emmafallsinlove · 2 years
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literati fanfics recommendation: reckless abandon by @pheebebuffy
or: the one where lorelai gives rory up for adoption at sixteen, and it takes sixteen more years for them to find each other again.
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Fic prompt
Someone please write a ‘Good Will Hunting’ literati au!! I’ll send ice cream and donuts as thanks 😂
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thefairliterati · 7 years
We need to have a serious talk about this Gilmore Girls fic.
As Will Smith once said, OK. Here’s the situation. 
Someone is writing The Subsect. Jess’s novel. I’m frankly amazed that in all the years of online Gilmore Girls fandom that no one has attempted to do this before, and it’s entirely possible that someone has. But I’m too new to this fandom to know, and if someone tried to write The Subsect before, it probably wasn’t like this story. 
Because here’s the thing. This version of The Subsect, in its current online metafictional form, is fucking amazing. It’s so good that I thought, after a first pass, that it might actually be very good, very well-placed guerrilla marketing for the revival. But I don’t think it is. I think it’s just a fic. Written by some wicked smart person somewhere out there. 
If you want to read it, it’s here. The single most devastating thing about it, so far, is that it’s only two chapters long. 
I have many thoughts about this story, but let’s start at the beginning, in the first chapter. 
And as a note, the following contains many spoilers, so if you want to remain unspoiled in regards to this story -- however filthy and corrupted your mind may already be -- stop reading now, go read the damn first chapter of The Subsect, and then come back and read this. 
I’ll wait. 
Thoughts on the first chapter of the fanfictional Subsect, in no particular order. Here come some bullet points...
The first chapter is set in New York City, where we find Jess growing up as a youthful hoodlum and accomplished card shark, as you would expect. The level of accurate, ultra-specific detail about NYC in this story, though, is mind-boggling. Subway stops. The names of businesses. Geography. Every word of it -- with a couple of fascinating exceptions, which I’ll talk about -- is real. And it’s not just accurate in general. It’s accurate to the period of the story. An example: At some point, the narrator -- called J., but I’ll presume it’s Jess -- mentions a bookstore near Columbia University named Labyrinth. It’s real, but it’s now under new ownership and has a new name. You’d never know this, ever, unless you went to that bookstore before it was renamed. So whoever’s writing this is a New Yorker and has been for a while, or they’re a research freak of truly epic and admirable proportions. 
The story contains a freakishly contextual reference to Italian opera, and an ominous quote from Julius Caesar in Latin that both foreshadows the conflict later in the chapter and harkens back to Jess’s growing affinity for gambling. This is not garden-variety fanfic, friends.
The story invents a completely genius plot device that has Jess leaving NYC for Stars Hollow not just because he’s bad and is doing bad things — although he is and does, per cannon and the details of this story — but he also leaves the city in the wake of 9/11. The craziest thing about this? It totally works. The episode where Jess steps off the bus in Stars Hollow aired on October 20, 2001.
There are two references in this story that are clearly fictionalized. (And there may be more. I just haven’t spotted them yet.) The first one is about Liz working at Shrafft’s as a waitress. Newsflash: There is no Schrafft’s anywhere in NYC, and there hasn’t been since maybe the 1970s. So why the fictional reference amidst all this hard, cold, New York-y reality? Well, here’s the deal. As the story mentions, the Scrafft’s where Liz works is on 79th Street, and there was indeed a Schrafft’s restaurant on East 79th Street, though it was closed long before the action of this story takes place, and has now been torn down. But this particular Schrafft’s is notable because it was mentioned in a J.D. Salinger novella called Raise High the Roofbeam. Who would write that kind of obscure reference into a novel that’s otherwise positioned as a thinly veiled memoir? Why, your favorite pretentious literature nerd and mine: Jess Fucking Mariano. In fact this reference breaks the otherwise factual fabric of the story. It fucks up everything that’s been so meticulously plotted before and after it — including the piece’s careful attention to geography. As Liz gets off her shift at the fictional Schrafft’s, she beelines it for the 2 train to head uptown to her next job in the Bronx. Well, the Salinger Scrafft’s was on the East Side of Manhattan, where there is certainly no 2 train. The point of all this? To make you, dear reader, believe in your soul of souls that Jess Mariano wrote this story. If he wasn’t a fictional character on TV show, I might think that he actually did. The other fictional reference is when J. describes being robbed and beat up in a park in Bensonhurst by the Jones Street Boys, who are a fictional gang in the video game The Warriors.
It’s also worth mentioning that the chapter’s opening language is so very, very true to Jess’ character. The sense of poetic surreality. The ten-cent words. The thin veil of fiction over what’s clearly a memoir. It is the kind of stuff that first-time dude novelists do when they’ve spent too much time reading the beats. The result? It’s all weirdly convincing. I don’t just believe that Jess wrote this story. I believe that there is, in fact, a Jess. So how did we get here? Where the best piece of metafiction I’ve read all year is a Gilmore Girls fanfic? Tell me that.
I have more to say about this story. But I need to re-read the second chapter first and this post is really long and annoying, so I’ll stop. 
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asmapribumi · 2 years
Hidup itu tidak boleh sederhana, hidup itu harus rumit, banyak berperan, punya kekuasaan, dan bermanfaat, yg sederhana itu sifatnya. (Chairul Tanjung)
Seperti kamu, kamu harus istimewa. Tidak boleh sederhana. Kamu harus dicintai seperti mereka mencintai bantal guling kasur tidurnya, atau gadget dan segala permainan didalamnya. Kamu harus istimewa dengan warna-warna, kata-kata, dan kita-kita.
Tidak boleh kelam seperti kisah kasihku di sekolah dulu. Harus bermakna, meskipun hingga saat ini diri tetap tidak bersinar setelah menelan berpuluh-puluh kata mutiara. Tidak boleh sepi meskipun yg dinanti masih pulang bertemu yg terkasih. Kamu harus berarti. Kamu harus nyala, terang. ~literatif.
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daytomad · 5 years
Menjadi model
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Ketika model penulisan yang dibuat seperti essay atau bacaan bacaan literatif atau malah berupa karya sastra. Kurasa posisiku ditengah.
Dan ini agaknya mirip(walau ditilik dalam dalam sih kagak mirip) gamelan kiai kanjeng yang biasa mengiringi diskusi kehidupan bersama mbahnun.
Gamelan yang sedemikian rupa ditata hingga jadi diatonis bukan lagi pentatonis. Dan gamelan itu disampaikan…
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cahangon72-blog · 7 years
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#Repost @wonosobo.brewerscup (@get_repost) ・・・ The Judges.... #WonosoboBrewersCup ㅤㅤ #WMBC2018 ㅤㅤ #WonderfulIndonesia ㅤㅤ #PesonaIndonesia ~~~~~ Lomba seduh manual adalah salah satu cara untuk berliterasi [kopi].Juri yg tersertifikasi.Kontestasi simultan..dan protokol yg ketat adalah alat untuk menggapai landasan sains dan 'seni' atas setiap seduhan kopi.. ~~~~ Lomba dan kontestasi sbg momen yg literatif --tidaklah menghasilkan penyedu yg jumaha atas yg lain...ia bukan narasi penaklukan!!... ~~~~ Di dalam lanskap literatif tadi, kehadiran protokol secara esensi adalah alat untuk memberi sandaran ilmiah empiris atas citarasa seduhan...dan sekaligus membuka kemungkinan baru pd moda seduhan lainnya... ~~~~ Protokol pada satu sisi menyempitkan makna literatif kopi...pada sisi lainnya ia membuka horison baru atas fakta empiris yg belum berada pd medan pemahaman sains... ~~~~ Berliterasi kopi adalah menyusun tafsir2 baru atas kebenaran [sains] yg konon universal... (di Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia)
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katusbaupdates · 5 years
Bahas Gaya Belajar, Pakar Literasi Ini Ajak Siswa Atasi Tantangan Global
Bahas Gaya Belajar, Pakar Literasi Ini Ajak Siswa Atasi Tantangan Global
KatusbaLifestyle | Agar lebih efektif, proses pembelajaran di abad 21 ini sebaiknya menggunakan modul dengan didesain lebih relevan, efektif dan menarik, sehingga peserta didik dapat mengatasi tantangan global dengan keterampilan yang disiapkannya, seperti berpikir kritis, komunikatif, kolaboratif, kreatif, dan literatif.
Strategi pembelajaran demikian terungkap dalam Seminar Literasi yang…
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seribuserbi · 7 years
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KOLEKTOR MITOS HALIM BAHRIZ . Cetakan kedua. . Deskripsi CERITA pendek paling tua dalam kumpulan Kolektor Mitos ini, saya tulis sekitar 2012. Tahun kedua saya menjelajahi dunia penulisan secara literatif. Pula ekseleratif, sebab harus melunasi tiga tahun “keterlambatan resmi” yang boleh jadi justru menyediakan semacam letak untuk memandang, me-mulai, kemudian menyusun lelajuran setapak, dalam belantara susastra yang akhirnya seperti bertamu ke rumah-rumah di suatu kota tanpa keterkaitan darah daging sama sekali. Saya mengunjungi sedikit rumah, lebih senang berlama-lama mengobrol, dan seingin mungkin menginap beberapa pekan. Tak jarang saya batalkan niat bertamu karena ketukan pintu yang tak kunjung dibuka, atau pagar halaman yang kelewat tinggi, atau terlalu banyak tamu di rumah itu. Jika pemiliknya seorang tuan, atau nyonya, saya lebih suka bergosib ria dengan pembantunya di warung kopi. Akan tetapi, ada beberapa ru-mah yang dengan sengaja hanya saya lihat selintasan dari tepi jalan justru karena curiga bahwa rumah itu me-nyimpan rasa kepulangan yang kuat. Judul-judul lainnya menyusul, cukup lamban, dengan rincian tahun penulisan yang tidak bisa saya pastikan lagi. Cerita pendek paling ABG, Mutan, saya tulis pada awal tahun 2016. Dari semua cerita yang saya himpun dalam kumpulan ini, tak sejudul pun pernah saya bayangkan secara sadar dan terkonsep akan menjadi buku. Akan tetapi, saya senang. Hidup tidak habis kejutan. Bagi saya, Kolektor Mitos seperti pemberhentian sementara tak terencana bernuansa kemah. Dengan langit malam hitam terbuka, dingin lantai semen, dan rasa gelandangan yang sesekali menggapai bidang sandaran, sesekali surut kepada kelengangan ombak. – Halim Bahriz Segera dapatkan di toko buku kesayangan anda, kalau anda ndk sayang dicoba dulu..... Laaah ________________________ #45 #ibc #cahbuku #instabook #bookstagram #cerpen #sastra #buku #instabook
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ekobambangf · 8 years
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Kecerdasan Literatif
Sebuah pesan yang Kanda Fadil Sumadi (Mantan Hakim MK periode lalu, saat ini Anggota Dewan Etik MK) sampaikan saat mengkaji makna dan tafsir surat Al Alaq “Iqro bismirobbika”, kecerdasan literatif adalah sebuah tuntutan Al Qur'an, kecerdasan dalam membaca, membaca makna, baik teks maupun ayat-ayat kauniyah, akan melahirkan barokahnya ilmu, dirizqikan kepahaman yang baik, serta dianugerahi hikmah yang mendalam akan kehidupan.
Alhamdulillah ngaji on fire at Dodeti Sabtu 18 Februari 2017… :)
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literatific · 9 years
Title: A Gilmore Christmas Miracle Rating: Teen Audiences and Up Universe: Post Series Word Count: 2636 Author: Ultra
All Rory wants to do is make it home for Christmas. When that seems impossible and all hope of a happy holiday seems lost, a familiar face appears to help make it all better. 
(set 24th December 2008, 18 months post-series approx.)
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emmafallsinlove · 1 year
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literati fanfics recommendation: Say what you want, but say it like you mean it by @disasterbiwriter
where Jess grew up loved and safe in Stars Hollow and Rory grew up exactly how canon-Lorelai never wanted her to.
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emmafallsinlove · 2 years
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literati fanfics recommendation: the weight we carry by @pheebebuffy
or: the one where jess leaves, and leaves again, but eventually stays forever. 
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asmapribumi · 3 years
baca buku, kuatkan pikir, teguhkan dzikir
Perpustakaan Literatif
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cahangon72-blog · 7 years
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#Repost @wonosobo.brewerscup (@get_repost) ・・・ Muhammad Aldino - Kedai Aroma Kopi - Trenggalek #WonosoboBrewersCup ㅤㅤ #WMBC2018 ㅤㅤ #WonderfulIndonesia ㅤㅤ #PesonaIndonesia ~~~~~~~ Tidak hanya nyali yg dibutuhkan untuk menampilkan kopi robusta di tengah kontestasi seduh manual yg berbasis kopi arabika...Wawasan yg utuh ttg riwayat kopi dan teknik seduh yg serasi [presisi] itu syarat penting sehingga robusta bisa di-apresiasi. Wajar jika seorang M.Aldino menempati posisi 7 besar dari 30an peserta lomba... ~~~~~ Nyali dan keyakinan itu seperti satu garis kausalitas yg saling menopang dan membenarkan...Nyali tanpa keyakinan adalah naif.Dan keyakinan tanpa nyali adalah fatamorgana... ~~~~ Konon nyali adalah pintu pembuka sehingga perjumpaan empiris sbg ciri sains [literatif] kopi itu bisa ditakar dan menemui relevansinya..bahkan ketika berhadapan dgn rezim protokoler sekalipun!! ~~~~ Memang oposisi biner arabika dan robusta selalu melahirkan ketegangan2 kreatif yg dinamis..Mungkin hanya dengan nyali dan keyakinan dari seorang pengabdi robusta maka dekontruksi atas rezim citarasa kopi sudah mulai dibuka kelirnya.... ~~~~~ (di Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia)
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literatific · 9 years
Title: Look Back and Lament Rating: Teen Audiences and Up Universe: AU Canon Divergence / Season Four Word Count: 7,528 Author: MissGoalie75
She remembers the last time this has happened, except she was approaching him on the bench, looking for something she could never seem to find except whenever she was with him.
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literatific · 9 years
Title: now i've got you in my space, i won't let go of you Rating: General Audiences Universe: AU Somewhere In Canon / Season Three Word Count: 1685 Author: emilybrontay
"Hey, Rosemary, you’ll wake the baby," hissed a voice from behind her.
"It’s three in the morning," Jess (who was, slightly disappointingly, not in his pajamas. Rory had always wondered what he wore to bed.) sat down beside her, "excuse me if my references aren’t very sharp."
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