Closed starter with @littlexbluexflame
Many decades had passed since the boy left the forest. Many decades since he had discovered the darkness that writhed and grew within him. Many decades still, since the entity had been banished into dormancy, though not after making its host a direct slave to its will and forcing him to wreak havoc on the world.
But that boy was no more. Instead, another - reborn from the entity’s all-consuming void - stood in his place.
Moriun had not come back to this region of the world ever since then. He found it...troubling. And it would have certainly began to cause stirrings within the part of his soul still ensnared and blackened by the being. But it was his prisoner now. He could keep it at bay.
He had come back not to reminisce - but to learn. He felt a great responsibility in coming to understand the truth of his past life. To know the lies it had fed him. To know what was true and what wasn’t.
It was barely dawn when he made his way through the overgrown path. He still remembered the way, after all this time. The ruined cottage was both a sight for sore eyes, and a painful reminder to the reborn sorcerer. A reminder of the years lost. The door had long since fallen from its hinges, and as he made his way inside, he couldn’t help but give it an honest walk through - recalling how long he had spent here.
The entity tried to speak, but he silenced it.
Of course, with the forest having been so uninhabited for so long, a powerful presence like him was hard to miss to those who could sense it. A familiar presence.
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jcinthedance · 4 years
@littlexbluexflame​​ || 🐇 ||  Fell down a rabbit hole.
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           It had been ages, so it felt, since he last was allowed to meander about outside of Gotham City. It was almost surreal-- to be somewhere he was not only unrecognized but-- not in fear of being returned by force to the gloomy city. He did not live here however, no, simply came to pick up a rather rare set of Wonderland figurines, over a hundred years old no less, and certainly worth the trip.  
He just thought, perhaps... he’d spend a little more time just enjoying the new location. A park, a view... a... a glow. A little figure with a blue glow? And before he knew it, blurry memories became clearer, a sharp rise of anxious energy, something like heartache-- and that glow, so familiar, but... Surely it was just the knife of deja vu twisting in his stomach. Nothing more. A trick of his eyes, not a figure at all...  Nonetheless, he found himself approaching it. Approaching them. And, what if it WAS who he remembered? Would they even recognize him now? What would they do if they did...
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nether-twins · 4 years
@littlexbluexflame​ started following
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Vendra wasn’t sure what exactly she was looking at, all she was sure of was that it wasn’t something she had never seen before in her life. Was this a native of this planet? It took a moment but, eventually, the Nether finally found her voice to say, “Um, hi, can I help you with anything?”
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shiningsilverarmor · 4 years
Let granddaddy pinch your wittle cheekies, @littlexbluexflame​ ~
Astraios loved them all; their colors, shapes, and sheer personalities. No matter how much he had created, he hadn’t forgotten his children even as far as they go freely across the sky--
--and even ones that slipped under his radar; among one of them being a confused little star he’d heard from his great great grandson.
 Naturally as a creator he sent off to see them himself. 
He appeared as carefully as his size could manage without knocking down anything surrounding him, with his sights solely on the star before him, and a look of softness first greeting her. 
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She was just as beautiful as he remembered her to be. ♥
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occultcuriosity · 4 years
Malva was holding out a folded garment to Klauvis. " I saw the other one you usually wear, and I just felt that if you're going to wear something it should atleast be of decent quality". On inspection the garment was a handmade labcoat. The cloth was that from an old mattress sheet she had (knicked) borrowed from a second hand store. needles she'd managed to dig out in the piles along with enough thread in good'ish condition. It looked quite a lot like the real deal. (@littlexbluexflame)
Klauis was in the library when she approached, apparently trying to search through three separate books simultaneously. At first, he responded in his typical fashion - not responding at all. But her vagueness of the subject matter seemed to confuse him enough to get him to turn around, if perhaps only to tell her he was busy.
But as he noticed the labcoat, whatever sound was about to escape him was yanked back in.
He had no idea what to say. The coat - DIY as it was - was actually good. While the one he had made existed mostly out of that occasionally need for nostalgia and some semblance of home, it was never practical to wear. But this was.
A look of near-childlike joy seemed to spread across him. A suppressed happiness that was practically never allowed to blossom. Klauvis had smiled before, but that was typically when an experiment of his went well, and that was more of a smug satisfaction. This was real joy.
“W-..WOW, THANKS MAL!” He completely dropped the book he was holding as he practically flew into the coat, donning it almost immediately. The estimations of Klauvis’ size seemed to be good guesses, as it fit surprisingly well for someone with no legs. To Malva, it might have just been an odd scene of a black ghost creature in a white coat.
But to him, he really was a scientist again.
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umbralentity · 4 years
" No, hey. Listen-" Malva didn't want Barnaby to brush this of. It felt important. Literally. " If this is about you having been human, but not.. Not looking human anymore- You are! You are a person, that is. You stil feel things. I mean I have NEVER been a human, but I'm still a person right? With feelings too. Me being made of fire and you being made of shadows doesn't make us different to each other in that regard". (@littlexbluexflame)
He was actually surprised by the little flame’s determination to get through to him or maybe just themself? Who knew. Either way, he grinned and gently pat Malva on the shoulder.
“It’s fine, kid. People or human, we’re still the same. I just like to think that underneath of all this shadow business, I’m probably still human or at least somethin’ close.” Barnaby looked to Malva. “You’re probably way more of a person than I am. At least a better one anyways.”
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princely-snatcher · 5 years
"Hey there Snatcher. Been a while...", the star seemes apprehensive when greeting the other. (@littlexbluexflame)
She finds him tending his garden once more, humming to himself. The forest around them seems eerily quiet, even more so than usual. Snatcher hears her behind him before he sees her. His muscles reflexively tense at being found in such a vulnerable spot once more. But strangely, they relax. He doesn’t look her way, but he does acknowledge her presence with a tail swirl and a curt nod.
“It really has been a while since you last pestered me. How long has it been? I never really was good about keeping track of time after my death.” He chuckles to himself. Something was off about his laugh, his voice. They were quieter than his normal projecting tone. But there was something else off too. He wasn’t changed physically, but he radiated a different vibe. Perhaps it was from being alone, perhaps it was from Malva, but his normal menace was nowhere to be seen.
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He glanced back at her and smiled. The smile was off too. It wasn’t full of mischief or malice it was... gentle. “I hate to say it kid, but I was starting to think you were never coming back. You are one of my favorite visitors, and I was beginning to miss you.” There it was again. That... offness. But it was clearer now. His voice was soft. Snatcher never let himself sound gentle, genuine. He almost sounded like a different person without the gravel and bravado he adds to his voice on a daily basis.
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collectivecasualty · 5 years
Closed starter with @littlexbluexflame
Isolation is, for a lot of people, rather offputting. Complete lack of contact with anyone, not a sentient soul for miles, and the often deafening silence.
For David, this was exactly why he was here.
He had been keeping it ‘low’ the past few days. Since the last time. He, of course, hadn’t recalled what had taken place, but he had been far from where he ‘left’, which was never a good sign, so for now, he had been trying not to over-exert himself. Staying put, not interacting with the world around him. It was difficult and monumentally boring, but necessary.
In his refusal to move, however, he had failed to remember that he would need to get himself, and subsequently, his amulet, far from civilisation; a task he had left much too late. Even the meagre effort of bringing his Amulet with him was starting to drain him after how long it had been since the last time he had ‘turned over’. Nearly a week. It would be impressive if it didn’t mean he’d probably be out for a whole day.
He could already feel himself slipping, just a little. Sudden, unprompted, paranoid thoughts that left just as quickly as they arrived, the occasional sound he was immediately certain didn’t come from anywhere, and a slowly pressing sense of exhaustion. It had all gotten mundane at this point.
As he had finally found somewhere to hide the amulet from himself; a small ditch beneath the root of a tree, he stepped back, moving well away from his hiding spot and began to let his thoughts fade, standing out in the clearing, unmoving as he tried to fend off the uncertainty of what letting go might bring; that refusal to slip away, just in case something might go wrong while he’s gone.
Yet as he slowly began to slip away, the creeping arrival of what was to fill that space began to send out an...unusual reverberation. To those who might sense it, it felt like a cacophany of voices, all speaking in unison, yet talking of a thousand different things, indecipherable and irrational. Its sheer strength was enough to give it direction, as if a physical noise itself.
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nighttbound-a · 4 years
“I heard you singing. It sounded nice.” For Lethe (@littlexbluexflame. Okay, let's see where this goes!)
Lethe turned when she heard someone’s voice pipe up from behind her. She had little to fear in the world, but it surprised her to think someone would approach her, seeing her all in her billowing robes with staff in hand. Her eyes look in front of her, found nothing...then drifted, much, much downward. 
“Oh. Hello.”
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The glow of her eyes brightened. A child...who looked just like a little star. She held her strictly figurative breath.
“Th-Thank you.”
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the-skeletor-crew · 5 years
The light was dim, dimmer than usual as a lone, lithe figure stalked the mountainous terrain, smooth and volcanic under the click of her heels. It was early. Un-goddessly early. To make matters worse, she was wearing heels, her boots having been utterly destroyed in the last battle: a colossal failiure, which Skeletor had been surly about for days, and had somehow managed to pin on her hide. 
Evil-lyn’s lip drew back at the thought. She had a suspicion that this was, perhaps, partly why he ordered her out here, before the sun had even risen, to investigate a rock.
Granted, Evil-lyn had no way of confirming absolutely that it was a rock that had tripped their sensors, but this was a volcanic region. Rocks moved here, sometimes very forcefully. She growled under her breath as she clambered ungracefully over a heap of rubble, and distracted herself by imagining all the glorious insults she wanted to hurl at Skeletor: Foolish, petty, narcissistic--
As Evil-lyn crested over the rubble, she froze.
Evil-lyn considered herself highly intelligent. She had studied magic since she was a child, and when the confines of her childish spaces grew too small, she searched for knowledge in the dustiest crypts, the most secretive of secret passageways. Evil-lyn outclassed many, for the many often sought only to use their magic for one purpose, remaining willfully ignorant of its history. And yes, she was powerful too, only aligning herself with Skeletor because he had resources at her disposal. 
The point being, that it took something big to knock her off kilter.
This was something big.
Her first thought had been that it a particularly large lump of embers, spat out from one of the nearby mounds. She drew closer, and no, it couldn’t be--the light had a different quality about it, an astral glow, like a fallen star. She had squinted, leaning forward, before she froze in place as it moved. 
It’s a star... Her thoughts formed slowly, reluctant to actually define what was in front of her. ...in the shape of a child.
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The volcanic warmth of the air around her did nothing to stop the chill that ran down her spine, and her voice rasped. “...St-Starchild?”
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Closed starter with @littlexbluexflame
Couldn’t sleep. Hadn’t slept. Didn’t want to sleep.
Sirus tapped his claws against the table, littered with impromptu carvings of the same symbol. The one he drew when his mind had nothing else to think about. The one that made him feel calm.
His eyes shot down to the wood surface - to an untouched spot of the table. Mindlessly, his hand rose and began to carve the same shape into it, the Dragonborn staring idly ahead as he did so. He’d drawn this hundreds - possibly thousands of times. He didn’t need to look anymore.
But halfway into his carving, a subtle change in the light caught his eye. The numerous candles around brought a deep shade of orange that covered the whole cabin. But he could have sworn he saw something...blue. He was still for a moment - eyes hyper-attentive to everything around him.
He saw it again. Outside. A faint reflection from the window.
Immediately, he pushed himself off the chair and got to his feet. He grabbed the orange cloth strung over the back of his chair and tied it around his waist, pulling his cloak up like a belt, and making his way to the door.
The creaking of the hinges shot through the woods. He stepped out of the doorway into the open. The sky was thickly overcast with not even a hint of moonlight. Aside from the dim orange glow from inside the cottage, it was almost pitch black. Eerily silent. He waited.
And waited.
A hint of blue in the treeline.
Sirus turned and raised his hand, flinging a bolt of flame at the light.
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jcinthedance · 4 years
@littlexbluexflame​​ || 🐇 || Fell down the rabbit hole.
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    “ Ready for your surprise? Close your little eyes. Go on! Absolutely no peeking  until I say otherwise... ”   The Hatter hummed, a giddy grin curling the corners of his mouth.  The moment it occurred to him how little this new life had seen of the world-- oh, if he could only explain the feeling... He knew he owed it to them to show it-- if only through his odd, mad eyes. And, when he saw the way the night sky looked that day... He could think of no better time.    She’s taken up on his shoulders, and carried up and out of one of the ‘rabbit holes’ many exits.   She could feel the breeze of Gotham’s night, the city’s vibrant sounds.    “ Ok... now open them! ”    
He did specifically choose a high point to reveal it, so she could see the glow of the millions of lights above and below.   “ This is what most call Gotham City. ”  He proudly displays, though- he liked to think of it as future Wonderland.  “ And this, my little mouse, is where I find your toys~! ”
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Behind the Curtain
Shade was never one for humming, not even when he lived in Victorian England. But right now, he felt like he could. 
“Do keep in mind the other fey at my house aren’t alive, they’re just workers with no mind of their own. Would you like me to get you anything to eat when we get there? It’s not far now.”
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an-ordinary-roach · 5 years
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The roach was out of their containment room again, scuttling in the vents and squeezing their body into most places they really shouldn’t be. Sure it’ll only be a matter of time till they find this bug skittering around the place. But they wanna do some exploring before curfew to see what’s on the up and up! There’s been a lot of activity coming and going out of this hominid containment room. Bor waited in a dark corner listening to the conversations that pass through these doors, just enough to get a handle on what inside before they make a mess of things and blow their cover. “Euclid... Aight I can deal with that.~” Bor muttered to themselves before slipping in the closing door as some researchers exited the room. Once the door was fully closed they almost began to skitter around until... Is that? Fire in the room? Are these people setting fires? Well if it’s a Euclid then it must be something, “Hello? Are my eyes playin tricks or are you the fire these humans are talkin about?”
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inkblxtrefxrmed · 5 years
😈- Possessed (@littlexbluexflame)
Send a Symbol | @littlexbluexflame 
Something was horribly wrong. The air was tense and quiet. Thick enough to cut with a knife. Yet there was an eerie tune about it. Enough to make anyone’s hair stand on end.
There he was though. Standing still as stone. Looking up towards the sky, neck craned far to back for his normal self. An equally unsettling laugh to match. Despite this, his body kept stationary. As if the laughing wasn’t coming from him. It wasn’t the cheerful, calm laughter of a friend, but some far darker than him.
A snapping of a branch was all it took for his head to crane in her direction. A mad smile spread across his face. A glow he hadn’t had for years. A sickly neon, bending beyond strands of ink. In fact, his entire body rippled with fluidity. Not solid or firm like it once held.
“So you’re Malva,” A voice that wasn’t his. Smile growing into a even larger, darker grin. Teeth starting to poke through. “Shame…He’s not here. I’m sure he would have warmly greeted you.”
The tone turned venom, “I didn’t exactly agree to being burned from his body before. No shame in trying again now is there.”
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occultcuriosity · 4 years
"Is.. This dohickie supposed to be related to this thingamabob?" (@littlexbluexflame. What weird stuff goes with what weird stuff yo)
Klauvis was too busy fiddling with an odd rectangular device to be paying too much attention. Something he called a ‘Entity Constrainer’; the containment unit of which he was currently searching for.
“NO, DOHICKIE WAS A ROBOTICIST NOT A-” His eyes suddenly turned to her and the object Malva was holding.
With that verbose explanation of current events, he dove toward her to grab the object, only to fly much too quickly, knock it out of her hand and slam into the opposite wall. The second it touched the floor, it exploded in a bright flash, and at least fourteen pigs were now currently running around the lab, screeching, hollering and knocking just about everything over.
Klauvis pried his horns out of the wall.
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