#literally why is regina’s life so sad
ouatsqincorrect · 10 months
Did Cora knows about Regina's sexuality? I mean she didn't know about Reginas feelings for Emma but did she know back then in Mistheaven?
I had the hc that Regina had someone maybe one or two years before Daniel. She was blond and her mother worked as one of Reginas maids and they met in the castle. They become friends pretty fast but back then Regina wasn't sure what she actually felt at that point. But in the end Cora sent them away in another kingdom bc she thought that girl didn't have a good influence on Regina bc she was to "wild"
That wasn't really important to my question but I just needed to share that hc bc I don't know where to go with it so I am sorry😅
i think she had an inkling, at the least. there’s this book called regina rising which tells the story of regina’s teen years and her “friend” claire. i never actually finished it because i got so mad at cora lol, but i do think there’s a good chance claire was a bit more than a friend to regina, which is why, in the end, cora manipulates regina to hurt claire, and regina never sees her friend again. but yeah! i totally agree with you. whether it was claire or someone else, regina definitely figured her sexuality out in her teen years and cora knew enough of what was actually happening to push those people away. i think the idea that regina could like women would’ve been appalling to cora, because, well, she wanted her to be queen. can’t be queen if you don’t want a king.
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restinslices · 4 months
Ive seen your Lin Kuei Brothers hc about movie reactions and they re hilarious. I watched Mean Girls the other day and thought about their reaction watching it. I bet Bi-han would stan Regina lol. What do you think?
This is short because tbh I don’t really see them liking it😭. I added a little Drabble cause this took so long.
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Although the idea of him being a Regina George stan is conical, I don't really see him enjoying movies like Mean Girls 
I'm not sure what movies he'd like or if he's more of a book guy, but Mean Girls is campy fun about highschool drama. I just don't see him being interested 
I'm not sure any of them would really be interested in it honestly. Mean Girls isn't just a girls movie but these are men who are in their 30s-40s and just don't give me Mean Girl stan. Yk?
I just don't see him liking it at all. He's checked out the entire time and when he's told it's a classic, he doesn't understand why 
It's not the worst movie he's ever seen but it's not his favorite. He'll never go out of his way to see it again 
A party pooper fr 
I don't think he'll be like “this shit is ASS!” because you like the movie but I can see him being like “well it was certainly a movie”
I don't know😭. I wanna say he'd like it, but it doesn't seem like his vibe. I'm sorry 😔
“Did you like it?” You asked once the movie was over. The answer? No. Honestly, halfway through the movie he completely checked out and if you hadn't announced that it ended, he wouldn't have noticed. 
“It was a movie” he answered simply. He went to get up from the couch but you grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. A random spout of strength that contrasted how sad you looked. 
“You didn't like it?” 
“I'm in my 40s”
“So, it isn't for me”. Your frown deepened and he couldn't understand why. It was just a movie. He could understand why you liked it. It had childhood memories attached to it. He didn't have any memories attached to it, so to him, it was just a movie. 
“You suck ass” you finally said and crossed your arms. “I'm watching it again”. 
“Have fun with that”. 
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I don't think he hates the movie but once again, I just don't see any of them truly appreciating it 
Teenage drama to him just isn't exciting. He's older so when problems arise he starts giving logical answers 
“How does Cady not see that she's also becoming a mean girl?”
Because that's the point of the movie Kuai 
He'll watch it maybe a few times with you if it keeps you happy
In canon he has a wife so I'm sure he knows that sometimes you gotta endure for them
I think his favorite character, if he had to choose, would be maybe Karen because she's just tryna live life based on my memory 
He's glad he understands the references you make now 
So there's positives  
Not his cup of tea but he likes that you like it 
“This is a classic, you say?” Kuai Liang asked. He meant for his tone to come out friendly and curious, but in reality it came out unsure and a little judgmental. Unfortunately for him, you noticed. 
“Shut up! You didn't like it?!” he couldn't understand why you were so surprised. He liked some movies but the movies he liked were nothing like Mean Girls. 
“I didn't say that”
“I cannot believe you. We're gonna watch it again until you like it”. Kuai Liang was tempted to get up and go do literally anything else, but when you snuggled close to his arm, he figured there was no harm in trying again. As long as he was close to his favorite person. 
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I can see him being the brother that understands the message the most 
For some reason people debate on who's actually a mean girl. Whether it's Regina, Cady, Janis, ect. 
Tomas can see that multiple characters are mean asf
Now once again, I don't see this being his cup of tea, but hate is too strong of a word 
Dislike is too strong of a word 
The movie is just eh to him. It's just a movie. He won't suffer if he watches it but he'll never choose to watch it on his own
I can see him lying about how much he enjoyed it so he ends up watching it a lot more than he wants to because you keep putting it on 
Even if this isn't his favorite movie, he definitely thinks the first is better than the sequel 
That shit was ass 
Mean Girls is entertaining. The sequel… no❤
He watches it with you because it lets you spend time together. 
Honestly you could put on a shitty booty ass movie like Teen Wolf (2023) and he'd watch it if it kept the two of you together 
“Sooooo… thoughts?” You leaned back in your seat and look over at him with hope and happiness in your eyes. He internally winced. How could he destroy that shimmer in your eyes?
“I loved it!” he lies. His heart swells in his chest when you clap your hands together and give him a toothy grin. By the Elder Gods… you were far too cute for him. Now he certainly couldn't tell you he didn't particularly care for the movie! You'd look so sad. 
“I'm so glad! We should get matching pink shirts! We can wear them on Wednesdays!”. Tomas kept his forced smile on his face. Internally, he wasn't sure what can of worms he opened. All he knew was that it was too late to close it back up. 
“Sounds great” he mumbled. “Maybe we can watch the sequel I've heard about”. Why did he keep talking?
You scoffed. “Sure. I guess we can suffer together”. 
Suffer? Oh boy… 
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idontplaytrack · 5 months
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, angst. coarse language, quarrelling. Implied/slightly described messy home life
In which, Janis has always been reader’s source of love and comfort. Through the pretty and the ugly.
I’m on the incredi-coaster. Some days I am on the highest of highs, huffing chocolate-chip cookies, and, other days, I liiiterally want to jump right off
— Auli'i Cravalho, 2023
I like making myself emotional apparently 😁
“Are you okay?” Gretchen asks in a quiet voice, studying your face closely.
“Yeah.” You shrugged, focusing your eyes on the whiteboard and teacher at the front of the room.
“You alright?” Regina shot you a look, “What’s going on with you? You’re not yapping about like you usually do.”
“No, nothing.” You replied dismissively. Why’d she notice anyway?
“y/n, what…what are you doing? You’ve got the answer wrong.” Cady mentions.
“What?” You snapped out of your trance, shaking your head slightly as though to get rid of the unwanted thoughts. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry- I just-”
Just felt like crying, honestly.
“Maybe you should sit this one out.” Aaron says, “You look a little pale, are you sure—”
“Yeah, why the heck not?” You cut him off, grabbing the dodgeball and then threw it back to him.
Your day was going…alright— arguably.
“y/n, what is going on with you? I literally called for you twice and you just stared at your food.”
“I’m fine. Just tired, Damian.” You plopped the fork back onto the tray.
You spent half your school day without Janis since you both had, essentially- the same classes but at different times. After lunch was art class, where you’d see Janis for the first time since she picked you up from your house. “Hi, baby.” She presses a kiss to your cheek before taking her usual seat in class. You sat down beside her, your mind drifts back to last night’s useless quarrel with your Mom and Dad.
Janis was watching, you could feel it. But you continued looking straight ahead at the front of the room. You couldn’t lose it now, not after you’ve tried so hard to keep it together and you weren’t about to just…give up.
"Okay." Janis' voice pulled you back, "We're ditching, let's go."
"No." "Yes, come on. Before Mr. Riley gets here." She insisted. Next thing you knew, you were being led out of the school by Janis and into her Mom's car. She'd texted her Mom to come and pick the two of you up, and she did. But quickly left the house after you two'd been dropped off to go run errands.
"It happened again, didn't it?" Janis asked knowingly while shutting her door.
You scoffed, avoiding eye contact with her. Janis sat down beside you and carried on speaking, "I told you- you don't have to pretend with me. You do enough of that every fucking day, trying to care for your sisters, your Mom, yourself."
Damn, she really was always listening whenever you'd vented to her.
"I'm sick of it, you know? Have to re-parent myself, gentle parent myself- it's ridiculous. They made me this way and yet I'm the one doing all the work? While whatever's made me like this is still happening?" Your voice quivered, you sniffled, got up and walked to a corner of her room to avoid having her see you like this. Upset, teary, weak.
Janis saw a side of you that everyone else failed to see: the little girl inside you pleading to be loved and cared for instead of being picked on or dismissed. Or having every little flaw of yours scrutinised. Every time after you'd poured your heart out to her, you brushed it off as 'being in a mood'. But she doesn't. Janis knows it means something and has been helping you all this time. To undo the damage that's been done to little you. Janis allowed you to express your emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, excitement, anxiety, disgust...all of it. She's never once held you back but instead stayed along side you while you did what you needed in the moment, felt what you needed to feel in the moment. Janis knew every little quirk of yours like the back of own hand, she knew what made you happy, and what made you not so happy. She knew exactly what to do in any given moment which has made you feel like her burden. Which...you'd expressed in passing but she didn't agree. Janis immediately shut you down. But you insisted, saying it wasn't her job to fix you.
"y/n- listen to me. You are right, it's not my job to fix you- to fix any of this. But as your partner and someone who loves you, it is my responsibility to help you grow into a better person- a better version of yourself. You don't realise that so I'm telling you my point of view, okay? You've helped me too, you know that? You've made me less blunt, more patient...things that I weren't before I met you, y/n. It's not just me putting in the effort, you are too. I see how hard you're trying...to break the cycle and that's so important to remember in moments where it doesn't feel like it."
Now was one of those times...but you couldn't fight what you were feeling. Those emotions you've tried so hard to work through were all boiling back up. But still, you bit back those tears. And it physically hurt.
The more eager you seemed in avoiding looking at her, the more eager she was in walking up to you to make you took at her in the eye. "Why do you even love me?"
'What the fuck.' Janis thought to herself. That was honestly her first thought and what she wanted to say but she stopped herself, taking a deep breath instead, "You cannot choose who you fall in love with. And I don't have just one reason why. It just feels right, like it's meant to be." Janis slowly walked up to you from behind, "You don't see yourself the way I see you and it hurts me that you hate yourself this much. You're doing the best you can, baby. I see that, but please listen to me now, okay? Let it go, you need to let those tears go. Stop holding it in, it's okay. It's okay to cry."
Oh, what the hell.
You really just let go of the tears you've been swallowing all day long, falling limp in her arms as you choked on a sob. Whatever happened last night was anything but new, but it always upset you and brought you to a shitty place. Eventually, her back hit the wall and you two slid to the floor with you still safely in her embrace. She's witnessed worse, but this doesn't cause her invalidate your emotions. Janis would never do that to you- she never has. Janis loved you - every part of you. It's been clear since day one, nothing fazed her but what you had to go through all your life only angered her, wanting nothing but the best for you.
Janis had days like this too, and you were there for her without a second thought. Nothing mattered more than making sure she knew you were there for her. When you were in her shoes, you do it without even thinking. But whenever you were on the receiving end, you never could take your own advice or words that you so earnestly gave to your girlfriend.
Right now, was one of those days where you felt like jumping right off. Nothing felt worth it, everything you fought and worked for seemed futile. You, felt like shit. But Janis, no- she was a fucking saint, so damn patient and loving and it scared the shit out of you to have seen and experience the stark difference in her personality in public and in the safe walls of home...that side of her was as real as it was a show for self-defence. You never did experience love like this till Janis came into your life. All your life, you learnt that love had to be earned. That love was smashed glasses, broken walls and slamming doors. Absolutely nothing like what you could've imagined it to actually be and it terrified you.
Hurt in private, shine in public. Right?
You stop eventually, feeling nothing left inside of you anymore. It's not like you were a loud crier by any means, but it just went on for several minutes and the more sober you felt, the more you kept thinking that you should just...stop. Even with her whispering words of assurance into your ears over and over, her telling you she loved you.
"Do you wanna stand?" She asks, both her hands cupping your cheeks. You just did, not giving her a verbal response. Sighing, you went into her bathroom to freshen up then changed into a set of clothes that were hers. Wordless. Not another word came out either one of your mouths as all of this was carried out. Because she knew you- that's how you worked. You climbed into her bed, and she does the same, spooning you as you felt yourself relax further under her touch. Your arms rested on hers as you gave her hands a squeeze, hoping she got what you meant. She did, of course she did. She knew what every little gesture meant. Janis could read you like a book.
You two dozed off for a little while, and when you woke up again you were expecting a bitching headache- which did start. But eh, you'd be fine. You felt better after letting yourself feel what you needed to feel. Both of you acknowledge whatever's happened prior to the nap, but moved on with your day focusing on anything but that. That was done. While you were curled up on the couch, Janis threw a frozen pizza into the oven along with the last bit of chicken tenders, she said. Again, you did not say a thing but she knew you were listening. You were the one who requested the pizza after all.
You two've gotten the routine done and that's what mattered on days like these. You knew she loved you and why, but when emotions were running high, a lot of crap tended to be said. A little bit of love, patience and peace went a long way in these times. "Janis." You looked at her, she looked back at you, "Thank you. I love you." "Anytime, baby. I know you do. I love you, too." Janis said back, running a hand through your hair while you had your head in her lap now, "We're doing just fine."
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frogs00 · 3 months
Fire and Ice || Chapter: two
Note: Please leave your opinions and enjoy! I'll try and release a new chapter whenever I can! This chapter does need some trigger warnings though! Sorry if it’s short, I’m tired! Trigger warnings: Attempted S/A, Janis has a flash back to the night of ‘the party that ruined her life’ and I put her through it. Very angsty. Viewer’s discretion is advise.
Summary: Literally just a Regina x Janis slow-burn with rotating POVs
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Janis paced her garage, which she lived in, quite literally. She was fuming, and Damian could only watch from the sidelines both amused and concerned.
“She’s such a bitch! Why did I ever-” she cut herself off, growling at that word that always burned in her throat, ‘like’ her.
“She hasn’t changed, everyone thinks so, but I know better! Fuck I knew better! She had the audacity to say ‘bottle up’ my emotions!” She flopped down on the couch beside Damian.
“Well…” he drawled, Janis shot him a glare and he put his hand up, “Look, not saying it was right for her to say that, but she has a point,” he paused, “like, I don’t know, right now? She hurt your feelings, but instead of talking about it you’re pacing around calling her a bitch and acting all angry, when we both know you aren’t, you’re sad.”
There was awkward silence after that, Janis stared at her hands. Maybe he’s right.
She shook her head and sighed, “I don’t do that.” She lied, and got up, pacing again and fidgeting with her hands.
Damian only watched her with a thoughtful expression, “Calm down.” Was all he said, not wanting her to spiral she assumed. Which she didn’t do.
“I know that you don’t blame her for everything that happened that night, does she even know what-“ He attempted to ask after a long pause
“I still hate her.” Janis interrupted after sitting back now next to him, he side eyed her and sighed.
“I do.” She said, growing irritated by his disbelief, “she hasn’t changed, and she won’t.”
“For someone who despises her so much, you sure do yap about her a lot.” He snorted, “Almost like you’re ob-“ She froze and he cut himself off immediately, rephrasing, “Almost like you’re addicted to pissing her off.”
She relaxed a tad at the correction, Janis had came to hate the word ‘obsessed’. She was told she had a ‘Addictive’ personality a few times, which also upset her to a extent, but whenever she heard that word-
She swallowed hard. She closed her eyes and exhaled, calming her racing mind.
It was no use still, and suddenly she was back there: The party that ruined her life.
A green wine bottle spun, it felt like foreve as it slowly came to a stop, landing on Janis. She looked up, Regina seemed to be in a slight panic but it left as soon as it came.  As though struck with a thought. 
She felt herself trembling as Regina crawled towards her, she couldn't tear her eyes away from her more from anxiety than anything, she made no move to kiss the blonde back, having both zero experience and a crippling fear of how Regina would take that. So she just sat there; trembling and tight-lipped.
She felt the blondes lips touch hers in the briefest, most hesitant kiss. Kyle whooped and Gretchen practically gasped.
Then silence fell, painful silence.
She remained in place, her palms now sweating as soon as Regina pulled away she rubbed soothing circles into her palm with her other thumb. Looking away wordlessly.
"I'd knew she'd let me." 
Janis froze all movement as soon as she heard those words.
"She's like obsessed with me." 
Janis and she turned her head back to looks her dead in the eye. Already feeling tears brim her eyes, angry tears, panicked tears. She looked around for support or back up...or...or something.
But nothing.
Gretchen averted her gaze and fidgeted, cringing visibly while Karen stared at her in a unreadable way. She stood up feeling panic swelling in her chest, her senses heightened as she kept eye-contact with the blonde, not wanting to give her the statisfaction of seeing her cry. Regina smirked, although that smug look didn't reach her eyes. 
She then reached towards Kyle, all while maintaining eye contact, running her hand through his hair. Her nostrils flared and she felt the lump in her throat grow, hands curling into tight fists, her nails digging into her skin.
"You gonna cry?" Her so-called-best friend mocked. 
And with that she turned and sprinted out of the room, stumbling over her feet in a blind panic.
She had to get out of there, she glided down the stairs, ripped open the front door, running out. She intended to keep running, tears now streaming freely down her face, but she face planted.
She pushed herself up onto her elbows wincing as she touched two fingers to her face, she pulled them back to see blood. She choked back a angry sob.
The brunette was about to stand back up when she heard a voice call her name, the voice familiar; It was Mrs. George. 
Janis crawled out of sight into the bushes, wiping her face with the sleeve of her favorite hoodie.
She then stood up, making eye contact with Mrs. George who was standing in the doorway, before she could hear her call out to her again, she burst into a run.
Running blindly into the dark, the street only aluminated by street lights and the neighboring houses. She didn't stop running until she was sure no one was around, probably a few blocks down from Regina's house now.
Hunched over with her hand son her knees, she took the time to take in her surroundings, she reached for her phone in her pocket but it wasn't there. 
She was lost without a phone, at least that's what she thought until she spotted the light of a 7-eleven sign. She could ask to make a call there. 
She made her way towards it, tucking her hand in her pocket and putting up her hood. A young man greeted her with a odd smile. 
She came up to the counter, setting her elbows on it and rubbing her eyes quickly, sniffling. She cleared her throat trying to keep her voice from cracking, "Can I make a phone call?" She asked weakly.
The man looked her up and down, "Sure," he paused giving her an even odder look, "What's a pretty thing like you doing out so late by yourself? What happened?" 
Janis cringed, but she needed to make this phone call, she wanted to go home, "Can I just make the call?" She snapped. His eyes narrowed, clearly displeased.
"Sure, but the front phone is broken, come with me, I'll let you use the one in the back." Janis nodded and followed behind him, keeping her eyes down but aware.
He let her pass him, "Ladies first." She did so, entering a small back room that smelled of mildew.
she looked around the small room in confusion, "There isn't a phone back-" The guy forced himself onto her, grabbing both her wrist and flipping her over, bending her over the table. Panic over took her and she bit down on the guys arms.
He yelped and temporarily lost his hold on her, but He yanked her back by her hood, she gagged. "You little shit!" He growled. Turning her to make her face him.
Janis, being as tiny as she was, managed to twist away again. (For once grateful for her father) Elbowing him in his chest then kicking him as hard as possible in his balls, he groaned clutching his crotch while reaching for her weakly. She took no time to sprint out of the store, sobbing.
She ran yet another block, now full on lost, until she found a pay phone, and dug in her pockets, which she always had random thing in, lucky one of those things were a quarter.
"Mama, come pick me up? I'm on 12th street by the pharmacy. Some things happened." She cried into the phone, clutching it like a lifeline.
She sat on the edge of the sidewalk, waiting for her mother with her arms wrapped around her legs. Her Mom pulled up and wrapped her arms around her, whispering into her ear, not depending anything at all. Just soothing her.
She'd never forget the look of horror she saw on her mother’s face as she laid eyes at her defeated form.
She looked up, realizing her eyes were watering and she had blanked out again. She wiped them with her sleeves and cleared her throat.
“You okay, Jan?” Damian asked softly, she nodded.
“Just tired, I’ll talk to Regina tomorrow, okay? Can you go, please?” She croaked, trying to keep her tone calm but snapping a bit, wanting to be alone. He nodded and kissed the top of her head, gathering his stuff and leaving silently.
She was absolutely not talking to Regina tomorrow.
She sighed, “Yes I am.” She needs to know, she needs to know. She closed her eyes, not letting anymore tears fall. Never again.
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low-budget-korra · 9 months
Comments on Saltburn
- Couldn't have chosen a better film to start 2024. Saltburn is beautiful, hunting and weird. And those types of movies that it's been to go in blind
*spoilers ahead*
-I wasn't following the marketing campaign but people on the internet were treating this movie as a gay love story so I don't know if the movie was actually marketed that way or if it was the audience wish's but let me tell you that this is no love story.
-Felix is quite a nice guy, one of the biggest plot twists for me was Jacob Elordi playing a genuinely nice guy lmao. It is implied that Oliver wasn't the first poor dude Felix brought over Saltburn but I didn't see this is something bad or evil, Felix grew up in a highly privileged environment and yet he ain't a complete jerk but I rather believe that he just wanted to know people who in his eyes were free of wherever knots he think he had, people who are "normal" and have "real" struggles.
He really bonded with Oliver, even with his friends not sharing this friendly sentiment towards the outsider and was deeply hurt by Oliver's web of lies. His death or more likely the way it happened was a shocker to me but it made sense he was no longer friends with Oliver, he became an enemy and an obstacle to his truly desires.
-Farleigh was the only one able to see through Oliver bullshit, and that's why Oliver makes him get kicked out of the house. In the beginning you kind of hate him cuz you think he's being a jerk to Oliver just cuz he is poor. I think he may represent this type of rich people, the ones who can't stand poor people trying to be one of them. I wonder if he off himself too.
-Pamela and Venetia I would need another watch to understand their characters but in a first watch I interpreted as Pamela being their "clown", entertaining them and being replaced by Oliver, who just couldn't live with the idea of not being in Saltburn with the aristocrats and thinking that even if she was bullied, it's better to live there then live with the common folk.
Venetia I think is just the type of woman that just can't get out of her mother's shadows as she tries to be different, to be cool but fails. By the end she also is able to see through Oliver bullshit and I think that's why she died.
-Elspeth is amazing. She was so elegant, so classy...it was so sad that she never was really allowed to express the pain of losing her kids. The only time we see that was when she screamed in pain after founding Felix.
She wanted to keep Oliver around cuz Felix loved him and it was a way of keeping her son there.
-Lets talk about the Devil. I don't think he planned to do all of the murder, he planned to be with the 1% but not to murder them. It only happened after Felix found out the truth.
Oliver was obsessed with Felix, and the moment he drank his cum , he started to act more and more confident. It was like he was becoming more and more like them after that and sucking Venetia, literally a vampire, sucking them dry.
Like he said himself, he loved Felix , he wasn't in love with him. It's like when Cady Heron wanted to sabotage Regina George but still wanted Regina to like her and be with her. This love and hate duality.
I think the grave scene is when he realizes what his done. He lost his obsession, he could never consume Felix again but he damn hell tried. The sex scenes with Oliver are never about love, but it's about power.
He thought it was over until Elspeth invited him to continue to stay with them. He tried to match Venetia to reinforce his place there but she realizes what he really was and because of that he had to deal with her too.
His dreams of being in Saltburn were over until he saw Sir.James died. Now it's time to suck the life out of a broken and lonely Elspeth. And I was really scared when Oliver started to mount her like that, I was so afraid that he would assault her defenseless body I almost turned off the movie. That was the scariest and heaviest scene to me tbh
Now it's all his. It's better be alone and be the one of the 1% than being with the common folk.
Plus Duncan disliked him because he also saw who he really was from the very first time. And like all the staff, he left
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ouatsnark · 2 years
What happened to Emma Swan? DEBUNKED
Ever so often the Swan Queen fandom gets it in their heads to try & tear down Emma Swan's look and character development simply because she married a man… a man who treated Emma far better than their Queen. Their arguments prove that they lack the will to understand the writing as they blatantly twist canon to fit their narrative.
"What happened to season one Emma Swan? She went from happy to miserable because of Killian Jones" - Regina Apologists
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This is a prime example of how Regina Apologists are so dishonest. The two pictures on the left are promotional shots from the show. The two pictures on the right are moments from Season 6 when Emma is in distress. The first image she is watching her parents sacrifice themselves for the good of Storybrooke (while Regina, who is at fault, does nothing). The second one is when Emma was having visions of her own death. These instances have NOTHING to do with Killian Jones! However, I can find plenty of times when Emma was in distress due to Regina Mills!
I have found so many examples of them pulling this crap. I would be here all day screen capping their dishonesty.
The truth: Emma Swan wasn't happy in Season 1 & that Emma wasn't the real Emma
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Yes, you heard me. Season 1 Emma wasn’t the real Emma. The real Emma was hiding behind an armor of red leather jackets, fake eye-lashes and a chip on her shoulder to keep everyone at arms length. She put on a tough bravado as an armor to protect herself from the world because she'd been hurt too many times.
But as a time passed, Emma needed less and less armor. She became more trusting and more open to love, family and happiness. When she shed that armor she let herself be more vulnerable. She became more caring toward others. Which is about the bravest thing you can do.
The more and more we saw Emma opening up to love the less armor she used. And the less armor she used, the more we hear from the Anti-CaptainSwan crowd that...
How do you go from THIS to this??? - Regina Apologist
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GASP! A woman didn’t put on a bunch of make up & doll herself up for you SO SHE MUST BE MISERABLE & has no agency because she’s at the mercy of everyone!!!
Imagine degrading a woman for not wearing make up or curling their hair? You have got to be kidding me.
Also, if you really believe this, then you should be looking more favorably on Killian Jones. He obviously loved Emma for who she was and not how much make up she is wearing unlike like you fools.
Never mind that once again they grab a screen cap of when Emma is going through a tough time...and why is she going through a tough time? BECAUSE OF REGINA MILLS! Yeah, Regina's other half is trying to hurt her parents and possibly kill everyone all because Regina can't stop wanting to be evil!
The Truth: Killian Jones made Emma Swan happy
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It's literally in her wedding vows. And you can see it on her face whenever she looks at him. Killian Jones helped her trust in love and not be afraid of the future.
The truth: Regina is the cause of 99% of Emma's problems
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I've seen Regina stans try to say that Emma looked miserable during her vows but they fail to actually listen to what she is saying. She is not only fighting tears but when she looks away, apparently sad, she is remembering her life before Henry. She is thinking about when Henry came to get her which wasn't a happy time at all really. She was thinking about what Regina did to her and her family.
But she looks at Killian with all the happiness in her heart.
"Emma went from a badass in Season 1 to a Stepford Wife" - Regina Apologist
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I love how they continue to use promo shots and bts pictures.
It’s like the Anti-CaptainSwan crowd believes that there is only one way to be a strong woman: having a chip on your shoulder, being sarcastic to everyone, never needing anyone (especially a male) and being single (unless its w|w). They just don’t like the fact that Emma not only chose her own path but fights for everyone and not just their precious queen.
I have actually heard Rumple stans call Emma a Stepford wife as well because she chose Hook over Rumple's cowardly son Neal. Which is just hysterical since Belle is literally a Stepford wife. She ignores all of his abuse, his bad deeds and his manipulation and stays with him.
The Truth: Emma Swan was still a badass after getting together with Killian Jones:
S4 taking down dragon Lily
S4 telling grumpy to back off before she turns him into stumpy (hey you thought sarcasm was badass? there you go!)
S4 taking on the darkness to save the town
S4 defeating Cruella to save Henry
S5 going up against Nimue
S5 confronting Rumple about him being the Dark One again
S5 doing what she had to do and knowing she had to destroy Dark Hook
S5 telling Regina to fix her own damn problems for once cause Emma was done doing it for her
S6 going up against Wish Hook.
S6 going up against the Serum Queen
S6 sacrificing herself for Gideon and destroying the dark fairy
Furthermore, if Emma was that dependent on Killian Jones then she would not have left the Underworld without him. But she did leave him for the sake of Henry and others who needed her.
Emma is complex but SQers fail to accept Emma’s evolution because it didn’t involve her becoming Regina’s doormat in every aspect of her life.
I know it's hard for Regina Mills stans to spot character growth, since their queen didn't have one, but Emma Swan and Killian Jones are where the most character growth happened. They evolved into much better people as the series came to a close.
Here are some things I've seen when talking about Emma's evolution or about her being worse off with Killian Jones than she would have been with Regina or Neal. And lets be real here, Emma was worse off with Regina as a friend. That is just a fact.
I will see them talk circles around Regina's role in Emma's life to avoid putting blame where it should be and that is directly on Regina Mills. They will say things like "The Charmings abandoned Emma" but The Charmings didn’t just abandon Emma. THEY SAVED HER LIFE with the hope that Emma would return to save the entire kingdom FROM REGINA. Regina was going to murder infant Emma.
They will also go on about how Killian and Emma were enemies at first. Killian Jones was never as much of an enemy to Emma like Regina Mills was. Regina emotionally and physically hurt Emma and destroyed her life.
As mentioned above, they prefer closed off and alone Emma. However, Emma was at her best when she let down her walls & allowed herself to love. A heart full of love is beautiful. But love to Regina apologists only looks like Emma bowing to Regina. Well. Emma was closed off, negative, sarcastic & willing to overlook all of Regina’s shit for the sake of Henry. Allowing someone to put you down the way Emma allows Regina is NOT someone at their best.
Emma at her best understands sacrifices for the greater good, forgiveness, mercy & the strength of love. That was Emma during all 7 seasons. Actually, Emma showed Regina way too much mercy (Rumple too, in fairness).
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Anyone who says that Emma was forced to be with Hook because Killian & her parents "pressured her" or "made her" is hating Emma Swan. This is a bunch of fanon nonsense & not canon. No one was forcing Emma. You can’t point to a single scene or dialog that suggests that. Quite the opposite in fact.
You don’t fight for something as hard as Emma fought for her happy ending if it’s not what you want. Remember that Snow & David were against saving Hook in Camelot. They were more concerned about Emma. Hell, Killian Jones was more concerned about Emma's future than living! He wanted her to choose her life over his! It was Emma’s idea to go get Hook in the Underworld & everyone was against it at first (cause who just walks into the Underworld??). If Emma's parents were pushing her towards anyone it was Neal. So, no, no one was forcing Emma to be with Hook. When Charming gives his blessing to Hook he says that the final decision is up to Emma.
If you truly believe that Emma was forced to be with Hook then you don't understand Emma Swan. Emma didn't do anything that Emma didn't want to do. Remember when Emma was dead set on running back to New York in season 3? No one was going to change her mind. She had to find out on her own that life with Henry and her parents in Storybook was indeed home. Emma was perfectly capable of making her own decisions.
Says who!? When did Emma say this? Emma didn’t want a family? GTFOH with that BS. More fanon that isn’t backed up by canon. She THOUGHT she wanted that life with Neal (re-watch Tallahassee). But after his betrayal she packed that side of her away for fear of being hurt again. You’re mistaking her protective armor for who she really is.
And furthermore proving that you don't know what character growth looks like. People change so characters should as well. Well written characters evolve.
Putting those you love first is a sign of unconditional love. I know that’s hard to understand since your queen is a self-centered bitch who never put anyone first… but Emma is different. And just because she wanted to be with her family doesn’t mean she wasn’t putting what she wanted first.
Emma being a shell of herself is a personal opinion. Emma evolved. She had many more layers by the time S6 rolled around. As I said above, her personality in S1-2 was a part of her armor as much as that jacket was. And to say she still wasn’t kicking ass in S6 is a lie. She sacrificed her life so a child would get his life back. Being a hero & putting others first is a strength of character. It’s honorable. Again, I know that’s hard seeing that Regina was 100% focused on her own happy ending but Emma was different. She is a character worth emulating because of her goodness, love and willingness to fight for others.
You just don’t like that she wanted Hook & not Regina. It’s also complete fanon that Emma’s acceptance depended on her being the savior & loving a man. The Charmings were too cautious about her relationship with Hook to be forcing that on her. They wanted her to be happy & when they saw she was, they accepted him. Also Hook’s love wasn’t dependent on her being the savior. Remember the scissors? Hook kept those suckers because her life meant more to him than her title.
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ladystrallan · 1 year
Once Upon a Time season 6B thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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- Ooh Ruth pulling the knife
- I was wondering for a second where snow was
- I forgot she was cursed
- Dad???
- “If I wanted advice I doubt I’d take it from a pirate” low blow
- Omg the coin
- “That demon box” not the alarm clock
- Robin coming back is so stupid I can’t believe it
- Hook is going to propose!!!
- The ring is not that fabulous though
- Daddy issues David
- His lucky coin :(
- Yikes Robin
- Aw he did the deal pro bono :(
- Rumple… what a softie
- “The hearts of my enemies” why do you still have those???
- I don’t even care that they’re kissing this is just stupid
- Not them spinning around
- Pleasure Island!!!
- Omg Pinocchio
- “I’m also your father” ok strange man I’ve never met
- Knife fight
- Sad moment for David
- Great acting though
- Awww this is cute
- Omg hook killed david’s dad!!!
- Noooo this is not good
- ‘The first ogres war’ so there’s multiple???
- They need to trip them or something
- Not the wilhelm scream lol
- Slayyyyyy Rumple
- Ogre war redemption arc
- No bae :(
- #bullying
- Rumple :(
- Bae I thought you wanted him to be good
- Giving mixed signals here
- Omg he memory erased him so he wouldn’t turn dark
- Awwww this is so cute
- They’re engaged!
- I am so sick of the EQ just go away
- “I sleep in hay! … which is on dirt” lol
- Oh no
- Emma is really good at finding out things before hook can tell her
- Not the ring coming off…
- I bet the arrow is gonna point at her
- They’re going to sword fight???
- I knew it
- Are they just twins now or what?
- This is stupid
- I thought Regina couldn’t use that wand
- Plot hole alert
- I completely forgot about this
- Oh no
- Gideon no
- Can they not stop the submarine once it goes?
- Kraken hunting time!
- Aladdin and jasmine are back!
- Did he just make him into a sceptre???
- No one remembers achmed I guess
- CGI is looking a little rough
- What is this outfit Regina???
- Ariel! Love her
- That magic carpet cgi… bad
- Drunk snow lol
- Omg it was Jafar!
- “I can see my hovel from here” why does everyone have a hovel in this show???
- Awwwww captainswan
- Of course it was Gideon
- Ok kill the black fairy is not a bad thing to do
- Not the minor miners
- Ooh spooky intro
- Slay
- Nothing beats a good left hook
- “I’m your real mother” okay grandma (literally)
- Is rumbelle back together???
- Yasssss
- Omg Henry is possessed
- “Let’s get my pirate back” awwwww
- Omg I hate this ugly cgi spider
- Nooooo it was Roderick
- Omg not Isaac
- He’s so creepy
- Gideon what the fuck
- Ooh the lost boys are back
- Lots of returning people this season
- I wish hades would return :(
- Rumple slayyyyy
- Why do her guards look like they’re from Star Wars?
- Nooooo she killed Roderick
- “This is on you, Gideon. And my boot.” Good line
- Omg she has his heart
- “Dark one junior” lol
- PTA meeting is getting intense
- Omg she got through!!!
- She has such Coraline other mother vibes
- Lol peace out loser
- Omg tiger lily
- Omg underworld reference??? The flower growing in the crack
- Nice to see long hair rumple again
- Emma’s name was his curse break thingy!!!
- They’re going to burn him at the stake???
- Awwwww this is so cute
- Slay Leroy
- Get a room
- Omg they’re all asleep
- Oh good not for long
- Ooh zelena in the recap
- “Why don’t you practice on my axe” omg
- This is the tin man I know it
- Ooh you’re looking for trouble touching zelena’s baby
- Yikes captainswan keep it PG
- “Am I interrupting something?” Omg
- Omg is that the bassinet that Zelena was abandoned in?
- We love a girlboss that takes things into her own hands
- “I sacrificed hades for you” that was a mistake
- But seriously Regina is not one bit grateful for what Zelena did for her, give up her true love to save her life
- At a time when Regina had Henry and was friends with the Charmings and Zelena had no one
- And Regina even BLAMES her for Robin’s death
- Robin had it coming but that’s another thing
- Snow’s date with Whale…
- Slay zelena
- Like a lion could take her… let’s be real
- “Go back to Oz” LOW BLOW
- That was so unwarranted
- Maybe if you guys weren’t so awful to Zelena then she wouldn’t fall into those traps
- That is so selfless to give up her magic to help everyone
- She is amazing
- That apology is long overdue
- Omg not Malcom
- That pathetic little man
- Baby rumple!
- The perfect name? How did you end up with Rumplestiltskin?
- Omg Rumple was supposed to be the saviour! (I remembered that)
- Rumple smash!
- At least there was no glass involved
- Where did Regina get a green car?
- Zelena 1, black fairy 0
- Twist!!!
- She is the evil omg
- “I need my power” Rumple really had no chance
- Nooo he named him that because he hated him
- Something is suspicious
- Awwww he asked Henry to be his best man
- I knew rumple was up to something
- Why is he doing this???
- I love this episode!
- I know a lot of people don’t like it but I think it makes so much sense for this show to have a musical episode
- Like the Disney movies are musicals
- And the songs slap
- Ooh slay intro
- Omg it’s just so good!!!
- Everyone is amazing but josh dallas has a great voice
- Ooh that neck brake choreo
- I’m not a Regina fan but I have to admit she slayed
- Lana did a great job
- “You’ve come to say goodbye” nooooo
- This is so sad
- Killian’s song might be my second favourite
- It just fits him so well and Colin slayed
- Poison dart!!!
- They should have brought Hades back for this episode
- Greg was in the obc of Assassins
- Rumple should have gotten a song tbh
- Zelena slays so hard!!!
- Wicked always wins is the best song
- Although they should have made a wicked reference
- Rebecca Mader is so awesome
- Rumple why are you being evil???
- It is a little silly that their plan is just sing at her
- Not Henry tossing the book
- That was kinda funny
- Slayyyy
- I love how her song is the OUAT theme
- Captainswan is so cute
- Their vows!!!
- I love happy beginning such a good closing number
- This is so beautiful
- “The black fairy’s curse, it’s here!” Slay Leroy we love an iconic line
- Awwww season 1 recap
- You know what I miss?
- Omg this is older Henry
- Oooh curse again
- Archie: Henry, I think you’re crazy
- Not Emma in the mental hospital
- Not Fiona being the new mayor!!!
- How many sons is she going to try and kidnap???
- Gold & Sons that’s kinda cute
- Lost their mother??? What happened to belle???
- Pull ups in the mental hospital lol
- I love a good hook and david team up
- “We fought for our love and we won” awwwww
- “She said she was going to the store and she never came back” noooo
- Deadbeat belle…
- Omg not the EQ
- Awwww he called Killian his son
- “Hmmm. Merlot” LOL
- A dragon… is that maleficent?
- Rumple please tell me you don’t believe this
- Not the falling video
- Omg no don’t burn the book
- I can’t believe she did that
- “Hello there, mummy” KILLIAN
- Omg that is so funny
- She came back!!!
- Slayyy rumple
- Noooo tempting him with Bae
- “All magic comes with a price” slayyyyy
- Omg dead
- Lol slay Henry
- “Some honeymoon, huh?” Lol I love them
- Omg charming swearing now you know it’s serious
- Not his dark one self convincing him
- Yasssss Rumple character development
- Noooo he resisted but it didn’t work
- Wtf
- Omg gideon is a baby again
- A little weird but ok
- Awwwww rumbelle
- Of course Robin proposed gotta do that fan service
- And in the tackiest way too
- Awww this is so cute
- Everyone got their happy ending
- Honestly a perfect finale
- Idk if I’m gonna watch season 7 because I remember hating it and this is such a perfect ending
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: Zelena, Emma, Hook
Like: Rumple, Belle, David, Jasmine, Ariel
Neutral: Henry, Snow, Gideon, Fiona (she’s camp idk), Aladdin, Regina
I honestly can’t hate anyone this season
Season rating: 9/10
Not my favourite season but actually a really solid ending to an amazing show. Some of it was dumb but a lot of it was awesome. I loved the musical episode and the finale! Tbh it should have ended here.
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c0dmic · 8 months
Regina and Leopold's Marriage Pt2
I heard someone say that Regina "WILLLINGLY married Leopold. She wasn't forced." As much as that angered me, part of me agrees. PART.
But we are all aware of Regina's reaction to Leopold was literally screaming, "NO.". She couldn't say "no" due to her most likely not trying to fuck up her relationship with her mom even more and not embarrass her mother infront of royals.
But for the 'WILLINGLY' part:
The wedding took place after Regina pushed Cora into the mirror. So, she must've thought, "She doesn't have any power/ control over me anymore, she doesn't control me," besides the thought of "Holy shit" and "it worked!". But the reason why she didn't leave afterwards was because, Rumples MANIPULATION had already been placed in Regina's head. Causing Regina to crave power. So technically, she WAS FORCED because if Cora didnt say 'yes' to the proposal and pushed Regina into it, Regina wouldn't have been so manipulated by Rumpel, that she would go onto the wedding, and Daniel would most likely still be alive for longer. Like a domino effect, one action leads to another and another and so on. And 'Another' is Regina's path to darkness. So she, she WAS forced but accepted it, and later on used it to get what she wanted.
Rumpel had already manipulated her mind. And so I'm sure Regina's mindset was, "if I build up my status by marriage and being higher up do to tha, I also can build my mental state and not be 'broken/sad' and I can be wanted and have more control over my life."
Here's something that correlates to what I'm saying:
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Credits: ouatanalysis on tumblr
So in conclusion, she was forced, just accepted it and used her marriage to get what she wanted. Of course, when I said she probably wanted to "be wanted" the marriage didn't give her that, nor did the kingdom. So that was a bit of a downside.
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doctortwhohiddles · 8 months
😂 girl I have time today. You stalk pages to accuse them of exactly what you’re doing. Being fucking weird. This is a fandom. We discuss celebrities. You literally have devoted your page to talking shit about other blogs. Regular ass people. The sad truth is you just want to find a source of validation that you’re lacking in your daily life so you troll. I’ve been clear why I’m not a fan of hers but have also said this is toxic for HER the pr aspect is just gross. You’ve read my posts but you like Regina and the rest want to build your own version of events and need to feed off attention so you keyboard bully.
…..and watch your mouth. I have 2 degrees, own multiple businesses and have also had an extremely successful modeling career. My prospective is based off knowledge not fantasy.
You act like a bully and I call out bullies. That's the difference between you and me.
Your shitty opinions are based on your huge confirmation bias and your envy. You're far from being the first tinhaters I've come across. Your kind acts exactly the same, whatever the fandom.
And anyone who has to brag about their "achievements" to make themselves look superior are sad, pitiful creatures. Or, in most cases, are lying. Only insecure people act the way you do. I base my claims on facts, not butthurt.
You make your shit public, don't go complaining when people call you out. Freedom of expression is a 2 way street. You get to say shitty things and I have the right to call you an idiot. Deal with it. If you don't like it, just block me.
P.S. TFoE, is that you?
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
a character dying in a series finale is like not even real tho. this post is about rumplestiltskin once upon a time to be clear. that’s not a spoiler he’s died like three times it’s whatever. he has that Villain Who’s Redemption Comes From Sacrificing Their Life swag. we all know he’s not the kind of character who’s going to like. learn the error of his ways and build a new life and thrive and never relapse and whatever no he’s a sacrifice guy regina’s the one that gets to live duh. ok anyway. so my point was that like. i don’t really think that counts as like. a character dying. because like it was over anyway you know they’re all dead. basically. in a way. like it’s whatever. am i making sense. like it’s sad when characters die because they leave the show and you don’t get to see them again but like if they die in the final episode it’s like. well you had a good run. well i guess sometimes the show is bad. but once upon a time is not bad it’s a brilliant show for character writing. and he had a good run. served cunt even. anyway. why was i thinking about this. oh yeah i was trying to think of how many characters actually died in once upon a time and like honestly it’s like. three to me. i don’t count minor characters i don’t give a shit about btw. or villains who’s death is the only natural conclusion to their arc. although i guess once upon a time characters have kind of a unique relationship with death inherently because of those three all of them are seen again after their death. even multiple times. so really none of them died. well maybe **** did. but like other than him. anyway the point is that tee needs to stop thinking characters are going to die because literally none of them do. what you SHOULD be worrying about is the death of snow being well written after ginnifer goodwin’s maternity leave.
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.69--Episodes 9-10
I have watched through S7E10; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—Oh, excuse me, it’s Drizella with a Z. Also, I think it’s kind of funny that two of these girls have names with Ella in them.
—So if I’m understanding this correctly, Drizella was a bit spoiled as a child, so her mother decided to hate her for the rest of her life. Okay. Sounds reasonable.
—The heart-shaped bodice on Cecilia’s dress was gorgeous.
—Little Cinderella’s dress was cute, too.
—Oooooh, lavender lemonade! That’s the good stuff, let me tell you. There’s barely a tastier beverage to be found.
—This may just be the most complicated family situation any Cinderella story has ever had.
—Oh, boo, it’s less fun when Hook isn’t calling Rumple “crocodile” at every turn.
—Kay so these witches are much creepier than most things that have appeared on this show. Ngl, proper witchy stuff freaks me out, and these ladies were specifically designed to do that, so…not living large right now.
—Not complaining about seeing Rumple in one of those delightful red robes again, but him regressing is sad. And he apparently gives, like, zero sh*ts about being alive, which isn’t surprising because his current goal is literally to die.
—I know I said this recently, but he keeps on upping the ante: Just when I think I can’t possibly love Hook any more, he proves me wrong. He gave up the knowledge that Alice is his daughter, gave up the relationship that he’s been searching for for years, to give Lucy a chance at having her mother in her life. Killian Jones is the most beautiful man alive and I would die for him.
—Rolling Bayou is the perfect name for the food truck and I one hundred percent believe that Tiana’s the one who came up with it. And it’s even starting to look like an actual food truck!
—Y’all, watching Henry almost die, and knowing that if the curse is broken he has to die, is terribly upsetting.
—I would like to rip my brain from my head and hurl it across the room. Even the writers have given up on establishing a timeline—which, to be honest, is hilarious to me. But fr, Henry is possibly somewhere in his thirties, Robin is twenty-five, Alice is still indeterminate, and nobody else has apparently aged? What kinda looney is this?
—I’d love to know what hijinks happened in the eight years between Drizella being statue-d and Drizella being un-statue-d. Regina knew Rumple was in that world, so he obviously wasn’t keeping too low a profile. How long has he been crazy? Why is Henry’s buddy still living with them? Where was Lady Tremaine that whole time?
—I go wild whenever Regina wears her regal clothes, but her wearing that cute little scarf in her hair when she went to Zelena clobbered me. She’s so pretty.
—Of all the things Zelena might’ve done in her cursed life, I would not have guessed cycling instructor. Interior design lady, maybe. Personal shopper, yes. Not cycling instructor.
—I love that Robin is an archer. I don’t care if it’s the most obvious thing ever, it’s perfect.
—Also, ROBIN AND ALICE? *inhuman screeching* I didn’t only get Alice being a dumbass lesbian, I got Alice with an actual girlfriend that she’s actually in love with and they actually exchanged promises to know each other even when they didn’t know each other like any other couple would and I CAN’T EVEN! And, you know what, the daughter of Zelena and Robin Hood being lesbian simply *slaps*
—If I ever shut up about this, I am dead. Ain’t no other option.
—*Also again* Rumple cowering with the lesbians in the face of the Dark Curse tracks. Rumple seems to collect wlw vibe ladies, I swear. (Autocorrect wants to change wlw to wow, which is yes. Lesbians rock.)
—My mom and I just watched Zelena, the Charmings, Regina, and Hook’s songs from the musical episode again and damn is Hook a fine singer. Once again, that bar is mighty high.
—I adore Rumple and Hook for being willing to work together. Hook pushes Rumple for the truth, gets it (which  is a big deal in itself), offers to help, and Rumple actually accepts. Once again, it shows how much he’s been changed by Belle’s death, but it’s cool anyway.
—And I love that as soon as he realized Lucy was in trouble, Rumple went into protective great-granddad mode.
—Noah Fence, but I think Drizella’s power level (before her magic was thieved) was bogus. It’s established canon *as if I ever really cared about that?* that it takes years of training to get magical people to the level of control and ability that she exhibits, apparently after a single afternoon hanging out with Regina. Baloney.
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smiletimeisrunningout · 9 months
17) What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise? 20) Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest? 24) What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
17. her entire backstory for her primary fantasy verse. Literally doomed by (me) the narrative, no matter how happy and loving and loved and hopeful princess Emma can be, once she reaches 32 she'll stop existing as such and get all the Emma Swan memories (mixed with the ones given by Regina where she raised Henry) and will go on for years terrorizing people and breaking hearts because completely lost in wanting revenge and missing Henry and not knowing who she is. That was unnecessary as hell since I wanted to write 'Emma raised by her parents' and I could have kept it that way lol
but in a more 'multiverse' sense, Arian. Arian exists in all universes for the purpose of not just breaking her heart but legit traumatize her in a permanent way, because I wanted to mirror canon but also the consequences this Emma would feel? And because of him she goes through a lot of crap she doesn't have to, putting aside her inability to be in a relationship, even just thinking of her future through the lenses of 'I'll be alone forever' means relying less on people, just like what he did to her means one way or another ending up fighting people in a vigilante-style (which is less so as a princess but that's the spirit anyway) and that also leads to not relying on people, and that means making herself more lonely than she needs to be. And so on.
20. Nope, not really, either she gets sad about the man she loves 'probably' liking someone else before they get together, or if they are together that poor angel of the guy who is with her must have done a really good job at convincing her he can love her, so she'll just trust nothing is happening. Though a woman/man heavily flirting with her boyfriend knowing he's taken may elicit some violence eventually lol because come on, that's about being disrespected.
24. I kinda doomed her to THAT path with Arian no matter the universe lmao but I guess in modern verses the NSA is right there? which is also why in some universes she is a spy instead of a vigilante which is a little better, given that at least she's doing it in a legal and supervised way, and she's slightly less unhealthy. In princess verses Emma's choices were already made by context, and she's fine with most (being a princess then queen, she can't ditch the throne if she's the sole heir, not marrying anyone yet because of Arian but also because her parents would never allow her to marry for political reasons, what else is there?), I guess she could have chosen to marry someone against her parents' wishes just so she could finally have kids, if she judged her adventures enough, but that's... not a very happy ending for Emma. She deserves love! (I say, after creating circumstances that make nearly impossible to get it) This is the answer because it's about Emma's choices, if it was about my choices I could make Arian not exist but then she'd just be a generic healthy and loving person, no story there, and probably in modern verses also have a singing career on top of her volunteering lol
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swanqueensalad · 3 years
an unnecessary analysis of regina & rocinante
ok it’s sad about regina mills hours and i love making myself sadder so can we take a minute to think about the fact regina was told to sacrifice the heart of the thing she loves most and her instinctive first response was her horse. 
Not her father, the only actual human member of her family. She has always loved her father and been very close to him - enough to name her son after him - but her first thought, above all else, when asked ‘what do you love the most’ is her horse. 
Why Not Henry? 
First of all, I just want to dip into why she didn’t initially think of her father, because he does seem like the obvious answer. Partially, it could be that she was denying it because she couldn’t let herself consider killing him if she didn’t have to.
But I think there is another layer to it, and that’s that her father might have been all the love she had for a long time, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t resentment there, too. Her entire childhood, Henry Sr stood witness to Cora’s abuse and did nothing. Sure, he was powerless and his wife was a heart-ripping sorceress, but a six year old Regina didn’t know that. All she would have been taught was that Mother hurts her sometimes, and Daddy can’t help. He could comfort her afterwards, sure, but that is not the same thing as protecting your child. 
Then we have her marriage. Regina was very vocal about the fact she did not want it - not that she had to be, she was literally a traumatised eighteen year old engaged to an elderly stranger. There’s a flashback in 2x02 where Regina is literally crying to Henry, and we have this frankly painful exchange:
Regina: I don’t want to marry the king! I’ve told you that!”
Henry Sr: ‘Are you certain it isn’t just cold feet?’
Regina: ‘This is not cold feet, this is insanity!’
She has clearly expressed her distress to him before and been disregarded and is visibly upset. To dismiss his young daughter’s fear as ‘cold feet’ seems extremely insensitive and downright gaslight-y. I personally don’t think he means any harm by it - I think it’s just his own way of trying to shepherd her into convincing herself the situation is more normal and less scary than it is, but obviously, it totally misses the mark. Maybe it’s just too painful for him to admit just how fucked up his daughter already is, because he knows his inability to protect her enabled it. But whatever his reasoning, Regina is not validated or heard. 
After this, Regina says she feels like she’s going crazy and Cora is turning her into her. Once again, Henry tries to brush this off by telling her Cora only wants her to have a good life. Regina says, once again, she doesn’t want her life and only then does Henry actually give his daughter some real information, when she asks about Rumplestiltskin. (However, it’s Regina who takes that info and decides to seek him out for help, Henry has no hand in helping.) 
Regardless, Regina marries Leopold - a guy about his own age - and suffers, and Henry stands by and watches. 
I also do think the reason Henry stands by Regina even when she is at her absolute worst, darkest, most awful Evil Queen state is because he knows he more than owes it to her, knows it is the least he can do when he stood back and allowed it all to happen. He might have given her cuddles and as much comfort as he could, empty or otherwise, but he never did anything else. He has been loving and comforting, but in a practical sense, useless. 
And I think deep down Regina has to have some resentment for that. She loves her father, but he is sort of removed from the realities of her life. He is someone who appears on the edges, to occasionally give comfort, who also brings up a lot of repressed sadness and past memories in her. And so it’s a combination of that, and genuinely not being able to face the thought of killing him, that I think keeps her from immediately thinking of him for the curse. 
Regina, Rocinante and Daniel
So, the thing Regina assumes she loves most in the world is her horse. 
And if you look at her life closely, that’s a meaningful, reasonable assumption for her to make, but on more than just one level.
On the first level, Rocinante has been a comfort to her since she was very young. She was confirmed to be eighteen in The Stable Boy, and I think it’s safe to assume she had him for a while at that point. Horse riding is Regina’s favourite hobby, even before Daniel enters the scene - it’s a taste of freedom for her, an escape from her Mother and the constraints of growing up groomed for royalty, and also, it’s something she’s good at. (For a girl whose mother relentlessly criticises her in nearly every aspect of her life, that would mean a lot). Rocinante is her teammate in this tiny outlet of freedom and joy and self-confidence.
She rides Rocinante when she tries to run away before her wedding in 2x02. So she was allowed to bring him to Leopold’s castle with her when she got married - not only would he still be a source of comfort and attachment to that now extra elusive freedom, he is all she has to connect her to her childhood home. Through her horrible marriage, her lessons with Rumple, becoming the Evil Queen - her horse is her one other constant. 
But, on that second, deeper level, Rocinante is also her last tie to Daniel.
Her riding lessons with him made up the bulk of their time together. The rest of their relationship, I assume, would have been in secret moments by the stables, or maybe a few precious hours in which they could ride off somewhere more hidden together - Rocinante would have been present, and part of it.
It was literally Daniel’s job to look after Rocinante. He cared for him, fed him, and would have probably spent more time with him than Regina did. So in a way, Rocinante is a living, breathing connection to Daniel. 
To Conclude 
So when Regina is asked to thing of the thing you love most, her brain immediately jumps to Rocinante. I think this is because her love for her horse, unlike her love for her father, is not tainted by any resentment or pain. She loves her father the most, obviously, but that love goes hand in hand with a hell of a lot of enabled abuse and traumatic memories. 
Her love for her father is complex and messy, while her love for her horse is pure and sweet, a connection to the young version of herself who actually had hope for love and happiness. Her love for Rocinante is as this totally pure thing that’s been a source of escape for her all her life. 
And of course, when Regina thinks of love she thinks of Daniel. Until Henry (baby) comes into her life, Daniel is the only real, unconditional, ‘perfect’ love she’s ever known. And Rocinante is her last connection to that. So that’s where her mind goes. 
So yeah. Fuck Rumple when he made fun of her for that, actually.
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ingravinoveritas · 3 years
I agree with you about the last post about michael's picture with AL. I don't think he's miserable. I think he likes Anna, but she's just not the love of his life. He's there because of Lyra, just as he lived in the US for Lily for so many years. I don't think michael wanted to settle down with anyone, he LOVED sarah and if that didn't end in marriage, he certainly wouldn't marry a 25 y/o wannabe actress. it's sad to think some fans think we're delusional for seeing the OBVIOUS thing. +
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This Anon is responding to this post from the night of the NTAs a few weeks ago, but these comments are still relevant now because some new awkward pics have just come out in promotion for Michael and AL’s upcoming appearance on Celebrity Gogglebox. For those who haven’t seen, these are the pictures in question:
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Also, right after this was posted, Georgia retweeted Michael and made her own addition (which AL also immediately jumped on, after having tweeted absolutely nothing since August):
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When I saw these pictures, all I could think of was the NTAs, and how the chemistry and connection between Michael and David was gorgeously palpable. They hugged, they had their arms around each other, and Michael was open and warm and vulnerable with David...but here, he is the opposite. He looks so constrained with AL--and again, this is not me saying he hates her, because I do not believe he does--but there is a comfort level that one usually has with the person they’re dating that he just doesn’t have with her. She is not the love of his life. She is not his “person,” and it shows.
Which is why it also annoyed me a bit to see Georgia jumping on the new post and promoting it on Twitter and Insta, as well as adding that #Shebergs hashtag (a portmanteau of Michael and Anna’s last names). The only thing Michael and David did at the NTAs was be themselves, and they were the darlings of the media. What was between them didn’t have to be pointed out or hashtagged...it was just there. Yet Georgia christening them #Shebergs falls into the same vein as her sharing the picture of Michael and AL from the NTAs and putting a heart over it: Trying to force something that isn’t there.
(Side note: Suddenly I understand Regina George telling Gretchen to “stop trying to make fetch happen” in a way I never did before...)
So to me, Georgia doing this (and AL subsequently doing the same) comes across as a bit of an attention grab. Nevermind that #Shebergs is kind of awful because it sounds like Georgia is calling AL a fucking iceberg. (Does that make Michael/AL’s relationship the Titanic? Oof...) Either way, to me it feels like a cold word that has no love or warmth to it, and I think that says a lot. But again, there is Georgia trying to push that narrative of them as a couple as she has before, and it’s just awkward for the reasons you described, Anon.
Overall, I think it’s disingenuous to put Michael and AL’s relationship on the same level as Michael and David’s when they’re not even close. This picture from the NTAs says it all, in my opinion:
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(How anyone can look at this photo and then at the above pictures of Michael and AL and not see a difference is beyond me...)
As for how Staged would’ve turned out if AL wasn’t in it, well...I don’t really think there would have been much difference, honestly. Though I do wonder if Simon would’ve leaned even more into Michael and David being a couple (as if what we got wasn’t literal fanfiction he wrote that Michael and David acted in). We’ll never know for sure, of course, but it is interesting to think about...
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konako · 3 years
Initiation night with her coven? 64(.)media(.)tumblr(.)com/d2bf9833c6603de4fa08dde999ab2ada/fbf5928af9521194-1d/s1280x1920/a5c4a7e1568a49961895a92ef936e45957d86801(.)jpg
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Okay, so sleep deprived and slightly buzzed but—
AU, modern setting, Storybrooke, but it’s grown a lot, a sizeable town, enough to have an underground culture, many rich families, crime, a complex political scene, public transportation, etc. Here, once a year, a secret party takes place. A ball, perhaps. Fancy, full of drama and mystery, exotic food, good service. Dressing up is encouraged. Cora Mills hosts it. Her two daughters learn to entertain and socialize. 
The thing is, the only people invited to this event (or at the very least allowed to know about it) are the truly extra-ordinary ones. In the literal sense. Non-ordinary. Common people aren’t allowed in. 
All the guests must be magical, supernatural — they must come from the “Dark Side” of Storybrooke. Magic users, shapeshifters, cursed folks, talking creatures, all of that. The point is to have a safe space away from the “normal” world on the surface, to mingle with the few of their kind, to feel included, seen and actually accepted for once. 
(We can even pretend this larger Storybrooke has prejudices and some light discrimination: werewolves aren’t allowed to work in customer service, for example; witches aren’t allowed to run for Mayor and crickets aren’t allowed to be therapists. It’s a thing. Mayor White means well, but she’s only human and she’s only looking out for her fellow humans. Sad.)  
Ruby never felt like going to one of these parties. Her mother, Anita, frequents those a lot, she’s grown close to Cora. But Ruby never felt comfortable there. The mere fact that they had to have this big event to feel normal once a year, only highlighted how abnormal they truly were. It didn’t sit well with her.
But this time, Anita got her a job. A waitress there. Okay, a poorly veiled attempt to drag her along, but sure, it’s good money and at least Ruby doesn’t have to make small talk, just walk around with a platter. What the hell, she had no friends, nothing better to do. Might as well.
And so she meets Regina.
Talk, talk, talk. Sparks Sparks Sparks. Tension.
Ruby learns from Regina that Cora is planning to take over Storybrooke, violently. And she’s using this party as an opportunity to recruit people to her side of the fight. Anita seems to support her idea of supremacy, and she’d gladly offer up her people to fight for the witches. 
But Rudy didn’t know that. It takes her by surprise. She definitely doesn’t agree with that. She likes the people up there! They’re all right! A little ignorant, maybe, but good-hearted. Snow isn’t that bad! She’s just never had contact with any non-human, that’s why she’s misinformed. 
Regina seems to agree. Well, Ruby can’t tell for sure. She just knows Regina is not interested in Cora’s (or Zelena’s) fight. She wants out of Storybrooke. As soon as possible. But she can’t, Cora won’t allow her. Not until this “problem” is solved. Sigh. She’s trapped. And Ruby had no motivation in life up until now. Huh. A common cause, it seems. Cue the intro.
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ouatsnark · 5 months
Sorry for blowing up your inbox but I like your blog and hearing other opinions so...
I've seen multiple people claim that Snowing and Captain Swan are selfish.
For being happy that Killian was alive when Robin was dead, for their parenting, etc.
I've even seen them claim Emma doesn't care about anyone but herself and claim that she doesn't care about Henry.
People always go on about how she 'abandoned' Henry and that Neal, Gold, and Regina care so much more about him.
(even though I've seen some sf and sq edits where Henry is treated terribly by the same people and Gold literally would have murdered Henry if he hadnt found out NEAL WAS DEAD).
People also claim Snowing abandoned Emma and that it was their fault Emma was orphaned and not Regina's.
(Even though let's be real. If they didn't put her through that wardrobe Regina would have absolutely murdered baby Emma or Emma wouldn't have grown up at all).
I'm just frustrated so this probably doesn't make sense. Sorry.
Why thank you! And as you know, I am more than happy to blast my opinions out here!
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A few things that completely destroys their talking points:
Snowing gave up a future with Emma so that everyone would be free
Emma gave up her future when she sacrificed herself to the darkness for the sake of the town
Emma gave up her future when she sacrificed for Gideon.
Emma gave up the chance to be with her parents and Killian to take Henry to NY in S3
Killian gave up his life to stop the darkness
Killian let himself be tortured to protect them all
Killian risked his life for Henry in s6
Killian risked his life for everyone in S3
Snow let herself fall into a curse so Emma could save her true love
Emma killed Cruella to protect Henry
I’m sure I missed some but these focus on Emma's love for Henry, Snowing's sacrifices for Emma and Emma and Killian's sacrifices for Henry and the greater good. Side note: Yes, I think the show misused Snow's relationship with Emma in favor of her ridiculous and unbelievable relationship with Regina but I still see Snow as a mother who would do anything for her daughter.
That being said let’s dive into the claims!
Claim 1: being happy that Killian was alive when Robin was dead
My counter question to the Regina Apologists is this: so what would you have had them do? Literally? It’s not like they threw a party. What should Emma have done? Tell Killian he needs to go back to the Underworld because Robin is dead and if Regina isn’t happy, well, Emma can’t be happy either and Killian doesn’t deserve to live? Their answer to that is “yes” by the way which I then point out how incredibly stupid that is and biased. Regina deserves squat and while Robin didn’t deserve to die that has NOTHING to do with Emma and Killian.
Killian was also dead and they presumed they would never see him again. Life is a roller coaster and people experience many emotions in one given day. Just because something good happens in the aftermath of a tragedy doesn’t mean you do not feel happiness over that good thing while your heart is also breaking.
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This look here is a prime example.
Emma is overjoyed she has her pirate back. But once she’s welcomed him back, she looks over at Robin’s coffin and THEY have a moment of silence and sadness. In fact, it takes them a while to make it back to Granny's out of respect!
Parenting? I’m not sure what the “parenting” refers to under there. Happy parenting vs what exactly? The only possible thing I can think of is Snowing having another baby which isn’t selfish at all. They were robbed the first time and does this mean that having a second child is always selfish? I don't know people are weird when they reach for things to hate on.
Claim 2: Emma doesn’t care about Henry & she abandoned him
Henry has been living with Emma since S2. Under her care, his life flourished in S3 where he had friends and their bond only grew whereas he was never this close to Regina. I mean it was Emma that knew something was different with him when Pan switched bodies with him. It was Emma, not Regina or Gold, that knew how serious things were getting with Violet. It was Regina that kicked him out when she had a broken heart but when Emma lost Killian she never kicked Henry out.
Killian also was very close to Henry as well because it was Killian that finished teaching him how to sword fight, navigate and captain a boat. Killian also asked Henry to be his best man.
In fairness, Neal didn’t get a chance to be a father but then knowing Neal as soon as things got too tough he’d be gone. And Gold cared about Henry when it was convenient for him because as you point out he nearly killed Henry on a few occasions. Don’t forget about S5 and S7.
And Emma never abandoned Henry. To say that she did infers that she left him somewhere and walked away for selfish reasons and belittles the sacrifice birth parents sometimes have to make for the sake of their child. Giving a child up for adoption to ensure that child has a better life than you can provide them is not abandonment. Emma saw to it that his needs would be met when she surrendered her rights to Henry. It was an act of love and a chance at a better life since she couldn’t provide for him. Those who say this refuse to look at the facts: she was a teenager in jail without family support, income or a place to live. He’d have been bounced around from one place to another while she sat in jail then waited for the courts to decide she was a fit mother (which could’ve been years considering her record and lack of job or living). Note: this is not to say adopted children don’t feel abandoned by their parents, Emma sure did, but I’m just saying the word isn’t a fair one to use in some circumstances and implies selfishness when there wasn’t any.
Now if they mean Emma abandoned adult Henry in S7 then they can kindle STFU about that too because Henry was an adult that decided to leave home. Just because Regina followed him around like a co-dependent parent following their child to college doesn’t mean Emma loves him less. Actually, it means she loves him more because she gave him room to find his own story whereas Regina attached herself to him because she needed him. Regina has always needed him. He’s never needed her.
Claim 3: Snowing abandoned Emma and it was all their fault
Yes, correct, Regina’s henchmen were sent to kill baby Emma. If baby Emma had managed to survive then she’d have been cursed as an infant and she’d never have grown up, she would not be with Snowing despite Emma's claims in S2 and they’d all still be cursed to this day. It’s shocking how many Regina Apologists do not know this.
And when you point out they immediately bring up the door in S6 to which I say “same deal”. Now, the show retconned the terms from S1 during S2 because suddenly in S2 Emma needed to be alone in order to find them and break the curse (August implies this in his convo with Neal and then Snowings convo with Gold in S6 retcon flashback). And Snowing had to make that sacrifice for the greater good. There was no other moral choice to make, as choosing themselves would be the selfish choice, and sadly Snowing and Emma paid the biggest price just so everyone could be free.
My answer to this is pretty simple. If Regina hadn’t casted the curse then Snowing would’ve raised Emma therefore it is still Regina’s fault. Snowing had no choice but to let Emma go so that she could find them and break the curse.
I actually go into that more here:
Do you know who, out of the main cast, is the most selfish character on Once Upon a Time?
Y’all know what my answer is. Actually, Rumple is probably the most selfish but Regina comes in second and I consider her to be worse since the show promotes her as a redeemed villain now hero.
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