#llewyn winston
cardboardfeet · 8 months
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nevertrulyset · 5 years
I was tagged by @ceebee-eebee to list 10 favorite characters from 10 different things, and it's gonna be difficult, but here I go!
1) Mina Murray Harker - Dracula (book version)
2) Guinan - Star Trek: TNG (I guess I should try to avoid other Star Trek things at this point, because that could be cheating)
3) Atticus Finch - To Kill a Mockingbird
4) Llewyn Davis - Inside Llewyn Davis
5) Todd Chavez - BoJack Horseman
6) Jules Winnfield - Pulp Fiction
7) Remy LeBeau (Gambit) - Marvel Comics
8) John Stewart (Green Lantern) - DC Comics
9) Winston Bishop - New Girl
10) Shelly Johnson - Twin Peaks
I hereby tag @asordidmyth , @ratsintherosebush , @loveisreligionlostintranslation , @wyllowwysp , and everyone else.
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The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018) was photographed by Bruno Delbonnel.  Bruno was born in Nancy, France, and has 26 cinematography credits, from a 1984 short, his first feature in 1993, his first English language feature in 2001, to a film now in post-production.   His other notable credits include Amelie, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Inside Llewyn Davis (also with the Coen Brothers), and Darkest Hour with Gary Oldman as Winston Churchill.  Bruno has five Oscar nominations without a win.  His entries among my best 1,001 movies are The Cat’s Meow, Infamous, and Big Eyes.
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rollingstonemag · 6 years
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Un nouvel article a été publié sur https://www.rollingstone.fr/mumford-and-sons-appel-mainstream/
Mumford & Sons, l'appel du mainstream
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Avec Delta, son nouvel album, l’ancien groupe folk Mumford & Sons consolide sa carrière et s’impose désormais comme un poids lourd à la U2. Au prix de compromis discutables…
Bienvenue au musée de la langue de bois, des phrases publicitaires et des formules marketing : “innovation”, “changement radical”, “nouveau”, “excitant”. Marcus Mumford, chanteur, batteur et prête-nom de Mumford & Sons, dispense ce genre de lieux communs avec une conviction irritante. “Actuellement, nous sommes au mieux de notre forme, on sent qu’on est en train d’atteindre notre zénith de créativité”, dit-il au sujet de Delta, le dernier album du groupe. Et d’ajouter rapidement : “Ce qui ne veut pas dire que nous sommes le meilleur groupe du monde.”
La machine médiatique, lancée il y a quelques mois, est comparable à celle des grandes multinationales telles que U2 ou Coldplay. Règle n° 1, histoire de combler le temps entre la fin de la production de l’album et sa sortie : plus on doute de la qualité de l’œuvre, plus on doit s’étendre en anecdotes. Outre l’évaluation de sa propre performance (“zénith créatif”), pourquoi ne pas évoquer des absurdités, comme la “technique” de mixage du producteur Paul Epworth ? Une moitié de sa console de studio aurait servi à enregistrer The Dark Side of the Moon et l’autre moitié, Some Girls – comme si l’écho de ces monuments allait ressurgir sur Delta ! Autre exemple, la fierté de Mumford quand il raconte comment ils ont trituré le son d’un banjo au point que celui-ci n’était plus reconnaissable. “On s’est demandé pourquoi ne pas nous dépasser en essayant d’intégrer le banjo comme instrument principal, de manière à ce qu’il sonne comme personne ne l’a jamais entendu !” s’enthousiasme-t-il encore.
En 2015, Mumford & Sons avait déjà délaissé le banjo qui avait dominé les deux premiers albums. Wilder Mind marquait le passage au rock, façon stade. Mais, dans le genre perfecto et guitares électriques sur fond de clichés seventies, les Kings of Leon avaient déjà placé la barre très haut. Malgré de bonnes ventes, l’album est vite tombé dans l’oubli. Cependant, pour Mumford, Wilder Mind était une étape nécessaire : “On s’était rendu compte qu’à partir de là, on pouvait aller où on voulait.”
Sigh No More, qui signait leurs débuts en 2009, sonnait pourtant comme un revival du folk fait main. Mais l’invraisemblable popularité dont Mumford & Sons a joui ensuite a débouché directement sur un Babel (2012) empreint d’un pathos hymnique qui n’était plus qu’attitude. Cris emphatiques, brouhaha de mélodies et de stomps accompagnés de fingerpickings ahurissants… Le charme d’un morceau comme “I Will Wait” ne pouvait pas être reproduit à l’infini. “Nous avons craint d’y rester coincés, explique Mumford. Après deux albums acoustiques, il aurait été contre-nature de continuer ainsi. S’entourer d’un tel corset stylistique ne correspondait plus à nos goûts, qui sont bien plus larges.”
Mumford & Sons avait fait la connaissance d’Epworth bien avant Wilder Mind, mais l’emploi du temps du réalisateur était déjà rempli par des clients célèbres, comme U2, Coldplay ou Adele. “On lui avait envoyé un tas de démos. Elles étaient assez mauvaises, c’est surprenant qu’il ait accepté ! se souvient Mumford, ironique. Aujourd’hui, ils seraient les meilleurs amis du monde, et les souvenirs des séances aux studios Church d’Epworth, dans le nord de Londres, ne sont qu’éloge : “Je pourrais en parler pendant des jours. Travailler avec lui a été l’une des meilleures expériences que j’aie jamais vécues. Il est devenu un frère pour nous.” Dans son église reconvertie en studio, frère Epworth aurait par ailleurs été assez exigeant avec le groupe. Niveau silence, d’abord, car il n’y a aucune séparation entre la régie et les musiciens. Puis une charge de travail qui a fait impression. “Il ne semble jamais à court d’énergie créative. Il était déjà sur place quand on arrivait le matin et il y restait encore après notre départ.”
Règle n° 2 pour satisfaire aux exigences de la promo : parler d’“expérimentations musicales” en pratiquant un name dropping bien dosé et ciblé. Moins une influence semble probable, mieux c’est. Ainsi, pendant les séances, ils auraient écouté Kanye West, Talk Talk et Charles Mingus. “Toutes ces préférences qu’on doit faire cohabiter, ce n’est pas toujours simple. Ted, par exemple, aime le reggae, moi pas vraiment”, dit Mumford en évoquant ses dissensions avec le bassiste Ted Dwane.
En effet, Delta offre les mêmes petites fusions stylistiques – un groove EDM par-ci, une texture hip-hop par là – qui font la farce de n’importe quelle production désireuse de compter ne serait-ce qu’un minimum dans le segment du mainstream. Et, pour y parvenir, Epworth a réussi à éliminer jusqu’à la dernière petite once de charme indie qui restait aux quatre Londoniens. Et voilà un Delta “pile poil” au format des standards de la mondialisation radiophonique : des missiles bombastiques de pseudo-émotions qui ratent le cœur mais pulvérisent l’esprit. Fétichisme technologique sans faille, surcharge d’effets “wembleyesques”, orgies de réverb’ de guitare et d’orchestrations épiques hollywoodiennes. Mais le succès leur donne raison…
Au moins, on ne pourra pas reprocher à Mumford & Sons d’être retourné en terrain connu après l’“expérimentation” électrique de Wilder Mind, car Delta n’est en rien un retour au folk plutôt dépouillé de leurs deux premiers albums. Au contraire, ils ont saisi l’occasion de consolider davantage leur carrière et sont à présent l’un des rares groupes ayant connu le succès avec de la musique faite main. On ne saura probablement jamais si les compromis qualitatifs pour rester dans l’air du temps ont été volontaires ou seulement dus au veto de leur management puisque, à partir d’un certain niveau de succès, tout comme les grandes marques ou les gouvernements, les artistes maintiennent une façade politiquement correcte à toute épreuve. Malgré tout, Marcus Mumford, Marshall Winston, Ben Lovett et Ted Dwane donnent l’impression d’avoir gardé un peu d’authenticité personnelle, du moins dans leurs textes. Parce qu’il s’en est passé, des choses, dans leurs vies de tout juste trentenaires. Au moins l’un des four big D’s (death, drugs, depression, divorce) aurait affecté chacun d’entre eux, selon le clavier Lovett. Directement ou par le biais d’autres personnes plus ou moins proches ? La réponse reste pudiquement discrète. Juste cette allusion de Mumford : “En trois ou quatre ans, dans la vie d’un adulte, on peut vivre un tas de merdes.”
Beaucoup de ces expériences auraient donc trouvé leur chemin jusque dans les textes. Par exemple, le mariage heureux de Mumford avec l’actrice Carey Mulligan, qu’il a épousée peu après leur collaboration pour le film Inside Llewyn Davis, des frères Coen – deux enfants pour le moment. Ou bien sa participation au tribute pour Dylan, Lost On the River: The New Basement Tapes. Ou encore son engagement caritatif pour les survivants de la tour Grenfell de Londres, dévastée par le feu le 14 juin 2017. Mumford a même pu visiter un camp de réfugiés près de Mossoul, en Irak. En espérant pouvoir aider les gens, ne serait-ce qu’en les écoutant. “Il y a des histoires qui doivent être écoutées. Cela me pose un problème que tant de gens ne soient pas entendus de nos jours…”
Certes. En revanche, quand on lit que Mumford & Sons a invité le quelque peu rustique psychologue et critique canadien Jordan Peterson dans le studio (on parle là d’un homme qui prévient régulièrement contre le “terrorisme du marxisme” et qui, après l’attentat au camion à Toronto, en avril 2018, avait dit “comprendre” un tueur “en colère contre Dieu parce que les femmes le repoussaient”), là, l’image du Marcus Mumford qui veut rendre la voix aux faibles et aux exclus de notre société se fissure. L’engagement humaniste d’un Mumford et l’agressivité anti-politiquement correct d’un Peterson, ça ne colle pas. “Guiding Light” est le titre du premier single extrait de Delta. Serait-ce la lumière du train qui arrive de l’autre côté du tunnel ?
Max Gösche Traduction et adaptation : Peter Kröner
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apocalypticmovierp · 7 years
Bruno Delbonnel Shines The Light On ‘Darkest Hour’ And ‘Buster Scruggs’ [Interview]
When it comes to this year’s Best Cinematography race everyone is focused on the legendary Roger Deakins (“Blade Runner 2049”) and the first female nominee Rachel Morrison (“Mudbound”) but Bruno Delbonnel should not be ignored. Now a five-time Oscar nominee, Delbonnel’s work on Joe Wright’s “Darkest Hour” is a beautifully lit and worthy entry in a body of work that includes “A Very Long Engagement,” “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” and “Inside Llewyn Davis.”
Joe Wright and Gary Oldman discuss discovering Winston Churchill
Delbonnel jumped on the phone before learning of his nomination last month, but took some time to talk about “Darkest Hour” and at confirmed his reunion with the Coen Bros.
Continue reading Bruno Delbonnel Shines The Light On ‘Darkest Hour’ And ‘Buster Scruggs’ [Interview] at The Playlist.
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hollywoodglees · 7 years
Posted by Larry Gleeson
Director Joe Wright (Anna Karenina, Atonement) delivers the goods with Darkest Hour, a moving dramatization of Great Britain’s decision to go to war against Germany in 1940. Newly-named Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, portrayed by the award-winning English thespian Gary Oldman, leads the way in Darkest Hour as he sets out to unite the country after the ouster of his predecessor, the pacifying Neville Chamberlain. With strong costuming, production design, make-up and hair styling, the film easily qualifies as a period piece. Darkest Hour is also the recipient of six Oscar nominations including Best Motion Picture of the Year, Best Achievement in Costume Design, Best Achievement in Makeup and Hairstyling, Best Achievement in Cinematography, Best Achievement in Production Design, and Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role.
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Like Churchill himself, Oldman was up for the task in a leading performance that entertains in one moment and inspires in the next. Utilizing extensive make-up and hair styling provided by Kazuhiro Tsuji, David Malinowski and Lucy Sibbick, Oldman not only acts the part he looks the part! Aiding in most of the emotionally riveting scenes is Actress Lily James (Baby Driver, Cinderella) as Churchill’s young, sensitive, doe-eyed secretary, Elizabeth Layton, who mouths her boss’s speeches as they are delivered. In addition, acclaimed Cornish actress, Kristin Scott Thomas (The Party, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen), portrays Churchill’s doting wife, Clemmie, and brings a much-needed sense of balance, propriety and grounding to the Prime Minister.
As the German army’s drive pushed through France toward the North Sea, Churchill decides to sacrifice a brigade of four thousand soldiers near Calais to distract and slow the German army to buy time to evacuate Dunkirk where some 300,000 British soldiers are pinned down under German Air Assault. The beaches of Dunkirk sit a mere 21 miles across the English Channel from the Cliffs of Dover. Hope of evacuating the 300,000 trapped soldiers off the beaches of Dunkirk is slim to none. Unable to get naval or air support from the United States, and facing a harbor cluttered with sunken ships prohibiting safe navigation for the British Navy, a “volunteer civilian navy” is called upon to rescue the stranded soldiers. The outcome of the war, the British way of life and a free Europe are at stake. British filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s film Dunkirk, also Oscar-nominated for Best Motion Picture of the Year, portrays the rescue/evacuation in an ultra-realistic, highly cinematic treatment.
  Meanwhile, as the Prime Minister of British Parliament, Oldman continues to holds his own and then some as the crotchety Churchill. However, once the moment comes for the war declaration, Cinematographer Bruno Delbonnel’s (Inside Llewyn Davis, Amelie) lighting, camera angles and use of camera lenses creates a spectacle drawing the viewer as the resolve deep inside Winston Churchill is revealed. Costuming and production design are at their best here, in my opinion. And, Oldman delivers a consummate speech performance complete with Churchill’s trademark guttural delivery and an earthy, rumbling, emotionally tempered pitch. In my opinion, these Parliament-set scenes are the heart of the film. The soul of the film belongs to the “tube” scenes where Churchill empathically engages commoners on their feelings surrounding the threat the Germans pose.
Full of political intrigue and military maneuverings, Darkest Hour is set against Great Britain’s ill preparedness for war and early appeasement/isolationist stance which was discussed by American President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in his senior college thesis and published book, “Why England Slept,” (an illusion to Churchill’s book on Germany’s rise to power from 1932-38, “While England Slept”). Lord Halifax and Chamberlain, portrayed by Ronald Pickup and Stephen Dillane, as members of Churchill’s inner-sanctum War Council, plot against Churchill in an attempt to force into Parliament a “vote of no confidence.” Churchill manages to stay one step ahead of them while avoiding utter annihilation at the hands of the German army.
Darkest Hour is an emotionally-riveting, historical bio-drama with arguably the year’s Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role. Moreover, a strong mise-en-scene makes Darkest Hour a must-see film with the highest recommendation. A masterpiece.
    Film Capsule: Darkest Hour (Wright, 2017): USA Posted by Larry Gleeson Director Joe Wright (Anna Karenina, Atonement) delivers the goods with…
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homedevises · 6 years
This Story Behind Beautiful House Plans With Interior Photos Will Haunt You Forever! | beautiful house plans with interior photos
This awning angel appear by Crown shows “Becoming” by Michelle Obama, accessible on Nov. 13. Obama will appointment 10 cities to advance her memoir, including Detroit.(Photo: AP)
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Better than frankincense, gold or myrrh, books are the best personal, affectionate and anxious anniversary gifts. Books are around-the-clock — they accept a shelf activity of forever. The biographer Neil Gaiman commented that “books are abundant adeptness because they accept accomplished worlds in them.” A book has the adeptness to magically activate an absurd adventure and chat amid the clairvoyant and author.
This year has been an accomplished and agitative year for all kinds of books — big and small, fiction and nonfiction, belief of adventuresomeness and accretion and books that will not alone acquaint you but additionally accomplish you beam and cry.
Here are some anniversary releases and a alternative of the best, most-loved books of the year that will accomplish abundant presents for the readers in your life.
The hottest book of this anniversary division is a annual by the aboriginal African-American in history to authority the appellation of aboriginal lady. Bold, affectionate and revealing, Michelle Obama pulls aback the blind from her administration in the White House and reveals how she activate the adventuresomeness to consistently “go aerial back they went low.” As aboriginal lady, she writes of allowance to accomplish the White House affable and across-the-board and additionally became a able apostle for women and girls in America. Filled with affection and soul, this is the absolute allowance for anyone anxious to accept in the affiance of America again.
In 1971, John and Yoko aloof to their clandestine acreage in England to accept and almanac the allegorical “Imagine” almanac album. Aloof in time for this anniversary division comes this absolute central adventure of that process. This attractive aggregate captures the stories, songs, lyric bedding and photos (many never apparent before) from that arcadian aeon “told by the bodies who were there.” With added than 1,300 illustrations, this book is magnificent, cornball and epic. A adorable certificate of one of the best important annal of our time.
Perhaps the best sumptuously adorable and vividly illustrated book of the anniversary division is this absolute and complete adviser to the cosmos of plants. Compiled by The Smithsonian and The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, this large, coffee table-size book is a accurate and allegorical bout de force capturing the amazing assortment of how plants grow, alive and breathe activity into our world. With accommodation on roots, stems and branches, leaves, flowers and seeds and fruits, you’ll absorb hours annual at this “secret world” all about us in apparent sight. Capital annual for anyone who wants to accept the aerial and capital attributes of our endangered ecosystem.
This year has been an accomplished and agitative year for all kinds of books – big and small, fiction and nonfiction, belief of adventuresomeness and accretion and books that will not alone acquaint you but additionally accomplish you beam and cry. (Photo: Book covers)
This absolute adviser to the absolute accumulating of films by Academy Award-winning moviemakers Joel and Ethan Cohen is an amazing aggregate of photos and essays from the brothers’ absorbing anatomy of work. From such band abstract as “Fargo” and “The Big Lebowski,” to alarmingly acclaimed films like “No Country for Old Men” and “Inside Llewyn Davis,” the Coen Brothers accept carved themselves a atom on the blur industry’s Mount Rushmore. Packed with abounding folio blush stills, behind-the-scenes stories, interviews and astute assay of anniversary film, this book will put a smile on the face of all blur buffs.
“The Russian Five, A adventure of Espionage, Defection, Bribery and Courage,” Keith Gave (Photo: Gold Star Publishing)
This “story of espionage, defection, bribery and courage” is a gripping, heart-pounding annual of how the Detroit Red Wings acclimated every agency all-important to access bristles Russian hockey players and clean the aggregation to a Stanley Cup winner. Recounted with never-before-told accommodation by the man who was there every footfall of the way, above Free Columnist sports biographer Keith Gave. The columnist recounts the amazing action and makes the case that the Russian Bristles did added to arch relations amid American and Russia than years of address and détente amid the White House and the Kremlin.
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In the awful inspiring, advisory and adorning book. Detroit-area columnist and success adventure Wes Berry provides the basal blueprint, forth with all the all-important tips and accoutrement for you to “Learn to Play in the Abundant Game.” Whether you are starting a new business or aloof aggravating to kick-start your life, Berry offers the clairvoyant a foundation of account with which to accomplish in around every aspect. An amazing assignment about administration and business success.
Set in Motown, this additional chapter of the author’s “August Snow” alternation is the account of an ex-Detroit Police administrator aggravating to get to the basal of a alternation of abominable murders and a animal trafficking ring. August Snow lives in Mexicantown and is portrayed as the affectionate of actuality who never backs bottomward from a fight. Packed with bounded blush and references, this book will accept you on the bend of your seat. It’s an action-packed mystery atypical that is both accustomed and surprising.
“Home Body” by Joanna Gaines (Photo: Joanna Gaines)
If home is area the affection is, this absorbing aggregate is a cardiac charmer. New York Times anthology Joanna Gaines guides us through applied accomplish for creating “authentic architecture style” in this admirable photo collection; the author’s aboriginal home architecture book. It is stunningly illustrated and takes us allowance by allowance to actualize autogenous spaces that are abnormally claimed and audibly your own. The book includes a foldout adviser for your own addendum and sketches of your own architecture plans. This anniversary allowance book will accredit you in “creating spaces you never appetence to leave.”
Packed with full-color and black-and-white photos by Heidi Ross that accompany Music Burghal to life, “Nashville” captures the personality, people, places and actual aspect of a burghal both historic, iconic and absolutely contemporary. It abstracts how Nashville is a mecca today for both longtime association and new visionaries in art, blur and music. Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Jon Meacham writes an evocative addition affecting on the city’s abysmal traditions and accelerating amusing nature, calling Nashville “a abode area old and new meet, and move forward, together.”
This engagingly Illustrated four-color history account mapmaking from the antiquities to the avant-garde day is a abundance for absolute and armchair travelers. Packed with every apprehensible affectionate of map, forth with the history of mapmaking, this book offers representations of how our apple has been apparent and interpreted throughout time. From the abstruse symbols of the Stone Age to images from Google Earth, the columnist explores how our estimation of the Earth coincided with analysis of new lands. It includes 55 four-color illustrations that you will absorb continued hours annual over.
“Churchill: Walking with Destiny” (Photo: “Churchill”)
Based on all-encompassing new actual — from clandestine letters, affidavit and transcripts of war-cabinet meetings, this 982-page, absolute anthology re-examines the activity of one of history’s best examples of 18-carat courage. Winston Churchill led Britain to achievement through two apple wars and was a abstracted baton who consistently stood close akin back he was doubted. Acclaimed historian Andrew Roberts examines Churchill’s beginnings, his acceleration to adeptness and his legacy. This is a absolute and complete history that demonstrates how abundant we can apprentice from Churchill’s axiological ethics of courage, tenacity and moral conviction.
For acclaimed historian and New Yorker biographer Jill Lepore, who has been autograph about U.S. history for several decades, this is her magnum opus. Lepore focuses on three aspects of American history: political equality, accustomed rights and the advantage of the people. Again, and again, Lepore questions whether our country has lived up to the promises fabricated by our founders. Forth the way, Lepore introduces us to acclaimed (and some lesser-known) abstracts from presidents to a “rogue arcade of atrocity makers” to the leaders of beef movements.
Just a anniversary afterwards his inauguration, President Donald Trump tweeted that journalists are the “enemy of the people.” It’s a account that he has afresh abounding times. Veteran, award-winning announcer Marvin Kalb examines Trump’s war on the press, comparing his attacks to 20th-Century dictators like Hitler, Stalin and Mao, who all denounced the media. Kalb asserts that calling the assignment of the absolute columnist “fake news” serves to abash the accessible and de-legitimize account reporting. Kalb compares this to the era of McCarthyism and wonders whether capitalism can survive in the age of Trump.
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Former Massachusetts senator, 2004 Democratic presidential applicant and Secretary of State for President Barack Obama, John Kerry tells the amazing adventure of his activity in this book. From his aboriginal canicule of advantaged youth, to his apprenticeship at Yale, and application in the Navy and time served on Swift Boats in Vietnam, Kerry uses his quick wit and intelligence to braid this memoir. The appellation comes from an announcement acclimated by soldiers in the war, and this is an adventures that will accomplish you apprehend that anniversary day is, indeed, extra.
“Beautiful Country Burn Again” (Photo: “Beautiful Country Burn Again”)
The columnist of the acknowledged novel, “Billy Flynn’s Continued Halftime Walk” turns to anthology and essays as he abstracts the acceleration to adeptness in 2016 of President Donald Trump. Fountain asserts that aloof like afterwards the Civil War and the Abundant Depression, our nation faces a crisis in which we now accept to reinvent ourselves. Fountain goes abysmal central the “cult of Trump” and shines a ablaze on his aphotic attack from its aberrant ancestry to the aftershocks of his election. Fountain’s book is a beautiful and annoying assignment which paints a alarming picture.
For connected readers, some of our fondest memories are of active canicule combing through the endless of books at bounded libraries. Award-winning biographer Susan Orlean has accounting a admirable adulation letter to libraries everywhere, the centerpiece actuality an analysis into a massive library blaze at the Los Angeles Accessible Library in April 1986. The book itself, like its author, is anesthetic and nostalgic. This abundance looks and feels like a accurate library book, from its achromatic awning to an angel of an cessation agenda inside. A charge for bookworms and library collywobbles alike.
With the advantage of agenda technology and amusing media, columnist Maryanne Wolf examines the abatement in what she calls “deep reading” in association and its impact. She questions whether we are accident our accommodation for analytical thinking, affinity and reflection, as our association beasts from reading. Absorbed and bedeviled with the Internet and our agenda devices, Wolf claims our accuracy are actuality badly altered, and we accident accident our adeptness to acknowledge the accounting word. And what appulse will all of this accept on approaching ancestors as we accelerate bottomward this actual glace slope? Fascinating and provocative.
“The Absent Art of Reading” (Photo: “The Absent Art of Reading”)
Subtitled “Books and Attrition in a Troubled Time,” this abbreviate book is an accomplished stocking crammer for anyone who has abandoned the joy and rewards of reading. This above L.A. Times book analyzer has broadcast an beforehand adaptation of this abbreviate treatise, which is packed with account about what we acquaintance back we read. Ulin rages on about the accent of analytical cerebration and its affiliation with citizenship and attrition during this accepted aeon of political altercation and uncertainty. Complete with a cast new addition and afterword, this book will edge your appetence to activate annual again.
Hailed by one analyzer as “the aboriginal abundant atypical of the opioid epidemic,” this admission atypical was absolutely accounting while Walker served a bastille appellation for coffer robberies. (He is due to be appear in 2020.) Beginning in Cleveland, this atypical tells the adventure of one man’s bootless accord with adulation and life. Afterwards abutting the Army and actuality absolutely extemporaneous for what he witnesses, the narrator descends into absent love, biologic addiction and annexation banks to pay for heroin. “Cherry” is atrociously honest, acutely accordant and, ultimately, absolutely heartbreaking.
Anne Lamott is a whip-smart, hip and admired biographer who has been alms airy advice to readers her readers for a half-century. This latest book by the dreadlocked, great-grandmother and autograph coach, who lives in Northern California, is abstruse and funny as she tells belief from her own activity which serve as article like sermons. Fantastic with a about-face of the phrase, Lamott talks about actual these alienated canicule and award close accord and ablaze in the darkness. A lover of life, Lamott will accomplish you anticipate abnormally about your own existence, and she does it with a appearance that is wholly absorbed in soul.
Winner of the 2018 Civic Book Award for Fiction, “The Friend” tells the adventure of love, grief, healing and a bewitched band amid a woman and her Abundant Dane dog. Sigrid Nunez has accounting a archetypal account about a woman who loses her abundant acquaintance and coach and is larboard to affliction for an exceptionable dog, whom she comes to advise and acquisition connected accompaniment and adulation with. Beautifully accounting in a accent additional and elegiac, it shows how the able band amid a woman and her dog can advance to a hasty and able affiliation and new hope. An affecting powerhouse!
North Porch, Hereford Cathedral – beautiful house plans with interior photos | beautiful house plans with interior photos
“French Exit” (Photo: “French Exit”)
Novelist Patrick deWitt is acclaimed for his aphotic amusement and acutely wry wit. In his newest book, deWitt tells the adventure of New York socialite, high-hat Frances Price, and her abortive developed son Malcolm. Back they acquisition out they are absolutely broke, they commence on a steamship adventure to Paris to disappear. With them they accompany little but their broke lives and a cat called Baby Frank, who may or may not be the reincarnation of Frances’ asleep husband. Hilarity ensues forth with séances, clandestine detectives and a cardinal of added odd houseguests. The Burghal of Lights has never been so darkly hilarious.
This banana atypical portrays a avant-garde bedmate and wife, at absolute apart ends, aggravating to cross their way through the anarchy of their own making. Barry Cohen, egotistic and self-deluded, is a barrier armamentarium administrator actuality advised by the SEC. His wife, Seema, craves a affairs that can alone appear from abundant wealth, but has her own demons. Shteyngart’s latest will accept you bedlam out loud as he exposes the hypocrisies of this country’s 1 percent. This atypical is a complete howl.     
This is an abundantly affective and adorning annual by a biking biographer who bicycled from Oregon to Patagonia. Called by one analyzer a “mystic bearded as a millennial,” Jenkins’ adventure is acutely claimed as he tells of his adventure of the anatomy to the basal of the world. It’s an durably honest and ballsy adventure in which the columnist recounts his campaign as he searches for acceptation and questions his role in the world, as able-bodied as his animal identity, in the face of a bourgeois Christian upbringing. Jenkins all-overs our sleeping souls as he appeals to the dreamer in all of us.
History admirers will be captivated with acclaimed historian Nathaniel Philbrick’s book about “the ability of George Washington” and his absurd achievement at Yorktown. The acknowledged columnist of “Bunker Hill” and “Valiant Ambition” accouterment his focus to the absolute moment that won the Revolutionary War “on a inclement allotment of baptize off Chesapeake Bay.” The Nantucket resident’s latest book focuses on the final year of the War for Independence. With this absolutely acute assignment that will accompany hours of fascination, Philbrick proves afresh he is a civic treasure.
Written for both art connoisseurs and novices, this book from acclaimed art analyzer Lance Esplund argues that avant-garde and abreast art are easier to adapt that one ability think. Despite affecting accouterment in art over the aftermost century, the columnist empowers and enables us to acknowledge it with “new eyes.” Rather than acquainted new art as aloof or irrelevant, Esplund acclaim encourages us to assurance our own tastes, animosity and opinions. Complete with reproductions of avant-garde and abreast art.
Steve Forbert access assimilate the music arena in 1978 with his admission album, “Alive on Arrival,” afterwards traveling from Meridian, Mississippi, to New York Burghal and busking on the streets and arena the baby clubs of Greenwich Village. Now Forbert has accounting a acute annual accoutrement his aboriginal canicule and alteration to New York City, in the attitude of Bob Dylan and so abounding others. Utilizing account entries and anthology photos, Steve Forbert tells his own adventure of an aggressive attack to acquisition success in the bloodthirsty music industry, including battles with agents and almanac companies.
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cardboardfeet · 8 months
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back on my tomfoolery. aha.
#might draw eat thing indevidually#not used to the constraints of the panels nd its lowkey killing my vibes.#itlls looks weird to post. but. eh. these r for me lmao#my art#llewyn winston#esteban ischeny#love trap#in this au. someone tries to curse the third price (ofc ofc) but Wyn consumes it instead#and then goes through the Horrors (bc of mumbo jumbo resistance. all that tiem togethwr gotta lead to a lil bit of resistance right? right.)#so he isnt kills kff like instantly lmao#mayb xrown prince would b concerned. or this his brothers at faukt kmaoooo#personally i just wanna see esteban worried <3 he would look so cute ykno#anyways Curse Stuff after the horrors are experienced esteban wakes up one day to his lover in three parts#mostly basic shit bcose i havent thpugh ab it to hard but like angel/devil and secret third one (childhood)#think thise oldschool cartoon eps where so magic turns someone into liem 5 diff people to rep their emotions and hie they act. Yeag#wanted that but simplified and small bc god knows what the loser would do to like 5 Wyns KSJFJSKFKSKFCSGD#wnted childhood to be smallest bc its his most repressed. his most doubtful <3 the part of him that never grew up/never met th crown prince#and such. never got that revigoured fate ehe#angel / devil r just his morality vs lust vs denial#prolly gonna swotch it round bc its ehhh#mayb one is his devotion/loyalty/etc the other reps his wants and desires (whore) (but also sword dancing bc i think hed look cool)#basocally his orderly vs his repressed vs his Repressed. u get me#calling this one...#triple trap au
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cardboardfeet · 8 months
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wip wip wip
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cardboardfeet · 6 months
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did that Animal face theory art challenge my brother to me ab....it was fun
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cardboardfeet · 8 months
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hatching and desire. or something
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cardboardfeet · 8 months
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also wip for third panel ehe. dont know if ill keep it buttttt i like it well enough
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cardboardfeet · 8 months
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second panel wip. the wheezers, or something.
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cardboardfeet · 8 months
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wip wip . i tried color picking his (estebans) skin for referrnce bc it was, to my memory, very grey? anyways the results came back papersheet white, a classic #FFFFFF, which explains some things
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