philosopherking1887 · 2 years
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softwaluigi · 9 months
hey littlegoythings is a huge huge zionist. Most of their blog is posts about how evil Palestinians and their supporters are. You can be against antisemitism and against a genocide of Palestinians at the same time
oh shit my bad, can you send me the post I rb'd that has them on it? it's not coming up in search
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littlegoythings is a Palestinian genocide apologist. Stop putting them on people’s dashes
4) In particular, it is extremely notable, and laudatory, that Sanders expressed admiration for Israel’s founding, and the reality of antisemitism that manifests as “criticism of Israel” in terms of seeking dissolution of the state outright or conspiratorial assertions of Jewish hyperpower. And it’s especially notable, and laudatory, that he did it in this forum, with this audience. He deserves tremendous praise for that, just as he did for going on al-Jazeera and rejecting BDS.
An entire post of “both sides” genocide apologism and centering of Israeli settlers over the Palestinians they are subjecting to genocide:
But even those who are anti-Zionist out of a principled opposition to nationalism (including Jews who see the original Jewish embrace of nationalism as a tragic wrong turn) must surely recognize that at present, an end to nationalism in Israel/Palestine is not on either side’s agenda
Many on the left view this wave of anti-Semitism as just another expression, however unfortunately couched, of justified rage at Israel—whether at the occupation and the escalating destruction of the West Bank or at the state’s existence per se. In either case, the conflation of “Zionists” and “Jews” is regarded as a misunderstanding of the politically uneducated. Which is to say, again, that Israel is The Problem—not only for Palestinians but for Jews as well. This is a serious failure of imagination
In the debates over Zionism and anti-Zionism, the situation of Jews is by no means the only question. But it is a question. Is it possible that Jews could once again be massacred?
And that agreement must allow Israel to retain its character as a haven for Jews 
More casting Israeli settlers as somehow being the Victims for perpetrating genocide against Palestinians:
Since the inception of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, Jewish people have voiced how the popularized phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” threatens their security as a people....
And so on. These are just a few examples, you can find endless more by searching Palestine on their blog via siikr
(I.e. going to https://siikr.tumblr.com/?u=littlegoythings and searching Palestine there. It’s infinitely better than tumblr’s built-in search feature)
littlegoythings is a Palestinian genocide apologist. Stop putting them on people’s dashes
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leesamfish · 7 years
So I saw the new it movie
And in the scene where stanley is practicing for his bar mitzvah I'm pretty sure he had the prayer book upside down. (It was just for a split second so I'm not sure )
Was that a clever easter egg, or goyim being goyim?
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wearyewe · 7 years
I’m laughing because @littlegoythings , @westsemiteblues , and I (at @jewish-privilege ) all posted the same Tablet article at almost the same time about CDM harassing Gretchen Hammond out of her position at the Windy City Times because she dared to report on their antisemitism. We posted within hours of each other completely independently of each other. Great minds see antisemitic horror alike.
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aurazoo · 7 years
some fuck i used to be online forum buddies is out here fucking questioning how jewish i am on fb saying i dont have a right to complain about shitty jokes :////////////////////////////////
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wandalives · 5 years
Any Jewish blog recs of people I should follow? I want more chosen people on my dash
Hey there!! Some recommendations I have would be: @jewish-privilege, @jewish-suggestion, @yidquotes, @@progressivejudaism, and @littlegoythings for Jewish-centric blogs, and some fandom/personal blogs run by Jewish people are @oberynmartell, @heavyflovv, and @blueeyeddl. Please respond to this if you’re Jewish!! I know I forgot some people, I’m so sorry, my memory is shit.
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@littlegoythings my hand slipped anyway the entire country of Poland can meet me in the pit
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aces-away · 4 years
Hi! I'm a writer who has a Jewish character, and I'd love to hear tips and info that could help me portray the fact that he's Jewish. When I did some light research, the main consensus I came to was that being Jewish is more than just a religion for most people. Since culture is really an experience, I was wondering if there's anything that you'd be willing to share so I can do a better job. The more the better, since I really don't know much except the basics of what NOT to do. Thanks :D
Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Keep in mind this is all from my own experience and there are plenty other jewish people with different ones, I highly recommend swinging around to several blogs and asking this if you want a more rounded character :)
First thing from personal experience: If your character is an Ashkenazi Jew like I am there is a good chance they have Yiddish words and terms sprinkled throughout their everyday speech. That leads to a lot of Goyim(non-jews) going "wait what was that word? What does it mean?"
For instance I used the term Tchotchkes the other day and when someone asked for an explanation I actually had trouble articulating it, i replied "Uh, y'know, tchotchkes....ummm...b-bobbles? Trinkets? Cute little decorations?" Because I've never had to use another word for it.
I often say Oy Vey the way other people say omg or 'big oof' etc. And if I'm emphasizing, I use Oy Gevult instead.
There are a lot of everyday microaggressions that jewish people face! Such as "oh! You dont look jewish!" Which is one hundred percent an insult to us, like what am I SUPPOSE to look like? There's also "you talk about being jewish a lot" and "but like, the holocaust was forever ago, you havent faced anything since then" and "you sound funny when you pronounce words like that"(like using the Chet- a sound that comes more from your throat than your mouth) and many others. I'm vocal about it when people say this to me, but only if I'm in a comfortable and safe setting, otherwise my brain goes through a million ways me correcting them could go wrong or dangerous for me.
As the youngest sibling, and second youngest cousin, I had to learn to be assertive and vocal at family dinners or I would not be heard. There is a lot of cross talking and multiple conversations going on at once. If you dont speak up and keep yourself in the conversation, you'll probably end up just sitting there while waiting for the food to be finished.
If you have tattoos or piercings you cannot be buried in a jewish cemetery so if you want to be buried with family you would not get body decorations.
There is a strong vying for relatable jewish characters by jewish people as most in television and books are crappy stereotypes and antisemitic tropes.
For many pale jews being called "white" is actually quite uncomfortable.
If things are going south politically one of my first thoughts are often "do I have any friends that would hide me" and "where will I have to hide my Jewishness to stay safe" etc. There is a lot of generational trauma that comes with being Jewish and often the thought process goes unnoticed by Goyim.
That instant connection you feel when it's you and one other jewish person in a sea of goyim, esp. Christian goyim, is often like that LOOK 2 women share when a man is talking, if that makes sense.
Due to our history jewish people are often very social-equality minded and are part of movements and protests.
REMINDER this is all from my own experience, I would say check out pages like @progressivejudaism and @jewish-privilege for knowledge and for more day to day experiences/ideas look for @jewish-people-problems and @littlegoythings
That's all I can think of right now, sorry if it makes no sense I am very tired lol.
Honestly just also feel free to look up "jewish" and "jewish stuff" and "actually jewish" on my blog as well I'm sure theres a bunch of stuff there.
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keshetaylonit · 7 years
Transcript: This transgender Jew is tired of the anti-Semitism in the LGBTI community. After the Chicago Dyke March fiasco, where three Jewish lesbians carrying a Pride flag featuring the Star of David were kicked off the march by organizers for ‘supporting Zionism,’ the issue of anti-Semitism in the LGBTI community has been coming to light. Most recently, the Chicago Dyke March Tweeted using the term ‘Zio,’ a derogatory term for Jews coined by David Duke of the KKK. Many LGBTI advocates, like the organizers of the Chicago Dyke March, are vehemently anti-Israel, claiming the country is participating in an ‘genocide’ of the Palestinian people. One such activist is Pauline Park, a transgender woman associated with the group NYC Queers Against Israeli Apartheid, who often posts publicly about her pro-Palestinian activism, using buzzwords like ‘genocide,’ ‘apartheid,’ and ‘occupation.’ ‘That Pauline has no clue as to what genocide actually is, or what apartheid actually means, is obvious, but it is just as clear that she understands that such terms are trigger words for many whom she claims she is trying to persuade,’ writes Dana Beyer for Huffington Post. ‘That she is willing to defend a terrorist government that, upon meeting her, would ask her to kneel to be beheaded because she is a trans woman is inexplicable.’ ‘Is Israel a paradise for the LGBT community? No, not by a long shot. But it is getting better, and Israeli gay and trans people don’t escape into the West Bank and Gaza; Palestinians do escape into Israel. What is going on in the Middle East — and that includes the terror in Libya, Syria and Iraq, to say nothing about all the other rabidly sexist and homophobic regimes in the Muslim world — is not comparable to several months of demonstration against the LGBT Center of New York. Talk of “homonationalism” and “pinkwashing” as tools to stifle dissent is not just absurd; it is insane.’ Meet the fed up, trans, queer Jew Ariel Lipson is a 20-year-old queer trans man from Seattle, Washington. Lipson identifies as ‘Ay’lonit,’ which is a Jewish term used to describe someone ‘identified as “female” at birth but develops “male” characteristics at puberty and is infertile.’ Lipson began noticing the anti-Semitism of the LGBTI community upon entering high school. ‘The high school I attended was predominantly LGBTQ+, both students and staff,’ he explains. ‘While at the time I was working through my own internalised anti-Semitism, I did notice that being a part of Judaism, and being open about it ostracised me. I had people interrogate me about [the Israel/Palestine conflict], refuse to let me enter the space, and accused me of being complicit in genocide,’ he continues. ‘At this time I was staunchly anti-Zionist. As I got older, I saw the community become more and more cold towards Jews. I joined a youth group, and when I would talk about it, and people found out I was Jewish, they would be startled, and avoid me. I went to a LGBTQ camp, and while it was in general ok, there were moments of Jew = Israel. The main hub of LGBTQ+ space in Seattle is also big on activism, and being Jewish, and not willing to put up with comparisons to Nazi Germany or that your fellows control media/government/etc means that you are not going to be all that welcome in much of the spaces there.’ One moment in particular that sticks out in Lipson’s mind is the day he decided to wear a Star of David to school. ‘I had just bought it, and was so happy to wear it. I went to school, and felt proud. Here I was, accepting myself,’ he recalls. He then remembers having the following dialogue with a classmate: ‘“Oh are you Jewish?” “Yes.” “I had no idea. Sorry to hear that.” “What?” “You’re Israeli, so that means you kill children”’ ‘From that moment on I was shunned by classmates, had my trans authenticity mocked, as being Jewish meant I could not be LGBTQ+ for some reason,’ he says. Now, Lipson is sick and tired of engaging with non-Jewish LGBTI activists who often conflate Zionism with Judaism and utilize anti-Semitic tropes in their activism, such as Pauline Park. After recently being in a heated Facebook argument with Park, who told Lipson and numerous other queer Jews that their perspectives on anti-Semitism were invalid, he has officially had enough. ‘Any activist who behave as Ms. Park does is not an activist,’ Lipson states. ‘If they refuse to listen to a minority asking them to stop using stereotypes, tropes or words that oppress them, then they are not really working towards equality or freedom.’ ‘In short, I am hurt. However I am unsurprised. We saw it in [the Chicago Dyke March], we see it with Pauline Park, we see it with countless activists across the United States, Canada and the Western world.’ ‘As Jews, we have come to expect anti-Semitism in activist and LGBTQ+ spaces. I used to hide that I was Jewish, now I don’t. Is that dangerous? Yes. But it is a way to not only find the spaces that I can feel safe in, but I should not have to hide who I am. I should not have to be a closeted Jew. Being LGBTQ+ is about being proud. How can I be my whole and authentic self if I cannot be open about my ethnicity, people, culture, faith and history.’ Doing better moving forward Lipson believes that one can be anti-Israel without being anti-Semitic. He recommends this guide for how to do so. As for advice for the LGBTI community to be more inclusive of Jewish voices, Lipson says the following: ‘First and foremost, see us a human. View us as peers. We, too, are a minority. We, too, are oppressed. Ours is not just a religious culture, but an ethno-religious culture that stretches back nearly 6,000 years. Throughout that time, we have been oppressed. Our oppression did not begin, nor end with the Shoah. It still permeates today in every corner of the globe. Jews are fleeing France in droves. The last remnants of Syrian Jewry fled their homes not even 5 years ago.’ ‘If you want to be more inclusive to the Jewish LGBTQ+ community, start by listening. Like any other minority that you do not belong to, you do not get to dictate what is, or is not anti-Semitic. You do not get to tell us what our oppression is, or is not. That is for Jews, and only Jews, to decide. Your job is to stop talking, listen, learn, and act upon what you have learned to make your spaces safer for Jews. You do not get to interrogate every person with a Magen David Necklace or a Kippah. You do not get to stop listening to a Jewish person because they are a Zionist. That is not how activism works.’ ‘We do not rule the world. We do not eat babies. We do not sacrifice virgins. We do not run the media. We are real, live human beings. Treat us with respect as you would any other person.’ By: Rafaella Gunz @tikkunolamorgtfo @littlegoythings
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philosopherking1887 · 7 years
Thanks, @littlegoythings, for introducing me to David Schraub’s blog The Debate Link. Appropriately, considering its title, I’ve spent most of the afternoon going down a hyperlink rabbit hole, following links in his blog posts to earlier blog posts or other people’s posts. It’s all great stuff, though. I want to post links to all of it but that would be too many links.
I think I’ll prioritize by posting a link to his June 25 post “That’s Funny, This Story About Anti-Semitism Keeps Repeating Itself” about the Chicago Dyke March nonsense, not least because it contains a link to a fantastic 2005 essay by Steve Cohen, and a lot of links to other interesting posts on the same blog. Especially this one: “Who Could Have Known That Characterizing All Jewish Political Agency as a Conspiracy Could Lead To Antisemitism?” Oops, that was two. Have fun in the rabbit hole...
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lesbianholster · 8 years
Where can goyim like me educate ourselves on how to support the Jewish community at this time? (If asking is inappropriate for any reason please ignore me)
Can you give non-jews some tips on how to fight antisemitism? I wanna be good ally but I am so clueless ☹️
1. listen to us. pay attention to our criticisms of antisemitism. some good blogs to follow would be @fromchaostocosmos, @littlegoythings, @tikkunolamorgtfo, and @returnofthejudai!
2. call it out when you see/hear it happening. if someone makes a nazi/holocaust/antisemitic joke? let them know that it wasn’t funny. if someone perpetuates a harmful stereotype, like that we’re all capitalists/communists/greedy/lust for the blood of children/etc? shut them down.
3. notice when someone in an sjw circle is being antisemitic. don’t tolerate someone using “jew” and “israeli” interchangeably, or insist that jewish people are somehow more racist than the average white person. feel free to remind people that jewish people overwhelmingly voted for clinton in this past election (source here). one of the best ways to fight antisemitism is within our own communities.
and that’s all i can think of right now! i’m sure those blogs can give much better tips.
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“leftist” jumblr sucks so much it’s unreal
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leesamfish · 7 years
So for funsies I like watching mega mansion walk through videos on YouTube. So there's one that probably was built by a Jewish family, bc there were lots of small details like decorative jewish stars in the architecture and a floor mural of two doves with olive branches, stuff like that. And someone commented "there's too many hints of Judaism. This will seem foreign and strange to potential buyers and detracts from an otherwise lovely house" (not the exact quote but close enough ) That's just cold and mean. They always have obviously Christian symbols in architecture and no one gives a damn. But if someone thinks a Jew lived there... oh heaven forbid. It reminds me of how mad I was that when we were showing our house we had to take down all our mezuzim. Bc it's too jewish. I mean I understand you want the prospective buyers to feel like it could be their home. But it's still really shitty, especially since I really loved the house and felt that connection and excitement you get when you realize someone else is jewish.
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jewishowl · 8 years
Hi just wanted to say ur blog is so amazing and informative. I'm black and i wanna be more informed in jewish matters so I can stand better in solidarity with y'all—are there any blogs you could recommend? (ofc u can 100% ignore this too—either way have a good day!)
Hey! Off the top of my head:
They all post a lot about Jewish issues and antisemitism.
EDIT: also @libhobn
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nedsecondline · 7 years
Putin condemned for saying Jews may have manipulated US election
Putin condemned for saying Jews may have manipulated US election
Putin condemned for saying Jews may have manipulated US election: littlegoythings: Jewish groups and U.S. lawmakers condemned Russian President Vladimir Putin’s suggestion that the 2016 U.S. presidential election may have been manipulated by Russian Jews. Putin’s remarks came during a long and occasionally surreal interview with NBC News on Saturday, in which he speculated that nearly anyone…
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