azariahstarcaster 4 years
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Apparently, I gave an incredible artist some really good mediation advice/ideas? If you're seeing this, @mlm_illustration, I hope what I said does help you! #mediation #mediationadvocate #mediationadvice #positivenergy #positivevibes #lookwithin #changeyourvibration #artistsoninstagram #artistsupport #mlmillustration #shoutout #spreadlove #spreadpositivity #spreadkindness #spreadjoy #spreadthelove馃挒馃挮馃挒 #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures https://www.instagram.com/p/B-0CrAbALNk/?igshid=11or7nkjeiy46
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azariahstarcaster 6 years
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I know this isn't necessarily an affirmation, but I've been wanting to post this anyway because it reminds me again of why I love the symbolism of butterflies so much. A butterfly is physically incapable of seeing its wings, which the rest of the world marvels at for how gorgeous they are. I think even if a butterfly was capable of seeing their wings, from their perspective, they'd probably only see the innermost part of their wings, which isn't even the part most of us find so stunning. It would take someone somehow showing that butterfly what the outer wing looks like for them to really understand. From more of a metaphorical standpoint, it's very much the same thing with us. Far too often, human beings either don't see any real beauty or worth in themselves, or, if they do, they don't think it's impressive enough to stop them from belittle themselves. Most of the time, it takes someone else shedding a light on just how magnificent someone is before they really see their own worth, something I can say from firsthand experience. I may not know every little thing about you, but I do know that you and everyone else in the world has something amazing to offer. I hope you see/find it soon if you haven't already, and if you need any help finding it, I'll happily be one of the people encouraging and guiding you to it if need be! 馃挏 #butterflies #butterfly #butterflyeffect #butterflylover #butterflylove #butterflylovers #butterflysymbolism #motivational #motivation #inspirational #inspiration #youareabutterfly #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/BteH4QwALDm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19om5fxq03dfe
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azariahstarcaster 6 years
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I'm getting a little personal today. There's a man in Scotland who, aside from my mother, I love more than just about any other human being on the planet. His name is Chris, but he also goes by Prime in a particular circle of friends we have. He's been in a terribly abusive living situation for the past 12 years of his life, and as disgusted as I've always been with the way his father and brothers treat him, I've finally gotten fed up with it to the point that I've set up a GoFundMe campaign in a desperate attempt to help save my love from the people who call themselves his "family". I'm going to post the URL in my profile and here (https://www.gofundme.com/help-a-brilliant-student-find-freedom-in-edinburgh), so if you can share it or donate between now and July, I'd greatly appreciate it. #FreeThePrime #FreedomInEdinburgh #helpmyfriend #helpmybaby #helpmylover #helpmylove #gofundme #abusiveparents #abusevictim #emotionalabuseisstillabuse #helpmylovewin #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuURabdgP4q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ud1d24sibpho
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azariahstarcaster 5 years
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A lot has been going on with me recently, so apologies for not being around the past few months. Here's a picture of the pizza I had last night, though, after what feels like months of not having pizza. 馃槩馃崟馃挏 (Side note: I had a random idea just now to make images with affirmations earlier that have pizza in the background. Let me know if you think that's a good idea.) #gratitude #gratitudeattitude #gratitudeeveryday #gratitudejournal #gratitudedaily #pizza #pizzahut #pizzatime #pizzalover #pepperonipizza #pizzafordinner #dinnerlastnight #lastnightsdinner #randomideas #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPNT05g5EN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cz596zntk3ll
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azariahstarcaster 6 years
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Bitmoji Trezure wants to know how you guys are doing? How was Valentine's Day for you? Anything major happening in your life lately? Any fun weekend plans? Is something on your mind that you really need to get off your chest? I'd love to know what's been happening with you all since I kinda went quiet. Me personally, I've been putting my attention towards helping a very dear loved one escape a living situation I've wanted to help him be free of for years now. That and, in general, I felt like I needed a break from Insta since the follower count thing was starting to stress me out too much. I'm easing my way back into the swing of things, though, so it won't be long before you see me posting more often again. #bitmoji #bitmojime #bitmojifun #bitmojiapp #followerappreciation #followershoutout #iloveyouall #iloveyou #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at San Jos茅, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuMf7WegFUP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16m9rl4kiueel
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azariahstarcaster 6 years
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My mom apparently can't fit this shirt anymore, so I guess it's mine now. 馃槥馃挏 #gratitude #gratitudeattitude #gratitudeeveryday #gratitudejournal #gratitudedaily #newclothes #newshirt #newtop #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuHf3rOAunx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vioc53l5sr60
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azariahstarcaster 6 years
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I'd ordinarily have taken a picture of the entire pizza before eating any of it, but I was so hungry that I ate two slices before I realized I hadn't taken a picture yet. That is also a testament to how good this pizza is, though, I think. 馃槀馃崟馃挏 #gratitude #gratitudeattitude #gratitudeeveryday #gratitudejournal #gratitudedaily #pizza #pizzahut #pizzatime #pizzalover #pizzanight #pizzaforlunch #ilovepizza #pepperonipizza #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt6weYFA5Ct/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3xmyqdap7qpv
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azariahstarcaster 6 years
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As long as I'm here anyway, here's the pizza I had for dinner last night. And yes, every single time I have pizza, I'm gonna be posting a picture of it here just because I can. XD #gratitude #gratitudeattitude #gratitudeeveryday #gratitudejournal #gratitudedaily #pizza #pizzahut #pizzatime #pizzalover #pizzafordinner #ilovepizza #pepperonipizza #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt1JBUYAzcF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10qdts85lm9fa
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azariahstarcaster 6 years
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Bitmoji Trezure wants you to know you're loved and appreciated deeply. I ended up spending most of today with friends, and I completely lost track of time as a result. That and, for some reason, I thought I'd already posted today. I'll be sure to do so tomorrow, though. Thank you for being here. I love you all! 馃挏 #gratitude #gratitudeattitude #gratitudeeveryday #gratitudejournal #gratitudedaily #iloveyouall #iloveyou #ilovemyfollowers #thankyou #bitmoji #bitmojime #bitmojifun #bitmojiapp #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtNQoPDglFt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r5idmfusiary
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azariahstarcaster 6 years
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Now that I've completed all of my posts for the day (or yesterday technically), I'm gonna go to bed. I hope you all have a wonderful sleep if you're going to bed soon, and if you're already getting up, I hope you have an amazing day! 馃挏 #goodnightpost #goodnight #goodnightloves #sleepwell #sleepwelltonight #sleepwellfriends #bitmoji #bitmojime #bitmojifun #bitmojiapp #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsxBlyRAgkM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=b3m3h58rwexh
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azariahstarcaster 6 years
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Just making up for the late affirmation post with a new word. I like to think this describes at least me pretty perfectly. I'm in my own head post much all day for better or worse, and I don't think someone who isn't either a dedicated daydreamer or highly unconventional would even consider a career as a mermaid. I never cared whether or not I was conventional in the end, though. I just want to do whatever makes me happy. #wordoftheday #dailyword #wordporn #wordstoremember #newwords #wordlover #wordlove #wordnerd #wordsmatter #wordgasm #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsw9gMEgG23/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wpmgxseygvs
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azariahstarcaster 6 years
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For all the hurt I was dealing with before, I feel like I'm actually coming out of it now. I'm at least starting to feel like my normal self again, and I couldn't be anymore grateful for that. Now, all I want to do is stick to the things that make me feel better and, in turn, allow in more and more things that also make life feel that much more amazing to me. Ultimately, I'm hoping that will come in the form of the true love I've wanted for pretty much my entire life, but I'll happily take any and all happy experiences the universe has for me whenever the time is right for me to receive them. I just have to direct my energy towards whatever the next big thing is for me. I'm so happy you're here to let me share what's on my heart with you today! I hope fantastic new things find their way into your life and you share your heart with others around you as your day goes on! 馃挏 #loa #lawofattraction #lawofattraction101 #affirmations #affirmationoftheday #dailyaffirmations #morningaffirmation #positiveaffirmations #positivemindset #positivethinking #positiveexpectations #positivevibes #positivenergy #declareyourday #declareyourdestiny #declareitnow #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp7wV1aAREC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wngc7u3efgna
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azariahstarcaster 6 years
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For those who don't know, I'm really nerdy about a lot of things. One of those things being My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I've been a fan of the show since 2013, the year that season 3 premiered (and that premiere was on my birthday, might I add), but I didn't get too deep into participating in the fandom until three years later. I've been known as Prophetic Prose in the fandom for some time now, and while my pony self doesn't ordinarily look like this, I decided to turn myself into a bat pony for the day. It's the closest thing to a costume I've got this year, so I'm rolling with it. 馃構馃挏 #mylittlepony #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #mylittleponyfim #mylittleponyoc #ponysona #ponysonaart #myponysona #batpony #blacknerd #blackgirlnerds #blacknerdsmatter #blackgaynerd #blacknerdgirls #blacknerdgirl #becauseican #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpnQb59gXhe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t90vmtmmo3p0
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azariahstarcaster 6 years
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Even for not currently owning anything from @focusednationbrand yet, I still love their products and everything they stand for as a whole. It's criminal in my eyes that they don't have more followers and more support in general. If you have any interest in the law of attraction whatsoever, I think buying from these amazing people would be really helpful to you. Not only will you have positive messages to look at and wear whenever you like, but when you go out, someone will likely ask you to explain what they shirt is about and where you got it, which could introduce people to the concept of the law of attraction in general and give these guys even more new customers! I hope something compels you to buy something soon from what I've heard. These are fantastic people who deserve the recognition for everything they've done and everything they potentially can do in the near future! 馃榿馃挏 #focusednationbrand #lawofattraction #lawofattraction101 #followerappreciation #followershoutout #unsponsored #notsponsoredbutiwishitwas #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp2liwNghBc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b9tazhv0mlr
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azariahstarcaster 6 years
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Bitmoji Trezure wants to wish @queenausetheru, my brilliant and wonderful mother, a fantastic birthday today! I was having a hard time figuring out what I'd do for my 200th post here on Instagram, knowing it had to be something extra special, whether it be a thank you to you guys or something else. It's part of why I've been quiet for so long. I was trying to figure out what I'd do for this. Ultimately, though, I'm glad I waited so long, because I can't think of a better use for a milestone post like this than celebrating my magical mother. I love you, Mom, and I hope this day is as fantastic for you as you deserve! 馃巶馃巿馃巵馃挏 #happybirthday #happybirthdaytoyou #happybirthdaymom #happybirthdaymama #momsbirthday #birthdaygirl #birthdaylove #birthdayqueen #bitmoji #bitmojime #bitmojifun #bitmojiapp #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt1E0MogqEj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8geaad3ma6lg
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azariahstarcaster 6 years
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I was just gonna post a Bitmoji to say that I'm going to sleep as soon as this second affirmation post is done, but I stumbled onto this, and it goes along with the theme of being able to change anything you want to with the drive and desire to do so, so I went with this instead. It does also apply to how I feel trying to finish the next post before midnight EST. 馃槄馃挏 #icandoit #icandothis #icandoanything #onestepatatime #trustandbelieve #bitmoji #bitmojime #bitmojifun #bitmojiapp #shareyourheart #shareyourheart馃挏 #trezurewoods #littletrezures (at Santa Ana, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtPr5phg0cX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kq4ppuni5gw0
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