#living his own authentic life and also pleasing his family
urbanfiltered · 1 year
being a 25yo single mother is so hard 😔
#heehee#no but really#i know there are tons of stupid overly cliché tweets out there about how hard it is to be the oldest sibling blah blah blah#but honestly something has to be said for how i truly have NO FUCKING IDEA what i am doing with my life and yet#i somehow have these two young boys looking up to me for guidance#i witnessed my 21 yo brother cry yesterday for the first time in my life and it fucked me up so bad#it's like#i get all of the maternal feelings and none of the agency#i want to help SO MUCH and i care so much and so deeply that it's a constant ache and worry inside of me#but i do not have the time or money or wisdom needed#and it sucks!!!!#i cant protect this sweet innocent baby from Life! he has to learn his own lessons! but god i wish the world treated him kinder#he has to learn how to fight his own battles too#he's having a sort of delayed adolescence where he suddenly and angstily realizes that my parents are flawed and do not always have his#best interests at heart#and i'm so MAD on his behalf#i'm so fucking angry#but these aren't my fights to pick and he needs to find his own way and his own balance between#living his own authentic life and also pleasing his family#anyways it's really bad he's been a wreck#tw: death#our cousin died a few weeks ago and he hasn't been the same honestly#and then he has issues with psychosis and some of that has flared up recently#his friends have abandoned him due to some of the uglier symptoms of mental health that we dont like to talk about#the paranoia and the hallucinations and the unhealthy coping mechanisms mostly#my parents are running him around the bend with some of the ridiculoous and unreasonable requests they constantly demand from him#he's running himself into the ground and all i can do is watch#it feels FUCKING horrible#and it's not like watching a friend undergo shit#it's so much worse
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mysoullanguage · 1 year
#0018 venus and their ideals
where venus is the ideal feminine for the man, mars is the ideal masculine for the female. traits the male may exhibit from his venus will be searched for in the female
aries venus — confident, self-assured, and honest women
these men want women who are self-assured, confident, and authentic. an arian venus is a venus that seeks stimulation, growth, and adventure. without these in a relationship, the man will eventually tire and leave. spontaneity and surprise are a man's love language; he wants light-hearted love but he is possessive and will ensure to keep a close eye on his woman. while he may be jealous, he looks for women who try not to "control" them or "hold them back" from living life. for him, love involves growing by expanding boundaries and going beyond the comfort zone. if he is in a relationship with a woman and feels stagnant, the man will eventually reach an ultimatum of whereby he feels he cannot grow if he is still with her. he has a broad mind and will not settle for someone who tries restricting their way of living. they could be "out there" and party or simply just travel a lot and if the woman he is with attempts to restrict him, he will feel suffocated.
emotional expressiveness and honesty are key qualities these men look for also. he does not look for someone who smothers or someone who is overly protective, but he looks for someone he can rely on honestly. these men are not overly emotional but they are very impulsive and will heavily rely on their impulses to keep them moving and going through life. as long as feelings are kept honest and light-hearted, these men will feel most comfortable in the relationship. relationships where the woman is overly sentimental or "too sensitive" can actually trigger the man into leaving as he feels he has no emotional freedom as he is actually forced into feelings things, rather than coming to his own senses. this man needs to be pushed (mentally and physically) constantly and they cannot be stagnant in their personal and love life. lively, energetic, and confident women are most attractive to this man. shy and reflective women are only attractive if the man senses her inner confidence, mysticism, and self-respect.
women who are unafraid of expressing their thoughts and opinions are attractive to these men also. they may date women who are more "masculine" than feminine in the sense that they may be more sexual and free-spirited than a typical emotionally-attuned woman who values emotions and family over sex and etc. he may date women who are independent and have their own money and lives sorted as he feels unable to be wholly relied upon.
sex and lust will flow through the relationship in big, strong waves. passion and infatuation will be strong indicators of raw chemistry. these men want a connection that triggers their mind and soul into growing and chasing. these men, being an aries venus, love chasing; therefore, the women they are with must be enticing, with something to always discover. if the man feels as though he knows his woman thoroughly or feels as though he "caught" her, he may become bored or uninterested. if he doesn't feel a fiery connection or profound attraction, he may feel dissatisfied as his sexual needs can be hard to please. he wants a woman who is confident in her own sexuality and is not interested in women who are insecure or self-doubting. he doesn't want to feel owned while simultaneously owning the woman, if, of course, his venus is negatively aspected. in extreme cases if the man is insecure or threatened by a woman's self-confidence he will "own" the woman and become controlling. these men may have one night stands or just have very light and free relationships with people where labels don't define them. they may be cheaters or just very hot and cold in relationships. for an evolved man however, commitment and loyalty are actually desirable traits in a woman, because he offers these too. he may rush into relationships quickly or just offer a very quick-paced relationship... the woman must keep up or he will have no problem leaving her behind!
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taurus venus — sensual, giving, and traditional women
in a broad sense, taurus venus are traditional men, whether with morals or actual traditions. traditional may include marriage or just very dedicated relationships. he may even have a provider mindset in his relationships. this is an insanely romantic placement with a very grounded demeanor that ultimately hides his passions and desires. he feels everything very deeply and looks for someone with whom he can live comfortably. he does not look for someone overly adventurous or spontaneous like a fire or air venus; instead, he looks for someone who can offer him the simplicity of love and peace. he loves women who value their appearance by taking care of their hygiene and taking care of their looks. they don't find unpresentable women attractive or women who don't make an effort on their appearance. this isn't to say these men are vain but, in a broader sense, these men love aesthetics; they love looking at something pretty or aesthetic. they love art and are fascinated by the magic of art and will, therefore, instinctively, look for "aesthetics" or the "pretty" in women. fashion, makeup, hair, etc. are all included in the "aesthetics."
these men might go for women who are independent and career-oriented. these men have the long vision of family and kids however, and he cannot settle with someone who does not share the vision of having a happy-ever-after with kids and love. these men are the type to spoil with gifts and surprise dates but these men do not rush into relationships. he is not insecure to bother with people just for the sake of being in a relationship. these men have no problem being alone whatsoever and will actually be alone until they meet someone who convinces them to stay. taurus men look for the qualities of loyalty, caring, loving, humility, and honesty in a woman. if he meets a woman he will not make any further movements until he is convinced she offers these feminine qualities. he is not interested in insecure women or women who have a lot of exes or promiscuous women. for him, a life of stability and financial freedom is all he wants; he looks at life as something to build rather than to exploit. by giving away his body or himself, he is giving away valuable access to people who don't deserve it. he doesn't need anybody's attention to be happy or feel free. he will also look for this in a woman.
these men are not emotionless; rather, they can be very emotional with the woman they have chosen. the only distinction is that he is very grounded in the way he expresses and processes his emotions and thoughts. he rarely lets anything bother him to the core but he is also very observant in how others act and treat him. he can be a very stubborn person with slight vindictiveness but he is generally a kind soul with little room for vengeance. he looks for women who won't mother him but will offer a balance between love and independence. he can provide for himself and is merely looking for a companion more than someone to care for him. if he is traditional, then he will actually look for someone to provide for. he may date women who are traditional or just very attractive. he may date women for marriage. he may date women who are independent; whether financially, or living alone, or working a specific job
these men express their love on a physical and emotional level. touching and gift-giving are these men's key love languages. they love experiencing life and others through touch and will devour their women with affection and attention. they are lowkey clingy with a very cold and hardened demeanor on the outside. he will rarely share his depth with people who haven't touched him emotionally. only close friends and family will know who these people really are. the ideal woman for this man would be someone who is of a consistent and hardworking caliber. she cannot let things get to her because she needs to stay consistent and dedicated on her journey to success. these men might not value materialism too much but it is also how they express their gratitude towards the woman they are with. someone who is predictable and humble will win his heart. it's like they are hardwired to be monogamous...
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gemini venus — communicative, honest, and knowledgeable women
mental stimulation is probably the most important thing for these men. for these men, a mental connection is required for any relationship to bloom. it's why gemini venus typically prefers someone like-minded as them. in general though, gemini venus are very light-hearted people with little to prove. they are opinionated and somewhat stubborn; they are superficial but very funny and optimistic also. they can be very philosophical or just very communicative. he thinks nothing is impossible for him, not even relationships, however, relationships can become a real struggle if he surrounds himself with the wrong women. to specify, gemini venus is a very unserious sign, usually very light-hearted and very much non-committal. them being cheaters or two-faced is a direct manifestation of the superficial personality they show to everyone. it's not wholly true, because that suggests these people feel nothing below the surface when they really do. it's just they are very selective about who they share their feelings with and when. in relationships, for example, they may communicate their feelings very rationally or very specifically. for women who are overly sensitive or emotional, it becomes a bore for the gemini venus to give constant reassurance when, in his mind, there is nothing wrong. the disconnect between emotions is real when he is an unevolved gemini venus. he may lead people on or be very flirty, but he may also run away quickly once he detects any ounce of seriousness creeping in.
for him, his ideal feminine is someone who can keep the conversation going forever. he loves learning and will look for someone who can learn alongside him. he loves traveling and exploring and looks for a best friend and a lover to join him. his ideal feminine is someone who can trick him, someone who can make him laugh, someone witty, someone who can challenge his mind. physical aspects are important, but this sign tends to focus on the mental to really feel anything else. they look for the mental "click" between him and his woman before he feels comfortable going further. he may prefer women who are social and have a lot of friends.
independence is a strong need for this placement. they need to feel like they have the freedom to roam and do whatever they want without the restrictive "labels" that tie them down. a lot of these people don't commit because they actually fear commitment. he needs a man that keeps her guessing at all times.
these men may date women who are independent, flirtatious, and unserious. these men may date women who are vain or just very superficial. he may prefer short flings to real and long-lasting relationships. these men may date women who are insecure or need male validation; he often preys on these as a result of being an insecure man. when a gemini venus is insecure, he will become highly opinionated, will gossip, and will cheat. therefore, the women he attracts will be of the same caliber.
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cancer venus — sentimental and family-oriented women
the ideal feminine for this man is someone caring, loving, and family-oriented. there is usually a nostalgic or sentimental connection with these men's lovers because of their connection to their roots and mother and how much they try to replicate it in their own personal lives. these men are tenacious and ambitious, being a cardinal sign. he is a leader at heart and understands the need to provide and his responsibility in building a home. he doesn't desire or go for women who are too loud or showy. he prefers women who are quiet and down-to-earth like himself. women who are homebodies or women who enjoy spending time alone are most likely his preference as he is the same. many people may associate this sign with immaturity because of certain stereotypes that cancer placements are cheaters but, in reality, it's only the case if this venus is unevolved or malefically placed/aspected. it can also be the case where these men are overly protective, jealous, or possessive of their women; these traits usually signify an underlying problem though, such as mommy issues or just neglect from a young age. for most men, they try to replicate their domestic home in their current one, whether it be through sentimental objects or just through certain traditions.
he is protective and loving of his woman. he is connected to his feminine side of nurturing and being sympathetic. he looks for these qualities in women too. his ideal feminine involves someone who is caring, loving, humble, and childish like him. he is a loyal man who will devote his time and energy to his woman, always. on the outside, he may be known as the guy who works hard to provide for his woman. he may be known as someone who's just ambitious or a workaholic. but really, he is a gooey and affectionate guy who loves hard. he expresses his feelings both in an affectionate and gooey way but also in a provider way, where he provides for his woman and gives her gifts. this is a seriously happy placement but it can also be a severely damaged one. these men may attract women who are insecure or just very emotional and overly sentimental. this typically speaks of an issue the man has, as the women he meets are reflections of his own insecurities. an unhappy home may lead him to see women with broken homes too. he may play the saviour in relationships or try to "heal" the other without realizing he needs healing too.
his ideal feminine will be someone who is sensitive to others and himself. he may go for women who are shy and sweet. he may be the indecisive type and will actually need a woman he can go to for counsel when necessary. he really just wants a best friend and a lover with whom he can relate to. this is a very needy placement and women who are easily overwhelmed or disgusted at gooey affection will not be satisfied in a relationship with these men. he wants someone he can build a family and a home with, not somebody overly focused on superficial things like money or social status (although because this is a cardinal sign, cancer venus are typically very ambitious when it comes to these things... but only because he has to!!!).
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leo venus — dramatic, fiery, and loving women
leo venus is arguably one of the most devoted and loving signs of the venus zodiac. they are loyal and care for their partners very deeply. for a man, the level of devotion he expects should be returned from his woman. an evolved leo venus will always be humble and loving when in a relationship. to him, however, his ideal feminine will be someone who is unapologetically self-expressive and fiery. he wants someone who can bring the real deal and someone who offers an undying passion for their partner. he feels things on a dramatic level and expects his woman to express his feelings, however dramatic they may be. he goes above and beyond for his partner in a love so unconditional and somewhat divine. what he wants from a female, however, is appreciation, compliments, and to be valued as a man. if he is in a relationship where he doesn't feel reassured, valued, or appreciated, or feels as though his loyalty is being tested or abused, he will quickly lose interest. he does not settle for women who lack gratitude or appreciation in simple things. the ideal feminine will involve personality and security. this may be a vain placement in the sense that these people typically go off looks or appearances but their attraction towards physical appearance wears off as attraction towards personality and actual expressions of love take over. he needs someone who isn't validated by the world or someone who has a very strong self-image. he wants someone who knows how to dress. he has a love for art or just writing and would appreciate words of affirmation. he may be attracted to women who are independent but most importantly women who are proud and confident. he does not find insecure women attractive as it does not align with his goal to become his best possible self.
these men radiate luxury and materialism. they, if evolved, are hardworking and attract very elegant women. therefore, women who are promiscuous, or women who do not offer loyalty, are instantly out of his mind. their strong desire for affection and attention are sometimes expressed in how much they spoil their woman. they love love and love being loved. leo mars in women typically look for men who are ready to bow to her and worship her but leo venus in men look for this "worship" in a different way. if the woman is outgoing and herself and offers her time to the man only, then he will feel like he is worshipped. he wants a woman who is confident in her sexuality as he is very sexual and very intimately demanding. he will have a high sex drive for his woman and will continuously look to bond with her. in general, this placement dates for marriage or, at the very least, for the long term. because these men have so much love to offer, they typically hold off until they meet their "one" or until they trust someone. unevolved leo venus men actually act gullible because they desire attention so much and are so insecure they need it from multiple women. they tend to put their trust in so many people and are therefore abused.
leo venus men are probably the tamest out of the fire venus bundle because this is a fixed sign with a very hardworking streak. they are very calculated in their work life and will look for a woman who can match the independence, work ethic, and morals that he has. he has very high standards in love and will look for a woman with matching dignity and self-respect. he also looks for optimism, support, and advice from his woman. these men must ensure that they do not attract the wrong type of confidence, i.e. women who are cocky and self-absorbed. these men may have the tendency to be self-absorbed and cocky and therefore attract women who are the same. but, they must find childishness in the woman they date because leo, in general, is very childish/childlike and heals through playing with their inner child. releasing their inner child in a relationship is very important.
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virgo venus — critical, humble, and self-giving women
virgo venus is a critical sign, especially in a man. because this placement is so logically placed, there seems to be an emphasis on logic or rational thinking in love. these men love being alone and spending time with quality friends/family. they're not the type to make friends with everyone, but instead the type to make a few friends along their journey. therefore, it's a clear sign of love if a virgo venus man decides to keep a woman in his life. his main struggles will revolve around learning humility and learning how to stop being critical (towards his woman and himself) and learning to not be a perfectionist. being perfect is great, but it is not realistic. modesty and honesty are admired and desired by these men because they love cleanliness and being tidy. they love women who have good hygiene or have a (strict) routine they can stick to, whether it be a work routine or a gym one. the ultimate downfall for this sign is being overly possessive or controlling and having standards too unattainable. on a general level, though, these men are attracted to quiet women. they don't like or desire women who are too loud or overly expressive.
these men may be the loner type, or at least the type to have very few friends. he needs a lot of time for his social battery to recharge. it's important for him, then, to have someone who respects his need for loneliness. he looks for women who are dependable and reliable because he is also. being an earth sign, reliability, consistency, and predictability are his strongest qualities. he may be overly critical or too much of a perfectionist, but his work ethic or sympathy toward the poor can never be undermined. he looks for these qualities (sympathetic, loyal, clean, predictable, reliable) because he looks for a woman who can live her value, rather than not having any self-esteem and trying to prove something she isn't. dignified women who have a lot of self-respect and humility are most desirable for these men. they may be traditional or, for example, look for maternal qualities in their women, too.
these men's downfall can involve self-esteem issues or heavy insecurities, usually projected when in a relationship because of how much they are forced to look at their partner who mirrors these men's self-esteem issues. they may attract "low-value women" with qualities the complete opposite of what these men desire because of their own "low-value" selves. these men may surround themselves with too many people because they actually fear being alone and they look for the attention and validation of others to satisfy their inner void. they experience great turmoil when they realize their critical and hateful nature actually stems from their own distaste for their own character. they become hypocritical and heavily hateful towards others.
these men don't fall in love very quickly, therefore making them very slow-moving in love. they're not quick to love or feel (but are definitely quick to judge!), so the woman can always expect the man to reveal himself later on in the relationship. he is not the one to expect immediate commitment, but commitment that is worked on instead. loyalty is everything to him, as he makes an excellent companion. these men can actually become infatuated and deeply in love with women, but it takes a long time to really get there. when in love, though, become provider men. they prioritize their women's needs and actually do everything for her.
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libra venus — flirtatious, sensual, and feminine women
very similar desires as a taurus venus man: feminine women with good taste in art, "aesthetics", and fashion. these men may be feminine themselves or just be very attuned to their feminine side, i.e. emotional, fashionable, etc. they appreciate the finer things in life and looks for a woman that is a chase but also someone with style. as this is a sign of scales, these men look for a woman they can be in synch with. this is a sign of togetherness, therefore whoever this man chooses, he will reflect. women who are "well-groomed" or just very elegant are his ideal feminine. he doesn't look for someone loud or gaudy or someone who doesn't take care of herself. he looks for cleanliness, charm, and peace without her having to do much. if you want a mental image of who these men want, think of someone with a libra rising or someone who has very heavy libra placements (especially those that are very prominent.) he looks for a woman who is respectable, polite, and confident in herself and her sexuality.
relationships promote his flirtiness and need for love and, therefore, if in a relationship, he will find himself spoiling his woman or just tending to her every need. therefore, he will look for someone who can reflect his flirtatious nature and sex drive. this is a hopeless romantic who loves love. he does not look for a woman who is vain or so focused on appearance, it becomes her whole personality. these men, as much as they want good looks, actually fall into the trap of dating women who are superficial and offer only... well... good looks. they often date women with no personality or women who cannot truly reflect the man's need to bounce off his woman and connect with her on a romantic level. sensuality and sexual grace are key qualities the woman should have because he is drawn to looks and energy.
these men don't look for someone who make relationships hard. they don't look for someone who mother them or smother them in love and demands. yes, this is a highly affectionate and loving sign but he tends to stay as superficial as he possibly can, emotionally wise. feelings aren't difficult for him but they can feel like a chore if he is in a relationship with someone who demands feelings to be felt. he prefers someone he can work and grow beside. he prefers being with someone and feeling as though he can still be independent and not tied down by chains in the relationship. he wants someone who speaks and moves smoothly, not someone who is aggressive or sudden in their approach. he actually encourages feminine behavior in his relationships and will actually help other women heal their wounded femininity. however, women who act masculine or tough are not desirable to him. to him, the ideal feminine is quite literally feminine all around.
mental stimulation is important in his relationships because he is an air venus. if he feels stagnation or boredom, his mind is easily piqued by others who offer something more worthwhile. this isn't to say libra venus men are disloyal; they can be very loyal, but to a fault, they have demands as does anybody else. air signs are constantly on the move whether it be physically or mentally. this person is always thinking, interacting, and fantasizing. if his woman does not share the same excitement as him or the same energy, he will quickly become underwhelmed. he is not impressed by women that are wanted by other men, but women who are modest, independent, and offer love only when they want it.
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scorpio venus — sensual, mysterious, and “untouchable” women
these men, on the outside, are typically very emotionless and uncaring. on the inside, however, they are profoundly emotional with a strong capacity to love. these men tend to attract women who cause severe change within themselves, as scorpio venus can be a tremendously burdening placement to have, with scorpio = change/transformation, and venus = love/friendship. with these two combined, their friendships or relationships are constantly challenged. for a scorpio venus man, love is a heavy source of change and transformation. their insecurities are usually mirrored in their relationships. they have a strong responsibility to heal with this placement. for a man, his ideal feminine is someone loyal, possessive, and caring. this placement carries a heavy emotional aspect and these men must find someone who can reflect their depth of feeling. he does not find weak-willed women attractive. confidence and sensuality are this sign's turn-ons and he will not find someone who lacks depth or mystery. for him, loyalty is not easily given. he will choose "untouchable" women who have a short history with men. they are not picky, but are just very selective with whom they have intimacy with. they will only open up to those they see long-term potential with.
this is not a sign that dates for fun or for the short-term. if he does, he is an unevolved scorpio venus. evolved scorpio venus' dates with labels, with clear possession, with clear signs the woman is his and his only. unevolved scorpio venus' usually date but fear fully committing because they are scared of rejection or facing the fact that someone might not like them as much as he likes them. typically, these men attract women who are seductive, passionate, and mysterious. they tend to keep their relationships private. for him, his ideal feminine is someone affectionate, loving, and confident. he loves women confident in their sexuality. he typically goes for women who have similar energy as him, i.e. someone with scorpio placements, with whom he can relate to. for him, having someone to relate to is important because he wants to feel understood by his partner inasmuch he wants to understand others. his red flag, however, is his subconscious habit of self-sabotaging. he may cause drama or self-sabotage whilst in a relationship. being a heavily insecure sign, it's common to see many relationships fail because of him. pluto's influence over venus causes turmoil within him, making him question his self-worth and ability to provide for his woman. it's why, for him, relationships can be scarce. oftentimes, the women he attracts are the catalyst for his healing journey. the typical depiction of scorpio is someone who brings others down in an attempt to become equal to them. here, too, the scorpio venus man might become overly controlling or obsessive in the relationship to the point of bringing down the other instead of uplifting the other.
the ideal feminine for these men is someone who can recognize the value between intertwining love and sex together. this sign is intensely passionate and will cling to whoever he loves dearly. if his woman doesn't reciprocate the same neediness or obsessiveness as he does for her, he will doubt his true feelings for her. what he wants is someone who can let him heal and grow. he is attracted to women who are quiet but fiery. he wants to know his woman inside out. he desires quiet elegance whereby the woman speaks with energy instead of words.
spirituality may become interwoven into the relationship as these men see love as an ecstatic experience more than a shallow connection. this means these men typically see relationships as something spiritual or destined. if his woman is not on the same wavelength as him on this fact, he will quickly become disinterested.
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sagittarius venus — adventurous and free-spirited women
this can be a very fun placement for those who don't want to take love so seriously. these men are born to be unserious. they are born to be adventurous and to experiment with others, especially in love. this can be a highly polygamous person or a cheater. this sign is rarely loyal and, if loyal, is only loyal because the relationship has little to no rules. this man's ideal feminine is someone concerned with the spiritual life, as well as the material one. these men are highly spiritual people, with a very strong moral compass. they have very strong views on life and can actually be very opinionated, depending on how some people view them. they may be stubborn.
for him, his ideal feminine will involve someone who can offer spontaneity and excitement in the relationship. movement or adventure is crucial for these men to feel satisfied. they actually bond with their loved ones better when they have a mutual interest (such as traveling) or when they can explore new themes/places together. these men radiate light and optimism wherever they go and will look for a woman that uplifts them rather than one that tries dimming his light. he is actually very selective in who he loves because of his adventurous and independent standard. actually, his independence may become his ultimate downfall in relationships. because they are so individualistic and independent, they often fear losing their independence in relationships and will, therefore, avoid any sort of serious commitment. it often backfires when the women they're with lose interest because they can't seem to offer them honest loyalty. they start lying and manipulating their way into the sheets just to disappear the next day. this sign is the perfect example of someone who wants independence but also wants love. they feel love on a deep level, regardless of what anyone says. they're not superficial lovers but they make things superficial for the sake of light-heartedness. nonetheless, they can make great partners if this sign has evolved into someone with spiritual or religious values. an evolved sagittarius venus can become one of the most intoxicating signs because of their positive attitude toward life.
i may have mentioned his superficiality in relationships, but his ideal feminine involves someone who can think incredibly philosophically and someone who has a deep view of life. he meanders through life with a specific purpose in mind and needs someone who understands him and why he does the things he does. he needs to work with others to figure out how life works and how different cultures live. it's why adventure is so important to him and having a woman who can join him on his adventure. he wants someone to grow with, someone to evolve with, someone to learn with. these are highly philosophical men who will trigger others into rethinking life just from their opinions or beliefs on life.
these men may not have a particular goal in mind and therefore need a woman who is the same or at least is willing to explore with him. women who rely on predictability, consistency, and money will find themselves dissatisfied with a sagittarius venus because money rarely actually matters for these men. even if they become rich, their generous nature encourages them to spoil their family and friends rather than themselves. because this is a jupiter-ruled venus, luck and abundance may reign throughout these men's relationships, but they may become too broad and general, there's hardly ever a deeper click than with the mind or physical attraction. for these men, they can be highly lustful or passionate they use sex to satisfy themselves. this isn't for every sagittarius venus, however; this is only a general observation or interpretation. sagittarius can actually be a very loyal companion... only if evolved.
he may date women who are spontaneous, spiritual, religious, or philosophical. he may date women with little to no expectations or women who don't mind having short flings or short relationships. he may date women as part of an arrangement (think arranged marriage) or he may date ethnic/foreign women. he may date outside his race or culture. he may date women who are exotic or something he's not used to. not as a fetish, although this can be an extreme manifestation of an unevolved sagittarius venus. he may date someone from one of his travels or adventures. generally speaking, he may date women who are very optimistic, funny, honest, humble, and generous.
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capricorn venus — hardworking, traditional, and successful women
these men are very traditional and hardworking. his ideal feminine will include the following traits: loyal, hardworking, traditional, independent but family-oriented, logical, and successful. social status may be important to these men but, in general, they value success and material wealth. they desire women who are family-oriented and motherly. because they are traditional, they will mostly be monogamous and will marry their spouse without a doubt. for them, hookup culture isn't a thing... if this placement is evolved. these men work for their money and are natural providers for their women, whether it be entirely or just partly.
these men value class, elegance, honesty, and ambition. these men are very stubborn people in the sense that they will persevere, regardless of circumstances. they are workaholics who appreciate when a woman is independent and can take care of herself. he looks for ambition in women, also. he does not find laziness or reliance on him attractive. he does not find gaudy or loud women attractive. modest and quiet women seem to catch his attention. in relationships, he is not quick to open up but, being a stubborn sign, will always persevere in his relationships. he is not quick to tire when it comes to working for a successful relationship. he is devoutly loyal and will always communicate openly. however, his only downfall is his emotional unawareness or lack of emotional reciprocation. he wants a woman that is motherly and intelligent. he wants a woman that is in control of her emotions instead of someone who is overly sensitive or complains a lot. being an earth sign, he is slow to fall in love and slow to propose. he is not looking for someone aggressive, but someone who is predictable, sure of what they want, and certain of their future. this sign works for its future. these men are probably one of the most hardworking signs in the entire zodiac and, while it may come with its disadvantages, it comes with a lot of advantages, too. for example, they will always be predictable in their approach. their woman will never be unsure of how this man feels for them. she will always know, for certain, where in life he wants to go. she will always feel comfortable knowing he will provide for her when necessary. she, on the other hand, must promise him loyalty, responsibility, commitment, and patience. these men work for their future slowly and steadily. if he values social status or social success, he will most likely look for women in the public field, or older women who have a lot of success.
these men look for someone mature. they're not feminine freaks but they will desire a woman who is connected to her feminine side as her maternal instincts (i.e. care, love, sensitivity, empathy, loyalty) match his masculine instincts (hardworking, providing, guiding, honesty.) these men may instinctively date women similar to their mothers. they may date women who are serious and detached.
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aquarius venus — unconventional and authentic women
these men are naturally self-expressive and authentic. they are very different from others and know this in their minds. therefore, they will look for similarities in women. women who are self-expressive and unconventional are their ideal feminine. they don't want a woman with a copy-and-paste personality or an appearance that is similar to everyone else's. really, this person looks for someone who stands out from the crowd because, they too, stand out from the crowd. they are very genuine in their approach to love because they appreciate the differences in people, rather than what's conventional. they don't like following traditions or submission to dogma but instead will create their own "traditions" or beliefs that involve their own personality. they may oppose marriage, for example, or they may oppose monogamous relationships. they may not believe in labels such as boyfriend/girlfriend, even. nonetheless, they can make great lovers because they inspire their women to take charge and to go after what they truly desire. they push the boundaries of those they love and will happily stay loyal to the long-term vision they have with their partners. they're not particular about their fashion style but they, as an aquarius venus, stand out with their uniqueness. they feel if they were to "settle" with someone who is just like everybody else, they may lose their individuality. it's why, too, they tend to refuse or dislike labels. if they feel as though they have to fit some standard instead of being themselves, they tend to run away. this sign can have some serious commitment issues but, if evolved, can see relationships as an excellent tool and method to grow as a person and learn about others.
similarly to other air and fire signs, they tend to fear stagnation or boredom in a relationship. therefore, women who are "eccentric" or women who bring a lot of temptation, chasing, and change are very desirable. these men value women who can keep their own independence and women who can let them be independent also. women who recognize the value of excitement in relationships are ultimately most desirable as these women are the ones that cause growth in relationships. if he's in a relationship with a woman that is too laid-back or predictable, he will feel like there's nothing to chase and nothing to gain from the relationship. mental stimulation is a necessity for them as they must always feel like they are on the move.
because both aquarius and venus = friendships/relationships, these people ultimately look for a best friend they can relate with. they don't date simply for sex or for love but for the bond that comes with being friends and lovers. for these people, they can be very loyal to their partner if they think their partner is both a lover and a best friend. there must be a strong connection before he feels like he can commit to them. these men don't commit easily in the sense that they must have a mental rapport with them stronger than physical attraction. remember, this sign looks for quirks and things others don't see.
these men may date women who give themselves to society or those who are good with the public or have a lot of friends. they choose to date women who have a unique style and women who enjoy being self-expressive. loyalty and authenticity are key qualities these men look for because these men look for something unique, rather than something copied. they may date women who, on some level, "don't want anything serious", or women who have very loose beliefs on traditions and the like. these men may date women who are very independent and look for companionship more than a serious relationship.
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pisces venus — loving, dreamy, and mysterious women
this placement can be very similar to scorpio venus in the sense that these men crave sensuality and emotional intensity. this is not a sign that dates for fun or for the short term. to thes men, love is more ecstatic than practical. this doesn't mean they are unreliable as lovers but they focus on the emotional aspect of relationships to the point of becoming engulfed in the idea of escaping through love with another person. he has an incredible capacity to love and will give whatever he can to the woman he loves. his ideal feminine is someone loyal, sensitive, and emotional. he needs someone he can feel back and forth with and needs someone emotionally readily available for them. they can be a hunch to date as they have a tendency to smother or be insecure in relationships. most of the time, these men attract women who are hard to reach or emotionally unavailable. this is a common link between all water signs because they crave a connection so deep and profound, they tend to force emotions or self-sabotage for the sake of feeling. he is ready to worship his female, but only if she is willing to do the same. they may be hopeless romantics and spend their entire lives looking for "the one" with unrealistic standards and expectations of love. despite the fairytale love he looks for, he often fails to live up to the dream he envisions. nonetheless, these people are devoutly loyal and, if positively aspected, can make some of the most unforgettable lovers out there. their level of kindness is unmatched and the things they are willing to do for others goes beyond just personal sacrifice.
he does not find cold women attractive. he needs someone to emotionally attune to. this is his demand. if he feels as though the connection has run out of synch he will either run away or try his hardest to revive the connection. he looks for someone understanding and committed because he offers a level of understanding and empathy others cannot offer. he is turned on by kindness, sweetness, and motherly traits because this person looks for someone quite the opposite of independent, aggressive, or just very emotionless. if any girl was to win his heart, it would be through affection, attention, and being nice.
a highly negative side to this placement is that, while he may desire love so much, he may actually attract women who need to be loved. he may act as the healer or attract very broken and insecure women who need to be shown love. this can prove to be toxic when the man begins over-giving and the woman begins abusing his attention and efforts by demeaning his efforts as she will never feel good enough for him. to him, the ideal feminine involves being mysterious and hard to reach. he doesn't like easily accessible women or women who have a lot of options. they need to feel like the only one.
this placement can be very ambitious, but he is ambitious through emotions rather than logic. if he feels something, it's felt passionately and thoroughly. he doesn't follow his instincts as much and actually prefers taking the flow with things but it doesn't mean he's idle or passive. instead, he takes his time and makes time for things he is genuinely passionate about or interested in. if he doesn't have someone who (emotionally) supports him or shares his interests, he will feel undermined or unvalued in the relationship. femininity is important to him. he likes someone gentle, delicate, etc.
love and sex are intertwined as one and only unevolved pisces venus would abuse sex. to a pisces venus, sex is the sacrifice of the body almost; it's the connection between body and mind and it is where love is truly expressed through physical connection + climax. there is a certain idealization of sex however, where it is made up to be some sort of great escape of pleasure when in reality it's a soul tie with a deeper bond.
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mysticheathenn · 3 months
Messages From The Art of Not Giving a F*ck
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is all about messages from things that you should not be caring or giving a f*ck about. This could be you having the fear of being seen. What does the world think of you at the gym? Basically, petty things that stop you from living your life.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help. Tarot should be used as entertainment and not a for sure answer to your problems but as a guide, a sense of hope, and amusement.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
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Pile l:
What should you not give a f*uck about? Tarot: 8 of Cups, 7 of Wands (reversed), Awakening, 9 of Cups, The High Priestess
The opinions of others concerning any and everything you do. You are meant to shine and show up as your most authentic self pile l. You do not need anyone's permission, advice, or even guidance on knowing who you are or what you should do with your life especially if these people are doing the exact opposite of what they try to preach to you. For some of you, I am getting that there is a family member or even just family in general who likes to dictate everything that you do and who you are. While I can't tell you what to do and can only provide you guidance for your situation, please ask yourself are these people happy? Do they ask anyone what they should do with their life and who they should be? Are they paying any bill of yours or financially supporting you? If you have answered no to any of these questions, my suggestion and only suggestion and opinion is to stop paying attention to anything that comes out of their mouth when it regards to you. I have a story for you once upon a time a little mystic heathen had parents and family who would dictate and tell little heathen what to do up until it got time to actually put their money where their mouth was and would back out while telling little heathen still what to do. Little heathen wanted to major in English while her parents medicine or computer science. It wasn't until little heathen saw that no one was paying the bills but herself that the only opinion that mattered with what she majored in, where to move, what career, and who I should be friends with was the opinion of her own. She broke free and stopped giving a dam because once you give someone the power to mold and control you it never stops. Unless the opinion from others saw red flags that I did not see everyone's opinion or suggestions could fuck off. Again this is all a suggestion and my opinion as you're an adult and can make your decisions for yourself but if you have been looking for a sign as to what you should do, this is it. Be free and release yourself from the holds of others that hold you at a standstill or make you unhappy.
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Pile ll:
What should you not give a f*uck about? Tarot: 10 of Pentacles (Reversed), 2 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 5 of Swords (reversed), Knight of Cups, Queen of Wands (reversed)
Validation from romantic partnerships. I get the strong feeling from this pile that you love to watch and read future spouse pick-a-card readings. No matter the topic of love when it comes to tarot you are there waiting to see what it has in store for you. It is also similar to how you are in a relationship. You see the validation from your partners that you are good enough. Some of you might even have a small bit of pick-me energy. Whenever your partner says jump you don't ask how high you keep jumping and ask them if this is good enough and if it's not you keep jumping higher until they are satisfied not realizing that you, darling, are the prize. People should be jumping through hoops for you and not the other way around unless the energy is being reciprocated but I need you to understand that you are powerful just you alone without the opinion or approval of a love interest. You don't need anyone by your side at all. I know you're thinking I know I don't need anyone but I want someone...do you know pile ll. Do you really know that you don't need anyone? You are the Queen of Wands and the Queen of cups pile ll, you turn a house into a home, food into a cooked meal, etc. Anything someone gives you, you multiply it and tax interest and you are out here answering questions like "What do you bring to the table?" as if you aren't the table, the napkins, silverware, plates, and whole packaged deal. See yourself through the lens of a goddess/god. You are powerful, start acting like it, and stop putting yourself through hoops for someone who wouldn't do the same or doesn't even wash their own ass not knowing their shit stinks, they are no one special.
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Pile lll:
What should you not give a f*uck about? Tarot: 2 of Cups, 3 of Swords, 6 of Cups, 6 of Pentacles, The Wheel
Pile lll you may have also been slightly drawn to pile ll as both your piles kind of go hand in hand. Pile ll is all about validation from being in a romantic relationship while yours is simply you acting as if being single is the worst thing in the world. As mentioned in Pile ll you probably watch and read a lot of love and Future Spouse pick-a-card readings because you have a hard time being by yourself. If not pick a card readings you read a lot of romance novels. Your favorite authors are probably Emily Henry, Ana Huang, Ali Hazelwood, Lauren Asher, Elsie Silver, etc. You watch as others around you fall in and out of love and you want that for yourself. If romance was oxygen you would die the moment you're not with someone within .5 seconds and I need you to release the need for romance just for a split second. Enjoy singlehood and realize that not everything is about love. There is more to life than being in a partnership with someone. You may not think that but have you tried and I mean really tried to enjoy being single? Travel to other places, dining out alone, watching a movie all without someone constantly talking or ruining the moment with spoilers. This message is only for a small few of you as it is very specific but you need to leave your ex alone. Stop thinking, dreaming, looking at their social media, or even reaching out to them. What's done is done...don't let someone tell you they don't want you more than once. This also goes out to those who are in situationships wanting a relationship from their person. They are telling you with their actions for some time now that they don't like you they just want you for your body and the things you can do for them. You are a placeholder until they find that person they want a commitment from. That was a specific message for those who resonated with the message but to continue on with the general reading love is beautiful, kind, and sweet, but it's not the end of the world if you don't have someone by your side. You are free to live life beautifully without someone else there to witness it. You remind me of the era when everyone would always post that they were going to the gym on Facebook and the meme was "If you don't post that you're at the gym, did you even go." If you have fun without someone being there with you to also have fun...did it even happen. Yes...yes it did pile lll. One day you will find a beautiful and harmonious relationship but until then enjoy singlehood. Also, give the love readings a break. Go outside and touch the grass for 30 mins everything will be fine.
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Pile lV:
What should you not give a f*uck about? Tarot: 3 of words, The emperor, Ace of Swords (reversed), Page of Swords (reversed), The Empress (reversed)
Pile lV You are my only pile where I have to tell you to give a f*ck about something. You've been through heartache, after heartache, and loss to the point you have closed off your heart to the world because of how many times you have been hurt. This is leading you down a path where sometimes you can't focus or make the best decision because you have closed off your heart to the world or even love in general that anything where you need to involve feelings, showing a small bit of compassion, or even empathy goes out the window. Sometimes even logic goes out the window because you are so strung on not getting yourself tangled up in anything where it could lead to heartache or betrayal. For most of you I am getting this is a relationship or several might I add. While others of you probably had a shining light. You were a lighthouse pouring your beautiful light, energy, and guidance out onto the world for others to take advantage of you and make you cold, aggressive, or deemed in the eyes of a few, an asshole. I need to remind you that it is okay to open your heart to others or even love again Pile lV. I get it, it's scary thinking about the chances of being hurt again but I have to remind you that, this is part of life. You get knocked down and you get back up again but don't harden yourself off to the world. Not when the world needs so much kindness and love right now. There is already so much hate and lack of compassion in this world, open yourself up again even if it is for a little bit or for certain situations. The things that happened to you weren't meant to harden you up but to teach you lessons about boundaries and having self-respect and love for yourself. Instead, you hardened up instead of doing the work that is necessary to establish standards and boundaries for yourself. Do the work. Open yourself up again. The world needs your kind and gentle heart the way it was always intended.
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay safe and be blessed
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captainmera · 1 year
I love that in your stories that include Hunter, whether it’s a TOH IBWR au, or TGB, he must have werewolf elements to his character haha. Do you have any ideas as to what the TOH Cast would look like in your IBWR Au? Particularly interested in the fae/peculiars elements? I love your designs for those types of characters in IBWR.
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Fairies are colour coded. In folklore, it is said that fairies can only feel one thing at a time. This is not true, but the stories stem from that fairies have a "fairy-flaw" which is associated to their colour.
You recognise them by their pointy ears and... uniformely one-coloured stuff. In a green fairy's case, green hair, green eyes. And when they blush, it's a shade of green.
This emotion will, when felt, be so much stronger and all-consuming than any other emotion. A fairy has to be aware, and learn to control and regulate, that particular fairy-flaw.
However, fairies are also masters of one trait.
In folklore, fairies are often popping up as craftsmen. They make shoes, they make silk, they make clothes, mead, milk, etc. This stems from that fairies, when allowed to work with their fixation, become natural experts in their fields.
People often feel they are unfairly talented because they're fairies, and not because they learned like everyone else (which they did, it's just an analogy for being a gifted kid). and sabotages for them, either by excluding them or ensuring they can't pursue it.
Victorian England is, in majority, a christian culture. In England, they would categorise each fairy by a "sin". So, a green fairy's flaw would be envy/jealousy. For Willow, I think this works. At least if her life in IBWR meant she was kept away from doing what she wanted and often felt envy of those who got pursue what they want in life.
Fairies, also, if they are being influenced by their fairy-flaw, starts to turn the colour of it.
She would live with her dads, under the guise that one was her dad and the other was her godfather and simply just.. such a good friend to her "only" dad that he lives there as a roommate. You might be surprised to hear this wouldn't raise much eyebrows. Sounds reasonable! They own a store together after all! People would just often comment that it's such a shame they're both bachelors.
Werewolves are a controversial topic in the field of science at the time of when IBWR is taking place (1885), as they were moved from Erebus type to Beast type. People argue that, as they are associated with the moon and are coded as dangerous, they should remain in the erebus type. But they were moved to beast, as they are very dog-like in appearance.
Werewolves were not consulted on this re-categorisation.
Despite being moved to the beast type, they still practice within the sub-culture of Erebus types. Vampires, Night fairies and Banshees still acknowledges them as part of their group.
Werewolves are reduced, culturally and socially, to their looks and the horror stories that has been crafted around them. They are deemed barbaric, hound-like, uncivilised and.. Adorable. Werewolves struggle to find authentic people to socialize with, as most want to use them for their power. People don't think they have ambitions or intelligence larger than a canine.
I think this would fit Hunter, if he lived with his uncle, and Philip never considered Hunter's feelings. Just using him for what he was; a powerful henchman he could control and order around as he pleased - they're family after all.
Spriggans have a sense for mischief, trickery and has the ability to camouflage themselves just like chameleons. They are natural showmen, charismatic entertainers and cannot stop themselves around all that glitters. Like magpies, they collect things. It's a problem. They don't even mean to, it just kinda happens. Like a cat chasing a fly. Suddenly you're eating it and you sit there like "why did I do that. That was dumb."
Spriggans have a kleptomania problem. It is rarely even about actual riches, it can be spoons. An endless amount of spoons and they just can't help themselves. If you know a Spriggan's weakness, they'll knowingly make a bad bargain. They don't even want another damn spoon, but they just... It's a spoon. They don't have that spoon. They need that spoon. Good god the spoons. There are spriggans who have lost their homes to their unhealthy desire to collect. (pst, it's a metaphor for an addictive personality). Spriggans live both merry and unfortunate lives. They love life, they love people, but they get in trouble easily.
You'll find them in music halls, in thrifting shops, by the harbour, casinos, in any kind of sales work.
For Gus, I think he'd work in his dad's thrifting store and part time in a music hall! See the people, entertain the crowd! Perhaps find a watch that slips into his hand.... But Gus is a good boy. His dad taught him well! If you pick up something that isn't yours, say aloud "WOW WHAT A NICE THING." and put it back. It's difficult to walk away from something you loudly announce, and it gives him leeway to excuse himself for being eccentric and picking up what isn't his.
Perhaps Hunter and Gus meet at the music hall? :) I'm sure that's where they meet Willow too.
In this AU, I think Gus and Willow meets Luz, then Hunter, and lastly Amity. Perhaps whatever Philip is working with involves the blight family, and it conspires a story of drama, forbidden love and friendships from there. :P
Amity, a regular! a rich family with big expectations on their children. I like to imagine the blight twins are off to rebellious outlets! Like a music hall, and decides to bring their baby sister along. To which where she meets the gang.
Luz, a regular, who wants to be a witch! She wants to join the most powerful coven in all of England! But, ah-- She's not gifted. The Ashdown family does not hire people in their stores if they have no powerful fylgja of some sort. Or at the very least have the gift of sight.
Trying to learn witchcraft anyway, from a witch (Eda) who claims you don't have to be special to become a great witch, takes her in under her wing in the music hall The Owl House. She puts her to work there, and Luz is determined to work in exchange of learning witchcraft.
Luz soon discovers that witchcraft is... rather gruesome work. Blood, rituals, dead bodies and overbearing gods. But perhaps magic can be different? Maybe you could.. Do something else with it? That doesn't involve murdering innocent peculiars.
And there is.
She just got to figure out how. And maybe with her friends, she could. :P
So... basically what Theodore is doing. :l He would hire her in a heartbeat.
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magicalonsomanydances · 3 months
In preparation for the Spanish Grand Prix I feel I must give my ranking of my top 10 on the Grid as some way to soothe the frustration that I have no way to watch the race.
Carlos Sainz Vazquez de Castro Cenamor Rincón Rebollo Birto Moreno de Aranda de Anteriuga Tiapera Deltun absolute king of my heart and the reason I got into this sport. The prince charming of Spain who's so classy and gracious and just such a good teammate no matter where he is at. With his powerful tractor beam big brown eyes. Long live the smooth operator! Vamos Carlos!
Esteban Ocon. Am I aware that this is like loving the problematic lead in a film or book just cause he has babygirl energy? Yes. Is that gonna stop me? Hell naw! I like his backstory, disarmed by his squishy little face, and I vowed to defend him from all harm like the minute after I watched him analyze Cars as being an accurate depiction of various racing aspects. Plus he's from the same region of France as where my family originates. So while Carlos is my F1 husband Estie is like my F1 baby bro. I will call him "teapot" it's a long story feel free to send me an ask about it. I will also call him Esteban "Can Do No Wrong" Ocon. Yes I'm fully self aware of how delulu I am about this man having no flaws (he does I've just elected to ignore them in favor of being charmed by the innocent face)
Daniel Ricciardo - I'm from Texas, I'm an extrovert, I'm legally obligated to stan this man to the moon and back. The Honey Badger is my spirit animal. Not the actual creature, just chaos gremlin Daniel. His energy is infectious and he brings the party and he loves my state. How could I do anything but support him?
George Russell - he was probably the second crush I got in F1 and I kinda love how in spite of his posh model energy he actually isn't from some moneyed or legacy background and he's so delightfully clueless at times "goat, sorry?" And the videos of him with kiddos he's so sweet and attentive to them
Checo - the Mexican minister of Defense. The down to earth friendly dad energy. He's just so solid and sweet and I love what he does to help mellow Max just by ya know being the chill dad Max never had. Also he an authentic Mexican, endorsed Tex-Mex so obvs I'm gonna love this man and wanna get tacos and drinks. He has that approachable energy and given the US's one driver might not even have a seat next year I gotta support our neighbor Mexico's driver cause I sure ain't supporting the Canadian nepo baby
Fernando Alonso - this mainly has to do with sex appeal let's be real. He's got that edgy bad boy kinda external vibe in some ways but then he's backstage arranging flowers and it's like "I could fix him and make him settle down" he's got charm style and is basically an immortal and foxy as hell. Let me try to domesticate this man please!
Charles Leclerc - sweet, I would vote him most likely to be true even while he's traveling abroad being swooned over and having fans handing him marriage licenses. He's just a little too type A for me to love him like I do my golden retriever energy chaos creatures and chill guys of the previous 6. But he's great and it's because of him and Carlos in the C² videos that I got roped into this sport so he's gotta make it. Plus after all the loss he's experienced he's a real inspiration in staying kind in spite of the pain of life
Max Verstappen - speaking of inspirations my traumatized ass can't help but support one of my own. He's an icon of breaking cycles. Yes he's definitely had his issues but he's matured in some ways and while I don't care if he wins or not on the track I'm very invested in him winning at life which him being a doting stepdad to Penelope is the kind of healing that helps me heal too. Children of hard ass dads who didn't realize their childhood was fucked up, unite! Plus he's an absolute goofball and that's endearing
Logan Sargent - I'm american, independence day is literally my favorite holiday, I have to have this man in my top 10 and I genuinely do think he's a classy guy (especially considering he's from Florida) and I can't help but love how the one American driver is just so painfully American looking. He looks like Captain America fucked an apple pie. He looks like scientists designed an American in a lab. He looks like the Beach Boys had a grandson with the descendants of Betsy Ross. He looks like a team scoured frat parties for a year to find the most American looking guy in the country. He is Logan Sargent and he is Kenough.
Valterri Bottas - his absolute self confidence and zero fucks given. He does not take himself too seriously and he is wholesome AF. He also has practical guy energy. Like if I hand to rank drivers on Most Likely to Pull Over and Help You Change a Tire he's definitely in the top 3. He seems like getting his hands dirty is something he's not too good to do and he seems like a good dude. Plus he's hilarious. He's as chaotic as Daniel in some ways he's just a little less boisterous about it. Calm chaos vs 5 year old given 16 energy drinks in an hour Ricciardo energy
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simplyclary · 4 months
Standing Up for Your Privacy
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(Photo edit by me)
Entering Taylor Zakhar Perez's fandom last August 2023 was a moment of joy for me. I admired him for his talent, charm, and the authenticity he brought to his roles. However, my excitement was quickly dampened by a troubling issue: multiple accounts on Twitter threatened to out Taylor about his sexuality and private relationships. This was my first encounter with the darker side of fandom, and it's an experience that still frustrates me deeply to this day.
Outing someone without their consent is a gross violation of privacy and respect. It is an act of betrayal that no one deserves, least of all someone who has given so much joy and inspiration through their work. The fact that this threat was made during Pride Month is not just insensitive; it is a blatant disrespect to a time meant for celebrating acceptance, love, and the right to live openly and authentically.
What makes me angrier is the timing of this threat. It coincided with a particularly difficult period for Taylor and his family, as it is also around the time of the anniversary of his eldest sister Kristy's passing. In such a time of grief and need for personal space, the last thing anyone should have to deal with is an invasion of their privacy. It’s a heartless act that shows a complete lack of empathy and understanding.
It seems that some people did not learn from the powerful speech delivered by Taylor’s character, Alex Claremont-Diaz, in "Red, White & Royal Blue." The speech poignantly addresses the pain and violation of being forced out of the closet. Yet, here we are, facing a repetitive issue that disregards the very message that resonated with so many fans. It’s disheartening to see that some individuals in the fandom have missed the essence of that message entirely.
For me, it doesn’t matter whether Taylor is queer or not. What truly matters is his happiness and comfort. I want him to live his life on his own terms, without fear of being exposed or judged. His personal life should remain personal, and he deserves the same respect and privacy that we all do.
To share a personal anecdote from January 2024. I came across an old video posted by Taylor’s sister, Maria. In the video, Taylor was wearing what appeared to be a wedding ring. While some fans might have jumped to conclusions, I didn't think much of it, however, I did share some of my feelings and thoughts to some people through Twitter DMs. To me, all that mattered was that he seemed happy. His well-being is what’s truly important, not the details of his personal relationships.
Taylor owes us nothing beyond his projects and the work he shares with the world. We should respect his boundaries and allow him to share what he wants, when he wants. It’s never okay to force someone to come out, especially not an actor who has chosen to keep certain aspects of their life private.
Personally, as a Scorpio empath, I find it impossible not to be deeply affected by such invasions of privacy. Every time this issue comes up, it infuriates me. It's not just about respecting Taylor; it’s about recognizing the basic human right to privacy and autonomy. The protective energy I have for Taylor make every issue against him extra emotional for me. Sometimes, it makes me want to cry because I feel the unfairness of the situation.
To the fans who think it's acceptable to pry into someone’s personal life, I beg you to reconsider. Think about how you would feel if your privacy were invaded in such a way. Celebrities are people too, and they deserve the same respect and consideration that we all do.
To Taylor, if you ever read this, please know that there are countless fans who support you unconditionally. We admire you not only for your talent but also for your strength and authenticity. We stand with you, respecting your right to privacy and autonomy.
Let’s create a fandom that upholds these values, where we celebrate our favorite stars without crossing the lines of decency and respect. We can love and support Taylor without needing to know every detail of his personal life. Let’s focus on the incredible work he does and the joy he brings us, and let’s stand against those who seek to invade his privacy.
To wrap it up, it's never acceptable to force someone out of the closet. Respect Taylor’s privacy, celebrate his work, and remember that at the end of the day, his happiness and comfort are what truly matter. Let’s be better fans and better people by showing empathy and respect for all.
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meowzilla93 · 8 months
So I’ve seen so much ragging on Baxter calling himself a rebel or a bad boy, and it hurts me! ( I know most of it is in jest, its okay!) But I wanted to explain how he really IS what he claims to be, even though may just seem like a privileged individual
(I really had to reduce this from an essay to fit tumblrs character limit, I am talking like a 2k word essay, so its condensed but covers my points lol also please keep in mind I have taken canon information and given my interpretation of the information to this)
Lets look at the definition of a Bad Bay archetype – a cultural archetype often defined as a male who behaves badly, especially within societal norms. Qualities associated with this archetype is confidence, independence and/or assertiveness (though there are the negative connotations such as manipulation, dishonesty or a lack of consideration for others, but we are not focusing on those as these do not reflect Baxter)
And what is a rebel? At its core, it is a person who resist any authority, control, or tradition. Rebels like to change up the status quo, refusing to conform to societal pressures and controlling figures.
So lets look at Baxter Alexander Ward’s life:
Brought up in wealth
Was sheltered and raised with certain values
Parents were controlling and dictated a lot of his life
Was never treated like a child, but as an adult his whole life
More than likely taught to think himself above everyone (which he confirms)
Raised with very bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic and just cruel morals and notions  
If we look at those specific points, where does the Bad Boy archetype fit first?
By the time he reaches 19 years of age, he wants to be able to make connections outside of the circle of money he was raised in
Though he keeps up appearances for his parents, he tends to thumb his parents way of life, not wanting to become the same type of people they are
Rather than endorse their way of thinking, he becomes more open and accepting
(this boy might have mighty expectations for himself, but for others, he will never expect more than they can provide)
He is the very thing his parents do no approve off; Pansexual, accepting of others, opposite to what they want
By the time he is 19 years old, he is already snubbing his parents and their values, wanting to move outside of their circle of life and live his own life. There is the understanding that he was already sleeping around in high school, and considering his partners would be of all genders, the rumors circulating him would affect the image of the family, which his parents would not approve off. His visual looks, moving heavily into the black/ white monochrome and more alternative fit outside the expectations of what his family would expect of him. He dresses as he pleases, not as someone else would want him to.
These may seem like little actions, little acts of rebelling against his family, but these are MASSIVE in the context of his life. To flip the entire narrative that he learnt from his parents, and continues to do so in every way that he is able to. Sure, he gets a fake ID to just get a car to sight see in and get booze for himself to drink when out for dinner or even at home. But these acts are against what his parents expect or event want of him, what their social circle would expect of him, and as such, he fits the Bad Boy narrative within THAT social circle. And that is what matters in this context.
So, of course, this feeds into the rebel label. Going against everything he was taught, becoming the opposite person his parents expected of him. Resisting the control that his parents try and enforce on him and finding ways to escape the grip of expectation. I repeat myself a lot here but its that constant push back on what his parents expected of him, the morals, the views, the way he should handle himself and what they wanted of him. Baxter's rebellion is deep,y rooted in a sincere desire for authenticity, change and self-discovery, making him a truly compelling character.
Baxter at 19 years old was the Bad Boy Rebel of his families social circle. From the outside he just seems like a typical rich kid that was a bit strange, but from the inside, that’s where the rebelling sat.
Baxter at 24 is the man that continued in that path of rebellion. He further cut himself away from what his parents wanted, stood on his own two feet and tried to become the type of person he could be proud of. He separated himself from their morals, their visions, their actions. His mother who held charities to make connections and get a tax kick back? He does it to actually help people and does it almost pro-bono, no expectation to gain anything further from it. His father who holds a franchise and makes money from others manual labor? He takes the labor from others and takes it on himself to ensure that the day that they have (be it wedding or birthday or another event entirely) goes swimmingly and they have less stress than where they started.
Baxter continues to be a Rebel and Bad Boy as he grows and matures, as he continues to shun the way he grew up and becomes a better person for it.
There are probably other key points I have missed, but these are the ones that stood out to me, cementing the idea that Baxter Alexander Ward is a through and through
Rebellious Bad Boy
Thank you for coming to my (slightly unhinged) TED (tumblr) Talk.
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kimmiessimmies · 5 months
Last Will and Testament of Edna Lloyd
*** Please note that the writing below is purely fictional and serves as an addendum to the most recent chapter of A Taste of Honey; Wistfulness. It's long, but I hope you'll read it anyway, as many things written here will be relevant as the story continues.***
This is the last will of me, Edna Lloyd, of 362 Dandywood Lane, Appaloosa Plains. I declare that at the time of writing this last will, I am of sound mind and body.
I appoint my son, Oliver Lloyd, to be the executor and trustee of this will.
In the event of my passing, I declare my assets to be divided as stated below.
A) To be transferred to my son, Oliver Lloyd and his wife, Claire Lloyd; my house and the grounds on which it stands.
B) To divide equally among my grandchildren, Eva Adams-Wyler, James Wyler, Sarah Wyler and Daniel Lloyd; all my monetary assets. At the current time of writing, it is estimated to be around §1.500.000. Anything that’s added to that amount between the time of writing and my passing shall also be divided among the persons stated above.
C)To deliver to my apprentice and dear friend, Dante Moretti; all my paintings unsold at the time of my death. Both finished and unfinished.
I would like to conclude this will by writing some personal messages to my family and loved ones.
Ollie, my boy, I left my dear old house to you because it’s a beautiful place to grow old in. However, I know you and Claire are happy where you are, so I leave it to your good judgment what will happen to it. If you wish to sell it, that’s quite alright. I wish you a long and healthy life, my dear. May love live long.
Sweet Eva, my beautiful first grandchild, I will be forever proud of the woman you have become. I feel blessed to have known my great-grandchildren in my lifetime and I thank you for bringing them into my world. I’m sure you’ll use the money I left you wisely and for good. I hope luck will be forever on your side.
My lovely James, I know living in duty of your art can be a tough life. But my darling, you have such a talent; please don’t let it go to waste. Let your music be your home forever more. I hope that my inheritance will help you to do that. I shall forever be your number-one fan.
My dear Sarah, I know you have big dreams, and I have every faith you’ll make each one of them a reality. You’ve always been strong and determined, and I hope you’ll stay that way for many years to come.
Danny, my sweetheart, I sometimes worry your heart is too big for this world. I know taking care of others brings you joy, but honey, I hope you’ll use the money I left you to take care of you, too. You deserve every bit of happiness, my sweet boy.
Patty, you are my daughter, and therefore I want to say a few words to you, too. I can imagine you might feel left out because I didn’t include you in the official part of my will. I do want to leave you something; valuable advice. During your lifetime, you’ve always found it difficult to consider that not every person experiences everything the same way. I’ve tried, as your mother, to broaden your perspective but haven’t succeeded. I hope, for the sake of your children and your grandchildren, you’ll take my advice to sometimes swallow your words and try to look at things from another perspective. Trust me, it will widen your view of the world, and that can be a beautiful thing.
And finally, to Dante, my unexpected friend during the final stage of my life, I thank you for your kind attention to this old woman. You’re a lovely and very talented young man. I do hope you spread your wings and find some friends your own age, my dear. Never give up on your authenticity. It’s a great thing.
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In loving memory of Edna Lloyd
16 September 1924 - 22 March 2008
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songhunter · 1 year
trans allegory in mystic fragrance and forbidden rain
aka: the essay no one asked for
Content warnings for: Discussions of homophobia and transphobia, and brief mentions of suicide.
If you guys have any other comments on this topic (especially KnightsPs, I'm an UNDEADP so I'm less familiar with their lore) please comment or rb or drop an ask or anything! I love talking. It's also been a hot minute (3 or 4 years) since I last took an English class so my analysis is a little rusty.
Part 1: UNDEAD's "Monster" and Queerness
Every UNDEAD song (with one exception) has the same premise — the singers are the impure, immoral monsters who are singing to a pure, human audience. There are two genres of UNDEAD song:
“I’m a monster seducing you into the darkness, give into your desires because I know that secretly you want it too” — Immoral World, Savage Love Affair, etc.
“I’m a monster and I’m so badass” — Darkness 4, Nightless World, etc.
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Darkness 4 lyrics, translation by Shirayukin on Fandom wiki.
The “monster” in UNDEAD’s music is shorthand for anyone that exists outside of a pure society. By joining the monsters, you become tainted and can't return to society, but that’s the only way you can possibly live as your authentic self. In this way, the "darkness" is a safe space that these monsters have created for themselves.
This is, of course, a reference to Rei and how he feels ostracized from society -- the whole reason why Koga began UNDEAD was as a message to Rei that if Rei felt like a monster, he shouldn't roll over and die, but live with them as an undead. However, the concept of the queer monster is incredibly applicable imo. Historically, lots of villains in horror media were queer-coded as a way of eliciting disgust or a fear response, as a way of making its villain seem strange and, well, queer. (Oh, no! Look at all these horrible people ruining life for the law-abiding families!) The link between queerness and horror has been analyzed to death.
But queer people also love the misunderstood monster who's shunned by "proper" society. The gothic novels that originated the horror genre in the 1800s, like Dracula or the Picture of Dorian Grey, were written by queer authors and/or contained scores of queer themes. Do I need to go into why werewolves, shapeshifters who had to go deep into the woods to hide their wolf form, can be read as queer? Do I need to go into why Frankenstein, someone abandoned by his own creator and shunned by society by the nature of his existence alone (something out of his control), can be read as queer? Do I really need to go into why the modern-day vampire is queer? Vampires? Of course queer people will love these monsters, because they see themselves in the monsters, more so than the victims. (Also, nothing more in line with the queer experience than seeing a monster and going “ngl they're kinda hot actually.”)
In summary: It's very easy to read UNDEAD songs and UNDEAD's conceptualization of the "monster" through a queer lens. The monster is queer, and the monster welcomes you into the darkness and invites you to also give into your desire to live freely.
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Immoral World lyrics, translation by Mandy on Fandom wiki.
Also, shout out the love you tried to hide, huh? Show me your truth? Show me your pride?
Sidenote: The one exception to this “monster” theme is of course the elephant in the room, Sustain Memories. I think it plays well into UNDEAD’s image — at least in !-era, Rei, Adonis, and Koga have always been the monsters, while Kaoru is the human that joined them (see: their Halloween costumes in !-era). So Kaoru doesn’t sing of monsters, he sings of a human love. There's also something to be said about Kaoru being the one member of UNDEAD who tried so desperately to appear cishet and experience a "normal" love in !-era. But also, it's a wedding song because the anime boys look cute when they sing about weddings.
Part 2: What about Forbidden Rain?
Here's the thing about UNDEAD's other monster songs -- they're always proud of being monsters. They're not ashamed, and they want the audience to join them in their freedom.
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Forbidden Rain lyrics, translation by @/snaketaper on Twitter.
On the other hand, the singer in Forbidden Rain sees themselves as a "beast" who can never be forgiven, someone who's slowly poisoning their pure lover. They love them so much that they apparently have to let go of them, for their own sake. It's the first song that actually contains references to genuine love (usually UNDEAD is just horny).
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The song remains sort of ambiguous about the nature of the relationship between the singer and the audience. It's clear that the audience does actually care for the singer, since they do reach out a "gentle hand" that the singer can't take. But the singer says, "Let's end this thing that never even began" -- are they even together in the first place? Maybe it never began because they were scared of the "beast." Or maybe it never truly began because the relationship was built on a lie. They sing about a beast inside them that they have to hide, and says that their current self -- the one they show to the audience -- is a fake. And this is something that cannot be forgiven.
It's not hard to read this in the context of queerness. Maybe it's about a gay singer who doesn't want to reveal their feelings and tarnish a platonic relationship. Or maybe it's a trans singer who's wracked with guilt at keeping their identity under wraps and hasn't come out to their heterosexual lover, so they want to break off things before they come out and taint their previous relationship.
In Love & Beast, the "source material" behind Forbidden Rain, Inogari (Adonis' character) is soft-spoken, protective, and kind. He saves the main police character in the very first scene. He's an ambassador and a respected enough member of society that he's part of the Sakurayama (Rei's character) social club. He uses "watashi," which is even more polite than Adonis' "ore." He literally faints at the sight of blood. He's the picture of innocence and goodness and all that society approves of. But in a Jekyll and Hyde-like twist, he ends up secretly being the killer Beast. In the end, the Beast is finally caught when Inogari realizes the truth and chains himself to a wall so he can be caught by the police in an act of sacrifice.
Inogari is the picture of propriety, but he keeps the Beast repressed, and eventually this Beast destroys him. Even if you try your best to act as part of proper society, you'll never really fit in.
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Silent Oath lyrics, translation by royalquintet on Fandom wiki.
Another note: Forbidden Rain has a lot of the same themes of self-sacrifice, repression, and pure, romantic love that Knights songs do. Knights, in game, is a much more traditional idol unit than UNDEAD is. Forbidden Rain thus attempts to align itself more closely with the socially acceptable Knights, but it's still an UNDEAD song at its core. The monster is inescapable.
Part 3: Mystic Fragrance and Trans Allegory
This thread by @/pretty5P on twitter (https://x.com/pretty5p/status/1625958198623539200?s=46&t=lm_x5Uw5f8pKXHUoLzYksw) is a really cool analysis on the perfume symbolism in the song and how it relates to Arashi's gender identity (go read it!!), but if you don’t want to give Elon Musk ad revenue, the gist of it is this: Odette is her "masculine" initial impression, the impression others have of her, and the impression that fades most quickly. Odile is her lasting "feminine" self and the true self that remains when the top notes fade away.
Over the course of the song, the singer (Odette/Odile) grows more and more tainted, going from a pure white dress to a multicolored rainbow dress to a pitch black dress. The final perfume note is desire, the desire to live as themselves, the desire to be with the person they love.
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Mystic Fragrance lyrics, translation by KYM2020 on Fandom wiki.
While the song does focus on a pure romantic love, just like Knight's songs, the symbolism of wanting to be Odile is far more similar to UNDEAD's monster. The idea of a "hidden desire" lying in wait beneath pure feelings is explored in almost every song, as is the symbolism of a dress that gets tainted by desire:
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Savage Love Affair lyrics, translation by Nina on Fandom wiki.
And just like UNDEAD songs, the "tainting" of the pure is never presented as a bad thing. Note the references to the moon in both -- it's only in the dead of night, in a midnight ballroom, that one can "spread their wings" and reveal their true self. The darkness, the space of monsters, is a safe space, and in the light of the truth-seeking moon the singer of Mystic Fragrance says that their audience is beautiful.
In the original Swan Lake ballet, Odette is a beautiful woman who falls in love with Prince Siegfried. She's cursed to transform into a swan in the daytime, a curse that can only be broken if someone who has never sworn their love to anyone swears their love to her (in other words, someone untainted). Unfortunately, the evil sorcerer who cursed her turns his daughter into Odile, the black swan who looks identical to Odette, and Siegfried mistakenly confesses his love to her. Knowing that the curse can never be broken, Odette throws herself into the lake rather than live the rest of her life as a swan, and Siegfried joins her.
Mystic Fragrance isn't tragic, however.
Part 4: Living your truth
The endings of Forbidden Rain and Mystic Fragrance are where they differ. Both of their source endings are tragic — Inogari is unable to control the Beast and shackles himself to a wall, waiting to be arrested. Odette and Siegfried leap into a lake and drown themselves, because the only way they can be together is in death. Forbidden Rain ends with the singer holding their loved one close to them one last time in the rain before they leave.
But Arashi rejects her source material because she chooses to embrace the monster. She becomes Odile. She decides to live her truth, and as the top notes and heart notes fade away, all that lingers is her true self. That's why Mystic Fragrance has a happy ending.
There's a lot of symbolism in the Mystic Fragrance music video with respect to the person who loved Arashi during the war era and who killed themselves. She spreads her arms like the wings of an angel and sings in front of a setpiece that looks like the cenotaph. Her outfit contains anemones, symbols of a lost love and grief (and, coincidentally, the flower that Adonis in greek myth turned into when he died). Her greatest regret was that that person couldn't love themselves the way Arashi now tries to love herself. In this way, Mystic Fragrance is like a message to that person -- live your truth.
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merakiui · 2 years
some thoughts about jade leech as a stalker.
(cw: yandere, nsfw, stalking, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, obsession, mentions of death/strangulation)
Jade does not love often. In fact, he has a rather small supply of love, which is reserved for his hobbies and family, so when he loves something other than those two things it can only mean trouble. When Floyd has something special and doesn’t share... Well, naturally Jade’s going to want it. He’s never been inherently greedy. Rather, he’s always let Floyd have everything: the larger half of a bluefin tuna, the shinier stone, the bigger seashells, the slice of cake with more frosting, his uniforms whenever Floyd’s were dirtied or damaged. And in return Floyd has, for the most part, shared his things with Jade. This has always been their normal. 
But this time Floyd makes no mention of sharing when it comes to you. In the past, when they were particularly interested in someone, they would share them. Or, in other words, torment that person in equal succession. Azul has been their prime target for years now, and it doesn’t look like either of them will stop their relentless pursuit in seeing how fast they can get Azul to grouse or groan or sigh. You might think they live to see Azul’s misery, but truthfully they want to accompany Azul as he carves misery into the hearts of the poor, unfortunate souls who thought it wise to do business with deep-sea beasts. Teasing him is just a bonus. 
When it comes to you, Floyd is his usual authentic self: blunt and honest to a fault, dangerously so. But that’s what makes his twin so fun. Floyd won’t sugarcoat the obvious. If he dislikes you, he’ll make it known. Jade, on the other hand, will speak syrupy sweet lies in an effort to maintain proper goodwill, even if he detests you. You’ve never really interested Jade, so he can’t say he hates you. But he can’t say he loves you either. To him, you are just a powerless human in a habitat that does not suit you. Really, even with all of the tricks and traps you pulled to beat Azul at his own game, you remained boring to him. He didn’t pay you much mind after everything had been resolved and you’d been free to return to Ramshackle. That should have been the end of his story with you. 
But then, some time later, you start to make frequent appearances at the lounge. It doesn’t take Jade long to learn that you only show up when Floyd’s on shift, and it also doesn’t take him long to theorize that you might have fallen for his brother’s unique charms. It’s sweet, in a way, how Floyd lights up when he sees you, how you smile a little more brightly when he speaks to you, how your laughter is so very buoyant when Floyd lifts you into the air and spins you happily. Jade’s content to watch from the sidelines, pleased to know that his brother has found a friend in you. That might make it easier to trick you into a contract.
He’s so set in this way of thinking, only viewing you as a pawn or a stepping stone towards some bigger end goal. But when Floyd brings you back to the dorm and you become more than a constant in Jade’s life, he starts to wonder what makes you so special. What is it about you that has his brother so enamored? What makes you irresistible? What parts of you are appealing? Jade thinks it might be how quick it is you submit when Floyd’s got you pinned into the mattress, face first, rough hands spreading your thighs apart, so he can sink into you more easily. Floyd likes that; he likes the weak things that crumble under him. He likes to push things to breaking. He likes to mark and bite and bloody and bruise and shred.
Jade likes to fix. He likes to mend, and then break, and then mend all over again. He likes the process, the psychological science behind a simple gesture, much like how he takes great pleasure in playing god over the plants in his terrariums. They say a budding serial killer starts small—with animals like rabbits or squirrels or cats. Jade starts with plants. He’ll put them in stressful environments—in soils with nutrients that don’t quite work—and he’ll watch them wilt, mottle, mold, and decay. He’ll watch them struggle to adapt, he’ll watch them yearn for water or sunlight, and only when he’s certain they’ve had enough he’ll give them proper, healthy care. It’s fun, the way he has so much control over something as dynamic as a plant. But plants cannot protest, cannot fight back, cannot act in the same way humans do. 
But it’s quite satisfying to pluck dried petals from a withered flower, almost like a morbid game of effeuiller la marguerite, and not hear a single scream.
So Jade is fully expecting Floyd to tire of you, to break you enough until boredom sinks its fangs into him and he moves on with his life. And what Floyd breaks Jade fixes, so he’s very ready to glue your heart together when Floyd shatters it. He’s ready to offer a handkerchief and his ear should you need to vent. He’s already prepared his speech: “I must apologize on behalf of Floyd. You know very well how he gets. If I can be of assistance in any way, please let me know.”
Unfortunately, you remain intact. Months pass, Floyd continues to love you, and your relationship unfolds like a lotus in early morning. Jade continues to observe. Floyd has never been one for privacy, so he’s seen every kiss, every bite, every inch of exposed skin. Hell, he’s sat at his desk and tallied Mostro Lounge’s monthly expenses while Floyd fucked you dumb on the other side of the room. He’s even made eye contact with you when you happened to gaze his way while his twin was buried balls-deep in that tight hole of yours. He wonders what goes on in that head of yours. Perhaps there’s nothing substantial within. Floyd’s scrambled your brains enough, so you could just be useless now. Though that wouldn’t be very fun, would it? He knows there’s more to you than you let on, especially when you play top and take every inch of Floyd, riding him so skillfully, and all Floyd can do is dig his fingers into your hips to guide you along to the rough, erratic pace the both of you have set. 
Jade watches fondly from the shadows. Floyd likes to have access to your neck and shoulders; he likes to take you from behind while leaning down to bite into soft flesh. But Jade thinks it would be much nicer to gaze upon your face, to kiss salt from your eyes, to pepper your jawline with tiny pecks, all while peering into eyes that house a beautiful soul. He thinks it would be nice to hold you down, have your legs wrapped around his waist or thrown up onto his shoulders, while he bottoms out. If it were Jade, he’d take you in every position, but he’d find the most pleasure in eye contact. There’s something intimate about it, much like how there’s intimacy in the hands that wrap around a throat. You have to be close to someone when you’re restricting their airflow; you have to squeeze until veins pop, until your hands are sore, until your fingernails have burrowed so deeply into skin that the crescent moons color crimson. It takes minutes to strangle someone, and every minute is spent staring into the wide, terrified eyes of a desperate soul on the verge of death.
Jade likes the way you smell, the way you speak, the way you laugh, the way you are, in every meaning of the word, so very filled with life. Even down to the way you breathe and gasp and moan and cry, you are life itself. Jade wants to bottle that for himself—pluck you from Floyd’s flower pot and place you in a terrarium with the most potent elements just to see how long you’d fare. He wants to save you from those same conditions, sandwich your face between gloved hands when he’s kneeled to your lowered height, and whisper about how it’s okay, about how you’re safe, about how he’d never truly hurt you. Jade knows that loving someone is a very special thing, but the way he loves you is not quite pleasant. The love he has for his hobbies and family is natural. Normal. Simplistic and familial. 
The love he has for you is murderous and frightening. Some days he looks at you like you’re prey he’s not yet devoured. Like you’re to be his first victim. 
Jade starts small. He takes tiny trinkets—a keychain, a pencil, an accessory. He stores these in a shoe box under his bed. When Floyd brings you over and clothes are cast aside, he swipes your undergarments for himself. He won’t wash them until he absolutely must. He’ll have the soft fabric wrapped around his dick later that same evening when Floyd’s fallen asleep and he’s up late contemplating love and lust and life and death, and he’ll cum to the thought of you. Sweet, adorable, oblivious you. 
He’s what one would call a persistence predator—a hunter who gradually wears his prey down over time. He takes from you, watches you, listens to you fret about missing things to Floyd, who promises to find the bastard who’s messing with you and squeeze them until they’re blue and purple. Jade smiles at that. Floyd wouldn’t really do that to him. Sure, they’ve hit each other when they’ve fought and roughhoused on occasion, but the punches were never truly meant. Sure, they might have been thrown playfully or angrily, but they were all temporary bouts of strength. Floyd wouldn’t truly hurt him, so to hear these determined promises and to see how you relax around him... It’s really cute. Jade wonders how much more he can take from you. 
And he wonders how much more you can take before you’re splintering. 
Really, you got lucky that Floyd picked you first. He’s far more merciful. Far more sweeter. Far more loving. At least Floyd is honest with his (at times) rough nature. At least he makes it known that he wants to bite you until you’re bleeding. But Floyd can’t stand whining. He hates it when people cry about things he can’t bother to care about, and lately you’ve been whining about this stalker you think you have for weeks now. Floyd’s told you you’re just being a scared shrimpy—that there is no stalker, that you’re probably just misplacing or losing these items, that none of them really matter because they’re replaceable. 
Jade gets lucky when Floyd finally washes his hands of you, officially fed up with your whining. And what Floyd damages Jade fixes. So when you’re in tears, distraught over the break-up and your missing items and your stalker and the fact that the door to Ramshackle was left unlocked again and that you feel like someone’s living in your shadow, Jade arrives to rescue you from your fear. You don’t even hesitate to cling to him and cry, spilling your worries in waterfalls. Perhaps it’s because he’s a familiar face. He is a reflection of Floyd, after all. 
“Oh dear,” he’ll whisper, stroking your back, allowing you to bury your face in his chest and sob. “There, there.”
You can’t see his expression, but there is a smile spreading on his lips. And his eyes are alight with cruel glee. 
“Would it make you feel better if someone accompanied you to your classes?” Your feeble nod is all he needs. “In that case, shall I spend a few days at Ramshackle with you? I’m certain whoever’s pursuing you won’t get very far if I’m around.”
And he’s right. Your stalker never takes anything again. They never leave the front door unlocked. They never trail behind you, taking shelter in your shadow. That’s because he’s your stalker, though you never managed to figure that out, and this time he doesn’t have to dwell in shadows or on the sidelines. This time he can stand before you as a friend, a soon-to-be lover, and perhaps a lifelong mate. 
Jade does not love often, but when he does it is as beautifully painful as tearing the wings from butterflies. 
#meraki mumbles#yandere twst#n/sfw#i think my favorite thing about writing yandere jade is how brutal and remorseless he can be#it's probably because he grew up in the harsh environment of the sea#which would naturally harden anyone and make them more predatory than a prey#it's probably also why he (and floyd and azul) see nothing wrong with murder#yes it's morally wrong and very much illegal#but in the ocean it's eat or be eaten and really do you think jade is going to let some other predator snap his darling up? :)#challenge: write one yan jade thought without it spiraling into a thought about his murderous rizz#challenge failed </3 he is a walking danger you cannot tell me he wouldn't think of the most horrifying things when it comes to darling#more jade thoughts!!! consider an artist (painter/sculpter/etc) jade who is absolutely obsessed with you (the nude model from his art class)#because you're the one who has finally inspired him and broken his months-long artist's block#and also because he'd like to paint you in the most vicious red#or jade who has broken into your home and is living there in secret without you knowing#sometimes he sleeps under your bed just to hear your steady breaths#he never rearranges anything in your house but he does do the dishes or clean up messes you've made#you can never remember if or when you cleaned these things but you never think much of it#jade stands at your bedside when you sleep at night and he watches you#you'll happen to wake and you'll spot him but by the time you've scrambled to wake up and turn the lights on he'll already be gone#so you're left to wonder if he was ever there in the first place or if you were still dreaming#he is the terror that you will never see until it's too late
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edwinspaynes · 29 days
Hi! How do you think the TLH characters/couples spend the Christmas holidays? Especially in the future when they have families
Oh this is so cute! I've honestly always thought that the group would all go to the Institute Christmas Party together on Christmas Eve. But then they would spend time with their significant others (and the children they had together when appilcable) on Christmas Day.
So, we'll go with Christmas Day!
James and Cordelia spend the entire evening reading Dickens's Christmas stories together. They take turns reading and do all the voices, and when their three children arrive into the world, they do it with them, too. I also think they exchange romantic gifts with each other and decorate the house for the holidays, have a Christmas tree with their kids (Two girls and one, the youngest, a boy). They make ornaments together and put them onto their tree.
Thomas and Alastair will probably go off on a holiday somewhere. No kids. I think that later in their life they enjoy Portaling to NYC and ice skating together in the Rockefeller Center (they're glamoured, no lines.) But the Rockefeller Center didn't exist until they were in their late 40s, so until then? I think they do lots of fun things. I think they have a gingerbread house and Thomas dabs icing on Alastair's nose so he gets all grumpy about it. I also think they get a tree and Thomas's half always looks so lopsided and Alastair's is so aesthetically pleasing.
Matthew spends the holidays with his partner, probably Sylvain, in a way that is authentic to them as a couple. Imo, no kids. I will get back to you in the fall if you remind me, after A Sea Change!
Ari and Anna go to little Christmas festivals with their 2 daughters. I think that Anna still enjoys groups of people, and this is an exciting way to make merry. I think that Matthew and probably-Sylvain like to join in, but they do not do so every year.
In a nice little AU where Kit lived, Grace and Christopher enjoy baking Christmas goods and giving them to their loved ones. Baking is chemistry, after all, and they want to spread happiness! They also just like to snuggle up and drink cocoa.
BTW. Shameless self-promo, but if you want to know what I think Christmas parties amongst themselves might look like, you can read this (primarily Thomastair, but also featuring Matthew, Herondaisy, Grace, and Arianna):
And its spicy Thomastair carriage-fuck spinoff (NSFW):
Here's an unrelated-to-the-above collection of flash fiction oneshots about various TSC ships and friendships:
And an unrelated Herondaisy-shopping-for-gifts oneshot:
AND another short Thomastair drabble of them skating at the Rockefeller Center as middle aged men:
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lynnuvo · 7 months
A Love Stuffed in Bánh Bao
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It's not often you see Vietnamese representation in fanfiction, so why not offer you a taste?
Pairing: (Y/N) x VietBoyfriend
Not every Vietnamese person will have the same experiences, but a majority will share them. This applies to your boyfriend, who moved to your country in his elementary school days. You both met as colleagues on his first day working at the same restaurant you do. You two became friends, and shortly after you left your job to work at another, your interactions became more than strictly professional. It took some work and a few misunderstandings, but you both eventually started your romantic journey together. Congratulations!
Meeting the Parents Headcannons
it will take some time for him to introduce you to his family. it's not that he wants to hide you; he just doesn't want the gossip of his family to be about a potential ex, so he makes sure he can 100% reasonably see you two remaining together for years to come
nearly an automatic approval if you're Asian (even more so Vietnamese as well); his parents harbor beliefs integrated from their own youth, so approval will be much tougher if you're any other race
no matter race though, the best thing to do is show respect and wow his parents with your successes. your boyfriend will boast about them for you any chance he gets for his parents to like you
if they invite you to events, go whenever you can. compliment their cooking. bring them occasional presents (they'll decline at first but insist; they're curious about you)
do your best not to show more PDA than a small hug, especially if you haven't established yourself in the family yet. it can be uncomfortable
if you manage to win their approval, expect teasing from his mother and jokes from his father. they can't believe he finally got a girlfriend after so long
Affection Headcannons
physical affection levels differ for everyone. in his case, he likes physical touch whenever he can.
begs to cook at your house. if the saying is true that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, then it must not be that different for women
lives for words of affirmation. tell him you're proud of him, reassure him you'll be there even when times get tough, and please don't make him worried you'll go after his friends
if you fell for a gamer, get ready for the Asian gamer stereotype comments. unlike them though, your boyfriends knows when it's time to turn off his tech and turn to you without a word! and no, he's not flirting with girls in his matches. his sole interactions are gameplay strats and to tell them to be quiet
he might ruin your sleep schedule if you're one to wake early & sleep early. you didn't think years of studying like his life depended on it was without sacrifices, did you? you might have to convince him to sleep with you
Friend Group Headcannons
his friend group is full of handsome guys and gorgeous girls. in fact, he gets along so well with others, you can't tell who he considers his close friends until he either tells you or you observe interactions closely as time passes
please do not compare yourself to the other girls. you're gorgeous as you are. if he finds out, he'll spend more time solely with you until he's 100% sure you're not doing it anymore (or as much)
his close friends welcome you with open arms into the group. they're happy to have a +1 and a partner for their companion
word gets around about you fast. people are curious, and now you have new followers on social media and more people approaching you to talk. I guess you snatched a popular man
you're invited as his plus one to a majority of the events he goes to now
Culture-Related Headcannons
encourages you to match áo dài during Lunar New Year
brings about his lì xì money to you
takes you out to authentic Vietnamese restaurants and tries out those of your culture if you're not also Vietnamese
teaches you Vietnamese curse words because the basics
fights you to pay the bill; he wins most of the time
exhausted from drinking boba with his friends all the time. it's good but there's only so much he can take. please, anything else. but if you really want it, he'll be happy to drink on a date
no shoes in his house other than the mudroom--a relatively basic but important part of his boundaries. if you don't disrespect this, he'll reconsider whether it's worth dating you.
you opened the dishwasher one time and empty plastic bags fell out. a bunch of newspapers were stashed in the very back. you asked him about the latter and he replied, "Those? We never read them. We use them for anything else, though."
expect study dates to be a thing. now his academic successes are not only to make his parents' efforts worth it but also to provide you a lavish life. if his grades start to flunk more than he expected, he'll warn you about his attention moving from you to his studies for a short while. you can stay on call if you'd like; just don't distract him please
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kyouka-supremacy · 8 months
so, kyotag, your super honest opinion about bsd characters please (aka, who is your fave and who is your least fave. i promise, i am not trying to get you 'cancelled', i am just curious!) 🎤
Ever since I've gotten this ask I've been trembling, I don't think I can ever give bsd honest opinions for the sake of my own future mental sanity LMAO. The upside is, I can talk plenty of the characters I like!!
My favourite character is Kenji! For real, ahah. I'm just always drawn to characters that are just... Good. little guys only trying to do their best and be kind. I suppose there's also a factor of “that's who I want to be” that makes me like them in particular. I don't like the direction they went for Kenji's character in chapter 100.5, but really? I wasn't particularly let down by it either, like it's so fundamentally coherent with the worldview bsd expresses, if anything it was chapter 13 that was out of the scheme. I'm a professional canon ignorer at this point and I'll keep doing just that ahah.
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↑ Saw this scene for the first time in the anime, went “Slay! Communist king!”, and he's been my favourite ever since lol.
Although, if we count in Beast, then my favourite character overall must be Beast Atsushi. I mean, have you seen him... Most fucked up guy ever. He went through unimaginable trauma and he still kept being so soft at his core. He just wants to live but everyone is making it so hard for him. He cares for Kyouka so much and he cares for Dazai so much and (to me) he cares for Akutagawa so much like little traumatized boy how did you manage to save all that love in you despite the Horrors. I can't put in words how much I love him but really he's the only character I can say I really sympathize with, like, I want good things to happen to him. I want him to spend the rest of his life coddled and adored.
I love all the female characters <3 I ADORE Kyouka, I think among the other female characters she's the most multilayered and complex character with a structured and compelling story arc. I think she's seriously nice, I really love this stark contrast between her sharp, cynical side and her side that is so sweet and kind and so utterly 14 y/o, and I love how these two sides aren't really in conflict but just come to be together and make her so authentically Kyouka. She's so dear to me. Also, she's the only female character who can compete with the s.kk / ss.kk four for the role of main character, so like, I'm rooting for her ahah.
I adore Yosano for self-explanatory reasons lmao. The chapters of her backstory may not be my absolute favourites for a mere matter of personal taste but I definitely think they make for the best written chapters in the whole manga. I really like how sensitive she is of others' suffering, I think she's amazing– I think her compassion is truly amazing. I want to read more stories of unapologetically compassionate characters. I also generally really really love “older sister” kind of characters!!
I love Kouyou with all I've got. I'm sorry, I genuinely think her story was this good on mistake, but still. I think her backstory makes her genuinely intriguing, I think she's extremely cool and powerful and a joy to see in action, I think toxic mother / daughter relationships are super fun to explore, I think she deserves so much more spotlight and should be back as soon as possible.
I love Mitchell lmao. Like I know it may not look like it but I truly think about her 24/7. I just love women that are kinda silly and over the top. She's got like four lines and every single one is a gem and I adore all of them. She's got those big evident flaws and they make her so human and likeable!!! She's my best friend. Not to mention how loyal she is and how much she cares about her family, I really like those traits of her. Oh, and gowns! I love love love gowns.
Okay but seriously I love all female characters. I didn't like Lucy in particular at the start but she's really grown on me and now I adore her with everything. Wells is spectacular and I need her back as soon as possible. Every woman I didn't mention, from Higuchi to Egawa, believe me I love with all my heart.
I went off a tangent I'm so sorry </3 I know you asked for one character, but how can I not mention the others??? It's just been so long for me in the fandom now and I just can't but grow attached. And I've got so much untapped love for women I never get to talk about on my silly blog that focuses on two men. Following up the list, would be Akutagawa. And I don't want to talk about him because I suppose there's no need to after having made one trillion posts about him but also can I just say? I like him for the same exact reasons I like Kenji. She's just a guy trying to be good. The difference is that he sucks so bad at it, and it makes him SO fun to explore as a character. I really have so much fun playing with him. Then would be Tachihara, Jouno...
... ........................ For the characters I like least, I suppose, R/anpo. I'm so sorry peoples. In R/anpo's case, it's just... Why do you have to be so mean and disrespectful all the time. Seriously, dude. Why is he always treating others as less than he is. I'm sorry, I really am, but I just can't help but find it displeasant? Like it takes zero energy to treat other people with common human decency, c'mon dude. At least Akutagawa is trying to do better, but everyone treats R/anpo like he's entitled to be a jerk? Idk man.
K/unikida. In his case, I Do Get why he's the way that he is (and genuinely can relate to him to an extent), it's just... For the way I am, I consider to try and forcibly impose your own ideals on other people to be about the most insulting thing you can do. And he does that a lot, with Atsushi and Dazai and everyone else. He also has this whole forced lack of empathy thing going on like... I get why he does that, and I get what he went through that made him like he is, but that doesn't change the fact you're kinda being a dick to everyone all the time dude. Please get some therapy.
That doesn't mean there aren't moments when I've genuinely liked them both and found them seriously cool!!!! I still think K/unikida is an interesting character and I genuinely get why people like him. I love the helicopter scene, I remember when I was reading the manga for the first time, when he said “no one ruins my schedule”, I was like, whaa, I was completely in awe. For R/anpo too, the Untold Origins arc from what I could see from the anime was really nice, and I also highly enjoy that one scene of his in chapter 81, the “To tell the truth, I had absolutely no assurance they'd believe me”.
Thank you for the ask Nyusa!! I hope you could find this at least a little bit interesting (?). If anything, now you know a little more about me, ahah. Also not talking about Dazai this time because really I can't be here the whole day.
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danses-with-dogmeat · 2 years
Congrats on 1.5k! Could I get nightstalker 🐍🐕 for elder maxson please? Last name. :)
Thank you! And yes, absolutely!
I hope you enjoy :)
Some NSFW below the line!
M) Marriage. Do they want to get married? How long do they have to be in the relationship beforehand? What would the marriage be like?
Arthur absolutely wants to get married. That was always his intent with any of his conquests of a more romantic nature, but with you... He finally has a reason to really want to get married. It would be becoming of him, as Elder, to be married, rather than having casual, unprofessional relationships, and that's always what it was. It was, like so many things, expected of him. But it doesn't take him too long to realize that it's something he truly wants.
Maxson is young, so a year seems like a long time, even if it really isn't. A year in is when he starts thinking about proposing, and he really hopes for your relationship to remain relatively unchanged. You're already facing the Brotherhood's problems as a team, and tackling your lives together, as a unit, and he would only want that feeling of closeness to be more prevalent after your official union. However... He does want to take the new opportunity, of your legally recognized relationship, to start a family. Partly because that too is his duty, but also, because he truly does want it.
A) Attention. How much attention do they want in the relationship?
Maxson is... unused to not being the center of attention. It's an occupational hazard, of sorts, so despite what impression he may want to give off, he likes to be on the receiving end of the attentions in the relationship. Mostly in private, of course. On the outside, he wants your relationship to appear very practical and effective, but not overly affectionate or excessive. Inside the comfort of his own quarters though? Arthur actually tends to be quite dependent. He's had so few close, meaningful relationships in his life that have had any semblance of affection. Mostly, he's been lectured at or reprimanded all his life, so having you now? Someone who supports him, who lets him be authentic and vulnerable? It takes a lot of getting used to, and you'll have to be patient to see him really open up, but Arthur comes to rely on your closeness to him, your attention, and your care for his well-being.
X) Explicit. An NSFW headcannon.
Remember how "starting a family" is on Maxson's list of duties? And his list of personal wants? Well, turns out that translates pretty well into his bedroom activities.
If his partner is female, Maxson has one hell of a breeding kink that could damn near get him in trouble before the two of you are married. He can't help but harbor a need to carry on his family's legacy, but more than that... The thought of being tied with someone in this way, of having something this significant come from him, and be only his? (well, and yours, but...) Everything in his life that he's had to be proud of seems like it's not really his. He's just living in the shadow of his father's name. He's doing what's expected of him, and nothing is solely his, but rather, his family's and the Brotherhood's. And maybe his child would hold those ties as well, but they also wouldn't exist without him, and ultimately, it was his choice to bring them into the world.
Even with a male partner, Maxson craves this closeness, this feeling of possessiveness that comes with something so intimate as finishing inside you. So this added feeling that comes with it, like he's marked you as his, that comes into play as well, no matter the gender of his partner.
S) Sad. How do they cheer their s/o up when they are feeling down? How do they like to be cheered up?
It takes Arthur longer than he would like to actually notice when something's off with you, he just has so many things on his mind all at once, but when he does, he drops what he's doing to help. Though, he's not sure he's the best to come to. He may suggest speaking to Knight-Captain Cade, or another counselor to talk through your problems, but if it's him you want to comfort you... He'll do what he can. He's not the best listener in the world, but he'll try if you want to talk it out; mostly though, Arthur will give you some words of encouragement and simply stick by your side until you're feeling better.
As for himself, Maxson hides his sad feelings like they're something he should be ashamed of, and would rather deal with them on his own. If you do happen to catch him on one of his bad days though, odds are he's been drinking or sleep-deprived for awhile now, so though he won't say it (and he may even fight it a bit), he'll need you to take care of him. Make sure he's taking care of himself, drinking water, make sure he's clean, and then stay with him as you try to get him to take some much needed time to rest.
O) Open. How long does it take for them to open up to their s/o?
It takes, at the very least, months. Many closely guarded feelings or memories may not come out for years, even. But Maxson is... He's not used to speaking about himself on a personal level, unless he's in a professional, therapeutic session, but he's actually quite desperate to share himself with someone else. The Brotherhood Elder is more used to bottling up his feelings, or shoving them away where they can only reach him when he's alone and intoxicated, so the thought of sharing them... It's so foreign to him to consider doing, but when he becomes comfortable with you, these thoughts and feelings come out unbidden. He's so utterly desperate to be relieved of them, to be comforted by someone who actually cares about him as more than just the Brotherhood Elder, that they end up slipping out more and more often a few months into the relationship.
N) Nickname. What are the nicknames they have for their s/o? Do they like when their s/o uses nicknames?
Unfortunately, nicknames are mostly just awkward for the Elder. He's so used to referring to everyone by either their last name, or their rank. He's been doing that since before he can remember, so... the most intimate he tends to get is referring to you by your first name. He still uses your rank as well, mostly in public or... in the bedroom when he's in a certain authoritative sort of mood. The same goes for your last name, and when you do end up getting married he revels in calling you Mr./Mrs. Maxson. It's one of his favorite things. Otherwise, the most tender that his pet names tend to be is calling you babe or, very rarely, love.
As for himself, when you're in private, he doesn't mind you using pet names, so long as they're not too fluffy ('honey' is pushing it for him, even.) But he also can't help but feel warmth in his chest when you call him Arthur. (Calling him Art or Artie will make him blush, and you can never get him to admit it, but he actually doesn't mind the nicknames.) And again, when he's in a certain mood, nothing quite strokes his ego like you calling him Elder in the most intimate of settings.
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blueve1vet · 21 days
My heart breaks when I come across a page like yours with an owner the age you are because I see myself a decade ago. I would genuinely give my life to stop young me from going down the road I did and it all began with a small ed account similar to yours. I was thirteen then, completely sure this would be something I’d do for a few months and then be done with it. I’m now twenty one. I’m relapsing again. It has never stopped for one second. The voice is always there. There hasn’t been a moment since I created that first account where I have had a healthy thought about food or my body. Over the years, my view of myself has become so distorted that I don’t trust the mirror. I look at myself and am always unsure if I actually look like that. Or if I’m fatter or skinnier. I haven’t worn tank tops or anything with spaghetti straps since I was thirteen. If I wear leggings, I have to wear shirts long enough to cover my thighs. I delete photos from my family’s photo album because I hate how I look. This disorder stemmed from a traumatic incident, but as time as passed and I’ve gotten therapy, I’ve gotten over it, but this disorder lingers on. It sticks on you and takes a mind of its own. I plan my outfits for fancy events weeks in advance. I hate my family’s tradition of taking pajama photos in Christmas because I think I look fat in pajamas. I hate how I dress. I wish I could dress how I want, but I hate myself so much in it that I settle for boring shit. It holds me back from being healthy, authentic, and free. When I first created my account, I too get messages from older people saying the same thing I’m telling you now. And I also ignored them. I didn’t care and thought I wouldn’t let it get “that bad.” But, spoiler alert, just THINKING about starving yourself is “that bad.” My heart aches as I know you are starting a vicious cycle that will steal so much happiness. I wish I listened when I was thirteen. My only regret in my entire life is this disorder. The only thing I wish I could change. It is impossible for me to convey how much it isn’t worth it. You’re young. Delete this account and reach out ASAP. You’re doing this for a deeper reason than just weight loss (probably control). You have time before you’re doomed like me. Because that’s what I am. Doomed. This will always haunt me. I know I’m lucky if you even consider what I’m saying right now and I understand if you respond with a little “thanks but I’m too fat anyway xoxo.” I know you because you are me in the same exact path I was. I look on your account and it’s word for word, post for post, picture for picture of what I did. You don’t realize how much of a kid you still are and it just is heartbreaking watching you suffer. Knowing first hand the pain you’re enduring. There is a way out, but I can’t force you to take it. I can tell you life will be way easier if you get out now, or you can learn the hard way. It’s up to you. But regardless, I am sending all of my love to you. You deserve so much more and I am so sorry for whatever brought you to this state. Please stay safe and please hang in there. You will see this through and it will get better. Keep living❤️
hi! i really appreciate your ask and everything you’ve gone through truly breaks my heart for you too. we actually have a pretty similar story. my €ds started when i was 11-12 ish so 3/4 years of this bs!! although i know you mean the best with this, it is not currently the right time for myself to consider recov, i just can’t do it in right now and i can’t get better unless i truly want to, yk?
so i just want to say i appreciate you for this and think you’re an angel for trying to prevent others, and truly wish you the best to someday & that you can get your life back and recover because i know you can do this because you deserve it !
(don’t be afraid to message <3)
keep living to u too and don’t give up ❤️
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medali-meltdown · 11 months
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✨Hassel headcanons✨ (the man has a vice grip on my brain right now in November 2023 so let's do this)
-Mid-40s and somehow not a grey hair in sight. Dye? Youthful genes? Life's mysteries.
-Sprinkles his speech with German words, childhood habit that's too hard to break now. Freely calls his beloved liebling (Brassie melts every time 🥺)
-Ridiculously talented at anything he creates, not limited to just music and art. Composes lovely poetry since he's naturally musically inclined and in touch with his feelings. Fantastic cook since he can pour his whole heart into it. Frequently makes lavish meals to share with Brassius (who lives like a trash goblin, that's a headcanon post for another time :3c)
-Spent a great deal of his adult life trying to compromise his family's standards and expectations with his own interests, and was very repressed because of it. Maintained an air of proper decorum as befitting a teacher worthy of respect. Once he hit 40 he threw all this out the window, as it was making him chronically miserable, and vowed to live authentically from now on (he's much happier for it, he is cringe but he is free).
-But still, because old habits die hard, he speaks (and writes) very eloquently and educated. At first glance you think he's the refined type. This assumption flies out the window the moment he experiences An Emotion.
-Speaking of repressed, he's not been with many partners at all. It probably took him a long time to come to terms with his sexuality. Now that he does things in earnest he tends to growl like a dragon in bed. And claw. Proper gentleman in the streets, feral fire-breather in the sheets (it drives Brassie absolutely wild 👀💦💦)
-Will hop on dragonback and fly to a friend's aid over the slightest thing. If Saguaro mentions in the group chat that he's out of sugar, you can bet Hassel will arrive posthaste with two bags of sugar because Arceus forbid his fellow teacher and good friend go without his sweets!!
-This is doubly true for Brassius's sake. If Hassel gets any hint that his Brassie is sick, sad, or just having an off day, he will be there. In a heartbeat. Looking extremely intense or almost angry at the doorstep, but he's really just determined to make his closest friend in the world feel better. "What do you need? >:|" "Um... I'll be fine, Hass, don't trouble yourself—" "Tell me what I must do for you, dear Brassie. [takes hands]"
-I haven't decided yet if Hass & Brassie have known each other for decades since attending school, or more recently due to the Paldea League. Certainly they've been friends for at least a few years, based on Brassie's story. And I love the fanart of them interacting as students... long haired Brassie... in love with his muse for literal years...... 🥺 (please let me know if anything in the game confirms this)
-Hassel has met Iris and dotes on her. Fellow dragon princess. He is her cool and silly surrogate uncle 💜
-Stolen from Reddit just now, losing my mind: "Also hassaku appears hard due to its thick skin, and it feels a little bitter at first, but once bitten into it's very sweet… I love the meaning behind his name." hhhhhhh I'm so normal rn
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