#litrlly … like bro
cutemeat · 1 year
look bc we established that charlie has no comprehension of the value of money in Roller Rink whos to say that charlie isnt actually insanely rich but he just doesnt know that
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leavingsunsets · 4 months
I would like to request hcs (if that's fine with you, because I saw you're more on the fics side :3) for Kinro (bro deserves more love), Sai and Ryusui with a very emotional and empathetic reader, who tries to mask it by acting all cool and unbothered, but it doesn't always work well. I prefer it to be on the more romantic side, but I don't mind the platonic one! It can be either female or gender neutral reader. I will rely on your intuition and creativity.
I hope I explained everything quite sensibly and understandably. ._.
Have a wonderful day!
Ohh my gosh hello hello! I don't mind hcs as well, since i lovw these characters so much like mwah mwah mwah (AHEM AHEM magic man COUGHCOUCGHFOUCGH) but anyways im doing gn reader so lots more ppl can enjoy tehee. here it is !!
"𝙋𝙤𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙮 𝙝𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙣."
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Tbh i feel like Kinro is KINDAAA similar in the same sense?? like, all cool n stuff but hes actlly a real sweetie sometimes mwah mwah mwah. also ur right he deserves more love hes literally just a loveable guy
At first i think hed be surprised, like, all, "woah, uh, you good"
but then, i think among the three, isnt that fazed. hes around ginro almost 24/7 cmon.
but once he gets used to you he just stares when you get all cool and so indifferent then he goes "its okay to be sad about it" then you just start beating his chest bawling and he pats your back
platonically, thats what hed do. Like, hed just silently offer support while you tell him your troubles or thoughts. like nod along or put a hand on your shoulder in silent encouragement or just seem so cool while spouting out some wise words. (he puts a hand on your shoulder and you look at him, the wind blows his hair slightly, the light capturing him in a perfect angle. "i understand that feeling. i felt hurt when ginro laughed at the rip in my pants too" he whispers so coolly and you bust out laughing)
romantically, hed be more initiative in this type of stuff i think. like, if he saw you going away on your own hed follow after to talk. or be more nervous cuz this time hes ACTIVELY trying to cheer you up, like tryna be comforting even if his words come out awkward or something like that. "uhmm, thats bad.. uh.. do you wanna. do you wanna hug?"
either way, 10/10 this man will never disappoint, he doesnt, and he didnt. he is underrated and we should talk about him more def
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𝙍𝙮𝙪𝙨𝙪𝙞 𝙉𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙞
Ohoooo. this maaan is likeeee. i dunno man i feel like he literally has the same reaction to every single type of person.
encouraging, supportive, and just a big big ball of sun
hed just pin you down as an interesting person and spout some compliments
even when you first meet and he sees how you work hes like "👍!!"
So lets say close friends now. he sees you go 'its okay. I dont care' and he sees you be all 'im going to dramatically sit on a rock and have a glistening tear down my face lit by the sun' and he'll like, smack your back 4 times going 'ITS OKAY MY FRIEND ITS OKAY'
Platonic?? just like that. how he treats everyone which is of course very special. goes 'hey, its alright. like really. im here to be a bud and give u some encouragement' and be all like 'DW MY FRIEND' and just even gives u nice talks
ROMANTICALLY?? kind of the same, but but but but. he litrlly goes and does smthng to cheer u up. like litrlly does the same as platonically, but later even when ur all cheered up, brings u to a nice place like a nice view. Doesnt SAY anything cheesy but ltrlly aheaeha RAWR ryusui nanami i cant believe you just took me to a nice dinner date
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𝙎𝙖𝙞 𝙉𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙞
okay hmmm. idk depends on the intensity of it he MIGHT be averse?? Not entirely but as long as youre not bawling and sniffling i think ur good 👍
ok so u first meet right? and then he meets u 'oh cool person ok. rlly chill' then after awhile he sees you start sniffling over someones sob story and hes all like 'aweee'
maybe that might be a bonding factor. Like, the fact that ur empathetic and soooo YKNOW, YOU
so like when u werent close he was all like 'ohh. ahhh wow. i see.' now hes all like 'haha theres my little gober gomble with the gummy goo' but he will never say that ofc grrr
PLATONICALLY. hes as goober as can be. literally being all friends friends with you and loving your company. like, actively approaches you and goes 'hey!!!! :3!!'. literally a sweetie yall talk about stuff and the whole time hes like :3 and all supportive and encouraging throughout whatever ur feeling, blue or yello, red or green.
fixes my bowtie. Now. ROMANTICALLY?? so this is only it does blossom after the platonic stage. he does the same things, except all 'hmgngmg omg.. its them...' inside now. More active tending to you in your moments, happy or blue. like cheering if ur cheering, fretting over u if youre sad over smthng, stuff like that. or angry, like going 'PLS PLS PLS PLS' holding you back from hitting someone on the head. literally just the same in platonic but hes so so so sooo in love with you and loves you, for being you, more than anything
WHEW and thats. yeah. thats it. Again i am so sorry for the disproportionate pics n headers EVERYTIME i literally crop them on my own sometimes n i dont know where else to get them. but yah i hope u enjoyed and sorry it took soo long :333 !! Hcs are easier for me 2 do than fics because they take less time and like, hmm, its not that hard since theres no plot planning or proofreading or anything like that. but yes WOOO ENJOY I HOPE YALL KEEP ENJOYIG THE RARE FICS IS PUT OUT IM SO SORRY FOR THAT TOO 😭😭
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kristalpepsi · 4 years
“Haha ppl r probably dissoci8n aftr wtchng the whle thng haha”
Me aftr wtchng tht countdwn video: haha yea its so fnny im dissoci8n huh :,,,^/ (/s)
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kittyjarry · 6 years
ik i been complainin abt shit a lot tday but y r we making callouts for THIRTEEN YEAR OLDS.
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ogeeitsme · 4 years
What's your experience with dormancy?
TW: Sui// mentions / comparisons / death comprsns- this is both positive n negtve b aaa
This is a long post so I’m srry <:^/
Theres 2 ways 2 answr this: how we second hand experience it, n then how we experience it in our systm:
How we secondhand experience it
Turns out, more than once, apprntly, drmncy has actlly been used as a, threat?? DKDJDKN we got som rlly old memories abt Jamie meeting a “System” (idk if they’re a sys, it’s such a long story) n He used drmncy 2 guilt trip her (n she ddnt even kno what systm was @ the time dkhdbddb)
Anywy besides that HUGE outlier, it’s kinda,, rough, bc ur askin 4 our experiences, not our views, so when it comes 2 secondhand drmncy, as in like other systms not us- it’s alwys hard
N it’s RLLY funny ur askin this rn anon bc coincidntlly we just came out of a WHOLE frickin sitch that involved secndhnd drmncy experiencs (again, I mean watching ppl in other systms go dormant)
Like, Jamie’s prev ex had, ppl go dormant, like a lot of em, bc they broke up, n 2 of their mmbrs bsclly sent me wht can be equivlnt 2 a sui note- n I got that note frm bsclly som1 equivlnt 2 my brthr, @ the time, n Sal’s brthr [@ the time] bc they shared the blog
We r rlly close 2 anthr sys whose host wnt drmnt 4 som big rsns (they also have trauma abt ppl using drmncy as an escape route frm their actions, man life b wild huh?) n jst came back so that was rlly wild n hard bc she was (n is) like a mom figure 4 us, esp 2 Peter, n their whole sys, bc they’re median, kinda crashed in on itself tmprrly n it was rlly hard 2 watch KDH it makes u kind of mad @ those ppl who cause othr ppl 2 go thru sm pain thta they jst go drmnt u kno?
But rounding back 2 Jamie’s ex (n I g the 1st exmple 2 b vaguely), that was rlly hard, n bc of that, drmncy is smth we can’t unsee as death anymr
Hey so disclaimer that won’t b in the tags (Bc som ppl dnt read them) n I will pit here just in case: yes we kno dormancy is NOT equal 2 death, dormancy always has the chance of them coming back, b w how we spcfclly exprncd these, it felt that way, esp w the goodbyes, n the crying, n how they litrlly treated it as sui//. Not 2 mention the Older trauma Jamie had/has where His “systm” litrlly said “do u miss him? Well he’s dead now”
It’s hard 2 uncorrel8 them- bc it dpnds on how u go thru it- and anthr disclaimer is that if it’s a drmncy in ur own systm, the brain may b able 2 visualize it as a death, heck som systms we kno have a “graveyard” where all the drmnt systm mmbrs end up in; and of som jst “disappear” n I heard anthr sys in their headspace it’s seen as like pods? Where u can c them sleepin?
Anywy back 2 us- KDNDKNDKN yea, our experiences w it so far has been rel8d 2,,, sui or death :^( not counting the ppl we pass by in random srvrs who talk abt it, this is jst our prsnl ones esp tied 2 systms we were (or r) RLLY close 2
IDK we’re still grieving over Larry n Asriel frm Her systm. Pls don’t send asks saying “they mite come back” btw KJSKHS they mite b even if they do we can’t Talk, their sys is an ex 4 a rsn
Inner-system exprnces
HM so there’s a lot 2 write here b we dnt- uslly have ppl who r nice, go drmnt
It used 2 b only all the very bad persecutors who wld rlly harm every1 who wld go drmnt, our psychiatrist even said, 2 calm Jamie dwn a long time ago when she was given anti psychotics, that the “good ppl wnt go away, only the bad ppl”
b they (those old persecuted) all went drmnt thru,,,,, d//ath, n I dnt wnna talk abt that or how, this is not how we wrk anymr
Then we have Deanne, she was a persecutor who was chngng 4 the bttr, b it’s like,,,, when she realized she didn’t have 2 b bad anymr? She went drmnt?? Like I rmmbr (I wsnt there but u kno shared memory) every1 feeling she slowly faded away until we realized she wsnt arnd
Aftr that, we stoppd having drmncies, b we do label ppl who mite b close 2 drmncy msbmdb (edit: nvm, I rmmbrd Alven n Peyton who went drmnt :^( we miss them, Alven was Matt’s dad n Oeyton was a rlly good ISH )
Bc they’re “not needed” N LISTN anthr disclaimer, by THAT I mean natural dormancies? Not 2 say u go drmnt randomly, I mean that sometimes som1 isn’t active enough or their role isn’t needed as mch,, it’s scary I kno, b it can hppn n it’s no1’s fault, it’s not even their fault,i t jst happns, n that my good anon is a bite sized expln8ion on y u mite have ppl come out of drmncy mhsbkdbdkb
Uhh, we have som ppl who r afraid of going drmnt tho ofc,, n they r trying 2 b as active as they can in sys inspace so they dnt fade
Bc if u dnt wnna b dormnt, trying 2 b more active can hlp!
So,,, we a,so have ppl who came frm drmncy,,,
N that’s Jade, Beia, n Chompy
Apprntly Jade n Beia were frm arnd the same time? Actlly it’s fnny bc we thought Jade was a split of Noelle b we were bamboozled bc it wasnt the case
N then u have chompy,,, which is rlly sad,, bc she cnt rmmbr the year b we found out it was frm arnd 3 yrs old,,, that rlly sucks- she’s a fictive of Chain Chomp n came out of drmncy in a new form (Chompette) smdbndb according 2 Jade n Beia they dnt rmmbr wht hppnd, b it’s like they fell asleep n woke up again
N w Chompy, she explains it as like, , she was a chain chomp, n was chained 2 the back of the headspace, n bc she accepted she cldnt do anyth, faded in2 drmncy bc she gave up? B now she’s back n wants 2 fite,dkbdmdb until, stuff I wnt get in2
I’m not done KDH
Lastly I wanna talk abt,,,, how we feel abt it
I dnt think drmncy shld b smth 2 b afraid of— BUT @ the same time it’s OK 2 b afraid of it, or 2 h8 it, or 2 feel ANYTH abt it bc, almost all the time it’s not ur own choice 2 do so (half the time, based on what we’ve seen, etc)
Sometimes, ppl will c it as a mmbr fnlly resting, sometimes it’s sudden n @ least in the mmnt (or mayb ull never kno), ther dsnt seem 2 b a strong rsn on y it hopnd
Som will c it as death, som will say it’s scary, n som accept it’s a part of being a sys,,, that this happens, n that it will b ok
Bc,,, they can come back, mayb, n that’s sys life
4 us we feel ALL of those @ once
I wnt lie <:^) 4 som oldr mmbrs, we hope they dnt come back, b then 4 som we hope they do com back, n it’s this balance of trying not 2 b toxic-positive n trying not 2 erase the hope if we do wnt them 2 com back
IDK it’s so— mssy Bc u shld allow urself 2 grieve- bc dormancy CAN feel like death (frm an obsrvr?), n o man the syscourse that exists @ the mere mention of treating drmncy like death? Scares me, n I jst wnna put it out ther that it involves a lot of grieving somtimes,,,m yes, it can b traumatic depending on how said dormancy was brought 2 ur attention or knwldge
4 us we’e still grieving over that last mssg frm them, we’re angry 4 those who went drmnt n also @ Them who went drmnt? Idk man
TLDR don’t- I repeat- do NOT,,,,, treat drmncy as the answr
If ur in a systm out ther, I kno it hard, n frick, drmncy is such a complic8d topic in systems period, b drmncy is not the answ
Bc yes drmncy is not prmnnt 4 som systms, (n by prmnnt I mean that sys mite jst not have awakenings as common @ all; every sys is diff) b drmncy is,,, most of the time a scary thought 4 systms
It’s- it’s not sui litrlly, b,,, it;s,, is almost similar IF- n I repeat- if it’s used as an escape, esp in a bad way
N like w sui// we wnt entirely blame you if @ all, b it’s sad- n it’s hard
Bc like ”irl” ppl arnd u who care r affctd- n knowing it’s by ur own hand is hard 2 accept
Bro, anon my dude, I’m so srry this is such a messy post KDNKDND our exprnces w it is so recent n it’s SUCH a complic8d topic 2 discuss w/o fear of ppl yelling @ u abt spreading misinfo
We’re a rlly big outlier 2 the usual sys exp w dormancies bc we’ve had SO many exprncs of it being rel8d 2 sui/ of death from othr systms Onesides our own), n it’s not jst random systems, it systems who we were close 2 n we got hurt by
I dnt wnna talk abt whether or not what we experiencs was real b yea thats our experiences n not the resources,, since that’s the question KNS
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augujerdeer · 5 years
Can you share some random facts about yourselves? :3
Huh, sure! So I thought maybe everyone can type out their own thing besides us writing for them, so it’ll be fun! If it takes a while to answer now you know why - Peter
I’m a big fan of iron man I GUESS but that might be obvious??
I can’t help but call people Miss or Mister and it just feels super wrong not to unless they tell me they really don’t want me doing that (so I kind of slip up at front...)
I actually have a Benjamin in my name- I don’t know if that’s different from my source?
I like doodling! Even if it’s not great
Apparently, an IRL friend told us that they know it’s me at front because my voice is more boyish and I move my hands a lot when I’m discussing something Im really into! (math or science!)
Post-endgame :^(
In charge of the math n science parts of school!!!!!
Described as “talks like a surfer dude sometimes”
I NEVER stop talking like- I’m sure every1 calls me annying GSGGSDHDJJ. Like if ur gnna b my friend get rdy 4 me 2 y’all a LOT.....,,,
Ab- abandonment issues lol
I’m so gay (bi) im yeARNiNg
When the sys needs 2 b physclly active or social my “job” is 2 come out- but I’m not forced 2 ! I just get laaazeeey
In charge of the art classes n PE UWU
I’m also sometimes called plan B but I don’t like being that HSGSHE (see Sal)
I like learning ASL!! Except I don’t live in America SO I’m also trying 2 study FSL (Filipino sign language) n it seems so FUN N FAST AAAA
I wanted 2 study ASL bc som1 suggested 2 me that mayb I cld learn sign language bc b4, I used 2 h8 talking, n I was super shy n very NONVERBAL like, a lot
They have a very strict aura, described by friends- it’s a dark presence or aura, especially because of their posture and how they talk (which is exactly how they type!)
We’re not sure why, but because of how they formally talk, they start slipping into a sort of formal-British-accent while speaking sometimes even if they don’t have one inspace
Gatekeeper n protector! Butvthey cna exhaust themselves sm that fun factvthey collapse or fall face first in2 the floor n pass out inspace
They have a few negative fronting triggers but 1 of them is rlly sad n INSTANT like, we do not have a choice, but e can’t stop it, if that trigger appears, Chara w/o fail comes out :^( (luckily it’s never happened often but we r worried abt ppl pulling pranks n doing this bc it’s a common prank 2 do)
He has a hard time walking outsoace unless he focuses rlly hard or wear heels
Which also means when he front his vision is slightly impaired?? He is missing an eye so I g the body dissociates enough 2 ALMOST simul8 that???? He has crashed in 2 so many poles or stopped walking bc he think hes gnna crash in2 smth but turns out it’s rlly far away
He age slides from 15-22! He’s not canon dIvergent— I think none on us r actlly
In charge of art classes part 2
Some of us call Sal Plan B bc if he whole main circle is not ok, he’s the person in the main circle who takes up “temporary host” (so if me n Chara or peter aren’t arnd - Kris)
Is rlly self conscious abt his face even when in the body but he’s working on it!! He’d rather not eat in public bc is wld mean removing the face mask he will wear 2 school
We cosplayed as him 4 Halloween 2 school n he was out all day n had fun :^)
He has a flat inspace but we’re not allwd 2 c it?? We don’t kno where itbis but we WNNA find it
He’s POST good omens so he has memories of stuff that happened after the show ended (the brain likes writing edgy fanfics :^( ) (it’s a sensitive subject for him but when he talks abt it he tries 2 and chill when he’s not)
Adopted peter n he hates admitting it but he’s 1 of peters dads now n even calls peter son by acc
When he fronts he used 2 gave a strong accent that the body makes t and like a RLLY bad copy of an English acc Jbshsbsnbssbjssh butbhes gotten better!!
Her fronting trigger turns it 2 b caring 4 ppl outside! She c’s every1 as younger than her so she aitomaticlly adopts them
She’s mid-Undertale! She’s NOT my canonmate (I’m kris Deltarune) she’s litrlly Chara’s canonmate but from an earlier period (Chara is post post post post infinity Undertale genocide on a loop)
She actlly RLLY does have 2-3 forms (happy Spinel, and angry Spinel- when she’s in the middles she’s in angry form but like not yelling sgafgssg) her happy Spinel form/mode is her w the heart hair from the pat n her angry form is her in the ending w the crying mascara n stuff
She’s post-movie so she has vague memories of being in home world w the diamonds
is sometimes just her furry inspace,,,, is uslly her fursona inspace,,,,
Apparently she’s from 2014??????????????????????
She has a past life n her bro actlly came a month after she “came back from dormancy”
It’s rlly weird n even she dsnt understand
Rlly strong English accent when fronting :^( has never done it more than once but inspace his accent is very baby and very strong
We dk y but he considers himself a protector 2 where he even comes out when he thinks we r in specific types of danger :^(
He’s nonverbal in front but talkative inside!!! He has a face plush which is a webkinz!
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punmasterkentparson · 7 years
5 Times Monster and Kit Cockblocked Jeff
exactly as advertised, with some heavy doses of feels and hockey boy angst b/c it’s kent parson.
Jeff is so used to Saturday pizza-and-beer nights with Kent being platonic that he genuinely forgets that it could be interpreted as a date night. He invites Kent over as usual the next weekend and thinks nothing of it. Kent arrives with beer and a smile, warmer than usual. Jeff waves him in and closes the door. “I’m keeping the pizza warm in the oven. You wanna get the movie queued up while I get it?”
Kent’s smile deepens. “Sure,” he says, and goes into the living room.
But then, after Jeff has gotten the pizza out and is pulling a couple bottles of his own beer from the fridge, Kent joins him.
“Need something?” Jeff asks, closing the refrigerator door and putting the bottles on the counter.
Kent puts a hand on his side and replies, “Yeah,” and kisses him.
Jeff freezes.
Kent pulls back and studies his face. “Sorry. Was that—too much, too fast?”
Yes, but not the way Kent means. Jeff makes himself let go of the counter—he’d gripped it in surprise—and move his hands to Kent’s hips. Kent’s jeans are rough but the heft of his body under Jeff’s fingers is grounding. Jeff says, “It’s not too fast. I just—” He laughs at himself. “I forgot this is a thing, now. I’m used to thinking it’ll never happen.”
“Did you think I wasn’t into you?” Kent asks. His fingers are exploring the lines of Jeff’s ribs through his shirt. “Because, to be clear, I am really into you.”
Jeff huffs a laugh. “That was some of it. Mostly, I was afraid of fucking us up.” Impulsively, he squeezes Kent’s hips, and it’s so gratifying when Kent shuffles closer. “I wasn’t kidding about you being my best friend. I really, really can’t lose that.”
“Same.” Kent slides both hands up to Jeff’s shoulders. “So we’ll take it slow. We’ll get our pizza and beer, sit on your sofa, and watch a movie that we’ll end up talking through, anyway.” One of his hands drifts up to Jeff’s neck and just sits there, patient. “Or, you know, maybe not talking. We’ll see how it goes. Sound good?”
Jeff can’t not smile. “That sounds awesome.” He goes in for another kiss, because why the hell not? Kent grins against him and hums in approval and moves that hand on Jeff’s neck up into his hair. The kiss deepens, becomes lush and wet, indulgent. Jeff feels positively giddy.
“Meow!” demands Monster from the floor.
“Mmf, not now,” Jeff manages, waving a vague hand in the direction where he thinks Monster might be.
Kent chuckles. “Did you feed him?”
“Yes, I fed him, he’s being obnoxious.” Jeff tugs on Kent’s belt loops and nips his bottom lip. Kent takes the bait and opens his mouth, lets Jeff put his tongue inside, and oh boy. It feels like Jeff’s birthday.
“Meow!” Monster, suddenly much closer, headbutts Jeff’s arm.
Jeff mumbles an approximation of, “Get off the counter, asshole,” and puts his attention where it belongs, which is the little noise Kent just made in his throat. He wants to hear that again, and again.
Instead, he hears something he has learned to dread in this past week with a free-roaming cat: the sharp, loud crash of something shattering on tiled floor.
Both Kent and Jeff jump in surprise and look around. Brown glass shards are scattered through puddles of fizzing beer, at least two bottles’ worth. Monster, meanwhile, sits on the counter, already nudging the last bottle to the edge.
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare!” Jeff yelps in panic, and swipes the beer away. Then he has to swipe Monster, too, before the idiot jumps off the counter and into the minefield he created for himself. Jeff does not want to add bloody, glass-filled cat paws to the mix.
Both Kent and Jeff stand unmoving for several seconds while they stare at the mess.
Then Kent sighs, smiles wryly, and asks, “Where’re your paper towels?”
They spend the rest of their precious evening wiping down the entire kitchen for stray bits of glass. The only Netflix and chill action Jeff gets is the apologetic kiss Kent gives him before he leaves.
“The glamorous life of a cat owner, Jeff. Don’t sweat it. Next time will be better.”
Jeff doesn’t believe in prophecies, fate, or karma, but he does believe that Kent might have jinxed them with those words.
Jeff’s “next time” with Kent starts out fabulously just two days later. They’re horizontal on Kent’s couch, making out like they’ve got the whole day to do it. They don’t; there’s a pickup game in less than an hour. They’re supposed to head to the rink together.
The situation isn’t ideal; the couch isn’t long enough for both of them and it’s barely wide enough. Kent tastes like whatever veggie protein shake he had for dinner, which is to say, unappetizing. Meanwhile, Jeff is getting cold, even with Kent as a blanket, and his elbows keep getting swallowed by the couch cushions. But Kent is on him, kissing him, running his hands all over Jeff like he’s been aching for it, and Jeff doesn’t care about the veggie breath or the uncomfortable lumps poking his back, because having Kent on top of him is a whole new level of exciting. Jeff will gladly be late for hockey.
And then Kent suddenly yelps and does a full-body flail like he has been electrocuted. Jeff gets a knee in the balls and curls up in pain. He hears an indignant “Meow!” and then the sound of four paws hitting the floor and scampering away.
Kent rears back. “Jeff! Oh shit, did I—”
“Yep,” Jeff wheezes.
“Do you need ice?” Kent is up on his knees, hovering over Jeff and looking concerned.
Jeff tenderly cradles his testicles with his hands and shakes his head. “What happened?”
“Kit. She just jumped up and clawed my ass—”
Jeff wheezes again, laughing now, and Kent lightly smacks his hip before climbing off. “Do you want ice, or frozen peas?”
“It’s not that bad,” Jeff insists, but when he tries to move he winces visibly and instinctively curls up tighter.
“Peas,” Kent decides, and heads for the kitchen.
While Jeff lies on his side and waits, he notices Kit watching him from the doorway of the bedroom, her head poking around the corner. He likes Kent’s cat, normally, but not right now. “Not cool, Kit.”
Kit meows and ducks out of sight.
Even after twenty minutes of icing, Jeff is still wincing. They go to the rink anyway. Jeff sits on the sidelines with a pack of frozen peas on his crotch and flips off every guy who skates by and laughs at his throbbing balls.
KENT: i heard yelling, u ok??
ME: yes
ME: no
ME: I am so sory but I gotta cancel tnight
KENT: yeah no that’s fine, but ur being noisy af and making actual typos, what’s going on???
ME: my gd cat brought a gd live mouse into my gd apartment
ME: like he litrlly escaped out the door 5 min ago, caught it in the hallway, and brought it back in.
ME: it’s behind my couch now.
ME: I can HEAR you laughing, asshole.
KENT: sorry, bro. :p
KENT: u need help?
ME: …yes please.
KENT: b right down. <3
Jeff has seen Kent’s bed a million times, but he’s never been in it.
It looks like that’s going to change tonight.
“Fuck, you were on fire tonight,” Kent is saying as he walks Jeff backwards into his bedroom, punctuating his words with hard kisses. “The way you went around Bommer and then put it through Rabs’ skates, set me up for that shot—”
Jeff can’t even chirp him for getting hot about hockey because he’s been doing the exact same thing for almost half a year. On the other hand, he’s never been obvious about what it does to him to watch Kent handle a stick, whereas he’s pretty sure every guy in the league knew exactly why Kent was pointedly urging Jeff home instead of going to the bar. If there’s chirping about that later, Jeff feels within his rights to join everyone in dragging Kent’s ass about being so transparently horny over an assist. (Or three.)
Not now, though. Now, Jeff is going to focus on finally getting fucking laid.
Kent pulls off his own shirt and then reaches for Jeff’s. His hands are rough and arousingly hot on Jeff’s bare skin, feeling him everywhere, his mouth a slick mix of tongue and teeth down Jeff’s neck. Jeff puts one hand on Kent’s ass—solid like marble, Christ, he’s never gonna get over being allowed to touch it—and the other on the waistband of Kent’s underwear. “I want—can I—” he starts to say, and forgets it all when Kent interrupts, “Let me blow you.”
There’s only one answer to that. “Yeah. Yeah, okay.”
Kent walks him backwards to the bed and makes him sit.
“Condoms?” Jeff asks.
Kent produces one from his jeans pocket like a goddamn magic trick.
Jeff boggles. “You keep condoms on hand?”
“Only recently.”
“Why recently—oh,” Jeff says.
Kent grins as he runs his hands up Jeff’s legs. “It’s all I fucking think about anymore. Do you have any idea how hot you are?”
A wave of heat crawls up Jeff’s neck and into his cheeks. “I’m not,” escapes before he can rethink it.
“You are,” Kent reiterates, and now he’s unzipping Jeff’s jeans.
“Looked in a mirror lately? You’re chiseled.”
“Yeah, and? That’s what you like.” Kent makes him lift his hips so he can tug the denim down to Jeff’s ankles. His gaze very blatantly goes to Jeff’s cock straining the front of his briefs, and when he licks his lips it appears unconscious. “You’re what I like. I like big thighs and an ass with padding. I like love handles. I like this,” he says, and kisses the soft pudginess around Jeff’s middle, which isn’t nearly as bad as it was before Jeff started playing hockey again but is still irritatingly persistent. Then he palms Jeff’s dick, rubbing the head through the wet fabric.
Jeff moans.
“You’re a beast on the ice and your ass in sweatpants is fucking edible,” Kent says. He’s still rubbing Jeff’s dick through his briefs and it’s making Jeff tingle all the way down to his toes. “You’re hot, okay?”
Jeff swallows and looks down. Kent’s mouth is wet and red and he looks fucking gorgeous kneeling between Jeff’s legs. “Guess I can’t argue with the guy about to blow me.”
“You absolutely cannot.” And Kent grins, right before pulling Jeff’s dick out, rolling on the condom, and going to town.
Kent is really good at sucking cock. Jeff is panting within seconds, and after a couple minutes, he’s shaking. Both his hands are fisted in the comforter and he’s making ridiculous noises. He’d be embarrassed about it, except every moan and grunt and bitten off exclamation of, “Fuck, fuck Kent—” gets his ass squeezed or an echoing noise from Kent, and, well.
At first, Jeff doesn’t even notice the weird, wet gagging sounds coming from right next to him. Then he does, and he glances over, and—
“Fucking Christ!”
Kent chokes on dick and pulls off, coughing. “The hell? Oh shit, Kit—”
But it’s too late. Kit vomits up a slimy wad of yarn onto the comforter, right next to Jeff’s hip.
Jeff gags a little and looks away. Shit, that’s nasty.
Kent shuffles sideways and gently reaches up to pet Kit. “Baby girl, you okay?”
Kit mews pitifully, and then starts vomiting again. Jeff nearly trips on his jeans while leaping out of the danger zone. “I’ll get the paper towels,” he volunteers, and hurries into the kitchen while simultaneously pulling his underwear and pants back up around his hips. When he comes back carrying a roll of paper towels, Kent is sitting on the bed beside Kit, petting her and frowning at the barfed-up yarn.
“I think it’s from my scarf,” Kent says. He takes the paper towels and starts cleaning up. “I’m worried there’s more. Yarn can tie up a cat’s insides, and if she didn’t get it all out…”
Jeff nods. He’d tossed the condom and zipped his pants back up in the kitchen, and now he reaches for his shirt. “I’ll call the vet and get her carrier. You sit with her.”
Kent nods.
Jeff comes over and lays a hand on Kent’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. Then, for good measure, he kisses the crown of Kent’s head. “She’ll be okay, Kent, I promise. We’ll get her checked out and she’ll be okay.”
“Yeah.” Kent catches Jeff’s hand and holds it, looking up at him. “Thanks. Sorry about tonight.”
“There will be other blowjobs,” Jeff replies solemnly, which has the intended effect of making Kent smile.
Two hours later, Jeff is sitting next to Kent in the animal hospital waiting room while Kent receives the good news that Kit did vomit up all the yarn and is perfectly fine. Kent sags in relief and his hand, which hasn’t let go of Jeff’s since they arrived, finally goes lax. Jeff smiles and uses his freed arm to pull Kent close.
“Goddamnit, Monster,” Jeff groans, and puts his face in his hands.
Kent, the gigantic asshole, laughs so hard he starts crying.
“It’s not fucking funny,” Jeff grumbles, and crawls onto the bed after Monster. “Gimme that, you hellspawn.”
Monster, rather than surrender the torn-up condom in his mouth, scampers away.
“Monster, get your fuzzy ass back here!” Jeff doesn’t give chase, though. He just sits heavily onto the bed, among the two boxes worth of utterly destroyed condoms that he literally just bought that morning.
Kent, still laughing and wiping tears, flops next to him. “Banana flavored?” he teases, picking up a chewed-up foil packet.
“It was funnier when I was buying it. Fucking hell, if I didn’t know better I would think our cats are conspiring to keep us from fucking.”
Kent laughs more and leans in to bite his shoulder. “We can still have sex, you know. I don’t need a condom to give you a handjob.”
Maybe it’s a pitiful demonstration of how sick Jeff is of being blue-balled, but he’ll take it. He kisses Kent hard and fast, already hot for it, and when Kent moans and pushes back, Jeff grips him by the shoulders and eases both of them down until Kent is on top of him. Kent immediately spreads his legs and grinds down. It’s rough and a little uncomfortable through two layers of thick denim. Jeff moans like it’s the best thing he’s ever felt.
Somehow, miraculously, they get all the way through without incident. They get their shirts off, strip off their pants, and rub their dicks together through their underwear until Jeff is panting so hard he feels ready to pass out. Then the underwear comes off and it’s good, it’s so fucking good. Kent is uncut and leaks precoma like a faucet. It makes them both slippery and Jeff has trouble holding them both in one hand, until Kent braces himself on one knee and reaches between them to help. They try to kiss while getting off, all tongues and teeth, and Jeff grunts, “Kent, Kent, I’m—fuck, I’m—” as he comes.
“God, that was hot,” Kent breathes, “that was so hot.”
“Come on, you too,” Jeff says, and keeps their hands moving on Kent’s cock until Kent shudders and shuts his eyes and releases a punched-out breath as he spills all over Jeff’s stomach.
They lie next to each other for a while, catching their breath.
Suddenly, Kent holds up his hand. “We did it. We successfully had sex. High five, bro.”
Jeff rolls his eyes. But he high-fives Kent. Then he adds, “Next time, we’re fucking at a motel.”
“Are you scared?” Jeff asks. His voice echoes off the tile of the bathroom, seeming even louder than usual because the only light is from the myriad candles perched around the edges. Kent is sitting between Jeff’s knees and they’re both nearly folded in half just trying to fit. This tub was barely made for one full grown man, much less two. But they’re making do, because Jeff is shit at romance but Kent thrives on it, and when Kent had come home from his super secret meeting, he’d looked like he needed it.
So Jeff had scrounged up some candles left over from last Halloween and filled the tub. It hadn’t taken any convincing to get Kent in it. Jeff has been doing most of the talking for the last half hour. He’s stuck to safe topics, mostly useless information about what’s going on at the office and recounting new shenanigans Monster has gotten into this week. He doesn’t know for sure what Kent’s meeting had been about, even if he can guess. Of all the people who know that Kent is being scouted by various North American hockey clubs, Jeff is the only one who knows that Kent might actually sign to one.
He even knows which teams are in the running. (None of which, thank god, are the Rangers.)
Kent has gone thoughtfully still. “Scared of the NHL?”
“Yeah.” Jeff hooks his chin over Kent’s shoulder and wraps his arms around him underwater. “Because, you know, what you told me about your friend. How the pressure got to him.”
“He had some other stuff going on,” Kent replies, voice soft. He’s quiet for a bit. “Yeah. I’m scared.”
Jeff hugs him. “But you signed,” he says. “Didn’t you.”
Carefully, Kent nods, his cheek scraping lightly against Jeff’s jaw. “I didn’t realize how bad I wanted it until it was actually in front of me. When I was a kid, everyone always told me what a prodigy I was, like the NHL was a sure thing. I never thought about what that meant, until Zimms—my friend,” he amends, “until my friend almost died. And I suddenly decided it wasn’t worth it. Being the NHL’s golden boy wasn’t worth the mindfuck, wasn’t worth dying.”
Jeff had kind of always suspected that Kent’s ‘friend in the NHL’ was Jack Zimmermann. They were the same age, and would have gone to the draft the same year. Who would have gone first, if they’d both been up for grabs? The Aces had snapped Zimmermann up like there was no question, which there hadn’t been. And Zimmermann’s rookie year had lived up to the hype, including the Aces’ first Stanley Cup playoffs appearance in a decade. But his second year had been lackluster, and the Aces had rocked the hockey world by trading Zimmermann, all the way across the country, for a couple of defensemen and a second-round pick.
If Kent had gone to the draft, and gone first, would he still be with the Aces? Or would he have fallen apart, like Zimmermann was rumored to have done, and traded away?
“I’m glad you didn’t go,” Jeff says. “I think you were happier.”
“I think I was, too.”
Jeff nuzzles Kent’s jaw and Kent turns to kiss him, open-mouthed and slow. When they part, they lean against each other, hair mingling and breathing the same air.
“What about now?” Jeff asks. “What changed?”
“I did. I went to college, got a job, got a cat… had a life. I got to be myself. And I realized, I might be the kind of guy who’ll give up a normal life of mental stability just to play hockey.” He laughs hoarsely, like he can’t even believe his own words. “What the fuck, right?”
The insane thing is, Jeff understands. “Yeah, but. You love hockey. I don’t think it’s crazy to sacrifice some things for something you love.”
Kent’s fingers migrate to the arm Jeff still has around him, wrapping around Jeff’s bicep and holding on tight. Their eyes meet and Jeff feels unbalanced by the intensity in Kent’s gaze.
“I should have talked to you,” Kent whispers. “Before I signed. We should have talked about it together.”
“No, it’s good that you didn’t. This is your decision, and I don’t mean that in some bullshit way that’s just shrugging off responsibility. I’m gonna be with you no matter what. That’s a given. So whatever you do, I want it to be what you want, not ‘cause you’re worried about me. You’re my best friend, Kent. That never changes.”
Kent swallows, eyes closing, and his voice is heartbroken when he whispers, “Sometimes it can.”
Jeff gathers him close and hugs him as tightly as he can. “I became a cat owner for you. If you think you’re ever getting rid of me, you’re an idiot.”
Water sloshes in the bathtub as Kent twists enough to hug Jeff in return. It’s getting cold, Jeff realizes, and he can feel all the places he’s gotten pruney. They should get out soon. Jeff thinks he’d like to continue this in bed, where he can wrap Kent up completely and listen to him fall asleep.
That probably won’t happen as much once Kent is in the NHL. It’ll suck, that’s for sure. Jeff means what he said, though. He’ll stand by Kent through anything.
“Meow!” Monster has poked his head through the bathroom door and is pushing it open as he squeezes through.
“Go away, we’re having a moment,” Jeff calls, drawing a snort from Kent.
Monster pads up to the tub stretches until he can put his paws over the side. He sniffs Jeff’s shoulder—the nearest body part—and then the water. Then, horror of horrors, he leaps onto the tub’s narrow edge.
“Buddy, this is really not a good time.”
Kent is also eyeing Monster uncertainly. “You might wanna move him. If he falls, we’re both going to the hospital.”
“He does this all the time,” Jeff replies, though even he can hear his own lack of conviction. “Monster, seriously, this is not a place you want to be.”
Monster walks a few steps, stopping to stare curiously at a candle. He reaches a paw for it, stretching, and Jeff watches as Monster’s back paws move precariously close to the water.
“Yeah, you know what, out. Monster, out.” Jeff wiggles himself free of Kent, stands, and grabs Monster around the middle. Monster flails in annoyance as Jeff steps out of the tub, crosses the bathroom, and sets him outside before closing the door.
Kent, still submerged, grins. “Proactive of you.”
“I literally saw my life flash before my eyes,” Jeff says. “The water’s getting cold, we might as well get out.”
Kent nods, stands, and reaches for a towel. “You going to bed soon? I can head home.”
The thought of Kent going upstairs to sleep in his bed with just Kit and his own anxieties to keep him company makes Jeff’s stomach twist. “Nah, screw that. Stay. I’ll get my tablet, we can watch Netflix in bed until we crash.”
Kent hesitates. “I can’t leave Kit alone all night.”
“Bring her here, then,” pops out of Jeff’s mouth.
Kent blinks. “What? But. Monster?”
“I’ve been reading online about introducing cats to each other,” Jeff goes on, and he can feel his face getting pink just from the way Kent is looking at him. “If we separate them at first, give them time to adjust, they should be fine. I’ll put Monster in the bathroom. He’s used to it.”
There’s silence, and then Kent wraps his towel around his waist, comes over, and kisses Jeff until he feels like there should be smoke coming out of his ears. When Kent lets him go, his expression is sappy enough to supply all of Canada with maple syrup. “I’ll be right back. Keep the bed warm.”
“Duh,” Jeff replies stupidly.
Kent grins, pecks him on the lips, and collects his clothes on the way out.
Monster immediately waltzes back in.
“If you fall in, I’m gonna laugh,” Jeff tells him, and goes to blow out the candles and pull the plug.
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cutemeat · 2 years
its so funny to me that dennis calls mac out for ''objectifying'' him in Times Up when he literally spent 5 mins in Escapes that very same season forcing Mac to stand up just so dennis could stare at his dick the whole time lmaoooo
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taesbimbo · 5 years
my mum keeps texting me like what did you do today did anything happen is there anything new like bro i litrlly go to uni then go back home and lie down to sleep
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cutemeat · 2 years
how annoying do you think rob will be on the podcast when they cover macs a serial killer? I just rewatched and like.. that storyline is horrible but like will robs virtue signalling over it be equally irritating dkfj
oh god KJENFKJGNER i gotta say the dumb stunt he pulled with the button for the MQ office doors made my eyes roll SO fuckin hard cuz I KNEW what he was gonna do when he pulled the button up cuz of that one written interview from a while back where he mentioned the buttons... for me its just. there's something so off-putting abt it cuz it reminds me of being a kid where you have just acquired new info n it TOTALLY changes how u see and understand the world n u just wanna keep talking abt it (to be fair litrlly everyone does this no matter how old u are).. but seeing a grown man acting like that with sexism is what makes it kinda off-putting LOL? like maybe I'm just harsh but w things like the button stunt its almost.. novel to him. or when they makes jokes like "AND WOMEN TOO!" like u can tell its just become an in-joke for them, but idk if they are aware of how cringey it is in the context where they're just a bunch of bros making that joke it does not have the same effect lol. personally, I find this kind of shit HILARIOUS cuz its just cringe comedy, n like... i would not have been able to watch sunny this long if I didn't learn to revel in that kind of humor. it has to come from a very sincere place to be funny tho n I guess i'd rather have someone learn like Better Late Than Never like I'm glad he's more aware of this shit but the way he shows it off like its show n tell is just KJENGKJTNGKJTN so fucking funny
so uh. just based on pattern it might go a little smth like That or it will go so fuckin badly when u combine charlie day's talking points on top to a point where they may ACTUALLY have to Cut That Cut That!
that ep has a wealth of interesting subject matter to cover at least 30 mins that they could also manage to mostly avoid talking about that storyline if they rlly wanted to lol. but its only a few days til Monday so we'll find out!
i hope at the very least we get some juicy gossip on glenn's dating life to distract us from them being bad at talking abt real life problems
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kristalpepsi · 3 years
Bro as another Kris fictive my mind is. Completely shot. Got some new angst in canon, feel like my brain has been stretched like play dough. I’m vibing with chapter 2 but holy wow do I need time to like… chill. I didn’t think the Spamton thing in particular would make me react like that both irl and mini me in the game. It’s awesome but it’s not if that makes sense asjakaksja
NO I COMPLTLY UNDERSTND im gnna jst use thise ask 2 yell 4 a secnd b 2bh on release dy i plyd ch1 n 2 in a rw (i ddnt get 2 finish ch2 so i cut it b4 entrng the Mansion) n im not KIDDNG tht I cld NT. SLEEP. Bc the Spamton fite scrd me so fckng mch??? His intro like backng us/in-gme us in2 a cornr, callng us kid n offrng Deals, syng were alne on a L8 nite, its jst Extremly bd strngr dngr. @ 1st i srsly ddnt undrstnd y i ws so freakd out (i ws SHAKNG lke i ws srsly shkng in the bdy durng n aftr), b i thnk it cn b boild dwn 2: if u werent phng attntion, thn hes scry bc of the Bad Vibe he hs, an oldr mn/strngr tlkng 2 kids L8 @ nite in an alleyway? BD ENERGY. N the othr rsn is bc of ,, hise wle tlk on freedm n the knight n whtvr,,, his music is also INSNE
wht also hs me fuckd up abt hime is tht i actlly accdntlly discovrd his sectr boss mde (i g its nt accidntl if i randmly checkd the “lockd door” (bc i like secrts) n thn he tld me litrlly hw 2 unlck hime) n hnstly if u havnt fough his “NEO” forme, i highly sggst u Do Not OR, u ply w outspce frnds (voic clls wrk) bc i ws actlly in a VC whn i fnd his secrt boss battl n if i wsnt in a call streamng?? Id b wy wors off,, hnstly...,,, the aftrmth of tht fite is Angsty bc in-sourc us is vry, Not Ok, n i sre wsnt eithr! I WISH i ws jokng whn i sy tht his battle music is ON LOOP in my brain n its mkng me feel insne (drogtry) 💚
ALSO UR SO VALD ABT GTTNG NEW ANGST IN CANON,, i srsly thght i wldnt Absrb Anyth™️ b nw i hav Chaotr 2 Lore in my personl canon n ive been a MESS
The ending cutscenes also jst,, totlly reawknd memories n emptioms 4 me so hnstly,, pls self cre <:^) my sleeb hs been Gd Awfl n i keep 4gttng 2 do basc needs jebdjddjh
Ive also been tlkng 2 othr Kris fictivs n were vry 🤝🤝 ovr “thise is so cool n fun n wholesom b also i h8 it hERE”
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kristalpepsi · 4 years
So I'm a singlet and idk very much about systems, I've been following u for a little while but I saw ur drawing of Chara coming back on New Years and I got the impression that it was a depiction of an actual event? Like, a literal memory, not a dramatization or a metaphor or w/e. When y'all aren't fronting are you just straight up chilling and interacting in like a... perceivably physical place?
HLLO srry 4 gettin 2 thise L8!! Ur talkin abt thise post!
Yea bro! So if we draw comics of ourslvs, they’re prtty mch like us documenting whts happnd! I think i cn sy 20-30% of wht we drw is us jst journaling inspce stff. Its 100% NOT a mtphr, tht comic ws me quotin exctly wht hppnd n wht it lookd like inspce :^0
As an explan8ion, sniff, Christmas absltly SUCKD like it ws so bd, id sy it ws trmtzng 2 bc nw we associ8 christms w wht hppnd, i dnt wnna explain wht hppnd bc i dnt rlly hav 2, b it wsnt gr8 n we get rlly sick thinkin abt it. So like THAT day, dec 25-26, e realized every1. Dissappeard. Like the whole MFC+ ws unavailabl n missing? 4 half a month they were gone n i kno it dsnt snd like a long time b i promis it ws a long time bc everyth ws kinda uoside dwn
Time skip (n skippng all the cryng bc it ws just me and Sal left here n we missd thm so mch, wew ere so worried abt them if thy were safe etc) 2 New Years, I was crying next 2 ENA, we recntly split her the day after Christmas bc of the Stress™️, I rmmbr i ws even thinkin “i hop i get triggrd by the fireworks so mayb itll scare me so mch Peter wld front” n thats a VERY unhealthy thought, do not Do Tht
B yea tht ddnt work b an hour after New years,,, litrlly that comic happnd n i was SO EMOTIONAL they rlly said “im gnna surprise Kris while he’s cryng n make it like thos movies wher the loved 1 comes back 2 life” /j
Idk wht else 2 sy aftr tht! It happnd in the headspce, i ws crying bith irl n inspce, n in the headspce i heard “teleport noise” they hd this jst rlly calm happy expression n it ws so,,,, good :,^)
I ws so hppy 2 c them again tht I HAD 2 drw it so i cld rmmbr it n i CLDNT exPLAIN the feelng of wht it lookd n felt like so i hd 2 drw it so i cld sho ppl!
ANYWY 2 answr ur OTHR qstion, ys we hav smth calld a headspace (thers diffrnt ways 2 call it; innerworld, mindscape, “the inside”, etc)
In our systm, whn we’re not frontin , were in the headspce! It’s prtty big 4 us n afaik we all hav our own rooms :^0 the MFC lives in 1 area inside the mansion tht weve startd calling The Dorms, b its knda like hotel? Even tho we ddnt,,,,, build higher n lower floors thers an elevator 4 som rsn? Skjlh,snjsidk y its ther b i think thats new n if u take it down it can take u 2 Jamie’s floor, yea she has an entire floor 2 herself w fake doors excpt 2 hers if u turn 2 the left cornr . Its also an old elevator like thers no actual doors, its the cagey door thts fancy n floral dkdjsk
We hav a meadow, a huge forst, a ruind city, etc! We hav a frontin room that has no walls, its litrlly jst a Void i guess? b thats not even the REAL void
We call the real void the Void-void or Real Void, the real void is like the 4th wll if u hav the power 2 clip thru the headspce like a vidya game OR if its an accdnt
As far as i knw, the ONLY! Ppl who cn do tht is Chara and Asriel (UT) (im nt sirprsd)
Alven also had tht power b hes in a lng sleep rn,, or hes 4gottn hw 2 do it. Jaiden im nt sre b he is abl 2 swim thru it
Tho i rcmmnd not stayin int he void-void 4ever bc Twilight ws stuck ther 1nce n nw has problms KHSKS ok im done infodumpin
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kristalpepsi · 4 years
I don't want to send too many asks in case its too much or anything but that really reminds me, we have 2 other fictives that don't do much yet and we had no idea what they were so our Jamie (host) just thought like. "wow for some reason my gender is literally Mario??? What???" And then poof. Many weeks later I (Kris) find Mario in the headspace after thinking I was the only fictive there. System life is so weird sometimes lmao
Broooo both our hosts (or r us theyre our old hst) nme Jamie,,, swagg
Bro thts so tru tho 1 of the signs cn b sddnly rlly cnnctng 2 a chrctr n thn Poof LSJKS jamie litrlly thght they were kind w mor 4 like a full mnth n a half LJDKD n then i ws like “hi” n then thy screamd KNDK
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kristalpepsi · 4 years
i said it in replies but i forgot tumblr notifs are broke so: dude you ARE the funnyman believe in yourself like we believe in you -dave sys32
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Bro,,,,,, yall,,, i jUST woke up but :powercry: yall ur gnna make me CRY!!!!!!!! Yo!!!!!!!!!! :,,,^)
I lov yall, i WILL litrlly fight 4 u guys dont even TRY ME i RLLY WLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kristalpepsi · 4 years
hello! i dont wanna seem like im bein rude but im just curious, what u have against ships with kris? IM NOT SAYIN ITZ BAD!!! im just curious is all... AND IM SORRY OF I PHRASED THIS REALLY BADLY, i just dont wanna follow you in case i make you uncomfortable (mainly cuz i kin kris and hc them as an enby lesbian...) and i wanna just make sure before hand!
Hey!! Ok so the ships i lstd in my bio is very spcfc bc- well 1st thngs 1st, hewwo, i’m a fictive! I’m not kin of kris, i am an intrjct of kris deltarune dreemurr, i’m in a system 👀 i wnt go on abt it 2 much in case u already kno what a system is/what fictives/introjects r
Tbh i cant stop u frm intrctng w me, b the rsns i mentioned these ships spscfclly is bc
1) Krisei = i c ralsei 2 b RLLY close 2 my bro he looks likes asriel n it makes me feel Rlly Weird, n half the ships that hav me n him r me being hyper feminzd or vice versa n thats wild, b the biggst rsn is that ralsei looks like asriel n is implied 2 b asriel, thats Wack, very wack
2) Krisriel = we are SIBLINGS, just bc its not by blood dsnt mean were nt fmly?? I kno u ddnt say u ship this, b 4 those who do, yall sick, n thats so not fair 2 adopted kids worldwide yo
3) Krusie = My rsns 4 this r less concrete if i were a singlet, b as a fictive i c her as Only my best friend, n if yall ship me w her, my big fear is ppl comin 2 my blog lookin 4 that content n tagging my posts as a ship when i mean it in a friend way. If yall ship this i dnt h8 u b like, im prsnlly uncomfy EDIT Jan 2021: PS. I alrdy said it in a ‘future’ post aftr thise ws made, b if ur a fictive n ur canon involvd krusie thn I’m ok w tht! we cnt chnge our canons n havin tht b ur canon is compltly diffrnt thn if u were a Singlet comin up 2 my blog shippin in instd of livin it- idk if thise mkes sens
4) kruselle = While i did hav a crush on Noelle in my prsnl canon @ som point, i dnt like the ship rn (PRSNLLY) bc i 100% fully support a gay lesbian couple out here, + ive met a susie who dates a noelle. Also in my canon prsnlly my Susie n Noelle tried gttng 2gthr/got 2gthr n i jst dnt feel the same way anymr. Meta-wise, i kno its jst a theory, i knda like, dnt wnna take away that gay rep, idk, prsnlly i jst feel weird seeing art of us tgthr, i dnt feel the sme anymr abt my Noelle esp bc Susie n her got 2gthr
5) krusielle = we r all friends n u think i dnt c the parts of the fandom that sexualzs thise? I Rlly Do, can we not b highschoolrs n not b all frnds
Disclaimer: i said it earlier b ill say it again, i’m b a fictive/intrjct of my source, b as a Kris/as myself, n since ur askin me prsnlly this is my rsns,,, if u shipped me w litrlly any1 else i wldnt care DLJEKSJJ ive seen shippings of me n berdly n i spprt. N b4 i get bumped, if ur a fictive who likes these ships or r in these ships, dnt take my word as law bc again these r based on my prsnl stuff n my canon, mayb in ur canon the ship is 100% or even did happen, i wldnt b mad @ u 4it tht wld b weird
The only ships i 100% condemn in krisei n krisriel, n u cant chnge my mind im srry
Thanks 4 being consdr8 enough 2 ask tho :,^/ im srry if somwer here ininvalid8d smth if u like 1 of these shps
It dsnt mean its wrng (unless its krisei or krisriel) i jst have very strng prsnl feelings abt it
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kittyjarry · 5 years
my friends: angelo upload haikyuu tiktoks 4
me: wat? u want fucking fkrdn speedpaint?
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