#little creepy girl in horror movie energy
hotvintagepoll · 13 hours
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Peter Lorre (The Maltese Falcon, Arsenic and Old Lace, Casablanca)—to me he DEFINES scrungle hes the first person i think of every time the term comes up! i want to fold him up like a paper accordion and put him in my pocket. guy that spawned a million voice artists and impersonators. they made a ghost version of him for halloween cereal staple boo berry. bewitched by his nervous mania and tooth gap <3 (for the purposes of propaganda im linking a photo from his extremely short appearance in muscle beach party bc ive been obsessed w it for years and i couldnt find any video for it :/ anyway imagine youre frankie avalon spending the whole movie battling a bodybuilder faction thats taking over your beach and your girl and then you find out this fucking guy is their mastermind mystery leader and hes stronger than all the bodybuilders combined. like Huh. What.)
Tony Randall (Lover Come Back, Pillow Talk)—he's SO TIRED he's three-wheeling ALL THE TIME on rock and doris's shenanigans and he is always SMALL. PATHETIC. INHERENTLY FILLED WITH ENNUI. i feel like all these 60s comedies are very Straight Laced and Heterosexual and yet somehow tony randall is always there having the worst day ever.
This is round 1 of the contest. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. If you're confused on what a scrungle is, or any of the rules of the contest, click here.
[additional submitted propaganda + scrungly videos under the cut]
Peter Lorre
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he's pretty much the archetype of the scrungly little guy. the blueprint. the example by which all other scrungly little guys are judged
The perfect sniveling character actor, “scrungly” is the first word that comes to mind when I think of him.
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The entire point of his iconic role in Casablanca (apart from introducing the central plot mcguffin) was to be LITTLE and SCRUNGLY to make Bogie look even cooler. And Maggot in Corpse Bride - the littlest scrungliest guy in that film - was a parody of him.
I think Arsenic and Old Lace is his quintessential "scrungly" performance. He's so put-upon and tired...all he wants is sleep and some schnapps! I love the way his shoulders fall slowly when he thinks he's caught (he looks like a sad puppy!), only to gleefully sprint out the door when he realizes how dumb those police officers are.
Between his big eyes, wheezy laugh, short stature, and expressive faces, Peter Lorre achieved icon status as the scrungliest, littlest guy in Hollywood. His scrungly little guy energy was often contrasted with the more typical masculinity of the leading man, but whether this contrast was meant to make him seem especially sinister, comedic, or pathetic, it always left an unforgettable impression!
I'm sure somebody else has already submitted him (if not then ???) but he's a cute kind of scrungly little guy. He's got a distinctive nasal voice with an accent that is instantly recognizable and often imitated. His later horror movies are so much fun, especially when he's playing off of Vincent Price. He's so good at being unhinged, creepy, or manic, but also pathetic and sympathetic.
Classic scrungly hollywood golden age little guy who was friends with Humphrey Bogart and still played some of the wettest most sniveling characters ever committed to celluloid (complimentary) there is a deep despair and darkness in many of his characters that enhances his scrungly
To be clear, I am one of those people who will argue that Lorre is one of the most underrated film actors, but the POINT is that he's also just a scrungly delight. A delightfully pocket-sized man. Somehow endearing even when he is being actively amoral (see esp. Casablanca. "I found myself much more reasonable!") The faces he makes while doing the Russian cossack dance with a butter knife between his teeth in Silk Stockings make me laugh just thinking about them.
Wikipedia described his typical characters as "timidly devious", lots of weird little villains and evil sidekicks that are pretty horrifying but still manage to be sort of pathetic and the very definition of "poor little meow meow". His look and voice and mannerisms are so iconic they're still imitated
Cartoons for the next century have and will continue to include Peter Lorre-esque characters when needed to up the scrunge factor (see Bugs Bunny and so many more).
[editor's note on below link: I'm not actually sure how many of these characters are directly influenced by Peter Lorre, so take with a grain of salt. tw for suicide.]
The poster boy for Scrungly. Everyone who wants to draw a scrungly guy draws Peter Lorre. Gomez Addams of The Addams Family was based on him
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Tony Randall
"you had everything going for you! poverty!! squalor!!!!" "girls again!!! what's this obSESSion you have with giRLS???"
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valinoar · 1 year
the idea of aemond after losing his eye just becoming a menace to society and leaning fully into the scary image people made for himself is hilarious to me
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a-casual-egg · 23 days
Some time ago, I saw a post about fan kids, and since then, I've been thinking about some of the fan kids I made up, so I wanna talk about some of them!
Under the cut because it's a lot
Charlie is Dob and Egbert's adopted demon child. Bismuth had them investigate some spooky goings-ons, and they find out that a little baby/toddle demon playing is the cause of all the chaos. They're won over by the baby/toddler almost immediately, and Dob looks at Egbert with big puppy dog eyes and asks if they can keep them. Egbert says yes, of course.
When I first made Charlie up, a friend of mine suggested that Dob and Egbert name them Charlie after Charles Fontelroy Stripworth Colcahoun The Third At Your Service (Dob wanted to name them the full name but they compromised on naming them Charlie). Charlie was originally based on this Tumblr post:
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but became a lot more.
Charlie has very pointy teeth and likes to bite. They bite their toys and their blankets and their chewlery and their dads. They bite a lot and they have a lot of energy. At first, Dob thought he had as much energy, if not more, as Charlie, but he was sorely mistaken. He's often exhausted before Charlie is, but it is so rewarding when Charlie actually does sleep because it is soooo cute when they sleep.
Not only does Charlie love their dads and biting, but they also love asking questions and sharing information. They find out a lot of information by being a little kid just walking around and asking random questions. After they learn stuff, they tell their dads every small little bit of information they learn, and their dads listen to what their kid has to say.
For example, one day, Charlie asks Dob what he and Egbert are gonna do for date night, and through many other questions, Charlie learns Dob's entire plan for date night. With this new information, they go find Egbert and tell them everything. He's just like, "Oh yeah? Really? Very interesting." the entire time while Charlie like flops on the bed or the floor and stretchs their arms and legs in the air like little kids do. When Dob finds out that Egbert knows all about it, he's sheepish, but Egbert gives him a kiss because he appreciates all the thought put into date night and Dob melts.
Overall, Charlie is very observant and likes mimicking their dads, leading them to mimic Egbert's tail moments with their own tail. Since I love the idea of tails being like another hand/arm to grab stuff, I think Egbert would notice Charlie mimicking their tail motions and pick them up with his own tail then plop Charlie into his lap for a big cuddle. It also works for when Charlie is about to do something they shouldn't, Egbert can just pick them up with his tail and either gently but firmly explain why Charlie shouldn't do what they were about to or just go back to doing whatever he was doing while Charlie pouts.
Dob is more silly with Charlie and lets them paint his nails for fun. Being that Charlie is around like 4-8, the nails are messy, but Dob still loves them and shows them off to people. He also invents a lot of games for him and Charlie to play together.
I don't know how quickly Charlie is introduced to the rest of the guild, Bismuth, and Suzette, but they love them so much even if Corazón is offended when Charlie interrupts him with baby babbling.
Anabelle is Barnaby's daughter from most likely a fling. Her hair is usually in braids, and she isn't really emotive. She's kinda similar to the Dimmer Sisters in the sense that she's kinda like a creepy little girl from a horror movie. She loves animals, especially reptiles, and has a snake that she talks to (I have a working idea that the snake helps her like a support animal of some kind).
Barnaby is very sweet and loving towards her because he doesn't want his daughter to have the awful childhood he did. She's very intelligent, however, isn't great at talking to people like her dad is, and often hides behind people just watching. She's probably autistic to be honest.
I have a sorta joke with her where she invents hair dye because she deserves to, so her hair is usually a soft pink in my mind. She runs her hands through her hair to calm herself down and because she likes the feeling.
She's also very silly. She and Barnaby have a lot of inside jokes, and they make each other laugh/giggle. They probably have the same laugh if that's possible. Anabelle is also silly in the way that she wakes her dad up by hitting him in the face with a pillow.
Barnaby doesn't really bring up Anabelle in order for him to keep up his reputation as a rich socialite that does random things for fun, but I have two like main ways for Anabelle to meet the hobbyhorses.
The first one is Barnaby brings the crew back to his place after a dangerous heist and she's peeking out behind a wall and someone notices her, points her out, and Barnaby picks her up and asks her why she's up so late (It's bc she missed her dad). Then she's introduced to the others, and they simply adore her.
The second one is Edvard and Kasimir stumble into her during a heist, then she joins them on a heist and talks about her dad and how cool and sweet he is. To Edvard and Kasimir it's a random child and a random father but then later like not during the heist but a later time maybe in Eleanor's townhouse the three of them run into Barnaby and he asks Annabelle to explain and that's how they find out Anabelle is a Fortescue and also they know a lot abt how soft Barnaby actually is.
She and Lilith get along really well and talk about snakes and spoiky stuff. Lilith becomes Auntie Lilith very quickly. She watches Edvard a lot, and he explains the science he's doing while only kinda being creeped out by this blank-faced child. Edvard does eventually become her step-dad, and he nurtures Anabelle's love for science. I think as an adult, Anabelle is either a leech or a whisper and becomes known as the leech or whisper with a big snake.
Eddie is the son of Edie Valentine and Billie Joe Thicket. He's named after Edie's little brother Eddie and is an absolutely precious little angel. He's a sweetiepie who loves his family so much. He's a big hugger like his mom and dad will follow his family members around like he's a little duckling. Edie usually stops him if he tries to follow her on a monster hunt, though. She'll scoop him up, explain why he can't go, give him a kiss on the forehead or cheek, and hand him to his dad.
While he can't visit his mom at work, he can absolutely visit his dad at work and does so pretty often. He's met all his dad's coworkers, including the animals. He waves and says hello to everyone just like his parents. Eddie is very close with all of Billie's bison and Buckthorn. When he's visiting his dad at work, he always visits the stables and pets the animals. He's probably named one of the bison, and Billie very proudly says that Eddie was the one who named that bison every time. It's also probably a very silly or cute name that Billie says with the same dramatics he does for every other bison name.
When Edie gets back from monster hunts, Eddie is so excited, and Edie gives him so many kisses while he giggles. He then tells his mom all the stuff that happened while she was away. He does big gestures with his hands as he recaps everything because he's seen his dad do it, and Edie thinks it's so cute.
I headcanon Edie as autistic and Billie as having adhd so I think Eddie might have both (frankly all these fan kids have at least autism or adhd). His parents and the posse help him a lot with making things accessible. He has his own orange or yellow noise-canceling headphones and his own stim toys.
Edie also makes a lot of Eddie's clothes to avoid any fabrics that put Eddie in sensory hell. He has a few skirts and dresses because of this. He likes the way the way they move and spin. Everyone in the family is supportive about it and will fight someone who's a jerk about Eddie's fondness of more feminine clothes.
Speaking about the family, I think Eddie wakes up pretty early, like his mama and like Uncle Silas, so a lot of mornings, he'll "help" Silas with making breakfast, which mainly involves telling Silas all his favorite breakfasts and what he thinks would make good breakfast combos, picking inconsequential things for the breakfast (like which measuring cup should Silas pour the water into when making pancakes (using pancake mix), which egg should Silas crack next, and which frying pan should he use), and setting the table.
He also reads the funnies in the newspaper with Grandpa Nate, and they laugh at Garfield together. Maybe Nate even reads some of the comics out loud in funny voices to make Eddie laugh. Eddie could also use the funnies as reading practice, like a member of the family points out a word, and Eddie tries to read it, sounding it out as he goes. They congratulate him when he's figured it out.
He's just a happy-go-lucky little guy who has adoring parents! So adoring that they'd probably be cheering at school plays (like I think the Addams family are in the Addams family movie). Eddie loves his family soooo much, and they love him just as much.
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swapauanon · 10 months
Okay so, I don't know how many of my followers read the webcomic "Erma", but I figured I'd just mention this little theory of mine:
Half of what makes Erma so weird is that she's half yokai.
The other half of what makes her weird is that she's autistic.
In the third strip of Erma #1 (titled "How Rude"), we see Erma shriek after her classmates start arguing around her. Watching her facial expressions shows her getting more uncomfortable than mad, with her gripping her head before doing her horror movie monster shriek.
The next time we see Erma do this is when her cousin, Emily, is visiting in "Episode" 105: "Latched". In response to Emily's boundless energy being a bit more than Erma can keep up with, our protagonist gets increasingly frazzled (not even angry, just overwhelmed), until she finally repeats the same shriek she hadn't done since the start of the series.
In both cases, while she might also be angry, the shriek seems to be more of a response to her being overwhelmed by sensations that she's experiencing too quickly to process, and experiencing a (more or less completely involuntary) meltdown in response. Heck, her Super Powered Evil Side is triggered by sensory overload induced by the voices of hundreds (if not thousands) of damned souls inside the jubokko (that creepy tree with all the skulls), which could imply that the red eyes have less to do with her being ANGRY (although that is a factor) and more to do with her being in extreme pain from too many overlapping voices at once.
There's also the fact that she doesn't always seem to have the best reading on other people's tones, as seen in the "Secrets" arc, where Felicia's playful teasing ends up upsetting her just as much as Widdle Wallace's genuinely malicious taunts.
There's also the fact that Erma, in spite of enjoying playing the horror movie monster, REALLY seems to dislike sudden loud noises, as seen when her parents are watching football together and Erma's reaction to them yelling at the refs through the screen is to huddle up in the corner of the room.
Also, while Erma is a kind and genuinely compassionate little girl, she doesn't always have the best read of other people's feelings, as seen by the fact that she doesn't seem to realize that her teacher is absolutely TERRIFIED of her. Or how she doesn't realize how removing her own head as part of a freestyle dance could horrify all the onlookers who are NOT used to her antics. As seen by her reaction to the aftermath of her (completely involuntary) rampage at the end of the Night Parade Arc: while she may enjoy scaring people, she doesn't want to traumatize them! So it's entirely likely that she just straight up doesn't realize how badly she's scared her homeroom teacher, and would probably be DEEPLY upset if she realized it.
Finally, there's the fact that we have yet to "hear" her speak. While we know she CAN talk, thanks to other characters, the fact is that she seems to be extremely nonverbal, preferring to let her actions (body language, gestures, and facial expressions) do the talking for her. While the decision to never have her speak on page may have been to just take a horror movie monster trope and play it for cuteness instead of horror, I am still gonna take it as evidence because everything else fits pretty well.
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springsteens · 1 year
15 questions and 15 mutuals
thank you so much for the tag, @gilliandersons 🤍
were you named after anyone?
my dad says the most beautiful girl he's ever known had my name and he met her in uni but I'm not sure if it's really how I got my name. when my parents were naming me, not many people liked it because it was an old and forgotten name (although it was used in one side of my family frequently back in the day, which I have found out not so long ago). two years after I was born, almost every girl had this name here lol my dad keeps saying I was a trendsetter
when was the last time you cried?
like two weeks ago when I found out my vacation trip for the summer that was supposed to be just my mum & I having a girl time is no longer going to happen because she decided to take her boyfriend with us, too... and I hate him 😔 and he hates me... 😐
do you have kids?
I'm 25 and getting my second Masters degree lol
do you use sarcasm a lot?
almost all the time and it's the reason why I don't vibe with certain type of people but I don't even care 🤷🏻‍♀️
what's the first thing you notice about people?
looks, clothes, the way they speak etc. not to judge who is rich or popular etc. because that's primitive but it says a lot about what kind of person I am dealing with. it says a lot about their background, even their parents' education. I feel like a little Sherlock Holmes then lol and funnily enough, I'm rarely wrong...
what's your eye color?
hazel brown (one eye is more brown, one is more green)
scary movies or happy endings?
both is good! I love creepy horrors about demons and witches etc. but I also love a happy ending (maybe not in a horror movie, though)...
any special talents?
I'm sort of a witch in denial because I kinda don't believe in this shit but it keeps happening to me and I find it funny when I see all those spiritual girls trying so hard with their unethical crystals and paraffin candles and here I am, not wanting this and not vibing with this but still receiving energy against my will
where were you born?
what are your hobbies?
literature, cinema, music, the sims 4 (building and furnishing apartments the most!), some fashion and some history, some mythology
have any pets?
two cats 😊 my baby boys!
what sports do you play/have you played?
I wanted to play football when I was younger and by football I mean soccer just to be clear although saying soccer makes me angry because there's only one football ⚽
how tall are you?
favorite subject in school?
polish, english, history, culture class
dream job?
• nepo baby • modern day royal lady • mafia princess • 70s it girl • librarian in an old library that earns enough money to survive (as realistic as the ones above)
no pressure tags (and certainly not 15 people, do forgive me) — @violaobanion @violetwanderer @xbellaxcarolinax @melancholic--soull @the-makingsofgreatness @hellshee @caelys @depoteka @pierangelis @laurennbacall
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derschwarzeengel · 1 year
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CHARMED (1998) - SEASON 1 || Sentence Starters (pt. 1)
A collection of sentence starters taken from The WB's Charmed, for roleplay purposes. Slightly NSFW (mentions of sex, violence).
01. Something Wiccan This Way Comes
❝Oh my God, I don't believe it. Tell me that's not our old spirit board?❞
❝Yeah, I found it in the basement when I was looking for the circuit tester.❞
❝That girl is so in the dark, maybe a little light will help.❞
❝You're avoiding my question.❞
❝Because you don't want to know that I went to an occult shop.❞
❝You hate me don't you? You wanna see me suffer.❞
❝Right. That's an athame. It's a ceremonial tool. Witches use them to direct energy.❞
❝Some woman got whacked.❞
❝You used to always push the pointer.❞
❝Don't you think you're overreacting? We're perfectly safe here.❞
❝Don't say that. In horror movies, the person who says that is always the next to die.❞
❝Spirit boards, books of witchcraft. It figures all this freaky stuff started when you arrived.❞
❝Well, my head spun around and I vomited split-pea soup. How should I know?❞
❝Don't tell me you put on a black conical hat and spent the night flying around the neighborhood on a broomstick?❞
❝Look, I know what happened last night was weird and unexplainable, but we're not witches and we do not have special powers.❞
❝We're the protectors of the innocent. We're known as the Charmed Ones.❞
❝I thought breaking up with you was the best thing I'd ever done. But this definitely tops that.❞
❝Are you telling me that nothing strange happened to you today? You didn't freeze time or move anything?❞
❝With how much you hold inside, you should be a lethal weapon by now.❞
❝No, I'm not okay. You turned me into a witch.❞
❝You were born one. We all were. And I think we better start to deal with it.❞
❝Actually, a witch can be either good or evil. A good witch follows the Wiccan Rede. 'An it harm none, do what ye will.' A bad witch or a warlock has but one goal: to kill good witches and retain their powers. Unfortunately, they look like regular people. They could be anyone, anywhere.❞
❝You know I'm not afraid of our powers. I mean, everyone inherits something from their family, right?❞
❝Who wants to be normal when we can be special?❞
❝The Book of Shadows said our powers would grow.❞
❝The power of three will set us free.❞
02. I've Got You Under My Skin
❝News flash. Stop worrying, you'll get wrinkles.❞
❝Are you worried we're gonna be burnt at the stake?❞
❝Well, I tend to be on the persistent side. I usually get what I want.❞
❝Well, my life, it's gotten a little complicated and I just don't think that I should get involved in anything right now.❞
❝We had sex. It doesn't mean we have to elope.❞
03. Thank You for Not Morphing
❝You know, that is a sign. Let's turn back now before it's too late.❞
❝Okay, I came, I saw, I was perky. Now I just want my head on a pillow because I have to wake up early.❞
❝Oh, what a coinkidink. Look, who's here.❞
❝We've been through this. Okay, cop, witch, is not a love connection.❞
❝Now this is really creepy. If there were a dog in the house, then it had to have an owner. No dog I know can open that front door, let alone reach the top shelf.❞
❝Hey, maybe we should get a security system.❞
❝Well, either we could rely on our vicious guard cat to protect us or we could remember to lock the doors.❞
❝I don't know what kind of people you're used to dealing with but I'd lay serious coin that they aren't willing to rip you into a thousand pieces and dance on your entrails.❞
❝Ahh, so you're lawyers. And here I was assuming you were shape shifters.❞
04. Dead Man Dating
❝I was nowhere near the neighborhood, thought I'd stop by.❞
❝Maybe the ghosts need protection from me.❞
❝Yeah, well, I decided to break that tradition and start a new one.❞
❝A weekend of rest, rubdowns and room service. What's to think about?❞
❝This is not funny. Our powers are supposed to be a secret, not a marketable job skill.❞
❝Relax. They didn't hire me because they think I'm a witch, they hired me because they think I'm a psychic.❞
❝Hair splitting. You know you can't use your powers for personal gain, not without consequences.❞
❝I've tried communicating with every psychic in the city. You were my last chance.❞
❝Oh my God. I can see you but no one else can?❞
❝I'm dead, I'm a ghost.❞
❝Please, I don't have much time. Somebody has to find my body before it's too late.❞
❝It's a Chinese myth. At least I always thought it was a myth. It's called Thowhoi, when the gates of hell open. We're almost there.❞
❝If the gatekeeper, Yama, catches my soul before my body's properly buried, he'll take my to hell forever.❞
❝Yama doesn't care about good or evil. He just wants souls. I should've listened to my mother.❞
❝I'm a good witch, remember?❞
❝I don't know. I panic, I put up both hands and bad things tend to freeze.❞
❝Talk to her? And tell her what? That you're a witch in touch with the ghost of her dead son?❞
❝You of all people should know that bribery is a crime.❞
❝The first time I saw you I thought you were a ghost.❞
❝Leave it to me to fall for a dead guy.❞
❝It's an improvement. At least he wasn't a warlock.❞
05. Dream Sorcerer
❝Are your parents terrorists? ‘Cos baby you're the bomb.❞
❝When you fell from Heaven, did it hurt? ‘Cos I know an angel when I see one.❞
❝Hmm. I'm no angel. I'm a witch.❞ 
❝They have been going at if for almost an hour.❞
❝Um, I think there's been some kind of a mistake. I didn't order this.❞
❝You have a secret admirer. He ordered it for you.❞
❝You look beautiful in that dress. I knew you would.❞
❝It's your dream, but it's my fantasy.❞
❝Hehehe. You're dreaming. I'm visiting.❞
❝In dreams I can do anything. I can dance in your dreams, I can alter your dreams, and I can kill you in your dreams.❞
❝Did you know that if you die in your dreams, you die in real life?❞
❝Every bone in her body's been crushed.❞
❝The coroner said it's as if she's fallen of a twenty story building.❞
❝[name], here's the problem. You didn't read the fine print. See. It says right here. $19.95 for the video and twenty grand for the plastic surgeon.❞
❝That woman? Of course men want her. Men are not different from women. We all want what we can't have. Which is why we need to stop thinking about what men want and start thinking about what we want in a man.❞
❝Tons of fun, lots of heats and no strings attached. That's what I want.❞
❝I know this may not sound very P.C., but I want romance. Long, slow kisses, late-night talks, candle lights. I love love. I'd take what [name] has in a flat second.❞
❝There aren't any signs of external damage consistent with any type of fall. In fact there's not a scratch on her.❞
❝Yeah, well, maybe we were wrong. Maybe the body was moved.❞
❝Come on. There must be more to our powers than warlock wasting. I'm ready to have some fun with our magic.❞
❝How is it personal gain, if we're using our powers to bring happiness to another person. And in my case lots and lots of happiness.❞
❝Look, I'm not talking about marriage here. We have our 30s to freak out about that. This... this spell is about having good time.❞
❝I admit it's tempting. The dating scene can be a little frustrating. But bringing men into our life through a spell... correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a little bit desperate.❞
❝No. How is asking for what you want being desperate? I say it's not. I say it's empowering. Besides, the Book of Shadows says we could reverse this spell at any time.❞
❝Ooh. Did I say spell? I... I meant recipe. We are so busted, aren't we?❞
❝You're seriously twisted. This is the spell we have to say?❞
❝We're lucky. If we were men looking for women the spell requires putting a piece of honey cake in a sweaty armpit for day.❞
❝Scream all you want. No one can help you.❞
❝I'm in your conscious. I know your every thought and desire.❞
❝I'm the man of your dreams.❞
❝You're not real. You don't exist.❞
❝I'm going to love you to death.❞
❝Don't worry. We had safe sex. A lot of safe sex.❞
06. The Wedding from Hell
❝At certain times in our life, a cold shower is probably a good thing.❞
❝Sorry the dead man on your driveway is such an inconvenience.❞
 ❝Welcome to the lifestyles of the rich and shameless.❞
❝That's why we get paid medium bucks. To figure it out.❞
❝Can you imagine watching the man you love marry somebody else?❞
❝She's a demon. She comes to earth every two hundred years. She has to find an innocent, put him under her spell, and marry him in a sanctified wedding.❞
❝That doesn't sound any different than most of the single women in this city.❞
❝Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't we trying to stop this wedding?❞
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doom-dreaming · 10 months
🌌 what made you interested in Halo? I'm gonna be completely honest, I do not remember the exact details of how I got sucked into this rabbit hole. I know a work friend of mine was responsible for it, many years ago (2016 - 2017 ish?). I had general cultural awareness of it prior to that, but I hadn't played any of the games or looked into it any deeper than "the green guy's armor looks cool." But. Something in my conversations with my friend flipped that horrible switch in my brain and then he was giving me his Audible login info so I could listen to the Fall of Reach audiobook and then I was playing the original trilogy and then I was watching YouTube cutscene movies of the games I didn't have and then I was writing A LOT of fanfic...you know how it goes.
⭐ share your favorite piece of Halo lore The unidentified vessel that crashed on Installation 04 is so fascinating to me. Even if it was never intended to be a part of deeper lore (and maybe because of that?) it's mysterious and eerie in a way I really enjoy. And nothing came out, so Spark built a sarcophagus around it! So now nothing can come out even if it wanted to! The strange horror of it all...
💞 favorite moment in a game? There are obviously a lot of good moments, but the one that always stands out for me is the section in CE where the Flood is revealed. The buildup throughout the whole level, culminating in the experience of watching Jenkins' helmet cam footage and then being attacked immediately after and seeing the entire tone of the game change is just...chef's kiss. I love a slow build to a horrific reveal and it still feels ominous and creepy even when you know what's coming. The way it's presented is impeccable.
🍺 who would you have a drink with? I got this one twice so I'll give half of an answer - I think Blue Team as a unit would be fun to drink with, especially together and allowed to play off of each others' energy. But the answer I'll give here is Kelly; she seems fun in a very feral way and I think she'd tell great stories if her inhibitions were lowered a little (or a lot).
🖥️ favorite AI? I think. this one is fairly obvious if you know me even a little bit, but Cortana. She's my girl and I love her and I think Halo 5 did her so wrong (but I have paper and pens and an extremely strong force of will and I can take a hammer and fix the canon), but! I do love a good chunk of the AIs that Halo offers. They always seem to have interesting origins and/or storylines.
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mceefrankee · 1 year
Renfield Review.
A cacophony of horror that might be too much for some audiences but just enough for die hard Dracula fans
Renfield was good, it was basically the movie kick ass with dracula elements in it. I didn't watch any trailers so I was pleasantly surprised. I wish Nic Cage came out more but when he was on screen it was fangtastic lol He was definitely the right choice for the role. He brings all the eccentric and weirdo vibes an immortal blood sucker should have. Sexy and creepy, perfect casting. It's almost a shame because he completely overshadows everyone else. Nicholas hoult did a good job carrying the film, he definitely has that everyman energy who you wouldn't expect to fuck shit up. Reminiscent of films like kick ass, and upgrade, I actually got zombieland vibes from this. Similar humor and tone. I thought he fit the role well but I think any other British dude would've worked. Andrew Garfield would've been amazing at this actually. Awkafina, I love you girl but literally anyone could have been in this role too. She is spunky, she's got moxy, she's funny but shes just fine. Not a very memorable performance which is not really her fault, I didn't walk into this expecting any Oscar winning performances. Overall the acting was adequate, you won't get bored watching any of these guys I promise. Maybe I'm being a little dramatic but that's how I felt.
I feel like if this came out right after Kick-Ass it would've enjoyed a far greater audience and more people would be into the tone it has to offer. However, today I could see why this movie is a little polarizing. Some of the writing feels outdated, like that Jennifer Lawrence film that's coming out or that hangover 3 film but with women. A lot of people are gonna like it, like myself, but I think a lot of people might walk out feeling confused about what exactly this movie was trying to be. It's funny but not haha funny, it's scary but not heart attack scary. It has a romance but it doesn't compel me. It's an action film but it doesn't compete with the monster known as John Wick which is currently dominating the box office. Again, I liked this movie but it wants to do too much at once. A longer run time might have helped that but then you risk boring the audience. It's tricky, I feel it barely held together as it is and quite frankly can't think of too many ways to change this film, aside from more Dracula.
I thought an interesting idea was Dracula as a mob boss which barley gets explored but it was cool nonetheless. Very gorey, but it fit the tone. Renfield needed more development, I would've liked to see a bit more of his back story and more of him being a pathetic freak but it was fiiiinnnne. At 1 and a half hours I would've appreciated a longer run time, I was down for 2 hours of this but I can see why it was kept short. Very snappy pacing, very light hearted, the sentimental bits just didn't land at all lol but I understand that it just didn't fit the tone. Wonderful practical effects, CGI was ok, get ready for mortal Kombat levels of violence. Pretty cool cinematography, the colors and overall aesthetic, wardrobe, OMG I was in love, this is the kinda stuff I wanna draw. Neon lighting, fashionable clothing, the creepy production design. I don't want to say this film is all style and no substance. The story works fine, the heartless dracula gets a servant, the servant grows a heart, shenanigans ensue. It's serviceable, no glaring plot holes, i barley cared for the titular character or the main cast, Dracula really steals the show and that's forgivable, I mean it's Nicholas fucking Cage lol the rest of the performances are perfectly fiinnne.
TLDR: Renfield is an enjoyable movie, really cool fight scenes, humor that borders on immature and edgy, nice aesthetic if you're into goth stuff and neon lighting. Very violent. Not a very compelling character study but it is worth experiencing all the bloody horror on a big screen. If you're looking for a Dracula movie this will scratch the itch but simultaneously make you want to seek out other vampire flicks. I was left wanting more but considering this movie is named after the servant and not the dark lord himself, I suppose I was a little at fault for not tempering my expectations.
I would say check it out while it's in theaters if you like Dracula but definitely throw it on for this Halloween when it's available at home.
I know my followers aren't used to this kinda post, but fuck it we ball.
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lookwhatilost · 11 months
i somehow can't find it, but there was a super popular post or type of post that goes "guys will pick one of these characters to base their entire personality around", and it had four characters: deadpool, cartman, the joker, and I forget the fourth one. iron man maybe? deadpool and cartman are of course super popular with a certain stereotypical kind of guy, especially ones who love wisecracking rebels and some kind of edginess.
harley quinn and wednesday sit in the same tier, as characters girls will base their entire personality around, and gives real "same energy" vibes to me. the girls who are into these girls will reify them and uphold them like deadpool guys do.
harley fangirls though are actually more like wednesday, and wednesday girls are more like harley. every harley girl is into horror movies and slasher fics and more morbid/creepy stuff for its own merits, and wednesday girls like her because they see her as a sort of rebellious power fantasy because of the movies where she eschews the restrictive cage of feminine niceness and just tells people to die and feels superior to normies. she's weird, but she always wins every exchange and clearly comes off as more powerful, so outcast nerd girls fall for her instantly. the netflix series sheds a little bit of that appeal in a way I really can't describe, but not much lol.
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montyterrible · 11 months
“It’s The Great Troll Design, Ernest!”
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Deep in the series’ “real movie” period, Ernest Scared Stupid (1991) is the last Ernest movie I own and was also the only choice for the last (maybe) piece of this retrospective when I realized it was going to run into October. Of all the Ernest movies I own, this one is also special since it’s the one I’ve watched the most recently. It made its way into my annual Halloween-time viewing a couple of years ago; therefore, my relationship with it is a lot more clear-headed and adult from the get-go.
To be frank, if I had seen this as a kid, I would not have made it all the way through. It would have scared the hell out of me. Scared Stupid still has plenty of slapstick, and the last thirty or so minutes of the 90-minute movie are mostly just chaotic fun as the adults of Briarville, a resurrected troll army, Ernest, and some plucky kids clash at the old mystical oak tree in a sequence that went on for what felt like a shockingly long time the first time I watched it. Yet, despite the heavy dose of silliness, the trolls are also creepy and viscerally slimy, and when exposed to their folk riddle weakness (milk), they dissolve via hand-drawn 2D energy swirls into extremely physical puddles of flesh and goop. I was a huge wuss, and this movie would have ruined my life. Now, though, I think it’s just a great largely kid-friendly horror movie. The design of “Trantor the Troll” is excellent, and part of it is the aforementioned, utterly ubiquitous slime, which is simultaneously realistic enough to approximate the humid body of a living being but also over-the-top enough to be more funny and gross than strictly upsetting.
(Related side note: Some images of Trantor seem to be blurred in Google’s image search because they might contain explicit content. That’s how effectively fleshy and slimy he is!)
The practical effects still look great, and there are some well-executed little scenes of horror, which include the classic “Lie back in the bed after checking for monsters just to find that it’s there beside you!” or another where one boy flees as the troll pursues and goads him with the voice of his kidnapped little girl friend. “I’m catching up,” says this creepy-friendly voice at one point, and, like, I’d have been inconsolable as a kid, had I seen this. These days, of course, I can instead appreciate this kind of long take of Ernest coming to the sheriff’s house and yammering inside the front door that’s impressive for how Jim Varney managed to get through all that panicked quavering and conversing without flubbing a line. Or, how there’s a fun little action sequence featuring Ernest versus Trantor inside, on top of, and then in the bed of a truck (while Ernest’s dog Rimshot takes the wheel, naturally).
Although it features the unfortunate return of Ernest in brownface as a part of one of two sequences in the movie that try to create comedy out of him rapid-fire switching personalities, I got a lot of laughs out of this one overall. There are some little quick statements that Ernest spits out, like “I didn’t have forefathers! I only had one!” or “Like my ancestor Phineas always told me…,” that just go unremarked-upon and that hit you in a kind of sneaky way that I adored, on top of some “bigger” stuff, like Eartha Kitt’s “Old Lady Hackmore” trying to extract Ernest from a barrel with a giant can opener, that’s also just fun and absurd.
Ernest Scared Stupid certainly has the vibe of a “cult hit” or a movie that gets “critically re-evaluated.” Something about the horror genre in particular seems to make it a fertile ground for works like this, and, as I’ve said, the horror parts of Scared Stupid certainly seem some shade of good. The film’s worst element is, unfortunately, the child performances probably. This isn’t entirely the fault of the actors and has to do with how they’re used. While Ernest is ageless thanks to the character being so eccentric and out of time, the kids are meant to be more hip and of their time, which would be the early 90s, and attempts to make them seem cool at points just feel more cringe. They’re funny, but “funny” in that way where you’re conscious of the fact that it’s the badness or awkwardness of the thing that you’re responding to.
The box art for the DVD also doesn’t totally inspire confidence. While the front cover image of a terrified Ernest popping out of a giant jack-o’-lantern in the middle of a graveyard, with a full and partially cloud-obstructed moon in the sky and lightning striking the ground somewhere in the distant background beyond the conventionally sinister silhouettes of leaf-less trees, reads as absolutely pitch perfect to me, the images chosen for the back don’t suggest “horror comedy” at all: just a close-up of Ernest in drag holding a milk carton, another close-up of Ernest and Rimshot, and then an image of Ernest with one of the kids. They’re setting up a troll trap, but that isn’t really clear from the limited visual information available. I can understand not wanting to make the movie seem SCARY exactly, and also probably not wanting to spoil the look of Trantor, but the images without explanation feel like they could come from any Ernest film and not this one specifically, which kind of belies the quality of what’s inside the box, suggesting Scared Stupid is more “default” Ernest than it actually is.
Of course, I say this under the assumption that someone likes the Ernest shtick. If you don’t, this is more of the same: the voices, the lip wriggling and “Ew-ew-ewww!”-ing into the camera, the inventions that run amok, the intense silliness and ignorance. While the plot is explicitly magical in ways that might make one see it as “non-canonical” (if there is such a thing as canon in the eternally recursive world of Ernest), there is an explanation for Ernest’s unfailing inability to do anything right here: It’s a curse from a troll, you see! In this case, Ernest was literally “scared” “stupid.”
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aajjks · 1 year
tutor!jungkookie you can’t come jungkookie, this is a girls thing! i-i just mean like… i asked her to go, i didn’t ask you… just like you asked her to go to the movies and not me. it’s something you want for just the two of you right? well i want this for the two of us! it’s weird i want to get to know you? i-i-why do you say that? you’re the one who said she was amazing and i trust your judgment kookie… besides i may have been way wrong about her, she just must be so… amazing for you to like her this much… plus i love horror stuff too! all the blood… mysterious things… the fear, it’ll be fun for us two to bond over this! i promise you and i can go and do something paranormal or horror themed but not this time!
totally didn’t delete my rant to that bitch anon just to put my energy into something that’s soooo much better! or maybe i did? who knows
Well Sana, that is very sad make me sad you know but I guess I cannot do anything about it. I wish I was a girl I never mind I did not say that hahahha… I think I’m going crazy I do like her so much she’s just amazing isn’t she?  And I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I hope you can see just how much I like her… I hope we can work it out, she is my dream girl you know? Fuck, I really want to come too… Oh, you sound a little haha, creepy? But I guess you can take her just take care of her okay? She’s really precious to me. okay, I guess I gotta go now bye-bye”
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jimsmovieworld · 2 years
BLACK CHRISTMAS- 1974 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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If this movie doesnt make your skin crawl....
Its on too tight!
A deranged killer moves into the attic of a sorority and kills the girls living there one by one. He also makes obscene phone calls to them from upstairs.
This film inspired countless others. John Carpenter has confirmed it as a huge influence on 1978's Halloween. Black Christmas was actually the first seasonal horror film.
Although, it was also released at points under the names "silent night, evil night" and "Stranger in the House". It received some positive reviews but lots that criticized it for being too violent. This is strange as there is very little violence actually seen in the film, most of its implied or happens off camera.
The original script, written by A. Roy Moore had more bloody death scenes in it which director Bob Clark decided to tone down.
It made 4 million at the box office on a 600,000 dollar budget.
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Although, its never revealed in the film, Bob Clark made up a backstory for the killer Billy, and some of the things he says on the phone are inspired by this. He was abused as a child and locked in the attic. He killed his parents and tried to kill his sister Agnes who escaped, causing his deep hatred for women.
I think Billy is one of the most underated horror villains. So creepy. Love the way he is filmed, that you never see much of him which makes it scarier. The way he goes from insane to completely calm in a moment is very chilling.
The film is directed brilliantly by Bob Clark. Very stylish and great camera work. The way it slowly zooms in on something or pans round a room is so basic but so effective.
Also love the characters!
Bob Clark didnt write any of them to have sex scenes as wanted them the audience to objectify them, wanted them to be seen as real people who were in danger.
Olivia Hussey plays Jess, posh sweetheart who makes an excellent final girl. Love Jess. Love the way she answers the phone. Olivia Hussey says while auditioning for a part Steve Martin told her Black Christmas was one of his favourite films that hed seen about 50 times.
Elvis Presley also went on record as saying this was his favourite horror film.
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Shoutout to fan favourite Barb, played by Margot Kidder. I love Barb. Shes an obnoxious drunk who always says the wrong thing and injects a lot of energy into the film.
Margot Kidder insisted on drinking real alcohol before and during all her scenes.
After the failure of the first remake, Bob Clark began working on a sequel that would have brought back the original cast. He died in a car crash before it could be made. Would have loved to have seen that.
Over the years, Black Christmas has garnered a solid cult classic status and is widely regarded as one of the best slasher movies of all time.
One of my favourite movies.
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Damon Lindelofs Mysterious Star Wars Film May Be Set After TROS
Screenshot: Lucasfilm Okoye and Aneka spar in a brand new Black Panther: Wakanda Perpetually clip. The Flash recruits a very acquainted face in a not-so-mysterious thriller function. Plus, get a take a look at the creepy new sequence from the makers of Darkish. Spoilers now! Damon Lindelof’s Star Wars THR stories Damon Lindelof’s mysterious new Star Wars film might be co-written by Justin Britt-Gibson (The Pressure). The challenge is described as a “stand-alone” story that might doubtlessly “result in extra motion pictures,” and could possibly be set after the occasions of The Rise of Skywalker, following up on characters from the sequel trilogy. Noticed X THR moreover stories Tobin Bell will reprise his function as Jigsaw for a tenth installment of the Noticed franchise from director Kevin Greutert. The sequel is presently scheduled for an October 27, 2023 launch date. G/O Media could get a fee Black Panther: Wakanda Perpetually Okoye (Danai Gurira) argues with Aneka (Michaela Coel) in regards to the deserves of a easy spear over two laser daggers in a brand new clip from Wakanda Perpetually. Black Panther: Wakanda Perpetually Film Clip – Lab Assault (2022) Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania Marvel has moreover launched an “ant-size” Quantumania trailer in reference to that one scene from Zoolander. Bhediya We even have a trailer for Bhediya, a fun-looking Bollywood werewolf film coming to theaters on November 25. Bhediya: Official Trailer 4K | Varun Dhawan | Kriti Sanon | Dinesh Vijan | Amar Kaushik | twenty fifth Nov The Flash Leisure Weekly stories Javica Leslie has joined the solid of The Flash’s closing season in an undisclosed function strongly believed to be Batwoman’s Ryan Wilder, since, you realize, she performed Batwoman. Relatedly, Deadline has phrase John Cor (who performs Chillblaine) has moreover been promoted to sequence common. Doom Patrol Deadline moreover stories Elijah Rashad Reed (Profitable Time) will get pleasure from a “recurring” function in Doom Patrol’s fourth season as Deric, “a superb, community-minded robotics instructor who’s unexpectedly pulled into the very completely different lifetime of his former greatest good friend, Vic Stone.” American Horror Story: NYC Spoiler TV now has synopses for the 2 November 9 episodes of American Horror Story: NYC. “The Sentinel” Patrick’s search reaches an epic conclusion. The group reshifts their focus, however a special plan is in retailer for Hannah… Written by Our Girl J & Manny Coto, directed by Paris Barclay. “Fireplace Island” Terrifying occasions at Fireplace Island rupture the group and drive them to rethink all the things. Written by Ned Martel & Charlie Carver & Our Girl J, directed by Jennifer Lynch. Quantum Leap Ben should carry out an exorcism as a Catholic priest within the trailer for “O Ye Of Little Religion,” subsequent week’s Halloween episode of Quantum Leap. Quantum Leap 1×07 Promo “O Ye Of Little Religion” (HD) Halloween Episode 1899 Lastly, immigrants coming to america encounter a haunted ghost ship within the trailer for 1899, a brand new sequence coming to Netflix this November 17. 1899 | Official Trailer | Netflix Need extra io9 information? Try when to count on the most recent Marvel and Star Wars releases, what’s subsequent for the DC Universe on movie and TV, and all the things you have to learn about Home of the Dragon and Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Energy. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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the-cat-chat · 2 years
October 8, 2022
Poltergeist (1982)
A family whose suburban home is haunted by evil forces must come together to rescue their youngest daughter after the apparitions take her captive.
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JayBell: I’ve missed out on a lot of classic horror movies, so I figured it was time to cross some off my list.
All in all, this movie was much funnier than it was scary, but that could be due to its PG rating. Also, I can’t deny the outdated special effects do undermine the scares. But there were some gross and gruesome imagery. If I was watching this as a kid, I can imagine that there would be moments that gave me nightmares.
Spielberg generally does a nice job showing family dynamics, and I felt that in this movie. The parents were exceptionally weird (the dad’s in-bed Daffy Duck impression/mom trying to flush a dead bird down the toilet??), but at least they were weird and happy together.
The plot is the epitome of the phrase, “well that escalated quickly.” The ghosts go from playful chair movers to creepy child abductors SO fast. Honestly, I felt really bad for the girl. “Go into the light, no don’t go into the light, you have to go into the light, never go into the light.” It was giving me a complex, so I don’t know how a five year old managed to follow any directions at all.
I love the small psychic lady they called into help them rescue Cindy Lou or Cindy Anne or Carol Anne or whatever her name was (I’m bad at remembering character names). She really added some personality to the movie. On the other hand, I thought the teenage sister’s character was basically pointless. Like she’s there in the beginning to help out a little, freaks out and stays at a friend’s house for the majority of the movie, and then just randomly shows up at the end.
I’m glad I got around to watching this one. I had a lot of fun, even if I doubt I’ll be rewatching it any time soon.
Rating: 6.5/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: Sooooooo…… I never had the desire to watch this movie- first I always mixed it up with The Exorcist, and second I thought it was really scary. Ummmm so it’s not- it’s actually a comedy. From the second I watched the mock-up documentary/ news / interview trailer I was hooked. And maybe 40 years ago it was terrifying, but today not so much.
The story is really good and interesting and the spooks are peppered in so carefully. Is it the t.v. that melts the American brain, scary tree, the clown doll that’s a total creep, or something more sinister? You’ll just have to wait and see and spend the whole movie guessing. Well guessing, or you can make fun of all the 80s stuff like I did. Seriously is a poltergeist scary than brown carpet??????? The seizure warning should also not be taken lightly at all, I had to look away so many times and I get it it’s spoooky but still. The cast really performed and the acting was great, totally adding to the mix of fear, absurdity, and overall story of the film.
I’m ashamed to put in writing that the dad was kinda hot until I realized it was the dad from The Propsal- not one of my finer moments. The movie too was scary in unexpected ways- like the situation with one of the paranormal investigators. BARF. And the whole swimming pool situation. But the ending more than makes up for it and I was actually crying at some points because I was laughing from the lines and just the pure chaotic energy of it all. There are so many little details that make the dynamic realistic, but funny, but also creepy even if not in the way we expect to be scared today with all the new gadgets and gizmos of film making.
Rating: 6/10 Poltergeists 👻👻👻
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Fortunate Disaster
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Warnings: I haven't written it yet but umm, all of the warnings in the world
Request: Not quite but thank you @victoriadeangeliswifey for your lovely comment on @bimbadiethantorchio 's post.
Word Count: 2.4K
Pairing: F!Reader X Vic
Y/n had been walking around in the rain for hours on end. She was tired, sore and irritated at her circumstance. Only a few hours ago, she was happily jogging around town, enjoying the warm, pleasant weather. A sudden burst of energy had hit her, and she ended up crossing the small area of trees between her village and the next, exploring all the new terrain. Unfortunately, as soon as she crossed, a thundering storm took over the sky and the forest became a no-go.
To make her situation better, the battery of her phone had run out and she was now wandering on an empty street, seemingly leading nowhere.
Y/n walked for a while longer, until a large building started shaping into the horizon. Perhaps it must have been her delirious state, or her rain-soaked lashes, but she swore a dark presence flew around her, sending shivers all throughout her spine.
“Is anybody there?” She called out, the only answer Y/n received being her own echo and a deafening thunder.
She flinched at the sound and continued walking. She could swear that every step she took, every breath she inhaled and every shiver was closely observed by someone. She just didn’t know who.
Getting closer to the cloudy structure, she realized that it was in fact a house, but one that looked straight out of a horror movie. It was tall and painted in dark colors, small windows here and there, as a large metal fence surrounded it.
Y/n had seen creepy movies before, and she knew better than to approach such mansions, but she was desperate, cold and hungry. It’s not like she had a better choice.
Finally having reached the entrance, she scanned around for a bell only to be surprised by the door opening on it’s own. She was definitely not getting out of here.
With a deep breath, she did her best to calm down her wrecking nerves and stepped forwards.
The garden of the castle was truly mesmerising, roses and well-kept bushes everywhere, as a stone alley extended into a labyrinth of trees. She was sure this place would look like a dream during a more pleasant day, but for now, she only focused on moving forward, and hopefully getting some shelter.
She was standing in front of the large ebony door, regretting all the choices that led her to this moment. She closed her eyes and sighed in exasperation, as she grabbed the golden handle and knocked three times.
The entryway opened almost instantly, and she was met with a short, petite girl, looking at her with the most captivating, bright blue eyes.
“Hi! I’m Victoria! Please! Come in!” She introduced herself while simultaneously ushering Y/n inside.
“I’m Y/n, umm, thanks for-for letting me in.” She tried to let out, still frightened by the whole situation.
“Of course! We couldn’t let such beautiful people walk around in that terrible weather.” She chuckled, sending Y/n a smirk.
Y/n frowned slightly, before she spoke up again. “Oh, you have roommates?”
“Oh of course! Three others. But only Ethan is at home.” She smiled, handing Y/n a towel.
“Oh, um, thank you.” The shivering girl mumbled, wrapping the cloth around herself tightly.
“My pleasure! What kind of hosts would we be If we didn’t take proper care of you.” She chuckled, placing a hand on the small of Y/n’s back and leading her towards the staircase. “Come upstairs, you might want to take a warm bath.”
Well, the blonde wasn’t wrong about that. Y/n nodded and let Victoria lead her to the bathroom. As they walked down a dimly lit hallway, Y/n noticed several paintings of people from different eras, however she couldn’t help but note that it looked like four faces kept reappearing over and over again.
She brushed the thought away when Victoria opened a door for her, softly pushing her forward into the bathroom.
“Oh, thank you so much! I really don’t know what I would have done If I hadn’t ended up here.”
“Oh no problem, darling. I left some clothes on the table and you can light some candles if you wish to.” She encouraged her, closely examining her face as it lit up at her words.
Y/n had always been fascinated by candles, always wanting to smell every single scent on this earth, and see the wax melt onto paper, tables, and any other surfaces.
As If on cue, Y/n heard Victoria snap her fingers and all of them were now lit. Y/n’s breath caught in her throat as her shoulders lifted up, her eyes widening.
She turned around quickly only to catch a glimpse of Victoria’s rascally smirk, before she shut the door and Y/n was left trembling alone, in a stranger’s bathroom. Perhaps the thought had crossed her mind before, but she had dismissed it until now. There was unquestionably something inhuman about the girl. She didn’t even dare think about her roommates.
A million thoughts ran through her mind as she did her best to deal with each wave of panic. Taking a deeper breath than any before, she imagined all her worries fade away once she exhaled, and continued to blame her creative mind for the thing she’d seen.
She took off all the wet clothes that clung to her body like a newborn to his mother, and got in the hot water.
The warmth enveloped her body at once, and she let out a pleasured sigh as she relaxed further into the bathtub.
She rested there for half an hour, before a loud growl erupted from her stomach. She was starving, there was no denying it, but she was also desperate to cling to the safety she felt in the bathroom. Eventually, deciding that enough was enough, she pushed herself out and grabbed the towel once more, patting herself dry.
Glancing towards the table, she noticed that the only clothes to her disposition were a pair of fuzzy socks, a deep red silk nightgown and a fluffy sweatshirt. Y/n grabbed the clothes and slowly started dressing herself again.
Faced once again with the door, she beat herself up internally and reluctantly opened it, peeking at the hallway to see if anyone was there. Luckily for her, she was all alone. She trailed her steps back to the staircase and descended it timidly, hearing the voice of two people chattering in the living room.
“Ah, there you are!” Victoria’s husky voice filled the room once she noticed Y/n peaking around the corner. “Come here. This is Ethan, my best friend, and Chili, my dog.” She smiled while holding a fuzzy little puppy, who yapped excitedly at Y/n.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Ethan’s modulated voice reached her ears, as he approached her and extended a hand. Y/n brought her own one up to shake his, but instead he brought it to his lips and left a soft kiss on her knuckles.
“The pleasure is all mine.” Y/n smiled, trying to be polite, despite having seen Ethan’s eyes glow red for a split second.
“So, puppy, do you wanna eat something?” Victoria spoke again, an evident smirk on her face as she took in Y/n’s blushed face.
“Yes! I’m starving” The girl chuckled and took a seat across from Victoria, noticing Ethan bringing her a plate of food.
They all stood in relative silence while Y/n ate, too hungry to notice that she was the only one. Having finally finished, she pushed the plate away and wiped her mouth with a napkin, looking up at the people around her.
A wave of embarrassment hit her upon noticing that she was being stared at, practically shrinking into the seat as Victoria got up with a sly grin on her face.
“The rain still hasn’t stopped, and by the looks of it, it could go for hours to come. You wouldn’t mind sleeping here, would you, puppy?” She whispered into her ear, causing Y/n to cross her legs tightly and squeeze her hands in a failed attempt to not shiver.
Victoria only chuckled at her reaction and brushed a wet strand of hair behind her ear, before pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.
“You definitely strike me as a smart girl. You must have guessed we’re not quite human, hm?” The blonde breathed into her ear once more, directing her attention to Ethan, who was biting his lip, a long, white fang pressing into the soft skin.
“Vampires…” Y/n shuddered, recoiling into Vic’s embrace.
“That’s a good girl. So, would you like the guest room or mine. Or perhaps Ethan’s”
At that, a loud laugh erupted from the man in front of us. “Right. I have a book to finish. If you need me, shout out my name.” With those final words, he picked up Chili and left the room.
A deafening silence enveloped the lounge, only broken by the rain drops smashing against the windows.
“You must be tired, princess. How about you answer that question I asked earlier.”
Y/n couldn’t believe that her brain’s instinct was to go with her. The realization that she was in a house with actual vampires perhaps did not yet settle in, because every single nerve of her body was seemingly drawn to the attractive girl who sat right behind her.
“Will you kill me?” Y/n croaked, scratching her own palm so hard she could feel an upcoming bruise forming.
“Of course not. I really hate how the media portrays us these days. We only drink the blood of animals. Humans aren’t nearly as nutritious.” She scoffed, turning Y/n around so they could be face to face.
“Drinking human blood is strictly for pleasurable reasons.” She hummed, looking at Y/n’s lips, while she rested her hands on her legs.
Y/n’s brain completely shut off. All she could focus on was the girl’s cold fingertips touching the insides of her thighs, and her lusty gaze falling right onto her lips.
“I’ll tell you one more thing, though. If you don’t answer my question, again, I’ll have to find other methods to make you speak.” She sneered against Y/n’s neck, her teeth slightly grazing the soft skin.
Y/n shuddered and closed her eyes, turning her face away and enveloping herself with her arms. “Yours.” She mumbled, her jaw being met by Victoria’s lips as soon as the words left her mouth.
Y/n gasped loudly and grabbed Vic’s shoulder, holding onto her as she kept sucking on her skin.
“Good girl.” Victoria croaked, pulling away.
She started walking down the hallway, and Y/n had no better idea than to follow the blonde. Her gaze fell upon her golden hair, illuminated by the chandeliers hung on the ceiling. Two large, golden crosses were hanging on her ears and her slim body was covered with a skimpy, black gown, extending all the way to the velvety floors.
Y/n would be lying if she said Victoria didn’t look celestial. She could stare at her for hours on end if given the chance.
The blonde finally stopped and Y/n bumped into her, lost in her own thoughts. A small chuckle escaped Vic and she turned around, pulling Y/n closer to her.
“You weren’t paying attention, were you?” She quizzed the dumbfounded girl.
“Yes I was.” Y/n responded, averting her gaze to the door in front of them.
“Of course you were…” Vic mumbled, amused, and led Y/n into the room.
It was spacious and dimly lit, a large bed occupying the center of the bedroom, and a million dressers on the sides. Right across from the bed was an even larger mirror, decorated with golden ornaments on the edges.
“Right side or left?” The blonde asked her, turning off the lights in the room.
Before Y/n could answer, she was pushed right on the middle of the bed, Vic standing right on top of her.
“I think this is the middle.” Y/n stammered, inhaling a sharp breath.
“That’s not what I was referring to.” Vic whispered against her skin, lowering her head to be right between her breasts.
Oh. Y/n’s mind was already moving with the speed of light, and perhaps at this point it had completely abandoned her. Unfortunately, Vic was waiting for her response and kept hovering over her skin, no matter how long Y/n waited.
“Right.” The girl finally spoke up, and Vic gave her a satisfied wink.
One of the blonde’s hands slipped off the gown Y/n was wearing, while the other softly cupped her breast. Once the cold air of the room hit Y/n’s bare chest, she shivered and pulled Vic down, so she would be laying on top of her.
It was the last push Vic needed before her mouth was on Y/n, circling her tongue around her nipple. With every sigh and whimper coming from the girl below her, Vic would bite softly into the silky skin, kissing the area afterwards.
“Vic- Fuck!” Y/n moaned when she felt the tip of Vic’s fang pressing into her skin, sending delicious shivers throughout her body.
The blonde continued to explore every inch of her body, pressing sloppy kisses to her skin, soft bites and licks wherever she could, while Y/n grew more and more desperate.
“Please!” She moaned out, spreading her legs, while Victoria grabbed them and held them in place.
Finally descending to her center, Victoria thrusted a finger inside the moaning girl and kept repeating her actions while her tongue circled Y/n’s clit.
“You’re so fucking wet, puppy.” The blonde whispered against her, making Y/n whimper at the vibrations, and added another finger.
It didn’t take long for Y/n to come undone, a soft bite to her thighs being the last push she needed. She came loud and forcefully, her whole body trembling with pleasure, while Victoria stared at her, her dark eyes taking in her delicate features.
“Ethan!” Y/n heard Victoria call out, before the man suddenly appeared in the room, his long hair flying around.
“You think you can take a few more rounds, puppy?” Victoria asked Y/n, caressing her cheek.
The girl did nothing but nod eagerly as her whole body was filled with excitement for what was to come. It’s safe to say, wandering into that house was very far from a bad idea.
Taglist: @fuckim-so-gay @ginny-lily @messyhairday-me @cheese-toastie-11 @wannabemarlenabutiscoraline @simp-per-ethan
@maneskinrollercoaster @juststalking @superchrystaldrug @immrbrightsideeee @shehaddreamstoo @tiaamberxx @victoriadeangeliswifey
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ihassheepquake · 2 years
DC's Stargirl 3.04 "Chapter Four: The Evidence" Has Aired on the CW, and I'm Here to Talk About it
Can we talk about how Stargirl is such a good fucking show? I swear, if it doesn't survive whatever the hell is going on with DC shows thanks to the new Warner bitch, I'm gonna lose my mind.
Show, I really need you to stop making me feel for Cameron, thanks. Like, why does he have a snow globe of a girl that is clearly supposed to be Courtney?! That's so fucking weird dude! But also like, poor kid. He's being basically groomed into being a supervillain.
The weirdest consistent small detail in this show is that Courtney always sleeps with her door cracked. Who does that? Does it matter? No. Does it make me very upset? Yes. But the Staff literally just yanking Courtney away is hilarious.
I like getting to see Pat and Courtney bond with Beth's mom a little and teach her a bit about this whole thing. It's sweet. And speaking of parents, I still hate Yolanda's.
Dr. McNider!!!
Sylvester now has a healing factor that it seems he didn't before. Sure, it could be the thing McNider says about having absorbed energy from the cosmic staff and can use it to heal himself now. Or, it could be because he's an imposter who just happens to have a healing factor.
Random thought, the outside of the Mahkent mansion really reminds me of Doom Manor, specifically from their episode of Titans. Looking up that actual shot I know it's not actually the same house, but very reminiscent. Just thought that was fun.
Yes "Sylvester", quit! I don't think you and you're a shitty guy to be a hero!
Oh, of course, it's somehow Dragon King. Can we not just let Cindy try to move on? You know this is just going to make everything worse between her and the others. I was wondering if what Cindy was trying to do with her experiments was curing herself, but now I wonder if she's just falling apart. Maybe that's why she wanted to turn over a new leaf too. She figured it'd be easier to find some way to save herself as one of the JSA, either because one of them/their allies will find something or it'll bring her closer to getting the kinda shit she'd need. Which sure, could be an actual cure for everything that was done to her. Or could just be a way to stabilize her body.
Jakeem trying to refuse to go explore the sewers with Mike is really just him going "fuck this white people horror movie shit" and I respect that.
Somehow, Tim is even more of a creepy asshole now that he's trying to be nice to her.
Paula taxidermied a raccoon for Barbara, I love her!!!
Is this the first time Courtney's seen Cameron use his powers? I can't remember if she knew before or not. But damn, they look good! The visual effects of this show just keep hitting. "To help people." Sir, your dad was a villain. I know you've been shown otherwise, but like, objectively, not a good dude. Sure, he had (I'll say) decent goals back in season one, but when your plan includes brainwashing the entire adult population of a country, knowing full well that it's going to leave nearly a third of them dead, you don't get to say you're the good guy. Obviously, someone needs to tell him the truth, but I'm worried about it being Courtney. Specifically, I worry that he's going to take it as her trying to trick and manipulate him and attack her.
As much as I don't want to see Sylvester back as Starman, they could've at least given him a new costume instead of just remaking the old one. I'm actually really surprised nobodies gotten a new costume yet.
I'm really excited to see Cameron's arc this season. We really lost him last season and I think there's a lot of potential. Like, multi-season arc potential. He learns to use his powers because of his relationship with Courtney this season and in the end, he learns that Mike was the one who killed his Dad while Courtney and the others were trying to stop him. We see him as one of the main villains in season 4 but he gets the classic "just before the end, the actual bbeg does something that crosses my personal line, so I turn on them and do the right thing in the end" trope. And he could choose to hero up in season 5, but I think the more interesting thing would be for him to quit the game entirely (except for the big series finale moment where every character who can show up to help the titular character stop whatever their ultimate challenge is) and instead fully use his powers for his art, just as this final scene with them is setting up. That would be cool and I think a really unique choice for a character in one of these modern hero shows.
Courtney and Cameron finally had a moment and kissed, and it was sweet or whatever, moving on.
Cindy has scales and shit too! Holy shit, she's really mutating into her dad.
We're taking a little break next week! Episode five will be premiering not next Wednesday, but the following, October 5th. According to the Stargirl fandom wiki page, this should be the only mini-hiatus this season, so we shouldn't have to worry about the crazy hiatus a lot of the other CW shows have. Looks like next time, we'll be seeing more of the darker side of Starman, which will be fun to explore! I wouldn't be surprised if they also stumbled upon wherever Cindy is hiding out. I also a new photo of Jenni earlier today, and I do believe she was confirmed to return for at least one episode this season. I'm not sure if it's next episode, but it just might be, so keep your eye out!
We'll return to our regularly scheduled programming on October 5th for DC's Stargirl 3.05 "Chapter Five: The Thief"
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