chocolate
. This man is literally the best if it's your time of the month. He already has everything you need on hand and will give cuddles for days
. He's a living hot water bottle
. Snowball fights
. Pillow fights
. Will randomly squeeze your ass
. Always tells you he can't wait to marry you
. Uses cheesy pick up lines on you
. Has the most angelic singing voice
. Takes pictures of you sleeping
. Cutely impatient
. You'll just catch him lovingly staring at you
. Wakes you up to ask you the weirdest things
. Will tell you youre so adorable when you're angry
. Late night drives
. He loves when you call him your little strawberry
. Always walks with his arm around you
. Will literally buy you anything you say is cute
. Winks at you
. Will text you good morning even if you're right next to him
. Wakes you up with kisses
. If you're away, he'll video chat you for hours on end
. Will stroke your head until you fall asleep
. Picks flowers on walks and makes you a mini bouquet
. Makes you flower crowns
. Literally this man will treat you like royalty
. Roadtrips
. Outdoor movie theatre
. Kissing in the back of his car
. Whispers sweet things to you
. Sits you on his lap
. Nuzzles into your chest
. Squishing each others cheeks
. Feels relaxed playing with your hair
. Romantic evenings on the balcony
. Kisses under the stars
. Dancing/kissing in the rain
. Takes you to your favourite restaurants
. Always gets you to try new things
. Gaming together
. Will never leave you without a blanket
. His giggles are literally the cutest
. Always honest and a loyal boyfriend
. You help him get more in touch with his emotions
. Is always there to wipe away your tears
. Leaves messages in the shower for you
. Shares his strawberry milk with you (and only you) 🥰
. King of neck kisses
. Kisses your insecurities (scars, freckles, acne, etc)
. Brushing your teeth together
. Always finds a way to make you laugh
. Prank calls
. Literally you two are best friends
. Shares his umbrella
. Gets you to try his food
. You put his hair into pigtails
. Blushes when you bury your face in his shirt
. Literally such a gentleman in front of your parent/guardians
. Opens doors for you
. His gallery is full of pictures of you (good and embarrassing)
. Watches fireworks with you
. Let's you lick the spoon when baking (it's a privalage)
. Falls asleep anywhere/anytime
. Is definitely part of the FNaF fandom
. Literally your human teddy bear
. Buys you things he thinks you'd like
. Takes you to the cinema to see a boring movie just so you can make out
. All - nighters playing games, talking etc
. Always tries to flatten his little hair tuft in the shower but it always springs back up 🥺
. This man will have ANYTHING you need on hand if you have your period
. Dresses up with you on Halloween
. Traces your initials on your back
. Expect to have 10000 photos of you two taken on a daily basis
. Rests his chin on your head
. If he ever goes anywhere he'll always bring something back for you
. Will yeet you on the bed for cuddles
. Picks you up bridal style
. Matching outfits
. Blushes like crazy when you put your hands on his hips
. Runs his hands through you hair (because he knows you like it)
. Late night drives blasting music
. Feels your heartbeat
. Nose kisses
. Goes to pride parades with you
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nctsjiho · 4 years
Relationships with: NCT Dream
Click here for: NCT 127, NCT U, NCT Dream, WayV
Little-big brother
JiHo makes him laugh almost as much as Haechan or Johnny do
Helps her with rapping and is the person JiHo reaches out to when she wants validation with her rapping
Spent a whole night with her in the studio after she had a mental breakdown when she kept messing up and the producer told her to come back the next day
They never talk about it and no one else knows (that’s what they thought but Taeil and Doyoung do know. Of course they respect JiHo’s privacy and never bring it up) but he’s always there for her before or during she records her rap part when he knows she’s nervous or stressed out
If Jaehyun is JiHo’s bro, then Mark is her dude shut up I don’t make the rules
They talk in English a lot as well, JiHo actually helps him out with his Korean at times
The prettiest boy of them all in JiHo’s eyes
It’s an ongoing joke that JiHo is whipped for Renjun and JiHo doesn’t deny it
She loves his voice and thinks he’s super talented and smart
But she only says that about him and not to him (she doesn’t want Renjun to feel uncomfortable around her, God bless her)
They have great chemistry together and seem- are best buds
Renjun appreciates JiHo’s hard work and her great language skills
She usually tries speaking only Chinese when with WayV or China line
He’s the only person she speaks Chinese with casually when they are not hanging out with the Chinese members
Praises her a lot when she’s not there
They can get really mischievous together and go and tease the others
Their usual victims are Ten, Kun and Jaemin (they keep it really playful though so their “victims” laugh a lot when they get “teased”)
They can talk for hours and hours Taeil and Doyoung have send them home after finding them in the studio or practice room talking at 3 am multiple times
Jeno and JiHo are a dangerous duo
Their visuals are OUT OF THIS WORLD
Like they are both very attractive on their own, but put them together and-
*chef’s kiss*
Jeno is a firm believer that JiHo should’ve been in NCT Dream
Also have a kind of brotherly bond, but Jeno gets really protective over her
He pushes her around playfully but if someone else does it and does it too hard, someone is about to catch those hands...  -_-;;
Workout buddy
Even though JiHo complains a lot when exercising with him, he still drags her along (like literally, they will go for a run and Jeno will grab her by the wrist and drag her with him)
“If you hate it so much then don’t come with me next time.”
She’ll still join Jeno on his next workout ^^
The biggest piece of sh-
But we’ve been knew
Thinks JiHo is a great singer but never says anything, because he will not show her his soft side for her
Knows JiHo isn’t the best reader and while he usually makes fun when the other members mess up when they read, he’ll never make fun or laugh at JiHo
The first and only time he’d done so, he saw how her smile faded and it broke his heart so he never did it again
Instead, he’ll volunteer to read instead of JiHo whenever possible and she appreciates it a lot
Doesn’t believe that JiHo is technically younger than him
Believes in treating everyone equally, so if he didn’t tease or annoy her enough during practice, promotions, or video shoots he’ll annoy her at the dorms
Barges in her room whenever he wants to  and after an hour of annoying her or “ruining” her Vlive, he will just sit on her bed and play on her switch or his phone for a few hours
“Forces” her to do aegyo
Thinks JiHo is the most adorable human bean (yes bean) to grace this earth awww
Says he doesn’t want her to join next promotion because he hates seeing her work so hard, but never actually means it. He loves that JiHo is part of NCT with him
Wants to be in a Sub-Unit promoting with her so bad, but it doesn’t seem to look like that’s happening soon  (ㅜ_ㅜ)
JiHo likes to give him back hugs and he melts every time she does, but tries to hide the smile creeping on his face
Jaemin knows he’s one of the only members receiving skinship from JiHo so he doesn’t want to jinx it by pointing it out, but is very proud he gets those rare JiHo hugs <3
“She’s always so cool on stage but in person she’s insanely cute!” (He said this during a Vlive shortly after her debut in 2018)
They either hang out in his house or in her room at the dorm
People thought they didn’t like each other for a while, even the other members
They just didn’t have much to say to each other
Now they still don’t have much to say to each other but they just hang out and listen to music or play games together
They don’t have the best chemistry on camera, because they just are really quiet but when you are with them physically you can't sense any awkwardness at all
Daegal loves her (not as much as she loves Mark or Chenle but enough to sit on JiHo’s lap 50% of the time she’s is at Chenle’s)
He makes fun of her when she messes up her Chinese but no one else dare make fun of her Chinese or he’ll find a way to make fun of you so you feel bad
During a variety show the host made fun of JiHo’s Chinese and Chenle asked him to say something in Chinese, when he couldn’t Chenle just gave him that a look and stan Twitter went OFF
“OMG The look on the hosts face! Chenle protecting JiHo!!! OMG IM DED”
JiHo is the coolest hyung noona
She doesn’t baby him because they are pretty close in age and Jisung appreciates the change of pace
Wished JiHo was also a member of NCT Dream (com’on SM everyone wants JiHo in Dream! ㅜ.ㅜ)
He finds her intimidating whenever she’s in performer mode
Will willingly do aegyo for JiHo and vice versa
Sometimes it feels like JiHo is younger than him so he has a sense of protectiveness at times
JiHo isn’t a star chef, but she can cook pretty well, so sometimes she visits the dreamies’ dorm and cook for Jisung them
Also learns Jisung how to cook or bake simple things (he sucks but they love spending the quality time together)
The hugs they share look so comfy and ngl everyone fans, not-fans and even their own members feel jealous
Everyone wants to know what such a hug feels like but it’s only possible between JiHo and Jisung
Cutest-most-wholesome duo
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rintarous · 5 years
since ur angsty text BROKE my tiny heart (which it was rlly good btw good job 👏) how about some cuddling hcs with ur favorite bnha boys 🥺👉👈
a/n: i hope this fixes ur broken heart that i caused 😔 i got too carried away with kiri bc kiri rights kiri bEST BOY p.s kaminari’s hc turned into PG 13 im sorry 😔
bakugo katsuki:
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this mf right here
he’s that rough cuddler
cs mans never cuddled in his LIFE
and also the fact he’s a big ass tsundere
he’d probably give in once you hit the puppy eyes on him
which he can’t resist btw even if he won’t admit it
at first he’d be literally so stiff like kirishima’s quirk
and grunts every now and then
but as your cuddle sessions turned into weekly sessions which then turns into daily sessions,,,
he’d grow use to it and be the softest human alive
probably takes it up a notch and tell you to just lie down on his chest instead of being cuddled up to his side
like at some point in your cuddle sesh, expect this boi to rub circles on your back, your sides, ANYWHERE HE CAN GET HIS HANDS ON
which lulls you to sleep if you’re being honest ,,,
he’d be like: huh??? once you stop babbling about your day
and he looks down at you to find you sleeping peacefully
he has this satisfied smirk on his face
and don’t tell anyone but he steals a kiss every once in a while when he knows youre knocked out cold
he doesnt want you to know he’s just too soft for you and tease the living daylights out of him 
todoroki shoto:
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another mf who can’t cuddle to save a life
as someone who,,,, didn’t experience much affection at all
he’d be clueless on what to do
so i believe he’d be the small spoon when you two just started cuddling
mans would literally FREEZE in your arms, not knowing what to do in this position
but he really likes the feeling of his hair being brushed away
he’s just a kitty stuck in a human body alright !!!
he’s kinda stoic and not keen into showing emotions but you can feel the love radiating off of him
and once he finds the courage, he looks up at you saying “can i try being the big spoon?”
and just like bakugo, he’d be stiff and doesnt know what to do
as he is pretty dense at everything 
and you just tell him to relax and be comfortable at what hes doing
and sooner or later, he’d get the hang of it
when it’s cold outside, you cuddle to his left side
and when it’s hot, to his right side
most of the time tho, you’d cuddle up at his right side
cs you like it cold 
overall, he’d be an okay cuddler
and because of this, you prefer to be the big spoon
A+ for effort tho 
kirishima eijiro:
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unlike the other 2, this dude right here,,,
god at cuddling
knows his shit!!!!!!
even if you didn’t ask, he’d throw his arm over your shoulder casually no cap no cap
then he’d pull you to his side 
since he’s naturally a warm person so sooner or later you’d lean to his side
till your cheek is now squished against his side
which makes him go uwu mode
and almost stranggle you cs you were too cute 🥺
i swear im a bakugo stan-
kiri is just,, the manliest of the manly 
n e way 
he’s the type to trap you in his arms
if that doesnt say anything to u idk man 
he’s so loving that you might start crying whenever u think about this man
he’s the type to throw in that puppy eyes whenever you leave 
expect to cuddle with him literally when classes end
just a natural sweet sweet boi 🥺
midoriya izuku:
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izuwu here, probably thinks he knows what hes doing
but in reality he doesnt know what the fuck hes doing
he probably did his research about cuddling and all that shit the moment he got in a relationship with you
but thats okay!!! cs its the thought that counts !!! lmfao
he’s painfully stiff and tries really hard to make you comfortable
making you giggle 
cs izuku is just the cutest bean ever
he’d probably make that face when he was moving his head up and down when he was staring at his computer when he was a kid unironically as he cuddles you
“izuku, just relax!!!” you laughed at his distressed state 
“ehehehehe…. how”
so you end up being the big spoon
showing him how it’s done
and izuku just wanted to hide embarrassment cs he didn’t learn shit abt the stuff he’s been reading online 
he’s open to suggestions tho!!!
so once you hold him like the baby he is,,,
he gradually gets the jist of cuddling and wants to try it for himself
in his head: man being cuddled is way better 🥺
you find that he’s a bit comfortable now 
so every once in a while, he’d cuddle you but most of the time its you who cuddles him
but thats okay!! cs thats izuku who ur cuddling
and everything is just fine with you if its izuku
kaminari denki:
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another dude who knows wtf he’s doing
mostly bc he experienced this before hand
since denki is kinda flirty,,,,, he’d put his hand under your shirt
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
naturally a good cuddler
plus you get to charge your phone when you’re with him LMFAO
be careful when he sneezes tho,,,,
prepared to be shocked,, 
cuddles with him would usually mean endless gossip about anything or anyone 
when he’s feeling it he’d put his hand on your chest
with no malice or whatever, he’s just that type of dude to just hold ur bo*b
might give it a squeeze if he’s feeling brave LMAO
but mans doesnt mean any harm
it’s just he cant keep his hands to himself KJADSHAJHDJKA
since he’s pretty open about your relationship,,,
he’d cuddle with you in the common room
making everyone passing by lowkey gag 
“get a damn room” bakugo grumbles as he goes to the kitchen
my man kaminari cant live without physical affection y’all
and he’d probably brush ur hair away too damn what a man
tamaki amajiki: 
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cuddling with tamaki would be a damn miracle
cs it happened rarely
due to his,,,,, nervousness and shit
even asking you out almost made him pass out
if it werent for mirio and neijire, you two would never become canon at all
since he’s a nervous bub,, expect to be the big spoon
which is a good thing tbh cs all you wanna do is PROTECT HIM AT ALL COSTS
he’d intertwine your hands together and probably do that one face: ( ̄~ ̄)
but its okay!! cs it means progress amirite!!!!!
this boi mustve felt so sorry to you cs he’s the man in the relationship right?? so he gotta be the big spoon
so like overtime he’d muster all the courage he had left and ask to be the big spoon
you can literally feel him shake from the other side of the room when he asked you so quietly
“c-can i…. t-try to be the…….. ᵇᶦᵍ ˢᵖᵒᵒ���“
again,, he almost passes out when he barely catches you
so you two ended up cuddling on the floor
you can still feel him shake under you
but you squeeze his hand around you reassuringly and kiss his cheek
“you’re doing so well my baby”
and my dude turns into a dark shade of red
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what-if-nct · 2 years
hey so i need to process the dream i just got-
so… if i remember correctly, i walked into jinki and snsd at jonghyun’s house…
so lemme start from the very beginning as best as possible
i was looking for jonghyun when i bumped into him. he smiled at me as he showed me flowers that he liked. later on, he took me to his house where he would… do shit all ig…?
he made me chocolate milk as well as made me a large meal as he did the campfire so i didn’t feel cold. at one point, he must of said “i’m feeling a little tired, come and meet me in my room if you’d like” before he left me all by myself with spongebob on the tv. after a while, i got bored and decided to go to his room. however, i couldn’t find his room so i would literally open every single room until i reached to his.
at first, i walked into taemin and minho doing it with each other like you could literally hear the bed creaking and taemin’s whimpers. they literally saw me and didn’t feel awkward at some level like this was their kink-
so i backed away and continued looking for jonghyun’s room when i must of opened the bathroom where i literally saw girls fucking generation in maid suits and jinki at the bath tub. again, none of them seemed to be bothered by my entrance and so as i tried to back away, my body was telling me to stay and this was the part that really got me.
so i must of heard one of them (maybe taeyeon) telling jinki “you want to have a bath sweetie?” and my guy just said “yes noona!” in a childish voice before all of them revealed their boobs to fill the bath tub with breast milk so he could bathe and drink it at the same time. like NAHHHH their boobs were like waterfalls and i remember dying inside watching them do their thing.
finally after a while, i left and somehow found roo’s bedroom which was a pink princess room which looked like something for a 6 year old. interesting fact, roo is a human girl and she seemed WAY older than 6. probably 10 for the least. she had a splitting image of jonghyun and even speaks like him but in a little girl’s voice.
i was so damn spooked that i ran off and finally found jonghyun’s room where he was asking where i was. i literally cried like a baby as he gave me a pacifier and cuddled me until i slept and then i woke up as i felt his touch and kiss for the last time.
welp… that was one heck of a ride.
well at least i got to dream about jonghyun again so i’m not really mad these are just normal dreams for me ig 😭
That was for sure a wiiiiiild ride. Low-key a cough medicine kind of dream. Firstly Jonghyun most precious butter bean as always. Okay Minho & Taemin being slightly exhibitionist I can see. But.....the bathtub part. I'm sure watching that left quite the scar but goodness. I am literally speechless like they just and jinki just and like a waterfall you say. Like I have so many questions but I don't think I want them answered except was Tiffany there? No I'm just kidding but like of all of the dreams I have heard about and have had you for sure win the weirdest dream award. Honestly Jonghyun giving you a pacifier and cuddling you after your traumatic experience is by far the cutest part of the whole dream he just wanted to take care of you. the whole dream thats all he wanted to do. That's so sweet among everything else.
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gunsatthaphan · 3 years
That shopping date scene! Like OMG! 😂😂😂 Our BEST BOI being a soft bean 😍😍😍 I cant with my second hand embarrassment for NoShinWoo… Hes so shy and doesnt know what to do. Even looking up on how to date 😂😂😂 The glare and the nod! I just cant! Im glad WooTaekyung’s heart fluttered cuz even if he wasnt dating me, my heart was fluttering from all the cuteness that was going on 😍😍😍
Somehow its nice that WooTaekyung has a female friend now. I know many people hate LeeSoHee. Itll probably take a lot of undoing for her to claim that redemption, but im a softie and Id forgive anyone in a heartbeat as long as I know theyre sincere. And she seemed sincere. Im still iffy about her and Namgung being shipped cuz I only see them as really really close friends. Like hetero friends can also be just platonic like two gay people can be. I wanna see that 🙂
Im kind of nervous now cuz we just have 2 eps left and I dont know how the story is gonna go from here. (Like what did he lose? The shoes? The keychain? And who did it?? Cuz ill fight that person! 😡) I want WTKxNSW ship to sail so bad. And the ShinDaOn conflict to have a closure. We can see that WTK now has the fluttering feeling for NSW but we still dont know if he has gotten over SDO. Oh well, I hope they end this really good or they have to pay us back with a second season 👊🏼
This was a long rant lol. 미안 😅😅😅
hiiii omg I'm 4 years late aaah sorry 🙈
the shopping trip had me 😩😩😩🥺🥺🥺 literally the cutest thing......
Our boy shinwoo being absolutely dysfunctional around TK? Literally forgetting how to be a human? Relatable af dsjkfhdsf
I get what you said about Sohee and I believe that she's sincere with her apology but I'm having a hard time forgiving her. And I know Da-On and TK are on the way of forgiving her but I hope they don't actually become friends. What she did was too much. I used to ship her and Namgung but that changed when shit hit the fan lol. I would love it if they stayed close friends though. Because again, I don't see them developing a relationship in 2 episodes.... but we'll see.
That being said I absolutely agree with you. I love that TK is starting to feel something and that the TK/SW ship is starting to sail but it's all going way too slow. Like...... we have 2 eps left and we're still nowhere near the end of the plot lol. There's way too much that needs to be resolved. Like idk I loved the pacing in the first half of the season and I was fine until like 2 eps ago but now I'm getting impatient lol. And even if they manage to wrap everything up in the remaining eps, it's most likely gonna be a rushed ending and idk how I feel about that.
Everyone needs to get their shit together asap ksjhdf
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weishenbwi · 3 years
my early impressions of TXT:
Beomgyu the round one is so cute and has an undeniable stage presence; his expressions are natural and perfect. i have watched more fancams of him than anyone else because he is that dynamic. adorable. pretty. funny. like an energizer bunny for depressed ppl like me. bestest boy. underappreciated vocals. cutest bean.
Soobin. The tallest one. very cute. very baby. i wouldn’t have guessed he’s the leader. has a subby vibe. must protect. very talented. nice voice! im amazed he can do that choreo with those tall legs. legend.
Yeonjun literally perfect? what can’t he do. an ace. attractive what are his lips so pillowy i don’t understand. i like his expressions on stage too. you know he’s an IT boy without knowing anything about him. 
Taehyun  genius?? mad scientist?? maknae-esque but seems like he’s a hyung. very reliable, smart, logical. very talented. he owns white hair. even the older members rely on him. that vocal.
Huening Kai  adorable as heck. so nice. has the most patience i’ve ever seen on any human ever. how does he do it?? talented. tall. squishy. like his friendship with soobin a lot. awkward bean. precious.
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twsted-princess · 4 years
Helltaker Girls Headcanons!!! 
Tagging @dokiquents @angelprep and @lovely-selfships!
* If you ever give her decaffeinated coffee and you’re not her s/o you might get stabbed. If you are her s/o then you’ll get off lighter but she will glare at you.
* She loves coffee flavored ice-cream and dark chocolate covered coffee beans and eats them a lot, she likes the crunch.
* When she’s in her sadistic mode she’s extremely flirty and loves making you squirm. You’re her arm candy and you’re gonna deal with it.
* Dates when she’s tired consisting watching shitty reality shows while eating takeout and occasionally ignoring the tv to make out. When she’s sadistic she’ll take you out to fancy high end places just to show you off and make you blush.
 * Sometimes she’ll make a cup of coffee for you and then expect a kiss for doing “hard work”.
* All of her clothes are comfy and soft looking but underneath she’s absolutely wearing leather and lingerie. Her fashion sense is lovecore with a dash of e-girl.
* She likes doing makeup for the other girls and styling their hair, sleepovers with their s/o’s are a common date.
* While she’s not used to romance at first but once she does she's the most affectionate out of the demons. She always wants a hug or a kiss or both and she loves being close to you.
* Has thot energy but surprisingly is faithful to you and the other demons, she might try to bring more people/demons/angels into the harem but only if it’s ok with her partner.
* Loves desserts with plenty of whipped cream and chocolate covered strawberries, she let you feed her and she’ll pamper you back tenfold.
* Will eat pretty much anything and everything but they love raw meat. Chicken, pork, eagle, pufferfish (with the poison as “seasoning”), humans.
* Doesn’t know how humans kiss so they’ll just lick you and think that’s a kiss.
* They blep. That’s it, that’s the headcanon.
* The best cuddlers by far, if you wanna take a good nap they’re your girls.
* If you’re their s/o expect to get pounced on every day and pulled around to various places for dates. They love how exciting the human realm is so they wanna see everything even if they always get into trouble.
* The best at keeping her alcohol and will drink everyone under the table, loves vodka with all her heart but she’ll drink any liqueurs as long as it’s hard.
* While she does like turn based strategy games she’ll play any of game.....though don’t give her Dark Souls or you’ll end up with a broken tv.
* Zdrada and her may butt heads 99% of the time but on the occasion they do care about each other. They love getting drunk together and watch The Room as a way of bonding.
* She’s pretty tsundere when it comes to affection, she’ll tell you not to touch her but then will put her head on your shoulder while she’s fighting a boss. If you point it out she’ll call you a “fucking moron”. 
* Has a twitch channel and scam saps out of money while arguing with people in chat, sometimes she’ll let her s/o join her just to watch the shitshow.
* Loves alcohol just like Malina but she prefers shooters over straight up booze, her favorite is either a Fireball Cocktail with extra whiskey or a CS Cowboy.
* The type to wake up at 3am and go on a munchie raid. You wake up to see her eating hot pockets and drinking milk out of the jug. She’ll let you join her and might even hand feed you.
* She’s the older sister and she loves holding it over Malina’s head, even though she’ll get kicked in the kneecaps.
* Dates consist of getting into illegal shenanigans, get drunk and then fighting the entire bar, and watching the city lights from top of a skyscraper with some snacks just to talk about whatever.
* When she’s with you she can let herself go and talk about anything, knowing you won’t judge her. She can be herself and you’ll still be there. Honestly you’re the greatest thing that’s ever happened to her and she’ll love you endlessly.
* Wrote angel/demon fanfics back in the day and she keeps it in a dairy under lock and key. She might show you but only if you swear to not laugh.
* She has the weirdest food combos like angel food cake with hot sauce and the demons respect her but they’re slightly scared.
* Bi but doesn’t know it yet. She just thinks that the demons are pretty without noticing it.
* Makes the cutest pet names for her s/o and will say them constantly. She’ll call you every single cute name and make you blush like crazy.
* Really wants to bring you to Heaven and show you to the other angels, she think you’ll make a good impression and just wants to show you off. 
* Definitely gets a motorcycle when she’s in the human realm and treats it with the upmost care. She’ll take you out on late night joyrides and just enjoy yourselves.
* Her and Lucifer used to be in a relationship and even after they broke up (they had other things and it wasn’t messy at all) they still get along well.
* She loves human food and will take you out for dates. Her favorites are barbecue, hamburgers and ice cream, oh and is you get sauce on your cheek she’ll causally swipe it off with her thumb and lick it cause she’s that smooth.
* While she is the smoothest out of the ladies she loves being cheesy too and will use to dumbest pick up lines just to make you laugh. She think you have the cutest smile in the whole universe.
* She's the most open to affection and loves being able to hold you close. She'll also be affectionate with the other demons just to make them flustered.
* Not the biggest fan of waffles but will eat them, she likes crepes too and practically lights up when she tried one for the first time.
* Owns a hydra for a pet and named it Satan. It’s spoiled rotten and will bite everyone including you unless you’re Luci’s s/o.
* She’s a lightweight when it comes to alcohol cause she only drink wine and the occasionally martinis. Wants to drink harder stuff but after one cup she’s out like a lightbulb.
* If you’re her s/o then you’re gonna be on her lap most of the time until the other demons want a turn. She loves keep you close and might kiss you occasionally.
* Might be a classic boss bitch but sometimes you’ll find her eating Nutella out of the container and playing video games with Malina. You get to see her soften up considerably and it’s honestly sweet.
* She’s the most shy when it comes to affection, you could literally hold her hand and her face will turn to the brightest shade of red in existence.
* While her “judge” voice is booming and kind of deep her actual voice is light and soft, she’ll start using her real voice once she’s comfortable with her s/o.
* Has no indoor voice and while she’s trying to tame herself she can’t help it, she must yell.
* Dates with her are surprisingly chill, she likes going on late night walks and listening to music in your room while you talk. She likes being at peace and you make her feel more comfortable then she’s ever felt before.
* Extremely protective of you and would do anything to keep you safe. She might teach you how to defend yourself but really she wants to be your protector and wants to make sure you’re ok.
* Acts snooty and all-mighty but can be quite sweet to her s/o. She can also be a bit flirty but if you use a pick up line she’ll melt.
* Will actually write self insert fanfics when she’s bored (and she thinks no one’s watching). She has an entire bookshelf filled with self insert stories cause they’re her favorites.
* She spoils her s/o with jewelry and trinkets inspired by flies or your favorite bug. She’ll get you whatever you want with a snap of a finger.
* Goes by She/They pronouns and will not hesitate to drag some poor soul who tries being an asshole over gender. Has no toleration for misgendering people at all.  
* Absolutely adores spending time with you, loves being close to you and loves being with you. You make her so happy and she loves you with all of her undead heart.
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jmoriarty-221b · 3 years
New AU idea: I’ve found out that there’s some versions of the Batman comics where Tim Drake becomes Red Robin straight off the bat (he was never Robin & didn’t go to Batman) so I’m running with that
This Tim Drake doesn’t find Batman all that amazing, he recognizes Batman as a hero and as a symbol of Hope for Gotham, but he also sees him as just one man trying to make a difference, he holds more admiration towards Robin, specifically Jason’s Robin since he knows Gotham in ways Batman doesn’t, he checks on the street kids and the homeless, makes hot chocolate runs for the working girls when he can, and he is more interested in helping those in Crime Alley, a place where Batman and the previous Robin didn’t tend to patrol before Jason
And Tim has never been a normal child, there’s really no way for him to be human but there’s also no way to prove that he isn’t human, he passes the DNA tests, he doesn’t have a meta gene, he doesn’t have a mutation nor a difference in genetics, physiologically? There’s nothing to prove that Tim is anything other than human. In practice? Tim isn’t exactly limited if he cut off a limb, if he were to be shot in the head it would take approximately five minutes for him to heal back up, he can decide whether or not a wound will leave scars on his body, he can choose whether or not a mortal wound would put him in the ground permanently, most importantly, he can choose whether or not to contact his crew from the Isle that was supposed to be his home
There’s a reason as to why Tim isn’t exactly fond of heroes, after all, heroes decided to sentence countless of children yet to be born to a life of pain, suffering and poverty amongst an island filled with villains, heroes are the ones who put a barrier over the Isle that prevented its occupants from accessing their magic, heroes are the reason that his fae sisters and djinn brother and sea witch cousin and pirate friends are unable to access a part of themselves, he reason that they are unable to grow up properly and learn to control and feel and channel their magical cores, heroes are the reason for why him and his family hide behind fake names, and if it wasn’t for his parents’ quick thinking and preparations to flee then heroes would’ve been the reason he would’ve also grown up imprisoned and unable to access an integral part of himself
So no, Tim isn’t exactly impressed by the Batman
But Gotham exudes a similar signature as the one of the Isle of the Lost, making it the one place to where his parents could establish themselves undetected as the pollution would obscure their magical signatures had anyone looked for them, of course, Tim wasn’t old enough to learn how to lock down his own magical core in a way that wasn’t detrimental to himself, so he couldn’t be taken out of Gotham to accompany his parents on their numerous trips around the world, and such was his boredom that he decided to take advantage of his lack of adult supervision and explore Gotham
Having been taught about what became of the people he would’ve known as family from his parents as well as reading up every book he could in the ancient family library regarding long distance communication with magical kin, Tim ends up with a plan to meet with kids on the Isle as soon as he can, it turns out that establishing communication with the Isle requires for him to be in a part of Gotham that has the same atmosphere as the Isle, so Little Tim sets up shop in a semi secure rooftop in Crime Alley and establishes communication, needless to say he’s in for a surprise because “Oh wow why are you there Mr. Hades, you could escape any time and there’s no way those mortals could hope to contain your power, so why are you on the Isle?”
Turns out that attempting communication from a place surrounded by death and sorrow would lead to Tim establishing a magical video chat with the Lord of the Underworld, who’d’ve thunk? Anyway, Hades is literally just chilling for the next hundred years on the Isle because it’s easier to agree to mortals’ demands than obliterate them, and it’s less paperwork too so win-win, and one afternoon he’s suddenly communicating with one of the cutest little chipmunks he’s seen (kids are cute, and Tim is still a baby so he’s Tiny Cute) who introduced himself as Timothy Dwake and isn’t that just precious that the little tyke still has trouble with his r’s but how is he able to communicate with him on the Isle oh, that’s Janet’s kid, well shit guess he has a godson now (Janet had always wanted for Tim to be protected and that’s why she had been one of the few to escape the Isle, she had been a good friend back in the day so it seemed only fair for him to return the favor by looking out for Tiny Tim; it has nothing to do with Tim’s very cute face and slightly chubby cheeks that he kinda wants to pinch and his cute little lisp no Persephone I’m not attached-)
Anyway, so Tim ends up learning from his Uncle H on how to control his magical core and how to defend himself against physical and magical threats, he has a talent for using shadows to conceal himself as well as to listen in on others and gather information, if he concentrates really hard he can even manipulate shadows into solid figures, once he told this to his Uncle new training lessons began and now Tim is able to maintain his shadow constructs solid for longer periods of time as well as give them shape, over time he would learn more control over his ability and it will become easier to make weapons from shadows, his Uncle H also trains him in combat, particularly lost forms of combat from ancient civilizations
One particular night Tim wasn’t able to go to their meeting spot in Crime Alley, there was an Arkham Breakout and he wasn’t about to be caught up in that shit because could he fight off some villains and protect himself? Sure, but that would mean a possibility of getting the Batman’s attention and he’s not about to do that so staying at home it is, and now he is walking alone in the Drake gardens, he has no one to practice his fighting techniques with, no one to talk to, no one to teach him about what’s happening in the Isle, no one to teach him how to control his powers and his parents are gone for most of the year and they say that they’ll take him with them when he’s older but they’ve been saying that for years and now he’s much better at concealing his power and the King of Auradon believes he put every villain away for good so it’s not like they’re searching for his magical signature anyway so WHY WON’T HIS PARENTS TAKE HIM WITH THEM!?!?!? WHY IS HE ALWAYS LEFT ALONE!?!?!?
As he got progressively angrier, Tim hadn’t noticed how his power became stronger, how shadows grew larger, nor how the ground seemed to tremble and crack, it wasn’t until the ground literally split in front of him that he realized that maybe his power may have gotten out of hand, a bit, maybe, to be fair, he didn’t mean to summon a skeleton warrior with who he could practice his fighting with but hey, silver lining and all that, and he has something else to tell his Uncle H about in their next meeting (Hades may or may not have blessed his godson, and the blessing may or may not have given Tim some sort of control over his domains)
Anyway, eventually Tim learns how to see what’s happening in the Isle on his own from a sort of bird’s eye view, he sees what kids his age are going through and tries to find ways to alleviate the pain, he begins to talk to the kids and establishes rapport with them, he becomes friends with little Uma and Harry by bonding over swordplay, he gives Jay and Carlos tips for how to find the best hiding spots, he learns from Evie how to hide more stuff in his clothes and how to add more protective fabrics to his wardrobe, he and Mal bond over high parental expectations (she reminds him of Hades sometimes, and he thinks her eyes are a very pretty green with gold flecks sprinkled in, he may have a crush???) (Psssst, Mal likes Tim’s eyes too, she thinks it’s very pretty how they seem to change shades depending on his mood and when he’s happy they match her purple hair) *cue cuteness from these unfortunate little beans because yes*
Anyway, Tim has been working on creating a portal to a secluded part of the Isle from where he could send supplies to kids there, he was 8 years old when he started looking into this possibility after managing to make friends with the kids and now, at 13, he has finally managed to make it happen, he can only send non-living things through the portal tho, because although theoretically he Could send himself over, then he’d be stuck behind the barrier and couldn’t access his magic so that’s a big no, and he also can’t take the risk of getting someone from the Isle out because he can’t guarantee their safety (he tried with small insects and one time with a mouse; they died); the first thing he sends are medical supplies, food and bottled water, at first it’s only for his close friends, then they all establish a sort of routine and plan to get these supplies to other kids while hiding what they’re doing from their parents behind the guise of building their own gang on the Isle, Uma with the pirates and Mal with the inner city, Tim becomes their sort of advisor on important matters having seen what strategy tends to work when recruiting people as well as how to better approach street kids, he gets nicknamed the Shadow Angel for helping from behind the curtain, literally
Tim continues to learn as much as he can from his Uncle H, shadows Robin around Crime Alley, avoids gaining Batman’s attention and acquires supplies to send to the Isle three times a week from different places (he’s gotta cover his tracks, otherwise he runs the risk of getting Batman’s attention even if it’s just because the same person keeps buying food, water and medical supplies from various stores each week) but Tim has money, and he has experience regarding gangs and their recruiting and internal works (he’s helping his friends make their own gangs after all) and these people are in need of help as well, so he decides to make his own ‘gang’ by hiring people to do supply runs for him, he poses as a recruiter and gives fliers with information about his own gang and the benefits that joining will have (health insurance, dental, payed maternity leave, payed recuperation period, payed physical therapy and medical bills in case Batman decides to pop in, education is provided for anyone who wishes to get their GED and continue their education, etc); in the end, Tim keeps the Boss’ identity a secret until he reaches adulthood because no one would take a kid seriously, but he ends up amassing his own gang in Gotham while at the same time improving the life of people in poverty areas like Crime Alley and the Bowery
Of course, everything comes to a head when Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos are elected to go to school in Auradon leaving Uma as the only leader on the Isle, meanwhile Tim has been keeping tabs on Robin and gets to save Jason from Joker in Ethiopia (turns out being able to summon a skeleton army comes in handy when rescuing Robin from a deranged psychopath like Joker) so Tim is simultaneously saving Jason while still trying to remain anonymous to Batman (he’s built and maintained an entire gang in the most crime ridden part of Gotham for years, he’s not about to get involved with the Bats now)
So Tim only finds out about what happened to Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos until they’re already in Auradon and decides you know what? Fuck it, I’m gonna meet my friends face to face, besides, he can handle maintaining a gang in Gotham, he’s sure he can handle Auradon (update: he cannot, he’s this close 🤏 to rocking someone’s shit, he proposes overtaking the kingdom twice a day, he knows they could do it, and it’ll be easy even, but it’s the paperwork that’s holding them back, meh, let Ben do the grunt work and become an advisor, at least their manipulations would be in favor of improving the life of kids in poverty unlike other people who just want to get more money from their position close to the crown, gotta love politics)
Anyway, Tim Drake does become Red Robin, gang leader and benevolent overlord of Crime Alley and the Bowery, helping Gotham citizens and being the Shadow Angel of the Isle, plotting Auradon’s downfall for fun on his slow days as well as working on taking out the kids from the Isle and setting up safe houses for them for when he and his friends figure out how to save the kids
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narcosmx · 4 years
narcos mexico headcannon list: them being protective would include (pt. 2)
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a/n: just when i thought i couldn’t get any fucking softer i go and i write this, next i’m off to tackle request thank you for being patient with me ... also needed to use this pic bc fuckin wow offended
so for this i divided this up into two categories divided up by how the narcos men would primarily demonstrate their protectiveness
the two groups that they fall under are physically protective and emotionally protective 
physically protective was part 1 and here we are to go into what is for sure going to be the death of me which is those who are emotionally protective 
okay when i say emotionally protective, i’m thinking that they make you feel safe; there isn’t as much concern about a whole army of people following you at all times and willing to kill someone for you but it’s about you knowing that they’re there for you 
not that these motherfuckers wouldn’t kill someone for you but it’s not that they wouldn’t kill someone for you, we all saw the palma scene you know what i’m talking about
it’s just like they’re more likely to kill someone because they disrespected you than because they got too close to you 
anyways the three people that fall into these categories are the softest of narcos men 
palma, benjamin and  chapito i’m sobbing so let’s begin my torture 
hector palma 
my fucking sweet soft ass daddy 
like i want you to think about that scene where lupe comes out crying from the room when clavel tells her that miguel sent out to kill palma
the way he was so freakign soft with her, already reaching out to hold her when he sees her crying 
that is what palma is all about making you feel emotionally safe; like you can tell him absolutely anything and he will be there to 
i am heart eyes at the idea that he would for sure be the one to come check on you to make sure you were okay all the time 
like when you’re at a party and maybe he’s out talking to the other plaza bosses he keeps his eyes on you, stands so he can keep an eye on you 
would make excuses to go get a drink so he can walk by and check on you 
him reaching up to like caress your face with his thumb and leaning down to kiss your forehead and gently lifting your face by your chin to look up at him because he wants you looking into his eyes 
‘todo bien, mi vida? hmm?’ whispering gently before giving you a soft kiss on the lips 
and if he takes too long because you’re like cooing up at him the other guys are smirking and yelling at him to stop being a madilon (being whipped) but he wouldn’t give a shit 
him turning back around after you reassure him you’re okay like 24 times he nods and turns around with his stupid smirk flipping the other guys off and he’s like ‘ya calmanse, tranquilos morros’
notices when you’re off right away, like even if you’re like in the slightest mood he is on it trying to make you feel better
palma will literally call his men to figure shit out today by themselves ‘porque me voy a quedar con mi reina hoy y punto, hijos de su reshingada madre’
will do whatever you need, this bitch would happily stay in bed with you all day/ you want your favorite meal? he will slave in the kitchen all day and just have you curled up in a blanket sitting at the kitchen table
can you just imagine freaking palma with a trapo slung over his shoulder, looking over at you and winking at you, before coming over and squishing your cheeks just being like “ugh mI SHULADA”
but yeah him squishing your face would be something he does often because he’s convinced you’re the cutest piece of shit he’s ever encountered 
will do anything to make sure you’re happy and holy shit if someone makes you unhappy ... if someone upsets you palma’s going off
like baseball bats to he knee head popping off you know
the level headed one amongst a family of complete human firecrackers; calm and collected god he’s such a soft daddy
but also conservative daddy on the streets for sure 
benjamin wouldn’t be one, LIKE HIS BROTHER, to be smacking your ass, kissing at your neck and grabbing at you 
it’s very much like he doesn’t want anyone seeing him be intimate for you; those things are only shared between the two of you 
benjamin treats you and respects you like a queen and he will not fucking stand for anyone treating you like anything less
can you imagine the amount of times he has to smack the shit out of pancho’s and ramon’s head 
angry hissing at them, this isn’t the time where he’s yelling at them this is when he gets in his really low whispers and pulls them really close to threaten them through closed teeth 
like ‘no puedes ver que hay una dama, no quiero oir tus grocerias enfrente de ella, estamos?’ 
and if that’s what he’s out here doing to his brother’s imagine how he would be around literally anyone else 
min makes it a point that you mean so much to him
since he isn’t the biggest in pda, he feels like he needs to constantly reassure you that he still loves you 
 like very subtle acts of pda, holding your hand and giving it a soft squeeze so you’ll look up at him and he’ll give you his warm smile and kiss the back of your hand 
cannot leave the house without a goodbye kiss and being able to tell you to be safe and call him if you need anything 
like he can’t go on with his day if he hasn’t reminded you of those two things 
and at first assuming the whole ‘call me if you need me’ thing was just a thing he said to make you feel better but wouldn’t really be able to do 
but then you call him one day; maybe you’re having car trouble and you need help being like ‘i’m sorry amor... i know you’re busy and...” 
and benjamin is already snapping at someone to get the car ready and is immediately telling you he’ll be there in a few minutes, telling you there is absolutely no reason to apologze he meant it A N Y T H IN G 
i just his protectiveness is all about taking care of you, making you feel safe in the fact that no matter what he got you... you don’t have to worry about anything as long as he’s here 
mi chapito
chapito absolutamente el amor de mi vida i am sobing 
chapito’s protectiveness is about protecting and perserving yOUR HONOR THAT IS SO FUCKING HIM
he’s pretty fucking positive you’re an angel walking on earth 
has told his mom that you’re the angelito that diosito sent him to keep him safe and showing him there’s still some good in this fucking world
anyways you’re the purest and most precious thing in his life and he’s going to make sure you stay that way
needs everyone to see you as their pure bean too okay
the moment that i keep imagining is in season 1 is  when ramon makes fun of chapito about him getting it up 
if anyone made even something approaching a sexual comment around you he would be squaring this person up doesn’t give a shit that is ramon who’s half a foot taller than him no one disrespects his bebe
if some moron said a sexual comment about you fucking forget it okay the sinaloa cartel is fucking savage i need you to consider that palma, THE BOSS, beat someone to death with a baseball bat now imagine what chapito would do as the person PALMA SENDS OUT TO FUCKING MURDER PEOPLE 
in conclusion, chapo would tear someone limb from limb for your ass 
and again on the sinaloenses; they are the biggest fucking group of buttholes they will roast each other all day every fucking day 
and chapito isn’t unaware of this, i mean cochi is his closest friends he knows what this shit is like
and oof fucking chapo can dish it out too and he’ll take it from anyone BUT THE SECOND THAT THE JOKES MOVE TO YOU HE’S SHUTTING THAT SHIT DOWN IN AN INSTANT 
even to coshi he’s like ‘aye aye no te pasas cabron, de mi princesa no se habla’ and gets his most serious face because cochi’s trying to laugh it off 
similar to palma and that he’d be checking in with you all the time; as much as he can and as frequently as he can 
and he doesn’t give a shit about what other people may think of him but if something is upsetting you, making you uncomfortable it is fucking cancelled and he’s going to make sure of it 
always worries about making you feel safe because you are his safety... you are home to him and he’s going to make sure of it 
also protective in like stupid subtle ways wanting to make you feel safe; walking on the side closest to the street on the sidewalk, keeping his hands on your waist when you’re walking through a crowd, always checking the house to make sure everything is locked up, always sleeps with his arms wrapped around you 
i have this idea of him buying you a guard dog so that he knows you’re safe when he’s away... s o  b b i n g
i will end this before i end myself 
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if requests are open and you haven’t done smth like this before, how do you think the Hassaikai would handle an S/O with a cat mutant quirk? like, in addition to the ears and tail, they’re super flexible, squishy palms + sharp claws, rubs their cheeks on things, does the loaf position, gets distracted by fast moving objects, pupils dilate when they’re Silly(tm), makes the :3 face, you know what i’m talking about
~Shie Hassaikai S/O Cat Quirk~
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-Overhaul: He’s probably going to wanna get rid of it to begin with. Like he really can’t see himself with anyone that has a quirk. Falling in love with you was the exception. I mean, he’s already outside of his comfort zone. He’s gotten to the point where he wants to touch you but his hives pops up because he’s irritated and unhappy with your quirk. He secretly thinks it’s very cute, but still an abomination in his eyes. He won’t force the serum on you, but he’ll annoy you until you take it. On the off chance that he actually lets you keep it then it won’t be for too long. You have about a month or 2 to make him fall for it, then maybe he’ll let you have the quirk. But you’ve only got a 4% chance at success for that.
-Chrono: Fuck you’re adorable. I mean really cute and he hates that you make him blush so easily. Like it must be a super power at this point. Hari is always secretly taking pics of you and setting them as his wallpaper to his phone. Hari also has a newer car so he sets them as the screen wallpaper in his car too. Plus he’s rather taken with the way you have cat characteristics and mannerisms too. He’s also talking about how you’re the cutest girl/boy/person in the entire world. He really brags about you like a LOT.
-Nemoto: He treats you like a gentleman should, and that doesn’t change. He’s a little more protective of you since you have an appearance altering quirk and he doesn’t want anyone to be rude to you about it. Like you may be cute to a lot of people but there are still awful people out there that think you might look weird as hell. Sometimes when you nap, Shin pokes and prods at your palms while mummering something about soft bean toes. He’s pretty soft with you. 10/10 husband material.
-Deidoro: Literally a bully when it comes to you, but don’t take it personally. He doesn’t hate you. It’s actually quite the opposite when it comes to you. I think he has a hard time telling you that he thinks you’re literally the most perfect person he’s ever met. Therefore it comes out in garbled messes when drunk, and teasing tones when sober. “Hey mittens, got you a bell to go around your neck.” Sometimes you ask him for a drink and he comes back with a bowl of milk. Other times He busts out the laser light just to see if you chase it. He may seem to give you a hard time, but he’d be nothing without you. As soon as he finds out the right way to tell you this, he’ll say it one day. Until then, just endure his teasing lol
-Mimic: No good with relationships, and even worse when they involve quirks like these, but Joi tries his best to make you happy. He’s the type to buy you a lot of cat related stuff in the hopes that it would make you happy. He has to admit you can be a handful sometimes so he kinda keeps an eye on you. He knows the danger comes from you at night time. This is when he learns the hard way when he rocks his legs under the cover. The sudden movement makes your pupils blow and you do a wiggle butt before a pounce, sinking your claws and teeth into the blanket and pushing through the fabric to his legs. That’s when he realized he’s dealing with a wild one 
-Pops: This is no issue to him. He’s taken care of so many stray cats in his young days. He treats you as such, but also doesn’t forget that you’re human as well. Pops is very soft and gentle with you. There are many times when he’s sitting on the back by the koi pond, gently petting you and stroking your tail. Sometimes he gives you a little scratch behind the ear because he knows you like it. Other times he might let you rub your cheek against his hand as you two relax well into the night and watch the moonlight together. 
-Setsuno: Oh my God he swears he’ll never fall in love again and that he should just break things off with you before they get too complicated. Then he sees you in bread-loaf position with your eyes closed happily as you purr, and he realized you have his entire damn heart in your hands (or paws). God his problem is that he falls in love too fast. He’s so whipped for people and super easy to manipulate and exploit. He keeps waiting on the hurt to come, but it never does. You continue to love him and treat him right, returning all the love that he gives to you back unto him. You are his whole world at this point (cat quirk or not) and he’s most definitely determined to marry your ass someday.
-Tabe: He’s not familiar with love the way you give it to him, but he’s willing to learn and try for you. Tabe is a pretty good partner actually, and he seems to get better along the way. He’s learning not just about your personality but your quirk as well, and how it may affect the relationship (or your life). He takes part in cat-like activities with you as well! That’s everything from petting the special spot behind your ears to wiggling a string toy so you can play with the ends of it. He secretly hopes you can eat cat food/treats along with normal human food too. It’ll be his excuse to try that without seeming weird.
-Hojo: For some odd reason he goes into full body-guard mode when it comes to you. It’s mainly because of your quirk that he becomes more protective over you than ever. He knows you might get distracted too easily and dart out in front of a car or something. Also what if someone tries to easily take advantage of you in a dark alleyway because they use a laser light to lead you there? He’s always worried about the worst things while you’re just vibing and sharpening your claws on the couch (which he told you not to do like a million times...uh oh...here he comes with the spray bottle and rolled up newspaper!!!). Although Hojo is protective, he still tries to calm down and give you space to survive as an adult without him hovering. 
-Katsukame: Flexible you say? Oh yeah, he’s bring that to the bedroom for sure. Anyway, aside from that he thinks you are the cutest little thing to exist (and yes you’re little because there’s no way you can add up to his height/size/weight. I mean, how could you not be cute with a quirk like that? You can get anything you want with that damn :3 face alone! Katsukame doesn’t admit to spoiling you but he does, believe me. Aside form treating you like a little baby, he takes advantage of that flexibility in the bedroom ;)
-Tengai: Very respectful regardless of your quirk or not. He loves you and wants to hold you to a certain level of respect that he thinks you deserve. He tries not to bring up your quirk a lot because he doesn’t want to run the mistake of hurting your feelings .Of course you don’t care about any of that! You’re currently too busy sniffing the lock box where Tengai hides all the catnip. Anyway, he really loves you and acknowledges your quirk while being respectful and loving of it at the same time!
-Rappa: First of all you get bombarded with cat related nicknames both inside and outside of the bedroom. On top of that, he’s going to wear that flexibility out and probably add a few new poses to the list. Besides all that, he loves you AND your quirk so he’s no doubt adamant on beating the brakes off ANYBODY that dare disrespect you or your quirk. He really is a sweetheart even though it may be hard to see under that brutish himbo energy. 
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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grelleswife · 4 years
2,4,5,6,7,9,12,14,18,22,28,29,30 for Fembastian and Mey Rin together if you can? >w< 😍💖
Of course I can! >w<
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
They both have insecurities, though in different areas. Beneath her arrogant self-assurance, Fembastian secretly fears that her demonic nature is grotesque and unlovable, and that Mey Rin would be repulsed by her "real" self that the glamour conceals. But the maid actively encourages Fembastian to revert to her true form when they're in private. Mey will stroke her wings, or take her clawed hand and kiss it, or marvel at her lustrous red eyes, and tells Fembastian that she thinks she's just as beautiful this way, yes she does! Mey Rin's insecurities stem from her lack of experience with sex and romance prior to their courtship; she frets about "doing things wrong," or disappointing her lover without realizing it. Therefore, Fembastian learns to provide Mey Rin with ample reassurance that she loves her, and is patient and gentle with the maid, both in bed and as they figure out their relationship as a whole. The little demon also teaches Mey Rin about "lady things," such as styling her hair, shopping for dresses, etc. to boost her confidence. 4. Who can't keep their hands to themselves?
Fembastian! The demonness isn't shy about going after what she wants--and she wants Mey Rin. As soon as she developed feelings for the maid, she began to construct intricate rituals: Sidling up to Mey and putting a hand on the small of her back while "supervising" her, or adjusting Mey Rin's cap and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear because "it simply wouldn't do for a Phantomhive maid to have a disheveled appearance." However, once Mey Rin gets a little bolder, she's just as handsy. >:3 On more than one occasion, she's grabbed Fembastian by the waist and dipped her to give the flustered demon a kiss...or pinched Fembastian's backside when she passed her in the corridors. ;) 5. Who says 'I love you' first?
Mey Rin! Fembassy takes a little longer to realize that she's head over heels for the maid. 6. Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome?
Maybe I'm biased due to my love for Sebagrellerin, but I think Grelle is the most likely candidate. The goddess of DEATH would have no trouble keeping up with a demon and a legendary sniper, and Mey and Sebas would both swoon over the gorgeous Miss Sutcliff. 7. What do they get up to on a night out?
I could see them potentially combining business and pleasure. For example, if O!Ciel orders them to take out a target at a lavish ball or some other social event, they'd team up to put the poor sod six feet under, then return to the party to dance and enjoy themselves. >:3 Or Fembastian might flex her demon powers (it's safer to dispel the glamour under cover of darkness), sprouting wings and taking flight with Mey Rin in her arms, soaring over the city so they can look at all the twinkling lights below. 9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
Since Mey Rin is an anxious bean, her most recent slip-up at work is generally her "most embarassin' moment ever." But the time she tripped and accidentally spilled a bucket of sudsy water she'd used for mopping all over Miss Sebastian would rank pretty high on the list! Fembastian's most embarrassing moment would be the time she made up a dorky little dance with Her (the black kitty), and was twirling in the garden with the cat, merrily singing a tune. Mey Rin happened to step out for a bit of fresh air, witnessed the spectacle, and giggled at how precious Fembastian was! Since the demonness tries to maintain an air of gravitas and authority around the other servants, she was absolutely mortified, though Mey Rin insisted she was the cutest thing, the cutest! 12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
When Fembastian realizes that her feelings for Mey Rin run deeper than lust or fleeting interest, she panics a bit. H-how the hell could she have fallen in love, and with a mortal, no less?! This shouldn't be happening! In her confusion, she tries to distance herself from Mey and take time to process this...but of course, the maid doesn't understand the demon's inner turmoil. Hurt by Sebas's inexplicable coldness, Mey Rin tearfully confronts her, which leads Fembastian to break down (it's the first time she's ever cried in front of a human), confessing that she's scared because she thinks she's truly in love with Mey and doesn't know what to do. Once Mey Rin realizes what's going on, they're able to patch things up. From then on out, Fembastian starts (slowly) allowing herself to be more vulnerable with Mey, and learning to trust that the maid is committed to their relationship even if Sebas isn't the sparkling, perfect servant she pretends to be. 14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
Although Fembastian doesn't contract mortal illnesses, Mey Rin occasionally comes down with a case of the sniffles. When that happens, the demon will whisk her off to bed, keep her warm in a nest of blankets and pillows, and set to work procuring medicine for her lover. In addition to fixing Mey Rin a bowl of her favorite soup, Fembastian will cuddle with her and purr softly to help her feel better. Even when she has to leave Mey on her own to do the young master's bidding, Fembastian will rush back as soon as she can to check on her lover and give her a few get-well kisses. 18. When they fight, how do they make up?
Mey Rin tends to get emotional and weepy after they've had a fight, and will clasp the little demon to her bosom while sobbing that she's ever so sorry, she is, and it won't ever happen again, no it won't!!! Fembastian will over offer a verbal apology--typically a florid one, considering how melodramatic she is--but she also tries to make it up to Mey Rin by doing nice things for her, such as giving her flowers, completing a few of Mey's chores herself so the maid has a lighter workload, making her a yummy Chinese dessert, or spending extra time snuggling with her human and combing her hair. 22. Where does their first kiss happen?
Mey Rin was cleaning out the fireplace one morning when she accidentally spilled ashes onto the carpet. Of course, it was just her luck that Miss Sebastian stopped by just then to check her progress! The demon began to scold Mey Rin...but as Fembastian gazed into her eyes, she trailed off and fell silent. That wasn't like the brusque, professional woman at all! Thoroughly confused, the maid asked what was wrong. Sebas abruptly grabbed the front of Mey's uniform (in this AU, she's very petite and a little shorter than the maid) and pulled her down for a kiss, much to Mey Rin's amazement. The pink-cheeked demon huffily stammered that Mey should clean up as quickly as possible, then rushed from the room. Mey was positively giddy (she'd had a crush on Fembastian for months), while Sebas couldn't seem to quiet the palpitations of her heart. She must have spent too long in this silly human form! 28. Why do they get jealous?
Fembastian and Mey Rin both get jealous when when other people (regardless of gender) make passes at their partner. Demons are naturally possessive creatures, which causes Fembassy to bare her fangs (sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically) at anyone who flirts with Mey Rin. Although the maid knows that Fembastian's heart belongs only to her, it still makes her damn uncomfortable when someone else starts batting their lashes at the pretty demon--and is liable to give them a double-barrelled glare. >:( Fembastian can also get clingy if she feels that Mey Rin isn't spending enough time with her, though the maid learns to be firm about setting boundaries. The demon is an important part of Mey Rin's life, but she needs to respect Mey's relationships with other members of the household, too! 29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
Mey Rin is so sweet and adorable that Fembastian didn't stand a chance; she was hopelessly smitten long before she realized what hit her. In Mey Rin's case, she fell even harder for the demon once Sebas revealed her hidden fragility and insecurity. Not only did this draw out the maid's protective instincts, but it also helped her realize that Fembastian wasn't flawless or invincible, and removal of that barrier enabled them to grow closer. 30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
Their relationship works because Fembastian learns to meet Mey Rin halfway, and Mey is fully accepting of Sebastian, even the unsightly or frightening parts of her. The resulting loyalty and trust provides a steady foundation on which their love can thrive.
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bookycharm · 4 years
The types as people I know in real life (not all the types sorryyy)
Intp (a friend of mine)
Does basically nothing, studies the night before but still has pretty solid to really good grades
Really intelligent, has a really high iq but insecure
However, confident enough to tell me about her high iq
Awkward AS FUCK, can be a bit cringy but lovable
Secretly thinks nobody likes her and has conspiracy theories
Teachers love her
Surprisingly flirty
Probably had an emo phase she hasn't told me about
Entp (my brother)
Caothic AF, got in a LOT of trouble when we were kids
Has the luck of Neville fucking longbottom
Very very very lazy
Once made a pretty decent bow out of sticks from our backyard
Will fight you anytime
Is a ravenclaw but wants to be a slytherin because "they have the most fun". (Also, he hates Gryffindors)
Has lots of friends
Teachers HATE him (with a few exceptions who think he's just funny as fuck)
Isfj (a friend)
Cutest human being
Genuinely funny, has a very unique sense of humor. Could have easily been vine famous
Obsessed with shrek memes
Has lots of hilarious tik toks she made on drafts but she's too afraid to actually post them
Cries easily
Can get sad easily
She's literally so awesome but so fucking insecure
Secretly romantic
A pure bean of light. Is nice to everybody
Always the first to say sorry
Enfj (my best friend)
If she loves you she will love and spoil the heck out of you
If she hates you, you'll know immediately
Tries to be nice but also is pretty judgemental
Considers herself an ambivert
Very studious. Loves to learn new things
She spends all her free time in the library
Is a really good friend. Will hear to all your ranting. Gets mad at the things you get mad, will defend your honor
Rants a lot
Very smart, top of her class
Will read Aristotle and a freaking children's book on the same evening
not afraid to express her opinions
Infj (a friend)
Brutally honest. Sometimes she isn't aware it can be hurtful. She doesn't do it on purpose though, it's just the way she is
Smol but will fight you
Serious most of the time but also adorable
Loves for everything to be organized
Is trying her best
Studies hard
Loves dark humor
Is having non of your shit
Is shy and it was hard for her to make friends at first bit now she has lots
She can get stressed really easily
Obsessed with star wars
Honestly hilarious
So FREAKING lazy, he failed most of his classes
Lots of self-deprecating jokes
Comes up with the funniest Instagram captions
His Instagram stories are just him doing the stupidest, craziest, funniest things I've ever seen
A meme
Honestly thought he was secretly a weeb but he's just a nerd
Infp (a friend)
Hates where she lives (with lots of people) but everyone there loves her
She isn't trying to be funny she just naturally is
Writes stories on her free time
Learned a whole new language in like 6 months
A dork
Loves to read
She can be savage as FUCK
Has a hard time saying no
Indesicive, needs a lot of different opinions before she makes a decision
Worries over little things
Genuinely cares about you
Estp (my other brother)
I'm truly amazed at how he does so little, and with little effort he gets straight A's
Really popular and knows it
Will debate with you just for fun
Can't stand stupid people
Has no patience
Will get really angry sometimes but also has a soft spot
Has watched like 100 anime series, got the entire family into anime.
His friends go to him for help while studying
(Might do a part 2 if I can correctly type other people I know, these are just the people whose type I know for sure)
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