#little page 9 preview
simmireen · 5 months
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A little story about two friends who maybe are more than only friends....
'wouldn't you like to invite me in' ~ pose request 9 storytelling couple poses ♥ DOWNLOAD (SFS) DOWNLOAD (Patreon) (always free!)
♥~♥ The poses work with Teleport any Sim and Andrew’s Pose Player The posepack is as usual provided with previews. These poses are somewhat are made with male frames, but useful for both genders but there can be minor clipping or floating because every sim-body is different. I really would like to see if you use my poses! So tag me at tumblr, instagram or twitter (@simmireen) You can find an overview of all my posepacks at Pinterest You can support me on my Ko-Fi page > but never feel obliged to tip! Terms of use Don’t claim as yours or put behind a paywall Don’t re-edit (adjusting hands is always allowed, just don’t change up my pose) Don’t reupload anywhere Oh, and please let me know if something doesn’t work! @ts4-poses @sssvitlanz @alwaysfreecc
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Even If It's a False God, We'd Still Worship This Love
I'll Write Your Name Chapter 9
Roy Kent x Latina!Popstar!Reader
7k words
Warnings: Language, mentions of drinking, some drunken spiciness, family teasing, very brief uses of my terrible Spanish, lots and lots of pining, angst, Roy is an idiot
A/N: There's a couple of Selena songs in this chapter. I highly recommend these covers, especially while reading!
-I Could Fall in Love
-Dreaming of You
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Roy glanced up over the top of his book across the plane. She was curled up in her seat, eyes fixated on the notebook in her hands. They’d both been sleepy as they boarded the plane early that morning, not saying much to each other as they settled in and accepted water bottles from the lone flight attendant.
Initially, the ‘couple’ had sat side-by-side, with the singer dozing off quickly, her head nestled on Roy’s shoulder; he'd heard her get up well past their agreed upon bedtime to go work at her piano until some ungodly hour. While she dozed, Roy reflected on the night before, on the feeling of his breath skimming over her bare skin. Even that brief, barely there contact had been enough to send Roy reeling for the rest of the night. Had she felt his kiss (if he could even call it that)? What was she thinking? Why hadn’t she said anything?
And what the fuck was wrong with Roy?
Eventually, she stirred, offering Roy a sheepish grin when she realized she’d been using him as a pillow. Some little part of him wanted to assure her she was fine, she could sleep on him whenever she wanted, hell she could lean on him while she was awake if she wanted. He was half tempted to wrap an arm around her and tug her back to himself- and not for the benefit of the flight attendant who smiled knowingly at the pair.
Instead, Roy watched as the singer had settled herself in a window seat across the jet, scribbling furiously and hardly paying any attention to Roy. Roy, meanwhile, had hardly absorbed a word of his book. He wondered what she was writing and, more importantly, who she was writing about. Curiosity, he assured himself as his eyes darted back to the words currently swimming on the page. It was simple curiosity. Same thing that made him try to kiss her neck. He cringed internally at the memory.
“What’s up with you?”
Oh shit. Maybe his cringe wasn’t completely internal. “Fuck d’you mean?” Roy grumbled, trying to act like his usual aloof self, the self he realized he had been acting like less and less lately.
She cocked her head at him. “You’re making this weird face.” She smirked. “Dreading having to meet my folks, Kent?”
Alright. So, either she had no idea he’d tried to kiss her, or she decided to pretend it never happened. Either way, Roy decided to shift focus. “What’re you working on over there, sunshine? Something about me?” He hoped his voice was light and teasing; ever since their holiday at the lake, he was desperate to get back to that joking, playful place they’d finally gotten to.
Even though her eyes went wide and she clutched the notebook to her chest, Roy definitely caught the way the corner of her mouth ticked upwards. “No previews,” she chucked. “But when this one’s done…” Her gaze turned warm. “You’ll be the first one to hear it, Roycito.”
My heart skipped a beat as I glanced across the backseat at Roy. During our flight, he’d been content to read and watch movies; in between, he’d teased me about whatever I was writing and tried to sneak peeks. Now, he sat facing the window of the SUV that had picked us up at the airport, fingers drumming on his good knee. As if he could feel my gaze, he glanced over at me and cocked an eyebrow.
“All good, sunshine?”
Hmm, I thought sarcastically, let’s see. You gave me a thoughtful gift and tried to kiss my neck, didn’t say a word about it and then accused me of not liking your admittedly super sweet and gorgeous ex-girlfriend. You’re about to meet my entire family, and oh, yeah, I am desperately in love with you. Yeah, everything’s definitely all good, Kent.
Instead of blurting out the word vomit in my brain, I simply shrugged at Roy. “Just a little nervous about introducing you to my parents,” I murmured, turning to look out my own window. “But it’ll be fine,” I assured him. “Just be yourself.” Deciding we needed to ease the tension in the car, I turned back to him and raised a cool eyebrow. “Or maybe a better version of yourself,” I teased.
That did it. Roy cracked a smile and reached across the seat to shove my thigh gently. “Fuck off,” he growled, totally unaware of the way his touch sent my heart into overdrive- especially when he left his hand there for the rest of the drive.
Neither of us said another word until the car pulled up in front of the house- the one gift my parents had ever accepted from me- and I laid my hand on top of Roy’s. With a deep breath, I hummed, “Showtime.”
I clutched Roy’s hand in mine as we entered the house; despite my hammering heart, the sight had my shoulders relaxing immediately. Although this wasn’t the house I’d grown up in, it was filled with all the furniture, photographs, and nicknacks from my childhood. It was warm and familiar, like the old blanket that I still kept folded neatly at the end of my bed in England. Roy blinked as he took in the sight of my childhood photos, the ones that featured embarrassing haircuts and ice cream-covered smiles.
“Ma!” I called as I tugged him towards the kitchen. “Dad!”
In a blur of squeals and Spanglish, I was wrapped in the most familiar arms in the world and enveloped in the ever-present scent of rose perfume. My mother squeezed me tight, too excited to decide if she wanted to chatter away in English or Spanish. When she finally let me go, I saw the soft look in Roy’s eyes, the look I sometimes spotted when he thought I wasn’t looking. Offering my shyest smile, I took his hand and tugged him close.
“This is Roy,” I said simply, ignoring the gnawing voices reminding me that this would be the only time my family would meet the footballer; the next time I came home, this fake relationship would be nothing but a distant memory.
“Mucho gusto,” Roy said, his voice dripping with uncertainty.
Despite the years of being on me and my siblings about our broken Spanish and imperfect accents, my mother fawned over the four stiff little syllables Roy offered. She pulled him into a hug, chattering about how nice it was to meet him, how handsome he was, until finally, the expected question flew out of her mouth:
“Are you hungry, Roy?”
Clearly remembering my warnings, Roy simply smiled and nodded; even if he said no, she’d make him a plate anyway. So, he allowed himself to be led to the dining room table that was older than both of us and plopped down in what was usually my seat. I sat beside him and laid my hand on top of this.
“Mucho gusto?” I teased as my mother began scurrying around to load a plate of rice and chicken. “I didn’t know you knew Spanish, Kent. I guess I should’ve asked.”
He shrugged, the corner of his mouth ticking upwards. “I… asked Rojas to teach me a couple things,” he admitted quietly. “Nothing to brag about, just a few things to impress your parents.” He winked. “Plus all the good swear words.”
My heart slammed against my chest as Roy thanked my mother for the food she set in front of him. He learned Spanish, I thought dreamily. For me.
Before I could linger too long on those words, my father ambled in, eyebrows raised and a small smile on his face. Roy was immediately on his feet, extending his hand towards my dad.
“Good to meet you, sir,” Roy said after I’d made introductions. Something told me Roy Kent didn’t often call people ‘sir’.
“Nice to finally meet you, Roy,” my father hummed. He turned to me with a hug that, while not as smothering as my mother’s, was just as warm. “Mi Estrella,” he murmured as he squeezed me tight.
When he let me go, Roy was looking at me with curiosity. “Estrella?” he repeated quietly.
I nodded. “My dad’s nickname for me,” I explained. “It means star.” I grinned at my dad. “He says that ever since I was a little girl, he knew I was going to be a star someday.”
“Guess I should start calling you starshine instead of sunshine,” Roy joked with a wink.
While Roy continued eating, my parents gushed over the details of my niece’s quinceañera, about the venue and the dress and how beyond stressed my sister was.
“I’ve got to go help your brother find a new jacket,” my dad grumbled to me with a wrinkled nose. “Leave it to my sons to leave everything until the last minute.” He eyed Roy carefully. “Want to come, Roy?”
Roy nearly choked on the last bits of rice as he turned to me. “Er…”
I shrugged. “If you want to,” I said. I laid my hand on top of his. “It might be fun.”
His shoulders relaxed as he looked down at our hands. “Sure,” he murmured. “Might be fun.”
Como la flor
Con tanto amor
Me diste tú, se marchitó
Me marcho hoy, yo sé perder
I closed my eyes and swayed my hips as I clutched my pastry blender in my hand, mixing the ingredients in the glass bowl on the counter. With Roy out with my father and brothers, I decided to enjoy some rare alone time in my L.A. home, in the kitchen I used all too rarely. Music blasting, cookies baking- just like when I was a teenager in my grandmother's kitchen, dreaming of the day I’d be as famous as the singers I listened to.
“Are you making cookies?”
Roy stood in the doorway, twirling a set of keys around his finger; I recognized the keychain my mother kept around her copy of my housekey so she could check on the house while I was gone, despite my insistence that I could hire someone to do it for me.
He stepped closer, eying the dough I’d been working on. “Your dad just dropped me off,” he explained. “Hope that’s alright.”
I nodded and continued mixing my dough. “Of course,” I assured him. “You have fun?”
“Believe it or not, I did.” Roy chuckled and took his phone out of his pocket. “It was your dad and your brother and a couple of your uncles, just shopping and fucking about. They’re actually pretty cool.”
“Please don’t tell them that,” I snorted. “They’d never shut up if they thought a professional athlete called them ‘cool’.”
Roy grinned and showed me some photos of him and the men in my family, screwing around the way they always did; he was smiling and laughing the way he did when we were alone. “We had a good time,” he said, sounding even more surprised than I felt. “I’m… actually looking forward to the party tomorrow.” He nodded towards the speaker my music was playing from. “This the kind of stuff they’ll be playing?”
I nodded, suddenly excited. “Oh, definitely. It’s not a party without our queen.” When I saw his puzzled expression, I went on, “This is Selena. She’s one of my heroes.”
“Like Linda Ronstadt?”
His response was so effortless and automatic I nearly flinched. Part of me couldn’t believe he remembered the offhand comment I’d made about my childhood hero; another part of me wasn’t surprised at all that Roy Kent would be so damn thoughtful.
“Yeah,” I breathed, nodding. “Like Linda Ronstadt.” I cleared my throat. “You ever dance cumbia before, Kent?”
“This is cumbia, I assume?” he asked with a smirk. When I nodded, he shook his head. “No, never danced cumbia.”
Without thinking, I held my hand out to him. “You should practice,” I teased with a quirked eyebrow. “Otherwise, you’re going to embarrass me in front of my whole family, and then I���m going to have to fake breakup with you already.”
Roy let out a playful scoff, matched by those familiar rolling eyes. “I know how to fucking dance,” he huffed, taking my hand nonetheless. “We’ve danced plenty of times.”
Now it was my turn to scoff. “That was at clubs. You weren’t dancing, you stood there while I danced on you. You’re welcome for the experience, by the way,” I joked, deflecting from the thoughts I had about dancing so close to Roy. “But for this, you need to actually dance. Move your feet.” I swayed my hips dramatically. “Move your hips.”
Roy’s eyes were glued to my hips in a way that had my face burning. “Hips,” he echoed absently. He gave a little cough. “Like this?” He attempted to swing his hips the way I had but wasn’t quite smooth enough. He rolled his eyes, clearly aware of how awkward he looked. “Alright,” he conceded. “I could use some fucking practice.”
Placing both hands on his hips, I pressed myself a smidge closer to him. “Come on, Kent. You’ve got this.”
He watched my hands, my feet, my hips as we moved to the song, the one I’d been singing and dancing to my whole life. I hummed along, nodding when I saw him begin to relax and feel the rhythm. As his confidence clearly grew, he reached down and took my hands from his hips, holding them in that now familiar warm grip. From there, his eyes never left mine, carrying that intensity that I saw in my dreams every night now. Without warning, he gave me a tentative little spin, causing me to squeal in surprise.
“You’re a fast learner,” I teased as one Selena song gave way to another. “First the piano, now cumbia. Are you trying to come for my job, Kent?”
Roy offered a pleased little chuckle and whirled me in another spin, smoother now. “I must have a good teacher,” he hummed. He brought his free hand to my waist and tugged me close as we continued to dance around the kitchen. “You ever think about how, somewhere out there, some kid is dancing ’round her kitchen to your music, dreaming of being like you?”
For the first time in years, my feet stumbled off-beat. He meant it. Roy meant what he said. Even if I didn’t know him as a genuine person, I could see it in his soft eyes. It felt like a punch to the butterflies in my stomach every time I caught glimpses of that kind, authentic guy, the one I wished I could bring home to see my parents over and over and dance with in my kitchen all the time and kiss in private.
Beep! Beep!
The sound of the oven brought me back to reality, prompting me to take a step back from Roy and drop his hand. “That batch is done,” I blurted out. “I, uh, promised my sister I’d make some cookies for tomorrow, for this giant dessert table she’s doing. So, I’ll be in here all night.”
Roy nodded slowly, taking in my rushed explanation. “Right. You’re really good at baking, right? I remember reading that somewhere.” When all I did was nod, he shrugged. “Lemme go grab a book, I can hang out here while you work. Is that alright?”
My eyes fluttered as I tried not to dwell on the idea of Roy reading about me and remembering the details, the way he’d remembered Linda Ronstadt. “Sure, Roy. If you want to.”
He shrugged, the smallest smile on his lips. “I want to,” he assured me.
Roy came back quickly and settled himself at my kitchen table with one of the million books he’d brought with him. He didn’t say much, but he nodded along to the music and offered me tiny smiles whenever our eyes met. And for the rest of the night, I let myself live in a little fantasy, one where, after a night of baking as he relaxed with a book, we could head to bed together, and I could sleep in his arms instead of down the hall.
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“Hey, Roy?”
Roy looked up from his book. Those familiar pretty eyes gazed at him from the doorway to the guest room, where he had settled in the night before. She cleared her throat and shifted her weight, something clearly on her mind. Behind her back, he spotted a guitar in her hands, an old, worn one, different from the shiny ones she kept around her London home. Probably from the early days of her career, he pondered as he appreciated the way the morning light caught the smooth surface.
Her smile was soft and timid, reminding him of the time they’d spent together on their holiday; so different from the glittering, shiny popstar he thought he’d be spending time with and, somehow, even more lovely than the glamorous celebrity the rest of the world got to see on red carpets and onstage. She was real like this, in jeans and no makeup and that tiny, infectious grin that made her eyes sparkle.
“You wanna hear that song I was writing on the plane? I finished it.”
He hoped the way he hopped off the bed was enough of a yes for her. He followed her down the stairs and through the house, out the back door and into the garden. She plopped down, gesturing for Roy to sit in the grass beside her. As she took out her phone and began tapping away, Roy couldn’t help but smile at the serious look on her face.
When she looked up and saw that smile, she wrinkled her nose playfully. “Don’t laugh,” she chided lightly. “I know I’m being dramatic, making you come outside and all, but trust me. This song needs to be played out here.”
Immediately, Roy shook his head. “No fucking laughing,” he promised.
As if he could ever laugh at her.
Nodding at Roy’s promise, she positioned her guitar on her lap, balancing her phone on her knee. Roy snapped a quick photo before stuffing his mobile back into his pocket; Keeley had texted him that morning to remind him about posting photos from this little trip. But he didn’t want to focus on Instagram or publicity right now. No, he wanted to hear this song, the one he’d be the very first person to hear.
She closed her eyes and let out a deep breath before she began strumming the guitar, creating a homey melody that nestled itself deep in Roy’s chest. She was right, he realized immediately; this song was meant for the outdoors.
Is it romantic how all my elegies eulogize me?
I'm not cut out for all these cynical clones
These hunters with cell phones
Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die
I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you
Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry
I'm setting off, but not without my muse
A lump formed in Roy’s throat; her voice was a smidge lower than usual, thick with longing. It was heavy, and so beautiful. He’d heard so much of her music over the last few months, including songs that had truly touched his grouchy heart, but this was different. The song felt so heavy, filled with something he couldn’t place his finger on.
What should be over burrowed under my skin
In heart-stopping waves of hurt
I've come too far to watch some namedropping sleaze
Tell me what are my words worth
Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die
I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you
Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry
I'm setting off, but not without my muse
Her eyes alternated between closing and focusing on her phone and gazing out into the garden, lit with the late morning sun. Some part of Roy wanted to take a million photos and videos of this moment, of how beautiful and vulnerable and sunlit she was, pictures that would surely thrill their publicists, but he couldn’t bring himself to move. Her song had cast a spell on him, and he was in no rush to break it.
I want auroras and sad prose
I want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet
'Cause I haven't moved in years
Her eyes flickered to his, something he hadn’t realized he was craving, holding his gaze steadily as she continued to sing-
And I want you right here
A red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground
With no one around to tweet it
While I bathe in cliffside pools
With my calamitous love and insurmountable grief
Roy couldn’t help but crack a smile at the way her mouth ticked up in the corner at the word calamitous. He remembered the night of their first sleepover, playing Scrabble and refusing to believe it was a real word. One of her favorite words, he recalled. One she was dying to put into a song, but it had to be the right song.
This song. A song he got to pretend was about him.
And somewhere, deep inside his chest, in a place he refused to explore, Roy suddenly felt a sharp pang wishing that he wasn’t pretending. Somewhere deep and buried, Roy wished he could stand up with pride and tell everyone around him that this song, this beautiful, poetic, stunning song was about him, Roy Kent. He’d never fucking shut up about it if it was.
Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die
I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you
Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry
I'm setting off, but not without my muse
No, not without you
No, not without you
A few strums of the guitar guided Roy back to reality, to a timid smile that was waiting for him to share his thoughts. And this time, unlike the other times, Roy was determined not to fuck this moment up. He licked his lip and shook his head with the softest sigh.
“That,” he murmured, “might be my fucking favorite song, sunshine.”
Her smile widened, glowing with pride as she took in his words. “Mine too, Kent,” she hummed. She looked thoughtful for a moment. “I was debating having the whole strings and drums thing, or if-”
“Just the guitar.” Roy was surprised by his own audacity. He shook his head. “Promise me you won’t change a fucking thing. Because that was magical.”
“Just the guitar,” she repeated, her fingers gliding over the smooth wood of the instrument. “Alright, Kent.” She winked at him. “Maybe I’ll have to give you a producer credit or something for your input,” she joked.
He chuckled and shook his head. “I think I’ll stick with just pretending to be your muse.” He smirked, pretending the idea wasn’t gnawing at him.
Instead of laughing along, she cocked her head at him, her eyes filled with racing thoughts. Roy’s heart stuttered, wondering if he’d said the wrong thing, if he’d gone and ruined what he had to admit was one of the most tranquil moments of his normally unruly life. But before she could share whatever thought was going on in that pretty little mind he admired so much, her phone vibrated, nearly falling off her knee. She broke eye contact- and that spell Roy had been under from the first note she played- and glanced down at the lit-up screen.
“My sister,” she grunted, declining the call. She sighed and looked back at Roy, the sparkle gone from her eyes now. “We should head on in and start getting ready,” she announced. Some of the happiness returned to her face as she smirked at him. “You ready for your first quinceañera?”
Roy chuckled and stood, offering her his hand to help her to her feet. “Let’s fucking do it.”
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Originally, the idea of bringing Roy Kent to my niece’s quince had, to put it plainly, horrified me. Bringing that surly, swearing, grump of a man to such an important family event sounded like a nightmare. Even after discovering the Roy that had become my friend and- fine­- my crush, I was still nervous about introducing him to the most important people in my life, the people who had supported and encouraged me, who sacrificed to make all my dreams come true. Would they like him? I had wondered. And some small, insecure part of me had also wondered- Would he like them?
Every single one of those worries was shattered as I watched Roy interact with my family. He used the short phrases Dani had taught him on my tíos and tías, bringing surprised smiles to the faces of my uncles and aunts who rarely got to meet the men I ran around with. He greeted my brothers with firm handshakes, laughing about the previous day’s outing like they were old friends, as though he was just any old boyfriend of their younger sister and not a soccer legend dating a professional singer. He took selfies with my way too bold cousins and easily sidestepped the flirting of some of their nervier girlfriends, who would then turn around to let me know how much they loved my music and how expensive tickets for my concerts were; the laughter in Roy’s eyes made the irritating interactions worth it.
But, best of all, he treated my nieces and nephews with the same enthusiasm I had seen him have with Phoebe. He listened intently as the boys chattered on about their favorite teams and asked incessant questions about his career and the players he knew; he even managed to talk about Jamie Tartt without swearing. Even more endearing was the way he allowed my three-year-old niece to lead him by the hand to the dessert table and point out all the treats she wanted him to hand to her.
And the black ensemble he wore- which he admitted Keeley and Dani had put together for him- didn’t hurt either, with the top buttons of his shirt undone just so and the pants that fit far too perfectly to be fair.
As I pondered the sight of him taking selfies with my oldest niece and her friends, my sister sidled up, that familiar knowing smile on her face.
“I thought he was supposed to be a grouch,” she teased, nodding towards the smirking coach.
“Believe me, he is,” I chuckled, unable to suppress my grin as I thought about the swears and eyerolls I now thought of as oddly charming. “But he’s also… nice.” I didn’t know what else to say as she raised an eyebrow at me.
Finally, she just wrapped her arm around my shoulder. “That’s good,” she said. “You deserve nice, cariño. Mom and Pop, they’re so tired of seeing the rock stars and the bad boys. They want to see you happy, with someone who cares about you.” She squeezed me close, knocking her hip to mine, the way she did when we were children. “Does Roy care about you?”
It was such a loaded question. Yes, Roy and I were friends now, and he was one of the most protective and supportive people I had in my life, something I felt truly grateful for. But the kisses and affection and the sparkling looks he gave me, they were all for show, for the cameras, for the job. My heart was heavy every time I remembered that all of this, like every relationship I’d had, would end, leaving me once again with nothing but a broken heart and inspiration for sad songs that the internet would both love and mock me for.
But then those brown eyes found mine, and that smirk became a wide grin, and I felt myself melt into my sister’s embrace.
Even if it wasn’t the way I wanted, I knew I could answer her question truthfully-
“Yeah,” I murmured. “Roy really cares about me.”
Roy tried to remember the last time he’d had so much fun at a party. He was grateful for his kitchen dance lessons, because he found himself gravitating towards his fake girlfriend, wanting to dance close to her to the music that pulsated through every inch of his body.
She was glittering, magical, as she danced under the party lights, moving her hips even more fluidly than she had in the kitchen the night before. Her hair, her makeup, that fucking dress- everything about her was stunning. Roy marveled at how easily she glided back and forth between looking like home in her jeans and sweatshirts and looking like a goddess in dresses and heels.
Her eyes were bright as she pressed her body close to his, laughing as she sang along to the song he didn’t understand a word of. He probably could have stayed on the dance floor all night, admiring her and doing his best to keep up with her dreamy moves. Roy was something close to disappointed when she tugged his hand and pulled him over to their table, where a few of her family members sat drinking and chattering.
“I’ll be back,” she promised over the music, pressing a kiss to Roy’s cheek.
Roy must have had more shots than he’d counted, he figured. That had to be why he reflexively turned his head to steal a kiss, probably deeper than he should have in front of her brothers, he admitted. But fuck, her lips just felt so soft against his cheek; how was he supposed to resist?
When he pulled back, she blinked at him before offering a tiny smile. “Don’t miss me too much.” With a light touch to his shoulder, she was gone.
“Really?” her oldest brother scoffed, giving Roy a playful shove. “We’re right here, man. You’re going to lose all those points you’ve earned with your shitty Spanish.”
Roy let out a sheepish chuckle. “Sorry,” he apologized, clearly not meaning it.
Her brother shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. We just like seeing her happy.” He nodded to the stage, where the DJ was setting up a lone microphone. “Did she tell you what song she’s doing?”
“What song?” Roy repeated incredulously.
“She always sings a little something when we have big parties,” her dad explained from Roy’s other side. “Almost always a Selena song, usually ‘Dreaming of You’. It’s always been one of her favorite songs.” He beamed with that pride only a parent could have. “She sings it beautifully.”
Roy sat up as he watched her climb the stage, that old guitar in hand. “I bet she does,” he murmured, more to himself.
The teenagers on the dance floor shrieked with excitement as she approached the microphone, her bashful expression nothing short of lovely. The birthday girl, in her big poofy dress that Roy couldn’t believe she could walk in, was pushed to the front of the crowd, beaming up at her aunt expectantly; clearly, she had been looking forward to this part of her party.
“So, someone’s been spreading a rumor that I like to sing,” the popstar joked, winking at her niece. “So I’d like to sing a little something for my beautiful niece. Happy birthday, mijita.” She blew a kiss to the birthday girl before strumming her guitar and taking a deep breath, preparing to sing, the way she had in the garden that morning.
Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up and think of you
And I wish on a star
That somewhere you are thinking of me too
Her eyes found Roy’s, immediately softening and sparkling as she continued in that voice wasn’t sure he’d ever get enough of.
'Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight
'Til tomorrow
I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room
Dreaming about you and me
Wonder if you ever see me
And I wonder if you know I'm there
If you looked in my eyes
Would you see what's inside?
Would you even care?
I just wanna hold you close
But so far
All I have are dreams of you
So I wait for the day and the courage to say
How much I love you, yes I do
Eyes closed, she leaned back from the microphone and continued strumming on the guitar, the tune shifting into something different, but just as soft and wistful. Out of the corner of his eye, Roy caught flashes of confusion on her family’s faces, their expressions telling him that this wasn’t her usual performance.
When her eyes opened, she winked at her still beaming niece before looking back at Roy, her gaze aflame with something he couldn’t quite name.
I could lose my heart tonight
If you don't turn and walk away
'Cause the way I feel I might
Lose control and let you stay
'Cause I could take you in my arms
And never let go
I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you
Her brother leaned close to Roy and murmured, “This is new. Usually she just does ‘Dreaming of You’ and that’s it.” He nudged Roy pointedly. “Three guesses who inspired the change,” he teased.
All Roy could do was chuckle awkwardly and shrug, unable to tear his eyes from the singer as she sang, her voice thick with emotion, as though the song was made for her.
I can only wonder how
Touching you would make me feel
But if I take that chance right now
Tomorrow will you want me still?
So I should keep this to myself
And never let you know
I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you
And I know it's not right
And I guess I should try to do what I should do
But I could fall in love, fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you
She played the outro to massive applause, especially from the teenagers on the dance floor. She leaned down from the stage to hug the birthday girl tightly and blow kisses to the young people screaming her name. She practically floated offstage and back to Roy, who stood up so he could wrap her in a hug.
“That was beautiful,” he gushed. “Seriously, you’re fucking amazing.”
“Anything for Roy Kent,” her older sister called out in a mocking voice, sounding like some sort of inside joke Roy didn’t quite get.
The sour face she made at her sister told Roy that yes, there was a joke happening. “Just be glad I’m not charging you for the performance,” she quipped. She turned her attention back to Roy, offering him that beaming smile.
“You ever think of doing an all-acoustic album?” he blurted out without thinking. “Just… that song you played this morning, and then this…” He shook his head. “It’d be fucking amazing. Just you and your guitar. It's fucking magic.”
She studied him for a moment, looking like she wasn’t quite sure what to say. Finally, and reached down and took his hand in hers. “Come on, Kent,” she chuckled. “Let’s get you a drink and you can try to become my new producer.”
I giggled as Roy and I stumbled through the front door after waving off my driver. After my Selena mashup, we joined my siblings and cousins in multiple rounds of shots, filling the night with laughter and joyful shouts. Now, at nearly two in the morning, the two of us staggered into my house, Roy’s arm wrapped loosely around my shoulders as he hummed the song that had been playing in the car before we got out.
“It’s alright, it’s alright,” he sang, his voice gruff and off-key. “The downtown lights.”
Once we managed to make it upstairs, I pulled him into a tight hug. “Thanks for tonight, Kent,” I murmured. “You were the perfect boyfriend.”
He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. “For you, sunshine? Anytime.” He gave me a small squeeze before pulling away and taking a backwards step towards his room, down the hall from mine. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” I echoed, watching his receding figure before ducking into my own bedroom. Once inside, I kicked off the ridiculously high heels I’d been stupid enough to dance in and removed my jewelry. Impatient to get some pajamas on, I reached for the zipper on my dress so I could take it off and leave it in some corner instead of hanging it up like a civilized popstar would.
Too bad I couldn’t reach the damn zipper.
“Fuck,” I hissed, wondering how the heck I’d managed to get dressed. Right, I reminded myself: I’d changed at my mother’s so I could get ready with my sister and niece. One of them had zipped me up.
Too tired and drunk to feel embarrassed or timid, I yanked my bedroom door open and poked my head into the hallway. The light coming out from under the guest room door told me that Roy was still up.
“Kent!” I whined.
From the other side of the door, I heard a grumbled, “Yeah?”
Pouting for an invisible audience, I shouted back, “Come help me with my zipper.” Without waiting for an answer, I turned back to my room.
I could hear the long sigh from his room, but, sure enough, his door opened. I heard his footsteps approach slowly. When I glanced over my shoulder, Roy was in the doorway, already changed into the plain t-shirt he usually wore to bed. My skin warmed at the sight of his boxers, but I waved him over, pretending to be much more casual than my racing heart felt.
His fingers were warm on my back as he found my zipper, reminding me of when he’d put the Scrabble necklace around my neck; I wondered if he could feel me shiver at his touch and the memory. Slowly, he guided the zipper down, down to where it ended just above the curve of my ass, exposing my bare back.
Roy could have left, right then and there. He could have turned and walked out, grumbled a tipsy goodnight, and returned to his room. That was what I fully expected him to do.
Instead, when I turned my head to thank him for his help, his hand hovered over my shoulder as he stared at me with wide eyes. With a visible gulp, he took the shoulder of my dress between his fingers and tugged it down deliberately, as though waiting for me to tell him to stop, to ask what he was doing, to order him back to his room. Rather than do any of those things, I let him slowly guide the dress down my shoulders until it fell in a puddle at my feet, leaving me in only my panties and bra.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, eyes on my lips. “Really fucking beautiful.”
Before I could think of a single word to say, Roy crashed his mouth into mine, hungry and reckless. I quickly turned my body to face him, to press myself against him and wrap my arms around his shoulders. He groaned into the kiss and slid his hands down to my ass, just like he had that day at the lake. My desperation for him finally winning, I reached down to the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head, tossing it to the floor carelessly. He reattached his mouth to mine seamlessly and began urging me towards my bed.
I tugged him along until we were both horizontal, mouths and hands everywhere, soft groans filling the silent room. Something hard pressed against me deliciously, even harder than that afternoon making out in front of the paparazzi.
My heart soared when I remembered that there was no paparazzi, no audience. This was just me and Roy, in my bed, touching each other because we meant it. I pulled him closer, feeling like finally, finally, I’d done the impossible and caught lightning in a bottle. Maybe, just maybe, I had found that love I’d spent my whole life singing and dreaming about.
Roy’s hands felt like home and his lips tasted like paradise as I began to squirm beneath him, appreciative of the friction he gave me. We could go back to London together, I thought as my hands wandered down those perfect arms, arms I dreamt about each night. Every love song on my tour would be for him. Hell, I could tell him that my new album really was for him. This wouldn’t have to end, my soaring heart thought. We could stay like this, me and my muse-
The curse that hissed past the lips I was kissing froze my movements. I pulled back, eying Roy’s flushed face and feeling his ragged breath against my own.
“Something wrong?” I breathed, begging him to say no. Begging him to stay.
Of course, he didn’t say no. He didn’t stay. Instead, he climbed off me and off my bed, shaking his head sadly.
“I’m sorry.”
That was it. Two words. Two little words and he’d sent me back to that place I’d been so many times, that place of loneliness and doubt. Without looking back at me, he walked towards the door, pausing only to pick up his shirt and tug it back over his head. He closed the door quietly behind him, leaving me alone.
The sound of footsteps trudging downstairs finally had me able to move. I tiptoed to the door and opened it a crack, revealing Roy hurrying down. His footsteps made a beeline for my backdoor, which quickly opened and shut.
Part of me wanted to run after him, to demand to know what had just happened and what it meant. To beg him to come back upstairs and try to love me. Please.
But for once, I didn’t. I wanted Roy Kent to choose me, and I wasn’t going to beg. Not this time. This time, I turned off the light and crawled back into bed. The memory of his hands and his lips played over and over again in my head until, finally, I drifted to sleep.
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Taglist: @infinetlyforgotten@ladygrey03@book-of-roses@thatonedogwithablog@misshall14@wibblywobblyvampywolfystuff@akornsworld@itswhateveripromise@purecinnamonextract@oceanncurrent@dearvoidgoodnight@hopefulromances@respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog@hotleaf-juice@emmy2811@captainorbust-blog@preciousbabypeter@shion-ah@royalestrellas@eugene-emt-roe@littleesilvia@teenwolf01@sisinever@yagotgames@queen-of-the-downtown-scene@emmaallisonann@mrdsturd@confessionsofatotaldramaslut@charkachow@mrdsturd@littlepinapple@sunfairyy@shadowzena43@uhmidkmuch@imsoluckyeverythingworksoutforme@alicedsworld@222333777@thegivenvoid @tortilla-maria1 @treblebeth @maackiimoo
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nieded · 1 year
#RainbowRoad for Rainbow Railroad Charity Drive
Hello, everyone!
As you may know, a couple of years ago I wrote a Good Omens fic called Sit Tight, Take Hold. It kicked off an amazing friendship with a group of people who have now come together to organize a fundraiser to support an LGBTQ+ non-profit.
I'm really excited to announce that we are running a charity drive to support Rainbow Railroad alongside the release Good Omens Season 2 and the third and final part of the #rainbowroad series, Fools Rush In.
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What is Rainbow Railroad?
Rainbow Railroad is a non-profit organization that works to relocate at-risk LGBTQ+ individuals to safety globally.
"As a result of Rainbow Railroad, more LGBTQI+ individuals can access lives free from persecution, and ultimately, we envision a world where LGBTQI+ people can live lives of their choosing, free from persecution."
If you've read STTH and AALS, you may remember that Formula 1 visits a multitude of countries that have poor human rights and are unfriendly to LGBTQ+ individuals. I vacillated between many charity organizations before settling on this one, which encompasses the global nature of the #rainbowroad universe and some of the challenges the characters face. Thank you, @kookaburra-laugh, for suggesting this charity!
Great! How can I help?
@dustandhalos, @blairamok, and @cinnabarmint are releasing prints of their art for #rainbowroad on Etsy. Art options include:
a. A 5x7 postcard pack of 6 prints featured in STTH!
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b. An 12x18 poster of Crowley's C8ZR1 from part two, Accept A Little Spin
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c. And last but not least, an 18x24 print of Ezira's signed Anthony Fucking Crowley poster.
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[Preview images are protected with anti-AI cloaking technology Glaze, and may depict slight pixelation and/or distortion. Printed art will not depict this distortion.]
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL. WE ARE PRINTING SIT TIGHT, TAKE HOLD. Thank you, again, to @blairamok, who made the astounding cover art.
I will update everyone once I get the physical proof, but the book includes 428 pages incorporating the tumblr posts, news articles, and text messages. The dimensions will be 6x9x1, printed in color on 80lb matte paper.
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How does this work?
Preorders open TODAY and will run for a month until Friday 9/1. Once preorders close, we will submit the orders to the various printers. All proceeds will go to Rainbow Railroad, minus the cost of printing and shipping orders. We hope to start shipping out merch mid to late-September. Depending on how many orders we get will depend on how quickly we can ship everything out, but we will keep you posted once preorders close.
Hopefully, if you order something and live in the US, it will arrive by the time Fools Rush In finishes posting on 10/13.🤞🤞🤞 We will be shipping internationally as well!
What if I can't afford to order anything?
That's okay! Please reblog this post so more people can see it. It will bring more attention to the charity drive and more attention to Rainbow Railroad!
What the heck is #rainbowroad?
#rainbowroad is a trilogy about our favorite Good Omens characters reimagined as Formula 1 drivers. I have no idea how this came into my head beyond binging Good Omens and Drive to Survive at the same time. The final part of the main trilogy, Fools Rush In, is currently posting and slated to end on 10/13. It is COMPLETE.
Thank you to my friends and all the readers who have made this possible! I am so excited to share this with you. Please reblog to boost awareness. If you have specific questions, shoot me an ask!
Massive thanks to @dustandhalos, @blairamok, @cinnabarmint, and @kookaburra-laugh for making this possible!
ni <3
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sannami-fanbook · 4 months
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Take a look at these content previews of the fanbook! PO Sale is close in hours!!
In $25 you'll get not only 200 pages of full colored book, but also few merchandises, stretch goals, and a chance of winning giveaway. So, grab it now before you can't!
Main shop: https://sxnfanbook.bigcartel.com Group Order: https://bit.ly/sxnfanbook-group-PO Indonesia ONLY: https://bit.ly/sxnfanbook-PO-ID
NOTE: 3rd stretch goal isn't unlocked yet, so we may still open it a little longer to June 4th 00:00 JST (GMT+9).
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dessinelle · 1 day
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Shiro looks worried... 😰
Just a little preview. I am working on a double page update, p.9 is done, I'm sketching p.10 now. Art is hard.
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dandelionsresilience · 2 months
idk about anyone else but I get really overwhelmed and stressed when people keep saying “go vote” but no one ever says how to do that, so I finally got up the courage to figure it out just now
Go to vote.org.
they have a fairly simple/understandable UI with some genuinely helpful tools to help you check if you’re registered, register if you’re not, preview what’s on your ballot, and find out info about your polling place.
to use these tools, you need your address, name, and birthday, (they also ask for an email, but you can unsubscribe if you want, or sign up for election reminders), but as long as you know those, it really is pretty easy - it probably took me about half an hour to figure out everything I (think I) need to know, which is:
Are my partner and I registered to vote? (Yes, when we got our new driver’s licenses they just asked if we’d like to register and we said yes and that’s about it)
When is election day? This year (2024) it’s November 5, but it’s always on the Tuesday following the first Monday of November. Why do they have to do it that way? beats me
Where do I go to vote, on what day, and at what time? Not sure if this applies in every place, but at least where I am, when the polling place “closes” is when you have to be in line by, not when you have to have voted by. If it closes at 6pm and you get in line at 5:45, you should be okay even if the line is long
Can I vote early and/or by mail, and if so how?
I also googled the representatives on my ballot to check their stances on issues I care about, but that isn’t strictly necessary to be able to vote, just to make a more informed choice
Vote.org by itself isn’t necessarily complete, I had to do some digging on my state’s website to find out what hours my polling place is open, but vote.org does get you to your state’s website so you can start digging in close to the right place (scroll down a little on the landing page to the list of states and click on yours). If you need to register through your state, you might also need to know the last four of your SSN and/or driver’s license or state ID number and issuance date.
So now I have an actionable plan to actually be able to “go vote,” and figuring it out wasn’t quite as overwhelming as I thought it would be. 9/10 can recommend vote.org + your state’s website. state and local elections matter just as much as the presidency btw, so please go vote
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archiveikemen · 1 year
'Villain Wants To Bother The Little Robin' Story Event: Announcement
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Event Run Date:
18.08.2023 (16:00) — 31.08.2023 (22:59)
* All timings are in JST
Routes Available:
Ellis Twilight & Jude Jazza, William Rex & Victor, Elbert Greetia & Alfons Sylvatica
Event Introduction:
I became a stand-in for the Queen, and had two of the most wicked and absolute worst people to protect me.
During the time spent together, I learnt about a surprising secret. They protected, bothered, and loved... and before I knew it, I had become a victim of love to both of them.
Event Details
Love Point Milestone Rewards
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Accumulate ≥ 95,000 Love Points to obtain a special bonus story featuring Liam Evans and Harrison Gray!
♚ Love Points ≥ 35,000: Hair Accessory
♚ Love Points ≥ 55,000: Dress
♚ Love Points ≥ 85,000: Avatar Room Effect
Ranking Rewards
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Players ranked 200 and above will receive the bodyguard uniform avatar outfits for all 9 suitors!
Ending Clear Rewards
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♚ Early Full Premium Clear — Hair
♚ Early All Endings Clear — Eyes
♚ Full Premium Clear — His Avatar Outfit
Epilogue Rewards
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Each route's epilogue will come with a special event limited chibi avatar item!
Event Participation Rewards
Players who join the event within 24 hours will receive:
♚ Multi Gacha Ticket x1
♚ Lipstick (+500 Love Points) x1
Double Time
Double time will start immediately after the event starts. Please refer to the in-game event page for the full double time schedule.
Fairytale Writer Challenge
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Clear all missions in the event's mission board to receive Diamonds x100!
Route Previews
Ellis Twilight & Jude Jazza
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Bitter END
Jude: Be careful when making promises with villains, Princess.
Ellis: As long as it's requested by you... I'll do anything.
Premium END
Jude: Why are you turning red? What a dirty woman you are.
Ellis: Want to do something naughty together? Okay, shall we?
William Rex & Victor
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Bitter END
Victor: Ah, we're choosy when it comes to people. We're villains, after all.
William: We won't think about protecting anyone who isn't you.
Premium END
Victor: We want to devote our entire heart to you, just like you have devoted yours to us.
William: We'll listen to all your wants, lovely little robin.
Elbert Greetia & Alfons Sylvatica
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Bitter END
Alfons: You truly are a foolish woman, my dear.
Elbert: Whenever she's out of my sight— I can't bring myself to stay calm.
Premium END
Alfons: Would you like a second helping? I'll be the one giving it to you this time.
Elbert: ... I want to do it again. If you don't mind.
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detectivefable · 1 year
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Preview of my page from Chapter 9 for the @conanredraw project!
Look at this little guy struggling to use his voice changer bowtie for the first time! 😂
It's been wonderful to be a part of this project to see this volume redrawn by so many wonderful artists! 💖
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bedlamsbard · 2 months
“The soldier,” Thanos said. He flinched a little as one of Natasha���s widow’s stings hit him in the side of the head, but brushed it off as if it was nothing more than a mosquito bite. “The man out of…time.”
Thanos let the last word linger there between them. The Stones set across his knuckles glittered in the fading sunlight as he turned his left hand over, thoughtful.
He was a kid playing with a new toy, the kind of boy who burned the wings off flies with a magnifying glass and a sunbeam. Steve knew the exact instant Thanos realized he could use more than one of the Stones at the same time.
March 1945: With the deaths of Johann Schmidt and Steve Rogers only a month old, the SSR has spent the intervening weeks hunting down the last of Hydra’s holdouts. When Peggy Carter and the Howling Commandos are unexpectedly called back to London, however, the return of Steve Rogers from beyond the grave raises more questions than it answers – and draws the attention of a dangerous new enemy.  (Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanoff)
Previous: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
17: Beat to the Same Drum 217K, AU, WIP
Chapter preview:
“When was V-J Day?” Bruce asked, frowning. “That’s – Victory over Japan Day, right?  End of the war?” “August 15, 1945,” Steve said.  His fingers flexed and he put the paper he was holding down carefully, as if to keep from creasing it.  “Official surrender was in September.  V-E Day is May 8.  They were in Austria then.” It was his war, Natasha remembered, watching him.  He had deserved to see it end, not just read about it on Wikipedia seventy years later. “And – what?” Tony said warily. “What about you and Romanoff?” Steve’s gaze lifted to him.  His eyes were bleak, looking somewhere else, seeing someone else.  Maybe it was Howard, but Natasha thought it was more likely that he was thinking about that last view he had of the lab the previous evening, all of the people whom he had loved and lost and would never see again except in photographs. After a moment he blinked and looked back down at the typewritten papers stacked in front of him, straightening them carefully.  From where she was sitting, Natasha couldn’t read them, but she recognized the signature on the top page as belonging to Chester Phillips.  Steve’s mouth worked silently; he had to lick his lips before he finally said, “I think they really did just forget.”
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simmireen · 1 year
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This little toddler wants to swim and jump and swim and jump even more with daddy <3 'tiny waterbaby’ 6 poses for your toddler and parent in the pool ♥ Swimsafe armbands for the toddler from this set from @syboubou here For the first 4 poses you need to place the teleporter on the water surface (use bb.moveobjects and raise the teleporter with ctrl + 9) For the last 2 poses place the teleporter on the edge of the pool.
DOWNLOAD (Curseforge) DOWNLOAD (SFS) DOWNLOAD (Patreon) always free!
The poses work with Teleport any Sim and Andrew’s Pose Player The posepack is as usual provided with previews. These poses are somewhat gender-neutral, but there can be minor clipping or floating because every sim-body is different. I really would like to see if you use my poses! So tag me at tumblr, instagram or twitter (@simmireen) You can find an overview of all my posepacks at Pinterest You can support me on my Ko-Fi page > but never feel obliged to tip! Terms of use Don’t claim as yours or put behind a paywall Don’t re-edit (adjusting hands is always allowed, just don’t change up my pose) Don’t reupload Oh, and let me know if something doesn’t work! @ts4-poses @sssvitlanz
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deancaspinefest · 2 years
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2023 Pinefest Posting Schedule
Under the cut, you’ll find the full posting schedule for this seventh round of the Dean/Cas Pinefest, along with links to each preview.
Happy pining, everyone!
Tuesday February 14 | Everywhere Wednesday February 15 | The Devil You Know (Who Also Knows You) Thursday February 16 | Other Worlds Than These Friday February 17 | The barista and the bookshop Saturday February 18 | Hunter's Throne Sunday February 19 | Marigold Monday February 20 | won't you stay with me, my darling, when the war starts in my heart? Tuesday February 21 | Depth of Field Wednesday February 22 | Dear Western Red Cedar #2409 Thursday February 23 | You Could Save Me (from the way I tend to be) Friday February 24 | straw house, straw dog Saturday February 25 | Life After Loss Sunday February 26 | Don't forget me when I'm gone Monday February 27 | On Wayward Tracks Tuesday February 28 | The Fool, Fish and Rocks Wednesday March 1 | Something in the Air Thursday March 2 | stay in my arms (if you dare) Friday March 3 | Everything's Fine Saturday March 4 | Djinn & Tonic Sunday March 5 | Buzz Monday March 6 | My Turning Page Tuesday March 7 | Breaking Bonds Wednesday March 8 | The Emoji Guy Thursday March 9 | When I Knew You Friday March 10 | Faith and Magic Saturday March 11 | Fall A Little Further Sunday March 12 | The Waiting (is the hardest part) Monday March 13 | Unbeknownst Soul Mate Tuesday March 14 | Lucky Mud Wednesday March 15 | Lavender Pines Thursday March 16 | Devil on the Dirt Friday March 17 | Maybe Next Time Saturday March 18 | r/Relationships Sunday March 19 | West Monday March 20 | carving deep blue ripples Tuesday March 21 | the long hill home Wednesday March 22 | when the stars align Thursday March 23 | My Body is a Cage Friday March 24 | Whisper My Name
Previous Rounds on Ao3:
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017
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fairestar · 1 year
How do you make your posts so aesthetic im on mobile and literally can't figure this app out😭
with lots of screen time and scrolling through pinterest! all pictures ive ever posted are from there. i love and live for pinterest.
✿ a little tumblr guide :
for formatting your text, just select it and go from there. for the small text, select it and tap the “<s>” button.
for the collages / banners i've included in some of my posts, i go through pinterest, look for pictures that have similar colour palettes, download them and go to this website to make the collage. i don't recommend changing the size of it while on the page because it can ruin your pictures, just work with the predetermined size and once you're done, download your collage and resize it by cutting it with your gallery app.
for coloured text, you can select it and choose one of the fixed options; but if you want a specific colour, you can only do it from the tumblr website. first make a draft of your post, then go to this page to choose the hex code for the text you want to edit (the hex code is the one that's six characters long and made of numbers 0-9 and letters A-F, ex.: #A77BF9), once you have your code, go to this page, write whatever it is you want, select the “solid text” option (if you want a degradé one, you'll need more than one colour code), put your hex code and copy the text at the bottom of the website. now, back to your draft (remember, you can only do this from the website, not the app), click on the little settings wheel at the top right, at the end you'll see something that says “rich text”, open that menu and choose “html”. now, if you don't know about programming, your draft will look crazy, don't worry, that's just the html version of it. go through it until you find the text you want to modify, select it (only the text, not any other thing around it, if you see something like a <h1> or <b> anything with the < > symbols, do not touch those because you'll either delete everything or lose the formatting you might have already applied —if you accidentally delete those when changing the colour, don't worry, once you're done with the colour you can apply the formatting again just as you always do—), and in its place paste the long text you copied from the website. if you want to know if you did it right, at the top of the post there's a “preview” option, choose it and see if your text is good to go. now that you're done changing the colours, go back to the settings wheel and choose the option “rich text” again, so you can continue working on your post. it's kind of a mess, yes. but your posts will be a hundred times prettier. and you will learn the basics of html coding too.
little side note: if you've modified the html code of your post, always go back to the app before posting it and check if it looks okay because changing the html code makes you lose some formatting you might have already done, like organising pictures or adding a “keep reading” button. also, check the attached screenshots for a more visual tutorial!
hope this is usefull ♡ feel free to reach out again if you need help with anything else!
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carmello-matcha · 8 months
Local dumbass roughly translates stuff
This person is an absolute dumbass don't take their translations as gospel
text in green are the op's aka dumbass comments
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Dragon Wizard Festival
2024 Chinese New Year Edition Information Release Time: February 6, 17:00 open
In the last issue of "Little Snowy Owl Chattering Tea Party", we collected thousands of precious expectations and suggestions.
"What will be the theme of the next season?" "What events are planned for the Chinese New Year?" "Are there any free fashions? Will there be more Clockwork Gems?"
The little snowy owl has split into two owl compartments. As a supervisory owl, it pecks the designer's head! In the guise of an intelligence officer, he will reveal the contents of the New Year's Eve in advance!
Welfare Upgrade
New Year's Eve Gift Collection X6 Lucky Clockwork, x8888 Gold Coin, x888 Echo Crystals, Chinese New Year Furniture, Treasure Ticket
On February 9, Chinese New Year benefits will be delivered to all wizards' mailboxes on time!
Academy Treasure Chest Returns
"More" Increase rewards for currency drops such as "Gold" and "Gems". "Easier" Treasure Value Accumulate 1 treasure chests every 4 hours. You can accumulate up to 6 treasure chests at a time. No more worrying about the "treasure chest alarm clock".
(*After purchasing Gold Satin Gift Box, you can accumulate up to 6 treasure chests in a single time; other users can accumulate up to 4 treasure chests)
possibly for players with less time on their hands to play the game
Welfare Upgrade
Increased rewards for Passport Boxes Daily quests will be reorganized to the pass progress page, returning to daily/weekly quests and accelerating the level of the box.
Unlimited number of times, no cost of gold. Free refreshing of assignments helps you unlock rewards easily!
The same price, super value rebate Level up from 50 to 100, more than 28,600% rebate! Increase in level cap
Overflow rewards increased.
Overflow of experience after leveling up to full level of the gift box. can also be exchanged for more rewards.
60 Draw Lucky Roulette returns!
During the Bi-Monthly Season, the first half of the Lucky Roulette will be adjusted to: 60 draws clear + 3 prizes. For example… Feb 20th Lucky Wheel - 60 draws to clear 3 prizes. March 19th Roulette - 90 draws to clear 4 prizes
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Welfare Upgrade
New Season Store with seasonal rewards Season quest rewards will be adjusted to the Season Store. Rewards will be unlocked in batches, and wizards can redeem them as needed! Participate in daily gameplay and pass the main storyline, you can get season tokens. Purchase the Gold Satin Gift Box to unlock additional store pages. Go to the Academy Lounge and find a senior to redeem your tokens!
Watch the preview and get rewards! The "Mysterious Chinese New Year Redemption Code" will be released with the next Chinese New Year event.] will be revealed in the next New Year's event!
A new outfit released. an unspeakable themed one at that.
"it is forbidden to disclose department information and work content"
"maintaining absolute"
"confidentiality is the responsibility of the ministry"
In the first issue of the new season, the Lucky Roulette fashion is revealed. Bubble Pod will be launched on February 20th.
The probability of getting it is UP ↑ Fashion breaking news, we have to talk about 4 sets at once.
In addition, some of the winning fashions from the design competition have been added to the production schedule.
(bubble pod, among others like the Knight bus were all winners of a design competition back in 2022)
A Ginny and Ron yule ball inspired outfit can be purchased in one of the new year gift packs (this is most likely the loyalty reward)
there's going to be 3 sets of epic costumes in the next season 1 set can be bought in the season store, the other two are achievement rewards
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New Winds in the Dueling Arena
Echo Conversion Mechanism Adjustment
1 Before Conversions
The maximum number of reverberation conversions has been changed from 10 to 50. After 10 conversions.
You can use Echo exclusive enhancement items or gems to continue the conversion.
Finally, you don't need to spend crystals and gold coins for echo conversion!
2 When Converting
If you want to change spells in the middle of the conversion, you don't have to pay the high cost of reverberation. You don't have to pay high amount of Reverberation Crystals again!
Level +3 Reverberation! Come to the bowl!
3 After conversion--
You can choose whether or not to keep the conversion results.
You don't have to worry about the reverberation being wasted even if the conversion is ruined! - Cassandra
Gringotts Treasure Hunt
Team up with 3 people and share the blessings.
Clockwork keys, gems and gold coins....
Time is limited, take as much as you can!
"Even the bank bosses are losing money and take the Knight Bus home!" - Elf
New year Challenge
An all-uniform dueling challenge is about to begin this Chinese New Year.
"A dueling challenge." "Compete for a seat" "For the grand prize."
New trend in the dueling arena
New Echoes
New Echoes are coming soon! A Flexible "shuffle" mechanism provides more possibilities for mid and late game period!
New Mythic Partner Card
Restore Magic Power + Ranged Damage + Single Output. Brave Little Harry
"Throwback" Harry Potter mythic partner card will be released soon
Season limited Card Pool
The Seasonal Card Pool is changing.
"Throwback" Dumbledore + "Throwback" Harry Potter The first Double Mythic Pool is coming soon! 100 draws to win a new card skin! "It's a double yolked egg!" - Lottie
Welp Dueling was fun while it lasted
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A herbologist from St. Mungos
Crazy. Gloomy. Thriller? Frenzy.
Oh boy... not even gonna bet that people will be falling in love with the new season's character
a treacherous smoke
Seems to be taking over the herb classroom In the midst of the spectacle
Thorns, conspiracies, visitors, suspicions. And the clouds of suspicion are spreading to Hogwarts Castle.
"Advanced Herbology class is about to begin!" - Prof. Longbottom
More CNY events are on the way!
Exclusive Desktop Components
wizard rank display
set illustration display
duel ranking and score improvement
prompts for recovery progress of college treasure chest and other items
Muggle Communication equipment is a good help-
Exclusive IOS widget for HPMA will be launched soon!
Limited Edition Red Envelope Cover
WeChat Red Envelope Cover ready to go!
Contracted wizard's good luck to start the year
Hogwarts - Back in Time A copy of the Wizards 2023 Annual Report will be released soon. Share the H5 page and get your friends on the bus to get the epic fashion coupons!
(Post Translation note)
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helmetjellyfish · 2 months
magmell character birthday art 2024 (ft. flower language)
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this year, sugishita has been posting celebratory artwork on the birthdays of the main cast! so far we’ve got Haru (3/5), Ran (4/11), Shinya (5/17), and Shizuka (7/3) featuring various flowers in the background.
since we’re a little over halfway through the year, the only characters who have not received illustrations yet are Minato (10/30), Asahi (12/26), and Koutarou (2/19)*. once those are posted, i’ll update this post to include them!
(*Koutarou’s birthday announcement this year featured a preview of Ch. 48 in place of an an original illustration.)
flower meaning interpretations for each character are under the cut! none of the flowers have been explicitly identified or named, so this post is liable to change if i find a more fitting one later on.
Haruno Izuho (Lily)
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starting off with haru’s flower, which is rather straightforward! assuming that the lily depicted is intended to be white, its meaning in hanakotoba is “purity”.
Dougashima Ran (Kalanchoe)
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ran’s i am a little uncertain about, mainly because the leaves aren’t drawn and kalanchoe can look very different depending on the species, but the shape of the flowers and the way they cluster together seem similar enough.
kalanchoe can represent several things, such as “a declaration of happiness”, “many small memories”, “protection”, and “a generous heart”.
(it’s interesting to note that his flower was changed from the one he was depicted with on the vol. 9 cast page [a rose].)
Shirahama Shinya (Edelweiss)
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next we have shinya’s! a distinct-looking flower, the hanakotoba meaning of edelweiss is “courage” and “important memories”.
Nagaizumi Shizuka (Statice)
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the first character in this list to not appear on the vol. 9 cast pages, shizuka’s flower appears to be statice! this flower’s meanings are “an unchanging heart” and “everlasting memories”. combined with the starry backdrop, i think it’s safe to say who this is alluding to…
that’s all for now! please look forward to the rest of the illustrations in the upcoming months, and let me know if you think there’s a better match for any of the flowers above ^_^
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archiveikemen · 1 year
"Villain's Night" Story Event: Announcement
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Event Run Date:
09.10.2023 (16:00) — 20.10.2023 (22:59)
*All timings are in JST
Routes Available:
Ellis Twilight, William Rex, Jude Jazza
Event Introduction:
For the first time in 20 years, on this special halloween night, the curses are on a rise. The villains, more evil than ever, beckon you into the dark night.
"Come, little robin. Let me show you the most dangerous and enjoyable night."
Behold, the most dangerous and thrilling night in Ikemen Villains!
Event Details
Special Event System
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Upon clearing both ends, the whole event story (chapters 1 & 2, bitter end, premium end) will be saved into your collection and you can re-read them whenever you like.
Love Point Milestone Reward
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Accumulate ≥ 95,000 Love Points to obtain the story of all 9 members of Crown!
Ranking Rewards
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Ending Clear Rewards
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♚ Early Full Premium Clear — Eyes
♚ Early All Endings Clear — Hair
♚ Full Premium Clear — Dress
♚ All Endings Clear — Avatar Room Background
Limited Time Story + Items Set Sale
Halloween themed sets including a short story, voiced lines, and items will be on sale! Each of the 9 members of Crown will have their own sets.
Event Participation Rewards
Players who join the event within 24 hours will receive:
♚ Multi Gacha Ticket x1
♚ Lipstick (+500 Love Points) x1
Double Time
Double time will start immediately after the event starts. Please refer to the in-game event page for the full double time schedule.
Fairytale Writer Challenge
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Clear all missions in the event's mission board to receive Diamonds x100!
Route Previews
Ellis Twilight
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Bitter END
"... Say it. Say that you'll stay by my side and never leave me."
Premium END
"Even though you're unhappy... I still don't want to stop. Can we go on?"
William Rex
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Bitter END
"... Come, little robin. Accept my desires with your body."
Premium END
"... I have a good idea. Shall I hold you to such extreme levels that you'll hate it?"
Jude Jazza
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Bitter END
"Won't you let me play with you however I please? That'd be helpful."
Premium END
"Not only did you not run away, you're even obeying me so politely — You must really be into this sort of thing."
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mind-or-matter · 5 months
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Happy webcomic day everybody!!! While I already made a big writeup post to pitch Mind or Matter, I also have a little extra treat for those already keeping up with the comic previews! Since I just recently finished drawing the prologue, I decided for this special day I'd give three page previews instead of the normal one, for pages 8, 9 and 10!!! If you're interested in the comic, check out the new synopsis post I just reblogged and give the blog a follow! The support means a lot!
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