chellesdump · 1 year
Rocking Clowns - Blackpink
"The girls decided to have a scary movie marathon to get into the spooky season, but after having watched a couple of them one of them started getting anxious and resorted to stim to self-soothe"
word count ─ 1.1k
tags ─ little! lisa, little! rosé, cg! jennie, cg! jisoo, autumn, tw! scary movies, tw! someone getting hurt, stimming
notes ─ This is for the Scary Movies and Stimming prompt. So enjoy :3
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The Blackpink girls had made their plan for the day to have a marathon of scary movies in order to get into the spooky season, also known as October, each one had chosen either 1 or 2 movies to put in their movie playlist for the day, from classic scary movies to newer ones.
In order to prepare for their long day they woke up early to go to the store to stock up on candies, beverages, snacks, and some other necessities for their perfect day, “Unnie! We need to buy this popcorn bucket, it has 2 WHOLE BOXES of M&M’s. Can we? Can we?” begged Lisa holding the aforementioned bucket, with a playful roll of her eyes Jisoo told her, “Yes, sure we can. I need to try that combination of popcorn, I’ve seen it’s quite popular” finally showing her excitement to the maknae.
Lisoo kept stocking on sweet snacks and candy to munch on, that was until Jennie came telling them they needed something else than sweet things, “But unnie, they are so tasty and you’re supposed to eat a lot of sweets on this season” whined Lisa crossing her arms to show her discontent at being told to stop stocking on the sweets, “Lalisa! Do you want your teeth to rot and fall out? I’m not telling you to get rid of everything, just to choose some healthier things as well” berated Jennie with a stern look plastered on her face.
Luckily Rosé came up with the solution to their little fight, “Yeoreobun! Look at what I found… SPOOKY CHIPS!! These ones are in bat and ghost form, can you believe it? These other ones are orange and black, so Halloween coded. These other ones are shaped like pumpkins, we just need some dips” Rosé excitedly showed them.
“Wow, Chaeyoung-ah! They are indeed so cool, now let’s go and find some dips!” said Lisa while grabbing Rosé’s hand and running towards the dip section, while they were getting away Jennie yelled her retort, “I told you there were other options than sweets!”, but the younger ones didn’t hear and continued to run to find more things to buy.
It took them around an hour to finish their shopping, and in the end, they ended up with a wide variety of snacks from candy to chips, beverages like apple cider and hot cocoa, seasonal cups and plates, and even some plushies.
Once arriving home they got into their pajamas to be comfier and put their snacks on plates to have a wide range without all the packages in the way, Jen being prepared as always brought some normal cups for everyone but also a couple of sippy cups in case the girls needed them later in the evening.
They started with one of the classics, Scream, the Ghostface movie was such a classic so it couldn’t be missed on their marathon when the movie ended they were a little shaken up but still eager to watch more horror; next came a Korean/Thai movie, to bring some patriotism to their evening, The Medium was the second movie lined up, they ended it with more shock present on their beings; with each film that came they became more and more shaken up, being jumpy at random noises which came from the windy day they have, the line up was filled with more classics like Child’s Play and Halloween, some newer ones like The Mimic, Midsommar, and Bird Box.
So by the time IT came, they were super jumpy, but they laughed it up at the foolishness of their fear since the monsters wouldn’t really come for them, for one of them the anxiousness from the movies was greater, Rosie was little, and had been for a great part of the marathon, she didn’t really remember the exact moment she slipped but the fact remained and that made her get more scared, Lili seemed to be little as well, but she was more adventurous than Rosie so she was less scared and jumpy.
When the movie began playing Rosie cuddled closer to Jennie to seek a little bit of comfort, everything was okay until Pennywise made his first appearance, the clown was so scary, and seeing him wasn’t pleasant, by the middle of the movie she started stimming to self soothe from the fear/anxiousness, unfortunately, it was one of the harmful ones, Rosé started biting her fingers, it started with just sucking them but that wasn’t enough so she bit them.
Jennie caught sight of the stimming when it started and even though it wasn’t ideal she let it slide, but once she snuck a glance again she saw the biting, knowing it was harmful to let her keep doing it, she let Jisoo know about it and told her she was going to fetch one of the girls pacifiers and talk to her to see what had her in such a state.
Grabbing Rosé’s hand she told her to go with her, she took her to her room to grab the pacifier and told her to sit on the bed, “Rosie baby, can you tell me why you are biting your fingers?”, questioned the older one, the younger girl got more nervous which made her start biting her fingers even more, she thought Jennie was mad at her so the anxiousness increased, so she muttered, “No mad at Rosie, p’ease Mama, just… just” and the waterworks started.
Watching her crying Jennie went closer telling her, “Oh my Rosie Posie, Mama isn’t mad at you, I’m just worried about you hurting yourself. So how about you give your fingers to Mama to hold them and Mama will give you a paci, one you can chew and suck so you won’t hurt your fingers again. How you like that idea?” tried to reason with the little girl, thankfully Rosé knew that what she was doing was harming and accepted the pacifier, not before asking her Mama for a favor.
“Mama can hug Rosie p’ease, Rosie scared of da monstews. They so scary!” she screamed hiding in her covers and putting the pacifier in her mouth to help her calm down.
With an achy heart, Jennie answered that of course they could cuddle all she wanted, and they could even watch some more family-friendly movies so they wouldn’t be as scary, Rosé accepted and they went to the living room once again, Jisoo and Lisa were waiting for them with cups filled with tasty hot cocoa to lessen the anxious feeling Rosie was feeling and Coraline was playing now on the TV.
The four girls cuddled on the couch and spent the rest of the evening watching kid-friendly things, once their movie marathon was over they had some tasty dinner before getting ready for bed, deciding to have a sleepover on one of the oldest members' beds to combat the fears that could remain.
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wheatormeat · 9 months
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Been rewatching season 2 as I'm working
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witchkittymeow · 6 months
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Sketch duump
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petroplant · 2 years
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i was rewatching season 2 and had the idea of making a fake magazine cover! also not-so-subtlely used this as practice for coming up with fun outfits
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florad0ra · 5 months
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Little doodle dump of Rosé and co
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biscuitblinkeu · 7 months
Are you hurt? [5]
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Park Chaeyoung x Fem!reader
Word Count: 2314~
ToSumUp: Lots of surprises in one day, yes? You don’t get quite the warm welcome coming home from grocery shopping.
A/N: Chapter dedicated to my anon, happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy the chapter <3 Also, just wanna say thank you guys for being patient and for all the nice comments! P.S this chapter was supposed to be way longer but I had to cut it off because I wasn’t gonna finish the gaps at the end before Anon’s bday ended 😭
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Rosie was asleep on the couch when you came home, her hair spread across the cushions like a river of flowing gold. The odd position she was in let you know she tired herself out, she even forgot there was a potato chip still in her hand. Laughing under your breath and highly amused, you fixed the cover over her. 
You felt compelled to get cameras— a recurring thought— to catch her doing something silly or find out whatever it is she does when you’re not home to end up like this. It would be similar to those pets on social media who respond to the talking animal-like object with a secret camera… and they would tilt their head in confusion or bark. 
But, again, Rosie’s not a dog. 
You shook your head, an action you hoped got rid of such thoughts (no matter how many times she reminded you of one), and situated yourself on the ground beside the couch, you stared at her face for a while, admiring her beauty. It’s something you know you’d never get used to. Your gaze dragged across the bit of freckles on her nose and cheeks, to her long eyelashes that were dark against her skin. You watched as they fluttered as she dreamt. 
A sigh left her lips, and she turned to her side, facing you. She had a soft pout shaping her lips, and you found yourself staring at them longer than you should’ve. She was so adorable asleep… What?
You blinked owlishly, heat rising to the back of your neck after realizing how creepy you were being. The last thing you wanted to do was make her uncomfortable. Just as you were about to retreat, you realized the potato chip was still nestled between her fingers, and, worried she’d crush it and make a mess, you reached out to pluck it from her hand, only for her eyes to flutter open. They were bleary, clouded with sleep, and caused a stir in your stomach. She blinked at you, a blush slowly appearing on her cheeks.
Startled, you toppled onto your elbows. “R-Rosie?“ You stammered. 
The crisp sound made you both look at the chip now crushed in her palm. She sat upright, now thoroughly embarrassed and wide awake. 
A smile grew on your face, and you dismissed the apologetic look she was giving you. “Here,” you said, grabbing the empty chip bag on the nightstand. “You can put that in here.”
“Did you sleep well?” You asked when she finished transferring the crumbs into the  chip bag.
Rosie nodded with a yawn, stretching her arms above her head. The action revealed more of her slender stomach and the soft curves of her waist.  It was distracting, and you quickly tore your gaze away from the sight to focus on the chip bag in your hands, thus not noticing the sly smile on her face. You played with the sides of the bag, pinching the aluminum plastic between your finger tips. She tapped your forehead to get your attention again, her brows raised in question, and mouthed How was work?
“Ah,” you said, relieved for a distraction. “It was fine— same old stuff. We have a new worker joining us, and so far she seems nice, a little clumsy though. I’m in charge of helping her out.”
She knew by now you weren’t one to love interacting with people— you would rather stand back and observe, finding interest in the actions of others, how they moved or expressed themselves. She thought that was why you were able to read her so well, how you were able to understand her despite the fact she didn’t have a voice. 
However, she didn’t know why she felt a twang to her heart at the mention of your new coworker, a feeling of unrest growing in her stomach. She felt anxious about today and didn’t know why the feeling still lingered. 
Rosie reached for your hand with a frown, noticing a bandage wrapped around your index finger. 
You looked at it, remembering your little accident earlier. “Oh, it’s nothing serious, just a shallow cut. The stapler nicked me when I was trying to refill it.” 
A staple..er? Rosie stared at you quizzically. 
“It’s a tool used to clip stacks of papers together and it’s sharp in some areas. I was refilling it when it clamped down on my finger,” you explained. 
Her mouth made an ‘O’ shape and she nodded, but you could tell she still didn’t understand. Either way, you were prepared to answer anything she asked you— who were you to deny her curiosity? 
“Are you hungry?” You asked, standing up. It’s been a while since you ate lunch, and knowing she had just woken up, she was probably hungry as well. You opened the fridge and staring back at you was a jar of mayonnaise, a single egg, a half of tomato, and two pieces of cheese. You bit the inside of your cheek, wondering how you didn’t notice the lack thereof earlier. “Looks like I’ll be going grocery shopping,” you murmured, closing the fridge. Your grandmother always told you to buy ingredients, which you took to heart, cooking your meals instead of ordering out. She also insisted you become a chef one day— which obviously didn’t happen. 
Rosie was watching you from over the couch, and when she noticed you were staring back at her she looked away, pretending to be interested in her hands. 
“Do you want to come with me?” You offered tentatively, noting her mannerisms. She definitely wanted you to ask– if the way her head whipped toward you and began to nod rapidly, if the way her eyes brightened and a smile tugged at her lips was any indication. “Then that’s settled, why don’t you put a coat on? And some warm pants.”
The doors to the grocery store slid open with a mute whoosh and a bell sounded out as you walked through. Rosie, still holding your hand (to which she insisted on the moment you walked out the door to make your way here), appeared shocked at the technology before staring in awe at the assortments of fruits and veggies that lined the entrance-aisle. You believed it was safe to assume she’d never seen a supermarket before, or seen this much food in one place, and it was evident that she had no idea what to do and looked quite apprehensive. But, she followed you closely behind nevertheless.
You grabbed two large baskets after realizing all the carts were being used (or missing), handing one to Rosie. "Can you hold this for me?... Thanks." You then began your journey of looking for ingredients. For tonight, you planned to fry something, perhaps chicken-- spicy chicken-- and maybe some white rice, vegetables and whatever else you find.  Your eyes fell on an aisle marked "spices," and your eyebrows furrowed, you definitely need to restock (flavorful food comes at a price, after all). Rosie seemed to realize where you were headed because she took the lead, yet peered over her shoulder every once in a while to make sure you were still there.
Every few feet Rosie would hold up an item she plucked off the shelf, and when you nodded she would put it in the basket before walking away with a smile to find something else. You simply shook your head in amusement, glad she was having fun. Figuring she would come back and find you, you moved to the next aisle slowly, so she would still be able to locate you nearby. You did this because you knew how it felt being separated from a parent in the grocery store, lost but trying not to look lost as you searched for your family, a growing sense of dread worming its way into your stomach the longer you looked.
Rosie wandered the aisles with a subtle boldness– she wasn't as uneasy as when she first walked in– looking for something else to find. She liked the smiles you would give her when she found something useful. She liked the smiles you gave her when she found something useless, too. Either way, she was on a mission. Or, maybe it wasn't a highly important mission because the moment she passed an aisle that contained brightly packaged, illustrated items, she swiftly turned and entered it. Her eyes widened, and she looked at the different packaging, with, what she believes is edible, a variety of "foods"-- all shapes and sizes. Everything looked so appealing, and she was simply dying to know what was inside. Maybe you would get it for her?
As Rosie was contemplating which package to get, she was approached by a group of guys– looking like they were in their early adult years or so, unbeknownst to her. One guy who was being jostled around and whispered to was pushed towards her, the others staying behind and snickering behind their hands. He took a deep breath, pulling his phone out his pocket.  “Hi, I think you’re really cute and wondered if I could get your number?”
No answer. 
He tried again, yet still received no answer. He looked back to his friends who merely shrugged. So he waited. They gave her a moment to see if she was just “lagging behind” but she kept staring at the packages—practically burning holes into them. But she was thinking hard. Very, very hard and intensive.  Which one should she choose when they all looked good? She’s never had this type of food, and never had to pick something out for herself, either. The servants in the palace would do it for her, not trusting her ability to pick out something that's not….”human-originated”. Would you like what she got? 
Would you smile at her again for her choice?
She wanted to know. 
Completely absorbed in this new task, Rosie took both of the packages and walked away, leaving the guy standing there dumbfounded.
“What just happened?” He murmured.
Just as you were about to go off and find Rosie, feeling that she was taking longer than usual to come back, she entered the aisle, looking very serious. She stopped in front of you. “Rosie?” You questioned, then the candy packages she held garnered your attention. “ Oh, are you interested in those? Do you want to try them? They're a little sour, but I’ll get them for you.” You smiled at her, relieved nothing bad happened, and found her behavior endearing.
You put them in the basket before informing her you were done shopping, the two of you making your way to the self-checkout. She trailed behind you like a puppy (yes, the reference again), grinning so hard her cheeks began to ache, feeling accomplished and happy beyond belief. She smiled at me again!  And she knew it was something she wanted to see a lot more, a sight that made her heart speed up.
You arrive home with arms with multiple bangs strung on them. You unlock the door and let Rosie in first, instructing her to put the bags on the dining table. As she’s doing that you make one trip to the kitchen with bags, put them down, then go back for the last of them. 
You’re just outside your door frame, bending down to reach for the bags, when the wind gets knocked out of you, and your arm is pulled behind your back. “What–” Your leg is swept from under you and you fall to the floor with a thud, a hiss leaving your mouth, a pounding beginning to resonate behind your skull. You groan, feeling pain throbbing where your body made contact with the ground. 
A shiny black shoe invades your vision, and you hear a woman's voice. 
“Where’s Rosé?” She demanded, and you had a feeling it was something you were expected to answer, but you didn’t have it in you to care. 
“What?” You murmured, blinking rapidly, trying to get a grip. There was a weight on your backside, keeping you down, and you figured its whoever is wearing those black shoes. Must be a tough guy.
“Don’t play dumb, human,” came a gruff voice. Ah, so there were really two people.
"Aren't we all human here?” you mumbled, finding what he said weird. This smart comment earned you a tug on your arm, which was already pretty far pushed behind your back. You yelped.
You heard a sigh of frustration. The woman spoke again,  “Get off of her, KK.”
Just as he was removing himself off of you, rapidly approaching footsteps were heard, and a body shoved him away, running to your side. “Rosie?” You furrowed your brows. She should go back inside, you didn’t know if these people were dangerous or not. Nonetheless, she helped you sit up, and you did so with a quiet hiss, meeting her frantic eyes. She checked you over, and when she deemed you okay she whipped her head to the side and glared at the woman and her bodyguard. And what a mean glare it was; you’ve never seen that look on her. 
The feline-eyes woman appeared shocked at the action, and in a meek tone called her name. “R-Rosé? What— why are you...?” 
Why is she protecting you? Her captor. You’ve done horrible things to her. 
The woman looked unsure, confused. 
“Um…” Your uncertain voice disrupted Jennie’s train of thought and her eyes flickered to you, something akin to annoyance passing through them. She glared at you with such ferocity you thought you might actually see flames emitting from her eyes. You winced internally; you don’t even know this woman (Rosie seemed to, though) and can tell she already hated you. “You two seem to know each other, right? Why don’t you take this inside?… I don’t want to bother my neighbors.”
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blackpink · 1 year
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rosé @ cannes film festival
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feeling--pink · 1 year
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They committed the worst crime of all: being silly AND goofy 😔😔
…But don’t worry! Jancy will bail them out! :)
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kazcat · 4 months
zamasu is one of the guys of all time
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i drew this one kinda big sorry💔
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i draw his hair so inconsistently...
heres a bonus goku black though!!
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dizzybizz · 11 months
TRICK OR TREAT (⁠☉⁠。⁠☉⁠)⁠!⁠→
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thelovesickgrls · 2 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSÉ! (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠).⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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chellesdump · 1 year
Getting In The Twilight Zone - JenLiChaeng
"Jisoo was out doing a schedule so Jennie had stayed home with their maknaes who had regressed since the previous night, when they woke up they realized that their home had to get into the Halloween spirit, so they begged Jennie to let them decorate the place up. Of course, Jen told them yes, who could resist puppy eyes"
word count ─ 1k
tags ─ little! rosé, little! lisa, cg! jennie, fluff, autumn, warm drinks, mention of autumn festivities
notes ─ This is for the Decorating prompt , enjoy :3
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Jennie bid goodbye to Jisoo who had a schedule for the day before closing the door and going back to watching her show while cuddling the dogs, the day aimed to be a relaxing one, and of course she planned to enjoy it to the fullest, but what she hadn’t anticipated was for the hurricane that her two maknaes were bringing upon once they woke up. Jen had the luck of being able to watch a full episode of the drama she was watching before Hurricane LiChaeng struck, once awake they made their way to the living room searching for the unnies only finding Jennie there under a blanket with both Kuma and Dalgom snuggled against her.
Deciding that was good enough, they threw themselves next to Jen and began asking a bunch of questions, “Where Jisoo unnie? What you watchin’? Can eat waffles? Why ajumma crying on TV? Can cut doggie hair?”, after taking a couple of seconds to truly process the questions Jennie paused her show and turned towards the maknaes to answer them, “She had some work to do, I’m watching a show not meant for little ones like you, we can eat waffles, she’s crying cause something bad happened, and clearly you can’t cut their hair baby” responded Jennie finishing with a boop to each of their noses. Before going to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast that was asked Jennie put on some cartoons for the kids so they would be a little bit calmer and not make a huge disaster on the room.
When the waffles were cooked, some fruit was cut, diverse jams were out to try, some whipped cream, and some toppings Jen called the maknaes to come and eat, they came running like crazy while screaming about how they wanted their waffles. It was too early to deal with so much ruckus so Jen put a stop to it, “Okay you two calm down, first Rosie tell me what you want on your waffles baby” said Jen putting a couple of the waffles on a plate and getting them ready, “Umhh… Wan pe’simon jam and whipped c’eam an spinkles” described Rosie before being gave her plate saying a tiny fank u and pilling fruits on top of her plate, then came Lisa’s turn “Me want lotsa whipped c’eam an pink spinkles an mango jam, pwease” finished with a big smile, after thanking her she followed Rosé’s example and put lots of fruits on top of her waffles.
After Jennie prepared her own plate she sat down and began eating, thinking this would be a nice and calm breakfast but the girls wanted to tell her about the cartoon they were watching so she listened, “Mama we watch Kongsuni!! She funny an Lili wanna be wike Kongsuni!!” said Lisa, “Yeah Mama, Kongsuni pway wiff her fwiends an they have much fun!! They make cwafts wiff leaves from the twees!!” informed Rosé with a twinkle on her eye remembering the episode they had seen of ‘Kongusni and Friends’, they kept narrating everything that happened on TV, rambling on and on so Jen only paid half attention while focussing more on eating and making sure the girls ate.
Jennie inserted affirmative hums and some ‘really’ every once and then to let the kids know they weren’t being ignored, so she didn’t really hear what they asked her until the happy squeals of “Gomawo Mama, you da best! Saranghae Mama!” came from both littles. Gaining her full consciousness she dared to speak again, “Rosie! Lili! Can you tell Mama what she just agreed to? Please?” begged the Korean interrupting their little celebratory dance, with pouts and sad expressions they asked, “Was Mama ignoring Rosie an’ Lili?”, this broke Jen’s heart so she was quick to her response, “Oh no babies! Mama’s mind just decided to go away for a little and didn’t really hear what you asked. You know I would never ignore you on purpose” reassured Jennie while bringing the younguns on a hug.
Between tiny sobs, they asked again, “Kongsuni ask her eomma if they decorate house pwease, we wanna decorate the house like Kongsuni and Kongsuni eomma” retold Rosé, “Can we Mama, pwetty pwease? We wan pwetty house like Kongsuni” continued Lisa putting her hand together and making her best puppy eyes alongside Rosé. Of course, Jennie said yes, since she couldn’t resist those eyes begging, but she told them that first, they had to pick up all their toys and take their dogs out for a walk so they would get their energy (and go potty) before leaving them on their own at the house, after finishing the tasks they got dressed to go to the store and pick up the decorations they wanted.
The trip to the store was as chaotic as anyone would expect from the maknaes of Blackpink leading everything, they got out with a cart filled with a huge variety of decorations, and fitting everything into their car was a struggle but they succeeded at the end so happily made their way back home, not before stopping to buy some hot chocolate to drink while decorating their place. When they finished decorating it seemed as if an autumn monster had thrown up in there since the whole place was packed with decorations but somehow they made it work, there was a wreath on their front door, pumpkin light garlands around the windows, a bowl with tiny orange pumpkins were placed as a centerpiece on their table, some autumn-colored candles where placed on their coffee table in the living room, a tiny scarecrow welcomed you into the house, the cushions and blankets on their sofa were now in the same autumnal colors, and tiny bats hanging from the ceiling make the look complete.
Saying the day had been tiring was an understatement but Jennie couldn’t be any happier than watching her recently bathed babies babble about how much fun they had decorating the place for their Mommy, as soon as Jisoo had arrived they bombarded her with details about their day, so know that they had eaten dinner and were ready for bed Jennie could only feel blessed and content with her tiny family.
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dmsr-art · 10 months
i need a john x reader fic where u take him on a cheap first date (cheesecake factory & the movies) and then u fuck in the backseat of his car
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 1 year
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I just wanted to give drawing Grendan and Rosé of Drawtectives a shot (might do some more sketches/doodles later, maybe York and Eugene and Jancy too)
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loonybun · 4 months
ok screw it oc introduction be upon ye
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hi guys this is Rosé!!! I do have an in depth thing regarding his relationship with Adonis (another character of mine) and his whole transformation on my other blog so if you’d like to read that in more detail it’s right here.
CONTAINS: Cults/religion/sacrilege (evangelical nature), religious trauma and guilt, shunning, old timey homophobia and religion-based intersexphobia, historic stuff and some fun facts about the 1920’s, verbal abuse, manipulation, coercion, power dynamic (god and mortal), a really shitty partner and a shitter relationship, body horror, chronic illness, attempted suicide (multiple times multiple methods including overdose), rot and decay of the body, and love potions but for all the wrong reasons.
Rosé, formerly known as Roe Labat, was born in 1898 and raised in an evangelical cult. Ironically enough this has actually nothing to do with the wings and whatnot. That’ll come later. Being both intersex and albino, he was never truly accepted by the people around him. Some were kinder than others, sure, but it was all out of pity. In their eyes, he was already damned to an eternity in hell for the simple sin of existing.
He was a very docile and quiet child, rarely ever stepping out of line regardless of circumstances. He lived inside of the church, as his parents didn’t want responsibility of him. From an early age Roe understood that he was not something worthy of love, as even God had forsaken him. He was cared for out of obligation rather than actual genuine love, having religion almost constantly drilled into him.
When he was 18 (1916), he ran away from the cult’s village. He figured that he’d never make anything out of himself within it, and never be able to prove himself. Roe was also sick of being a burden. He had never been able to make friends due to the constant ostracism, and even though the people he was around changed to be a lot more open-minded, this remained a constant throughout his life. He started living in New Orleans and often frequented various parades and bars. Also he learned that he was queer and that messed him up for a bit. Despite being forsaken, he still tried his best to be a good follower given his circumstances, but the more he learned about the world around him, the looser his faith became.
Roe took an eventual interest in the “pansy performers” (drag queens in the 1920’s), though felt a lot of guilt and shame regarding considering the concept as a career. The more he thought about it though, he realized he didn’t have much else to lose.
He was a natural performer, able to say and do just the right things in just the right ways to provoke a positive reaction from the audience. Considering the more niche community at the time, he never really drew in big crowds, but what he had was enough for him to live off of in a nice 3 room apartment. He was able to afford relatively nice clothes for his performances when they weren’t provided, and quickly became skilled at makeup and wig styling. He also began dying his hair (yes hair dye was a thing in the 1920’s) and using mascara and heavier makeup in order to conceal his albinism, just because it drew some unwanted attention here and there. While he rarely encountered any trouble with the law, he had a few close calls given what he was doing was pretty illegal at the time. homophobia am i right…
Around when he was 24-25, he met “Don”, who claimed to be a cab driver, yet was almost always dressed to the nines in stylish and at times anachronistic clothing. They hit it off very quickly, relating over the strange feeling of being isolated from their peers. They started going out together soon after. It was Roe’s first real relationship, especially with another man, so to say he was a bit nervous would be putting it lightly. Regardless, Don was always very kind to him and patient with him. He was a bit suspicious of Don though since he was always very dodgy about his home life and really any personal details, however he just assumed they came from similar situations. Roe did theorize where his money was coming from and thought him to either be a bootlegger or a member of the mafia, though he never brought it up because in full honesty he didn’t care too much. He was already head over heels and a little illegal activity wouldn’t stop that.
The last thing he was expecting was Don— or rather, Adonis, to claim he was actually a god. And really really wasn’t supposed to be talking with Roe but just couldn’t help himself. Roe was shocked to say the least, and a little incredulous, but Adonis was very quickly able to prove he was telling the truth. Roe, despite having his entire worldview and years of his life shattered by this one man, decided to try and make things work between them. And it did, for a while. The gaps in Adonis’s visits made more sense now, since he couldn’t be away for too long without the other gods getting suspicious. And it was nice to not have secrets. Roe was able to open up to him about his childhood as well, and Adonis provided sympathy for him.
But good things can’t last forever. As time passed, their relationship grew progressively worse. Adonis got upset over increasingly small things, and while Roe understood his perspective and tried to accommodate him, it didn’t mean he was exactly pleased about it. Adonis began to grow concerned over the prospect of something happening to Roe. After all, he was mortal. Frail. Weak.
His solution to this? Well, get rid of the mortality. Roe wasn’t exactly on board with the idea, considering he quite enjoyed being able to perform and live in the city, and accepting Adonis’s offer would make that nearly impossible. Adonis was persistent though, bringing up the idea at any time despite how many times Roe tried to gently shoot it down. Roe eventually grew tired of this cycle and hesitantly accepted. Adonis claimed that this would make things easier— They could see each other more often, they wouldn’t have to hide, the chances of his whole relationship with a mortal being found out by the one person who could end his existence from breaking the rules moved close to 0, no real drawbacks! for him.
this is where the stuff in the post i mentioned earlier comes in. if you’ve already read it, yeah it gets bad. if you haven’t, here’s the brief explanation.
given the fact that mortal bodies aren’t exactly capable of handling literal godly essence, Roe’s body began to decay and break down. At first, it mimicked some sort of disease. His skin became dry and flaky, and his body felt oddly hot and uncomfortable. Painful sensations overtook his body and became almost constant. By the time things started melting and his organs began to fail, he already knew it was too late to reverse any of this. Any hope of continuing his career or life normally vanished completely. Adonis, however, was very happy about this new development! It had worked! yippee! so so much fun. Of course, he obviously remained as sympathetic towards Roe as possible, regardless of any underlying excitement.
Roe became agitated and frustrated because of the amount of pain he was in and how much he had lost. He wasn’t able to leave the house anymore. He began to snap and lash out at Adonis, picking a fight or making a snide remark whenever possible. Adonis hadn’t exactly seen this coming, but he still kept trying to de-escalate things, often in the form of telling Roe that he was acting unreasonable or hysterical (smart move!). Despite all of this, they stayed in their relationship. Roe was too terrified to be alone, knowing that whatever was happening to him would completely destroy any semblance of respect people had for him, and Don because he wanted to see it through.
Their fights got worse until Adonis finally snapped back, calling Roe an “ungrateful cunt” for not appreciating the love and support he’d oh so generously provided. He made it clear to Roe that nobody would recognize him as human anymore. Nobody would love or care about him. He’d be a freak to anyone other than him, so he’d better stop complaining or he’d lose him too.
This got through to Roe, and he stopped shouting. In fact, even if he wanted to, he couldn’t. It hurt too much to speak, to move, to breathe. Every step was agony. His body had contorted beyond recognition. Was it even worth it to continue like this? Would this be what the rest of his existence was like? Did he really want to live if it meant being in constant, unbearable agony?
Even if the answer was no, he hardly had much of a choice. He tried more humane methods at first. Overdose, drowning in the bathtub, smashing his head against the wall— Nothing worked. He was still alive. He was still alive. Why was he still alive? Was he alive? Was this what it meant to live?
He got more desperate. Stabbing at his stomach, burning his flesh, only it would only leave little splotchy marks that quickly faded. Or so he thought.
The area around the wound he’d made on his stomach began to rot, eating away at any organs or skin or muscle in its path. Eventually, his entire torso from the bottom of his spine to the top of his pelvis was gone save for his spine and a few bits of spare viscera.
When Adonis returned, he wasn’t happy to see what Roe had tried to do. He became incredibly upset with him for trying to leave the relationship in the only way he possibly could. Still, as long as Roe promised to stop, he’d forgive him. Roe obliged.
The fact that Roe wouldn’t talk to him became a source of frustration for Adonis. It felt intentional, spiteful. And it hurt. Every single question was met with a dulled response, as if he barely heard him. As if he hardly cared. It became a bit like spending time with a rock when he stopped responding all together. No matter what Adonis tried, he couldn’t seem to get Roe to react. It was at that point he realized that both physically and mentally, the person he’d fallen for was gone. Far, far deep down, he knew it was his fault. But still, there was hardly any point in staying. Roe would probably rot there forever, and what good would it do to watch over that?
And so he left. Roe realized that it was permanent maybe only a week or so later. Initially, he blamed himself. If he had put in a little more effort, he could have tried to respond, but the pain was too much to bear… The pain— The pain that had begun to fade now. Maybe a month after Adonis left, Roe began to regain his mobility, his strength, and while he was still in pain, it was no longer unbearable. It seemed more like a dull nagging now. The fog that the loneliness and agony had inflicted upon him began to lift as well, and all of that guilt quickly shifted and simmered into pure hatred.
Hatred that the new immortal would begin to inflict upon the world and the ones surrounding it. That would continue to build for years with only the set goal of revenge against the man that had wronged him. And while it cooled over time into a tepid resentment, it never truly faded. He was able to continue with life, though hardly on the same plane, confining himself to a dimension that only certain desperate souls could access. Souls desperate to save their relationships, souls desperate to have their so-called beloveds fall for them, wretched, vile souls. And he’d help them regardless. After all, what’s a worse offense to a love god than bastardizing the craft? Who cares if a few… Hundred lives get ruined? It’s fun to watch. It’s not his turn to suffer anymore. And he won’t be made a victim again.
ANYWAYS more extra info i DONT think i put on the other post but dont rlly wanna check:
Adonis is the god of Lust, Beauty, and Vanity
Roe took on his stage name Rosé after his transformation to distance himself from his past
Rosé has been collecting magic. For what purpose? Let’s not worry about that.
Rosé has the abilities to siphon magic and the life force from people. He doesn’t do this often unless something catches his eye that he wants to harness. It does mean he’s incredibly powerful though.
Rosé’s main abilities he gained directly from Adonis’s essence or whatever include being able to alter the emotions of others (he can force people to think certain ways and even do certain things), pocket dimension stuff, and object conjuring.
Rosé has a lot of side hobbies but his favorite is cooking. He really likes savory dishes, but he also likes sweet things.
Rosé is able to travel between different dimensions and such, and only exists as a “god” in (this) one.
Rosé has built up a reputation among a lot of magical creatures. None of them are quite sure what he is or how he seems to defy certain laws of existence but most see him as a relatively trustworthy supplier for love potions.
Every so often Rosé gets bored and chooses to single people out to mess with. Maybe he should stop doing that.
Rosé is VERY prone to breakdowns, and while he’s mostly able to stay professional, if someone’s around him for a prolonged period of time and something causes him to spiral he regresses into an incredibly different and much more desperate person.
Rosé (name aside) considers himself a liquor connoisseur (RED FLA) and does collect rare alcohols. he does have a tendency to drink heavily but considering his body can’t really process food or drinks it sort of just magically disappears. he is a talkative and very mopey drunk though. like will start full on venting about his life story.
He’s friends with Aisling!!! Friends is a very strong word!!!! Maybe the wrong word!!! But they they hang out sometimes and Aisling seems to enjoy his company a lot even if he can’t really understand why he keeps coming back if not out of fear or trying to use him so he keeps his distance. Aisling is honestly just worried about him and has sort of been able to slowly break down that Rosé maybe isn’t as absolutely terrifying as he first thought and is indeed just very. very lonely and maybe even a bit pathetic
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chaelisaz · 1 year
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